Jill! thqmu, vv mu ruvu MLA N 1: ' N-W. mm South 1:; for it: being a ycrfcc what direction the W trauma to the above a mule f_l'0JI) the cuts! I-I....I an I V , ,_.- ...,.... nu wnwr on 1:] from 6 to 8 (eat. The uocuwl real 1 intn the lake 5 distance: of lull I mi depth of water from 8 to 10 foot, aw milu lmluw the West mcl. Tlwru in 1 lgn: or ulncltcr iuninlu 0! Salmon Poi sols lava run for uheltcr inuido (2 Point, and rcmninml there. For in: Jennie, of Port Stanley, which on: tlw am of Uctobr, 1870. and came with all on board. w.......... - ~ .....v Holcomli and :- Liuuet left with I of utawua for Mon _; _. ....v an herb. ...u uuuu Jolt hush corn ; Chi bush com ; Drurulnought, 10,000 lugut, 7,031 bush com ; Utility, corn ; I-`rank, 10,000 bulh corn. Inn... Ll-..:t; - Ugnuntlcu, `.73 ,- 250 . an an on nonrd. WAm'uvu lf..\.\1:. .'.w, 1...... u....n -- ,,---.- ..,. ....r nxuung nuns, and the w are mow lmuy on her. ' Mnlntrcal 'l'mmnpnrtn.tion Company : 4-0. 8. Storm, from Part I) with 8,876 bush corn. with 4 barges and 124 rnt mutalmcut for H broke Railway. I__ A .. ..... alhuulio, The tug Glide tom mil iron, be no Kinguton am The (Hide left to-dn 12,250 Chicago, bush uuuruu: NCWII. 'l'lm uchr Acadia, which was In; .'5mit.h'n Falls 1; short time agn, arri tho liidun U mm] last night in tow 0 Lil y. Shciu In very hnndnome boat. be fit ted up for sailing hero, hum: nn 1...- .,...... . -uuw, M rated In; former uxpcriunuu proving I I'nl:wu in entirely unsuited paw, while a In.-tterplacu yard could not be ulnninwd. will march intu gunnp an the her, and will remain under lnyu, breaking up on the Mt mu number about 1,000 men. be bold ntf w Dockyard, I Gryrtnl Pnlzwu, uted. Ivy I uxpcricnco m-.ma.... n.. mm: in camp in thin district will cumint vi tho illlkllm Hqmulrun of Usnlry, under cunuuuml of Licut.-Colonel Duff; Kiuguton Field I -nttcry, umler Major A. H. Kirkpat- rick ; tho Nth Priucuu ul \Vn|oI Uwu ltillma, umlur liiunt.-Uolmwl Unllnglum ; sud l0__47lJA Battalion, under the culmnuul of Liout.-Col` U. A. Kirkpatrick, 51.1 . The entire force will number about The camp will ntf tlm In....u...--- - ...... .....-an nu uuvrl, mul About thirty gunman, lira: to go to Toronto nocintinu, wlniuh cnmmclwol on" Huptululmr 2nd, to act an wan-urn, marker: and police- Tlw camp this your will not ho to largo nu lut. The volunteer: who will put in their time in cumin: u! A I If" ~- - nu luck "'1 3114] l.. I. LA -vwlnobvll nun uru awuiruuu M Illill IO hit! inutuul u! the nuwh ul ' the brim night (2! tin: uiulur riilu at clintuncu Iueymul 4(1) yardu, may lou nllmnsal up In no, the dialing bur being rovaruul Ivy Um rc;;inwntul urmom-cr, who will nluu ulmw n. linu lino from the notch tn tlw tupnl tlw lmrrc-I to imlicatu the centre." A alcuwlnucnt u! A attery , cmuuiuting of mm ollimsr, nuvcml nun-cu Inmiuiotuul utlicaru, and km: luring thn m...u..... J -- -~ ' ......... mung uuul m '1': tho 2ml 0! Huptmuher, , wn later in tlw mnnth. Aumeiatinu Imvu ngroo: tlm Allusr. night, ugh ,,_- ........u-u munun Point. Vea- nvu run of Salmon , inntuwo tho .-, cum to" on In ucm|..;.- mm --A - ' ,-- .... .uu IllUllW 0! coltl. In Ilium Spunkio, Idling liquor no, the magintnto reserved ,,,-......~.- wuu Wlll pl.` 1 mh.-[nu-. N:.u...l-.._ - I -' ` ..... ....w uv -nu KDOWII that would be obliged to testify on I creditable w the ponpicuity oorruponalunt glut he porceis v sew,.,t,, win. I`! m. . .. .-Jung acuu 130 com coal. .., rullll|V. -- (UCIOTO Villinm Anderson was drunk. zommlnv. ant -+,.....I- -- *- `. -VM villi IK1 eastward or weltwurd of the zpth of water is {rum 3 to 6 la- nuchnragc in lint-clan, being ..__.... um summers pd Curinthinu, and props Ameri- .-mdly and Prussian paswul up ; Spartan and Atliclniisu clown. lu`l..:.... u `I V ,,.--_ .., ..ouuwmporsry, Ticnco that u: Uryatal Liruly for military pur- better place than the Duels- mt ulmzimsd. Tho voluntccnu ntn the 12th of Septem- ll under csuvu (or eight ng 19th. Mnrlme News. A.....I:, I ' :- WI 'l`ummu1' S4,-.--'l'he Ottawa correc- poldent of the (Nu/I' writing on Wednes- lhy eunccrning the Pacic Slander Com- lfununors my: There in an improuion abroad that it will all and in smoke or sumo- thing like it." That impression has been V017 lively around here for some time. In hctuince it was known that the panic: - sth. It in the U10! perceive: it even now. , ,,__._.- Iuultllil U3 ; 19th. - The above i ; ln..:... , 0 - ...-....... `ma-uu up :an ` Sand arrived from Fair- I cunl l`..,. l':l.. - - .. uuv nrrl V04! 