H! VTATIITURY DEIDQLAI D cart-fnily printtd "q _ , vl lk -xi lcglliad it `l):\ly`l\'CWI : ntixcf hi ` nn wnuuucleu In necorunnoa mu: the philosophy of nature in the form of: CUN- OAVO-OONVEX ELLIPSIS. crud- ,,, " wry` v u-uvn w an`: Lwuull ulu. They ue ndmiubly ndnptcd to the organs of sight, Ind nurd the beat articial help to the hu- rnnn vision ever invented. A peculinr nnd impor- tant fountain than Ipootnclea is witnessed where people have boen obliged to ruort to glnsnen from physienl debility, having temporarily a'ect- od their vision. -111 such cues the eye regain: its buithy power, and the glnsaea can he laid sside without injury ; while Ollldf kinda of spectacle: whenronco worn cnnnot be dispensed with. - n. ._.\ `MEDICAL HALL,` TEE CARRATRACA WATER. 1'00! 4 Kingston, `nu April 1869. N Assortment of Skim: niwnys on hand. Work leaving Kingston lobe paid for be- on being sent out of the Eaublishment. Non ---CAcr1ou.-Pnrtiea in lomroal are oering for 311: Bouts purporting to come from mv mublishment. As I baveno agent or per- otliring for SIR bonus purpuruug nu cvuau nu... my establishment son nuthoriud to sell for me in that city, buy- ers uacauxioncd ngniut bargaining with any one than for my boats. l. O`GOR!AN. _. . Il__n `oz-A _j-_______._ MINERAL NVATERS . DU.lI.1I.raL.I. Ll\JI.l'a-u ONTARIO STREET, KINGSTON ONTARIO. R. It Stephens. Proprietor- Trusty Porters in nuendnnee It Rlilrond Depot and Steamboat. landings. um: 28. S nun. For Sale at the ` PRICE 0Nl.}Y ONE DOLLAR ARTXES intending to nuke nppl the Legislature of Ontario for Pr: are hereby notied lhnl they are requia 615! und following Rule: of the Legis Ielnbly (which are published in full in I Gazette), to give NOTICE of their I (clearly nnd distinctly specifying its 1 obiecl) in the Ontario Guette, And {msT1Nc'1' V1810 N: nnd duiuncuy Bpdcllylus ... object) Newspnp-at published in the County < Conndu nactod; such nodes shall b: in each one for n peiod of M. leu during the interval of time betwgen the neg: precoidjng Session and the mm at who Peuuon. ; COPIQE of the IE For Sale by Juno 7- 3 session IDIJ I sent 10 I nisxt precodin tion of the Petition. of luck notices to ' Oice. A ll Pnmions for Prints Bills`: RI constructed in aecordnnoa with we nhiltnnnhv nf nnnn-A In ch. mum at. nun, `END ll Av nu--- - Clnomcm AND Nnws is published every Fridny morning, and contain 3 all the news of the week. For Fifty Cents, _paid in ndunce, you In for three months at the reduced rntes of stage. For One Dollar it mny"bo sent six months. Single copies, price Five cents, may be had at the Daily News oice, Princess Stmet. --`gonna-g-pg __ ny send it to your fnends - T 70:. LCAIPBILL, ' ;ICH,ARDJUSO!I 2:` ._:.uu. mo: min a 3. ion. Jun.-a CA`RsI:l`1-`l.'~ ` -. -Ina-r-u... Ll!1`.\3:`hl`lD& Culpq, ._ July fn.186'I. S he rnmncllu I-nu` mctnrll " . Rm. ..J "" '-.-VI M. O GORMAN.z BOAT BUILDER, SIMCOE STREET, Kingston, Ont. Kiognon, Kay 6, 1869. Kingston, July 7th, 1869. __.._._ tame, All kind: of Lsw Form: -hl. nnnnf for sale at the ad expedition. kind: of Lsw norm; 9...... with nccunoy tad-expedition. TO A YOUNG MERCHANT.- --- more for the rent. ofyc PIERREPONT, 0. Exxon, Juniour, Inter. Mllllllll 0-1.; :..-.-A A"- PLANTABENET WATER. Toronto, 2511: F'eb., 186 9. _.______,______ " nnn 'r"1"IiIWO U 8 E- .....-.... no-nun-r Kn'IR'l`()N ONTAB PRIVATE BILLS. `END IT ' nu-uni? ESTABLISHED 1847. .8. E. II. PARKER, S. HOBAIYI j.f._--j-- ' TO` YOUR 1-`arm: D8.---The ...... um Nnws published FRESH ru three weeks of the aesuou. CHARLES1`. GILLIOR, Clerk of the House ALSO bed or Union 01 ; be continued peod lent six weeks :1 Ibo close 0! ng the considers-` an. iirst audits: Le the Private Bill llnrkcl Square. application to ' Prints Bills : required by the let Legislnive As- iahed the Ontario ICE of Application nature nnd o also in I n Union of , ,:_.n L- .An.linn JR FRIENDS.-'1`ne published `, For Cents,_paid .1... -grinned rates LEST. Ulhhlun, Clerk the House. Illa 8UMMONSES.- .1... nnnntv ofFron IJ"&'0 ' 0llice-I. Lawrence Wharf, F not of Johnson Street. UR Coal is Pure Lnckawana, being mined in the `very heart of the Lacknwnna Vslley, Scranton, Pittston, and Wilkes Barre, flom the beat selected mines, and is prepared with great care expressly for Family nae, and will be ocremed and delivered in the best possible co :- dition. n... ..u........a Q. 11..-: r... ....o.. ......o....-:. uv uun KIUII `.'..'t-Cl to Ibo In \'\i1; 1866. c 0; L. 1a(s2s.%| selected Soft Coal for. g-rates constantly on hand, also Lehigh,Lmnp for Foundry (`:8 god Bloesbnrg for Blacksmiths. Tenn: Cash. Deliremd in nnv mu-t of the ma moesom-gror blacxsmuns. Terms Cash. Delivemd in any part of the any. unis swurr 5; Q;/{ f\-h:.l..