, -...`., -.--nu. Lt, h/no be :-LIVzMg-azett4:4l to the ~'.- united counties of Leeds and _ - -- Va are informed that the Im- x luwchevcr refused to pay rlge Commuw for Hun ---n --I ['ho mission of eight '4-marrow. Mun st who are ct-nnpose am. Licut.-Col. B. , .\'.. B., will command__ the Queen : Own, nu-nnn...`I 'l`|- ~ ` y-uv u-uvulllcl WIII the Roman Ca- : have oercd to .. .-._,;:_ , - ;I the Hon. 1 the Cabinet 525..-..- I! .-nu nu vuu r offer an a the , :1 . .. Tn: Mn:xIrr.-'l`he mu-kct to--lay was 3, pretty large rme,an4l fair prices were obtained. Large quantities of butter and eggs were in the uurlset, and vegetnbleu were also plenti lul. Butter sold wzulily at from l8cto 20c.and ` eggs at l2c. 1 Gxir.--The Tomato `papers of yentcrduy gtato that Grip has depnrtn (1 thin life. AIM ! _ ,_......,_y A\IIVUI" 0| may-be not to far west, make the break. water. not with stone as X. makes mention of, but with crib-works of wood lled in with stone. In the eoneluding portion of .\'. s communi- ention, he says, rather in the spirit of depre- ciation, ii the canals should be further im- proved so as to permit the pzumnge of grain ves. lull, it is not unlikely that the future pron- perity of Kingston will mainly depend on th e .. lumber and ere business introduced by -the Pembroke Railway." A)! X. has mzule reier- enee to "Sliipumsteru mwigating the lakeu," I may say it imu opinion generally entertained by these practical men, that whatever improve. Inente may be made in the navigntiou between Kingston and Montreal sailing craft will tranulnip grain into lmrgeu at Kingston, and that until steam craft ulmll supersede the sailing vessel, and monopolize that trade, trnnuliipment as at present will continueeto be a large buuineuin this harbour, end my probsblv be auitu .... .......u. . . -, - ...... _- .. .. . urge uuunuum this probably be quite M much to be de- pcndod on as the ore and lumbar trade, from which so much in nuticipawd. .-....., ,.....uuu- nuulncnn men say the contrary, an by experience they find their husineu operations greatly rctzmled in the stormy season of the year by the agitated state of the water ; and the fact that for days vouch: can neither quit their nnchm-ago no, land or llnloxul at the wimrvu, Tlw best means of giving the city full compensation for hor outlay in to continue the track of the Pom. broke Road weutumnl till nuicicnt room is obtained, and there, near Mumoy Tower, or wncr. 1: , Innf. with ....:l. ....,--|- - I ` ' The city of Kingston pay: $300,000 as 3 bonus towards the cooet_ruction of that roud,in hopes of bringing the productions of the north into the hurbounwitli 3 view to tmneliipment' and not that the track should terminate at the easterly limit of the harbour, where to make convenient accommodation for such trzg.nuhip- ment, removing of the bridge, rebuilding it on Bell : Island, blasting lhonll 12 or 14 feet uu. der water, cutting of a canal outside the city limits ere necessary. If, as in contended by your correspondent X," our harbour in suf- liciently protected, and an all admit the westerly portion of it has an ample depth of water, why not come wostcrlyoloxig On`, tario street with the rails to for u to obtain euilicieut frontage for business purposes, than utiiiging the deep water: at the small cost of probably 8l0,000, two thouuanul live llndfcll pounds, iiniterul of creating outside the city proper .1 rival lmrbour and rival interentu. while the existing property pays the pip,_,.-_ Although your correspondent says, "But; in fact there is no occasion for n break-wutci: 11,, all," many judicious business by experience thuv :...I n..-:.. Kiugnton, May 31. "The harbour, however, he says, in capsshlc of improvement in Iowa ruupuctu. l'lu.-ru in as small islaud,or rather a. heap of nhiuglc, culled .'ahuA.m luluml, about two fa,-ct. above` the mstcr, situate-I about me Iuilun from thu cit, , tlirccbly in the way of vcuubs cunning dawn the Bay utquintc." Uu thin he want a light; wlmta great. improvement tn the city Inn-Imur Then he I100! on tn In-ll urlu.-u. l......... ..|. ..n I v all. . .--.. .... bvvu cu: m wu wm.-ru buoys nhould bu fixed, and especially on the shoal on which the tower is built, as if a huoy coulal be more easily uoexrtluu the Marcello Tower, than bluting with glycerin: 12 {cut umlur the sur- fncc M the water, I|9I._-. I, ' _ V _ , , . _ . . . . . . ur wwllll nnnu N:Lry_Bny tn (iroen lkty, and thereby make room for wharf: and utarcliuuaeu." All these thing; are pouihle, but who will pay the piper 7 To carry out nueh uchemes would he mlvoruetn the intc.-rents oi the city, and would be little luu than fraud, emwerting her bouubto the Kiugutou anal Pemlyroke mm- 4-mul into an improvementawny {rum the bani- neu part of the city, which is heavily taxed to pay the lntcrclt yearly accruing, it would be little better than uimlhelun fur the citizens of` Kingston to submit to such lCllelt:8,I0 ....