Clmptur of the Ituyal will he held at King- guut, and we under- r of the diutillguislau Lu ('Imn6.... ..t |I'- ` u.-smun at once. Hur- I o clm:k in the wen- l'(] (:11)! I ur-uu.L. .. xuving an excursion Day. Colnmittcer the Iwccusnry ar- , :um 1 Ar 7 {cw _ Uh BK"?! | the. ..-...u-.- twat it with in becoming silence. As it is, the writer has rrtcppud out his: way to accuse that guuticxn.-us I with making me nf eloquence wholly I unsuited tn the atmu.phu'e of Parlimm,-ut, while the fact remains; that MrU'R<,-ill ', cxur. cismg a judgment at 0:100 wise and becoming, has not once u nken in Parliznncnt, and has in fact yet to ma e his maiden ehrt mu :1. Parlia- mentarian. Nohody,thc writer in tho Man//I/y gxccptctl, him ever ('.uubt(:tl Mr (! ]{aill_y u tul. cuts as a speaker, and there ni-ca tlmnc that be- lieve that when he risen to mhlrunu tho Hausa that he will not only take a high stand as u. lebatcr, but that his oplmncntn wiU much 1;].._- couclunion that his powers 11.1.: wt to he aroused with impnnit . Mr 0'luiH_y, in pur- uumg the couruu whic I ha: mnrkml nut fur h:'m self during thu Iirut '-w5.iun- and fm'nu1,v,htwu klww the wcuml, too nitiuu M Mr Luiiummc.-,; who in xullnit the Bar and ueoule nf ml... Is:..o.:..i. .1 n U!` pu- tell, by stand in the Mann: ' .......... .._, uuu yucnlu -uucrmus 0! the write the .`|lrmth(_I/. and we. tlwrcforc, rlimnizau` part of the nuhject as being uucutitlcd tn ther nature. lmlucd we urc not aware t per 2.1: the article in the .`1lm:I/:/// i._c Iem;r\ of upecia! mcmiou, and had it not been t share in n npice nf malice in its reference the member for South Rcnfrcw, we shy treat It with be-ccnning I in (In. .n..1n.,.. LA - ,...- u nuxuy mm, at me bar, a rcputniiu certain kind. Nor do we think tln: {cared gentleman, wlmsu mum: in drag gi by way of uuxnpnrisou, can feel at all I] d by having his reputation: thus placed l'<;nsi\'e nutagonism to that of another (1 guishcd member of the profession. The H mg of uithcr gentleman czm in no way fcctc-41 by the pucrilc -liutribus of the wri disxniu tr not aware "Inf ,1, f!.5_ a.y-{Cain 3-. AL. ll - mcruly prcxnmng mm. the general 1: "men and things, in the urtiulc tn nuske reference, in in name rcnpm.-L in numy renpects weak -in all, we :5 man or less the work uf huyhom tainly of me who does nnt elbuw my the active thoughts of the outer wax rcgnrd to the attack on Mr 01:` profcsuimml man, we lumlly think .;eut.lemunwou11 Im at all obliged msnying bin (lL'fUnI:u ; his high stmul niui 1;/`Z11/4 Bur of Ontario, at which 1 many uqunls, and few, if any, nu] ullicicnt tumwcr to the uncaring ch Mr 0'l{uilly ha.-4, at the Bar, rcpui kind. Nnr .l.. urn a H..- .1 u. up. Jvnvuovlsv 1. IVIIIJIIIIIZIII mu Mayor to qhe fun4:ra.l." J`lmt In should not be oooruglxibuneci byttlxc (iri shoot in Kiubn, it only what might be ex- poou'.1.-A,aa-azzc 1uuzsgmr._ . uuunn, in; in every way to tiIc-iiLt:l'- -Lturc: uf Cnmuln, and we are still (u]P0.'4l',(l in hold it in such ustcmn. At tin: smuu Lilm; w..- muut he pcriuittc-I tn 94 not be` open to utlu,-r than men uf mum! Lhuugiit, of zwtlml litcr:n'y .1hi.'it_y, and wit);- ul uumo knuwiudgc of this lmny wnrhl of mu-:4, No uncle tyro, with n. ccrtuiii ability fur :,|u: stringing t4-gchhcr nf wurviu, and wlm cu... ccmytilily ntoups to u.-.'c its ln.')."r'H fur the pur- num; of Lrivinu llllbiin ..n.r........ . - I -' - ny timt its page tr-ihoulal ` V, 13,, _. 3-..... -u vvunni, mm Wlm Inngre yum; giving public cxprcmmm to a feeling of personal enmity, would, for the crcclit of the Uumuliun Mont/Ll,//, be fIcl'llIittL'd the mm of its columns. Hnvmg uni: tliin much, we lmyu I word to any with regard to tlw attack ituclf, mcrciy prcxniaing that the omtimnu: a: things. lLrLi(:11-. 9... wI.:..I. now tlxcgo.