.|,u |II,'.;H:I. 2|!) -.:,.'r.'o,um.w | U! uuwlse of Strntlny cal, and 0| .. ..... '1 HE J)A1LY NEWS. l'.\"l' IH-)(,'|'2|Vr;l) at A. MI'MH.l.AN S, 0 me c-:Lr-load gt l"lH'ISH GROUND WATER LIME. A. M'NIIl;LA1\', 1-(DUI) M.-\I'LH HAIKI) '00, cut ntnve J length: ; Good Dry Mural \\'mul - Maple, Beech an-l Birch ; (ioml Soft \VmuI, all g .JU..S"_l` li_1_9][V]<]D` I Bailey >an.(-1-W1"inging Machine 00., um (`Iuunbors l~'t.r(-rt. New York N I sf .\..I alunumu-r M (:n|:,u' l`EAH from '20 to In cent per 1|. 7 ` 1: an --von- Q 1.:-urn-Q6 I 5| . Wilkinson. j Young Hyson, Congou, I I |0,0(I) Genuine lfavqnn Gig: lowing Inmmll :--"l artigu, Henry (J|:)7I." INIIIII l.`uAI U ANTI I2` 1 .K\ \\ Wholesale and Install Tolmccolzlut, I ` ' PLLLN (JESS SIBEET, -Vitlu (`org \\'|n.-elm on lmt. TE.AS! TEAS! V ,_-_....vIl ll II V I\' I-IS N |'I|?\"H M l'Zll|('.\ I. T I ! PNIVH l'IX'| IlA("|`, I"? ` jmut l'('l't`iVj'Il Ivy :3 I - - '- `* K in-,1: an:-s 'l`ilm~ Z I |'ll'4I\lV\/IIIIIJNI l IIJI4IIII|-I N , 4/`nut-u. Muerulouum liuwln in (Juan. Pu-i.';r Hunt. Pipe in (tutu.-s. Turlsiuh Ulusrry Pipcu. The Iiuntiug Pipe (Uurk). Frunnneln uul lhiglish Clay Pipca. .-nu-s 531; :-_'l.aluo|ur! Mun-.~' _ (`Inuit-s I - IT HAS N6'EQuA1_ 2 ul ".`UnIIllc` `wt: in c'\'I-r) llnllsn-llcalnl." T y u: ".\'ID\'l'}'.'|'\ ." uml .~`;1ti.~fy _\'a.ur.~'elf that is the l'v|d\"|'. `.`" I` '_q\vj.I|\I~|| v . . . . . . .. No. 246! ` ` n 0'!` (H- 0!i'!.?'fi?:4.$PE jznnzs, 30,00_0 Manla Ghcroots, - No\/' ii"ii_TY: A nguut I2. n.VIIl;l.\ -V `V II \Ve|liIIgtnI .iw_;:4hm, `.Z8U| May, I57: . l'Zl'.'l{8Ul|AUM 'HlLl.l A ltl) l Il lS I `nun- :f:.W!"_'TE. ml J `an -. WHOLESALE AND BETA] L.` 72 and 7. ! Wulliugton Street. v,;hm, Auguut lsth, I871. Woml for Sllv: FOR SALE. vI~ii%% .B'iirens I".reuI1 an-ivnlu, unnaiuting `Ti, Best Clothes Wringer |.'l THE IL MAJ:-'1'? :4` l|7"I .\-'n.'1 I~:\'L:n\'\-'Im1:r:. I 1 .- Hf} .\`, u :if; 6E:gRRIEs A.\'(lLIl\"S \Vll.v\I:|", \\'..lIi....|.... uh... 7 anti I-`r1-All Ufakfast Souchong, Japan, v-rvj ('H()ll `E IIUT OF L PARKER. 39 l'|{lNUF.'S S'|'l{|'lE'I`. lg-"um:-.s\'s. <-? mth cmlu of flue llullu nmrning. f1 `I1 13 t1 IILAN, "gunpowder, Oolong, - J I J 'H|'i' C. `9"`..` ISM. u.-\nr, ,nI| Straw-t Nnrth. , , Dl.\I(`-U\'I'IllY. FRI-L'4lI. `. "I of the {al- Upmmns, ' Ivt In-xt ()'I"l'0 MEVES, Gold and Silvurmuith, lms removed from his old stand on lirnck Street tn the Slm ; on King Stl'(_:(:t fnrlmerly occupied by Mr ' lms ()4-nley, Jznppcmitc the City Book Store, Where he WI be happy to want ml his former patrons. . July 2|. .Pian/is, New and Second-hand; `J \/IUAV L IIl.'.Dl';1V I U Ii in sums tn "suit purcluw drc-I ($5()()) and upwards. Apply to I.` \/l:\SUN`h& HAMLIN, I umtnn ; .\'imnu-ma 1 & (Jluugh, 1/L-trait, an-I ntlu.-r nmkcrs. I Alnnericeall and (anauliaul UHN Hl';\'Sl':R, '|`mu:|iel' of I'i.'uml'm'tI-, 0 llrgml and Melmleun. Order loft at Mr Joseph I ueyncr'u Munic Wururomun, l'rin- cau Strv-ct, will rum-ivc prmnlm nntmtum. ` July 3|. Salem Shade mmeri --:-_--- \1uw5LvJ, Ul.lU(|ltJo I-`.