Kingston News (1868), 31 May 1873, p. 4

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A rchitects. 'l2 l` v_:, ., ., ._~. u. bL'., rrmcess st KERR. Princvas street. Hotels. zess strnnt A1` TH E , ... .4,, n unctsel-S _ lhfuugisls. ;.\2\, l'rxm-cs:-at a ),, I'rin....uu,.4 -- , - ....y\..o:-.-v Grocers. (3H,, Hr...-L = , H clungn , \\'1:llin;.;L J. I.,_ I'm _lInttcrs. 'rmcu ss 2.! . . 5-:\vI3lS'E|-. Brlllislm . \\'cHin.rnm._| . ...-A.-vn-.29. twrlors. ` ;;IN-, gs street. 5. Bagot street. . Bagot street. . Rn... I-1-1,, BROCK STREET. .1, rrxn.:-35:;-st. \\'ilaun'x> iiuilalings, nurn 1'z'mcc5.s-sf. ., Brock street. , Princess-st. >. 1 {., corner \\'clli1 K-uulln _ . .x L7U., l nnucss~st. J.. l'l`in.-.....: .9 u., l l`Ult:c.'s st. HES, Prirncr.-as-at. B. st 130., Prince: Markct-square. rix.ccss-at. mgcr. . (10,, St, Iawrencc` `n gsrs. l'l0888 , in Fancy Vases. H-8`. \Volliugtnn at uni: nuulun-wwn, London, England. The decea- ecl, no doubt, committed the rash not on ac- count of nancial diicultiea. He was About 50 year: of ago. ` ` - II : A Mlnrz......... nu. \l,,,- I I- ;:0Hn9r of King and Llncuss-SE. of 151-on-k and Un- 7ryI:'..'n| H104 L',a King and Clarence t |Ii( I'Bd'X_' , mg -r K EIr\`L`t. m-`nor Hull-ling:-, of U.S., J. B. Ial-ion:-r.~I. ,. ..4 St. Lawrence o -3. s_ street. we Learn from Luketiehlthst the body of I Mr Paton, who was drowned on the 14th inst, was found on Thursday. The deceased young mu: Wu a. nephew 6! the late lmncuted Mr John Shcdden of Toronto. ~ ` wk, Prin t 5 1 |.|5 r.-1 .-1 HA1 street. I Hrcnt care should be taken in purchasing } the LIQUID BEEF EXTRACT. ' -0 that the .- st,c(.t_ i bottle contains the German Label a.m1CertiIi- (.t_ I uatu from Professor \\'a.gner, of the University at` \`'urtzhurgh, and that it is prepared by the ' Liclxigs German Bx.-cf Extract 00., of Ham- : burg, as other Extract of an inferior quality ` have been put on the market. i ,,____H_ .~5.,1.1 bv .111 How! x;.....u.... am-.. - - ..sortmeut, all sizes and rice: ws, Strings, Musical Fitting scription, all to be sold on t! f able terms. Tunimr. Rm..:..:... ucnpmon. In Tuning, J ing in town or countr; J .j_. 5! He largest and best assorted stock of 1 ,5 1` Instruments in Kingston. Agent for 5 the New York VVebcr Pizmn, the Henry Y. Y I Miller Piano, the Pierson Piano, the Barmore I ` 3 Bros. Piano, the Gable: Piano, G:-en: Union ' 3 Piann. An assortment of Upright. Pianos-- .4 the Picoln, Cottage, and Cabinet, i....l...a:....I Pia.nos, Organs, Melodeons, &c ' Instruments .'.. -_~.__ ..--`.v - u-nun: ' Risks taken for three ye Dwellings and Unntcnts on terms. 4) at \"l`lJ Axtnn 1:-1. - vuc n.-uuuu Ill l`nil:H(lB, wnwn DOW |Rcservc Fund - - - - Capital paid up - - - Life Assurance Fund - n:.,x_, ; I ' After 1uay.ncnt 1-.` the usual divi- prnvivling for 31} ll):-(F\`(.S, claims and the sum of $905,905 was put by to the Funds in hands, whi-:1: nowam ll.._.....-.- Is__-- I ` -----v- 1 I I A melancholy causes of suicide occurred at 3 the town of Lindsay on Thunsday, the victim I of the rash not being a. gentleman nmnod Frod. | llallott, I journalist, who came from Lon ion 1 but year, and, we undenctaml, was engaged (or 3 short time on some of the Toronto :- vou. He left a slip of paper on the tsble wxth nix father : Mhlroga, viz., 88 Leightore Road, Kuntinh-town, London, England. The decea- doubt. committed the ran}: not nn 1... IICTIJIH MAX`Wl1l.L w. STRANGE. I ' AGEN1` o." s. Is"r1:AN<;E, M.D. . .JIe1licull}.u1ui1i'rr. I 8l:I':;m year. New Life iu" '03 issued for . . . . 'X`ut..1l .-\nuu;;! J. `En.-rniuxns, after deducting lieaazsurances zeoz/mi. {{{{{ ; msunANc_cnMPANv. V ;Liverpoo1 and London. E m=:*u:1:-c:..iEE1\'cz: suamaw, ` \VI'l'h cDJ.U,UUU,UUU, U.`-' lMl l'f:.'n LlAlLI'[`Y -3IiA1H'.`lULlJb'l.S. ` U! :4.-r rave GU cents per bottle. WHULE:s'ALb' A(iE.\'TS WANTED, = uxarn-pram,-1:to;--.1 lhstriuta. .A(:All'1-Mil nave ucen put the market. ` by all Hotel kccpc-1'3, Grocers, I Druggists throughout Canada. ` :4.-I` l ricc60c:.-ntspcrbottle. A(}EN'l` \\.'Ax"m.~n 1..-a.)n1 1 U UL, Sc. 3 .\u article has yet been discovered that is so ; 215".-ctivc in all cases of failing Lu.-altll in the oh} 2 var Wu-;'.k1l(:3S in the young. This preparation E is not only the best, `but it is the cheapest ` "ncef Extract okrcd to the public : 'l`\VU f 'l`.~\BLEb'l ()0NFUL being sutcieut THREE I`l_\2 Eh` A DAY. {Iv-nu! rm.-.'. .L....l.I L. L`! Feb. 10. in sums mngmg lrum $400 npwarclrs, and for periods in suit |mrrm|'crB; interest at 8 per cent. per numun, -a.y.1Mc hall` `earl . Ay prem.