Kingston News (1868), 22 May 1873, p. 4

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ma uxuu upon Ur. r candidate, while the have unitml n...... n.. 'r. ya novel: had his prospects, a `quoted some 1-..- . Do Keven hzul hil hl-nnnnnla .. vuun uni: DUI/Illll sments at the ad and would .rist present in l of bread- And {III tn nnu kn- sla tir- no naa Wall, L rematl: muy, had l3'For further particulars plea the window. 15 CENTS 20 CENTS hotilcllloloneulanoi 5015 llfbecomi r .. lgphr intliil partof the Dolnmon u wjltlt r \ :r-n` ?ngVry iuoceu, we are yours, 1 ya, ya A.y,Cllllll'l'lI & C0.. Chemint. 1 Bottles Usually sold for l0 CENTS Dozen Bottles of First Class Per. umeryt to be sold for HALF PRICE. Also a large lot of Hair Oi`, Eau de Cologne and Toilet Soap at the same rate. ls. ollowm ha sows . aAME$:_Ai%p1in BnAunnAM sl nu rnce liocentx per bottle \VH()Ll`}SAI;E AGENTS unrepresented Districts. Address (1 rm/an I\; meuxgs Herman B:-cf Extracl: Uu., of burg, all other Extr.-wt of an inferior 4 have been put an the marker. Sold by all Hotel keepers, Grocer: Druggiuts tlnroughnut Canada. mt Price 60cents bottle. A(`.l~2N'r.~: umxm-u mum properties are suliicient to sustain the body without the addition of solid food. It is now recmnmended by the Faculty in prefer- unce to anything else as the best remedy for ()UNSUMl TIUN, GENERAL DEBILITY, LOSS OF AI- PEl`l'1'E, LOWNESS OF SPIRITS, INI)lGES'l`II)N, DYSPEPSIA, LASSITUDE, Jw. No article has yet been discovered that is so effective in all cases of failing health in the old or weakness in the young. This preparation is not only the heat, but it is the alien t Beef Extract offered to the public : T O 'l`ABLE`lPOONlUL being uuicient THREE TIMES A DAY. . Great cnrg should be taken in purchasing the LIQUID BEEF EX l`RAU'I`. See that the bottle contains: the German Label and Uertil'i- date fro l rof.-ssor Wagner, of the University of \Vurtzhurgh, and tlut it is prepared by the liiebig s German B:-cf Ham- ` of an im'...;.... ,.....I:--- Ottawa, 0i|:., Nov. 25, 1s71_ My .D`ou-Su,-VVc have much Ig..u'e in inlornlng you of 3 lap de (0, your 00-9--I! 31"? 0! Hypo?!-0-pl-itu, 1...; . we hcuoxoolhnt nooom_:tn from those who 1;: it. Sun: of our phyllclllll` who are ncqu.-`int. ed with in V-In-,b1, Pmpeyeu counidor it . host nlinblo medic-mo ; no It in fat becoming an no-nlnp in thin Imrtnf the Ibn-ni..:.... __ , me am: health-giving pr0pcrti,c8. H THIS IS THE UN LY ()()NDENSl<`.D BEEF `PHAT DOES N()'l' .l`EQUll{E COOKING UR WARMING. It was gspecially m:mufn.c- tnrcd under the direction of BA RON VON [.1 E316, before the FRANCO-PRUSSIAN _V_\ _AR, for the German soldiers. In fnv-iv n---- uuuur cue urccnon of 1 Fl{ANC( VVAR, lities are much greater than t .-my ordinary Specic or Appetis-4 tritivo properties suliicient boclv the a.l.Iie.'.... ..c ...1` Liquid Extrzuzt of Beef AND TONIC INVIGORATOR. ) ESlI)E.\' tlne(`um1-used Beef prepared from the best parts of tho zuninml, the prepa- mtion contains quinine, l'e-ruvian Bark, and numerous herbs and roots gruwn for their to- uic and health-giving ()()NDlv}N'Sl<`.n RF`.l`,l'` May 14. mum provcu wum me as valuable as youra. To the medial profesaion, and to the public, l would especially rccmnmcml it as the bent remedy with which I am acquainted for the successful treatment of the large and constant- ly increasing class of cases of over worked and non ve-exlnausted women. ' Yours truly, N. WA'rKvN Bum, M.D. R. 'i{EEL|li`b' ELIXII`. UF PHU l`IIA'l`E:a' and ()alisay.1-~After having used your Compound Elixir of ] lu)sphn.t(-.5 and (falisayn for ovclgtwo years in my daily practice, I must give it my 1nIqua.lic(l appro- hnl.im1. During .1 practice of over twenty _y.1rn, I have uaccl umny scientically [vI'cp:n'- ml com miinxls, Inzulo to full the sauna tlmm- In-ntica indications as your elixir, but none of them proved wizhme ml mI.mI.I.. .. ........n In-uucru nmlcalzlous elixir, proved with valuable th_: _me(llra.l uublia_ 1 greatest rovivalist of the age I" and, on all giving it up, said. Be- cause at the end of every aerunon there is a great awakening." (hum 91-.` 41...... ...... .A._.I, -' - D- .._.. -uv uonuulus. Corn and Hour are staple articles ; but not Inoreao than Johnson's Anodyno Liniment, wlncro known, It is good fur children or mllxlts, for any intcmal soreness of the chest or lmwels, and the heat Pain Killer prepared, under whntuvcr nmnc.---A:/Iv. -:J ......wun-1.: 1 urn! ULCL. That was a good, thrmgh rather .1 severe, pun, which was made by an Edinburgh stu- dent, and he wag not one of tho brightost of the class either, when he asked : Why is Prof-s|or--thc greatest rovivalist age and. all uivinu it nn ....:.a nun ties ol ten or non "provide competent conduc- tou. They will give you n ticket round the world for 81,050. They propose to take one hundred sndsoventy-ve American teachers to Visnno. via Gleogow, the Scottish lehoe,Edin. huljh, London, Antw , Brusoels, Cologne. and Hnnieh, then home through Switzerlnnd, ` the country from Zurich to Geneva. thence to Psris, beck telnndon and bone, altogether s trip of nine weeho, more or less, (or, you gold, which inelndes lnree, hotel- keeping, etc., s.ll of the iii-st-class. The expenses outside of this contrect need not be lion then .25. Another