Kingston News (1868), 12 Jun 1873, p. 2

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THE DAILY NEWS--THURSDAY EVENING. JUNE 12. County Council. l'l...._..I , __ e um. war. we company in en- : on n debenture until they are l_cbL-nturo itulf. we Amgutnu mul Napnnu; I, and thought that the open- 'the place would obviate um Ir tjulvin. pucnlluled by Mr I Inc time. fur the osxiutetlce of us lvutwccn tlw Uuunty of to City of Kmgstnn for dcl r.Ly- up! lhu| 0! jun- ` and it in ncccruary tn In.-Ike a 1:, Wu pr-opmsu in nppnint 3'. >9 |'nllawing ummbcrs : Muamrn , T, Dawmvll, Vunluvmn M141 eutu :uu|n|il.Len of_tlm city. ! an-r.-1wmmm.u .l .. ... Al nmm and passed. bland, seconded by Mr rules be suspended, and u no III) In! hwfs. work an approved being :0 nf the company only, it a notice from time to timo um: before the iuutzxlnl-ant to be payable. tn lm mw:1l.l.. n-hI.:.. an , thnt 850 be granted 47th Battalion. uguu man Inc : obviate the 9 County Solicitor. awson. scconrlml I. _..,--. ~- nu--4 -nu unu Ill-1:, U0, HI: une | teem lu know. The coumryis nuw .;t its worst, and :2 Will have tn work out its own prv-Mum witlnmxz int:.1'l'ureucu frum any uunrce. Kiugu it unmmt. gut, pruni- llentut. will not keep and the and uemnl tn be that ch-um will rule until the people Bro Iorn um. ltlnd bee-uno again the play- thing for name uuuslur miml. Furoi_.;u uauionu ucmu touvold It, like the pontilunco, ind the pcuplc tliuaunclven an: {ant uiuking inzo a nine or! chronic revolt, inxuaspablu of guidance, and unwilling fur rust. H n m~ public can he "organized, well and goml, but the nuwerinl in most nnprnmiuing, nu clumceu unything but fnmuml-lo. and 1wh..1t ground the I per V8.1)` inm-..u+, In llI_'l' W9 1 its facts. 'I: an ........ u x-cugu, succum- potition of Mr I: cnmmitteo on no Cnunty Pingi- Lm4t., v OUU . 34 ,uuo 9.000 '1-n-"(',":1':r'i'I;, that Carried. You 18,000 I soo,ooo . 272.000 45,000 30,000 28,000 .' 433,000 78,000 . 350_(|N\ nu cmmcrmng Napmme the (than. w,uuu 78,000 45_mn uumn: Mumir I n, men o luring tlw rc- xt nu-L-Lilng of Chu- Khzwc puwcr to '-.-..._, an a nun rniwd. At its sunk bufuru it, nood ximlu him llure. Wluu : concerning ml Nlmnue . -....-,. uuuwr, ruvusrmv -- (Before Mr Strungo, P.M.)-'l`h:-ea drunkb were up this morning and undo their bow to the Magis- trate. John Cannon, James Mcmth, and William Conway. They were each fined 52, or 15 days in gnol. Tlmmzun \Vnll.'wu, {mm the towmhip of lfurtlnml, w.1.u conmnittcd for trial for an indecent mmault on a married Wnlunll named Harriet Frmu-r _ .. . .-.. ..---uycll D IIIIIBU II Harriet Fraw.-r. _ ,,,,_.. - .uu..-rnnucll 1 mr Mindle States and lower lake region: - Winda vwrihg to gentle and fresh, `emu-rly and southerly, and generally clear weather. 14 I -- I The English mail will be made up at th Kingston Post-otca to-xnormw at 11 :80 5.: I I I - ' n.` Wmshin ton, litiu for t tor, light go froth noxtlnwcs Mb 15, and clear aml run: the Ohio valley to the lake, irelh northeasterly winds, generally clear wezther. ' ' June 12, I n.m.-l midnight, Juv ll.-I robabi- .. Middle scam :~ ~I{ining barome- tcrly and north- partly cloudy and uuthcnnb "1{iFgo ~un{x. inches. _ Barometric cor The Ifnrumetc 1' in rc-ml, corrw pemturc, and rcducurl to Hon (.0 `7-1 7 rcctionm -2], 25, 25. 1011 {or Lum- vol. 51 um... .- ; uv..-umAI. l(El Ul2'I'. Juno ll.- :v~Riuin light to frogh _ , _....,, ...... -...,-...-mu me uraml Jury pre- Aenntcxl a true bill agniunut one ']'homa.s Wnllnce for an zmuault with intent to commit a rape on Harriet Frzser. at the tuwmship ol l ortluml on the ncuulld imstunt. The prinmner was armign ml and plczulcil not guilty. Ha szticlliu an-awor to the clerk that ha wnuld be ruzuly for bin trial at any time. Wallace in a rcspcctnle young man of good pcruoual appearance and about eighteen years of age. ,,............5 uauului, Invagu troop: in every directiu Ivhulo work of the Cortes seems in the one .-lfnrt uf furlrning 21 G0 ,.,.,... 1 During this am,-"moon the ( '1 , . .......... .. .....; ....,. .`~'cvcml of the petit jurors each for non-attenllancc. The the jnrymen on the whole, lmwc gnud. Ix..._:., . AI ` '- C taunt` was still proce- nftt-rnxmn, mul was mainclcr of the day. _\';-3,-urn! n6` 6!... ..- Hmradny, June .S'prIlmu.n v. lloo1m'.---The trial at t} tiun which Wu rupurtctl hricy in nu i-uim-, and which was prnccc.-ding when 0 port close-1 yesterday, was resumed this Rug and on.-cu Jiccl the whole of the (lay. azaue was sti I procs.