nxprcu . . . . . . Mixed Trnin Expreu . . . . . . Express , . . . .. Mixed Tmin . . saute -Lines. MAu'rn:'.~4 Hnrrm..-- -Huge: arrive an Iron: thin txwc u {ullmvl z-- ` From Picton, daily, 5 pm. ; leave I Sfwlcxuhavyu, dail , I] am. ; leave : larrowsmith, `Iv. 11 gm - In- l odt;n; Post Oice, Kin uton, lat Feb., 18 3. -.-__. Grand Trunk Railway. Trainu arrive and depart from the Kit Station as follow! :- n....... ..._ , Exp:-cu . Exprcu Mixml 'l`| UINII: uc;1'uSITS received under th of the Post 01500 {savings Bank, hour: of 9 u.m. and 4 .m. (mica hour: from .30 mm. In daily, Sundays excepted. n 1 I `I Ian-an uuuvvo Per CANADIAN LINE (via Portland) every Friday at 11.30 mm. Postage 15. per half ounce. Registered Letter: should be mailed half an hour rovionn to the timo of. cloning the Mails. e ' trntion Fee 80. MUN EY O DEBS, on Money Order Office- throu hout the Dominion, Great Britain and rehmd, Nawfouudlan sud Prince l'd_wnrd ldnud, can be ol:tnimuI`.o_ em- rer UIHECT LIN Mdulay at 1.00 hull ounce. n___ 11.`. A-.- 4-- at n.-n ...-_ - - v. nunvvulvll H! IUIIIU ---- `CPI Ionld um: lulp things mcemxty. 1 II ' tiny something of the scenery of tho dim: "trip" and alto some impressions of Manual and its surroundingo, but must ro- urvo this for mother occasion. Yours, ,-_-.-, .._...,, 11 pm. ; wave at 8 a.m S lcnhaI_n, M4 pm: I an-owsmith, ly, ll n.m,; leave at 4 pan. Bnttoruea, daily, l1n.m. - lave at 4 Inn. lnverarv. Tue-.1... vn.'.._.1--. M - M-rival and In-|m`rtur-. ur Aftcr payment or! the mum] clividcml and providing far all lmuoa, claims and oxpcnwu, the mum of $905,905 was put by to increuc. the Fund: in hands, which nmv tunouutto-- lescrva Fund - - - - $1,571,520 (`moltul paid up - - - 1.445.465 Life Assurance Fund - I.603,2l0 Rink: taken {or thmo years: on Private Dwullingu and Uuntuntu on very lnmurnlnlc turnut. `I u .y|cIyA\nu|.n -a I. -- -- Ucflllu I U. 8. S'l'I{ANl S I`), M. D. . . Mmlirul l9'.mmI'uM' MAXWELL W. "l`lANl-`I5. AH ENT `.'- r' .". -3 8 88 UHICG: Uardu. a A mill: :6 uuusuuaa U1 LOIU. l"iru I :-cmimnn, lmu1cinnurnnccs..I2,55`J,l:-0 lining the lurgcut amount ever ruccivetl by the Company in a single year. N cw Lila Policim iuncd far .. . . . . 3,W2,7-|O Total Annual Life Prcmiumn, after deducting llcmumrnnccn ....... l,l03,9`.'9 ma Ireland, Nawfouudla: Edward (mice. Aha | m+.m. nu. _ -._..._.._... "1 i}'y./11. |NSURANG_E_GMPANY. `Liverpool and London. ! orr|cz~c|.AE1Icn swam. ] (oppomo the rut Oiw.) ._-- 'uvI- nun -IIIVIZIIIIG ICU IIIQUCC OCH ia.woulnul:otut|nlphwtoMonu'osl, and I lama numhur who` paid lurbertho nt'1'orunw an dept-ivod of them ultogethor, now 1 ml mi: that nut in not good treatment to stru- gun, and whilst: we qppuciaw very highly u boonthutlumailnoof shaman is to ll.` annuity u-n-..-Il.. ..._ _.....`J_~ AI 0LU,UUU,UUU, \VITH UNLIMITED IJAHXLITY OI" SHAHEHO LDEIK8. ._:- [)0 I' ()FIlUM, KI'.\'(l3'5'l'UN 1 nujuzl In voice: 1 sunsonm OAPITAL. Busines_of 1870. ,l'(.'HliIIn'll. [mu 1hu'n:u Illlillhnn Q4) KP. stage Hrvrzn.-V -Htmun an-ii 1 until further notice : 14 per 8. S. M. BOUCHEITE, Uommiuioner of Clutolll H. are ."'." 823 , mov lhl. am_Nu EM-fl`. Arrive. 1.15 RM. 2.30 A.M. 5.15 A,M. THE DAILY. NEWS-FR DAY EVENING. JULY` 11- ...__.._..:..j 7 W *" 13 73. In, only. Iln.m. ; Y, Tuesday. Tbunulay and n. In. ~ leave umo dn tat mrgh, daily. ll 1.!!! - Mm- .w-uuuuuuana sn Prince `rd, obtginocl at this Poitago Stamps and Post Iuotlut us; south shore, and than tw; must. as fruwott, nu] when all the yauungcrl goal: and nonhnndino no huddled together into on Icon. (mm mu ulna: 9. Nlm.o...| -.... 2'8 Arrwn. 4.10 A.M 3.45 r.M'. 9.30 P.M. DIN]! ItAu-In U lllncsa - arrive and depart llmn [3 `viii! IS! I 21855 um um new !ork)Aevury p.m. Poltagu 80. par `U VVIST. Arrive. .In A u ings between the 30 to 6.30 p.m., ml. R. DEAUON, _ Pootmuter. L the regulation: up Bank. between thn - - -r ------v --<--" rm '1 around an best you cm; and liar yleuuru! Iunkou to lava chair humus lay on the ' u: of 5 cabin,or niton thodack sllnight `nuns Anew kinda! plenum. '1`Ima spin one hunt uani darn nu. ....-M. -1..- _...I ; wave 51: 4 . mnulam ml 5 at 8 I leave :1: 4 !.{ingIto}I I Depart .l5 A.M_ Mails J; , no. -I W|luun'u . Htrcct, Between Princes zu Satinmwtiou G uuruutwd. July 31. ` `J rrmcuma Street, Kiuguh N OFFICE HUUIUS {rum 9 . From 0 to N) /\.M., on Frid the Door. -... -v-- .p- nu-wu uoo lluull anon I tho when 1 Q u-I. -0, H-........pa ....I ...z.__ JI -1 umw neen put on the marker, Sold by all Hotel keepers, Grocers, n Druggittl throughout Umuuln. tr Price 60ceutu per bottle. W HULESALE AUEI\"1'S WANTEI), unrepresented Districts. . Address 11 tuu.n.z.