291 W` :nl qua nlyo Anal: (ram 12! o'clock u Admiuion IO ocnta. . Smut 25, 1873.` ....... -uuuI. l AB|:| No. 7.-Mr1 Mclksrm (Iowan, Mn: Devlin, Mr: Nolan, uul Mn Maluney. 'r.uu.u N... 3. `Mn 1 . () l{a I . McNeil]. - "nu-zrma-mu1c1~I'r name.- my. _` I]9g__ |___,| ,1 .. - ~ JAHIJ . NH. 5. Uummingl. :l`ABl.E Nn. (i.--L mo Quinn. I'Alnuu - -- .u .--an.-uuuu. m'I`AIl.l-2 No. 4.~-L. Mr: Wm. Power. 'I'Anl u `v - -- 'l`.\ ISLE No. 27.: Mjmu McNeil, Hot '|':\H|4H N0. 3. J . M zunlyrnlnoll. IHAIII II \- 1 1\l`lI;I`) No. `gl Mm I . Browne. l (~q.~muuu1'1ms Tu 1'uF: 'I`.\BI.lcS are ,/ rmnpectfully noliuiuul, and will he grate- fully to-ceived by the folluwing Indie: : - 'l'A|%l.l'I No. I.-Mr: Juneau (Ylleilly and I , HPIIIIIIIA-S 0|: '. -I L`I'1.\' T8. 1. I EES'. !Monday, September 8th, 1873 u-u vvul. IUIVUT 'rAm.Ic N... '5. fumminu. Iflqusc qf I r0oi(lcnc(' KINGSTON, WILL BI`) 0I INI`}ID )sI;I,1,1NG CHE FF, SHAW & MINNESZ TH_E {:HAND BAZAAR Is" A W & Ml `. N Est l`rel|0ysters!0ystcrs!! A1` TIM . -- I `Tl-I\\' l5I,AI,'K .\'ll.|\'5`. I View .s~1LI<.e. `s 1-;w m..\;K .-\:m w .\' HW .\' E W N E W Jillllllfla `.51 d Illtlf `frin- l' rxllllmed II IJllIIaIu' Endor- N EW N E W N EW .\' In W X BW ITY HALL In u'al of the Fund: 1 10.1.--Mrn Mclksrmott. Mn Mo- : Mm Martin, slunoy. A ugllut 27!, I573, r g'rr.w.\N :4 rum. .~u_1A m.\'mj .s'Kllt'1`a`, ' m.\11- 'rum.\u.\';.~s, ' m..u,-K SILK mzmms, M \\'lNCE\'.~6, VANUYlHNTm '1'm:1cu:s AND uI:.u'mm, D v1:r:s.~s uuuus, J .'U'A X B8 E STE 1 I'll", ; :vuI\vol . :a.- Mi... "man and Maa. (flioilly and Mn -MrI A. B. Mobonell and uuunwu, um: Will he I6 - Mn Mrs 'ri.-my and Mr: -Mn McNaughton and Mclksrmott. rl Nolnn. Mn: Martin 5. 5 Qt -- ~ , [cm Iookmno (I'M I'll l.l.\' MINNESI LMAR \'lll'l`l'} SILKS, -1.--Mrn James I of the pun sI_1A\v1. Book, Music and News Depot, [ AT E. s'rAcEY's! "JUST RECEIVED, direct from the Q fwturerl, ONE CASE OF Al. ulortcd uizou, splendid value. SUPERIOR QUABTU ALBUME l R`EsEN l.'s-hold 2oo Photographs, 1 to no. A fine line of Small Square and Albums, good and cheap. Stacey's Stationers Hall September 5. (Hunt 5400), h Duuham, om culebramn-cl of uw York mum: pctu, Uhuiru, 'l'ulIluu, Hidulmm runlla, \V:ulmtmu|n, Huulutcmln, Stow,-u, Dinner Hett. Urouker (ank Stove, liofrigurntor, Kit. &u , n An Exmellent l im`|ol'oi"l,c I llpprruilr I/In /}'ILt/zu/in L ILL BIC HOLD 1: H10 a the Humu.-lmlal 'urni!ur at the residence of and Iwluugmg, Sept. 5, 1373. Wednesday next, Sale at twn o clock. 