-c-ding at a late hnu .. - > ,,,,_,._I ..- nuurnn unun II Lourt quiry sits upon the case. At high wa morning the wreck was totally sulmle Water, and ou!_y a portion of lwrklec be men. Should astrmng caxgt wind up, she will go to pieces as she is lnyi: bed of rocks. The pa..~4s-engers wiil ufanled to their destination as 8001! " m hlc. Stemncrs were clispubclaunl this I to save the 1-Arm. nvl -1 the csrga .._.- .u u JIIUHIUIIII a panic ensued, und a rush was made for the boats. ()rder;wa.s soon restored after the ex- tent of the: accident was nuulc known, and the passengers were lamled without gny great inconvenience, as the night was clear and rine_ No reasons are us yet assigned for this acci~ dent. Some thinks it is the fault of the whcelman in steering into the shore instead uf into the stream ; but the true state of things will hardly ho known until in Court of En- water this suhnnergerl in licrkleck cuulal a strong cast spring laying on :1 be for- tothcir destimm'.... .. _, - anus Cour, l'uvmwAv -- ([sc{.,,.c rnmzo. P.M_\_.'n..... .:......u... . ...- nu:auucl' .~mrtnern, which left at l0:3i0 lrvzt night almwing only thirteen feet of water steamed down the river at hur nnual speed. The pilnt in charge WM Mr L.1ch.'mm-,, an uh! EH41 efficient pilot, 8l')]D'.'I' and imlnstrioun, rim] is held in high wstecin for his knowletlgc of the pilot grounds hy almost every merchant, an W( 11 an the agent here, .'\Ics:-cm. lions 51. Cu. It was chh tide when she gut underway. and in order to avoid the strong current, when he ruzscllcd near St. Lawrence l -nint light,-hon ac, into the east end of Urleans Ls ten miles from part gave the wln,-chmnai: or- -lers to change the course, lm woner ha-I this been dune than she ran with full furcl: upun the long rocky uh0:Ll,r1riVing :1 large hole in her near the bow ; then she kevleul over and tilled. The title was mixing at the time the accident occurred, about (me o'clock this morning. '1' he passengers \Vcr\: thrown from their bunks by the shock, and in a moment Ordergw b....o ..l `I , . 9 close lnnal, anal unly . 7'7 - - ...-nu. mun report the acuialeut, .4 .... .. u-u 14 ul III] II. wzuuhupud at no tion would result in g.'a coining man, I`: {or him to good the by hi uplemlia] mt.-I priests, a.w_l ;umthv';r n ........., .... um uguu, unu II? M Inmrcll will he 3 tntul wreck, M Um button: hm; In-en llrivaru out of her. 'l'h lmuzu-nguru wm-a: all mwml, nml rcturm-J tn town Lhi uuarning, '|'|my ilru alcutimtc of clutlaing, zmal are lurim; mum. ml. The night M dear and line. Hcr cnbiu p:;.u'cng. r-4 wcru Mr 1'-'1'-A. Mr I'urc-4, Mr `V. Muthcwamn, Mm J, A. .\IuLIu:wnnn, Mr 3 H. .\latlu:wuun, Mr I5 I . Mn.t.||cwmn nu-l -L A `}\I:ut.hcwmm, Mr (3. H . Mnthuwuou and Miss .\IulUW$0ll, Mini E. II. Mutlnuwmnn, Mr Hul- iaml, and Mini: A. Hullaml, Mr J. Hull.-uul, Mr .\lcUnuald,Mims Mnt!wwnon,.\lim1 Junkimu, Minn E. Junkinl, Minn J, Jenkins, Mr Irwin, Mr liaggl, Mr Mulmm, 2| cal:iu`:u|vl scvcral ntourugc panmmgcrn, The Alhzunbm, pm.-sing up at 4 o'uluck this znnrning_, wan Um mm, to report acuialeut, wan r......;,.. . _,,.e - l O M wreck or the mcunmlnip Nortlu-ru Near St. L:l\'|'l'(8ll(3c Point Light- house. Quelmc,JIme 12,-- l'he ate-aInnl1ip_N0rtlm'n, of the new Mitchell line of the Uaupc steam- cm, which left for tho lower parts inut even- i;r,f, l'i||l on null-ml uf rmeku near the light- lmuno at Nt. l.:|wrclIce Puilxt, luluml of Ur- luanu. ulwul; mislniglnt, and it is funrccl will In: :L tnhll up-male nu ol... I.._u, ., u - - - ' ... _-v_.--a --A-4u41uuU.|uJI1I . _{/ rr Jlantrnt/,'. ) i llorriblc-; l`ra::cdy - A Man smemptu to split his Wlrefn Item! and cut the. throats of his two limldren. Hamiltnn, Jame ]2.---A .nmn, nnuwd Fields, uttuulptml tn split open thre head of I his wife at 7 o'clock this mnrnin;__; with an axe. Hhu mczqnnianvnt oi the lmuu.:, hut. nut Iwfuru receiving a. cm. which will pro- lmbly prove futul. Whilosha wuu nut has -luliberuwly cut the throat: at his two children, ages from llm.-.- to live yearn. Ha in now under m-n-5'. Urnnta.-xcilulluellt pnsvzniln. Thu dreadful mngcdy has cum. u ;,{lmm| nu-r the whulx-city. Tho mm: has llmvu,r,;h:ml for mnnu time pzmt, which in MlllI~In-.Al I1. l....u. .........._I ;.,-.. I 1"` II`| wlnich in tillpilnrwll porury dcr.'mgcIm2nt. `Flu: s~ '(3oImty Court and S1-ssiolls. 'l`I swam? 'iiin;i&i.7(SifeT ll, Wfll Ell PA ll/l'll'l'l.A I04. .- ntcuxncr Northern, which lufl illhf. alrclnuhnu ....I.. 41.2, . - _ J , ...... .