-L:V:-4;In;i.,"t,'o- stun-lsiiu pu- iou I! Lulmittcrl, I; .. ...`.....-- ..uu mr ought Wu J : Bar people `of the District of Montrcn , IVVH 13079:". ')'RciH_V. 1",`). ZvIIllIIIIl.' TI Ir-`I I IIUVII A`! (mum-, Railway. Owen Suuml, Jumc l3.-4'l'hc 'ruw gauge train frmn hero left :11 [`orom}) with the dircctnrs and 01 s.mA 14.2.; %:g:ii_.iQ. a I 1/ .uuru.Ivu.r 1.11:1, 1 ltuunim: of the First Narrow "lIlHd-4h I.I..lI atnr V .._.- - Mo.-,tcoroluxzi('al. \ umxm, Mr H! . ,___ ` I _ ,...... u. -:u_yuuUu, lMI4- GUI - ; much ngninvt Ms worm. VVit.l: Mack U'l{cilly,, an 1 , thrit that oblim-d m .... 6'..- Sm Um. E. L'urrIzu`s l"L'>V.Iui.,- -'l`hc City Council uf Kingntuu Imve millmrizoal tin: Mayfrr to reprcu-tit the city at the {uncrul o: the Inca Baronet. Wu are glad to see that M Hildunleovc, the lending Reformer of that city. lml auicicnt upirit. to nilow hin bctt_u| nature to prevail over the worm: mg, iuhu. man and endish xittwku which have been made by hi: pnrty upon the illustrious dead, Mr Uilolcrnicovo did honour to hinuwlf, when we camiinlcr the attempts which have hue Inulu by than-_with whom he in poiicnlly allied to drug thin Iolemn event tlown to thejgvel 09 Grit politicians, in uying that he tlwught i would bionic too gncolul in [C2 in honuu of tin `nanury of the foremost Fronulniunii cl.` 11-..... 5.. 5|... l.........I H 'I'L,A - ur nruum lor the )1]: , lur the Ilcfcluhu-ta-L numu rcnpectu absurd-~ eak -11: slwulul say, ark boyhood, mI4-cur- cs much nm..'.... . -u-u nu nun; MI \VHl('h '1 rcvspects absurd-~ k all. we ul.....m ...... .... nu mum that the so mum: lraggt-d in, utter- '.ution nine! in -4`, :e that I , _ lcucrving that, its l'0f(:n-nm- 4. `-my `mink thrit to us for high utruuling at the , he has not superiors, i.-5 uncaring chamu tl-M we: at all utter? 1 in of- auothm-.l.'..o:.. IA , uupurwru, i.-5 rmg clmrgc that reputation of 11. that the no 4lr:1mn..l a.. ww writer in dmniam this lltled in r.... .-um-an Iuucll, I untnlmtc tu which wt. .1, .l........| Id.-nu Inlounl QUIIIIIKUIVI. It may alford a hollow nmtinsfucuun tu cel- Jnin paper: to rucurd who will not nttuml hi`! funeral, it may suit. the f;u.-tiomiutu tn heap ohloquy upon the ilazul, but, for all that, sumo object might lmvc mm nuluctc-i lou span to objectiun, and wine other wag taken to gain political u.d\'untag}9 than at the expense of one who is now beyond their reach. Sir George can now bu but the shadow 0! is reality, and having fwl:,'ll.`. hill but tight let him rein in Lightly they'll talk of the spirit l:hat. s gone -And o'er llil cold uhbu uubmixl him - as `a u Gilly; . no A" xtmul = V '42; to ly, lt him- nuglnt vuzum: In Tn` ago The first nur- .. M) 1/0 ill- : writer 1:: `minim: thi- xuucc up should _ A .. >19 lrlll '1 fur- : that .1-vu'n.. ' ` Ha! M 4' kind: and styleuhf bindin . ver chi AT .H|`}'Sl)l'JlLH()N'S B00 STD, E, I'rim-.un Htmnt. {B|Bl.'ES& PRAYER BOOKS, AY BU()KS, Jqurnnlu, Lcdgeru, Books, Letter Boolu, Minute 1 } Bill bunks, .\lcnm. Books, &c., &c., `I am! gum], . uguuy I.ucy'u tall: at the spirit l:|1a.t. upbrnid him ; Bat little h9'll reek, if they let him uloep on In the grin: where a Bntuu bu-laid him. L V I. I4 I 1, School nmutc r. A r_"1iIis" iiviiiii ' vu.m:_ In; n....`. }f I IQ: , -.... 1.-wvss uuuum, mm! '1`urtoinusuhcll Hruuclws, J*1:mtingn, Urmmet, Ec., Oxidiued Silver Sotn, Black Pendants for Ncckluts, Uhwk Imckcta, New Bmceiets, New Plated Nrtn, at HIGN l)l`2l{.5'().\ :! FANCY H'l")liE, l'r1l|cuss Street. rem ! High Huck (J Seth. Black ! 'Il1\\{|'}l4l.IXH:3`h\GS, SA'I'CHl Jl.-`J, l I1rue of every dam.-ri :tion, and all $0041 value, AT ENDERSON 8. Pnlm Ix.-nf, Willow. White and Silk, &.c., &c., all st. 16!! nml [i|`1I\'|)l'IHSUN S 1500 STUIC E, Street. .,,__--, -_vu- WWII l um'l Hrnoclwn and Earriugu, Pct l'cm'l High linck Umnim, Raul Hruuclum. Mm-riumu n............ t "_ ,...,,,...w. Now that it in uvcr, now that the Ian.