Gmnulc Davwuox. , I873. schooner built at on Saturday last. and en ..........: 1... FL ;This troupe of allinu 1.....- ..- ` A4UBl4CI In men- the Western . mun mun, (m, , do, do; Laura I-"mo -Down' : Schrs ' nan-`A- --I .... -noun vnlu ' ie, 215% bush, --unvv, -v,:rvv 17,300 hush 19,200 blluh 17,956 bush Icalia I _--........ ,.....y,uu. u we uwoe is so cha- grined by the course events have lately taken, let it remember that even a small but patriotic band may oonunnnd respect bynprightaml honoarableeonduct. Thrice in be armed who hath his quarrel just," is just as true now as it was in Sha.lrspeare'a time, and the organ may teat auured that although it may feel a satanic pride in cast` ing stones on the grave of one, who it do. elared but one short week ago, hid not, left a single enemy among politicians, still in the_,leng roll of the honoured dead it might have selected one for its malice who, however, he may have erred politically still llrovo with might and main to be true to Canada, and true also to himself. -Iva-.. -... -L.-~ ' do do, In \\'-n , __ -._... ..w ncv. Iv vennun Al eaunt 117. In Wan ' u of _the ls John ():'1sudiu.I Benaford, Esq. nr1A.lt1$1]Sl). In this city, on the 28th Henry Wilson, M.A., Mr G to Miss Dorothy Noble, bot DI ED. at Montpellier, Herau Nmuette Amelia, eorge hof Kin , b the Rev. . ll. Be gaton. 8` 11:, France, second dnughter nlhun myly,_ [actor of ' J ohnson a Anodyne Liniment will give more relief in cases of Chronic Rheumatism, no matter how severe, than any other article known to medical men. ...-an vnlu OVULIIIIE. Court of Revision begins its sitting: at the Council Chamber to-morrow afternoon at three o'clock. ` ,,,__,-..u- Local observations for 24 hours ending at ___ _V__m7:30Vz.Ag11_;,__lVVl*aI.y 29, 1873. us-uuzuv uldi-S. Mendelssohn Quintctto Club at the City Hall this evening. Court nf l2m.:..:.-... L.._1--r '- '- -' _ SA in CAE- or Duowxmc.--We regret exceedingly to learn of ` the accidental drowning of the eldest son of Captain. White of the Post Office Department. Hearing of the sad event at a late hour, we had not time to ascertain the particulars, but it appears that while out shing in a boat belonging to Mr Whitcher, it upset and sank before assistance could reach him. The sad intelligence was brought to his father about noon to day. It has cast a gloom over the neighbourhood, and we feel sure that his eon-owing parents have the heartfelt sympathy of the community in their great aliction.--0ttawa Free Press. mcnea. B. C. rm... 1 ..-...,......unn uoxczn'r.--We are pleased to learn that ncsrlz all the reserved seats have been taken wit ' in the last two days for the concert this evening, and that there is a prospect of :1 good house. From the enthusi- ustic manner ip which the party were received upon their former visit, they should have s crowded house this evening, as the opportuni- ty of hearing claseicahmusic is very scarce in Kingston. We also trust that all will be in their seats before the commencement of the concert, so that those who desire to enjoy the music will not be interrupted. __ ...v rvvrav. W0 hope for the sake of oiu national ex- intonce int we have heard the last of them wretched philippics. If the Globe is Krinod b7 the canvas nun-0- `---A ' ` ' Ponce C-cum-, T`llL'f.SDAY - (Before Mr Strange, RM.)--Nicholu Wright and Thou. Anderson were drunk, and were ned 32 or 15 days; and Hannah Cumstock, 3 squnw, was discharged on promising not to come back again. -....... uu|H;ll.--1116 annual rie match of the School of Gunnery Rifle Association is to take place on Sntnrday next at half-put two. `The match is open to all camera, and there are seven prizes for ahootmg at 200, 500, and 600 yards. 37 Ixqvmrr on Mu JA,-Qux-:9.--An inquest was held in Toronto yesterday before Coroner Riddell on the body of Mr \V. H. Jacques, who was reported in our telegrams yesterday to have been druwncd. After hearing evi- dence the jury returned a verdict of :`aco dental drowning, nd(ling-and they lee] bound to express their strong opinion as to the dangerous state of the wharf near which the body was found. The body was sent home to Montreal last night. There will be service in tho Brock street Preubyterinn_Churcl| to-marrow (Friday) at ll .1.m. and 7:30 p.m., the Rev. \V. Coulthart, Gzmauoque, will preach. On Sunday next tin Lords suppe; will be administered. Tm: Vnnnu Exmnrnox.--Our enterpris- ing contemporary the Ottawa Free Prc/cs of yesterday has an excellent map of the site of the Vienna Exhibition. -..