Kingston News (1868), 30 Jul 1873, p. 2

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\\`'c r , .... ..m-mum. 01 um Bank of Vppnr E (Lmmlu luring; his tlnroo days term of oiuu, ! lugul which s-.n'cr:nl widows and en'- 1 .phnm in Kimgutun would be glad `.0 hum` of him restoring, even without the I laid 0! such ;. L- . THE DAILY NEWS -` ".-""""""""""""""""""""" '_ V ,tuluwo |mluptml Jimniol Briggn modo of] : procmlnru, um! jmt hum cpiual_ n he of f nanuu: from tho i)irm;tm'y. It would Imws ' zuwaci tlm tronblu uf willing u umuting, and `the payment of that little bill fur the rent I 90! tho lmll might have been psmtponed line He. However, :1 meeting lmu hucn f decided on. ; and Lhnro nrc mm or two; mat- WI`! which might W0 lm taken up at tho : Mme time, and which we ofllsr fur the con- nidexatiun vi the: pair-ly." It might be Tcouuide-red out of ul'(i('!' to refer to thati ' little pilo which Ucurgu Brown received unentthu r--ncwul nf the subuidy to tho , Allan line of st.-mnuru, or that other pile E which he made out of Hm Bunk of Vppnr hiring; three dam fnv-nu or -ml--- _ _,'--.-....., nuu mu m ' ,0 put too tine a point upon it, lost a We can all recall thou halcyon 1 all its pronuncimm.-ntou were Signed mo.-s of two of its foremost banner tht.-noble title of "J oint Secretaries," aha for the glory departed! it in ; command of tho rreaidont, L. B. rotary, or words to that etfect. ` nreduction of force in the face of 4 a bad policy. We cannot make it I it be that thcvouth'nn.I on--~-'~ ' .... .....u._v m: \` luuufnl mow w|1i snveniug in the fr-nun 0- |~h _._ . _. _ .__ L nlmcrve that in :1 Into i I..9.u nrn ... ,lr -' ` ' , . ...-.. .....--us uu ll HI !- .y by his uublima rc-mark : It in of nu once, and tho Opposition are trying that august parsonage. They insist oath in of no connoquevice" too, and they ntick to it would seem to show all M the cause. A m...+...... ____ .. - ,, ,- ... uuu DWO zu inception of tho ud, and tho "Joints" , . .... .. aullllvllllll in `HM. 'rr~/m/llr an the utterance an! n jnunml. We beg to state: that 'rlrr in {wt n Ministerial juurunl. It m uf Um mmmn ml... ......-H ~ A ...... um-u nlgll car ` '.l'emporane\ Hull Jofty position, and has in Illc Imint. In-I-- -"' " ....-nv nub um party but hid . .\Iacdnnnld it is who.cnn- ml iruapircn its uditor, and y at .h.: A-mrcu frum which ,*,io]|_ It `luv nknul -.- --- - ' . .....u.s. uuhl wmrzh Lion. It hm nbnut as much Ixc (7omIcr\'.-Ltivu party in ulj.'u:cnL cuuubry an its local /Iazrltr, mu] at ? the two we 11): tho F1'r!}wldar in the , .._.-.u was name 4: given. The highly which holds high Temnnrm..." 11-" Tuutu has uchiurod an im- rlimn rr-Inna-I: . nu _-_ ,1 ,.,.-.. no nu unuu He, and do would judge we ourpclvos heard good swenring.- But it in tin: They do not want Geo. sworn. for 1-.1... L--- --- ...._ --avnll vv ILIUW A western paper has its sectibn do not mind la. and min. ..I.....m L, I -..u uwru IOGIWO auociationv ntonro nowhia` J innuo of the G19 _,_, , 1 ....... our gu-.ucn-u number! Hf people ' onutu Llia object: you have in viow---VJ " hear)-.-men in sympathy with our- Ialna-men in whose veim ow the load . not have their Protestant principle: be` them, but planted them in the llllld their adoption, to take root downward: ,' Ind I-var fruit npmmlu. (ChoorI.,). All - that has been said regarding (mmgoinm in 9 Oink`: at our different meetings, us well! an at from the diorcnt Eiatfonnl to-day in ' perfectly true. (Hoar, car) There 1: no ' PrCCI iD1i0ll fur ll:-nn.n..i-... In. - ..,..m Juurum. H in who ruprcuents n lmlf the clucwral F the small clique hiu party but his 111' it 1- ---LA in the ii In E F! 1 McCu.mmuu and Nutt for r and Culver for Cobpurg. / of clown, and they wer , ..yuun;u Int; 53. L'.IW- rence Ulub tho victor-l.-y (1 runs. Regarding the gonuml play there is not: much to say, except that it was not quite an " good as we have seen it, orspnuially in batting. Some of the elding was very good, notably ` Kinguton, and Hill The other fiuldcru did very well, however, but those we think worthy of special mention. For the St. Law- ` rnce the pitching and catching of Rafferty and Dygert were desrvcclly admired, Iml contributed a good uharo to tho viqtory. For .1 1 the Tmvellerl, Paine did the catching well, :4 but the pitching both` of Hill and Sailabury = l was not so good. That of Sailabury consisted I 1 1 I u very irregularly pitched. Hill: with his fast balls did better, and should not have been changed. in; the umpire, Mr Sailsbury, i 1 I Regard- wo do not like I vuvu guy out on ma bane, an foul by [ uyne~-I)ygort, Nu on bursa. 1 run. Tot.-1123. Thin finished the game, cunded the stand und den: .,... ummga~--wuuon got out an .1. fan] bv I Dygert; Fawcett :mAd1 ayno made runs ()u!- ` 1 var got out on a. foul ; and Guillutt was put out on lit how by Mnttoon- - G. York being oh the C baau---2 runs scored total 1-}. Ra}.-rty umdu 1 three bases on a beautiful hit, mul got hom:,- ,- Eilbock was caught on In iqul by Payne ; Mat. ' u toon got out on 3rd huge, and Mcuanmmu an n N utt and Jarvis 1-ci:1g ' ' ' I r but on that by Snilsbnry --l .., uuuww, auu Dygert on rst hue: tlJo;':: by 13. York, Eil- beck sud Anglin being an the lumen. sch Inning:-'-Guillett and Hill made rum; Sailubury got out on first h:u4c- thrown by Nutt ; Wilson was caught on lly by Rafferty; and B. York mu put on first hue, looted. Mattoon got: out on the first base ; `Mccumnon made a. run. Jarvis was caught oli the y by Wilson ; nnrl Anglin wzu thrown Jarlon and Nutt 2 rum being on the bases. 