-:1 murtgrngca, 3 , put-ch - at t 0 Com- ;.;n.ny's rates. Burrowm-:x havu the option of rpnyilng the principal either by zumunl instalments or in am: sun: at the end of the term. If the securi- ty prmc s:1l.iafa.ctury, the loan may be renew- ml for :1 further tt-rm. Thu L-Xpcll.-'.cs will he fuund very moderate, :u-.1 it is nptiuxml with thu hurrmn-.r either to have them clezluctml from the loan or adtled to zhu princip. -\p: ' ~ A ulnp carpenter nu-med Crowleg was ucci- ` deutally drowned in the \Vella.n Uuul on} l`lmrsd:.y by slipping `mi 5 look gate into the ` water. ! We learn from Lukeehl'tha_t_ tl3e_ lgogiy `M. n.5,... _n_.._... 2 - |'|` ., ...u...-.- we Hi.-\.1\'(.`U-1 1{Us.>'JAN ' 3 WA H, for the (crxunxn soldiers. Its tonic qua- iiti -. nr - mu 'h 'rc.|t -1` than thus - fmn-1 in 1 an; i;z'(1i:1a| y tSp.-Iiilic ctr Apputis-er, ;m`l its nu- ; tritivu pr-ypcrtius are uuicieut to sustain the- : h-uly vs inhouc the addition of solid food. It is uuw rcummngnuled by the Faculty in prefer- 2?5Z3': .t~:(l .':3.`il{" ;Il`l1x::!":'Vt:lmt:; ?'s"1E`i:l, {"f.t 'x)`L3} 1.{"r'y, 1.1355 UF ;l Pl5 l`lT E, LU\VN B258 01'` Tjiglll J D ESTIUN , DYSPEPSIA, .. - n `. `C. \.. zn-ti.-l.. I... ...L I.,.-.. 1: - -- L I B {G93 fzjegzaiel '<}x_tr:wt of Beef E AND TONICJNVIGORATOR. the best parts of the animal, the prepa- ration cont`::ius (Juininc, l'cm\'i:'m Bark, and ul:l:u;runs lu.-rh.~4 and roots gruwu for their to- nic and hc.1lth-giving properties. TH 15' Its TM 1`) ( IS LY (JUN DENSED BE}".F `Hi.-\'l` DUES NUT 1: i(,?UlliE (JU(`KL\'U UH \\'AE.' .\}l.\'H. '.L4'l It was especially m:muf::c- I IIHJLT the xlircctirm of l1Ai:UN \'U2\' 1.". :.i'l(-, luafmv the FR.-\I\'UU-l l{ US-`JAN \'{Al{, (crm.'m suldiorsa In 9.... . 1'{3I'I.*%| DES the Uu|I3:.*n8cL1 Beef prepared frnm ! i M any I 5th. SUBSGRIBETJS OAHTAL. $10,000,000. r'I'J'ii Ul\'L1Ml'l'f:.'U l.lAP.H.l'l`\ I L ur l..'\.'\.`\ LIA make :ul\'.'mcea on mart- ;.Lgu security of City, Town or Fnnn l rupert_y, m Rlllllrl rmging from $400 [:cI'i(Ix1:4 .-4.-nt. 1-ay.1Meh.'ult' pnm.-d also, purchase ny's . ..... -Jul-nullllcla ucrcny give notice that J Hiram A. (`akin has bucu mllnitted `na 1-nrmrr with them in the bllsincss conxluctexl under the mum-,. tirm and style of Calvin & lirutii, -'.t (lrmh.-n Island, ()llI..'ll"i0, and nf I). D. (':n|\'in J; (`o., (,lun:l.u.-c,~'in the Province of i."lIL:iu,-c, the nxmiu of which Iinns will continue {inc I-c:um' as furnicrly, as above nu.-ntioned, D. D. CALVIN, J. A. IHUSUK. llzmlcn lslzuul, May t-`Hi, I573. mu. Z1, `.50, `.35. The Barometer in read, corrected for tum- pcmture, and reduced to -`let Level. .. 5! ll ... ._ . .sJ+;m)s! SEEDS 2 U nu`-H: -`I-mi. `dlli guwsuvoo U1 LOIU. Prcuuiuzzxa, less lieinsurauces . .8'..!,5.':`.), 1'.-.0 {mg the largest zuuouut cvcr u`iS'1'.:'1 bV thl: (:l)llII..'IYI\! In .. Businesgof 1870. Huuliuzms. less Hnim...-~........ c... g 11:4 llUb"l' AN D LOAN COIVIPAN OF (,'.\.\'A DA make .-ulvzmcea mun : .-gecuritv Citv. 'l'nwn m- l`m~m It.-....--6 ID nulmcrmcrs here! hm ln.r u-ix flu.-n ;.. AL- Address HICIJ L '_u( qua z'.1ll_y 1 in 0!. 3 me Largest Vcrl by the Company in a e year. " ' A. ligcorkell, -BUI LDEIL nnfnrin mm.-. (Opposite the Post m;c,._) _.,_ H'"I`_llUST AND LOAN cOMvANYi F :ulv.-um-.=n nn .......o, 1 iiulmcrihcra lwrclvy give notice that iram has bu-u ml-nitf--J `nu 'I`H!*`. DAILY. NEWS-SATUR.DAY (Z.-m'.1-n I`:-as, um Melt-mus, Aal- mul `\'cit.c!u,-3, l crfcctiou. Fur NOTICE : can-}, I 't|lll]1lt:lim ing, Repairing and Regulat- uuntr J. evxnn, Aclnrr, Princess Street. (3. GORDON, & C0,, Montrunl. Lou.-:71 ohueuvxmons for 24 hxfun ending - '.':30Ha.m,, )}ay_3l, l73. _ ._._.:__...__:_. \--valllrllll IIIJII l 4:-'4,.~z, expenses, )5 was increase . , amountto- I ____mID1.nru~... unly rt,-ckmwal from date of Q rm dun: uf application, nu is I v), tlw ul.nn-st. ale.-up.-xtcll is vtinn Hf u\'Cl'y _lon.n. rII:'.l'a1L'nl citlnsr nn tho an-Gui. dividend and I ms, and aI'w-n-m- L .z-1IH'r:m:Ii Lu J `..\ll-In` h'|l;\N?'.'()N, U. I). l:H(il'2I:H `a HF. A. MCCORK ELL. n an m'CI'y _mn.n. gm] either on the urI;.;l- .. ...... .-unuunu IA): $1,571,520 1,445,418. ? In! 6,603,210 years on Private an very favoumble U. I`ARKF.l{. `nun. (Ho.-nLogic. The duathof Thcrou R. Strong recalls a joke ' or - Lincoln's. Passing up Penx}yl\'auizL ; Avenue; wi_th General Nye, he pointed to 2.; Iign with the remark, T. R. Strong, but coffee are stronger. ` 3,oo2;7'ao V 1,1o:;,:r:9 and I .. 1.. nucaonald, LD.s., DENTIST (successor to Dr. Day) No. 156 Pl-in 81; ()nt. OFFICE HOURS from 9 A.M. to 5 P.M. From 9 to 10 A.M., on Fridays, do thdpoor. 