Kingston News (1868), 22 May 1873, p. 2

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.,.v. -1` with Glasgow, at the close 0! this month, cum I } upon Mr John Clark `lid St n.nd_ Moral Philosophy At the ulna time 1 Wm hug, Minister of th glow, I brother of I _ J St. Andnwh Chm-cl ,_-...u.. ,- Iparg Hope, 12, 60 ,.-.., .. u-uuuur cs nu respected pastor of Andrew : Church in this city, received the demo of Doctorin Divinity.-J{ontrca Wilma. ' Hoxouur DmnIs.-- We observe with much pleasure that the Senate of the University of close of the session on the ls conferred the dogreeo LL.D Murray, Prof. of Mental Philosophy in MeGill College here. the Rev. John Msrshsll tho Barony Chm-eh, Glu- KIOV. bfthaf 3' {Ian sun----5--1 --" ` .......u u -_uu unursly credited. Sir John gave notice Int night that he would to-marrow move an address to His Ex- ulleneo, praying tint Sir George Cartier : yo- lnainl be buried st public cxpenne, and a monument with suitable inscription be after- Wifdl 8I'0t0d over tlmtn ' ' _.....u-uauu vunl IIIIDIDIO I over them. ......., ...... uwv uyucr nne-0|-battle sh convoys. Such I. mark of respect wou highly attering to Canada ; but the meat is ut entirely credited. Sir Jnlm an... -...L=~- L4 ......u, an as man: or respect to the memory of Sir George Cartier, the English Government he; decided on sending out the body in Her Majesty : magnicent ironclad Northumber- land, with two other line-of-battle ship: as (Inna--p- u -L A - ` .'|t.:;I'~~.. Mu. "" yum` Pro." Th. s `hi 1. `. u. ` `'3. h` K \.g"|ryu. .0 Roy. ', 3sum\l:v;.` : `Vp.f %h. IQ` ;"`{l-:`,` to " "M. ' `:.% :3`; gm ns...` th. '`In.,, t. `K: mg. N I ' lg` `On. it; !\ N M` in I 1-nun vuawu. V Ottawa, Mty 22.-'l`o-lay I-eing Ascension Dsy is a. frtr. dc obligation, and is being ob- served 8! a holidny. All the departments are cloud, Ind the House will not sit. Thom ha: been a wholesale hegiorn. of mem- berl thin morning, and but a. corporal : guard of_ these Ithi over till tomorrow to be present at the clol of the session. Colonel Bernard, Deputy Minister of J ultice loft for England to-day. He nil: from Que- 'boc on Saturday. A ltntement appears in 3 lcal psper here that, an 3 mnrk of resume in 1-J... ............. -: Dunn.--V , , -.~..... VI u-no urlglu 0! `H10 tire in that it caught in the heavy bolts up stairs; another says i_u the smut maqhino. The middling: atoms war the only one running at the time the lire `:i. mm..n.-..I ,,_r__ ._V,.. ..-..-nun uquucl 01' 4101! 100k place: Ton! of brick came thundering union; the Iiremen,'none` of whom we believe are in- jured. A brick shaved put Mr J. Pm-_ H51`: . head, and a Mr McDunald just missed another. By 1 mm. the building wmc gutted, hath en-l wall: hml fallen out,ancl the Imrth wall wan tottering. Nearly all the our wan destroyed. The flame: were ntil] burning briikly, however, in tho corn heap in the cellar. 'l'ho_mill was 1:. six-utory-and- a-hell` buildihg, 150 feet long, erected three year: afgo, and owned by Mr James Parkin. It was vnlued at 860,000, and is imured for 835,000. The total loss is variously estimat- ed st from $80,000 to $100,000. The inill _wu leascl by a. firm which will lose on the contents. Another version of the origin of the I. ._.;... . ....-u...._ -....... .- no unwynvvn wan IJUBIVBGII FIN! FW. .00- tiune of the mill, but they were noon dismayed by nding that the ames had effected 3 lodgment in the roof, and as the WI cracked open the lire penetrated to the vest grain him where, the corn was. It Ivy now seen that all sttem pt- to save the mills wen neoleu,Io the ehrte at` the remen were turned to saving the M11 - rmuuling fncterieu, which they manegecl to lo. A few hundred bu-rel: of our were ueunhl 6.. - .I-..._.._.1 -,,.,1u- , .- .. ...._.. .,-...... ......u use overpowering. A few minutes more and the roof of the western section was a. mass of ame, and shortly alter fell in, a piece of the western wall cm1.i..g down at the same time. A telegram had been despntehed at an early periud to Chief Bur." tram, whoilnmealintuly ordered out the small Hlfaud k Mann steam lire engine, and this, in cumpsuy with the Point St. Chsrles engine, were soon on the spot. They directed all their efforts to save the eastern wing of these exten- sive wings, where were stored 20,000 bushels of corn and about 2,000 barrels of superne our. They had strong hopes of doing so, as there is s reproof wall between the two tiuns of tha mill h..+ n..... ....,_, qvvvyvvii % UI.V9w' Montreal, May '22,<- l'hiu umrniug botwouu three and four o'clock the miller in clmrgo cl 5 the Mount llnynl l"lnuring Mill); WM trhmuml > M limliug I cuumidemlplc quantity 0! mwlw ml the olillbront lloorn, Ho iumu-ulintaly mmlu II amsrcln, and came upon the line, which ml breaking out an the nccuml llnt. With ;;runt premmco of miml loo rm: to: :1. force plllupf which was on the pn.