Kingston News (1868), 28 Jul 1873, p. 2

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9 um] i! you want to travel with uomuboaly who win`. J. H. l,'Ul'l`, cm nmlw you very comfortable uml happy from your toe: to your hair and back again all the time, be um: and wait for Capt. Scott and the Peruizt. ll Capt. Scott can't lo it, you need not look elsewhere, for every body elm: in out of town, uml I am too," It in a lourcc of great wonder to ma how it in pouihlu for a lake cnptain (aunl crew also) to go without nlcop, but they do it uomohow--n.t lomot Unpt. -`icott aloe it--all day and all night, and all the next clay, on deck, rnmumumo vessel: to get out of that" hlcuiug (2) a cmnmamlur of 5 mad wow for getting his line: in our wheel, or entreatiug in his mild and genial way name tag captain to (sale her oil on the port how, &c., all the time outside from one and of tho Ihip to the othcr.a.nal yet all. the time looking after they lights in the cabin, the comfort of hi: guuta, and everything also-- tImt what tho matter with him. The porn.-r of tho l'cr- - . ..........u. may mus can about] $38,000, gold. Shu in 140 fuel . long, uevcrnl utories high, an-l wide enough to juul :4:/rmww 1/mnq//; thu lcyku in the \Vullnml Uxuml (if yam knnw how wide tlmt is, l alun t); him :5 cupm:i- ty for l6,500 hunlmlu, nml 80 pnum.-ngcru, in- cluding oivcru mul an-w. Him in cululnululml Ipv mun: Ur `nu . I'|t'lu!l/|, and very ably has he sustained the grace and dignity of tho olliee. He in a little inclined, however, to detail some of the duties connect` ed with that important ollice to his juniors. Still we are all charmed with his `noble bear- ing and kindly manner. Hiu 4t[I_m/tI't4' in im- proving, and he can now liupona of {our meals per uliem. This morning he wan a lit- t_le indignant at- a htwknian who mlllrczmcui him in liovernm-," butgve were able tmmotlm him by explaining that the man did not know his true title, and he was not at that early hour in eourt drew-4. llut l ntarted to tell you about the Portia. She wan builtin St, (.3athn_ rinel by LC Hiunpnoii for the owner, UAl l'MN .unv.n Nouum, I wealthy uhip-owner, resident of fit. 4,'atlmr- imnu, and an old lake.-aptain. I met him a few momenta ago. He in weather beaten and broiizeul, but hale, {at and hearty, an jolly an any jolly old tar" you ever uaw--yet a thor- ough gentleman, and one who know: ju/45 w/mt Iriiul of a boat will do the business anal carry a crowd of delightful exeuruioniutn. But I forgot,` I was simply to tell you about the l -rlia`. She in a nice boat, clean and hand- mnne, nieely arranged for comfort and enjoy- ment. I am informed that nhe cont about $384300. mild. ill... in I44: r....:. n... - is a splendid craft, vory lmndnomo model, psiuted white imsidn and out, nice roomy oaliinl elegantly furniuliocl. cmulmtable stato- rooml, ouy clmiru, uulnn, &c., with line vcnti. lntion and ample rusumnnmtlntiuu for [my or oixty puucngoru. l`lu- l oi-sin should, if poul- bla, be rctaimul on the line between Toledo and Montreal. She will very mum be crowd- ed with pleasure smoker: and tmvulluru tlmt, are cumltnntly going from one point to tlm other luring tho uummor nmutlm, nml Wnlllnl gladly eucupcftlau licnt and dust of milrmul lu- wuwtiun. 'l'lw l'urni:| will mluertiua lu-rmzl/' in one or two trips. Uur party from l`nlmlo in it very jolly one, and Wu am all do.-Iiglitcal with the bout. Uur gnml friend, llunry L'n:mmtt, WM immoclmwly after leaving the port of To. loclu olecteul Gt. Oathdrlnen borrcipomlence. . Dur Nun,--We arrived last evening info and umncl after 4 dulightlul ride Ull Lakes Erie and Ontnriu in the new boat of Wlliczll 1 am to tell you. may nanny: 1 I11: nvulnul A CIIABLIZY IIULM 1'24, n In... HA. 1- AI - , ..-..nv Aur a were six victim: totha -on Saturday alternoon names were William ny, Jamal .Murpl|y, Ed- lcC:u-tv_ um 1u:,.u...u- - ,-_.. .-...uun uuu HI, I deep, .'m4l autrong cur- otlwr three men are all in ruturn 4:4. oI...:- .l..L- .....v u . - n no "Olly not been rccmvuered Vluun IIHIL... _. 1 U. J vv Hun nor IIWSI lflllll , I {am that timid that Al what it :- urjllladu upon them. But ti on -1 * tolqnmu hnrv hcan ounningly o;r..rt.1' I x Ifclfullm run part of his tcntinmmy, and ` gh u-y may gnu) show that he and V his American lrienduuhncribonl to the fuml. 5 30! div nut clam-Iv h. nu... ...... .... -- AL..- -`- 'l'lw Directors of for the pmuunt weak :n,' WillinmI5rrv1olny, \ Travellers of Club to-mon-ow I'.--'l'lw body bf `man n.m.....