|..-....-:.... .1 AL 57 . ,..-.. .v-wan: pa-n-VII vvnru sflblll. Your wrrcapmulcnt X. in not correct. in his measurement of the arms of this harbour, I4 nquaru miles as lay my .-lf we allow the ml- j.u:c1.t. municipulitigm their legal claim to own waters, two of tln.-Au having shipping intcrcuts of their own, it would I: clltlicult to nd more tlmn nli 91..., ......,. .... I . 2 , ,-, A wud Pun what his mother said ; jg G. Alexander, for some years post-msst4.gr nsunuy accept any suggestions on the mat- usiv M tn;-:u|.I," calmly rc lied Matilde. lter. `And at tho same time the Prcnuicr tlllill 1"" mu ""3"l" "P" `\ ""1"" 'l"' d'.`l announced that the vacancy ('rm.cd by ,,.. hgppuu to he pl: mg at that moment. lhs . kt hm hm V u,hd_ `mg M, M, hm. Benator BurnhaIn's death would be lled {'m,,,.1 .,g m. forehead, was curly with the , by one of the three surviving senators of :::*.-...,:*..::.`:.:::.':.'`::.: 0. -ad vm-r cm aw na- . . nib" we, no, the jourument it has been 'semi-oici:llly W` u1n,thm}sMh . _ s , not `:1;-::;`5h:\::e;`1.Irt l:.:lIi';n V snnsunced tlmt tho `selection made I r hers ne was me1u,...|..,; ' ,4 m_ has resulted In the chance of the Hon) rn . , o . 5 7 - ' grams`) {V 11:050.! g st Woodstock. The promxse that the old ,' . - ld be carried out was s eeabl I th money, sud by t etlmel 'f _ ' 9" 9 '1 somebody elseuw:l|l1`li to sll pathos In the House, and It was na. ` hu huihmeg, _ on thbll 900 I _ I tntslly supposed that it would give satis- , hiked in by 'u':f"t.h::r:'5 | faction ouiside it as well. But that np- I $3 ; M .1559 burst into tears if he Petr! too strong an assumption, as we nd an-I. -'""' 'a....,.a""3' .:'3dJ'z 313$" " "" `"" rear. of the west as--' from bar. ' ' ' `bu `M amp, V muchh,` mum; : `::"'l_K ll this `rise about the new Sena. Ones, . r -. '5` in, `h. an. `nth m wlotm For so ' an gido ol the platform, her a, an uh. boo mdt1Ine_ 1}as_ Mr Alexander has l meat nest hm "" ""' - - :1. I it iss " ` ("` ""`"" '" W mploy 0! the V and. `mi '33: . nd dsdn_t In Ottawa cnvernuwngauld t I 1 I .- -...... ......., .. mmm uc ulmcult. to! more than Half tlmt. area as belonging to I city. `* I..A......,_,.u 1 o . -.-,. but um next. look iutu the Inerita of the im- prm'mnen_u puil|l.ccl nub by X. ; after he xvnverta int "usrmz in nu um-m.i.... I-.. .. I -7 7| ` ' V. Irv 1;` that ` , ,- -..- ..... .0... I55 nu; nun an HIV ]Ui|r|'y causing gfett anxiety, delay of lnuiucuupem- [Linus and aftcn luau, frmu want of as hI'c:ak- water, at the time when the harlmur in much crowded with vuuclu laden with gmiu. \'...... ....-......_._ `A 1 ,_ A v , ,,,_ _ -.... U... ....u vlvillv un. The area, alqzt/L of matur, and cu~_/ ttrr:u; wu have, but whilu we have the dvptla 0! water in the westerly portion of the lmrbour, we have not the llwltur which he sulmitu tn in: am: of _tho requisites, to (arm "3 harbour of refuge." 'I'In-, uun;4 I; uu....a....l.. -..:.. L. I 1 , I - _ ,,-_,_ .- ._. ... uu -uuv-nu nu nwlugv. The noun} wcucrly wiudu Mow liercclynmd without iutcrruptiuu for 3 dintaucu of 200 milel, into the harbour in the [all at the year, uauuiuu {dent nnxiutv aloha ..r I... -V .....- hp -any uuyl goon on t I- .~...l u.... 1 ... . Giving him credit for luicy and clearly showing 3 true dcucriptiam ut lmrlmuru of re- luga u disstmgninlu.-cl {mun-utlu;ru by larger area, supcriur tlclvtll 4:! water, may of accuu for uhips of all uizu in all wfcatlmru, mul wcnru nnclmrago and ulwlwr during nwrxm," mul this in all 1 can give him credit. for. 7.-g_ _ _, _, 1 . a n Ill l1Il I UJIIIIUII III III` IIRIIII 5'1": Sir,-HM/ing read 1: communication nignml E X. in your inumo u! the 28th imntsnt, I beg tn ; reumrk that while, in the first paragraph of I that document, A rcaclur it led ta expect some. thing new on tho harbour improvements ;- lame-thing having a tendency to encourage and \ prnnwtc the programs of improvement, but after carefully perusing his ntutcnumta nml the con- clusions ho arrive: at! felt woefully disap- pointed. .._-._,, `,.,......;u mu. uy A. zuwrhu "then: in no occzuion for u break-1 cuuwu.-r, wmcn ye haven't. ' , "Never you mind, qld Inan-got lmcen, h_svn't you 2 Smoke It. Mother, jiut go t Iwl `n ma. It:ullright,Itell - . W: mywlri I lhirt 1'" ,0 Unfurtuustul . at the Mist party Martiin Iayod, perches upon the little plntforln Ix`:- Eind ouo Iiddio, a. clariunet, amla ute, he loolwd very smnll,nnd his dncxulful instrument vcty In 0. It wu_ rcmnrkpd how very mildly can 3 sttin played that night. Somebody told gti la .Vurthwond that he was Inning his head 0!? at her." . "My," excluimulgnnflgcr. if the Inuaicians `nu gmug in fur Itnrmg, Pally WI have cunuip- HARBUU It lM| l{UVJ'1M|'ZN'l`. Qorrcspondcnce. r._ . -...-... us: an`; vwy uurlmur ' I to tell where buoys nlwuld bu nmeinllu nu OI.....I...-I _.. V I ' I , ____.J ....u uncll 'c-atly nl nit g Wh.lrVu 'I'|--- 'A~--* .