Kingston News (1868), 21 Aug 1873, p. 4

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IJUII gililh ! " Why rucolmt tlw wwptiun of tho clam- piun Imwiut, tho mshur of tho Black ml, Ivhnlo appramch wu tho uignnl for sn mn- ' burnt uf mm upimlimmtiun. ` Whun w umurud Mtwkullziu nmicipntim; ` hi urrmul uxclnimud Hoot mm mun" Mu! It I thuy fnoutud. ' l)nrian4n...H....I..A I " nmlo u cmmtou: `study. Ho mu st: oInntI'mm--digIuIt :4 I ty, Illutillfllclillln nl uml ' rim usortinn nf 1 I Pm'limmmt it u 3 II. mu jgwful.` M I dignity unal privilege u ' nnmcmus. Thu Uppmmiun pmitively refined to up the bar of the Senate. How dilate they would have acted if they had be naked to the other but for a (mu drink .' B|uko'u cuuutouanw _x ....-. u. v-mu yrnrnglw-I. Nu. 3 l'm,'lh ms thin pniulnl 4-vam. . Nuud I rolntu how llnualulny u " I Ihu Fro-nuln tramluwr in ram. I lJu'a.-rin'n u[m.:h imn tlmt lxmg I rity his Excollomcy dial not I ` Iinuml!) nlfurda-d Mm,-Iwuziu nu tu npruml Jnimuull on n qmmtiuu in nu audible up:-och I Why TUCOIIIII. nu I'Aun.u.A1.,.. V Jnwzx. Human, Gndunto-of Cobooonk University. Ottawa, August 14. I mvurmm m. ' Diallft Um Ra.-form Party 9 ihlu (hm rum'4'm ! Ain't it of mar urL,riu ntiau, nu I hxmm m uwlnruw it whuu it huh: mtillucfiun IA f Hm.-llama 0! tlwm :HlmiIlt!l`I I m-unmul bin iutcmtiau 0! pl Hmtw. ` mu] it mun prurugvw-I. No \ * lc-m,rth,uu tlnirpuimul Nmul I -..I..A.. L-- -' ` ` . u-uu uuw ' ntimtirm marl Hnvuruuu [AL I Hi.l..'o H--A . nu' um rnwuuv-uc_y' not Lu [Il'Ol'U;,'llU tlmlllmlm.-. 'l'Iu-y wu-ru ying tn emu llnla-[wmlcut* mumlu-,ru null \\c!lk-ktuawi Tnrio tn uuitu u ilh tlu-nu for thin ulnjwt. ` j .3'cul: wuu Llwru. Hu irl! Um Ormv n ' ,` lmulu Lia-prurtxulum In ram in-.:lf um! cmuu !'vlnwn in nrolcr ta; uunnviuu the wuvuriug , me at lhu pruuucul lmm-mu u! r;;Ltin;,r. U;u'mri,;lu. mu u;-puinturl L0 pm.-nun: tho: 1..-Luitin,umlualvmuzwl wuuriug hid mutu- ` mill uxprmmlun, mo Llumgh he haul It lml June I Imdur hi: lwnu, uml tho null-unlllciuut Tfr of n, juvvnilu dmwmn. Thu umight-um Grim mm: excluded ' frum tlm nlupumtiou, which man cmnpcmul of theme Imam Huh wlw worn in In: m.-um! by , 4 lmlv cheap Mum-ry. Thin rt-lnxutinn of fa-trirt I'M-ty vliuciplinu in omly uxpluiimhlu I on 1u:coIm_t 0! Brown : ulvwucr. , The reply rocuivud `mun Imcb M to nip , vur {muluut uxpvctvuinnu in than lmal. | Lord Dulfurm lamk hi. .n.....n .. , Inn v mu ' Jrlu 7 _ .. - nun Iuu unnw. - ,` I In.-wuu'L In-nrd from hiu ! i/la /u4"II'l/IIIIII`. 1 Un nu.-uu-nin;,r to my cou . lhmn urrn.n;,'im,' nlmut Mm 416] ' Aunt. u putitiuu fr-ma tho, Mn 1 .'nx'~ Em-all--ncy prornrv I tn'im_r tn 1-.- w..-umuuu, un-I I HI.'LuluumlA Lu my Mnckumiu'u brown! and ` :df.tlculIl.'lll|(U Vluwu lmfnru hiu Excellency. He didn't intinmmy what I: f it, Imt utrukcd hi Imml pmwivuly mu] u; V ally mid that if he cmnclmlcd to um}/.u nny f`:I`l""g" in prunwnt urrmugmnuntu he would . ` let luu knnw ` 1 1 |,...,....-. 1., Ha - ur mmlu ul `Len -cl Dutfm tnlnum. :.--.l A l In nukfl other mucklo 11' 1' `t I 1 t ` [ -(hmrgu Brown will In ' 'lll' Wu nhnll am.` A.. Ir , ...... uulull U0. IUIUW tn-.:_hu an uncn museum in mcwty. "K trim! Htmful. in 'l'm-uuw. but lmhma tftluugithur. "Lord lmlfuriu mun mt uxpcct III to 1 mum conrtly_ niru rm grncvu M. mwu. L lmn lvidu :3 mm nu than pnlilh `ll cmnn." "Yam," amid, oven Me-Kc-llur M Immlul .---1-ml tu rc.-wllnhlc tlu-. grunt Africuu nyvl umlluvvcr mmomlcud cm the circus: billa, an mm luzmwd to chm-u 1: piece of link round I ` phtv with as pica. ofln-mu! :1 la "With n (W lcuumo (run) I`.1.rkw he w ` mmn ho able to do u. qmulrillo with [Au J Dulfuriu witlumt rcpnimling tho upuctato 1 nf Hm gmnbulu of a {motive |!lUYl|tl|It." = "Whrn I am in ollice," omit Mm-Iwnzi f "I ulmll an con:-aw prvwialu for my uin fmnil; ' Wlww prov_iduth nu fur his sin in won (Inn: :1 Sir Juno." Tlwn lnhall mp re: "/`w Mail uftur tlw Ucmlimmtul Initial In uonnngtlning guic 1 [min mum new cur Iuwrvmw I. h:uutuuml> Mnckm bufnl whu.` L..A .1. ' ' ' ` ` G. : rcqnmt of Mr make the y thu bomlllitlcu M; M... I-` I - - , tlmcht cm 1. We'd etc. dual st: Jane am I I mppunn, nu` mlu vt tlm pnlicy u oor_1n'u- V dc--cum-ru mu ms Ii: in Ontario. "Gin Wu warn in Hir Jolm'u place the mm. , I'll vimrrnnt we wad follow in his footsteps. " , By tho way, how about clothes. Ara ' yuu provided for in that rolpoct." Uh. tum """ ` ' l . nu, vn:r(I mum` at tho : .+..n.m an l unluu'I, wk 1 tn-.:_hu 1' trim! Hhnu-I 4.. an. mu cmnvcrnutinn an up the (.`mnnu t- ,r_ :1 report to thu nuuu, unmm mid il Mr Du:-ion and Mr I import, uptight no 0 nmjority of tho -.,........ In Mr nmko thc. Uommittcc at the (,'mmm'ttcc can on In r i|ut.mmi...... r- V, - lI;win' of what took {the untinutnn m.-. ,,.........,v m. um mat meeting cannot proceed with- uutructiunn {mm t. nu Houw wu ,- .1 -IIUIIIIUI. at in wow pmroguud. kindly curtain full 01 - mu concur with tho`: lln-A W6 prupcmo In J uur prtwuualinga to tho I I that report, wu mwd . u yruvlao ( NI, gyg, WV WITH In .. vn r|'Ulv llylUIlU III III! mlfurtu hi Mum] I uavl thu lzriucipluu u! H -giue thu under his (rank unila lurked the uulifnity of Turyiun. non: for you my dur Sir" he began, because I understand that you poueu oonddanblo tact u I negotiator And occupy an levling though unrecognized position in the Reform runlu uwillg tn your diploma- tw Ikill _uujau'r fuire." .......uw xnonnwmlo was a struggling with coniutim; Int mt tho brunch of proprie- ut the proupc.