-...I -. bvull-II vvny IUIII6 F rnm 1ll.tho bin, cIuc-vt|ml.' wlmtn La . um turn all their duty. v1;II1I 1 I7] Ell and St. - nvvuuncu '--Youru, 1: 7&7 _.. an . -.: uu NIOPIVISH ' from Liveipool anixsd at noon ith fty ntecngo pauengon. The Texas (um Liverpool and Belfast arrived at 9 :;.m., with ninety-seven emigrant; and nineteen saloon puunuen. ` V ~ - v v - I wllll Ill. uunlll nvo t.ons--vuro taken Im in a field, taining three acres, belonging to Mr William Wuod, Clerk of the Munictpnlity at North unnghun, and muent appcm-noon would in- dicnto that wot not good crop will be cut this nouon. A nm-ymm nnmm .,..-..w uuyvu run. We are informed, say: the 19'.r,mni/u'r, that eight land: of 4 about five ton-were M tainina than; 5...... I J ' rmum were working on u rum mr Frialuy, when six of them keeper Mul owupc4l. Four 0 long clmw through the mm qucntly cnptu rod. W. liln ..l......_. I " , . . V - , . civil; l'lm lllrt/I/'/4;/at I./:If;4'tt: hm: bun in now is nice louking wvuu-cu `ulmut clmlhlu it fnrmur uiza. l'In: 'l`m'nntu Nun, alter rmulin; prince! prmligulity in tliutriln wmntu nim sum. to Uumula. I'uI A number a! cunvictn from th- Priuon working rmul i 1":-inlay, mix of 91...... - A Imskuaman munual Jolm Mc(/`uli, belong- ing to ufrcight tram, fell from the tender on Htmmlny ovuuing, July 26th, near Bri Mam, aml the lnwk truck of tho tmulvr mun hi lug, Dr. Dean WM immw intcly uont fur, nml fmuul that Mad/`all : head mm M ' lnully injured, mud in M npiniun that the pum- man cmmot livu but .a very short time. The man lm-1 mince alien]. in mus work in me]: that {J d_oubt but the change in 1 lmu will be effectual in Oct A Ivmkunuan Jo Ill '10 ll. fI'uiuI;l- 6...... 1 II A The London A dvurtiner no prupnmtionu are being made all along the line of the Umml Trunk Railway between Sarnin. and Uolleville, for the change to narrow gauge. Aalditiuvmlltringern are being put in, tin are being adjuntud, and the prugreu of the work in such that tlwro is scarcely may doubt thin purtiun of the Uctobcr next. A |n'uInnn.....- ---~-- ' ` ' " ton tlhe {act that ,,,,`, -.a-uuvll MI wumuon have been in autumn at Pnctou two lay. Dr. Hsmgutcr, formerly of the Normal School, nddromsetl thcm. London Advurtiner notes glue Trunk ltnilun... :...;....m~ H - 'l'lw l ri:_wo Edward (1 wui.-m'on have In (lays. fol nu, , i I ` ` - uuyonu cumprelwmion. Bun McMullun ragnnlu himself an nmply cnmpunmted by hnvmg hiu name appear in ccmnuctlun mm the list almvo referred tn, evun if his told ranches ll dogrlo ul buunou monnnou maul tuaclning, from which Judas: Inca:-int. would have rocoilonl with horror. } _, -..., uungauon. H0 is destitute of humour, principle, or gmtitudv, and is beyond nll'cnviI the moat truuchormm, two-faced, imoiuuutiug, choc.-Icy puruevcriugnnd persistent kuavn, that him over rumlurml t no curb-uturu; fmmm in Chicago. How much nu ndvonturt.-1', unknown, pouniluu, uncouth in his uumuurn, without mllueucu or uocialutnnalilig, and with not]:- ing to ruwolnmend him but his: uuhlmohing impudcmcu, ill-mmnmr and Many chuck could think to impala; on honourable: man is beyond comprehension. Mcmllilnsrn rnmn-.l.. 1.1..----1' ` ll IIlI'lI' _I' Again. mutual. ln`|'|mI't`tl c uzarln nl :- sun I I W D. Acorrcnpmu1cnt.of tl.o Toronto Ltllllfl`, writing from the Fixh Avenue Halal, New York, gives upon and ink sketch of this local celebrity. Mu says :--As a Canadian I feel gram] y nggricved to see in HIGFPIIIIHO prints tho unsulliud names of Sir runciu Hincks mid Sir John A. Macdimnld assail- oal l) {I Umimlixni xulvunluror named Mc- Mul on, who loft his country for his coun- try's good, and who in lmown in Chicago as . u cm'lIltmu: brokur wholly without capital, clmmcter or position, who could not bar- ruw iivo humlrod dollars on his own munc to unvc his lilo, mad who lms principally aliutinguishccl himself in being connuctcal with several notorious swindlcs in getting up bogus Insurance Uompanics, the chief of which was the State lnsumnco (Jam- pnuy of Uhicmgu," and through his om: thouamnils ol lnruiorn tlirouglioul. the orLli- 4 want woru nwimlled out of thousands at` lollurnr, maul many wcro rcduqoal to bcggsry by him. _ This Mcliullen is a Canadian by birth and has only lived in Ch 0 5 low yoarr but has, in that liriof pcria , rondcrod him null 11 social scourgo by borrowing snml llllllll of lnnnuu .....l ..lx, , ' ' nun lb IUUHII NOON!` sums of momey mu obligation. H4: in .lm.6:o..s.. -1 uu mm. ; um I. mat in clincher 7" \ Sn furjunt thin, that J. L. Uenudry, Ilen- ry Statues and P. H. Murph , of Montreal. gentlemen who formed It portion ofthe elec- tion committee, volunteer the utntennom that that letter has no reference what- ever to the l ucilic ' Railway coutrxuzt." [`heirdeninl appeared in the Muntrenl Gazet- ol the 225 inst. .....uu nnul unit DENIAL. 'I'|mt luttur uf Sirs-.or;.;o Cartier to ir Hugh Allan, dated July 30th but, nml ru- furrcd to in u latter of Sir Guurgdu duto.