In RIIHwr- L-kn ago Jul.` widow N and I .... 706'. II . hold in I an 0.. J-Lvuuv [U JED N PINE, niur Divhion Streetr-A good 0 House. eonteining six roonu.` Attached Am I never-idling Sp ' Well, 3 Stable, and nexrly lnlf sn acre of d. Peueuion im- mediately. Apply tothe owner, SAMUEL WO6D3, Collegiate Institute. Kinglhm, May 31st, 1 73. -rvnnuvslvlul. LJBLIJJUUI IUI 08-16. FEET OF PINE Ind Hear. 1 lock, 1 inch, 1} inch and '2 inch, at DORAN'S WHARF, between Kingston Foundry mm Vvster Worku, On- gm-io Street. _~ A. F. MACPHERSON. , May 9. V f ' 4. vs ucuvo V HR!-IE comfnrtablo Hdusea on Queen! Street (ui joining the public Scliool Hnusc) two of tho lxouncn are of Brick, nnd one R011 11 Cut. There in an excellent garden well stoc - ed with fruit trees and I good well of spring wntor on the premium. unit. There I! excellent. stocTr premises. The property would be divided if required. Title Igtiafactory. For terms, Apply on the premises or to J nines Shnnnon. : nus Igullacvory. For tenm premium Juno: Shsnpon. . v uuxvvtn, AT the Steam SIN Mills, Barriaold, a rst-clnu Circulnr Sawyer. Apply to S. 8. Hersey, Foreman. . April 3. g ' `* .|.U .IJUL ()|-'FICES T0 ~LET.-Two I nut Rooms looking on I uvor the store of - `"l.'I'I'VI .V I :u.\.\'L'Ts. , " .\.\'L"1'S, and rs 01-` ALL 'l1fll'l SUBSCRIBER bu room for six more ` Burden when good biard will be far- uiahoal st 83 per week. Mn. Jonniogmith, in-ock Street, near Otford & Co : Boot And HD1430 F ` MAI 5th. 1 VA AM in the Village of Invonry. with Dwelling Home And Workshop there- on. Apply to lIAI'll'| r uy........ .m_ n.:cmms of the lntbnr being connected` wail. the militia depnrjment. Tho (Znuntcujnl Dulfarinfwna at homo to re- ccivu visitors this nftemoou. The reception was very numomully attemlcd. The reception wan hold in tho Citmlul, and the band on! 3 Battery phycal on the terrace during the pre- sentzmunn. ..,,..-....., uucruu wr nuo occasion. The I -`~.!;;1r mug appropriate hymns, Ind the organ- ist rla `cd I choice soles.-tio_n an the distin- gui: nu party left the church. Colonel Jnckun, of Brockvillu, , replaces (fol.-nel Macphcrnou in the Uuurt of Enquiry, n.:cmmt of the Intbor connected with the__milit.i:| depnrjment. ., , our vunn [M3150- vlofmld. K.(T.3., godfather; Lad Hnrriot Flotchrr, godmother; the Hon. A ex. Cam hull. Colonel Fletcher And Mr Hamilton, A. I. I`. Then Rev. H. V. Housman baptized the in- gm. laly tho 1:510:01 of `Vict.m"u1 Aluxagndrinn . uric Mar . `us two oruwr nuns: the erpreu vial); of Her Majesty. The C. W . Ruvson Auiatod At the ceremony, which was witnessed with great interest by the immense wuamblago. Tho font was beautiful! decked with ovon, and was filled wit water brought from the Jordan by Dr. Douglu, and thmughully offered for the occasion. x-hour apprgpfiaw h_ympu, organ. . :.L ..I-..-.! uur nor Majesty the Queen .mnnntcd to IM godmother ; godfnthar , . . lI'I..o..s...