|)oI:Iu.I X. > Lhib nulullilon 22 cents; Reserved Best: 50 centl. lkcurvcd Seats At McAuluy & Co : Bookstore. Man an MR :_._ Uumrpicumu among the 1 I famoun orgxuniratiot -0!` Friday Evening: 6th of June. warn your uruwnacxm-and haw could we help |-ei poor ivuornnt creetun 2 Anal, oh,Mar- tin, team now you are mldicating your-self ; we dinl.nu& think of doing uo. audl don In-mu New 0|'leyIs ,,,. _...... ....-s uuululurrcu to the MEDICAL liALL-for a conuiduration-n great number of l'ine|-we believe in the ucighlmurlmod of two hundred. We presume the}! are intended for Syrup te avour the Sparkling Beverage for which the Arctic Fountain at the Medical Hall in to lemma ; in which case we may predictto our friend Mr Hobart 9. good many Vinita {ram the {sir was when the lug day arrive. ` - May 3|. So my: and sings Thomson about the Pine Apple, apropos of which we are informed that the Golden Lion has transferred to the MICIHIYAI. IIAII r , -- Welcome, thou best man: ! than the pride 0! vegetable life, beyond Wham : The poem witneued in the Golden Age. Quick ! let me strip thee of thy tnfty contu, Sprcxul the mubrusinl turn, and {cut with Jove. DOOKIIOYG my so} sun Lusllsv. At Stmtford, on the 27th imt.,`b the Rev. E. Patterson, M.A., Newton, A {red 1501'- wurtb, only run of the Into Allred Boawurtln, M 1)., Putin, to Isabella Mcboncll, youngest daughter of the late I{ead,,Burritt, Judgu of the County of Perth, and niece of 'l'. Bog, lsq., Deputy-Registrar, of Pictun. 'IIIf.V`I\ nu ncwn, Ma. 20th, Mr James Colhqrn, stone-mason, age: 52 years. Qt inammation, at his residence, in Picton, on the 23rd inst, Mr Jamel J. Carter, of the Montreal House, aged 33 years. Simeon Street. May 31. _-. ....__..______._ M Moxie. --Tlu: foundation stone of the` City Hall, lioeliester, was laid on Wedneuday with imposing ceremonies by the Masonic Ira temity. riix lodges, beside three commander- ies of Knight: `I emplul,=iu udditiun to the umml Lodge of the State of New York, and also the 54th Kegt. and A Battalion of Artil- lery; with {our band: of music, were in the procession. The report of the proceeding: oe- uupy no, less than five eoluumi of the //mnocrrtt. A. ` The Ilzv. Mr (Jhini;;uy,`n oixvrt iron? Ro- man (Jntholiciam to [ rouI;ytcria.nism,is prosciu- iug in Ilslifax. now to muse tnmgn out. You see," interpolated old Mm-tin,}.h ha 8"` Uullini. End 3353418. And .1 ninking fmfd of vluruzu.-r, which we haven't. ' "Never van miml nlxl u...... ._`4. u-, ,' - u.vuu -on-o vvn -uvnn-cu uyp A New suwi-Isa l ont1'.--Qnitc 5 lmmlrer of vcmelu cngngecl in iron are trxulo will thil uemum receive their cargoes on Lake-Superior from anew shipping point, where alrenalya number of cargoes are in remlinem for the ar- r`v:il of veuels, This paint in L'Auu, wliieli in noon to become one of the most lnuineiuo port on the lake. The lmrqne Cnmhriclge, of Detroit, nailed yenterdny fur the above port to lmul, and will bring away 750 toms aenrgu, being mule.-r eontuet to freight {mar tripn, and pun-ilyly ve.---lhrtroit Free Pram. II...) ..I I'i.I...I.. `I... n: 1-! 1 In,-rp-1-: I-vva illtlrl VIP 1' I55 I I'(D.p I urt 0! Toledo, May 2!. ( '!cn'ul- Schr- |'c-lcgraph, Unvcgo, 13,800 bush corn. Port of Chicago, May `.. 324.--Cleared-- Schr. Rival, Kmgnton, 14,366 Imuh wheat ; lmrgc Sweepstakes, Kingaton, >l2,074' lmuh vvhcast ; prop. Nauhua, Ugalcnslmrg, 4,987 Iyuih corn. ' Port Uullmme, May 30.-Up--Schru Green. vrwd, A. lonl, bzuqucu Mary Jane, l ccr- lcen, Muntculm, Clyde, whn Magellan, Agnes llupc, barquc Lomllm, Iclms 1 . B. Lock, 0. Mullisou, 8. J. Colllr, prop l . W. Stauully, whu J. Scott, Montauk, prop Lowell, whru. Sarah Jane, A. Craig, prop lake Michigan. Down ~ Swan:-barge Ulnuguw, Bay (iity, (lgalumslmrgln, lumber; Images lathrop, Ju, Ju ; Jnlm Mark, du, do; lmrquu 1". Uuuphull, I'uludn, Kiugnton, lumber ; uclml 8. G. Fort, ( hi.-ago, du, wlncut;1l. Doml, blilwnukw, Kingston, wheat. \\f....1 ......;. I:..|.;. on we zara met ... Mr James I aged years. ` Maura Jmncs Swift & Co/u wharf-- The utemnor Spartan paused dbwn thin morn- ing ; the prop America panned down, uni stru l'i-ton and Corinthian up. \ A Mud! Hunt:-nun Ihngmu l|..:A_ _ _....._l up-u vv uv-v. Montrcnl 'I`r:uuportatici Company : wharf Arrive-:1: Schr Henry Fitzhngh, Milwaukee, ll5,000 hush wheat; Richards, Milwaukee, 17,89-I bush wheat; Hercules, Toronto, l5,000 bush cam; my Charlotte, with huge: Cruiur, \\l.....I.. 1' ..... ...6 Ana` -I"-nlm. H.-L5 f'I_.-...I . uu-u vu-u, cu` up--puvuv, -v-cu wuvlavw vn up-w-g Wanda, Conaort, and `Cuba, light. Cleared: Iuu-gas Frank, 9,842 hush wisest; Fricnd,9,647 bush Whclt ; liurgeu, 10,420 hush wheat ; Amazon, 9,700 hurl: wheat ; Chiugo, 2l,286 do. - g. u n. .1. - .-. . . - viva: gavvv ulallu us` turn us u-v an. 3 v-av--u. Coulchunt and Mncplnids WhOl`{.-Th Iclsr Montorey arrived from Chiugo with 19,567 lnuh wheat. I ' .. nu ..-.;. . - . "II IIIU 5'3"} Juilcn and Muller : \vhh:!