3ARD. HOUSEHOLD runmwmzl 1"`-`i ' Real Black Gms Gfuin suksg Handsome Shades in Coloured . . Silks, REV. MR`; ELWELL, 82 KING STREET. AUCTION 8 A LE Grapes! Grapes! A .\'w1: wr .\'r 'rm: .........., -uumnmru, Dmllt, u- ;l|'tnII|n, Ulothan | ruuu, Dinner Uroukcry, Hlmuuwnrc, 'e, Kitclucn Utunuilu, l`l)MT'llNlNdl IN I /HUI`: one of the lmmt mnnufuctnrc-rs. Unr- Hidulumrcl. licmkk, fu- Muln, Huulutcaaln. Ulnthnn II........ _ _~..w\/ I J Manufacturing 0. CHAS. MUM ILLAN, Auctioneer. I/Ir A /lint/I1/1'0 Cl: :1 rr.-) Slrrrl, . the .|`i|nnu- OF Al.Rl1Mu V('UNHl.~"l'l.\'1: lH' ['0 ALBUMS FOR from 82 DAILY NEWS- .Se1;t. l0L11. 9160" 1.1 Incl` Llll 9 In: mid l'.'m:l.u, A In u: I 108 .f)I|l' ALBUMS, hon sneer. _ _-.-.wr. 'mnfvctinneruL Oblong "If/I , Q1114`/1 all 10.. `anion. ANTI l~.`H iutendiu r to make I plicetiob to Periimnent {er i rivate Bil I, either for granting exelulive yrivilegcu, or conferring co|'pom.w powers for cmmnereinl or other pur- poms); of prulit, or for doing anything tending to nilieet the rightu or froperty of other [m.I'i.ieu, are Imrehy notiilet that the Ire re- quired by the ltnleu of the two 1 outlet: of |`nrli.'Im4-nt, (Whiuh are puhliuhed in full in the (lunmln 4.:'u:.wtIuJ, to give 'l`\VU MONTHS NUTIUE of the application (elonrly and dis- tinctly specifying its nature and object), in the (Mnrulu Iluzrlln, and eluo in n newupsper published in the (Jnunty or Unionof Uouutiel nliecteal, sending copiers of the papers contain- ing the iirut and lust of such notices to the I":-ivutu Bill ( mice of each House. All Petitiont for Private Bill: must be )l - ecntml within the _/irut t/rec weeks of the el- lt()BEl{'l` LIMOINE, Ulerl: of the Senate. ALFRED IPATRIUK, Clerk of the Hmnn I u.............. mammoun & Asovnms , __.. Wm Illnl-IVLIII, Ornsn, -In Jnv, I873. U'l`H0l{lZED DISCOUNT olramorioan L lnvoicununtil further noum g I4 ...- .. L .\'I;M' 'r\\'11.n.n.\';.s As!) RI LADIES AN!) :1-;m's' M Ivmu,'1.n'1'M,lsu. l'AI.~"l,l~.`Y ,\.\'n \\'0ULl.EN. l)iNIl.' M/\'|`,\' A31) IIEAHTI Alugmt `.55, N73. J I nultlzl In voice: I n THREE TONS OF BAGDN Tn he ` :mtunInh. P (L.\'l'l'} M ACNEE &, WADDELI4. PRIVATE BILLS. ...._..-_.. .... T0 ARRIVE nus wm ?BEAVERf g(\ 1-. -- -M Kingston, A ug. GHDWN & GUNNINGHAM. r. Han Egan & 00., vr :1 I-III IXT -j'-' u .'.r Jlllllnery` Fur Jlnmles. II III` ul In-Ola `l'nI-. liu luau um rc- on Europe. and larxcd her Ind- uprm-d the lien .'.. !.'l!.`.',"'L a{.'.'.' Victoria Foundry Warefooms, J lIS'l` I{ECEl VE I}. Kinguum, l."rtlr . un'l'3xumim: mnpleu I ALF!