- II 10150 _j_\I 4A.;\\JI.L4a.4.nv\J ANIIKLL LOVERS OF THE PIS CATOIIIAL AIIT. UST RECEIVED from one of the moat emi- nent Fishing Tnckle lyangnfncturc-rs iuxEu- rope a aplendld assortment t/T)\ _/ \ _.._--..~.-. :.4\ `ma In all `us varieties. RODS, muss. up \I A New and `Improved Trolling Bait _-._ A...` n-nary nrvnnn ` `HE Subscxiber respectfully informs his Gua- lolnen And the public generally that he is now ready to supply them with the very best nf ";'-- -~ - -:---~ }{1NGTQ_~ (CANAAIA)A).`FRIDAY EVENING. JULY 16, 1869. ___._.__._____:.__. HAISU Any our n vv\.Ivu'.- Beech nnd lhple, Hemlock and Pine, which will be delivered in any part of the city. Cheap t.- I".-nl. W_"Ui 3n:n.';.~ We pu iah I Kevan. ' `n 1000;`. Sendfor ` BIIJWII Wlll I3 [I61 for Cash. smsom. AND lIlP0l-TANT N0'l'IGE T0 (msn ousronmus. >1 Apply to JAMES CAMPBELL, Al the Grocery Store opposite} the wharf. Wharf foot of Queen Street, % Ifinanrnn, Anti] 17. 1869. JAi{1`1:ws"`H01>E":, Dealer in Boole am1_S_hoes,No.3_ October 21, 1868. Il'llll7Caa DIIIIVD, rungs-V... I)ESHZES most respectfully to thank his un- merons Customers for a. liberal patronage extending over FIFTEEN YEARS. In closing his accounts for the past year the advertiser has determined to abandon the Credit "mam nltonzether. and he wiahea bin Cnalometa U .L.\.J.VLLJkJ L; \/ . _. and Shoes.No Rnncess Street, Kingston. 1'\1cszFRES respectfully determined to nnanuou Luv um... system ullogether, his Customers to understand this announcement in the most positive sense. Determined not to be outdone in the price or quality of his Stock, be is pre- pared to sell BOOTS nnd SHOES of unrivalled nnnufncture at the lowest remunerntive prices l'Bu Lu an. nu` Innuufacture 1 -m an-Inllv ugh 1 Determined D01. 10 U0 uluuuuu on strictly cash terms. Unpaid accounts must be settled immedinta- ly, otberw' they will be put. in suit. f" T a patronage of Cash Customers so- llcitod. JAMES HOPE. .!`.Tf`.`9'I=.9!*L'.,'1`!_ Whtrt tool 0! queen Dunn: Kingston, April 27, BAKING POWDER" has met with since its introduction here wunnta an increased do- nnnd. It can b9 obtained from most. of the leading Grocers In Kingston, and st hnnnfuo- ' from Must: J. OARRUTHERS st 00.. Wholesale `Grocers, Ontario Street, nndalso it lulu W. B. IIORAE & G033, Kinguon. If on wish the best BAKING P0 DEB, Illik lb! GAIIDNEIVS. THE "remarkable success which GARDNE ws 1 '"' HOPE. xinggto, 22nd Jnmnry, 1353- , -. ,_ .... -vuun IIJLIIYIIIA` D nlu5u.v.., __- _ _ . GARDNEIPS BAKING l 0WDER. {'\ s. P. .viHrrs's. T0b0COIIl8ts . PRINCESS STREET,` KINGSTON. U, `\ amp, , spoon sums, BASKETS, FLIES, FLY-BOOKS, kn kc. &c. ) Ll NES, ll! W001) I W001) ! W001) I Dad ` nil: of Pun an Ant: ob Printing, and &*I T6 ANGLERS I:_ _ _. .__-__... __.-.___ FUR sun, VERY camp, HARD AND son` w0oD,3 . .. u, n__.I-..I. ....I 1):... u Bndld EBSOIKIBCDI 91/ R _ with uicx can u: Inqnry in -ouo?ed."' 3: HOOKS, G. special Iotlcu. Butcher : Llglnnlng I-`ly-Killer! Death to the Living! Long live the Killers! Sold by Dealer: Everywhere! ll0NTREAL OR CANADA U'H0l.ERA- Diarrbam, Dysentery and All _>t_bor forms ol Bowel Complniuln so prevalent at this aeuon of the yen hue 3 sun And never falling cure in Perry Davin Pain-Killer, which should be used at the commencement of the disease. nIL_r1-, n n n M -x- "' ' `-'V'-l"llc\?VIllU|l. Ul ll-N5 I-IIICT. The Hamilton Spectator says 2 Peraana do ing the St. Lawrenoeeapecislly in Kontrul and Quebec are very linblo to he ntucked with Montreal Cholen, for which we have found Perry Davis Pain-killer 3 sure can ; speaking from our own experience I Bottle of Ptin-Killer is the best Physiclnn I! Traveller can have." 0-1.! L_ ..n I'\-..__'..n.. ....J -....p.- DI-`An. I: luv ucau. I ujululnu n L|c|vrlI\'.'| van nu-c. Sold by nIl- Druggistu and Country Bhop- keepora at 15, 15 and 60 cents per bottle. ` 1-en-y Davis as son, PROPRIITORS, Lu. :2 llnnc-an! Dr. A. 'l`rask s Magnetic olntnent omuas anon? on RATTLES. Dr. Dinghnm, of Utica, New York, uya:-' I have need Dr. A. Tusk : Magnetic Oint- ment in my practice I number of years, and can any with pleasure I deem it one of the greatest. discoveries-of the age for the cure of Inammation of the Lungs, Inammation of the Bowela, Xnammntory Rheumatism, and in Child Bed Fever, it oparnlca with perfect auc- "tutu: In m-mm: nf Burns. Bruises. Frozen Uhlltl lied Fever, II Oprmcs wlyu pernsct auc- cc-ss. In (gases of Burns, Bruises, Frozen Limbs, it new like 3 charm." n. I n I(..u.Ju nf (`.hiLh\nnnan_ N Y _ Limbs, it like chum." Dr. J. P. Kennedy, of Cbittcnnngo, N.Y., says: "It has stood the test trial, and has not ' been found wanting. Ila astonishing cures of Inammation of the Lung: and Group, and the wonderful success in aubsiding