temptation olfered lay tlio Cooke, in n very neat brochure entitled, "Up the Nile by Steem a trip of twenty-one deys from Cniro,for nhont 8200' including everything. Their tour! in Pn_les- tins are wellknown. They are nine mapping out this country into ton:-I, sod threaten us with quite on invneion of Cook s British tour. `ts this summer. In short, they send the traveler, singly or by hnttnlioue, All over the -world, beating down prices for him to the lowoot point, jnbhering pelyglot for then who enuinnnal but one glot, inunring decent treat- nmt, and in general lling the pooitisn of guide, philosopher and friend. A large party to Ireland, Seutlnnal, England, Belgium, the Rhine, Switzerland, Bavaria, Germany, Ant trin, the Tyrol, ltnly, France, &.e., will leave New York by the Cunard stunner Sunerin on Saturday, July I2, end intending would do well to eonoult "Uooks Advertiser" ltolore making their nrnngemento, and by de- ing so save money. : nu M31 uw npponmuent of the various oicers fur the ensuing your, the brethren n.4ljonrn- ml to the banqueting hall, where a nnmlncr of toasts were given and responded to.- Lundunderry Sentinel. 'l'|.nb ....... .. .__.x .1, u .- Muonric _Cx1umoxv.--0n Wodnesdayl ` night sn intercstinr cm-enmny took place , at the Freemasons Hall, Great Que_en- ` street, Eondun, it being the grand fez-trvsl of English Freemasons, and the installation 1 of the Right Hon. the Marquis of Ripon as [ Most Worshipful Grand Master of English Masons. 'l`hore were representatives from all the principal lodges in the motto olis, and from lodges in the provinces, an, the effect produced by the display of jewels and regalis was dazzling. The customary Ma- sonic honours were paid to the Grand Master on his entry, and, on taking his seat on the throne, he was supported by Urs._ Earl of Limerick, Colonel Burdctt, Lord do Tabley, and .'\l)n_llt 300 other bru- thren of eminence in the crnft. After some formal bllHlll(`.`lS, the Right Hen. the Mar- quis of Ripnn was duly installed in the chair as Grmnl .\ wii the usual `Mn- zsunio mlutsttiuns. The Most \Vorshipful Grand Master returned tlmuks in an alzlv and telling speech, and (:0ll;.; l`:ll|Ilnl.eIl the brethren upon the present flourishing con- dition of the craft, for `it might truthfully be said that at no former period in its his- tury had it possessed so many members as at the present time. The Most Worshiplul Grand Master concluded by appointing the Earl of Ca.rnnrvun:Ls Deputy Gmnd Master. After the appointment of the various I0 Olllllnlv vnnr Hun l-u-`.91.-.... -.1:........ 34- X l'?*`,'_ GREAT SALE _-(II?_ .__.._. _._.__ ..__ _._j__ __ ___j-" SF_"EV_C-iAL_ 7_jl_l0TlCE. A LARGE STOCK OF GENUINE AND N0. 1 of Perfumery G. GORDON, Jr. C0,, M ontrcal. _ ` J - -_-.. V...-, nvuul II? All their u-nngemcata, gt a charge much less than the and rates. We were speaking to a `cations: yc-tordsy who had made the tour a tb Qlllllt Cf Elu-Inn}-. ..... -1 In, .. . . I an U1V5, MARTIN'S BLOCK. :- u:1J.V uU- ICIEUSUIAN m Its tonic_qua.- `ter those found in Appetir-er, and itu nu- lition solid fnml It in Now selling for 5 CENTS. 8 CENTS. ] 10 CENTS. 13 CENTS. 20 CENTS. 25 CENTS. V OR 5 CENTS. WANTED, in Grocers, and JI nam- ` quality L conntan Drug Store.` AN IEL MCINTOSH (V-etennsry-'-'-r Surgeon I D Graduate of the oxiemo Verterinsry Col: lege, Toronto. Oice, City Hotel, Kingston. - uuol. umws OTEJ.-cannot be ex- B celled by any Home in the County. Proprietors, Kingston, 8th April, 1873. __________.____ Albion llotcl. Wutpont. GEO. JEACLl.7_'., PropI-iator. _Fu-It-clac/I March 28 ____. - .__., ___-_ _..__..__.. Stirling llouse, Stirling, county of Hastings. 4 FIIKST CLASS HOTEJ.-cannot _ex- bv gnu "Alton 5- 4`-A ...--uu yu-uraay who had the 0! continent of Enropo in one of Mr Cook`: W0 `I. infllflhd III AL-` ,II -- ....uuu uuwl, -8|` premises, wit]: their they are prepared 1 favour them with th able accommodation, The Table will 1... - auu: IUCUIIIIIIOLISFIOD, Table will be selections in the tn fuminhed with the Ciggrn. Good Yard Inpa- . Albion Hotel, ORNER of PRINCESS and MONTREAL 0 S'l`lEE'l`S (formerly the GERALDI HUUsE).-- l`hc progrictors having leased the above Home], -are now retting` _the urcmiseu. with _I..;.. ...,.n 1.--- - - NSURANCE Agent, N: 'conntant, &c. Oice ` Drug Provincial llotel, Gnnanoque. BIKUPH Y, 1 ROI RIE'l`Ol.-Thia First A, Chas Hotel is centrglly located in the mniuesa part of the town , in view of the. fhouanud Islands of the St. Lawrence, and in dose roximity to the Fishing and uutin .:'.oun( s. 30" Good Boats and Oanman sf ` an s in attemhnce for Fishing Parties. ay 23. ` . International Hotel. OS. I75 and 177 Main Street, Br: L Un`a.-Jo1m JELLY, Jr. , Prc Free Omnibus to and from the boats a.` Uauriages for parties wishing to visit 11 interest can he secured at the office. Ulass Livery attached. M ay 27. Anglo-Amen-it J)l>lNSUN AND UN Kingston, Canada. E. MILSAP dc Albion Hotel, MI] [4 HI N AU K Ens, M: O I ` * ,1 u.u>....._..:-I II _ . Anglo-American llotel. UHNSUN UNTARIU STREETS, J 5 00., Proprietors. Jllll-sI;., Stlrlln;- . UH Manager. 9 Commercial Rooms. Good Yards and `italoliug. March :m .4 Feb. 26, I873 V ` mu 1 L\.l'1 1 U W 1` , U'1'1'AWA. --Tlli8 house (J is entirely new in every respect, havin been enlarged, retted and reiuruished this season. 