Tl SUOTS ! \`Vc sre receiving 5 New Stock of all the latest styles of Gentlc.-menu, Ladies and I '.hih1rcn I| Boots, Shoes and Gaiters, mun a. |.'U-'9 1'.-\l.|'} ALE, pints -llmrtn. 'I'l'l.\'.\'T'INT S SCOTCH ALE. lN.\'l`:.'4SY`S HANDY in cum! i-hcI:4., mu! nuw lamling. ` ` .\m-u-r l..t nf (`ran I."I`u :_ ,,-, V 1 30 CENTS PER GALLON. which will be SOLD AS CHEAP 35 any house in Kingston. numu & B_AlLL|E, ` Wlnolt-sale x |0.000 Genuine li:w:um (` _ luwing brands : -l':u'tig.'u < Henry Clay-." WIIULI-ISALE ,\.\`t> July 17, I873. Families should em|omcr|tlniu cl ml gut th--ir Stuck Can: lillo-11 ug-ply in exhaust:-d. June '2. 1 L l.\'.\'I-13.8` 1'o1:'rx-:11, `,'.a.., . r KASS A: ` '. . J - W". 1.0% P.\IF. ALB, punts aml: L1 L I .'lO\`A|. Mm-r-zluum Bowl: in 1,`.-uwn. Hrmr Rout Pipes in U.-uu-n. Furkmh (`hurry |`i;u~.<. The I`-Ming I'1po (Cork). French and Euglinln Ulay Pipes. 30,000 Mani110 C-heroots, HI I) I. In. HA "F. H. E. SVVALES, W. DAVIS, .".\I.~\I.l. LOT of EXI`1)H__T U. in mm [or halo at tho MI`I|)l('AI. IIALI. fol anther Int 4 3%. S. HOBAR'l`. 5 . P. WHITE, PRI NCFISS ST R l'}lu"'l`, ,-cry, Liquor and Prbvisiun Stare, Cur. -Brock and Unturin Streets, FERRY WHAKI. SALT ! BOOTS ! .. noualunlllsn :. of CLAIR]-JTS in cases, I - and):-tail Tobacconist. I `)I\'. nan.` .---- crpoul Salt fur dairy purposes, M: {are (`Iuuu-e. nrncli and Urntunu S FER KY WHAICI". `Iv. 1873. All Capt. lhli b-'10 Capt. (3 M1) L1. 1-innitll. n|nmcc|tlniu u uportunity `furs: the Eu':um (`igaru of thu fo - "1'm'tig:u," "Upm.1m4," BOOTS ! sALT !l RE `.-`U L. and quarts.- Proprietor: | u vpurtllnlty L-furu the N and bllllhh |.Uuu|'.' meets t1\'m:I'y l'lll,`IS- 5 DAY EVENINH, at 7:30 0'1.-luck at their Hall corner of King and Brock strweta. Noted for the Best Soda. Water in Kingston. -' ' ' ' ' '-' ` " I LNG. I3, SHAMBLES, KINGSTON, (mtario. IX-1` 'I'I1n nlv'.H'l` KHWLW` Luvs` n..o...6....on.. .... nu. Id, nunm Dunn, 1\uVI.uD1'U1V, Untztrlo. ms` The BEST MEAT kept constantly on hand. Stemuboats and Vesacls supplied on the shortest notice. u.....n. mm. mm jwnawx BUT_|T IS HOT. ifszli. Mcdiiiiiidh Spa;k{ing .1VndV Pungcut, avoured with the ` Ulnoiurcst Fruit Syrups. drawn from the Arctic Standard, at] UST RECEIVED, ex Stenml1i[) S Swallow, A large consignment of Pin Castillon & Cie s __..BRANDY in hhda. and cases of quartz, pints nind I, pints ~ Our stock in now cumulete. and we nru In llnl. Illlll cases 0! qglaru, IHIILS EH ,1 plllla 1!! cumplete, we are o'c-ring lunnenuc lim-gaiugs. All we ask is,a. trial to grove that we have the CJJEAPJL`-3"!` AND `P. ..\"l` Assnwrm mwr uw lrllbl IA) )I'0V8 EH8! W0 IHIVU mu UJ AND B \"I.` ASSUl{'J`MEN'1` UF Heath & Gunn s Drug Stbrej, William.-` ii,} j" & co.,| {SODA WATER, l ICE CREAM! ICE CBEAMl-Vanilla, Lemon and Strawberry Flavour:-always on hunt`, frs. ClI0\l'N .v sens`, VERY LAPJ 31'), ' AS:,-Ul`.'J`M ENT 0] 1'LANE:4 of extra uality ; zs'nn)uthing ' Jack: ; Long nml Shurt-` uiutrn ; Beads, all ` sizes; Hollow: and Bounds ; l).ulo'I Plouglm. I liuxwnml and Beech ; Also the lrnm Smtmtlr ing Jack and Juintcrn. tuguthcr with as large ntuck of Carpenters and Juim.-rs Touls, `which will be sold. cheap. S. UlI0\VN & SUNS, M;utin'n Block, Princou Street, Agents for ' .____\__ Soda Water-Ice Cdld,| lREESBR0THERSl -.. uuwu uanlcn Uursutu from 30 cents each. Black Alpacas from 20 cents per yard. 6 Bales Grey Cotton: at 11 cents, worth 13 cents. 