- _-. ._ .u. , - - vovvo II IJLIXlul , MAN that understands the lmuinet- and L can be well recnmmcndcxl. Will 0- -2` ' Kl . A I to euro 50 wagon ppy R H`\_ .. ...... wall nun wxrn :1 large mu! huh- innnlvlc unngrc ution. Tho-0 present at the {out wore Lon l)u'orin.tho ( 'mmtcu u proxy for Her Mnjuoey the Quaen,who graciously Sir John A.Msc- 1'l(.);)3l!" K127 3., 2 lllll """` mum-cnwu u no godmother Joh'n ; Are Hamilt4 Rcv. H, V llm.......... L-...:,. May I .v.vur uuln wheat. Schr. W. Ham]:-,rIon, Milwaukee. Mnntrnnl T. L`o.. l9,963 blush wheat. Schr. Florottn, Chicago, Montreal '1`. C0,, 19.500 bush when . Sloop Con, Ouw-go, Kinguton, u C0,, 10:! tom! coal. `9 Qtr 1230.. ..I \l---2A-- " IO] Str. I,- -lull. IU. Schr. (lnllntsn. Fbicngo, Cw 20.840 Imlh wheat. _Milw.~ `V . In nan; _ .._.-v-ou [HI I`! I Boarder: than Quad I~.z...I _m xx 5 J. uu-diner, I bx ; Mulielvoy & Birch. 12 pumps, 2ucreem, l bx h ware; W' 0. Guy, lcuo; E. Stu:-oy. '.' pkgu; J. Raynor, 1 5:. Solar. Fosrlau, Clovoluxd, G. Chly Bros, 350 tons coal, 12 bbln dried fruit. 0. 1'. IL, Fort. Eric, Losvcni, Parsons & S0,. 5 cask: 5 wnro. Prop. Bristol, Toledo, Muntrunl '|'. L'u., 3,855 hush corn. a1.~.y_3z7. `E3ITo3'I.um55r : inn Ann In.*:.vr An nu common to extre stete ; 6,26 to 7,20 for obn- mm to choice extra western. Rye our , um-hnnged. \Vheet e ehede finm-r ; receipt. ;ws,ooo bush, salee 36.000 hush; at L51 5 for No. 2 Milweukee ; 1,45 to L47 for No. '2 \ ' Chicago. Rye dull; recei ts 20.001 lmeh at I issc te 90c. Corn dull nu hoary ; ncgipu 09.'.0(l) bushels; selee bushels et 64 ' to 36 fer pew nixed western. [Bel-ley quiet end unchanged.` Outs t`}ui\| .; receipte 99,000 bushels; eelee 24,W0 rlllh; st 400 to 42c for new nixed western; 45 to 47 for new white western; 40 te 42 for new bleeh weetern ; 54 for white etete. Polk uiet sud rmly held at 17.00 for new mess. .:\rd steady ; st 81 to 3 I5-16. for steeru; end 9} for kettle rendered. Butter" 25 to 28. choose in to llic. Petroleum, crude, SQ ; relinod l9o. Chicago, June l7.--Receiptrs of hog: 5,552 ; shipments, 2,955. ' - __-v.u-u ALVIL \Il\lD. Juno 14. Sir. Maud, Capo Vincent, 0. Vnnornnn, I00 butter tuba; P. Clnrk, 1 half 11%] pickht.-I; Capt. W. Lewis, 1 half bbl pickles; fl. Mskinn, 1 lab! icklu; (fnlvin at Brook 20 bales oakum; onwick. llundrvb l`n rm Juno DAV A lnverury, Mu'chl8, wuu GUI-I. ltr. City of Mnnitomsc, Milwaukee, Montreal E. Co., `1,300 hmh arlnut. itr. .\1~m|.('.1po Vincent, A. (`mun J: Cu., M7 Hal: currents, 75 almost! ten, 5! cam-u Ii: ; G. Robe-rtuon, I0 bbll (1 nuts ; Mc- Kelvoy & Birch, I cook utovo; 1". C. Uljuo, I b-'5 ; J. llclxdurnnll, I pk ; Ii. VV.-nlkcr, 2 wrntru; \V, ailmnaluul. I ix oysters ; W. 0'. Mann. I has ; J, '|'n_it, I pkg; Boyle A: VVIig||t, I !-x In ware, I halo bmtnn, 2 pkgu. Mlllnl, lbbl ickln; onkum ; lsnwick, cues canned jooda; A` case: canned goods ; W. R. t J. Gsrdiuor, 12 nu|nna_ 2 unra- -ucrwls "ptt-I `I lulu . - vv-nvv\-I NIMART BOY Ito learn uuincu. Ap to ' \'{LLIAM lII..II:_.. I10 IUUKU UK T WHITE 4. nmrs, WhoIe'siI7Druggito, 43 Prinfeu-at. Bdarders Wanted. Porter Wgnpea. R0.