-ctivo embar- y G()Vgf"")un[_ um] .I..l;..l.; um n nny uucuru mm nu in nu, h:wuu'L my t L Lu ow: us, we nm.j0rity` . make any report. : wanted a mm--0. .- ....,, ...m umlllt clothes. dad m. Them chum nro bruw enough. ~ mmlv at tho vnrm Mme ulmpu in l'unlms'u, whu mmm bu. nlluwml in mcintv .. u."lII IIII', y [ore trying ncrlk-Rum` ,H.:.. ..o.: . "-9 an ru.-up win. L1 ml tool, Hlllltinglull hnwlwl, ul, land he looked like an Imdu. I with lnvnn....,. -.... nu... ucunulmnml by m rumluriug laurel n lxmguugu, (it in II umlurtulw it wlwuziu uppurluuiiy ltqxmuiuu '1! privilugu, n Wunguuu 1 Mt Hlculcl.-19111161.... 4 tho I ;; hulup. L-luwwi l.ohju.'!.. ( uulmviuu mu . .. . . u uu:y mu: Dot.` In` momnwhilo [inn with ......n:._ uwulu H: Um Hmuw. It mwbmly nlmll prunmno npcukor in any ithvr L4-1| m|' Engliuln-ryun, I rsllam English." vmw tormiuutud, mul Mm:ko:nmiu'u In-.....| ....I :2 uid rcmlutioyn Ira` mm him uincu. . a report to be :h the majority. umo In in nim- I0 llnllllu " -.... -`rum; Ioillallrl . "3 L ulu vlmllt." llil` Mm-lwnziu, Mviclu fmnily. nu furhin worm suppreu ,. . nu l!nuH......A..I unu w am III nim- 50 Huuuu, If notnmlu -...... . lllllll I||]IPl'8IU .. fniuo_n. w:u;_L uomcthinp, gun]. 3 In) rid 0' ism-rt...-.....m Como to stay, ye ken." lfarly Weclncnduy morning Lard lent {at me. It was an mwxpccw and nlhst carefully attending to and Iunhening u n my cost. by tho` u-gillicntinn of in , I procvodud M '; --ayvru. ` report to ha 1 nminril ., Mnontlmont 1 ins: mndn, Nuual I alwull M. mt. lurutium, lu- prurnugim; place at the ll'L'el!': Inuun-0-' -......5uun 1 munu ul-punntinxn tn pre- , nwmlmrn praying n'u;,ruu llnum.-. lmln-[wmlcut `:1 '1'nI'i4.m in nu:- .y---- ll QQVIIIIU. kl:-Vla-llur lnonlu h.-ut -, ugwral ; III cinema hill. I wo rcuolutinna : but proceed with. Ivuucuru ltuglmu. It mm'uui.... me. no na msir tlum so clean wk A]-iooo, but the; trunk: will pruduou as gnid imprclniun, nn (all: will malt lure mu hsw to M wanlnauuluv n .... --I---A V ' " ' Iii: `int a was hit strategy," uid he `to \e e II On GUI Ill)- ......-. JrIJD"I7I|` I iluolillltiuu ' , Wu Mun nL:l.A uccmliullml by mlurim: hm: zau. Pru- , Blalw qml `I! VIII... :1 ton than can- nupmnulaio u 01 nun round his In mumlr. Ill will 1`.-m.. um. I _...--up nI_vIl 'II no nI:|d u his Iuumu nn.....l. nod go dilcruut IIIIIIHIUNU u the nght urk In uur nuby . lmh mom, thur. uununaw name number. The pattern wumwl tn -sling with the swat oauuu until uh been hurt: tulnwn ynrdl, the hunt it open. It mu empty. Mulwnziu pounced on it Hi: guiahlar on It grtulhnppor, and o; Itaml . "ll nib: In` at .. I.-..-- -I 1- -` . ...uuu nu Will [10 Lady the spectators ,-`vlmnt. " `. -M....:. Prov! 26/ ' 25 ci:.'e."s".'."v$23.1 ; 72: cents duty paid porzgnnn. Rye 241 coma in bond ; 7.1; mm duty pamper gallon, _ . ` bmmnon Whiskey 30%, 20 60 cunt: duty paid per gallon. aw in . 5 r. uoorm, l l'nnou.L... K`n(n:O:..'u - I ALL I - . .- vvulnu I||lT)l'9UU I Ii-In .__.._ AM ru mrml ta In 1 D! m M. tu [allowing raga ; y lligli Wino: I50 M. 46 cent: in dut paid par gnllon. Muily I`:-oul 20, 30 cents cont clut [min] per gnllnn, `T rool`[/H cents in bond; 71 tlm Morton s Brew__ary Distille-1.3 ! Norfom. 7`:- , _ _ - . w-nova U1 lawn _: Day Ex min, for Montreal . . . . Mixed min fur Night Exprou fur Day Ex won {or Tmjumto lll)l'l'\`VL"l't' Night .xpruuu Mixed Train for 'l'umntu. . . . . ... in [ nu... Kingptoli, Mth Jam, 1573. "8I.|hthia nccaainn, home} lull I damn Hana u t obnumhe mun r. r IMINH 1.I:AvT IP `H I! l W Work leaving K '|u:svin;,' tlw ontubllnlnmulnt. VV'7' mm. as I untamed 1 :-izou wit}:- Pwvinciul Exhibitions of Untario and Quubec for the put number of yearn. All orders punctnnlly attended to; and al mgntou to be paid for Iwluru Work lcnvin:g'KInIgstJ:: :7." 0 A ' )()AT-BUILDER, Onta Water \Vorkl, Kin SAL . OR TO HIIEEIGI Sale, Fancy Cedar Hkilfn In Milo, touch as I uhtninml J II.....:...,: I -- - " ' ' -_- _.-., uu|aul'I0 street, near tlm 1) ton, Ont. A luv u nuortmont of lint-clnu KIFFS and BOA H at all aim on hand, ready built, mr mm ` {E ` ' ycnrl. cmlurn nmmo-II-- -~ ` ' - Fair`. 4 Fab. _ _, __. ,. "gr vwwnlllllalio Pumplutl Free. SETH W. FOWLE & SONS, Proprietors. no. 1 umou flue, Boston. low) M Dnuoou-u anu:lAu.I'. ,,..- vvI- Ordinarily the fmy lu':':.Ja'vru tmvol hglnt l have knmvn Wand go un II ntmnpiug hour with hi: dun CIHUIUI lama up in 5 cullnr x, and Knclwnziu mwol rcuuul numug tlw onuuituenciun {or nu-vurnl week on .1 pocket See that each be me ha: PERU- VIAN SYRUP W010 1 10 "I0 alau. Pamphldau 13*--- I by the me a tin: reme Tlwunmuln have been changed dz/, from weak, ate! 1/. cu crea- ialzrea. to a0,rona,_ 11 . anal 1111111 5...--- 0 Nature : Own M Iron In the blood and cu`?