-.. .w..... w on U: a. wow aswnlalung charac- ter. An examination of the assets has been made, and it is found that the unfortunate cre- ditors will rezilize only lO`centa on the dpllar` Champagne supper: and libel suits evidently don't pay in Montreal. __n%_ Pr:omo1ovs.--'l`ln: f-inn of A. McGibbon, &. Co., of Montreal, whose suspension a. few days ago was whispered around among the knowing ones seems to be of a. most ..;.......... 5, ..._. v---unrrvlvu anuullu most 1 tar Au. -.......:._-;:-_. A :- s.:._. The committee asked for by Adjutant- Ucucrnl Rose, to inquire into charges against him in connection with the volunteer force will assemble at Quebec on the 10th June. Lt.-Col. Jarvis will be one of the members. Mzxnznssonx (;oNc2n1.-_-\V; 0 nearlv all Hm .-..-......: ---`- ,__-- --- V. -5.-an-w I If it is wrong for a nun to receive 3 pub- lic funersleceuee he ig simply a party leader, nnd hie opponent; object to it on the-t account, canthe Globe winh people to believe that everything it say: must be gospel, whexi we know well it in but the organ of 3 wretched fag-and of Inalcuntente who oppose everything for the mere sake of opposition. It wants Sir George to be bid in hie nsn-ow bed without any expense to the country, end yet it `Argue: moot iri- oonclnlively by thet 25 of its im- medinurfollewerl voted nay that the whole country in opposed to thin exp:-euion of the will of the people. I. I.-___ 1, .1 - A a--vvuvl HVIIIICI I'lI'e It Mndec, May 29.--Anothcr destructive fire in Msdoc broke out after ll o'clock lailmight, in the rear building of Brook : establishment, destroying his two houses, one occupied by Mr Chcssbro as A grocery, the other by Mrs Solmes, ilresnnuaiu,-r, and Gillespie : cooper shop, 3 range of stables, and Dr. Roonfs frame house. The re spread to Mr Gross store nu! dwelling, completely destroying them, with his which was a large amount of property, which was destroyed. Mr Harding. who was burnt out the Inst re, lost three horses and buggics,fiv'c sets of harness, and u. lot of provisions. By great exertions Sinc1nir s house was saved. The loss is about from $6,000 to 88,000. 1?-:--:jj , __ ,__.,__ RIFLE MATIJll.--The annual rie he of Gunman-u nm.. A--..-:_.:,., . -v_ -.`/-;--4 -nan:-JIJIJUIIII-LVI (Per Mugurccd Iliue. I lallway Bridge on Fire. Hunilton, My '29, noon.--The railway bridge 31 . Oskvillo in on fire. The track will be impuublo for teams for the present. If the bridge Ihould be entirely dent:-oyed train: cannot put; for Home dayn. An engine was aunt from here, and (steamer is just leaving Queen : wharf, Toronto, by special train. Anot er e;Il-)`I` it ladoc. Mndoc_ Mav 29 __A-mn..... .l....L----AA1~A -- Local Weather Report. smcm. TELp;(in,aMs. REMINDERS. _. n...-_._ LA ' MARRIED. ...-,......w., ueraulu, trance, tte William Smyiy, rector 7 Derry, gnd ura.nd.Imml.o.... nd((li/ng--":1-ind `heir he __......., vlnv nnvnnu ; astonishing charac- tlm ....... 1...- 1.- _. UVUI S. `Woman. _....-v ,,,_J ..v nuuIW' cu I01 3 zurther term. The expenses will be found very moderate, and it is options] with the borrower either to have them deducted from the loan or added to the principal. An interest in only reckoned from date of the cheque (not from dote of application, as is generally the cue), the utmost despntch in used in the completion of `ev_er_y loan. NA nnrn-.--:-_ - ,.........._y me case), me utmost .despafch completion every No commission charged either on the origi- nal loan or the renewal. Applications to be addressed to JAMES SHANNON, 01' D. D. ROGERS. (14-? _..', suernun `HOUSE. Sept, 27th, 1872. RGE STOCK of Gut, Gimp, FAN LA kinds and cheap, at Roda, Linea, Hoo CY BAITS, &c., all T Cstoms Department, 0'rrAwA 90:: 11.5 Inna Mny 28. -,_-- - .....v.. w nwnmuuw nu charges, one w:;d of evidence has been heard either for or against I `ll 1. :_ N, J. nA`iIii;LT&L* ws _ _:_-v j W5 T3553, Ornwn, 2911 Mair: 1873. UTHORIZED DISCOUNT on American L Invoices until lnrther notion : 15 per .t. B. S. M. BOUCHETTE, Commiuionor of Customs. .__...__. up . a.vLa.l.hIJ.L` D I 3 ibs. Vale-ntia Raisins for 20 cents ; 3 lbs. Layer Raisins for 25 cents ; 26 lbs. Prunes for $1. TEA! TEA! Tim 1 1'3.-nu`! 1.... f'`- ' ` Medium size, Dated my 27i:,'A.D. 1373. us. A. HENDERSON, - Master. 