May 15th urden Inland, May 8th J. A. E .1873. SEEDS! SEEDS ! L nu Is by IE best. (lardcn Press, are McLeana, Ad- vnuccr and \ uitL-hen. Perfection. `or l ['3' THE DA] i~io`1'1E' Scnoxes, J 11. at Jno Sheldon, Jerome fnbolln Sinclair, Geor a tale Smith, Mr: ary Villiam Smith, In James D Sinclair, John (2) .5 Shields, John 3 Emma Stevenson, Joseph ucl Thomas, David 3 Thompson, Robt 1 Urquhart, A nos Way, Capt J` H :6 W Walker. Robt v Lllen Wm-o....... u ` -"3'-I uuuu Ia, "" 99"! NM. 1873. h lnunnnu... . nrununcl I ` W_'e might go an forever. But what in thin "Rotor-m I Whnco tho word? By what right used! ` Befonn"-uo.c ct , pnuerm nihil, and less than that. A tawdry ? banner tor a shabby Party.-Mail. u. uunwux. & (;o., M and ...4 Watkina, H Whiteher, Chan Willcher, H Wilkinson, Mn A Wilson, William \Voodl, atrick Wood, Miu Edith ('5) Moore, Arthur Mollem, J E` V Murphy, Samuel (2) Munro, John Moore, Richard McPhornon,~Cspt Jno McMahon, Nancy -McKenzie. F 7MeKsy, Mrs A J Mclntoth, Alex McKenzie, Duncan McDonI.ld, Min Mnry McFee, lira Mt.-C1-um, James McConnell, Miss E G McQueen, Daniel 0'Reilly, Catharine Orton, A R` O'Donnell, Patrick O'Hara James O'Neil Philip Parish, James Pena. W 9 reuse, w :5 Pecott, Francis roner, Uharles Prince, Capt S Picnrd, J eann B Poivier, J ulisn Quurigh, Jno Wm Rowin, James I Russell. J A Role, Daniel Ross, James H Robertson, Miu Mary Robinson, Bro'n. Robinson, Mr Richardson, Latter Redmond, John Reynolds, Mnrgt Rattny, Elton aid, Peter ale, J B Stevens, John Scorah, Thomas (3) Schoies, J H. Sheldon. Jar-nvnn A; one, amwn rs urtin, Ephrom Mnrchsnd, Capt L Maxwell, Mn Eliza Mitchell, J B . Merritt, Min P Morrison, Mr: L Mqwstt, R D Morey, Mrs H G Mn-nun, Min Emma ( `ll uaauor, mm M "o Lilley, J `gm Leaver, Capt Wm J Lewis, Mr: Carrie L Luce, C E . lldvoneu, J Mliw 54 :9 ti n I`. ul--`.- DAILY NEWS--WEDNESDAY EVENING, JUNE 4. rllfrll (2) H nnrn R. DEACON, Postmaster. E. H. PARKER. , a nu. , Montreal. x. :1. mark. L118. M. CLARK, L.D.S., Dzxnx. Rt. , No. 4 Wilson : Block, Wellinz ' Street, Between Princess and Brock Stu. Sutisfsction Guaranteed. July 31. ._...___._-__ I 0- 14- DIIIOGOIIBI DENTIST (successor to ' Princou Street, King OFFICE HOURS from 1 [ From 9 to no A.M., on F : thopoor. -vvunwv UI IIVIFI./I. V HE BAZAAR havin increased their Ice-Cream uceomm tiona. are now prcaredto supply All who may fsvqur them wit their Patronage. An inspection of their l'arlours' is respectfully invited. ` ICE COLD SODA W:_&TER with PURE FRUIT SYRUP?! dispensed daily. We gag;-gnteelto furninh _~1...I. ur..:-- _-_-~ 2 . ..u;; o 1 nor: dupensed daily. guanntee'to furnish Soda Water second to none in the city. r uie largest. 1nd best muortcd stock of 1 Instruments in Kingston. A cnt for the New York Weber Piano, the I cnry Y. Miller Piano, the Pierson Piano, the Batman: Bros. Piano, the Gamer Piano, Cro.-at Union Piano. An ms-.;ortment. of Upright. l ianms-- the Piooln, Cottage, and Cabinet, including Uhappelf, manufacture, of London, England. Pianos, new and second-lnand, from $60 to --`}':_00. Organs and Mciodumu in l'(!.'I.t rm-5.4" names, and second-lmnd, --`.3500. in great variety, all of the very best mauufuctux-e, from $50 to $200. DRUMS --Just received a large as- wrtment, all sizes and rices. VIULINS, I-town, Strin , Musical Fittings of every do- sctiption, n. I to be sold on the most reason- able terms. Tuning, Repairing and l`.cgu1a.t- iug in town or country. , J nn-vunn . W. U. IIAVISLV. Otce over Meun Britten l Price : Law Oiceo, Clarence Street. 4 , Mnv I9, ' u n ma "rlctnnn" in 1871 to advocate 1 ; the inm...-diate construction of a rsilwny to the Puciticfia It also "Reform" to attempt I to kill the scheme in the London Market? ` If it was "Reform" to advocate I naming. . -.....-- --_....-- ' I I Orga1'1`_s_,}_1e1o`r`1c.aons,`&;: .... vuuuuu .Vuw must nu sunzt,--1 Imme- diatcly. MUl{ I`GA(}l'.-IS purchjued at as reasonable rate of interest. II! .. .. ....... I `He largest um! best 1 in Kimnmm Am.-o lu- I133-ilrealn and _--.__ -__. -...._4..__._.._._ 5 1 NYONE who lcairca to obtain A nice residence Inn on: of tho ;rattic.-C. utrcotn [in Kinglmm may apply to Jun-pl: Bnwclun. : King fitrcot. Uunt.'Lmu,r:I:II.1ra with pnutrimu, ; `dining gm] yarluur ruomu; bedroom (3 witu 1 1.-lo-wt, attic Iiuiulnccl and subdivided. ' May 27. ` Z - v `I VQIIVO I LL wrnwm indebted to the late I. 1`, } A HRVHN by prmuimwry note are l;crn- l;yuotili.d that the sauna will be required to In paid when due. All Overdue Note must bu settle-1 immc- I dintcly. MUGKLESTON AND. 90.! To oarpenim %aaa%*:a;e;g, .I. I umzumnm IMl'|:U\'i~Jh 1-.n`1~::."r, xmA<::;~4, . g nI.Mu;'.~s 1m-a:uv|.n x;x'n-;:-::.-m.\w mws. . 1v1:':4 nm;m,.v: cur 4:lMl:I,f~2'l` l$l l"l':s'. .uun.~u;~.s- 'nvu.-41' IH:lI.I,:~'. ' LEAUHI-J'.~t m'n;m- 3.4 w .s'l~: l':s'. t:lv;Rl{E'l`h'0N'.-4 run-;::'r mun 'HlIs"Gl-3:4. 