1"irst-class Sample Rooms and ample accommodation. Uumibuses meet all train: We have received 1 copy of this poriodicsl. pululiallod by Cook, tho wall-known traveller or touriat. Mr make: up psrtiqu for any part of the world, pay: their billn, looks After 3 {[3111 than n-nnl ._A.. In, ' acanuu. urn-cums sample K0: Umnibusesx and boats. Q `l'\ A 11:14: n ` 1-: w- cut van. ATE OF LONDON, England, Hammo- pathic Physician, Surgeon, lac, Uice .md Residence removed to Wellington Street, nearly opposite the Post Oice. Ualls in city nr country, night or day, pmmptly sttendcd J. JABV18. M1 ;1; an Inna. Residence and 015739 :-- lJumble's lock, Wellington Street, Kingston. J uue 29 . ._ ..-.-um A114] )ANIEL McINTOSH, ' Grad ats nf an n..; Alex. S. lirkpatrick, 11.)l_IN'l`Y UKUWN A'l"]`Ul .NEY and Clcxli ( J of the Pczuzu for the County at Fronte- nzsc, Untariu Street, Kingston, dircctaly/uppu size: the Mdmtrcul l`clcgraph Company : oiu. Kingston, July 19, 1371. s. Mctlamnnon, Gananoque, LERK OF DIVISION UOURT, Natal?-y Public, (Juuveyanccr, Commissioner In .),ueen s Bench, &.c. Nnv `)7 ARRISTER-AT-L`A\V, Solicitor in Chau- cery, &c., Ularcnce Street, between King and \Velliugton Streets. J3Alil{IS l`ER. and Attorney-at-law, So- licitbr in Chancery. Notary Public, tlmivcynncur, 32 King Street, Kingston; Ont. At (Jnua'noquc, over S. McU.'unmun s Drug Store, every Tuesday and Friday. Jan. 14, 1873. Mawdonalcl & Painttoin; ` 1) Al{ll.S"l`l`}l{S, &c.; Trust and Loan Build- } ) ing, uurncr of Turunto and Adelaide 'l.rcehl. J. L. A mgstun. mnuug M are 11' 30. .. ... '1 4-uuencan nugazines is sent with "The Living Age" for 1 year. Littell & Gay, Bwto-, publishers. Tu: CANADIAN Pn':x'r Onrwz Rnwonn for Mly. Montreal, Gearge E. Deebnrate. We hnvo received the second number of thin excellent Inquine, which contains a 151-30 Amount of useful and instructive infor- mation, It should nal I place in the library at every mechanic. Coon`: Excuulonsr for Msy. Cook, Son & Jeulninn. New York and londun. We have nuns-..) - --~ I -- i Edw. ll. Slnytlle. II.A., )Al:.l{lS'l`El{ and Attorney-at-law, Su- ) licibor in Ulmuccry, Uunvcyaucur, etc. Telegraph Uompnnyfs Oice. May 1, 1873. - i ` Ullice, Ontario Street, next door to Montreal 5. Feb. 7, 1873. INSURANCE AGEN: Gilclcrslccvc & Walkenn, K) A ll lUS'I'l'}l u`,4 and Attorne 8-at-Law, (fun- I \'(av:nu-.m-n Nntm-inn Pu-Lin ___-_ _ - ---~_._v.-g mI.I(;;'L`oI: IN ulimlaliv. Ufce Clarence Street, Kingston, Ont. " J. 1 . GI1.m-:r..~4L.ux-zvlc, L.L.B. 1Lwu.u:n '1`. \`s -u.n.nm. u an nu - n . Toronto, April I6, 1872. _ _ . .._..-v-vs.-an 3 IVIIIIFI7 |EMOVED TO MACLEAN & C0'S Drug |, Sayre, Princess Street. Nlav 23. __-...-, _.. navllllo ]: HENRY B. EVANS, M.R.C.S., Lon- don. (Juice, 156 Princess Street. { _________._______ James Dlccammon, 'll.D., MBER of the l{.o_ya.1 College of Surgeons, I: Beudence Oice Tho ill-gone feeling which Inst of. is sometimes: - -..-_... _........,..., l`T0l{.NEY-AT-LA\V, Solicitor in Chau- _ cery, Notary Public, 33 King Street, tgslzun. \ II run I l'4l`u3 am: Alzwrnc 8-31 prcpareu `I50 turnilh all {vho ma)? them their patronage with Init- urmmodation, and at moderate chu . ble provided with the `It us market. The Bar will be ad beat Wines, Liquor: and and Stabling Attached. VVILLIAM WAGGONER, CAMPBELL McMILLAN. Prnnri..h._. , wimp their well-known repaint 2 to furnish who 1 hem patrolman with - _ _____________ Daniel llclntos . I `|l..tx1"r-nnnu-o - - A VETERINARY. now], tin; well-known reputation, pre[`)a._|`-_adA_to_ mav L Dr. Jllaclealfs olllce |\7I..`l\ In]: I] Alli`-In .- _ ,,, ____._,_. I31 . llenry I3. Evans, nnxvnxv 1. `.--. __ , litic-,l{|(:Tt7I;lV ;l`. Gzlllkeln, nilunll `I11 manta`-Ivulurxnnuv ....._-r...-. a .uu\.r.u'm: lu:ruI:l`l-:1; lur April. NOW York L|'I1'I-:u.'.< Ln'x.V: Ai-:.- -'l'lu,- uuubera of Tlu: Living .-\,-.;c" .'iIrc:M|_\' issued in this month have .'.ho ioilowmg uutewnrthy cou- tuutis : A u.-connl paper on Explorations, being In account. of recent imporuult cxploratiuns ma deoven.-s in the Holy Land, from Black- :-aafu Magnzine ; Ln Roqlictlc, `.. -tth .\I.-iy, I871, Mncmill:m`u Maguinc; Muisculsni Strmllgth of In-Iccu, (.3h.'unbeI:' Jon:-na_l ; De- ,,.-osyiug Frio-ndshipa,- Liberal lieview ; Tbc Yonngor Vmo, Contemporary Review; Vene- tian Painting, Westminster Review; Ana.- grlun, Cornhill Magazine ; Shakcspean-`A Funenl, Bhckwood's Hngagino; Byzantine. Anatolia, by W. 1}. Pnlgrave, Uornhili .\la;.:a- l zine; Short Speoches and Curt L'urreupond- ' cues, Uhsml:eno' Journsl ; Lord Ly1.1.m| on the i Age of Murdaseu, Spctltol ; Religious Uur- | pensions in Rune, Saturday Ke\'iew.toguth-r with the instalments of The Parisizim." by Bulwer (lard lqtloli); Innocent, ' by M rs `0liphsut,snd "Tho Proscotts of l mnpl|illnn," by the authorof 'lJorothy Fax," and tho Imus] unout of clfoice poetry and miscellamy. The subscription prico of this uixty-fuur page weekly Iuguino in 3 yen, or for $10 any of the 84 American magazines is uVilll Ana" far A van. I ;.n_n n, :- Jolni I .lTIe;. 012 nt, Notary P us , A ;, accfgeoice over M: Pf:-Inf; '1 ir1.i|}I:nar. ll.A.. ~ Joseph Bawdcn, \r|.1\r Avnr AIIV n .. .. . Int, 1872. _.n}I1In Mug; nu All` r All Jomv A MAmm4ALu, Q.U. .lAmc:4 l'A'r'ruN, (3.0. J` ll! IQWI) DANIEIB, l lUIl`RIE'l'0R. I}E;wj-V puol,uu-aumacanlounyw-at,f _ Ir union of theliver and hesrt. '1'l:'..:e Egrgoy :...