-Schr Wmtoido Arrived from Chicago witl: 13,200 but wheat, and uulmuled into barges Ameriesand Minnie. The lmrgcu Alzbamn and America left for Man- ti-csl lzut night in, tow of the H. A. Cslviu. I l'....In...-..b ....I u.....s.:--.. ..|..'.w_'m.- .-|.. At Picton, M. f.mm.m1uum Ann. I um w cut. uucn u-omeupn pigeons-wings 7" .\l_:u'tin," mid hi: mother, sully, "1 nluwut win]: in her And I haul stayed in hit New Inn dot: ; it mi;ht hive forraded your plan, and you been the bctwr for in. I feel an` if wo man your druwlaackm-and haw help wen you mldicatinu vnn-....If . l`l|E PINE APPLE. -".5-nun, vv uvuln Wmd, can, light. .; guy. : Ma! 20th, Mr James .--mason, iunmmnoim. -4 I.:_ ...:J ,7 . FOR SALE, the fast Sailing Boat BROWN JUG, 18 lost by 5 feet 6. Apply to H. CUN- , N INGRAM, Boat Builder, teat. . among talent of this {varia- | orgzmiration mny be found 1; drr A u 1 may ' hlal-inc News. I ll .II__I.. --.|_ ...l u MARRIED. .... .1 n- .-unu , ul DIED. Ann .. Col loom, Inn, 1 now doing haw to main: thing: out. You see." iutumolnm aucauo ox use wnrou ma mngp. norvouu liability, l remnturo Decsy, Weskneu, and pll aliuorden. 'l U'l"l'LE a C0., . 78 Nassau Stunt. New Xotk. I 1-. sum: tree I simple lllll sure means 0! sol!-cure, for Consumption, Bron- chitis, Asthma, Cstsrrh, Scrofnls, and say disease 0! the Throat sud Lungs. Nervous 1,I!"it\I_ l f!I'.III I! "$211!. wuqhnnna maul D. IS. Uhiulmlm, E-?q., M.I ., llmniltam. Thou. Hmmleru, Fa-q., du. Lyman Mmm.-, I-1uq., In. I . W. lmyluot, Euq., alu. I Julm Wzlclie, Phq,, Wellington Squnrc. (JOUNSlL---Hon. Adam Crooks, Q.C., LL. D. GENEIIAI. MANA(}Ell--'I'. C. Livingston. HEUllE l`AIlY-J. J. Muon. GENEIIAI. AUENTI5 F()R,'l Hl!} DOMIN- IUN OF` UANAl)A--Livingaton, Moore 1:. C0,. Hmnilton. Ontario. [LL 3. McAG'-URN : Agent II I\7l'I LIIIVIIVQY u. m. nnuon, 19u., Kingston. It. White, Euq., Iingntmn. E. W. llathlwun, I'M ., Mill Paint. George H. \Vil|scu, `I ., liruntfural. C. E. Ulwlwick, F441,, lngerloll. llohcrt Bsuer, l"Aq., Htrcctlvillu. I . Chisholm. Mum. M.l __ llmnilln n, s. rmwlnnd, Faq., \'icc,-l'::a.' Cuwi Bank 0! Cum erce, Toronto. Rev. 8. D. l-Kiev, .D., Pres. Win. Methodist ' Conliu-coco of Usmvla, Hamilton. H. S. tutlay, 1-'1x,., Montreal. J. McCuuig, l"Aq., 1`;-mnto. W. I). Matthews, EH11 l'r. Corn Exchange, ' Tonmto. nwncn unrlu-r, laq., I 3. Fssq., Hsnmleru. lb-u.. lurfciting. `I80 0! Asset: for every M00 of Liabilities. The Company : Deposit at Uttawn in fur the sole bcnolit of cnntulian Policy-hulclori." CAN'ADA:` Bl{ANCH-DOMIN ION BOARD Pnlunn-um. IL... A u-Ir,,,- -- -- Pr.nm|:m': Hun. A. M lugolptcd Risk Fire H11` Incrcu. The world went on the ammo afterward. Mattin drove work like the very old chepi, uh! Martin rcnurkod to Anny ; but he fell all on his Iuunical eveningu, appearing restless of nights, and went about more. One night he lmmght home I Ivnn new unit of clothes, with a blue necktie, and told hi: mather that he had juinod the Cotillion part . Everymuaek there wu to he one, And M: {41 engnged to pl: in the baud alternate woolu ; the other I'M! ihould In on this now ' rnr.nm|::41': Man. A. McKenzie,AM.l ., PI hoisted Inn. 00., Tomnto. Hon. Adam U:-ookn, Q,C.. M..l . ., Toto: H, S . Hnwland, ,Fnq., \'icc,-l ,, . Cum! Cummerce. 'l'm-m-tn ma? J NA :-iqmu. Life I nslmmce Company United Su-.tes.ofAmerica_ .___.._. utmwn in far I. l olicy-hulclorl." runnv.... ..-. . 1 H. n. Mauuewl, lsuq.,_ l r. Corn Exchu John Slmdduu, lhq., Pics. '1`. and N. IL. N Tomato. , R. J. U. Uhipmsn, |".sq.. I`urnnto. ` (2. A. Kirkpatrick, VA: ., M.l'., Kingston. B. M. Britten, Fan ., Klinguton. \\'hito. l JuI.. Iiluuum. Larg Lush ('upitnl--$l,000.000. SHEFFIELD HOUSE. 1_J lint, Himp, I . kinda nnd cheap, at > LLMANN It. BUIINAUBEIKTS MO- A NELE, quart: and piuti. Green Heal, quarto nml pintn. Chateau lloberu Gold Seal, quarto sud Jinta. V. I Vvo Lsmarqua and Cilfdl) Olaf eta, St. unlveu, St Hwri and other brands of Claret nu ham]; xuul agent for Charles Wilson : Belfast (nger Ale. which will be supplied to the Trade at Muutrcal pricey 29th May, I873. ' NEW STORE FRESH Anmvns. mguu nu would go on the floor. "Now who I'll that phguy ch: in New London," uaid old Martin, mIuiugy-"whd noon! to cut such tremeujin pigeons-wing; mother, sully. almost J. n;um;c~ %%cas?s| W 1.5; Pu;-nucunn on St. Vnunrr nu Pun, ` 29 Mai, 1873. Des somnissions cachctbcs sen-om rccucs par la munsignc, 1`; son Bureau jun-sq1`1 b. 6 hours p.m. `lo 10 Jain proclmin pour 150 cordcas dc bois do clmuhge, consistallt en mrioicr & rnble, cu cgalca proportiomi, d mnc quuliti sainc, dc la coupe de- ccttc ann, sans lmclncs hi rondins ct do In longucur do 3 picds & semi cl unc l ointc Z: 121 coupe, A trc livr dam; in war dn I cnitcncicr. In on nmntlc 25 J uin proclmin. 60 Tmmcs dc ulmrlxm man do In mmvcllc Eco:-sac, ct 3Q Tonnes dc clmrlmn sur [intcrsibp] A tro. livr sans um: mar 21. .