Kingston News (1868), 9 May 1873, p. 1

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mi.-r cuntract Linn}: {C ( anadian all nI.IuI. WEBI-Ill & (30. 7|" 1.` nub A`. .\l|"`\`3`a Sqlltfe. III In Inlli` Ill I-hf nus Stable: and . 1.! ll`n-u .3909 ???- -rucr uf Princess uua I1IoOUll.TI nun 1* . .+ `,,'\IUIl Com (."|In.rg-:24 maule- 'n,priI`f.(II' L IN.` ('3' County. ; the Bar . L.-ab ..I' GHEST AND LUNG RRQTFA tn. Indie-Kn ind (3:-ntlemvn win. \\'cak Lungs, tlnerarc in\'alu:u.hlc. Nuiufx-slnuuld |~e without them. J1./ICL E./I./V .s- C0. New|Boot and Shoe Store I llacnee & Wuddelfs New Bllilll ing. IKUBRI-ER IN (5-RE.~`\T VAl1ll*l'l`Y. _ Call and see my Itock, and the lnmnclsomest Boot and shoe Shop in the city. l':.V\ll'I&`_' UU'|`L7H (':\N1\l)lAN ].'\VEEl)S, - PLAIN AND FANCY VVUUI, C()A'l'lN(i.\', ISLACK, BLUE AND BROWN \'l-.`l\l'Z- "l`~lANS.. tlI__I| rn..\~. iNOW sllowmai 1s73;`s1;ring`x`*.;;-,1;:.;a; F1373} m;I;i`u.\'s, 5.x-v:;1.\.'(: 0VEl{UUA'1`lN(:S, \\'l'I.`~`'l` 0| ENHLAND BIKU.-\lN.`l.I) l`|lS, , &c.. &u. o I VII E under-`signed begs to notify the Trade that he Is now prepared to ll orders for the celebrated .`.l()lK l'(DN'S I".-\MlLY l`Rl}()F \V}IlSKEY. Gentlemen : Siring and Summer Wea,r ENGLISH, SU'l`lJH A_I\'l) .T\VEEl)S. IBANKRUPT srocxi --I ou} own importation of all the new and dc- .-irahlo styles of the season in \ Fur lit, wurkm:mship and price, `\\c c m9`lc:\t. THOMAS MQQ_LE,_ \n|.\n..n . l IaF4ll_SJflF:U ALVU U1.` DLPAAUIIJDU 1301 ) Linens, Bleached and Unbleached S-reetings, Dressed end Undressed Brown Hollands, Muslin And Lace Curtains, Windn" Hollands in Buff - 1\Vhitc, 25 dozen Ladies Ijncn chic,-fs 1".` cents, worth 18 cents. 25 demon Indies? in. ~a. - ~ 1 cents, worth 20 cents. 25 dozen Ladies Linen d"; - - ~ 1-ante, ~ will 22 cents., 25 dozcn Ladies Linen Hm cents, worth ".5 cents. Kingston. Nuv. -23, I872 3 S ' atentiou called to a. few piece . BI. CK SILKS, part of the above stock. II in Dunn... L4sGm ` vV-l_l'}ltUHA.\i'l1 l`AH.0l:. Kingston, March 2!, 1873. April 2 `Important N otice.\ . 0' -1. Grand Opienlng ., LL _rsonn `who are fond of :1. GOOD C POE` TEA will do well to call on SUU'l`'l` & DALTON and get aualnple, as we but just received an assortment the tincst. ovor imunrlzml infn Hun `nitv, r-nmnrisiun 42 Princess Street, Kingston. Monrorrs msnuenv. uuu pun recuveu an assortment we nncst. ovor in: rted into the `city, comprising Yqung yum, Japana, Souchongs and Con- goun, at prices to defy competition. NB.--Pu-ties requiring CHAMPAGNE. would do well to give no a call, as we intend 1:0 djspoae of our stock (which is large) AT ` S . _ A'l`ES'l` STYLES in B()U'l`S ;. 1 Sllnl-IS J at umderat.o-l_ riccs. E. ROSE . N(iTHER .\'Ul'l L\' 0l"5",l'.`\'l"l'|'.5'().\"\' L Uc}ebra.ted April 26. {`l.F.A_CHED AN D UNBLEAUHI-JD Tabla Liverlrool House, J. Gl{El<}N"| ELI), )W OPEN and ready for inspoctinn, .1 choice selection of New Goods for (Late R. xvmu.-), Drngg'!sts,i soon & nmon. :1 ' April 18121.1, 18 |HI:.\\'IA.\' I-Z~l:l:\'lAN :T\.\n'l`uH.-UN ..... 4 VA 51 `UTIAN... - '.'IH .-UHLIKICAI .;('_-\MA1\' uI:l.\`1'HlAN i . IIAHII ax `\.\lvl:l~2\\' I`. ;'.\'l 1:11 K TH E :51 ...u ..-so J Ilst l{er_ciHel s 1-uouv ~ nu: ~ PURE svmrrs, 50.00. ADCUHOL. PRUTEGTDRS. IJVEII P06L HOU.\_E. F. HU0l`l'}R. 12.5 .1 ) zwwrnluellt. 01 llomcnuc and ]ln[)(\]'LL'1i lfigzlrs, for sale at very low cash prices. My-.lx;;.~: now on hand 190,000 Domestic Cigars, variuus bnuulna. 54,000 (-`en-ma.n Cigars. . 28,000 Manilla Uhcrnots. Also Fig Chewing and Smoking Tobacco: in Kegs and Pancake. \Vhit.e's Cclebluted Mixture Smokings. -Sweet as the R0:4c." Try it. It has been pronounced the In.