-., -uu. mun morn- mcu The I procs.-c-ding lmur`tl)is I, likelv to mu-Inn; Hm Ivn Meteorological. ._.... ...... ...... uni gulllus no nclp them, and than by relying upon inedi-nuficy nd their level iulthe contempt of every civilized nation of Emrape., Nor do wo see any pr-aspect of 2: change for the better. Tho country needs rest, needs above all things a feeling of security from itself, a time in which to recuperate it: powers, but such need not bo looked for at the present time. Bandu of murdering lmndits, utill more directiun, anal-tho Whl "I8 Corina uni..- .....l....- ` --_ GES BRA L 11 MP0 I11 . |.vnu:I:c(ll!lg an late hour` tl . likely occupy the 1 lnnL'cr:lll|lg wuen our ru- , morn- in law '|`l-r- E ....,5, win! um nrut to Will furnish partivmlnru .....-u unnrv, null nfur st uverynicrclmnt, cm-cm. t In-nlnb ..,l..`.. I ' ` `IIllS' 'l'luIrudny, June 1 .,-'l`lm +..: I ..L 4.1,: -Anlllu-LJ -IUHU IX. --The this ac- cl lyric-llv in ...... um. Irorn were ned 9, nttemlmmc < , however, has Let vnuv IMIHV-, have caused tcm - ______ .._, .....-w uunu ul.`lI' nzrrras every man who has the genius cu help thcm, Irv relvin-1 nnm. ......I:.. z... n ~ -~ - : (iraml Jury y Thonuu \V..lI...... wclly m our Ina! mg ru- summl tl.ia ... IJVL'l : S. \V0oIm Gcm:r.1l I 14: I r (-lulu... .... .| I I nmming -n K Lean u - usur- I be 1 driver .. us - " V.-. gnu` IILII-I U135. But, `huwovur, they may act matters, they have not forgotten a. no oasily learned amid such 'sccne :31: easily chase from th .-ir shut: nu-.. ...I... I-7, - AL ' 1r.1'.)lS 0]" l AYME.\'T.-One-ton I the purclumo money to In: paid down 1 1 time of mic, and the remainder in nine 3 annual instnlluentn, with interest on th 1 paid hnlunce at the purchuo money a ! rate of Luis: nm- 1.... , _. ...........u ur nrA;ur.rAuY OF J5 l'A1'l, 0l1l)NAN(JE LANDS BRANCH, Ottawa, um June, 1873. Wn.u.m F. (Jorvm, Urdmuwo Lands 1 l)ncmv.' or Swurm nnnu . ..._. `hcd mu mm: or 8519. Copies of plan: the Auctioncer. ; raw or six Further 4 thu time of 4 2,...:`.. .4 ilnuu IIIIHIIU I nix 1 _]t'nrfIn.a .. 'L n mm 19301 I next. at SOUS, w . Murray, Auctiom munlu.-r of BUILI and (limemuitmn, Urxlmncc propert 1 )UBl.l(; xc;'rI(:13:"iT;er I u'r;I.\'1v;sDAv.tx.e 1 qnpxt, SOUS. will 1... ...I 7 _ __ _ , , ..... ...,....... AUIIUUIIIS sat up, {nude the shuttle-cuck uf party. and the result. is one vihicll may wall mnku tho pnliticiana `of the country stand stnpili-.-d It the problem before them. No plnh hitherto proposed has Inc! with any ap- proval. The populace cry only for bread and money, and little of either is to be bad. They have bgen no long tossed about by revolution succeeding revolution that no means have been taken to improve them- selves. Bankrupt at home and ahruad, they stand forth a wnmla-rful example :7! the rashneu and inuzpucity uf their rulers, and the ckluness and insulmrdinatiozx of ovary rgnk and class. I)... L -- City of TKing uupcu, make the Excursion a grand tucceu and an agreeable trip to all love:-I often] an- joyment, Au an early return will sllo Mlll to the comfort of all, punctuality to the above hour in strictly required. 'l'H.'K}'J'l'.s' -Mom 75 centu; Ladies 50 ccutu; Children under 12 years 2.5 cents, to be prucurtul at the Boat. H UUH RANKIN, Chninnlm. I . W. DAY, secretary. June 4._ H ; mr. m'r.AMl WA'I`l5ll'l'O\\'l\' will leave !":zirliuld'u punctunlly at 0 5.111., (jnllinulvy at 7, Kingutou at 8:30. culling st lfurtsmuuth, Pitta Ferry nod (Jananoque, to acwunmodate oxcuninmutl. A good time it expected, nu the service! of the }'.W.O. Rifle Band has been secured. The scenery of the 'l'houmml lslnmln, cnmbinul with tho deter- mination of the (lollimslpy friends, will, it is hoped, make the Excuruion trip lovan nh-nnl I---- ,,:____.._.__.. The Good Templars Excursion TO BROCKVILLE UUIDH 'rr:1'm.~4 Ina nun-..l.,... - -iIl' :'1:t;i'r AND m*.s'I`1:R DEPOT Street. Lifknt Nunen-n ' CA I: I{A'l'l{ACA AN z4l'.'I.'l"/`Eli A'l'El{S, pnp I vnnv nus, .%H1iVi!"+jk9! Uucum hers! CucTIrmlJe1's! ' 77` ..... ...... uumpc, mr peace or w. in tH`ol1llrw of the hand of its despotic at ereigm. Add to this :1 period of absolute .1 nrchy, puppet Kingn, Queens, and Preuidux {nude a 4!... _.-..I. ;.. __. 4. [)l.\'lAl l |.ES,' 1'1): EAl'l'l.ES, BANANAS, oT:A:<(:1:s, LH.\1()NS, vmw "1`1:u:, (:()CUA2\'U'J.`S, 100 B. gs Liverpool Salt for dairy purposes, for sale cheap at SCOBELL 1m0.~s.,| _ `(H14 .s"l`EA.\ll`1l{ WA'l`Ia'l: l'()\\'.