\fontrnI mt Imrlc qmii In l cnitcm:icr St. Vim,-cm the Paul, lu am avzmt lc 25 Julia pru- clmin. - _ ' " 1". Z. TASSE, I .I .S.V.I . _m--_ .. _.____ May 25. A Strong SE Company. rs! Alva `I'll! nun Ur UAVAI)A--l4WlII lg. 00., Hmnilhm, Ontario. L ` U ' )LA'Ns smvmc. All Policies "Non. _ Vlqrfciting. for mun-u nmn ` ARGE STOCK of Rods, Linea, Hoolm, J Gut, Gimp, FANCY BAITS, &c., all ml: cheap, rE send free 3 uimple and sure means at all-cure. Connmntinn- Bum. cu. um wu Annunfn lint Ian.-um. "Well, good ni t."-nnd Natilds put. out but luuul Agpin ; I o only felt the very tip: of his lingers. and could not decide whetln.-r his land was rougher than her fnther n. She was hilcnt on the way home; her brother inter- hined her with an wcount of the. circus trouble llll upset. lie had seen Edgar Willis with the run that had been turned out of his buggy, and he could not tell which looked the moat acted. 'r|... -..-I.l ........ -_ .L, -o GR|GOR S, Remedy Free. KINGSTOIQ. AUssI PUUR. 11., Pt: Cm-n 1., IL, lfccll VII I0. . llaltniltam. FISHING TACKLE, FISII I M} 'I`ACKI;E. , urronpo. Uumlun mcumoun & mu 1 omy am what 1 ought to have done (or any he] let: person." ` `;` "Amt, Edgar Willis 2" "Ho it not a blacksmith, and in to be excu- uul." This .\lutin_ n x-It "Well. good uiuht_"_.n.I u..m.1. ..... PKAI` `LAPL_43I [Floor New ll` "rue won n over offered in til am. my, ma % Just Look ! Good /All Wool (A. B. M LL THIS I M TWEEDB e Every Pica of ` mu: com to look at. ` Yea-," he replied, I thuught_tbe hora.- Ivu bearing down on yen when I caught you. Uh, heaven: !" and he claypcd his hands together with pauiog- "1 am all gratitude. But -on nnutn't thank me. Ya, you way- But only did what I ought have any lwlpleu person." `A; )4u'r oltha any. to , able Tenonuil. 1it Trool, Olml ` ` mug w_an. nan ll GREAT f SPEC] com: 200 ` r -' bcv .'?l'"w".a. .7: I-III IIUXF an . - Mntilds 3 wk hand: with youu Martin at the Millor-' door, and laying t e simplest thing she could conjure up. told him that but to: HI imvulue thnt. niuht .1... ...;..I.o L--- in; Win. HUI it this diet. by N. W. 1:. mi Hung we cuulu conjure told him that impulue that night she might haves been father off--&ud showed. him the skirt of her dress ; there was a rent in it which turned him cold to look at. "V..." I... .....l:._A MI .1 ,_ ,.. .. jll':;..s;"u..'I'"1;`~ wuu use: no nuvue me on jest uch pmu." Anny put old Martin to bed at once, with a spoonful of picn sud gin, and be was himself it t :13 |.\l':`:a`l.I- .{....l. L-_.1_ -_."LL , -- ~:-vvvu-nu, w preo Doctor IHIUIIII, for pain against Inlnnn IV vuuu,uo 3"" In} Port Sam` ` uuu. In-wot gu. i "I'll tell you that he : got to. He put thnt gal over our fence when he tlwuglu lllc mu in danger, when that Edgar Will jullllod over, uul left her behind him " 0 Martin : cup mu full. He could say nothing, but us:-ed at the tire till Anny begunto `no nlxrmed. Then he said, mlemnly, suppose! to there." "Where u srth, nther I" "To New don totell `cm thin circum- ntancc, you know. There was I mm there who used to ndvine jest rich pinto. Anny put once. with g aw Hui: III! `I PIPC. 7' ' hard, Tuned to numb pipes in New E L--nol-m. But it : nu use, Anny, we am`: 3 -high enough up in the world for them ` Nurthwoodl. Llartin mmst have bluwed not his wits with that darned oclide ; he has gone from mw big thing tn another, and now if ho--nin't trying to reach up to _ that six-foot gal." I. he" Inn: ch :0 Inn : an! on H. ....o Itillllillllllg I 500 IIIII IIDIJU ICIWJW IN} gentle. I and thruugin gumlncu In rened, Mzuildu [ ; thought. rising to gu. She hold her hand ; 1. mt tullru. Full, and then king-:1 her. Thcru ] 1 Wr: (war: in M:mhl;a'n eyes . why. no 1 murtal could gucu. j V "Shall I wait. upun ya-u to Mn. Miller} 2` ` 9 naked Muixn, simply. if you please." ' `And the pair walked du.-.'n the yard. . Mn. Yell law with as kind of diunay L ` that Matilda : bonnet Ivan just above young ' ` Martin`! that cap. I Wilh, father, he had am his um nm," the aid. on Martin 1, nounded hi: Imm with hi. tin, and In-.4... : :;_,;:.; -n._l I." I lhlop-4 n `of SI un nu um um, Ine uuu. `pounded his knee with his tin, his pipe. "`nlfll llnnuul in nnnnnlu nin- yuung Jlfllll, lhl ll KIIL"-V lull [HUD then: that had dlncd his ha ch-an Iecrut. Matilda, alw. infarct` rlml 1 new glzszicru. and VIM anmnialned am A cliuclxrlw 1. Ba .1 cit.-nu man to be thrown mu nf hi: bu.-_;`\' at Mf~Pcll'l door. that nhu mi ht (lilcovcr u u-en.-t impoutble to learn on cruise I V\'h.'|* did it mean 1 Yuun;; Martin, too. was miserably iluslercd ; ho: had It painful scum- ui his nmm huuw, the hmuclincu of hi- mnthut. the coxmnulmcu of his father. Nut in this {auhiun would he h.'I.Vc selected to umht. Matiichfu amgunintancc. A ..'n.1dc fcli upon: them :11. pipe, also exnbarraumi. Ymmg Martin. telling him to sit. I ti1l,fund it, and hchl 3 much for hiviuo light it. Well. It mus mmoxhing to see this huic lcllpw gentle. and thrunuh -rundnon: nun r.