-- - `,7 A nun-3 11 HA I . Great care uhuuhl be taken in purchnuiug the LIQUID BEEF EX l`1LAU l`. See that the bottle contains the German Label and Certi- cats from l ru1c-`Blot \\'uguur, of the University of Wurtzburgh, and that it is prepared 1: the Liebig l German licgf Extract Uo., of [mn- burq, an other Extrhct of an inferior quality have been put the marker. bV llntnl Inmn...-. lx.......... , 1 (L. street. my 25th, 1372. , F251 DES the Umulcnsoal Bccfprcpnred {rum B the lgcst parts of the uniuml, the propu- Vmtion contain: Quiuinc, Peruvian Mark, and 4 mlmeronu herbs and routa grown for their to- nic llld hcn.lth- iving proportion. THIS 18 TH UN LY U()l\'l)l43N1'l6l)lllEF 'l llAT DUES NUT JLEQULILI4 UUUKINU Ult WAl{MlN(l. ll: W81! cupcciall manufac- tured under the direction of BA {UN VON Lll-JISIU, before the l llAl\'UU-l`liUb`slAN WAR, for the German Ioldicrs. Its tonic pm.- litiei n're.nmcln gre.1ter Lhxm tlnmw fauna! in any ordimuy Specic or Appotiucr, anal itu nu- tritive propenxu are sullwncnt to sustain th body without the addition all solid food. It in uuw recommended by tho l twulty in profu- ence to anything also an the hunt rumuuly lur UUNSUMl"l`1UN, GEN la'l{Al; l)l'Jl51l.l'l'Y, L058 U14` Al'l.'El'l'l`E, LUWN l Ul" 8l lll l`S, INDlGES'l`.lUN, DY5l'l'Jl 5lA, LA88I l'UDl, &c. No Article has yet been discovered that is so effective in all came: of Inilmg health in the old nr wcnlmou in the young. This prcpumtinn is not only the heat, but it in the clw.1pa.-rat Beef Ext-act__ol_lfcrc to the puhliu : 'l`Wu nu ; nu .. .. - .-... `uvlmu AIUAIIII in heart, bu: Extract oli'crc puhli-5: 'l`Wu l`ABL.l')Sl'UUN FUL being suiciunt '1'll1!EE TIMES A DAY. (.1.-..u......... ..|.....u 1.. A,-, ~,,'v _L \; spy/gu wtmwol. All clamo- mo :1 working puupm, at uitlwrmx, ymmg ur 41M, llmkuimrru mumuy at wurk Fm mu in their upure Inmm.-nu, ur all the: tinw, slum at may. lining bu. l'nrt.i-:ulnrn free. Aulalrunn ()- _l'l`lNUN JL UU., Purtlzmal, Maine. V 1. I E B I G s L Liquid Ext `act of Beef AND TONIC INVIGORATOR. I'KIg , N luutitutiun lmviug a high ruputntiun A furlmlmuruhju cumlncl. mu! n-u!.-minu- ulnkill. Acting urguun, J, H. MU ilHl'l'UN, MAD. Muuayu {or Yuuug Mcu aunt I :-om ul clmr 0. Aulalrwuo, llU\V/Mil) AHl4UUlA- 'l'lU.', N0, 2 Hnuth Ninth Htrcct; I'hiln.-l.:l- phin, I . a Au), 1`: $5 TO $2 1:! working numms. ur . . _....--_., ,-.. cow uu-u _-nuw yuur H058! (I00! 1 at month you w 3 iuom, and two dollars tun no doumulod, or perhaps ynu Au politely I--hnhst when sh balsa no ncwlumoduud 1.0 will no what. can be done for you, it than t. room you get 1 in-n.h," if {not you lay | van can : lull st... ..n...-..... A B1 M -Itrcct, I :-inn I . II. Clark. L.ID.S. . CLARK, l..l!.S., lm~."r,u. N0. 4 Wnlnu ___. - - '_ --v-- )UA'l'-I5UlI.|)l'Jl`., Untariu Pmoct, ucnr Llm _ Water \Vm'k:4, Kingntun, mt. A lurgr. muurtlnulnt of tirnt-clan HKIFVH uml J50/\ l'.`} on! all nimu on lmml, rmuly built. I71 mm P9`/\LI'J UK TU Illlilu . ml Hlnipu Hunt. For halo, l"mw_y Umlur skill}; kupt on luuul nml for male, much an I uhtuillccl Prize with M. the luviucinl l'Jxlnihix.nmm at (mturiu nml (ywlu.-u fur the past numlmr at year. All orders puuutuuy Mtunulucl tn; anal ul` work leaving Kmguuu Ln Lu paid I'M lmfurc lmwing the uutnbliuhnwnt. A |A..1uunr nu : ...........` A';;;;}I.u}.:s...;. u-1. n`i..;:.;n. :|- , , ,___,. . . . ` I4. Clcnlcntu, llcntlst. OFFICE AN 1) RESIDENCE nlipm Post Otcc, \VcIliugtun Street. Established in Kimgutou in 1857. Aug. 22. --v-o .. E nclf-cure, chitin, Autlunu, -liau-Mo of the '1 liability, I all dilUl'llul` sauna J-\I\Jl lend fruu u uimplc and um: mcmm of fur Ummmnptinu, mm- C:u.nrrln, 2.s`urniulu, mu] nny 'hmut um! Lungs. Ncrvuun rcmaturc Uucuy, Wuu.lmumI, mul l`I!rlII|II I.I .. May 15th. pmu per nmm. ' yo 2.;/,, 26 cents in bond; 73) ccutu duty paid par gnllun. Uolmnmx \VhinIusv 30/ on ......o.. :.. |......x . 60 cc-nth duty paid per gallon. a my [mm per gnllun. I Whiukcy 30/. `)0 L` ' AM ru mu-11 to nupply my \VlIlHKH'ZH at he ollnwing rntml : High Wines 50/,, 46 mmtu in Iunul ; $1.40 In? paid per gallun. a. mily Proof 20/, 30 cent: in bond ; 75 cents duty paid per gallu Prov! 25/, 25 cents in bond ; 72} cents duty `paid ullmu. l`V0 2J7. 2I'p (tuning in I......`l . `P11 ......b.. Morton's Bregvgry & Distillery N 0 T O E . ..--__ .._.-u -u-vs yuvturi. LIIOII Igllll but poi dawn the north nhan and nuuuuo an. umn. .1"... .....I ...I_-, `I - - IPRAINS f;EAVE KlN(H l'()N an {al- lmvl : Day Ex man for Montreal... . . . . L35 p.m. Mixed ' rain {or 6.I5 pm. Night lxpr_cu for . . . . 2.40 tun. Day Ex eu lm"l'm-onto and west 4.05 p.m. Night aprons " " 4.15 am: Mixed Train for 'l`m-onto . . . . . . .. 6.00 n..m C`. .|, HIIVIMJIIH "E. :TE. IIICHITECT, MARBLE BLOCK, L___ Street. [mun mu_n_|_ RAILWIW. Daniel Mclntdh. ANIEL MGINTUSH, Vetcrimn ) Grad ' Jnhn Power. ` IK.C'HI'l'I%"l.' AND BUILDING L VEYOB. 