. . - - "` I aura, which xu our Jmlgnncnt are of Incalculm 1 M1; :uh'm1l:1gu.--Adv, I .-\r'tur tmmty-ve yum: medical experience. an; lvuvc never met with a remedy worthy of alcpcracicrwu in miy lincasc of the lungs, until Lhu '.i4covcry of I"elluwu' Compound Syrup u! tlypuplnusplvitua. This article realiy in relia- inu, mul rmucwzsftnl in a majority of causu.--- ; Jr/I`. 3 U] nu . nu ....m,,u.-.my: with air ucorgo was ni- i ways getting better up to 13th inIt., when no fun hiulegu beginning to null again. The next day, lmwc-vcr, ho was well I.-nmr,:h to run Jflll to an invitation by the Qiwcn. Ho ind noon to take to bad, how- ..-vur. Thu lropuy which" follows _Bright'I -iim-M50 of the kidneys, `from which he min.-real and which had been subdued fur sumo time, rt.-commenced, and won pre- -wilted alimning Iym ms, gradually` inlrrcading till it ranche the breast. On i L-ziturduy, tho 17th i-mt, the swelling luul ~-,;rmitly incrcawd and caused him much 1 mifuring. which abated 3 litllu nu M'.....i.... Inc, 11 ..... ..-v vv nu; \;IIuuu'y lail Xllvllily. repro- ..-mmg in: position to its soribus detriment I in tho United PL:w:-I and tlnru-Jghuut Europe. We have lived long onuugh to be heartily nick of this gloomy dincuuntin of `Ithe future--quite long enough touu er- ntaml of how little worth no thaw minar- ablu prophets of evil. They are like Ovil'n ; vi! spirm, croakinr defeats in the midst V uf u-mmplm. Cun was never in a better . t'munc:.~.l pnlition than today ; never stm--.1 i no we tut to-day to engage in the great E pilhhc wnrkn xxocauuary to her duvelupmcnt, land which wall add largely to the national lrmumrceu. Tm: expressed foara_of thew r..nn:n.....A. -3 `I... l-~ - '....-muwo. Lnu uxprcuud uppuucnts of tho Govern fonndauon in fnct.--Muil. 44....-. In H - g prex is the direct. shy in the Inca which the I Q l)m'. _q Trilmnc of St. John, an Opposition |;xapm', gives to H3 Globe. It 18 rather 3 ;' itiicnlt," says our cuntomporary, "tu un- ' icrstnnd how n. public juurnal that ha: ' .n'L-ry facility for being well informed, can f V iitcr the altogether foolish falsehoods that 1 occupy the editorial column: of the Toronto V . vilobr with regard to New Brunswick." V liming quoted some extract: from our con- ; temp arnry onthu aubjectof BettorTerma, . the Tr!/nine says its journniiltio pride ` su't:I'u coimidurably in oxoonimz In brazen ,. ._-_, .- ..... vv u vunlculllll to ma jun,-urb.:r for Lounox, ,Mr Cartwright, to find his recent tspcuch in the House of Com- mums reierrcd to by New York jrmnmln - um an indication of inn ending national `.>;un'srIIptcy in Canada. V0 should think u zvoul-.1 .'6'JllIL'lilHIJ our other occur cu than `c. -mkem that they might. be duiug butter . ncica to the cuuntry than fnluly. ` dctrimnm. ` .-...........vu nu nwuv.--71.!-I'll. I Sn: 1}. E. C.\mmu'n LAM` lLLxlm4.- Thu .Uim:I'L'o:.imyl that {sir George wn}:n_gqt.tiug up to-130;]: inst... -rl--n - A, it must have been it satisfaction to tho cluuf `Evil print to nd that its libel upon 2 mo Govermuont, and its minnmtemomn as as to tho Curuulinu Pncilic Railway Com- pzmy, lxzul some effect on the London Stock l;'.u.-lnzuaga when Sir Hugh Allan and his 1 nsnaciacen reached there from Canada, so, no doubt, it will be u cbmolation to tho ms,-urb.:r rmums lflew Y_9rk journal: -nu an S-.lH-..A..-. . um: um: aynuu, rexncnberuag with deep gry { titude tlw uauumce no generously given by . the 8. I . G. to thin Diocew for no mgny ye. put, resolves to devote in future, (commgn. L cit from 1-: Hey in the present `can! of All lune collected (or nude or club. Diocese from hisl collec- tion: and Mnuwnuy Meefinge, to the Foreign Minion rum: or thu socwcy. And 12 it Im... zazuolved duo the can mud no xnontioggd o be lenvuded by our Clerical Secretary of the 8. 1 . Guy: allnnk-ooring to Almigmy God, uulu I when of grstitndo to the \ one. table Society. 7. 31: Raw. E. H. M. Baker. Can-viuu Pin. . W.-...um n. mmuly and an foolishly for the I purpmoe of raising an mac-t.iun:Ll cry against Aims Brunswick I" ` We commend the-no p:umnges to the Globe : ` "fzsitl:x"I|I cupyiutn" in ()nmrio,'nud to the f whulc mnk and tile of tho Irritated Ban- ` riitti."-Muil. V ll} 5 uolun .. w u. grczu xmur-rrnvlucml nancial , armngcnluxnf, tlmt has just! been eiautod by ; ugruemcnt of all puma, --trnsting to the :;,rnurunco of chow render and then` con- '-lvn1;ui1: their fnvouriw journal. It is n `in;-.:ruc-: ta !lxc prufcusiun of _innmuli.sm, . and should bu L-xpused without rs lard to 91'.-my or ucctimml cnnuidomtimm. And,, 1'11. 7';-u'I.n..,, o:....Il.. A41: - uw nzrnmc nta journnliutio considerably exposing so brazen and foolish a newspaper fraud." It is painful," it pruccmlu to say, "to no :1 `our- < unl uf whusu encurpriso Canada shou d be proud lelibt-ratoly lying to in: readers in r- V-.211 lu .1 great iutur-Provincial nancial :.rmmzcmcnt. tluu. hm. hm hm... -rr....,..1 1... 