-\1\`'Y lvlilcss (:mm.s', an-at v.-u-i.- ; 'l`U\\'l`}l.LlNl}S, \Vl.\'|l(l\\' HU|.|.;\N| ANDRA Kll) Hl.U\ I4IS $1-.l0 ; .\'l7.\l.\l Inunt ;`($ANz\|)lAN 1fU'|"l`(I.\'.$, thw Ii I6` N.B.--A SA|4I*L\'MA`N \V;\N'l`lIl>. AT A. " J. RINGS , IRQ ID_I...._.... L-4__,..4 xr '|'|H" ( BRi I'ISH 1} `WAREHOUSE. Black Broad Cloths, superior quality -English and Canadian Tweeds, a choice assortment Black Lustres, Paramattas, Persian Cords, best make i.mpo1'ted-T--Black and Coloured superior quality, cheap.` Ilkldss Htmhs a:r.... ' Hand, Pnumsl, Back anal Hall Back. Iron Planes, Pntent Bnwcu, Plxtcnuiun Bittl, Twist Drillu, Patent Blind Hinges mu] Blind Futa. la. MUGKLESTHN AND 110.] SPECIAL LINE%$1aNMDRY GOODS `_ fl`: are lluw nlluwillg \' l .'\\\'|`:I{\`, HICN1` l7nn|:ro-H.'w, .>\|sn I "11-N('Al|" \\' zunl l':m.u|i:u| 'l'wuculx, pun ha g ior I873. AR. I373. DIREC l`- um i 1 il{:'i`A'l`l(})NS. 1 ,7 urn n..u~ _I. . .. Tuning and Repairing dune. u . u . I-I.In IU, .\'m-rctary anal 'I'ru.'uu1rvr, l\'ing.-stun; zuul |'vx|||vI'nku I1. Ii. Ultim Kin,,;sI.uu,.July 258th, I873. ilqngsrtqn, _h_lay 7th, I873. The belt in the world, and cm-tn no more thnn cheap xtm-mu, tu no curd: nor tune]: are rcquirml. K muwrv ,; (:EN'l` I Illlhln 0.. ". July `28t.h, I873. Judy 3|: McKIM S PATENT HORSE RAKES. KINGS'l`()NG. 4 . TUESDAY EVENING. THAT FINE YOUNG HYSON IHSS'I`0I\"S SA W8, Bonus [93 SALE} Music 'l`ea-,hTing. QR [4] AT LY * I 3, I4} I I57 Princess Street. HARDWARE. Uuly -10 cent per lb. I V 0| l"l{0N l`I`}NAC SIX PEI: L` l)l'.'Bl'.'N l'U|{|'J HUNIIS for sale pnrclnmcers, {rum :Ii\`u Ium-, unwanlu ` ' Re_n/1[oval. mmngnug u, M]rll'lI4|I . {\`, HI`}N'l\' Kl I Um \\'m,~4h--I (`nu x hzx.--.---I l`\|II`(_'# A4; -- - ? (D sty: i.-a{ TRY 1'1` ! are 9| I'gaIIs. -J. IHGYNEII, Princess Street. isms and (mm! E"iHiIl;1'I`4Ilil., go I. V-Im-xv .~ .... Nplrllalinl Is I I I 4 : I Now Selling at W I [AM N 'S Wsrmuav. it n_. I 1.. . .'tN50I | `unzttillgx, \\ `|,'!l.~4|y fur .: SI |':I - I5<'r~L .\).'ul: I) (inn!) !",\N(.fY HILKH, slightly soiled, from 5}) cunts per yard and upwards. Also a iargc stuck of l'I3lN'I'l3' D M US LINS 2 far sale ulu,-:x['; at gmcnmimn & BOYDEN S, Monumentai Granite Depot. v I.}4'IlH|I|-1. All ur-la-ru punutually lillcal for moderate mu.-u at the Kiuguugu Marble Forks, Princeu zmul .`4ylc:u|mIn trcnzta. An uxxuninntiun of our l"iuiu|u.l Work on Iuuul, ur uructml, will cxplgin why our work- mamaluip ii unmtmlcd cm all lmnala to be Im- nurpzwcml by any in Lfamuln. l'ANln mnvrulmu Black and White, t I I E Grey and White, LT (`fl DA Y8. Ann `I-` RIUHMOND & BOYDEN S, r 1/\.\'lJ\' ||:0'l`]H-3 En`, l riuccas and 8y:1en- l_ luun .