-`I-'. "Ha thouumd Illa," 19': b Tantml J oratlna/nd uom. and leaving metmria /or ll&c%zo`:ot:el upon. dcr ulaucceuo thin remod m I Dyspcpufln, Liver (gnu- platnt, vrunm Chronic Diar- rhma,nom,1'ervomAIToctlom, Chills and Favors, Human, Lona of Constitutional Vigor, bluoaueu of tlm Kidney; and Diafmo Female (`,nm..I-a..4- secret of the won- 7 __ -......., mun nyupep-Ha rouultingi in grunt nervous pruutrntiu-In um! general tlubi it . impuvuriuhod hlmul, Eruption of the lllneunmtic mul Nunlrngic Pniml. Rcutlcunc-nu, wnnt of nlwp and extreme luuitmlu, I will ru- munnendeal tn take I Dr. \Vlmclur'I Compound Elixir of. plmuplmtcu and Ualiuayn. llnving pur- uinlcol in N Iuou for mzvuml W|'I!|(l I rmmvurml pa-rfmzv. In-nltln My wifu mul ulsihlrun nhu-. Iv.-n'a: In')l(l'|| it, fur ;,ra.-m.-ml Tunic purpomzu Lu IlI\iL'nr.-1|;-s....l ..L..,,....4|, , .- I L I DA INS grunt I mnmv..n ..h...I I .. Ia-pu'll Ir, Iur gc.-nuru.l nu l!,'lIl`.`tIA9 .-uul ntruugtlmu Um nynl nmtu thus fnrnmtiun of para: Irlnml, in Mt. lu.-nulit. It. nu-rgimu and alum l}urn.'u.I in ft nmmrknlvlu umnlmr. Hgunun I .._ -..... ... .-u-um: uuuuwu, I uulurmod with toumlmvh owl icalping ku`VU.. 5. ` Whoa we nrrivual M. tlw capital, I WM} ltfuck with tho trulnumlnlu pilunol baggage that (hits had lIrnu;,'ht slam . ' _ _0I'IllllI'il] Pnrtv ham m-u 0-nu..l I.'..|_. 11.?` . _.......-uuwuun 01 um ruuoiutiotn `I The (Ilmirumn Not uulcu you muvu it to he dullu. Mr HInIw- Do you propamrtu cummuniuatu any n! the previous prmzomlings 7 The Uhamnnu V -I In nut. Mr Blmwlwt - I think we Ilwulal rafnort our pro.-uudi:u,;<. I mom that tho nruuwtlimpt ul thu Umnnuittc-u uincu the l7t.lI 0 May hut l_m topurtml tn tlus llmuo . I!-$73. . .- . .4---nu IIIIIIIU lllllllllur. SAMIWJ. J. lhvrr, Ululm Agent, hlcrtatrunl. 1m-: (!n.\'I`Id.~'.`s'ln:~. .~s ma AN" INVALIJ Irlllrliuhml :i.:u !l |.lnru:u.a .... I r . AI ' I and any nmcsmlmcnt is in m-zlcr. I move that Mm Hmnoo Inc Miami t p in: such inutruntinul MI tln: Unnntnnittuo u m I cmttblu tlmm tn pm: .-co-ul with tho inqnir . Mr Donut; hru mtln uuly by Mann Cameron, Blnnclwt and Blake. Mr Blake inquired u! the Cboirmnn-Do yam propose to givu thu llmuu cmnluuuication of tlnjgrcnnlutaolu . prupuuo to givu tl thin resolution Tim m._:.....-.. uIrrnI\V, Unrric-I. Ycnw -Hlnku, Umm-rm. Nuyu-- Iflmuzlwt. Thu Umnmittcu than mljn ll`) (flh\'I"l'}.~'.`s'lHN.~$ AN INVALID plllrliuhml its :5 naming amnl fur I.l~Llmm- .r ynung man nml ntlluru wlmm1ll'c"rh'mu mun I 'u|ri|iLy, luau of Muuhmul, etc Imp- :;,; lJu- nu-mm of r4c lI-ullru. \Vrit.tcn by wlm um-unl him-ml ::`fto-r umlur;_ming mm- '.'|Mc quxuzkcry, mu wut Irca nf ulmr;.;u. 'rcru nn: im' ta mhlrw-m (nu-p:1_yin;,' Lg-') um uuumr, Nu-u.n.1m. In :-'.m:. |F.*l u I y-`pepsin ruuultin land mam-.rnI llulu ff vmm. u ...... rvvunai-I uuuullr 7 md after nttundiur my toilet md :11: the judicium mlicntinn to Ridtmu L . His Excellency roooivud me with his ac- untomed ulfuhilim in .. ..........._ A ' - uuwmg rnwl :-- ' J u 50/. banal ; `.*29 .... --1 nwc'rllll|ul';_'nllIg ultnxuzkcry, mu! of c (on-pa_yin;,' lAw.uu. , Iirouklyll, NJ "2. '16 K INUSTON IV V V} LULI, ll, Ontario Street, I, Killllhtnn, H-0 P`, DAILY ~ UST 21. NEWS-THURSl}g\Y EVENING. AUG w !'.hun mljnurnod. .._.__---~ nuumu rummm.-ul and armed - \llL.._. MLCOILK ELL. inl the mm} 31/ L Iron OOIP , up-IIIJII IUINCI. ml n nynwm nml pru- xru with perma- I unutaiuu Um vital nmmr. ZAU a,m. 4 0. ; p.m. 4.15 a.m In A on 1.3.5 p.m. 6.l5 a.m. I 31,40 Imd ; 75 V-urn lllllll - U0 , cmmuuuicution , 1-var! nu, u"Il|l|l|'. V I Juan M lllw ua not than Enuljnlunllh will [M balm! Mu] rim a. hunk nlmut *C|ululu, , Iollm ham lmli:,u vhiuln with flat how! I auum I'M-limm.-at chulin Inn and bhmlwta, 5 _uulu'mod toumlnnvln ma .-.....n..:...-u 14 Ill fob -' LA TE OF IHNDON pnthio Physicign J. Jarvis. lice! Mxtrwt offered to the public: '1` 0 AB ' is the LIQUU) )H`Jl9 l" I'IX'l'lAU'.l', 800 that tho bottle contain: the Uorman babel and Uorti- catdlram Profouor Wagner, of the Univcnity of Wurtzburgh, and that it is prcpnrgcl II the Liel;ig u Herman Beef Extrncg; 04)., of {am- hung, at other Extract of an mluriur quality have been put on the marker. Hold by all Hotel ](w[K1, Grocers, and Druggiatu thruuglmut Uanmla. tr Price Goccntu per bottle. WUl.EsAl.l A(H5N'l'8 WANTED, in unreprewnwtl Dintrictl. Adalrcu 1| ......- _ ,_ - -.... .- nan uu-IJCUHSIAN WAR, {or the German soldiers, It: tonic r aa- lities are much greater than than {bum in my ordinal y Specic or Appetite:-, and itu nu- tritivo prnpert:en are nnwnant to sustain the body Without the Addition of solid {mu}. It in now recommended by the Facul ' once to anything elw an the bent remual {or U(;NUM PTIUN, U MN EILAL. DISH] LITY, 1 Mu! lfrh. -- ..--..._.._ ,_,. ..... -nu lu'|l.l TUUII I me and lwnltlp Wm propw 'I`l{lH [H '1']! . U LY UU 'l'lIA'l.` IMDKH NUT JKEQI I OH WARMINH. It WM cured under the direction LIEBIH. l...r..... u.. u--- __.._ l!'.Hll)l'1I-5 the Uondcmcd Bee! prupnied {mm the but part; of the animal, the propa- mtinu contains Quiuinc, Peruvian Bark, .und uumamun herbs and roots grown for their to- uic Evin properties. CONDENSED BEEF l'llA'l.` REQIIJR E UUUKJNH I U VAuMlN. onpuciallv lnmml'a..- Luna: --- " '- Thll ILA: 1. ur unulu. HUPEIU1 Ht ILU M. dil,--Julu| llu Kuypur ll. loottlu. "LID 'l'0M GIN.-~ --lfurlmrul or bottle; Betta k U lmttlo. wlnlau.