\' H 1:,-uvc l".1irlicld u vunctunllv at n . '\Vmlm-u4l:I','June `ll, I873, l._y -44`: , . vn unuuu. At the: luinldu residence, New York city, on tho ltev, 'l'hmn:m l cnry Sill, James (1. Elder, l'3aq.. Civil l`ln;;inur-r, formerly ul llnnlf, Scutlzmd. to Minn llnmml: Ad.-um, second daughter of the late Mr Ilia.-hard 'd:x.Im, of thin cnty. DI HD.\ On \VcIned:ty, the lltb innt., ldlizaluztlx Mullcnry, ngml 77 yeauz. 'I'lw lmmrnl w_ill talus place {mm the rcni-` zluncenf .\lrJu|m Walsh, corner of William and We-llingtmu utrc-cts,m1 Fritlny, at 2 .m. l"ri-mln and an:qu:;lntum:cu are mupec;Jully invited! us uttc-ml. < - 41111:. - ` .... yvr noun/Lllll. At AIlnlplxlmtn\\'1x, on the 4th imt,, Sarah, wife of Hmury Davin, Esq aged 73 ycnru. - "51:;-::.?:I;;`:-:m(J,:vI:'I:t Ian's WI LL. - Relgtive . _ nguh lmu cmuwd no mcumw 4|ul'4'I.l)l: culnxfmnt, It I on nutlunrity umlurktuocl that nmuluml mnnplutcly ravcrning its pmvi. -mu.- lumlwnn uppmulcal, leaving Imly (fmgtiar Mad her l`l|l",{||t(,`l'H, `M. present my the (,' :ItIl:,`;4:icg hm estate, which is vulucd . -, . - ....._-..-.-.-:z..._.. ,. -. ';-'~-r----.-.-:9.-, MA|:l(Il'.'l). June Izth, I873, at the,new Presbyterian fllmrch, Uarmwnmith, by the Rev. John Uullaher, Hzunucl Finlay Stewart, Eq., eldmvt. non of 2-irunuul Stewart, Esq., to France: Uucilin, clclcnt daughter of Charles hiblcy, Enq., l ortlmnl. A6 cl... L.2.l..V.. .... .5 I V " ..., .. um. tlm 1_mtion. `a hulftho fate .....- a4u;u. I! :1 my :;on.*, A lmnu hall mntcli will be played on the izrlckct Iiclal on` nturday afterimen between the Athletic ls.-use Ball Cluli, (Jurruthoru, cap- tain, and the Grammar School Club, Al- though the clubs are both composed 0! boy, yet Imth play well, jblld we no sure the nmtcli will bu just an interesting as if played by men. . lJILV\/ AA), lllltl NUTS UF ALL KINIJS. (,`u:::u'|'.---A conuert will be given at Ulurku Mill ml Thuxmlny u-veiling next under the patronage of the W.M. Church. The hlcmsru Tzuuly, of Kinguton,n,nd Prof. Dawurd, organist of M. (imrgdu (hthedral will be pre- umt, to 1'unuir.h mmicnl uuterminnwnt. PEAN UTS, and \"["l`u nu A r I ......, ..... . ......,......... ..... .... ....;_, w..... .... vuw (hmluu lulnml lire willizggly, and when the hand engine went over it was worked by the Frenchman, who also nuista.-d in carrying. the hubu wherever it wan wuntud. ,7 - . . .--....-3*s Mr Stewart, of Hnrruwsxnith, hm got mar- rim! to liun Francis (J. Shibley, of Portland, uldust -laughter uf Charles Sllibloy, We um-r our wunucut congratulation: to the lmppy pair. Mr Devlin called in on us today and stator Llmt the Frunulmncu did all they cuuld at the l1:...`|.... I.l.....l H... u..'ll....I.'. .....l _.I..... 0|... June I_`. . , , , . ..., jllll It-J HI-"_',' 11"! Iolnu, :1 41r<.-mi ,1 I LIU !\'0'l`l(JE is hereby 'vun that 611 fl-JIINESDAY. the 9th y of JULY : will be wlal by Mr William , Auctioneer, of Kin mton, 3 large IIUILIJING D01`; of liven lizu memuiom, being subdivision: of the :c , known n,sHerchmer Farm, 1: on a 1) an thereof by T. W. Nash, to be ucen at the land Auctioxwon-`u bls OI" AYMEN'l`.-One-tenth o! chfmo money tmid dnum .4. M. ._,.- ....,...;_y too In: [mm down at tho` Lle, mm eqnnl stnlluentn, thu un- axce at the` it per cent. ' conditions will be made known ut vi sale. us wxlmy, 13:1: JUNE. \. (}ruccr_V, Liqxmr and Provision Store, Cur. Brock and Untariu Streets, FERRY \V1IAlF. niuif. plan may be had on application to an 14. 1'AuEN'r, Under Sec. of State. moo Agent. r .`5r.cur.nnv or 8'rA1'z, Hm`. I Axum nu nut... nnu U)-3'l'I`)K l)EP(. Street, Market Square. ) SALT ! .u mwurmon grand . all, to required. '11.` ll 5, and ......u --uu IIII Whit Damn the LA, -I ' on-Ordnance U - `I - SALT :[ HIIUII 0' i I I at tho run bang` T, King SACRED Nxmss, by L. G. Phillipi. NEW MAGDALEN, cloth um} paper edition: K1v:N1:I.I.\' CHILLINGLY, cloth and paper editions. Cheap Blank Bboks I MYSTERY OF METROPOLISVILLE, LAW OF THE KINGDOM, LIFE OF W. C. BURNS I Miuioury to China. Department of Public Works, Ottawa, 7th-Juno, 1813. V * 11 ng of 'I'-.. I umuer. The Department dives not, however, hind ituel! to ncce t the lowest or any Tunder. By or . 