` pi. rites have been [mid 10: us hope; that mm- muanlre uf doc .-ncy will he observed. Th: trick of mp:-cwming the " fxnxxcml _u:9 . politicn net hu failed nninserably. Na uamiblu mnnwould ever have rc-gm-dud in as such. The press wnh iuvo exec-pti.m.. have Iumlc no effort to gain as pol/iticui pain by any act done for the deceased, and 16.11;- cxtrvmisls has not I-mule it a print Yu Ian` M political tonduncy in the whole uxfair, nu ono also would ever have attempted it. Uvur tho cluled tomb of the dead, lot the qlmrru rest, and let the Grits`:md their nymp;:- than be _auurod that their actu have 11.1.: for other sifoct to what they intended. L-.-1 them rejoice that they }mve_ uuxcnrthud om nun too who in as mean as the nu.-aw.-at -4 them, sad that uum :_: bishop of the churcn 0! which the latu stawmnnn Wu: :1. ntzuuxch tmpyorter- Biy_l_xop Bout-got may h:x_\_'_1 tlwught that in carrying his enmity In :;n George beyond the grave, he has lune 2| wine thing, but We question much if he w_i_h nd many ndmireu. , In .....-. _n.r.._.I I 1- -- - \ Vh(:n I lie mad I liritiuh Quarterly liclinlmrgla loviuw., l..;m1m Quarterly . un --- ` - uucr a Week Ht. l':ml:s 5:-ri|am_:r'ra Munthly . `a`m.d.-ny .\lng.1'/,im: . 'l'uml|4: Bar . , ` . . l;l:I'b l'VH| . . . . . . . . . . .4 Cl'H|Ii... . . . . . . . .. ldczlcctic hlugzazixnc Hnlnxy..,..... l.i;vpincntt s M:- hue London ;~3m:i.-ty . . M.1cmill;m u Magnzim: (mar 11 \Vuek . . . . . . HL I':uI`u S[ .ECIALT[`IES 2 7` Hill fouwing Magazines and Reviews are _- ufferul at alrunb halt the usual rates, when one month urqunltcr after publicmion ; . 1u()N fHvl.ll`;`5; Atlzmtiu Monthly liulgravm . S494` !HENDER80N`S Bonxsidne wlm;h will vv-r-av`; vvu urn llllllI,l"' I,"'Ill\ II5 in far {org}-I .tIu-nnu-hues an In ml cry m'o.-rthvfnm-x"n| at u. hula, uml he lmcl Imus), ye: uf the country for numy .s nul. in its (want. We cuuld mule: ol rogrut prevzung noun: mu tho wnmiry lama nuntu_iucd, h nd words to chm'n.cI`uI'i7.u 3 t, exertions: of certain mom in (1 liulc.-in'g the dead. Tlzunv m thu never but ullcv: hefuro funeral docrcml by u lo.-gisla were that even thu cums, I114 Iuurchad in vain 10: any cum] eumlqct uniformly puresucd cliqno nf lmliticinmwilxcs th.-N l ` wu propousd. lY..... AI...L :. :,_ . .4 - mm.-1,1. any: Children -5 l'4l!ll., -u muuuuru, Urn.-Ign Newton Abbot, Dc: vnmhirx,- l'}n_;|um1, to Fxumy M:u'ion youlngcrae d:1m_;hta.-r of the lute Jamtm )1. Prim`, ['14-sq,` Urlnzmuc 1)cp:xrtnu2nt, Kingutun, (Jutnriu. At. l'nuI u (Thin-uh l....,l..-. 14,. V Wu rm: x`::ul\'irL,',' :1 New Stock cf ll tlau [attest uL_`,'lc-M of Uclltlcmcns, Lsdicu and ' rnnmmmw mamrc emmylng to catch the eye 0! "M. l.'lh-Ltmir." Thu wisdom of thin cuurma ` in M3011 in tho fact that few vi the new mom- lycrs who made timmulvcs troublesome to the House during the last Isesninn have mmlu any rc-put.u.tiun; on the contrary, they stand in the 1m.+itinn of` lmvin lost the our of the Hom4e,uml it will require both labor and time far many of them to regain their ponitinn, if, indeed, zsomc of them ever can. The inbtmwml cited by um writer in the Jlrmt/1l_//, uf tlmuc unmng the new vncinlu,-rs who have secured in certain prominence, arc, with an oxucptiun or twu, nimply ridicul-um, and exhibit such igno- rmuzc as we trust will never ngninlw shown in so rcs pcct.:ilole a periodical :15 the I/Imadimz Allull//I/`U aims to l)(?, and to our mind is. '1: would junt 5.1V in cunalusion that it would lm butter for Llw Wl'll4:r in tn .-....4:.... ... oil: 17; _ A1::,1N}," }In-1 " - #* HE`.\'DlIl{S()1\".s` Mus c srumc. C-v. cents, at Quite liw ;;;g;v%.;1;y;[[ url Branches Ezwrinuu. Pm...I 1v..