4 nsml)1l8nI 1 *" Aug, 22. x. ml. um-K. |..I).S. F M. CLARK, L.D.S., DENTAL Iloous, , No. 4 Wilson : Block, VVellington Street, Between Princess and Brock Sta. Satisfaction Guaranteed. J ulv 31. uauwruczl, uauy, ll n.m. ; leave at 4 I p.m. Invcrnry, Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday .11: ll a.1n. ; leave same days at 4 p.m. Ncwburgh, daily, 1] a.m ; leave at 4 11.111. Bmurn1: s I-IorrzI..--Bath st.-L%e arrive! at 11:30 a.m. on '.|'uesda.y, hursday and Saturday ; leaves at 3:30 o'clock the same days. (ana.noque, daily, arrives It 11:30 i a.m. ; leaves at 3:30 p.m. `ALBION Ho'n:x..-Morton 5 o arrives on Monday, Wednesday and riday at 2:30 ; leaves at.7 p.m. 51.836 IJIIIGS MAm*tx's HorrxL.-Stages M from thiurplace as follow: :- From Picton, daily, 5 p.m. ; S nlenham, dail . ll a.m. ; } an-owsmith, aily, H a.n p.m. Battcrsea, daily, 11 n. Saturdav or II - -- ' -. uruml Trunk Railway. I Trains arrive and depart from the Kingston I station: as folluwl '- | Express . . . . . . Expreu . . . . . . Mixed Traiq` _Iuc at the creation. was a rib-aid jest. b'trce.;.-sprinklers are useful when Jupzber I Pluvius -loesu, c exercise his reign. T he inninuation that Ere was only a side is- . The money that printers pay the Govern. I men: should be cruditud `no the ink-cm tax. 1.. .1..-.....o.'....-Lil 1,, ,. H: I - - - Express . . . . . . Express . . . . . . Mixed Train ` noura or :1 a..m. and 4 [mm Ullice hnurs - fmm 7.30 daily, Sundays excepted. I `Post Oice, Kingston, I lat Feb., 1873. uau x uu nur. Fur CANADIAN LIN E every Friday at 11.30 11.112. 1 `c;u.if ounce. I .\lUNEYO1:i)11{S, an Money Order Offices throughout the Uumininn, Great liritain aml In.-Xzuul, Neufuuudlannl and Frinc l)dwa.r(l Island, can be o|;t-ained at this Uice. Also Postage Stamps and Post Cards. uI5t USIT-S` received under the regulations of the Post Oiee -`azwings Bank, between the hours of 9 and 4 p.m. hnurs-fmm 7.30 :1 m 4.. n on .. _. aanaxact July 31 . ' 1vi'1_`x?{m MA] 13% [3 __ `In I)1.n\vn . .-` -......u.v-1 uun|1.D W111 IN.` (5108 Per DIRECT LINE (via Ne` .'~InnJn.y at 1.09 p.m. Pos imlf uunce. .. .-.--._i 1 an uuur prcvluus to the tim i Mans. liegxstratmn Fee Sc. MONEY 01li)ll{S, M0 thrnnulu-nt H... II.....: _. ____.,._____ _-____.___- -___.Z`: L. Clements, Bentist. OFFICE AND 1`{:`.SI nus.-no uuuulu uu un:uIu.:u. no use lnl-cl tax. In concctiug'c1.1iIdrcn' We should appeal to ; the mic-lluct bu.-ion: resorting to tube other cx- v tremes. 5 I -Vlll-IV Ill 1 I9`! masmmhlc tcnns nu . y_ I i'.[IL'r I?al'I. l '|'r:uIsp::rcnt n-I - h`l(}l\'-\Vl'.|'1'lNHJ .-...........l.l.. 4...... ,"u`riv:|l and [Departure of Mails. 3 and I :-.m~r H an : uxuxcu. 1(egi::tcrcd L1.-tt('.1'r; shmxld be mailed half :1 hour 1n'c\'iuuS time of closing the Jails. _ Mare]: 28. [)0 51` OFFICE, K INGSTUN. J. 1.. nlucdonald, mifsi,` NTIST (Incmannnr 4.. n. n-`-- H Grand Trunk us !sl`Al'i\fI: depart from Ki DENTISTRY. Ill. Clark. L.l).s. ARK T.TIQ n----~ Stage Lines. -Inn-I-I _QL........ -_-:- `n1\;`l.'-`- u. .. N -- -w -v-uuvll I00 LUJIUVVU 2 TT New York) cvury` Postage 8c. per .__. (JOINU WILTP. Arrlvv. .1 In A u /I 1'I'll`( . 4.10 A.M 3.45 1*. M . 9.30 I . M . coma murr. A1-rire. I 1! . 1 u %L.1f V7.3- nu IUWI y, leave at 8a.m in leave 31:4 p.m' ai]yA,i a..m. ; leave at 4 v lalllvlo '9 '..-Stages arrive and depart An exchange say: there can be no rad}.-:s! reform in temperance till the authoritic_s bo- gin at the beginning and seize root. beer . IAI ...LH .A_A_ -_-I, LN LINE (via. Portland) l.1 .0n..m. Postage 60. per , u will be (:10 ed as follows : \'1.`. I.,:.. \T.-.-\' +- I:m:lN.s'<>:\' av '49., |'r-:1-rictnra. . ..n:\7.m;_',;.;, '.c., ` Jmuy \Vimlnw Shmlcu. all It lnulnchuu, and on ` ..u. ; n.-ave 31:4 p.m H a..m.; at 4 , lln.m. B(l8V. Tllllrnllnv an-1 R. DEACUN, l tmLmzustcr. "n;;}osite the treat. a... _. cu- .,..`-=7.--unu nun lull-U ruUI- uucr | Jun]: Billings .s`.ays : I will state for the in; formation of those who I1.-n'en't had a chance ' to lay in gekrit wisdom as freely as 1 have. that one single huniut who feels well can br.:..'.' 4 up .1 whole camp meeting." Arter-liah-a.l pleuI|re--Going after trout. A nursery resembles a dancing hall, in that v it in`: lgawl room. . Depa1.'. l. 35 I , M EVENING, MAY 31. oval: in LIIIVI INSURANCE Agent, Notary Public, Ac- countant, &c. Uice over M: Parker : Drug Store. .~ Kmntan. Oct. 1-4:, In-M stirling llouso, Stirling, County of ' Hastings. . FIl{ST CLASS II()'1`El.--canuot be ex- cc ; a good Com mercial Room for tmvelleru. Charges mode- I I rate. % DANIEL McINTOSH, Veterinary Surgeon, Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary Col- egc, Toronto. Uice, City Hotel`, Kingston. . nu. onnuhn, rropriutor. ` I accommmlntion for Comma lers. Good Salnplc liuouns, Jcc. March 2 . Stirling lions`:-:- ORNER of L!lilNUE3S and MONTREAL b"i`lEE'l`8 (formerly the GEQALDI HUUb'E).