-cl August 21th. What have you got tumy to that ; ain't that clincher Snfurimctthiu, t.lm6..l 1. u.......a-t. -- um urn Imoumcu nf tlu at lmwt in Wmohlm.;l4m. wm: or hill mlcy |5o|4h:n, coloured, gave birth to four chidrou--~t|xrc boys and one girl. Dr. Tucker, who nbtcmled the happy woman in her illneu, given It u hin npiuicm that all four ccrtninly will livv, and that them in a {air prospect that in due time three of them will realize the full benefits of the vnriuuu mucmlmuntis to the Ummtitution,- At uny rate, they were, at hut. Iwunuutu, in the un- juymcnt 0! the lulle-at mnuunt of illfqnntiie huulth and strength. .l'hi.~ in hulicvud to lm thu Iirst imatmwu nf the birth of a qnnrtcthe, urmm, we win: of Mr Jowph 1':tggur, u runpuatublo well-to-do faruner,-ruuialinv in tho tnwmship of Duwuiu, pruw-Mm! Iaurizmi mu] umltor with [our uluildrcu at u birth. Two at the little ntrmnguru were boy, and two were girl -~tlm lnttur only omrvivccl, and with Uwir mutln.-r are doing well. Mr 'l'nggrn-t in 1: var mmla.-at and umuuuming mun, chm Wu ulmunl tcmlcr him all the cmvgrutulntimm uuntmnnry on such occmioul, but we fancy he - woula1'lmrlly tlmuk 11 {or wishing him many similar rcturmv. , On Frialuy lnut, at Kant \Vu.uh'9| ton, in mlnurcd wumun mumul Eliz:IJwtli' folduu, wife of Kin mlcy Holdcli, chi drou---tlzrec hon And mm ..:..| :----._;.-.--_.. URIAII HEAP" BY KNOWS. A Hum l3,u.|.. ~'l lw Uolmurg nine: "in to arrive by the boat in Kingston to:-murruvv muruing,V and Hm nmtch will begin at half-put one The nmtuh Iwtwuun Uuulph and Kingutuu created 11 gmul deal of oxcituuwnt in Uohourg, hm! they are pretty condent of beating the St. Lawrence boys. On the other hand tho St. Lawrence are dctunnimul that there shall he 1: hard light to win. Thu Ih.-V. Uuurg Young, 0! ,Mrmitu|m, who want prcnmnt wlmn Scott was shut at Fart (inrrry. is to pram-J: in the Queen Street \Vr9$- lcynu .\luthmliut (Jim on Sumlay uvuning, the NM: of August. l ||I' tn llrpu ..... ...........un muw.--u Lu gruwylng to learn that the aluciuicm` u! the jqulgeu in awnrl- ing the prize to the Hurt-iuuln lmml much: with general npprnvnl" no rmyu the Wnturtnwn l'imea,- and the tiyrncuso Uouriar my: 3` tho Unmulinn hand WM It gmul mm, and the popu- lnr verdict nue1ncl to he with the junlgauj ,__._..__.-._._.j 17110 010/; comcu to us today cnnsidcmbly \ rmlllcutl in size. It in now it umnllur paper I than the Mail. ' ' Ai-u-17$: oia{3{'ciic iioiyneunan. Mnntrenl, July 28,-'I`hu steamship Polynesian arrived out to-day. ...;_j.L____- _, .... . uuu-uu n.nn I DIM I115. On 'l'lmrm|ny hut, my: the Htrntlord Irmlrl, the wifu of Mr Jowph unpm-_t.:_Lblo _wg.-ll-to-do faruner.-ruuialnu_v in :1... {_----u- County ' loll union :1 Tml. Uummou BAND.-It gratifying to mm Mu: uluciuinn` nl Mun hniunu in nmgml, STILL ,mu'rm:n I)E1;IAL 1`|mt.h.m..- Al in! !...... . . ll . - _. ` Icx1'|:Ao|:n1NAuv mm'H.~s, l`l........l.. .. l....L ` John] tfln. In" In...- D` mgutcr, nwnru Ununt Teachers Y men nuuinu 1 furmorlv of ti... N..-- bargain mud n nah: nnmlv. Th whatever that the charter munvy. and us but in Q T` . In nnlv an-unto -1- A-hm-I . "nu -"nu. w, riuuliug of tho Fllmlfu lity tliutrilmtinu xn-m.....o-. -,,_... .. .u.wuenu nay-V v {mm can- ltolouging William at sppearncm Won 1.: an- on! uly near Brhfmmn, 9! nmmu nun- ii Csmulia iof p afterwards i slow u n yum gnoring the r: bun enlarged, wvuu-cnluum mun :r rmulmg ol tho Slmlfu tliutrilmtiug [)l't99IUllLM, ula. I'u|mW ! l....... ALA " "` the Halifax City in tho uulmrlm them overcame tlmir Fuur of them, after it 0 Woods, were nume- the Pal ` ,4 ,.......u man and n-cnluum paper v - lne lstcrborough {excellent hay--I From field. can- -lfIIinatiuu_ uf Sir John. nut to allow` - -uwrlcml xnonquumcnhocl "10 flllltl. City clcsrly in any may town that 1 the I|l'9IL'l'i]!HuIllVWcI l' given an t 10 rumll I : 3 compact, but rntln-r as a part of n nlmcu `; IIUUII tilt czmw In grivf. notwitlutnmliu-,; 5 tho nwnoy -ulna-n|u-d through the lirm d:-- i Alnuricam to haw Hlu clmru-r. 'l`hcy Hm-vs I oprnt tn catch n_nI:u-lmr-11. but the m.'u:L , am] rufuncd to lvwczmglnt, nml now they i complain that they lmt thv upmt. l'ln- 1 money mu theirs. and Hwy cnnl-1 lune Iu- rt It in their puclmts. 'l`h.-_v prufcrcd tn 1 I-in it in the lmpua uf {arcing Nir John A. to bond to their pllrpamml. 'l'lu9_\' lust, mnl now we]: to make lriendn of the 1) :pu.iti.m to punish Sir John for his rufuan. tu ilgruc ` to their lilllcl \ 1 `(ruin ll... ' 'l`eachoru' Ag- Lat Pictm. tun. 0; E W110 .' 0| 4 llmm, Hm"... . oiii:{ntsP' A Condiments I Condiments I ]aii` 1 Sardics Sardines I 20 , ,.-, -.... ....-`u uvl nu {lid I'M` I | monc-y._ n Inn J lulu mxulu. Than ll only proof l ; ll` nlnu-tinn Hun... I I 7 5,000 pnumln l'n ulu by A GOLDEN LION. , V ,-.