-miucu ---n very pnwuriu {mo worluul "by water puwcr- mul start:-cl it, than nttuclnecl in length ol- lumevvvllich in pm- vidml on each at, and played on the (lumen, but they had `at two much the start; nml, running (up a spout, caught. in the upper aiwrien. All thin time dense volumes of Imolw were pouring from the ventilator: in the` roof. The cry of re was raised, mud the exciton] villagers lmutily d ragged, tlmir lire cugim: into position am! played on the Human, which ulgw showed thcuuaelvea in the third pllillgl fourth ltnry Wimltmfu of the weltorn and 1.! 6|... I...:|_::..._ A nnnvuvl llDl|lVVlIKU, ll IIIFIIIK I15-all Ilv; The brig Kildaru, which arrived here from Baltimore on the 5th innit, on Big Ucurgafl Hunk, law a achooncr lying at mnclmr twenty feet under water, the lorulnnist, main Inmst Mul inaintup must uttuulillg. Sim went close up and usw deal lmalimo in the cabin, but could not nmlso out the mum: on! the vuwl. It in nuppmml to be an American liaising oclumnur. -.-1v ID:-stric;I-T:T'l-." ' 3013' I :l'DIlll'Il{ `Kiln; -E2113` 4 IICVIII UIIU 9 UIIU, IIIIIIISI: Three more bodies have been recovered from the Atlnutic Wreck. Gomuiclcrnblo curgn, mostly hardware; in being taken up. 'l'Im l..:.. I(n.l..... ...l.1..s. ..-..:.....| 1...-.. 1...... moment would act for himcdf, and in M. and wold leave (II: American: aid. 1,, could lnvo no objection to w m `G hill. Q l-:..; .v- --v-.- '1 -.Il-JCJVJI-Vl-DUCF-IV (I I'r Mu:/lrrul IA'm;) From llallfax. Halifax, N.8., Mny '. I.- An unknown wu- Innn fell from uloft. luring the rocrut pnumgd of the American brig Unrolims (imy {mm here to Big Glace Buy, an}! Wm clrowm,-I. A .......I..... ,.l ....n:....- 1.-.... ..-.......I I .... .. -v via uuuuu: tray, IIIII will Ilruw nI:II. A number 0! collicrn have arrived here from the Sydney mines. Tlurna Iiun-n L...IL..- hand In...-. -1..n.u..-gal I nu-urucuon by Fire at Mount] Royal I"IOIll'Ill Mill -Iunm from 5380.000 to $lO0.000. Mani.-...l M.... an rm.:.. ....__..z.. . 1 ., swam 1;} 7Eri'L.E}}iiAVniS. rEo}n 3u;u'u'.. M. 9-1 -'v-,.I--- Ir .... -no-vu, VIIIIYGII, VIII` the respected eh thin city .....:....A' .,_ ._ - um-u yuyur nBl'B respect to the `. Enlilh {lawn-n----5 . ..u-no-nu nIIr(l|1llllD0l'- ' It]: remnant would `-4- ,, _..--.v CAllr- j " would be 2 . I...L AL. A }:'.n;;;a u. Indeed, no of the barrel: . L___, _, -, . ,,....... .... ...-u-u. 11 me any or Ilontronl lay not supporting the eorta of Sir Hugh for this nilwsy, and as La Mirwrve - uyl ; with his Ordinary discretion ho mule no uphnstidn to mybody of the objection: in than bu] to tho'px-ojoct of 8" Hugh. Uni lrioudl were puzzled by- his apparent indiercnoe, the motive of which they did not know, and they docidod to make some approaches to Sir George upon the subject. It in on the Aftonmun ml nu run. .4 `tinte- or CV ?` STRAYED from the Grand Trunk Bdhny D on tho 1861: infant, I Rod and waste Cow, with line luck ma streaked lace shout 7 year: old ugd mu calv- ing. Any pot-Ion giving inlonuhon tint will ludto hot roeovorywillbo libonllyrr worded. unappoll , manufacture, of London, En da Pianoa, new and second-hand, from 3 . Organs and Melodtonsin grout variety, :1! oftho u but manufacture, from 860 to 8200. DR M8-Jut received I la 0 u- aortment, I" sins ant ' . VIO INS, Bonn, St:-in , Musical min of every de- scription, ml to bouldon t able tamu. Tuning, ' ing in town or couutr. J. EY _;_ murumenu in Kingston. .lA-`gent for the New York Webor Pisnq, the enry Y. Miller Piano, the Pierson Pinno, the Bnrmo Bros. Pimo, the Gable: Piano, Great Union Piano. An auortmont of Upright Pinnol-- the Picolo, Cottage, and Cabinet, includin Chappell Entndg } ianoI, and Ieconl-hand, I-ma mu-u son or ueneml the Hon. Sir Alexander Hope, 0.0. ., Lieutenant-Governor of Chel- uea Houpitel. He was born in 1812, end was twice married; his first wife, Chm-lotto, be- ing dnu hterol the late Mr J. Gibson Lock- hart,` L113 gt_-n.nd-da.u of 811- Walter Scott on his marriage wit whom the deceased gen: tlemen ununed the name of Scott, in Addi- thin to him patronymic.-1)a1 ly New: May I. Pianos, Orga.n_s_,_]_Ie1odeons, &c I I 'l`":.. __../ Dun: or Mu Horn Scmvr, Q.C.--Mr J. 1!. Hope Scott, Q.C., died on, Tuesday, after a protracted illneu, having retired from the l:u-nomg ye_an, owing to impaired h..1e1._ '1'- __l, ...