r-r1" w*:fr"`%.;,i?R 5 PA 2 1: D 11 r in-J,`_C:,` ` YI3 Q 00., Lou-oil, Hum, ` r Aualytal Chemists. jfn 1' AI:-sI\nInnnwn-uu -.._.__A tragrance [0 the Dream, rnce is on eacu. Instantaneous Hair Dye : certain to produce any shade Brown or Black, of good natural colour. lt cannot possibly injure tho hair, has no disagreeable odour, and is easily applied. John Gosnell t Co. a Patent Trichosaron, or newly invented Hair Brush, the peculiar me- chanical construction of which accompanies the two operations of cleansing and polishing nimultnm-.mmIv rnuosopuy or uenim, ac. _ Delicious with every known dish. its habitual use increases the appetite and pro- motes digestion. It is much esteemed for its digestive properties. As an asaursnce of its nuritv and nnlnnrv Ill \.II`U5LlVU PKUPCFLXCS. purity and aalutnry properties, it is only necessary to poi..t out the name of the .cclebmted andvphilantbrm pic Physician from whose prescription it. is compounded. The entire Iifu of that distin- guished man was spent in p.-omoaiug the health of his feliowmfeatures, and his death, in December, 1861, was mournmi so 3 na Lion-:1 loss. ll!Iy.nl......I.. -...I 6'..- .._...._....:__ I._ `L, n,_ I` IIIBIIUT, FIVBIDCDL Retail by Chemists, Grocers, Itallian Wnrebousemen, and others, throughout the Kingdom, and every part of the world. ARK for The" Sance.-SnecinI Ernnrt AKPLOUGI-l`S PYRETIO SALINE.--A Medicine that cures Sea Sickness or the worst form of Billions lleadsche in A few minutes; etfervescing and tasteless, its con- stant use is especially calculated to main- tain health. When mixed with water and taken during the etfervescenoe, it irnmedi stely blends with the food, and is rapidly absorbed into the system. It vitalizes and supplies the blood with those saline princi- ples that are lost, altered, or destroyed dur- ing the hot weather. In Jungle, Scarlet, Yellow, Ty hus, Eruptive Fevers (or Cholera), also in 02 ml other conditions, where the vital current is poisoned by infection, and thereby rendered unt to support health and life, it has been found eminently beneficial, and its sustaining and purifying inuence acts as a preventive to discuss, as the nu- merous unsolicited testimonials accompany- ing each bottle will prove. Its portability renders it admirably adapted to the travel- ler, tourist, emigrant, or private family, more especially when distant from medical ndVi0e or assistance. Qnldlwt... .....o....s -5 .... _-.1 -1--- L,..u uon-u 1055. Wholesale and for exportation by tho Prov pxietor, 69,- Lamb's Conduit. Street; Barclay and Sons, Furringdon Street; Bnty and Co., Finsbury Pavement. Retail bv Ghemisu. Grnnara hnllinn ruuguum, nuu every purl. OI me worm. Sauce.-SpeciaI Export Agenu-Burgoyne, Buxbridgeo, and Squire, X6, Colman Street, London. u-LIVIOB assistance. Soldljip pateni stoppered glass bottles, price 29 6d, 45 6d, 113, and 213 each. Spe- cial agents required and appointed in all parts of the world. ___+._..__THE DMLY N.1?3Wi : OAUTIOIR .4; -..-...,.. ............, TFORNEY AT- LAW, Solicitor in Chancery, Notary Public, &c., 33 King ntreet, Kingston. Tl-ll MOST `BUCCEBFUL TRADESMEN " AND inancmnr RATES, AND IF YOU DO NOT ALREADY TAKE ADVANTAGE OF ADVERTISING! wmoxons us: or lNEWSPAPER COLUMNS! If YOU WOULD IF YOU HAVE DAILY mews.- PARTICULARS OI CONTRACTS A Lobu. urn dl l'|ppual'. E` Bro and ID:-optical 5 all] th slaozgd In` t-s'k.n.gn in lm-ge and frequex; dose-sag pg ch-as (ha exec: of: drastic pu Ffor sqppra-_-Algnra |;Lrge'E:;e should be taken DAILY NEWS.| POSSESSING ADVERTISE IN THE TIIES. PLAO E `PHI EYPES AND I INK ATTRA 01` CUSTOMERS SPENT HONEY. AADVERTISP. AND` NOT TO BE DRIVEN. GENERAL Anvlnrrlsn. ulcms; THEREFORE " Ay`er s Sarsaparia, FOB l'l'3l.Il'YIXG I'll !-I BLOOD. THE LARGKB1 MAY BE MADE AT THE DAILY NEWS OFFICE. AND YEARLY I$ THE BEST SIGN A THOUSAND "GU R BUBINESR5 -1'0 A LIBERAL AND ADVERTISE ADVERTISE` Rnsonvic AT one: 3 `OPI-`ICE R1-2}IOVAEDiT0 K1170 51`m-:1-:1 NEARLY opposrua TLIE any BOOK STORE. Jowph Bawdon, A vlvl-nnxnz-v A'I` I A`? Q.I:A:A ._ :_ AD`:/ER I`|SEl CIRCULATION OI MEDIUH WHERE}! [N THE PURCHASE AGREEMENTS`. Al)VERTlSE_g ADI]? 4'!!! IIPOITAXOV OI` AND REPEAT THE 1'0 A DVBBTISI A uO0AL BUSINESS, WBERBPORE G0 AND AND ERECTION OF AN QNEY TO LEND. 350,000 to lend on the b ' security or Raul Esau hubs Oity or Coun- try at 3 low rate of inn.