Kingston News (1868), 8 May 1873, p. 2

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- See Richmond and Bbydcnh new ndvertisw ment of carpets and umbrella sale. :3 Baum or Punuc I.\'s'r1wcuox.--Tho On- tario Government have appointed William Mc- Uabo, Eaq., LL. D., and H. M. Deroche, Esq., .\I.A., and M.P.P., members of the Board of Public Instruction, in the room and stead of RASV. Dr. Barr-Jgw nrl-n 5- -- `A-* A ' ' _ - -...-.......5 `uncut, uw worshipping multi- tude, in a word the grandest and most sublime worship that was ever institut.el-thn.t over blessed and comforted lmmanity-that ever pleaded at the ("vine "more" seats," for remis- sinn of human guilt and the alleviation of hu- man son-ow-~n worship that give: God honour and glory, that consoles and blesses mankind and fills heaven with innumerable souls. :..j-_ _ doctrine that laid the foundations and raised human heart: and raised it in in transport __,..... -.........-..,.u;u pr-ceeucu to erect glorious churclies in, which to oer up this clean obla- tiuu of the new law. It was the belief in this the superstructure! of the immortal cathedrals of Europe; it was it that inspired Catholic genius with the most sublime ideas of christ- ian architecture ; it was it that evokes from ` the hnm.1n__soul the most tender, the most sublime music that ever moved the of desire towards heaven ; it was it that induced loving souls to cause the windows of our churches to reflect all the various tints sud glories of the heavens, and uinhlazones them with the images of Christ and his ssiuts; in fine it was the belief in this doctrine that produces the grand ensemble of L`.-xtholic worship. The many Lurretted cathe- dral, the smoke of incense, the peel of organ, the otliciatiug priest, the worshipping x__ BAsn BALu-;T; $L YhJ.L-uA__ _l-l-airltneua. His lxmlnhip then. proceeded to state that in polished Greece and in imperial Rome, in Asia. and in Africa, and along the lakes lllll river: of the American Continent, in- uvcry placu Whom the letuf man was cut, there altars were rained ; the aunoko of sacri- ticc nsccmled hesvonward, and the blood of victims llowed. Thus from all antiquity down to the zulvunt. -oi Uhriet the religion of man was I religion of ancrilices. Now the Jewish religion was a divine roligion~it was no it. worctho daybreak of truth of the Christian religion yet unseen-in the language of St. `Paul, our schoolmaster to bring us to Christ." The Jewish religion was the religion of Christ umlcrclopcal, and Christianity in Jewish reli- gion unfolded and completed. ' The bloody sacrice, thercforo, of the old dispensation inust lind their -fn|lilInent in` tho dread sacrifice of Cnlvary, and the` Sacrice of Mclchisedock, which consist- ed of an ollcring of bread divine," will lind its completion in the hnlv ......:c.... -: .1. ... u. an oucnng or bread completion the holy sacrice of the Man. He continued then at some length to prove the doctrine of the sacrifice of the Imus iromholy scripture, and concluded by 8 bril- liant pcrorntion in the following terms : In the Roman catacombs the pcruocuted children of the church coast ructed chapels in which to worship the Almighty by the holy sacrifice of the mass. When the sword of pcrwcutiou was sheathed the church came forth from her hiding places dripping the blood of he: mgr- tyrcd chiidrc-u,uud proceeded to ercct glorious churches in. which to uur un n.:.. ..i..-_ -u aA'nnN.--Her Majesty : Birth- gthiu year on Saturday, the ya that tho nerchanta, feeling 'ould be an inconvenient one, in se, for the due observance of the . Detitionad an rV......_:I A, . .IV.aV;v;-enco Base Ball mtnl. ...:LI.. ;L, I : DAILY NEWS-THURSDAY EVENING. MAY 8. : wolaouchnfhonunfier hulongsbunoo." ......uu, py Manny, one, harness, to., by It noon; Isl Hutcheaon at n.liM1.NDERS. "The Pilgrim" in .the City Hall to-night, to-marrow evening, laid on Saturday afternoon and evening. Immigration Society oil Chamber this evening. For S:turdny--Solo of building lot: on A1- wington svonne, by M or-ray, noon ; Isle of hu-neu. hm. hv V-`-'-W ` ' " '5 meeting in the Coun- - . a following passed a before Lt.