-k'u..-A II-.ril.l-. an-I ' Old Martin got up for hf: ` IIIUIIW I ' ' "till, I mu so put by 1 What will ya-u i have - a cup of ten l" ' Nothing in the world, thank you. Du I on suppose that my brother William will hour anything (mm M: Willis, and bring ` the wagon lot -nol I oxpcctod to move him at Mr: Millofu about this timu." ' 1 "Martin might go round with yuu. will V Anny. "l :.m nlrnhl yum fullus "my (him: I nu tlw N;-rk will worry if you are late. I 2 nlmulal war ', if I haul such 3 dartor nu 3 all alum-." ' `he sharp nld woman lmkcxl at l .........- I.I._-A... _.. I I... I... ,... cl.-. .1. ,-- ._! "I thuught the w:v.;-m fa-How Iliol II!!! mu- m, and I-sprang mm: without Iumwiug 1.. M, I cull! hlVU 'Il,'|P1'Ii you; but. good gracious, you never mui-I have uxpectgd me w lift your weiglnt unu- tlw fence. I am uni. :5 M2-.ckInnith." 'l`I.-A ..........I. I..'II...I all 0:`... n-..|..... ... 1 `full! III! IIICIIICIII. .'-lntiu-r. naked young Martin, "czm': yam give Min Nortlnvood Imam refrain- Iuout I" Hall. I _... ... ....o I... 0 \l"l...o ...lI ...... uw wnco. 1 am no; a mucunuuun. Thu. speech killc-d 1| tin-. X iCII('Il .m-I fumil position If lha Wsillin family fU|`l'S`n- I with ihh. She turned to Anny, ymm'._ Martin ml! ata.ndin;; bclitle her in Iilt-two. nu.I __ IP.I....- \\'IIIg no-IIp...I u|..v_n-In "In!" -`||| .`H'IXHZ IPUIIIIU IIUT Ill 'III'II['.. nlul, an Edgar `Willis walked ulmvly drown tlw ntrcot. Iaid." I will go in, Mn`. I ;-ll. hr 5 few minutes. I think your son nnm .ho used up, trying to put me over the fella` Ynu did it mgr ynglntmng," turning her fan- tomlrd him. -av-.. ...... ..... -.... ..o..:L.... .-3..." 0|... .'.-... toward nun. "Yon nee. my awn strike: when the; inn. ? in but." laid aid .\l;srtin. Ila: did so when : bu mu in New In-mlnn." Young M::r':in put his hand on M: fzulm-'9 -huuhlor; tho ; geaturu nu c-nuugh, - 0141 Martin was mum [ I {rum that moment. u-_I..41...-...I....I .......... ll...-oh. `M-4.:-'0 "IV. I III {Mafll|1. I. . I....l vu cmucatmg yourwll ' doing to, mull don t know noun um nnnm 1 and broke 1 has now 910 A ornment, and tho vuted the Gnvermnent _,_, ,..... ....b5c...u5 um uulng of vacancies, I and was cut very short by thoPmmicr an - nouncing in him that the crown, in which , such such appointments route-I, did not usually accept ter. And I n.nnuurnc-d I Senator , surviving ., fuild Unnur (tnnmlu c::..-- u -' Mr Holt-:1. than attempted to arrog.-no to the Cmnmonn the right nf naming or at 1 lily fate suggesting the lling of vncancicu 7 and was cut vm-c uh... I. .L.-,u _.-._ .....l V... -.-1:... vunv vuus Iuuuc ll'Ulll ID, Ella that wuvmuctioned by umminmm apprnvnl of both sides of the House. \Vhcn the Hun. Walter McCrea was appointed judge of Algmiu. in the `I-omu. nf Col. Prince de- ceased, his place was lled in the Senate lry the Hun. F":"u.uk Smith, wlmlmd not been It Scmstur under the old regime. But it was felt that the Rmnan Catholics had not a suicicnt. reprcscntutian in the San- ate, and so Mr Smith": appointment was determined upon, and until the laat few days 0! the late session Wu did nut hear one word against that movoxuunt. , .,,..- ...- .'u-guy. namil Ant I-uh: nuuaynuui-.. 41.- A:n:_, , ; ".94 TUIIDA Y E77/7,}/3'}; .uA)".21. HARD To Pu-mist.--Thex'e appears an utter impouibility to attempt to please all parties in the Reform ranks. It is under- uwofl that when Confederation was inaugu- rated a tacit agreement was made by which the old senators should be called to ollicc us vncaxlciol occurred in that honourable body. This was only intended to apply to Ontario, forall the other provinces, `having two chambers in their legislative machin- ery, were able to carry all their honoumhlcs at once into 3 position of equal dignity. The compact was faithfully oblervod in Ontario and only one departure was made from it, and cl-mo .... .......o:......,a L... ..-.-_:A ..-u U'`'`'`'\; nsauu. He was so nervoun that he put his hand to his neck-tie, as if he would d-.-nude himself of the Nauru apparel .11: once. Matild.1 wru- Have!` so moved. Every clclnnnltration that this obscure littlfyoung Martin made pl;-um.-I1 her more and mute. She slyly put out he: hand to take his gift. It was :1 ring. and h.- notlily slipped it into her ham], but on her tings.-r. It was a rctty ring, tro,-:m emerald circled with pearfs. "You know what I mean," he wlxiapercd. How becoming your suitfia, she answer- cd ; do wear it. The next dance is yuurs-- `Hull'I Victory'~and the ucxt-~ "All Matilda "Every unc. "Balaucez !" shouted the conductor. - F;-um }"r_/u Aldinr for Juur. , , vrowu mm ncr Ian and hzunlkurchicf, and .\l:|rt.iu I_t.ool very near her, n1|`Itmt{a:l: tn lace ; in fact, they were as much alum: zuq ix they were in the wildcrnca.-I which blosxsulna ` ms the row. The heart nlmlc known how to discover that nmtchlcu solitude where lure i~ tint reveal-L Again he began, and so did thc vinlims an`! ute. . 