'l'UWEl{'S m'rI:m' Al).lU:~'1`AIH.l BLIND FA8'1`.:`. [To C!ontra.c11;po_1"_._;1d Builders. nl nun:-xv u. ':`IIos. 1m-,;w:.m' gs: mi u oaluwm. zsolpn Il Rofar:uen," was It km to the hit, u midi: b `a pound} r` it h(":up"Rn(nr.u" 1' -----vv vv-Iv UvfJ\Q Hwy` I,` I BLA-STING yuwm-11:. I L:0i;r'l'0N AND \VA l`El{ SAlE fY I . Ls '. ' sm.w EYE gummy PICKS. g I 1:. 1:. sm)v_E1,~s AN!) m:u.|. 31':-:1-31.. I I: r JUIS AN D R Post Oioe, Eltnblilhed in Kit A W ESIDESCE Of, elling-ton Stret ugston in 1857. niwnlllll Aug. 22. %.IUS'.1`].{]CEIV%IDi 1001 MAl'L|') Emu wmm, cut stove I lengths ; Gmul Dry Hard VVuml - .`-lapla, {fee-:1; and Birch ; Good Soft \ Voud, `on i |'01n rean to dbrean. .\'.1n(lfard Fll:llIll|}'8 Expn.-lition from the At- lantic to the |':u:itiv: in I572. Alan L`:nnn.4li:m Copyright,iun of `Wilkio Collins New! Book. i The New Magdalen. __ _- v\/ .J./ .l.Il \J Manufacturing Confectioners. May 23. vmces, UM .9! .`.`i`_ u-I I-U uyycauvu O ; 't 1g mu RoforIu" in 1858 to advocate I the pnuaga of an Onngo incorporation bill, ' in it .1... "Reform" in 1873 to oppue the ' pamage oi web a measure! H Al. BAA 2n'r-run" 3-. 1&1`? 5- -_--~- l`)Ell"E(J'l'EU IRON l`I,A .\'I'2.~4. n;\u1,|n B W ruusr`, \V-,llin;,,rton Street North. Kingston, 28th May, I573. City Book Store. Cheap Stationery 1.. Clements, Dentlgtl CE AND 1:!`sInw\'-n- ----~ Wood for Sale. HARDWARE. City Book Store. yuv-nuv-r: In Iucn a measure: ` H on was "elonn" in 1867 to oppos Cnaliuotu-, was it aim Reform" in 137} to cflf am: I ' j -I-- .-_ " DENTISTRY. - Dltwdonald, |..u,};, (Inccenm fn n- n___. . A!\'Gl,IN'S W1-IA?! \N..lli...:n... t- D RESIDENCE oppolitc the :9, Wellington Street. `; ll Kimmtnn in IE5 ? ` ;ati,t uuucry. J. REYNER, Am2~"r, Print-mm St.-m.` _.-....-ug :4. 17-194 nor Dr at, Kin 5 *3 ton, A M Day) No. 156 (mt. OAKDII 0 I S;l_a Water. .u-5-wn, (mt. >m9AM to5PM - Fndn, `devoted. Refurm" advocate I. nomina- tive Senate, in it also Reform" to clxunour for an elective body 1 If it was Rofonu" to denounce the coat ` nf the Intorcolouinl Railway, is it Re- 1 funn" now to nay that it is the cheapest ; road on the Continent 1 -' If in .....- uD-:_-_.N .- ,_._,,, n - I ' w Km me scnume In the London Market? 1 I I W. U. HAV EN. 35-- L In - I nun, m:me1', Pnncess Street. `nu-M. KOOIR, ' k, Wellington hock '~ ___j-- John V. Noel. NSURANCE Agent, Notary Public, Ac- I 9 {D cuuntant, lo. Office aver Mvr l nrlwr l ` rug Stare. Kmgslgon, Oct. lat, 1872. _ ....-us unvnuu.Illl- `? DANIEL McINTOSH, Veterinary Surgeon, I Graduate of the Q_ tari_o_ Col- : mm, 'l`nn-...o.. tun- -- ..,.......g uouuu-., aurnng, County of llastlngs. 1 Fll{ST CLASS HU'1`Elr-c:mnot be ex- cellcd by any House in the County. ! The House and Furniture are new ; the Bar 'in at all times furnished with the lest of Liquors ; the 'l`a.blc 13 second to nonciin the County ; good and commoclious Stables and I Sheds, with careful attcnclancc ; ft good Cum mcrcial Room for travellers. Ulmrgcs mode- rate. i Stirling n0llS.='., Oice um. V , City Hotel, Kings Propric Kingston, 8th April, 1873. Albion Hotel. Wcstpirrt. _ E0. JEAULE, Proprietor. First- G nccomnnmlatiun for Commercial '1`: lcr.-I. Goml Szunplc Rooms, &u. March '28. .-nun: nun: I.uUll' patronage wxth lI1it- ' able accommodation, and at moderate char es. The 'l'a.blu will be provided with the. -at selections in the market. The Bar wil'l be furnished with the beat Wines, Liquors and ' Good Yard and Stabling attached. \VlLLlAM \VA(JGUN ER, CAMPBELL MGMILLAN. I'nu.-..t ..... run: we comment 1 If it was Reform" to oprooe the estab- li-clsnn.-nt uf Separate Schoo I in Ontario, is | ii. R--form" to upset the will of 9. is- ` lntnrc that they may be established in on I Brgnuvick I I ..... L; ..- __ ___....._ 1)..` _L . - \J a1n1sr;'1' (formerly the GERALDI HUUa'E).--The propriemr: having leased the above Hotel, are now retting the premises, with their well-known reputation, they are prepared to furniah all ho mnv uuuvu noncx, ho may favour them with their patronage with the I Cium-5: nml V.....1 .....1 uni! '9 - ..... .,......uun ur uuu nruul H18 D0358 and Cfl. Uulringud (or parties wishing to visit places of interest. can 11:: secured at the ullicc. A First Ulass Lis cry attached. May 27. , , _-_,,_..- __vvv-9 IIIUIII-IIII"l'..:O Bl{()I llY, l l O1 1llb'I'0R.-'l'hil First , U133: Hotel is centrally located in the mxiucsa part of the town, in view of the fhounand Islands of the St. Lawrence, and in :Iose proximity to the Fiahing and uutin Jmunds. trlipoal Boat: and Oanmcu If an '3 in attendance {or"Fishing Patties. ay 23. I list; nuuuuuau uolclo 1'05. I75 and 177 Main Street, Brockville, A U1:'(..-JUIIN JELLY, J:-., Propriut-or. 1-`rue Omnibus to and from the boats and particu wislnmz tn visit ..I...... ..: lu:I|.oU|l, first-Cl :u:cuxnmml:|.t|on, null buntu. u I'J usun nmlulixzg. March I ;V1"'F;I{gi;}.