0!cc.:nd liesidencel eat. .. u- nucuomuu. h.lI.N., ' I'.'N I l2$ l` (uucccawr to Dr. Day) No. I50 Priucouu twct, Kiugutmn, (mt. )l".|UE {rum 9 A M 0.. r. I! u Feb. I0. Kingntun, I-IL|nJunu, I873, Vol, 4, IH73, - V- .v-r----our nu nu; Iunuuul Ul il'0Ill.I||.'l III I I up baud. Thu yrnctwo of selling yuu I Licku-L Islam you gut nloonrdhuud nlwrmmlu when ! I-on huotlcuvuu nu wharf sud you npyly fur A I krona, yuu no fold Aha: your mum loos Int. nun. van 0;. .i....... .....I n...` I II ' _4;Ia":!!i1ii+3<%i`I9iI=i~:#i7 ;'VifrEiii`L v A'Ity." A. McCorl;eil',- _IU'll I|l.'Ir 4.. unmrlsyny, Remedy Free. In] (rm: :1 In .. I Tl/"|"I`l.I'} 84. 4:0,, 78 Nnuumu .`3`J.rcut. New York. Wnhuufu Block, \Vulhl 1 Princess and lirock Stu. Iuumuteual. nuniuma sun- lletidence Queen U. GOIUJON, & C0., Montrcnl. Theleuon in whichthe bostecmmnieeo vcy brief that the company require to be evry diligent while it lute, and en the per eenger tne in somewhat uncertain, some. times very scanty and et other e cmehn it iepretty hetd to pleeee and provide an It is very rue fox complaint: to be mule against the Mail Line of eteuneu, an it in well understood that the courtesy of their o'lcere,their table And general manage- ment, cannot be excelled by that e! any other liqe.-Ed. NIWIL] 1 `J A.M. tn 5 l .M. Fridnyn, devoted to I no. A. MUUUIKK ELL. to 5.00 mu I`. J. l5|lYl)(H .H, M xmaging I Diructur. per day.` Agent. wxmkul. All uilhur -nu: Innlltno .... cents in Imml ; Inn I'. lmmwzu, Prnnrinzt npimuitc the trout. I'M. Iwunlri," Wulh'ugtm ck Stu. n yr nu, l roprictm n as wovvvwllvil vu ulul OUIIHIIUIII. Your uwrorpomlont was recently one of I [arty [rum Turuuw to Moutroal and whiunt {mun mu much to be oujuyaul, mm mu mom I r wmpluuu in Mu: manner at treatment I mhnua. Th. ..m..n.... _ ' ..l -..Al.... -.,,.. , n I I IUDUDIHT L"lIA!I.nI| 1-,l plllu, l and uuuununs. ' 111:5 ? CLASS }I0 1'Eb-:cunnot be ex- culled by any House in the County. 1'nc Home and Furniture are now; the Bar in at all time: furnished with the but of I Liquor! ; the Table 1: second to none in the [County ; good und uomtnodiou: Sublet and bula, wnh careful attendance ; a good Com mercial [boom tor traveller. Ulm-gen mode- rate. *tlI5|`IVnuTIIoum? su in ' t |Iuuafus'."" "'"'" "' lNIl{H'l' CLARK Iln'I'u-1 .... .,L . - I Proprietorl, ` Kilogufgnl, 8th April, 1873. Alplon llouel. Wcymp'ori.W 1140. JEAULI6, l'ropriut0r. l"irnt-chin aacoxutmulutiuu for Commercial 'l'mvcI- V luru- Uuocl bluuplu liuomu, I March 28. .......o uuwa, are now retting premises, with their well-known repumt they are: prepared to furnish all who 1 favour them with their patronage with I able ncconunodatiou, and at nnodcx_'atc'chm- The Table will be provided with the I nolcctiolm in the market. The Bar will furnislwd with the bust Wines, Liquors Uigmus. Uuml Yard and Stabiing atmchqcl V .7. uunxn uormerly tho (JERALDI 1mUsE;.- J.'he proprietor: having lcnwd tho nhuvc Howl, are the reputation, umv L... ...r Ll ` ` ` nunull note 1: `1()lNEl{ of l ltlNUE8 and M (y H l`l'.lE 1's (formerly the 110 USE). -- lmvi lluml urn ....... .. H llntrinxttiolnail - N US. I75 and [77 Main trcot, .|5|-uclcvic-.,` Unt.--Juma Jmmv, J:-., `l'ropriutol'. |'1'm5 Uumibuu to and from thu boat: and can. Um 1-ingot for particle wishing to vinit places of into:-cu can be secured at the ollicc. A 1"irbt Ulau Livery attached. May 27.1 . I vlidnyn. ntezuubonla and rnilwly cams urn cur- ' -....- ... . J The manner ncuou Inn xurw fairly opuuod, Ind the caucus am all lacking nut for their . tying an thouundn to rural: {or health in hlmr places. A huge number when I trip 6 0'1] the bountiful IA!-0 "Uulzlrio" and enjoy 1. nceuory of the Tlwuuud lnhuuln am! the ` uoyids." which purhspu for beauty czumot I a cucoodod on thin continent. I V-... ......-........x.|..... ...- M`, was noun us qcxxtrully located in the mumunn part of the town, in View of the fhmuuml holnmls of the 51:. Lawrence, and in .'.low proximity to the Finhing and lluntin Lzhoumlu. Ii` Good Bantu and Uarlmen lg so no}: in` uttomlmce for Filhinu Pu-tin-, {J L/Ullllcl` Sculrlllng M an In 30. uuuu cumrgeu, remtea and reiumishod tin; uualun. First.-clan sample Room: and ample acculuulmluuun. Uumuuncs most all train: and Imam. .1 huunn.u._. .. `u;V nu. Aun :4, ULLAVVA.--Tllil houw (J up entirely new in every 1-expect, havmg amen enlarged, retted and um Bumble linomn -ml an---In (my llou-I, )llNUl'1HS H l`JLEE'l`, KINUHTUN, ONT. '.l'hu Imus central Hotel In thu city. uupcriur nccuunnnmlutwu for travellers and commercial gcnucuwu. Ulmrguu nwdcmte. ! A 1`. IICWUN. l rnnriuun- ,, ,- -. _.--..... A I`l'2 0| LU.