-......n tum. Ii` uerc Mu ntluurn, younger men, such as Mr lrmmcr, the memlmr for Smith Victoria, uf whom the /llmfl makes nwntirm, who have tlmught it wise to become fumilinriied with Parliament. lmfnrc emmying to catch the of M. 1/1 h'1t.4:ur." cuunm to be .1 cntluuinn of the moat nished-Ibili - I:B|,r;*s - (:'1'1.i{1`I'i2{`N- iximlc 3115.3 _ Editionu --at rmluced prices. - JOHN H EN DERSON, Princess Street. I `i( N }'ff*5 upon graves in mm 1 thing el_uc must be . ntulldl at Iain Mar. inulrnblo uliicr, um! I Vlmnxn.1i|`cl, M4125 cents to the Mm s I2 ccnta to the Qunrturlicu. In M YH'l'ElKY OF VILLE, by author mhuzxutcr, 1 :-im-. 30 mm `mA'l` u E: nr:|:s4';x's ()OKB'f0IlE. Boots, .e<-mul-lnzmcl lagazines RUTTAN & BMLLIE, .....,- -xvluhl uun-urn, l\lllgKlal!lI, I M. l'uuI n (Jhuruh, Lmulnn, DUI nf June. Irv u. lriuht Ir. ur, Mann :1 cf |iuclumtm', ,al:u:;.:!:t r of t} I ah: mu 4:0 I Pxuxcl-ass s'x'nI.'E'r. (um. .I....}.- 13, I873. n vury lung Lim -. In HAD hope la-A-x nigh." More we \ w. : mu no \,nun:n, umdnn, ` In n1 June, by the Right Hm an] Huron, Mntntcul lay the mmr, Dean of Hunm. \Vlli`) HUUI Princcu Street. QuA1:'I'1c1u,m:-5. be SULD A3 UH hulu: in Kingston. ...... ul.` mmuuruhlt of tho lloouiu Price 30 cents, - A'l' H EN DE[{SON b'. Shoes and Gaiters, B(_)()'l.`S ! wuw-u'I, L`. 1., M) M htt the Lev. M. I" uimn at Purim, l"mmm. no go. .9.-noun-.-us-_...-._ CHEM as : an: Kinmqtnn If-IIETJI. mm, the wifn of Mr H. `ER!!!-;In,..,'1'iw :1gum_`,' is u credit of the Rufurm prmm, the narrow tumb contain :1 In] of Sir Gear}.-,'u 1`) Cu .___.__.., __ E nlntcu lay the Very Hev, Hunm, William Yutcn. N.Y., tn Mims Julimm ha: Wurluet, D,U,. 'il.l'i14. Vnuwn mgu, rcnrl Uoronctl, :5, l`urtoiucuhcll uggeg_ e {burial}...--I BOOTS 2 "ii1IaT1covo},T:4'. of Una Ila.;...:.... ucdgerll, Cnuh Book, &,c. , cheap 32.00 per year. 2w 4: u 82.00 per year, \ 2.00 " Pcnrl Coronatl, 1],] '1`: 1 rfxlhunuln 4.] I ,l'Jl uUr'Ul.I.S'- llaouicr Uultoufcd, prices, at Primseuu 8A`l`lxrAI 1'URV.-- 'l`h.- Hmniltnn p;xpv" appear at hat to have iiiiidn-al- their \'-r Iuimstcd diuciinumii on the qiic-scion of In .- mot sugar, and lime miw Teitaikcin them selves to the very t'HL'0IlI':|',(lH;j .v`ubj.-ct .. I'IC0lIlll|t'l|dillg,lh_cif as-warn] x-ziis-licl:u.;.s 1.. the important oic -- -1' I.iciiu.umntl(ion-rii-- olUhhu'iu. So i.~ir us wu have: In.-uii aide : jiulgufliv .\')uuf:: n.".u 1':-cuix-.r..uIulimm u Ifl -\ViHia_Iiin nrv cunclnsivv in his f:1'.'uu: Hr Willimm in cm-rtuinly uni ii bright. sun shining lighl, but with all dzw (`\'fl'r|'ll('|' `V the abject ninfml at by eiwli of the pap;-1: we rather incline tn the npini-on that th- Lcmltr has hit Iipoii thv riglit mun. In jnke it puts F4-ruinrci nu h-:-as n IIHHI xhm. Hour-go Brown hnnm-If, zuid nrgm.-`u Hi- l'uWll has all alum-.3 ':u'g.;h.-al :31, ii.` Juliii might rule H14` l).;miuiun, nuly Uiilnriu \\'('I'\: L-ll tn X_iun. \`\'i- .z:. afraid that rmnc uf the L`hXI1\..L1L'l5 Ilillllzu will curry, and yet we mfmin fmiu n:.:x.i;--, 4-nu hofurc whuiu ml the Two? mild Mm: nrim-u M 1, '/lbllfll av. the 1. \ ._.n. y clnieap, at E. U 1 2 Very Ham V [unth- `NI. I'll 2 hard Ih... ' Z ZuZm)NANuI:L LANDS mmxcu, Ottawa, 11th June, 1873. Umwr Bee. 0 Wxutun F. Uoynxv, Ordnance land: Agent. Dnr.u:'mmI'r or SVA'lE-TAR? nv -`3'rA'rv., BIIU Illlf 0! H3153. Copies of plan. may be haul on npication to the Auctioneer. R vannvm A... upun `I hirhfl and ntill nu raw 0! mx per cent. l"urtl_wr cumlitioms will he made known at the time of sale. (Tuning 1:` nlnu um... I... 1...] .... ....-.l:....A.'.... 1.. l'UUIl'l|!. "` 1`El{MS- OF PAYM E.\"l`. -()nc-tenth of the purchase money to be paid down at the time of, sale, n.n`E'l' the remnimlc.