\IOS. .\ll'.~&l(` FOR SALE. CUSTOMS mronws. 1..-- I 1 TF5? SE1; ` .m 6...: ..LI.. 1: -1. ,, FR` |-\l,0U+:m-:u. Inn II 1.1:- l_1, . w;a+:% ;.l`::.T.`--"'I":lo lnrgo and plea- : looking Princen Street, lppawa Md! DAVID J. WALKER. :hl8. 1873, V Juno I6. IIIVIIJ J` X8, 1873. no `lfl. LI A M A LLEN, Wcllixngwn Street. .u-; uuvln a: Break Vick, llcndtyk Co., 25 s; A. Gunn & C0,, 30 ` Kirk, 3 Male paper; , bx; scream. ware- Conltlmrnt k M-.I In'u, 0 R. I It \VI`.\', City Hotel. tho Tiusmith nnyug Q_ 5 L 1 ceu_t. which ` will be Sfihlf AB CHEAP as any house in Kingston. We are receiving a.'New Stock of all the Latest styles of Guntlcmens, ladies and Children ! |JUST jLA11_59E1VED| 10,000 Genuine Havana Ci are of the fol- lowing I-rand: :-"Po.rtigu, Upmnns," "Henry Clays." WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Wholesale and Retail Tolmcconlst, PRINCESS STREET, 1ti'Iz.GUND1Es, &c., &c., &c. Imnnm AND l{0W_E, Ferguson's Block, Priness-St. In... I nu. I a-yo B()()TS ! OLARETS, 'l\`I>1'1\ 51101` and FUSE, Selling an `cheaply an they can be bought anywhere. An inspection invited. ITALIAN WINES Entirel New Stock" of Shelf an Heavy Hardware, z_- l AIl\'TS, in LS, uI.As.~+, rurrv, scv1'Hr:.<, SNAITHH, HAY vomcs, IIAKES. BAR mm, STEEL, POWDER, snow and rush), Sc.-llina nn}-lmn.l.. .. AI . . - . -- I A IH/`ll. M(tNllLl;AN,! ~ ~-------------_.--_.._.___-..__. llownnl Assoclnlglon. Philtulclphlu, ' no \N Institution lmvin I :1 high reputation 1] . fur honourable conne! nml pmfu->.i.m- ulnkill. .\uting Sungmm, .l_. H. HUL' M.l). l'Iuu:n.yu fur Young Men aunt fruu of 'hn.rgo, Acldrwm, H()\\'AlH) AHHUH[A- 'l'lU.\', No. 2 South Ninth Street, l hilah:l- phin, ['21. I JUN, NI Kingston, June 13, 1873. MEF)RSClI;\Ub BILLIARD PIPES in Cases. ` . Moerchaum Bowl: in Canal. Briar Root Pipe: in Cues. Turkiah Cherry Pi . The Boating Pipe Erk). ` French and English Clay Pipes. an AA- __ .-- .;uue 10th, 1873. '.+:umsLL Wortnnted ood. Crmuno GL Blnckw J:-llic:-1, GLO. HI Customs DepartmeriZ' -{YPPAWA 9(h'u AV I97 ) Jlow to Keep 0001 IN SUMMER. June l0th, IVS-73. Boots, Shoes and Gaiters, 30,000 mum; d00r00m, H 1 e 4- 1'1` ....:'...=",.,....:" vvj--w --wly-u- on-V-lav, -0'rnwA, 29m MAY, 1873. Untmuzzn DXsCnUN 1` on Ame.-563.1,, L Invoices until further notice : 15 per _t. 1:. s. M. BUUUI_rlE'1`TE, Fnmmin-innnr Al lV..-o....._ Lgazines `J._ -_ -v-nu \.l\JL\uI.` Brock Strcut, near I J une 5th. s. P. WHITE, nnnnnngllb aumu QAILLIE, HARDWARE. amfrownnu 'l`EA CHINA TEA` HOUSE, 39 PRINCESS STREET. BOOTS ! (Newly Received.) ASPBEBIY P`/`NW5? - Du`-u Y`: IR'l`.\Tl0.VS "'l'hmL` <-- ` Call and get .1 Immplo. Blackwell : Pickles, Sauces, the Golden Beaver, k Htrcut. mmr Mm-Imt u........_ To be told at 9. m. nuuunnxxbr I Colnmnuonet of Cultoms Half Cheats , uucu. v 1l7lJllV B, lusxcal lttin s of every de- bo sold on t on most reason- ing, Repairing and Regulat- uuntr . J. EYNER, AuII.!I'1', Prinnnnn Rh-an -5 PRINCESS ST RE ET. BOOTS ! A Mc.