1, an 100.: nut, uon can be obtained. - The uignutnrcu of two solver uible pcsnum, resident: of the I ling tu become uurctics for the 1 the cuntract. mutt Inn -40- , -_... uuvvv lillll B ` Plum. and specications 0f the reupective works can be well at this olca, and at the Lzwhinc Canal Uice, Montreal, on and after l`ueadn.y, the 17th dz of Jana imt., wlu-re printed forms of Ten 1- and other informa- tion can be obtained. KiL'IIl|.I:|lrnn n6` 6... __I--~r4 ' -mg w nucomc uurcticu t contract, must be Tender. _ m ituull 5.. --... - A H uumrgemcnl: of what in In 2, and deepening ofn chain: the fummtiun nf a new I lington Street Bridge. Plnnl mnl .......:n.....g:-_. _________ ..., will no receive: at this nice until nmin of TUESDAY, the 8th day_of July next, for the construction of two Locks, a lie lacing Weir, and a Basin, near the lows? cm of Lachino Canal, at Montreal, the axes- vnticm, k.c., &c., connected with them, the unlm-gemcnt of what in known as B.-win No. clmimcl tlmmuh .1. .....I _.:...._. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. SEALED TENDERS, addressed to the un- dersigned, and endorsed Tender for Lachinc Canal, will be received at this office (Iay_o{July next. the nnnnh-unI>i.... ..: A-" Lachine can}? IIPHE FAVOURITE STEAM-ER` MAUD Aujifll lesve for Cave Vincent an Rrrnn, 25 CENTS ONLY zl Thos. McAuley & Go's. s. MuKLEsTuu}Ai%d`bB'; TI!-31` "(';"ontrabtc'Jrs and Builders. H-I'.AQ'l`l\'{, unnv runn- , _ - - _-- vvw -V. nu wuu. JJl.ll.1u.U1Do l$LA.`-WING POW DER. COETON AND \VATER SAFJSTY FUS '. SULID EYE QUARRY PICKS. v R. 1:. SH()VEI.`5 AND DRILL STEEL. `ours or ENGLAND, 1} E R l EC'l'I'} I) IRON PLAN ES. l%AT4BE[K S I)/ll l{UVlD l'A'I`EN'l' Bl:/\(}l`3.*i. 1l;:LAl(bS lMl l{0VE[J EX'l'ENHlf)N B "PS. , [VHS DOUBIJS CU ; UIMBIJIT BITTS. M()Sl'H 'I`\Vl8'l' Dl:ll.l.S Ll'lAC}|l'2'-` l A'I'E1\"l' SAW SE l'H (1E1`.|{l5'l'HON'S PA'l`EN'I' BUN I) H I N (3145. 'l'(|H/ lflvu llA'lIl)I\'n1 -- . .. .-...... . .7. - `To Ca'r`p"efit`rs 1 and TJMo`i.n1"s l1).\`;H. 'I'0Wl-SIR :-3 l'A'l'E`.\"l` BLIND FAST-*3. ' r 1-A . Magazines for sJuc '7 11`; rnzm M J. C/'\H|'{UT| `:H3& CU, him this day L-can alimirlvual Ivy u: rc- tin.-mcnt of Mr (nrruthurx. The lomsincu will be aoutiuuccl 1 Alex- muler (hum, Smumal Harper, and Villium dmrvlncr Urui , umltsr the name um! 'Ilt}'lu 0! /\l.l'2;\'. (:U.N & (10,, to wlmm all debts- due to the law firm are myalplc. J0" CAR RU'l`l-I ldlyu A ux um Rel-imv.` I... u..,:. 1 ,...-~ .. -nu, vvr wuuul an mam rm (JAR RUTHEIRH, ALEXANDEW OUNN. Kyngztrm, {Hat Dcceuvba-r, I872. Under 8:30. 1 WILLIAM F. Corns, (mlnnnce Lamb Agent. Dxnn;rumrr or Tut: Em.:uz'uuv or! ORDNANUE LAN I18 BRA)~'(JH. Ottawa, llth Juno, I873. rngwll Mreet urhu nan lu- 'vuuiw.' mm or GREAT BRITAIN, wzomxa BELLS, MJNDAY MAGAZINE}. coon woum, go-., ac. raw U! ml per cent. Further cumlitioul will be mode the time of mdc. ~ `D! n A I51-guano F037. Kingston. 111211 June, J no ms Mum at the Auctioneer : rooms. TEICMB OI l'AYMENT.--One-tenth 0! the _purc-lmse money to i e paid down at the time of sale, and the remainder in nine equal annual instalments, with interest on the un- paid balance of the purchue money At the note at six cunditinn: will I... .....I. I........-. -4 .. I - ~ -~----- ------'1: Auctioneer, of Kingston, 1 large number of Lots, bein half an acre each, more arleu. being nub: ivisiom of the Ordnance ltelorvo at Jonas Falls, on the Ridcmn Nuvi tion, in the Townnhi of South (Jrouby, 45 I mum on 5 plan by T. . Gil.-I, I . l..S., am March, 1873, to he at the Auctioneer 'l'ElMH {W PAVM In.-rr n_- .-_.L I UBLTU NOTICE is hereby `given that an THUJISDAX, bthcMI0t`l& hay USIJULY next, `III: I r i'm ur , Auuctiuxelzer, 1:1! ml,{ingn{on, [Mg]: numbe:< > f _Lo_ts, being each. nmrn m-1... South Grosl);-"(;I i;]'J.I\TANCE V LamE___`3ale. -TlIUl:'sl)A r r:r},,\'/.\':,-, E_q_uRsIoN 2 ' mm mm of .1. CK-I:rm'rn lens 5: clav I.., n... -.. HARDWARE. - v a . ll wna: 1! known gofn tlmmgh it, vf Basin emit of ` N6 1`1cE.`V A1 `XIII pooK& vo solvent and l'('I[)Un- I Dnminion, wil- due fullment attached to each G, Quill: Bgwn. E. PARENT, Sec. of Sate. N. : or S'rA'rv., ll-H I111 A \n .1: umcl ummgh it, and V Blli east of Wel- Elnlargement F. BBAUN, Secretary IV` B15119 EST lA DJ USTA BLP.` Secrets}; known at Ulll A` on it, f W..I . Claret, 131...... mu. . Canadian mm mun. 10-. . % ,__ . ~17 " thu Ulnijppaw I IIII7 I UIIIUI ._~.._. ._.._...____ ..__ Pom anii 8 `The lfgnlerl .._.l. .L__.` !w. BEGG4 55 F017"! ['0' X tram now nmving. VJIM` ' id PICKLESW 1.. gnllol ullnlrgunzl nu.` Jxmulinn Wind. It .3` IAs,sum,_I mum: W4! Immensg V in I.) punt 1`... AA ' Juno 6. Entire] _New I an; Heavy] PAINTS, ans, Anon.Md Ferguson's In..- I An. Iona GLABET8, 1\1'Pf| J nne 10th, 1173. ITALIAIH - . ...., uu vuuun, al|ll'Il}6 embraced Guvurmm.-nf. mu time Hut tho rnvnlur I lIln1\.' /"---A`*` , __c...