` DUN, Engixmd, llama-an puthic Vhyancimz, Iiurgmm, ac. Umw .lm1 lzmialuuw runmvcd w H cmgwu uuwa, mmrly oppmuiw the Mm: Ulliw. (Jail! in any ur cuummy, night or lay, promptly attumtud .1 .lAu\/4.1 LI 1- Jllllll '0 [nsvrmucz Agent, Notary Public, Aa- countant, kc. Oice over Mr Pnrkufl lrgg Stow. . Uc;u;V 1 1 usuwn 1\'J'I'U1u\'l')\ amlulcnh _ uf tlm l'u-ucu fur the Uuuufy uf Fronte- 1m.:, Uuturin Htruct, lxingutuu, du-catty uppu min: the Mmltrcnl 'I'i:lugruplI UoInpuu_y'I 0lm.A Kiugntuu, July HI, I571. J mwph isuwdcn. A 'l"l`nIrMI.'\' A'I| 1 All! L u- u - ____-,-.,...... ... pun-v ul Iul ylllllalclbl IHIEI III } Hm Untntio (Government. who have sworn pa, lotion] enmity tv tlu Uraugulncu of Ontario, i I mlun tho --user hand lmiu uwdm political ! arbodiclwo to Archbishop Lynch, John U'l)nuo- ; Lu, and Mun. puliuul olurluun, George { 1 Jun 4; cut ) I\ m;_;utmI, . .._....--..-, upuuuy ] AlHUS'l`l*Jl . and Atturycy-at-Law, So- licitor in Uluuuwry, Iwtury l`ubliI:, Umlvcylunucr, 32 King Xitroct, Kingston; Out. At Ummnoqlw, nvur H. MuUu.mmuu'u Drug Sturn, cvury 'l'u(:mlny and Flitlny. Jun. I1, 1873. _-..-..-. --...." -. ...... .. .. --_--..-.. _- ... ...... .. . 1;: CI."`.2"i.'F-'.m lay 23. Mczlfmnmmn, I.`zumuoquc, (|.l'1lK (H' JJIVJHIUN UUUWL`, Notqmy (J l uIli.:, (fuuvuynucur, (mmmiuimwr In cJuu-,cu'u Bunch, Iw. -' Nut! `)7 1) llcltur m unmncury nnu xuwlvcnc , Umnvcymuu,-rmul Nutnry Public, K lNUH'l.`U , Hut. _ Uicu, curuur of King and Clarence Streets. July 8, 1873. lzclw. ll. Hmytlw. ML, )AlK|{I:~S l`l4I|i mul Att.orucy-at-law, Hu- J) liuitor in (.'Im.m:cl'y, (/`uuvuyunccg-, utu. tmicu, Uuturiotrcut, next door to Montreal `l'u|egmph Umnpnnyn (mice. May 1, 18715. 3 u u ---u unuulilg ; A IKIJ |H'|'l`Jl(-A'l'-LA W, Huliuitur in Ulmw I) wry, n'$u:., Uluruncu Htrugt, lmtwrou mm ; Mu! Wc|Iin;__;l.un htlwtn. --..-..v- V- _- -- ...__V._., ` )AI .l{lI l'ER, Solicitor in Chancery, At- ) tumcy-,ut-Law, and Notary Publw, Uls- rcnco Street, Kingston, oppouta the Post Ullicu. ,:..1.. I. new * wuollrwn - g vuuuvuvu ..-v.. . - . _-_.-_- )AIK|HS |'l'SlL mul Aturnntzy-at-law, Soli- A ) citor, (Jamvcyuiwer, Notary Puhlus. 0!- mm, Ulnrcnao Street, opposite Post Utoo, Kingoton. July lot, 1873. __ ...... uyuuu--awn u nu! II [0 VIII! tho "bnthrvu" unuxubl-ml m Tun-nto will uy to ; tho conduct of the Ontario Uuvurnmmnt. It i 4 euuliduutly expected that your city in.-rril-er, -, no the occasion of the cclcbntion in your good ulgl cny, will mg no unuartniu Hound in the )_.u.ttot, hiuuoh a descendant of men who ' Imnnodthc walls of Derry. Thu good sud Inn Iwru expect that he gvill a-lnninhnor 1 Hz- hngrubuko to thaw ul his political allies in Utlliu (iuvurnm.-uh. ml... llama ------~~ - J mm 23. linn|lcl' ...T..;.~.n:` Wm" ` 1lN 1`1U'J TOWN, U .|l 1AWA.-'1`lniI lwuw J entirely uvcrv mmumt, I-mu--u I)/\R_l{l.'i l'llL aml Atturnmy-at-Law, Su- ) licitur in Ulmncury and lnwlvcmg, Uamv:yxungu,-ralul Nutnrx l_'9};lic, l_NU{4'l.`U Amo-Amcrnicun lLa4:u'l.. Ulll\'b'UN AND UN 1'A.lt1U a`:9'1'ltEla"l'B, liiugutun, Uumula. E. MILSAI do 00., Proprietors. Albion Ilowl, lllll-st, stlrlllig. U.H;'.\' AUKEILS, Munuggcr. First.-cl.'wl Uummcrciul liuuuu. Hood Yard. and I:u.blmu_ ' Aug. 9. .-._.. agg- Provhwlul ow], Gmmnoquc. - BLLOPIIY, l 1UJl'1t1E 1'Ul.--'l`l1iu Fint , Ulzu Hotel is centrally located names _p;u-Vt town. View nl Mu- Dr. Mau:l1euu'u Iilllce l |y'MUVE|) l'U MAULMAN & U054 Drug `Moro, Priuuum street. May 25'}. V _ when I; nu Nov. 27. Jam: A MM:mm.u.n, Q.U. JAMms Jwrmx, (3.0.- l'umlIt0, April 16, I872. Alex. :4. lIrkpu'tri(1.:'l(-,' q ` 1?)UN'I`Y (JHUVVN /\'J'T()llN|'3Y and Ululh I _j tin: l'c:|cu fur the (laundry nf l'.-....o._ ---wt `curt VIII! CIIII IIUVIII Ulilgua 1 The gluriouu twelfth" II Iwnring again, Lad speculation is tile as to svhst tho; "Imnl.hr...." nun.-..X.l..A ... '1'- -, ..;- .,.:n _._.__....___ ..... I115 1`!,1Y.`LZ.1"L9E:N.'!_`:- mwu. July hat, I873. In-I. ll ;-ury B. lvauuusu. Ii lH'J.\'ILY I5, l'2VANf$, M.lL,(J.H., I ) chm, Umcu, HM} l'rincmu| htruut. ---~~- -----~--vv VV - -`WV--U I Al1lUH'l`El.l8, &c., 'l'runta.ml hnntnliuilru iug, curucr of 'l.'urmLu uml Adelaide mats. Junueu I . Cillclcrulecvce. Llull. u w 'I"l'UlKN l`}\'-A'l'-LAW, Solicitor in Clum- __ uurv. Nuturv l'uI.liu. J3 Ki... m.....a n n -run In -/\ I -LAW, Solicitor in Clum- uury, Notary. l'uMic, .53 King. _u'uul., -sum, ` us. :1 uoou Bonn Uarlm 1 Finhing Partial. ...-... vvnuu uunr pan-uuage with suit?- onunodation, mode;-ate chm-gun, Isle but ms will be l and atmchcd. WILLIAM \vA;uoN1; u, uAMmsm.1. MuMU.LAN. "Mnunoi..6...... ..,. The ()ututiu (ion.-nxmc-nt for the present would mm to have dropped out of exintcuwo I Iincv Um nuw mr-fllnul "Dr.-mge Bills" got n-Iaelvod tlnrough tlmir ixnntrunnolntality. 'l'rm- ` ztw Swath Hut.-sriu cl.-ctiun brought. uut. A few J 10 the (rout ouw lllulv bu cuuviucu their mt.ol- ! -aita that they still lmlafoico ` 'l`I... n,.