300 Pieces Prints, Light and Dark Colnuru, at 13 cents, worth 17 cents. Great lieductium in all Fancy 0.30.1. Other Ipeciul line: will be advertised in n I {ow dnyn. I Inn n......._ u _. '., vvvlllll 91.25). 1,000 Pieces PA from 15 cents to 50,` per yard. 20 Union PAR 59' ne anorwan uouce. March 27th, 1843. , ......... u put urns HEUUCEIY toi _I_ ll cunts per yard. BLACK Slhhb at 70 cents, worth 90. BLACK SILKS at 90 cents, worth 81.25. BLACK SILKS at $1, wnrth $1.40. BLACK SILKS at $1.75. worth $2.25. Blue, Green, Brown, Slate and other Shades at 8], worth 84.25. Innn n:,..U- n....... -7 July 9. Juno _20th, I83; LlVElll 00l; ll0lJSI<}. July 25. THE BUILDING PAPER. E'l'll El; L01)! i I`) meets IIAV I1`.\.'l4`.\7lN'l1 nlr mm. KINGSTON 71 u- -. 100 Dozen Hoop Skirts at 20 JV yilf. V V V 0 Duzon PARASOLS at Cost Price. 20 Damn Ladies` Uursutu from ANOTHER omen SALE J. GllEENl<`I l<}l JUST RECEIVED [0 R ROC K S COTTON 8 lmr vsn--I WY!!::.m.HAVE% 47 1;RlN()ESS STR|_E'l`, Now is the time to visit 11 With Pure Fruit Syrupl. BUTCHERS, IA LIRIJFQ II I\7l'1l l'l|X ' ITALIAN WAREHOUSE, Il....,.1. Lu... IN THE CITY. Mnnnfaoturing Confectioners. FANCY DRESS GOODS 50. Worth from 25 tn [:5 ......o.. . nnu 1 UJHLSH 0, from 25 t AT THE l.lVERl`()0L HOUS It , I, (CANADA). SATURDAY EVENING. THU :5- ml lz..m.l. ..4..`...s. L cents oawh. .4-nvuuu, Brock Street. REDUCED to LDOB uuuu 1 to 65 cents N` \`~~ \ 5 I'll: ' L()n0 Int ufT\\';\.\'K1\Y l`lC.A, nnly 20 Cents pol` lb. Um: Int (}UNl'()\VDEll TEA 40 Cent: per lb.-cxtm value. 45` Small 10` ` for iu\'.'L|iul.-4, Irv amurual ; iti |'IT11Z>E:;s McConvi1le,. Butcher? .` .N'(~.nnn uwnuzmv .... , 7-7- _ ---v 'v-. . gnaw aabsvvl-III}, ` ` N'mI:m s'rI:m:'I', opposite the Grand Trunk Depot}. uh Vcxwcls carefully Mtcmlc-l to and supplied at all hnurn at the cheapest rates. ' Amil I. I873, VAY8 IEICC tn mntify my friends and the public that 1 have removed to the House former- ly occupied by Mr Moves, P-ago: Street. 'Il_Il\ll A as lII\\vI> vsvv `HE Sulm,-ril;er rcnpl-ctl'ully1cosircs to in- furm his fricmlu and the public generally tlnut he has commenced business in the Shop lately occupied lny Mr Wm. Raid, on Princess Street, where he will at all times be ready to supply Meat. of all kind: at ricoa an chea as the clwapcut, and equal to 1; no bestin qua ity. lloust llcuf at 8 cents per l|)., and Mutton, Veal and onln.-r Meat equally hon . WM. KINl)l.E. Jn Smnetlning New in Tea! .. l..-..-v-uuu. Just rm:.,-ivunl 21,000 lbs. RA\V SUGAR, clu,-zxpu-st and best ever sold in Kingsfmi - warmuntml not to colour 'l`ca. Ni-;iE?16tIc_eT- Roast Beef! Roast Beef! llacnce at Waddclrs New Building. Ferguson s Block, Princ'ess-St. Jun. mu. IQ !!! = PARKHlLL S. ] ().`(l".-S` NE\V JAPAN TEA, onl 50 10 Cents per lb. --bout value in ing- .-.L.m. New Boot and Shoe Store | CLARETS, YA \' S I . av uavuulnuu LILUGI. RUBBERS IN GREAT VARIETY. Call and see 111 stock, and the handsomut Boot and Shoe S op in the city. { BURGUNDIES. 5 V &c., &c., &c. I 'l{l}l)lDl+}N no ROWE, ITALIAN IN ES ant Fluid, . Victoria Carbolic Preparations Garbolic Powder in tins and in bulk, I Chloride Lime, &c. ; Jam 01. E./1.7V` ~ 00., A small 1.: of JAVA TEA, or iu\'.'L|iuI.-4. Imin-r 1':-up f.