-Col. Jar- wry of Kinguton ; 1 Benny, Frontenac. \' `J me erection of houle!,consolidate and im have that section of the city, caution to be axe cieel not to permit of any speculation in the transaction. The committee and Colonel subject, but the forum the consideration of the question. Probably they will Ask the advice of the Council. Any further communication in reference to the sale of the term, dieront from the original inten- tio n", will be conducted between the city and the Ordnance Department at Ottawa. -... ........a wow grollndl, in the event of the removal of those buildings from the present site being determined upon, or `whether it would not be desirable, should til demand cell for it, to diepoee of the entire allo ent of [and in building lote to parties who wiil, by the erection of impxfove citv. caution Inn 1.. --A 'i ` Dun : FAnl.-The epecisl committee of the City Council are undecided as to what ooune to recommend in the sale of Du '5 form. They are doubtful if it would be advi- sable to hold A certain portion thereof as cor- poration property for utilization as the Crys- tnl Palace Ihow grounds, in the those buildings (mm aL- -~~ - Luz: Faniaurs. --Up-lake freight: are dull and not much oering. Veuela bound went experience a. diiaulty in procung luitable csrgoeu. Down freight: are active. Yester- day grain was quoted` at Sc from Toledo to Kingston. \\ __-.......... nuvvulllluallilo, quite close to the ` city, in the township of` -Kingston, which will be sold on reasonable terms. Should a. suita- ble purchaser o'er, the Rev. Andrew Wilson is prepared to sell his handsome residence, adjoining the Crystal Palace. This is a. very superior, property, possessing a comfortable dwelling house and oices. while, if more land should be needed, the adjoining farm of Sir John Mqcdonald could be purchased on reasonable terms. section or the city, would do well to look after this lot sharply. It will be olfered at public auction at Murray's auction rooms, on Saturday, the 17th inst. Mr lcwden offers by private sale an excellent lot (43), comer of William and Clergy streets. This is a very central position and good locali-1 ty. Building lots in such eligible localities are getting very scarce. Mr Bawden also offers for sale the portions of the estate of Bennett Parker remaining unsold. Une of theta lots adjoins All Saints Church on Divi- sion street. The large stone house and two acres of land are just without the city limits and city taxation, and there is half an acre of land on the corner of Pine and Patrick streets, near the late Archdeaeon s new house. An excellent lot on Bagot street, near Mr Mc- Neil s, should be eagerly sought for from its central position. The MeCauimnn property, at the head of Queen street, presents s.-ne opportunity for mechanics to acquire a house of their own. There are three moderate sized houses in good repair on the property, which will we' no doubt be eagerly sought after. The Everett property, on the comer of Clarence and Bagot streets, is so central and well situated that it is sure to command the attention of parties desiring a first clue investment for their money. Mr E. ' H. Smythe has the sale of the property. Mr ] .Inhn 'l`u;un 61- - ---- , _,__ :_:._.a- won.-num Mn John iiQc:1:y 1... .,. tin! bunch Old Country at New York, ..:n In nl..uA 4... ..-... ualnbl.-" l.l|0l'0 are not many parcels in the market just now, sellers as a rule pre- i forring to wait for tho botlzer times, which they believe they new looming up in the nut very diutaut future. Among the properties offering at preoent in an eligible building lot, No. 19, on the east side of Alwington Avenue, having :1 frontage of 7OVfect on the Avenue by 180 foot in depth. Any person: desirous of areting a handsome villa, in a fashionable section of the city, this lot at...-..i.. n ..4:-- - Dav Goons.-Ha.vo you read the advertise- ment of b`. X. Cousiucnu & Co. a great cheap sale in another column 2 If you have not, you had better do no immediately, and then make an early 0311, Mr Davidson, the gcntlemanly managgr, will be greatly pleased to see you. - _ Tns Crrv HALL.--'|'he splendid artistic paintings, illustrating the dre.-un of Bunynn, or the wondrous journey of the Pilgrim from his escape from the City of Destruction to his arrival st the Gates of the Celestial city, were exhibited to s large and well pleased audience in the City Hall la/st evening. Some of the scenes were truly magnicent-`she spectator seems to never tire gazing upon their sublime besuty. The panorama comprises 26,000 feet of canvass, reprc.