-an prozucted illneu, I am he bunome yuan, owin impsired health. The deceased, James Bo rt Hope Scott, Wll tho third of Genefnl the Egg). unng (1 I` H '--4-*- ' ` v uu; unnn AlV|)'l'lll`3K UANARD. In the Toronto Globe of Friday but 3 cable telegram from its London correepoudent s - Jmarccl, unnouiwin in positive terms the {sil- nre of Sir Hugh llsn s nancial o rations for the construction of the Pacic ilwny. The matter not being alluded to in Saturday's Ioronte and Montreal pupere, we preeume ` it muet have been only regarded as Another of those canard: for which our contemporary hu acquired so nnenvinble u notoriet . Indeed, the silence of Saturday's Globe itself would seem to sanction the correctneu of our sus- picion. Had our contemporary believed the statementto be true, he would assuredly have followed it up with n. ourish of trumpets ; but he is silenwwdting, perhspn, the receipt of s conrmatory telefmm from the diasp- pointed nsncier himse !.-QueIm: Gazette. _A --.....-mu, um vnuy vnuucu wan! to locum a line to the Seult, there connecting with the American line. But as seen as he returned to Montreal we find 3 total change in his pregnnnne. And the reason for it In u fellovu. It we: noticed during 3 part of Int year tint mhy chm-gee were Iuule Againet- Sir Goo. E. Cu-tier for op- pueing the interest of the city of llentreul It! Inunortinc thn aw.-o. .4 on. It, - ;:H WM. NELSON. Kingston Station, May 22!`; 1373. mr \.ocxnurn'u bill to re-mljnat repreaenim tiun `in the House received, on mqtxon of Sir John Mwdonnld, the six mantha built on I vote of 59 to 42. ' The House then adjourned until Fridsy It ll o'clock. The bill ruupoctin u aalminia Edward Island as 8 rovince of the was read a third time and pauod Mr Cockburni bill tiulI'1'n Hanna 1-nnmum: ..- - nueremro run through - \ I mm conamonl, wu dilchir ed. ' ' Mr Wilkes Guldnnitha gill. with amend- ments from the Senate, came up at half-put seven, but the hour for private bills was con- nnmcd before the clincuuion onded,nnd the bill tlwrefuro fell through. the mluninioiof Prince Island Dominion :_L_thirl nauod. .. _. - .-.... .. um-. mac lll passed. The regiutration bill sad the Act to unond the Act: rupccting Innnnco Compnnies wen dropped. l1ho order that tno l:louu9'go into Committee I to consider certnin m-........-. _-.._._.,, -- - rupee: to tho acceptance of 3 sum of 81 from the Northren Railway Company, tain conditions, Ml (hnlllnnnrlu-' an .,.:AI | l3h'o Home 0 certain propouedgreulntiotu with t to tho In $600,000 ;$1l1 1eihe_ Eonhren Rail 0 . `being : you, I w:,.wv were submitted and Mr Uuuchon moved an as third reading of the re-dis Debt bill, which vu lost on bill Wll then &nuod on I 4` ; nnyn, 33. Tue salaries and content were ruml n 01.3.4 4:... _-J - we nuance and contested ale were rend A third time snd Ac ranncatina I........_.- 1' ~-- , ,,_.__---w-- fl IIIIII-I`: Hon. M: evin uid in reupogt to the holding of volunteer cam thin year, tlut the question had not been It wan pro- posed to hsvn the drill tponod st head- qunrterl, but in the lfitlllle Province: camp: might be orgsnizod. dilcuuion an-one on the Militia eotimntea, during which Hon. Mr Longevin mad that the intention was not to continua the present system of military ocbooll. upplgmoutgrv ontimu... 4-. LI... -...A-.r - - Lot no we now it fncu d-: not bear out thin View of the case. It will be l'UlIl|s|II- bered that during but Inmmor Hit Hugh npponrod at Peturbnruugln and declared tint he was bound nut only tu build the mnilwny from Ottawa to Toruto, but that npanofthinlinowutoboapart aluo of the Pacic Railway. We know ton that nhortly after his return to Montronl, and `at I dinnor given to hinrthero, he Ipoko uf, qnito snotlur Railway, and thst the Globe thou unused itu readers by giving an ac- count of the wny Sir Hugh was dealing in y. The Ulubeupoko of Sir Hugh : Pnoilic Railway, of. the Guvemmonthc Pacic Railwny, and of nnatlwr railway which wan not either. All this up now per- fectly clan when we make some futtlner dunlopunonu. When Six-Jlugh wan at .Petorburo,'l|in cnly object was to men I Iinn ha an Shnulo o|...-- ----- I syuem or military rsu plonwutn estimates to the m 857,. In mod I y Uuughon amandmm Lu no noun or Commonu, Mr Stephenson stated that the Queen ; Printer was perform- iug his work u be had been for the not live . ' hitting a report of the Joint Committee on Printing was presented, recommending that tendon be asked for the Pnrlinmontnt printing. 0Vin add in -mn.....A. A- LIV Dominlon Parliament. " Uttmvn, May 2l.--In the Senate, the Hon. Mr Mm: herwn asked his questions in relation , to the nciiic Railway survey. 0! whichlw gave notice some day ago. In_ doing am he ulated. that ho had received information from England to the affect that Sir Hugh Allan bud rniled to oat the mm]: of the railway. Hon. Mr Gun bell, in reply, noted that the Government not yet heard that Sir Hugh Allan hnd failed in ontingtho bond:,snd that wlntovor money had been yotal by Pu1ianumt- would be expended in such manner and for tough p_urp_goea :1 it had been son:-onrinlm-I l--- wouuu the expanded in and wet purposes sppropristod for. In the Home of Common, -aw; thnt_tha Quqenil Printer l)erform- Range-max. 59 ; inches. RI` 0-! on an llncnl urlmmvntinna 24 lwuru muling `at N 7:34) 11,111., May 22, 873. I (l;EMlNl)EI{8. Quxulrillu purty in Yicturiu. Music: Hall to- uwrmw ran-si'iug. .l..1.II...