-'1`he proprietors having leased the above Hotel, are now retting the premises, with their well-known reputation, they are prepared to furnish all who may favour `them with their patronage with suit- able accommodation, and at moderate charges. The Table will he provided with the best selections in the market. The Bar will be furnished with the best Wines, Liquor: and Cigars. Good Yard and Stabling attached. nu... . I an-nun llulcl, u; L-` nu n 1313.5`, Manager. 0 Commercial know 5. Hood ->';liug. M are k 30. `L 1 un'u.-dul1N JELLY, Jr., 1 roprict.or. 1":-u: Uumibus to and from the boats and cars. Uun-ingcs for partius"wislu'ngto visit places of imcn-sac can be sucured at the oice. A First `Jiass Livery attached. lhd nun for the bald-headed. A jalxysicizm has dilcm'crc4l that nearly all persons who live to 5.: 8'3, or av;-r, rutaiu a thick head of hair } to t.|:..2r deaths, whilc "those who become bnld in the migalle life seldom live to be older than 65 or 70. ` Provincial llotcl, Gauanoquc. BIKOPHY, l 1{Ul l .lE'l`Ul{..-This First , Chas Hotel is centrally located in the ` muiucsa part in` the tuwn, in View of the l.'houua.ud Islands of the St. Lawrence, and in JIUBC proximity to the Fishing and Hunting `Jmumls. mr Uood lioata and Unrnnen ul- wuys in attemlanco for Fishing Parties. uu.u11:eh can be sucured. May 2'. 1 -44.1 J Jun LU Vi .LV , u1"1'AWA.-This 150386 (J in entirely new in every respect, having `been enlarged, rclitted and rexurnishcd this season. Fxrut.-class sample Rooms and ample aceommodzstion. Umnihuaes meet all trzunl and boats. Q I\l\Y11.u1.` .. iiff nun up nun UUJN, England, Homwo- pathic Physician, Surgeon, &.c. Uliicc , Jnu llcsicluncc rulnuved. to \'Vc11il1gton Street, i ucnrl y opposite the Post Utce. Ualls in city --r country, night or day, promptly attended J. JA.l{.\/15, MJJ. Aug. 9. ' , A James Xilcca Ion, M.iD., xv EMBEK of the Roy College of Surgeons, _L 1 Enginud. Reside cc and Ulliue :- lIuu1blc s Block. \.\/ullixuu m !~l4>......4 |::..._..A, - _L1_l_ nngmuu. Block, J um: 29. ` . )ARRlS'l`El{ and Attoru y-at-Law, So- ) licitor in Chancery, Uonvcyancer, etc. }1)`lice, 0lI1t:L/`rioStrect, Sgt door to Montreal c ugmp 1 umpa.ny s `cc. i May 1, 12573. /5 Feb. 26, 1873. _.-_,..:.._. ' ARRISTER. and Attomey-at-Law, So- licitor in (,'h:uu.'cry, Pmtnry Public, U.mvcyu.ncur, 32 King Street, Kingston; Out. At hmmuoquu, over S. MuU:unmou s Drug Stare, every l`ncscl:n.y and Friday. Jan. H, 1872}. . _ A baby`: Root, and n skein of wool, Fndod nnd toiled ma non: Liostejnln a\'d;I|, I 'l"l'URN E Y-AT-LA\\', `$olicitur in Ullilll; _L ccry, Notnty Public, .53 King Strwt, Ismgstuu. )AlU{lS'l`i'l KS, &c., 'l' Loni: Bailo- ing, comer `of Toronto and Adclzude I `cream. ,I....'.- A \,t............. 1. n p . _ 9 Alex. 5. lirlqmtrick, I 1)U.\"1`Y u1mwN AT'l'Ul{NEY and cm 1. ( J of the l'c:wt: fur the County of 1"_ronte- nsc, Uutzu-iu Street, Kingston, directly oppu nice the Muntruul '1'clcgraph Company : ouiu. Kingsmn, July I9, 1571. : `rill. DICIJIIIQI. Jv'))./Ullil-"YER-AT-LA\V, Solicitor in Chun- ccry, 640., Ularunce btrect, between lung and \'Vul1il|;, 1.. titxwts. \ur.Lu\ Ur .lJ1V1b`1Ul\' (J Public, Uuuveyanccr, .guccu s Bench, &c. Nov. 27. Kingston, 8th April, 1873. Albion llotel. wescpori. V EU. JEAULE, Proprietor. First-clan J agcou_mmlation Uommercial 'l`-mm-|- mumug. k 30. 8. Feb. 7, 1873. ruuu V nu 1U LLAULEA Li, b'tu1'c, Princess Street. May 23. -_-_.--:---'-1---- A may a l'M`\J(, and sham of wool. Faded toiled and loft. Odd thingu. yun say, and I doubt you'ru right, Round 11 ur.1man'u neck this Ito:-my night, Up on the yards aloft. International Hotel. NTOS. I75 and 177 Main street, Brockvillc, _ ` U:: :..-Jou:a JELLY, `n.c.()um_i_Lus and earn, ?;._____. Daniel nlclntosh. )AI(}IEL Veterinar rndnatn of H... n..4..._'- In A y xuugsmn, Uanadu. AIBISI. m;;1,3uu:s.., IUHN AUKIL'1`.S, Malmger. ltuoms. ' 15. MIL-SAP & 00:, 1*mp2~ieum.. Stirling. ` Richard '1', 'alkcm, H)l.IUJ l'UI. IN UIIANUJ'1l\'. D Ulurcucu Street, Kingston, Uut. J. 1'. (:'r1Lnr.| L. l .u,-mum `J . \ `1 ( I .h"l`|( l4`L` Anglo-American lloiel. 0H1\`sUN AND UN 1`A1i1U s'1`1u-JETS, Kingston, Canada. 15. Mll.\'.U> x. r2n~ u-`.-1:.L AS: Klctlamnaon, iiaualnoquc, "1L}<.'L'.l{ 01` .lJ1V.[b`1UN COURT, Notary J Commissioner in guccu Bench. Sac. ` Tumnto, April 16, 1872. A ` imni`e1's" Hotel. mm- ` ENTKE TO \\'N U'l".l'A`VA.-Thi3 / entirely evcrv rexnn.