-icnting the perils and n.llure- ments through which the Pilgrim passes. The glorious dreamer pssses in review through chsmbers of imagery, and in the rapt vision of his soul he sees the innermost experiences of` most men, and forms these marvelous con- ceptions of the spiritual life which border in nearly an the unseen. The dreamer rests himself in his dreary prison-house, and ssho sleeps he sees the outline of a vision; and,` whether it be in his sleeping or waking mo- ments, tis true that Heaven has somehow drawn aside the veil and revealed those grand and glorious sights which reach so near to the things that eye hath not seen, permitting this far-sighted man to look through golden vistss into heaven." The views are explained in a clear and very explicit lecture by Mr Charter, interspersed by excellent vocal selec- tions by Miss Sucltlie E. Smith, a.cco'mp:1.uiod on the organ. During the pnnm-smn s stay here, the hall should be crowded at each ex- `hibition. Tu: HAllBoUR.~-We beg to all tho atten- tion of mariners and the authorities to the letter of Ulniquo" in Another column. Our correspondent in a. gentleman of scientic abil- ity who has not the slightest personal interest in the lmrbonr, and whose opinion is worthy of consideration by practical man, : Run E1-n'n`3.-Thero not: ll tho nun:-lzni 1..- ; ..-... - II BEMINDERS. mu ;_ `L. AW taro thrge d the vu I and Rmmo -5-MI-~ =- ,, _.-... Aral AVID` erly no gun".-a 4-.` ....,...:,, ' now, (rule Em a oliaihln }...:I.1:.... 1-: U11; The Enghnh nnil by the nu|ur.:ironuign arrived, and In dint:-ilmtod st the Kingston Pad 0300 thin morning. ` I an 0 -..l.. .,__, 1n the Township of Loughborou` 6f.h, Thomas Corkill, aged 60 ye mouths, formerly a. resident of King: n. The funeral will tal.e place from h late residence on Friday at 10 a..m. Fnenda\Qnd acqtlmintanccs are relpoctfully invited to tent . ' ` ,ouMa ai by the lav. F. W. Dob guard, Kingston Peniten eldest daught month. At Portsmouth, on nos . da , the 6th innt., r John Scnlly, to Sophia, . V Smith, Portl- \ DIED. In the Loughbox-o1; homas K1}; , ____ __. . . u-nu negnnc t, On Wednc}s`3`n wife Mr Thoma: of :1 am: On `t e `Z131: ul cheater, ailing Dugmore, ifo 64th Regime ( (in uh-A-~- V In awn uoxes tax matches 55 \l-iysht. x luco lucel , when it was conte in England, two lum' --s little pro , N.-- .-nu yaulvu on most auspiciously. ir J elm an Laqy Macdonald, with the elite of Ottawa society, and a. large number of members and distinguished visitors were present. To judge of the appearances of wealth and vast enterprise at Hull. I h of which stands Mr Eddy s extensi althnugh it is suggested that lmd Mr Have: the English Chancellor of the ever visited Canada and seen th May 8th. ? 1 Canvutt Bnxcx.-Mr Ilium A. Calvin In boon admitted as D partner into thin old alt:-blilhod tm. uni nlno the rm of D. D. Calvin E Coqnubec. The names. however, will uuuin unchugod. ,__ .. ....... yuvute members are afforded the opportunity of passing private bills, the subject stood over. The Prince Edward Island delegation had along interview with the Ministers yesterday. Every eert is_ being _made to tion, and this may be accomplished before the close of tho sessson. The Island will have six representatives in the Dominion Parliament. Mrs. Eddy, wife of E. B. Eddy, M. P., for Ottawa county, gave a magnicent ball at her residence at Hull last ni ht. In- vitatioss had been issued for near y 1,000. r A ballroom had been specially `built for the occasion. The proceedings were mark- ed by good taste and lavish hospitality and passed off most auspiciously. Sir and Lady society, urn-or-4 "L, J-- ` ` ' 44 to LU. Messrs. 1VIn.ckonzie and likely_ to bring up two quest this nfternoon--one being with interference in the V! by Mr Griin, the inspec district, and the other with Chicoutimo and Charlevoi Langevin. It was expected would have been brought but Wednesday being now the week on which privah over Prinma WNW--3 "" `1OT'1`AGE AND GARDEN may `/i ` rent free for certain euv lervivr Rent Free. .U...... IUIIB In me Lwvns cmnn. A! motion was moved by Mr Mackenzie, reciting some of the facts elicited in the ovidence and expres-I sing an opinion that the nmttern required searching investigatiun. Mr Du:-ion moved in amendment, that as the government had promised to institute an cxhzu-Istive enquiry it was not. expedient for the committee to express any opinion at present. The amendment was carried on a division by l 22 ta 10. u_...._.. I r - rrulll IllElIWlI- ( )tt:1wa, May 8.