\!IL|,AN. nu, Auv.2u', Princess Street. ,, __ -vvuvvA r Market Square. an, I anu aumonzeu to our lowest rates. M. PETTENGILL & 00., 10 S`;-,,, S, Boston, 37 Park Row. New Yurk, and 701 Chestnut Suject, Philadelphis, vgro our Agonts for procunng advertisemenfl. for our paper (Tm: DAILY aws) in the nlygvo. citieg, and authorized to contract for ugv,-9.-gaging gt Muscnwuln and otherysugarl, as we are 8431- V lipg them cheaper than ever, Wholesale and Retail. George M. Wilkinsoin. Srn... IR In-ro - _.--;- Iujfli EXTRA CHOICE-th BEST VALUE in the city at 4-. pv 1-c--_._r._ Every prospect of an abundance of Fruit, so now 13 the time to supply yourselves with `I _ _ ll |JUsTA}g+:g_1g;VED| , _,_._ ,_._... Blue, Green, Brown, Slate and other Shades at 8], worth $4.25. 1,000 Piece: FANCY DRESS GOODS from 15 cents to 50, worth from 25 to 65 com. per yard. - on 1\,....... I911 : Ann... . .. 7 ~ E15]-1 $ 134;). Piems Prints, Light and Dark Colourl, at If! cents, worth 17 centn. (:..;.nG I2...l.c:.L:.._.. _, u in - - .. .., .......u-, vvvlvll ll wnw. Great Reductions in al1vl*'ancy Goods. Other special linoh will be advertised in as few days. I00 Dozen Hoop Skirts at 20 cents each. A nmmr,-x.;' C()T'l`()NS REDUCED to 11 cents per yard. BLACK SILKS at/70 cents, worth 90. BLACK SILKS at 90 cents, worth 81.25. . BLACK SILKS at 8]; worth 31.40. BLACK SILKS at 81.75, worhh_$`2.25. nu n - uvmarool, ll0lISE.| l,uln n A: Atkinson : Pcrfumex, Hair, Tooth ` and Nail llruuhos in grant nriety, at ~ H .71./1 CL 19./1.7V :;- Co s [ Mn TIIE uAm.I ran THE coMPLExum.l `(OSNIEIJ/S & A'l`KINHUN'H 'l`OO'I'H I l'AS'l'E, _ - .\IA(:N()LIA BAIM. KALLISTON AND BALM of CYTHEIUA ,c _ Jt;n; I6, 1873. ,-,._--...-va uv \./|IlU I l'IUUa 20 Dozen Ladies Corsets from 30 cents och. Black Alpacas from 20 confi per yard. 5 Bible: Groy Cotton: at 11 canto, worth 13 ecnuu. N.B.--Lo'ok out for I List. This innonuine I m_tust have the Czuh. V\rI -nu. 20 Dozen PARASOLS at Coat Price. on I\..-.... I -1.-,4 t TEAS? ?EA:_ (`.HnlP1:' LL- `Dunn! Iv ms nnamsr BAnuAmsl OUR cntiro Stock of SUMMER GOODS ha aboon reduced to almost cost rice. This Cheap Sale in to enable us to get R A D Y CASH to meet coming pnymcnta. Thn (hm-6 Qnl- _:1I -., H ,- ._.--. vvnullls yuymunw. Tho Grout Sale will commence I continue 511 chisymouth. ANOTHER GREAT SALE A. B. MAGPHERSBH & W8 Great gacrilicing Sale [ Everoered will be found I _ 35 `"ci*I1"I's. Joseph Donnclly. DRUGUISTS, 4% Princess Street. Kingston. Toilet Preparations. '7 Ill!!! 5, J. GIWIENFIELB, L. B. Macpherson & Co. crushed Loaf, ~ Crushed, Ground, Extra Grqund, (10(JOAlNE AND BEARINB __P9?.`\'.'* 3%!_% 0 t . Pmun; j a av:rr:1.lll. , -m-.1..- '-~ "' ` :v4..4 \I.