\'t.rm,-t.u, Kmgstun, 0nt., manufac- turm--t of ` Monuments and Gravestones _._- 1 v-vwuynovnr in (`;m:uli:m, Aumariuun mul ltnliun Marble. zuul I"I':u h`_.uuc, Mwl-Iu uml Elmnwllwl Mzmtlc l'im;c-u, km, !w., Ma, nnpnncrll of ,h'c:nl.:II 4;'r.'u|i|,u Mullllulclutn. ' Thu ulnluwrilmru lmving oxtumlcd their pro-Iniggm, lueg tn mmumwc their ilwreaued I.u:3lil.i.-A fur 4-.xm'|.lJlIg`lnrgls quantities: of |,'][nn `pl tug \\u.n|_- III III` II Il|I`|I|II'H5. . In rmHr'Il.iu_;.; an innqouction uf u-it` large and vzsricul ulcmk, Hn-y in\'iu.-npcciul M.l.entI'un tn tlmir xplumlial smpply ul /\I{Nl'l l(!ll .\IAlH`-l.l'3, hm-I, dnrlvlc and riuhly clmulml. and by fur tin-. I:I.r,v,n:rt. uml Imnt uuluctoll utock a-var Imnught tn Kiugntml. _ l`ANl)\' l:mm.' I'M:'|'n|n' :. n... ....u.. a-vcr nrullgnl. In mmpnum. 'l`Al\'l)\' l2lUrH.' l"AU l'U|LY in the only In-[mt fur this Iumutiflll Murlph: in Ueutrnl I.3:uuu|:\. 1 All .... ..u. ........A....Il.. till. I 1,. ,. I -. '.|'|Il- {SHADED SILKS lfltlmjk Grubs Grail: Silk, I ,.~\ l:l|`;_(I! lutuf I":\S'(7\' NILKS tn Inc 80141 at I |.|'}-5'3 'I'HA_N (_7(_)n"l'. nith tho Gui w an unveyuad I ; vI.IruIll 1;I an-vu ululllllllcllla. oxteualcll 4-.xm'lI.ilu( large I"l|K.`4T~(/'|.,\.\'.V' \\'U|\' in uvery alupm-tment nf llwir Xmsnu-M 1| )lT(,fl4}l) PR [(3 141.8` E iKilIgsI.)lI Fiia'u'b lie 0- t$[;'I.S>J.,A R -1 KIN`: ."l'l{l July 25, ]IU|I.|||N(2S. 3:, N .~ '3l}nt July, 1873. July I2. Wurtlu .".<'.`.;'U. for $2.00, just receives! at M338 07 Till 4| ) (`l7I:'l\I!\ .\', l,IUl|/l`.*. 'muf. \'.'v.IIu .lH.\'I`}|'lHNl`} :II4.'\'I'1.\' _.\.\'n IIn.s'II:]:\', Jun - Cable Segar Store, Ix`: _`.rlv"|4uLu'. u__l__ _ _ D, (L.\'l`E M AUNEE &. W/\Dl)El.l..) Am! ;I. .\'pl.-mliul Line of 33 inch J AME .9 MOORE. `....m u.n.x mawk; Alpaca zunl Silk |'Zn~_{|.~mJ I -I-um-I4-|vt.Im, Scotqzll, Englixsh It,-r In-p:u'tIn-Int. ' -IITITI To be had everywhere, I-I- L`! In. , c_v- -v?"1." '1:uu'1', Sole Agcucy for Kingston. 1\ll-3.\".*~'s IVNIWIH-Sllll{'l'S and ul u.n.l lilzwk; Alpaca aml ;l.~mJ -rm-ul-Icatlm. Sent:-.lL l`.nuli..I. TRY THE I luullllllll. TA N I ) Y 151101` N E115. . 7 if; " :H'I'u.\ .v W8, M nal |'rim-1-s.1. .`-'Li'cets. SlI|'II'}'l'lN(:.\' [AND ALEX . n |v'uIl An...-+ '_zu\`u Al;l`3.\ :5 Full /\fmm't 'NTA1:1n 8']`l{El: J`, up msite the Gran Trunk ])(:]mt. :1` `Manuals carefully attended to mul supplied at all lmuru an the cheapest rates. Amil I. 187:1, Harwood House is now Open `A-. l`...`,.L.. -., 1' N J11}; lbs. -S1n1ga.r for $1.1 -..lIlY|I , 7 jun 1ruprwU)I's ul l.I|(=K(: wull c-utalplmln.-d an popl lar Hotels Wmllll rcx4pu:tI'1nlly inform the pub iu Lhzst the , L , for UIIm4f.:4, nml' will he run in connection with the I -ritiuh-Amcrica.u Hutu-I. Tlncsc Houses l1:l.\ c been thurullghly rulittud and furnished in the must modern style with every regard tn cnlnfort, and no 1m.inH will be spared to uniniutcr to the want of our pa- trons. 