1 run. mh I rm Inga---Wilu0n afoul n.......+ . u-...-,-~~ - -- r ... , ... A.uI'n on u (out. by Dyg on a. y by Rafferty. Jarvis g Ioared in thin_ innings --Cm-son y by Hill, Rlorty on y by first hue, thrown b; being I 2. I....:-.... -n V .-_. .._, caught by Hill on A long My ing a. whitewash for St. Law ronco. 7th lmu'nyu---Anotlwr whim,-wash for the Traveller--l aynu goctixng out on u. y by Jur- vin ; G. York on a. foul by l)ygurt,:md Culver fly got the only run getting out on lisortv on v lm l.1..ll..u. -. - . ..,uu. Aunt. wzm ` up H10 hiH--m`I.k- -_, -........ umu xur it tunings, '20. (Ill; Inm' got two lazueu on three utrikcs by A careless throw, and made a run ; Hill got out on `Jud b.-nu; Szxlirsbury made a run. `Vilma: was caught on a foul by Uygurt, pad Fawuett was nut on three ubrikeu--B. York helng on the haw ; 2 mm scored. Mat- toon mu caught on tiw xly by ll. York, and McUmnmnn an a foul by Pnyxm. Nutl. I y t ronco. 7;}. -V -' 7' uuguu gun nun on `.511-I h.';.L:u: Iett ; Rnlforzy on firnt base, tho y by Salisbury, mu! l)ygc.-rt on n by Culver. I`ocal for 5 innings, I /Il.niIuu.-(:n{ll..u .--L Aw ` , tin-own lilbcuk ( vvuvv-U u 14 'b:1`'.v * .,, uvuIbllIlOll; rawuctt ;. lung y, which was missus Payne was bcuptifully cam, Dygert. 0. York gubhin _ run, and Uulvur Wm; Lhrmv Nut: --'2 rung. 'l'utnl for 5 1 Ion WM the only run gutcu Anglin got out 211-I b.':.m: Tun . n..xr._. -- - "7 3 The Base Bull not I Vlclnrr fa .....u.u_y, mmum: mm llygurt u::u:h go! Muttmm WJH u:u.ugM:uu u. fuul hyl Mucmuumnwa.-1 nut ml thu Hrnt. um on second luau - 5 runs. 5!}: Innin,r]a--Suliu|:ury and H. Yo gut homo ; Wilunn got out on lat lnmw by McUnnuiion; Fawm.-tt got his (it missed by the Payne bctifllllv ,......:.. , ....., ......u, mu. WM punuut, on second bl Uuillctt was ngmiu caught by Mc(,':unm y, nml Hill wtw out on tlnruu strikes - being on the bu.-Ia --1 run. Cuaon, I MTcl`ty, |'.'iHJo:k anal Uygurt got. Mg.M...... -- 4!/L Inniuy;4-"-l aynu throw, dud nuulu a. run, If-uh I.__r- ' ` Inniuyn -"-l got 1. a._ and lint base, but was pntuut. um Ullillutt wnn nn..'.. ......._n . u ` . man, and Fuwuutt WM out on nu ucuuv. I ru Jrcl Inning.-1,--Uulvcr got three homes by rmmc aky tic-Ming, and lnruiu hmnu ; (luilh,-tt. wax put out on the rnt bmc, thrown by Mo- Cnmmon ; and Hiil mu`! Sailnbury made run. B. York was caught an the y by Mc(Jum- 3 ntrikon, Wiluon hoing on thu `Ind bun. 3 runs scored. Mattoou got two human lay 1!. line strike up the hill, nml than gut hnmu. Mn,-(_Yu.n,kuuon ngnin got out on the Isl: base, thu hall being thruwn by B. York. Nutt hit a. foul up the hill. mud then followed hy another in the munu direc- tion, mxikiug 2 bison, whcnco hu gut homo. Jarvis was caught on a lung fly by Culver, and Carson gut his lirut base by .1. very coul touch behind him. No mmlu 3 run home, an did nluo Auglin. l{:.fl'c.-rby hit :1 beauty, straight down thu tiuld, fur which he got thru: lumen, than home. la`ill;u::k, lJ_ygurL uurl Mat- tuuucnwh gut rum, nml Mv:Umuuwn hit the Imllnvcr the lance, Iuul. gut thrcu hauun, nml then hmnu. Nutt got his first on thruo lmllu, nusl~thu 211-! and 3rd nix nlmrp running.` A chgmgu wzun hcru made if) the piLu!wr--HiH, who had h_ms_n giving f1mthn.ll:4, giving phlcu tu Sailuhury, whn gavu nluwn. .1.-mm. gut, out on the Int hmm, thruwn by H, \\ ilmn -Iiililillg for `J ruins; In I I I ..._..v. _ - nuun nlivrcll. .: rul Innings.--Fu.wcutt was caught on 2;. fly by Mccammon, Payne by Ilatfurty, and G. York was put oxit an the x-st basu. Whita- wuh for Travellers, without getting a base, amid laud applause. Auglin got two bases on ny hall, and gut lwmu. l .uL-1-by was put out by running for ng'fuul strike, nml failing to reach his base on return ; Eilbeck was caught. oua foul by Payne, aul Dygs.-rt was out on his first ham.-. 1 run. 4,: I HTIIG Maw]: -- Another r 1 Victory for tilnngmon. `, 5 It giwm my much ;;l:,-acnlru tn ham to a:hr-mi- ' I : la nmrthor victury for Hm t, .'.mvra,-nx;:: ('II|ln t they hunting the Culunlrg " l ra.vclluru" by n ncoru of 23 to I4. Tho ruuunt defeat of tho liuwlph chrunpiamu by thu Kingutnn mm I Uflllaud gru-mt unzitmm-rt in rpnrLiu;,' circ w4a '- and much interest mm (EVHICOH-I in min gmnu, 'I'[|in inturont wan unlumrctl by Lhu fact. that this l'urt Hope .`4i|H-r Htaru" haul plmtc-I L.'u: `St. Lawrence M In-in,,r H.-ry uw,!uM.luxn.'mly 3 '. 1 player. Thu we-atlner was very hat, but tlw f ruin. l`....- I-.. .4 I - I V D r I '.umITe41. wrnvv mi urn . .._.... :5 very ull`,.'Ulltl'JllL I.lIly 5 min Tue; lay night put the ground in uplcmlitl condition ; nml ch-are .-ilmut L000 per-mm! lnul ` miwmliluzl to witnuss the sport. Playing com- munccd sharp at twn o'clock by tlnr l`rnw,l- ln.-rt" taking tlu: but, Mr S.1iltslnury,ol'(julrmirgz, noting M mnpira. "Int Irniingyx. V-`.1. Yuri-t WIN tllff first to utrilsc, ziiul after noun: little timu he got to hi first bani; by is lluku, tlir; lmll. litwiin; lnrcm ` Culver c'|mo math, .1.n.l lw nml York ,' lnnnngurl to gut lmmu. Hill {gut lxiu lirnf, .'unl Ix -Sailaoliury WM caniglw on a. fly ball by .\l:(,1:un- | man, from 5 beautiful rmmiug C- )l;:ll. ll. You-ls mus than caught on a fan! by l)ygorl.,n,nl i \Villon an the y by l.{.nlferty---: run: being scored. For St. Lawrence, Eilbcclc opened the ball, getting his first l).