----- -u an June 10th, 1873. April 19. June 4th, 1871. ., _,....-. ....._..____ ,..-.. .......u. .g,. as, E`""`l 9. fur war |n hznnl AF 29.. J- __ _.' ' J an; 3. llow K5 IN SUI! J an: 4. HARDV Kcnolin can 1: Lou! A---'-* as no new 03:1 :0 on: room {or our ow arriving. , A1` DU! UCTIONEEB L Chllll. Rann ,. .,... M. '. t 1110 mm slur miml. lt, :'l ul no-.. l....A 1-1 nt for tho calahllid shine. me :1, me ` ' CAMPBELL K I 39 PBINGIUI VDAULL V! GROCERI. U- ITALIAN Iui CHINA um! uwrove 1 fthcir mrdination `I rm, June 9. rt 0thr:I' 1 one less`-n __ nu. In-chi : uh: com ill! with 1:, Jun Ereuidcxnts WW %_uL ml Tim Mizui:1wr:A'rm;i; I-`um E.wn.-isic.---'l'hi.; engine appear tn he thr favourite in Cunuln. We noticed recently the tact of Mr Gilbert being in Ottawa negotiating with the City Father!` uf the luctrupuliu for the push: tu them of one of thc,-we cugincu, the ronult of which ha been that the corporation lurvu ordered a lint-clnu Cllil: of the largest size, one just (view the capacity of the K/ingiton engine. Home idea at the size of thin engine may he . 'uunIn- Itrcaui 215 feet high, and to pump four stream: each 600 feet (inch nozzles) all at the same time. We learn that Bellcville has or- nerul .1 No 2 ungiuc, the some at that in this city. It may be remarked that at the Gar-lcn lgolaml tire, where .\hlcrnum Mcxelvcy said uur engine lid such good service, that she was Worked with the {unuco door open. |`ll`.' Meeting of the Industry lhib c\'cl County Cnunuxl 1 Good 'l'omplarn e -.... ......... ..uu.r. -n uorn.--1t Will be ob- served by our advcrtisinng column that the great nnlu of (iuvcrnmcnt lot: on the Hatch- mei {Evin will take placu on the 9th of July. Mr Murray will be the auctioneer. The term Arc vary liberal ; time-tenth of the purchue money in tu be paid down at the time of talc, and the rulmsindcr in uin-4 equal mutual inxotn.l- nwuta. Upon the day after tlwn: as ASHE` Of (Ind;-rn-u... 1.4. ... u, .- 1- - . .....u.u. At 15 DOB I take place, but we ; pun - .... ..:, -, -ruov no Pl ray : auction rooms, .,._._......_ ______ .. yyvu uni ully auwr CHO! u;s{e- of (iuvcrnuwnt. Lucas at Sou near June' Fa,llg. The terms wil Lo those {of the Herchmer farm. the lots aim be seen at Murru} mum.-4. It is not ututd win.-ro L Lnkunlumu Imp ..._ .._- .. V '- -- __ I ,,, ._. ...,....., yu:\.un, nub IL .-mums wry strange tlmt while you are cmlrungcring your shins over broken Irourdu in _th.s ci_ty pro - pot, the laying nf improve-uncut: should he prv)co':-Hm; no nctivuly away out at Mnrtm: u Distillery. `I here in nu accoulltilng fur tastes`. By the way, when wit} Um:-in struut he visit- ` ml by our very I;/Ilcicut cxngixncor and his AI,u__I/'. It can only c.nup.1rc now with u. very respect- :'s':;!-s ::ur:lur-ay road in the bnukwomls, especial- ly from thu \\r':ucE Wm-kn Utcr: an f:~.r z.A William ntrccc. Twcnt) loadnsul metal would` do the who}: job. Who are the represents- tlvua, uml Whv.'l'v: in the ongiuecr '.' g...______._> Impmvexnlauc m the sidewalks is pro-gr Jug very well in 4-JOHIO places, but it scum: city uho_uld HFIM`-l'u r.,.........,, at I byour vul 1 Col. French, Capt. Cotton, and Licut. '\\'1l_ son, will I_'(.-present the School of Gunnery of Kingston at the public funeral uf Sir Geo. Car- Licr to-marrow. __7__.:_. We lmvc heanl of the St. .\m.'rcw'a Society of Muntreal declining to attcml the funeral of Sir (George Czh-tiun, and an olcl meunln.-r" vsritcu to the Ilcru/d that the prucccdiug.s:;uv: .iltogut.ln.-r illegal ; that there were only six persons pro.-sent, two voting tn attend the fun- vral, two voting contrary, and the other (la- c!i:._,r to xote uh either side." And this is the u':._y public pinirm is 'm:u1uf:u:!.ured E And this is the great anuicty to which the three tailors of 'l'oole_y strcctz1rc not a circumutzmuv. . -_ . - ._-. .-_._. The late hcgiru of the Reform men fmm the dcliberatirnns of the council 1 snulu work being dune. If some of would remain away permanently, a .-unnng tho early future prububilities, szstisfaction would be given. I`uy.()uun 5.11.14 or Lars.--lt will boob- urved In! our ;ulv..'.-41.3.... .... .. . .- .. __- W?-Tr`r`vsc-I've znnung the rm-i;-icnts of the degree uf LL.D., at the ('ni\'crsity nf Tnronto the name of Jag. ~\. McL:-,IX;iu. l'}sq., Inspector of High Schools. The -lugroo is c-mfurrcd only after 1; very seven: -qxsuninatiun, an-1 is thus {ubrc tlmu in mwcly hmn1'.u`y appendage. are pretty 1 n -. ..... c.til it a trinm: '.!IlV(."I(UAE|lI.'