7l___-_ _.--..-not/II Ill AVG`: 040 TONIC INVIGORATOR. {s?+c2~?L _"!9_T'..C2E_-. ., .,.w.. n-uumwu uy strange-rn visiting .-mac that we show a larger pro rtion of , horse.-:4 than any other State 1:; t 0 Union. , we tell them, in owing to two principal um : in the first rkwu, we-hrccal ram the be,-fat stock ; mud] in the sucuuul place, our lie um Shs.~ridr.n'n L':walr_y (ltnnlxtion Pow- , which in incalculm : uh`.'mLngu.~--.1dI.~. ' H U713] [H1 zmythixu U IKIIHI K f my 01' H4 Trihu I4 1. ,..... L. _ ,,,-_, .... ulnull unnnnnullllte is t-;u,\'cntiInul:1tc the system, pm- ", _ .1 [cu-ling uf tcmpm-a.ry improvement, BL .41 by .1 relnpuo and gvsncrnl prostration. Pen .l mu! pa,-nnanent benet results from Mum} : 0.` rcmuslil-a that Lxcite nutrition and half; ynrc hloml. Ur, \VlIuclul"s (` pm .mnpouml ` ni ! im:~4ph;Ltes and Calisaya. isa. ()hcmi- every ml that supplies the waste nf brain and [mu ( . ixwignmtcs mind and body, and im- R_ m plasticity of spirits that gives new "1 m... I `` ' "N. 50,, , over to dioine 7, 3, Baker, Carrying Place, , ioynl tom nudge: ._. Reuben Y ng, hq.. Inna` rcoi ivgh, . ), 'v urhu" u 'I'.r:ako!or w 5ynu1o,`tIv;do' mg l_"aIIJ4_PW::'!` i'i'."d- 5' 753' . of thin kind. -:5 ..":'*.-`.....*""......", ..::... .......;...%..." nu-am am an .... nu mpuueu mmout 1-ward to] rucctiolml cnnuidamtimm.' And, rum; nally asks:--"How much In, plucml in Lhu (/lube ; statement lxixw when It thun prostitutes its :40. xmuly am] foolishly for uf minim; M9cf.iun.1.Irv uauimt 1 As I'..-\ I M 1'}. `ING DJSEA -_ r..,.I.I.. :14... THE DAILY NEWs4THUnsDAY EVENING; MAY 29. u. aouvoxuz C0,, Mont... .__, wv ..-. uvvunryulclll, ' laddzlargely ms {can of Gnvormnent have no fact.--bIuil_ eunwu Compound l :1 ` I uxtnluo, attended with 1 ligcstion, torpid livcr, ittiolx of the kidmevu IIA7 JUUI IIEIIIIDIU l)rl'.l v m oxposmg mmmr frnud," "H. in vnusu until]. > LL44 and ml.-......I.....o -.. ... mm muxluylj e'of alcoholic stiInu- ' dug strychninc, and , as their immediate ! : the uvutmn ---n glau,1'aq..besppou:uunnnuuud. 5. B1 Archdeacon. Puma Bol1uillc.~-A,, to thocuonon tlunled u..| -Ibdaunz ioryhl'IdI.`V5'T'l""P0IInoIolcon- o "1 . 9, v. C. Porat. lforrnekville.-T1... uroaou mD!'"U00ltotlIo8yn.J, Whihuulny 90' broad ,, Lg, 3. ' toward the 1..., ' 11-. J I (Ind who! of lllvcrnnnnuul . ztmngcrn argcr proportion of o1-` C111w'1"-i'u S. nttann n4- wrpm liver kidney; zoholir-. adiunu. . Ilv upon I Come 1 will in | Mon- me I It in ` rnfnu, I UL` lb -uurasy :4: ll am. - Ii 4 pan. Nuvburgh, Jail; at 4 p.m. Buvniu HonL.-Bath 11:30 am. on T116841!) HAO.-aulnm - `-~~ ` ` ` :.-_-- same unci. M ' H .--8 ' ml do lromAt1|:IIl,`p l`aco"::L!oll0wtAlg:-Hun` ' put From Picton, dsily, 6 pm). ; leave at 83.11: 8 denlmn, dsil , ll mm. ; lea . I-{V . . ; luvs N 4 jun. Battonoa, dgly, 11 mm. : Imam -I 4 non V--`-' I 3 1 I ' Expreu I Mixed 'J"$a'..' '. Ilium-.u 5! lbs datum! ...Ai4.lnlml Uh: ..-pun! .-Ufa? It` uona.}',"s'".anua.y mu pm. ; leave: at 1 pan. mxprclu . . . . . . Mixed Train Exprcu . Exyrcu 1 Grand Trunk Railway Trains arrive and depart from thu I station as follows :-- n..uu,. .-.._ ,1 V... us. ur.`l USI'I`S received under th of the Post Utlicc bnvinga Bank, hunts of 9 n.m. and 4 p.m. Oice hours from 74:40 .. m L. uuurs 01 9 and p.'m 7.30}1.m. daily, Sundays excepted. I2 1 , _._ _ -,,.. ...n...o wm be closed as follows: Per l)ll{EC I' LINE` (via New York) every Monday at 1.09 p. m. l ostnge 8c. per half unncu. Per CANADIAN LINE every Friday at 11.30 nan. (via I ort1n.ud) I ounce. Postage 60. per n - p ...u n u :1 non. Registered Letters should be mailed half hour previous to the time of closing the Mails. Registration Fee Sc. MONEY ORDERS, on Money Order Oicoa throughout the Dominiun, Great Britain and lrelnu(l,- Newfoumllaml and Prince Edward 1313 d, can be ulntnincd at this Uinn Al... |).....-_, MAILS` 1 I9..- `I\nn.u.m . ... uizu iownsnip. ~'l`hat s committee be appointed to con- sider the whole subject of Missionary De- putatioiia and ruport to the Executive Coin- `mittso ; iiaul Committee to consist of Conven- cn end the Mover and Sooonder. 2. That the Bisbp he requested to appoint s deputation whose duty it shall be to visit all vacant par- ishes, also (when requested by the lucninbcnt) -those in which Miii'iater's salary is under $800 per sniiun, the iniuiinuin fixed by Synod, and 1 endeavour to bring them up to that point. The ' expenses of the d_in.ita.tion to be paid by the Incumbent, prqyu ed his salary is increased .10 per uiiinin by its exertions. 3. That in the opinion of this Synod the Provincial Sy- 3 and is the proper body to elect Miuionnr ' m.i..p., 4. To amend cum xvi, ... x1 I I I on outts. A 11.. H... I)... I` Mr u-._I. -- _I 5. By the Rev. R. Lewis, M1itisndl.