1'1... l\:..:.... n....._. -1 LL 112:! I A trons. V The Dining `mom of the Bn'tisIu American Hotel has been enlarged and fuI'lIlNl|cul in the most emuplete manner, where mealn will he served as follows :-~ l5reukf:ut7:30 tn l()a.m. ; Lunch l2:30 to 2 p.m. ; Early Dinner I [-.m. and at 6 p.m. BIN? Thomas McConvi11e, Butcher, /-\In I 5356-J0u~.9 FY89" A In :=;(:m;a:I.L m`i:).~2., r -"" 7 form-r llrm-k aml ongarici Htrm-.tu Augunt _8. ]3()< )'l`S ! We sre receiving a New Stock at It" the latent styles of Gentluluuux, Ladies and I.`vhilalrcm 1 ` _ HARWOUD HOUSE, -Kingston, Ontario. which will he SOLD AS UNI-SAP an lmuuc in l\'ing,.lm|. ` 7 V or Llnrcu gcntlmman can |rc1wcunlln0- 1 lzucal with :m||fm't:L|I]c Ixmnl in a. pri- vate family. Apply fur .1-llrmm nlftlm UAILV Nws uiuc. _Inl.. H Bl'iIih'|I-AllIl3l`i(allI llotcl IJ|l|odM8hIu' -1 ETHEL Lunm: ....,.=z. cvcry THURS- IIAY EVENl\H, at 7:30 u'cl0ck 11!.` their Hall comer of King and Brock lt"*tl. E cnnwu & cumeIm:HAM.! Victdrfu Foundry Walwooms, Use its znenpesv muss. April I, 1373. .Vl-IVVH mllu July 2|, `HE JIl`0prict0I's of tlu-M: Wu 1-ntulolinlncd uunular Hntnln umul.I .-...n.....n`..u.. m. 0'l`l|l<}l{ ..+m;.'..~; K ingntnn, ,J une 13, 1873. A lunilics uhould ainbnwa this a mul gut their stock Unnn lilled nupply in cxlmustml. (,*|mUh Ls` AND l.H,!U:)l: DE.\LIl:;\`, are m-,llin;_: 30 BENTS PER GALLON. Kiungxtmuu, Ifvbh April, 1873. Boots, Shoes and Gaiters, TO BUILD UP A GITY, Burma. 8; BAILLIE, in pronmlnccd the best. in the city. - - 4.:------- -. .. .. _, u namu uu '.: p.ll1. ; Iunrly II at ).m. (,7A,l`. H. I`). S\VAl.|'lS, \V. DAVIS, ..mIim.- HalII|>h- HMALI; LOT of lC.\'l UIl'|` U; in now for ~:|.Iu at the MIClH('1\l; HALL for A llama lhamee. Nu, At vquully luwApriuc-1. q n-__,, , ,,,, n ;. l3( )( )'.l.`S ! ` S l;';\(}(I'1` .`-']'|J|'2!`L'i'. Board`. ,';\|.|: l.l()l3A IUI`. Maum l'au,l,II|'e.'. --UU K-~- `WIIIN `E. 9:15 , C. PB INUESS 8'l`REl`3T. i|&}(')( ) _l`S ! 'm 1-: .!:i1. ":3! N! `N \ t,_\ l o npnrtunity En-fore the uuu apuuuumg mam by Jarvis- \V:-iglut being on the base ----3 runs. Total for 5 innings, 2'2. Dygcrt was caught on the y by Manning ; linfferty got his first base by 3 hplenditl run, but was forced out on 2nd; Eilbeck wan caught on along y by Manning, and McU:nu.n-un got out on lIt-0. Total for 5 innings-- 2. /HI; I.n.f...... I - ~~ r- " ` " ' .. . ..... ....., Hutu uuugm. mi ;| lllgll_DIIl by Dinniu, nml Hlrallllllg, '\Vhit4e, Leonard um] I >'I{nm'|< n,{.;uiu got rum. Addie wan caught an ,t|m fly by Nutt, an/I Bclmlnr on a foul by Hygurt. M mming changed with Hpaulding mu piwlwr, nml 0'l{mu-kc with White as cntaher, Nutt WM Out on the y |yjManuing. Wrigllt wan Inimul by Manning and gut his tint, `he nltcrwartlu stole the umwml. Dinnin was caught on the y Ivy Bclmfer, and Jsfvil was thrown nuton first has by Barnes. Whita- wuhod ygniu. MI. I....:...... nr:n_ Ina, - -. -- -- MIL Inning/:.