\:UlA 1' 9 , , V V . . .. - `:51 ||I|l.Yl k.'Hl9l\'lll|'}l') much Uztlun-lmnn fur llw Tory calm-. 'l'u x lrinutc: tn .4 L'.Lmulinx| `atmounmlf ,rr.-mt lm Inlulg. his `omtenmamship' con- in~_; mlcly-of tyr.-umI'.: ll injxuciuea dum- . rn\'iIIco.- by his ph.':L-un` of 1"!`-sllch w1,v_ -o ..-. 1 _ ... 1 '-I -- - .- .4: I 51 IJDIV3. '2! Diroctoru 0! ti`; evening. 8 Fuuuuxl to-Iuorrow, r` \\-H cured by this time, Imw that calm} in all its hideous deform-' .__.. , . I v .-1|-lc-i 1 excursion to-I .-It .' m , ___...I - -uvulvu `t the Dale will .- presume it will hunt Mur- -"u couched uni up by dec .._ _. rue nun; vl CHIC, 11-: ' South Crosby, e wil be similar . ..... I .-... ... . ...v- -4-: III. I !-llll 01 M u:-my : suction declaring t nu why the s nwlnlwra f led to {ham wnzmcntly, thing ,_I I-1- i/iugiton 1: he agent .gu:mIn- ul unrcu quartu` the House of ; Um` . . ...\.... mt for wlm div! not .j:---. Cuum:u'rm.\'. --Alderman called to any thst he Wm meeting of the Council on He was only walking on 1 title, wuitim; for the bah , however, 11 - y- i . "'3'!-`l'J0yllUl' explained that the County At- tnruty would submit to the decision of the tlmmcil, and would publish the list of eonvio-. ainxm in both pa rt nlterngtel , if ordered. llc muvod that t to report be . The report wan laid over until tomorrow. The following in the report of the committee rm cqllulizntiml of aueument, pauod yester- "uul (no-1| ` V nu ; nn. I Hi. Mr uyncr preuuntccl the report of the com- mittee on education and printin . The report rccoumwnded that the matter ofchanging the achocl house in Loughbore be referred to a court, cmnpmml of t - County Jud 9, County lunpcutor and Mr I`hompnon. On t e commu- uiczttion a! Mr Shmmon, of the DAILY Nzwn, the cmnmittec failed to use any ri ht theOn- tarm uovcrnmont had to control t as County Uoumil in the matter of sdvertining the list of cnnvictimm, and recommended that the lint be mlvurtiucd in both paper: eltematoly, as for- uwrly. ;\ ll.,o"lg" 1-xn1uiou..1 6L-L 1.1,, 1-- rain! near mu arm, thong mg of a culvert at the 1 evil com rlaincd of. Move I) Mr Graham, tha to this ham ' (um! at Hm AVOI- ...-..,..nuu m: rawrrcu to tho: can ununty property, and blunt the Cu near be required to I.m4t,, Mr )la;(i.|in lnaula A ntabemont some rupxiru on the Kingston rm` road near bin farm, that: iuv AF 1 .-nlu...4- ..o n_- - I. - - uvu com named at. W` 311 ham fund of the 47th Battslio n. oval in amendment by Mr Calvin, $100 In: granted instead of 50. I5 ; n.-xv 16. n|n.r.n: on cnunzy 1-mp:-rty, thuught that. the mint was in n. thorough state of repair, nysl that the engineer was doing his duty V_ ` " Mm-ml by Mr '1`. 1 . Dawson, secomlml by Mr .`.hH, that no action be taken on thcpeti- tiun of Mr l :..-njzmlin. Carried. .\Iu\'cd in mncmlxncnt by Mr (Henge, second- ed lay Mr McNeil, that the lcnjamin be referred to the ununtv nrmmrtv. Am] mime n.,. n . -- - A2'"l.'I3l.\'0U.\' HESSIUN. V The Council` 1'1:-9unlLd. at two o'clock, the \\'a.rden in the clmir. A petition from Mr E. Benjamin, oering bin serviucri as County Engineer at asalary 0! >350 :5. year, was rent Mr 1-};nj.:.n1in was heard in an port of his Roztition, aurl thought that the iuguton and .'apmxec m:\d could be kept in repair in a much chcn.;u.-r rate than it hau been. Mr Dnzmmuml. as uhnirnunn ..t n... ,.-.. _, _-. - .... ....., uvuculucll Dy Mr l').muld:.ou, That the susfcuded, and a the bylaw of the tnvnmhip of Port nd be now ruml the scuoml and third time and pa.ssed,nnd chm. 50v` cu;-ics M. printed for circulation in the county. L`.-xrriu-I. . A l:_yl:Lw for the raising of money to meet the current expense-_s uf the cnunty was intro- du: . I and renal the first time. Un motinn the Council 2:.-ljuuruud. until two u cIuck. .uu\uu my Mr, 1, That the bylaw to conrm a bylvuv of the toov ' ' ' mu he read a` third time and A bylaw to conrm a bylaw of the township .,-nuns.-il of Portland, was presented by Mr Shiniey, and read the tirst time. A hyluw to uunlirm a bylaw establishing `.':~.1'r.-in the towuahipuf lIinchinbrookc,__$!ns rc::ul fur the tirut tnmu, and on motion the ml. 3 were suspended, and the bylaw was read the second and third time and passed. _ .\Inf'cd by Mr Toland. suuomls-.1 luv U- we second and third time plan: ` Mm`-zd Tolrxnd, second` nus x and; o]...o Kfn` ., V? ' " ` ' ' '1', L. Ssoox, .\I>vmI by Mr J. R. Dawson, seconded by Mr hhiblcy, That the \Vanlcu be and is hereby empowered to make and Imnd over to die truubces appointed to receive them tl|u11c- imnturcs in aid of the Kin star: and Pembrake l.1.ih~r.ul in accordance wit the bylaw author- i/ing the same, ti:-at taking the nllllill at oh.