|...;-..,. .... u-L-- , Mauazdonnztid dis Patton.- u....: ',occ. 1, 1972. umumu '1'. 'wu1kem, Albnikilbtel, of I ltlN4*.l`..~m .....1 1` II F I 5?; .s. '.i}.r{s4;' A. G. 800 PT, Proprietor 3 mnmm. ]l0'i`El:_: John mmn.-., I... L7]! n .-.1 .. 'l'o:-onto (ton-espoudonce. wrul lunol or will IIAILY Inn. ; lit.-Lo tho columns 0! your pogo:-u-oool cmnplocoly lloofwith the Huntington olurgoo (or rather the Huntington lmnbug), I oor Ihotoio not much room (or Turunto goooip. I ; -ad, lnwovor, at tho outocf congratulate` you. out! through you the whole Conoorvotivu pron. for the uppnrtunity you govu the UP- position: 0! placing their whole can nofullybe {on your nulcrk lmlooul it won |hort- ; sighted policy to have dune Anything loo. 1 The friend: of tho Umrurmfnent here from the 5 n! dial not fear the most u.-snzhiug enquiry, , anclumil they nw that the Brit chic! qt-' tamptod in r ality to hock clown from the po- ; tuition rot nuumod,noy prulmbly would have 3 Ilailodnt the wlwlu alluir ; but this :Lt.mncc- mnocul their feelings. and the general cry than 5 Wu not only mbio your ulmrguu, but prove; them lnolore 1 cuuunittco upon omiru cvi-| dance, {on no-thing also will ntiuly tho U0uu- try. I 1l'|... l|..o..-;. ;!....._....__..-. 1 _ .- II. o. my, DANIELS, Pnumuuron. hm! miusluar. nlpif. v . ` g . mwmh rropmwr. nu unwu. Uau In r J. JAILV 15, MJ). --vvwng 71558 MUNTILEAL nerlv tlm munu m .: NJ I :4 Iain` . Proprwtoru, 1 un 1 u.I'JA L U ERALIJI |a lunuul I-I... I 0 mqy a With nut.- ate nlmn...u... A E Toronto, July 9, 1873. yIpI:r|1ul uuu mzwu) tn use than gitlu, I `uulauthorkodto contract lorudvgrtinngst our lowest total. ` 'M. I;E1'l'ENGlLL E 00., lhto, St. , Boston, 37 lurk Bay, New Xork, and 701 Chestnut Stnot, Plllladolphis, no on: Agonta for procurin advoftilomouta for our paper (Tan Dun laws) in the Above cities, and guthorilcd to for advartininn st noswn. `U. A. EDDY, Sn riufandont ; (1: W. SM `H, A cut, 0 ' rum 3 afit:'1'st'1.Ic'!,"Aa.uas, Ferry Wharf, foot of rdak Street, Kingston A til 30, 187% vuaul I: ully"0l.ll(;!' IOIIIIG. to to! Kb` t WI cu-twin res passengers and families: n: West to we the Agents of thin him: home ruyin clwudzore. - Uunoml Agata Washington Street, mm. -0. A. .bnY, riutandont; 0. SMITH. Ammo. Umlnna ...mI. nnu umw rooms, than by any mm-`E Linc. l'lw psunwngur bmincu will ruccivu,pMticII- in attention this wtuon. Lu-go cabins and mate rmrml comfortably furnished for lirltw (_:11lJ!l pnucngcn. Also uecand cnbinl, with wok stoves and nod nccommotlutionl {or ncngcru and families who may with to furnish their own pravinionl. listen for nmmum nr I-..:..I.o ..I...-..- I...- we-Ir pravinionl. for passage or! than b any other route. will be far tlm in \Vl!l1'. l . ` ' ' ' Thin Line offcrn the inducement: of plan- smrc, cmnfnrt, safety, lpmulmrul ocoxmm cmnlrinml, and at luau rates, includingmu and utato than other balm.-nuur huuim... will -......:.... -.--u--- Linci between Ogdemburgh, Ouwego, Cleve- lmul, Toledo, Detroit, Port Huron, Milwau- kcu, Chi 0, Anal all point: West, North- wcut and outhweot. DAY BOATS AND NIGHT BOATS. J`1w Day B-mt leaves Ogrlcnalmr h at l n`cloclx p.m., ilaily (Sundays excepts: ),_ on-`on arrival of trains from Ottawa and the Eant, and rum through to Milwuu'k_ec, Uhig:a_go and inf.unnn.l:-L.. -.__L-- ~ '-I ...;.m;- . n. mmy (Sunday: ox te3)_o1-`on `. .r'zr .a... Ottawa neg?! tho: Eat rum Milwaukee, Chic a uni intcrnwalinte pg:-to without change of Evening Line for Oluvoluul, Toledo and Lake Eria1 orta. THE l E0l LE 8 FAVOURITE ROUTE 7 ` \Vl.'l1'.'l'. ._...`....___._.._.._._.. ._._._. ..w...-..._ ....~ ._.. - __... . Vermont Gen tral Steainers. 5 run. 2' Ew..v/xu, JULA) wI}~.` I9H$I1ll|(:I'I OVUT 'I'hin lplundd , steamer ha winter rwutved will he found unsurpnuetl in and general accommodation. 0. H.` IIATCH, Tic Kingston, May l4th,'l873. '.|'uuday and l"ri_da . ving largo renewals an?! t_ionI urin kot Agent. uuuuvuw Ivmu mu. Connect: at _ inuutou with!/`ape Vincent Furry tcnmefl, H. '1`. ll. Traim East and West, Mail Lipc Steamers for Tm-unto, Humil- tun, Uuwc-go anvl Montreal, and Ubtnw~s l'tmncrn T uudny l"ri_da. uplcndd ltemmr lmvim. . ....:.... u.- Iwn nmnu: lZ:lDp.m. ' ` ' 'I'uoodays, Tlnurulnyl sud 8nturtI.o,yn- Bollo- villo M. 2:46 11,111., Pi .-ton at 0 a.m,_, arriving in Kingntmnalmut |0n.m., ' , Rcturning-will lcxwe Kingston daily at 3 p.m., grri\_n_ng at Picton about 7 u 111.. mu! , ' uvuuuyu lulu .l'l'l(lIyI-150llUVinG It 5, lficton at 8, in the morning, Arriving in King- Itnn nlumt 12:15 p.m. 