} nuwaru Island, 4 Uice. Also Pm Um-dz. Arrival and Departure of llnila. uwxr own proviuionl. . , Rate: for pxuumge or {might always lower`- Lhnn b any uther route. a t W! be for the intcruntnf punucngm-as and {Mnilicn gain`; \Vcnt to Ace the Agents of this Line Ilcforc mying chwwhcru. General Agency, 65 Wnuhin;.;ton Streut, Boston. (3. A. ICHIIY, Superintendent ; U. u , HMl l'H .4....... ..... _ . - \Vl 1>/J`. Thin Line offer tho imluccmcntu of plum- uura, comfort, nmfcty, speed and cconom combined, mul at Jun rutuu, including men. n nml state rooms, thin: by any other Line. The pxuucngor lruuilwsu will receive particu- lar attention this ucnuon. Largo cabins and umtu roomu comfortably furxnialnuql for lint- clmun puwngcru. Also m-cond cabin, with cook stoves and cod rwcmmumlntioma for pm- nungcru and fmmlicu who may wish to lurninls their provilionl. lnuusmm nr I.-..:..`I.4 ..1...-... _. ...... ....... uuullu uuymg cnwwncru. W. SMITH, Agent, Ugalcuuhurgh. FOLGEIK &21lANl.lJY, Aal:N1'u, Ferry \Vharf, farm. of Brock Street, Kingutmn April 30, I873. .,-._.-. ---v-r 1A\Jll.A. JIIIIIII3. The Day Burnt lczwoa Ogclcushur h at l n'clock p.m., daily (Humlnyu cxcuptea ), or on arrival of Lmims from Ottawa am! the East, mul rum thrmlgh to Milwaukee, Uhicagu nml into.-rtneulintc pa-rm witJumt change of lmat. l'}vuning blue fur Ulcvclmul, Toleclo and Lake Erie Port. um.-rtnesluztc withmlt THE l E0l LE H P`AVOUlKl'l'E ROUTE I \Vl l>,'J'. Lino Ml`;-rn Hm i...I..,............. -1 -1, on ouilt - 6. By the Rev. J. W. Burke, Prescott.- 'l'hat this syn-_od, remembering with deep _tIwV|u|ntanc9Io generously given by \J Upper Unl-in Stexunern. Two Daily Lino: bctwucn lmxlcxnullurgh, Ouwcgo, Clove- lnnd, Tuludn, Detroit, Port Huron, Milwau- kcc, Chicano, gncl all points VVmct., North- wgst and outhwcst. DAY BOATS AND NIGHT BOATS. tnl, n is . V.ferni<`1t`l CaA11-1:~1"_e3._l`S`!: 9 ?aI'.~IIie'.1's. [)us'r 01-`l4'l(,'M, KlN(`x'.S [`ON. you-6_-A 28225 - ---r-v-J 2 `QONSISTING of 2| Staunch First-Clxum 1 Upper Unl-in nos Ouwcgo, :1d,_'_I_'u_I:dn, Port Huron. Milwau- Grand Railway. na zsrnve thu Ki IIIW I 4.mI;:' the Roy. E. P. Crawford, Hawker- bury.-l. That III the opinion of thin Synod, the use of Beggars, Concerts, salon, Ralea, &c.. for the ruung of money for Church pur- poses, in derogatory to the dignity of giving II An act. of wpr.-ship. and calculated _to injure tho proper Scriptural mode of giving throng]: the Uifurtory. 2. For the sale of the north 5 of lot 18 in the 7th Uoncouuion of Plantagenet. 3 pursluut to muulurisl from the Pnrishiouera ii: ' that '1'mvuship. Bv the Buv, R TAu-4- U-5 I i "'i~}"~-'.,.,,."" "-`': v , u , by Not 1 a y u N. T. Compan .ll.Gl'l`INn ..t on u.,._,, u ._.. A rrivv, 4.10 A.M 3.45 1'. M'. 9.30 RM. aoum nun-, Arrive. I Ir. 1: u ncwmuuulaml and Postage Stamps and Post V.__>_ _,._g...__.__. i will be closed follows : ::~:1;rv;,. N:-Iv vn--A --- ~ R. DE%\UON, Postmuter. than on an umen tor the management of tc ' Suteutation 1" and. 8. By the Rev. (J. E. Cartwright, Amherst loluul.-When-cu in the event of the uid- unce of the See, n9 of the Endowment or Diocese in pouxblegrger to the electien of 5 Bishop, that the Bin op netted to no- I minute a committee to arrange tail: of such V diviion and report to the 8 st its next 7 meeting. I 4. By Rev. : |_mpv__l That. in Hm ...:..:.... ..t A :7 :- 5 ' the regulations 1k, between the to 6.30 p.111-n srnvon on lllv At mm arrives gt Ilrnulsnv and awlzingswn D`i`;i.`.`.{; McINTO/$;I',_\-V-etori no at tho Ontario v Toronto. Oico, -;-vu cl Until !!!- The Twelfth Sellitl will be bah! in the city ! ol King-ton, on Tuudly next June, 3rd. Thu lollowing in I list of the notice: at moumu to he brought forward upon thnt occuion : -- 1. By 5. Frizell, Pe'_rth.--'I'|ut each and A nary Clary-an belonging to the Synod Ihall ' mm the privilege of nbaeuting zmmu for I three nuoaeuiye sudayl in the bot bcuon, viz., in July or Apgtut, in order that 1:3 may 2. By tho secretary.--The ado!- tiuu of Canon for the lllnnlement .4 o 001: t ; ood Shen!llJ,"`w1SLhca march! Boom nte. Feb. 26, I873 re_lul {or tnvellerl. conunoclions Stables, and attendance ; a good Com Charges mode- A. G. 8C0l"1`, Propriotor Stirling llouse. Stlrllnml Ilusthuzs. i'lAii.:on llotel, OIKNEIK of l |ilNUEb'S and MONTREAL S'l'ltEE'l`8 (formerly the GERAl.l)lr HU USE).--'.l`he proprietors having leased the above Hotel, are now retting the preluise, with their well-known reputation, they are prepared to furnish all who may favour them with their pat able nocommodation, and at moderate chn ves. 'l`he l'n.l:le will be provided `with the It selections in the market. Tho Bar will be fxirnislu.-cl with the best Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Good Yard and Stnbling attached. turn. . . NSURANCE wnntan , 4 Drug Store. uuuuuua. JG U006 15: ways in attemlnncn for I Mnv 23. International llowl. ' ()8. I75 and 177 Main Street, Brockvillc, l_ Unt.