--uurnmmnz ml ms. IVIIIHIK I I59`. -UM Vnllnily Prov! mul l!............ uu,: . '""r'1'|:Vi.;;:'l:"::I`|`. Wlmt .1 var; MN uul roauxorltulolu auto 0! uucwvy. hr-Hy nmli/u it, `you my lunmu;-,' nut English 3 lumw writu ulumk ubaiut 'U"IIlll hum ln.H.... .-l-1--'- "` ' uuuvull. [Ill lu.|NlIIl`3Ho - Ill IMILLIAA I J Kxgii Boti I lAH_N(.!W UN HAND A l.AIum.ummu n'g Deptf r ._._....3~ viva-Q W IIUIII-I AH NOW A LAIL n! nupuriur ALI!!! AMI! l'0ll I'lIl. in ]:iyt_~, {rum Mm lumt runner- ....... nw-:mpu....,., ,,f. , _"!'hiu (.'nunyxua,'/ luuo lwuu m Umuulu fur meurly M yen `Just mm: luvs luuurml tlpu gm Ivy prnmpt an-I lilrurul glctth juut u|a'iur.; M hu cum Icga -rt Umuula L tlm alqumlt ul vvswut 0! J.i0,00H, uml iupra Vuliuimu M l.ul'lnu an: I..... Fob. nml uuwr Necuritianf humus nml llml 1'}:-tau: V /\ IIU E . lfzmh in lmml and in "MI" , , Haul 1'}-9hltA:..,. , . , , .\ln|-Lgnuu lomlu . . . . . . .. . Hunk Htmak ........,. ..... Uuikul Htntcn and tlity Htouk nml nthur Hecuritim .. , nml llml l:'.o-.4 ...u.,. rsuml 0| L. r(),00H, iupraq cm term not luw mo 1 -alum Uump'mIy, K ,g,\M|/_u uwum V -......., .--..-,. nu, """`'3'l'H. MAIu,'H Mr, \.' A I I` - - __-- _ --v.vIl I II/III!` )|" ll.U'l'lUl1l!, CONN, ( IHHI. lflmruer l.'u1 pctuul. Uunh Uapitul . . . . . 5 Immsu puiul in 5| yomru human paial in It} mnutlm . , , , ., I.':spitul uulmurilmol by .~su..:k- lmlch.-rn nimm Due. Int, 1871 ' nu...u.... .. , H nrvvlviullgl mm Unntuntn an very l'uvunni'.v`;l_:l:- Lo.-runs. U. S. H'l'IlAN(H`I, M. D. . . Mmliral I}.m.1Iu'1ur DI;|XWI5Ll: We H'I'RANhHc Q -_ _ ~wN'r_ /Etna lnslmuuzc ()0. I `F 'l`l,a'I|,'1IlII| ........ . Aim. 4, _l N715. huh llucmiplu. _' Thin l '..n......4 After pnynnmlt of the I pr-nvialing for all Inn:-nun, cl: Hm mm at $`J0."v,90."I WM the luulsin hmuln, which ID... .... ._ II - |m.ynumtm' ununl tlividuml uu-I human, cluimu mul cxpumwu, Hm -J0. I,90;'I put by tn inmrctuw l"uulu in hmul, which nuw mnuum. cu... lluauervce I-`um! - - - E- $l.."i7l,520 Capital paid up - - - l.445.465 hm: Assurance l`uml - ,m:s,2|0 l.uJu.n 1'... H....... - ` -nu; mnnllrullcll l"IllllI { ltiukn tukuu fur three years liwuliingu anal Unlltcutn l .....-.., nut Ju-JQIJJIU4 WARMINH. oapuciall uumul'w- I of BA {UN VON MU, Imfuro the l4'lANUU-l'J.lUS8lAN R, mlinmy Sneuitln Inn A.....:-.,- - -- ulnlull. 1'`: tblllll/'4Illll1llIl| V the city, lla'l)UU Z .uu.l.uUSB OI Vim Premiums, lam lluinuurm lining the larguut. nnmuunt rmseivcal lay tlm (fnmpmny min Ilu year. Nuw M4: Pnliciuu imtm-cl fur 'l'utnl Annual Life Pru niumu, clmllwtiug lh!:mm'.' mzcn __,., ,..... rIy'|'I. in quarts nml pint, Mm bunt Hruwuru m tlu; lin- miuiam. Alum l'1m;liu|n Alan and I'urtsr~. |,| |D| |-j, .--Juuwu Huumm ny u, in wen! ur lmttlu ; J. 11. F. Murt4:ll'u, in woml or lmttlu ; Pimat, Csuctilluru I. (7u'n, in Wnml our lmttlu. HUPEIH1 HM! JAM/UUA ILUM. vvu I ommtry.` "Ah I wLU,UUU,UUU, \Vl'l'II UNLIMI'l'l`4'I) LIAISIIJTY HI HIIAIHCIIOLDEHH. .___ ' 1: 0 Y./11.` lN3URANG_E__i cummuv. Liverpool and London. I .-wu .L_\J IP/Q on at working people, _ ulal. mnlw more mum!) gnu.-.. ..........._ um. uuuw more muuuy M. wnrk Iur us in tlmir spare mnmuutl, or all the time, than at an . min ulu-. lhrticularu frou. Acltlreu )- .1'l'lHUN It UU,, l ort|m|uI, Muinu. ...muru muocunuon. l'lnl:ul-Jplml. N Inutntqtwu HIIVIII}: A high rupntntnun A for l|antI 5ur:Llrk: cnmllwt mu! pru!cm4imI- It] Will. Acting Hur mm, J. H, llUU(Hl |`UN, MJ), Easy: for goon Men aunt. free at charge. Address, H0 ARI) A8HOC'lA- THIN, No. 2 Snuth Ninth Street, l'hi|ulcl- phin, l'n. .-.... ..-. ._..._.- ... "rm `$530 uayruf Wurkillu metmlu. nl . j IIO;V}ll Rluoelatlci. ___ Pu. orucu--c|.ATmm m'um:'r. (Uppuuitc tlw l mct Oicu.) ._.-. SUBSCRIBE]; CAPITAL, $10,000,000, /1111 UNl.IMl l`l'.'D l.lAlll.l'l'\' A [' I I 5 7` Vp-cr day. 0 1 $2 Wmltml. pl working _n{ cinlwr ucx, . u re mnmuutn. all M... 4-jmu H-- Bu'sines_of 1870. `ruminant. l!n'm.m-n........ an r. -am. -uni rnmuy l'umf, UM `Ky! ul Uuummn Whinkoyu, the butt in /,at lLl`Jl)UUl'1l) l lU(/`I'3H. '1' . rn|n.n- ......-- mm nlu.-ml gocttlunuunt uuu:1rli,gal with I Ly alul-mull. ul Na....I. (I. (MJRIJUN, I VIMM 14:4 uwnrr, mum-, Ht. um/mm-, wum, '15. nouy mu lwull al-ring In vr yearn, and I s tlru public can! ml ucttlm. ...o ..r `JUIII | umily I'umf,4 mmnn \`Vhi..Imu. n.. ' ' I HON luu.r|mbI-- bur ' vi - -...... 7.. '.'-4 H,--diurnaralt. Uu'I, in wood UNI`. ill Ilntul 1-- uucss U1 1U'/ U. no, lummurnmmn. .$`2,55), LSO Inrgunt nmmun. mm.- s & Ham'u, in mmd . |._.-...qn 3,000,000'O0 I yum 359,000,000 00 3 9,000 000 00 ml `cu. 2,509,000 00 7H M73 (AT M AllKE' ~ \'AI.UM). a.. u..... ~---- - - `Ill. 1 uuzlb. (1 I60. l'HUMl SUN, msrnama U0 : U01, in 1 lien in puruluuoing ,A(J .l', I -, prepared Irv the ..n-nu: uuuul . . I t ever in a mu pumw com] I of mliml will. on... II. _ mm mu luwn 1. Htnulw to UM? I iuprupurml tn in-mu w nnv Dunn: Ii...- " Wall, 1 civiliz:u.i-I he-ml Mr J uu'I._ N, a 00,, M outruul. ism and mum I -'0 5 1,` Pl) vv --turn-Von [Ill l&lIIN' cnlmr ymmg ur I ll nuo than at ...... :;n,:os};;m;7 44; 0,042, m7 :0 1|-ring |;uuim:uu urn. mu] .l....a.... III" u u! mulw n any utlwr lino: I -v-Iulv MP -- wars on l'rivntu mvunmlnlc u nu. 2,350. 978 {Mi 9:;,:4:m on "IL I wry l't'm: be-sly nu.-warn. till I Am: 'u'.\` I.-4 J, lam. in lucnrpurutcul M57. 