-Ra'erty tried pitching sldwl, O'Rourke got t hree bases up the hill and made home ; Addie made a. run, and Sclufer got two bases on a long y which was beauti- fully stopped in the air by McCsmmon with one lmnd. Manning was thrown out on first |)V Dvaert: Hm-nan nanuhb .. 1.1.- 41.- u ......,-,n-" a. lit]: I1minga.-Leonard got three hue: on a fluke, and uuulc home. White got three lumen by a lung hit up the hill, and gut a rail as did iihiu () l"wui-kc; Addie got two hues, but wim put out on home Mum while attempt- i-lg .1 slmrp run ; Sc-hafer made 5 run ; Man- ning wxuo thrown out on lat base by Jarvis; M. Wright made 3 run; BIPIIOI gave 5 very high fly hit which was related by the elder; and Himiililiiia um. m.m.I.i, M. n...a 1.--- I... ....\- ........n,-nu un ll :1 Dy l.1(7UllIl'(I-"'.5 ful. /,5]; Imzinga.-Manuing got three bases up the hill, and made home; Wright, lat bale, mud home from on overthrow from which Barnes got 3 lmsr-15 and home ; Spnulding and lasonnral were both got on the y by Matboon, one being :1 long running catch ; White thrown out on 1st by Dyger-t--3 runs. Nutt was thrown" out on firnt by G. Wright to O Rourk; Dinnin was out let thrown by \Vhite, and Jarvis was caught on the fly by O Rourlu- Wright being on the hue. Whitewash the 3rd. ...... ummung was ml-own out lint by Dygcrt; Barnes caught on the y by Dinuin, and Spuuldinu ditto lw JA-:3--( ...,,.. "J n-u vvuuun wan rulnaeu Dy HID IIEIUOI; Hpnlllding wan caught on 2nd true by N-utt--~."o runs. Eillu.-ck was caught on y by Barnes ; Mcltmnnmn ditto by Spaulding ; and Matumu wan thrnwn out on lat lay Wright. \VhitcwMh without a mic. - I . . -7, N 9 ` `9'lI. I.....'A..... ` ' ...-nu-n vvllrulllllv u Mlle. 7!/I lmn'n_qu,- lmumral got two lIl:3I on a goocl mike, and made a run, an did White, Wltmu-k, Addie, Schalcr, Manning And Wri;.r,ht. Bnrmna, got caught on ;u luiglpbsll by Hmullclinu. '\Vhiu-_ hum.-.I ....1 vv uiilfinl WI: 1.` 81/4. I/mingu.-~-With Diunin pitching, Man- ning got his first hue, and than made home an 5 pused lull ; _Wr-iglit got his lint bacon ;. hit, gocmul an a fluke, nml made I run ; Bnrnm made his lint, marl mun put out in .t. temptiug tho? ilrtl ; Hpaulding and Leonard 4.-.1ch got out on the lat lnuc- 2 run. Dygcrt was thrown out on the lit hue by scholar ; ltaiforty made a splendid three has hit down the field, and got home. Eilbock got I min, and Mac-.mm'on got out on three ltriku. Mnttoon got his first on I good hit, which wu _ lu,-antifully elded by Wright, and got home on a pan hall ; Nutt got 5 run on the lame lbw; Wright nudes rumnnd ..... ..., vvcln unruwll uuu on 131'. nape by Dygert - -7 runs. Dygert got his ht base, and home by a splendid hit from Rafferty, who got three bases, then home; Eilbeck was caught on the y by Barnes, Mcammon on a. foul by \Vhite, and Mattoon on o. y by Leona.rd--2 /41/1. /nnlnuu __LI:.n..:.... ...._A. u_.,, "J u_y5cuv; .L nu-1.. . by lacing lnisseol by Ibygcrl. got Int bane, ; film double play On Harman ml the y. E .