'l'he othet day, when I went over tn Bog- ham {or this suit at party clothes, I made a resolution. I put something in this vast pocket and determined that if ever you would lane; with me, I would om-r it to you, and t-hat it you refused me, I would never wear the suit, nor dance agsin." In DEPVIIIM1 time 1.. ....s |.:- I. . I - "un, .uav.uu.lu, be cam-ml, I can hmr but httlu." She tank the fan nuw, mul /.ulu('huW tin-in - I ! `r lmindn wuuhcd. ` Not from me, Martin`! I might wk you ,0 bear 8 great deal {mm me." The tender accent of her voice was munit- taksbhs. Shu kept. her face concealed from un- crown! with her fan and near alt:-mt l':u:r.- tn I Chev ms murl. g!...... hid :- < ._\\.u. :u:1r'.mn X1L\'(: hushed, zuul ha: Uh 9 fucl quite so nclx-p-uszxuzusul. Matilda ;-ale, but each knew that the lnnk uxchn Imppim-nu. She ware .1 pretty bracelet. "How would you like u: In-.'u Inc fnrgt f mu he ;L-skcd, .1.` aha; tai-Jccl it round 3' wrist. Iumulwr. } "I winh," uni-l .\l.1ti|4lzA .\'urt|m'uml cu IM- ! gar Williu, "that Martian I`;-ll heard ynur upcmtll ; put thorn in no L.-mac for you In-re, "Well, 'l'ill_\`. i! you are g-ring tn keep an ! punishing me I muut. hear it; it {allow 4-:'.n'z /ulwuyu cuntrol hin ucrvcu," ho .1xv-warm-I. Ymlr pro-swrvcr in close Iiy, rice; g-ring 2, ' talus him mu. ?" i .\IuiI-1.1 mu nmn;;. hlaritiln kept .1!uo{, m;-i .1... un.l..-..o..,..I 41.... .1... ., , III I`. The M-4.-oml party you: K olmuccr. Nulmdy knuw ` tn -ltulcv at. all ; hut nu I p:w.u-1 with Iuurv grace. Hr lI'.'lI lN'Il am tlw .1 m:u|u lulu Inn.-u all Um I nuccreal 3-Ielg.-sr Willi. "Down in Nun Iuml. -uwrcu ".ug:;r nuns. "Down In .\cw In-mi another. A I I lI._AZl vrrun. I will wear it." him an "Wh.`At if it be of irm,. urzmmcntn of no uthvr um "All than u-vvnn " ! {ortccl that. n gruzn. gulp cum: in hiu throat, om lmul timt tlu: Flute In-ukwl at him. and .1-lu--I if that `on: uffuliclu mum": pulling him down Shut up, yuu 1'-nl." .:.uwcrecl Martin, "Ur : I'll pita-ll you ln.-tullmlpz mm the lnlcllllc uf tln - . nun. .l.-m.-.- " re a. _ - , next. o|:un:4-." \1...:|.I- 1... Mlmcnu or 4 "All the mun;-. "1 III, .\Xatxlu.lu, tlu " zzm gfjailg QR` uuvult ` I ;: Hun mm: post-mut4.;r nrnm-n H"-` " '. la. Since U _-...-nun Ill I use mi-oicial ly ha selection nmdel` (`hair-u ..l 5| - . --.,.-u, Inlll nut] `ggcstium no t eath wrviving `H. ml- m:,\u-red, m, an-1 I cuuld gum 1-m1t'."' 1- mnril. and old Martin - but iron, I mp1um-,' `rial, mug Martin jninmllmo .. .' vs nuns he Iml Ivarlusct . mrm went. through In .-. U ( _______ ; P. Fnmzu Iuusacnxz.--Tho 1 0,, and day: at Railtou opens to-mt the an- ' 1=-'* W- ..- n 1 nmybr IIIU HITKA.` It round ht`-1| ru l:u|;.;lm , . . . ..... -- n u are {manned that ` ` perinl nutlmritica V the Catm-nqui Bmlge Company for that use of I the bridge, and that any contention concern- ! x I ng the subsidy bu not been with them, but I with the Dominion Government. E Queen'u Univeruity I printed at the Saws Of all int;-rested will do I I anal give lmcalto the sun therein. . . ., `VI A Iv-vuvlv, shricvzty of the I . 1:........;n.. `. U rcnwillu. Tm : Wmr.I.'znox Tum.-A committee of the Dmuininn Rifle Association will meet at Uttnwa on thc 3rd of June {or the purpuw of selecting the mm-ksmcn who to compose the next. \Vim|al-dmu team. l Lester Peters, of St. Jnlm,.\'lB.,will command the tcrun. Mnjnr Utter, of Own; Toronto, being uccoml in cnruznnnd. The team I will nmumltlc in Quebec on the 20th J mm, and I sail for their destination by the Pruuinn on D the following day. I l mum.~ l at,ric|; 15,, ""5 "f "'W~"'. been L;a:4ettc4ll" , Hlurinv-`Ion ..I n... .._,: ...-.....u, was ruuuu mm :5 mme, and yet the l5c":Vi: paper arms. the wretched Lynch win. :; ..A-r. It in the tirst time we have ever heard of n utuvc being used an an imstrmneut fur cummitting mamlnughtcr. ._..___.._Z__-- - _----1 Wu re-gret that several eggeqiuuu typogra- lr|)ic'.'xl crmrs were allowed to go uncorrm.-teal Ill 14:.-4t cw-.ning`u article relative to tho Quin- tcttc Comscrt, although they were duly murk- ud fur correction in the proof sheet. MAsnLAl.'rm-rm: _'N... ......--.4.-'- =---- - \.-. nu vullvhbllill Ill uw PTO!!! um.-ct. MANsl.AUGH'l'l|(.-Thc coroner : jury have rcnrlk-rut! n verdict of nu.-mslnuglxter aimt JnmcnIl.ynclI, who utru-,-k n. man named `wart an the head with a xtuve at Kingston from thcleifuctn of the wound inflicted by which he dies . --.-`. i liu Halifax Iicpartr-r support: Stewart Campbell for a position in on the ground of his eminent tneu, and iilit upnu their best men taking these high and rculmvnsible pouitionu." The lfrporter in unaluubtcdly_ correct. _ . - ,......,...... W nuulul u mnusr offer Ir/rent, which they may do. '9 understand that llun, Mr Rohitnillc leaves for Montreal tn-clay ur to-morruw to supervise all the ar- range-mcnts. The body will be laid ontjn state in one of the court. room: in that city, in or- -iur tu give the puuplu an opportunity of via-w_ mg it. The funeral will take place on the 12th or 5 |3th prox. Minute gun: will he rbd and bell: will lrc` tullcd on the arrival of the steamer at the harbour. :51: tIr:uuatiC.u:'rmu.