-mu I-..l.. July 21st, 1873 Chloralum, Condy s Celebrated Disinfect- .-.....4. 1'11--.` fl ruenpea-II: runes. Aplil 1, I873. .t.__ ,_ , _ July 7. DISINFECTA N TS. . 0...... .. .. June 10th, 1873. Dr. Walker's Vinegar Bitters. April 21 [J UST RECEIVED} S_chenck s Pulmonic Syrup, Sea Weed Tonic, Pills, &c. Grand Opening ' ATEST STYLES in BOOTS and SHOES A at mmlernta `P:-imam 42 Prhu-4-us rec-1,. Kingston. E. ROSE. How to Keep 0001 IN SUMMER. New Season Teas 1:13.31 oL1unaln UK at moderate Pricel. nun mug in nun . on l)l:s'l'I'}NSlN(} (Jl'lEMlH'l`S,' CHINA 'r1.1A II-OUSE, .11/`NT A HRIVEl,) AT v.\mn '.V l`4VV J.- \l'AN TEA, on] 50 cuts --bust value uw -u -1 It v fl 1 1-;_A, recommended .4, lming free from colour and highly it is nmat p:LL1t:I.h|e. 1 u; l\l\Ih n ._ . -__ _ _A, (Newly Received.) Iieiaaifjlf 'l l(\' HOME OF OUR 3276 ]'IllNUl~}.`H S'l'l{EET. A SUPPLY OF --ALS()-- nvvv, uaallu ovreuo. THOMAS UONLEYL 5 equal: y cm-up. W M. KIN DLE, JR. rccul Um: an M6 ,' recommended nur marl hinhlu uup. min. or the It WILLIAM COFFIN, Ordinance Land Agent. Department of the Interim, Ordnance Laud BmIu:h, Ottawa, 4th July, 1873. LL persons who are fmul of a GOOD A CUI UF 'l.`l`}A will In well to `call on SCOTT & D;,\l/|'U. \' and got. a.s:`Lu|pl.-, as we have just received an a.-s:4m-txucut the uent over imported into thu .-........~:..;..,. am pm. ruuclvuu an a.-sum-uucm. the finest imported the city, cumprising Young Hyuonu, .l:Lp:Ln.s, Somzhongs and Con- gous, at price to defy umnpctiliuu. ' N.B.---Parties ruquiring U1`!-A.`Jl'A(h \'l`}.5' would do well to gin: us a. call, :14 we into.-ml to dispose uf uur stuck (which is large) AT UOST. y u-u-. nanny` U1" I.U'n`.S on ilcm-Inner`: -Fm-m, Kingutmn, m'del`(:l to take place on the 9th inst is pmstpmnucl to Wedncmlny, the 13th of August, at the hour and place ml- vertised. ?._t__.j_._...__.__. _.-__. _......._ ____ Important Notice. B0 cusp .... ..- ..... \llIlJ/ Also :1. . ulemlid .-\ss()rtn1u1xt of lH.A(_`K SILK MAN 1`LB VELV.E'l`H(Umn1nu4u make). The entire Stock of Fancy Silks and Japanese Poplin: to be sold at (Just Price 75 Dreu Patterns to choose from. uu uaulu u uargc DEUCK OI [flu-\UK n5"I[1KS ranging in price fruul 75 cunts to >,`.~3, as guml value as can be found in tho city AI-..'.. u.,I_._,1:! A - - - -~- A V `SL2.-u.I-I Postlpoliennlit oi` Sale."agne E1136 and j` man , L cases for sale <, to cloac 4:. cnu.`i5n- mont, in lots to suit customers. Send for sample case. 1 L1oz.qua.rt case,-86 pints, 2 doz., $7. . Plain and Coloured Silks ii Beautiful Shades. ma: :' .1 'saao:'ooo.p Il'AYWIT.I.I'. 7 am - -:-v-- . Ivvvvgvvvo MAXWELL W. STRANGE, AGENT. 3:00, Clarence Street, opposite the Post ce. I1" E ALWAYS keep on hand ()llGAN and MlCl,Ul)EONS of the best Crum- dum make. and luwc now 111 Itock some ax- oellcnt ENGLISH Ul'lHGllT PIANOS (made by Bmmlwuonl, (Jlmpell, &c.,) wwhicln we invite attention. A superior "STE! N WAY" for sale on ma- uounble terms. Aim a. few l'in.nmo to rcmt. We feel condent trmt mar uwn lmetrnmuntn :will continue ta sustain their well-earned re utation. nphvnru n-1;` \|7__-..A -u ru unauon. zwbnry and Wamrnmnn cnrnerof Princess and Ontario Htrueta, Kingston. ll! Hill?!) I. run . Pianos, Orgagid Melodeons. WESTERN ASSURANGEM: QOAMPANY. -1-: A 1`. Au... I IANDSOME GRENADINES, BLACK GRENADINES, nmcx GUENAPIVE cL0'rHs, NEW MOZAMBIQUES, NEW ORGANDY MUSLINS, NEW BWILLIANTS, NEW PRINTED LAVVNS, NEW BA'I`IS'l"E SUITJNGS, NEW PERCALES. NEW SPOTTED BOOKS, NEW FRENCH PIQUES, NEW, MARSEILLES, NEW KID GLOVES, N EVV (}UI1"Ul{E LACES, & 13 An early call is ruspcctfully snlicitod. May 19, I573. ncnvill ` `ca-M chills-`i'l.