the torturing pains of Rheumatism, and relieving Nervous Affections, entitle it to a. high rank in the list of Remedios for these complaints. n. A W Rnldinn. of Knnwlesvil`.e. N.Y.. for these complaints." Dr. A W. Balding, of Kgowleeville, N,Y., aays:-I have used it` igsevgml cases of Specic Irritation, and for the wont cases of Piles, and sundry other complaints, and nd it an suporlor article, and well worthy the atten- tion of all." .:).....s......... nlunnlt` In cum and ink for Dr. all." -Purchasers should be sure and ask for Dr. A. Trunk : Magnetic Ointment; and see that the words A. Tusk : Magnetic Ointment are on the wrapper. NORTHRUP & LYMAN. the NORTHRUP LYMAN, Newcastle, C.W., General Agents for the Ganadaa. 9... ...1. hv at am Drmnrista in Kingston For sale by xll the Druggiata in Kingston and by all Llodiclne Dealers. __ July 13. . mtr," The New Skiing "71 Ik;ng," " Thu Sldtd Llhf We_ fill ld IT. -- THE GREAT FEMALE REMEDY. Job l!losou l crlodIenI Pills. This invaluable medicine is unfailing in the cure of all those painful and dangerous dis- eases to which the female constitution is sub- ject. It moderates all excesses and removes all obstructionui-om whatever cause. -- --._....... K}. g U Axsnlnu lu'I.l-Il.l.InD T It is purticulurly suited. It will in I short time bring on the monthly period with regu- larity, out! though very powerful contains no- ming hurtful to the constitution. In all cases of!` ervous and Spinal Atfectious, Pains in the Beck end Limbs, Fatigue on slight exertion, Palpitution of the Heart, Hysterics and Whites, it will c-ifect a euro when all other means have failed. The pamphlet around each pachge hue full directions and advice, or will be sent free to all writing for it, sealed from observe.- iinn July a. JOB uusrzs, Iuaw xunnx, nu... .nu. ....--..... $1 sud 12! cents for postage, cnclosod to Northrup & Lyman, Newcastle, Ont, Geneml Agent: for the Dominion, will insure I bottle, couuining over 50 pills, by xeturn mail. Sold bv all the Drugziste in Kingston and pills, by mm. Sold by Dru giate Kingston Medicine Dealers everggpere. J :11, 13. `A ' TI '* > IT WILL POSITIVELY RESTORE bRE}" ` HAIR T0 [T8 ORIGINAL COLOUR. , .L, u._:_ 1-_._ 4-..n:.... ....n to in than ` IIAIIK Iv 11o unxununu uuuvun. It keeps the hair from falling out. It is the best dressing in the world, making lifeless, sli, bushy hair, healthy, soft sud glosly. For sale IN :11 dnumisu. brnsny DUI`, nenuuy, Bun. nuu `wary. For by druggisu. R. P. HALL as Co., Nnshua, N.H., Proprietors. New style. Iuportnnt Cinngo. A REAL ELIE XESTORER AID DRESSING Oomhinodtnono Bottle. --'-`(*1 Q A At 1 `lJ`\T9i combined In uno mnzua. MRS. S. A. ALLEN S mun RESTORE]! _...,.. --_.......- 11--av Ilnir in it: Illlllb Illzva .-. Vrnbnanv Will Restore Gray air to its Natural Life, Color and Beauty. It. is a most delightful Ilair Dressing. a It will promote luxuriant growth. ~ FALLING HAIR. is immediately checked. In. S. A. ALLEN'8 ZYLOBALSAMUM, author nfarau r MI Hair; fltar and mufaralt, wiloul saiimeul. It is very tnnfk undo produm under I rnulb. 111 pm! sufrriorilyaad avnonq as a air Drzxtingner laigk can French Poumdu 2: lcbuowlaizzd by all not 9511 1:I_ cash; by! in -.; ,,7,*:, .,'`*'6:':. `:3: M21`: :: d .E`ura[_ Tia: gator and yloalunnmu : not Lmunadmvt with Me other-. 801.1) 31 ALL Duncan:-I. Batchel or : Hair Dye. This splendid Heir Dye is the best in the world ; the only true and perfect dye; henn- leas, reliable, instantaneous; no dineppoinh ' ment; no ridiculous tints; remedies the ill eecu of bad Eyes ; invigorate: and leaves the hair soft and beautiful black or brown. Sold by a11;Druggists and Prfulners; and properly applied at Batcheloa Wig Factory, No. 16 Bond street, New York. know in sun. Lvuluor u-. u- .cura[_kd"l`:t: 31:31:`; nnmu :Lnld bnuudmu Prophet ,8. n.v.nnumaco.,whou-.1 D gnu, 35B"u.n-Jay St. Ind 40 Park Phoa. Nut-gulf. 3 Twenty years experience in using Bry- 1 on : Pulmonic Wafers have proved them to be 1 the most elfectnol remedy for coughs, end irrita- tion of the throat, cursed by cold, or umnunl exertion of the vocsl organ: ; public speakers and singer: will nd them moot benecial. The entire freedom from all deleterionl ingredients render: Bryon`: Pnluonio Wnter-I, or Dough `|nnd`Voioe Loueegn, 3 note remedy for the moat | delicne person, and In conned thenno be tnld in high esteem by all who hue need then. `sold by on medicine deoleu It 35 cent: per : box` . T lm smam corms 9! the mm ` . Nzws may be had 1: the counter 01% ; the publication oce, Princess atreet, priee three coppera. - NEW YORK, SOLE PROPRIETOR. -A--_ ...-l..