-....v.., Jun`, Him and upmsicutinuu to ho mu-I Hllityzlf, Mnrlolu Block, Priucus Htrduh. The Iuweut nr my 'l`em1er not new nccoptod. . n t .-.. I ' ' ILI. lac racuivml by HM umlonigned cu FIUDAY, AUUUHT hot, at lcvm o'clock p.m., {or Mxwma, (}nrpcntur'u, Plumb an- u, Htcmnlit.tor'u, l' u, Uluziurh,` am l'imsmitlu'u Work ruquinjopd in tho altoratiumd mulv mlditinm; tn"tlw llauitlmwo of J. ('!AIlLU'l`lIMlu!%, Mm}, . i )n l"l`l4Jl) MICATH in l"a'ncy Jnrl,um1 mul- , -cmllouu variety, l4'ron`cln'(}npcn, Frontal: Wivcn, nhul Uil in Hagan qunrtu, Salad Oil in gnu pinta. ' V ' I 3 . ."'H NDTIGE To _u:31mcions mu-11' Aim : HI......A I , ' " _ N38, pickles, Pi-cl I nary only pa-oof't.hst tlldowu 5 general I oloctwn thst durljist oluction than-r j who I Central Fijian Committee to whmu ` _tho cundiduu-lulu for money; and that 1 lnmngal, like All such cum the (mud: and most tin.` `A W them. thonulu __&At I- can cunnilmlv nlfm---.1 ;-v FTX1-"u. AS ILEMOVED HIS OFFICE corner I Priuaau nul Ki-m -'- `J ,-__ -_ jurnnohly, V-cry ne Cncgmuntu, l'c:mntu,'und Nuts (H ull kimln. Unrrntrncn, Mineral and Seltzer Wntoru, Pam Uorn Hulls: by the barrel, All to be mild Wholcomlo and retail, AT Cherrieseand strawberries, Pine Apples, _ Tomatoes, - Oranges and Lemons, AI-m.|:s aim] l l<}M)lll}S I July 26. Pianos, EW and V, 1:. Mcmm oz 00., NEW H !lIlll`2-(1()l.lH `I n viii. McBAE & 00. I Nmv u... __n..|.1,... u Plmm and specific.-maxim may be neon ut my nicu. The lo'wcut/l'umler nut no-cc.-`mmrily acct-pie-I. JUHN Pnuvutn 1 Ilullyllll 9| ltta-nliu Qucon Street, Kinpgntml, 28th July, 1873. July 28. ENDERS will be roccivml the mule! - uigncd until noon at '1` ESDAY, the 5th pruximo, Var the M1uIou I, (J9. renwru, l uinLur'u, (ilnzicr'n nml 'l`imunith'u ork nf curtain nltcnntiornu and zulditimm to ho nude to the Uuutum House and l'ont,-(Iicu, King- ston. I I 1.. - Anlcrican and (Jamulian 01: runs. (OUNTY .0]-' F'l{.UN l'ENAO SIX PEI: C (,`lN l` I)!-)|`.lN'l'UIl|C BOND?! {or male in sums to suit purcluuwrl, from ve bun. In-ml ($500) and upwardu. Apply to _ ` F, P, rznnnr. Mic` 54:1 ' M1! 1.. M, _,u... E a`L`i`Z.,, `..,2;.u -""`e`.`i . "'} .'."`."f.C, .; '.::::;:::...7' `"' 7` M co: .... DIED. M Mill Point, on July men, Albert mi. wunl, infant uu,of Dr. Urynhyatekhj. of Napmu. ' : ugu. .- I K ingutcm. Ii!` Tuning auui Repairing dons. July em, 1373.` _, ,, -.-. .....u-.uouuuu mm l'u:,'('IVI' lln Ama~nti.m. l'Ivn-rythingfuruixmla-.1 for inner- timunuuc |n- nun.-unnpmnicxl by the Immr mud Ill-Ira-rm M1 the writer ' Imt Iscmuumrily fur fut-limtiun, but an uvi-{uugmzf uut.|wntiuit_\'. t in nlmra-quanta-I that vurruupulululltl wxll -mly write on mm uiclu oi Mu: ulwut nf pap:-,r. Na cnnnnt mulcrtulu: to return rujm.-tul twlllllmnicmiullu. VcAmr.sTsA1:nmus (nmnll mm time, for min, wholesale and retail. II -- -- ` ' IIIIIIIJ UV ' F. C. CLINE, Hccrctnr and 'I`rcuurur, Kiuguton nml I'cm ni -uko Ii. R. Uicr. _ Kingston, July 28th, 1873. mmcz T_Q_[3U|LDERS. l`II1'lwy I l'lllleH. K _._-._vuv\/ `W Vlh NEH 1'5'l`Ulll .' -HOLDEN LION. __...._.. C LAHON & HAMLIN, Bmstpn ; immunl & Ulough, Detroit, nvnclytlnor mulwru. NEW 'b:%%'sui; :1}ZiiI"" 3 ll 66 II I! II If `(-11 A -In ma m.nii..a, Hnltul Cream. Ilurw lhulh TENDERS .vn.w.| r m'r.'.{'i.\'u, .//2 1. McRA_E .. .. ._..... . ..........,`... sdnbsjgn s Aus7 NEW! _ _ - - ---`I T AND 0YH l`ER 'DEl O'I', "King street, Market qunra. I. Thu first/nl the u _._-_...... uv vvog Nay Stare:-ltqlflon Liqn. s1*n1uc -uuLnEN LION. AT THE l'rmum in pa-.i_'mo order, for! run-u unc. nm It fni nu! c-nnllecting u-. -umupil':w)' against the rlrr. ' H'I'( Hf Golden Lion. '4. fu':YNI:u, l rim:4.-an Sheet. -u ru'vIAJnnIll'lly uc(:l!pTl I JUHN l'(lWl`}Ii, Architect. I. ) ' ll. (1 AU E. Architect. 8: 63: V nuceunril yg [skies 1 at my V07 Gflttgizziig .flii.v5`.~ \J ramovca Il'0llI III w- Stnct to the 81:11 an occupied by Mr ' ban ' City Book Store, wlwnlli I want on bk lama pucolh * Jnlv 2]. um unzmmx mic cm! ` Lt,-nmn um] Struwborry HIV hhml. - soda Water--!c5 RT:`1:s Bnozjl Inn an 2 July 21. -- III To In land oVll'!'h*`w W. J. kmu swulcxcr, salon-6 , July 25. 1 w pg we are mrt sllmnd by 50` Ale, Wine or spirituous 1.49110!!- will therefore IQ us I favour by order: earlier in the day. , * , 1 u A innnml ` July 25. `I'D (Xll{|E.V|'l DN I Vl`Il\"l`S. mm mlllllliutilllll mm nu um. l'Iv4-rytlniluy fan-w`nral-.1 f4 J; I... nu.-.. --1 |--- \JNlI HT July 25. _ __ id` S/\ l'Ul{l.)_AY EVENINGB. Hill I I9 Mo, Buiritumu Manon. July 24.- I'l ll HIEAVIJ removed In at 0.. LI`. III July 22. W Chenpcr nnd, hotter villa lhj . in tha nurlut. July 22. D l"McDONELL'S STORE, I I IIIICI. therufurv. w-- my more light The uccoml attempt in :3 vrnftily one. But it fail: in tin. mum-oi--I Gl{l<}A'l` AlJC'l`l0N I Joseph Dom: With rm mu am-(3; Msnululvlfhl ` Gomls Sell! -._._._._..-..-.