0']! EILLY &: CAMERON. Kinmutnn No. l \Va.terV Qxc TRUST AND _ OF CANADA "ml. A deposit in the proportion of 820 for every $l00 of the purchase money is to be paid down at the time of sale to the vendor or his Soliciwrs, and the rcnmimlcr thereof within one month thereafter, without interest. The purchaser will upon much payment be entitled ton conveyance or I vesting order, and to be let into posseuion of the premises. In other respects the condition: of sale are the standing conditions of the said Court. Further particulars and conditions of sale maybe had of O Reilly in Cameron and Brit- ton & Price, Kingston, and Dormer & Barron. Bnrrieten. Linllnnv wn E rnce, Kingston, an Barristers, Lindsay. May 27th, A.D. YAEI A V ,, -_-....--,, --u uw-u-uuuag D WIIIPIOIFO up. If it in wrong in the people oy Canada. to tender I public funeral to one (if her _nobleol sons, on account of such a charge pending `over the Miniatry of which In In: A member, in it right for the organ of I party to nuume the charge pven be- folo the menu! hu duwl on C.-----I-A- ' ' '_ Na -_ ----v next, at the hour of twelve o'clock, noon that valuable `property now known as Lot 8, on the south sule of Princess Street, in VVil- liamsville, being part of the west half of Lot 22, formerly in the first concession of the Township (now city) of Ki ston, containing one-fth of an acre, more on]-`ns. rm... ..1.-..- ..--_-:-r -.... ..... .. u. an aura, more or LOIS. The above premises no well adapted for the butchering business. There arg on_ said remiaes a. Frame Dwelling House and Out- Euildings. A .-I.u....:L :_ LI-- ----- " ` ` ` !.._L `Friday, the 20th. day o}_:T;;nel navlr mm the approbation oi James A. Henderson, Esquire, Master of the said Court at King- ston. by \Villinm Murray, Auctioneer, at hm Auction Rooms in the city of Kingston, on -I-In-u .- --- '- ]gY virtue of a Decree made b{ the Court _ of Chancery in the cause a Dovu; va. Dovnn, there will be sold by Public Auction, with the approlmtiou oi James Esquire. tha said Pam.-9. .4. I(:..-, Chancery Sale of Real Eslzate. Good Japan ; --_ r 1:115 rsumcnner 1: prepared to supply his 1 old customers and at many now onu at possible, also Steamboata, Schoonors, Hotels, and the public in enenl, with good sud PURE ICE. All or on prarngtly attended to. All complaints against IIHVOTS for non- runn nun. All orders pronguy attended com hints against delive wil be promptly attended to. Please cave your order! at the Store of the Proprietor, corner of Queen and Wellington Streets. JOHN MAIDNEY. Kingston, May 29, 1873. We hear, in the vicious replstmge, much shout hand-shaking with murderers. Gruntc. ed thst he did so, which we deny, wou1d it have been one whit worse than calmly sit- ting down, snd calculating the period thgt lnnst elapse for the party tuget into power, being dependent entirelyon the death of the foremost statesman of Canada I We hesr toe, of an sccusstien hanging over tho whole Ministry, and s oemplete UD. Irons in the nan-In -I Ainslgyfg Engineer's Manpal. l V BE Subncriber is prepnrod to supply his mnnv nmv anal u mi Hi my %o.-in In I \V..o..- un ,, .._..- -nunuvvl per annum, aya zd mortgages, so, 3 3 rates. __-, _ __ow--- _ _...._. N Ed't' nl ed. Sn 1 `nut W receilv: ln,A'le` H DERS8) LJ * ILAISINVS :M1iAsINs; lh. v..1.....:.. -:-: . GRlGOR S, ,, ..------ -u-._y uv \/CIIUU PUTS Lamp Chimneys, 1m `7n A-1.. G ---A-- - - 7 ..-.v.-4 157` Princess Street Not that we should for one moment argue that every thing done by the late Minister wssa subject of approval. He msy have done acts that even his beet friends, aye even himself, would have wished undone. Fulsome eulugy is just as much (out of place as despicable abuse, and Sir George E. Cartier neither merits the one nor the other` Hie public sets srehir objects of criticism, none wish to spare him on that account, but when the tie-ld of hottest criticism ,is left sltoget aside, and questions rsked up which have never been proved against anybody, then the public should resent such umnanly and ungenerous proceedings, and we really be- lieve they do. ` I on UAME Kingston, tun , - `vow: 17>]: O 1- White only 30 cents per gallon. I\nu\ I"I__.A-- --- 01 u nenly an Unmcron Lindsay. I Tan only 25 cents per 1b., l -- - .:_ won, Vendor : Solicitors. ____._..._... LOAN COMPANY ke advances nn m....+, FISHING TACKLE, FISHING TACKLE. 