--.I A- Is 11 certain indiaxtion of decay at the roots. Nnturds Crown", I You Must Cultivate it. 5 BEAUTIFUL HAIR, i am tum nnnvg-u, Montreal. vv ava- BWFFERINGS HAVE BEEN PROTRACTED FROM HIDDEN CAUSES, F you are suffering or hue nulfered from Involuntary` Discharges, what. 'e`eo docs it produce upon your genersl health `I Do yolrfeol wank, debilitated, easily tired `P Doe: I nk um exertion produce pulpi- tstion of tho hurt? n... unnp Iivnn nu Iinnn nD:nn-n nun-an nu- IIIIOII OI [DB DOCK! I Does your liver, or your urinary orgnne, or yonr kidneys, frequently get out of order 7 In your urine sometimes thick. milkv or ,0lII Kl(lU0yE. HTQIIEIIIHI E35 0|!` OI Ol'lIBl' I your thick, milky ocky, or is it ropy on settling? Or does 1 thick scum rise to the top 7 Or is a. sediment at the bottom utter it ins stood awhile ? n vnn hnun lnnlll of chart In-nnthina nu- EQUIRE PROMPT TREATMENT T0 REN- DER EXISTENCE DESIRABLE. noon uvuue I Do you have Ipells of short breathing or dyapeplin 7 Are your bowels oountipatocl? Do you lnvo spell; of hinting, or rnahu of blooclrto the bond 7 In your memory impaired 1 Is your mind constantly dwelling upon this subject `I Do van feel dull. linlens. monimz. tired of IIJDJOOIT Do you feel dull, lillleas, moping, company, of life ? Do vou wish to be left alone. to ear. away or me r Do you alone, gel. nwny from everybody ? nnn nnv mm thins? mnke van start or val! ' UD'n`n. `- sun ? Puteu; `nu Blils dd Copy Bighuu nu 1 and design l'l 0l1l everybody I Does my lime thing nuke you start jump 7 . Is your sleep broken or reqtless T 13 the lustre of vour eve unbrilliant ? la sleep nroxen or reulees r 13 the your eye The bloom on your cheek an ,h1-ight ? Do you enjoy yourself in society on well ? Do you pursue your husinesewvith the same energy ? `~ Do vou feel In much condence in Your- not I `\ . you your- self `I "' A-A wnnr ck:-its dull `and H-ndnn-avAn sen '1 . Are your spirits dull `and ngng-giveu to ts of melancholy ? Ifso, do,hot. lay it to your liver or dyspepsin. " Have vdu restless llilhtl 7 Ybur back nver ayspepsu. ydu nights? Ybur weak, your knees weak, and have but little appetite, sud you attribute this to dyspepsia or liver complaint. ? I NOW. READER. \ ` .a1\.I Iv , L-unsasau, Sell`-Abuse, Vessel-eal and Sexual Diseases Badly Cured, and` Excesses, are all capable of producing a weakness of the generative organs. The organs of genero- tion, when in perfect health, make the mem Did you ever think that these bold, deant, energetic, persevsriug, successful business` men, are always those whose generative or- gene are in perfect health 7 You never hear such men complain ofbelng melancholy, of ner- vousuess, of palpitetion of the heart. They are never afraid they cannot succeed in busi- ness ; they don t become sad and discourag- ed ; they are always company of ladies, and look you end them right in the fs.ce-noue of your downcast looks, or any other meanness about them. I do, not mean those who keep the orgsns in- amed by running to excess. These will not only ruin their eoustitutions, but also those they do business with or for. How many men, from badly cured Veueteal diseases, from the effect of Belt-Abuse endexcesses. have brought about that state of weakness in those organs that has reduced the general system so much as to induce almost every other disease-- idiocy, lunacy, paralysis, spinal aeetiou, sul- c-de, and almost every other form ofdiseese which -humanity is heir to, and the real c .use of the trouble scarcely ever suspected, and have doctored all but the right one. m...... nr these nrmtna reuuire the use of a .polite and pleasant in the ADDiiEss NER_VOUS AND DEBILITATED. docmred all but the ngm one. Diseases of these organs require Diuretic. HELMBOLD S FLUID Exngncr nucnu . you DISEASES OF THE BLADDER, KIDNEYS, GRAVEL, DROPSY, ORGANIC WEAKNESS, FEMALE COMPLAINTS, GENERAL DEBILITY, AND ALL DISEASES or -run UIIIIIHIII Inlunnug Whether existing in male or fonuia, from whatever canoe originating, and no matter of how long sgmnding. 11- If no treatment is submitted to, CON- z-ertion. . -, Subocqncnt inn.-do-null u- 5 week,'4 cent: perIb., otices or Birth. . .50 Do or nus-gm. -' ` D0 NDQCK...-W " . n Rum--nan NnOld1'1`n I standing. I3` If to, CON- SUMPTlON'or lNSANl l`Y may ensue. Our esh and blood are supported from these sources, and the health and happiness, and that of Poaterity, depend upon the prompt use of a reliable remedy`. x7 17 u wnr, rvcrvrwnvrra 0! rename reluuuy . N. Y. S. VOL. INSTITUTE, Corner of Fifth Avenue and 76th Street, , Central Park. (A Homa And School for the Sons of De-. cussed Soldiers.) 11- II 'I' `FT-vvnnnn, LIE D3. H. '1'. Hsnnonn, Tum hnttlpa unit 01 Dn. HILIIOLD, Two bottles only of the` package ofyour valuable Buchn presented to the Institute have been used by the children, and with perfect success. in the case of our little Lientenent ` A. J., his pride is no longer mortied, and be is free from the doily morning anathema of J the clidrnbermnid who hue charge of his bed- ` ding.