-r in nine equal annual imstulnnc-ntn,"witIn intcr'cIst cm the un- paid lnlmwe of the purchase In_mwy at tlm rate of six cent. ll1I th!."I' cmnlitionn Hi Im nmrln known :10 uumucr ul n_suu.mM.' hU'l`2 nl divcru air) and tlimmminmt, being`; tmlulivfisiulu of the Unlunncu.propcrt , known zwerclmwr Farm, as ulmwu on n p an tho:rc(,`f by '1'. W. Nash, I .-L.f5., to be seen ff Um and Am:tioncer r. rooms. -= jlJ1':l.lU 1\U'l'lUE is hereby given Hunt on 1 VVI.`3l)!\'ESl]AY. the 9th day of J,UI4Y next. at NOON, will be Mr William Murray, Allctiulwcr, J Kifnguton, 3 large: number 1:! IA5UH.|)lNU LUT3 n d vc:r5I Hi /.4 nml :li:nm...i...... I...:...'. ....|..1 ..r `L. City of Ki ston.~-0rdnance Lan_s_s__a1e. I)UBLlU N0 l`lCE is hereby lunch, at \'nn\' ..,:II I... ....x.u |... u_ unn- , ___l. I... nu 00 wt lII|JI`I`J Malt, Family Proof, Old Iiyc. Claret, Rhino Wine, Mmwllou, Olmmpagncu, Ummdinn Native Wino, &c.c., kc. well up, carefully ho (lippawa Wlniskies, Malt. Fnmilv Pm! um Ports and Slacrrics, Pu 11' t y gu:Lrsmh:,c`I` The l cnner Cider, Mlnufmzturrul nn thn am ........:-..- Manufactured on the old premium. Laplnine Ale and l o1'tgeg' \v.lI .... ........:..n._ 1 , .. _ i'1mu' r'm"1-.'.\"1.\':.f .l[',\', NIIARBACK & 00 _.l U HUUEHH. kn ` Ice (?reaun,T A AT LJ)UMm,1c .s'. PINE APPLES,` ,-_-- ----u--I IIIVIEIIU (}AI ul{A'1'llAC.-`. AND MINERAL AND SEL'l'Zl` \VATE.liS, and 1'01 CUIKN, ' FM UIT. AN D 816...; FA'.!!.A}.[H;YE't4;'";9xIE8zJ CiicIIInlo1ej'sZ ClfCllllilDcK`Sl M0 B.-mg; Livt,-rlmnl `Suit for dairy pur1um.-I-, fur molt: chimp at ' . [)1Nl JAl l Ll}.`r5, 1'1:.'1:A1-J'1.1-;~;, BAN ANA}-I, UliAl\'(iE.s', LEM()NS, VERY Fl.\'E, cucoANL"rs,_ l EA.\'U'l'H, and VNUTI5 OF ALL KINDS. s:a:cmz:?::.:. ;ia<'}:s., Jame 3.` `Re'a.1 Sizltger Water WALI A N fv':`3 HiE'}lldil.`.`5`} amp "'I`ln-unh,", and others :--~ 200 (tam,-s Allmann 65 35c|umuimn1.'u MU.`H*l|.l.I`}, piutn and quarts. I00 Umscn |'l'll .ll|l'!lL S UI[AMl A(i.'l".H, pint: and quarta. I00 4 Yam-n Jun. Vio|<:1.t/M (flan,-tw St. Julivn, .\`lmluu, Mnrgmtx, (lmpu, &v:. . 1,000 Dumijuhnu '1';-iplu l"rum:|n Vinegar; in 5, 3, 2, I and 3, gallmm. June [2, '|'|Ic (/'hl7.'tperIt llnuse in the city for Hihlcu, Bpnku and Stationery, at E. stawc-,y'u llusic umi1\'cws IN-,p,ot.. .__. ...._ .._...._________.__._.__......._.__.._..___`-...__ lATE:$'T69E`7 cmumus: M usw, ' happily avur. rm] : J sought for than cu It ill Cul'.'I.iH|y 110 I nothing but thus vn-1 Cheap Fan-5-1; Juno I2. June 13. MI'0ft l A'l'l(,)N.`4 ni uhipn " l'|Irunh," them :- BOOKSELLEB, HTATION E193 HALL. u- v---u\J-. \/IIIIJI , Manufactured EIIII l In KIIIAI '.---J -- -- AND OYSTER l)I'3l'()'I', Street, MarkcLSa1anrc. 2. Silk Fats, Satin Fans. Ulrmmms in Gilt Fraxm-.s.v mm, CHl(()M()t-L mu,-', (:oN'uIsu'rINAs, MUSIC, Vl0LIl\ S. MUSIC, m.u'rIcs. A"i.nUM.s', ALBUMS, ;_ 'l`El.E3U()Pl~`.S, Fl ELI") GLASSES. I cc Ureaun, nu- u `run .- 'u legislative act, nu ac-awn, hiutory will in cmnpnrimn in th. by u curt.-tit. Mince th.-xv public fnm.-mi .11.; n`./Ll. \ l{()Ull-*3, kc. 1") ya In C 7*; ury, mI1|m1' mm I'rnv1smn Htnrv. (for. Hruuk nml Unturiu Street:-, l"E|Kl.:Y \\ HAlii". -3ALT E E. PA [I ENT, Under Sec. of State. --\4 `Ne! Impm . Hr: us .v ww-D`C 3 III W`/I Vell carefully bottle.-I. II7I.:..I-: .. .4 WM. BI;ou a C0,, . Hruuk Sbrmst. l;;l12{..{ nmw arriving ex Stunn- ln," hxlpertudur, {End Ice Groaunn, fans 11 um! l'mvi:4inm Htnrv. nml (lulu:-in H6m...a- SALT g` ` Fans ! f KENEIJN (}illLLl1lGla.Yu ` SACIKEI) NA-um. by N1`;-xv .\m<:nALEN. cloth mlitinnn LAWS 0! THE 3 M Y:s1`EI:Y ma Mmlmm t ' . Mm 011! % City Book mu the again Mr the celebflltl Machine. Ndotllelnll ` L, 1 u H UU'l'l0NEER -ad, chant, Brock U Agent fur the celeloflld Mn4:l1i1|4qA Nukulhu and Wholcmle all I an nm N 1 editu.-nu. . -- ---wt; v u;,ooo c;o.uiu.1_I:;auri: !: ::;:*:, F - \Nunr,uaArIl `A ] ."fS'ff"I't] mm nour, arrivin ' 'l'xckctu smut TIIE VAVOURITI ` > will lonva {or%|;? ` lgAY NEXT 502:1! ~ one hour, arrivin ' 2.5 CENTS, April I 9. guys or ENGLA!lDu VA NEW Bf - vv--UOU'VV' BLA.