`'. :-:I I-..a..'...... H-J--I l _. .._, ...--vu, Int /uuin;/u.-_-~(. Wright, plter I few mi-mes, hit :1 hot mm to centre eld, and made a. home ruvi. Barnes! came next, and was got untlusmutifully on the lat lune by a throw frmn Nutt tn Dinniu ; and Spmxlding Wu nuxt u.-utght by N ntt at slmrt atop. Iauunrd, after making Int bum.-, got the other three on er- rors; White, O'Rourke and Addy each gut. runs, and Schafer got I home run on :1 tine hit. Manning was thrown out an the last base bv Mulfgmmm. 51.- :_.-.:...-A I ' ' ...- ....u..., iwuwe miovn, strongly inured to the game, and cspable of doing almost my- thing they liked with amateur players, 11:- (load the game they plsyed youterday Ihow- (:41 this, end our home men may well take I lesson or two from them. At the time the game was called--2:30 p.m.--there could not have been late than 2,000 people preeent, who oevincecl the decpcut interest in the game. Prelimimu-ieu being nrmngoal, the St. law- runcc mun took the field, and the Rcd_1'5t4u3|S- ings timk the hat for the {new LIL .. l,.L ` --uuu Dull! BIII ml: Yesterday afternoon the `not match be- tween theliod Stocking: of Bolton mdtho St. Lawrence Club of Kingston wan played on the cricket gr-oun(L The Boston Club in tho` chmnpion proleuional nine in the United States, and it was that-gtoro expected that ammo good play would be shown, and the crowd was not disappointed. The champions are liuam, active follmil, strongly inurod game, cnnnbln nl Ans... .1......4 ---- Iv . . __--:__________,.'__'_____ TUESDAY EVENING, AUOI/5795. l`___, - __ ---. nu;-u uausnu Ull EH8 by Spuulding ditto by Jarvis- on thte `1n:n-....'l run- 'II-A._I A-.. .11-'gI;1 Holcomb and Stewart : vvhar(-8chr Jolm `Wesley, Wollington, 2,500 bush wheat ; ocean lightened 4,000 bush yvhent forhiugo. The prop Shickluua ~.m';u launched yesterday aitornoon from the Marine Railwsy that got- ting as thorough overlnaulipg, And the` Join` Jessie Mnedmusld wan ha leNmt_for IOIIIOTI-` pairs. ' '- \ _ . v. ""1 "I V""""v""v Ugdzmnburg, gen cu-go ; uchr J. Wiard, To- lulo, Kingston, corn ; barges F`. Rmuwl, Tu ` Halon llivor, Prescnthticnhur; H. Benson`, do,` n|u.; prop Amy], Milwn.ukae,M:mreoI,vhu; ' lrm`-qua outhmnptan, Bay City, Kingpton, timber; Msry Jun, 410., 410,; B. Bu-wick," Big Creek, Gu-den Inland, timber ; uchrI'W. Lewis, Uleveland, Toronto. cool ; Q._ Brunet, ` lo., 110.; Chins, Bay City, Kinmton, timborg` I'm.-rleu, Cleveland, llumifitpn, con; ; A, l"nr-l."l`oletln. Onmum u.I.....a. . `HAJA -- naa Inown ' nix: back I In his In in cl... ..