714:; no 405,000 00 um -nu-_ z... .5 uunuumu during uuualuuuu If. All ncuuvn. -, Ill wuml wopd or ?""Iol-D UU -m. :.u0o 020, 725 00 I .Z6:I7_n.'.n nn --..........w L ovary I the law 1. L. H..: 1,103,`. 3,002,740 . Aguuw All chum- Inn: Illll . Mac cuziu w:um't :1 Int um n n-ml tho lilo!-e and gazed gl 0! the wimlnw by turns. Wnhiug to make things ll Ii! rnnluly prupoowcl :1 quiet gzmw I?llI'lIl'I' when-zu. Mac. uluvxm-d in anal vlnngxucd bin "dour" fed nugmrtl--uuuxh-M mul qunth `- "Nn um .vv1l.lI|vII)/"A 1|; _ wuutuut, lw. Drug Munro. lnunhm n..4 I uuumy ; good and con:n|:1;:|1ruu Hhudn, mm curclul uttcnululwu ; murciul llooln for tmvollura. U rate. u an all time: Liquors; the J Uounty good Hhualu. With mu B1llH l` ULASIS .HU',l.`El.--cummt be ex- celled by any Uuu:m'in the Uuuuty. The Home anal Furniture are new; the liar is at ull time: furmlshud. with the hunt or Tabla n. .. ...... ... .., . V lunn. Ll, Irug Hwro. Kjugutmn, (Dc t. j-----} , _ V _-.v-u-n lllllly uullullqc. I B1L()l ll Y, l 1(Ul'lLll5'l`()lL.--Tlni Firut . Chu Motel in centrally located in the Junmuu part of the tuwn, m viuw`o1' flmunund luluudu of the t. Lawrence, amt alum proxnuity to the Fiuhiug and Hunting (bounds. u Goad I5_oul`l and Uamuuu ul- ss mm in .M.....|-....,. - Jul!" Va [N1'5UlLAN()l`1 Agent, Notary Public, Ac- &:.' (mice over Mr |'ar|wr u Ir&|gMuru. H _ _ ' luvilill. ' I lull. xuul n-tr--:nLml in Nu Iriwrc I fell in with :5 uuwly linlmum. Ho mu: :1 ca-unmnnicaudu In I-ognn tn mlk 1-Iiticu -91 c "AW, really l|I)W,`hy Juvu It: n-unztrkablc tho i bmly nu;-turn. ml. 4.. ..,.I `\\\s K 1, 9:30 nuvutln Well] *1 EU. JlAUl.E, l'rnpriutur. (I Iwcuunnmlatiuu for Uommc lunn. Unud Stuuplo Rmmul, 3w. March 25. Dumelu our]. {P1N l`lHu' TUWJV, U1"! AWA.--'1' (J ta; uuuruly new m awry u.mpuo:1 mum mun-ma, u:mLml"umi mmrma wuamu. \1"ll'M.-chap huluylu liounuo un uuuulu1nml1}14uu. Unmunumm meet I and Imutl. V \L; a.....; bnwrmwu, inking 1.'u'ti6U. g U uuting Boat: ul- mu Imus], )IHNUI`IHH H'I'll`}lul', l\lN(:`?'HJ Tu munt uuutml mum m hupuriur uumllullmclutlun lnr truvu umunuuwuiul guuuumun. (,`h.u'gmu mu [L I II III A In 5` M arc}: 30. run a ma (nuuumusur ta: Mr. I U Vrmumsu Mruut, Kmgpwu, c.Il'I'H}l`4 HUI/NH lfnlu U A.` lI'uAu 1) Lu [0 A IL, nu lfruluyn` Hm punt . . 4 - 1 :-`vvl||:lA1|l ll.ow-I, l. ` ' ' ' ' lllllnluacr I-- Dl'llIl1,.'l, I never p L` lIly`lifu, nu i'm lhinhm It curtlnlnm ui' tlw -linznity v nmm im-ul by nm- win: in I sumo Iv mnpomilvlv pmwcl \ tn" lllill 1. xi I u-.m mu. 7, 137:3`. _ ._.__.._...._._.__._-_.._ INSURANCE AGENT. J u nu : qmmk ul IMVIMUN (J ` Pulrhu, Lhuvuyuuuur, queen`! luuuh, lw. Nuv. 27. y m. umuus', l4.I).r4,, lIy.~'r.u, In 3 Am, -9 Wtlmru no luck, Wcllu -tun ct, luwwu l ruwmuv mu! Jiruuk mu. mmnmuuuu cium uuwmt, Jun M. Julm Mmluz, yAILil`4'l'l'$lL-4\'l'-LA W, ruliutm J) wry, l5w., Ulurumsu Numb. lung uud Wumghm .'9'Lu:cI,n.` `L cur) l\m;; `Alex. 5. Is`in.puiri-l.'. ` .... `UU1N l'Y (Jl()\\`lV A I"1uli1NI-,. .';uH'h.'I|. (J ufthu l'cLwu lur the Ummly 0! 1' tumu- mw, Uuturm mrucl, lsmgutma, ol|n:ct!_,,'_,:H..; nice the MnnLu:.'L| '1 ulm-_,;mph IJmnpu.u_y'u c-mu. Kiugutmn, July H), H931. - Jomepln liuwden, `l"l'UlNMY-A'l'-LAW, Shlicitur in Uhuw cur , Nutur l I.lMiu, .55! Kim mruut .V .Y , 3 I J I may Umau, l$nl.u|umhwl In I An, `.12. Anbioin I 114$-`I . 1| ||,!A:an. . ----uaauovll nun IlUll|' IXNITUI `O l amgmrll--an uxu,-nl "Nn. nu, lmvu, nix-mun frivolition mu! he Imco-um. as place Ihn nun. Uimm ya Myro- hc-n' the vmvny 0' thin crinis. Bo-unis -I, I plgud y-on gnmu in ln_y'_hfu, wml nn l.. in e-.-. "ii" ipavyf )A|H{lH'I'I'I| mul Attorney-ut-Law, Hu- ) licitur in Ummcury nml lmqulvuuu c;uuvuyum:c-rmul Notary l'ulolu:, Kl.N'_h`H'l`UN, UM. Ullimr, curm.-r ul Kmg and l,Im'cm,'I; Hl.I':cI.u. July 8, W755. ` nlumlunuld & Puuou. _ _)/\I'L|LI.`4'l'l'IlLi'5, N15,, 'l'ruuI,.'..u.L Lulu: Built mg, curuur nu 1'm-mntn umlAxlulu.1lu` Wrecks. J. M. Mmslmr. Dl.;`|:, )AlIUH'l'l'}lL uml Att.orm:y-n.t-law, Su- licitur in Chamvc_ry, l\otury Public, Lmnvcynlnccr, 32 King Htiwct, Kingutcm; Out. At Uumumquc, uvur H. McU;nmmm'u Drug Htoru, cvcry Tuumluy and l."riluy. Jan. I4, 157:4.` H. lmztlumnmu. Imnunoum-,, u,mu\' HI" L`UlJI'.l', Notary Uuuvu uuuur (Jm:uninnu'nm:r m ' , Euuuuu a: ll: mucuum luNHH'l' (nuuuumour 1 l'rmuuu m........ u. rumw Htruet, Kllngulmu, omnmutu tlm l'Imt (mice. ~ July Int, 1875}. lclw. ll. Hmytlue. A )AlHtlH l'|')It uml Awmwy-at-l.u.w, Nu- J) liuitur in Uluuwury, Uamvuyxmuur, um, Ullicc, (luau-intmzct, m.-xt dour to Muutruul 'l'uh-,gruph (,`umpsmy'n Uicy, May 1, 157:1. ~ I1. d7lmm~.ul.~. llqelntlsi, ,l"|"l|a'H A5" Hl`.H|H|':.\UI'} uppu Hm Umac. \\.'mm.......`. .x.. . _-- - -- _ . -- u---um--y J AIUUl"l'Ell, Hulicitor in Ulnplnmzry, At- tummy-at-haw, nml Nutury I'IlMIu, Uln- rulmzu Htruet, Kingutun, uppuuitu tlm l mt _ IV 56. I873 uruun: nu ma Atunnmey-uw-law, mm- J5 ciwr, Uumvcyancer, Notary I'u|n|u:. U!- licu, Ulurumza Street, nppmoitu Poul. umw, Kingutun. July Int, 1873. Ii he ain't cnruful he'll constitution while looking ouuut unmrm l'1|'l 'l'umuur, April hi, lt7'. . [inn F! M! . (fl;/Nils, 1,, _ , . Clark. I . 