- .l.....L-`:';` .'`.:."::.':*.:.'.';**."...W hr ~- . uuuu uvreen, nrockvlllc, Jr., Proprietor. 41 and cars. 3 pmes of red office. A ll'i--it ` SCO l`T, Proprietor wwry rnnnc, Ac- Mr Parker : , pwmpuy sttendc` nyJ. JARVIS, M.l). :J.-cannot ne the {`.mmo.. vun DDIDIOI Hid. re ; a good Com Charges mode- vuuunl anu ample I train: WT" at, Brockvillc, . Pl`0lll'ietnr places 0! A First I Lnu lpwnma neomer having during the winter received lsrge raewdn and ulchtionn will be found unsurpassed in her fur Znhin and general gcegmngpdntion. n 3' --......- nu... seem very uvourablo to Advertising agents convention, and paneit wmewlut. irrcvurcntly tu the 1 tailor. of Tools)" street. 1-..;.A..,.......... A----- r- ' 1 be tound. unsurpassed in oceommodnnn. C. H. FlA'l`f`.l-I uvcuurnllus--Will. xeave nmgston daily At 3 .m., nrrivmg at Picton about 7 p. m., and llevil'e 10:30 .19. Connect: at iegetan with Cape Vincent Ferry Stesmen, G. T. B. Trains East and West, Mail Li ue Steamers for Toronto, Hamil- ton, Ouvego end _Montreal, and Ottawa Steamer: eve? Tuesday and Friday. Thin lpleh id lteomer hsving lame raewdn and ndulzimn I in Kingptqn about 103.111. uon about 12:15 p.m. ' 9 MK Tneadsys, Thursday: and Saturday:--Bel'e- ville :4: 2:45 a.m., Piston at 6 a..m., arriving Bet '--'111 K'ngsto am ea` 3.13., l_;_:_-r1J":_lI1gTI: Pi.:t:1 aiaout ; D.m,...:nd \.l`I'K'a_ WILL`n fol] Picton at 8, in the ino own about 12:15 Tuesdays. Tllnndavz nesdsys and Friday evunns, an :---Mondays; Wed- I-Bel?eville at 5, rning, avflving in King- and ._...A....., nut- THE R. M. I873. 0ttawa.............. ' 8.00 p.m. 12.30 pan. Renfrew . . . . . . . . 2.00 11.111. `3.45 p.m. Brockvillem. . . . .. 1.56 pan. 9.45 p.m. 9" Then Road: are of the same gsnge an` the Grand Trunk, and there is consequently no trsnshipment of Fnight, when in car- t For Ottaw Brockville. . Brockville . ` Ottawa. .. Benfrew _-..;v--1 "I 117059`, IIIFUCI. Tn-cuk.ufnIc.u. Ao\':x`r1.-r:u Philadelphia: M:1cKellu.r, Smith 8: H.\.lut:uu'.~ .\'Iu\.~r.u~r;n [hm mu gularll oceommonntmn. ' C. H. HATCH, Ticket Agent. Kingston, my 14th, 1873. .___:.. '!_I_!_llEB EXPRESS TRAINS DQILY { .____ Poi Ottawav --n.Vu-- Brockvil1e* and` c R A IL W A Y S . GANADA':GENTRA-Li Brockville, May 6, 1873.. unKr{I_TTntf_i__i( RAILWAY. THE Kiifgston and Pembroke Railway _ Company offer for Sale at their oice, Wellington Street, Kin ntou, $00,000 of Cor. poration of the City of ingston Consolidated Uoupon Bonds, in amounts to suit purchaa-; era at lon and short dates. Application} to be made erl an 1011 i Hn.-.Imu-m:/u-I is :2 1vu!ri.-.mun :xuIx1euh.1l nun totlno prucn.-ding, mul pubhslu.-Ii in tho` iutmeuts at a:lI'ertiae}n and puliuiwrs. Tin- e-liton ulou't seem very favourable to the `hkdwrtiaing tour] um-nit ........-.x.-. ;__ N -- ,1_ van Sale by $300,000-City of King-- ston_ Bonds. V V `HE Subscribers hereby give notice that Hiram A. Calvin has been admitted as partner with them in the business conductc-1 1 under the name, rm and style of Ualviu.& Breck, at Garden Island, Otitnrin, and of 1). I). Calvin & Co., Quebec, in the Province of Quebec, the name of which firms will continue the same as formerly, an above mentioned. h In tVA1\"r1\7 U TC ply to L L Street. Oct. 24. J. L. Macdonalcl, l..lD.S., DENTIST (successor to Dr. Day) No. I56 l rTnceas Street, Kingston, Ont. ()l"llCE HOURS frum 9 A.M. tn 5 l'.M. From 9 to 10 A.M., on Fridays, devoted to the poor. ~ - .,__- ..-, ._- _- .... F M. CLARK, L.D.S.,' DJN'rAI. Itrmns, , No. A Wilson : Block, Vvellingtpn Street, Between Princess and ` Brock Sta Satisfaction Guaranteed. Jul :1 2 I Feb. 4, 1873. J. A. 13 Garden Island, May 8th, 1873. SEEDS! si+3Ei)s? __ u,, ...,.. gmm u. 1 . nawuu 6 U0. Mun-I Rowcll I. Co. are the most enterpri- zing and cincrguxic of ndvurtiuing ngclnts, and everything go-ul in Un-ir Hun: liunl-2 its way in- to lhr Ifrporlc I . rfuuuu... L I. . .......:_ e .. May 8th. _I}U35 oureev. Kingston, May 25th, 1872. DEIDISIJICIL July 3]. Plctbn, Bel cville and Intel'- lneuiate Ports. NEW KREKEGEMENT. L. Clements. Dehtist ;:.~_m FFICE AND RESIDENCE opposite the Post Otce, Wellingtun Street. Fmtablishod in Kinqstanin 1857. Aug. 22; ' NHE bent Gardeli Peas, are McLeans, Ad- _ vancer and Veitchea, Perfection. For l'e by '____j .__.-___ Garden . and Cottage Rent Free. `10'1`TAGE AND GARDEN may be / rent free for certain easv servicen. --.-,.--9 ~--- ow . -uv uarun or nclwnru, ' Senboru, and ti-v Vienna. Exhibition, Empruss I of Austria, Socialism in .-\II'u.-zicrlu, an accaiinxt i of the clierent communiticmu-om me earliest; E Ono kind ofglwots; Emily 1-` lior I llisiun; thu late B.'s_I'-In Vun Liebog ; lllu Icicuco of Inllic. &c. This valuubl`c journal will comlu-nco its Iifty-seventh volumn with the July nmnlver. subscription price: 33 :4 ' year, or on trial 8l.:'v0 for six momlm. Tn: .\muucA.~a Law ASII L.\nnAuvisuu im- uay 17. mubnrgu, P.` '3 receive this favourite weekly regular, nnulamnlwayu pleaded bya perusal of its contents. rn.._ 1,, ~~ .-I7o-lm l'ow_er. H1./']'lITEU'l` AND BUILDING SUN.- K VEYUR. Ullice and lh-uinlmu... in ..... .. > lo IIEIKI7, RCHITECT, MAlil5LE!liLO()K, l`rim-vs L Street. ROCHESTER, CAPE, Sun Lvu u Luum Anu uA:cu1.'