-sf h'Iunking l`ob.'u.-co in the Dominion. A I:l.......l ,1...x ... L.. D..l,I..,,__ , I AI In we uouuu A lilrcml Trade. Wllolt-sale and Retail l`olmcc-onist. I liINUE.\'S S'1`l ll 'I` II E C I S _1 {\lIl."\' 'lh\ vn C. -1 :1 `I I Z .-. -4' L` I --. K, , RI`) O|'l.\' T0 Till`) PUUl.[`3ou 1*`:-inlays 1 and Sammluy.-I only during the winter uczuson. Persons wishing Ii.-uhs any other day of the week can be zu, by mntifying the proprietor in time. h'umluyu `exucptmL HOLESALE and Retail Hat. and Cup V Manufacturer, begs to remind his customers and friends and, the public gen- erally, and especially all those who wish to gctvn Fashionable Silk or Felt But of his own manufacture, to give him :3 call lnclore pur- clmsing olaewherc, where they will nd 3 LARGE ASS()R'l`MEl\"1` of FELT HA'1'b`, Cloth and Scotch Caps, STIIAW (IUUDS, just imported per Ex Stcalnslliln P...-my:-m vluull uuu DCOBCIJ Up, just per 5` from the Jinglish, Ame markets, and at low ram tion. .,.,_n ______,_ . .. 1 no names of the lending styles, in Felt Goods are the H.'u'court, Rameo, Mazcppu, \'cncti:m, Jason Gold, Alvarez, Nippissint,-;, Narrow Gauge, Ame:-ican, Young Gents Style, the Fzsrrell, the Unnova, Harrington, nml'l)o- miuiun Hat, in Colours of Drab, Black, Beu- \'cl'. and ..\'xnolu2 . I he I FUILS. vur. anu Blnoku. 1:.-'2' Hats made to ordtgg titted by the Paris Culnforumtcur. Leather hat cases in stock. N 176'!` AIHIIVICI) AT THE \Il`IDIUA!. Q HALL, a spiel:-lid :msorLrncnt uf Hullns ;ur'| Jluots from James Vick, nf liuclucstcr, uulIIpI'i. )lHS to call spccml attcntiynn to his large . .'L`4()l`LlneIIt of Domcntic .-mxl ]ln[)m'L:| (Jig.-;:Lr.~', vnrv nriccs. up h:L< `EsHsEsos1 This Company`: `uh.-rllutvd 1: .1111. I .u|.le-highs. I : A-eel. gm HEATHAND cumrs,l [ Druggists and Seecwmen. inmzmzn & FLOWER SEEDS imported direct from reliablg Growers an-1 Sccdr-mcn 1:: Europe and AlI`l8l'l('a. _ ` 1.. lungstun, ffsc_o1T[sH IMPERIAK J |e.'\Slv RANGE COMPA \ 1 Capital 1;ogo,0oo Stg. April 15u.. HEAD OFFICE FOR. THE h0Z\1L\'I0.\`: No. 9 Sr. SACRAMENT S12, Mus\'m::.u.. A. VVALKl:|:, Jusq., Mercnnnv. G. A. Dmvuuoxn, Sugar Rencr. M. P. RYAN, Esq., M.P. Secretary and General Agent, H. J. Jon .\'.s"I`u.\' T HE S"B-SCRIBER begs to intimate t`u;_t, he has been appeinped Agent for the above Company for this Quay and surrounding district, and that he_ 15 ngw prepared to accept Insurances against Fu'e upon almost every description of property upon the most moderate terms. I011. The I 1.-uula LHUK. The `lH:u \l\.`l.ill.' `.....- lBlLl.\]A.N . . . . .. .L s'l'l.-\.\' . . . ..- .`.\Nl.|l.\'A\'lAN.. |&l`.\1\`l.~\.\' . ....... I'\`I`l- I EN aeacnpuuu moderate I J. CRIDIFORD, CAI`.BA(JI-IS. CA1? LI l"I.l)\\' l*2I!.\'. C|'Il.lCl{\'. E U.3"|' 1`. l".Ul='.lVl'3l) AN l"..\"l'I'INh l\'la' and complete Assortment of T0 A'l`0E:~-evcr_) \':u'icI:y of establishcal ... '_ together with ID.1.lIy new kinds. articulars see Heath &. (:'unn`s Dc- " ~ e List. of (iznrdun, Fic}-I and Flower . wxth brie!` hints on th-:x,\ cultiv:n.`.iun. tree to any zulclrcss. ' `nu-.h I21, l`.UP.l:L'.\l. DAY LILY-, Ul.Ul-'. A31) WHY ULAIJIULI, MIAMI) }IYl2l{ll)>1, l'l'1lH'lS NJA I. l`H |.U.`{ l).\H|.lA.\`, AAM can l'li0N I us, MAUICIIKA VI`-Nl'}H, Vl()l.l'2'I'.\'. [J l.Il'M AU KIATUM. 11Xi`si_11ATs 2 ,-...PHB_K wmmn. llileft terms. W.. P. PHILLIPS, Agent Kingato! March 31, 1873. KINGSTON, (CANADA). FRIDAY EVENING. MAY IFUU II) II nrch 1:}. J. ("uUnsoL, Judge of Scssinn'<. WALKEl~:, ] .sq., Merchant. A nnnuuom). Sugar BULBS! Notide tome Public. `rngu 'r2:r:'..~'x5i'lLIll .-.1nI\1 1;! ,\.\.\l:\.` \l.\lA H.\.\' _ ~ .`..\|Il.\A\'lA.\ L :.\.\|A.