11.115. Glenlngie. We are glad he nd that notaainglu word has found its way into many vef these journal: other, than a sense of decent re- spect. fer the dead would fully justify. But it. in far otherwiue with the Globe and its echo the liunilton Times. In one of these journals, we nd the qlaims of sir (icrgo an n statesman calmly disputed, and the moat indelicate statements made regarding the leader of the Lower Canadians for a peried of over twenty years. Every in- ' `mmde that Iuallcu and deep-seated hatred could devise has been umparingly need. uud oven the rancurouu depth: of a morbid suspicion have not been able to make the wrotched hbeller of the dead pause in his lthy nbuae uf one who is tmw beyond the : reach of praise or blame. sc swans AND Mowenal wRINGEmI Bailey '2: Patent Novlty and Excelsior May 28. Sample lhchinu on hand. The Match, open to u30QlnOfI, will com- mence at 2:30 p.m. The following in the Prize Liit :- ~ On Saturday, the 31st instant. I 1{E ANNUAL RIFLE MATCH of the School of Gunnery Rie Association will tgyo place RIFLE MATcH.] s. oilowm & sons , .__,,_____v_ _ __ ; PAITY Srrn Evn Bureau run (huvn. . . -It seems to us one of the most deplorable V instsnoss of the luck of anything like pnv . triotism, `that we an ever seen to wauluf through the cslunuu of abuse heaped upon 5 thelifelcos body of Sir George E. Cartier; by sevcrslof the more rabid Grit journal 1 of this Province. It was condently ox-er poctod thst tlienmtion moved by the Pre- i mic! to accord to the deceased ststesmzin n public funersl would luvs met with no op- position, but orders m_nst have been sent I down to Ottawa to give the motion all the _opposition that could be raised to I it. The Ottsuis correspondent, even be-5 fore tho motion came up for discussion, 3 telegrsphed to his journal the exact line of ` srgument used on the following day by tln- Opposition, and then the main organ of the 5 patty let out its venomous feelings, to be followed in succession by several of lhci more rabid of the newspapers: in the Re- ` form interest. -.p . gnu. s. MU_(}KLESTON Ail) on. Range: 200, .500 and zoo yards; , , - -_-- vvv -rvoni wuu .IJu..I..lLl.U1Du BLASTIN G POWDER. COTTON AND WATER SAFETY FUSE. soup EYE QUARRY PICKS. . 1:. 11. SHOVELS AND DRILL STEEL. C'[':)m(3o;1"`c;a;tors and Builders. BI.A'l'|nr.1 vnnrrmu .1_ . BARBER'S I MPRO VED PATENT BR ACES. BLAKE/S mimovlvzn EXTENSION srrrs. lVE'S DOUBLE CUT GIMBLET BITT3. MOBSE'S TWIST DBlLLS._ LEACHE'8 PATENT SAW SETS. HEB. BETSON `S PATENT BLIND HINGES. 'l`OWER'S PATENT ADJUSTABLE BLIN I) FASTS. :11 N - - ' To GMpen;r;-and J oinersl 1`)ERFECTED IRON PLANES. RAl2R`li!D'u tnnnnnnn-\ ooo MAPLE HARD -WO0D, cut nova G lengths ; Good Dry Hard Wood-r Maple, Beech and Birch`, Good Soft on ANGLIN S WITARF, _ Wellihgton Street North. Kingston, 28th May. 1873. n um r. wno desires to obtain a nice A residence on one of the rcttiaut streets in Kingston may-apply to oaeph Bawdon, King Street. Uontn1na,` with pantrieo, dining and parlour rooms, bedrooms (3 with closets, attic finished and subdivided. May 27. , rtwlzspa Y 1i:V1:.\_'7K'Z}';3}}: Y 224.- The following articles, viz : 1 Excellent Pianofnrte, Drawing, Dining and Bedroom Sets, comprising Chairs, Tables, Carpets, Bureaus, Beds, &(lstead.I, Bedding, \Vnshstands and Furniture. Sofas, Lounges, Whatnots, Pictures, \ Viudow Curtains, Cor- uices, Blinds, Glass, Cutlery and Chins Ware, Knives, Forks and Plated Ware, Box Stove and Pipes ; also an excellent Cooking Stove .md Furniture, with other articles `too numerous to mention. Also a. Bagntelle Table, Ball: and Cues. Terms cash on deliverv. 7th Monday, June the 2nd, l _L H MB 11.... lat PRIZE vvuu vvllylvvvl nuu uni uppcarau. Admission 50 cents, Reserved Seats 75 cents, may be secured at McAuley & Cu : Bookstore, where a :1 ram of` the Hall will be opened on Tuesday, ay 27th, at I0 mm. Doors open at 7:15.. Concert will com- mence promptly at 8 o'clock. Mnv 21. AUcT1Q_1_\I SALE] of Boston, organized 24 years, aiciltod by one of the most accomplished Singer! in N ew England,` - Anna Granger Dow, ml... I... .....; ...:u. 21.- __,__4 . who has met with Ibo moat unqualied nuc- oeu whgrevcr she has appear . ' Annsnn Sn nun?-u 1I--.._.....I 0,-.- -- I1)useIc0l(i V I7_`urnit11re D Eh: guilg ONE GRAND VOCAL AND INSTRU- MENTAL CONCERT or CLASSIC AND MISCELLANEOUS M USIC Bl'lII Memlelssohin Quintette Club, .6 `D-.&.... .._ . Wellingta Kingston, 28th Mny, 1873. mm nagueue Table, Ball: And 0 delivery. ` Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, aha: Wll.l'.IANl`Ml1 un muu w commence at IU o'clock, sharp. WILLIAM MURRAY, Auctioneer. Kingston, May 27. 1873. Frosit & Wood : nence pron May 21. _.,.