-1-. I-nvir--r Nut likely it : fnl`_\' ; but mam, luok here : \ When Iimt I went to sea. A woman stnml on you far off strand, win. 5 wedding riu ' oi: the small soft hand. clung so c use to me. --- -- vuu-rung , ATE OF LONDON, England, J Physician. Surgeon. &a, mam INSURANCE AGENT: In-.7 lillu-Jean's llice UO S Drug plCMUVED TU MAULEAN 3:. L, I3`:-. lileul-ylB. Evans. n x: 111mm` 15. E'vAxs," M.1;.c.s., Lon- ) dun. Uiiice, 56 L'riucesa tree1._ __._.--,- V--- . v -v uu no--aw-lug >A IKIKISTJCJIS and Attoruc 3-at-Law, Cun- } vu_y:mccrs, Notaries Pul: ic. 7(T.:Ti7lT;crslcc-`art: at Wailu-m," lI|u|Q |WI.Vlru __ I `LL , :u wwu we best Wines, am J`; \VILLlAM \VAGGONE|{, CAMPBELL MUMILLAN. . Pm.-..-:..o ...... "Edw. u. smium. Iim... 'iAiI: :;,'l;n||ald A Iitwln; ` VETElllNAR;: .._..,. I At present, the "little game" among the ; India with rrgnnl to coutunw secnul to be I '5u:|s-gtnnuwu. I A l..ll _ . _ _ _ . . . . -,AL- - A A A John V. Noel. Aibion llotcl, nf DRl'A.'.l-`l.`.1u _. 1 ml 15. EVANS, I 356 street. S. DANIELS, 1 :-.n1'uuv:ron. 73. MEDICAL. John knludie an AYII r ACIV r. .- . lM:8l(.l8 and Ulliue k, \ nstreet, Kingston. Juu'.\' A MM:12ou.u.u, Q.G. JAM:-;~c I n'rro:4, Q.(,7_. ..ZI I1! Iu'h) ' ;11F4?+-T ` Machar. Dl.A.. ow-n u-nu-auru R A lull was recently sent ta :3 ne\\'$p.1.pcrl lri-and inquiring shunt auuhecrilncr. llo rc- ; plied: He is deal, but he pay: just. as vs ell : nu hn DIM-l' Jhl " A ----------~ - -- I . Con ty Listings. VSCO PT, Proprietor yrII:loUl'. rlratoclau ' Commercial '1`mvel- um. &c_ JM 1 LLA N . . Proprietors, 1: xrst.-cuss Yards and nun u any omer route. ti Ft ml! be for the interest of passengers West to see the Agent: of this Line before nying elsewhere. 0 nl A , 65' W 1:` Street. I G.` ..":z..m, -' "W and families go Bo-tom . Bu rintendent ; G. W. SMITH, Aoat, 0 den; :1 h. ` FOLG a&:NLE , Ann-rs, Ferry Wharf, foot of k Street Kmgaton' April so,_ 1373. " combined, and at less rates, including meafa and uta.te-rooms, than by any other Line. [The passenger business will receive pn?ticu- I lar attention this season. Large cabins and state rooms comfortably furnished for first- lclau pnuengern. Also lecand cabin, with cook stoves and good `accommodations for Mangers and families who maywiuh to furnish their own provisions. Rates for naanum nr {mink}. ah..." I.-......- nnexr provisions. for passage or freight always lower than bf any other mute. t interest of nnlnencmrg ,__--.. annvnl uuxrtl. DUAJ-3'. The Day Boat leaves Ogdembnrgh at 1 a clock p.1n., daily (Sundays excepted), or on arrival of trains from Ottawa and the East, and runs through to Milwaukee, Chicago and intermediate parts without change of boat. Evening Line for Cleveland, Toledo and Lake Erie Po-la. THE PEOPLE'S FAVOURITE ROUTE WEST. This Linc offers the inducement: of plea- sure, comfort, safety, speed and econom combined, and rates. inulmlina Inna - sure, oomxort, combined, : lltnta Pnnrnl ll:-re Ilention. The Mlbitioul youth who aimed at perfec- tion clninnn he have hit it and a:r:I.ckcd it` In-I5)`. A. ...........n 41., -.I:.u_ _._, u N. T. Company, CONSISTING of 2| Staunch:First-Clan Upper Cabin" Steamers. Two Daily Lines between Ugclcnsbnrgh, Oswcgo, Cleve- land, Tale 1, Detroit, Port Huron, Milwau- kee, Chicago, and all points West, North- ` west and Southwest. I -awnmers every '.l`uesdny and Fridaz 7*" `V I This splendid steamer having nring the winter received largo renewals and additions will be found unsurp.-Lsscd in hergfurninhings and general occommmlatiun 0 C. H. IIATUH, Ticket Agent. _ Kingston, May 14th, 1873. awn auouc 1z:mp.m. . ' 71' J'u,-aaluyn, 'I'hurmlnys anl\.`-lntu n|a.yu--B;Io: ville at 2:45 a.m., Piston at 6 n.nn., arriving in Kingston about 10 .1.m. I{etnrning~-will [cave Kingstun cl.-wily at 3 .m., nrrivmg at Picton about 7 p m., and llcwillc 10:30 mu. Connect: at 'in;.ustnn with ({'upe_AVinccnt Pu!-rv Qiu-um--... 1 I "V I` ' rerry auealners, (5. '1'. R. 'I`rm'n.7s Ea West, Mail Linc Sfeanmru for 'l'nrnnto, ` ton," Onwogo and Montreal. and L Steamer: Tuesday Frida . I splendid ltcamer lmvium . ....:. 1 Vefmont L` Gen ti'a1"_-St;.e;amersT. -L connect: Kinmstnl Ferry Ste.-angers, '1'. West, Steam an. 'n........... A I -r `Ufa no luau !!- , ' m,-umyas and rrnlzs` l'io-km at 8, in the mumizli uton about l2:l5p.m. J'u.-aaluyu, 'I'hurmlnva mu THE R. M. Ottawa . . . - - . . . . . transhipment loada- l2.30 p.1i1. 