--The public cmumitten met this aftemoun and with the invcstigatinn M n... :__V umumwwn met this aftemofm investigation of the in the Levis camp. motion by Muckmnzin -em-=45--- ......... vvu .. uuau over three million: and :1 half of dollars. The general feeling is in favour of the adoption of the plan. Aldermen David and Bernard arrived this morning from Ottawa, whore they secured the Government grant of additional ground required for the construction of 11 city Hall. _ A The Circassizm has arrived with :1 thous- ml omigran.nt.s-most of them are for Ontaria. ---uuu-uncu- The water committee have published their report recommending a new system of water works,` which shall supply the city with thirty millions of gallons per twenty- four hours during winter, and one hundred millions during summer. The whole cost is estimated at a little over three millions nnfl The is in plan. .n.1........-- hm ' ` ` It is stated this morning on undoubted authority that the Government after fully considering the objection ngainst the act of the Quebec Legislature ratifying the Mon- _trea.l Northern Colonization by-law, have come to the conclusion that the pretensions of the petitioners against the not cannot be sustained. `..-... unu an we wxlou of the Oppouitinn will not avail them in their very clear endeavour to avoid the responsi- bility of I direct aocuution. They may wrlggla and twist. up much As they please, int the Home has decided that they will have to meat the attack on'tho well under- stood ptinciploo of a regular trial. We have no {car for the result. `plan nu -nudes, ` by-law. ' From Momrcal. Montreal, May 8.--Mr `Caldwell wogtli, well known in banking circles, York und olsowlwre, has just acceptm appointment as manager of the Mon Branch office of the Merchants Ban Canada. undon 1 n. 1! l u u-suns AN D GARDEN any I :0 ..- .9-.. AV`) ya: uuumrs. The tug Mattie Greavo, the {int bunt uf of thqsoason, left heru yesterday for Cal- Iingwuod with a full compliment of pus- sengers. It is thought she would have no difficulty with the ice. .... "J vuv ovsuulll. Information has been received 0f the death by drowning in Deer River of a man, nmncd Julm McQuinn, working for the Majanctown Lumber Cumpmly. Deceased was from Glengnrry, and was about 33 years of ago. N o particulars. 'l`I.- 4.... ._LA. ,, n nrruvvllI7ll- Parry Sound, Dlay 8.--An old man named Jos. Michaud, a. carpenter, whose home is near the village, has been missing since Friday evening. He is supposed to hzive slipped when crossing tho mill dam on '- his way to the village and has been carried ml` by the stream. j__:______u I - 7'91 _.`.-..._- --------n-v.-4uu- ya, (I rr lorllrrerz/, I/i/M.) l-`rom Quebec. Quebec, May 8.-Ma.ydunschmn's crock- ery works and dwelling, at St. Snuvur, wan ' dqitrnyed by fire yesterday. I`- I/II..L..__I lI........II..`._ ......2.1.__._., ,... AI. _. ..--.. -...u-- -v.... .. J . The Lewis axnci Kennebcc Railway Com- pany have succeeded in placing a portion bf their bonds in England. A....:.....I Al... ..;.._._..___ n:_-_-_:__, -,`.1 -.--.- ....-..... .... --..5..-nu. Arrived, the steamers Circasaian uni] North America, and ship Lake Ontario ; all from Liverpool. 'I`l-... l2.-.....'l ..: IlV_...1._ I..,lJ u, , 2,, ,,, , , . ,1 ..-... _. v `(A ravi- The Bcoanl of Trade held their quarterly meeting yesterday. C 0nc Man Missing and Another Drowned. purrty Q ..... ..1 IL... 0 A " \""""I If Mr Huntington`:-sally can prove hi: ciao, he in the man to do it. He ought to Ippetr boforu the couuuitwe, give his ovidonac, mnko his charges, and summon hit witnouou to prove them. Bu't' he does no Juch thing, ho_ shifts the burden on othu lhuuldorn, and expects that all will 1;. well. ' w. doubt. it very much. is the 3.3 il Qnn ha n-.u...I 4 ...1" - ..-.....--J-.. I/J ...v Jwlzvwnsal-J5 `Mr Michael Cmumlly s residence on the Esplanarle was burned down this morning. A Wu:-king party has been started on the North Shore Railway. flu... 1 ......:.. ..-..) L'.._._...L,.._ t),_:I__,__ 11 , _ Sl ECl.|L TELEGl{AMS.. _ . -... .. mu expected these questions 1 brought up yesterday, Vcdncsday the only day in Veek ' ' ltmckonzie Dorian will be ring questions of privilege no'on--one being in connection erencc Welland election 'iin, inspector of London d the elections of n Charlevoix by Hon. Mr expected these 0 brought up venfnv-R-0 ,,_.______ From Ottawa. Maw Q '1'"-A ` ' ` "gram, the Honm of C.' F. S. of n. (lauglnter. U mmninLv. arm. ll` .. uau)!,H[8l'. - V y manning, 30th of April, \Cairns, Postmaster, Pen III: (Cheats. ) It It. It - ._-.....yunuuu LO ngland, tjvvo years ago, -5 prot out of -_- ..