.N be easy services. to _ Iul/I1 I uyul Ann) 13Uu.I)lN(} SUIL-. VEYUR. (Mice and lbcsitlcnce Qua.-un I5. OONNKCTIONH MA DE TRUNK TRAI NS. _.FE9!F'TET""F-T - :11 leave Kingston daily (`:15 p.m., Iomn. - -:pnn`InIJ-Ii Carri SWALES, mfg: lnlI._.. . It Ir. M. 0153. |` Tu: Anuuxcnr Nuwsr.\nr._n lbzronajzu for MnyJ9. New York: U. P. Ravwll 8 Cu. Mnullll lhuuull A l'.. ....- . . UPPER CABIN STEAMER L ._._..__ 'YdUn TICKETS LEAVE. DENTISTRY. j 7.20 a.m. 9.20 a.m. 8.00 Diirvu Managing I )irecb,or. uuvvrury AVOIICCI. lmnnonooxcu. Joumul. fur June. York 2 R. felln. Tho Jule number of this Nine-llonollrud Deathly maintain: its .113:-acter for axcellencu In` progression. in long table of contents --~ I-lrcightage ntonoc timely, interesting and f odifying-wit.rccn: Th Uu-on of Schwnru, Senborn, tin Aldfil. Nllcillisln in .\n-..-: - - New` I I E. II. PARKER. F. c CLINE, Sec -Treasurer vullv v o |.uuIuaI0ll\. (.l. D. D. CALVIN, J. A. BREUK. .h, Is-1:2 J. BAWDEN, 33 King Street r`. U ULIN 1`), -Treasurer . , ) - Wl_'fI[ GRAND Otawa 4.00 pa!!- 4.45 pm 3.00 p.m. 11.111. ]).l!l. 5.111 no-m I ' p.m. Inn. 011`: _., -luau, and we now: u Pa in Pills in I 173. fol- S PUBLISHED CV`, s non... per -----i Vance. Snlleribul '59 by mail are chugad v Iununnu The ohromr JLIIIGI stream; orw 9-` of Youville sud Oannllla mramn 1 1 `lyastreot; iuli urernmorne, 17 U _A Glas wtoJnnannd`15-V` James Street; orfo -5. of Yanvia And Camlilol cs nuuwun; Ill 1 Grernmorne, _l7 Glasgow to Jung: 1 llllfl.` Jl plna : ( o--, I t... I roruana at lntctull` ., Winter NuvgntwI.' ' An expepencod ; ` vcuel. Berth! B99 For Freight or 53.73331` Atl?...J. . :. Ill lat Cabin. Steerage . . are intended to sill I-....u....a .4. :..o.....h". intended to nil ` Portland at intend!` `VI ntnr Ngvingljnn W `` ,GL:5a and Funny!!! 9" Scothnd, are illtelllla Portland :- ` SARMATIAN Iron` ' V SCAN DINA VIAN PQLYNESIAN " HIBERN IAN " PRUSSIAN " Jute: of Puugi ` Inf. ffnldn - .`:i-lit-lg from Ijvlid from `Portland ovaq ` H Louh lfoyle to pal?` g' Mai Puunmillv M In .01` cmcAss1AN..... CANADIAN l'ULYNEa_'IAN SARMA `IAN... HlBERNlAN.. uA.smAN -` suANb1NAv1A1_.. 1 R.UsSlAN.......=. , AU:s'1`1uAN ~ MUHAVIAN PERUVIAN MANITUBAN M NOVA S(fU [`IAN,,.. NU|{'l'H AMERICA}; ARUADIAN ....... .. i UORINTHIAN _ ST. DAVID ' DI IHJIXI L|vsii`|3oqL:jf ple sometimes at, in uonntimu by want. of pro. t.h_elve_r and These mm; for Garden a.nd- W _ ll a.m., and I:l5p,3= Wolfe Island it 10 mg F0!` Freight. `Pnnmdu unesasy and ` ' " \e Vi1l leave ' ` [sldndo every day It '2 p m. and 4 van. ' uennral Railroad. Rft'}Ti""-'1lok' 3-iva o_ nlnl l.,J'd Is'iu"ffa'.f"n.9'..?`n~M Stggtgpen at Kllinb. `lw One of the Above` ` ` Hton for Cape V c-(1)3312 6 a..m. sndtn nectiona with the 4* Uylegsburg Northern Svncnnn WI` R8tI1 1ill- -m L _.__. __.':.. ._..__, Eh: Naiy gxcif " 1_'Fzi)e{b j4 }* `E'v"Ex1.\'u am r . Literary Notices. Ilklnlnnn-Au bu-nu . - I - N obraska, Cg A m....:._._ . . we will leave the St. . hnsun St; up _. every Iffdttozl HALF-PAST I 1'As31'_ou'r.'.'. I I rumnwr cou1N'm1'A"2'i'f"" HAVAIUAN . One of the (9%: is '13. Johmu-n 5-` ` 1372-:.- Winter King9**" 7 not an u.|.~'r tor . \`\'a.-th-.:rcl| & L'- v .. I ....u.... Tullfun re V1 Volrc 1 a % and Common , FOIBEB & up u: ve unplul wean-day. g 11:5 l`)l' lra'iV`lI ind/-agar ..... .... ..-;uw,|.ug07Lll('l' to of F1); by Mrs l DunnLhv rs`... -' -L 2`-.5... ml ....... .... nu ;Ill . 3. . Jurdtm. 1-nu REl'Ul:'l'l-.'l( 1 ` we I`I f.n:'i'; fl ARR: |t?r'~ '. Dominion with RACK I -"`g...?e1 Oflllthe ---` uuwlwll Ill wk , ions, l..a 1`... 4|. ._- gwarxvul iilslc pwgnsl .l2t|I .'\l.1y. ` n, ! he E .11 and ml iebog , )li.' `lumn prion: 7 Jun. iuvisuu y ms! POILTEII it gcnts, `ts l'hll:ulei- l :auIne\\ lull men! tho 9 I _ ,- .,.... ...-.-~.. -5 uuuulc l_oO Hull -uie.w--rd. so u:-vuipletely was he nvcrcnniu luv his No higher tribute cnul-l be paid In tlienienmry I klm 1li.:I:c.l:*k`~l..-:1Ln,'nulnII than \| as paid by this silence of his (llul col'0.1gu(- .-ml. fast friend. lt was the 1.-luqxn.-nt, ti-il-me: of the heart, mom uincerc.-, and more iiupr::.'-- .-ive than thn --luqncnce of tln? tongue. To- ulny. inthe presonee of his death, when men iurgot the uiiim--sitius of prirty warfare, :unl when the pcrzmnttl {ends of h_\--guuc clays are hin~li_cl_l:y t-he on-r-mviiig iullnc-nce of the runllnuli |'l2rllI_V, ll men slnml re-::l_v tn :11`- :\uu\\lml_;'u the ;,'rc:xtm-.-.-i hreaullh in" view, mu-l tho extent of pntrintisiii which inllnenci.-(I the doynrtml nmirsiiiaii. No man in (.`an:ula will till .1 inn:-e ianpurizuit or :1 wurthicr page in its histury, As an ti-i:-ntu oi respect to hm nieninry, chi: tl:i1.:3 on the public lvuihliiigs and in utlicr parts of the city are at half innit. children of :1 In.-rni:m wuxnnn iis ing; flu.-rc,\\ ere hurneil to I--ii-`.h. ll. am...-:ir.~. they were (lye- iug ax, iuul xi !.4.`'.!{ set liru to it_ nml lull-re Cine ehihln-n could escape their clothes took lire and they pe-i'i.~liel. ' The ll:-me has ht-en in good working humor III-ll.`|._\', mud S1 vcrnl import.-uit onlers l1;H'\.`lJL'cl| ul L'l|.'ll'a:tGl', the. E 9 i I I case tli -'. junbl Thu I .-iml uf vl::u'gu. li-,:_vnlIIl .-'.,umbl ruin. ` verily c in zittci chcy l'('l .h -y wi .