-LJL. NEW LOT OF LIVERPOOL HOUSE. GOODS ! Hand Bill with Price mine Clearina Sal. nu --m ' uunn mu with Price > Clearing Sale, at we I at our Junol Sale. > at once and 013591 . M0 {TGAGES purchased at n reaaoable fate of inte rest. . W. C. HAVEN. Otce ox rer Messrs Britten & Price ! Law Oices, Cl Hence Street. Muy 19., s,1uW & MINNES ,| nu perimnl xnaenveu I0 me mm 1. L. A HAVEN by promissory note are here- by notied that the same will be required to be paid when due. All Ovcmdue Notes must be settled imm- dintelv, ' - I -_ for Guests, and will he run in connection with the liritish-Anuaricxm Hotel. These I-louse: have been thoroughly refitted and furnished in the mnzxt modern style with every regard to comfort, and no pain will be spared to minister to tho wants of our pa- trons. rm... n:..:.... n.._.._ _. H, .. . "t.AcK GRENADINES. _ BLACK GUENAPISE CLOTHS, NEW MozA2.m1QU1:s, ` NEVV ORGANDY Musuxs, NEW r.mLL1A.\"rs, NEW muxruu 1..uv.\'s, NEW 12..m.s1`1-; sulrlims, NEW PERCALES. \ NEW SPO'1"I`ED BOOKS, ` NEW muzxm I-1Qu1:s. NEW MARSEILLES, NEW Kll) uL0vI~:s, NEW (JUll Ul{E.I..-XCBS, (cc. 3.0- An curly call is respectfully sulicitcd. ` All \ diatel Mn 1 Britisln-Ainerican llotell IHE 'rroprictors of these we ex-stnblilned am popular Hotels would rm-cpoctflllly inf.-rm the public that tho Th; Dining Room of the Britinh American -Hotel has been enlarged and furnished in the most com late manner, where meals will be served no _trHO\Nil :~lZrcakf;uct7:30 to 10 mm. ; Lunch 12:30 02 p.m. ; Early Dinner I pm. and at 6 1pm. I I ` ' (W\llI).A{rliqE. IsWALEH, Prnmicwr. , . , . Hanwuob HOUSE, Kingston, Ontario. Harwood House is now Open` 4 ... l!...._o. -..A ...:u 1.- _.__ Wholesale Druggists and Importers, WHITE 1z1J1`Ts, UN HAND, PIIEPARI-SI) PI.AS'l`l BUA RID, 81!!-3A !'HlNG BOARD, 'DOUBI.l } 'l`Hl(JK R0()*F'lN4:. Juno 4. ii'i,ugst(n1 Oil St:/n'(:s, Agents in K|'n,',;utnn Ruck Ilivisr PATENT uuniun PAPER] June 6. Families should embrace this ogportunitir and get their Stock Uzms lled eforo the supply is exhausted. 30 GENTS PER BALLDN. Kiguton, ` 1 9th May, I873. Dlhgl Liv nth CIIOIP . ."`*"" NEW GOODS PRESENT SEASON. June 2. LL persgmf indebted to the late I. (3. A HAVEN bv m-nmixumrv nnte nre In-.n-,. IANDSOME GRENADINES, PRINCESS STREET, KIM -`H'l'O.N. S. CIIIDWN & SONS, SMALL LOT of EXPORT OIL is now for sale at the MEDICAL HALL for :. %ll(.)l3ART. A Rare Chance. PROPRIETORS (Jr TUE SUITABLE FOR THE JUST RECEIVED AT ` n Kin,-.;utnn_ for tho solo of the Rock lcivcr Paper Co : Shaw & Minnes, (3 LASUOVV WAR EHO USE. `i~iStiE7 CLARE l`S ! ' CLARETS ! CASES CLARET, wan-mead Ionnd, from $2 to 810 per dozen- ln splendid order. the C wa.tgr1; .~4C0 l"l` & DALTON and get uomple, an we have just received an nuortment the nont over imrortod into the oitg, __compriuing Young I ysonu, Japan, Sons any n.ndCon- gnu, at prices to defy competition. , I?!` n .. -- -* rignniioers! 1 ----7:11&i Now In ling ex ship Hmeltine, our am: im- nortntinn dirnnt <---- - - --w-nva I A trcsh supply just to hand. Pronounced by consumers to be the buy in the market. D0 (Hip t,-osr. XXX?` U L E. !