\|.\.\` " M L.`.2url uf luslgl "'1: FOR HOTBEDS highest price in Czu-ch paid for RAW .. -avuvvu uaupls, BIUAW UUUU5, rted per Stcaxnship Peruvian, American and Glasgow rates, to defv c0mneti- IHIOII ded.uct.im1 to I`ub|n:;ms and the V S. ". \VHl l`l., ...-.onscl Tob:wco 1\'|rcr. , lzith April, 1873. D-REC'l.`-0RS: ll(|.\,'l R IN G S'l`REE l`. ..b...,.., nuucrwaxl and Glasgow :1 defy competi- : of he H.'u'court_ Rnlnn In-.~n---- l,U'.\'(iH"l.UJlUM. tins .~.` S'rr:.\.\`(z|r., " lth--s-I CLARK VVR [G HT. W IHTE. VA]: I l*I'I`l I65. nun... r you want Wood or Um] Stovea, Plollghs 1 ur ! Ion-gh ('a.~st,ings, _HaI-rows, Cultiva- 1.-r., Ficlcl ur lawn Iinilem, Coolers, Dairy ixulv.-5, H.-nxcLu'y rir Urmtmcuial Kuilin or L':utiI|gH, .*$Launpc(l,'l laiI, or _Jnpanne( Tin Ware, Victoria Foundry Warerooms, snow: 3. cuumucnml Always on hand a. splendidly cue?! -ed stock of ' Wines, Liquors & Cigars ..o- ........n.. 1--. _,,,, a ms. at Mnely Flaw $1 --n. genuine Also 4 Hm. Finn Mm lat equally low prices. Don"t farget to call and um pxuclmsing elsewhere. ur..V lh W AN'I'r1|), to sell 01 Mclmlcnns and Pianos. for six I lu:.s`t m:v.1/.urs in (nnmla and the Unitcd_ _\....l., a.. I In.v\'uuI- :- LL nnumlcnlls unu nunos. tor six of the United Santos. Apply to J. R EYNEH, Organ -and Meloduou l\.|:muf:|L-tum.-r, next door to Hob.1rt s Medical H all, Princess street. (M-.f `*2 Use its Manufactures.` - -u-w-nnuvur 0 J 0 P()UgT'DS Bright DEMERARA SUGAR for l. 13 lbs. Bright Muscavsdo Sugar for O1. [PEA 2_ TEA 2 TEA! `Wake up! Wake up! S1`. mwmsxcm WHARF. Aw: 10.11, 1876. Kingston Bottling Depot` T""`A\lull`X7' l\\7IJ'A\T`l\ A I AI\ruvu;.u III uuycn nun J1; ALES AND P03/l'EB., in quarts and pints, from the best Brewers in the Do- minion. Also English Ales and Porters. BR.-\NDIES.~Jn.mea Henmsany"a, in wood or bottle ; J. & F. Ma.rte1l'I, in wood or bottle ; Pinet, Castillun & Co's, inwood or bottle. SUPERIOR. OLD JAMAICA ICU M . u .u. (HHS. --Juh:1 De Kuyper & Sun's, in wood In-tblc. 0 up Ton c.1N.-1 scman1 & Co's, in wood or bottle ; Betta 6: Uo s, in wood or bottle. ' nvlnv-11-: lnvvI\w1u_v..-. -...__._ _ _____, uuuuw. 'l.ES.--SUPI'}l`I()R PORTS And SEER IS. - Wl`II.'IIIiS.- 01:1 Family Proof, Old Rye ` I .-nnf sun] l' n... 1.-.... :. Fine SIIg'ar-Curecl llamu Kingston, 15th April, 1873. April 24;. ,_ - ._. -_.--..-. Tlxle best and cheapest over offer-ei. 3 lbs. of Finefy Flavoured Young Hymn for II genuine TO _BUILD up A cnv, [ F want \\'no _ ux`.__! _It:)lI',']l (vwtrings, _HaI-rows. , -._- ._..v..w vvuvv ul uyvuzaluy Fresh ronatd and ground on the premises. `Always hand assorted J. SWIFT & C0,, LARD! LARD! LARD! }A.J-REEs1 UV ET HEL LODGE meets every THURS- DAY EVENING, at 7:30 o clock at their Hall corner of Kin and Brock streets. C. C OWN, Rum!-ntnrv I -5\. g(` E ND BUY YOUR GROCERIE, Wines X and Liquor: at Joseph [)onnelly s, 1'7`) P.-inn... HA-.....L v:_.._;A,, Feb. 5. (&l VVAN'I`l"`.D, to sell Or an, L Pianos. six n the JUST REGEIVED QU~AN !'l'l`Y of the bent. BLOSSBUHG L com. for Blacksmith upe. Jttusci-vbonnclly, Blacksnniths Coal FOR SALE. SlJ_I:Q1R_S--I-__SUGiI%_S. "*5: 1 'l."' ASEIOW ON HAN D A LARGE STOCK of superior In.` Awn nnnmnn g,, , , . 1 - |'|iS.- J :-uof and (,'umIm)1['\Yhi>Akeyrs, the best in the city,:L:. REDUCEI) PRICES. rs I.`l\ I`l`[l\\l 1:.-A xv |'I.\.Imnc Sznnples and leave orders. K"iii{re ct;ncei' IY\v1-sru .. . genuine mv.rga.1n. V v 4 lbs. Fine Moyuma Tvankny 101- $1. .Il'_,1 I15 ' Breakfast Bacon. N1`). 8 BAGUT STREET. A choice lot of those L J I -172 Princess Street, Kingston. CALL A'[` THE I`rinccs' Street, Kingston. - -' examine before JI13. 