-Jmm Juu.v, J:-., Proprietor. Free Omnibus to and from the boats and cars. carriage: {or partied wishing to viuit places of mums: can be secured at the uicc. A First um: Livery attached. May 27. Provincial Ilotcl, Gananoque. BRUl'HY, PR.0PRIETOR..- l'hia First A, 01:35 Hotel is centrally located in the N nwincss part of the town, in View of the = fhoumnd Islands of the St. La.wrcuce,,a.nd in dose proximity to the Fiuhiug and lluntin Lhoumls. sir Good Boats and Uarsmeu a. -' iu_2_zttemlxmcn Fishing Pm-tim, zwcoluulml and loan. ' ,.,, _ --.- - V VI 4v, VA LAIVA.-`lull IIOIIIO [J in entirely new in every respect, having amen enlarged, retted and nuuruiuhod um nenbun. 1"1ru-clnu sample Rooms and ample zwculuulodntiuu. Ummbuuoa meet all mum 3;. 1:] III ucncal s.m...o_.a,;.... |.'.....a IIJLAV AUNIDISB, M GI . J Uolnmerciul Room 9. C load .>`tnbl ing. _M:m._l1_30. ` 1&7 __- i- was In-9 LA l'E 01 LONDON, Eugluul, llmmwo pnthic Phyuician, Huraluun, lw. Uliice .mu lumialcuwu nmwved to ulliugton Street, near] y uppouito the 1 o:l:Ul!ico. !l. alls in city A; ` , ' t g ' ``" `" ' 5.".:'Z"; F$B.' ..A""".. rropru Kingston, 8th April, 1873. ,_..__-_..._..___ ._ -._.._-_. James Ewammom Dl.II.. EMHEIUI the Ito al (14 llcg ol Sm-gm as M En%lmu l. lwngtcnco, Mil Ulliw,:-: `Humble : ock, Wellington Street, Kingston. June 20 1 12 Mel llclntloullf )ANIEL McIN l.`OlI, Vetorinsry U1-ulna ` no u... n..;-.:- -L4 John aiuau; Al{lUS'l`l`.'l .-A l`-LAW, Solicitor in Chun- acry, &c., Ularcuw asn-eat, between King and W cllingtun Streets. ,MMcCunIn:on, Guuanoquc, CI.ElK OF DIVISION UUUILT, Notary Public, Cuuvuynnccr, Ummuiuioxwr in 4:1-cu : Bench, to. N (N. 27. pv--an-u Mex. `I-5. Iilrkpairslg, 14 !l7N'l`Y Ul()\VN A l"I`(.)lLNEY and Ulmls J u! thu Pczwu fur the Count of Fronte- Lmc, Uulariu Street, Kingston, 4 iructly um: uiw the Muutnml Tclcgm :11 Uumpuny'I ulim. Kingston, July 19, 157 . 4. .|. W ! tungsten. ...-nu um. Eu-ns PH-`HAL . I (fiw vnrieus Iwadetnien are occupied with; sulnjucts mnre_ ur lees interesting M. Miguet I renal a notice on Charles Dnnoycr, tho life` _ lung friend of I.'oxnte, and the `rent sdvocntc F vi liberty uL_work tu tho`;-eudition e! all pl'o- I grew ; he was alun sound political ooennniint. M. liuizut sdvecates the establishment of upcclxsl schools for imlnstrisl and eemnwrcial e-lueetiun. an already exist in sevornl parte 0! l"nuu:e, and not the gutting on of these nub- jectn in the pri-nry of higher schools. Io "iluemrtslity ol the soul," ss understood by the sucient Jews nutl Somatic peophmhss been l warmly discussed. )1. Roma believed they Iuul nu clear idea of inznortnlity, in the sense at faith in s future life, belief in s eonscieut existence wherein man will enjoy remunera- tion [or hie sets on earth. It was the Jewish uurtyrdens that suggested rewsrds beyond the tomb. M. Merths, in his Censolstion smong the sncients," held, that philosophy likehoner. oonldnot setsleg {ereur noes- turs. The ` stoics Iwbituttod peeyles to be decent intheir grid. nndnet tear their clethes end roll in the dust. However, Pliny tho Younger, when plunged in sorrow, delneuded high and new thoughts" to console his. He might have found then in the new-burn Uhfiiinnitv e-k_L I... _`:_ V cinlacrulevc 42 Wnlkcm, I )AlHU'l'l4Jl(H and Attm-nu Is-nt- Law, ) vuynncc-rs, Notaries l ul: ic, I-) ARRIS'I`ER. and Attomo -at-Law, So- licitor in Chancery, Lotnry Public, Uunvcynncer, 32 King Street, Kinglton; Out. At Galmnoque, over S. McUammou u Drug Store, every ' ` eldny and Friday. Jan. 14, 187%. I " Ed}. ll. sjsiyciue. M.A., -" 1)ARRlS'l`EI{ and Attorney-at-I'4w, So- ) licitor in Chancery, Uamveynncer, etc. (nco, (lnturiostruet, next door to Montrcsl l`ulegra.ph Company : 0ice._ i May 1, 1373. 5. Feb. 7, 1873. .|y.u\} V DI ti; rtnru, May '23}. - -- . . ...._..._.... Dnnili Hl`1o_tl 1r;N I`l{l TOWN, U l"1A\VA.--This homo _J entirely even fulnluzt, Innvinu Alnglo-Xnrnvncua-I-Icun llgtel. UHNSUN AND UNTARIU S'l`1EE l`8, Kingston, Uanmla. gs. Mu.~sA1- & co., Propriutorl.` Albion llotel, mu-9:1, gm:-uug. [MIN Ausums, Manager. First-clau lcooms. unml V.-.1. ....: Aug. 0. INSURANCE AGENT. .._IJ mg trwtl. _.,... may wanna well In the Christianity which he p`o`necutod. luchurcl '1`; Wulkcm, mLlUl'1'UlL IN (JIIANUEKY, D Ulurcncc Street, Kingston, Unt. J. 1`. (.`11.|nm.-smeuv H, I. lucuum '1`. \\'.u.num unmrm I III 'I`m-Vonto, Ap.-ii w, 1372. ii}.-'l~lucleau's lhlllw ~ pE.`:I()VEl) TU MAULEAN l CD'S Dmg 1, .`a`ta_:_fu, Prince Street. "'15. ill-In'}"n. Evans. H HENILY B. EVANS, M.L{.U.S., Lon- ) dun. Uiw, 150 l'rinueI'u Strwt. _...__._-..__ N 7 .MncdonulVdV Q2 Patton. . Altl{lS'l`ElLS, &c., Trust and Loan Builao iug, corner of Toronto and Adelaide meta. ( ` J.}_s|iln Bawden, 'l"l'UlLNEY-AT-LA\V, Scylicitor in Clum- ,_ ccry, Notary Public, 33 King Strwt, sgston. ; -uuusicle. sun-ling, Com tunings. CLASS H() 1`EI,--cannot by any Home in- *-'--~ ` VETERINARY. . an we market. The Guod John V. Noel. nu . . .. ,,.........., nlvrul mar unym up to the prewtnt, : write: the hiztury of` the people, whilu other ` h'uwri:.m innit Hwnuclves to king an-I j c:-mrtn ; it. in an interesting collection of po|ou- : lar cuntom.