}l'. Uum!:lc`u Block, ` J um: 29 Bdw. II. h'lIl) le. DI.A., )ARlUS'l'EI{ and Attorney-at-Law, So- licitor in Ulmuc-cry, (Jouveyanccr, etc. (mice, Ontnriostrcet, u t door tu Montreal Telegraph Company : () (:0. May I, 1873. THE MODUC S'I`RL'GGLE.--SURREN- DER OF CAPTAIN JACK. - In `V n ARRIS'l'l'2l{ and ,Attorney-at-Law, So- licitor in Chancery, Notary I'ublic, (,"ouveyancc-r, 3'2 King b't.re_ct, Kingston; Out. At. (janaxnoqnc, over S. McUzunmon's Drug Store, every Tuesday and Friday. Jan. [4, 1873. J)AlUilS'H'2lL-AT-LAW, 15': ) uery, (..u., Ulaxra,-n< :5 l'.'m;.; and W1-IlinI,;t-.n51,:-cuts. __- -. -... .... ATE (JP LUNIJUN, England, Homoeo- L pathic l hyar.'cian, Surgeon, &c. Uicc `.m-1 licuialcncc removal to Wcllinghm Street, .;--ariy uplm.-site the l mst Ullice. (Alla in any ur 1,-uunu-y, night or day, promptly utwutlud Alex. S. Kirkpatrick, I -`1uu:."I`Y (.`1:uWN A'1"1`Ul .Nl-JY and mm.- ` J of thu Peace for the County of Fronte- I uac, (mmriu Street, Kingston, directly oppu size the ;\Iontn:a.l 'l'c.;h:gl'aph Uump:my s niu, Kingston, July 19, I671. ` Gilclcrslcevc & ':!(('.lIl. i )A|{l:l.S l`}<}lb' and Attorne s-at-Law, ` j ) vu_v:|m:urs, Nutzxries Pub ic. Feb. 26, 187:} u- an 3 Irlr|VIH'lIIA5 VIII} 1 l ) 131510`/bl) TU MAULl .'A.\' & CL |; .`-`Lure, I 1`iIsuunu Struut. .\I IV 259. 5. > Feb. 7, 1573. uni an un n-uucounu nvu I` I 1711: anunmna. 5. . mm... 7 1.17, was it Befonn" to oppose it; Wuh- ington Treaty, contrary to the iuu-rent: --f Cuuulu. that the same rival might be an- Ilnlted ! ' If Baldwin. Rolph and Lufontainc were ' Rotor.-nan," wax u "R..ln.c-..." 91- --HI-1 lbumels [low]. 1!f21\"J'l{ E TU WK , U l"l A\ VA.--'l'laixs house _J 1:: entirely new in every respect, having cull cniurgcd, refined and nnuruialuul this u:uuu. Fuvst-4.-luau tarunpls: liuumu and ulhlvl -:cusn1nml:m'on, Ununbuscs nu-at ail trauuu ml 1-. Anglo-American llotcl. '()NsUN AND U1\"I`AlLlU 8 .l`Lu:`.E l'8, Kiugutm), cannula. . E. Mu.sA1' & C0,, I'r`opriotm-u. Alhiuu llozcl, Mill-st., Stirling. (MN AUKl1{:~5, Maruuger. First-club Unulnlcmizsl Rooms. Homl Yard: and MLIIHIIH, ` 'rovinclal llotcl. Gzuumoquc | [{"()[)||\,' ]ll!l\l)IIIl.Vl`1nII nu - --- - u Albion llotel, `101'NEl{ of PRINCESS and MONTREAL j S'l'}{EE'l'S (formerly UUb'E).--The proprietor: lmvimv Inn! on... rs`. jictmunzoza, mumuoquc. "1l.|'ZI{K UF !1lV1.'lU.\I (,'()Ul . J`, l\'ut:u.ry _/ l'u|:lic, Uuuvcyxmccr, l,`unuuiu:4im|cr in Eu-.:u'n Ii;u.:h. kc. Toronto, April H3, 1372. Hl,l(7l'i`()l IN (JIIANCERY. D lilzucncc Strut.-t, Kingston, Uut. J. J . Llmu-;n_4|.v.r.x 2, Dr. `elem-y 5:. Evans. ! . l}J.\'l.'.`:' J5. I-J\ ANS, .\l.L ..U.S., Lon- dun. (Juice. 151; Pm ...-...... .-no.-....o INSURANCE AGENT. izu-. -& Patton. \ )A ii lHb"I`El{b', &c., Trust and Loan Bailo- ) ing, curner of Toronto and Adelaide rut.-ts. an ulru umugc vote: I T 5 'u it "Reform" to harm the ptlou of ; ' Confederation before the good nhfp was i . fnirly aoat, that Mr Brown might be re- 5 ! vorfed on A-uucouful tin] I ` P l..l.o.....'. E. - HD.l.._" ll_1 NV-::u|;s`Sigvnnnnon, 31.11., I'.'MlH5|10f aha lluyui College of Surgeopo-, l_ Euglmul. lieamluuco and _(')_tticcA :- ..I.l..'.. I'.l....l. uv,.n;._,_. ,, . >1 nice`:-ginationnl Hotel. '75 nlul I77 blah. hu......o lv._, iiclmrd '1`. Walk:-.In. .uvn..n. .`~ ... ..-.._. VEERINAE ________._ ___%j_..:. iiantel nlclibsl: I \l..I\1mnnn .. . . 51:3 EVANS, .\l.Li.U.S., I (mice, 1-55 l n'uwnu Street. S, DAI\'ll'JI., l'nmrnu:'ro1:. V3. M?%iiAiiA-j ".T..i..{S'zT..R.1 ." `n All` I Ann . to any any nmuon and his own. ' 4 What meaning have the words "Liberal" and "R.eldnn," Ila applied in these lute: dnysl Without policy, objecting to I ovurytbing suv/genting nothing 49" `f I ` distin`u'uh'in`g :3 rinclylos, and bent solely I ` on running oce for chenuolveu, whu undo: the mm of Libcrality"or Refonn" , I do Mr Brown am! his henchmen pouou 7 5 1 was it Liborsl" wronne uecurisninm by I ` frantic appeals to the bigotry of one creed g agninoot another, that Mr Brown :might I 5 u l,'uro.U.r`nngI.- \'ot"anl _ I -db J E II If Rlgfnrln in Ha?- Iuips. Jam: A MAcDo.uLD, Q.C. JAMES l A'rros, Q.C. ..:l I 1- I 0".-I mu uoyu: umwge ul Surgemm Umce . Wellington Street, Kingston. I{L*=<-M; c, Stirling; Cbunty D lastlmgu. . iachaf. II: n ma umcc. (All: In 2 promptly utwudud J. JARVIS, 31.1). AT-LAW, Soliciuu m Clum- Ulamnm Street, between {tun 5't,n.-utu. sco my Proprietor ..uw.. urn-class Travel- I8. &u. 55:51:13. In It in inu-ranting to new the affection vmh g which Mr Brawn clings to the adjective: 5 g Raf-rru" rw-I Liboml" as indicative of I thu character. standing and tendency of hi: I1 1 in-tiom, and to observe the dogmatic man- ; _m.-r in which hudeuiua tho Iucof the words 7 i :1 to any nu hmuolf and his ' u 'hn.t Ilnnninu hnvn OLA -n-J- "' ----'" ` ..--, vawll sun- u4;.;er. Homl_ CU S Drug ! I mu 1 LLA N . Propriu tors, First-class cial Tm u..L 'a."I."b1)'1'r,s's1."'}i."un'".1.n :73: W . SMITH. ut,.O don! rgh. POLO R ANLE , Accra-rs, 1r whumoott kSteetK' , efhao. 