| W; ll. Mcllae & 00.,` , `_-_ ----vv Having been appointed Agent: for this do licionl bevcr c we are r rodto In I: the Trade at :'z`n`sI'1u!acturex-B pp LL pommn who are land 0! 3 GOOD A CUP OF TEA will do well to call on 1}: recqivod tha nmt N . B. -Pm-tic: requiring CIIAMPAGNES would do well to give an 5 call, an In intend to dispose of our Itock (which in large), A1` UOST. Important Notice. I lw. R. .McA"; co.,| x unr nun-.-. -. -vv - n IIIV-I `.lrtUl;l3}Zl{H IN uu1cA'r vumrrv. Call and mm m utock, and tho lmndsomcnt Hunt Ind Shoe 8 nap in the city. + I1) DAY EVENING, 1 their Hall corner of Kin I! I`! A .11.-ncm-.c & Wndcleirs New Bullcllnkl ' A'l`IH I` STYLES! BOOT ` 1.4 M; mndcmto Prioga. :5 ma SHOES Invvnnn. . -.- , Neii? 'VBogt and Shoe Stbrel i . \IN'l`.~ nenneuyl run to Star. Martel?! Very Id. Otard Dupuy I Va? Old. Renault : Very OI , &.c., &c., kc. w D Il-uAu ._ -.- Moleu Pearl 4 ` Another large RH `awn uwvn. Molelle in qua:-ta. Moulle in pintl. of the Mosul] __._ ...___;_...____.__.. my wwwves.` ---- wit jiiri I-;enneuy n V. 0. Brandy. Harmony : Three Star. Henneuyk Sin lo Star. ' Mal`149H'l Vnrv IM For I u. unvzuuu nu removed ml and Sat cry to the corner of Birth and William gtreeta, dirbctly behind his (or anor ronidonca. Consultation hour: from I to P.-FL April 2. Kingston, April 18th, 18 Allmann Schnaubert May 24,. 1873. ..... sv-uuoucu. unnuuiaw: K Em. ingston, May 1, I878. ETIIEIl];5i7r} meets every THURS- DAY EVENING, at 7:30 o'clock at air Kim: and -Ba-nnlx -taunt: ROOM PA PER. WILLIAM ROB|NSON S KEEP COOL ! R. LAVELL bu removed his Re-idonool _ __qnd Surgery corner of Ban!- ) - sale at the Golden Lion. `soon & DALTON; ...j:._. 'l"urkisli|_"'___l _1_'_11nes ""-.. -'. ROSE. Iua In plntl. _ I Moqelle in quart: and pinto. in 0 'll-`l!AIl L nun _. ... 1-"-.v- -us: run:-u W}. McRAE & C0,, N cw Store, Sign of tho Golden Lion. ...u v `in win, G90. I46 10. W. R. MpRAE E 00., N ow Store, Sign of the Golden Lion. ` SHOP and ROOM PAPER DEPOT, East End of Bigot Street. urder. 27 lbs. lot one dollar, at the Golden Lion. ` ex amp nazemne, portation dizect, u no gzve call, intend I rue arrival of Ne ROOM PAPER :5 w Design: 0 NEW STORE. NEW STORE. N EW BT63 E. W. R. McRAE & 00., - New Store. '_W'heat' Whiskey. Ind 51. L.....I lI___ Plain and Ooloured silks * in Beautiful Shades. (1.. L-.. vxuua 3 Gill DO mound 13 `b9 -K "- A] s undid Auortnuot of 31.401: 8IL12OM`AN }1"LE VELVE'l`8(0ompIu nah). ,,- __---. -..-u v nauv 419 (Ul _ The entire Stock of F 811 Jspaneu Pnplilu to bo sold -1: P: 75 Dress Patterns to ohoou from. uu mind 3 Lara 8t;;k of 32:0!` SILK! ' n no ntc 33$? oanpbo 13:3 in 39 city, ' pd Aha A nI....u.: A---.-~ - - -- oon MAPLE HARD woon mum G length: ; Good Dr amt ' y Wool- Maple, Bosch and Bu-oh; Good Sdt Wood, on ANaLn's wnmr, ' W l __ _ W Wellington Stunt In-oh ~/ ! "Ir! pr-ma-in 1 and .\'(.u'|o.q"` . `_ . .