-! Kinguton,'Apri!'lSth, 18 May l5._ On hand a. Large Stock of BLACK S`1l.KS aluzimg Dricc {rum 7; : (2.-.nt.. 1.. 1-: o... IIIIGO. Kingston, 27%]: Jan. 1873. lslmw 42 mNN1:s ,I V Kingstnn, Sept. 19, I872. `HE SALE OF LOTS Ilcrclunefg .].":n-m. Kinmctnn n1-1`nr1uln tn}.-.. IAIQIILI 5 mm 6. Scott & Dalton. SILKS AND VELVETS. 0 Hovornlot uwymco ul ING. AUGUST 2. 1873. AH llEUl`2l\'l:JD l`U-DA Y :s S| l.lNl)llI LOT of PRESEN T SEASON. HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. SUITABLE FOR THE JUST RECEIVEI) AT Shaw & Minnes, HLASU-0\V WAJUEHOUS E. A. MEIKEDITH, Dcp. Min. of the Interior. `GIN c ` Q L-cl until Liculnn ur, or II - I to AL. .R()SS u. GORDON oz 00., Montreal. "Wmu & co. WHBTORDOIILB. When he seemed absolutely lost, Stella. awoke to the truth, and knew that unuought her heart had gone from her. There had been no word of love from the young artist to the beautiful heiress ; and yet, with that Ixnerringz intuition oftrue love, Stella felt that Where` she had given her own heart she had won a noble, true one. So, sitting looking at the portrait that was to her the memory of happy hours and deep sorrow, she thought of the face taken out from her life, of the voice she might never here again and her eyes were luminous with tears as she mused, Urum hnr -ml s-mm..:.. ..-...- - --V ' um Iuuwu, Upon her and revs :-je came 5 stop and a. voice familiar and clearly beloved, and she sprang from her seat to welcome her `uncle. Stella.." he said. dmwim. 1.... 4...... 1... HICKS. - The large brown eye: werolained at once, frankly, but rather wonderingly. l'hey call you cold and ha,uEht.y,"~ he said, caressing her hand, and 100 ing fond- ly in her face ; but I believe you have a warm, true lxcart--n. warm true heart. . _ They call me cold who coiii-t me, be- cause 1 have the misfortune to be very rich, Uncle John. I do not can-v mv wzu'Iu, uue ucar1:--n. bu vet 1 not carry :1: heart in my face for the world to read. Uut it in them. Vnn 1...... 3...: ....--. wuulu am: be a welcome guest in their house. The portrait was framed, presunt- ed, and hung up in the library. Orders were left for the artist with Stella. The weeks wore away, one after another, and the artist never returned. Dr Mortimer, after 2: reasonable delay, undertook to hunt him up, mul failed. He had left the house wherehe had lodged, and no one knew his whereabouts. w:..... 1. _-.._- 2 -- - - - - npraug Irom not last to Stella, side him u face. 'l`|... welooxno said, drawing her down he- pon a. sofa, look me in the l....._- L--- ne mu: saw. so Henry Wayne had estab- lished his case] in the cozy lihrnr ; and Mrs Cosmcr, Stella : dour frien , had come to play propriety, and the portrait had been pnntod. But, ales! and alas 1 us the handsome young artist, with his great, black, soul-lit eyes, and his low-toned musical voice painted, he talked. Anal Stella listened, and found no common- place compliments, no comments upon the last bull, or the next fete, but a. mind brood and deep, full of great, noble thou hts, of grand