___ TRY THE LI`: HALF PBIGE N 02202. -.... .. null nu um Mu-nun! acting the Uuvornmunt with punp|u.- lIaIl_/'u.r ll EHO III . ' H. A. 1uniucl5`t; At luonmr, s-r.| , July 27. p in Log:-n Tn death: _( it-hf EXC in physician: o hlaoln made t id druggints. - I!" `I..I U elm `I ; {Amy pl Iupor mu t wily I.o'o:m:'z'.`f.-3 ntrzuv. ~; Wu cannot but row zltailwuy buninou M oum tho mcnnu of giving In: it illt Lu ilnnriuoo nn------- SW1 j W. wholly out rnyl uucmm attempt. in in the a dim, 1|... 4:.............. nut. J-Iv _ ' Gilllll D- _ u .1 I..-` M 0U8'mM:4 I0 Itmug ga E.`:3.L:`f.':;? vnnx_ n, aidudll 11$ . . -_.:A.L_ ;T..'.I.'.'.'.'.'i;, ppulin, I ml mummzl Th in I V ct;-E: I n | In|l|l_V n Mu-ntiul vunnb n ..... .....,...o- ylllall won. mwrnau an hour : herd labour the smoe were subdued. The oxtent of the damage done was not sneer- tsinad, butit did not prevent the boat from continuing the trip. The re occurred when the boat mubotweon Kingston and Ouvego. There was nomeoxcitement among the pee- Iengon until it no ucertuined by them that the tire was under control." ` I-`mum A LAKI 8'ru.unm. The l .m:lms- tcr U nima of Friilny my: : A pmuiinger who arrived hero/at 3 o'clock thin ,morning on the nwurmer Abyuiniun, of the Cnmula. Navigation Company : lino, report tlmt last. evening, while the pauengaru were at the luppor tabla, all the vuiton and employee: were csllud to tho dock. It had been dil- covorod that the bout in: on n around the boilers. The pumps were manned and the ro engines punt work. Alter half hour `HBO!!! the ltnnl warn -nluI..-.I mt Cum-um !.`oL':.-An oioven from the 0t, tawn Cricket Club prupono making I. western tour (or the purpose of playing at l`o:-unto. St. Cathuriuoyllamiltaou, Portopo, Bo - villa, and Kingston. Returning outw , a propmnl bu boon made to play Hamilton on Monday, Augunt 4th; at Part Hope nn Tucmlay, M llullcvillu an Wudmvmlny, and lastly, at Kiugnum am Tlmndny. ` The Duke of Mam-lu;n`tor And Lord Mande- villu, who are making a tour 0! Umuuln, have left Quebec for Montreal, Ottawa and King- non. Thu Usmulinn llrnil/Lola;/M, 5 monthly ro- cm-d of information rolating to Canadian Orni- thology, uclitoal by Dr. A. M. lion, Toronto, Willing nml Williamxoli. We have received Vol. I, No.` l, of this jnut-nnl,aml we welcome it nmxmg our valuable cuntribu tionu to winn- tilic literature. Tlw article! are well Ind clevurly written, and tho illustrations are Alone worth the whole price 0! the work. \Vu with Dr. Ron and his co-labourer; in this: new lielal all Iucceu in their patriotic labour of building up a. more geuunl knowledge of our loathorod visitor: and residents. G ._ . V Wu lusvq t_o thank Mr Town for some line pearl, the `t-It of thu_nwzuouf They nppeur fully ripe and juicy. r Acotompomry in in error in claiming for Canada the victory of a cricket match played on; tho Lord: `cricket ground. It was the Engliuh tom: which viuitod Cuuula lut nea- uon that beat "5 like number of English gon- tlcmon." Honour to whom honurin due, with 5 good Grace/' .-. ._------::------I------ Mr l -ruplly at (iunnnoquo bu mlclod another tabla: to lulu billiard mom, for the wcommmlw ti7:n nf the increasing number who ongngu in t.luin1'ntm' game. We are glad to learn that Mr llruphyu hotel in wcummoclutiug In large mnnlmr ul tourist: this uummur wlm mnko it I ban of operttimu for ulning, busting anal camping among the l'lwmIan4l lu- lnnda. The funeral of Mr Smith I morning, and was mm of the I: lawn in Kingutnn. A short term the lmuuc, the Rev. A. \`VilIa 90th Punlln and lulivoring a altar which the Rev. Goo. R. .;;.,';.-;1 in prayer. The pull-hen Wuruhip the Mayor, Alderman mun liobimon, John Crcightoz I and John Flanigan, Euql. uuvu -uv av vvwo uwuuuvlav I01 . Th` 'blv b9"Vl', will won came to light, anal nothing short of the clearest and (ulleet evidence will oulce to mtinfy th. mimleef both pm-tin. lt.loo|u bad jun now, though not no bad, but tlut there are hundreds of any: to meet sud oxplain even he meetobnoure thingu. UM am,` in Nb Min and tint in that but little credence can be given to the ntntemenu of M,_ Mullen. 'H0 llll Iplld lug V917 fab ehaneeebl Iueeene by telling too much. If he had kept silent md said nothing, 0, if . he III`! 0905013 l0 What he could prove 1;. might have had I hit show, hm hi, .4 neat: ooh: lnvebeenmet by fllubndcon: , ning evidence that they l1'e!nluu~..n 1 mt-nt. V __- ---V unutnl yuan - uistont (rum have been xmulqby the Edu- cation nuthuritios to ignnre it nltogothor. It wuulul not be surprising ta find that they wuuld bu lovurely overhauled for this littlo uuniuuio?,-Tt1_i'ing the next Session of Parlia- -. -..... ....