\u, ;.v v are, ju; accepted an Montreal Bank of `on 01 me lrregulzsritios reciting an t the mnHo- -V-~-~ d ex pres- I J. BAWDEN, 33 King Street. 3 Manor Hnuar-., he HnnrnIIrnI.l.. .. on in mono tor contemplated to , Vmu-n -..... mnor mme, Dor- Honmu-n.l;lu Mrs` `. l)ll!flnnI-u wuvml VIII -Mr ' Caidwell Ash- lluvulr:-`.- -:__I 1' i be had rlervicca. Ap- , _-- -. v-cowl nuormod-crodibly informed by whom? W_l._y by the man whom he feared would be bnbod. (Laughter and cheers.) He says he can produce thou: now, but connot pro- duco tllom hereafter in six weeks after the Home odjourun. Tho hon. member llld he woo droid Ho could not produce thou men after six weeks, yet he nu willing to risk his honour and reepomibility to the Home upon the ovidence of those men, whom he woo also afraid would be dealt with. nblic accounts 1 went on irregularities n Was: an.......I ll rn.l)lu M rs I )u gmoro, as, N ow \\ HE Subscriber: hereby give netice tint T Hirun A. Calvin ha been admitted as partner with them in the bucineu conducted under, the name, rm end style of Calvin & Brock, ct Garden Inland, Ontario, and of D. D. Cslvin t Co.,\Quebec, in the Province of Quebec, the name of which firms will continue the umc ulermcrly, an shove mentioned. TI `I\ lIA1'~l"1v\er s. Mucxuzsmn AND 00.! Cart Steel. Blasting Powder Cotton and Tape Fuz_e, B _-... g.......u.uu resounwu nubm the Ironic, was that he had been inlormod-crodibly Why by men Ilhnnn I-A 5----A` , _--_.---,, -----uvvv nnvuvllllpllo D. D. CALVIN, J. A. BRICK. Garden Island, May 85, 1878. mm 30,000 T Dollars, nus IMMENSE smcx May 8. Cotton Tweeds 12; Cents I NIIARKEI) 20 (,fl').N J'-3, and 3`? o1`ve' Good: 1! SDUCED T0 ACTUAL COST Formerly sold for 17 Cents. Orange Hall, Prfn McNaughton & Thom : Best Prints F. x. cnusmmu & ctrsl ---.-uvva In one 1711018 6380. Hon are genenlly known : by the company they keop-whu.t kind of oo`mpa.n_y must the hon. gentleman nhould have ascertained their qnncter before, became they were not credible Ivitneuee. (Laughter end clue;-I.) The very first Itatement in the entlomen'n resolution submitted to CHEAP SALE! 1.0 Sale Commences on Saturday, 10th May. I002. Richmond Q` Boydcn UMBRELLAS! L L V { UMBRELLAS 2, 100 Dozen Ladies and Gents (lnlc MAl.'L\`EE & WADDELL.) 8th May, 1873. T0 BUNTRAGTORS. DRY GOODS, He-now feels sore tint. he has done _thst much. He declares that an the erlnnent knows his witneues, they w: bribed and otherwise tampered With, he will chm fail. The lone screw d/id escape the keen eye of the Premier, an than showed the exceedingly `epu ehsncter of the whole "an nun. n......._ n_- L, lMI\ KlllJl"l` S l`0CK, LCOMMENOED. \Must be `gold at a'I'y pf." . Ladies Silk Umlnrnlw " Hents Silk Unlbrellas. 13 _CEN'l`S, THE GREAT 1767: SE I. DAVIDSON, ..-... .. ....u.y In we charge must be prov- od by Sir Hugh Allan and Mr Abbot; That he would not allow the member for Huntingdon tn eh about for evidence, but so soon on these gentleman were examined, he eonld than produce hie evidence. Mr Hnntingtenectedetrangelythronghout. He did not appear before the committee. He went uroyte Montreal, and 1:: t a. letter behind addressed to nobody but containing I list of Ilia witneeeeu. He made no charge, pro the committee nothing to investigate, but eixnply ollowed the Hon. Mr Dorian to read his list and then trust to luck for the future. I! - AMOUNT] NO TO 12 Rib CON SISTING OF rfnceu Strcet. |`us `LEO worth 82.00 MANAGER. 3.00 guvuguuw Brockvillo. ` Ottawa Benfrew .. But the Premier met them on their own ground, He told them plainly that the truth or falsity of the charge Hugh Allan and M- L-* 2.7 4.0 ) QIBTAIK aomuunon Inn: 1 1-nun nun. ] Bmookvillg, May 6, I873- 1'1:L'n~ AND ovswn . sum, nun 121NEAPPm & PINEAPPj L PINEAm At ` E. Stacey ; `Tanya TIL. , ___- ,--,...... .. nuluu Lu examine them first, and then lay down tho line of prnof ngaimt them. If Mr Hnntiugdnu can prove Bin case at all, he must. have othe witnesses uuon uh... I... ...... ...I..I L - 1'1 Lucy Raymond Johnston : Urou. 1'}... m....... ..r A aonnltoni (Ross. The Flower of the P `_ mastic Life, by tho Heavenwurd. ` ` ` Bret Harte : Work: The best nuortment ol":`.