--The Ottawa (Jitiuu m_'_.'.4 tlia3 S,S." PrnsIian with it Gearge Car, tic,-1' rcrmnims left Livcrpmvl yestcrdny usual in ex 1.c.-4.-al to arrive here on Monday or 'l'ucad:sy ncxc. ' At Quebec she will be met by the Gov- urnulcnt steamer Druid which will receive the hmly, Un lmard tho uteamer there will be pro- vhlcd n L`/lulll/P ardeute, and the uteamer will brm,-g,-0.1 to Hluntnml Tim... u... I:.- - " prucccd Montreal. There H l.'....|..-:..-.;_-- mu ..... .. ......,;cur unwind, and Ill l,.`.`....... ..u .-nuuurmu. Lnero 1'.` thaliu Ecclesiutical authorities I 1-1-rim-In the religious ceremony .|_A___l; .u . -- - , ......... .....u.. .--uuunwul nave onercd 1 gratin, and in thought. that would ho npprupriato in tl Qua-in-c tluclncdral to make a similar understan .3 represent Ontario in the Senate. A15 the whale arrangement is strictly cmnititutiuuul. ,~ , and iureonled to the ngreemeut entered iutn ' " _ at the time of (Joufedurnticm, We have in ' ' ' {nult to find with the appniutmeut. It in true that as Mr Alexmnrlcr knew he would nermcr or later be elevated tn ,3 .Selinter'n V sent, it might fairly be expected that n `delicate some of propriety would restrain ! hip frum placing himself under pecuuiery . obllgatmuu tu the Uovurmneut, on the actn ' at which he in henceforth to lit in i l`unw:l) impartial judgment. He must `have , uawu that for the Government to place lune of its own cmpluyees in the Senate [would lmvun very odd appearance. But l 1 neither heyner the Government seemed to I I h:m.- trnuhlcd themm.-|v'u about propriety ; nf nypcm-auce, no the ex-Suxmtor became n F | huvcrxuueut dI!|!(!lI(lelIt iu the Post-office, _ 3 until irJuhucuuhltnzilrshiumGovernment I ` yulplmrtur in tluecanmliatxwclu. Ofcuurne. I llllfm!clrttlllnxtnunuu will .....I... M- u..-.....I.... (Imp-_ gyarillllllcilt hell ' vb.-ctive wlmw, Mr Mill's idea i If hull; llcfllfu i The Uttuwzs Citizen nay: it is reported on gum! uuthurity that encouraging prngreu in ln'lAIg made with the I acic loan negotiations, and that Sir Hugh Allan will leave Englnml on llu: llth or 13th uf June, by which time it in ` jmpul their hulk: will have been completed. 1 ....... nu unu vuul uw uppuIIIuucn!.."V ! '1'h--n why my anything abu_ut it I The 2 run} fact in that the !hs'milton paper `nu-main .; little put nut bccaulc a llmailtun man swan nut clwscn, although it down not want m say no, r that would have been putting in a ntrung war-I fur a Cunwrmtivo and Mr .\E,~.~r.mcicx-'.s :um:cu.lun'.s are licfarm if they will in; miles} anything. `We think that the :x;:pnintnxcnt in s.-vary way to be comnncmlcd. 1i 1' Alcxzaul-.3' is an old:-1' riullatuv than Mr Hull. and 11.1.4 cnmicqucutly I man called ~ .1pu_rIz tin-t tn r.---ntur the pnrlianicntury D ::nn.'1. Nor do wuucc how any objcctiuu i C::.!| I): mggcd ugailmt him because be pro? \ u I I F i 5 fun-. J [,0 earn up huncut penny as 11- [unit- 1 su:|.sh'I'. It in vary likely that am` iLiuutcn;mt (inn-rxmrzl, nftcr their year ` HI ulhm: lulu-. 1--nun-ml will ....o al.:..I. 1. I.,, .~-.m. w. m muuanzuuan uaul. urcuunw. lheuccirclllnstmlcms will mnku MrAlcxmuler it very imla-pa-mlcut lm'd," incl:-ml. \Vo cln nut regret the appointment. AB Mr Gold- in Smith hzuu writhm, uuch ll Senate an we I lime in nmruly n mtwlxine through which the ' Government Vcnlriloqni7.cI-'it in simply a I I Ministc-rial cchu -I mul the elevation to itof :3 l;'u\'ermm.-nl. cmplnyw will help to make` . the fact more apparent. The up intmont I will do very much tnhulp on Mr ills pru- : pumlllil tn umku lllu b'un:m: elective. III that Lfn-ugh luu] in ihsclf It will be pruductivuuf } .j'NI`l. [Ill//Al ./full 77111451. Tm l`mM.-A 4 ... l\ V .1):Al, A, - .. _,____._ ... .. ..-...-u uuau. nu mu uncu it -.-.--pouxraiivlc; milieu to the satisfzwtion of wrybndy, and now gives it up t_u become "lard" n secund time? As fur the up- wintuwnt helping Mr Mill`: ideas at an X--clirc that may be all Very true, J r Man can afford to get .1 good deal 1 1:.-11- it will be able to usual uluuc. . Cit L 1 .,._AI ..,J nun. ulbolll Uul llUlll.cn. llIt I ullwu luwc cxpsrud will not think it be- mtl: their dignity tn cummouce tlmir l-l lnnsiu-.-mo w,g:niu, and why should it In,- hjwu-nl In :1 Surmtor that he has filled a `AJ'!A ;, A -' I ' ._ _ nivenity and College Cslendur. .- (mice, in now ready, and 1 Well 9.. .-M-=- - -- A .. _.... .....w, u now ready, and well to obtain p co!-y - announcement; contained r:;iuiu,; at :1. gum! Wu lmvu u lincl with Hiuzbppuilltlucllt/'7 it! Hm; I... Il.....:n .. .,,,. - -V v THE DAILY NEWS-SATURDAY EVENING. MAY 31.