-.`l......... ..L II..L..l.-.,._..1.., _ m ,;_,,. u , Qumuu Bm'rmuv.- - l'ho Put-olce an- tlwritiu give notice that uturdny will In ub- uervml an a holiday. l`|w public will do well I to Iualw {I mm 0! it. The committeoon Itroeta are getting the drain on the tide of `West attest cleared out, which was grutly required. We hope tho that will be muadsmizwd I0 that it can be uued by the public. The portion of Welling- ton street adjoining and in front 0! tlls gore wants looking after by mm: person, parties IN! digging holes in it and carrying of tho soda, tethering their horses, ,nrul throwing their dead cats Mid dog! upon it when they have such. The committee should have it graded and mscxulamizod, _u in it: present state it in little better than 3 public nuisance. think that tho Guvornqwm wu ready to give `___i(.|,(XX3,aX), and 50,0(X),000 acre; of land, Iiitod iiimiolf with this company, really believing he was doing a service to the Govonmon: by uoring than this in- pxpomivo say of constructing theailwuy, whose outlet for six Kindred miles, from lulu Superior outivnrd, wuuld be in Cam- Il` " L.uwnv.-- l'ho man Allen, changed with utealing the money from the house of Mr Minna, in to be tried by J alga Burrow: to- nwln-ow morning. -----------o VERY LIKE AN1) l;l_l-ER GANARD; Toronto (1/nlw .l w..:.1-.. :_-L - -' vvv _.._._._ is la:-gut and but snorted stock of Instruments in out Nay Piano. the ....... v nu. . VI 17 `I v v`n.IJlb'o Sslc `of hard ware at Hu4:houon'uon Suturduy. .._...__..__._._._____ Local Weather Import. in mm. mm ...... uyl, 00. election bill! ne uuad. wan, car I tn sea I .,....,.-v. Aloud aar MCJIVHCYI ll Viol- Prcoidont of tho Nurwrn Pacic Railway. Lot no note this fact, for it iooortsin that thio gnmtlomnn would not have made ucri- Iieoo to dotornine the Cnnndiau Gvvemuwnt tu ovnolmot. o. Picilic Roilwoy cm Consdian Meldullon then won union: for nothing bin to bring `riot to his will, in wiping out 3 mol lino and in deciding tho Gonrmnoot to chougo the truck of tho I Pocitic Roilway, and to let it run from Lake ` Superior to Columbia by tho line of the Northom Pacic. The lirot proposal of thooo capitolioto was to thin offact. Sir Hugh Alton, who, an that timo, did not tho ready aim. tun nun nnn _._ n 1.. m... ....,. nu pulled. l'8Pl 8lI\'|v- ved, J; iomouutof ' Cloud Clear. sPE0IAL1`iE GOLDEN uou. ..-_._:__ R~;y`a.1 Arms Cheese, . Cheddar Cheese. W. ll. Jlcllae & 09., IYIIIII nflllslu ruvmg been appointed Agents for this do- licioua bevenge, we no preparetl to an Iy thg Trade at manufacturers prions. Pp .. 1.... W. -R. Morin 5; co., - __v-- v u AQAUJKVJ O A fresh aupfrly just to hand. `Pronounced by conlunwrl to be the best in the market. - Mullen, for any ulditmul light in useful. nu unnunan rncine! In the tint place, ho in n resident of Chicago. In the second place, he in I gentleman who, in connection with other Ynnhoo cspitali-tn, two yearn ago was in almost daily communication with lslinlnlm A. Ilncslonalcl, Sir Fnunais flinch, Uir H ugh Allan and Mr Abbott, with regard to tho cunntrnetion oi the Cnlnuln Pneilie. In the third place, he was in communica- tion with our (lovermuent --n the matter, as the reproumtntivo M W. B. Ogden, oi Ilnicagu and New Yuri ; Wimluw & lamina, of New York; Mr Scum, of the Pcnnnylvnnin Central Rnilwn ; Gum-ml Cut, Praident of the No rn 1'lci'It'r Railway, and "other Yankee railwny wen Ind en itnlintn. It was u the rcprountv tin those men that ho ourruponclod with Mncdonald, inch, Allan and Abbott, nnd it who n such, we usumo, that he ro- ceivod from Sir Hugh Allan the latter: , that ii: John nodreadod being made pub! Right to I dot at far an tho word "Ohi- cngo." All thnt follow: is merely ocu- joctnro, And we are able to prove that so far no the ministry is concerned, there in not one word of truth in the whole statement. Lot in hears little more about this Mc- Wo truulnte from La Minerva: Tho og- ponition with the public to nndarstnnd that In American, Mr Kcllnllon, hu lurnialwd . Sir Hugh Allan with a mm of money, to 1 -Dunn;-Oh-.. cl..- I._-..I_ ,1.` - - Waterldo __.._.__ `neapples, l'ineapplcs ` A FINE LOT Old` Ptwmurm In -4- - - OB INFANTS, INVALIDS, Convales- _ canto, lac. The Royal Food in 1 deli- cnom, ii is, nutritious and aconomicnl did {or chi! ran, invalidu, convalescent: and per- sons of weak digestion. _ It in mail pre- pared, suit: every tutu, digest: rnyid y, and and in rcadil uuimilated. - For an e by W. 1!. McRAE & C()., New Store, Sign of the Golden Lion. _.. . . .._.