01 Jun 8110 nrocx stream C. C OWN, Secretary. u vuu 1. n.v1\Jlpn GEO. TH OM 1:80 N . ur Bis, ` 0 the 1 sun... Schepp s Dessicated Gocoanut, Gadbury s Chocolates, Black Currant Jam and Jelly, Red Currant _J am and J elly, Good Value in Teas, Sugars and Coffees. IL. M AULEAN has returned to Kingston 1) for six months. ' Office at Maclean & k'u s D|'ng_; Store, l. rinL-css .\'Ln-cet. I Afu-it 5. WiVIcC;ea .8*cmEentley, - AND SLEIGH l-Al\'I-Inc-u--- ,,,-_--._ -...v vi-I-lull MANUFACTURERS, HEAD OF PlUJ.\'Ul`Z.'F` S'l`|`.I`Il*J'l', Kingstn All wnrk done with nczztnoss and dc pa_tch. Nnvmnlwn-`*0 I817-) which for 1 petition. \Vo are selling at prices that will astonish people. Llguqns. `K7,. 'I...A- -VA V Ca `V 1.1! R. - We keep nothing but the choicest grades of Case and Draught Liquors. CANNED (-:U()1).s`. I`l(!l{I.l`..\' x... .,n..._ ,_,-, ......, nun--1:, AT SUUBELL BROS, Cor. Brock mud Ontario Streets. l*`Ellvl{Y \V.HAlil. . Avril I8` R. WHITE, WHHLESALE DRUGGIST SCOBE.LL 1m0s., RECEIVED THIS DAY` IiI1.g'. Oil Sl0rI2s,_ REA I. I1` J. - I,m;I:x(;K 1.Au!:.s' -Be:uLiful Goodrs. MA.`/1'}-J\E 1.Acscs m new de..cigus.'; I-lN(:1l:4H THREAD LAcv5s--.' Good:-. > IS:\v11~rn-- ...-..-__ _ __ , , V \Jvv|:n, ?~"RE_\'CH. GEIIM.-5N'aud VALEN('IEN- 1\`I'l.`:' LA(,`1*2.*.- . | (SUIPURE |.A(? r}n`5. I, -irrct from Eu:-0123 Ho-uiton Cuuvs, Makese Collam, Irish Coa-'s, 5.0., !"zun: uions, Coirfenm, Sleeves, Sen:-, P..~u-h.s, 8c., forming together the mom`. lovely curimziiun of Real Luce Good: ever shown in Kingston. Ln-."5en wi" pkmse take notice that we get our Real l.a.ce (goods tljn-m, the makers 51 lL`uv'olu.-, mu! lmvc tho.-:c'ore the newest sl-ylus am] pzuoerus. We are a lot of ` worth mm SL00 to each. V /use mm umllglns Liquors. uu01).s', l`lU[{LES,. mwn. Nnvcn1|u.:rL 9, I812 ||NTERGOL0ij|_A_L RAIWAW. > April 18. 1312. Wilnter Al-r::I-|gement. 1373. ` N and after SATUIKDAY, 21st instant, 1 l u..~sc-ligur and Mail l'r:\in will leave llalifax duiiy at 7.30 mm , and be due in St. John at 8.35 p.m. A Passenger and Mail Train will also leave \'t. John daily at 8.00 a.m., and be due in`ax at 9.30 p.m Tr.-nus will uuuuecl: At l ain=cc with trains to and from Shcdiac, and Iixtermecliate Stations. At Truro with trains to and from Pictou, and [ntcrmmliate Stations. At Windsor Junction with the trains of `the VVindsor and Annapolis Railway. At St. John with the Uonsolidated Enropeafn and North American Railway for Bangor, Danville Junction. Montreal; Que , Portland, Boston ; also with the Inter- national Steamers to and from Eastport, Portland and Boston. LEVVI-5' CARVELL, - General Superintendent. Railwav Oice. Moncton. N.B.. General Sn] Railway Oice, Moncton, N.B., January 18th, 1873. ' E HAIVE JUST RECEIVED A NEVV W STOUK OF FRESH TEAS, .-\p..71'.' i..m"m: ' `FR, :f` In SUGARS. A M:Ign7. ic(zut Lot of - price and quality we defy com- GROCERS, &c. IACE - new so Tm-.hion.1l;]c. 9. 1873. last st.-:von'a |' I $l.50, an for 50 cents G00llS ! I '1`. HINLXN . .'.-\88lAN.: .\lIlAN \' L`_'I I \-Y S; &c., cheap, Y Ivn .'.n ........ ussulu nu um: nppmnlietl. 'l'he evening session was wholly occupied. with the subject of the state of religion within the bounds of Synod. A report from 5 com- mittee on this matter wzls read, in which an account of special evangelistic services, in a. number of coiigregstions, was given, which ap- pear to have been successful in doing much good. The matter was discussed it considers: lnle length. Various hindrances to vital reli- gion were spoken of, such as intemperance, conformity to the world on the port of pro- fcssing Christians, meinbersliip in secrotiaml other societies, composed