24 rnViri`:-on, being the the and Pam- lw (Hidn Info 6 -|--- * "' ...., nmgnwn and Pam- today with 1: : (jluiun... an Inn .. -nnvll ullllll F0" . to An end "*'y --I, avlvua Ui.v. Collinulay, :0, Ulwego, corn; (imuton- aims... _ _. ..............wu mm and low obscurity of joitrnnln who rival in muligning, and yet loo not, tlnt tho mud they throw in only nailing themselves the more. ...... umuuuuu, urriveal Arrived :0!-In mil ix-m. In-1-A " wu.l run;'sT:.tl: 1 mile, with I and in half It no unchar- Lillnnn I -3--` " E DAILY NEWS-FRIDAY, EVENING. AUGUST 22. ,-- ..... uu-uuy Wllll urn 23,100 bush wheat; Utilitu In onn I ., . ...v VII name 8115 will so, workmen . Greenwood ; schr Fellow .. . . v cu n-om Fair- Tug Lily conled Unmpnnyu wharf )nlIum..:.. --.' - . ,:,.I , ....u an out! nlllu Inn 0111' Canada would be uuolcu in clearing \ the ncclnmulntod lth and low olucurit iuhfilnln -1-A -5--` .. up uu lllldlll" 1 Point. In 4.1 H-1 -.... uuuru mrco 1. and not at the r n contemponry, Lhg` u; lfrvnh-I wzu launched at ;u, arrived from n of the tug ,- |,.,,t_ mu: ...m v in 10 miles - .._-n vvuvttlv; 5-, 12,300 buulnl n steamers to . tin litiul wsrlnro u n the Minilt . ll thoypobolieva they canpgarovo Sir Job : Muc- donald guilty, let them do it by my menu which may be ourod. and they will, doubt- lou, and hfb political cu-oer. y inating u 5' parlinmonury committoo or nothing, t are do! much to lawn the eact whwh $131.4 latter: had upon the public ,,-_ _v---u uvvilifia 1119] lift! puttyold now, but being nthei-free and only on iomo poinu, they will just unit. And to supply the other prouing want, the Inca J. Camden Hulton hu published uvonl slang dictionaries, whigzh would meet III also of much fnnmalo to 3 nicely. For our part we rather profor tho lime pro- eou. Whitevruh is a good substitute for tool purity, but all the limo and brushes in would lm uuulnnn 5- -I----'~ uul oxplanntion is 13 t_lut it will do much. to jam two with the an impsrtial o poliyitm no making 9 mr no ) 0. 1'0 uppun that tho Op- tron . She Canadian yachts. purchuad by M in a valuable add OI mar-Gem ich he has .... --_--nuvuu UUHUIUOII Of 4 The Allan : ship Pomona, ` amved, has brought uevuml h gnaclnnery and iron um.-I. 1-.. . Ject very ably, and furnished many in- berating detail: respecting the moral, social and commercial condition of our n,....:...-..-. Rlv v. H. F. Bun).---We notice by late Engliah pt 11:, that on tho occauion of the esloyan hool Annivenmy, Rev. H. F. Bland, formerly of Kingaton now on n viut to the mother land, `preached two 91 uent not-mom at Craven. On the followingoa`ueI- day email: be lectured on Canadn.- t, .. run. 1 n Ill`) Ito`). Poutponod mile of buggiul at IIutchoson u room to-marrow at noon. Board of Trade meeting this evening. n. H. GIIOVIII lnnnl A--5- --' " K ; Tunrncz BOVH. -On, Thu:-uda new lodge of `Prentice Boy: was : Untanqui, Bro. E. J'lmrnton, a being the instituting niucr. The new lodge in Murray Lodge," 1 wiuh the lodge every uucuolu. Tl: `allies;-u were clcwtcul and duly inal W. M.--W. Thnmtcm. D.M. --Dm/id Purely. - _ec.--J. ll. Ben-v. .........u pw-ma or this Sunday plnco on Vvoduenday am Mr J. K. farm, snd mu :1 great lmcc-cal. folks enjoyed tlumnwlvcu with gm mu kinds, in which they were M number of visitors {rum the city. Spriggl WM the manager, and um piers all went all well. -jg` .... . nvu n UKI'U Annual pic-nic of Mg... .... In L - .. ncrI'|llKAPIlID.-Th0 In phs How Cmnpnny were Wedmuulny by` Mr Abbot: good picture: was gut. Srr. P.w1.'s Durcrr Hutu Ruroumcwo.--Wu two letters in thin I; E. Sill, of Picton, tun Nxumith, the culclrra now lives at St. Uatlu: eg to call attention to Jay : Nzwu, one from Mr and another from Mr John calcltrutcd lrincuit maker, whu Untlmrineu. T110 latter: will well repuy perusal. b ..,...u w-uny, and as far cu able to the Conservative ` (muvran, who at 10 o'cloc_l \Vzs'_r:m Dxvuuox. The electiun i Western Division uf Montreal was goi again to-day, and we can we 1': able to cl... (9. ....... mu -` ' ..-vvu. 116 the morning a Mr Smith, the j and Fishcril, arri` noon. He prdeed ck- -- .3... The Hon. Alefnnder C Ottawa by the afternoon puny with his two sons pr . M. steamer Bavarian to Niagara, where`- he will remain for as few days. atnpbell arrived from train, and in com- occedml west by the ,_.,..,... wvlull 1'3 5' wonderful lack of gentle duct, and of Ilnng words: with which to express the fa pirty. Our ulvortiaomont `-53,... unn - --- U EN KICAL KEl`l)I'l'. Wulniugwn, Auguutj` 2., I030 u.m.