-...___..... nxon will nluo be uldot above time and glue, the FRAME COTTAGE on Bigot tract, Ad chain; the wove Property, occu- giiog |:y M Glut-oI :t,_ combining in rooms. ,Fnrth,or information may by had no to 12.110 terms and oonditiuu of 81.10, of the Auctio- nepr sad at tho underqignod, or on the pro- mus. I. H. SMYTHE, . Vendors Solicitors. Kinpton, May 22nd. 1873. unmmmng 2% unto Foot, l'|ure are TWO 8'1` NE HOE state of ropsir on u promises. Thou will Also Inc sold at :1 plans. tho FRAME`. mvm-Ar ... unvvuvvll, nvul, BY CHARLES McMl'LLAN', Auctionoor, in: tho reunites, an-to! Lat 250('l`wo Hundred and ilty) an t e Corner of Ulsrenca and Br gotthstruts, in the City of Kingston, knnwq M O ' ` you an the EVERETT PBDPERTY, -. _--cv- --av! _ Havingbeen gcioul bovcnne, trretmnul I1: .......|.. WILL BE SOLD BY PUBLIC AUC- TION, on , ` Wednesday. 28th of llay ._ In _n,,, , _._ --...,. ........ -nun an sum or strengthen the hand: of the niniutry upon the Puilic Rulwsy question, and that Sir Hugh wrote to llcullsn tlut the money |...| 1...... ....n ._.I :4 - AU5'l`1?jiI ' SALE Valuable Freehold Property ._..`-...._.__......_._..__-.__..:.._.......__ .. Robinson's Prepared Barley TUSTAAIIRIVING. FRESH. and 4.. .-......I May 22. I The Man with-Ee: Silver Home I MINs'_r_zELs:l a..I.vL JILCUJUDUJ D lJll.'It1lU.CIv'y9 This Office will in open only from 7:30 5.141., until I0 mm. The dnfy Mail will he clcmml at 8:30 mm. The Night Mails will be closed an mum! at 9 pm ` I! lm'Arvnn.1 Monday 26th-;f: May, 1873. Harry llolvinsows T01 TY HALAIL7 , v K"-we-. May 22nd, ma. /,- ..._.-v.. nu 5 AU UIILULI l'US'l' ARRIVING, FRESH, order. jll EOIIF OX tne WW. all inlonnntxon may be obtained from Mr John Mndio. olicitor, Clarence Street, who bin been Ippuiutod A nilor at Kin ton. ' J. HE IRT MAR!) 6 TI: Anmrunnnrr.---8ir Jolm Icdn)ll-' Ah! gnu tho Home to understand ymuralny `tho! Pnrliamenl. would I: mljoumod am Friday until Wednondny, (ha mun! August. nan. when it will mc-rt, but nut fur the- trnuution at Lu..incu. TIC CIIIII Pal II` IIK In` and Savings` oclety. M ( 011 ! TAL 81,600,000.) I ENDS MONEY upon the Security of `Fun and City prayers and makes .4. nice: to the holders 0 muting mortgage. upon the most favourable terms to the burrow. or both 1: to the rub ol interest mm] the ra- ps mum: of the ull inlnnnmtunu Innv `I-m nhf.a(nAJ 6...... ll- 'l'IIg_a___1y>mL icon, `An - . -1. I, - -, N, _ nul vucrlillll OF PINEAITLES for 1 cheap. r y. nu. Put` Olfwcs, `Kinptom, Msy 22ml. 1873. ll. DEACON, ` lbutmuuar. mad the 21.: of My, 1373. VATURDAY the min i 9 ANNIVERSARY of 311V Ii IA cheap. Heir` "Li;j$jr' Birthdy. Ml mom will In. no... ....I.. 1...... -1.04; - - Who in thin Molfullon, who mu on such conldcntunlly corresponding terms with Allan and Abbott that the lomucr told him I Ilia plum sail intrigues with r d to tho Csnuliau Pscic! In the lint p , Chicago. In than nu-.....n Q / I, !'l' and in game! order. ` w. 1:. McRAE a 00., New Store. : Post {mice Notice. S 2.30 nnqiu nu NEW STORE. AT 12 o c1.oc|_:, "E7601, Itiia an in--- .-_ NJBW STORE. 0 `NEW STORE. N EW STORE. W. R. Mcl{AE & 00., New Store ~Golden Lion.` - A ables tclegnun In) : that tho body of III: George E. cfnrtier has won embalmed. Tho fuucnl will take plncn in Lumlml on tlloh inst. And the hmly will be dum- patclmnl too thin country by 3.110 utoauu-r which leaves Livurpunl ml the ,i{.Z32'K' ' '1-L'i'.'.'r' KK'i S'"e3 J. ms nu` MAS!) Soeretuy & '1':-sun Torn: `Wheat Whiicey. lllt tn `nan:-I '9---n ~-- imam. being the my _ uu I"! 110140, General Agent. LL uououv Hmw . gg avrimdhgr;-gm -.-' I.- ` 1 `:`%2'.,.a... New -II` " ittol . N uofmuazs rvh ` rnhvnlinhtt. g my-.;.~;x,:'-=-$~ hv ....m|..1 zhgurlu uni . The entire noun ,9 Japanese Poplin: to ho 75 Drew Patten: A LlI:l0I Lnmr. ~--The L Tina Eh :- < Alla a uyxenum A-u SILK MAN 1'LE VELVI On hum . nnging in price mm 75 value as can be found in Also Sylndid ' any Mun-ua vmjr Plain and 0014 May I9, 1873-. fmcnmomi L'APL`. IENGLISI 1'11-1x Boom`-'uId -1` chmkrlany mama fuel inolincgvfalll :`17Iiz.JV:i.1LT2?EF.v).vi;, "1; '" $37. 0 T t ' actor ` G `Pgy "readers, to II the will but (mine until Hm I SILKS All) I [A8 1:ECEIV_ED '19-` b I 1 VI` nl May mmu`lI %7U?hc""giai1g flm. My 22, 1931:. ` ATHENIAJ M JUHN MILL I 1. cm. or .. -.. .......- uyull we IIIDJOOI. Afternoon of the 24th of . (hit (Luv -...4 . . m no llcllugn well nd duly placed for thin This Mr McMullen it Via- nf III; fns-IL...-.. D.-'- r" """-'v nad ligh -ml!-..-A A "-59 um tlq E1, NA )'_;2. Rlight Ill: .1 -.| l` .1 Io 5,053 ` foo" udi . in v Hamilton Buuwu.