0.8. , IIMNTA4 Jmmeu I . lillclcerulc-ova-. l.l..lI. Al{lU8'l'lL'll and Attm1wy-ut-law`, Sali- ciwr. Uamvcymncer. Noturv LAHH HU l.'EL;-cmAImt any Uuuuu in uul can Table us uucmul to mmoiu the commadiouu Stuldcn and Metal - , n g(m(l 1/`mu 1 Ulmrums mml... L. Illurmmum. l..l r.h.. INT (nu4umn.u.r 4.. n.. 1.... . . A. (1. son 1"1`, 3 . v4 nun uI',nlllla.\UI'} :1 . Uuuu, \\'.mm,,um Mm hwl hlllunlnln An In-I , Int, I872. -umuv pruncrnscl It mm neuupiod In: time rc:ulin;.:x lmv. - 4'1`. Walk;-Inn. nE'N'1'|s'mv. my now, H'l'lu42A..r I. Imp mm;Ls. DAN 1 ELI`, u, n cmmy,um h'Lu,4 n hlnqnum m lam) , JMIN A .\lm'nm..u.n, Jmam l'n'I'I'u:V, t.2.U. .-u M, my-v l'mpriutm-. Firlt-clams for Uuxnnwrcial '1`mvel- .{(mlllll. Jw. , ., . . 4; vv u.-- I mu IIUUIM. ' m_uwry lunpunlv, Imylug (ml and rumnmlwal nu. 9: . v c.;.`..';'.;.. -mu-nu-u um unly l'.1rli.1uu-nt in I no luul II mnj--my fur ye-urn pout, lilwly tn Imus`!-or yvunu In cnlllu, ; chug the cluom ha In juuly mcriu. I wont alum: Ootuns u., of ca-urn c-mawutrnuvd mu-ilcct of the Party 1 tan be on Inna! tn mid thin ul| in mm-mu-M. Tlw jmrnu-y ll-lu'I pr:-mm ma lmlurmn. 'l`hur'.- mu tlw wuml we: :1 Preucou, anal l.|u- mun mun ncnnury along the Imv of thy Pr.-o Uttmm Railway. Hlnko pr.-ncrnscl mum- ly nileu (Ieuuuiml In. oh... ....._I;.. . V _. -........ um, um I. tr; tho: any. Man mwuum um! I. (,'h.u'gun1uud4:ruLu. In W A A , l'ru1u1utur. Bl. liunummuc. H MI II`/1'1 III m|_:`.\ u. T Lman. ._uvury lU)9`IUl'1v, lmylug I Um- uplu liouum nml ..... 1.. --wr1I_l' 1', !\lNh?'l(lh, hV'l'. `M Hutu! Ill Ll... my--vng ll! IFJVIQ lmy) Au. tr. ' um. m II /\.M. Mr ['1 l .M. Vruluyn, aluvutul M: u 5 u gmm Cum Ulmrgus [unclu- T, Pruprictnr H, l'mummram. JlMl'E|. IRl(l(::~ ; ( Ifalilur ('uIu-cord; I: run Just an we always o"xpocu-cl gullnbm-L un 13-. Thu cnnutitmiam has lmun tho hirtlmght of Briton: trap duct. nun, .- - m -- V -p--warn `M Hum luck. w.,u...'.T'. uu nu ; BU. IMI mm, (mt. |A.M. tn ['1 uluyn. ahwuhu I4- mlicntur in (,1 '4!.rm-I. l...c .. -muwu "MI o and mph: :1. all trumn umumih: tin: Jl_I;I... ' TM; llmmn, Wclhugwu ult him. uwr m |/lm.I.- .-L, . lmtnwu --v-ova W. I4. mm! {mo 5 uimplc and sure mount 0! sol!-euro, ` for Ummlmptilm, Bron- chitis, A-thms, Cstarrh, croluln, And my dimuoa at the Tin-out and Lin . Narvolu Duwlity, Prunimm Decoy. anluuu, nu! nllulhardu. A rjgrnmu a. tit: um: um: uumro huyin (:mu:rn! Agunuy 6) n..uu.... u. A, Mm W. .$Ml l'H, Agent, 0 rm.mcu It Furry Wharf, (not 0! Br April 30, I 813. `ITE lend (run I. llnnln mu! -u--L -----A Y, Su uriu aluvwhcru. Wmthin M ton St:-at It, clout ; U. alum mr ll. IANLM , Amnmo, ock trwt, Kiugutcm .-..._ ..-`. -........ ......- ree. . nlwlll : !`.|tlIul' Hmik to." f "Ah. llmt in m|r;u'iniu;.;. Hi 'ml nu ids-u -y W4"l'n .um.a.-nu civnlizml." "Wall, it d--nt tn an a wry high clcegrcu of ' `ml:tlil-ll to luuku A pulitlcinn. "Ill. Used! uln yr-.-rt?` level." "'l'!noir ml: war I Why, that In very re- .r|sublu-- ye-L Imw I think of it, I mumm- - `wing rm nlmut :1 may cullml u.n..1'm 1 rl Hulizum num..-wlmru in Hauwricu. I `wt! ('00.! Imvu .7|uv uf olmo I .... .. 2 :. .1 . . H rd: 1'. 'Ijhin Line uffern the inducements 0! plan- nure, cumfurt, uulal. , upeed and eeonmn umuhillml, am! at leu rnteu, inclmlingmeno nml ntqtu rmmm, than by any other l.inn. The pmommger lmuinmm will receivepnrticw Inr nmmtimn tlniu scnaum. Large cabins and to I-mum emufurtnlnly {uruiubetl Inr ut- elmm pmm.'n;;'rl. Alma aeemul aalnfnl, with emnlc utnvum nml gum! ueenmmuduticml Iar pau- maugern mu! huuilieu wlmlnny Will! be furnish their uwn prnvinienl. Hates fur pmnmge er freight always lower` tlmn I; an other route. um t W51 be (of the intgroutol paau-ngon and families gain Went to we the Aganu of this Line before myin . Wulhinton Street, l*.`{H)Y, dent; I:!!,_;\_;ept, Ugalem; mruh. null, unwn-.50, run! all puiutl West, North- west and Hmnthwuut. ` [JAY l3()A'l'!-I AND NIUHT BOATS. .'J'liu lmy lhmt lcuvuu Ugdauubur I It 1 o'clock p.m., lnily (lnnclnyu-axcuptcp), or on nrrivul 4! trains from Ottawa and tho lut and rum tlmmgh to Milwaukee, Chicago ant int4'I'Iuoalintu Imrldl witlumt ulumgo of; boat. Evening lane for Uluvulmul, Toledo and Lake Erie Pmtu. 'l'lH'} l'l'}Ul l4l`J I'4 I /\ V()Ulll'l'E `ROUTE WII'.b'l'. _ 'I,'hin Linc nisn: .1... h..I....-__~ A - _.-u no \IUl-Ill, Hy, C()NHlH l'lN(3 6! 2! staunch First-Cluu Upper Cabin` Htcanw . Two Daily Linea lrctwccu Ugalunslmrgb, Onwego Cleve- luml, 'r..1.-4 , Detroit, Pm uumn, {mumm- kou, (/'h!;t:nv,:n, Wont, North- M (',Mf. nu. N 1`-"' ` _ ,.,-.-, ... ,n. uvanu mint and Want, Mnil Lino 1-$1cu.nun-ufor Toronto, Hum !- tun, Ollwt-gu mnl Montreal, and Ottawa Hwunwru uvcrv Tuucluy and Friday. This up|uInJia1 steamer luwing during the winter rcwivml largo` rcmmvgla um! mltlitimut will he famml unulxrpuucd in bar fllfllilllillgl anal gcuurul occunnlmduoll. J. H. llA'l`(JH, l'iu|wt Agent. KiI|;_;utm, M_ny Hth, I873. _. ........, ll.|. lmvu mu fulluwu :---Mnml:iyn, Wad- ncmluyn mul l"ri4lnyu-- llelluvillo at Ii, l'it:tun set 8, in the morning, Arriving in King- utun ulmut l'.!:l5p.m. 'l'uemiu_yu, l`lnuruluyu and l4ntnrola.yo-- Bollo- villu M. 2:45 n.m., Pictcm at 6 n.m., arriving in Kilvgntull nlmut l0n.m. lla:turuing~- will leave Kingqton daily at 3 p.m,, nrrivmg at Pictmi about 7 gum, and lklluvillu l0:1l0 mu. Uunnmctu at itvgnum with (7 I";-rry Htcnnu.