aspirations, in brain stored wit well- chosen reading, and a memory where travel and observation had left pictures of run- beauty. Mrs Costner yswned sometimes ; but Stella only si ned when the sitting was over, and hoped or the next one. She had not fnthomed her own heart to nd why those hours'in the library were the happiest` of her bri ht young life. She never ed whens e spent such careful moments before her mirror, adjusting the white lace dress and wild roses in which she was pointed. ` Of course, one does not care to be a perfect fright in a picture, she said to her- self, when she took of her ehignun, and twisted the wild_ roses among the loose, natural curls falling upon her shoulders. But, one morning, Hen Vvayne rose from his seat, white as math, and an- nounced his task com leted. Mrs Costner struck attitudes of admiration; the artist bower}. gracefully, and retired; and Stella wondered why the world seemed dark and blank. Butthere was still a hope. The paint- ing was not paid for; and Uncle John must be made to understand the artist would still be welcome portrait was frnmnrl r-run:--1` ush- I- n for GSIIIII v c- Island : man In my moo tor the world there. You have had many oifera of marriage Stella. Has your heart been touched by none of them 1` Not one. But she {altered a little, and the snowy. lids and long, sweeping lauhoi vcilcd her eyes. Y'v.t vfin om. `l.......:.::.--I _,,a ` ~-xet. yqu are beautiful, and some of them may have been prom ted by love." Yet I am blameless, she said. ``I have given no encouragement to any. . - Nq. I have heard it said you were too I proud and cold to flirt." Un:-In Jnl-nu mt...` ...'.. ..._.- :._,.:._ W A - H I Ln mu nmgnbournood. A month Info the ukedmatopayuvinittoalodgoro hon, Illfys ' "A sad story 1" she said, wondermg' 1 . -A story of hopeless love, bli tedysnv bition, a. heart wrecked, and a li e wanted. It is nearlyva month since I be an to read the story, and I must close the hook soon ; for it must end in joy or sorrow very quick- ly. One of In patients, dear, is a little crippled Irish ho , whose mother lets out rooms in one of t e poorest lodging-houses in this neighbourhood. A month 0' naked me in mi n. 1:4-H, `A . I...I..... I.-.- pruuu anu cum no I1u t."_ Uncle John, what are on trying toi me? Twice you have ca me cold a proud. I have never been so to you." ``Never, :` be answered. dmnlmtimi yruuu. 1 ngve never been to you." N ever,": answered, o'tn hatncally. That in why I have come to to you a sad story." our tnu uung heart recognised :13 king till Henry nyuo, a. young unknown artist, `came to London to make lame and fortune. He was the han sun of an old friend of _Dr._ Mortimer: 3 and the kindlv nhvnininn nu was me nan of Dr. 3 kindly physician had coaxed Stella to sit for her portrait, tn give the youn -fellow I start. Stella," ho had laid. So Iglonry Wayne OOZV Iihrnrv - nun` ..... nuvluuy Inuw we hen-eu only in cold, haughty, and unapproachable. The face that looked pale against the dark chair had no pride, no coldness in it. In the large brown eyes was a mint of hushed tears ; the sweet mouth wan quivering like that of a grieved child ; and in the heart of the fair girl was the unepoken sorrow of -11. strong, deep love that seemed given where there wan no response. Women had come and gone since Stella