`~"l`IN(} POWDER, - (7H l"I'(JN AND W lI7S!'J. I .wl.m EYE QUARIY 1 Ji. H. SHOVEUJ All}! lagzgziues 511.15: `-1, "330 C}011t'1,`;.;t4)1-3 Hf. A K ?! V11 unnrn-..n" WE` I u YOUNG MEN 0" F W EDDING - l.l-IAl`llE'fi VA (H41! lH'."l'H()!\"H II I .`(, I-Ira . " l`UWl'.'R .*4 PATENT l5I.I;\'l) }fA5$'l'. ` m H - ,,, ...,. LII u_y uni punplu U! I:hcp.1.rinh fur the puI'pm:, came ut to xm-ct. her, h::.vim.; m bnzwl .1 al-.-tncluncut or vuluxm.-era, u lmml at music, and 4:. large mnuln-r of the lending -itizcnn of the place. The utomner hm] ag lrnpml in mnurniu 1, hangin at lmlf-maul furu uml aft, and the (to? icru on mnl tired minu gum {rum :1 canon. The afcernmm wmu :1 hum- I Qfnl .r- ' 1vll.lalAM I . ` I, "w - Urclnnnw Lind: ` [Jun r.'rmr.x'rv 01 `ml Snug UBDNANUE LAN 1'9 III Ottawa, mu Juno, ma, ....._._-.}. lr mm mm J; I 1 ' huu thin I... I... N EERSCHAUH B L (Jaws. T` Mecrchaum Bowl: in & Hrinr Root Pipe! in CHI. l'url4iuh Cherry Pi The Boatingfipo Cari} ` ; French and Englil Ob] ` l\I\ AAA 1: -It I`: I'll! of J. C[ . 7 ll 1 1 ,u' d: t,i1't:Ir1t':`I`:IvfIg'H' Th huxsitnean will In ....u 1 K inguton, 3|"`Im4 _ _ _ _ ..._. % 1 rn ..-"*% urcnwnt. of {if U lmsineu anclcr (iunn, SI H,-,`{ pr I`.-.:... the time 01 I810. . nu uudf time .....v -ouvu m purpw curtains. Th -ntnfnlquc, in the centre u! the church, was 1 high, and all ablaze with tupcrl, _ rovincc f the Dominion, including Prince Jlwaz'ti. l'hu uman was sung by Mgr. l"abrc,l'arothcr-iu- !u{v nf the alccealetl Baronet. The munic wru- purfurlucd by two choir-t,ouc in the organ Iof unnheriug 300` Voicct, and another in the mink-u of the Sanctuary mxsnhcring 100. The- ffect was: very fine. All the impmsing ecu- nonia} of the Ioumu Catlnoliu L7hun;h, inclml `lug the Dead March, wan pUI`f0rm_-d in the out mph.-Inn umnnur. `G376. Kingston. llth Juno; South Wn.u.m F. Land. A A 3o,05b`i@}_1"a7 J. E. lll uu J I/IQ -4 WHOLESALE `N ' 1 % Ezjnm The incidents on lmzu ing Three liiveru were f 'u few wonln. As the vh ~ - .(ln.l4.n.. I I A1? ....,.,.- 1DlV. nu--.n yuuuxullgn. l`0|ll' llllllln. -nprmgiug therefrom wcrc turned in black mu] white. In the rcrcdos was a 4.-olnmtnl silvc: crtmu. Along the double tier ul galleria wurc hzmgiugn of blxwkkuxd white. The win- dow: were veiled in purple curtains. J'h 'ntnfn.Inun, in tin. mm.-. ..l as... ..:...--x_ , . ,..., ` ... ...-.. .... uuul nuu u qunxtur 1 pm; the corner of St. lxuvruncc, Main mni Craig utrcetn. It was half-past H o'clock when it reached the Church of New Unmw l'hu dcuorutiolm of that nupcrb editi-:e war 1:.` helinent taste. The altar wan dr.1;u.-cl in Mzwk anal silver trimming. Four -:ohImn.~ ,",yQn./in" fluu-pl :-nu. u...-..o...... .1 :_ 2 u, . - Ta.` alga I51- :"7v :11 I57 92}- . ,,. sumc in march and proceed be whole cennu-ry will xm are 3 o'clock. h ...., a-noun wlucn Ll 9 12. . ....; ncl vlvc uu: ulafcll WM throng!- chc prim.-ipai om-cuts at the eastern part of tho city, which WM pmfnscly decorated, Iuwst J the lmmms bearing mnnv; insignia of lIlolll"llilI',' |'|;u pmcg-Minn tuck an lmur and :1 qunxtur 1 corners and Craig mt!-on-O.-1 If II"I- `H-if `A 4 in u. At the dam: nf this duupatch the ucr\'i till going am, after which the }:ruccm4im: llnuv iha nun-..|. .....1 .._A V I A A ' Hg .. ..... THE LATE SH! (II-IUl{(1lu' E. 9'vl_ _, I The Mimntry Wu": fniiy 11:;-rum-1Itccl,\'.NJ: L}:- zxae-ptiun of MA U'(.'nnIu-r. hir John A. .``I.'\. Iuu:\'M walk:-d with Um Hun. AL.-x. L':uu Md! The Senate was prwcdml by tho; Huld .`J:1w-. !'hc l'resirlmt, Mr lfhruln-:uI, and tho ciurks, we-rv: l4ll_!;1I(:r5>. The Nuuac ut L'ununun:s vvm largcly u-presented. There were dnpmatiou from thirty diifncut town, cities, ha.-., i: "[1!-.-bum` mu] UnLmiu._ Thu Uunvcrnnrliclo-:1'ui wns ruprceecntcnl hire .