-..n Port Colborne, Aug. 25. -- Up--8chI'l Atlanta, J. P. Mack, Wnconutn, . . . Madeira, Miami, `Belle, Lilly Pnruanl, lnpe, M. B. Phelps, Yankee Blade, New iniou ol" Pictrm, Atwatcr; bsrqnu St. 14 A -_ ` rence, Unmbrin, Imliua, Cecelia ; prop Columl Ma, Prmsnin, Milwaukee, Dover. V l)mvn--Schr A. Falconer, Dresden, King-_ _ Alon, utavea; props Acadia, Toledo, lipa- lreal, gen csrgo ; pecan, Chicago, do.,\vboIt 5:" Lulu: Michigan, (10,, d0.; City of Conoon-d,do, Williard, A rrao-9"" A Bollsvie pupa um thin incident -,- -Au amusing incident occurred in the allies ol tho Inland Revenue lut evening, On one of lo lotliaen going with his books to dopouit than ` in tl1e_va|`:_lt,_b_aAwu surprised on mnnl-II th- __ _ ,,,-.- .... ........- -u uupuuu mom the vault, ha was surprised I tho door tn nd himself rudely uttu: _:y In nfly looking animal, sud thinking that tho ml umg was being veried, that the "d--I :'..'.I `.i.`:.:..` ': wu 3&3: ti; and made I "old to " ..-.... v w. uwu, oxeiunun, " huty with horns, !ig|_nt, _w on tq his ' vuli II retreat,_ 0 .. -.-.-- gnu 500531} paued up, and the aim Pioton, Bani-inn. and Abyuinian down. Prop Lake Michigan puud down. The nchn Flying Scud `sad 1! Star arrived fzfom Soda: with about 230 tons . -11)! unit, U` V071,,` Tolella Pity, Pt. I waukee, Ki Tnlello, Kit 4141., Wheat 5 _A__ .. . . ., ..,..,..., .,...u,,u, wmsu; AIImrou,Bny' Uity, Dnlhunnie, timber; Pemoku. Hila- Kingston, wheat; Kingston, corn ' , Jatnaica, (lhiangq, [0,, what; Hawlzuul, Milsnulwe, 110., do.; new Dmniniun, Chit.-aga, (10,, earn; Idaho, Uhicmo. do. avvw uuunuuul, Uhwngo, 110., Chicago, do. Wind, math-cut, very light. tons mil iron for Port 65 . nvwr, u,wu Inuh corn, 500 bbln meal ; lie- liuf, 12,450 bull: com ; Convoy, 8,826 bunk cum ; Amazon, 9,744 bush wheat ; Frank, i0,000 hush corn ; Dnuntleu, l2:250 bush do. 'l'hc. schr Dauntleu leaves to-day with 256 ` Montreal Trnnnportation Company : 1 v-8chr Erie Belle, Toledo, 19.160 bush Montpelier, Milwaukee`, 19,795 Jnush pryp Enterprise, Port Dalhousie, 21,500 onrn manna.` A----" ' " ' _.,.--av u-urn vurn 5 corn ; Dalhounie, It-uh corn. Clem-ed--tng Lody>Frank1in with barge! Victor, 11,926 but]: gun! Amazon, 9.744 lmnh u-I---b - "~~ ' |`I'tsum 0 12 3 4 5 a 7 8' 9 ` Red Stockingl...6 3 7 3 3 5 9 217-55 St. Lawrence. ...0 0 2 0 0 0 0 7 1-10 >\coren--T. Dumble and D. S. Birdull. Umpire-Harry Wright. ` Time-2 hour`-I and 35 minutes . ..-....... ..... very well an th when cnreleuneu was discerni Wright, of the Boston. Club, W gave livery tlatiufactiun. Mr ` min of the Boston team. {and player himself. 'l`he foliowing . ruin:-a - um: um IJWPGITIOC. name very hood elalin;g"w:u displayed, upo- uially by Mnttoon, N utt and Eilheck in such- ing in the field. Dygert did not 1 catching, an bin hamlu were hurt durin low wall in` the trip of the St. Lawrence Club. The other` Iielden did very well ll the last inning). discernible. M. n...... Spauldinggot Lona b;-Enid hat, from which he got tlulo home or m onrthrivw ` outonlubyBI:nu-I; ; um... -~ 0008 ........, V-nun-nu, numuu `II; Toledo, Ouwegn. wheat 3 y_ 1".` linlhnn-in A3--` ~ yvrlglnb, r.f. Dgmvin, Int 1 J`1L'I'Vil, l.f. . . Dygcsrt, a. .. Hall`-:rt_v. p. G. WV !