-Eu-ly in July, but not till then, u `not show under the management of Mr P. T. Bonnm. tho um-l.l ......-.-.x -L-m DllCIATI0l.--Th8 old English burying around in losing deaecntod by horses, cow, and pig: entering there, and rooting up tho plants and trees. We hope the proprietor: Of thou animals will use thnt they are at lent hpt out of the p-Iveyud. -....... ,.....=.u., auuu-neon. The corpse pra- Ientod the usual nppeonnce 0 been 3 long time in the water, `uni there Wu I large cut on the back of the head which gnve rice to suspicion of foul plny. Medical exnminstien, however, showed that` this might have been got in falling into the water, and the jury returned a. verdict of accident ally drowned. Mr John shew was coroner. f one which has l TII Dnowxlu MnI.--'I`he inquast'on the body 0! Uluneghnn was held in the Pqlice Oiao yeuterdsy afternoon. The of 1: as lame tiny but -1 n.- 1.--: ..,- - IInuo|u1r1o:r.~-Sovornl families arrived at the Ilmnigntion oico per the Grand Tmuk Railway thin morning. They were puuenger, by the Nutnrian, and uy they had a. very pleuant puaago ncrou the Atlnntic. - _.... -n-nwn 1uJ\L'|. Iuuvx .- 1 I8 temperance people of Nspsneo Are organizing an excursion pa 1- the steamer Pierrepont to Bellevillo on the 17th of June next. _._;............-~u.uuwnn. mung |`;Il l HCFCOI "yesterday. we coulxluut refrain from admir- ing the two new hamluuio ntouu hunscI,orect- ed by Mauro Ii. & J, Unrdilier, and taunted by Mr Scnyturo and Mr J . (J. Clark. They a decided Acquisition to the luiiduonie building: in thst quarter of the city, and as we stated some time ago, are provided with every accommodation Ami convenience. When the nets! fence in front in ninhed, it will b0 dillt M ztch thnon in I(:....-L-.. `I _e.-. ac-vc nu int ll match them in J The Uuawu '1'}/nu think! it mu-4|. h.1.v- been grutilyiug in nu: part} Iutlioml/4 to roam Mr Mackenzie and all liiuiollowing voting for h'up:L- rate Schools '1' What. a pity Mr Blake was not in the Holue! The (110./14", however, under- nuuulu the whole question, and it sucii simply ' that Minister: have been put in :1 box." It: triumph over thin Iunttcr can hardly be more than very uhurt lived, '-nIIn:` I- I..:._.. l-- ` L,,-...., -... .."uuuuuy nu am not. Any Vvte mat will place the Government in n fulu poutwu in heartily welcome, no nutter huw much ne`s_tIol1 of principle it may mvulvu. so my: the Ottawa Ti/nut. ,,,__ __-_... .- ...-uuvu In: m-uugnz LO II-Iyport wpurua wlwoll. The cuunw uf Mr surton nought whave annulus pang Lu the (/lube : wnLngjem:o, but apparently it did not. Any place Uuvurum.-no. in . t..a.... .. ....m .- as-uluy. u. can ;uut.ily the vote of the Opposition onMr (}onm'gsu'u mo- fwn, tlwugh it cannot. be brought to cuunu: M M.- _v.:......... ' Hon. L. Huntington, an ex-Solicitor-gem (ml, at Q. U. and an honnmnblo maul, in I made the catlpznv to tire the dutard shot: jtgullllt the interests of the people of Cilllr du. And the Ulube in his willing Ally,` and all the Grit: uy--Alum. I --_, _..... ..'u unuulnylwsl to be the dupe: of 3 ring of Yankeo specu- luturl, who first tried to reduce our Unna- -lian Railway to is uinnplu outlet for their own ; and, when they were disappointed in thin, strove with night and nuin, ta ruin the Uanulntn Government, and the Rail- way which can alone consolidate the power at the Dominion in one homogemwul whole from the Atlantic to tho Pacic. And tho ex-Solicitor-genm It'll n I` I` -"J ' _ ._ Tntnnnucz ExcL'Iuuox.-- l'he gemperance -eonle Human mm m-.....;.:.... ... ......._..:V - ..-_ 7' ._- -uv ; n_vAuI nauw with eyes wide open. all: by a r nu", . .....l ...I._.. Al _HL:1_mnuI.--SnTunt.erii1` ` 'UUt(l'd.lI.V_ Wu 1-nnlnl n..t ....l .,.. .. nuuway on Uunadiuu toil. But a day of rockoning is coming, and it will then be found that tho nun who are now condemning the Ministry for having been the rocipionu of American gold, were really the patriots who for the sake of de- .u-oyini the Pqcitio Railway, willingly ma allowod thenmylvus dune: 1. riuu nf V--Inm --~- ' _, ...... -rJvvL IN um- nttnck n! the Yankee cnpitnlisls. ll thuy would not get the Cmlmliull Piwitic us :1. branch of their line, they could then at- tempt to destroy it all together, and for this purpose theyfurmulateil their charges cuigefplly mixing the tire schemes, and thus he-ping to break up all eppesitiun to the monopoly they hoped Le enjoy. AIul'wlm.t a luuly position the Reform papers occupy" just new in thus attempting to support .1 ring of Yankee speculators, who tried to get the lend and money grant for l.ll6(.'all2IAli1tlI reed, end still make it simply is centimm- tien of their own. We can understand the Yunkees' chegrin at losing a prize which they might have had between their ngers, only thst the Canadian Ministry steed tinn for is Ccmudiun Railway Canadian I condemnimz :1... Mi-..o.... :-_ -V - -- 1-vvtr won IJIIIIWII um rnilwuy nclusmcs. w.. . ---..... av navnurviu I0 zulupl. lhn ministry, nml hence Ilia c lluo IUtRt0l;Il`It luv did at the R quot, no that he could not .D.....I ll--~ * " ` , - -'- I care in rundiug Muntrual |nm- uothztt bu miaumlm-. -mood. Hem-aatoolho pollmr into which the Globe was thruwu to n-comzilu hi gliffur- milwuv lcllmnml 0 The Ulobeia autudy. It on of tin. n.......:u.... _-. "\- ,, H. -1-: AUCI UIIUIII Pacific to light the battle against him .' E Now what duo.