`vl cdoi: freely, : ii-.~.y-nnl dict wl n.-turns pulilic in those H ,..u.sed.( The s:une spirit: cmitinued will prn- _h .`.v` luillilv maul... o|.,. .... .' tlxrce 31 :1) - ' f -.... ._....u out. I0!` inore than twelve llourrby _ 1/- ~----, -~--- 1,50` - 3"_d 01" the n_ie of hot dying pony, ntterlytnefuomg to ` _ Pm) 1118 011931` loavo it even for the lake of th_e rent gld care ly in no colunim that Death mlglit level slae he;-self neoded almqot no nmpentlvelyu did her poor dumb patient. Whon tlne pony died she was utterly exhmuted with the . lier injuries _ond loos ' of her sleep, Brown 5 tirade against the Govommont and "1 `v Wm` he Pn33 8" _ _, In-ough_t_on the Pacific Railway. Having no reputation `" `"k "I l f` '` `" of his own to lose, he could well a.'ord to '1 by H `by yterd`-7 in attack the liiracter of othora. With the, st Clue House`-`St Lew Republican ' gold of Jiy Cooke S: Co., jingliug in his : . _ ' I uspnciou ':x_apora_n," it was thencaf...-n. 1..-- 4 -- -' ' u6_ A- . _ ,_, V... n; uo., Jmgliug his? ' "aporan, thenceforth his 1 The W F 1 iuty to malign the champion: of our Cana- m3" 9 K diam ruutc. He has done it too thoroughly. Th 1"'3" the Ottawn. It drew black from white ; added whats them should lnve been no addition ; fufblad the truth, boliod fact ; mined for- ever all the credit left to it--prayiug _.____<._____ THE PACIFIC RAILWAY SLANDERS. Once more are we greeted with the 'c tonnry eoln_mn-and-3-half of dplibe nu vu we uonumon. We eungretnlzte the Premier end hie colleagues on the fact that the great work to which they devoted their tnlentu and energies when they met in conference at Que- in so nearly accom Iilhcd. Only New- foundland remains outei o of 3 Confederation compriuin already more than half acontinent. The lelnn , standing like :5 sentinel placed by Nsturc to guard the approaclaee to the Laur- entian Gulf and river, Inuut shun beaekilng for admission. Then the work will have been per- fected in all itl details." naxnnswn. Then w details. .-an urn, were 10 ylfl 630. The Ottawa (,'itc'zn has an able article head- ed l erfecting the Union, approving of the term: arranged by the Government. and con- cluding an follow: : .A {ow days later, we suppouc by the In of July next, we will wel- come this sunny fertile Island of the Gulf into th7'5omixri_on. W0 wngrutulstc the Pu-..m;-- ._,;n- or, has been ordered from the Joseph Hall Works, Oshawa, sad Mr John Thompson has been sent to Great Britain to purchase the bal- ance of the machinery.--1Vapanee Standard. The bears sround Arthur says the Guelph Alercury hsvo alniling for fresh mutton ; re- cently one broke, into Mr Robert Corrie : pen on lot 19, con. 1. Arthur, and canied away one bheep,.ond hurt ve others. I'he night after three bears went to the pen, but instead of getting more mutton, were treated to hul- lets, and left preoipitately. Mr Walter Dean of lot 18, con. 2, however, the night after lost one of his sheep, and the night following Mr Wm. Dsvy of lot l6,_con. 2, lost two. Several other farmers have also lost sheep and pigmsnd itnilife as it may sppenr bears are this `spring more numerous and troublesome in Arthur zuso elected secretary, All the wood I than they were I5 years 1120. x At at meeting 'Uf"tl.lC shareholders of the Na- pnee Mills Paper Manufacturing Company, the following gentlemen were eleI:t6d.directurs for the current year, viz., H. M. \Vright, Alex. Smith, John Herring, Wm. Miller and J. R. Scott, Eeqs. At a subsequent meeting of the directors, A. Smith, Esq., was elected President of the Board, and H. M. VVx-iglit, Esq , Managing Director ;llr W. 1:`. Hall was also elected secretary. the. want ----H urn.-ne a patent gun can which the gun is for: from the recoil after GM pound shot. W __H,_._, . .. puq Mnnaging Direct: secrc tnry. ery ordered muueu at me Gun-rmnent wharf Went Arm, and, at three days the party have nu - dad in gel up the steep, nndvzno ting it in These guns any furnish l with C uric.-tfe's patent carriage and u gun forced zumin ` __j_;.._____ Dominion of Canada. The SS. Sarmatian left her berth for Quebec at 7 o'clock on Wednesday morning, loaded down to 2!) feet 3 inches. She is the deepest laden vessel that ever left this port. /9 hI.V_u been informed that there is now about 29 feel. 4;! water in the channel between this port and -zuelocc. This will enable the largest vessels F.-.........o:.... u 7- - ' ' frequenting Montreal to l full capauit.y.-- Wit/wen A w....1.; .... .-.4._. t-'~ and down to their Mr Troupe c.'1pt.urcal n 1 -mum! un Monday u\'-uim suvcntc-cm `lmuuda, with a t monsters are sa.i.l to be vc uanal this season. ., -.... ..-..-..... vvuulu nave been com.-lu ed 13 week ago. I .\ New Brunswick member who parts his hair in the middle was very deiuonstrative in the House recently. He [mun-[4,--1 his desk, nuxl threatened ta .\lcAl.'umI.r ;L r.:oll:.-.':.guo whu I''ste1l`hiu1 to keep quiet. ` Thu scene In the House on i\lumlay evening w. .:.n chfwte ou l a.rli:xu1cut.-try printing con- `.rn.ct came to :1 tie, was n.-r_,' cxcitiug, mul mu,-n the ladies ceased their llirtatiums in the gn-lhsrica to see the msult. .\ gallant young ulliccr in the UI.-vcrnor- them.-ra.l's Foot. Guard: whilu: guing to parmlc HI all the pride and glurynf his w.1rp.