` J TO BUILD up Aanv I549 .NuWA :|IlH' I2`! STREET. r WOULLEN SIIAWLS. ,\'I`,~' IIEAHTII HUGH. \;:w. In:w:;|:'r.s &. BAIZE.s. `I.-'>'I'H.*-, Jl.\~'n`-MKS, &c., &c. g . . um III unw LIA-I4, ('r'lll('lI'I'_y ll iuwa, Hmmjmal, 1, S-MONDAY _y-ml wunl. Wm! M (Yam! Mu nr Huuuh 4,':u4I.iugu, Hurru l"I-hl or lmwn liulluru 1': II": ""lIu'tI'rv m- Hmm.... .-..I nmld cheap um want \Vnml n! 1 ' "luluxh (`n.a:...... N0. 24 I'.Am'l' 21'lll:lJ l`. I m.-Hing at I0 Cantu per lb. its NlaI|I|l'm:tI|I':s. UAIJ. AT THE AV cu! IIIIU . 27th, 1875!, _ I NEW tTl)lE, Near tho Market square. 27th. 187. ! mm PATRICK, ` Homo u! Commons. I` April, I873. ll(')H.\ WI`. and at prices that ` vvu uuuuru, I'mvluru, 1. ur Hrnnun-um] luulm I I, Plain, nr Jupn.numf | and lwwu urduru. luvou, l luu;;lnt ruwu, (.'llHiHt' "nn"I'N, UIUI`) HI` Hllilllnvlu A-- On hand a Lar e Htock of BLACK Sll mngiugin price om 75 cents tu 83, an ; vnluu M can buvfouml in tho uity, Also a. Splendid Aumwnumt. of BLA SILK MAN FLE VEi.VE l'H(Umnpau ms The entire Stock of. H.` ; will lhy,[9, 1873. ll` Ilunidulueu, N`n, Auguut Int, I873. . .,,uuu,vUV.UU umu prml l`ulicy-lmhluru` in 1872 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . , . , . 3,lHU,2H9.1N5 Total Surpluu, 1872 ............. .. 2,s'v'.0,UU().0() . VI9'W Ill/-S /.\'ls'SS, /h`(;'. I,-/N7`/I, 1';`/ uml //47', g _ Assets, Uuc. Zflub, 1197:! -. . .. Aumunt (,`xu4l| luculu-.,u\ nu" .l`otul paid Pulicy-lmldurm` . . . . N0 I330 lillfr SILKS AND VELVETS. [AS RECEIVED 'l`U-DAY u 3 . _LU'l' of and Coloured Silks in Beautiful Shades. I. |L()s:f A. ROSS . uvnvr mmrnmu J. ('HlUH'l'H'}, Hunk L . ll Ihwriu Street. . .1 `u/cmqmu make). Fancy Hills: and II at Colt Prim urnmcion alwjy tn INTI E. /lu:.../ `o `I . Nlill 1'01"`. ...u.uu IIIJAUK Unmpau make). ncv Hill... .--I unuu. rrvspc-ftflllv IO- smux s1Lks 83_ nu IIl|luI . SPLEND1l)v V $;0,no(),ooo_o0 `.MmU,uoo,oo l BLACK ll lnnlcnl fnlItl'oJ, K ingutam. Y order of the Board of Proviaionul B Direutorl, H l'()(JK BOOKS will be open on and szer MONDAY, the 21:1: inIt., for the Hubscriptinn of Stock, At the 0504! of Mann Blnilne & Alexander, and 0! Ulukc at Foihlr, S:>ckkBrIs;kol:-I, Toglontcg, ol. Stubby !=_8muy. tnc m an. -- -- --*' ` sieurl K :1 ton. K-(Bin XII lljv---- - wppuuito t. nu. nub Run I .____ 711W!) ur three gcnlzlomcn can lreyncoommm dated with camfm'tuMa-Im|rd in a pri- vutu fumi!y. Apply for ml lieu at the Dun NEW:-4 othce. July 2! __._ -..._......._ ~ K I NU S'l'lZ.ElL"l`, July 25. uylglluu } A. J. CATTANAOH, _ Bomhq Toronto, July 011.1878. vwrsvwx ' " ` MAxwm'. I, W. s'r1 Office, Ulurunco Street, Ulliue. K ingutun, 27th Jun. I87 Gapit.a..1m Novelty Cldthes Wnger W I-1:- l`l*}RN jg- - 3: an ;' Prepared .P1a.stering Board If '5 .u nu [lull uvuryw I/`able Sagan- M11 (VB!) I.