-ight, 3.5. .4 Barnes, 2nd I) _. , Spnulding. `p Leonard, l.f._ . . . . White. . . . O'Rourke, lat b . Eill_;eck,_c.f. . McCumn_1un, 2nd b.. Muttoon. am I. M cuumnjiun, Mutwon. 3rd IL. Nutt, am. . . Wrigllt, Dillllin, Int I- f"..\'lIA\`8. WI`. LA WBINCE. BED 8'l`0(.'KlNG8. ..-.. -nu run: 18!! Illllillgl, n discernible. Mr Hurry )ston.CIub. was umnirn --A .... I.l-I I, m. umpire, and ion. Wright in cup- aam. is a first clam I foowinng is the otcinl "" VVWP-may I wnm_ lo. bush com; I 0 '10: I..._.1_ guvvvv rl--8chr Twolfriendl, '""'v W--,; A. - t Albitrollisy - r : Pmmlnu. um- I wharf. _ -, .....~ mm l`.lulUWlIJI`l|l 7'5 "|ViI|clau|n II he puicl un- Kwtlm xunulrml tlu-In-.10-t pom cflflluhelat with ulnlamhtwl umunl ynylm-M. |'nliui-A Tcmtuw .`$:n'iImu l'_'umI '""_lIlL'e4I by llnu Sm-ivt.vA rltmu,-,4 lII._ I-`In VIKIIIII. ruuI_o NOD:-z. -U70:-pg 1 LINI I lu- -, --nu . y-n.u'u . `F MI .u.n.r n.-1 ' -. 1: & "ail .|:lIillI:l . ;lI:c::I'b| ll`lITl'l|y~lI; "/.K!|F|li.4H, having . " ulIcncu,I[uIunng D2,324,|.;U :7 WI: than u! the Iugeaot. hunti- ~ I `zllplny, foreign or local, u A` I .. rI,n1:Q(11?i;u3;i;1: We Assurance Society .` ..-r. I 'u|I'I',Ia I'r|'|r,., ' '0 uounuv. NEH wuss. |'|lI., " `W-I-y-. wd ' '-`J5! -' excu- " nut . 'L_'rHc . 1! Stock uf Fancy PQKU Lu Inc halal at Cu ~ |`|Ito.-rlu to clmuow in Hljrge Stuck of BL.\l7K ."lLK.\' In (mm 75 cent: to $3, an gm! $50 fuml in the nsily, .'..".'.`.'A:.'-`...*:.'::!;!:':';'.-*_ 9?- "W ">1 - ilroliul ,\....m...-nit ..r l:I.AI'|\'_ LB \'I-:I.\' m'.~'. (c..n.p;m Iuakc) 17! Muck ui Fanc) Siikn anal at l'unI. Prime mum rIu'i:1\'1-;I1`u.Io..\i' ;. ~.~'l`l.|-2.`.'l)ll) mu - - FEDERAL BANK of Canada. `*7 uf HM` Iiuural nf |'rn\"u5i||l-`ll nuns, .s1 m'K lumlss MI I..- '-I um .\m.\'u.\\', u..- -.'m. `..m`. "|Ta'|riptiun on .-Luck, at the Ullicm 'k . -. 7 J k ...c:`.,f..kf.`.`*::`f:::.'rr"?.:":.3:*r..5 Nun; rial I. land Coloured Silks in Beautiful Shades. ENT SEASON. Inn` .\~ an I .\ .\ us; L16I.\'.uvI.\l-`:4. "1; :l_'l2.\.\|'| er. 'I.q.r|'||,s_ nu` )l'W..\3ll'.1o,I| l'~4_ gm` 0m;A.\`lI\ )ll'.~s|,|x,q__ saw Bl:ll.|.l.\.\'I'.~', V .\'r:\_\' l`l:lS'I'I-2!! I..\\\'.\;.~4 mum: Ml rnxu.-., ' ts r1:r.\u;~s. , ya` sh-rmzu I'.um.'.-, mw nzrzsvnl n-1.,-n-\_ saw }l.\l .s|-2l|.I.l-Z.~'. K8 AND VELVETS. A. IUD.`-1.8` I Nil: mm n.0rgzms and Melodeons. |.-`R-pt. I9. I87`. )'!;\'|' NH! I:l.u\'|`,.- Shaw & Minnes, m`TII1;aIny I'nmp:u|y in thy NV |-um:-"mu. Nun; mumn--I J57`! Imnulaul that M the nwcnml R5 more than uixuscu mil- "! 0' ' _yiauuu~unlll.Iwnmt lal. I I" 10 t {Heb lrivi-lm:.I.u:m l'lT.\|'-I.l'I FUR 'l'I|l'I' NEW I3|'l|'l7IH`I mI.Ui.u 1-: XXII, |JuIu-, mu: m: us .\ I M .\ I-'.~', ,,[ . - _, (:L.\.~';u\\' \\'.-\I:I~:IIult.-`H. A. li0S.S '3 ilkltyticm 5",], to - UHIKIHTIE. Agent, -3-k ol lama, -_ K-in....n... , J. l:.'l"l`ANAL'H, ' secretary. .l87:|. . xi . 2 lhrriuvtrect. lagers, 3-_-o,Vom,0oo.uo -.v.ouo,0uu.ou min fmot l'm:u