-rat. No commission charged R. H. B088. 1 nril `Q2 A LITTLE FURTHER A NY NEWSPAPII DRIVE Y6UXl BUSINESS, BRYORII TH PUBLIC AND ongnns TH] new nmuu ton LOGAL um THEIR QUOORFV ATTRACTIVE SIGN PUBLISHED IN THIS OITY, THIS JOURNAL IN THE A JUDIOIOUSSTII `III: PPLflu5- DR. J. C. A YER at 00., Practical vfhentiitl, LOWELL. MASS" U. S. A. AND ATTRIBUTI '08 YOUR PLAOI 1-on ADVERTISING an '1-'.uz1n or nr YOU wuunn 0|` BUSINESS GARRY SUCH ]_ R. rruuun. Phnnnoocnilnuuwwouww one oi the grcutept. discoveries of the grunt entury. II M largely employed by the moat cmlnant Phyllclnnnand Surgeon: in houplul and mlvnh nnaee in all mm of !_h9_woIId, It have no retanru to poaching In vlrmeu. It npidly r eves pain, from wbuonr cause, :1- lnyn the irriutlon of fever, Iootbu the Iyuem under exhausting diaoueo, And given sleep with- out producing on one of the unpleasant foelln so commonly nri 113 from tho aloof oplatel. l ...m_|nm,-no hold its uuuhixen position In the v-nu III _ -D _ I prlotorl` Worocfnu -,H.'ennud(;.o ` III II o - I ` 6'," 0 Bellly as Draper, ARRISTE RS,A'l"l`ORNEYS-at-LAW Solici- , ton in Chnaoery-Chambv.-ri Nos. 7, 8,, 8 9, Anchor Buildings, Kingston, C. W. JAXII O Rln.Lv,Q.C. | Fan: 0. Duns.` an All) PlBB1NB Worceatetahire_ Sauce This dollciom Condiment, proudunggd by lonnoigunrn "The only good iuuoe "- ` oommonlylrialng from the meet oplueu. :- contlnucllto hold position estimation of the Profession u the beat, Inoit reliable, and cheapest propuution. Eminent and scientic ghyelciuu made nldnvits tlut the have waited lie cecta in cnreful comparison wlt those of " DR. OOLLIS BROWNFPS CHLOB0- DYNE," nu-d epooed to the {nets that they found it a more certain and reliable prepentlon, and greatly preferred " F REEILLNS. En! Russell communicated to the Royal Gol- " F REEMANB. Earl Russell Royal lege of Physicians nnd to It Freeman, elm In lhuilla the only remedy of any use in Cbolen was Chlorodine. rm. u..1.'.-.1 nm; and Gazette. January 13th, The Medical Times and Gazette, January 1866, states, II. hum immeuue ale Amongst the public, and is prescribed by scored of Ortho-, dox Medical Practitioners, and, of course, it would not be thus Iingularly popular did it not supply a want. and 6|! 3 place. u.....r..-nm-A bv the Inventor. Richard Freo- The genuine has engraved on the Government. as-:.2m:*seu..z=a2,;:a:`:;2.- " ll Manufactured by the Inventor, man, 70, Keuningbon Park Road, London, 8. , engraved the Government Slnmn (outside c:ch Bottle), FREEMAWS tn.nt' puries, deodorias, Tnndjdisinfccts, by the agency of nascent or ozonic oxygen,-its active principle. Being entirely innoxiom, this truly scientic -prcpantion is peculiarly adapted for the following useful purposes, tor which all other dieinfocunts, `on ncconn tof: their poisonous or other objectionable qualities, are unavailable and '.\seleu':- Comnih '13L'rENT`FLU1n or natural disinfec- Detecting orgnuic impurities in air and-winter. _ Purifying drinking Ind other water Iran: or- gnnic matter, lend, &.c. Freshenlnz the air of close pigeon. and remov- mien unto me BIOIIIICIJ. Curing lusty provender. Freeing wheat and other seed from smut. - nine-ininn dun hnloh AI nlnntn in lung an.` ,,...- V. w-var. GU. ILLUIINATING: Hagenta,vVio1et, Blue, Orange; pour a few drape into an egg cup add warm water; use wltha brush 0 BLANOHANGI, JELLY, `CORN fl-017R ICE ORBAMS, to: While in I liquid ata add one or tic drop: of Magenta. A more simple or elegant tinting cannot be had. OONFECTIONER8 will nu, Violet, nd Iago Orange and Pink useful colours. ' GELA'r1NR8_ and GLUE8 are aucceulully coloured with theee dyes. ' INK: A Slxpeuny bottle of Magenta to a pint or more -ofeold water ` - - One drop of dye will tint a quart; PRINTING on Cotton, Silk orWo_o1 in the ordinary way. ' BLINDING some the dyes in thebath will produce an innity o! a taste muse 5,; 5--m-mllv rcq'.