-u this prove ! Simply s ( thin, that uptutho time when Sir Hugh 1 -lulm-mimscl to cut him cmmcctiom with thn i 1 Northern Pwilic. ho In-rlmd with nll his 5 .4 might to have the lims cuinxlriictul via. Ut- tum, I'nw-rborough, and tlm Szsult, thew " to wlnwct with the uorthurn Pacic. And ' his journey went last hummer vvu only is " part uul parcel of that plan. But nding I I` that the miniutry would not And could not 1' adg;t__l_1_i| ichml, hv fuuml rczwoii after his j; I return to Monti-on! to adopt the views uf , minintrv mul l.....,._ I.:.. ...i_ : - . . |'IY'V [rut lllill att-ave-|'s Yankee .... IA ..,.L A that money has not been uble to carry over as single cannurvutivu to ihu interutu an! the Northern Pacic. all have wrouglit with ad! fheir might (Iu'Jmrur,mruf) against the Northern Pacic, All have had an :1 watch- wirtfill the ulnctuml cmm-ml : A l uci_/ic Rtilwuy Url Cumuliuu fi"ri!u:jy alarm, and yet the uppapsition wish it in be boliovn-d - thsair (non wow bought with the Inumsy off this Vice) President at the Northern ' N-.. ...I__. .I, I .. ..i....I.. ---r - pllninly the object a Inna ......;a..n-.- It ahnng Earl ntreot Aft-gin In`... _.I----'-- .. ..u-ucu, . Kingston. jultify 'r (:....r..'.....'.. ..... :1: nor rt. fund ......-.. _ It ' ' -v-U an ill L showman, wt vf Hm ` um, I _ Pom.-2 Cou1rr-Thcn wan ion the court thin morniq. Wind -ouch, tmh. ' ; ......... Up--8chn W. Y. Elry, Ly: fnyctte Cook, Britinh Lion, ltl barges Dnthrop, John Mark, 1 bu-qua R. Gukin, pup BI-into] `I I-I-...:IA.-_ l-A- - -. ....... l Port Colborne, May 2l.-I)own: Schrs. Mediternnesn, Toloiln, Kingston, corn; Pee - lou, Cleveland, li_a.milton, coal ; Axime Craig, Bay City, Clayton, timber; Mary G1-`over, Cleveland, Toronto, coal ; Valenti e, Toledo, Kingston, com ; E. 1 . Don, Tol , King- ston, corn ; Csmbrin, Toledo, Kingston, tim- ber; prop Georgian, Toledo, Monti-ul, gen f _ , ,,,__ _.__- ..... .... 5-uuw In wgl, cmetly from this State. It may be added that very many experienced lumber manufacturers have condence in the success of the undertaking, among whom the Timed name: the Menu Ferry, of Grand Haven, W. B. Ogden, of Qhioage, and Capt. E. B. Werd, of Oswego. The result of thin experiment will be watched with interest by all iutcreeted in the lumber trade. .......u...-;., n. 1., unarlee J. ,Connoll, and Gen. J. n. Lodlie, of Now Yorlr, the special partner. Their experiment will be conned to timber: of usual length, Inch 3: sun reqnir- ed for bridges, roofs, etc. , Anethor nn,viz., Maura Cook, Purdue & Uo., have rented land and twenty acres of boomuge on the Calumet River. They will Iopn begin the construction of I mill with I cspncity of 20,000,000 feet I year, and will raft all grade: of logs, chiey very .,.......,.. llll um purpole, and early the [int faltu will be started for $11 that vicinity. One of the rms is I of Gen. Charla: Fitzsimmona, for: n . . - ..... .- u nus:-uv. Chicago, May I6. Cleared --Schr Queen of the Lakes, Kingston, l4,970 bushel: wheat; nchr I). (E. Ford, Kingston, 23,233 bulhelu wheat; prop Fast, Goderick, 12,419 bushels wheat, 4,l03 bushels onto. . The Chicago Timu new states that this year it has been determined to make a thorough trial of the pouibility of using the rafting system on Lake Michigan. If successful it will nulmtantinlly revolutionize the lumber business at that paint anal reduce lmgely the revenueu of the marine interut on Lake Michigan. Two iii-nu have been organized in Chicago for this humane. mu: nun-Iv ;.. 1..-- _._._ which III UIIIIU wini bu; -sircua can city or composed formerly of Rochester, N. Y., Charles J. ponnoll, Lodlie. New V...-I. n... .-.---u- -uvvuuvd UI IIIIL` M iclugan. Tm H... I:.... a...n,. ...:I wlnyzus. Uloarcd--'l'ug Wren, .l"im-.h, lnnn l...uI...|_ ._L A .. _,_.- -. ......., -nnuvalltllllll, I1 p--1-Ivy `ICC-CII I117. Holcomb and b'tewnrt s wharf ~ArI-ived: Mar, Fox, Picwn, 2,000 bun-helm peas; sch, Northumberl.-nul, Kiucardinu, I-1,300 buuhelg, wlwzus. Ulonrcd-~'l`uu Wm... ...:n. |,., - ....,..... ununlul--l|lg vn-en, with .l inch, 19,1300 bushels wheat; barge 12,600 huidlcll wlumt; barge Snipe, buuhell Wheat. 