-. murwuntn ol Uctubcr next. " M Wu clip the show {min the Muil, and r- can only any with refuruncu to it that it in `l_ the first really wmible thing thu Council of Public lnntrnction luui lnnc. Thu propmml tn hcld nuch an uxmnination at the cloud of "I .1 v:u:ntin_n pf wvcn wculm, when perhaps: not one half of the pupil: could have buun got tngulllcf, and to exclude the Iclmoln {rum all hunelit of tho (iovunnnont `grunt for them pupil: no uluuut, would lnwc houn moist llljllfldllll in every runpoct. W no lhurcloru well planned that the strung re- prewntntiom made in curtain quutuu ulmnlcl have had the denirod affect. With this nnu-mllncnt to the rs-gulntionu, we bo- '[ have they will be found uatiufactury to the niujbnty of tho nchoolu, and will do umy with many of the: nmnifult climnbilitieg umlor `' 4 which the buttcr schools nru labouring. I We cunnnt for thn lilo uf us_ucu why mum I nllmr crpnslly valuahlo emu-l.nienlu of tlm lllgli Sclmol Act of I37] ulmuhl not Im on- lurcml. 'l`lmt law luyu lawn a bani fur the dinlrilmtion of the (luvnrmuont tummy, un l thrms cuinbinml uynteinn ; Int uvorugu nltun ll:tll(.'0 ; 2nd the lmnglli at time each ucluml is kupt CJM ; and 3n] the ellicicncy nf the vxwimuu slmuh; in tho slnbjcctntullght ; and strange as it may appear, not only has the: lat novur been admitted, hut tho most pct- olfurtn nd they Ii f . nuthorizml tn ntnto ` | c-vuucqlwnlco of ruprcsuntM.iym , . ulwrtneu of tl|o--nutice uml tho j uf holding; the uxnmimstioms for l 6s1"mmnmmr or ExA)l|:lA`I'lI)Nl0 run Alvulmunx 1-u Hum Suunm.s.-\Vu an: that the Council 0! ` | ulrlic Instruction hm; thuught proper. in M tn the diiculty admiuuion } to High Schools at the clone of the Mid- vmnnnur vacation, thin year, to adopt the following minute, which has been approved i of by Hi: Excellency the Liout.-Govornur I in C*{Im`cil 2 Urdorcd--.'l`}mc ln ....,|.... 4.. 1 ... u_y sun nxcelluncy thu Liout.-G-o-vernur Cmmcil Orion-d--'l`lmt4 in ordur tn iallbrd tho umplont opportunity for notice ` and preparation fur the tint uniform ex- nanirmtiom for admission of upils to the ugh Schools, that part of t 0 thirtecmth roguiutinn which requires the entrance ax- zmiiustivns to the High Schools imnw_liuw- 1y after thu close of the summer vscatinn. `it.--rm nf the High Schonls, nstuulyf tho thirtvcnth and fuurtouutli of Uctubcr lien." _ I. J. .- '......, ..., nun mu union and nbotton in Monti-oaUmvu stirred up the people too `much. and their uturiuo have invariably ! curried chair own refutation with them. B) 1 druwing it in lime milder, he might have- nnqcaodod in convincing u few wnvorera, but his outlandish and ngitioun stories are ` too shard for nnybody mmicle the charm '1 ml prucinctl at those who douirc in boiiuvu ; it It". ' , I l9dl(I?. lll hi: an-int" A.. ___|_, , I M In loan: the region of hi: wn` -.. _..- -..,.. -111". n. annacrnonc pull-hem-on were In Allan, Alde wimon, Creighton, Wm, Fm 5-jjjj .....;. uw nvguvn at nu own know- In his anxiety to make: ntrong no sud hiu nidoru and nbotton ! ntin-...I .... n.- .....,,Ir - ' took place thin ; largest we have service was hold at ov. Wilson romling the delivering 11 Inrinl ..1.|..-u.. ............. .....5u_., wuu xor them, did all he could first to obfsin the charter without any conditions, and than to blackmail the Pro- nuir by trying to force him under the threat of exponuro at tho corrupondenoo to meet hi: views. But tho Pronuir who know the vinyl: oorrupondonw as won an it Wu lub- Inittod to him, very properly declined win- tarfoto botwoon Sir Hugh, and hi: mtn clam- orou I allies, and referred Mr Mcliullan to hi: former partner {or my damages which niglltlccruc to him. Mculluu knew that ho had Sir Hugh in as tight. place, and Ac- unlingly proceeded ,to nquoezvghim to the tau 0! 826,000, nnd than nry convenient I] sold hi: information to other: for morn. Tlut. in tho wholo nutter now. Hir Hugh no dunht told a good tale to his American `Ilia, And used the namou of man whnm he lud no right to truluco. I-lo in new psying for hi: whiulo, and we should not wonder it he too. not mm it the snout mm.- uivu one be over contracted for. ISL- -..I.:-.A I.--------- "' w on me for the current year, two days of tho uutglmm rligh nsmuly, Uctubcr a `Mail, II I-ufnu-..n.... 4.. H Al 7- mu nunaung vnc In-icl nddrou, , Snmlcrlon en- __`,_, 1 v vlw run . Alder- `Ford run) - i I L I I `was immediately sent for, KIILI.r.n M A llm.1..--On Wwlvnoulny morn. ing last, M Mr James Mmuls, n farmer living near the neighbouring village of Arden, Wu engaged keeping 5 large and ugly hall, from the cows while the women were milking, the bull gut enrngod and made a charge at him and got him down. Mr Momls being about 60 yours old, was not nble to eseepo, nnd wu severely injured before his son, who speedily could to nllny the suoring, endured for shout eight hours, when he sank} into n comniose um, nnd died enrly on Fri- dny morning,doeply lamented by n lu-go mun- ber of personal friends end thn nniaI.I....;. And did all he ` which Mr Mend: ` ....,,uaepuy mnontod by Ind the neighbor! gen- rally. u bin , , -.