` I feel thnt I knowledge of the result of our use ofyonr Buchn with the children nn- I der our charge may sure many 5 Superinten- ` dent and Matron of Bonding School: and Aeylnme 1 great amount of annoyance, and mnny I poor child entering more from weak- ness then from habit, may be spared punish- ment, the: in (not knowing it in 3 weekneu instead of 5 bed hnbit) moat nn netly inicted upon them. Thanking you onj behalf of the children, nude hoping others may be alike benotted, ' l nm.ren'nactfl:lllY yours. lit [-1. T. Hnunonn, namr Sir--Yonr ct ` left unanswered. During Mr H. T. HILIBOLD, Dear Sir-Your communication requuting our terms for advertising wafduly received, but from n prejudice I had formed agninnt ad- vertising cure: for Iecret discuss, it was nn aooidnutnl con- versation in 3 drug store the other evening, my mind was changed on tho ehnrocter of your Buchn. It won than highly oolnmendod ' for other diseases by two phycicilus prount. Inclosod plenso` nd our rntoa of ndvortiIing- Yourc, ic., 1'. B. H. Snxnocsl, Editor Ind Proprietor of Duily ond Semi-Weekly Telegraph. BOLD, Dmggiut, 694 Brosdwcy, New York,` and 104 South 10th Shoot, Philsdolphin, PI. Puiu 31,15 pi! bottle, or 61301600 for 86,50, ` delivered to my address. Sold by all Drug- ginu overyvhero. ` , E'Nono no guanine nnhu donovnp In I steel-enguyod vnppor, with he-ninilo of my Chemical Wnruholu, and signal -7 ~ 11. T. HILIBOLD. H|uno1.n'| In-nor Bucnu, established up- wud of 18 you.-I, pt-opuod I17 H. 'l`.'HILl[- Brosdwcy, New York," ...a 104 South Shoot. Philtdolphiu, avian CERTA:IN CURE uni: \l'l June 16, 1866. 104: I nnmeapectfully yours, Cu - 19 THE GREAT DIURETIO, AIlI'\ II A JIRINABY dmus, - ..-:-u:...- in main nr fnvnnl Illlll I NOW, READER, an van-1:11:11. 1--n Gnu SALT LAKI C;'l Y, Una, Jun. 28, 1868. 1...... Ipctfully yours, Con. Yomw, General Sup : and Director. RR Executed neatly? ghesply, And expeditiously :1 he DAILY NEWS JOB PRINTING qgilcr. Trains Arrive and depart from the Kingston Station as follows : GOII9 WWI . ~ 4:15 pm. 4:05 tun. llixed (min 10:00 I.~ln. 4:35 - . -_- M 7:00 [This is by llontteal time, from which deduct 12; minutes for the dierenoe between Montreal and Kingston time.] - nlnualun runs`: U1"l'."1UIR *- ` Close. Arrive. Eastern by G.T.R. day tnin12:40 P.l{. 4:45 P.I. Western " " 3:15 2:15 East" and West night trains 9:00 7:00 AM. UNITED STATES NAILS. Through Mail: for New York, Boston, Olwego and Cape Vincent, will be closed at 1:30 P.I., and nails from these places will be due (orde- livery at 12:30, P.M. A segon Hail n Cape Vincent wlll be closed It 5:30, P.l., sud one will be due here for deliverj at 7, -A.I., daily, Sundays excepted. " DDINWDE II A Y? B 3;`, *`z'..;;.."",: THREE o'clock. T Y, ma FRIDAY UOK, Kim.-nlnn titnn, And ......._-J .. ..-vvr-nu BRITISH MAILS per Canadian steamers will be closed every In`- day at 12 M. . D... ......-,.v.....,a n.._...... 1:--- ..-..-.. u..'...:-..` any M. 11 Au. Per Cunard and Bremen lines, ever and Tuesday respectively at 5 yohdfy olnuun UUITIISD 0! [D6 DAILY NIWS Illly 06, had at the counter of the mzblicauion otce, Prin- cess street. Price three eoppers. 033Gb.-I- nnn:n- l\` 0|... nuvvuniov-- A-n ....... --..~-. - ....u uuvv vuyys.-.9. @`Single copies of the Cnnomou Ln Nnws, containing the news 6f the_ week, may be had in wrappers for mailing. Price 3d. each, ssued every Friday. ` A STREET SCENE IN SAN FRAN- . CIS00. ' An Irishman, who had fled from the tyrant a' heel to the hind of the free and home of the brave," took it into his head ` to enjoy the rights of the Constitution as I it was, or at least as he understood, itand have some fun with a apaipeen of a China- n\an'." The Celestial was walking along the street putting on airs, by.breathing_ quietly and minding his own business. `Tho Irishrnan though: such actions were wrong coming from a man who was born in Asia, and going up to the audacious Celestial, be commenced to kick, cuff, and ponnd\him. The rascal tried to get away bait was no go. He was headed of and ` kicked severely for daring to put an end to , the amusement of a free American citizen. Rn..n an lm-an nrnu nnllontnrl mnnv`nl' Travellers and Postal Guido. KIM! BUIUXHIGDI OK [T58 CIIIZQII. Soon \ large crowd collected, msnybf whom nearly died with laughter at the grimaces msde by the siatic when s vigorous kick or blow w administered; Among the crowd that congregated was a man who attempted to nd out why the punishment was being heaped on the Celestial. He V was told to mind his own business. He then told John to sail in, y and enjoy the right given to everybody-- that of`self protection--nnd he should have fair play. Again the music commenced, the Celt leading off with cheers of enconnge- ment fro his friends. John came back with a. slight show at resistance, knocking down his antagonist over on the at of his back, and completely out of time.