had been brought out ;" lit the heart no till nyuo, yaumz unknown in-ti-6 -.._u-o Here, on a cold December day, half buried in a. deep, crimson-lined chair, Stella Mortimer eat with a book in her hands, her oyes xed upon A portrait {war the re- place, and her thopghte _b_ur1ed In a day- gleam E1190 poitrallf, ennlmg down upon er, :1 a. in day gift to her uncle, and Wu :1 life-like cofey of her own perfect face, and tall, den 1- gure. The soft brown eyes and golden-tinted brown hair were fmthfully re-produced ; but the ortruit had an appearance of calm pride t t was altogether wantimz in the fem lm.1.:.... mwuys many in winter cold, united to make it a tempting spot for quiet hours of thought and study. The doctor himrwli did not much frequent it--being a middle- aged man, with a. large practice, quiet read- iug hour: were a. luxury he rarely enjoyed. But the room was a favourite Jvitli Stella, the doctor's niece and ward, the heiress of poor Tom : money, no the doctor would say, when speaking of his only brother and child. ` V 11...... - -- ` ` ` The Doctor : Niece. Of all the comfortable rooms in Dr. John Mortitner e house the library was the nicest. The deep-cushioned arm-chairs, the heavy walnut bookcases, the soft thick carpet and warm crimson curtains, and the low grate, always ruddy in winter n_mke fit tempting spot for nui..+_ 1.....- J INK: den L ytiu beautiful, 3y We nrnmnltmi luv hm- " 011 tryin to tell {Bil ma (Held and .u uryulg to ten , and '5 On In: [PRICE TWO )city 0 made nu llnnrul, 00710 (c HANL , nt of I`.-...-A rnmoceron. ne nu succeeded in making this . aypnrently uninte ' ant brute ' ` nndeutlilll hum, and although animal hm not an yG_ dilplsyedcgeat intelligence, enouglg wu shown to prove t the is capable of eduation. The Attendance both in the afternoon and or was large.`-Hail. wean: ; and Stella : cyan gruw dim to how white and vmstud yet was the face I loved.` But, in the love-lightcd ayes t] met her own, sorrow and .do|_lbt_\Vcre ufnnuua/I Inn A----- --- -- mumroa. zrne waggona arid vans nsgwoll an umuy of the Mtunuha presented a better had been taken in c the city. some allowance in perhaps to be made in this respect as the estublwhmunt travel: 51- together by the road and the wear and tear is necessary great. The show unolcr the canvas iufwull worthy of 3 visit. The museum is sgood one nmliu attractive to the student of natural history. In the menngerie tho'unim:LIl are all appearance if a little care my would curL.1:'nly`- have` 1cauirr,,r up before entering in nu condition. The elephants afford no dad` of nmusement to small boys, while the propor- tions of the huge Emlyn`-can are womleriugly ul- mirul by those of mature you ring we nd many innovatio manta, amiss the porfnrmmlco is can uct under the i;-Ixlmunlintu Hunurviuirm nf (En! hm- ra. In the circa; ' an and; in: rover mama, am: M the pcrfurrnuncc concluctoil the supwviniun of Col. Dan Rica there in nothing sand or done that cane!