1u_:-, ll " "` Montreal Trsuportotion Company : wharf --sch: Gar:-vtt Smith, Milvsuko, 'l5,200 bualnelu wheat; sch: Dnn Lyonn, Uhiugo, l8,466 bushel: wheat. Clu.n1-tng Glido with live bu-ges- Lorne, 15,170 Imnhialn wheat; Uuulort, 10,400 bushels wllont ; Flint, 7% Iuuheln wheat ; St. Lmvreuco, 9,500 bushel` wheat ; Cayuga, 18,466 bushel: wheat. Maura James Swift & Um : whar(-'I`he The prop India mad the steamer Uonicnn pu- nul down ; and the prop Bruno and steamer Magnet passed up. Huh-nnnh and o.........u. MI r . nlv yuvyvuer AIUUE counplction, anal will be I harbour in a. law days. lfnuhlnu-.6 ----I ll--1 5 -..u -u our-. The final srrsngemeut made was that Mr Bridge: would commit with Mr Hunnalord, the engineer, in to tho propoiml vvorlu, and would submit hi: propunl to the Mayor with- in a week; And At the nine time, he would communicasto with the director: of the King- utam and Pembroke Railway, with respect to the changes Inked by them. _ l'ho deputation then returned to the city, and oxpreued themselves In highly pleased with the women. reception they land receiv- ed at tho hunda of Irlrlirydgea. _ . ..._ ..-,,........uu wry ouuru-ously, Mu] the , l party at once proceeded to examine the pro. ; posed routes. The above psrty, which was juiuctl by Colonel Fr:-uoh, got into cabs, sud ciruvu along the dilfurent points in the pro- juuto-l lamp lim-. The party went and exam!- 5 meal the proposed oluuigus oi the Kingston ' uml Poiulnroko lisilwuy at the Tote du l uut llzwmclss and the Market Battery, and then I wont along Ontario and King stroetu up to ` Uniun utreet, and out an far All the I -niton. tinry, and then by the road leading pmrth in front of tho Crystal l n|ncc. 'l'he party ntop. [Mall nt several places, and examined lunrc tlnuruughl, the various routes suggested. Mr Nash had with him plans of different routes the various sdvsntagos he pointed out ss they came to the different plsecs. The plrty then retnrnedto the city by the Beth Rosd snd Princess street, to the Depot. ' After arriving at tho station, Mr Brydgvg expressed himself an very favourable totho construction of .1 brsneh line, and the bringing moi the passenger station to the city. He would do what he could to further the project consistent with his duty to the Grand Trunk lailwsy. Several diiculties might arise, but it present he could see no very great ohjec. tiuus. Une thing wa_:s sppsrent ~it would lengthen the journey between Montreal snd Toronto by thirty or forty minutes, as there would have to be s slower rate of speed main- tained in running through the city and across the streets. rsn : ..-u . |:IuIll'IU lSlllW8y. M r Brydgml, who wan ncuunpnniod by Mr Hpiccr, Suporintumlcnt of the Grand Trunk Kailwny, nml M r llmmsfornl, lIlK-iDOGl',`l'I5cOiV- ml the deputation very (rnurtrouuly, and the , party ma: nruumulml la. .-....:.... 51.- -..- llnrlne News. The propeller Africa in Int m.u.l..H,... .....I ...:n L, W- I 4 .-......wu nun nmmrolw Railroad, waited-on C, J. Hryulgcu, E4q., in or-her to uoertsin bin views as to than practiunbility of removing the pauengcr station of the Grbnd Trunk Kailvuy into the city. The deputstion con- uiued of his Worship the Mayor, Aldermen `Hullinn, W. Rohimon, Dremum, Price and initial Mclutyro, rep:-uont_iug the City Goun- cil ; nml Momma John Fruor, John Braden, ' M. Damn, '1`. DJWIOII, Directors, anal Mr T. W. Nash, engineer, representing the Kingston 1 and l'em|n'ake Railway. ' Mr Brvdum. uh- .. ----------- -=-7' ` " " I use nmgp I4llIc. On \Vedncml:;y .ufLcrx'mou 3 ale.-yutntinn, can` uistingof the cmuunitteo of the City Council and :mother rcprewutiug this Diroeton of the Kingston and ['cmhruke Railroad, the (Inna 'l'-m-I- ..,,,.......-..u at on ueorge the June I872, that they went in a body to Ind him. Sir George eenaented to explain the reaeon of his conduct. He inlutlued them of the oer that had been made to the Government e! a combination of the American Pacic, and the Canadian Pacic, and he added that all the member: pf the llovemmcnt would fall before they would consent to it. Our lriende who had had an interview with Sir Hugh, and who knew that he would undertake the Pacic Railway it the Government ivould make the ` naaeaeary teraiagbaaunn -1- o- ----- _ ,,-_ -. ,-.....wu, unu `heir I s, ,Anot.bor _ C41,. luv. -...4...I 1-- u 'l`HE DAILY NEWS-THURSDAY EVENING. MAY 22. `T`'`" `'00 lo prisoner: `T 7"" '40!!!` ldnrl. Ileunlav 107......-....... - - ----v - -vvvnl v-.nuII:I:Il Ill purpose, and early in June ill bu Itlll'f..'ul lm. LI.-L _:;._. 6.---Clearcd ston, wheat - I 1, bushel st, mall nntn :3 approaching u rqdy for leaving the ,_____,-. .- , upoped o : :ton y, to

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