-4 and uumwru. full of curiauu quu- . utium from pamphiutn, and rn-In In wu, um j rm.-ter and good reuse. ! .'I'|m u....:.... ...._1.._:, I - ?E;cAgnt, xomy Public, Aa- Oico ova Mr Pukefl nu LI) MAULEA Prince " 9} -I ). in`;-'vI A l1.nv|u.sv r. . S. DANIELS, lmnruwron. 73. _-!!9vw9_L+i L Jmm A M.u:uus`u.u, (3.0. JAME:-I l .u'ru.~c, Q.U. .ZI ll! IQHII WAL:% '1uacim'-Q 'i1.X./, mat: and Uarsm r Fishing Partial. Q -. .....nu-u \.vuvL'Il'-IIJUIIH. ` f liaruu Hulanuri I`rmnmua' vuduurdv Jlomle ll buuxg rs-ad from cover to cuV:r. Formerly people travelled around the world, now they i promenade, not no much xur buuucu ms for pluunre. His work in an amusing at it in m- Itructive. and the description of the Monunn " territory, nu mnitutiolu, kc , are very mu`-h rulixuhenl. ' -. ... prwwr. rm:-clau ' Commercial Travel- ms, kc. am 1 ttendo . l.p.fAup\$1y8,`}l.D. . County Of v[ y. Firlt-clau `Gill 1':-n u..l - rn-or-clau Yards and ( Imam _. v v-fan-I & `FLU, Curr. Ssuuzu, W ILL leave an (alloy: :-I-Monclsyzl, Wed- stou shout l2:lbp.m. , '1'uaulsya,'J'hu yam?! !!uurdnyo--Bollo- villo st 2:4,s.m., Piston at 6 0.111,, striving in Kinytton About loam. 1leturnlng-1vill lava Kingston idly st 8 gnrziglonsou Picton shoot 7 pm, and v: ' . . " Connccta st Kingston with 03; Vitgcanb F Stanton, 0. '1'. B. Trninolutaal W13, mu uusmmm 1: Toronto, mau- ton, Ouvcgo sud out;-ul . , ovary Tuudumnd franc. NEW ARRANGEMENT. THE R. M. UPPER CABIN STEAMER T. '1!-ockvillc, May 6, For `Plcto__I,__`l_i`cAl `..-_-, -1-an-nu` -.-u uuuu any sum [hi sud rcgnimg hu duo with the good not no much in the harm of a luczun-A as at familuar cuhvcrlilhunn. l:.,- _ I1, I - I. > , , . . . . ..uv y.u|. 9.54 ) [J sir These Road; are of the same gauge the Grand Trunk, and them is co not no tlfatuhipmeut of Freight, when ma loudn- dttawn 2 . . .. Renfrew . Brock ville. . Brockville . Uttawa .. Reufrew ._._.__ TIIIIISEEXPRI-Z-SS mums mun LEAVE. I |!......I...:n _ CEIKTAI N C4)NNE(,'l'J mun BUY YOUR TIUKETH Fdr Ottawa vi}; Brqckvie. :,".u.._ - Brockville _a.nd`V < RAIL WA Y S. cnKrIf{ntg:I_['nAILwAv. .* a'"'` )n X can lLqIillzd_E:a.in {oft ` i t prcuor ' Dug EX'I}i'I for Toronto and wait Nigln Jprclll - Mlxml Train for 'I mmnh- ...- for Mm}renl....... -...u,.._., Nu l'.!L'Xl lluokl {or Nygm Exp:-cu Train for Toronto.` 0 1 I 1l|l4Z Kingamin and l`cmbmlco Railway Company otfur -for sale It their office, Wellington: Street, Kinlton, $300,000 0! Cor- poration 0! tbs City of ingoton Conuolidnted Coupon Bonds, in amount! to In purchas- urn at lng and than dates. Ayplicutionn to he made to an u long : K. and 1". R. R. Oico. Kingston, Feb. 25th, 1872. ~-- ~~ - swan $300,000-G11_;y of King- ston Bonds. r H E bent Garden Penn, are Mcbeam, Ad- ,P vnawpr and Veitalnes, Perluctiun. For 341110 by E. H.. PARKER. .- . . - - ..,...._-.-_...'_4,.L , lfpl-I I r mus rsuuacnbcn hereby give notice that 1 Hiram A. Galvin has been admitted as purmcr with them in the business conducted under the name, rm and style ofcnlvin at Iircclc, It Garden Island, (lntnria, and of D. If. Calvin an (30,, Quebec, in tho Province of Quebec, the name of which timu will continua ` the name an formerly, an above mcntioucd. 1:. 1, CALVIN, . J: A. mwcx. 0..-Jen Iiluul, my su.,1s1s. i M. l'E'l"l`EN(i'lLL & 00., 10!-ltntogl-}t., , Boston, 37 Pu-IL Row. New York, Ind 701 Cheutuut Street, Philadelphia, are our Agents fur pmcurin ndvcrtisenwnta for our paper (Tm: Imu Dawn) in the above cities, and nutlmrizccl to contract for ndvcrtining at our loweut rntol. ` . r HE Subscribers herebjgivo P bacn ndmituui .. ion: epochs. without mu-M.ially l||t.q:ri||g mm ha. There in nothing on fucl mxhaincd of in the history of the latin race it in nucqgc.-d,mI|y ,du not include France in itr .l--ciulunca. \\'lmt 9 l ! standard in to be adopted to judgu-. a pc't)[Ilc-'n : nationslitymsiniilnrity of two, mannorn, law I gnigei Perhaps the timv id coming when philology will juntily Hie removal of A no.-igh- D but`: landmark.-, .`.'.|d comparzstiw 51-mnnmr become`: bunch ox pm! -.nnd politic-o. M lu Y Cuupuc. doapica mir milugu studies which ' taught. that t`... l`u'mm.un win-rr they unpmoul i their nrnib in Hnul, inipnued Mm; their Imp Q gang rn-pudiau-.4 Hi.` ilill that tliu lh1.ulszu'- iwldvtcxl en the ll-um-n- fur their lauguagu ; hath lmvu haul a cl-mtxmu ungin, {mm It tribe inhalrltug a platmm Ill U:-uzrnl A:-in. inch in tha: la_loIt plrndox. ll-...,......;.... ..a.n .,,....z_... . , L n , 1 I (Cnnliniml from (law ru 11:2,].-, 1 ' LL Sbrcut. I Iul J. 1.. Macdonalal. L.l).., ENTIST (nuccouor to 121-. Day) No. 156 Princeu Street, Kingutun, Out. OFFICE IIUUILS from 9 A.M. to 5 l .M. From 9 to 10 A.M., on Fridays, devoted to the poor. `_..