-l'rubu- bilitica :~~- For New lu'uglsml and M idtllc States and lower lake region, gradually 'l' ' ' prcuure light southeast to southwest winds, partly cloud? weather and areas of light rain and upccial y on the Atlantic coast. .Puurouuumzn.-Tho 1 tbs. How `'I-'--'`'`` "1.'...,'.;.-. in chm. l4..-......,; , uuzu, uuru local ulnnutvminvns for 24 7:30 n.m., Aug. u" l V! l"`I 3 |.-30 [l.`l.l.l-.' 79.5 `AS\V I. (J14.-tsri... [.30 pan. 30.05 (59.2 S 2 Fair. '50 any. 30.04 69.0 _Cl|ll1|.` O Cloudy "k.i.gu'--m5x.' 31; n_1ix n.V 62, rmmall oo uhcs. Barmnctric corructionn- I9, 2!, 23. l'H .NKICAL \Vuuhimm... A........;.-.n.. H... an. -umnu l'llI'l u.--J. Berry. 8l.-W. Cook. (rrr /Ilrmtrwut hiuw.) llomrc-ul Western mvlnlun Elme- I.lo||-wliccmul lDuy'u l'oll. ul Ia` Jllu Ir run Mcnuvruu 22! nlmrul. srEviA L"i9r:I,n;|iAMs. M-.. ......-u ulutu aptlmt and organs of the party the Time: to honou joined `and the In`. A Huw1uy.. . . . Mc.`4hnnc.. . , MuUn.uvrau Mclmms. . . . M cl tau vmn HI`. I Huwluy. .. Mclmms.` Huwluy. . . , . Mclmnu Mcltmvrnu j!`JW ..... "U. R Howluy ...... .` Mulmuu , ` Mcnuvrnm H1". AN lluwlny. . . .. Mulmms ,. M ct hm vmn /1! EMIN DEBS. NI". LII M llnwluy. . . . . Mulmna Mcuuuvmu ,. .._ ith, Deputy Minister of I ril, grrivcd from Ottawa thix proeeds up the Bay of Qui ng on A tour of in.....,.o:.... ` F30-N.`!)AYH4.`-ll;-(;L iv o! thi. 5x.....1-.. u . '. The Hslniltun Tfnzcu has inserted an ad- nttilemont at tho head of it: oditurisl col- sugns which no doubt it considered very /smthonulvertisemont which would apply anmnn n( H... ...---A-- - ' ' ` with nthurmom aptitude to the loaderia A ,,- _.r vluv nay U! I ; of inspection. _ xnul we nd the New ; :-I{ 1149 Governor-Gem xe, it in one which -tily with strong reuom. .,_...... .....vu uanmanw, ; o'clock was 2215` _ Dlcworoloalceul. "`|'- Imwuusam WA nu, Ilnu ,,...., wuru pnowg: `Mr Abbott in u ` I Hut (I o'r /Illmlrwul Iu'm',) ml IIf.....A....-- nnn-.:._: , --_ _--, - - v.-- Mmltrcml, Aug. 22, ll nan. -trr. LAwumu:u wmm, .lI1n|l A`-`-` H1`. AIl l'UlNI WA Ill). _,... ............u. tvr. Au nu '3 wum, u wan: ulu uw Illoorgnnl Thursday evening ticu instituted at . of Kingntun, g mum: of the I-my N u. 9. We yuucwuu. The fulluwing I inntallud : nrnh... ... v1v|VlllIY this 1v am Mr .I V ___.... IIICA L IlMl'lH('l'. p ... - an--vuu. '-" 1 H0 School took K. Macuulsys The young 5 gamut of uri- I nuiutml by a the city. Mr H. J. ,-r, under him auto r members of the Al- ro photographed '7: I ban in - A--H `far 24 houru ending at 22, I373, trong MARKET SQUARE,~I to and forcible lURNI l'UlE AND I V the of Tables, Chairs, Bu a peep Sialubonrd, Bcdxterulu A; - , Mottmucu, Wulu gin 53;-i.-jug ' , Picturcl, Tabla a,1ymhj. W. ml, Stovu, Pi , qt 3, too viudio- `"95: China an (Jroc F0l'kl nml Nnnm-u --- ...vv Dvnu VII u favour- candidnte, Mr M`:- ,,.|, W... on: -I Itcr Marine nwa thin after- ! Quinta in Einn ,, -- ..... uww, wuwn oswlod itull bonus on the folly of going round by the longest route, when Sir Hugh Allan would ask. Wu be than playing the name gnaw with the Globe and irutking it all rig/Lf wxth I lie otgun I (III I`)! (91 \__1 247. gram 1,. ., an! an El. alum]. going on 1. la ...... ._ . 678 . . N566 J067 I'M! 254 3|! H5 0&1 225 . 20'.) 44! 27%| Mil Au -,__ --- ,... .4 mean: vmcn look- ed auspicious. Subsequent events may have modied our view: to some alight extent, but not to fur u to materially alter them. We do not think that the country will go into mourning over the lone olytho contract by Sir Hugh, and if it in really in the hand of the Government again, we menu were found able to take up and ninh their Allotment. The greatest enemy of the road he: been tuned to declare in poculinr Iulidity of structure, And the building of it in thin way in is bitter commentary on the course of the Globe, which bowled ltull lollv of ma..- -.---A L- A- `22 an I p. In. V V at the xIEusI\/_T%"%sT:E ll0TEL FURN ITURE. _ -. ...-o va-u, WM. MURRAY, ' Aiwtiouo: - Kmpton, August 23, 1873. Mnluil E1 At Garden Island, Angus dance of the bride's`-father, Knight, B.A., Mr Jamal I both ffinlum ........ nun suv llllll of Mr Johnston H exceedingly good. Mr producing a bust in net merely the lmouments, but the mind and clmrncter, of the great champion of Protestant freedom in the Church of Ire- land are vividly brought out. I do not do be-Lu,-r than secure this hunt and` place it in some public building in Belfast`. Mr Lynn, as I have said, bus distinguished Inim- eminent Irishman. studio I b of India, There is new in his ust of the late Governor-General which is to be submitted to the Mayo Memorial Committee. Though Mr Lynn had to execute his task without the aid of the living model, he has reduced an mimble likeness of the late 3 ~ as been seen by 1' Bourke, . Mr Lynn has also executed an excel- lent bust of Lord Cairns, which it is intend- ed to place in Belfast ; and 3 full length statue of the late Mm-quisof Downshitu from his hands, will be uncovered in the course of the autumn, at Hillsberough, by ttlle Duke of Abercorn..-- London C orrespm:- ut. knew that the Umngemen of Ulster cnulnl - self already by his busts and statues of _ 111151` 07 A A but at Mr W. J ohnstnn, but, has been oxccuwd by I rinh artist of now resident in may be than 0 of Mr J Lynn has seen in the bust and no eminent Irishman. great ability London, ohnutnn is excooding lucceodml in m-odn Du:-mmvmum luunmm.-- ` M. P. for Ba]- Mr Lynn, an and promise, and whole skill statues of more The lilwnou ly ninn a I-...4 :_ ,,. .- ...pv -uuunuug hand: Go` hope no time will be If contracts by Ioctionl an Interoolunill. That rc bean built it tho singl 1...... - - _j_,,. 1 -_..-.. .. vsusuull to attend n. nweting of mid Synod on the 10th day of next month, `special, for .the purpose of electing in Bishop for 2\lgoin's, but which ( the citation snyu) may be made ` general, for the tmnszwtion of the general businau of the Church. ~,z We need scarcelyremind your Lordship that there remains a large accumulation of such business standin over from the ses- sions M1871 and 187 , and also that the at- tendance at frequent meetings of the Provin- cial Synod entails much inconvenience and expense on the membei-Q, especially on those who reside at in distance from the Metro- politan See. 5` 'I'nsInn6,. A -- A V .4. --~ ___-__ The fulluwing in `the memorial, which hiss been numc-rmisl signed :- 1'u the Right Ir. Auhtun, Lord Ivlmp of Montreal, and Metropolitan: " Mn :1 H2432 roux: Lonnpmr.--We, the undersigned, dele Mon to the Provincial Synod, have re-coive 3 citation to attend mutating (the general. fur Hun 6-.....-.---A5 - ` " IILL be sold by AUCTION, 4 DA V, 28th imt., nml loll` no Bun 1 K Hunt 1: `ll " '1`oronto, August 21!`; ` ` Sm,--Tlw almost universal feeling that, at the apprrmching session of the Provincial Synml, the general business of the Church should be trunsnctetl, has induced theme whose munca are attached to the within memorial tmzulupt the present mode of ex- pressing their views to the` Metmpnlitun. hould you be of the same mind, be so kind ms tu telegraph to C. J . Campbell, Euq., Tm-onto, your nuthnrity for adding your name to the memorial. . H llf. ( V ul I will I300. Toronto, Augmt 21, uwmm.-r or the Homso, that I'M-limuuht vvouhvi be at once proroguml. While l do this, l do not Wlllli to interfere in any way with tho right of the Hovurmm.-ot to call l'urlimnont to other whenever they think the oxigcucicn o the country rcquiru it; they mutt he the juuligus of tlm`, mu! be re- uponuiblu forit; hat :1: that In-clone in the usual way, that All may umlcrstmul that it in their duty to attend ; and when I, together with all my colleagues, Mn so called upon, I trust that I shall he found `n my place, and l ball then feel that whether or not all my mllcngucn uttcml, they will not have hea,-n he yt uwoy hy nlplcdgu that they would not Ire required, and could therefore` honomhly you in doing anything that the llouoe might awnuitlcr for the intcrcnts of the country. I have the honor to be, Ow. A A I Member for the C it y and ("( 1 ._-..- ...... vnnuu mu-u put. um cnuntrr to M1 cxpumu: of uqrmrtar uf ll milliuu do ltmv hy Imngin v the lmgiulaturo together again. At a event, In: that III it may, l lcul that it would he aliulumnurahlu lur myucll tout- tmupt tu hp hunim.-nu at Ml mljmlrnumut 0! the llamas, M which my mlluu mm hml huun tuhl ` that Im Imuimsmo wmghl he 1 mm, and that tlmy numl not attend, and tlwrcfura I munt dculino to lo mu ; and l prutent at my ubtempt to du buuim.-In, anal I require the (luvumnwut tn lullll the rlml o mxulu tn mo and to over nwmlrcr o the umw, l'arlimuunt wuultvi [_n-or_oguegl., I II/I. fl I Hamilton `Tin mo-4.....