` Sunday Sch: NEW" AND I Bruuells cu-peu,.'r` % Two Ply and Three Hy and Manilla Mstting. _ and all other of 1 ` Axminuter and oiher ` V jmcnmoun &` May 8. __w-w -vvvlll K see our Stock, which has been selected with pug-chaaed in large direct. mun In I-41 -5 `-* V a broad and plain clmrge but he has no-1.! pour: an accuser fzxkm :1. very strzsngcr me- i than! of conducting his case. Ho hm: nmdc fonmllatcd it, he does not appear to be itblr to state the specific clmrgu.-1 which he vvislr cs tn pt-um, and witlwlit saying one word ' - as to hi-Lliu-J uf nccuatiun. lw an-ml a. list of witnesses whmn ho wishes to lm\'u exu- Iainod. He is afraid, or also cannot lay I down anything in the nature of 9. direct I charge, and lining as Queen : Cunnsol we! should hn.-dly convict him of ignorance air` this point. ,_ ' His first move was certainly -mi extraor I dinary one. Ho-wished Sir Francis Hincku I to be examined tint. Now it in certainlv nolnewhat unusual for :1 public pros;cut,o-r I to call upon a man on trial to give evidence to convict lximnulf, and yet this iajuut what Kr Huntingdon very moderately using. The whole ministry in on its trial, and yet thc mmlcnt proposal in made to examine them f I Mr Hnma.....:,... l. variety :- `R-.. ....II. A Which have been dteud\ 7;` M commodato the very busineu yhich his bag `K wean. " 5` euencx mo urea. I gefhiller, by Csrlylo, Lucy B.avmond_ Iw rameuer. _ `'% Frederick the Gfuhl; Schiller. bv Cnrlvln acmuer, by Uarlylo, ` Lucy Raymond, by M ohmton Uron. ' Canadian I"rui`t, ` lvsrdeuer. mcnmouu - (latolllcimt 'l`nn-um Dxn:_'.xn:I. -The Pacic Rail- may is bound tn hung a rough time of it in every stage of it: pmgruu. The first at.- L-sck mu umilo last full wimn Mr Macplu:r- - non gusto tho vrnrld the famous documents 3` rogunlim: it, but that was more child's play : to the exciting ncun -:a mat have since been ; Wuituwssed. 'l`nc `lull was really opt-noel! when Mr Huntingdon g.1\`o his warning I uto which wmyqtwllod m mglorioun deatth 'without a ward hcing mid oither for or ; against. Than cl-r twenty-four hours: had olapled Sir John A. Mncclonaltl gave his- notico of motion, and the chnllengv hu than throw down has kept Innttcrs livcly ever` since. The Committee now found that : : they could pr--cued when the time to do so `loomed fairly arrived, but again then more L two sides tn the question, and the Gp\'ern* l ` lent mloptael in gulf-defence the line of po. l ` licy which wan the boot far all in the .Cll'_ { cuunatnnceu. The Hon. member who up. strange I ` .L...I -1 ._.x'_. ,.z ,,1 2 .. . . I May 8th, 1873. ,4 virldl U1 Those about to , t as our aim}. ..|..-L mu; rrho ` l A Hnn Cheapest '"T1IL'1esuA i B|'L'.\ l.\V: .111) Carpets I LEAVE". 7.29 LII. 9.20 an. 8.00 LII. * 7151}: juitg Lg.-ir,. ` from Vien . - is no fan of the lid Turk -uaz- `A 7 1, on I. declm-an 41...; ..- u, .. _ -_.. - nvllllul" and 118 `spurious do mum .1017 juinl Iwvll DO he credibly nfonned I: ad now, : t Drodnm u-n ---- ` ANDC ,\ 11:30:. H V. Bhll am 31511 inllyil "I '-'--Ar 1 ixT`..'i" 11-1: 1 . . M-$10 nulu V` Bmk-l rot tb l ,4 " ,, with, and I "V not] n it 2}. ' F1011` I (lull ne Gov- ..... mu: Jon the `roster put the primitive truth: of revolution, still clung to the central doctrine of ucrice, , ,,--- -.... ....,.uu at an }af mcriog. He proved Tutement where in are 1 ucricee whereby God wi pod. He also showed it Pegenism. `sud proved H... L--' ' A ` l .... ....,...... u. uacnnce, mm a; to the uurice of the man. and brilliant addreu he show time: the religion of unkind ` Iof Incrinn "as n----` "` 8...... W uuujuu countless graces, blessings and mercies will be called down in copious showers on tho thirsty_ earth. Hence it is with thst the church by the most sacred rites sud ceremonies mm`. and consecrata her altm-s,_anAd dediccf them to vice. His Lordship than stated that in this the subject of sacrice, with special reference to In a powerful showed thst `in an mankind um. - --I-'-! .............u so can on the earth the sacred x-o of divine clarity; and enkindlo it in many souls. On this alter the greatest glory will be given to God ,And countless in m-.:,..... .................5 m ue.-sun ms: was again: still plead before the divine nwrcyiuei remission of human guilt and the all of human aorrow and the Sacred H neat and centre of Christ`: inoable 1 continue to cut on the earth the 5: divine (Inn:-Hen r ---I --`-5A" _ ,,,__ -..