- faml the taste of the most fastidious. It in of course unnecessary for us to speak of olwhand every act. but we may meutmn the flor- mwce of Prof. Nelson and the two litb e I as some of the beat tumbling and gymnaitic. exercise we have ever seen. - I'he equectrilnu exhibition by Madame Loyul wu votthyof " praiae. Wilcox sud Watson : feats on honor . back were received with applause; and u -is frequently not the case, the performer: dBlOI'V-, 1 ed it. Col. Dan Rice introducenf his colabn-N ` ted blind horse, and porfonnod neural _t|'-leis, wlth him. H 5130 gave a casing exhllntiolyj uuuueu me warm ush upon her chi and the tender light in her eyes, usually culd. Mrs Cosmor had emnmeutedl u] the gcllllu grace and courtesy of the` III net that was wont ` unnung roums were grand bull. By her luvuly portmit of the ya the walls of the drum fair, proud face was mu ht-I vnnnn n:mI ---UL neon nu own for months, she answered frankly and brave] . "I trust it all to you Uncle John. On y--and here the team would have ghoir vmy-'-`,`nuve him. Do not let him die. The doctor bent over the drooping hand: tosny, in a low tender voice, "I have never loved and hoxwurud you) , Stella, as I` lave and honour you this day. There was a moment of dkeopglilenee be-V fore Stella upoko again. . Unc1e." she said. rinimr mm ........:.... -A-Irv uvwuu npulu uglll. Unc1e," said, rising and opening her desk, there are orclers here for '- tmitg that have wnitml for Mr Wayne sgrm ' min-J was nished. Mrs Gusmor wants one of herself and her sisters ;` Lady Willovighby wants her daughter's ; Captain Blake, his wife : ; and there are still more promised? I told them all mine was to be two hundred _ guinenl, and the expect to {my the same; Will yau settle or mine, am hike charge of `mse notes 7 ` ,_ Glm1ly. I shall bring you good Mil. The galling sting of poverty has helped to keep my patient down ; but now, withxthoso introductions, he may hope to win name and wealth. Give me a mnsuagc. Stalls." Tell him to hasten and got well, fur my ~ sake," she answered, blushing deeply, and _ then fairly gunning away frmn her uncle : , merry eyes. `. nun! ul Ll. ` - of It is only to ma you will tell your secret, if you hnvu ufw. Yet if you can glndden his lnmrt.-rouu him from his life-destroying: ap.-Ltlny, I. tell you, Stella, it will be it noble, nmidcnly wet. He will never woo the heiress unless he knows he has won the woman`: -heart. _ Go to him, then, and tell himvit has been hi: for frankly and bravelv. I mm :4 .11 4- ..... E 01" Till -....-.... .-vu-- uni nu BIBII IOVO nlildl lnm, do reued and bro en. H15 art VIII hinegnd en; but now he look: moumfully upon his czunvmc, um] drum the brain from his nervuless i'ur,u,-rs. When such anumu Henry Wayne loven, Ste11a.,it in for life. Nothing but hope can saw: him `now ; noth- ing but loath can end his love. . `HDOQH he know nu ____ |____nn u.,uA um um. uoatn end his '.Doqs he know you: whiz uqed. ' , ,1 T} in .u.`l.. A... f.;;;`;"Z3u.`;s`f.; s..`:l'; '{.'i-Z`.a"1`.`:.' `}.'a2t..`LI .$ and aid him. He was` poo : ; Stella, his ::.:a.".::,*:;:`,;.f*&.*;:e:::,:`";"*:.;m 3.`rZ:3.;f.f"}i"3..h`$e ?}.`3.2'."E ;"3.`i`Z 1:9 knew me, and trusted me an 9. friend in In: utter want and illneu. Slowly, by step, 116 came back from the hrinkmd the grave, till he cam walk once more, znay entirely recover. ButZ-and here the doctor xed his keen eyes upon Stalls : downcust fuco~--tho ho eleu low hold: I[_|I hi.