|'n'c-I. I-`nr 1&5:--manna. Gout. Gravel. Pglyn. cation 0! tin llcbrt. Pal: In the ldo. ack and lgnips, they should be continuuuslv gnnic lead, ac. Freahenlng nirof places, ing bsd smella. I-`rocinz meat. fish. butter. or other provisions ing but smelln. _ _ I-`racing meat, fish, butter, provmons from aim. l`_......o......o:-un clan ana-In nf nu-annin nninnnn uan arnuvz A bottle of hnlf n-pint of hot Inter. SATINWOOD `STAIN: A Oanarv dissolved In - -.:- n-om amt. Counteracting the etfecta of orgnnic poison: taken into the alomncb. n-inn unafi nu-nvnnar VI-nnintr -hnnt and HUWCIU Kfpl Ill WIFCT. Doatroying the blight ol the potntoe, vine, hop, mulberry tree, to. Washing dogs sud other domestic animals. Clunsing bottles, beer bu-tels, pickling tuba, dairy utensils. Wnshinn the hair and dm-konim-r in nnlnnr ,A_., _...v_, ac. WILLOW SHAVINGS, Wicker, Ivory, Bone, Hair, Fibres, Benweed, &c., attract. the Bye quickly, ifnpplied In boiling water. BLUE : For laundry purposes is A l. _ BOOK EDGES: A Sixpcnuy bottle of Ingen- ta, Violet, Orimaou or Blue will make from A pint to 8 quart of beautiful colouring, ac- cording t.oaba.de required Apply with 1 brush. PAPER and WOOD STAIN : Ditto. OAK STAIN: A bottle No. 2 Blue? to i boll Inter. connervuonea. . Preserving and resulting the lreshncss of out owcts 160]): in water. Dnatrnvimr the blight oi the nnutnt-., vim-, wnen turning grey. Enhancing the purifying and invigorating ef. fects of baths and tube. Dressing poisoned wounds Mid destroying ani- mnl virus. Treating the infectious diseues of cattle, horses, dogs, Inc. One Lmllnn m-Inn mm on mm ...M..... -.a-......a for I; u lUI" U51. N.B..-Condy'a Fluid is the sundud Scientic Test. for Organic Matter in Wncr. Ind dfords the only known means of rapidly and completely` freeing Drinking Water from Organic Tniut, which is so cummon a cause of serious disease. To mnidlv mu-ifv Ihn .;. .1... on. .m....,.a a..:.: Inna: 0! Pain the ack and Loin, continuously L`*0n.\n rvqrr- L to r.`:rm::.' the I'.2,=maul nvtinu of uuk.-`_\',dcII1. \\'..n such change those complaints wulcu la 30 CUIDIDOD OI Bfl0ll5 (HD8886. mpidly purify the air, use the diluted uid with Coud_y'a Ozoniser or other Spray-pn ducer. " I CONDY`S PATENT OZONIBED WATER, (I-on 1011.3`: run.nnm,) Rnmnvpn fnmn elm name}. 1...... -_j 1-_-:._ umry ulelllslli. Washing the hair and dnkening its colour when turning grey. Enhnncimr the nnrifvimv anal invinmntina nf. --__5-. .,-run vvnuu WIDE! - WHITEWASH: To oolor: Magenta, for Pink or Rose; add half a bottle to n pail of water, then stir in the Whitening II IIIIIL Mauve, Violet, Purple, Blue nnd crilnnon produce pretty tints by using one bottlear STARCE; Stir in: few drops of Colon?- Iagenta, Meuve, Violet, Blue or Pink; these impart delicate tints to Leoe, Linen, kc. `run |uu.'l' rUKHE$,) Removes fnom the mouth impure Ind foreign tastes and odours, whether arising from tobacco or other causes, and eounterncta the irritaon and morbid secretions of curious teeth. It puri- es Ind softens the skin, and, used in the bath, send: U01 promote I hcdthy state of the whole body. . H. BOLLKAN comm, Patentoe, Bnnen-sen, London. 7! j uuauuxs asuuml AYES FOR THE PEOPLE. Any one can use them ; any- thing can he dyed with them. It is impouihle in this small space to enumerate the many uses to which these wonderful and beautiful chemical `preparation can be applied; while their chle use in for dyeing textile fabrig, ` hey are also invaluable at a colouring agent for almost every known material, the cue with which they can he need and the brillian- cy of the result being, indeed, almost magical. By their use almost any article of clothing can be dyed in a tow minuiea for a few pence without soiling the hands. , HRIOR A rm A wnuuus eolung we nsnol. IRIOBANDA. HAGINTA: The strength and bounty of this dye is almost incredible. A Sixpenny bot- tle will dye 20 ysrds of Bonnet Ribbon in 10 minutes; it will slno produce s clear Rose Pink by using lee: dye. Suitable slso for Woollen Goods, Feathers, Silks, to. WOOLLENS: Magenta, Ilenve, Violet; ' Purple, Outage, Pink, and Crimson produce f the most satisfactory renulta. Use s In-an pun. mnuuuu end BILKB: Bruin` them with soap and water to avoid ensue, and to render them cleen. Dye in boiling wnta-. FEATHER8: Dye in hot water (I fewldrope of the dye is sumcient e`: one feather). COTTON : lleuve, Violet and Puxpie Are recommended. LEATHER: Blue, Magenta, Violet and. Orange. Dye in warm water. Rose: add half A hnnl. .. - --.