1373. - ' "won weir own provmom. a I Rates {or p e or freight alsnya lower than b my otl: route. tr 2 ml! be {or the interest of passengers snd funililglgoin Went to use the Agent: of this Linc ore uying elsewhere. ~ Genertl Alzoncv. 6 Wnlhinalnn 114.... I mu ulna ouore buying oucwnore. a 1 A w hington since Bu:u."a. `.4. 3bnY, su" rinundent; of W. SMlTl{.Axzent..0udnn- ml- ,.r._ __.-u gvaxllll. Jlkllllljo The Day Boat leaves Ogdensburrh at 1 o'clock p.m., daily (Sundays excep J, or on arrival of trains from Ottawa and the Eat, .-uul runs through to Milwaukee, Chiqago and intcnnedinte ports withuut change of boat. Evening inne fur Uhzvelnvul, I':-Imln ----I ; nnwnneumte without 17031:. Evening Cleveland, Toledo and Lake Erie Po-tn. THE Pl".Ul LI4J 8 F'A\Z0UlI'I'E ROUTE ; WE'l'. I Thin Line offer: the imlncemcnta of plea- :;t:$iu?ln,:1tr'l ets :v-ates. in:ll`::i:li::o:..Tl! sure oomlort, sslaty, speed and oconom` I comlainod, and at loss rates, including mesl: I {and state rooms, than by any other Line. The passenger business will receive articu- lsr attention this season. Large cs `us and state rooms comfortably furnished for rst- ; class passengers. Also second cabins, with cook stoves and ood sccommodstions for pu- sengers sud {srmlies who may wish to furnish their nroviaions. n. < -' 2 The wide, who looked rte.-y chsrtninf, ; and sun dr--med in lave rnilk druu, ivih ; Imam-t. lriuim--d with white owers. "rho , Lri-l.; in-`,5 attired in an ordinary even ` in; -ir-.un :lll.s.9 1.4.-win, lliulio lawn dung):- tor. zuul .\l.1~t.-r Slnjnr, 11.5.-toe M witucucx. Mi-u Irwin was dro.-an-11 in Vilnius mmlin, trim- hoifwitli I-Iuc silk gnd while l-miinet,`_-as lllllll aim Iuokml uharining. Thu mnrfingc ! 4l'nom_\ W'n pcrfurtued by Who Lewis, 39- sh-I by the Nov. Mr Lauder, t is chair` of , the clupel, wi'.h ~lr Mills 1: organist, the g cont:-ihuiiug by their appropriate music to the Iolcmnity -of the occanion. After the ' o | the party ncijuuruod 1,0 the incidence of Mr CID-, the IIn'alc'n brother. when the \veil- ` ding i-reakf.-int wmTpzirtakon oi. Tho n py eoupln left on their wedding tour thin Agar g lIoou.-0tlvum F/`ca Preu.` y , en ma umiliu who nu; provisions. _ trauma {ran N. T. Company, CONSISTING of 21 Stuuuch First-Chm: Upper Cabin Steamers. Twu Daily Line: between Ogdcuuburgh, Uuwego, Cleve- land, Tolmlo, Detroit, Port Huron, Milwnu-- kce, Chicago, and All points West, North- west and Southwest. DAY BOATS ND NIGHT fOATS. r|u_,_ n.,, h - neucvme 10: Connect: at Ferry Steamers, \Veat, Mail Lino Stea. ton, Oswego and Montreal, Steamers two This aplen winter receiv ...21I `*7 I LID. I ingston with Caps Vincent G. T. ILQ Trains Fast and men; for Toronto, Hamil- _ sud Ottaws ry Tuesday and P King. did. steamer having uring the large rengyvuls and addition: 30 Sad owamers every Tuesday Fridu splendid. 4 received renewals and will be found unsurpassed in her I f and general occomtnodntion. I = C. H. Hmrun v'1':..I-.-4 awn nlmul 12:15 p.m. ' ('6 '.l'uculayn, l`lnmulays and Saurdnya-Bello- Villa at 2:45 a.m., Piston at 6 3.111., srriviug in Kingston about 10 mm. . Retnming--will leave Kingston daily st 8 .m., arriving at Picton about 7 pm., and iellcviile 10:30 (`nnna-0.. no ....._A.._ ._,9.: I`: --- l.'lI:L0lI at 5, m the mm stun nlmut 12:15 '.l'ucs Tlmrsdnv: THE R. M. I 873. _ _.- v w--p:-nadillu . ynr-r. iswnaus, ILL leav ufollovn :-Mmuluyu, Wed- wnulays and Fridn.ya-Bc|lcvillo at 5, Picton at 8, in the morning, arriving in King- 13515 p._I'n. mun --Imxm-; mum: U`!-` .x.\u;x:n:.x. I I The` fIIl'!y-fullrlh amm.1.l mgggjuu of W Grand 'Jmn-1e I.m'L'o~ nf Hritmh Am...-..... .....o ' nq tr lumb- Brdclsville. Ottawa ,. Benfrew Ottawa .. lienfww . Bmckvillm. , ,, . , . . . . . . -.vv yuur URI?) PJIL l5rocILviIle.... . . . ., 1.50 p.m. 9.45 p.m. tz"l'loeu Ronduu-e ol the mrnogauga u the Grand Trunk, and there is consequently my tmmhipment of Freight, when in car- I [Err Plcton, Bellevllle and Inner- meulate Ports. = I an-:\3v Anriiesmzur. For Ottawa via` Brockvi. (!lUK I'ALN' 00'!Vl."I'IO.VII HAD! WWII GRAND TRUNK `ERAIKU. ._:.-- I 'w};|a Izxnuzss 'rn.uus numr L E A V E . Brdekville . . . . . . .. 7.20`n:m. 4.00 p.m. {DH-nun: ` " ]0ANADAjDENTRAL _Brokville Ma:nd Ottawa 3 R A I L W A Y S . --Tun: um-:u' L1m:R.u.._nmroRM{ man." , lfi\lAlNS LEAVE KINGSTON ab IIHVK: ` mwu . ~ Dray `lxprcus fur Mnutrrnl. ,. . . . Mixul Tmin fur Night Exprcm for . . . . D.-Ly Ex nrcxu for 'I'orrmt0 and went Night luxprc,-u Mi /.ul Train for Tnrcmtn. . . . . . L. 1 0 1 Inn 91 I 1.1. \ Street. lln I M. PETTENGILL 700., 10 State-St., S, Boston, 37 Park Row. New York, and 701 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, are our Agents for procuring advertisements for our pnper (Tm: DAILY Nzws) in the above cities, and authorized to contract for advertising at our lowest rateg. _1_ upun;-any uucr mr -`mic at their oicjc, Wellington Strct-.t, Kingston: $.W,0_00 of Cur- pnratiml 0f the (_,'ity of Kingston Cfvlnsoliclntccl Uuupnn L'und14, in amounts to edit purchas- err; at long zunl short latex. Applications to In: much: to 1-; re t\vI\n caKri'Tn1gEaf iifz. W`; $300,000-- City of King- gton Bonds. lrlinrc Hi} I `nv mu genera: occommodntlon. ' _ :i C. H. HATCH, `Ticket Ageht. Klngstqn, May 14th, 1873. Bmckville, May 6, I873. ......