__. NYONE who desires to obtain L the Ionzttiant .....o. CITY HALL? wociii :riii7sa1e. "THE CANADIAN PUNCH! _gARDWARE._ AGENTS FOR GR I P 810 % Good AH Wool Tweeaat Just Look HO --_ , " inis- I _.,....., ynrucunarly those who had the M _~,'ALp, F PR0;-ggu-y,-_.T [I try in view. We Accept your precious and elegant .pre- I situated on the comer m sent as a token of your kind and affectionate I `"'` ` _t`- W " `vd.d"-` feelings of retract, and beg to tender you our auctmu, by Mr McM1llau. 5 . Wmt '31! _ knocked down to Mr Th My dear fnenda, we fully reclprocete your 83,500 the highest bid_ 1 E?. $f'a1,i.3'!;$.?`3.,} 3'.n`z`. L` 'i2.: J3"'33 sold. one offers not 5=I-int ' K bid. no of usefulness, to the g cry e God and the ' good of your fellow-men ; and whin your work ==_____..___. are in over, may you "receive 1; e reward of _ til ' who serve the Lord I" V""' - The ' enlargement and improvem . . h . of the Church, and that we all may be found Brmsh N,o,rt Amen M be ' hand Him, who, on thahlny "`""` " will be Ieetedon the G ' m.nv1uee'rh , a The Improved (I fad hear the bleued sentence prorfffni, Sewing Iachlne at `Coupe, yo blend of my Fsther, ' _ ' L]. TVVEEIE KC - Every Piece 0! Tweed ll IA. B. MAGPHE 13' The above IIII 5"` aver offered in the at). RH GREAT 1'1 Pickles, W R. Mo] Waterlod It has always boen :i source nf th utmost pleasure to my partner in lift: and myself to thaw a kindly and interested feeling in the I welfare of Queen's College. If our hospital- . ity were required, if our advice seemed necd- ful, or our sympathy wanted, we have wish- ed h ` -""' "` `V - _ rineapplgf centa, I Auionl, Ii t, `for chi] , Iona n! -v--'- Lw.;*.;:sm%_._"g wrv Vinnu gl T-ndl Robinson : JUST ARBIVING, - order. , 1:3` W. B. noun - , ,--. _~---- -----, cu. uuua um um con. :%.:::;".:::a"*%. "'`:."?8 enabled to talfo ':svzl4h:.nw'f (Nd I hm") be?" duties as an Eld ' mug" W '"-`I `"` to the manner in? Ithm congregntlon` As those duties I feel I have discharged their value ' 1 can `I` you have `wcnamd dc-avorenl d( llnouly Sui, that 1 have en` ml iftlmse .2 vw 3 '. d `"` "`d 5 uted to tho rl;)sw'thavt'e 1 any way contri- My long pc0n!*:::til J'Ilo fvvxilghchijgus I b 51, e an a giant duties that I hav:n1|$.`f;st:.t::,f"$:,';f .p:::i 1:1 I have? been auc< :euf|_1l_in any xneasu're, to the bI'?"`5' `f G: 5 SPW17. together with the 2z..?.,;`.; tmhm f'"` `hi ` ` ``~ `*3 I ah hl b. 1 - . meanusme ,1: tegda<;t:rt`l;::l:ntg1;1tr3 hgsve 1:) any fmval of my conduct in `MP1 `t",`lons of gp- gm 1 k.,;:: '.::.:`2:":,y a , a 1 k ' .. .9 in the dilrftcult 23:1" (})It'(;.:n `:1aI?b:I`-ind ; and If public life, I have been unablgl "" '`F of conliatency becoming the (iozfclto in.:.;1;1;'.' 3 ' ' - - . H - en {om wnh you 1 .s.ay"`1-'* B) the (race of Gm! u . ...... __.| ,. v (ilyrg )0, w . X3 197 wuuunency uecommg the Gospel, I may (He; `oil: in saying, By grace God am what I am. ,, It has nl-.9... L..- ' ` o .-X. Rims. ManageLs, G. M. .\l.\cu--.\ .\'i4:i.i.. Kingston, 28th .\Iay, 1873. John Creighton, Esq., at the rcqueat of Mr Davidson, who had risen from B. sick bed to bi` present, read the following reply : o the members and adherents of St. Andrew's 'C-hutch : Dear Friends, --In rcpl 'ing to your uncx~ pectod and affectionate mhlrens, I would do- nre to express my deep sense of your kind * preciation of my unworthy services to the gregatiimdui-ing`my long connection with it. Inythe kind providence of Gm! I hm". 1.... E; *k.El _ ,_ , ,, -.... .... ,uu us nun you and our worth partner, who bu ever been so lrmnlred witli you in your aims, may lon be spared to go down together into the v e of declining years ; and that, when you are cal- led to your reward, you may even sit in that company of Elders, who are clothed in white rnimeut and have on their heads crown: of gold." Signed on behalf of the Elders, Jonx Uiu:mn'ro.~'. And Sabbath school teacher 9: A .r-' 1"" `pun by .50] J ;.:.-_A.- . 4: -"---n_ In mdi. Galina} . ...-.... .a n uuuaemuu word. . - I '9 ask you to accept this clock as a. slight recognition of all these inestimable service. Our prayer to God for you is that you and wu:-tih A . Jyou a.ii_ns, may long -nf 1` "0 """` !( E! 29, n Ioconntg |. Ten-fa .n_.J...h.o above all things, fearing God." They have observed you in the varying for- tunes of life ; and, us they watched your un- assuming humility in prosperity-your self. sacricing integrity in ndversity--your domes- tic virtue: in ruling well our own family and your nndeviatinf atrnig tforwardneu in the tortuous walks o publielifo, they have thank- ud God for the consistency of your christian profession, and, for their own sake: as well an yours, rejoice that "by the grace of God you are what you are." St. Andrew : Church, from its intimate connection with Queen's College, stands in a peculiar relation to the whole church. You hove contributed your full quota to the dis- charge of the reaponsible duties which this congregation owes to our Churoh in Cuusdo. By your unostentatnous Lospitalitgv, your judi- cious advice, your kindly sympat y, on have raved yourself a friend to every stu ent who had the Ministry in view ; and now, wherever these are lzfhouring, the name of (Jun-go Du. vidson is a. household word, , vou to am-`om nu . -1..