-we by: .1 good strike, and the 2nd mul 8nl by lo-we elding, from which he went home. Dygert also mn. j it run, as did Muttouii aml .l:ir'.'i;s. ;\lcUmn- I 1 mun got nut on the lirnt b:L::u, 2'-'utL mi.- c.~.u;;li1. ` ` on a long y by (Julvr.:r, an-.1 (,'a.r-sun was run out on tho home lime, Anglia being on the hue. 4 runs scored. ' D..,l I, V.` ' H1099 ....... unu nun: uuno so much fat lm bent ll ;,'E::-:.:-av incownzss of Clwern.) (mo of . . I then. `rip: the brnthnm r. u meal the address 1 ((:llCl.'|'l|) - whom you an; all deli; tml cl art] to honour, and whom l j G by y . ` . _ ` _ . . .12.: no roprt had um of Incctmg HI I Unnmla an ' ,1` | . _, , _ ' I - ,_ * v Amu-...l.. .. .f....,.} .1. 4.3..` at 1...; Lu`. i we Wcuuoc , to grant. me when I lunlnlc-cl lxr.-ru ~I rufcr to a nhuam `H-I the man who .'l.lao\'0 all ulhcru was mstrn- l jvhich I P. -mental in ;;:uning far you liborty tn xxicnt ; 1_M|gmm _` its you lune mot to-day-~-(clu-urn}-Llw am, 'M_-W man um: (:13 thu mezum of ulI'ikin;.{ ml`, `'5 ' {row yoluf lumgla the mtters of ll:-e 1'.-my ,` =31` ;._j ` Pro(uuzo1m.Act- (ClA09rI)`lld whn gnin- 1 _ 1- [1 od fur yuu at his uwn persanal dinom..r.... ` _._. I 1 ` -WEDNESl')AY EVENING. JULY ..-... very n-regularly } his iailsbury, - V...-on gunning out by Guillett, and thrown In; `R V....l. DH me, and the umph dcclhrcd tho St. {nu 0 ........ by I'2Lvnn v~u..1.. ....r 1- ' rtt I 1"! x zght y `"5 I: ral: W first 1" n. 3 thrown pm my -- pm run. can 'A"lu Payne. I an nd (;...n.. ...-- A .... ....-. _ul`: thrrnvn I I I - , ., .. uu guy mru: , , I1|.` 'n:.l l:.- -5 H " - l. , -._.. ..,..... uvvry uccaanun 0! those mnutilngu we might consider ourselves, in- stead. U1 In.-iug three thmumml mile: from our ( wn country, amumgul our own friend: I uni n:-i,r,M~..ura. (Emhmuaatic cheering.).` 1'h~:r-1 iv the smue language, and the sumo ' fooling. and thc: name warm grasp of the I And 1 can tell you, moreover. that a are tho mum good colours oatingj over use here us over our bbethren in Cana- dg. v`-iluu-rn.) And us I- ammo! hora 10-`! day I-.d:lrem-sing; you, xn my own Catuuln, fan- away l;ej,'u1:d mu .r\tl:mt.i,-, perhaps at this very hunt, but M. any rate during thu day, are u`JlL'l'\`d nlnnbcrl to _ viow--~ 1 r , . us . ofo_ld I1_-olnud 3: wall an of Enahml ...A 1 1 wury York 0.1.011 bout la: hmw lzhruwu ; f 1 `uctt rnb |>_v.1 Iniusu-J1... A-L 1? I` U 7" ......, .._y nil us] elder; Q lght mun. foul by first by a. plclltlit wn Imf. Inn 42...; I ., I ._._.... nvl u. no " of the Iude mired, mmrwr to nrganize 3 na pendent Urdu! of Good to be composed of the man of A Columl1"ru:.1chlms very kindly gr; tory. miission to hold the mutating: in tho ` hing :0! the Tisto du Pom: Barracks, and ` proposed for the new Temple is "I y ` tqnac, out of compliment tn the ol the barracks. "_1`hc institution of (.1: better. I in on ..I... -J-~- ' ' V... u. -.u... ,_,.un-., ; I 1 ry ull;!ullH .:IIL'l-lIly_` I .n........l ..-,I. .. I: I ' .5... .. . this Inmugg . .. . .. lllU4IU5' uuu ml I running.` `'.....A . - ,,_ g x I.... `H- on Iirut by : cauglnf cm . n |,... - u., sun was umso uneutinmblo priv 5 {mo people Ihonld nlwa (choc rs.) Mu Emu that -h0ut-`cu'.|")r:n|;1;mun, hr. Stow of U.'u'1:'iukb|:u.:keX. (Uhoem) the mun I!n.u iluro-lucud us an of ohl 1 nm-umunt Hstur. (Rt.-n im.r.)- I-`mm chm limo up bill I been uuu uonti_nI1u;l round 0! m `l;oeoptinnu. and of speech-mnki: jam: ..n.l .._._._ n u -H . Law _, -.-- ........w.:. 4110 nnmtutiou the :r, into take placa on 1`uc-uyday evening 1 d- the members of Wilson Temple, of `re Ire to take part in the ccrc-`mony. fun: the (mu ' dismiuuc-1. Jly ,3, Ull (4101) 1'L.\: .-ru sum in .-mm. uh I made for 2!. w- Iudel by compo `:4! Cola-z`.;:l F1`u.'.1 yr go he I, , Of the Tutn H ` u v D My _..... .... nun:-ru1.`r.'Il|g M1115 0-: charter to org: I Iudepemlent Order . . -u,.- .. val` wr.---Unly thrct ` cuurt thin x}mnu'ng, V_ ` _ b In. U I river on or nbaut tlm 121.] : l`rm.-uptory lllucta un Fridn I v arrnn;_r.:nm1tu. i *< 'I`m:1:.+ Om: of H14 Park Avenue has been prubnnly by 1!.` horso ti coutinnmncu M` the bum: I ':"he citiw 1 shn.n!~1 prutt n.pph.- of the-Ar cy-,5, um lzmsxxcas be the means of I 041. \\'o trust the May! `km. . . .. . D,\_v 1{mp:':~; (intuit .;:I`hc .city ha!` been billed by this circus, which in to exhibit bans on u"I:zt1xrtl:uy, {ho 93.}: of August. It comuu iliglvly spoken of by the wolteru press, and Wu have no doubt will be well patronized hero. ll _. av`. -unit: HIUI. was tho 1: from your haul 1 (Che his and loan thnso ineutim lhon f._) `L1,. Hun -- 'J'hcr:;: lmllv, q`|lIn _ The Montreal Telegraph Company have re- oponod their oico on Wolfe Illlnd. I 5 .....`, ..- nag] uocl, um-den Inland, f x4t:l~/cu; '1'. I). Uarkur, Chicago, Kiugaton,i 603'. . Up--Prup Nashua, achr Anvandale, Rock-I mvny, |)r(>p City of Boston, uteam-barge '1'ur- I ucr, uchr Urour, Whitney, `bargo Lilgar, bur uu Augusta. V\ ind, suuthweut, froth. .uun,u~.u, numruzl, l\'in;.;z4t.on, timber; Sy-I Pun: ll1u'on,~1 Kingston, stave; Knight . l`umpl.1r, (,`}xi<-ago, Kingutun, cum; S. D. I lIun erford, Toledo, 0 nlenulmrg, corn; soutmmpton, Buy Uity. in stun, timber; A. '1`. Merick, Port Szmilne, Cflayton, stoves : Nnsnuzn, Chicago, ,Uswogo, corn 5 H. VV. I H.-.g, Ulnicugu, Port Uulbome, corn; Jane Mchwd, Detroit, Garden Iulond, staveu; Luminn. Cleveland, BuUeViIle,- coal ; Maria Anvette, Clevelxmd, Toronto, con]; Queen of the North, Port Huron, Kingston, stave: ; VV. J. Prust-HI, Milwaukee, Kingston, wheat ,- ,Fl.-ur ale Maria, Eagle Dock, GM-den lx4t:I./cu; Uhicmw. Kimuo-.. ' i I I 1 rmnv. . v I . 