-rs, U. _ I`. ll. Taim East litcunumo for 1`nrouto, Ullwt-an nml M..m......| -.. I NEW Anriiiiazmznr. THE 1:. M. uu-vmz uAn1N mm I 873. U. H. llA l'U, Agent. K inguun, June 270:. I873. m .-:......;.`.s;am;m`:;;A;;s..i"i;.;.;;. Inceolnlc I'm-cu. _ [ermdnt -Central S't.eam5r`s~. \ `jg Jlumu Iur uulieu and gomtlmnun an that .+,......, . um. ul mmmum m.rm:t, A ((!llI'HHu'I 0 nml cmwmlamt Wuitln whn . 0. ll llA'l`I'|' - nun Ulplllbl Ruthie; p;uncod '|iko n mrlwy r closed it in- I ,` v U/`Ir '7 ! At 5 p,m.. {Km Unpwugu, Ulmrlutto, 'l'mouw. Ilnily (llluluyuvxnmpuedl). `_ l';ur gniu to the Want an procure 'l'iu|mtu vm Uncut wnteru, lhotrnit Ilul Mil- umnlm: uml Miuloiuun Uuutrul dlwn {arr Ihl,rnit., l'hiuugu, Milw-aulwo. Uraml Avon, mu! uhm fur MI tlm primeigml points in thv \Vw4L, mul nhm Vin |':u:mu lturcnulhr Utah, hulvmaku, Uulurmlu, Nuwulu mu! Uulurnhl. Vur Pmum u l'ic:Iu:u ug ly at the Lake nml mwr mum mat Hlllow, lawrmuw Wjmrl, Mml. ul Juluuum Ntruut. A unml.nh.I.l.. ----| , , _., 7 wmlamlial '~lmuuo'rK 1$H|H'7Ml/KN and I .--nrunvlll " Mounts . At` :5 u.In.. Iur Hunauuquo, Hroakvlllb uul |'|1:m:ntl., muuu'4;i.iu With the new Ill VMHAN fur Muutroul, aluily (Mumlayu ax: rapt/'4. ~ , , A4 F. -. --A " m. .; n.m., for (Jluytnn, Aluxdmlria Bar, l'u-m-Jzvia-,, I'M-mmlt. 01.;:h.-nulml-g, Uurmvul, nml 'Muul.u,-ul, tlnily (Mmulnym uxuoptod). pnaocirag Lhruu rlu the tluligllul Iwum-ry u! the Hmmumal In umlu am] all the [la Iidl 0! the H. L.-awrrum; by daylight, mmnuat tug at Man- m~:v| with the nu-mnuru for Quubuc, Murray Hnv, ltwim-uwlu lump, Uuuunu, 'l'lu1uuluu, mul tlm fur-fmnml Miner Huguuuny, nn 1')` Hum mum {.\luuln_yn I/iUlWl~1 it oyal n-if-III AIWHAINIAN A'l'Hl'J;\lAN . A4` '1 .. - ....u...a . 4 . . um` 'l`lmIo Ilmuld are 4 tlusruml '|'rmak, mu] 1 my tmmompuumt. 4! I : lumin- Hrmakvhz. Uttnwn. ltunfrcw Uttnwa .. lm:!ra:w Irnclcvilltm. W. If he; mmram Ho-uNn:'|'um,4 IPII gr m u m. .-_-z _ / wli l5Xl'lll5lIi TRAIN!) IDAILY ._..._..- LUV SUI ' onnsumn , .. HI /\l:'l'AN . . .1 l'A.s'.~H'Uu'l`.. MA!-'Nl'J'l' .. :mur<'J'1m\'r'4' f A; I'..nn . ..-v vaaiil L I 5 UM-r, HwM,v.u, 7|l.|. :---M I m lot. Hm nun-n..... L... urn; IIIUIK. 'J`lUI\'E'l'3 For Ottqwa vxa Brodkville; Canadian `Navigation G6}:- Brockviile and ( RAILWAYS. Hrm.-I. Viilu, Wiiih l'u-ml-like nnaliglnity Nut John I: man-.ntml tho nnly l'.1rli.1uu-nt which I nmi--rllv fur \-mm. .....o ..- .- " 'u'1'n.E a 00., 78 Nuuu St:-cot. Now York. ______-j I. T. Oompa ny, VH I'lN(} (3! Stnmmh l4'.'...A b 5v:`fi(l ]o.m., fnrjjnlmurg, Port mvumllu, Turnnto and lltuniltcm, `uln_y :;7;m:ptcc|). | n In I..- 1u_...Aw " ` ` I! ------aj JROCHESTER, A |l'. NWA I,l/M ._..-_...- uuv vnmi TIUI .. (\A.L..__,- u -u. .....uun.nI:Ill',( Ill? Jilly, 5- Royal =-Mail Line. RHl(_`AN. ~---- ~ ..-.u-u/ vs:,v:u'.'." for Ba , I7, l'[:l l,"l1t. "Kl1L'I')Ill'l.(. lfnnuunl - v n: nuyuullly. Egircss Ljge; MINI/us: Ul" lH'Z|'AI: -I-'lJ'I(l`Z from Kiligsgtmi, uHnm:in:,' Int July. I573 1-- I 2m....1 `nu--I 1'! ` - Mail and lixyrrc-no Line of Nu-unu-rs. uuvinr lcurc." V the compliment and tried ml. - lII'Pl:'.7T(.!Al5lN u'mAm.:n W2-x , May 6, I873. . . . . . . IIJII. 3;, PJII, A ll Ii I V H . ..... 8.00 p.m. 12.30 0 . . . .. ' 2.00 p.m. 9.46 pan. 1.60 p.m. 9.45 p.m. of the lame gdugo u 'Im|, nAml_Vt|mru in conwuuumlu ..- .-Iurlulllllll [Ill "10 WHO U. H. HATCH, 2701. I573. NI l: I'ltim~ MMIM WVHI Ullr l'l1l:1M' K `Ht/\lN)4. 1 av uollh 9.20 mm. 8.00 Ann. 1117 ...- --....a Huugu III ul thorn cnnwquoutly Vrciglat, when in car- Uulmllrg, ' IV";;t-t:"-i:l`;n`u, daily : m.-on, Milwau- Wuut, . `\` \ \ rr. INTI. Mann. um lluw ....I _._.-7: Snwuuu. lmuwr. ` Mlluwunln. M uUov. FA 1: mm.. " AL nu UK HTS n, -I Ottawa m I] '1', Manager. 4.00 11.111`. 4.45 Lnjn 3.) ILIII ..-u `ln_lll 3.00 pin. nouns! Ihdnadnnsl I-'heOh`ronW . vmco, uhlobil VII` by mail In churpd Fla `:4 (. & Malcolm ; in Loch! , Urcrmnorna; `I7 ` . ulna mv to June: and Al`? `Iv; (fly 0 troot; in Uvordri ` Jlllllvl Htraot; or to H. 51 M W of Yuuvmo and Gamma! ....`.- ...._ . not ....n. .u uuunnli Wintuf Nhvf ion. An expo and , wuwl. Bertha lot ...[. For Freight or othlu .. Portland to J. L.. Tim And All ;in &'Uo:?nu.:vnto all D'U1-lenm ; in Park CO` -' E t I 4sapumbn a`~s.5.m`ic'auo..o:u:..a % coxunmwt MANITOBI 0 ' mud to -n V " % i'7? m'.'.'...1 u mmiu aw w.`a".fZ1%`.;".%......a" tended to bodupmhul -`*1 Jim. 22.. rliung (ion: from Lou Msi and Plum g... UGANDI muss: Liv NAV1A.`l.`#i I v [ ulna nl 0...-..` l--- 1`-`M" uion, howdvur, ho had 5: least Hanna? trunks, and Blulcu no ` THE LIvEnP9oL_ u...'::.... 1. , HUIMILNIAN ..`...... UAHHAN . m:ANu1NA\?ilbi'.'.'II ` l'ltUl$8lAl_N . . . . .... 1'. AUHTILIAN . .... ' NFSTUBIAN Jlllllll V ` l'lmUVIAN MANJTUBAN gm, sum wu'r1AN ' Nowru .4uuu1o'A'J7I'1 AlwAl)IAN ~ 3'1`: .4NuuuW'.'.'