` Is C??? 3 uummb uy. Ulnilalrc-u -1 I . we are race Late-,~L ntylu (.'lnilvlreu'-u III!" (signed) J;3()@ fS 2 ' U]-IN lH'JYNl`3l, Tuucllcr of | inno{orl.u, Q Urgan mul_, Melmloon. Ordmu left M, Alrilmmplp lyner'u Muuiu WM-room; l n_-iu co-35 lltreut, will receive prompt attention.` u y :51. ` ` jm_nrmm:, smnmc GLUTHING. av IIIIIUL `U1 FANCY IIIKENH IN 'I`uWm ANN: guuuvy, MDH, NEH (treat Variut`; JJNUH, WIND!) I, A KID UM lmmt ; UANAIHA '5' N, `.--- A HA!` Mun: gg. --- A A N uu1."rb cneap. W HOLLA ll 10 ms , n .BR1TI8HL Black Broad Cloths, cups: wnna - -L "' Boots, Shoes andaiters, IEII WOMAN. K ingrmm, May 1th, 1 1 DR Um hrollan. ml Umwlin Va: receiving B New Stock of all `an-L cl: Uentlagnanl, ladiuz hlrcu H373. Clothing I .-. -...u.. UHU,-WN & SON S. S, U 4 T3 H L All? I UM o of Wurniod (Ymstin In, puruluuml uxpmu-ly M usic , fl`eacl1 - - w I I r be had everywhere. .. L1 .. W ' arrive 2 4102. Bailey : v-.--:1 "" A :11 E soggai T, 940% BOOTS ! 7 made to ordm-`. ._..Z.'.'_'L >" lotlce. `aims is alien un-I l"||um-In, when at mms nouns -30.4?- I-` Ch" natural I 5 U0 ._ -.; ; an n um, AGENT. net, opposite the Popt . I873. .-...., ,m-muuml uxprmu Stylish aml. I G A R . vcrywhem, ., K - "1 fancy for Kingston. ` 1., 173._ , ...-nu?! _l\lU tune of ( famtimu, Wen In, purcluuml uxpruuulylur our |rlI...I- -- K " Boowsi t01'e, SI lellig ._..-... . ....`~._. I lmuliul mamrtmt _RmuI.uv1r.s. tad L ` (7m.tinuu, IV-an JOIN) ' Hu- itl Anal , _._-vv-nvuuv JJIIIIUUBI, NTARIO STREET, opcoaltc the Grand 0 Trunk Dopot. H ouch carefully attended to and supplied at All I ,1 ways at the 0 ,;". .`'1:"-`$3 -a ....... ...u rrovlllonl for onuun Always be obtained. SPECIAL MUSIC wi be fur- nished when previous! ordered. No rowdy- iun, gambling or drin in will be allowed. BA l`LE'1' i MASTIN. West Lake, Aug. 7th. 1372 ` . rall 'Ilitiu.Ic@& |f|'II-ll`1`lI' K `Mk. I nu Ami nrf THUIIM I.'U'J'THM "HR 11. U rrnch-I `Hill In l-"" ned an L! M PANY. o.uvu 12vu, .0120 Nil. ".T71"1f'1s7a. .-..-..._ _._-.._..._-.-- AHON & -_..._- HAMLIN, & Ulough , um-oit, A An enminstion oI'u'ur Finished hand, or created, will uxplain `why 1 nmuhip in acne efled on all hand: uurpnued by my |I| l(::u;:l.u`., mum uuulah. All order! yunctunll rues at the Kmgnton M: and Sydenhum Streets. g_ An enmimtim. ..r .