- __., _.-----..- F M. CLARK, L.D.S., Du-r.u. Iloonus, , No. 4 Wilson : Block, Wellington Street, Between 1'1-inccu and Bmck Btu. Satisfaction Guaranteed. July 31. - - sJc1i)!J%s`i xtums LEAVE xmasros u . [law-: Ii. (mac, Iii, I I I "l' EU l', M ABBLE fBl,DCK , I'ri Street. . Kiugntnu, May 25th, 1872. '_i'>i.5 - y ----a "I tbn._ Bclleviilc and Inter- meuiate Ports. ngny. uuum ALVU nrauumvuns 0 Post Office. Wellington Street. Established in Kingnton in. 1857. Aug. 22. -- ... n... ..v. .- vvuIi\l u- displaying by n {kw gm of an ago or of a lumen` I.rm-.- an Sainw-Xieuvc, u,., 2 1.`. vp1cEI23B-1{Es4'f13z3rE'".,'.o.' ,-.., .1, ) Office. wemnmm stfelce. John Power. UNIT fl` AND BUILUINU BU. L V I`; `V llll lhsxitlunt-n I Ina... Booams-rEn,T CAPT. wupn sunu.r.uI` ALVU DUIIJJINU HUN- Vl4YU1i. Ullice and limsioluucc Qumm b. I beat Garden fans, Mclaana, mmr Veitulnen. Pul...-,o.a.... Ia... V 1.. clenenu. Dentls;.- go o. a. noun... p... `!?`?!"TE9"F`UE- . J33... .,...,:;; ....;:;i ii` . . . . . . a.uv .m. 31]) p.m. A ll ll 1 V E . . ..... .. 8.00 p.m. 12.30 p.m. .. . . . 2.00 p.m. 9.45 p.m. .. 1.50 p.m. 9.45 p.m. gauge on -unk consequently xeut '0! when In car- NEC'l'l0N8 HADI \VI'l'll GRAND TRUNK TRAINS. ' -..- .1... ,..... Pgvnyg-:ricu Saint More Hi DENTISTRY. 6. ma-._ ---v a-.IIl. 9.20 a.m. Ql\n_, ruw . . . . . . .. (MK) 5.?! C. J. BRYDGES Managing Directiu-. F. C ULINE, Soc -Treasure: r. U UIARIS, -Treuum. I Ottawa 4.00 p.m. 4.45 p.m` 3.00 "4..nz....: 1873. K, l'n'ncL-n fol- he H 1` ` 1- mm: um chi] mu to new A-A 2%: oLYouvlauulCoInnI ` % yawn c ""f" Jpn. 22. ' vvmwr RAVI ` " An expenonoodlvl :.-;;,.,..,.'=*:~*- .....-* L or or Portluul` to J. L. Andrew Allan ; in `N " 00. ; in svnto all` ` Ilg'Urhenn4u ; in Pub Uh no u Septeln ' Hchmitzt 0a., or . % % da:;nvtoa8.l .It`tnl:Innth. to . iuan I30 ' bnlcolm; in nadir Urernmonu, 17 ` Glu Jane: (""1 ` I `H g PG LLX'"%5? Synod of Ontario. mlfth .....1`... ....'n I... n_-- . are ~int-em1ed T:o all .. 1`;(':rtlanlN_at intern]: ' inter n.vigsIoI.' exnenanoodvlvll gu uamn. Steerago . 'l` maul and runenglcll` ` Scotluml, are intends! A ` Portland :- - SARMATIAN fro: SU.`.Nl)lNAVlAN POLYN ESIAN - " HIBERN IAN PRUsSIAN Rates at 1-mag-Incl `M . llt Cnbin...........,.. ` ` Stan:-mm ' [s rvsusuv nail 3:. nm... In! A1 7' 17......" [rum 'orr2:nd ` N Lolggh .l4'oyle to rosin N. Mall! and Punnninmll ` Mail: ..`..a Pmeugau` .4-A Scotland. , L m.;ig;iiai%:% L.IVERPC.>OL_ 1. react. ` sAumN1AN m1wAssIAN... CANADIAN PULYNEHIAN .. .-ssAlLMATIAN. . . . IIIBERNIAN UAHPIAN :-KJANDINAVIAII PILUSSIAN AUSTRIAN .. Nl:;s'1'omAN MORAVIAN .. PERUVIAN .. ,1.-4 MANITOBAN { NOVA ' ; .vou'm Aumxlc ARUADIAN UUBINTHIAN 3'1`. DAVID 3'1`. ANDREW 3'1`. l A 1'1:lCK -- -- a-rmuuru uu [acupu- ..n'n their urigu up go 3|, pwwmv huturv of` the unnnh. ...I.I.. ..ol..._ wqu;'t.1.".`.:'.;'u'-" ` k 1' Prof t,P tion`,npply`:v 50" |Kf|.iiT Under H mm. And 155- ' wqu. Luna nu uau (lung ' wZ'.x.....1., and my Will have ' [nlamlu ovu-rdq ` ` " 2 m.md4 ;II. ` 11,111.. and M11` ' n utlll 1'0 Iranlin, IQ ':5`Ii'x~i %"`sv.`,""""'e-nt-gas l ngscott Ind Colln, V ` n. --u-. an nu ulvllr Ill` `.(n'lca of this "age. hwu hi: peculiar mrlzo: riavcnlcul in A pet-u1iaz_w.-sy. n Wrlttr frown-like A2 \'lI.'Bn1lI,` gnuzai trait: the literlturv r! xumun`; nor did hu paint pur- tc'-Beuvc, in whose Lumlin um: .' nl hi:-uic punomugcn yourtr.1y- ; alulwauy oi Xu_I.'rcu, the grace of ri tm. uolormg oz llcuxbrnxx-it. -1 rather MnnL.s;1;n--, enjoying -ur Eu}.-.-. ..v .1. _....., . H lthe I HA1. King-ton. ma Am; it i- M` -NI 1879-.9.- Winter Ki"K't"o 7: m ` .'> .. .....-..u- yuan-use no ' mgun that up and mu |l.I I-Yum wk}. 0|... ..,.-.l wnwlcl II Usual} lad In hid Mernoiru-1 du ptuplr Ieir uriniu 11:. on 0|... 0 rm III; I U. I rweived `r. mutual iu "'::::.'"' " M-~= no on :3 in the 14. 1:. wl " var `pg DAL ! u onmuivml Liver]! '01:! up, Inch 2 ill lenum I 81 His, yuan 'Awm mu's| gld M rontiltlo-.1 be hcnpcd on u, but punt:-x1t_\ will on '3' Run :|dx_mubh- l,':mr:- In ,u-, nu-pin-d by the vu:mm- Ictvr, ugu H dramas. Uti- -..-.--i-. ..g... . I AL. ..., . ., , r ..._ ...-......, `.11 thing, f in that ` r ..._-. `av m-\v- burn , -_... urrsv` ' .....