-` -; n mmmmut ny way at pretext. I have to remind yml that the House of Uolmmmu nnly emmeuteal tn xuljuum to that time on yuurplmlge-vavpe1nl'y iveu in the lluum tlmt Im huummm ulumlu us trrmnctml, mu- Wuulcl tlm nttemltmce 4;! member he required, mi them would he emmqh amuml Ottawa to make uquurmn; that Mr peuker wmnlcl re- ceive tho remrt 0! the mnmmittee on the llnntingtam 4- mr;,mu, pm that it might he pith- liuluul, and that then l n.rIiument would he at once pruruglwcl. ` If thin prmniuc hml rmt heen made, I do not believe that the llmuu: would have cemented to nnly such uljurument. I certainly would nut nave given my cmment tuany mljeuru-.,. meat that would have put the emmtr if ""X`..'. li t':7,.!::v*:1.~s:::2 `:%".'e'M4.*`'- . T . Auu v u1u1/11; _b`YN(_)D. Thu following circular has been iuued z-- `` Toronto, 21|t, 1873 `_`_Sm,--Tlw Illlivcrnnl fmlim. H--6 u A, u. rumwr, ma ., M.l'., Mr St. John ' llew I Irmumick, tn tm Miuintm-u! Juutiuu, aml WI! um unru tlmt all them: mu_m|:rn of Pat'- liament whn were prummt on thu I3th, in con- nwquuncu an! tlm plmlga made that tho muting on that lay wuuhl he nwroly fumml, will In ready to uxpronu their concurrence in Mr I'aI- lner'n prutcut : ` _ St. John, Aug. Ilth, I873. Hir Jnlm M/uulmmhl, Miuiutcr ul Juutiw, Uttnwa. I Hir,-vln umnueqmmco 0! utntomcubl that I umlurutmul have anmu Irmn mum ln0l'lII)l:l l of the Umnuwuu to the clfuut thaw might be M: actunl wuoiuu ul I'm-liuuwut, M the adjourn- ment am the |:m., tn ynu, ms the Iuulrr v! the h'uv:rImueuI, I long ta malus tho {ulluwing utuummut by an! van that M... n....... ..t . ,........... ._.... ...-.... -._..;.......__-..-..`. ....-.-- V4`\;;;i-QMMlNl8 l'ElUAl.lH'l'H DID NOT. AT- TMNI) UN l`lH l. Pru. Wo pulnliull tn-day tlm copy n! a letter mmt In A, L. I uImur, Mm M.l'., fur St. John I aw Hrmumick. tn tm Miniuturnl .l....o,:.... ,,,_- ..,. .. , mu. uw mm. nu dam: in II. attend; Mq sblallibc t'm;Ixull:r| and fee tmt w atwr a m `guun Iem):, zwny tlm -.,......., august mm, M. the reli- by the Rev. A. G. L., Dix to Mini Eliza- PROVINCIAL SYN(_)D_ "nnwinn ..:-....I.,_ L ,, u ,_ _ __.- .3. r Dxsrnmvnuum M M]! W` .Iu"Innl.... I` MARRIED. 1l.....I A .. .---va 5'4 Ila . August 19th, at the Ecli- t/nther, by Rev, A I!- , ......,,.........;u was an nugh ought not to onjuy 3 chutorgot by means which look- auspicious. unk-.......-.4 ---A A : sir, respectfully yours? Tn: Bvnscnnaznu. uul nun, on THURS- L, following days, N, Tl-IURH. 'ol winn 11-..- ur, ac. A.- L. I .u.mm, County of St. John. 3. Staeers. _3ta1;_ioner s -.f -XII nu::.-__ I and evcrythin ' .1 so ` K M;r at `#001 u ` REA Dldll, ORAMMAR8 uuummru us, Aui'rHmmcs, vow mks, suvms mmwmu nouxu, f ENOIL8, INK, wurrma PAPER, E. STAGEY S CIIEAI noon swan 9: `sum sham-. Aagyuc mu. ... ..... runway matte we exprcued our views very pl thny lIM'c clmuged very slightly c We thought-than that Sir Hugh In nninu Q -I---A-~ ` RE-OPENING m5%scHooLs. mumumn 25 cents. A GRAND MATJNEE on Augtut 27, at 2 o'clock 1 ,1} `Huh: -l- JUIJIU \.I.l.` This: part of the Exhibition in idona worth almihlo the price nah-)1 to we the whole, and exceed the livelient iinniilnation. Hones haying the most vicious h: '0 iultnntly sub- dued by Prof. Pratt : New snd Wonderful yutcni. PHlVA';'E LEUTURIW given every (luv u. rm VATE LELTURIW every at 2 u clock. - ( The Evenin Exhibitianu at 8 o'cl I)imis open at o'clock. Admiuiun 25 GRAN]! I/lA'I'luuu --- - At every, Exhibition, I 13314314: 014` RGE, _hm Exhilnitinn u . .1..... -. I ON EARTH, Handling and Educating % VICIOUS HORSES, At evorv Exinimm... -r-Ara I I I'll`! In mnny new and dillicnlt tricks 1 nttcniptctl. The `most n__A( 1 I I -- ~ T o M '1T'r'1"iI MB; 'BI<}S'l` l EllFOI{MlNG 009:8 diiuult 0..-inn... ......-_ Authorized School Books, Aug. 2! . ___._.. ....... mu-5.-swu u not originate _ Hugh. A man with Sir Hugh} 1 A country `.90 poor comparative] y :1 Clnutla, inn langurolu subject to 1 union hie: cunrw is murlwd by than which 1 .1l_mvc nuuplciun. Sir H ugl tian in buying up Inomben, and lean ca-ulcurwnp in blnbbing all l1 true at untrue xntq the earl at were laying a trap for him, must who ham dealing with him in fun he in not the wane (or being ruched. ` E_vcr I: l'I'll\ I I \I I ` I-ought before the people. The ` _-v `AVID? .lJlJ of 116 world, cmlarlod 1? Clergy an the meat wmulcr ul tilul, mum! and educational '1 1 I - - - " U" VIJLL .l'J rincou Us3lllPIJ`l: Remarkable Performance `Inc mmat ON EARTH- Kingston Penitentiary, Aug. 2|, I873. ~ , f"I1I The l'amluru up mm from what mine (who Coal in to he title an, and to furnish two ro- nqumnihlo unrotiuu, wluma um] aignaturon must Im given in the Ten dur. The whale of the Goal kn pa aeum-u1,on or Imfvru m Nuvutnlmr msxt. . 