-- _.. ........u.ug sn uupootion of than-1': 0 and vuribd stock, they invite specinl stunt n to their londid up 1y '0! ARNPEIOE MABBEE, hard, durg lo and richly clan and by far the laxgolt and but lalotod,lg:ik' ` ever hrou ht to mptonp , DTAND BROS. FAUFORY in the . . . . 0'47 ' epot for thu bountiful Marble In C; Uznulu. lled arble Worlu, Pnuouu mregtn. ll nu-go..1_..A1 ntnl .-4.... July 28th, ...-.-. ol monr bnlimu. In solidi ` Iulomlhl mug in impaction ol 1.110111 : 5 theyi uvit'e spegill pgtcnt ' Mantle Pieces, to bwribon luv u 91. ., la. ` uancgh Granite Manama blew my ;xtufd.od that} :1: if inc:-and mo tguantithl of cry dopu-uncut July 12, .._.._.;_--- uouunuol zuul ; Jinn IO 50 H5 _t;_ 9. . Ha Ila iu myth. ` V ,,;. ` v ll`|Vil '01 I50 _`f;.u.z. ..i`\ In! enlugcllal dill - -rug. .1 `T l:ES8B8" BARTLET l eI'ected- a nut I...n.a.-.. mu aydenhprn `Streetii _ enmxmtwn _u! our . mud, created. will tnr--'-- 1- r ANl)1'BlO l'HEIlB Ll` mm mmu. K4--'-4 --All)-- Monumental Scotch murrtuusnt of MEN'S UN WES, Coloured and Black; pt, Wont 0! E B ,1.-ua (imutan, .......< |; a Mo Won; , --nn uvudr I s, New angsecond-11 | I r n : u u ---1 1 ' h, 1573. u Unluulu. TAN D Y BRO'I` EB/8. ---`nan I II, 1873. VET AN : Ema/t. D 30 WING -, vvVC .--8 -`AVIIIJ: J. nmwmz, I I'I'lmm.-4 bftruet. N, Bouton ; immonl it, and othar nmku-I. ; done. `Q K0 t0 T L In nu `ux , D I Cl. :1! dd-cl not. MINI. ' Inf lulu It `If II] ` 1: I 1 mm` . ~.' :'n.u7. an an iiy'r!`l : z l.'ulina--o, plus Imm.--c Hulk!!! , Mitt` Ooh Iul.:II'l_OIl ",D`- I guyu-u. nu II hole-ulr nmprn with OI! ommln. In-sine:-I fnllv Il- 't'n'rn.1 `M. 6. U ` Ina: Tole-L. "`-.. b.-.3 ., -.......c-u. wlllw lllll-Xlcnttu -In Sunrdpv. S--run lnihu {rm . cb..;u.n;h...1 Mm wlm .1.. id 13095; kn H ic 'nrk], I . 6. "I73. jujnn 3 I.\II'UH'l'S. hi I` 1 Imu.;z.. 3 "l.'Cl uiC, Vhtlou I. Son, "9 v. '\r"iV"'I, Hm ate: ` lA|Vl'DIuunl IL. r uunuu II Lmllc-9' Under- rul Latest. and vs Illllllf II the ! Iuylru. and 'I|nIn-nnlp III". I Hn.-ck ... ... vvu l1llI lllI vlun, iiml lhrtmtc-Int ma |.'I'iIl|I.'I,\ltIIll ul-on ` a lmvv [rIl'li(:i[Il'lfwl at-dily nrruntml zuula I '3Irry nut tlm ].'u\ nu-zml Hm milivm, !II'l'L`||lu nnul ........ , 4'. JL llirc-ck. 228 1., II,I(X) Imll . Unrdivur, I 4: .1: uncle.`- '. "l.'l`I:k,2-1.86.) H. H. "lowl- ` 'l'lun-num, I 1., 5,017 Inn 45., 4,20! In: lame sou," u M II . J`! I 'l`rumun fur... -I--|` 2 the I urge Chum-' . at Bu-wk, I845 I v Iymslnuru I! Shot ill hblu, Iluoll IIII` stable-A. he lunplqy .Al, I! llv(?:'lv'lI` Mcorrm 'I I-0: I r: I :