--. V -- .-._, uuu cu. `nun: rvporn. They pg-gin, God` that yuu lmv eminent degree fullled the qualifier an Elder laid down In the Book of ` Order ; An Elder mnpt be a. man of and godly conversation, without bl all auspicxou, careful` for the dock, v above all things, fenrmg They vnn in n... ..--. -- -..- r.u.xy..uu_y U1. um CI18I'gC. _ ' A5 Superintendent vi the -Sabbath School and Teacher of the Young Men : Bible Class, you have, by your fauxilmrity with the Holy I atriptures, your iiptuess in thu exposition of fund doctrine, and your faculty of llltcrcdtlug the y;|Lt_hful mind in l)n'iuc- things, been in- strumental in training up within the nurse-ry uithe church, successive bands of youth well uutructed in Biblical knowledge. The young of the congregation, from time. tn time, have had cause to bias you, not unly for yuur sound yrecepts, but also for your godly cnmplu. tor upwards of n geucmtiun you have gone: in and out before them, and eter- -luily walk and cou\'crsa.tion,havc unconsciuun; ly moulded their lives, so that may shrink tron! the mean and impure, and strive after those things that are true, hone.-it, just, pure, lovely and of good report." 'l`hm: ....z... 11...: at.-- ,-... These services have bocn varied ayhcrc in which it is possible fox make hiunsdf useful, you have be active, amlhave cuuatraiued us t with aifcutiouute pride as the mo: der in the Presbytcnnn Church. _L-1 n HI:-mlmr nr oi... I:..u. .- I _-. ... ...-. A .cuu_y|.L'nun tzllllfcll. As :1 member of thy: Kirk Session you 1 by yourprudcut counsels, your watclniul sight of the spiritual iutcn.-sis of the 1 your comtaut presence and edifyiug cu-o tion at the weekly prayer-mceliug,hulLl u` hands of the Minister, and largely cuntrit to the pruspcrity of the charge. Superintendent uf thn \-..m...... .- _ ' 9 ,,._ --....-..-.-.. "nun no. 1 r , Prof. Maclu-rrn.n having been requested Ivy 5 Prof. Mownt to conduct the ceremony, in the _ gcourse of a few remarks, stated that he had _ . known .\lrDn\'iulson since hC(l I'0f. Mm.-korras) . 1 was fteen years of age, and that during tlmt _ time be had walked with him not merely in t [the outer circle of acquaintance, but in the I inner circle of intimate fricnclsbip, and could assure those preseiit that he to whom they had ' Q met to do honor was wurthy in every respect ` '-f their highest eutccm. Hn Al-n in A---~ -.. uvvny. uuuuauu, nsquiro : The uwmbcrs and adherents: of St. Andrew's Church, Kingston, desire to express their sense of the ouligationxs which they owe to you for the many valuable services which you have raudmed to the congregation during your ~ connection with it, cxccndiugwver thirty-uino years. - , ...... .. .. nvnvl mu wurmy in ` ' of highest He also felt sure thnETlr Davidson would not estimate this tes- timony of their affection for him lightly, coin- ; ing as it did from the quiet and staiii Presby- 3 teriau congregation of St. Aiulw-W's, which v_va.s not easily moved in nutter: of this kind, 5 but that ' he would consider it the result of ' ` huartfelt gratitude to him for his \'alnzi.l)lo scr- vicesto this charge, and their esteem for his Christian example. o_,.r \1_ I ,, -._.._..r-... Prof. Mackurrms the I dress : I To George D.'I\'idsou, Esquire ultemluern nml n.l2.........;_. g [Alt evening, at the cim.:_0f the pmycr. f meeting in st. Andrew's Hall, Mr (Eco. Dav- g idun was prcuentcd \'ith a handsome parlor time-piece, by the members xind mlhercnits of , St. Andrew : Clmrc-h of this city, ms 5 mark on ` their appreciation oi the many` valuable scr- vicos rendered by him to tho congrogstiuu. 3 during his connection with it. i n .-. PI-7cs{eA,`l!a-t-lon Q0 Mr Get; Davidson. I I--. ___ , ,_- .....p at. intcudeut vyour 'uur cxuositim. no` au sentence pronoun: mherit ,.__ .. u b'Cllb'l|alUn rut Ll thv extent to which, nut instruction: have strength- hcir mimlu, but also your crsation,havc `van, and f0 h0l.lC-it. inn: nu-A W 3 varied. In every 4 s for a luyluau Lu 1 been uutirinulu 1 -u vuul Lu have, win, your wan.