-tint, was nuddenly brought, to nttemiun by Dr, [Van Ccirtlainalt, wlm deliver;-l .1. lmnxily nu I lrrillimit lmifurn... znul .1; .. 1 ....nuuua w-mgnt. bk-rue slight nwdicvations - zw made in fees, and thnsc to which ubjcw zmu \\'.'L~ uuulc in .\luut.rca.l, have bccn mum?- .-1. "Hus uuunpletcs the bills introduced by the fsiiuistcr of L\l;u'inc, all of which are of great ::.n|ml !:lMuL' in the interest. of the trade of the Uuxumiuu.--Uur. J10/zrrcal (I41.-.r-.Ir . In the public interest and on the gruund of n_'u)lnJIy, the House of (,`-uunnuxm ought to i.nvc- gmubcd Mr l`I.l5. \\'ood his full scsaiu:Ia).l ullmvam.-e without asking him to colnplutc his thirty days. If they had dom: so the business us the session would have been com.-lu'ed -xuun about to hrc, f ell from :1 Iovjng ed by moonlight aluuc,` L.-aptu .--an-.l vvv `av-uu -uvlr. a rave Paner Mn v -uw.\\'-Irll. nvcrcninu paid I uh,-cc.1.uL -:m;=xn.1n 1 1 I i ' all 1'c':`.i_vtn mull lml_-_'u the (,`au.1da'\vill Ohm: at Intelligence was re:-in-I 1:.-rte to-day uf .\ ~ ul incident on River Li; me by which thrcc wuxnnu us um; flu rc,\\ uuauul. and um: he \1'.'.|.h I be in Canada. and alfhough fcwpcraons I I Lurecl to hope fur his zxwolutc recovery, expected so soon to ln.~:n- of his loath. the House met, Sir John A. :5 telcgrzuu {rum Sir John 1{..-a.,- snd event. He had great .-ximrtly expected tn Vcn ' l ntllld `. Hit: \Vhu-n Mucdonalxl rmul ! announcing ditliculty in rca-ling 1 1 I ihc telegram. and was utwriy unnbie'ui ' nvcrcamu : mthenu:nmr3 ut l.,-cc.x.~u-.i .Au.._,...... \ 1|... 3 Jottings from Ottawa. ! ' Uttnwa, May `. 0.- l`he aunnunccmcnt nf T the death of Sir (lcorge L`.-1.rticr created a. pru- fuuusl feeling of 1-urrow in Lhia city. '1 Eu.-; ' 'I'imm had just stated that intelligence from 5 linglaml iudi-.-ated an innpr--vemcnt in his` 1 hualtli. and that he \%'. L\\ uhortly expected , ; alllwuzh fcwncnmma vnn. ` _ . I import.-mt h;n'\: In-cu :.;s||y umkc the acssiun to close on Sa.tunl:1_y. The Quebec Harbour-Bill went thwugh thu- unnuuns to-night. Same slight nwdicatious tn urlzi.-la 5-uu uurrmge and all bu! again into 1 .after fifillll, 'I`hnu h rue Launul ox me Gulf into 1 tn the ma... v , v-- -v-nnvl I! `read posiiou ring. They _ throw a or;l1l' W. r`.1-12.11 machin- Mr Thompson has ,. .. I LIEU Ill lull I mug, wcighmg aver` troll. These tinny var} plentiful in the ` !l1;wkiu(Jngc in lm mu, wpiul. ... Vll\ \H.'vUl'llDl'- iln: y of war paint, re.-1';-X ,' l;uI|f In IE6 pOBltl0Il. Colonel Mom (1 nil hn"...-. I..- uononol Man- I oil buffers, by u position in; its suurings human boing she loved. became almost frantic with juries had aha held side it fo Rho Inn...-.1! _ - - out fo seriously shocked her 1- more thnn twal d ' rihuhgsak J grief. H ne VG utter! y ire e the , but sat holding rms, talking to it and as she might In sooth- vo done for :5 When it died she or own in- run, but hours by fusing and turn UXIICC and mi iiiiscrupiilousinnd jabbing lira- LI-'U brand, the one to prulfor impoacliinenta ""3 ' .w.-iiiist his batters. l'lmt is the feeling in """ 1 Hie cnnntry. It is ii. feelin" gathered frniu i experience of the two lltftht it will be lmi-nu out by the Cl(!l!l"C8l : ovidenco in this ', _ awe there eimnet be the faintest slimluw of r`. . `I t_'lI`Jlll)l.. . . 1 lliu oxistciicu of tho (llohc, of Mr Brown, the their following, hang upon this is". , hi this instzincu they hzwu stepped , the widest. limits of decency, and ii. at i azumblu will iu\'ul\'n them in irretrievublo = {JV i Till.`-1`(.`fl)!'1`-, we caniint wmidcr if they MIL` I exhaust their l'!lEt":lZl!)0 of culumn . :2 Y i in 2l.Ll(9lll])l.lIl;.{ to prejndge :1 case on which >5 uh}-y will creep with diain.-iy. That Sir John 3v' I .`vlz'u:cluii:i.lil and his collea men will be fully, :"" and liononriilily acqnitbeil, is proven .0, . - _ lI`.`.y-Hill at pei':ul\'entiire by that hlessed ver- which mi innocent in.'ui's conscience without leaving this lmx. It is for 4 iiidi-,;n:itioii to iswuril punishment to l_"_'lr I who ll:l.\'t: falsely accused them. And :0} we luwu faith in the lionesty of our peoglo _.0._ that the eternal decree forbidfling false vint- Hw ncss against a neighbour will in this in- ms :il8.lX(`.`0 he mercilessly enforced.--Lfail. r(-cklesaly entered, and out of which. -snare or the care the required, um! the: tion of the latter for her mistress was 1 umrkable as the perfection wherewith tha wnys performed her part of the 13 every etfort was made to save the ' pony, but in vain. Min: H lacenstcd as she was by he I lets her pet until it was dead, at. its Inn-I -'- '~~~ ` ` " ' manc f the Mnzoppn icons b; fits.-E; Hndafant, with her trained pony Black Bean, receives stone!) of pathon in th ment of the severe illneu of the sctreu, canned by grief at the death of the pony. jjqdsou was pusioxutelv nttm-_I...a On I...- ucnuuuu pet, wind: had I companion for a. long time, ` uncommonly intelligent and It was her custom to give I share of the reqnir the lntfnr fnun Iu.