` The laughter and cheers\_ which bed before greeted the Hibernian when he ndminist ed a heavy blow and`. kicl:,- were ow changed to a decided grunt of dissatisfac- tion. Again thecombstsnts came together, the Irishman losmieg at the mouth.` John gave him a reception tharxsounded as if n cellar door had been swung to with I gentle zephyr. Stillnees reigned in the crowd ss thc-.y=viewed with amazement the wretch thnt My doubled up at the foot of the vic- torious Chinamsn. When the Irishman . arose and presented to his followersa conn- tenance that looked as if he ' had fallen 3 down and stepped in it, s thorns of ` Axrsgh 1 bad lhck to the apalpom, arose on all sides. Only fteen or twentymof then: attempted to get hold of the Ohinsman; bntaizrowd who were bound to sfgvfair plsy kept them back, and allow the Celestial to-go on his way without her m:>leets.tion.--San Francisco Tina. \\ SINGLE COPIES of the Dun? Nnws Inny ho, md mblicminn otce_ Prin- OB PRINTING], > I:-7 SE14 LAST PAGE . A few month: since President Juarez sen to H. Lefevre, nFrench ex-Deputy, 2,000 lot I found in the private apartment: of the late Ent- perot Maximilian, conuniaei in; him topnb! lieh then: at Brnaaela in It h and Spanish. The book in lying ready printed in Barlln, but some diieulty aeenta to have at-ieen an to its cifcnlation jnat yet. ' ` Lord Shnfteabury, who wu `kept from the Houee of Lorda during the greater part of last week through a bereavement, explalna t t when he went `down on Friday, intending V speak, he found that the list of apeakerl won an- > ranged for the whole evening. Hie intention wan to record a protest againat the Bill. The will of the nation, he remake. had rodnood the constitutional action of the Home of Logda to - nothing but a protest. The Biahop d Oxford, | his friends atate, had put hh name dawn to I speak, but lost his chance through dining with e the new American linlntar. Tn lonrum or Ion-anu..-" ta an atnbhorn thinga, and atatiadei, aa a role, not lie." When we think of tin largo mortality Montreal we aometimep wiah that they did, that it war not true\hat we yearly aauioed many hundred! on the altar at atnpidity lukewarmneae. Our death rate, to nhlo report ntly printed by the Sanitary V eocietioe, 26 per thoneand, while, aoeordin to the name report, in the elx parlehea adjoining.- Hontreal it in only 1.4 ! per thonaaod. AI the return in the latter eaaea am probably aotnewhat incomplete it will he gafe to allow a nnegin! '3 and nut Lha moatalih at 2 nor thonaand. which. FRIDAY EVENING, JULY 16. incompiete II win no IIIO to snow 3 Ill .1 pus the Inopmlitg at parthonuud, 1 cnnu-utod with that of the city. cause: 11 nd plli LOB II 1 F1 I-IIUIIIIIII, WERE. contniled city, the let ter to stand out in its awful proppnionl. book- ing still more closely as thin report, we End the! only 27 per cent of the interment: of Inst [set were of ndnlu, end in thin enlgnletion ehildlen from 12 year: of age are included. frhil brhp us (nae to fees win: the Itertling feet thnl. 73` per eent, or nenrly three-fonrthI,of onnondllly were young children. Thil in n ad, led WI]; sndiuoenctouuhnt tnoeawhonmnendlu _ iteenntnnln enln, end notesertevelyelllfli 1 _ in tuner of unitary refenn, man he denwu nrvnrv hnnnn (`Adina .-0al- $301` JOUFIIL than of nnituy nnmn, In deluulu or, vary hum: fuling.-0ud- [dial . uv_.I_ n:.... . John nnhemon mt. log, at Yak!` Bins. 4' Ratings Road, has booi appointed t for the location of Int Grunt, nndar the 100 G1)!!! . sud Eolnatnd Ao%ofl808,lut!bto.WIIhlp|of` Dnngumon, On-lav, lonlanglo, llaulul, ~ wum-. -nil lino. In tlwoounty otuthgu, _` Ou-low lonleagu, nuwuu wuuow, nod Kayo, 13 uuomny Huang: :|I`:_d in Hill town- KI;:}STO'N POST ofm-Ion} G Aug vl s zTl)e Eluilg Nims. uoue up-r. _ 1:30 p.In. Mixed train 2:45 mm. 1:50 I` It (I `K I 4-on-nu -qn- >I'ALLb` Uxanunnnvnn rm-on m.nyT Thoauusen? cub:-ryl % In-I-j ` 5n in acid, has shoconded. Tho dead: in count! by thouonrithn. r Abondonmomlnnthu " eolufocundhglnpnchgtuofghliw rail without notling {ha oolblll. ,. -.. A-u.-u oh- -..-_.n .1 _I-... 1. II; V '-- - .-.. - .-.--. -v-q'- Among the nine! of plant! In ` no the tollowin : Devil : Dan. Oldn. Crow Bill, 0IIiOkOlInHuI`I;!,w Hill, Hour Hr 0% ` Bedlam. Obtnu, Qadl Tn}, Wp `hik- gsll, Poverty stunt, Pinch onset and P13 Slum Among recent Addition! to , senm no I largo number of _ I other ultiquitiu hon thl Telnph Ephuu. Solisoltho ' . up. so-vv-q. .:'Z`2l.'