of all descriptions of lsynod of the Cdna Prcsbvtel-Ian Church. uvuau cnurcllel. ' The greater port of the day was occupied in considering overtures, on vsrions sihjects to the General Assembly and the Synod itself. One was in relation to plscing the 'l`heological Colleges on on equal footing in regard to sup- port and equipment. Another on the subject of additional provision for aged ministers and the widows of deceased ministers on the prin- ciple of mutual insurance. It proposed that as many congregations as possible should be induced to agree to pay a certain sum on the death of a minister or his retirement from the active duties of the ministry on account of age ; and thus mutually to make further pm. vision for them above what is nlreuly mo-le by the Widow s fund and that of the xigecl and inrm ministers fund. The overture was re- mitted to a committee to consider the subject and report at the next meeting of the Synod. A third was in relation to a special mission at Alexandria, in the county of Glengzu-ry,whicb was transmitted to the General Assembly with the recommendation of the Synod. A fourth w.-Leon the subject of tempernnce,prn.y- ing the General Assembly to petition the. House of Commons fer a prohihitory liquor law, and that other steps be taken to suppress the very great evils of intempemnce. It was sent up to the Assembly. A fth reL-itml to a principal for the Montreal College, praying that there be one appointed. ` The evening: nu.-.l.... ..-- _1,.n,, - - "l`I.-.__,; . _ _ ..... ..a `Jill .........a, --eluumraulp in secret and persons in point of character, the present rage for penny readings and concerts. The report was referred to a. cemnittee to draft 3 a'uita.le r<:?lution on the subject and report thin mom- ing. A large number of persons were 'present to hear, the discuuion on this meter. The Sy- nod was to meet this morning again at ten o clock. ._ They accepted yesterday a. kind invitation from the Principal to visit to-day at half-past three o'clock the Deaf and Dumb Institute. ~ .aSa:Ir..;,`-.m.1z9.--To parts unknown, per. Imps [IQ-ueville or Kingston, _s young man," by n.nmo Young, a taihr, I local prexcher, 3 Is"'t1cr. a.bInw_ .h-. Fl. Inn .. n.o.....1.... 1.:.. .......- . .,....5, .. usvur, as 1.063! pt-excnsr, s7"gcr, a blow, &c. He left on Saturday-his |wa"d hill unpaid, and an account at a'g.occ='y for Ganges and candies with which be treated you-lg l:uc.~.s. He p.-ofessed to be of respect- u`n ;c pa. eutngu, and to have uumbeurs of 1'. 5-22(1- in London, and. being, as he niuuc Ilioughb, rm e" cell;-ut singer, Lc forced his way into hm or three of the church choirs, there to pom _ forth his meiodious strains. Any inforlnmiou respecting him will be g`ad|y received; for upon his arri _va1 here again tars and feathers will greet him. Hokey ginger 2 Things must be :Jwfu'!y befuddled if tie Napanee u'tam1ura"u biography of the fawinating swell is accurate in eve:-v particular. Young, be careful ; Kingston : not exactly the spot for such `re- ` markably rened talents. 1- --~--.-. .-;: Wmzcxma 0rza.A1'1o3fs.-It will be re- nsembcrcd that on her downward trip lut fell. the steamer York (formerly known as the .l'~luz<.m), r.-m ashore in 3 storm on Petticoat lie-of, from which pezilous position she was re- scuerl in:sb:1dly damaged condition by the steamer Hiram A. Calvin, and -towed into this part, where after unloading hor cargo of our, she was taken to Garden Ialand and permitted to sink for the winter. This week she was raiaod,a.nd will go on the Marine Railway at Portsmouth for repairs. This afternoon Mr John Donnelly, left in charge of his compinzy of wrecker: and diving apparntuo for Lake Harem: to recover the propeller Mary Ward ashore there. The noble corp: of mariners will be supplied with pump: from Toronto. ___-....,_._...._.