0 JOHN UREIGHTON, IN. -1 ._ ..... . . -uuunuly wrung II) 3" cvidrlwc in pro-uy ummg av showing that he lull n tutncd to compau hi: Conservative party one mm in this unmet, 1 I: own: up m hll Iv.-nun that 1 bukun up tho I-'1-ouch Cam ul Sir G. Uurticr amluu all smooth, zmjd tho apposition himself in Montreal in be] ._ - -----. CrI&IIIU" In prime order, at the Italian W'arcImusc. ` WM. BEGG O CO. ___..__ Imruwn llumh bunt quality of I nnnnnnnn Ind nt mum, from partial will the delivery in the Coal J Punituntiar and Mack! 'l'hiI-awn I umlwtl Toni bunt auslitv of `s vlcALlCD new mans, endorsed ToIitlr fur (}rml," will ho received at the cilia! of tho undunignml until - ' Tuesday, the 2nd Sept. next, mum. from um-tin: wm.'.... 4... ....- Aug. 21. `)'PPo1717E BRANAGANS BLOCK Prince 8 treat, Kimzntan. (M a -1-- I VIN:/UL DOWARD, Fall: o{tl:o"(1o] 141` u! Orgmninmurf um.-u; Britain, 0,9,, t and Ulmir Mnutur St, uonr;1u'I' hugu to snnmnuus to hint puri no, lriemlu, nmi tlm pul lic gums:-nll , that he will rmunu hi. I.tas.~mNs IN MI rm: an MONDAY, 4..., 25th. Uiruulnru to wnnu,&o., to be had 5; Mr Sl.m:ay'u Hook me. Aug. 22. '1" ostp< ).1-1eci" SaI;;f.]`3_~ugg1;e-M; KXTILL take place on HA'l'ltnnAv A-~ -~~v.v V The Horse Edu-(L3;tU(J[l"J 0 Wflll nn.Io......I I,_, `u _ : Fki IIA 1 /','|"I'.'.\'l'.\'U, A (III UK I 9. ; Hm llvuu uurun Iuunuv.--A ro- pu mine: from Otlnwn (hm Hm knight uf__ tnvunacr.-1;; 11'-u.b-ml lnru--I Ln ;.:iw- up llw mvmnotlor this rmul. main; at his cum- plaw fuiluru to secure u! nccuunry funrls. very sorry it the Building of the railway should (all into other : hands. The plan [mnuod by Sir llugh sinus thu uegotmtium commenced ha hm.-n one which will cause mum troublo than any other want in Canadian binary. and thc jun punishment {or web slino `of so-(ion wuulil he tlw deprivation of thu charter. We do not hcliovu that Sir Hugh nu cmuinnlly wrong in all he did, but u- cu.-n am his: own showing no uono HD- In 1-Avnnan- L-A NOW IN STOCK AT The STAR Brand 7 _ ..'-vvu IUIJJII FILL plne cm I 23"]. Of 12 o'alnuI The ROSE Brgnd I I II II 9 '1 U n 5 every Exhibition, ,\ 1\ln I-nu-v . ,Iunn's:'i='(nn sou. In: uuw puma HA 23rd, St `I2 o'clock. Ill'.l.ll alock, K `H `- J. E. NOBLE, Agent. -...,. .... - usury mm-Ivvd and fa mlmittc-ul to all their right: no nluuvwlcal on members 0! the I'm- vincid Nynud. Am no oqunily Ivy tlw other Maritime Pmvim-c-u, il tlw circumltunool no much up pun-ilvly tn admit I in being alum-. Anal why nut? Wv om cortninly, on your Able cunt:-mpnrnry, tlm I":-rt I'rrn, iutimntu, willing with our Clnrintinn lrooclom and digni- ty. an I lam-ring HIIrIA'l\`('l in Hm night. of tho- utlu-r uh-Imunnlxulmnu by purlllittiug, not we: do, hm": I...ml ....;o.:.u ... L . I -' ` t? g, ' ' * ' ""7 I willing to watt-not for` tho Manual It Kingston _ - ~- -"ac-V" Inca SATURDAY, Aug. [2 J. E. H U'l'ClIlSUN, Auctioneer Wculneulsy, nvnml Auylum: of bf 2,240 lbl. Blah, _' w 1-In: I never lmfura (15! o'clock. LHTON, Wudm). uII'I'IV lI'L:l|\ inn with . Mm uuI....I Ex "Glenilorf {toll}! runlun u-1 -Ann H [THE om STATN ` Novelty on S. BHOWI. yHARBAQEi "I1l%Ilunor' Iron. ; pu ic willmp ' U by alhgdf` -::-v ~ Bishop and dvlegatoa. nuuring chum 1 timv there in nu chm ur ul tlu-ir not In dinlly rum-iv:-cl mu! IILP 1 fight; g nltlulu/Imlu... . .......L,.-A - I Another Hill II the lava rm Just 011 V H]: `hm `~ in. \\t\ ch` N "'3. Aux. men, 1373. Immg Lam .... .........._y can-_ ml Ilnng wards and phruoa ich express fooling: of the ndvortiaomont then would Cheueroldo lotion." They sou; AGENTS EIGHT OI _--, ...... uau uppoulu ml! in} inntig.-nod if not on L `__A__ - ' 3* To urivo 101.11 Joseph Do I III Lari! no {or kcttlc (ihtzopu NEW V91 wlcird Um/Mtf York. Aug. 916 for an n.....o v-vn us: In for his 31' being fun buoy am hour and three mim gdling oondi York, Au {as this railway mutter Iliad nnr uh..- .------ - '`}"`;`l N 1` I` `kn. qI..,l'l|` ~kHQ\ `( `N. D. I was Amp '9`, ; No, 2 Ihyh 11! U5! h."."..{"A .`.`...: lb 8.0!! w in gm I mail Suli |...m.....1 .. $3 F "T. ' Tm-lavrtfal V mr KUIUO It -. Uhtsoao f ; rened ......, rvporml at ill Aulwa lax uuasruml MONTH PI ..1..I In a 7 W 1 od!"" -1 All ., . --- - Unruly , $ your pm-nry, mtimntoa, our .-ring umlllmu purnlittiu , uihlnl--r to lru comimm ly interior- - um-l-sin-`H.-n.l rmulutimu, on-u tn ! -wp;u.|Iin.; vhiol lmstlmm. sau- and . M514 his ends. Tho owes him vary 3 -for he openly ulc.-nun he would havu :1-'1-ouch Canadian follower: in-P uni"... 