1- '1, ' , . , .- ' ', cm;-9;?` b(:'%|a\::n n':`. dInx,lfI| .519. -Dnwu-Helms Wa. . ` y _ 4 . Hunk" coal . Huh k_ (A-wagn, Kmg,,t.,,, cm." _ W .1 o 0 LII, fgn Wm. Smih ,1. I am :1. do, Uuwo. (J . ' a ' ` lw`" k"a `10. Wheat ' . S. Clark, L,lcv.,-];.m1 Tm. t ! ca, Milwaukee Kin r:t on 0' coal: A.m`-"" H/ngcrg ,1", ("aim Vgmcczgxlzh Wlltf; 3 , AH. .l.01aJu Kmguhm com . I 9 JW (:93 ; (`):uluu, I (_;M.cg0' who, _ ML_dmtU.r 1.`! `jar m,)1a1c1o, 3 1)-It'll \Vhu.`.nL. 1" I 1|! (1.! Jy\IJ`; :` - I art U01. a "."""-"lJ,.u.uru().. , W-go, mrn ' J. I . 1 g -. b I ::`."."~ '1 w.l_&7-~. <:I555'3n'x..x`."'fi'21:nf.'ZFf:`t T It, IEEH. 1' run: I.m.uuu lslullrl Light to Horse Iuianal I Light, 13. by N. Uiamuuu 16 miles. 7 From the u.m,-lmmgu on Real Duck: to Hurau lslmul Light, E. Diatancu 2-1 miles. I _J:'I'uxu l'uin|s l.`uniu:4uL1 to Unnmv` 11...` Ill-.- `___T.-------1 ium Tk..\1I`l.Al|.*M.- non .. :s)rc.L~L of Hunt. l`cnixum!.1., N.E. by N. h ~di`4Ln|n-:u: I0 m.l|e~J. Frau: mill-cluuuml |:cLw:m the LittloG.1l- lno mu] Htunuy lulmul, to the {not at Big Gul- lon. NJ`). by E. Diutnncu 5 milou. I":-urn the {nut of tho Big Uulloo, to` nbroaut uf 'l'i|;bitb'a Light, N. by H . Jutmucu M mill-8. |....... In`! I '--- ' ' ' ` I:\|I 0|.` l:.\}( I h'u.uke1;a Hurl 'N.N,]'J. 1 E. ` Frmn Stun ' raw . no;-- relnreuuxngativ be an honour um I Royal to bu received, men that have done in illI .d!uu*:.: ,.r v-. v ...I uuou uu: Imnumos 0! the VI :'-4 romovuzl, giving nu :1 t rsfmizl of striking the w mxuau the dmlmt to sink, moat oi the men would lo the pn.-aunt time, the W mmugh to run the mftn 1 suuthwxml of tho ll.:nnuJ iug f:.Hcn, u.-y are nuw 4 I Lhiu .mH..+. IVIIIAAJLA u... L 1 m rumuV:. at 4::-~~ it will pruvu x 1; lumlmr-mun. Alrunuly two large tuinutl at the hmul of the !` Uouu,-um As Dm1'A:u:ns you l\`l) or Imus () --I.`m-- FUNK I'ZHJl'01l(I IFOH. James Swift & Co.'s whm-f---Tho steamers ` (Jo:-intbiau mu1Abyssini.1n and props |Pqrsiu Prussia. passed u n; and strn Passpox-ft and Athenian pxI..1s(:d own. The tag 8. S. Edvmll crgaled here. 'l'h.- atcmnbargo Saxon an-ivm1- [ruin ():4wc}.;n with 250 tons coal. Uulcmnb & Stewnx-t'n wlmrf--Tha barge Ro- bin, lcft with l5,000 hush wh:.1t, nml barre .`s't:u', with ll,x'30O hush wlwnt fur Munuweu , per (ovurlnmml; tug line. Ii:u-dr.-n Ir,l:1mI,' Iuly `.. 9.---'l. he pilots and - | ma.-u in the hubit of rumzing timber uru1_st.uvc olrmnu over the Imuhiuu J m'pids have to-la un- mninwualy rs-tum.-(1 to run any more ask 1 rams until the bnlmmo: of the wreck of the lienuud giv-nu: reason that M..." ...... I . um ngllt, I'inmu ILKUI `JU pic .. pipe: sa\'u.5. } _ 3 Montreal Tr.'uIupu1'L:.I.Liun Cmnp.1ny s` wharf ` - l"nu tug Eln arrived with 5} Y;.~.r;;eu and 300 9 tons railrozul iron. I .lm....u sL...;n- o. 4-,. u ...u we nu - . Us-I III I and 45 miml Lou. ~.m,r.. gm. ll'(ml -5'tu|p juht N la`. 1 to my much? Sauna u! bin docilimm V numifuutly unjust, but we uttrilmto thin 1 f want (of tlnruugh lumwlwlgu u{ the gnaw, fulluwimg in `he; were 1- - u, H'l.'..mI, J. Ftcwczaetl. \\' I ... y`uv,`J1. I). g 1.. mm ftmwy l ni "OM41. of l'n|nt. I` --uuI, Hm! their midui I6 Una hq Mummy (3 rcgaiin I m and Ilium Chute IH~ \ l`.\O-A . - rru, I'.!:: I 111 `JO pic: .'\lon1.n-.:. \/ In` 'ulkin II. Inn, ;1., . 'Iuiun'y, I, f , H. Yltrk. P4 71.. Marine News. .'-mlthurast and Mcl lnio's wharf--Schn Col- -, Turuutn, 9,012 bush wheat ; achr Centu- n, 'J`omnLu, ;">,()IJ() bun}: wheat. mgu lirwiuin, 9.0!`! |m~4|| wheat ; 5,200 19115}: n, I92? n:;;_;-1 puma, '.3'.,li52 \Vost India stavou, I 190 pic. .22; pipe: scavus. - an :L'1:1muL;__'1.-all Lira! Uucl: , N. by E. Uiamuuc I9 mil 1. . York, 21:41 I 1. ' I`-.Iu.m .. I IOTK, znu '. l7nlvur, 1:. . HILHIMM. I . Hill, 1)., -.. nu uu\v'Ur mnr.-ing that npplicneia lzhnrter 4... .......-.--A . ~ ,. _,.- . -..... vs nu. nnylux. L,-W3 AND DlH l`AN(.'l9S THE LOWER. Us1',\u|u.--Fruun Uuwugo ` to I Hnrbur,thrnugh Stout.-y Point 1 umm;_';o . I .`9't.uuuy Pumb Light to Horne Inland I NJ`). Q 1'1. liintnucu ll ulile. _ ' 1 Paint Light to the nchom 0 I l'nIntl`cnimI1!.1.. NJ! In: N L .., mm.-- mm _uw1r uvml. up to mt water hm; been high ; thmugh tho clmuuul l ll.:nuuJ; but the wubur lun- ., i,lu.-y lo.-b.1.rrv.--.1 from using :. Unless the balance of the wreck 1 at it 1. grunt a loss mun. large raft: are do- me !'uDid.~4. II` `II ! (cno--1 I-nu. me the beautiful trees on stripped of its bark,` tied to it dtiring tho " ball match yesterday. `m.z!w1 prntr.-ct th-mu trons us the : and not by gross carc- ~ : of having thum.inj1;r- b Mayor will we that a. po- ilul to {wk after partiw tying u `uh-. two: when mu.` {.n...... 1) < 35! I Mr `$.1il4|mry. ricurcrl--J. A. m: an-I l'. Dumblo. Time, 2 lwuhs nulnu __._......._..._......, -Unly three liquor 4 5 lllurninn nil Al - -`V _ ,,__- .0 any Iuu IIILIIIUU u the To-znplo I Tue-Idav avenimr nnvlr .....: ,,,_..- - nun AUIIIIIIU ; Tclnplnra, A Buttery- granted per- meating: '.l`heo.tru' the name" w "Fort F1-on lillmntf-.1. H... -1; -..,-, `Jud I1. .. 1.. iuulruwu, Uhieugu, ()3- I':iglur, Uhiungn, King:-m, (jluvulmul, Hamilton, coal; mu, litngstoxn, Sy- n,% KiI_ngotou, ulxwuu : Knight n.--Wc have much 1 that mu I:....l1-- | , ,...----all -A -IVYII LIN! l: 12th of August. The | Friday owning to make 1 uu. I l Ahymsinian props L AH; sin: I Ed-all W11: l5t(!illn})al'l_70 Satan at-I-1'01-:17 gnu the: Ink. N! -u uni; wruuxs I)! Inc uenezud I mg rcupon that they are ng wreck, which would u sink, and inmrnlscquencc, I loaohcir liven. Up to `no, hiuh HT. LA WIHZNCE. `Iii-571.5 in H1: :II'.. .'