_.........-._..___ gunanm DH.".!ll`~'iI ` u-sum are ; U`.-\ra'y Houl- 3 ""'" I` | ""`' 5` tar. I".nq., (Sr.-ind" Master 0f.U|`l{t:|`in \\'caEt`; "l]; l;l"""'i ""5 ( v'u.- I1` Hn\\':u|_ '.~. , i':n.-'.|7r:m . aster-, -` -'9 N "U6 ::.`~.\l~I|~vnula1. .\l I` `I , 'i..-mnl .\ln:-!tc' for I)n- mm`. M! the men rl tnrlu Hut . Tim: Kc'_\'g."', Esq -_ Hrml -'lo.\-n- Exvman: ;md t1'I'.t.:~ (- iavy; J. I-L .\'. Hnl-lcr. bag. of St. John. rr-M`. and ul nu-:u Nuw I.`-ruu.m-u.-I. . .\' .-\. Harri-4-II. l . }!1Ili- cnmmotion. Ca `II. .\'e\'.-c :'m1i:: . Jnlhll "'|'t'4|d_n"'- I`-"lw , shoulodn sturdys ` Deputy Hum-1 .\[:|.".I_\'l'. Quebec ;'V\ m: Amiur--` `T;hchm,,i wnh ch` ,..m_ j.`_..}__ |;r..:ul In ..-urcr; In. .\h.1nnou, ` Ihcv ' ' r |-`,..{ _ |>{..z.q.;u _ J 1;, U.|\~|:~', H.-q.. Tolnutu ; I `(mt nzpgciliigh` :|:`,\-_ A p,H....,. Z-.;.t Jas. llumctt. To:uu- _`_`_m_ 11 C 1` tn; 1; J _\'.r.;~., Umemec; John Hde_\'. !".` " I'IIq., llmnu.-vxit ; I`. .\l.1*uhal|, Esq, Port F" 1? Mi" Hope; \\ i||i.-un Item:-.-_v. H.~;.. St. ('.1tlmrn`.es: 1 "5 L bd`_l 3 \\'_ mlt-:r. I'l.~'q . IDumorc~t\`ilh:; E. Buttrell, ; the l'uu_ks `.ut_`h st. I Esq , (nnnn, N S Puck, l-liq, Min-!cn.; (2, _ by as V: arm bpnm T. |'I~~-ry. Esq , I.u'mloI1. `Jack wanted to I Thu `luunm-an this aftcnxoon will chiey hr f were sent to meat .1 n-aim. um In-an-I .\l:ut_cr'.-J Address and ; out cautiously, 2] u,,._. _|__.r,yc. or t?;, (:r.x_ud_ ;--ucrcmry gml up :-mW' and then. a point `-'I-lhlI)IV.L*.'n .~. l:_n~' hke thIo.- session w/1.1.1 mum fl..M.d and char Lu-manor -".'1'lAIllb - -Ba1 rrtllr In! 11- '_` is-"om. The" t` 5""" ' ` ___ - _____ _ - squaws. and seven .. . ..n-n . .-~ --- --- A-- ~ ----- . 3'". ;;n"A Eh :" vliflx. 4. I573. nnreer. K ingnton, May 25th, 1872. g..-=:.-__-_%-,,------- _..1 BUY YOUR TICKIE'l`S o I-ugvg RCHITEG 3'1`, MABBLEIBLOCK, Prince: Street. (inmm... `M... nan. In-m -John Power. ` ILCHITEUI` AND BUILDING SUB. L VEYOR. Ullicu and Residence Queen cot. 1 `IE Kihgstt)11 and -I'm.-mbrnke Railway Company ubr for Sale at their ulcc, lin_rtnn Strm-.t_ Kim/sfnn,` szmn mm at 1 .1- ROCHESTER, C!A['1'_ HIIIAI mu [gl__ll(}lTEGTUll;l_?E_ UPPER CABIN STEAM Elf. L -1_:.`i:}ie. ' n 1:41:01 1.-Io nnav Imus. 8.00 mm. 1) I I7 1! .6.-M! {Ln `.0 4.05 ya.-n _ 4.1. ) a.n tn........ (L00 a.II L`. J. l5ll'u' lu;'l'l.'4. Managing llirm,-tnr. H. ABB(_)'l"l`, Manna F. r. u uI.|.:.\1'., Sec -'l`rea.surcr. I mg (luring the | her furnishings 4.45 pan 3.00 pm. 1.3.5 jhlll. 5.15 lI.In_ ` 1373. 7I'U`' CH8 I If it was Reform" to be I "R4-fnvrn" r.. inn-....-.. al... . fol- {Is yuaagngp av 3 Z"'u...m'-v I by mail no ahlrrdn -.a -. , -_ 1 .14.?` ` EH3 '<'5h"r3'H1'iag A _ __.__ A...-`V JLIIIGI BIPGOI; Of III I30 ' of Youvillo llld Canal I will mm L to W. Gibson & Hugo ; ll ` & Malcolm; in London 9` Hrernmorne, 17 G - ~ M v Glas ow to June! And A5!`-;, `(y a Street; in Liv?` 1" Jamel Street; or to -5 I of Ynuville And Collll > _ liue du 4 Septambn; Ill Schmitz a co., orlilchlll dam to 3. P. Ittuuu t _hI w. Ginson Hugo ml 8: Mnhunlm , in [and vessel. Denna nos For Freight or othII'- \` Portlsnal to J. L. 1' Andrew Allsn ; in" I. R. Co. ; in Hovre to Join! D Urlu:um ; in Pain to Rue du 4 Septembn; il , Schmitz la 00.. or J mu. An expenencea an vessel. Bertha not I I mu "Refnnn" nu. in v jlll Z31 sailing from Liverpool from Portland ovaq ` Lough r'o)l'le to , Mail: and `M08113!!! Scotland, are intendndh. , Portland :- ` POLYN ESIAN, from * HIBERNIAN nussmu " a MOBAVI AN " SARMATIAN UIRCASSIAN "' - PULYNESIAN " . ST. PATRICK, (Of A uno. ` lat Cabin . Steerage . . 'laA-Illa 9 p I ow"? wv:-Q.-uuvwuv are intended to nail Portlzunl at iuterulr ` Winter N avigafildn. _` An ox rien vessel. plgurthl nut mun, Double-lll lg Veud. Ti SARDINLAH . ... nu?` U1 RUAHUIAN ....... Haj pupil!!! - PULYNESIAN . ....; .`5ABMA'l'lAN.'......* HIBERNIAN . . .1... UASPIAN . SCAN D1 NAVIAN. . ml PRUSSIAN . . . . . . . .1 AUHTIUAN . . . . 1150' NES PUJHAN . ....I MUHAVIAN 4 I msuuvun .'.'.IIf.II1 MANITUBAN zwu scurmr NOIITH AMERICA!!! ARC/LDIAN UU|ilN J HlA.N .....:.l :51`. DAVID .... .._._.l 3'1`. ANDREW 31'. l A'l`1ICK ........n THE 8'l'EAI L|VER_PQOL | vnuur GQHIFPIW '-` _` bhj caudal and l _ """"*: 1372-.s.- Winter Aug --U '1'!` Company una- unaegatod Fin:-ably` built, Daublo- ' ` Jan. 22. [A12 LIE" unsci- Maud at 9:15 am. I p.m., and 031' days will Ian at 5.1;; " Wollc Island at 7:A.n. -; SUNDAY TRIPS `-5- fur (inrdun and W& ll a..m., mdl:l5p,I. .