'l'uou'ln_v:. Tllllntlnvn mu! l~ln4>.m..I.... `n-II-~ n mugnumamvut l0n.m., " arriving 7 p m., Hcllcvillu I0:30 Bum. l'nIuu-nu. no THE R. M. 1873. For Plcmn. llcllcvlllc and inter- nneulnltc Ports. NEW ARRANGEMENT. rvnlr vl uununun DDYUUI. A comfortable and convenient Waitin - Room for India; and gentlemen tn the whu-,. ` C. H. HATCH, Agcnt. Kingston. June 27th. 1872!, -um, \I.1IuIul]l uxcdywa). l uaumgcn gain to the W4 'l'iclwtu via Grout Vustern, .lJ wnulwo and Micki an Contra Dctrnit, l/`Mango, A ilwoukco. uml also for all. the prilwipn \\/put, qnul nhm .3- l)....u_ 12,41 KlNG8+dN HARBOUR. .....--.. av,-_,-, 1- 47,2, nctronn, uuw-agar, Mmvaukuo. Grand Haven, principal point in the Watt, and law via Pnailic Ruilmul to Utah, Nvulu-ulm, Colorado, Nevada and California. For Pnuiga Tickets apply at the [Also And Itivor menmlmt (nnw, in. Lawrence W bu-I, Mutt of Johnnm Ktrnut 1-or rnunge Tiek_otI II] Itivor menmlmt (Mice, I Johnson Street A ......l...;-1_|_ I ` u.-unun_y rv S3hIJU"lUu At 6:30 n.m., for Ulnytam, Muxnmlria liar Bruakviu, Pruwntt, Ugalcmburg, Uornwnl, mu! Mnntrual, daily (Mmulayu cxcuytoal). ptumiug tln-am In tho ofelightful scenery ol the `flmuuml In lllllll and all the ol the "t. Iwrulwu by clayliuht. tmnnuctnm at M...._ ,.........,, .....--m in law msngnuul of the by daylight, aunnoctmg at Mon- Lrosl with tho ltenmon for boo Murray Hay, uwiere du liiup, Uaocmun, ' ulouua, and the fur-lamml River dguunny. mwnmn-- `I 1.. - I 'l'Ul(50KF, uvplmulid A IU AN :um4wA"N'.7.*.. . . . . ...u.u-r. um.-uuu. Hl.'Al:'l'AN.........., Duuuw. l`ASl'0u'I'......,....... " 1~'mmwoau. MAHNICT .......... " MUGUV. (J(Mm,lN 1`lllAN l Auunu.. . At 5:30 19,111,, fur Uolmur , Port Hana, liuwmmwillu, l'umm.u lull mnilwn, duly (Mumluyu excepted). At (ml n In Inn l'I-..L._.. ALr-~-~ ' ` " }r mm, my rn:PA1I'F5nE {mm Kingston, _ mmnucncim; Int July. 1873 2- ' IIIUJIIVQO Ottawa. .... ..... .. - 8.00 pan. 12.30 pan. Iicnglrcw . . . . . . . . 2.00 pm. 9.45 pan. Hrm;kviHo.,. . . .. .. 1.50 p.m. 9.45 pm. la` These lluacln are of the same page u the Hmml .l`.muk, and there is consequently nu trauuhipmcut of Fgoiglnt, when in car- loa.da- L Royal Mail and Express Line of steamers. [For Ottawa via Brook}7{11e. *g,m,. wt (!|l'l`AlN CUNl l7I'l0N MADE WITH XJKAIQ TRUNK TKAIICI. 'l'Illlll 4' lXI lllH TRAINS IIAILY limckvilla .~ Uttawu. ,. llcnlrcw cAuAnA__pm AL1 Brockv ille ' -Yalnd Ottawa. RAIL-YVAIY-s. L u. n. rm. Kingston, 21th, 1873. ..__._.__...+_:-...__.._.___._... Canadian _Na.viga.tic`)`1_16o"4 `Ls ...--., .. (JUILHIUAN . Hl"Al{'l'AN , l.'A-$Hl ()'l'.. M A(:Nl'J'l' .. lll-llN'l`lll .1 l>5rm.-Iwillu, May 6, 1873. _.- v v .-----w -v CHOU, U.u'-r; wnlzn, 7 ILL leave an followu :--MondnyI, `Vod- nosdnyn Ind Frid'ay|-Bolleville 3] ! I? 8. in the Inn:-n`nn ---1--5--- 3 " ._.....v,. -4; nun, uuuu U IIul|O- ' clurlutan, George BUY toxin TICKETS -uu nu; IIrJl. I|DJUlll`J tram cmnvucucim; July, 11573 : Dlucuaui 1,411` 7 1- N. T. Company, of 2] tnnnh IM...4 ......... u.-noun}; sly duly. [BN1 Royal Mail` Lip}. HHIHAN tn... L... RooHEs'rEa, (}Ai"f,' Flu` A I In ..u -nuIIru nlvur uugtwnny. Express L 9. NINIAIY ---- 'l'IlV Zulu : or freight slvnys lower 7 UPPEB_ CABIN STEAMEIL} L V . . . . 4 4 r ` . , . 1. (Iva. .- ......-v_, - v---g A Suorrcu Cuumu. |R"l2 - rlrvwvill K West can procure Vuttem, Detroit sml Mil. , 7.20io.m. 4.00 gun. 9.20 mm. 4.45 pan 8.00 mm. 3.(I) pm. I{ I V E . ~ we won procure Item, Mil- Contrnl Built a for Vkuo. (lrnntl Avon I) nu ma ulw Ind . `Whu-I, H. AB(Yl'P, All In y 56 .9 u., and 1373. s mmmsnzn an .. .`;Z`.`. .*-"',::t ? 'B'1isinesiI)ir"cto19y. jg.`-_ '1`,-._,,. __ >7 _ V ___ _ _. ,_ . V: The urernllwmc, 17 urn G mv to June: and J ("In An Klpunt - in Ila` C'I"y7l2"u'Ze?_;'"i'a _ Jun;-I Street; orb 0! Youvilla uul ' (Ill!) I0 5. I . IFIDIIIII I" _ to W. (own I. uupy t Malcolm; in IJIIIQ: Urarnmnnm. I`! (I 531 Juan uvneuu ; In Paris p k .. Rue du 4 Heptoauluv Schmitz&(,'u., 01' v ~* - dnm up 1%, 1'. lumum E" B! W llhuunn 1:, Hum: I-or rrelgnl or own Portluul to J. L Andrew Allm ; in 00.; iullavrqto` M. D'()rleuu in Paris fl nun u 4 Hmuhnnlnu N are intctulud to all 1 Portland at intcrnll . , Winter Nsvigntion. M 5` An ex ' ` Usual. Bertha not For Freight oIO'l"` Polnml to J. L. -...uv.v, Iv nngot street s , Saw mu . STEAM SAV`Vc:i.I'LL-S,B ' '. srrwlueld. laLA8G:,;q Main and nuaugu'l Scotlund, are intandadtq Pi 1?hXi7xN I U U " vunnmsu 4- SUANDINAVIAN `-` 11 ST. PA l'1lUK, lo`! 9 Jam. - s r In al aa.`. .`.. ..`. ..".'.'. uI , UIWAESIAN ....... .. . M AN ITOBAN 1:419:00 UANAD AN POLYN IAN ...... SARMATIAN .-`. . . nu HIBERNIAN ........ UAIIIPIAN ` SUANDINAVIAN. _ PBUBSIAN AU8'1'.lLlAN .......~. NESTUBIAN .... .. MURAVI ........ ` PERUVIA . IIIIIIIIO u unnopv` `H 41:41: sou sco 1'uu1.... NURTI1 Amzmcul % "` ARUAUIAN ......... .., _ cuu1N'1'mAN 51'. mvm V 5'1`. ANDREW .. _ 151'. l A'l'I~LlUK ..,...n; v THE BTEAH LIVERPOQLL; IALLAN mw a.m,, Wulaaiqf days ; 6 mm. and ly.l`.,` I r `lfrcfght, Pac$,'ilr' lion? apply to the 1-or rmgnt, Pall tiou, apply tho; 5:00 o'clock p.I., and Fridays. _ uumwm moo o'cloo_k am, 114;; 4 p,tu. ._____m _ -___- ....... uuuua, nnrnoli Tolyacconlst. - WHITE, 8. P. Pnnoeu street. lfll 10.00 o'clock I.I., 5 pan. ' 8:30 } c 4 pan. Ill] lock a.u., 1 Nu o'clock 2 p.m., 4 p.mf la.