0.45 p.l_Il. 9.45 p.m. My wife -($. Slim 1:11: In- 1573. Brockville . Ottawa; .. Rcufrew .. t'}:4Jxicon, llellcvillc and Inter- mcuiatc Parts. New ARRUIITJGI-:MEN1'. mr.n'r.uu conmwrnoxs nub: wrm -rnmuc -mums. ' .:_:_ `I'll!!! -IE EXPRESS TRAINS BAIL! Brockville Mzagd Otfawa ' R A I L W A Y S . ` For Ottawa via. Broc/k;7'i 1le. GANADAW0ENTRAL[ i I HE 'Kingnttm mul Pembroke Raihvay F Company offer for Sale at their oice, \\ elliu;.,rfon Strc:t,J(jn stun, $300,000 of (Jay. ]mr.1tiun of the (fity nf ing-xtnn (jmnsnliclnuul Uuupml I54-mln, in amounts to suit purchas- ers nhlong and nlmrt dates. A1.-plicatinnu to he made tn 1'.` fl l\l Ilvn y Wm; -|uN| 9: V SIM) Int bc:eia`.`.: Anal the uunlighi _ the-c1.'|iCl'._)' I Knitting a. [mix 1! WRAINS I LEAVE KINGSTON as fol- lmrn : ` r 1LSAllV75 1.r;Avr; 1xu\'U3'1`01 _ _ lows : Day Express for Montrenl.... . . . Mixed 'l' fur . . . . Night Express for . . . . Day Ex rcss for Toronto and west Night Express Mixed Train for -'l`orontn. . . . . . . . l` I I2l)\-`I cam TRIM RAILWAY. 1 M. PE'I`TEN(1ILL & (10,, 10-Qtato-St., y, , Boston, 37 Park Row. New York, and 701 (/`hex-ntnut Street, lmiladelphia, are our Agents for pt-ocun'ng aclvc-rtirerm.-ntn for our pnper ( l`mr. DAILY .\ zwu)_in the above citiea, and unthoriwd'to contract for advertising at our lowe_ut rates. - $300,000-City or 35552- ston Bonds. I K. M141 1 . R. H. Oicc. Kingntam, Feb. 25th, 1872. DAY BOATS AND NIGHT BOATS. rp;___ n___ h . u Brnckville, M_ay 6, I873. Feb. 4, mg The \'u_\'nzc W.-us r \\'|.... CL msrwt. Kingston, May 251:1), 1872. BUY YOUR 1`ICKE'l'S John Power. RCHITEUP AND BUILDING SUR. Lu Vl:*}Y()R. Ulco and Residence Queen ___._ ___- __.i'._G.`.`ge, . . , .. RCHI'I'E( 3'1`, M.ARBLE`.BLOCK, Princes K Street. - 7 ILL lc: I LL leave .'|.uVf0nw8 2-.`-1(Ill(1l)". '01!- nc-ulays anal Fril:1ys-l5cllcv1l1c at 5, 8. the tnnrniuu `nv-.:- ' 1-. Ir ROCHESTER, 1incIIITE<>Tv,nFe manning, arriving in King- t \ - L :3, I'hurmlnys and Sntu n|a.yu--BcHo- l-5 n_.m., n.m.. my-iu.m Vu)V hl. in;.ustnn Cape Vincent n_e;'s, Trains En-at an-1 The lifc In-wt, tw:uI unlininhcd .sL:H ; The tangled Aka-in lay ne.1.r 5 But the lumber Iml gum: away to rust. \Vit|I the lushc asleep on her quict. breast, Down in the churchyard ch-car. . . . . .- .o... - -___.. - . yawn- spd and-veconom , me: us, by anv other Linn. , --:----aa-Ji CAl"l'. SwAu:s ! , _ . .. -- LEAVE. FPPER CABIN STEA MEH re. 7.20 a.m. 4.00 p.m. 9.20 n..m. 4.45 p.m 8.00 a.m. 3.00 p.m. R I V F. , mm . 0.0!) all C. J. Bl .YI)(2.|-LS,` Managing Dimutor. n With Cape Vincent East an-I -175 Turnntn Ila-nil, H. ABBOTT, Managrn-. A gnu; um names :...-1 n yl1lIkl.L'uI ul A d:0tLL'-_'u g,-1311);) and (LN '_MIIIg|l`, And this bcaidt! the chzur r 1. v L,uu\r;, Sec -'l'n.-auurcr. 1 0 CL] N E, Sm: -'I'n-.-mu n-r Z.`!U a. .m. 4.05 p.m. 4.15 a..m 6.00 ::..m hl:l.',u' 133*]: and '.o, Hamil- . Uttaw a ` `v I-.u-. I p.ln. ' a._m_ 18 Vance. Buhaihzltibw` bynmilu-0 The a xmucoun; m 1 Grcmmorne, 17 (Hnnrmw In Jnnnl: Grcrnmorne, 17 ' . Glasgow to James 3'` Clyde Street ; in 1115'?" Jamel Street; or to 5-3- nf Ynnvilla and Cnnllll ,.` um Inc!-d.'lInl._)` I Knitting :1 bob James screen; or w an of Youvillo and Cotlll`. wmrmll I I An expo:-Enact! " ` veuel. Bertha not For Freight or other Portland to J. L. 7' Andrew Alhn ; in & Co. ; in Hsvre to JOB [|.{) ()1-lea.1u; in Paril *0,` a no (In 4 tombn ' . ` ` Schmitz & arlh'cl;l`,, . dam to 8.1 . Ittnnnn I ~ to w. Ginaon a Hugoz & Malcolm; in IAI|d4':~ w (3 rnrnmnrnn. I 7 ; -. `ouu JLJILV : W I Rates of I'auigo lat Cabin. . . .........m Ste-cmgo ` ` mun amllllll \l.IJ:.V"1' Portland at interval! " ' I VVint;.:r Navigation. G 1. A""'i'; ,__- _ _..-. vv- Sailin from K I ` "7 from ortlmd ov ti/Exgh bziqlrle to noialll` Scotland, are intended H; ` Portland :- ` ` SARMATIAN {rum -`5C.`.NDlNAV[AN " PULYN ESIAN " HIUERN IAN " , PRUSSIAN I ll.L_,, 2 n ,,.l_... LIvE?{55'5"I: 'l`hinCom 7 ,`, undernotedpml ` built, Double-Engi. Vessel. SARDINIAN UIl{UASb`lAN...... .. CANADIAN l ULYNEb`1AN .`5ARMATIAN....... u1uI:;1:N1A1g ,UAt 1AN V :suANvINAv1AN.,`j , l lUb'SlAN........`." . AUSTRIAN NES'l'UlKIAN .u...I ,. MUKAVIAN 1-Jc1:uv1AN .\1,\M'ru1m_v ;.\'U\"A SUUTIAN .... ..\'UB'1'H AMERICA! . AILUA UIAN ..... UUHINTHIAN 5'1`. DAVID ' `ST. Al\'l)1iEW .. ' - ST. 1 A'l`llUK ` THE 31* * u nu:--.-`a Tuesday, Wedn `,"1" at 5 p.m. ` . wxuueave ' 1 I Will 1-....- 11---- ' uus \-uynzc (Wu What, think You, I 100111.: 9}... .1- Under ' (band: B lntaud at 9:15'a.m.1 p. m., and on Tuad.;y:, any: will leave at wr uaruen and W H 3.111., andl:l5p,n.V Wolfe Island :4: I0 For Freight, I " Mun, apply to the V ror rrelgns, rgg apply C ' `IN W HIQCI N8\'lGIrl0IL 5` experienced 'euel. Wilt` leave Tuesday, W ` " vnu leave 4 VV 1 esday ' ` ` I _ i&5l1uve One of the dove : ` ton for Ca ' 0;,-dcnnburg Northern Syracuse 1 Central Railropd. , lLeturuing-will lean ` rival ofjrainl At 10 LI. ing with the Gflld ` ` Mail Line,.Bayof - _\'n........