-u_ 1 `-1 ft; Garpente'1;s Black and White Loco Shnwll, Black I400 Inppm, with 1 grist pro- unon 3 ~ . `LBABBEBKB mrnovzn unwr mucus. ' BLAKE S mrnovzv zxrmtslon sums. IVES DOUBLE CUT GIMBLET BITE. MOR8E 8 TWIST DRILL8 - BLIND FASTS. rn - A - - roduood the t nun, All Four own m in no man of which in I-upset: tn Iolgztodi 1&1 ! ONE PRICE MADE. -__..--unnnll An 1 nailed` an Franch_ K Glovu. LI EIIULU. |i;;conm,. ma Rm, BLABTING` `Pnwnnn 8.+1MUGKLsft.l'N7|iIi'f`6`tI`: R. 765 J. G-ABDINER-.. AND OYSTE- rn am. lung _ - ~-----,--v--v -nu uuuuun. BLASTING pownzn. - COTTON AND W FUSE` ATER SAPEIY soup mm QUARRY man. 3. 1:. suovzus up mum. sun. A `nu:--... ..-__`_ W .. .... um-t e at run! _ and 1rfo'x'? 3335: ao35' in nu the Materials produced tho pruont ` Elegant Design: in G?onadinu. New Shula in Plnin and Balm! Batista. nnoaunlluf--I--'-`-" ' 7' " mug anon. Contain; oolhu wig `di ` d Ian indroo-n I .,...`;f"*_*,'2:;..i:1...;.5*:..';..........`[ ` y . Trimming Blh Illd Satin: onifon the Mu V Ngw Design: In F1-Inga, Gimp andOru- men I. I ' Black and White Real Laces. g . nnglumluad Union Stucco, 08in nunlur 00!! one-fth 0! III Ion each, which hultlxjn bounty of die an nun chngity. Ifornu say. For n-t`-* --' "" noamajnd bounty tho city. Term: 1 ty Jamel Iv, to the table I. On hands] nnainn in oml. ghy 19. 1878. "Km. ' ll . w Kins-ton. 28th May, 19 Hudunulhadu In Real Irish Poplin. Sujiorior Value in Black Silkn. . Trimming New D-4-M `- "- ' pznmcrno freon nuns. SILKS ' AND VELVEAT8, A. noss [AB RECEIVED T0-DAY I SPLENDID 10'!` of mzwssr uovsmts -- woda air dale. ARE NOW onnnrxagxr L HABDWAI M; muslioji` nuortnunt at . I La?o Stock BLACK rice tom 76oontI toQ8,u he found div. J. GARDINEII A. ROSS. -----_.- w-aw m.\'n:AcA An 1 0:1: w.u'ERs,-I `. ml` \' W '5: W nus I:'Fl` A. LIVI'1'0N. i " `M8? North H M n .ss`." itxfl Book --v v-._. WJQI WI. -~-. vv,VU to II , to 541' ; [beau 75 earn ; .-~Fl - tn '2 ,_-.n ..,. ...':`:; :::r;::. . `"0!-Irlng buyors ; mull n ` `-75 ; fancy 5;.-Eng at 6,1 "PW! I'M dowli to 15,6. ` `mu '_ _rp; No. `.2 Hull (93:51 "."'."`3'l.` "`7 lI_lO the Daily 5": June . xx Up! . rouupzg "2: Int... {hm "0 nudn. urn, ) h mg`.2"p.m. -- Gold 1155. ......u no. 3 . lulll m ` "mu. .|0 ;' line at 4.20 in of Iwstarn No. 2 on -,_ bushel: Upper Canada I a cargu to arrive P !.?9`; a cargo of com ro- "V|lIOnuIIcl|auged. Ashen ~-. cw; I0 .5.'cI H mm . - v-ta.-.." 13f.`}..', `3 ' .70tqH3,74 ; Fttncy. 6,20 super, .r.,7.-no 5.30. but, 5,6.-`p m5,50; super Nlo0,00; Super No. Men 6.10 ; hag rluur 3.00 'l-Md: Fall, |.2$. ) to L40 ; entrrn. .\n `P I ""1 ' 'IQIeuu'a gle factory Rahwny, ya.-nunlay. lcumhuhing th-v Fupk Wuiu, and fatally dim. ill! the Navy Department Bil British ueanner Tigrua . Hllnnod by Ame-ricam moon Nth af the Pulzxril. Juno M.----.\t the uprin, the Pro:-Ipect. {sir gruumln M- II lint race, mile hunts, heal uni In) entries, pnnm $3Dl)_ iy lhsngherami Gerald. 1.11 ; 1 '0 by lly 2.22; time 1.473. 1!. .... -.;I_.,, -- . .7 .u., 0.55 , ulna I.-41. ! hnacoud nee, purse 31,000 Int beat, 2.34, mile he.