- m.-nT,ul'(`&4 1n and of the Kin the taking the aulvice of the lfuuuty Solicitor, and such other legal advice as he xnny think necessary. Carrieq. Movud by Mr, Tolaud, That township of St.nrrim-- nor can 1: In: 5.11:1 that the c (ideal to interest entitled to tho ulebcnturo I cannot 11.1-lcrat.-uulon whn -.-nmiusuv can 4-47; fun 241 mm ...._ 1 caulnul u.u1crataml on what -.-nm;:.' can ask {or -S9,000Aer year internist, when pcrh:I.p~. never cntxtle to the principal. I regret I hsve not time to explain more fully. -X um yours, &c., - :1. ' Scan" r.A___;__ g 1- -- Lm.-_v are :u;swc:'.1hl(e t4 until it is ln1dc tn up-)4. work ha; been done dz: anything. Nor can 1?. Lu -mi-1 0 . .. `' WCCUI ... .....-. w nu puyauue. l`;n~ h-Imxtnre in he pr|y.1l;lu within 20 yun.r.a (rum tkw data the by-Luv takes I.-tfoct, Iurumvl)` Dec. `H, I37! ; but the interest ip.1y- .:.l,in {mm the date of the dclnmture. 'l`Iu-re i4 nothing uhmring what ulntr the da- lmznturc in to have. excel) ; that the homun in [::I_v:1.Mv by-iuu.1lvm:n'.n as the mark pmgruucs Ill zs um.----i;5htl| prupwrtinll. Hence the clcbcntureri nhnuhl llcar late at the nnkiug tlu-mo! rc4pw'tivn:ly and cuupunl re.-+pccting intercnt from such tlute-{he attach- e--I tr: them rm ;ccti\'cly. HI :mxr.w t e tlclrcntureu are to be hamlud to the irlI'4h.'c.-4, and they are to me that the war]; has been alone and that the rum! in being built on thc prcncr site` and fur this trllst they answer. In to the county. Uf course up-yxar that $3,000 worth of t H: company cannot claim n mcnmbrookc Huwe Inland . Kcnnchcc . . , Kmgntou . . . .. Loughburu' .. Olden , ... Um . . . . . . . . Pahncnton am Pxttuburgh . c . Pcrtulnuuth Sturrin can Wonilc nL'u1rl.`. .Pa;t1.1ml,.. ,. mun czlcnpcr rntc Mr l)muMum, Iittm. 1... . ..o.. V '-V liedlord , . . . . . . . . . . Bnrrie......,...4..... llluremlon and Millet . Iimxluln Inland. . . . Hinchinbrooko . . . . . . . awn I uhml I A convcr nf the Kin mzul from 1 aticm of the ! port of the I ..-uminittcc: I I of mlln. \ ....A:a:-. '1 `-run A pt.-1riI.i.1n wmo pr;-u,-ntel lny Mrouge {rum 1. n_;uuln-r of tlm inlunhitnutu of Pnrtlnml and rlinclainbrm lcu, praying fur :3 grant of 87:0. tn m-p:'ovu the lmumlar ' run-I hutwecn the dupe M |'u"tInn.l am Hiuclninhruoke. "In: urpinilvxl J the (}uuuty,Snli-`it-Ir on the I.-,_r.'-lily uni 11:4) in; interest! on aluln-nturam wan `-nu`. The fulluwing in Mr \'mmk'u npiuion : In :Iw4\5'4.-r ta your qm,--atimnu rasupucting pay- w1`-`nt. uf L-:".<-ru~. an dcbcntlireu undo.-r Ivy-lmv Nu, OH, I :wmIme, M I Iwlivvu tn he the fguet, Just no um-h zlnhcnturc-n lmvn ynt b on iamml, The Oukruin Act. 35 vic.. clip. 57. tunkun he !r_\'-lmv nu ulchentums which mzxy /M iurml hr rw:/`tr.-`, legal, Ipiwliug, and valid, lvui, not to `:13-wt Mm cazulitium npun ur i4u|)jI,'K3t to which, ha human in given ; nr in ntlwrwzvrnln dcclnrcu lav by-lmv la-;,v.'tl :14 it in am its hum. . ...,.., uuwcver, make M: make the coxrcction. x it be said that n:._-rcsg 911 thuv :u-u -. .....v vuuu in nu: ucen. Liciuml. chairman of the com- nunty the 1 gineer doing clutvi ' 'erAnf.i.m L--`3v'< since on H: - pzlrcll um iugniuu mu! . :tp. tlIm9 m.u:.ui:uuizel' | the U-nvcrmnen, and the conuiduh `he rupurr. WM deferred until the re- nc ::uuunitt.4:c .'spp.rintuIl' to meat the -4: of the City Uuuncil on tho nbulitiou 1 and Umwnto. i . Were we at all loci;-nun that political capital ehonld be mzulo outta! the funeral Oir Uoorge Cartier we Ihuul-l Mk noth- illg better thaw the Grit organ to continue writing in the name indecent. and we may add disgraceful ntyle. that it has been doing for the but two evenings. , Here in a man who lue been Premier of and the tint man in Canada for many years, honoured and ggpgcted by hi: Sovereigns, highly c-sweu|. od by the population of lulf :1 .-uncinont, to whom the Home of Common: has decreed 5 public funeral, and yet lie in spoken of and ridiculed in tho Grit-organs day uey dny in term: moot abominable. `Va luv`, mid that if we -lwirud to nmlv: palm; ant of this Md uvcnt, we should Mk nothing better thou for `tlw Gm organ lo nun 1;. `bum of the dew) otutun-nzin in gt. -gamer it has been doing recently, and . ..i.n, lut evening ; wluttever leaning in gay... gain number: of the Council .. by, lggd since January wo fancy they

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