-. -._ . umer seen u-om lllll. Hninuining the health of punts in pots and onnervuoriea. One gallon makes 200:0 800 gallons ndspted 0|` U80. ` an-aodmetrectofndrasl icpu 7 (r-V For supp:-anion 3 taken as it produces the desired clrect by sympathy. As :3 Diaurr Pill. take one or {Wu P533 to pro- nate digestion and 1-elk-ve the stomach. n oc4_:a.sion.1l -lone stimulates the stomach and bowel-1 I .0 ht`-min nviiun. raamm-1 rim -nm..e;o.. u II!`IIl'V`lIlX:Ill(|nrT 01 ex .'Ln(`Ol1!| Innln-rs -nwkl to , as also I.I'r4r _ __ n.1'o:-p `M. 'ongn1.- o1aorInnm- lho Lion-. |ndJnu1ulle=, when arising, 3- rIdo,4\-um rho rrmknng poisons in the I. In !o'.4R.\'Al ..11lI.I,A Is n grmut :0- dan (hr the nmngth and rixnr ofuxe sysn-m. 19 rhqro la): id and Iiaflaa, I)r:pm:~ ` ' 1 na. nn troubled with Kn-mu Ap- . 21;? yrs. of apy__n1_'_ tY_!P>:l't'`tI'no _ ,,, _-__.,,-, - ...., uuu vnuuuuu plvull ' satisfactory Use ah:-go ' quantity of boiling water in In on-than pan. RIBBONS and SILKB: Broth uoid mm... ....a "UDSON S SIMPLI JYES Alli nun (Inn nun Qlunun - ---_ aw urvpll ul uo1our- iolot, No uny- vouiblo u uqntiful ; lb:-fa, : 9 rrlillb ngicnl. .113 once a thernpenticngent of 5ivItVIlIIo." nn. znwunTI_n'm, r.gLs., Kodicn_lOoer.to the PowIpI`lp,8 Il0fG#l$: :huphaq Eli `T ` In-Brown . h i uIo'1sb'|Q||f.`:,. '0 H 3 . this ki?,'aix?:e,p'::1?d:l?_much vuiotyuld un- We think it; gre sdnnhgn one kind of God Livy: Oil which admittod to he gapnino-dIe upplled by Dr. do Joligh. It practi certainty, we hnverondenee In in ne1n.-l'Kxhnn nn- *5 it--n-n-oh-n ~ '3 genuiyo _ 9. D._I. 1-an LONDON qunrnnyv Conservative 1-an nnnmumnnvnrw : big). % 1-an wnsruulsnn um: (n.uu;. ran noun nmtugbnnunw (Fm ch h) nmoxwoons jnnmsunan nkuzmm \ `) 4 1 - ' 2 (kggforveig-n pertodicsls an rognluly n nnhlinhnd hr III In [ha lama :11]: an In-pang.` those wn_om me am In: or I-llO`IlI,lI' ygg-g4` boa dopnnd ow-tr mm 166-:'m>|: own but periodical lltptunre, will he 3 to Ivg than spin within their tgach; and than via my never yet have met with then, I}!!! ` ~ , _ ly be well planned to reoeivo,sca-edited eporu of the progress of` Iqroposnuclcny a limb- turn. - Lure. I ` TBRIB FOR 1869.1` Fanny one of thcfour Reviews ,7 - For my two of -.hc four Biiiowl - For my three of the four Review: For All four of the Review: . For Bl.ckwood I Knguino - - For Blnckwqod `and one Review - For Blnckwodd um! twbkeviewn For Blackvood and throelievieuva -IF... `lllnnly-A-nl and lnnr Rnvinwu .._.- ' --- v-~ ~ ---- -James Agnew, AB.RI8'!`ERnnd A'!"I`0RNEY-At-LAW,Con- veyamcer, lc. Oioa Bagot Street, second door south of the British Whig Oiee, upstairs. August 1. II , am " ":1. L d C : ` ` ` ` V % I-:rn." n?i:I:1n: i`z`.`.7ft" -roomrue.-LuuJnaqa_m-an % and an ' " ` 4....-nu, non Ind'Violet Powduxo --u, lunch haunt Lohmlor` .1 ohm I-oonpuon ur Toilet. W` '- . ' `w : LVN. . :7r- 5:` i -. ' r noun Burgoyne, Bu-hid ma sqnimi-5 ooivp hI|onubcYar dloyt.%'r`.,"o pnpunthll. a tory, 1 Vin Sues T0179) fI!.H(E8E foreign to luly pnblinhod by us in tha same style :3 " fore; Those who know ghoul and who Inna Inhlnrllnd to IJIGIII. lI&d no mmh (ore; Tuna Ibo Kllovylem lllll who n long gubscribod to_ _them, need no runhh; 5 those whom the civil In: of thqlut for yen; -j hul dnnrinsd nnhalr once woleons Iinmlv am. For Blnckwoou um Inroeuevlelua `For Blackword and (our Boviewl OI UK UDHOII Hillel VIII. % DUI cam; 3 year for Bhckwood," cent; a your for each oftho Rgvien. . gm` 4-' ":.,,::',:::. C... ."E'.}...:..";' -Li`! = ruaxgus. - When sent by nn`the.PonIge toanypun 1 the 0 ma sum 6-in bebut 3, 3.... 3 went for u msckwooa."x1J:s" E39. -- I Subscribers may obtain! back numbers at an tollowin minced tutu, 11.! : Tho. nrlL Brilinln from Jumnrv- 1883. In ha. 1 lotion? ruuueea rues, VII ' The art}: ` ` cember,`l866, inclnsi'e; the Ddhburgll and he Weumiucur from April, 1864,}-o Decalil _ 1866, inclusive, and the London Quarterly Ior 3n'u.Lr;om'J$na.ry,1sea,:o 0- ` 1865 and 1866,11: the rate bf $1.50 a cat for ` each or any Review; also` Blnckiood or 1805, ' for $2.50. ., THE LEONARD SCOTT Publishing 00., 38 Walker-Itroet, NJ.` nnwm cmron, 1:30., 1r.nc.s., - surgeon to Hoapihl. '. Foroevenl panllnv hoguinbo ' bif of pxucdbinygegif. do Iongh.7|:. ' V Cod Law on, and and it lobe an-Eh new I- caciona than other nrieliel of the um:-uldld vb`: Ihue also enpioyedwilin vicrn the relative aupe:-jority, _` , : - I glfllf AND AIIIUISLVIIIDIPLAAVV, B licilon in Obnncery, ha. - 06030-18 Cluenon SI... oppodne the Pout M Imam-. 