__._._...-j+- Tm; 1 oarsueu1'u Aocu>Ix't.--The hey Marks, who was hurt on Meure. Cheey & Bx-o e, heihting machine, at Portsmouth yester- day morning, has `knot had hie leg unpu- tated as at first thought neeeeery. The medical attendants ere anxious to preserve the use of the limb, but the injuriee are of so seri- ous a. chamotor, that an operation may ulti- mately have to be resorted to Fmrr T1uP.-The lug Wren (Captain Mc- J I)-maul, Mr Sullivan, mate, and Mr Quinn cu` giu-.1`), which left Luchine on Wednesday morning at 10:10 0- clock, with four barges in tuw, light, arrived here this morning at 7:10 o clock-ma.king `the intent time on record. This was the first round trip of the Wren this heason. lncBn::1;metric correctionn, 27. 27. TI. The Barometer in .read., corrected for tem- perature, sud reduced to Sea Level. ` S. Wnnnn, _____%________,_______ FRIDAY EVENING, MAY 9. Local Weather Report. [PRICE ' TW(-) `CENTS. avu. 8. Woonl. as me 1- ma: 1/muster of the Government of the day, and he occupied that peeitien having the proud conncioueneu of having the condence of the majority of the Home. (Cheer-3.) He had the cenecienmeee that the House fairly represented the eentiment of the country, and therefore he 1nd hie colleague: had the satisfaction of that: they enjoyed the condenoeof `the people of Cmwla. When they nude, 8 If simple matter of `notice, 3 request "that would be accorded y on court of known in England or to ngliah justice, to the verieet criminal, that the trial shall be postponed until witneuee for the defence Wdra I'C3dV to (viva nvilrno-ten O`:-no -g-- pvrahpulluu untu witnesses for the defence ready to give evicfeuce, they were told by the hon. member for Shelori thet he could not afford to do the Government justice because he believed they would dot! with his witnesses. (Laughter and cheer: from Government benches.) Why, if the meinbers of the Government were not gentlemen holding the int poeitienl in the mntl and_ in that House, but were the retinal criminals brought to the her, they; could obtain the consent of the court to an application for postponement of the biol- until they were ready to meet the charge.` But no, says the hon. gentlemen, you VI-N not_ to do that, although you mev not he _j___ THE PACIFIC RAILWAY CHARGE -GREAT SPEECH OF SIB JOE! MACDONALD. - -nn\IJI\JJ.` null The following in tho spud: of Sir John Mncdonald delivered on Tuesday Iigit upon the motion of Mr Hillynrd Alena, chairman of the Jpecinl committee gratin , Huntington charge: n.nio..o H... --- ~ unungton chargel 'ut the Gonn- a:-iuing out of the P33? charter, to t m e the inqui until y owing? zhepziulenle of Sir G3. Cartier Ind 11: J. 0. Abbott :- , _ Sir John Macdonold said he stood there as the Fu-st Minister of the Government day. he oamnin that .--d~-- mn the hon. not although you may not he i'c:uly, although some witneaue may be ah:-sellt, although some person: are absent, and those the only person: who can give testimony in favour of the Government, "and oheckr watch and control the evidence, ` ` which to use the word: of the hen. gentle-_ man had been not up bv the hon. nut].