~- --'- mun Hudson w beautiful pet, com panion 1 AN AC'J`RE9S' LOVE FOR HERJIORSE ---PROS'l'RATED WITH GIIEF. The accident at the matinee at the Grand Opera House last Saturday, during the perfor- mance of glge _Mnzoppn scene by Mia Lao , vvuw. 1111! was the death blow to any hope of electing Dr. De Koren, and it is safe to say that no Episcopal diocese in the United States could olect.a bishop professing such views. After further heated discussion a third ballot was taken, which resulted in the nlection of Dr. Paddock. Tho bishop elect is A moderate and conservative church- muu, who is highly esteemed by thepsrish over which he now presides, and will doubtless perform 3 good work_ in the diocese to which he has been cslled.--N. Y. Sun. no nua mentioned no names ; but when cornered by the ,cha.rge that I made insinuationn, he rotorted : then, I have hit your caudidate"-a. which is said to have been roeeiv storm of hisaea. As if this advocacy of Dr. Km not suiciently damaged pros} delegate on the other `ids `quoted It marks of the revercned gentleman, ` at the last General Convention P....s-..;....:. 110-1- - - - I , -,_.- r--..rvvua, a delegate side some re- uttered of the Protestant Epiocopal Church, to the effect that he believed in the real and actual prelence of Christ in the elements Holy Communion, and adored teach his people to adoro Christ the elements under the form bread - wino. This the death blow I e1c_:cting _De Koren, safe ta n unity as their candidate, , two latter seemed to have united upon Dr. Potter of Grace Church ; and not a little illillglliltltlll wnsnrousod among LowChurch- I men in Boston by the discovery that their upponcnts had been obtaining from bishops >1 neighbouring dioceses testimonials to the l litncss 0f Dr. Dix for the Episcopal office. 5 This act doubtless considerably widened the breach between the parties. Dr. Dix and Dr. Potter, however, nding that thoireld of labour in New York was too important to no relinquished, even to secure elevation to the Episcepste, declined to become candi- dates. The High Churchmen then selected Dr. Du Keven, President of Racine Col- lege, Wisconsin, a learned and able man, but of such extreme doctrinal views that his nomination was equivalent to s chal- lengo to men of all other shades of opinion ; mid Dr. Paddock of Grace Church, Brook- lyu, was substituted for Dr. Potter. 7 The v..ting began on Thursday, and after l mu unsuccessful ballots a discussion arose I as to the merits of the respective candi- ` dates, in which delegates participated `with considerable warmth, and the pent-up feel- iugs of the opposing parties found vent. One delegate, advocating the claims of Dr. De Keven, asked the Convention whether or not` a milk-sud-water man'--a. kind of boarding-house-tei sort of man, was the mam they needed. Upon being called to account by the other side h I KIIA U] e answered that l he had mentioned names nally, 1 when cornered the`,cha.rL:e ha mu! u, an a. vlgorullll nign Unurch movement sprung up a few y|.`:1.l`8 ago, which no efforts `-1 his, earnest and po1'sevP_riug though they were. could prevent. from gaining strength uni inuoifco. This party procured the rlectiou by the Diocesan Convention which mot last fall of the Rev. Dr. Hsight of this .-it y ; and in has been considered unfortun- me that the Episcopalians of Massachusetts could not have enjoyed the ministrutious of a bishop so tolerant and judicious as he would doubtless hue provid. The declination of Dr, H:-lulu -......-.I nu wvuul uuunucsa have prov} of Dr. H: [ Imy to :5 new measuring of a 1 High Church, Low Church, ! The first of those parties ` Dix of 'l'i-inity their cam . unmnnd 9.. 1.....- 7 > 7 V _,V ue judged. wrun ly, that the fonple If Canada rocked us fit!-la: ef_ fair p ay tn um` epponeut as he did ; and he served `them : up a dish (of dander too vile and unmiti- gntcd to suit the honest public taste. The . ;.-we is now sub jnulice. If a. horse thief ' were on trial public opinion would ferbenr -;riticiam. but when the Ministry lnve been { rmttaclied. foully and wnntonly, is that fair [ ileld to be withheld I The mm: who for a j Tlfutime has served his country ably, as the ` statute books show, and purely as his own 7 bank book proves, is not the man to become .| criuninnl as his time nears the ebb, `Nor i.-. he who has be:-na disappointed seeker of nilice and unscrupulous and re- to prom): innmnnlnm-,..+. V ,,,_,_ ..... ,.._-nuuaocny Milclled to her ful which had been her eonntant nion a. and which Wu an manly and tractable animal. u Black Bees 3 good )1 the aoa- as re- Me the 31- l retformecl part nlsv. clgicf r they -.' _.--.- .,.....-...c uuuunnll now: that xination ton ; ' I . s Dr, Puff`- iii ngin um. mnner noawd dincuuion lot which on rnud.-rate ch vroaidaa. mm mm Tm`. DAILY NEWS--TF[URSI;)AY EVENING. MAY 22- 5... at me (learn of s passionately attw t, wjhidx the bed her '10! ctllnnl ecu menu from ' -are the more sty * uuan nave pl'OV'0(l. nation Huight opened the ' strength between 1, and Moderates. parties fixed upon Dr. ty candidate. whiln Hw- .....c. nuu was or her sleep, 1' passionate griof, brought on sin fever, in which condition reiterday her room at the -81. Lawn : Republican. .-v -vu-rnvvua . VV CI it ytiixr remark received by n names; but ns : cha.rge he Ixu l'eturfA;I- H .....r_y Inr son, and n ife of the Hudson bruised and hot severe full, .....-_ vary rupecuuuy, A. Cuxlrnl Co., Chung, To gr Juno: 1. I-`alloys, st. John, N, 3, ' -1 v. s L

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