-mu on our conuuuporsry. The out- I ' up is deserving the soiorostcondsmustiun ; than is not the shadow of excuse fur Mr I konzis's psrticipstim: in it; but, at the v : some time, we bolioro tbs rssation has been I ' so strong tho! so stamp: of the suns kind, 3 so hurtluftzrthe Constmmsn, will be msde .' sgdn st an only is ' . l lws good willy .ols`Esl?sb[e svlf. t e pnrtizzn ll ! qnwdling to than in the d mom 0! o 5 weight "which do dOC11ll'l)lfi0_n. B: mvful s _ Th I ----:---o PUBLIC FEELING ' ! ulln disintegration and , and daughter: 1 {the irauon-whv." - yl l`- "VVe ask the attention of `all lovers of the 1- Union to these facts, and particularly that 5 of our contemporaries in the Upper Pro- . Vince. Why can we not all work together, and build up a great and lorious country 1 Why should we be puinog, g national aspiration chilled with these over- i recurring perils to the Union I Would it and have our` not be much better to teach the disturbers i Jtliu public peace, the foe: of our nation- ality, to mind their their hand: oil the Constitution allow the indlutrieu of Canzul under the Qolutitutibii 7 So i t appears to us, nnd no it ought to appear own business, to lump . , and to i 21 to repose, and Hamilton, and Montreal and Quebec, If _it does not so uunzanr in H... 1-_,a,,, - u 1: due: appear to t public sentiment, in particulu `not won to appear tn the} .country;` without. rupoct to `own mu! -4 H- L- ` g ' The leader of Her Majas ty's Opposition I fin Canada, Mr Alexander Mackenzie, and i .the pram; which sustains him, must fecll Pattered at the notices they are just now 1 receiving from New Brunswick journals of all shades of politics. There is not nsingle I newspaper in the Province which does not L` express imlignation and alarm at the ; 1: monstrous conduct of Mr Mackenzie, so il- directly in opposition to his vote and speech of last year, in attempting to de- ' grade the Legislature of the Provincu and I bring it into public coutcznpt. The St. John 7'eIgru_ph, after dwelling upon tho i disgraceful scenes enacted in Pen-lia'mcnt, would be little hcutatiuu made in h over the Queen : Wharf and the bu thereon to the corporations of Que-be Montreal, an trustees fur th cltablis and maintenance of a Sailors omc. 5 come ariningirom the mm of the wharf pay the 300 a yar to Kingston, am; a hnudnnu_u prot to be devoted to the tnnnnm. no as._ u-, ,-_., ........,_., uvlu um or the would i yular and leave ; the main- tenance at the Home, and than the diiculty , about it: being self-supporting would be` at: ` qngegvercome.--(7[ol~,. ' i a dgc built for the nccomnwclatiuxn of tho lnipcrml troopu, but the Federal Parlia- ment refused to continue to and ..when Colonel Hamilton wan Ivindmg up the unfair: here, he got instruc- uions to secure the lmpcriul Uovurmncutj against the annual paynwm of the 300. ' Accordingly, bu took poaacsuion of the Qnceni Wharf at Quebec, and that instill lunpenal property. It is believed that if propor n.-proaontatwuu were made to the Gov- crument of England, showing the good that. would arise to seamen vfixiting the port, an wall :4 I-- ...n...... LA quireu ll not much. Iris-3' well known fact that 1 Wharf and the buildings tliereun in party of the Imperial Uoverumcx tune ui Uoniederation the people 4 were in rweipt of 3003 you I 6! 1 bridgc accomn Fed: pay th uuuliy, Ila: Ivindnm uu thn ..r..'-_ I. r ...c guuuv In y.'bLl`(.IlZCv1.l|Cl vlu /. nu-r xnunzhs ' The attempt tn blow up (In | I ntclllef Lama KcImuti Wi(h duali I 5 ml on Saturday afternoon ; three ' inn], but the fuse: burned merely . I wttiug like to the surtoundiug The nteuncr mu noon om: man a r _ W-1 hurnml to the water : edge. ' "Thu l"rvIh.'h Cunzsdmn luc.1IL1;'q u l that Lkw hunch iuuuigumu I ` ' ....... 1 I uu 195121.`. (- Tlw Quebec I. /crouiclc xulvoc hulann.-us of n Sailors Home l luercisl prilwiplel, and lay! tin ulnmtl ox Qnaboc gud Mumruu their duiro to put down the an they must give their aid to eat: imtiuuion. It add: that the quired is not much. 1: 11-3 umir |.......... :- ,. .- 5 A Halifax lpccini my: Captain .`:lcrritt, u! l the Canal. `Freaking Cqmpglnx, rcpnrtu Llmg 2 mar to recover 1:. The divers experience no little ditliculty in getting at ucqucnco of the ride of the wreck having fal- lcu m ulwng it. The bodies found are in 2. very mangled uanditiomund. limbs are I! about in every direction in the wreck. -- thu cargo, in con- outing v .. ` nus. .)ltlVbll'|.'. panned by th. liumzun Uathalic mm, at Qllcbuu, Whluln mu clun- i ' `tho lgyllomng -ubjcutu In re- ,;mjd to Lallwhc wntcru upon: Catlwlia: Libe- I raln-m ; u u the rgluciozla of Ulmwl: and : Sutc ; mu u :1 political and uu_lministrul.ivc ulcclunm '1"lw durccu I Council of Uinl ' ml, wurc upon - .15-Lw and ulpon m _ nglrcl-Lulm. ' '1; -3 were pt I must. by gubmitwd Lu liume I ; , . , _.-. - -..,c. luual nqmrx cam yluin | mling at `aim 7 , Levi are: being nmuuyud by Bible and tmct dutrilmtun, and call upon sh livp the p.rawu'm-. as Uuvonanwm cu _ _. v-on av LUTUHIO I nd Muntrrfaal it tlw_1eu}ien of nblic particular. u! u .1-..- ` `T'ro\'im'inl Synod. I ulagorll tug mu _l`;x_c.::mvu (.'nu'xmiL:.m~u Au: 1: has my mvmg nunnlnr puwcru In each limp. mnpectivuly; Yluvidccl zlwnyl, that me): 1 luozion by thv lou-cc uf If mhopn, us nforcuzu uhall not be made during any mansion of t ; may Iuxect .1 pncst. to Kill the vzwmwy nu cr}-::t- : ml, auhjl-ct. huwuvur, to the ratification by n : maforit M the `2xc.:m.ivu (.'nuuniL~.nn II )1 ur any I I '5 HIVHILI lcinlilnr nnu-nu-u in ..._..