\1 X". lI2..:... ----- --. nun uuun I rrgamze a new Temple | {or Gum1 l`..m..1...... I u :.1;,'In: w LII pixxnllm, --v -v-uynu I next, and mnh. at n_:_ 41:77 I 5 I lllll. Light nuuo milun. I uni Ducks-J to TH um: H) u'n'|Lsn. In-.11 ljuulr: to 2` we I0 mI.... I : co liquor c.-was bu- , all of which Won: "Ur! Buy -bm unamucu 2-1 miles. 1 t pox` Gap (Bay . ,f"\/RP Diutauce 30 N. E. 30. "l'000pt0I`y, No, ruiun IIHV/n u, Au... 4. In. U L` l'U|I r old name a ' `n...m., - were ` .... nv-u 0] bus any future , uvnv, Illl. this city, . In LU -`MXHLHDU Iilcs. -- Uawe;/u HUI that 5 nuclxuravaru I run:-9 1 mihu, . nu Light, N. I 1'au1mL'u I. Q3. ~-J. 1.30 9)}... : #4.!!!) ['.m. 1 97.30 u.m. I lllmgo--m - lilclwu. 27 l1a:_-mnutri( "J, \`VMhingto If During the ;,' States and , ' and clear we 0 n : __ E .UsAw.\Y. V `Z ' afternoon r.m '2 Waggon came __2 i ing at Mr H 27 I liberated, rm: where it waar gnu August, at 7; o'cmck,' to It manta for the Annual I'ic-nio 1 the 4th September, 1873. By order. - J A24 11 A In I w... uIE :'n--2lJl'l '. ..`r........r'-` ` .'."`4"' 7 Society are requested to attend (wit - out further noticu) A nu.-utin to behold in the Orange Hall on SATUIL AY EVENING, 2nd August, at 75 0 ckrck,: tq make arrange- the Anmml Pu-.m.. 4.. I... 1... .._ TI] E Master! and Members ol the Oran ye , 4......-vr iv IIIIIII nruum, They are elegant in den and of tho but construction, and reeietc In on of twnporetura, keep well in tune, and for an `, ne quality of tone. power and workmanship, cannot be surpnuorl Savuu Octavu, Rosewood, Three Stringed ere otferod at little more than half the nuns` price of Upright Pianos. 4 J AH. MARSHALL, ee.-Treu. to Committee. Kingston, July 29, 1873. _ .-_-.._ ._ . NEVV AGENCY in now 0 nodlor than culcbmtcd Piano: just rotted from 1 nrigo, France. Prize Medals 0 the Hint (}, Paris, 1844; Expouitiono Univorullo, I855, 1807, 1872, have been awarded to than l'i:uum. They in racist`; keep audio: 1:, hue Ht-vuu (|..A_-- 1' ` " lost ::. oy|Y plan <. ` upon Anti: I The i July 29. . .-.... .-- c_:vvI-`llUa On July 29, 1873, in the town: utrm, the beloved wife of Mr Ev.` after a. short but painful illness, ninth yunrnf her age. ff The funeral will tnlm "1... -; tawuuhip of King- Edwsrd Gouge, in tho sixty- ` will take place at two o'clock, Tlnurmlny, 31%., from her late rouidcnca, cm I tlm Y-ork nzul. L In this city, cm ' Chn.rH.m, unly mm of II vuum. cm-Invnrruw (Th: l"ric:u-la mud. zuzq vital in .'_:Mn.-ml. , llp. I...I.. an In . ..-u--, all ll. lll` .*`.tc\vurd of Hluniltrm. l.c:svy squall uf wind night, but lucked triu. mumiug. 1 To-marrow evening the Battery Band play: `L I on the (Juucn n wlmrf, when they will perform the pi-.-vzes which gainud them the prize at 5 Alexandria Bay. W o will give the pio- grmmuu tn-marrow. I The yacht Um-a.!, varrying the pennnntof (Jnnmuuluru M lvluutcr, Royal Canadian Yacht Club (Gupta. M. Mc-.Mtwter couunymding) ur- .rived ht duyhrcal: yesterday morning from f'1`nrontu. Vo',~ umIm'M.:mIl aha intend: cruis- ling for gonna days among the islamll. Hor crew ctmuiuts of (Japt. R. 2'5. F. McMutor, Mr- F. Lord`, Mr I). Mu'l)onall and Mr KB. I H/unilcnn, mu... ..............,_,_u .- l The (}uvs.-rnnru nf the Kingston (}ncrnl Hospital thankfully acknowledge the follow- pug donntimm; Mrs A. Livingston, 22 potu pmlerves ; Mm. J. Mtwnce, two volume: 11- lustrntcd Lomlrm News; Mr R: M. Moore, regular supply of. newspapers; Dr`.-Horatio Yates, $10, the proc-.-cdss of {col ; A.M. D. ,33; rclult of xi brat on the match between the G uclph and Kingston Base Bull Clubl. .-n--n-__.._..`.,.,( V Intel'- Ivottl. - 10:11, * wlwt July so, 1373. Popular and Fuhiomble with the Muaionl Community. ,._... - .......- ; l I . \V. 0. Iinzu. ---The lusncl plays in th Market S;um:u thllevssning at 8 o'clock. The following prograrnmc will be played : l. March-(:`emmu.. . . . . . . . . . . ..----- 2. QIm-lri_ll4;--lfuutpuuri . . ., .831-nun 3. Polk; -1l.imla... . ... ,, `..St:-nun . Serenade ---[Jun l.'.'I..S(1l1'.1'l`\;.' . . . . . ........;Balfe 4 g 5. Quiulmtup -- Wlum the Guru is wnvin , Ano ` ` . [nie.....A.H. . "6. Guluo---'Gcr1na.n... , ~- ] {1:.\'Aw,n'.~ There waaarunawsyyaltcu-dyny 1 uftommm | :'i:zx:um; utrucb. "The hone and I waggox: calm: in conttsct with a buggy stand- nml gullnpud on up Princeu ltl'O0`t,- `ling (MTuI'd'u door, and the horuvru captured. We did not but of any one Doing hurt. ' FURBH) any 1u:nu::: trunting my wife on my account from this date. V - 1 . KEARNS. ` ' , ,,-. 62$ ERA I. I:_} 0lL'l'. \`VIu9hixu;tou, my _:0.--Probabilitiuz- During rust of_ Wedmmdsy for Mialdlo Lower Lakes,` Jlortllwoat wind: I vveatlwr; with higher tompurlture. I : .__. -.- .--._-c.-. . ' " . I i` I. . -` ....`,. .. l.".'m 9).... 2u.7u;77.r. mv no 4.30 29.82 70.0 W _3 7.30 .1... 30.03 69.0 w s n....,;.;_...2.x:`7o`,`e;;;.; .` 6:3. Rain: inches. V lia:_-mnutric corrocons--21, 2|, 23. ; u-cu. RlP0lX l'. - Lmml ohgmvatinmc far 24 lumrvi ouding it 7 7:30 n.II|.,.L{ly> 29, 187' . ...... --an ' hi: l'um:rnI will tnku pllwo frnm him father u Ii-iunm-, I).-unly a Lzmu (ull' Diviniml uitreub). marrow ('l'lnU'uf1:ay), at 4 o'clock p.m. iceunln :u:qImu|luuuu-n urn wpeqtlully in- bccl ulo H} {:11 (:w L...4 . (}alop'Gcrxn'an.. ` God Hn ,. V.-umuu_, mr we Mmmn s, I"laatera1-'5 n'p;;'u Work to be done in nishing mlwu nt Wiiarnuvie for U. M. Wilkin- Cm . . ~ LSTACEY, To I and specification: can be new 1 S'l`A 1`IO_NEll B HALL; ` . 