-ln`uI m "; read the following ad- _ --,,.`...~, -yuur acu- lvers1ty--your domes- gwur ` life, acy vour ch.-em... so-um nor a usylnnu L uutiriugly i ued to regard you s model of an EL I Church. I have in an be qualications of Common of Llnn lifts 7... - u \/UUIXIIOII good life tlwut blame and ock, wise and, cu-opcrzr L-el.iug,hulLl up the urgcly cuntribucd VH9. van 1 Jun IHIVO, `- O\'u1'- u nf H... n..,.:, wed, [ the LU OVU1'- : ock, .nl|n-n rne SW1 Improved e ng n son's. Brook Street. Genuine llowe t J. E. Hutche- --=------==-_-_---- Ixrxovzmzsrs. alteration for the, improvement of the Bank of North Ame rica are making progress. panning up I ....,..w, vuu mgnesl: mu. Parcel cur Pxoraarv.--The E 61' Clar streets, was on \ Vednesday exposed for sale by auction, . Parcel No. 1 was Thomas McMahon for I 33,500, Parcel No. 2 was not sold. not nnnu ... an A-- -' verett pr5pex-ty, ence and Bagot nuns and taking advan- tage of the police on duty conducting an obstreperuus prisoner down stairs, they man- aged to get out. Ginnings, nftera sharp run, was captuml on Clarence street by Police- man Mimic ; but the other mzmagcd to elude pursuit by crossing the: market square, to the Express Company's Office, where he was ; loaf sight of. .\'o trace of his whereabouts has I yet been found. - Fun THE PzN1n:N'rxAn1.,-Sheri' Thomas arrived here this, morning from Hamilton with two convicts, each sentenced to three years imprisonment--\Villinm Hurrigan, for horse stealing, and Thomas Ginuinga, for robbery. \VhiIo in the Police Station they contrived to uufasten their irons and taking fnnn -5 LL --" ved i_e_vgIng_lag:hlnc at J. I: 'I`A:.\n-mz.n:m: Excumuox Tem aerzmcc excursion and I place from Mallorytown to Ki day, Hth June, by the ates` I`l... L.,A A 11.....- ........n.-u. uuu pwmc will take Kingston on Satur- steamer VVate|-town. The boat will call at Rockport, Darlings, Ganzmoque and Pitts Ferry. ` - Du lhczis Btu Snow.--Suct of 11 large combination which wil ads. on the 5th of next month, an Sm-nia on that day. The Great 1 age-riu in also making a tour of part of the Province. .___.__. The band a} the Garrison Artill:ary will play in the City Park to-morrow evening from 7 to 8:30 olclock. E1 .\'xw Onnuns M1s.~rmzl.s.-T lnin.-4LrL:h4, one of the best travolli _ ____-..., .......u......n.-1nxs troupe of travelling, have en- gaged the City Hall for the 6th of June. r ......, nu.-egun, ugaunlbufg, lumber; iffer, Bay City, Kingston, timber; 1 Chicago, Kingston wheat ; barque R. C 'l'0lr:do, Kingston, Timber; British Li< -lo, do ; schr Anglo Saxon, do, Belle, Milwaukee Kingston, wheat. Up : Schra. Gladstone, Blazing Star. Arrived at elevator to discharge. Tl achr. A. L. Andrews, from Chicago, Uolbomo, corn. She is owned by I Boland and Andrews of Toledo. find, South-west, light. 0 The Improved GC sewing Machine at son's, Brock Street. -._.-:-2_--,,------- ,g_--.., vv --vs-u , John J. Mott, Milwaukee, Oewego, wheat ; J. D. Norris, Milwaukee, Otwcgo, wheat; Anti- lope, Cleveland, Toronto, cool; St. Andrews, Toludo, Kingston timber ; Pictore, Erie, Too ruuto, coal ; prop. 81:. Album, Chicago, Ugdensburg, gen cargo; Akron, Toledo, do, lo; Milwaukee, Chicago, do, do; D. E. Wolf, Chicago. Kingston, wheat ; James Norrie, do, do; Queen of the Iakoe, do. .. , .. uauvu, uu, uu, an ; steam-barge '11:. Cowic, Detroit, Ogdenaburg, lumber; S. J. Luff, Nuskegon, Ogdunnbuyg, lumber; Glen- Bay Ciw. Kinantnn H--In-- `--" .;unuAA nr IIIVIITU. Port Uulborno, May 28.---Dowu Lilly Parsons, Chicago, Kingston whe I'Ulltl| 1-no` . c---- `` .\I1:SHI'S J nines Swift & (.`o. s wharf- Stcaincr Spartan pxuisml up last night, and the xteamcr (`orinthizm and prop, St. Lawrence [m.~I.-Jul down. .l'hc steamer l .1.saport and tug .\.'. .3`. E-lsall passed up this morning. The tug Wren coals.-nl hcrc to-day. llolcolnl) & Stewart's wh.1rf--Tho propeller Argyle, Chicago. lightened 4,03] bush wheat, nml proceeded to Montreal ; tug \Vren, with four barges from Montreal--3 light, and one with 100 tons of pig iron {or Chicago. The Francis Smith is unloading is cargo of lumber from Trenton for M r McRossio. Captain Gillan-, of the schooner H. W. Con- verso, was lost overboard and drowned the other night, on his passage from Bcllevillc to Uswcgo. ` l The North Star, s new n - . .. -5 sol: Port Hope, wu launched She inn very ne model, an: Howell & Alvard. |"...a n.IL.-r " " )1;-surs axucaf : pmnxml nigl , __,,.,_.. ..,..