|. I-: hold every :w:o|:|d year inutcaul of nnnully, ` and that the (`.1n-,-ma be altered to meet 5 win I rlxangc in tho 1'um;titutium. II. By Rev. J. A. Pn.-awn, L`ornwa.H. ----TIME : ; lne Incmlu-no of this Synod regret that the-. 1335- ` | Irict nf Al;;-mm xx still without Epi.-uzupul au- ' 1-erviui-:11, mul bu-K (co re.-cord H`-I.-ir npiuion that ` | :`XI'-uld n.:mthur nu-4-1:11;: of the l rovi|Ici.1l .`~'y- , nod ho called for th-- ch-r-tion of n Missionary . Iii-lnop, the (`mum fur the oluction of .\I`iHliun- my Hiahnpt may he nu uxzhrgcd as to vravinlc that in man any pm-ut. shall he elcctcci umlcr , the 1n-cvisinnu of the Cnuun on .nias1omr_y ; Hmhup.-1, nml uhall docline such uluctinn, then. {and in any such czuw, the Hnuw of I)iuhap 1 may I-zlrct priest. Kill crout- [ uWPUt. hUM'L'Vul'_ in H... -..o:4:.....:.._ I P1101 nmuimon |`mmiia. I-`arty-ve _\'-Hing Nova Scttvtiatnl .-4;.-._-.[ 1.: :ur\'- `I:u:itnl:u. lmw vn!un- ; with the llmniniun trrmpu in ` __ -.. ...v wwuurl UK nntimont, particular, if it does 2 n the yuutl} of cure Twithout. Party, their, :51 of the {uumo of Canada; can n-oalizad. We shall still hope for i { , 1'Uzo'l'ZD .'4AllA )I{.'5' HUMl'3 QUl'2Bl.`. Ijuulun. I '-A .--.1-Illv IV; a nut noteworthy th' in the I nnces of tho New yiinawtckl r! sailors` ame on purely auuh I Iwipleu, that 1! the wor- Montreal be human in 9 crixn ing system, anal: iuh inch an uuiutsxuw ru- at _1m}ch. y -.uuu'.em nu of Km `:l`.'Il| 7'-- any arwrmoon churgcu -were c 1' and tu me dunk, wood work. i r ol nnnsu, mid ' edge. ,-- ....... ruu queens } he urc the pru- | ` Imperial Uovermnunt. At. the | egloratnon people of K i-m-*---- n. ma rcumum of 1 administrative | buy prnzuulgawal, but I ultwd buforo hciuu ml-. -.ur vvc share diioful appre- ' r._bo uicrutcondnm uni... . :ru bclu1Igi;g"&;eU;.|: ;Al`1wrt.i};e;:`-2. ' h2 wdix- " ' n :1; g, `M `1 ` "P0T8tiom (jun-l::c 1:x3 1 i fI:tfe:s5r:: cltablislhmeu; 3 - .- 3 . ' ' . m tlzevlalarf :;:;.l1 I Kinzu;(m sun] I........ ' , ,.-- -nuwIr|llI}Ur' ` Inc, lair Constitution, i cries Canada fn --a---- ma 1:: NEW mums- WICK. ..- ....u ncunuul COUllII'y I 9 puinog, our ' I I Union? r i r, of our m.o:.... the bow of the 7 uudwvich dualin waus repent- urrmon Men: merulv tu um ml--n|= mhnun wero prcnentcd tn: zmwing Room, held at ; on the 5th imumt :~--Sir Earl of Kimbexlcy ; Lady 1 h'mm'illc, nu thu nbcu-:L J barley; Mite Abbot, by ` in `Jun. Jsialt'1|nscqnf 11.}.- 1 Lu H x the I 'n -no. wmnry us Jumdul M1 diaruptiim, her ; Iumlt tint know ; 5 advocates the stub. HOIDO on hill-Alu ..... .. rum: 1: : fine bu n.....1 .1 ; the Queen's I nerenu urn the up... I pl'0luulgM4,-cl, 3 being yulr , .-nu .-umar, My ' u; zsiuunwu of Lady .u.!..,Lt, menxbcr of ` .4, by the Secretary . kur, L':uua.dmn . -lih- ` Mr.-c Jul... w..n.._.. , , _ .4. us Dill, , I naarsu UHF, kc. I , : Nu urticlu lmu yet been dincovorcd thss so ' I. ccctivc in all case: an! failing health in the old I : or wcalmcnb in tho young. This reparation _ i is not only the best, but it int a chat t '_ ,5 Beef Extract offered to tho public: '1` O ` 'l'ABLl-L~Fl'0O1\'FUl. being nuiciont THREE 2 'I`IMl'1-3 A DAY. M Great care uhould be taken in purchasing -` the LIQUID BEEF EXTRACT. See that the 4 ' :1? cuutlsfin; the fsnmxx IA;bohlsItJyJ_Curt_ili- yogtc mm to cuor agnor, o t g I at \_Vurt'/Jvur,-,'h, and thtt it It pf red the Li;-bug : (Jemum Bee! Extract 00., of un- . b , ghout _ 1 I`IA"l. thu Mny 15th. I ES! DES thccundcnscd Beef prepared from B the best parts of the animal, the prepa- ration contains Quinine, l eruvi.'ux Bark, and i uumuruurs herbs and roots grown for their to. ; mic and health-iiving properties. i __ I_`HI.*5 IS TH ` O.\ LY U()N[)F.N'Rl<`.n nwnu L me and ncaH:h- ving propcfrties. M ` THIS CONDENSED BEEF }'l`HA'l` IJUES NOT REQUIRE COOKING ` on \`vAJ-:,\u.\'u. It was esmcm IV rnnnn Fan- L I EB 17:?` s "" {hiqalial Extrawt of Beef Kiun Tnmln nnun-.. _ _ - , ,..... ...a.n._y, xcenw Ingestion, torpial `e:4umti[mti0l), and irritation ki . um hlaulllur, avoid thcjuscof 1 I lama, prupnrntioxm containing stryclmim :.ll zmmlym,-re zuul ncrvincs, imm ulfct t-;n \'crutitnul:1tc system, . 1m:i1Ig improve ! fnlluwutl prostr limlicul [ the we rtgnuuhl-4 H. . .,...... ....L ' It 1-; often rt-marked by uur state la: slum} than S1 1 Thin, thqm, iu_owing n..,...... ' ._..- ......, um uuuvu nun, Ill! left it 1 m hm executor: Cuvilliot and Um-tier, to decide otharwue, and ha I uomr,-quunco be buried it bolieivoa in real. `-,;w.my mcrcawu and caused 1 mifuring. abated A little on Monday ' me unhnly expired on Tueudny `nftar luv- mg received the hut. nacramentls, Lady Cu:-tier and his daughters being present at his hide. The Miner:- I-cpeau the state- ment about the Hritish Government and- Eng home his remains in tuhip of Ivar. It altwstatun that deceased in hit will ex- prcuml the doaire to be interred at St. Antninc, hiss native riuh, but leftit opcm gm . Cuvillior 4',...a.... A- |~ -5 `