=l ` nnhip onvulou totdn ,, _ ' :i.eutothociIyof::`hu?n:I. i V _ _ _ :*.2 595] lllllllp Oll VIIIOII {O1 rice: to the city cfgphuul. TL; nan`-a-Q -an--.n-I._. -av nu; an a-vacuum. "M1 The naoauuy ooueuulouf ` ` du Harm, Inn hon compnny format! with an uid British India With l.I.|L_o(,Fug|'_ _ byalinetoltlrlfromnngok` through Stun and Cambodia-`to ` ` _' prolonged to Oge St. Juan ` Kong." A . ` ` An innate mm in wait. eently mm $1,100` In gmiuuou `in the ashes. He. Ind just roaivul mo and thence by l qnhnnriao, qup 1,01` fouryean Iervhqon a fun, Ihkl denly uken I notion to leave, _ _ ' that he unit! the menu In thfniii: aenly any uouon to lesvg, that money this `W prouhle way Io help him I 313%!-I" _ ."., Be bed given no indlcetfon ot N W? ' and their six children, we: - jg the 30th Int. 'Aeeou-din`; to the` Theinqueatunthehodiaof ` deneetheulildweua deelieme V the. wear. and the..inr.v. anuu.unruedlu-s_ - stion, found` A verdict. lathe nut, ' ` end his wife Vfulirlnllhl " {Heir ' ` andsftaerwetdrdedtroyed ._ in gn nnsnund Inn of mind. ' '.~' '1 54-`: Illll. IIGIWIHII` uwuvyuu ' KI in an unsound non of n1_- ___-__. .1- _-. ___n. In an -uuvu-nu ---- wrl court: _, A_~Hr Two vgrong do nag nuke 3 : they do no 1311 uomotnnes.if not mp; Here is an instance. John llnlpr, M at Liverpool. wool charged With _ and it wsi proved glut ho1rId" former wife being still olive. 83 however. that his at wife wn `lxin:an &.u' IDITIIIHT WIIB IBIIIK Bllll IIIVG In W 5 however, tint up: M his mother`: bI'0th8Il the mnrngn In`: theoifouj " ` was accordingly diachafged. 1' I` ~ng_ "`; v The problem ofnerialnh M f M igii` ed. Within . we on: {uvaatuw Manila in New Vtnrk `En:-nna anallllng Ind B0. wluuu I you wt IIIILIIIVM` tunlly to New York, Rm-qpo And Ohhc aerial curiuge. Thdt ` lripuqf n` Itenm can-isga, at She cg; been entirely sud comp ely axmndina tho maul: $X$`& ' ueeu cum-my um wmpleuuly Illml-f amending the nut or hope: of :1 baildau`. cl; "5 P"P"' `"5 uh `W and . tance of the stmpsp. Iggy; ,_ timatod,ul1d than _ tionatey shot. tainted` ` 5 13$: rights, `I: believe thit` lhur=1AE';, Steam Nhviggtion. Company 0! and its grgntoeo will _ I:-4 the (bit gigantic's'in%:g,n r tare: in the United` >` _ ing the` ruilmsd, IhIm'lh_ip"'$` ` combinations .ThQ.tI5IQ-hi_` _ mlly u1d.oqmplst.cIy,do9n. ; week: the n: satin} noun M Isle of conveying nix ' . ` * ladle 1 rttaexooodingiha` V -' of thirty mils about, `will wig! _ over the Siam . I I The adnohucmont Chi` it. flm H I H .._........a- nu otautnoosuuwnad - 'n1e nnnouncemena mu 1: no I g ` me:-gedo cue ti hi-tti soldier: vi O N ford gt-not ntiafaanl Ia:-.IlI'I{ -. not lnerely #1!-t. thtgtgglalnni - % un`favom-able` (o f ` ' movement, `hd'tha_t it5.fIh5I _ '-` _ old in win", but 4. _ W soldier from nlteringmhanmonntgd ` ness of his 11nd,o;rcl(.J't_l1jg_ag,,an;1d e ` . t o eurexnc1y`t11ofIln1o`hfl 6 notablo.wlIIh!G!ld,lmh `- .-, uelf in-laye:__n of -3qpo3q,gntq ` r. glothingw Ilinglo ohirfl _ ` _ ` ;!ncke; hvnving pb_|__pd s_s glue, A e, . 5-: ,_ non btdirtwn; tojny; 1w~` will perm It '0 ` ' - 2 underclzhmg uxdg to _ _ ~ A noted Ohio houo,llIid.tn@Ug' ' ` ' , Wheeler. who had 31%}; thud`; ` ` - the Kenmeky`PeI|itest'uryg-{.nI{ % dupenta chhucuf.-wu ulgoi - V I; party of men, in tho. viemi _ -_, K_v., a few days sgonvho `B. * -I ` from over the new in Ohio. ` nu-Anon` On halt hllf klna `X Irom 0701' I0 IIIIO I UIIU. ox-dorcd to In! \ redon hmpumzf-i, '1! oi. 9` " ms... f-..-..... ...- .- ....'..at...-I'_1 uluu vn nun `nun:-var. ggvuvv ll?` promiupto ban.-qmutvnlns =~ M` migrants. Those who hug nix hundred gems of the Ada: Bud be quite an jntlucrinl. ten-plant, the niib-with uid-"iti" ` bamboo escuknu which will may mixmm of Attlnhokh Ind ` ` ' bamboo escuuanu wmcn wm l-Qf`;__;_- mixture of artichoke Ind __ the sh hurveun niqll will '9 .` V -*" " in lurgva lime-eenimtud tn Their Juan siik-worm: I ' ' in urge mne-cancnuu 1|-n_ W. H Their Japan siik-worms I ?` had other tree_:,,pufoducing 3 _ ` ' _ niik,` fund then` In-ggnb`, `, ` Yhich m's*kgu`I,I1`cl,x_&-e|.9qr~ V , ~, `M _` space In Lltogubqth , * .r` . -iv immigi-um 'eJo||{I_ag" as our_ohonI;-.Iqu_ _ V. > `I` . York `papal . . IV...-n nun:-was An-An -v ofcompvtinsiiel 1-oi: .. ~ u can of hell _eII90lll.p`.I1ll v tI?icknen{bdug1I_Il1'ot `loGtT1"_~ I. ucltobomnuntod. - WM , V ` ` " ntolywdghod in nddi_uIir' `A than tluInr.ing.ofthobcmnduqN : ihen the right: of an ninnn .a-nti vfg ...a.v';::. ri';` a-"m u J w `vasby ',i ' ` ` I i V `4 `:ben `I- t1,'\O'`-"E pf. ,3,` ' U Q _ ' vifuodgfj, th9d:: ol_!l;.`?,,E; 3-'.l `$1.. ...: T. lno.:()lf`f:..gcI `g 1y 1 . I,,,1w`!