\hli'..1ry \I.-,-rm:'.r_3 1,`:-Inm.-I l"l-ta-hm`. inrgc alinp!ay._ Tin: vnxilimry also m:ulc : Fnur military bmuls Ir.-ing .175! `mm.-4 at re.-gnhnr iuta:r\'n!.-c in N15 prnr.-or-':~inn' Hufnrte the service the mural: through clue principal c.'mtu-rn Imrf --T H-A new womn. An tl lure-lu-lxmp (: zdm mnntiun. clmrtcrn-.1 I. "_:'lNlPOSNG cE'nEMoNn-2': -nu I\lm!7. lucllllrurn of the gsm c.cAnrIn's runinmi ,. . ; nu alcermmn was :1. beau- une; m:m'ccly a breath Hf wind utirrml are uf the writer, which was: nztuunth an 3; rr, nml (ha: lnclulmlu-ly czulcucc uf the u, the Dead March in Haul, coming ncurcr at. more mfar, l_md n. tinu ctfect. The {was turned out to receive the vi-itn , mm. B pnrpou ml AIM m mnurnin lmngin lmlf-ma , guffdiuru I ma :1 Inc; I 3 mmmt nlnl 0|... -.~` " ` ' uncut! H eprcucnf: Immense Procession. _.u - -AlUI`u idcntu lmzml the Druid after hem`- {ivceru few, um! may be stated rdn. Venue] :1pprmu:|xc:l Hi- 1-up "J14/nl), n steamer, the L'All- clmrtcrml by Llw purple of the p.1rixh rpmu,-, rut her. h:n>i.... mu: Hear, It: `l'H!'.' B01)`/. Tile 1`.:~7I)`\ rn nu thc Privy ('4.-um,-If n.` `,'un.' are members of the Cnbilwf. (Jlnic! Muurucrza. is at the Privy Chuucil, whu lnunnn...-. ...' AI . 1: I ' 1 \VI ylbll \,LIll5 The legal Prufu 'I'hc- Pvlcdical Prnf mu] Yupiln of (.')c:[,'c.-K. l-`n'.....!.. .. .1 :-:4 ;\.r3.. \.lIIl5HL'-". Friends am] (Jitizcn. ntry z~.-mm.-mc.l, v. in: r Mr A. :1-d (.7:uup`u,I! was Mart:-., In, tho clerks,` :M_. House um->1 elsentcd. iepn:ation- ' -med r4-her. also ' .. V 13...... ...;|:.. I I - ` a'.'l| I '. (fommmm. no] .\lc-min.-rs u '1 he` J udiuiury. koruign (,'un.~5lIL-5. . I . ..I 1: u - };rucc24ai(m wil. ml proceed to the cemetery. ..- ui" ....o x..-` . .17 - - - . .-...s.-.--. 1:1 Member. I`! u hrphmtinu ('mIzu1:r. n_nuI nnnu effect. rocuxve the \ mt Lu M-ncludcd bs ` Hour!` of use-I IBM ('.UL'l`Ill .... 1 m L: vmto.. av nmln, win x .....-uuu the 110117;: U. diniilguinhed I have kiglnmcnl prcnunt on Um: .-';l'1V" A` ` The Goveg-nor-General : yl ht arrived here 'cHt3rdu_y' from Tormnw. Ehu wk.-4 Visited by large number of people lurng thu uftcrnuon who cxprcntwd thcnwclvcs milclrplcnsud with hcr znppx,-aruncc and cquipmcntn. Tm . CULOKADQ Bvu,--\/Va learn that tlm. luntructivc insect han appeared in Iormidublc numbers in the township of Storringtou. l":u~nu.-rs ought to be on the look out and do. an-oy them by all the means in their power. U , I _ . ..J .4. yuuvuluud. III In!` -evening tln; lid nl tau cuin was reInow:d, mm kw humly and B {cw intimate friuluh hzul thr ' .p[,m-Luml.y of tukiugu last look at u? " ..mus-womlerfully well preserved -0! lac:-maul utzm-snuun. `flu: lid wms then re ` placed, and all that in Iuft of the once mwel" nu Hum won: for ever concealed from }:ummu . .4... I'..- 1' L111 Ivy -. uu uuuuulull I .nvu lwun struck tn make , __ .. {T The Ucld-felluwz; intend having an x : \\':-.tur`.mvn on Dominican Co) 1.... .. `..#.,u. A mg. wlu-u the doors were clusud, eruwd o . azting will gnwhuhly be cuutinucl. In the svuning lid 01' the tum kw fric1uln`h:ul ;m.url.um1.v of tuhimp .. I....4 |., I. -A u - I U/m/1': .\l; (awn. ~ nu-lvr con: . , : ulm nu lmgud. inc V`/vi///1`/r' 1ll'I["7l("' 1):.-lu ul hl:1c1-. cloth urnn-muted with :1 4 ha: l)r:1i-ltnuclneul 1 ;f thv Mum..*o:1l L"m] . uol. . l.. Tl I II. On vllll amrge nl1Iu|u-r nf `IL-r;.:y anal the re rum sun! nn lmurd, unafafu --turns.-I tn tho shore. 'rInU\ml from the var n.-:s'r.-, who-ra.-upnn th n .. 1-':l'\$`abl`(] lnrryvm-:lc4 Jr.-mt! Trunk Hzsilruzui ,4,-,ry. .\lrmm'|nilc the urn tr. 3, on the wimrvcs, .. . . ...n -4--IA-spy nmun um! been ms: uxrt fur the l_ying in state and adorned with mh tuntc lay the D'intcrt4 of l roviIfcm:c. Thu -.m \Q'4 Lv dszrkunc-1, a dim light being shoal l_\ a.