-u. vvnlcab itllll 1'J,`l]i) Dllll COHI. _ Montreal Transportation Company's wharf Al'l'iV6`1l, Schrs M. Fillmnn-, Chicago, 18,278 ' lmslnvhcnt ; W'. J. Preston, Chicago, 15,529 hush wheat ; Montcalm, Milwaukee, 20,? bunch wheat; Cortcz, Chicago, wheat; F`. Parsons, Chicagu, wheat; John Vague, Chicago, wheat`; Trinidad, Chicago, l8,2ll buuh wheat ; Persia, Toronto, 11,403 bush corn - prop. Enterprise, Pm-t Dalhuusie, bush l!l'll . uuugller. The inquest on the body of Thoma: Ewnrd, , ; whn (licul from tho oecta of the blow from a ?stone on the luead, administered by James .1 Lynch, was opened on Wednoaclny at tho !:(;ll(.'I`3Il Hnapitnl bcforo Dr. Barker. After l` receiving the evidence of Mr Buttner, the llouse Stcwnnl of the Hospital, III to the ,"dcnth of the unfortunate nun, the enquiry l was` ndjuurned until thinymoruing, to permit a punt morttm examination to be made. On re- ussemhling, the evidence of the medical men was taken us to the cause of death, and `9 new.-rnl witnesses were examined as to the as` ls.-unit. The jury, after carefully examining tho evidence laid-before them, returned the following verdict :-Thomu Ewan! `died in I tlu: General Hospital on Tuesday, the 27th I May, im:t., from the effects of a stone felon. liously thrown by James Lynch on VVedneIr 5 day, the 14th May inst, tho said stone causing r. xracturc of the skull. NI... ....... ~' ` ` u-u-I III`; AIIJ YUK- Coulthurst and Mcl hio s wharf.--Ar- ` rivcd--Schr 0. M. Bond, from Chicngo, 20,. 300 bush corn. Ule:Lred--Shr. Richardson, I Port Stanley, 677 bdl: rail iron ; achr Quebec, I Montreal, 13,160 bush wheat ; schr Canada, 20,0`): bu-sh wheat and 19,475 bush ; \c . un- , u 3.;-mere. That, however, is their res _______ _._,, .....-......,.;, mu uospci, 1 then 7 conu- '___ ________ r... V ..uu..uv nu suulr oin qugngu The French Canadians revere lam l|m-" . } 1;] ya nourc-: th-\ utmost CHO l""W"Y ` tho 10 leader pleasI1|rao.t<`rvx:`y and They still resent the contmnely 3 ,, him and although they nhzd :`:;.ughae'u Ge.-don at Tchr_ . ful or ' ' l still ' I no. dgcrylng the pubhc funera. , led to',show ourselves friends to the stu- lh. ngneutj will revive the hatred dents, particularly those who Minis- . .. I ' . `hichm, gu wearing out, and the ground 1 tr) In View ` , Fu; Int iltlllnll '1 5 10" '1'V'` lY bi I g i Eect, be ' tt 3 . ounbettlp 5` lb`, my ght it out 3' W`)!-1l;edear fgielaldl, reciprocate uni g they P1- 3'1" 138 ` for you and "d y a nu atone ours is `.`h 5.9;. luunpo , that you may lon he s sred to live ad `hon, neck. `mg it will c.n_ Inncin " do if 1. to jug" in `he mm H in ood _of when 1 1, ll you the of . _ . . n In I J n P `,0 . noble sense o -de eats tlILe.:i`rAnh e'nts.nee_of those ssr 0 .- .. .-vnuu In uuu nnuu. The corunur'e warrant for his detention . for fcloniolisly killing_ 'l`huma.u Eward was at m..- ismxul, and the prisoner, James Lynch, wlm i.~: r:.L]u:r 3 hard-looking vmnm I-llnm , ......... ,..-.., ...... I/nu lInanI|cl', James Lynch, 'wlm hard-looking young fellow was cunnuittod for trial for manslaughter. ._-.3 ._.___.) - Q 3 C0l'0llcl"!.l lmluc-st- < |{i tlom pre!mrodAfo-1-`you from the foundation ` ofni ' t 9 world. ,.__ , .- Kingston, 28th May, uncugo, nmgston, Bates, do, do, do Steam-barge Detroit. Otlenlnn-a luoud--- - 0 " - ,_,.-....., ....., ac.---lJOWI|' Schra Kingston. wheat ; . flltt. .\lilWmIIum f\----In W" ` ' .... .. vmnuavvue, nmzmg 58l'. I The new Port Messrs Id of Tnlnrln Genuine llowe J. I5. llIltclIc- Brock WTHE DAILY NEWS-'l`HURSDAY EVENING. MAY 29. Int Bu.L.-The St. Lawrence Due 13," Club Ian on Friday "wins to consider nlltllgan to phy from club: nt Guelph `ml Il...n...l Marine News. m Snow.--Such in the name nation will invade Can- . and perform at Ly. Eastern men- king :1 um. I 41... 117--., -., .-...... u.umu; aunr bill eat nurz.o.....L_A.Z ,, 1'- ---vIl\lIJ in: and in IDIIBIIF .._......b--, not ronnery. ;ion coutrivedto . rwn stairs. tlmu I-an ,9, -........v. , uncu- -n, Arabia, Gukin, r; Lion, do, .1- an -1- ' - ;-Vcrdlct of Blun- :hter. um P:stc.-A l picnic will Kinmlrnn .... u-L., :1 to the reserve ,,,, ,,_.-- v--- --v vv uuuaeu. There LN time: when exciting politic el question: may be expected to lend a. bitter- noon to political strife which ought to be Allowed to sleep on much as possible. But no such period now exists. We see no eingle question upon which the public in divided, there Are no old battle: to` be fought, and jun at such 1 time the paper thrown in u lire-breynd which may well make the Reform party tremble for future nuannnn 'n.'.. la`:-gum}: l".......I;...__