` 5 L ,o,3s. ,..,*" ;g;-.';91'5 " = *:i:.:'r`e -"2" ' 1 W . `the great angmiel on LI: , which {at many} ax` eld V proupcn . . vu \took' the eld ' " , % nrmingsonuouuu Va `_ 10%|. t It -`1 ' nbontfour tons, uhich war; M ._ 1 undo: the divqction of hi . n......n of nun, god than under me ulrqlu on 0: _ Oaundl ofBtth,-|nd ' \_ butlintheeqrth. Outt M M Pusuo tho eityof-Ikodt, hi oningl by the haulsdtho M NUMBER 238. MM can musuuuullgd . .11 leading hon: h: nnoc, Organs, K kc, Even" one wlIn`lI-`I - Tnxn an Inn sun 6 lion tad under. 81 Ill md .13 cent: for my >_ no lam, s1,z5to: 7 seal lurevuy Above lolina, {oi ion, and 1106;! pt n .. ._-o in- I II'- -VIII Vlj Ij-y- ` Pmwrum 11 Tcr them for ale, to 15. `4 mi :1 prices to do nu, " ny but HUI! HAD], ` zrvcl luauhn... -H .-..u.: unlxIVAl.|.[yf[` L\'r1w R mar ; ` - - T 0DUCID,E All lmdinn has-- aL.___ _>,,-.; - f` {HR NEW SAFE` I BOOK, T _ kins, Author of I 1." The New SM-3-` "K1111, Alllbot of "u" New 1 ac." H 11.. 52.... ICU` Rlnoww of Amer`: urns IA+ DAILY/3 bk. Job,and Ga _ V38 T4 BL-LEI nry bminas 0! on home: it will `la, AJ ' rtner) 33%. dividud Ieul - Q-IA TWO STILII News BBO`! I General Apw IQ. j mfgi ;xp:E 88 LINE. _.n L` 9.. ankndid Lake St I'll!) nun - .mxsm'mst. use IAST at 4 no . use WEST ll 1`. on Tickets apply In ..._ nmu-in Slivel. on %' IIIIMIKQC, urnuu unveu, ,(.5.pnncip.nKpoinrs in the West; Bnilrouho Fish, Ncbruku, `nd California. \\ *`@uble snd Convenient Wailin 1i and Gentlemen on the Wharf. C. :1. march, A noon |-UPPER CABIN >T:E.\.\lE|{ `mum 5ln.`eL 93.` to the Wen can pro. .5 Grant Western, Detroit and .1 [ichigsn Centnl Rnilvnya, [or Iilvnukee. Grand Haven, Jmoriucixul points -_u her trips nbout the 7th a- nd will leave Kingston every HPRIDAY at 3 P.l. Leaves IOND.\*\` an-1 THURSDAY at n nll intermediate stopping nu. .51; upon .. ..\.`. . ... jfickeu lmvjy the oice of ii.` ogm-io Sm-ct, or at the L.kg ,3unbon\ Otcc, St. Lawrence pllihnson Street. _ .ninl pro. AH! 5. 1359, -_._.._:_. rn or 01'rAw}x, l\ILl5B\uu. ngy 3,1869. _V IIII Wolie Island Ferry. II. J aim: luv: 1-! `Ions ISLAND on Mondays, bin and Saturdays at. 7:30 11 Ll, 19.1.. 3 P.Il., 5 P.Il. U. I. KIHUUUKN, I by nut, foot or Brock Street. 1! lRRQ ymlnllun '.`ompany. r ----x I- , OI fur June 13! . - " '- '-'*' "T" '5 enabled to stealth ilh greats expedition _. :2 the Cil_y,nll ordnn ` my be favored. Wat TILI. PIERREPUN T, . II]. II Pnuuge, bnving superior pus- Iulntioq, apply on board, or to " D. MURPHY. r-\--v v ad the spkudid Steamers gm: AS FOLLOWS f IIIGSTOI every dny (Sundays lprma-.15 A.l.,11;3o A u., 2 PI. ___,__ _ , bun, Sux`Asn3, 5'! Kilgaton duly (Sand!!! C!- II 4 A.l[. (except Mondays), '3 ma Grand Trunk Trains Ind -gntinnm- An: A M min fnr jUAlD Iu lnlunlu It-VIII i1IIfolher dnys. `WOLFE ISIIAND 9 A.X, 11 I.,!P.I.nnd 7 Pl. G. I. Klmfaokx, 5. w|...r r... ..c n.....1. Qlonsl u':]Tcii>..iitEr'r*y`. ""'l- I .. -I-. eoncting with the Gnnd [Inn than Won and Raw Of Y 0F QUINTE. r! Fun Conn, 5` V5 oma.UrH1:R's WEAR!` `Imam Eu-get, fog the shore ' ovary d y (sundnys L -PAST THREE *5 Uelleville every day (Sun- [10 pl Ina-u------ ',`B( !1llll "WW3-7 ` .'l-. I eudin-g, leaded orlollln flout the West. and Bay ured by I lode oflolu . 2 letting the 4:30 RI. train ' nder 10 line! 75 *5 0'0, Ind lhe Northern Trans- Olbcr Notice: in 04133`! ~ `II ! Propellers leaving Cape r which in sopmnoutb A um `.11 Western Ports. 1 leruu of lndiviluln at ` l ` .ulyal8L,_ ponaol'BaI:k:,ln-also , . Attend 101': .7; , Tneeu ennous; -ch0'l""'- A ' `-1 In mam of the -min from h'Pa letting Gland Trunk u-sins "'3 _3Iy of Quinta Steamer. `nal of tnin from Roms ind Kin 015:1; Iuie} ..A.....Cnpt. J.J. Morley, , _ , . . . .. J.B.Bslu, , um`: regular trim between Cbulolhe (Landing for .3. Pull: and Bulfaln), And ..- -.:.u.;..n `-"lDNISDAY,nnd1"'RIDAY M VOLOOK, Kingston time, and Tllmsnns, ma sunn- GLOOK A.l. V ""310: Puuge |pp`y to the - Glimurans 3 co., `Freight Agents. TII BTEAXER ""11. TI R l L STEAME khkhhtga upply on board, or to G. I. KINGEORN, Punt l\' I-in-uni: Han-not ' I Ufnd TIBIIK '1 III!!! III Cloclingthe 6:25 AM. train for` Ito. , y'iInday, 28th Inmint. DAYS and FRIDAYS lane! .4 ...nL-- 1|--- , $3.333 Bellevlllco nu, `npply oonru, or L0 1 D. MURPHY. Ozuwn. G. u. KINGHORN, Kinaalnn .\'VIII. of Sto:uuers. \I- -. LINUUUIIXV, Foot of Brock Street. 1,1869. JHUKBAV Kingston. .L\Jll' Agent. _, _.. 7 Klngslon and Gananoque Boule. nA|n\ nu.-I , u uulour, Inner. COIIBNOING 23nd instant will run as under. Leno Kiugnton Tuendayn. Wed- nesdays, Thursdays Ind Fridnys, at 4 pm. Leave Gnnnnoquo on Wednesdays Ind I-`ri- dasys, 1&6 gmknnd B p m` For [night or Pnsaugo npply on bond. or to G. M. KINGHORN, Foot of Brook Street. Kimtslon. 21:: Am-il mag nu: cxnnnmmn PAN1'Esc0Pw sP1:c1'Ao1.ts