01" I....l L 7 ~ - opened, r plainly, and I1 I ever since. Si: l got tl iuboeqm-nt n It P u , ` ning P` ugh, "' Government " in giving out the III as In done with thu It road would not have single opnti-act plan had by dividing the work up .. ....._ A --- I10 ""' WV IIVIIIUINE Bontlemanly con._ ward. nu! ..I.___,,_ .'~.-- -v--- --vvu uluuu nppoumon in Sir Giorgi 1'9 il llnlinvnal on |......_ ,- -- `..--uv, ll :1 suggest however vhich would Ido which it delights m. 'n-- ----~ Inben, und"hin rack- nbbing his doings the man who ' uhow all 3. 1...... 4.. :77 -- oating nwgi v obscurity `inn no.) .._4 nuul-mg mum that this lacing cor- ; ` of 1!... IV... .......- uuvvv an n; future that carefully ...-unau :uuUWUl'l had bcun made `.. 5., L12, gm?` ,,,. _.. ........... nurvey oi the hsrbour by I competent engineer should beinado at an only day, no without that we are only Hl` in tha dark. Wlun tlnt is damn we than can discuss the question intelligently And with the proper dust: to guide as. W: rcgud ..., uuuruuuon And di it, however, no I mutt tum: that In ccient n by ` 1vannv..b.._L .-A-!r ............. would oecompletoly sheltered from south-westerly wind: which are said to cum: no much onnoysnce to trans- clunonring for the construction of a bunk- Intot. Wu throw out than idou, not in my doguntio Igririt, but for the purpose of elicit- ing informstion uuf discussion. We regard __ ,. _,__- -..., mu. uoeper. should this be the cue, it in 3 most important fact, an the removal of the pridgo would at once double I that Iminu m... expense, II the Inland itulf almost bridge: the channel. It in also said tint roccnt exam- imxtionn show that the buthnn ..I n... .z.- At the Annual meeting in \Vith regard to the en- , _ rbonr there appear: a wide-spread feeling that the interest: of ment have aid that if we can at-iufy than that the improvement of the liurlxn nr partake of the nature of I gonural and not 5 local work, they would feel it incumbent on them to undertake, or at least enlist in, the required improvements. We ere I satised that the improvement of tho hubonr in of work which would be of grout Donot--i! Vnot I ...., mu mu aeepening at the hsrbo be Attended with very great cost, in no touon why is should not he go ' earnestly, ggorgctically and practit the owner: of wuer lots would gather and apply (or an Act of P5 to enable them to min the money coutempletod improvement, they I dmxht obtain it, And power to charge til the money should be repaid, M none dieliko the imposition nf toll. other pau by And proceed probably uflar u Pren- oott if not to Montreal and no we dull be worse oil then then at present. Without Itop . ping1.tpreunt to diocuu that question we any any at Jhc deepening harbolir would but that why Ihuuld nut 1... ..-...e 7- - _ . , - Huznoun Inrnovnnc.\"r.- --A prominent to- pic of dieeuuian among mgrcnutilo men. at the mayor : excunion on Wednesday, was the state of the harbour, and its improvement. The deepening and enlargement of thb Wel- land Canal will, it in be the bulineltul this port by bringing down from the went a much larger clue of veuelb which will trsnehip}heir cnrgoee here. not to be denied thnt some lnen-nnd Have we might reckon Mr Cnrrutheru the nu|nbor--conuideF that except we t vantage of this utote of things and deepen and enlarge the harbour, that those veuela by Pros-` if he lieved. great] y inoreuo we be- among Tun GnvlImou'u ()|'1.vwx.-~--'l'lie Spania- tor of hut evening luuuthu noatclt thing yot by way of reply to the yarn that on the evening of prorogstion His Excellency wnt r {or Menu Mackenzie and Blake, mid ox- prouod hi: extreme regret that the course he pu_rsnod tlmulny did not meet with their If the Governor did really nee these gentlomen we may be aura he did not Mltlmrizo them to repeat anything ho laid, and we thought 0. W. McMullcn was the only Opposition leader who would re- peat private conversations to lorvo a public I porpmo. But the Spectator puts it this way, by quoting iron His Excollency n speech at Halifax : I do not care how widely this remark 0 any Itato- '1 ' 'my opinion. I: (or sentiments hm be in respect. of any po- litical topic, or w 0 has ever been in a posi- I, tion, or is likely to be in 3 position, to make I anything approaching to a conjecture upon _ point: of this description." "` ....-.. vllllll U , - 3- hnvo proved addlcd night touch them win- dom. Qer-' napicntu, would make an excellent motto for the crest 0! the party. ,,__-,, ..