82 King Street, - Kingston. .)L'I'il'lBl'l..................... .... `- God Save the Queen. A. If. lucxnn, Bamlmutor. ?J;uti9u.' g, un mm mm: July, WI} ,v ~JduunuLChM'lton. J As. MAR-SHALL, !c.- rem: lm l'........:u... '4 ':5:eue;L};.noisi'I% Irv rucoivcgl b fbc under- 6 Mn. ui T IUHSDAY, pr 1; 1c MM:m I'Iutewr a fk M! in Ihahiun ./`:11; thu' 529:1. July, William tf*E(hlll|luLChII.rltnn, nm-I1 .1'oHN powm, Architect. 1:. I ,.,.......-. uuu nur 1'`. H. I. Nhu uucuuntured tho I mul min of Monday um um! taut yesterday rx J!.Vl`4'Nl.NG, Eu to be hold on . uccounrily no- w 31 nur. I '8 I Glut. on, uinm1"b`.'66 rv uunm `n, aged McDonel1 s, Market two walu, amounting to- Thii is a `fine oppbrtnnity, ll FINEST` GOODS not yet elm` July 29. 1_ .S.-I rinto saw dutinglll in % We have received poaitiW_ to loll the whole lmlance`_dIIr5! Tuesday and AUC'l`l0N sm VDRY K 00 mmfl` AlI() l`l0N I*Yl)"Ri( AVINI.` lobed forbid ifny one Siving count, as I_will not be H ' `:"*> part us Molnu Park. I, train ` `gl`0M ,-r Lu-go Auortmont, Chap, 11 snzrrmn Hjv High Top Bawlu Palm Leaf, July 29. J. DAVIS, l'IIIlIl'0l'. July mas: ms: in Kingston, 2%]: July, 1878. ,. oft}. nl1 aim: the molt intcnuting g, The new iron Ikunorm ~ been chsrtond, and will -Hunky : Whlff It 6:30 3,13, An txoollont BRASS 3 Montgomery : QUADRILLI 3 been engaged for the trip. The Alpha Hon 00. pk], . an every ourtion to Ink; ` Excursion the but of the saga.` . Tickou60eontquch;c'hi|4,. ` 8'." " ` `````':`% "1"" "" ""- - . v , . D .:.:.': .;t*...*-.2-.2. r. ID A "1: "V- HFEFIBST GRAND the Alpha Hose Couixum . ' 3 On Tuesday, Augm. :r.::::.'.:.ff'.:-::.':::u::7*'A A ::~,....::=-:-~~~* =-A n A ALEXANDRIA um - - lllllllll `ALEXANDRIA utc sin non ti: on the B Is portunit of intcgttcp y Ijde of ti: , retnrni 0 river, the emo-tinhruting Am-`.`.."' "" AYa . homo "*.2-..*'.*=-" Auction. STILL commul 7 cH.wLm-5 Gnmol.` `llixllg k`i2 J apaneae 1 Silk] [Wigs (sw- d immmm II lllbllrgulaf on Sunday anal flmgied Hm uh Sam M; ; WM IL!` `IlfJ1z;; on . Tie h ,`Il;:ol:T:1b York, July 5 ' machine on the upper L Ilkillml and 1 -u_y`wuv. `ail , D051 ) riptiou forth-amgeism. ( 5 thv Prime Ministur fur I . Hon. -Iuhn Mr;-doxmld ml...-, in Immf 3 men mm m . aImnw_ to ` mthuxl mu r.u\\,A iii 7 Lu. ' uly 30. `I the Games duhn if aw? in` Ihm'I`\\v . PHI '1. w wln 1 M33 UI milled the P. A. Taylor ` not 11 ` mnrotms` llllll, -jI|| `tmt rm` Gena ml Pu .lL.........u.r >31 u_ly T :-nu \.vx.I|:g:t'llIL'II, and J x ah`-mgly 4.-xnotionul 1 `L wmzld bv, indeed, H; n:.- Jig] I -n... 6'_.| . Hil 5"" ' _ so propv r mxd dc.- 0! {In ` mu uu.W_ M. mu m_`_`;`_iv ufxlln once aenvered to tho anintn, "um faith |` M.._.c ,5_,Wh.,'.u uh wrdm.` "cl? xlclz ms `presumed. to thinlund ngninat . _ ._.,..__m,r,_, by me w'm._m_nmVW ` u'nr.rulu mm currqpnnn .'m~1 _t_ymm.y.._ v]|.-`(;1.'.ul Iulgo Uf lrulund tn `Q|'5!r9 l_|.lU')"HIl lf yull UXPHCI, to gguc.` ""l"'"`.V" U! whmnit would I "',""l yuu 1"? .hM W `h"""~' 8"-1 "M 9",, U, 1` pmwo of tho blwd I I rutesuul. mncnpics you have inherited tea.-ivud`, being, an the were {`." Y`"' Ph""5"(`| 1"i)~- and at name no much `M t N be; mug, than r1_qlntsaudl:hurtx"cu you ask for Cheerza.) (Inc 5 y"m * 1"3 I00 mun. bu prcpurud to Iwconl `._, ml dare , tn others. uh:ll1.uut forget Lg mention tho . cincun) -whom I r`"` `H110 Pocuptxon I got, which in intend- whom I ed pl `"1 Ifny self, but still more ,mHm,__". mwmlg in `,;2.`i the rep:-orwntahvo of tha Omngexnen of I/-V.n.l.....) `.\.';;,; 0;, Uf 11.`, f;`._A;._ ` nnmlav can `Nb any UK, inlllllgsl. H, mm{(_.,] hm. u-colluctlolm of my mu not the lcnut Vhu :I.hnrn nil ..o|.._.., . n`.~manr_4 ...'H L. .1, .,... ' _ _ - U9`-` NHUk|l4 ul Mash-r r , .._..u.. v---u vrluliu \\r'L`l- _~ :{l`:'c.~I:l' :6 the rein-cm-ntutivou V h-:-Ur:mcl Lodge of tn 'apre:u.ant_ativuu by whom it ` uour Pnnca n! on... :.n.....; i ..,u.... p- Jun` urb. rv:u_ru'- um (irunat u` d the (`range Assucntmn nf Cuuda noted M the (no: of the throno to I, ' W un uldrcsa from the loyal Oran . d, titih America. (Loud and pm `E ...m-u HI zuu-um the (franc! us! ,- ...u-.u-1:53, ll won 3 t. in sinm. (Hmuv lm..- \ ,, -......,, mu: urllnll muln-y, `J0. I (cw day: after u -.-&a-. 'l'hurml,-xy. July tho mx rurivod at linliykilhuj, ` \IlII|' " , ,.... ... ...u . guvllluu In `mug hp reapomi ;h u.-r'|.1.-:icuva.tio|n. Whvn I uh-J, he s:\il-4 Wurahip- v '15 thy (`mmuty of Down, I ,-n, anal lmliun I nun ..... 3 _ -:.ulI'.U lJllK"Ur"" nut _:n-auzro you dun-0 ` by the Appruncxcu y ', hear, and Iunghter) ` on our arriving m Hr. liuulton and my- icing us members of St.uI'u.rc I 131 turn \ l's....... -us uuu ul tho 2211;`. i 9'` hare I I Ilhurn nu... . ......... J .......,.a; ~uu~` us nil era ;--and gnin-.1 rsannl diucmufort aprivilcgegc which I ulwaw.` nun--mu v prlvllugl ulwavs ` rnncu (`L - Vllo hm". elm Wiulill ts y--m d tlm (`mun mmury or Do! I ladies, I tun ` I 1|.-:0 nun Ir---b auuuun, ; nun Hot; nature, but my; 1, land and cold, most lot-ply and ' Iv w.'xr:n9h 1.5 or... I '.ol than to '1'uH.'mmru Jwn tank H1 , uuu ~ Jzwket, . ,.. a-mlJ l.Il __--.,u-an U] I-H-O f`|3DHI: 3515!` 0! course not. Why ulu Ministers. ox-Mimstors, d Lisbon bu zwcuptod by uatisfuctury when it 1: cont: cham;:ion bluckmnilot Uri Mullen. Why indeed I Amgamu, .:: Vith tho Hg, they pr u u. cl thvov Vin turned 0.1; in ddeuoo mi I (Appllllar ) nhn :u.\- JAMI! _ ,,,__ .