--, ...,...v- uvwru llll loll, Same to his unistsnco, could `away from him. Dr. Ktiight, 0 was an whi conuou (`All nnnnn-- JA - ` know- The wlulo uisttor in now nmodod down to 1 van mull oompau. It is ownod by all that the Americans were not allowed to got the Charter, that they Illnnrnuvrml .o........I.. Th: Vuunruc, an Jinn Miuiu President `I-AK _,. -' I Hunnui-m.~a Hnuvu:n.-Yoatsrdny morn- ing u very interesting sorvieo wss held st y donhnm Street Wosloynn Methodist Church. being the wetting apart by ordination oi two young ministers lor upeciul purposes. Ths President oi the Conference, the Rev. Dr. Rice, Principal of the Wosleysn Funnlo Col- logo, Hamilton, prowhod on the oocsoinn, and gave a mcmt eloquent d`scourso from Revolu- tion xxii, 17, The Spirit and tho Brido ssy come, And lot him that hunrcth, ssy come, And let him that is nthirst come. And who- louver will, let him take the water of life iruoly." Tho discourse wont to show that as "water was nocasury for` the physics! wsnts of the body, to tho water ol life was necesssry {or the spiritual wsnts. It wu lintonod to with great nttontinn by tho Inge umgregntioin prasont. After the sermon, the Preuidcnt descended from tho pulpit, to the cmmnunion rails in front of which woro tho two cu.ndilutos'for ordination the Rev. John Sivryte, for tho French (Jnnudinn.M.iuiun in Quebec, and tho l{ov,Jir Uormnn, for the In- Mission in tho Nnrtluumu. 'r..-...-..._.. nu p/_IInV1III HI , I} umlalcn . . . . ., liuttu, u nvcn, In Uli|dun.. Smith, c and I: Agnew. . Muwnt, nut out....,.....,.... Himinum, |vAgnew. . .. liou tbuu, run out . . . . . . . . . . Extrnn ' I name. D Agnew . . . . . . . . . . Murri, c Jones I: Ulialden Dickson, In Agnew. . . . . . I"ulcuner, b Agnew . . Price, b-Agmsw,.. . . . . .. L_'exwurtl1 I) Ulitlalcn .... m;c'n, .\`...:ol. 4 --~ Hliddeu, run out.'.V ; .' Joneu, c Dickuan, b Betta .. Uryllu, c and b A. Smith... Hemlry, I Betta. . . . Umwforul, c Tunic Haven, not out.....4......... Birlwtt, b BettI...... Nicafuf, b Smith. . . .` xtnu. <.. Ma:I"urlnl|6, I) H. Bettm. Alexander, b Dickson ., Agnew, b Butts... . . . . .. out . . . . . . . . Jam-,u n lIinl....... I. n 4` POR l`14|10U'l' AND ` "I'nuuio. bAgnow........... Murriu. Juno: In |5J-1I-- zuul Purtnmouth and Kingston Ulliliciuxne all an Sntnirulny afternoon. l`ho city eleven took the but limit, and mwcocdud in making 8:! rum, of which Hcmlry contrilmtcd 29, Agnew I4, anal ryllu I0. Tho Eortlmnuth nml lmulceru than twink tlm willow, and Icon-ul_ (58 of which hlorriu Imulu I6 and [lawn IO. The gs-unml wnu in Iplcndid condition, and tlw play was wry good, the elding especially being better than usual. The following is the llC()|'0 1- lDlll'V' VI WIIIUII IA Uryllu his Murrill -... ...... ,...- uni um convinced of HIGH 3 thing. They suppose that pacing round the lust Among tlwmlelveu in all right, but it in 3 crime of the deopelt dye if ruurtod to by their opponents. We are not the apologist: of Inch state of slain, ire unor- ly repudiate nnd condemn It, and no matter what party neoeptn it, it in oqfually rcpre-5 hmuible. ` Suuvwu . I'll! A Ilnru 3nb....--A.L_- , . Inn uuguu In` nu'I'cu.--ln spite of tho: gloomy afipuarnnco u! the weather on uor- alny morning the match between the Bunker: Kiglton Ulul: came .....Bu- vv uuuIn'u,l\lllD|'l|nU, CC!!!` luihl. Duwnmtcnnn but-go Glugow, Bay City, Ugdunuburgln, lumber ; barge J. H. Lathrop, do, do ; India, do, do ; Jnlm Mark, do, do ; uclms Wm. Homu, do, Kiuguton, timlmr ; Blazing Star, Milwaukee, Ouvcgo, wheat ; J. H, Molliwn, do, do. ' Wind, numtlmut, very light. l'o_rt (lolbornu, July 26.-Up-- Prop: U0- lumlnu, City of Uoncord, Akron, Lake Erin, nclmo 1'}. U. Benodict, lliclIu'duon,v ltcalu barge: Wout!ord,Kiuciu-dine, uchr Louina. Uuwn._N.h..m |.--.... l'II-._._....- -- - Murine News. Coulthurut sud Mcl hia'I wlmrf--'I'lw prnp. California lightened 298 Imgu puns from Ubi- cago. . Montreal Trxmspnrtntiun (.`o|npnny I `wharf -s:hr Ina. Maren. arrived from Milwaukeu witlf |8,000 Iruuh wheat, The tug (Hidu loft with Imrgcu Viutnr, 12,003 bush wheat ; Asl- vanco, I2,-100 bush wheat; Alliert, l2,730 hush wheat ; Kinghom, 18,000 bush when ;, Alfred, 12,440 bush wlwat. Jnmcn Swift Q. C0, : whsrl-Tho steamers Athenian, Pauport, (Jnrnicnn and Osprey Iuol prup Cnlnbrin panned up ; utotumsru Athenian 1uul\'ork and props (juorginn and America paucdulnwn. The tug S. S. Edull cunlccl hero. ..-av. Holcomb &. Stewart : wharf -- Tho prop Scotia, frugn M ilwnulwc, lightened 4,600 hush wheat. The barge Martin leaves, paruovorw munt/l`ug Line, with l2,500 bull: wheat and nun-n Correspondence. THE QUUITING MATCH. 