-..... uuvu ullluunitoll I majority. Perhaps no, and hypotheses are nimply amusing. body can mulw them. and with j: in degree of probability. Tho old daunting ciifcnu bafnru thuy n: in not approved by tlwso gcntl. yet the frequency with which I have m.....I ..I.lI-.) _: . . . . _. ..... -rlrlvunllaull JOIIVIIIIIII Mu jmsl mm ;mgngmI upam n pmlrlmn closdfy rennin.- bliug tlw tllulav/A analysis on tho Went lotur|mro' cases. In that culolrrnwcl uliviuinn if uamu six or an-vun momhcruluul vutml gm imltmul nl /my, and if` nmma (our ur tiwv other had Imam pr:-mam, tlw Miniury mmst have imwimlyly gums nut. They no lmw vrotking ms this requisition lmninou. If Mr Kirkpatrick, and Mr Lewis Ind niguml, and if Mr Msillnux uml homo half dozen other: had boon in Ottawa` than the sign taro: would` have amounted to II clum- yet thuuu Iuunnl`-A------ ' ' .... rv wuugvr mum nlarmilta to cattle on thing at 5 time. Thu oomtitu ti-in Iuroly can nifnral to other little mam-r ruined b has boon dilpmuul of ~ as local politician, who was interrupting; bin; whilu mucking n. upuoch on tho hnutingu,--- (iontlnum,--uno M n time." _ ? : tionll quan- wuit _ until that y tho Oppoaitinn Sir Juhn amid ton from hiu ruvono and II mnking propnntiom to Itump tlw cmmtry, and in announcml to g uldrou a public mooting at London on tho 28th, "on tho conntitutiunalquoution raiud ' by the but act of tho Ministry." M iglit it not be wllior tlimw ulnrinilta settle one I Tim .u....o.'....;_-.-- - - uv nvvl `.hey kneognlmnt o:-at id: most n......m :1 `-4 "'---2-}-_ slno 0' `hi! ()pI)).i("' j mw munurml .m.... .. .... u 1 ' bottom of the river [no in clav. mu! n.u.I-1- I r ' `mnttor 4 .....-....-u. no regard not of primary impcr. : survey 0! the bubour nor bout. u-42 -- --- ._-..... --a vvlll, and Wu vlveu with groutjliltrunt, d. we believe, st 31] the Ike : and it I... -....- __ .......-. uwuw W- Purlixununt, money for tho -u, tlmn .......I.1 . , , - ,-- mu... ply Why uny- u. just an grout lity. old adage of mfnru thuy urn lmtchml ' thou gentlemen, and their c.-ggu -..'..|.L A J v vv-v, vlllv FBI` It gone about practically. If Wan M nu... 4... ,,____(i av! Ill would no r charge toll: un- Lid. Many per- )f and ---.v ,-_.---- an In |Jl(7l' n, Lncn-3.... IINV - I jounmlu rm-9 rlmn nl....:-9.. ....- .. Fne:uu n' EXl!UBIOl.-WG leurn {bet the Wntortmvn remen intend visiting Kingston to-marrow. They will be well received by their brethren of this city. The band of A Battery . nuuuulv I j'udgmont. --uu Iiulv Will 0] tho can 0! William I without A license, u inrlunu--A A 0 IllVA) (.'l.-The Opponltion in the or Ioxiwthing like ."II|dI0IIwwurionnoe has to banana- tuthnnl question has up in pod the for the pun: undo! oo_m-uovcr- ulovnovarnm... M. V--- ,,-..- ..n:. no Wll nned $2 or 15 duyn in gaol. Bartholomew Wclih wu slug drunk, sud a participnnt in 9. {rec tight but night. In conuideration of this latter luxury, the magistrate, instead of the days. Samuel Manliall, a young lad, was charged with Itenling tho fruit sud braking the tree: of Thomas Mnrph , Dsndy'I 14110. The one was settled on payment of costs. In William Smmlxin ...n.-.... I:--- .. um mun lllq drunk. 3; ununl line, stuck him fur 85 m y frui Murphy, settled an M-""'" O l m.n-u Cuuwr, I-`uumv. ` Strange, I`. M. )--WiHi:m Ander lio got into bad company, got hsd, and was robbed of about ned $2 pa aht In-4 -=~--A ' ,_ `...~u, 1016410, Scsrth, Coalu '(/`reek, Clayton, '1 tagc, Toledo, Unwcgu, timber; A land, Toronto, 0011; Ben Fran land, Kingston, wheat. Up-Schrl S. Union, W. F. prop: St. Album, lake Erie; Craft. I:v- - ` Timber ; Par- du, wboat ; Lady Dulferin, do, do, corn; Theresa, Toledo, do timber; W. Dnvin, Chi- cago, do, wheat ; I5. Sin.-ridsn, Uleveluul, (hwego, do ; Agnuu Hope, do, Hamilton, coal; Craftuman, Bay City, Kingston, ltavea ; Forest Queen, `Polealo, Kiugpton, 1-.orn;J. timber ; Aridne, Glove- Franklin, Cleve- do, Hnmilto'n,'<'1'o ; Ellen There, 1. `a, do; Garibnlali,` Bay utnvcl; Camauclw, Ulnicago, Uuweg Denmark, Bay City, Kingston. Roukaway, Troy, Oswego, cos! ; Cnuay, Tolody, Ogdonlburg, whoa Hunter. h.......I.- 1" - --..,...-, nuu mu auchu muddy buttmn. I :-rt Uullmlflm, Aug. 20. -- Down-Hchn`| Auwalcn, Ulcvcinud, Toronto, coal ; l arn.gon, do, Toronto, coal ' Hamilton, do; do. Torin- t.. .2... r- -- , New Dominion of Quebec, ' 1--nu VI/i`nd, north-west, light. , Inna mnqvu in ay l'oint,nmI is celebrated perfect. uhclter, no matter {rum wind may blow. '1'