- 113}! i>`c'eI;"`:g';;;1-"vl;y}-I.Iva [Quilt-`ml ? nmn. (Lzmghton) hon the Government applied that these men should be hard he- fUl'0 th I-.!l(.llli1`V wan Ilrnnnntlh -5I 3-! nppuea mas mesa should be board the inquiry was proceeded with in order to give them an opportunit of got ling fair play as between mu an msn,~tha- hon. member for Slieord says he thaws himself on tho rotoction of thoouu. (Cheers). But t are wan one ntsunoni. the hon. gentleman munt retract. If he did not the Home and country would make him retract. it. and it Ill thi-_.Iun.o.I.., am not me name and country would Inks it, it In: this---thnt the Government compelled him to show hi! hand. He would ask the hon. ontlegun ` that if the-Government. oomxold him to show his hand. what. -mm 4. man. u mo-uovamment. com llod him to hand, what. step: t e Governuuc` tuck. what indneemantn thaw hula ...c ...A the ` tuck, induoemente they held out, and whether there wae ever Any I-oqneet fro. the Government he the hon. entlonnn toeltew e liet of hie witneeeee. ( eere.) ItweeoIie' of the conplainte the Gevermnonthed to _4 make agninet thie Committee, whioh wee 4 justly chargeable againet this Oolnlltner tint without summoning the Government, .' who were the parties charged, without etiilf ` munieg any one of them. the pertia _ . cueed, they read 9. list` of witneuoe from the - lion. gentleman, who had not thelnenlill to be preuent at the Committee end his charge and swear to it, but eent in I liet of witnenuoe. nneim: hm hm! :........a...o |.....L ms emu-go and to it, but sent in list witneuul, naying he had important busi- ness in Montreal, and naked than to illltfmv monod. That. nu ad. 41.. ..... :. -14-!- nose in JICBDYOII, and Mill IEDOII to lllllle t moned. That was not the way in whid, -` greet judicial trials were oonductod. This ' was to gll intents and purposes, and he ` copied it as such, an impeachment of_ '. Government. The Government were planed. on their trial. r'I`hey had the ad lntilh action of lmvingu. vote in the one shim `` jug that the House did not believrths . charge. They had the proud satisfaction of . having :1 vote setting forth thst the House had condence in the Governmet, nntwith-, standing the statement of the hon. gontles - man, and that the hon. gentlemen ' wss worthy of all Pumliuinentnry cfedenoe, but worthy of no other credence. (M' ` clue.-re.) Although the Government mi 1 : have rested there,` the next day, the mo- ment he had had an interview with his eel- longlles, he moved this Committee himself.` (Cheers'.) Now he must go book IlId`~ with respect to the statement of the . gentleman that ho had been drowns m showing his hand. It the Committee` M been impressed, as hereafter h'e`wIb " ` sure they would be, after the solemn muut he had maile, thstthechnrge sunset- ed to an impeachment otho and he accepted it as s trial of the nu-mt, what should they have done! '11 moment the had organized the Oosnnithe, they shonl have summoned the accused, end not have taken I lo av . ceeding behind their backs, and t e gentleman, who wasimpressed with sn" whelming sense of the res 'bilit teeth; on him (laughter), shnsl hove urea been , summoned. `The Committee should Ii!!! have registered the articles of hlC. ` and they should have been 1' ' clause by the Committee. He could ` the hon. gentleman that when the Oodn ` tee did meet, he would ask the Cemlnide f as a. matter of justice to the Government, as a. matter of justice to .Mr member ofthe House, _s.nd who w oqlied to its protection, for they were benldtte stand shoulder to shoulder sud men 0% in protecting each other until the , msde sgsinst them were proved. Ee`w ehld Ask the Committee to afford that hon. DOI- ber (Mr Abbott) an opportunity to Islesul himself. He had pointed out the mode ll which the Colulnittee ought to have cs}-led, and before one step was taken it was the duty of the hon. .member for 3501- iord to have gone into