-nu. hire, in hnrneu. nino started. by J. 1:. I*:.un[.'. Jack '|I won the irs-t_. third an-T Mhgrey. Jr., Lidim Piotun. second heat and second place ; 227;. 2,30 unol 2.32}. Juno: l7.-A re In reported nonung raging in '.Vuubon,_ JIIo17.--Tlm uomnex-I Ccl- 1 hriohan arrived at Queena- 3 ' at Movillo, :11 from Ildtho Polynesian at Livur- ` thee. ` Junulci .\ an;-1-on-J incun '. |I.x;:n. Sliumln. ycumrdn_\. J00 rank of properly. x Tin ,un-en county, Ark, with :11 up burned on the 12th inu. 'Jnno l.~-rA low cum re- aalm have appodrecl \\ ithin th? I on lhu Iuh_i:-ct, huwovex-. hp, Ur. c..Ie WILH {um}. Thor. ` IVCHL. _____ _ . -.1-.~..v "3..- thin morning at the come: .455. m-eec between three: ` udnomo burglnn. which re 1 d|ooiu,,' zm-l.-pmb.1'ulu killim uoohhunnoot during n_n.; ' uin Vhc country and {[17 we Koggio, alias Rogers, or` hn`nea.reoly |_uu notnd til I in '`-~ ~ . tiom are bumg made her.- ` sud emertaimudnt by`1.ha- . njury and naval Authorities, 'c,,.u.l Palace, Opera houses, mu. Tho Shih will Iulu. `.p,ggLiu-rpool and Manchester. * bring of the nu cnblo from 3., Inlauni to Sydney, Capo `dgpntch (mm on board, dat,.,~d M, ygporu the ship wag in [ML I-_s-_rm`u., and longitmlo 14 dog. dmpid out 175 fnilu of cable, Grout Euturn has com. Qh IVIIIIIOI1 Btlwu. June 16 ~-The Shah of pom M301` 10-djy, and reach `an WI'dn0Id8y evening. Extra- jujlfiilfl being mad ` 4`->`"`."` L-Fol... visit j_gsPAIcHs. ! ...:.*.* -*3 Ilontrul, J um I7 I79} offered. H3 olerod. Inked, ll9 oerod; lot! offend; H3108 In Jam Jgu I7. Am. Luuuu 121.11. g.9, urlunn 95.! tntlgd, R... for the pan: three day 25,000 A-oricnn 16.011 . I7. Mn. no.0 U`l'1!3l)I`J_ ID! We `nu-u u LII-ricnn l,00II. Wgi; n---' - ""~-W '--~-- u... 1:. nu.`-t'--oh ma L ;m `An! account. [lunch I '65, g 92;. 1040': 39. New lives, a] , . ` . I. J... 17.-The Cutout: and tho-'l`rincu mu! Primumn of ' ndfillghll. il I'(!x!:ll lm] ght Elnpemr \\'i|li:un'o health ........ ....... ...-..- .._.. ...... ;yJ. rarinht-d II hut. the luvul with an nxd`-."'l'hu H. snur-lfiy night. and mrt, Fuck him to H107 woodqnml , Juno 1:`-. - tree ncllon ; 35,Wto 5,|0; . liluno Win, In Native Wild, `I-` , ,_..-., nu-u I. i, lid Rising .A!H) vosmrtxu-IA! -I*`|our -:`|Ipr~rwr Extra. u0t.o03,74 l".1nuy. 6.20 I] H -, Hf the Saxon nthu put: -1: tin: simm- I-xcw York. The Hand, gmlxrn, u colgbrutesl in -- 4.. main 1 hun- I in. .m Band of tho I .. .-u, 1.-I IO l,|U; 'enK.ern, No. 2, L27}; D IN; old W `mud W I 55`. Butter - Dairy nl_l.'I to l6:. AqheI-- __ '1-.'Al`! LI>J'4. Puml .\'A.\'A.!'. 084130` .\ln.\'S. VERY HUI --mu, ml offered. .kv-W naked, 97! , w.uo to 00.00; ;peu76to77 srye up. nvlswr UNI , III 16. Ashes- s, 8.50 to OAK). I`-olkl ; Putk --Meal I8,50 aux) tn mm . noun, nu --.---..,-,- _.. pose: to nuku 3 ton -n-ived, Hm Inn Liverpool, sing Star Ii-om `-I'oeoipt| 2,499 I ; Dollars pm. WI`: mic. Kolnlz at 6.3) on [SI ocrezl. ulna! o-In Cuttuu duil. on 01.1 11.. - I llnnvn v-- stanurncsuuul cl lnine Ale ii :-_I 4