- ........... wuaecrates her altars for the liurpose of offering thereon the un- bloody sacx-i!ic'e of the new dispensation. ` In the Catholic Church we hove indeed an altar of which they cannot partake who serve the tab:ai:nacle," who share in the multitudinons sect! of Protestantism. On this nltor Christ the sins of men, and applies to our souls the merits of the awful atonement of (_}n.lVnry. On the altar we are now consecra- ting,-tho precious blood that blotted out the In-.n..l.....:s:.__ -: I -- ,,__.__ ... uuv unuiull1lnOul handwriting of death that against us will divine n....-.......`... t-.. A- ..._.. vlllliil u, null ICXIIS andltiona tn the interesting proceedings. The singing -and organ nccou i Prof. Deaocheno were really .. . .....-., U1 namuton, assisted by V Generals Fm relly and Rooney. The music, specially prepared for the occa' aion, by a number of juvenile bhy choireaters, ` was superb, and lent additional effectiveness interesting Druc(I.mIiv.m: icar QQUIJ \.llIIIUIlo The Archbishop also recite -_14 and 45,and chanted thelit in the course of which he placed incense on the crosses, in honor of Gm] ; and later His Grace chanted the Prcface, which closed with the words, that the altar was consecrated for the honour and service of God. Mass was celebrated. by Right Reverend Dr Farrel, of Hamilton, Vicar relly Roonmr d Psalms 83, 91 any of the saints, Then came tho beautiful anthem, Be 1 sent and assist, Omnipotent God, &:o:.," 1 ceeded by the words: We conaecrate this tar thin day to thy honour and glory. Thu Archbishop again approached the all nu which were placed five crosses, sayir Bo thee consecrated and sanctified in 1 name of the Father, and of the Son and of Holy Ghost." up;__ ;_ Ll ,- u ' "'I| Icn. Archbishop Lynch, hy Vic:1r(1cn- crnhc Rooney, Fnrraily and Hay. 1 Master nf Co.-remoniea~Rev, W. Mccarthy, ` of Williamstown. : Crou-Bearer-Rev. J. Brown, of Port Hope. Attendant upon Bi5hop-- Rm`. T. Sprntt. i The ceremony (which occupied three hour, fvunl which is too lengthy to detail in every particular) began with tho consecration by the Aruhbiuhop in these words: "In the year of Our Lord, 1873, 8th of May, I, John Jmwph Lynch, Archbiahou of 'l`m--6- ---- ,....v,,.. ..,......, nrcllIllnOp at Toronto, crntud this altar to the honour of St. J otc. " I The nta. A pulnl ` utoV'i1::: 0}-V ;.o.~'n;m. Lgmglnt Reverend Bishop Walsh, D.] Chaplain, Rev. E. B. Kilroy, ' Mnry'|. lrHIUn.Nl5 0|-' TH0N'l'0. ` His Gran: Archbishop Lynch, i Very Rev. Vicar General Rooney. . Very Rov. Dean Proulx. 3 lIl0('EsI ur II.\MlLTO.V. [light Hen-real Bishop Farrell, DJ). Uhsplnin, \'cr Rev. C. Vincent, Superior 4: St. Michael's (Jo lege, 'i oronto. ' nn\. i i . uur wru. Ia/:1. 8th of May 1 P I 1'-wph Archbishop of '1'm... rated this altar in 44.. |.,...-.._ ,. ... '. . uerclnony. ` " The . solemn and innpreasivo: ceremony of blaming the new St. .Im;eph I Altar (n lxahdsumo l nml costly wnrk, an we hul lntc.-ly` occasion tn ! nnticc in this journal) tool: place st 8!. Marfr Cnthoclml this morning, commencing at 5 -`..I_. .1. u mgnu ucverend Bishop \` f "l`ln'~ 'l'lu: congregation waa no 3-the cnpacioun oclice to its I \\'nn n6.n..l...l I... V - ,__r.~v-wuu \u||ll|JIJ L. Ila was nttemlud Ivy numb:-rs -iiatumcc me well u {rum tlu ; .li;m- vicinity. 3 'n... ....1.: Rev. :1 ` . nu-uv_y . Thu aubjoin_e-I n rumpus. . u. U Lonue, uuum, T. Spratt, St. Andrew's. C. A. Mc\Villianu:, Perth. M. Cunnclly, BL-Uevillu. D, Casey, of I eterboro'. B. Hig `us, of Cathg.-dr.1l. W. J. Eeilty, P. B. 0'Boyks, `: following colnpmwd thc .:,-..- _. d.._._.. ttohnslc-z;tlon rm: lnugl-vesting I Ceremony. 1 E , solemn mu! im..-..-..:.. .. - u. x -mluuer, uannuoque. .\l. U'I)unaghue, Railton. '1`. Davis, Hungerford. E. H. .\Iurra.y, of Wolfo Island. J. Tourney, Camden. C. Murray. (Jurnwall. D. O'Connell, Duum, T Surat}. St A..A.......'~ -----u III III igiou was 3 religion this from the Old zero recorded the various reby wished to be worship- o from the hiatory of mi how the netioxu loet the of a revelation, > nun cling: to the spur that 1 the terrors of shipwreck. The ariiieu. he said, we: interwoven >f gold with all thin ---v . nrown, at Port Hnpe. V. Marty, of Kemptvillo. . J. Blcvarth , uf Willi:unntov . Quirk, of Hvutings. x. Macdoncll, of Luchigl. ..\I:1steruon, of St. Rnphae-ls. I. Mackcy, of Tydcudinnga. I. Gauthier, (ianauoaue. . Lynch, of Petarhornu; I. Tilllliul, of Cnbaurg. . Uoylc, of Emily. . Brown, of Port Hnpe. V. Marty, Kel'lIDh'ilIu .Ixa.cnCy, 0! lydcndinn Unnauoque. U'I.)nnaghue. Railton, DIOCESE 0}` Kl2i'f)8T0!0. mm.-.....l Ix:-I_ _-. II Dl0Ch'.E ol-` `rnRo.~'ro_ .. A-..|.l..'