-.. -A II~ . "--1' " `T.:.;'.,. U-rs... ,f I 99`.i10Ax... ".9-an I-Asa: me, c.m.g',, | ;:'.7m?,?;`f.'.:..?,`'- tr l r -011: 3111 ' ` menu,` and all the 1.11; light. * M. p,,,..... In . E`:-=20:/u. NOTICE. (`:1 (3 VI ' 0anad1anNavigw m'AR'I`AN ..... l ASSl UR'l'....... MAGNE'l' ...... .. UUlUN I`HIAl ' ,, BAVABIAN [Mun A, `L '- Kingston, 79! Local Wcallncr Report. .3. V or Pu vnr H4... ' _:The Dmfl mun Iaulln gum` wall the Gnnd Line) Of party at Kingston. `J V I:tTu?3fu7liII". Address [0 . . . . ......... .......`-o-U THE 31-unmll - ... an cum mud ' FULGEB tl Aannfl.h :l7f`X'l-`l.\ l.%-lg!-II) E ' .e. :0: ; me my bet: u.y {not ; It kimud hot ycoiv ha liar u.-no cleft uznl fair, . I c:unc xmhurc : mm} X t-In-ru 2 -I ngllillklul \\ hit: "11- an ..2..|.o plh Kuypell I.-o1d F Unison V iumnuc In: R? L the day before. men I uvel. 5- `V0003. - _--....v-., vv .u. unguo street. V steam Saw Mills. STEAM sAw MILLS, Ban-ielield. Thnannnln; Whxnr !swu-r, JAMES an i` \Vharf. _} - mcnun-IUN, THUS. Bagot street, ROBINSON, T. R. & ('10., Clarence street. ROBINSON, VVM. Bagot street. Dh.....r.._4_- ....- nun, u., L rnnces-8|: i V Printer and Publislncr. |{AN.\'U1\', JAMES, l riuccs'.s-st. Room ['11 ers. HENDERSON. JUHN ..:.......- -4---` I P s I : ~ - ..--... ..,.. V1 111 mn, namelield. \VHITE, S. ["()LUl-Ill & V1- MCINTOSH st. '1' I) lst. P. o:rcct. Ticket Agency. HANLEY, foot of Brock-st. Jcrlnary surgeon. , DANIEL, City Hotel, Princess- , .......,..., uuua, u1.1rcucc~st. SULLIVAN, W. H., Ulurencc-st, SMYTHE, E. ll. Ontario-st. 1 JVALK EM, R. 'l`., Clarence-st. ' Liquor store. 1rHoMPs01\, 650., King-st. Notary Public. 854:. |IcUAMMU..\', 5., G:mn.uouue_ BB8. . nsvgma, J., Prince:-Is-st. I).I..o.._ _- J - R.00Ill P HENDERSON. JOHN, McMAl-ION mos. Ba; nomxsox, WM. Bag: u4-,,, M Noturg (Iron vfll LIIZIKCTI I MEI-J, CHAS. & Um, Gore-st. I REYNER, JOSEPH, Princess` Ih_l,, A I` WEBER & UO., alt: E ITALIAN AW:Ell0USE Lawyers. B.-UVDEN, JOSEPH, King-st. UlLDERSL!.-ZEVE & \'fALKEI\I, K[RKl A'1"1 .1(JK ` 3., County A turns-u Huh. -- , - V-.-4-.--, l\l5`3Ilo . 8'. `ALKEM, Clarence-Ht. ' A'1 1{l(JK, A. /S., Grown At- " torney, Ontario-st. \`.IA('DU.\'ALU 6:. l .\'l"i`UZ\', Trust and Loan Building, corner of Toronto and A-.1cI."xit'.c Street, Toronto. M UDIE, JOHN, Ulnrcucc-st. ISMYTHE, } Painters. MCMKHON, THUS. Htree t; gcgplssux, Cu. :Im-- --------i" Z,p'. c11:o.\'1C 5 N` attended yvith hem. digegtian, torpid _hver, ; low}! _ Y d irriguion of the. kId_neys otIh|f-l0- `I win of alcoholic st1mu- . and I; def. 31`. wnuining utrychnine, and 5 lantls P'P"'`5'nVin,., u their immediate I all &II0`_1""n - kg. the system, pro-1, clfect 1! 5 `."'"tfm:,m rary improvement, ; dnoins - `"*i md*'"g...em1 prostration. j followed by 3 re 1,6 at bgnat felultn from I Rndicll and P'.m` '1 excite nutrition and , an no of regtlzglle` `Dr wheeler : Compound ' ra - ' - ' Oh i- ` 3'-3 "`"".':.::P;:.'xs.':`...E*.`:::o'::,.in;?.a: an l'ood_ . "' M .ndbody._-`nd n ; =-,.-=~.....'........"'*~ir'-`:;~..'-W am 8" not 80 33'- WHITE VVIN SALAD CREA PRINCE 01-` V SOYEWS RE] MULLIGATA MUUK TURT OXTAIL SOU KIPPERED H FREE HER} PHILIPPS 8; W. BE M ay 22. 1873. ;~.u;uun -u. Lll"l'J INS. (.30. ; ,Magum, Agent. : ROYAL, M. W, Strzmgc, Claruncc-at. F 'z{ELIAN(,'E, J, V, Noel. I .`a'(_`U'l'TlSH IMPERIAL, \V. P. Phillips. 5 \\'E.s"I`El{l\'--.\I. W. STRANGE, Agent. Jewel:-v nnal '`9II1nu 24...... 1 L/I\l.l I G Rh I ;`3uinss%%Dic%tdFyf.% mLn_:.uuuI:l'-I Bo H()I.l)ER, BEXJ.. I riIu'cm5-alt. I 7TUTCIH`N0`.\', -Y. E. I -rm-k rztr-4 IHUILRAY, \VILL[.\l\l, .\x.c`m ' \I.-n-L-at L'..u...... `L:_ -_~-- . ---v --"'.-1"` B00324 and S!|m'. [!;u,~'1-1, l-Il)\YI.\, Prixru-s.~_r-.~t ;.r|"Il"A\! L IIAIIIIV .4 - --- . muuau AMERICAN, King Sts. DANIELS IIUTEL, Uttawa. : dA!{VVOUD HOUSE, Uutzxriu-st. 9 "I.\"l'ERNATl0N.-\L," Brockvie. E l R.UVI.\'UlAl.," Uananoquc. ?.s"l`1RLI!\'l;' HOTEL, Stfirling. * Insurance. .'l5T);A FIRE. Janna: .\'wf+ nu Insurance. FIRE, James Swift, } \VhAri. 2 IIABTFUILI), J. V. Noel. ' ; NATION AL LIFE INS. ,M3guru. Agent V wnun A _ I 1.'I'{U :{ & l " '\H`|`l(I I'4`'l` Hotels. -, .3. LBION, Pnucess street. ` .-\.\'(}LU-A.\1ERlCAN, Ontario-st. 1 ,U.BlU.\' HOTEL, atirlin 1. BRITISH AMERICAN, king Sta. . .pl`J vvn u. LU;V;\l;\UIl.`\.\], ; 1_'E{UTVI{ $().\'.3', Princess-st. l\iUL`KLE.\"1`()N, & CU, Pri \ECA\x1L|4AN& KERR v.4;.. III ! 1IVIIIIqVo`*lIl`Va After twcty-live year: medical experience. ` we hsve never met with A remed worthy of dependence in an disease of the nngl, until , the discovery of allows Compound Syrup of liypoplnoaphitee. . Thin article renll u relin- , ble, and euceeeefnl in a majority o cues.