-aliur and by candles which were burn .9 vlmirn-st Huwu.-rx :1-hf : iug. wurcput in every run- .4. . - ' ' ` ., an , u .u; (`..s1'UH. M mun from If l5nttcr5 :11: ()n the 8 ter-deck Vizr n dome-ulmpc-I stmctum. n:.-tun! cloth, edge-1 with nilvur, tun nilvcr cram. .`s'u .-man u.- Urui-I touchetl the landing, the member: f Curpomtiun and Bar, together .m.a1:.rgunumI,.-r the Roman (.7ut.hnlir. lcrgy rcfruucntutives of the pram rlt am after Itaying .1 uh-M. tinn- uturnul 'l'lu.- bud ' was then. mnmml venue! and paced. in H1: :.-:;'r.-, thu prou(::4iI>n h'eg:m tr nu-.= procm-led by the lmudnnf tlu r.-mt! Hztilrnzul Artilh-ru ml It H-r ;4'lr91', comnmnd of (`.1 rtuin l.ur1::. _V_ _ and the lmml uf Hm artillery ms the two hcmh ~ W4-re: Ki.r.'l[:|!c4i Lm_;cLl..-r, pfnyunl tlicir ilcuzliilui * (um.-rul hymn, 'l'lu.- part from the l.'Au.-mvw viun c:nm- on board the Druid, -.'umL-d tin-mI;:lu Llw 4 /ul/14'/ll: an/111/1 , p.1yin;,r their last trilm'.<- . nf rcupm-t to the grunt (,'mmdi;m, and thvll M- '.III'IH=d tu_t. I-ir ut-mxmsr. An :=h- iuft, the vu- [zuntvc-rn lirrul zi vooryof nmukctry, and the Druid rcnumctl her onward way. At Harv}. !l.1;.;:4 were pluced at half mast over the princi- pal buildings. and an inlmelmc crowd Ms:-nr hlod an the share from which minute: gums nu . nun-.. , .,,.......-. uuuu llll t thcuc('xmim1. ,\\ Hmir uwatly rnbcs, y tlu.-Ir cclchmtual In; ug, kc. They will In-. mun. Lu H... 4!- B. J, W'ood, Home Sm-rot.-.ry_ ;I`uuduII'aArIoxAL 'U1uoz4.-At n mectin,; a sly) Union, which cloned a W out K8nday.tho following secu- tori CC liiolnry District: were uppomtccl : Ilnritillo Ptovinou-8oc|-etnry. l{u\'. 1{_ K] 3.. ' `S3. Quebec--Sucrct.ary, Rev. A_ . k. Ontario East,---Sccrctal-y, It G. y."Ponwick, Kingston. Untnrio Cam.- __g.,.ggy, nu. J. Unuvorth, Georgetown. 0.3 ,4wutp-Secrot&ry, ll`cv, W. H. 'An. Putin. Rev. Dr. `\V|lkcI. Secretary, .1-h. un, 3..., gt Toronto, Julu: 1011., 1574_ .--In-Mu procm-next by the lmudnnf marl Artillery and is But- 3.` Umnwlnilc crowd on Cummimiumu mt, and in Jacques Uan'tiv.'.' mum had become very large, and it was with hvnlty that :1 pm-mxgcwny, was kept clum ti--: prouussiun. The hells of the 4-iL_', xruhm now IN.-g:m to to and the tiring (1 mm guns from the I5l.1mlwa.n continued. 0 L'vI'f('g(: [tr-rculailn-l direct] to the Until`! Ilsa.-, which had prcviounly ecu draped in ;,.7u;_g fur Um m:c.'u-iuxn. Lung Imp-erie pcmlml from thu roof uf t.1u:|mx-ti .. m 57 They hie lztt-('5-($iV(.`(l with all mm; by the Grand Lodgc.. ulm-inn to-mnrrow uftorurmn tn u .ull|iHCi1 to ban grunt succeuu. Tho. promiues tn be splendid the youn re gnxug um! the gentlemen will mmupany them. O mun n-mu um the portiu, m 1 urnund the pil!`-ma prmluccal a wry [inn lnmlc Nu: v.-xtibulu was hung in hlacl. ,-lluw. The Lady wan carried to the pur- f n` lzzw Library which bml been lying and mlm-u.a.l ..,:.I. nun nu mm: In Jolt of the }mwerv 1 xummu ~ 1'Il'."'/(yr. , .. ,._, -.........., ....._uu wcrc nurnm;;._ mim-st, . rm-I ::pprupxi:u.4: place, uml laenvy Ira rrllivpclulctl from the centre of th- in]! in graceful curvuu, [arming :y C slnlno, over the catafulquc. Tin! ' s _a.-.v.`u-cnzcly plain. and was .~..v...-ml '1 he Crmul Iloya um at Canada will is 13th uf August, and rz large inpnlner tlicdistiliguiaiiu the Lafayette Clnnptu,-ruf \Vauh- u|pn.~4(:d of many ad men of the Unitq.-4'. Sta. `u.-:1 their intention of bein the nc('u1 \\'c- luau. Al... Al ~ THE DAILY NEWS-- FRIDAY EvENiNG. JUNE 13. -ru.uuUu. Jung dl'1l.1I hu t1mporti:- ` pnlkuru prmluceal n w-ru ...--4--wuu U] 00"! \\'c learn that they when, and be m.:'uumpu- l qunrtcttn choir {U H... a ~ -- j|o.-A nun named Edmmrcl Hum, - ffg W, Lemming home In Quctx, . (nu xiupm, wu m1.m.1 ..r 350.... 'e:[. W. Imngurl Hutul, lwllilnl the :\lmm. `g. 1!. Jo Inspected he W... drunk at. the