` \\'olfo lI(lI.ul:G1!U 3., For rei , nap`, tion, apply to tho?" ' Jvvul. nonyu IIIMI DDIIIIIUIIIU mu," "Reform" to v|lify{ that Mr_ Brown : envy : `uppeuud I A nwnrnen 3: Kingston. , Will lesvo Kingston {1- 'I`uc'-day, Wednesday, . W at 23 p.111. . will Inn..- N---~~r ":cr;;.'.`:z.`;:a......""".:*;'.E Maude everyday at ` 2 m. and 4 gm. IL. One of the shove stun for Cape Vincent ml) at 6 3.11:. nndt ` -,3 ncctionl with the r 3. U,ga1-nuburg Rlilnnd, H` 1`s'ox-thcrn Isyrmuo V = Ulifltfl 4 ` l c'turniqg- `I lay. nival nl Chain: .5 In - , . .,..-nu uaulllln Rc turning-wi|l tin] of trnim It 10 LI. ` ing with tho (mad 1' Mail Line, Bay of i" tentnrl 32 Km ` .;1y` Kmalnn he ;*".... ...:1'2l'.:7'.: .`.?...f'..:`...'. 4:.-:.A . ..v-nun , vv UIIIICIII , p.m w u 1' 0 >|u|q `N \Ved |)cu`l:;Ind~Ffby _ _Wil} leave Kinda: lib Rates of Passage {nil at l '..|.:.. Jiubraska, Uolondo, % % A comfortable nu] Iloum for India! and ' 3... .. 1` J. wxu leave the at/. J 11 Street, h` cgelgrwndwmou 1* HALF-PAST r1v'.: ti Steamer: will lg '_ mlcfruing (Kayla; 2.2.! PA_Qr|V ,:_., ----- ------------- *'=*w:...:a-...:a Hing -I ROYAL HAIL L}. `:.;`,__ THE gbon hug . lowxngspl-dill) CORSICAN....` SPARTAN ..' `w ' PASSPORT , u A(}'rNI:l' : ........ ,, u cou}N'r unvAJ.AN '; ` One of the Stung; . 1 I 11 leave St. _ yrihnwn Street. 0-L'."n`1 v--v -fvcoulfl win 232% W 5"'7~..$ v ' ` ` Prescott 33% . ` delightful ..;e `"11. ~ and all the ` daylight. "-tin `Ol' Pllldn 'll:,| . Kinpton, 2&5 Nest, and alto ` u.-braska, ` 1 comfortable . ` Loom for Ind (ff l{inggf4On, 7th '1: I THE smuml . nu. 5- gill`; 1; mum LU-'_E I_I.,|A|.. ,-, I at Two Dollll Addroll adU`1 and Uolllluul FUDGE]! I `monk. H ;:U,r|Lmn.n:li[' ` .; n|aofthl us - -,.An-unit 'iu 1871 advocate 1: `liflnn n` n rail.--u On ;uonIou s EADINR, In In .1'u.lo. IJONS, SPRING nr or mm. :a4";'i:i.;'] itvswa economical, in nu -.n..A:L..-.. -1 . next 4.... till 5 sT R E] if-:m9n = cifllfflll isnwxna |H'l`l-"5! main-e mule to-iny i`n thr;so jezotioruu of `the . country hy=t-he cavnlr mad:-r Col. Perry, mu of the i Major Trimble and Iajor Urcaaou. The nun-:.'s. m--t mu with the Modnm .-n.- :1 r-lm. a.. ...,.... 19 `I 1;. you ,Re , [An old Indy, 391 years old, living in Grima- ' 1 Ivy , lately wslked `200 miles in one day, chop- ~P'~ 1 pet! 141 cords of wood, planted so bushel of po- gtotoes, And then-danccd all night. The fate `t? . of tlre man who told this is not recorded, but 0,_l8 ` he must at least have the lock-jaw. est - II :t, for ; ... nuuus u., yuu wm nu nmuons of others- : in prospective. Thsy sccumulato so. A new explosive compound has been d`sco- verod. called ozo-benzine, composed of ozone I and beuzine. A ;qi.n lunily urn. sulde! :``b;'.'fd;ug:c'- .:ck31f"h A uewupnpcr mlvxsas it delinquent zubl:.'l'l- I herd not to permit their dun lntcrs to wear this paper for D bustle. There using so much due 4 us. 1!. there in danger 0! taking a cold. 3 An old farmer says, that after a while all , yuu will have to do will he to plant your pota- toe: on Monday and dig new ones on Snturaay ua eaclr new variety in from twn to ten days earlier than all others. T . . 1 - ' . . ..yu -nu; I yuuslua. _'-What I know about the :.Tax1-x . 'tr_v" is HM: title of Mr Manson.-ic fu r.. 1; It-new method of spelling, quite lurpasumg V` the phonetic. is illuioirntedu follows: 80 4 on he--3 tub; 80 oh! pea.-n top ; be 80- lint; we 80--cat; pea 80-pat; are 80 mt; we oh ! double youmcow ; see you be--cub; am: as be--cab` , bee you double tea--butt ; sec A double ell-calI." 'L . .. --v-own. yu-uou. There is to be A lively n: IOOD --some half a dozen nude and answer charges of libel. ` lnhan-5-Icy -gull .... .._ .-__. hen you go swimming nam- E the wharvcs be an.-u there are no policemen On rlit, that Mr Mackellar in get out 3 work shortly on What I know about model farms." . ` uuu nuawur cuarges 0! nuts]. 3 lntensely swell young gentlemen have their ` cigars manufactured cxpreuly for them, and t ornamented with their monogram: in gold. ' An old lady,` 391 Ivy . latelv wnlked onn mu... :. ....- -L- -l J our Stste that we show a. larger ro u 1!! oxcen remarked by strangers vinitin rtion 0 good horses than any other State 1:: t e Union. U fhiu, we tell them, is owing to two principal reuonn : in the x-It lace, we breed from the , very best stock ; an in the second piece, our people use Sheridan : Cavalry COl.ldlf.iOI Pow- den, which in our judgment ere of inca.lcula- LL. -.l.._..A._-- I Wigex; in 3 young lady very mm a whale 2" When she} panting. ;'\"Iu:r. I knnn: ..I.....o 51.- _rr,., 9 -- I ble advantage. -A du. pcnple Sheridan Condition 'I os;- 1 _I___ V V ,, _--_,,-. ....v_ I Johnson : Anodyne Linitnent will give more relief in cases 0! Uhronic Rheumatism, no matter how severe, than any other article known to medical men. AlL-_ L.. ,,A, I` __..w .. vv unuulyal men. After twenty-ve years medical we have never met with a named; | dependence in an diseuo of the 1 I the discovery of ollowl Gompom 5 Hynuohoanhicez TH. .:..