- Adv. . ' i-`rocers. U1`.'1_}l'i, \'\'.\I. Y. UU., Brock-st. `, 5):).\'l\'ELL'\' .l().~'{~lPH 1'z-incc5.s-2 H.-XLLJG.-\.\', J.\'(_r., 5 !l.~'\liBAL'K J: (.'U., `Mel-{AE J; (31)., W. k{., ` and Brock Sta. , :'.m1u11m., Joux, 1*'rmess-sc. ` Ki-.'DDE.\' &. IKUWE, l rinccs;s_ str !ll'J|:lS A. J. Princess-st. `,UUTT &: DALTON, l rinm,-ss-st. ` CUBELL, BROS. corner Brae} Larin ah-.a..t.~ -\.uu::.uL., Dnua. 111-on,-k an tario streets. ' ' VIILKINSUN, GEO. M. Ellington ll_:u-dware. -IHUWN av. L`Ul\.\'ll\'U-H.-\.\l, Bagot 1_"E'{`x)W I{ , , .._..u. 1. ' ` `JOHN BULL SAUCE, in Fancy Vases. CAGLIARI PASTE, in Bottles. VVHITE VVINE VINEGAR5 in Decanters. SALAD CREAM, in Cruets. \VALES SALAD SAUCE. RELISH. 'VVw`7 f\'IYIi . ,-. auxlfs RELISH. M WW MULLIGATAUNEY SOIIP, ip Tins. ,_,-_. . ......., . nu-~,, ulualln-I4 .l`arri:.-gc . ..'l:|k-rs. J :m:(;l(l-IA &. Ul`.'N'I'LH'/, I'|||wcss4 r 1`-lothlng. . i MUORB, '1`. Brock street. .Z\h:NAl}:H l`n\' .!~ mi 4-1`:----- -: .uu.V:\Ulun1'U.\ l rinccss-sts. ronfectioncrs and I-`I-nit t.or1-:~'. t'U)lBLE, H., Hruqk-st. 'l'\ \'.`u', IL, .\l.'u`k+_-L .\'.1Imrv. ' ` -`:4 l}I(U.\`., Princess-st. I\ & UU., counter am E HI-1.-\TlI & (:1 f::|llI!'I` I1: M Dry Goods. M ` -.:C.s'l.\'E.~\L', 1-`. x. ::};\1il)L\WIl{, H. & J., |'l`inc: 3 u'.1{l;'l'I.\' l"ll'LLl), JA.\lE.5, Fri; +_ .\IAct'\', A. CU. ` .`-L:Di).\' ELL. A. U., Market-ts ).IUUL{!-I, JAMES, 1 rix.ccss-at i{.'lCHMU.\'U 6:. l5U\'UE.\',`I l{U.'3a', _.-\L1'.`.\'., Princess-st. .~H.~1.`\V it .\1l.VNES, l rinccs:;- 'v-`IALDI-!U.\', IL, I 2in.n.m.uo .'H4,.\U L.|`al, ll]ll:i_` mom . 5., x:....,. L" 4 I l'n.*L' L`l\l\Il\ n, It in often rt-um-ked by strangers visiting 2 our State that we show 3 Inrgerpro rtion of , `nod lmrseo than Any other State in t e Union. ; fhia, we tell them, is owing to two principal 1 rauovu: in the (int place, we breed from the I very best stock ; and in the uocond place, our ' pouplc use Shrrid\n'I Cavqlry Cundltion I ow- - den, which in our judgment are of incalculw bh ldva.ntsge.-Adv. ' i V Alon o......?L..,a:..- ...... ..-.1:__1 __- , e .. . -4. n4-- vL1.v' l Lllll/K` f I-'UT'l'A.\' J. BAIIJH, (Ir (E4-In nu r.-at lilltriu-/rs 4\iu:'u'AM),iU.\', Vs . R`-7., Sllzuulvlcs. I-2ccu.\ \'ll.l.t-1, 'l'H()S., Untmio-gt, I`-Jun-l.....-. su-_:., ,_, .uuunr., 1. Brock stree I\h:NAU(iH'l`U.\' & CU., ] ril|.'o-snunhn ,ubLl\Ll$B'1'Ul\, S. 'Sc.\1Ll.A.\';l5_ KERR. V - H-D('l0!. 3}`. ANS`, H. 13., Primzcus-st. 'X`VI.\', .I,, \\'ellin1.;tun-st. .`\~.L'A)lMU.\', J.-\.\H-IS, '01 .uU nun x , u 1I.I.1.\.\l, .\hc' Market Square. .`-lc-\l I Ll.A.\', L`Y:Lrcuce rltrcct. Pioarksollc-rs and Sun I: EN D1-:lwLI.\' . JOHN, lriuu-a .;. M7: |;\' -- l:n_- u.;v.. '..-xtn A` liL'.\I\, Prim-u.s:-st. ..)B.\l{", U2L'U., Princess-tit. l.\L'l.EA.\' & ('0., l rinccss-st. "\|{K|'}H, E. 15,, Market Snluzu '\'iil'|'!~f, IL. l`rinccsu-at. unvll, um. rrmcuss >ll`.':c. ` \'i1UH'l`, CLARK, \\'u'ui:I,;tux-. street. Winolcsnle Hr)` Goods. z_a.c.\'1i-J .-'.- W.-\l)l)l'3LL, :'n u..-ess-st. ..__ .. . I. _____ LT]-IENIAN SAUCE, ; 7 III IJKII i.\(}E. l-`L(.`!HC|i'.", l`ri: '-IWI-JR, JHHN, Quum Irv ywluln v. 5550. M: A._`.\lcGxnnmc.-'I`l-e Montreal Gazrm nayez--'l`hc Glubr nf \Ve(lues4lay in it: com- mercial article has a reference to Mr Alex- ander McGibhon of this city which in grossly incorrect. So {n.r from its lacing true that it was Itzstcnl at a preliminary meeting of Mr Mc(3ih|oon'n creditors that an enminntion of bin Alfsirl led to expectations of little, if Anything, over two shillin in the pound," the very contrary sppesr . The statement eulnnittecl at a preliminary meeting, showed 3 ceneidemble eurplne of eeeete over liabilities; Anetlnenutatement in being made npon further exuninntiun of the book: And vsluetien of ueeete, which will be submitted to a meeting to be held on Saturday. until which time it will not be known what arrangement is to be nude. The etntement, however, in the Globe ie, undnuhtedly, cmelly nhenrd. I'_L _,-9 n F H )1: l{ISU.\ , liattt LUH, \V2vl. l rincu.~'s : ,}H'I' `lA|!L \\' >..\, 5., Uannuoque. Organ Makers. as .1 1-,. r:......-:. u. vv.111ul4L4l4, A FIXIUC`. Flour icrchum. S, 51,. l'rillu:mu.nt Whanrngcr. M33 00.. s " J1. uagut. street. Piunofortcs. 0., comer Princess and Ontario- . . `(MIA u-av. Agctionct-.r:-. L|a`\' I I`-in .. _. .. , ... .--nu, vvcllll Dry (mods. _ ('11, Pm .__-_,, --_v.., _.--.-ca. Johanna : Anod no Liniment will give more relief in cases Chronic lthenmntinn, `no matter how severe, tlnn my other article known to medical men.

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