0, W. '-I-11!-.`A'B BEA SALT, for producing I j real Boa Bull-in yoqroim `lid above I` [it 1 mendedtvou G pnmnuolh 1 Sole l,!.foprietors-'rIDHAN as sole, ohm- 4 "*9: 16 Wormwood Street, London, 3.0. 4 ' 1 1 rexfnlners. Prise JI[3dLi_"`s;nr;l;(i 13::-rity sud Excellence of Qqumy. London: Paris - ' and . , ~ I. : V :?;;'.`;%'.P%%: son. F` A PATENT BU FLOWIR Q11. SOAP. :'m..- GLYOEBIN 3 `s?..inI`h`BO.l'Io;E Ahg'?; 0wb:: 6f?g::f?ti." ' 'v ` - ` o ` ,;.;:,-3:-.,*.:~.e:.*;.:;!-.;::::2.A .: The [..8. Pub. oo.nuo pumm. ` _' The Farmers Guide By Henry Stephens of Edinburgh and the ma J; ` P.No:-ton, of Yale Oollegu. zvoln. 'Boynl`0.' 1:10 1600 psgea and numerous Engtnviugu.` < _ P1 non-s7. for the two volumes. Br 11.. : .. ....... no. adult: sue nuns: mu Indigestion too often conseqnengwon the ndminiuntion of tho pale oiL`i _ / ` ' T1Duu*s an saw, real8o.a_Buh fgr ,pro`dncin -in your on DR. nuinow, 1.113.; . Senior Physician to 'Gny a'Bocpihl. ` `-` I have frequeuy reoounuondod person col-' suiting me to make use of Dr. do Jungian`: Liver Oil. `I have been well utisled with il ofocts, and believe it to be I vavy pure oi " tted for those cases in which the moo`; ` substance is - ` ...- us-an v tuna, 1.5.5., Author of the ~Spn,ot Gbmzgny. . Dr. Granville] has found utgDr. do -Tough Light-Brown C1_)d'LiVer Oil produces the d ` effect in a shorter time thou other kinds, And thq . It does not canoe the mass: and` indigestion too o!t_en _g: insequen,t,,,on ndminialncion of tin` uvo, usuu pugs.-a um numerous Engnuugl. rmon-:7, thetwo By u'..__; P0ItP'1. $8. ledieal Oloaof Eu and Ema: Amy-z IIoOiIy um-. = I u cuoallnve found Dr. acJou;u} Lightl-1B`:-awn Cod Liveroll set 0! properties, among which the preupee `pf cholnio compounds, tad of iodine in u nun of. organic eumbimtion, no the mat It in, I belinve, nniveganlly acknowledged this oil has gran thonp'out!c'power; and my inveatimtiom. I Inn nn dank; an. 5.: K DE JONGIPS .I_JGl1'l!-BROWN _00D LIVER OIL. - DR..DE JONGH`B Oil is convincingly proved by an overwhelming weighs ofmedinal teltilnlllqy, and by the practical test of nceagnl capes-iaica for twenty years in all `part: of the world. lobe; ' beyond all question, the pnrast. the moat cioua, the moat palatable, and, {tom its rqid curative efecta, the moat ofallkinda.` Hence the nniveraal celebtitg 01 Dr. dc Jonglfd` Oil and the unparalleled demand tor this null-" nlfed preparation. _ ` SELECT MEDICAL OPINIONS. , SIR HENRY IABSH, BART. H.D., * ` Physician in Ordinary to thoQneau in Inllllf -*1 have frequently pteaa-ibad Dr. do Jonua Light-Browncod umou. _- 1 gonaidatit nun avery mu-coil. not likalvlaomandlnnm nu Ayer s Cathartic Pills, JIIITIIO great" that there i `n Ininriy edmittadto long been Qln-_ practice, when preeaihlng the oil. roeollnq kind, einoe, amidst Lmuch variety and ` :;`.`=_.n"' ,'.:..':':......e ".`.'.;`:;"..*=.L"'.....`.`-. 53$ co:-t.ainty', inve, `eonc H"lI'1_i-;'g:n::i;;-V nesu.-(Extnct fro: ``0onnunpuon' : in In!) Ind Bemediablo8h;e1") _ _ ..-` -.-un:u-l loll-R, ._ Con-oner(og0utnIlildleIex.v'_ edIoonuidert|Int|opIrly olzhisoilmurv iniu prepdruion, b_vI.|u: aueotig I good nelnuhandiuulmo phydchl :a.lgr.deJongh, whohual-Iowrhten the ` medial ti-utiao onlhe ollwiIhvIiohIlIlI,h- qutinbd. ,lIeno'e,Idoent.Io0od_I:lv0rOil|oId underhingunnnaootobop Iomyodut kind utegnrdlxonuineom unanimi- , , ..v..., __.-.;u--, -uanuvvuuulull :11` '1 A thonp'eutlo`po er- m;ai:17eatigntoe::s, have no doubt. `(RI a pure Indunulultented ude.` -__. ` uagm.-nruwnuou uvor Uu. ` I. tnlllldet Rd . . ' .3 . u very pure oil, likely to am dlnguq, therlpentic agent guanine." 1 5 1 nnrrun r1sn1on1c4u_s,'., +__.._.;:_` ruwnav 1: `co. , l)CffllIlIII `DJ. A oozvumma ALL` 123;` _ nnnuiluuu s'r,oIt1,,; |__.__ ____.._L -1 -._ --- rrnugnlrln 30 0? nu regs:-d|`;;;i:I:Iu 3 medial JIIII -n Khguon, Ju:'y X6. QHRoN1CIIiiT . -1-n-3.; .- _ vuu, annoy soap luau-nun; 1 marl. Prise Hddsl_ awarded fol`? of London`: N i , Fancy Soap Hahn and! 1 `in Nodal nundad far! 1--w VF u`.-Addr<;ss,' J OI-`FlOl.-South West corner of Dundas and E330. Skrnntn law; .-`-.JI"[@` mu. :1. vv-uuuaun. vv. Oounly Crown Attorney. _ , K ,_ , , Y, gees Ln - .1 cl.` nnlnni I 1...}... " Jud will loan FBIDKY at 3 ` IOIDAY um ml 1!