-_n-nu nu` IIOL (lull 5 Ilmiuatmn to be under the not I oath, nun! who will com 1,0 1 5 bye in uoxxnnwtiop with the I tvlugraxuuiuul ullner private 5 Ottawa correspolndcmt ' um: mi follow:-, . , "Thu azum` hora. ;;u.':" J..-vx1an:' ` uft.o_:t I-uforu lmvc been tnktrn f u.ur.- wtor`.l~., .n.d this ulna, 5.0` .u; 1.. n`-- --- ,'ulds u. `["I'ln'u will not Icurprizu any one _-.,,...,. who has ;paid attention to the rasgality whiqh has lboen perpotratucl In this matter already, fund wlllgn far to account for tho reluc- tnnoe of some of t.he_pu.rtios to submit ithelnaelven to the ordeal of an l l'riuh".lma stntwd for Chicago, and will ' endeavour to keep a Wllll: d'iat:mc-e between `liuuaolf and tho l onitontiary whicln doubt, in prudunt und:-r I There are: other parties a lcollexxt x'eui(;l|il fur |nvu......._., . I oath, l _,__. 9., uu vu IIUUUUIJI nf the par . themselves ordeal C-`I-i< keep cl; ` himself Pomtonti: the also ....., : not my ; uid .' tcueil mum , , BV._I|&.IlI|a , will be toutrengthenuur nsuunmtmn, and to ` mid tu it many loyal-lxenrted men that mi- gilt not llafejnlnutl it othcnvmc. l Hour, hear, .smi cheer.) Umi ofthe pleuanteut things ' , Ill cmnwctiuu with tliitnultlrusu ; uf the fur corners of it in .1 photograph of the I unmsion, where l have received so much , lw29pltulit.y- -(clworu)---wliicli will lteop me All mind of it worthy owner, and of his uxcv _ ullunt family- (cheens)----whuuro uemeof the ` beat and ntuuxxchent l rnteatnntvu in l1'eln.nd. (Clmerm) Thnnlring you for the kind recep- tion giwvn to me, an-.1 to my brother, 1 ml: you to keep on struggling unrnektly for the ' faith once delivered the -rlnicl: mm moaerlted mi-.rulu umi corruption (hour, lmu')- -zunl unc- halal arinciples fr-nu your other: -(clmoru)--- time, those l'l!!,lItnIlL1llbu!'li'cH you ld tlmt in one yuui':wlvos wm,d, ",wh but '1, u," 3 pgmtnmnat would like it to shall not mention of the reception got, intend- _.1 V J ' I no uoubt the party will be zmxiulis to 1 remove the be.'nn from their own eyes be-. [fora taking the mute out of the minis- tcriulisl, which is our reason furolfering 1 these suggestions and which we have no j doubt will be received in the spirit in which I E they are oil's.-ro<.l. 'l'un.~4l;1 D1m.,'1.m4L'ul!.H.--\Vu were pro- mineal ll batch of Sir George E. Cartier-`n private correspondence, issued by order of ' the Fabro family, bearing very clnwly on u the l uciu buninesu, and one or two west- , urn Grit papers were in ecsmnicn over the ltlieuglut tlmt one mm: in Quebec was no mean mg tliose who purclmucd stolen good. liut the Fztbres have not spoken, and we do not believe they either can or will. Hatred pure minded op- do. _ ,7 t unc uxvl can p|'0Ui\DlHL". It llly I'6qlUl'U ltglll 0 ll - through Parluuuent. When these 1113 I mm H ` v.-uru before Purlimnmnt :rieItuo{theChurch '5 "` ` "'"' Jnfnlnu culrw down to [flu lc-ginlmi-.~u build- (Buy!) a } lug; 2. mm lobby unwngut the member: to pmculm -= iwluce mum Lu vote a.;;:;ixnst HI: Inczusure. I _ We ;;,ivc Lo 2. equal rc-Jigunn liberty, but if rm? to ` : lhtmu iiomun Catholic: that oppusod us only ' """"` "h ` kncwthut thoreaultuf theirtakilngmchnscup i doubt : bOI0ltI'01Zthel1n||r nun...-i..o.`.... -- J L |JIU5l,'||In_-(I l0 lllc VUII llil.\`(: hut.-n plsed In` `nu 0`-`r-faithful "f the legal par- ` l;indl_'.' to nllmlo tn the fact of my having " "" ""gl"' g"'e_" mm i _" p"l" l *l)r~m1 one of the nucconaful iustrumomu in oxperionco of Uriah Heap" 31.1106 be $110!`) - "r'-*|'3'.1's_`l'll W l_4`?Kl3l`W"2 f N) PW` to run the newspaper at Newburg. If this : .""f:fl: (fig: Uf:Mt`{:?|::;:;'r1 filo I is at all painful to their feelings," we will not V ..-: ' ' '1 . ' -: . _ , ` lcnfnv that guy credit is tluo to ml: on that f'h" 97 W ` bJt at pr "t' It } ,-.._-um_n .51: :my- rate I did nothing Jun said that there are anumber of oxecutionu at ; my duty in the umtwr, mid 1 should be pact," ..-mch the PM-Li w.u|d 13], 90,931.. `unworthy of the colours I wear had i rim! `Wm K E omibim _ mm ` in upon, and probably the wire-pullers would . 1 ` ' ` . . . . - . ' "-,\':l..i A comes: over tllh lnzlttuf ; it was Mg! m d"hrg"`g mm [W "h p"P`"' ,1 fought moat bitterly in Parliumaint by "f '5*'l 4`l"8 in milkm 5 l*mlv1' 501' W9 some lloxunn Grrtholic mcmlzers there, ,genial confuhmt and general spy. Finally, ;1gu;L, still worse, by sonic false-lxcarteda i"r-ntostzmta -(gromm)-- but we nuccoed. ' if corruptign 1.. W be spokal` 0f we would. ml in carrying our muzmuro through l'atlia- km "W" Bcctlomwly l' brmg ""dr l hi' ` rnmt- :cne`eru)v -but by somo ohicanery "1" 1"`1 "*91' which W9) P"l 5blY on the put: of the tloveriuxznent of tho day how overlooked or forgotten, and that is _ ll Bi '5 "9f~"""`l ' 5"? 3 W19 V l i the existence of that little book connected :";"lr |rl ;:b;1;L`_ l'i[::"':'?t : '%51::; l "`;';`:`_ : the election last year, a copyrof which l.cfo1-ul> u.rliameIntrriestuoftlwChurcll 1' ` l" P "l" Wm` 331950 111'1'i`-'1"! 1 ol llnmu lot Io ? (Buy 5) still in it unarmed. If further W W 3l l ) ""b"? "3 W'b1'! I pzu".icu1nrn nro lookud for, we would simply I a;;:ums( 1 ' _ . . , . gl\'c all equal lihcrtv. I mm: that comm_m'e 'm,m 0 I "nee" mo.-..; opposoclun 1 "9 " }' "3" f"l` dl"1" `V9 h"" km.-wtlmttlioresnltof thantokiingomclinstop I the party" mmunituion, tho loy:tl-hearted gm.xiotliarejnxnullltotlicrwmo.1Hou.r,heax', 1 fr. ,?&kmg..w. rm? mil. L.hc,_,,_ ) tcruL.1sh9, 15 roaooii or oifermg lllisnuldrusuld tlmtinulw ` corner oiit doubt will I... -.-mi-v---I =-- I-- -W ' ` vumuinn u.l....... I L..