|- --. , _.... - .... -unwu uuu bu Inc an BI. an wnel. i Tread upon evenjy tato bug you can, fur -' In killing it, you mil in millions of` other:-- K i prupective. Thov lccumnlnh. an ...... ...... ... nu s-use 0! me lungs, until ! ch: ibullown Gompouml Syrup of Hypuphoophitez. This argicle really nu reli.jn- 1 i hle, nnd Iucceufnl in 3 msjority of ca.ues.- `Adv. , f Von -- a: nu: uubuvcl 0! mm: '0 [(7. I Several colt! in the townuhip of Wnwamuh are dying from I uvullin , communcing in the footlqck, which on raw ing the body causes I dcath.-0odricIt Star. -Ian-vac: -vvuur -yu utur. The man who drives cnwn to pound mo Nu- 5 paw.-u wan himself impounded fur doing hi: on f Suud.-ny, sud his excuse my; that the Muyur , hm! urdcI'ed him to do no at n 1 times. 1 1':-am] Ilnnn 4.-A-.. ....L_4_ -. .. _ .,_, . ................. The Shah of l uuiu in paying a visit to Hur- many, and ban been received with an entlm- 1 I Iimtic welcome by the lm .rinl Princes, M well an by the muses of t no people. colt: in the'.. -1 \v_...-...,--, I H ' '- f At. a. meetin of thecleacohxof Plymouth i Church on Fri y evening, it was decinlud tn rocee-1 at once with the investigstlon of the riaswn-'l'ilton-Beecher scandal. Un Frida , Bonner : 5tartle" treated a mile : in 2:19 at Heotlvood Park. Thin time has but once before been equallod on that course, whib mu by Pocahuutu. I`1... c|...I. -1 II. - -: .._, .. _,-...n. , A man in (its;-go; .\1inn., lately had an or` | I c!.nrl of I00 linu apple trees all cut down in .` the x.1,.;h`. by ~om-.- lngh-rnirdcd cuomy. ` Tlx_cr Pall Mall G412:-Ito styles Hon. Caleb! i i.I'uuh}n'I book nu tho Alnbamnclaiml an ex- I ` tmnralimry ilnod ut l-l:wkguarcliam." The Hannnittcu cf the Sabbath School Aw ` ..:.... rati-`tn uf ('an;u1:) has rlccixlcd to hold 111: ! {next cunvoution ui bubhatll School 'l'avlwrn ` var Untariu and Quebec in Slnsftmbtnry Hull. Tomntn, on the 7th and two fullowiug lay of "'!lr`)t Y. Z I I 1 I up him. Hur ll.-zlzfax -le-spntvlu.-r announce the return u. Hm IL-ulilng Hurt, after hzwin uf m.-:u'|_\' 500.(D. Iwaho. |'rcsiJ;-ut Grant : father in aupptmocl to in ~ uufFi?n,',~`;uul haw sent. for the | x'-bidunt to coma g made A catch I The Iourwau A/omlr, fur lilrelliug the Imm- tutu Uanuliunne, have b.1d_ tn pay 3'10 qlanmgcu with cost! 0! thy action. II_Z'_..__. A_,Al' I surrender. `~ \ \-\vv\`|I u. \.Ul. n. A urry surrounded the In- -imn rutrear, and his man were bound to fight. Suddenly a Wudoc shot. out from the racks with A white Hag. He was met Warm Spring, and said that Three scouts meet Capt. lack, and he came I glanced about him a mo- `mm, as if giving up all hopes. held out his hand to his two of his warriors, ve seven children darted forward _ and joined him in the surrender. Capt. Jack is about 40 years old. He is 3 feet 8 inclines `nigh. and mmmmi-. i...;n i Thru yuung girl are n-parted mining from ' F B4-nlunnlh-. ''.ax has colntrihuto.-cl, b uubncriptiuma, ` -we-r $6,000.10 u Drummnn: (Jnllivry Rulia-f I I"-Jun]. 1 I 1 c . .u.._;ur JFHIIDXO and Bliljof Urc.-uou. The I Modnvn as .1 trihu, in ovur. ; uni ghting after the gut.-rilln fashion will ? 9-v prolmbly cnntinucd until llu: last uutlziw I Is -:npturml or killed. ' Ulmu Luke, Col., June 191., 3:30 p.n1., via 5 San Francisco. Juno `Jud. --A mu-im: of m-... Q. It is often remarked `Ill State that wn nlu-up naps. aucx ls about . . , . : inches nigh, am! he has 1| lsqgu a hull of individuality. .1lIsc-Ilnnoous Iowa clergyman, who lmal .1 dnnntiun lately. has lacuna on:-ugh to last him ` I A I " -.~'(`Vl`ll yearn. . V "wht knnw ahnnf m I-snow the .,f the coun- Ma.cxcmiu's new lau- lnngelfs Valley, Loaf. River Oregon Green : Camp, May 31, ev'g, via ` Fun ciaeo, June 2.-Aftcr a thorough examina- tion of the Modec captives, gathered in during the present scout under Col. Green, it bu been awenainod that the last haul netted 34 men, women and children, l3_ef than being able-bodied warriors, 16 nea f of uximu pattern, 113 cartridges, and ` several lean: and hungry ponies. Boston 5 Charley and schonchin are anxious about ` ` the disposition to be Innis of them. The former murdered Dr. Thoma, and the lat- . ` tor mutilated Meachnm. Boatnnand 8ehon- ' win look like deny.-ra4loea-each came: his , ..1.u..-me in hi: face. Snmeon Cnbnneue i 1 av... . V..- qaaaav vsnvaa. ! 1 1 I I I tan :3 uuuuu w years Old. . :hcs `nigh, and compactly I and woll-{unnd idnsiiitv e ne among ahqwmcn f adozen uuder bonds to appear I urge: ayears medical experience, ' remedy worthy of lungs. until r larzer uronnrtinn n e Fro: u... I I remedv Imrthv n >UIlI IUI . \} the other no-.u....AI .\..A nnuy or :I, vi-nn ..f built, I..