.. _. .......u suurcyleli tor the 1 alleviation: and tin: 51......` tr---` I -uunuln In Ill ycrat Um city laru the names of the ~ V .-uuru Iau ml) }v!:A;:;: sf urning. u an accnmpnuimcn ts roall y very tine, at eir merits deserved. "Jun uy|...l.. ..._- AI ` l`etarIvornugh. vl Cuboum. `which they empcvnlo. \ViHi:unntown. utinm: Iv largo as to crt utmost limit. nf pcrauus fro` I... ..:5-. .... I 5 ,..-__- now vvul yueat for the I n nIl....:_;.: ,, ....o v unuulli `. Heart (the Le love) will it u... ---~- , Chisholm, - ~ ---5 : ed the 1 the . saying`: 581' in 6|... mvlm from :1 and imIm-- .ytfim :xting to, come `. J osoph,` , uuv. ; this al- u. "f _BuI]u. a altar clergy ; of St. I ........ sun] go; It 1: and and ville Ontario {Grit paper.) l ;._* The Machinery Works, Kingston, which is undentood to be 3 nursling of Grand Trunk oicisln, through which the Grand Trunk il supplied with rolling stock. snd the oiciuls of the road suck the life of the company, is being suhcidized-rst by the city with a 36,000 bonus and next by the company with $100,000 addition to stock-nuking the total capital of the company $400,000. Whereas the "ma- chinery works ha been found s protable in- vestment, it is moved that $100,000 prot: be added to ; capital my be supposed to be the wording of the rosolntIon--o very interesting recital to the compny in England if they could only get at it and understand it.-B.'le- 1 { Grit paper.) , _3__ Tun CHLEBRA Fl0N.--Her day occurring thin lntelligencar says that the dsy would 5 business sense, Annual holiday, petitioned the Council to ap- point the following Monday for the celebration instead. The request was granted by the Council, and the 26th will, in consequence, be obnerved no a holiday. The citizens of King- ston are not likely to postpone their demon- etretion, and we learn that the llth Band will carry out the arrangement! for their ex- cueion up the Bay of Quinta on Set urday. u. nugnsu. ll. 1`. III` J. A. W110 W`I chosen captain of the rst nine, on account of business matters, cannot sfcrd time to prac- tice, therefore Dr. J. Jarvis has been appoint- ed captnin for the coming match. We hope the boys msy have a pleasant day and 3 good audience as the noble game deserves support. Those desirous of becoming members of the St. Lawrence club, csn do so by banding in their mines along with one dollar fty cents to Mr R. J. Eilbeck. Secretary. ,, .....~r. mu.i..-.Ine at. Lawrence Club have nrrangt,-cl a match with the Beaver f Base B.-sll Club of Newcastle for the 24th of [ May. The Beaver club at one time were cham. pious of Canada, they are the oldest club in Unt:u'io, and probably necond best at present, in tho manly game. The St. Lawrence al- though a young club, have among their players some old and reliable ones and it is hard to say how the game will conclude as both par- ties are preparing for a lively match. A band has been engaged for the occasion, and an en- trance fee of ten cents will be charged at the gates to help defray expenses. All the neces- sary nrrangemente are being made by the St. Lawrence boy: for the comfort of npectatorl. The gnme commences at 10 a.m., when we hope to sec 3 large and appreciative audience. The match will be a. first class one, and loadd to the attraction of the game the St. Lawrence boy: will appear in their splendid new uniform. The players for this match are as follow: :- Dr. J. Jarvis, P; R. J. Eilbech, C; J. Mc- Cammon, let B ; T. Tweed, 2n_d B ; A McMil- lan, 3rd B ; W. Ellott, S. S. T. Driver, L. F. J. Anglln. R. F. Mr J. A. Wright, who captain the n-.9. m`... .. -..-----L -- .____. Bovua & WRIGHT, tiuanitha, Napapco, are doing a great der` of work for cheese factories cm; from places below Montreal. They have rec-mtly made thirty cheese vats, and have unlurs fa: twelve more. It speak: well for this rm that their work given so much satis- faction to the public, Why do not some of our cnterpri-sing tinanuitlxs compete for this kind of work ? , ,, _--... -...,... uvuvu, in me and Dr. Barclny, who in no longer A resident of the Provinces, end Rev. Professor Young, resigned. Both gentleman have been engaged in the active work of teaching, Anal retain a lively interest in their late profession.-Globe. ` I llguuldorl, Mid thtrlir-"j]`i nuucln. If S0 i0 10 be proved, it will need some _/ ` bl plan of Attack, and all the wile: of not thei VIII Elan! nlulnnvnnv 6. ..-...'.l -L- __-,, .

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