--- V ' ' "'H HI UH.` `ll! |((.'h0orn.) And Ill ( 1lnna'n u-n....I | \.lll'Ul'l.) In Canada rocuiv u. Lu-uthcr'n mo add it wil be any uf you Lhare, fV.'cor1I prusl,-mud to yo 1;indl_I,' Amt rexnmnlmr thin tlmt you W ill :5 :1 brothel"); weicmuo, und rrueting ~- (upplause) --:md let- ntratagg, shuuldl meet if I am notlprupnmd to 1 to you sunuathiu-,; in return for the I ontluuizx.-ntic recneplmn yuu have {_!'Jxnt!n;siastiq chm.-cring ) givun .mc.-. " In the address, 1 I I . A u lmre mv hnvivuv I` . ouIl:IlIIHH uL .'I.n_V ll nwrivn of "(in on," H mnnotinimg to my to ya ull dun respect to my 3'-1;na_-I HIM:-I who sqml. in whom I. had Hm hm 1.`-6','l of m:nIing,J'x-mu u Il'ulZiIU l1l'un:[Ill(r .n- 11-` Ifl I [non ha rl them. 1 Q4\h\.sr. I ,._. nun H. cont. 1 ,.._._.-. Linc _ , .... .......-.. vu uum1Iang:I.x|wt! mi ur)--mu! t ' :sthura--(c|moru)~- re :'i5.:lIts and lihurtfcu s nhalluut 1_uclI!iun .` I I I I 9 p vuul. zumllzg was 3 of Unliykillrug. 'l|lll0Bpu`t'm'!'1'c.H -..--s..-.. r .. v-It- -unu W H ? "#20 uot._rlosn'mg the 9 umlm-"H... ....|....._:L,, A ,_, .... also out: WOTU of stars, ditorn and pub- I the public as at all i contradicted by duff lat Urizxh Hoay" Mc- ,' ad ' Tin.-re urn nthuru to npcmk uftor .- luwo upokvn lmfnru um. mid it ' l'dl|;,' fur me to m,-cupy yuurtnme 3 HI Elly {HIV Illlllnvlmn .1-u ` . . vuuuny um nnme sumo way as you do here. ul relnmnhor thin `uiw . brotho:-'5 We'mnnm. an-3 . _. .,.._,r um, Lhu 12th nun... 0|... `IVIJUI-U` Itltcux .15. -1... 1;; full: ycn Inlnnnu-:un.-mry I4-1 OH, HM all`. ) Iml. I I _.._..... stated yesterday I '6 called In mec:-I dltailwny mutter `nor-General con- boen muqh easier , l"U1, l.ll - un.'_) lnutl have` u ynu, and I may it, with ` ~ my brethren from tho 9 ngmlm to ynu tn-day, and r hunuur nml privilugu in , rmu (":un:uL'un frmcnlml mm: of Hue tn- .-.... ".5 but? I. 5 nmlomnity of, 1,0 hnvlu I..- olomnity at .:m hght by anal nun-1..l--5-V ` I V zslul ' purloining of I pnpura. The n. word of <:.1u- `I I:'n stutvzzxexnts I for wlm-1 tlxay owovcr correct |'(:!'nInm.v 1Y----- .- .y nnvlltlvll HID intend- o 3' that, 1, uf July, 1873, go: ,,[ um} fr-In , _... .- ....... ... a Auto name at cm it qn-rt-9.9 an Mbiclu which appeared '""g" UlIl`llW'l I"rr~/m//[Ir utterance `f"`:fu,`;,` l'g"7`" Mini-an-ri.-d \Vc stat ,,,__l mm tn; the 1"/`M/zolrlrr juun (Luuj chcurps, in (bu. organ Um parmm who" l"Upl um- his ucgst.) about. ninety-him: luau than alt l Dmugemen district of (iluugarry and of Icugy. who in Fomwull fnlluw not b family. Mr "D. A. it wh ,` _/(./I ). troly this urgthn und. udito 4 `_ the paper Ir. wusthy ` n rim. 1; on tho I it draw it iu.~p1mbiou. It [31, .;mmd-;.';, 33 inuence; with the par ; Unc of glwm, Cornwall and tho .'ulj.`u'cl|L its ,,,uM Mt ex, V cmxtumportwy, the t\ W,/' -I-Le up I are iuclim.-41 to think i uth_u_mug I :11 out coutemptxblc.-. I xlnwu - lu O_ when tlm bum swearing `am i cnnonized - G. W. M. We" COHTBA no } inn concm 1113-~tm.1 I hope `hf 0| inf fit:-ta: Illa-lo Isl! f-`an-U113 Ifrlid to mom lh nhnu .. 1.... v 5 Derry, secretary, W: - ,' .\'uw thin reduction at i an enemy in I out, unless it ha f}\n5 H-- ` V , rv-v -rvv uuu 1} [J " ; Joint." rm 3' I days who-null pronuncin by*..lw nmnus it i men uu1I..-rtheuoblo titleo! ` ' ' but now, glox l .' simply by thc "! Berry, Secretary, word: Nuw {Mia Inn.`---`-'- ` . ,...... VIIIIIUV Hurely moral and uuufnl :1: nivnl this nveniug has fallen from its, , fact, not to 1 '; ``Joint." II '. run. ...1.. .. W _ W -_. ..-........_,. uuu. Will conne it- self M `mix-t) .;2x-cuhunu.*-I imtcad in future, S-'!.tIU`vl:l) s, em:-.-ptml. Tlmt is so that the faithful will huvo the {our cohtnma oxtm of `SI:n1cy reading from the "gmspel." The cause Mm';mer.`. in to save money. But W0 no- ; ti-:0 another I contractim: fozawhich the tame iploa cannot Hurely in: given. The hinmu i...,.--I N ' ' V _ ,__,_-l .7 -no nuunlxl l'Cll'K . causquencc," Opposition ; I to rival august > ` that the conloquevic ; the way see lthnt such western said that the Grit: in d arfonth once in A while, II: as much. fur we- have , samples of very fair swearing. B` oath they object W. McMullen to be sworn, for the truly that a man who will tell a lie likely swear t'o it, und having p Mac to the verge of the outta, the; anxinuu to give him as hole throng]: nnmum 16 -----* -` " , - .... `nun.-- Mr 1 mm! I mortality r I runnu`anna...... 1' _-A I U " Tn: Onu.-1 Ur Tm mu-o..I:v.'. I... I 1 . , . ...,..-a In. uuu L1 nu! ......t..n .. I , - .. -..- nun-uynpur at LVOWDIII press the subject at pros 0: Picton pun-Lieu 11' . ,.......- nu nimgumll Wolllll be I 7 r.-Von " aid Hllull a gnmtln rmuimlur as a petition l 4: 1-: tho (Juurtof Cllaalltfufy. Tliww things, as ; we have amid, might be iloclnrecl out hf order ' : in 5 matter rcsfurx-iug to tho l'n.cillc Railway. . The amino t)l>JUctl|'rll, lmwcvur, would incarce- i ly lio tn :1 little explanation coucoming that I little entry Uoorg - Brown 350,000," or to that other statement We are all right with the l:'lub:.-," of which the slightest pxplnmh tum has not yet [man made, oithe} by the I tiluhe or .-my one ulrsc. Then, perhaps, some hi the M-or-fuitliful Grits, legal E suaniun might give :1 little of their personal since tried 1 painful tn their c.a..I:.....~ .. ._.'n . ,. . -.... un uun: us over our brethl us am mvx per] dun n have . bur. ip Iyn_npnt!1y nnlvg-_-........ :-. ...L

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