` I I \Ivuvv uI-Ivvn-, nu--u-av _n I-v-Iva nlchrd gwuxom, . uonloxron IN OHANOIRY-1 D Ooo-OIucuoo8tnot, Khgucon, O.W. . 1! yI- 1d 11 A_I_. 1 P_l.. tutu), nlugu August 6. unrgou. April 23 B Z :1. l-1: w:e`::.::.:$. Q -"1 Annmlns Ind ATTORNEYS-M-LAW, Oonvcyunoorl, Notaries Public. -IALQ-J FE ilnlhgcng VN J: ;ur}nnt1ec1srs_ zn:m'w1n:m:. `uaaawr and on: r``3` Wllklmn & Reeve, ARRISTERS AND ATTORNEYS-At-LAW, Solicitors, Oouvreyanoen, kc. Napauee. . W. J. B. su-mu, nI.o., )HYS1CIAN, SURGEON, lc., PORTLAND, _ Residence Hurowsmith. :'nr Faun. or any nftho . ,9! '7oIIuH`_I"o mu nd immedi.-nte , convincing evidence of its resloruwe A BRIST Parker`: J an 9. ta-Ar-LAW. 00 S. Cartwright, OFFICE - 0C! Drug Store. `. --. ... ...---.--,,~, TTORNEY-AT-LAW, Conuymcer, kc. L Kiygnlon, 0.`W. Dec. 1. - _ 'G|ldoriloevo & Wnlkoln, nntnuluino --) Au-1vu'nm`\7u,-.,t. + _, x , ,A__, W. ll; lllngayp, EV A1` I AID 0-----. V rn.-:ng.,' tnc di.=o:nac-d o"! uch complninu : a the a mntite, 2 it is 0 an ad- U umoo-u|uuooun9:, nnguon, u.w. J. P. Gnnnnnliu. L.L.B. | Rica. '1`. WALIII. ' No-rI..-"l_'hev'Profe:uzion in iurned `sign in. feriox, secret; and cheap compoun a now in the mukpt Each genuine .bem.lo bears 5 {Ac- uiznile of Propriuofa signature on the stamp outside. _ IIIQ. OHLOROFOBII Go. on GFILORODYNI WITHOUT PEPPER]. INT. Solo lfsnufnotnror :-A. P. Ten :10, Ohelnbt, hnchuter. ...`.. . poum mod 17 MlV`Ia. x__l-`il_';i_I-IurancAoV Companmyv 03- LONDON. ... _ \ LIVE. The :15] seems as yet, nnhnppily, {'31- dia- tant when public opinion or State interfer- ence will prevent the advertisement or sale of my secret medicine whatsoever. It is to be hoped that the profession will continue to brand as unworthy the conduct of those of its members who by testimonial or otherwise aid the disposal of each thinga."-Lancet. :I\r\1-I-VI nu-. .....- ..._..__ - Elna Insurance ' Ilnrtford, L. J. Hxzmzx, President. v\u\r\I\fu/\r\ . mu Home Insurance Cgrgmy of New Haven, Conn. oAPi1`AL . . . . _:1,ooo,ooo. PREMIULMS RECEIVED DURING 1868- 32,079,896. Funds deposited in the hnnds of the Government for the security of Policyholders. `` All re risks carefully surveyad, and the. rate of Premium msde to correspond with the -1..b -.m........l _ _ CHOLEBA, DIABRHGIA, kc. ` EARL RUSSELL sent to the Oollege of Physicians I communication received by him from Manilln (where cholera hid been gning fearfully) to the effect thnt, of all reuudies tried, Cblorddyne was the moat e'eo- tive. IIIIIBIEIK. By the combinntion of the Iron or Iodine with Cress Seeds in I state of germination, they are united with organic life, which thus renders them digestible. The in-ituive and stubborn mineral has thus become the nucleus of an organic substance capable of being ub- eorbed by the blood without injury to the stomach. Agent for England and British Poeeeaeiona, E. G. DUFRESNE, 79 Wstling Street. May be obtained of all Chemists. _. r or puruylng we moon. rnce 2: 9d per Bottle. ', The above Prep tiona are in the form ofswoetmests, pleasant. to the mate, and par- ticulu-ly adapted for Infants nnd Hothera nursing. Bv the nmnhinntinn nf Hm 1"... AI t~Ix-- -g-u w-.1 D. SATIALII. Cmnus Wmaon` President. Secretary CASH CAPITAL .. .. $1,000,000. AKE AND RIVER RISKS taken on bulls `and cargoes at rcuounble rates. JAMES SWIFT, Agent, Kingston, March 31, '69. St. Lawrence Wharf. Ilodlluld, Patton an lllachar, B RUDE AND ATTORNEYS-at-LAW, ()mn-i8 Clunnm BL. onnone the 1Etn:1 Insurance Co. of Hart- _ 4t'e1'd, Conn. PAID UP CAPITAL AND SUR.PLUS- ;\5,15o,931,71. I -___. __:) :_ zn _-__. on. A n A A A Al Loaeea paid in 50 yenrs, uuvv-unu nnnmnuu. PERFUMER by appointment to their Majes- tic: the Emperor of the French, Ibo Queen of Spain, the Queen of Holland, the Queen of the Belgians, and the King of Portugal; and H.375. the Prince of Wnles. Toilet Soaps. Lavender Water. Cold Cream. Perfumed Vaporizer. Rona Lu! Powder. Perfumes for the Handin-r-hinf R. V. BAUD, Graduate and Member of tho Medical College of Paris, Chief Physician Extraordinary for Epidemics in Paris, late MD. of the Civil Hospitals of Algiers, has just in- troduced in England his OBGANIO MEDI- CINES. . ll.