-1 301).mI1 `:30 p'.` K 7:30 Mock 5.11., 9:15` 2:30 pan , 4:30-`p.II. Wmnbiu 8:30 o oloek 3.1.. `H-0- 9515 M :30 jun. 2 Z.f(,.L ,,`. ,'}jf`,`}_ Mm. Imq .;._ I I'll! Six . HI IHIL1 6:00 mni, lays: n.m. A _-_. - -. u--,_u_., | l'lll00HC'II. Printer and Publisher. SHANNON, JAMES, Princou-st. In uh 5} , wxnm. `J5 _ X -`-3% um-mum. M nunamg. corner at Toronto Strut-ta, 'l`urunt.o. MUIHE, JUfI.\', Uhruucc-st. SULLIVAN, W. 11., Clarence- SMYTIII-1, E. H. Ontario-st. WALK EM, II. 'I`., Clarence-It. I I.--.-.. `:4 , , ya I. ` Fianna. LII: HA. Brown, 8 iANu to 50; wort ` ma. , 1 THOMPSON, H roam >UoMmu: Agent: _ __ .... .1115! u 1 |`1II. , rung-at i Notary Pnbllc. (cc. McCAMMU.\', 35., Uannnoque. [ orcan Makers. BEYNER, JOSEPH, Princewnt. Painters. MUMAHON, THUS. Bagut strut, ` ROBINSON. T. R. k 00., (Jlarccc IPAIUIBOLSI n'.l'm|h_' I 9; ?cnnn1 amuul - `BIC, Ill hfth 17 cu hhltiona in odd line: wi v _ I` I wsnzna; 00., Ito. REYNEB,_.L, 1 Illoop kirhl troop] HEB GR I! can -6. nap no.7; I noun: , --m 1 n1uVA'l`lUNAL," Brockv: 1 PR()V1NUIAL," Gannnoque. 8'l`{LI.\'G HUTEL, Stirling. Insurance. HARTFORD, J. V. Noel. NATION AL LIFE INS. CO. 0 Mlmn-n, Aam-0. K1u'I'vA'rn1cK, A. 3., tornav. (Dnbu-i.....o K1ui'1wrn1cK, County Crown At- torney, Untnriu-It. ' MACDU.\ALD 8; l .-\'l"l`UN, Trust and Loan Building, of Toronto and Aalolnide .`5r:_:et_a, 'l urunt.o. . .. ............-m. vv. .3ruANh'E, Agent. Jewelry and Fancy Store. UIUGUIK, (1., Sheteld Homo, Princess-It. lldlllln Wood. | L. M. WARREN an 00., Bnrricfiold Stcun I Saw Milli. I - . n4-uvums, JU-`HSPH, Kin - ` lJ7t\'\'. B. U., corner of I ntl. | r:1LI)x~:1:.~u.1cEv1s,JAs. P., I It. Lawyers. B1-\\VDEN, JOSEPH, '-It `. DKVY. B. U _ nnnmr . HALIULV AL LIFE IN3. of U.S., J. Mngurn, Agent. ROYAL, M. W. Stun '6, C114-onco-It. wEs'1'1mN-M. w. .' `RANGE, Agent. I Jewelry lllld Fnnnv it--A IIIIICIIO ALBION, Prinueu attest. ANU LU-AM ERICA N, Ontario-It. ALBION }I()'l`EL, Htirli . BRI'I`ISH AMERICAN, ing and 8&0. DANIELS HOTEL, Ottawa. HARWOOD HOUSE, Ontario-It. [NTIJl{NATIONAL," Brockville. ; PI{.OV1NUIAL." um...m.... uugullrllv. llatten. uuuu, WM. Pi-inceu street. Wholcsnle Dry Goods. MAUNEE ac WADDELL, l'risweu-It. Flour Ierchnnt. MORRISON, M., Prinoeu-It. Grocers. l!EUG,_,WM. & C0,, Brock-It. DON N ELL! JOHEPH Princou-at. HALLIGAN, JNO., Brock street. IIARBAUK & 00., Princou-st. McRAE & 00., W. 1%., corner VVelli and Brock Ital. MORRISON, 11., Princeu-It. l'Al{Kl{lLL, JOHN, Princou-It. ILEDDEN & ROWE, Priuccu street. REES A. J. Princeu-st. 5UO'I."l` & DAL'l`ON,- Princeu-st. SCUBELL, BROS. corner of Brock and tnrio streeta. WILKINSON, GEO. 11. Wellington I I_-AJ __.---., .....v. u. vvumngwn It llardware. - UHOWN at CUNNINGHAM, Bagot ltl CHUWN & SONS, Princeu-It. MUCKLE-STON, S. I. 00., Princcu st` M(:MILLAN & KERR, Princeu street. YANKEE, JAMES 8., Prince-`It. Iln5-I.. lmuxuslcu, 1:. a J., Prilnceulti UILEEN Fl ELI), JAM ES, Princuu-t. MOORE, JAMES, l riuccu-at. It IUHMUND & BUYDICN, Prinwu-At. ILUSS, ALEX., Priuwu-It. SHAW l MINNEI4, Princouqlt. ' 9:V.U.DKU.\', l., Wilson`: lfuildiugn, \Vol- nugton-It. lIUCIor'a I'2\ ASS, ll. 15., Princolu-It. -IAKVIU; J., \V4.-llington-It. MAULEAN, 1)., Priuceu-If. 1 i my uooau. ;,\lLm.\ ER_ IL 11 u-:----~ ' .'E U! -THI6 MOHT NO'l'AB|.l'3 PRO- 5 ( pcrtiel of Dr. Whuolurr Elixir of |'hou- B 3 plmtoa and Uuliuyu in its uuutaining power during active mental nm_| physical exertion. _ I Iiunimssm mun, mliwrt, clergyman. luvycn, phynicmuu, am! all clause: engaged in any oc- ' _ cupatiuu rqquiring put at rplwntinn and can- u ~ scquem fcuiguc, ml] lind t Ii: remedy invalu- [. aim, an it wi enable them to nwmnpliuh . Elltll` mark with cmupnrntivu mm. I hulphM_(__! ` I ul Lima in an active agent of nutritiun, conni- . tinting meme than fty percent of the system: - I Phoophorouu, a. powerful Nerve Tonic ; Phon- , ; phat: oi Iron. A blood maker; llld Uslinyn, ' mu agreeable uupporting Tonic. Sold by all _ alnrggiat-. I llclllllln L'LA|LK, I". M., Wclngwn-ht. 17l.l'ZMEN'l', L., Wellington-u. )lAUI)UNALl), J. 11., Priuwu-It. n-umlu, ur;U,, l rim,-L-u;u-ut, MAULEAN 8 C0,, Prilwcuu-ut, PAKKEIK. E. IL, Market qmue. l \Vll1 j.'E, ll., Priuceu-It. M "II . II: 0! H49 Water: 0! Untarsqui Ki- ' I g` 14:0 Ontlnruo mtvrld chug )3!" hem V , GU18-"I'M oxunak nut! > [ of Hsldlmnml Covo'tocBouio": mt st Green Bay could be ously nude, ma ' would uonl our extent ol berth: cl vault ll an Add axcnnn. in u... |...|...... I I I ' m nu "WWW" v -I " m'us.