`4!d( `III ` I\l" """' L` ' '7 - may Ill?! ll strayed ft 0171; th at ... .... uuyl one ueurlum raged ercely. Ever on one theme-tho fair, cold star la far above him, the whispering love he daged not reveal. Sometimes he would 1913 fitifully. to die, knowing his love so opo- eee ; sometimes ho urged his m-ids to cnmn uuu ner eyes xed on-the oor. He. was very low, Stella, his system ex`- hanlted with privabions and exposure ,' but he was young, and I 110 ad for the best. I I had a room prepare for him upon 3 lower oor, and sent him a nurse I could trust. Every care, every comfort was pro- vided," continued Uncle John, a parent] _ not noticing a tear that fell upon 15 ha _ ` or the trembling kiss that removed it; but for days the delirium raged heme-_i_;he E... ..1..-_- 1.14, SiEi'n".' G1 1 .... 1...... _` "'1 um. worsmpped. ` Stella listened with I still, white boo, and her xed oor. He vm-v lmn No-11. 1..-_ _._-A.-- -- win: was Iymg low in delirious fever, 1-.91] me she believed lidluul starved and lb: ` himsolf ill. It wast: 100:`, moan rooiz which she led me, an on the burl I a man tossing in fever, who raved of his Art " and a fair face as a stnr out of hisrssch, but worshipped." lintnnml Iulu - ..A.:II ,_,1_e., A /-__* who was lying low in 91111}! m'e sh_e_ lgglicvgd and -5.1.` -u-vvIll1 nu uvuruuwll IIIIIVOI" The appearance of the horses nals was gnod, tin: furty hone elcphmnt Empress lreing much and as well Le.-mLm .a would cm-1..1-Znlu~. Imm- CENTS. `ll lUV- ._are here?" Stella ` unsung mu m nut an. .0. nut 011661, . usually so antedf nnnn LID"!- but II... -K-by-. '. ucl `yrs 01}: - Ml: ltith `.`3I'd KEI- `Kits! or We r follo Ife ms .+ no: Ilbl Izlil `TIC QI I'D` m 15.55.`! nnvrluml halt Inf` (lauly 1vul'p08ej """* * furnualc chcnpnt ts'iaIxn1:; BROS., 1` TMII ' ! Hrmmry, Store, u , AA - _!)_|V|_t.'riuV Streets, . _ . . ' . , men's Spring and! manner Wear [BL E Illa ml Sill?! "-- T1 gmEnAL Canada. o-w York ! BANK -tip `--~-. ._ !:`335f3RHIES, 5sALT: R1ESA,_\3:;i3 i1RI as j SA / Is N9 lb: ! EQU`A1v ,r I.` P _,. , w" hrggs) ' PW" DIAS 'MO0RE 9 I. .l\`.l` `I \I ll" |;~`|v.\\-\' B Fa.shio>nsT-18"/'3 ` }.lUS'1` l{_1QElVED Nun A `7A\[|-Il;I'l::\.(l,:'li.~\l7)I llll.l.l;\l{D l'll'l'2S in ` (`m-.-:-. _, Wai1'e1'ooms,- rs: 0_UNNINGHAM.; rm.-rm I`: LII .\S D (`AX ADI .\ in )|a1|:1f;u'l|||1-; mu: x.\'11.~~: 2-37, . CATTASACII, 71 Secretary. "um: I-1. .. .1 1:1 .31!-nelr 2 S:u,~:-' 9 vvi rt. M-W York` IMAIL _Lll N W001), cut Itovo ` :1 900:! Soft Wood - Wand, J the non. s: .311! mun, *. the Uiccs ml J Clarke n. 1! Nomol... mu, IIMJ 0| Solicitors, VI In ulnrke at Stmtlny Ind, and nf 9 let next . w rclf thm. `"'" NOW IN sidf. mm] I... THE `1)A1LY NEWS. ' 7 1MB nruprietoru uf these well (-Btalhliuhctl _ um} popular Hutclu would respectfully i int:-rm the public that the l _I00 Liv-:rp E fur sale cheap at Tmxawuon HOUSE, ` Kingston, Ontario. I, a fur Gucatu, and will be run in connection with the British-American Hotel. These Iluuueu have been thoroughly retted and furnished in the most modern Ityle with every regard to comfort, and no pain: will be lpurul to minister to the want: of our pa- lrmas. lrllllii. I'lr'.- liming Roam of the British American Ho-tel ha `been enlarged and furnished in the ` luvmt mm lute manner, where meals will be - mrru-(I sun allows :-Breakfnat7:30 to 10 mm. ; ' .|.gnnu!- 12:30 to 2 p.m. ; Early Dinner 1 p.m. I sun! at 6 11.111. ;milisln-Algwrigan llotel Ha.1 wood~ Hausa is now Open ;e.*em-ge M. Wilkinson. mgr. column ll (lhlilllill (l5ud1:ng.) 300 (Bmldmg.] luv ups. Bm KN Cunt. J. W