-- -__-:-; -1` n__._ -_, `uuusa. They consist of three preparations- THE BAUDEINE, Am ecient and prompt Remedy for Cholera, Yellow Fever, Diarrhea, Dyaentery, and the excessive action of the Bowels. A gold medal was guarded by the French Government to Dr V. Band for this valuable preparati/91% Price: SIIIAH, la lid; Medium. 45 5d: Larma V. band 101' mu vnlunhle lid; Medium, 6d ; Large Site, 115 per Bottle. ` THE DIASTATIZED IRON, For strengthening the System.-P1-ice 25 9d per Bome. THE DIAsx1'A'rI7.lzn tnnnm U11!-1 QLVU `.`4 \l\\.IU l\lDl\D IU uuu IYQLII Inland l'or,t.s on fnvoumble terms. Losses promptly and liberally adjusted nud paid in Canada Currency. JARIES SWIFT. Acmnt. Home Insurance Company or New liaven. n n,_,_-__ _ u-uv,, __- `HIS Company has been doing business in I Canndn for nearly 50 years, nnd during that time has secured the public condence by the prompt and libenl scnlemenlofevery fair claim. It has fully complied with the laws of Canada by the deposit with the Government of Stocks to the amount of 350.000 And In -....u._...I 1. .... _.l:..:.... ._ ..__ __ umou-ia Ulnnsnen Ola. Ina:-on, 0. W. Jon A. lAononu.n. O. ( renames tor the u|yoerine'I`oilet Requi- Hnndkerchief. silel. Enn de Cologne. All the above are carefully prepared for Ex- poctation, and retain their excellent qualities in I limate. 96 tnnd; 128 Regent Stroot; 24 Cornhili, London. 17. Boulevard doc Italians, Paris. DR. VICTOR BAUD S ORGANIQMEDICIHE. bottle. THE DIASTAIQZED IODINE, For purifying the Blood. rice 2: 9d Boulo. Prep are in the farm . Ixolux nu. I \.-uuuum 4:6:-II-u INCORPORATED IN 1819. CAPITAL s3,o;ooo_ ASSETS$5,150,93l,7l I_IULL AND CARGO RISKS to and from I ..|.....! DA-is An `..w.u...nl.I- Unncvun vvuovvv And is prepared to issue policiga on terms as low as the safety of the qssurud will permit. JSMES SWIFT, A runrnb Agent at Kingston, TH A! Office-33, Olnrence Street. Kinglton, March 20, 1862. March 31, 1869. DI Kingston, March 31,1869. Una, urn:-ol, U. w. Jon A. lAoooIu.n, Q. 0. J JAlns Pu-ton, Q.0 Jon I. luau. Elm.-on-. Ian : I R DI. L: Kingston, March 31, 1869. Royal Assurance Company 0! LIVERPOOL `IND LONDON. IAXWELL W. STRANGE. Agent for Kingston 5-33. Clarence Street. EUGENE RIMMEL, nrlnnn |._ ____z_._, , Marie Insurance. 1569. alon, ~ `H108. KIRKPATRICK. urrvucy. JAMES SWIFT, Agent, St. Lawrence Wharf. Toilet Powders. Ponabla Fountains. Toilet Vinegar. Hair Preparations. Tooth Powders. Glyoerine Toilet JAMES SWIFT, A non un-gnu uvvnr 1, Agent, St. Lawrence Wharf. 1 R520 v " where no 's-riuns One 17 0 reel; tulcrubl ' well. onen nds th.-u adose ` oflu-so PHI: makes h m feel decidedly better, from their cleansing and renovating clruct-on the diges- dvc apparatus. ha v 11 1`I*w:ru A-.. .. ,. _ Company of ` Conn. E. P. Donn, General Agent. PD IN I910 DIED D II I I` 1, , Agent, St. Lawrence Wharf tn $24,000,000! ` . . I I BE grcu frauds which continue to he prec- _lised by obscure manufacturer`, more particularly in Germany, by imitating the le- belu attached to JOHN GOSNELL & Oo. | PBIFUMIBY, render ls` imperative upon the Prcprletotl in Omou the public egnlnu much nefarloue proceedinp, end to request their frienda and patron: to purchase only of respec- table dealers, who import direct from John Goenell & Co-; and invite special Attention to the address- . RED BULL wuuur, 93 Um-in Tnnns S1-klrr. no... nnnnll & (ln.'a Salem Perfumes; Eu Ill ([16 IIBISIIIDOIIIDDOQ." Ssld by all Chemists, end nt 90, Canon sgreet, London. Qnu-ta, 16:; pins, 85 ; hglf. punts, 45 ; glue-Itopgered Imperial pints, ex. urn strength, 16: per dozen; and in bulk 15: 4| per geuon: battles included. Inch gul- lon mnking 200 gsllonl, when diluted yum, water. See direction`: on every Wkly; Recommended Ind need .by P Simond: at the Royal Venetian-y during` the hat twenty xean. . . N.B.--Thin uid in I nnriin` nnln 9... ....-... uunng me In: twenty 191:-a.v uid in I curtain` can (or gr-one ' in honu,Iloo the lab not rot in shop. rnvy uouncu. The value of the uid is shown by the following letter from the Secretary and Manager: Agricultural Hell, Islington, Jan. 1868. Deer Sir,-Plesse to send eight gallons more of your Disinfecting Fluid, as per order L enclosed. Having used various Disinfecting Fluids at our many shows, I can say with condence that none have had the instan- taneous and complete effect of Sir William Burnett s, and this too without producing any nuisance like the smell of chloride of lime or cerbolic s.cid.