. .. ' :41`. mmuux ..v )ALLANi 0:00 mills. ulnyl; 0 mm. 4 n`, u__ 1 ,1 . I2 8:30 o'clock am. :30 p.'m., 4:30 pan. ' w 6 .In.. lliuj J`, `an r I 15:30 o'clock _; I 4 pan. I 10.00 o alok I 5 pan mu "I have had ammo experi- sl matter: and have to lmm: hu rulicy of tho Opponitiun. ulna to do with tlw c:u'r_ jug on xuovumunt. " uhrin ....;I...I mm 1: '2 |o.m., 8:30 4 [:.m. 2:30 pm. 4 ~ --v -nuv VIJI. ," mid ha` I dimm Jmn. slduyu looked furwnrd to ' pouor, bug in n kin a` mu way. We didm jiat . _m' 1100, when it Imam: wrUOVlC.Vu- I IIl1III"~ THE BTEAIIIIM A (`g u ' '5Jn"i'wWf :.,,4 P4 ,,,,,,,, .. ` I them about { an mum after one had dawn the coucuguiam H t empty. I ,, DOUIICOCI it llkn n hi-`H-1' m mm: I Garden . ucmc 1 I 4330]) 3 am, ""' \vlrnu...._ "uh-.n v nuns uluy Lord Duturin L mwxpccwd lwmmr I ully ntumdiuu as mu .1... I ; I 'mwrma llraauh, K `Wile! Ii won [*3 to `n A.`l' uxnmu ' 'I.`;0, fur I I Hylumll T'I""' 1 mmus MIJAINUH [M KIIH ;UAN/`I'D _-.- . .1.--unlu- Turin unilcd. 'l`hum `mu 31 about it to be Iuuch-M u. ' Imuun I In no DHAWE . Alum 0IIulim l'w. ` AN ms Iota! FA NI mi. |IIl0IJt1 1 cl: Grol IXl'HUx`(:,:ul 4 D ` byainauu. at and usnzio im_modiatoLy, and tho uubwct. BL I73. Ihhg inulu1 .,_.5._._ ..-.....M PW` :50 .!91._`_LJ ;;'.;;;:-q "-1- vvoaulnn jug uwmn uomn nlmn nuhl .....__ puuctu ngutann I Hlruu nu -J -u nu ` nu LII .`|\`0.` muitry. (`tuft um c.u1puui|rl_y n W. -vuutu m lllllL'l' ~ Fwy an` that hruc .-nu vuu wu. ' he cmulmuu, vxuwn btm lomlun, in view uncv cf lh..i.- I.-:.... ' |-ulitimt quitu uI!'.` In (ML.n| 1 sun :1 nu Innrc uuclablc-. I We gluuluily out : ry ` mm III which --my fur ya-urn punt, m- or cunlu, pl-mm In jmulv merits. ..-- - v uuvl DIC- J r Ioluwu, cnuruo. Tha- rilcct ruquirm! imp;-taut ` mnicutiu amrdiuo, vliiia-.1 .oT n..||r.... uruu. | : liltlu livoly l -. miul. gzmw of mill-omli UIllI A.'l'l'fi(,V L-kenziu, and tr ?uct. I lave an at M. gn 6|...-.. ..uu5- n nuuv uvoly l tiul milroml g . [Iii cynbrown ' feature: to n? I munch ' 5 lnimcrrmtixng Hi can llmmmv" ~ . Hm an-vkin;.;-cur, uwly lulpnrtml Eng- v vu _)"ll gnulu HI Ht wu-I no lr.- III M- ty uhilk uhmllal In-1 s Hue doubt tn nu mucliun 0' Premier." i nu-1'cya11 I wouldn't :1 1|.-lv:mou. nor mo- ligllity of this ulliuu I [luv cxrxnnpcnmstim; rwrl, In view 1 . , . ..h:" m : uuvu an II, no thorn wclziblo. HIIJQAI ulna: ' uh. ....A Vith Lord '!I(un-in :c. IIDU. '_ us, " he ubIIul'\'u1l, j v into.-rust ovary- nliticn `cm. H: I . . . 1 .-nu nliu ....l.o.... \ -r.-mm many new - vmary wait :m|o- mn|mhmuun5 I III. I`.-........u Au` mm]; ;` Ill! cu I um up Mn own: ;n{tcr that of the -'1 mm viulxnl, Mud ? I H ' n trampled into the "1 Shari- 7 ;yn |'l'U. I II : uuy politic nu-lcrntulul ` ' ml (0 fialll ! wily, 5. Iran- vpuumllly DID-`IONA!!! llllli A1001, Mvool," hu 0' won we huu Ina um suninumnt 0' I: vngno uul uncorum realistic, yo keg, nu gtahuan grnup, it woman ` "I hulnlwayu {uun'|n M _ shah lthun, an mul mg I: :.':.'::r:.2`l:2 rs- . . . . . -., .-cl, DulY..-rin lmu ' D. B. nun", yllla , tr.'u'-llillg I , nun more : you 4 ' . . tn In` [mid uff xuul gt! "' ' Llvink l'lrs|][nriu:t In "' 3" ""P" U:-u--ml fur Hritinl: Cu . "lint my prim,-ipnl` "" ""." m t.-m mlv:nu'u the imun L `W M (In-V l"runvh lnmm in t ` I ' hm mum ta H]:-if nut! l"m t". ", , birth`'| mulurutnn "' l""""" ! "'l'l! yrm'ilu't'lmt II` I wnuldu t `= = vmu ml-[runs thu up cu, l,. -- -V ileum: and r.-mtitutionul I u lI.|.M!|ll"" wt and I full! J ' Jerk}: hm! . unvu no uh cabin?! thl mvu improu on in, tin! tomwr proceeding: to objection to our 9119 hnvu c.|..... ..I-.- , - -cur IOIIIF vvmml atop the report from boin Tho Cbninnnn-~lt in im tall the result a! mural ouodingn to the Home. my wpurt of our pracoodiu I have no uh that it Hut as former m-oamulin... .- AL wmtodbn Mnelwnzio immodi I, spool, " hmnchud uubjoct. ha I I . um rum; Mr Hlnku moved that the m uscinaluull ,- You-B|nku, Dnrinn. uyn ~ -Cameron, lilauclwt. - Resolution lost. ' Altar uonw can vursatiun tea making Hm I The Clminnnn u were not in favour of II and Witlulruw Imcnnu. H..... u. ygalcll lay an ~~mt u: ( out ruHrh'..'| rmul, M -u III- I- uurwn. At. the re-qua pryucd lay ~~mt cl... (4... iuuetint I ntinn nnmittu on mm the Montreal II: The 1' II DOOIK u ton C mr mu edncmlay `Lu tzorttw ol Hnturnl place t`, it taken 5) . met at I I :39. Pro- Blauchut, Invwti- . ruI9Vh`N'l`.` THE (SUD lHdl UR'I lNG. The Iullnwixv 1.4 inuetin of the untin zmnnnittu mine Mont:-uni t1..-.n - Ii THE F.x;xrIc Wa`$(.}ANl)AL--Alli BL } RHVl'JN l'.`l (!()MM1 l"l'E!, F I liHl'Ul('I`ING. -m.. I -- - - - "W-`Mm AKE ROM i om-y nouwd. Dnriau gunticultuml, Hunt mu! Hultnn uhmnotl, nninml led on live ` II. _fLrful.- an an ' I privilcguu 01' Pm Uppnsuitfn pmitivoly 5.. AL I- ? IIIIUO TIM v llllll I3 un--ul ty, uutiufacti cmmuit hun- nulf. - When the Speaker and the Tune: had loft, tho rumpus slowly nmbaixlod and W6 Let the hi Uillilh V ---us ynvlilllll. "Yenff mid I MIHN.'( once in pulitical nmttern ti client limped the `policy Oppo I as great den to ca unto! the petition movement." Here Lard Dulferin The See much atutitmery to m I nwmncnt" Mid he. Tlwre uptake the dcucenalnm. 6! dll. I replied, _imuI Ni tell." "I desire to learn `the Ind pectu u! the Reform it. 0! ,3 pmnible contingency of their called to olee," nmi-l burn] Ulllfurin, would like you to amend Mackenzie, in certain his idea: on the nnhject. he nppoiutment with Sir John in tell, in no time to lose." I oylulli undertook thutxuk. With Du '11 : :5 Imnr eecurexl and Mncken: g,.g u|...a I..:n:_.,. V

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