\' w ., H~3mu'r. u'r:u.. i'r's.Tl'$7:c" "1 U".. l'l'iluu:m:.n'Q mu 1!, 13., Market Square lllilub BUN., Priuccuolt. mnuuumz. ! M()0!{l'Z, '1'. Hruck ntrcut. .3IIr.`I'1\UHH'I'( N I. UU., cmlwf If King I l'rinuuu-sts. tunrccuuncrn mu! lruu store. nu.sus1.I:, 11., Brock-It. L'U1\'N, IL, Market Squuro. UH`UN., Priuceu-uh. I IIIIICHC _ Kl.\'|H.I'3. \\'M., Prinuou-ut. , .\l4:('AM.\lU.\, \V. k J.. Hluuulnlcu. - M.t:ul\'\'lI.I.l`:. I`Hu:<,, u..1,..i..,,.t, lflothlmg. I }_\I.e.`.'.\lH:H l'n\I 1. Mn V -- -P vv nliil vv urli. i Booksellers and tauonern. * 2lP)XlH`3l{.s'U.\', ._mHN, l'rint.uu-st. f `:1.-.-\lH.I-JY, l`Il.US. & C0,, l\'mg.ut. 3-1',u:r:\', 1:.,1 ` Ilunn- .....I ul- , --- .. - , -.., uunuvrvv. : > gloom and Hlwcu. ; Ituljl, EIHVJN, Priuccu-It. : |(U'l"l'.\.\' & IMILIE, Crystal lo can strum.-t. 3 .\1ccnuK 51.1., A., Water \Vor|u. Untnrio-at. , mu ngrcual :Iucuullc(3l l f nm.mcn, `Bll:NJ., Princeu-ut. % uu'4`cm:sux, J. 1-:. Brod: utroet. M UILRA Y, WILLIAM, Anchor Huildiugn, ' Market Hquarc. ' ` In!-_'\lll.l.AN, Ularuncu strcut. ` II-_4 -n_nu g new-I mun mo unorvunnol the ' The rocky Iluml apposite IO Ilurlut : I - lmil up might hnvu been removed, and tho objectionable nucleus {or the dopmiu Km-mod M. the `:1; ol the water: 0! (Jntnuqui vor _ lakc Outs!-in would have been nu In adamant excnnoc to the hsrbour. A: ; cut through the rock on the out side of tho ; ` earthworks st Point Frodurick. would also give ` uhlitinnnl hlrll. chow-up grmmd,esti taint 250 4. H wholly unclean from W. intarvIIti.ncnu'|'( '""""P WW9; Clllllltod st 2150 sent, now IV|_wIly tho intorvutinn ol the 3'1'|I1ltl- n-elw ulmulifa than Illnrlxnt Arcmwcus. .2.\(:l`Z. RUl}F.ll l`, Priuuuu-at. PUWEIE, JOHN, Queen-ut. A .._.4l_.-- _ "-7 rxuunU.V, ,. :..'._..-..-..-.._. . =-.!#9-~T'!%7% R,..L, Prinexaso-Q-t. hnl-.1... ._.A - ` ` .-. .., -.mrum:6-If . ,_ l.I'!.uor more. !N, H .U., King-st, 'nhn-v ln..|.u - .._ as uu., uurcco street, `l. l:nofortu. 0., qonwr Princou and 0ntari6- oszrn, 33. 1, king and Clarence v, vuu uuuu aurcul. I508! Builder. I I A 1L-.A-__: A unnulv I Um llr IR! R. The Ouwogo Time: is ivi description of t the ports on Lake Ontario an here in what it uyl about Kingston. The nbove is situated It the head 0! the river navigation of the Ht. Iawnnca, in I buy formerly by the heullunl dividing that river In-Vm the Ustsruqui, sad in the Rot-th-u-tcrnmuct angle at Lake Ontario, ' one of the bent inll harbour: in iurth Americu. '1 ho Apprnubeu to the un- oro grumul admit the nntmnci: in any man- tllor vyangln of much gronter drpugbt than any navngnnug Lqlw Outm-no, Kingston Bay I may be clxvnlud mtg two pin-ta, duunctly Ilarkod-an outer and mm-r bay. The latter us lounovl by the mouth of the Ustnmqui River, 341 in I 1 on the north and cast by the Hghtablo ' cl extending from the cit along the uottl hank ol Ethu: L,'ut.u-aqni to t no hat and loclg. at Kingulnn Milii ; on the ninth it in uhcltatual by the bold Paint crowned by Fart Hunky, which alivialcu it rum the St. Lawrence. On the nurth auul south side: of this mint are a tin uupll bays, tho nortbcrly hay. nmvu u Ihu llnldinuuul (`m'u, having loop motor at it Iltnnco. This cuwe ur hay is separated from m hatlxmr by a low point. callcal Point. ' -It, st tho extrcmit of Which Are earth- works encircling n xnartcl o tower. Thou is 1 `ml inter on thinrpaint, extending toward.-1 tin ipwr buy ur lmrlmur proper, but the chm- Itl botvucn it uni the shoal It the tower, di- nutly yup:-site the city building. in deep uucgh 01' any lake-going vuwl, uul max k- od by two Inn: on oithcr title. The wcntcrly I ottutnity of inner buy in put c.lu\vn`on old 31:! ll Miuiuquoi Point, now the Marina III! yuul. QIIIAJ hnv mnv In {maul I... - I:_. __ .. n , ~-avcu-nu. Auctioneer:-. LIIKJ v._'.. ,A '0!-0. , '. ., Ulnrunco-It, L UnL-min.-0. .....u u., L n Ilotels. .4... .5 .. ..A. llrmzuiutu. Y\' \' n..;..,.,. I Butchers I In. .. \clI'l|4. llcu tlulu n'..m......... ,. noun or noruu ol vault. I oxtnnoe the harbour. A rock an (Inn nan . aid; nl OI... I - unau--IF. L, comer Wellington - wil- I rixweu street. GUM )., Ind . Itroot. I.L.B., Clarence- 7,1r::':$co bf, Itreot. and On- I Clarence Block, I'rin the -- --v---*-I "" muuraay at H nan. 4 pm. Newburgh, daily, H mm, ; vs At 4 p.m. BrAvru| IIrrn.'-Bath I e arrive! at 11:30 Mn. on Tuesday, hunuday ,nnd Sntunla ; leaves at 3:30 o'clock the lame days. aunonoque, daily, arrives at 11:30 am. ; leaves at 3:30 p.m. ' Auuox llmn.--Morton we arrive: on Monday, Wednesday and ' p.m. ; leave st 7 pm. _--_ -1- -_. -_..-.-wvn -Iv:1Il II II the country generally, we conddu there no lliny thing: could be easily improved. The |aHc".gcucnlly in good, and the cccn and Ionuno vary obliging ; but 5 link attention iron Board of Direction to some mutton -`nnhl Oluinlp |-..l.. LL:...._ ._-A,..JJ|-- '