the box, taken the oath, and stated what he himself knew, sod given to the Committee and the country ` the grounds on which he had assumed db. ' greet responsibility of charging men, who, previously, at sllevents, tothe charges ' _ made, held characters as free from ` stain as that of the lion. gentlemen himself. The hon. gentleman should have gone into the box and given in evidence the * work on which he made his statement in the House, interrupted the business of Psrlihv ment, impeached the character of public Ind and the Government who carried on the business of the country. (0heers.) Not having the monliness to appear before the committee, ,he ran away to (Laughter-.) He, s man who had made s_ charge against the Government 01 the `~ coun . SirJohu the letter of Mr untington smreuneing tht he Huntington) had gone to Montreal, ed out that the letter was not sddruletl to` anyone. He did not know whetherit wee - intendedtobeeddroseeilto the or to the hon. member for but he understood the member for Naps!- ville submitted it and that he noted II 150 agent of the hon, gentleman in the list of witnesses. (Cheers) V hos. - gentleman did not write to the` ' fmllinurd an the Insert` elsnso I it ,' from Livorpnd ul, are ink` .1 . -uxuA'1' 1 E1 ngcnozunn. TL- 1-1!-" ` ' Lennnmu not wnw to mruot (Gmuinmd on Mefoumlc page.) 3. - inter; .-u " In-!'|'1l if 51.`! H7 :41 ll 3"` |ALLAW -=. I: `I`u HI gth-st-roe Fill - rapllal paid I '2 Lift` .|$sIl 8 ll;-Ls taken {C ..-4, -,[L-._... ....I I`. ' to V ,`l tt`utlOn , P-Sr`. `wall?! leizgeclfgf I-Id uu f:oxs.' ' 3- `$73. ~. ---gu nnu wmunw shade Painting, Paper Hanging, &c., done in the I5 and on the most reasonable t.enn.. int Shop and Room Paper Depot, RM. ROBINSON. 1H`ii *\mn;:,c.~4, wt-at 0|'ail|;;'eS, [H1-0;? ';?:'2I.=="'z3:~=.., .un_. n ,5`: French, American :\ud_ Canadian . Golds, Vclvcts, l'I:un Border, h` 0f Mathh.-a nud Woods, 598311: lea, Decoration: of every ole- `. will be unlcl at the cheapelt F8395: II and retail, . at than` .- I: UBSIAN {run lit`.-\.>.s'l.-\.\' \I.!\l.l'l`I AV N l A|.\"l` SHUI` AN-D RUUM l'AI'Hl{ DI-2I'u l`, HDUMBLE. 0NEEs. Received 3 Cases Tlirnishilig (00118 ovelties in '_I`ies. qf [fro -1- and Iiagut Slrrrbv, - 'l|llI A.s. |:l.\"l` OF NEW l'l'l|I.\'.~`> (mm the European, Ame- huolian Markus, emu-ixting, in pal Hold, Bronzed and |'1mhos.~:- Plain Tints, &c., Gold and Plain L. I.o....o .l....; - nlm. Plain -...I " LARGE AX2l:|\ A!. I)!" nan: nuns, .c., IIOIII. Ann rum lstmlttloaiglm ; also Plain and uh! Sllalllcn, L`nrnices, Decan- A "Brock -and Bagot Sts. WM. l{0BINSO.\"S ptly nttendcd to, and on the -In term. '0. [Joli 1' kdll Discount to \Vholesale Buy- [HIE )lAl:KL'l` SQUARE, .. l\ ...__ .__: Wall Papr s1` RECEIVED A1`!A&;+}i1A.5`,,!i!.`lNS, lg House, Stiriing, l .. ..C' II -I.-dinaru [AS McM A_HON, GI.-1.iIn;;, Paper-Hanging, Room- Wdh And Ceiling: Calcimined, e & Sign Painting, SPRING GOODS r April 5th, 1873. JVERPOOL D V - am)` of |I:|.~stin:.:s. [)1-ga11:__ a1_1d Meiodepns. A"i+Eiil?'iB?|E!NV- y'()LU.\H XXII.--3'0. I58] ' END OF BAEEOT STREET. ac,-t. _w. I572. 5331: anal Window Shula Pninting, w_:r Hspging, the 'i?1=**"".3.'_`_1)`. L"|"l`l-LR I... ..l...: i \\'umn-nu `meta, King: I ul-`I-'ll'l-Z, 'l'Uli0.V'I`0'.V Ixw awyrtlnlclxt uf 'I`|`}AS AN D 3 CI: HA .\I l`A IELE .-\l PL_[.S`, Oranges -S .\ l'l{.-\\'t.'H, AIS EXT. ..-.-1, .-H-mite the Post I71; in . _ -... - `snu- !\I.,-lm.\' l \l .. ..s S1 '4 ITUH . A fresh every zest lot 9f CAN DIES of s'i"l` E BN5 5'.-\ Y" fopualo on roa- fcw |`ianms to rent.- ...ur own llmtrumcutn in their` well-cnmecl

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