- . uouuon, Wm Graham, Edward F Grant, Min Margt Gramke, Harmon " Geer. John R (}ri'eu, Michael Hawkins. Capt H B Hart, Miles Hsrl-mesa, Robt Hickey, Mn Isabella Hill, Arthur Cole Harrington, William Handel-un, J Hewit, Thomas Hickman, Mina Heonaey, Samuel _. Hobart, Tgeflllo e 'n , o n Hi:1ay,gB J 9 Holden, Gear 6 9 Hogan, Mina llen Honem, Mrs Geo , Irwin, John (2) `, Jones, Mrs Cath 1 Johnson, Hugh l Jerard, Theophile f Johnston, Jane ,. Jerow, Charla: - , Jennings, Col H M 5' Jones, Thomas J v i Kearney, John (2) I Keenan, Thomas , Kelley, Peter : ; Kelly, Ca Wm _ Kertaon. arcellru u u can "xcexorm" to be economical, it "Reform" to increase the expenditure of tho Province of Untarin by no Ieu than 'r'0 pot cent per nnnum 1 If it. mu I-l..i'm-m" o.. .;..- .1... ..--_I- -L- E Kin ton Post Ou 3 ay 3|. 1873. `Lul, urn [1123 (foglulsn. l l.`vrz-.wfurl, Frederick Croufor, W'illm K (frumley, Eclwsnl Urounc, Ezra Crouch, Samuel ; Dalxl, John S Daley, Ellen I Uurepcntigny, A 3 Daley, Sarah Jane Dale, M r Delmar e. Fagan (2) Dix, 5 rs J Uidace, Mons Dino, \Villiam Donald, \Vm K Domn, Wm Dmfun, }I Ei herfngton, H El il, Courtney B Elliott. 0 null, Uourtnc-y B Elliott. Elliott, M is: Ann Fm-an I11}. l....|.:. nu, weue Fitzgerald, atrick Foster, John I-`rink, Edwin Funnel], Jesse (Sally, Edward Gary, Miss Ellen G--orge, Mrs Jennet Game. 0 A vurpelluir, I) Uotgrove, Jamel: Coleman. A B Collins, T Clmrch, Hiram J Hoyle, Mary.-nu ` lfux, Mn Eliza (ftzlulnn I muott, Mlsl Ann Fargo, Min Sophia Fisk. \Veslev rargo, M13! 2 Fisk, \Vesle Fitvanraltl . um. M My 4 `remlem Cuthsrino 1 1'.Lrri:vr H v .5: I wt, 1 I Carpenter, (form-nvn .1 nuuuyl, II 11 Br.-xifzamiu, H W Bouiangcr, Elzear Iiruwcr, James M Bryant, Mr Jane limoker. Abraham Brunt. Mary l`rem1pm|`..n.....'..- por com per I If it was Rel'orm" on give the people the omtroj of their mm, In it Baform" to boil on .--thir-1 of their estate without their mnction and contrary to their well under- , awed Wilh Y I-.. 41...-.. ......4I_:_., HI :1 ,,,nu : -1 I I -idwull, Mantmll ` I INT OF l.ET'I`FJl(S remaining in tin ` L; Kinguton Pout Olico, May 3lut,l87-1. ! Ackamon, Mn M Lawny, Joseph i Axulorlsou. John Laloudo, Alex J Allan, Peter Lawwn, J W ' Armstrong, Wm P. Lindsay, Peter 9 Buck, J Leader, Miu Maggie ! Berry. Cart ; 1 '.o_r.;:-, Jn m 5 o limthcrtun, M C Uazntiy, Chnrleu L ones, Jnnwu I -owm-, Louis ` nillups, J W Bezifnmivu H J |l-..._-n 11,, up mc mm ncamx-gmng properties. 1 , THIS 15 mm: on LY UUNDENSED BEEF [ 'i'llA'l' I)!!!-lb` NOT REQUIRE COOKING 1 HR W.\l'..\ilNU. It was especi.11ly manufac- i turn! unainr the direction of BARON VON Li H1511}, before the FliANUU-l'liUSSILN ! WAR, for the German soldiers. In tonic qua- : mics are much greater than thuuo found in ; :ui_y nrdinaly Spcuilic or Apputiwr, and its nu- : trinivu properties are suilicicut to sustain the i hu.l_y without the Addition of solid food. It in |:mw recommended by the Faculty in prefer- nice to anything else as the best remedy for m.\'.s'l.'m"1`1u.\', (:15): EHAL DEl:1l.l l`\'_ ' c-nee w nnyuung else the best remedi (GENERAL DEIFIIJTY, |.H.~:~` OF Al`|'El`l'l'E, l.U\'VNl:lS& ` 01" l .'l ll{l'l'S, l.\'llIUb'."l'lUl\', DY-5'l EPS[A, i LA-5-5'l'l`UDE, Inc. I 3 Nu nrticic has yet been discovered thin in so ` I .9412...-ea-o in all mo. of failing health in tin: and | 1 m wcaknenm in the young. Thin preparation I 71- not only the best, but it istlxo chem -st: Us-cf Extract ourccl tn tho public : l'w() ' l'AULl','w`l'UU;\' FUL being Iuiciunt THREE TIM Eta A DAY. I 1:.-....o ..I.....I.: |,.. .4, l 5111!) n HA1. ` } Hrcat can: should be taken in pm-chaging _ . the |.lt:UlD 151-215!" h'X'l`llAC'l'. See that the I 5 bottle coutaim the German Label and Certi- czstu from Profeuur Wagner, of tho Uuivernity n! Wurtzhurgh, and that it in prepqred b the ; l.i--b3g'a Herman Beef Extract cm. of Ism- burg, as other Extract 01- an inferior quality lmvc been put on the msrket. Sold by all Hotel lu.-open, Grown, llui Urumints throuuhmxt Unnmln, ' I 3 BPISll)!`IS the Condensed Beef prepared from : the best pants of the animal, the prepa- ' ration unntaiuu Quinine, Peruvian Bark, and I numerous herbs and roots grown for their to- nic and health`-giving properties. TIIEUN 13?.-:1: I noun uy an now: lacepcru, Grocers, I Ilruggi-ts througlmut. Canada. I. a Price 60 cents per bottle. | \\'HULbT:.4Al.E AG EN'l'S WAN'l'El), ; xmruprctscutcd lliatrictu. ' Addruu 1! l'l|l)lAln\l n I-/- I `HE Subscribers horubgy give notice thst 1 -zndur the name, rm and style of Cnlviu 1'. ,'.ruck, at Garden Island, Ontario, and of D. -). (7.1l'.'in & C0,, Quebec, in the Province of. Quebec, the name of which rms will continue the same as formerly, :5 above mentioned. D. D. CALVIN, - J. A. BREUK. Inland. Mav sch, Ix-1:: Hiram A. Calvin has been admitted as ._ partner with them in the business conducted ` i LIEBIG S TTTT } ghiquicl Extract of Beef; AND TONIC INVIGORATOR. .._:.__. I PM E Pv- vnm-nr and V. lIaUI|.| \\'II 7 Wm there anything Libcra.1" in the at- ' tempt to impriuon the members of 5 Trade 5 Union 4