-I am yours faith- fully, S. Smssv, Sec. and Manager. "Capt. Jackson, R.N., 90, Osnnon street. This uid acts on the essential ,cause of disease by destroying the local conditions of the atmosphere under which cholera is most frequently developed and propagated. For instance; In in house in St. Andrew : street, f Plymouth,` occupied by fty-two persons, it p was sprinkled in every room except four; in these the occupants would not permit it to be applied; the result of which was, that in those parts of the house where it had been used, not 5 single case of cholera subse- queuu osdugspdyhile in the {our rooms shove blinded to,- the disease still exists and some deaths hue taken place. Two houses immediately opposite were supplied with a qusntity, in neither of which has there heeu s single one, although the discus is raging in the neighbourhood. SI-lid be All Chemists. and as an n-_-_ BULL WUARF, 93 UH-n.'1`nAuIs 51-ulrr. John Goanell 3 00. : Select Perfumes: Bouquet, Royal Yncht Club Bouquet, Jockey Club Perfume, Essence of_ Wood Violet, Vic- toria Bouquet, Fmugipauni, Military Bouquet, the Bride's Bouquet. ~3nhn nnanan A: Co. a Prince of Wales Per- the linden bouquet. `John Gosnell 3: Co. a fume, I most. choice and fashionable perfume. run... t1,......Il L `.n'i Pu-inmmn Alan-nndrn n fume, most. cnolce Mm msnmnnow penuluu. Johp Gosnell & Co '3 Princess Alexandra's Pbrfume, A most choice and delicate perfume, prepared expressly for the use of Her Royal digbneas. John Gonna]! A: Co.'s Uoner Ten Thousand 5083 500038. WI. H. W-ILKISON. W. A. REBVB, M. A. nnunlv (Y:-nnn A nnunnw John Gosnell & Co.`s Upper Perfume. nu... ring.-.11 1: (In a Jnnkav Club Perfume Perfume. John Goaiaell & 0o. s Jockay Club Perfume is in universal request as the most ndmired Perfume for the Handkerchief . Price 23 6d. In... :1 xcnnll L f`. \ `a La Nnhh-nan Pm-fnmn. Pertume tor the mmuxercmer. rnca L3 ou. John G )sn('11 & Co.'s La Nuhlesse Perfume, 3. most delicate Perfjmo of exquisite fragrance. Jnhn nnnnall k (In '1: Nohlessa Ponmde. ele- delicate rerumo ol oxqmsue lnlgrnnce. John Gosnell 8 00. : Nohlesse Ponnde, gantly perfumed, and highly recommvmded fur beautifying and promoting the growth of the hair. I .. \x..L.I......- Q....._-.n.m...A tn. :9; umu.nnl_ D0 QISIKTECHUIB UUUUF, I Cola l? 4 c simultaneously. The Patent .\I~clmnir oyappomtmeux to 1121- nuqesty, um rnncese of Wales, &c., RED BULL WHARF, 93 Urruu THAIRS Srazzr. late 01 12 Three King Court, Rqmbard Street. n.ur. La Noblesee Sonp-osteemad for its unequal- led perfume and ne emollient qualities. John Gosnell & Co. s Violet and Mlllelll Nursery Powder is guaranteed pure. N-) nur- sery should be without it. Sold in boxes at Sd; in tins ls each. John Goenell & Co. a Cherry Tooth Paste is greatly superior to any Tooth Powder, gives the Teeth apearl-like Whll 3833, protects the enamel from decay, and imparts 3 pleasing fragrance to the breath. Price la 6d each. Dye: produce mmuiuneousiy. The Patent lhclmnical Chair for Brushing Hair by Machinery. For Prospectus and par- ticulars, apply to the Pnenteei and Solo Manu- faqturers, JOHN GOSNELL & Co., Perfurners by'Appo|ulrnent to Her Majesty, the Princess of Wales. &c.. RED BULL VVHARF. UPPIII IR WILLIAM `BURNETTS DISINFECT- ING FLUID, for the purication of sick rooms, hospitals, worklsouses, lsctories, pri- sons, crowded places, between decks of ships, fever wards, clothes and linen of sick, night- chsirs, cesspools, drains, water closets, stables, dairies, larders, musty casks, tubs, &c.; bilge-water, and the holds of ships; apsrtments for searchers, nndertekors, and jurymen, and for post-mot-tom examinations; for the prevention of infectious disease, can- ker And fungus in trees; for the disinfection of dead bodies, and for the preservation of subjects for dissection; for the extermina- tion of bugs and other yermin. Sir W. Burnett : ninfancann m..:,: .....- uuu or ougs and other yermin. W. Burnett : Disinfecting Fluid was the onfy Disinfectant used at the Agricul- tural Hall during the Smitheld Club Cam.) Show in 1866, by order of Her Majesty's Privy Council. The valnn nf um Hum :. .u.._.. u._ .L. John Hludlo, - ARRISTBR, Attorney-at-Luv, Gonveynncer, kc. Oioe opposife Post Office, Clarence Street, Kinguon. Anmnl 6.