1'!) `ml zulrou or 1'!!! DAILY uzwlu. 8ir,--At tlm (lrnnal Trunk grounds, the All COIIJOFI Mntcln" of the Burlington Quuito (lrove Club. Mr John Mullmds would in all probability luvs been the champion were it not for lain liberality in uucorking gyro bot- tles of green teal," which destroyed lain otlm-vino stand y play.-Yours, &c., Quomcu, U.Q.C. Kinguton. 28th .lulv_ IR`!!! uwuu, ru Extrnml Tun Cugcu|c1' MA'I'cu.--In spite of lmmlv Miuunmncu u! ml... .......n..... .... u.`-.., K inguwu, July, . ..'.,.'-3." ill, take $110.7 4-uu W nu- ntor I ly, wnhsr nl lil. `-11- --------- uv ..... .., ...., . cl, KINUHTON. nu nu nvnvui, pur lll!VUl`1|- DAILY NEWS-'MO,\ DAY EVENING. JULY 23. y, I873. ~ Mnxulxn. ...- "_- uvVI7IIIly ' ho ' . 6|... 1).... -' - ; .. EMINDEI18. Bu: bull match between Colaourg, 5nd 8;. [Am-once L Afternoon It hall-put one. U .71 . Iiod, and it romaino to be soon what nifoct _-..,,-.. ...... vuv nnanumcislll worn not to ba- permitted toluwu any lmml in tho mnttor. and that the Ministry took up this: counw I at tint, and conoiotontly followed it out . own to the end, still, the ovidonco produced no for would want to show that Sir Hugh expanded considerable sums of money for olectinn pnrpooeo. That ionow the whole length to which the cvidoncu no, for will any no, nndovon that ovidunco nmy omm bo upoot by the owuru testimony of those who will only be too glad to clear them- oelvoo of nll oonucctiam with tho mnttor. Tho policy of oubocribing money for also- tion purpuooo io one which cannot be justi- tho uidonoo will have on tho country. `Tho principle in wrong ot bottom, and the amount involved in no measure of tho tur- pitudo of thooo engaged upon it. Thu main who oubooribu ton dollnro in just so guilty no he who givoo bio thouundo, and no amount of ingenuity can be brought forward to roloooo tho one and condumn the other. But thooo grito no not convinced of ouch u lil. TIIDV lnnnnnn club _.--2-~ ` Pmaun Uouwr, Mormn. -- (Before Mr Strange, P.M.)--There victimrtotha rviluol the ."ruby" and dvening, Their Smith, Hannah Murphy, Wnrd Kelly, John McCarty, snd Nichols: Smith. Them Ill paid .2 for the privilege. Four liquor can were dinmiued, tho dalm- dmta rwonring thus no liquor hm been drunk on the premium l'uI: Iuuimuuu Aummn4'r.-'l'lw I Uulwr Swphcmon ha re yet, A! the water between Milton John : Inland in very nutrc I-anti: running. The me: right again, and able to ruturn to the /- / Tho Rev. Mr Mulock left town today for Old Orchnml Bunch, whom: he prupmocl upmJ- ing tho next three or !our weal. ..-:u-. ur 1lll)lY) l'llY. '1` the Home 0! Imluutry for 1 are Moun William Allen, ` and 8. T. lmmnm up uulla ' St. Catharina, July 25. , [We should be pleased to hear from our (3!- teomed oorrolpomlant when nnythiugintereab ing occur! in the City of this Saints in future.) (1. _ ,,--__ .... .. ,..m.uru mwurawn and 1 am not going into Itatiatica to plenum any body and I am not going to work hard any way. But the main point is here. 'l'lmt the Persia is jut our style of a boat and should be retailwd on thnt line 1'! it taken; all Hummer.--'Yours, in huts. - ...... nun wuu would try to got her away (mm the Penis, And bclidel, I have hot yot ucurtainml what it is. '91! I ltnrtod to toll you about the Poruiu --lmt parhapl from the rmnblillg utyio of thin hurriad lottor, you may not get the {meta ymu desire. I don't care if you dou'l have paid my late sndnm on 3 [Iknuurc ucuraion and 1 going ltntiltimn tn ..x......_ - y...u,, mun uwr uuccrooxnu, dust: the cnlaim does all the wo'i-k and in always on hand to at- telul to the want: of little children (mu! big men) and loan it all with n umilu that in mm that of your dam-out lrimul and answers you with A voice M lwoct M u "Hupcm singer.-" She is 3 trump, the :'u- and l uhnulal be glml cu give you her name, but 1 elm-o mat, for other Mid rival boatl would try her besides. im that 0.5---H --` unnnul-J IIULM HM, ` ` I young mm from st. Untlmriuen, of fine per- : none] and genial manners. Him attention to the comfort and enjoyment of the pnuenger hu endeared him toxsll. I! nnythiug don't jil: exactly right, lpenk to Charley about it mid it : done. Tlunro in another matter that I uhoulal like to mention, though I seldom nntico such thing being I timid nun myull end "a. buhlul cres- ture sud any not back More compsny," but I -ounnot close this minute and kamneiue descrip- tion of the new boat, without mentioning the Indy who Imperintelulx the dining room and pantry, loolu alter ltutaroolnl, I Wdik Am! in nIm...,. .... I._-- I A - Houuz ov Inmm-..y_ '11: IL... .l 1.1,, . {tern cl

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