lldlf. Lu Noblesse Soap---enteemed for its unequal- led perfume and time emollient qualies. John Gosnoll & G033 Vlolet and .\lil|ceur NI "anus P.u:.v.l..- L. nun.-nusn...| Iulrn Nn nus. sunuluueouany. j The Patent Mecnauicnl Chair for Brushing Hair by Machinery: For Prospectus and par- ticulars, apply to the Pateutees und Sole Manu- facturers, JUIIN GOSKELL & Co.. Perfnmera by Appointment to Her` Majesty, the Prtncesa of Wales, &c., RED BULL WUARF, 93 Umum Tnnuss S'rnn'r. late 01 1': Three Kmg Court, Lombard_Su'eeL. L MIMIC! 53'-)\ll|l\\UULl OlUt,l\. I, IIUIII n recipe by his Cousin, the 1.n.e_1)r South- wood Smim,, thirty-ve yours l"n;.'smiao to the London Fever Hospital; Fauuer of Salli- mry Reform; Medical Hembtgr of the first Uauenl Beard of Health; Author of lhelirst work on Fever in any age or country, the Philosophy of Health. &c. Hvlir-inn: wxxh nvinrv knnwn di-Ih Ila I'DllUSOpDy OI l'1l`dALLl. MC. Delicious wnb ovry known dish. Its habitual use increases the appetite nud pro- motes digestion. It is m';:`_;*esleem:d [or in dive-nivsa. m-nnn.-lion. IIS UlgCSUV8 I`l'Op|.`. Hl'S. As an assurance of its purity and salutary properties, ii is on';_-,' neC'.'S$ar_y Lo poi-t out the mxmn of the cclcbmied and philanthro- pic Physician from whose prescription it is compounded. The entire me 01" 1br.:. distin- guished man was spent in promoting the health of his fellow-creatures, and his death, in December, 1861, w.La mourned as a na- tional loss. lknlnanln and Wrap nvv\r\|IOnO:r\r\ kw okn nun u0u.u 1033. Wholesale and for exportation by the Pro~ prietor, 69, Lamb}: Conduit Street; Bart-lny and Sons, Fnrringdon Street; Batty and C04 Finsbury Pavement. Retail bv Chemists. Grocers. ltsllinu I` IDBOIll'y FIVBIDBDS. by Chemists, Grocers, Warelxousemc-u, and others,`1hrougbout the Kingdom, and every part of the world. Ask for Tha" Sance.--Snanial Ewrnm-I l\lLIg\.lUILI' uuu UVCYJ PHIL Ul \LIU WUIIU. Ask for The" Sauce.-Spccial Export Agent:--Burgoyne, Burbridges, and Squire, 16, Colman Street, London. AMKUUUQHD Illfkmllb DAhlA`D.`-A I1 Mediciqe that cures Sen Sickness or t1.o Vworat form of Billion Headache in a few minutes; etfervt-scing an: Laslclessflts con- . stunt use is especTa'i'y calculated to main- tain health. When mixed with water and taken during the elfervescence, it immedi ately blends with the food, and is rapidly absorbed into the system. It vitalizea and supplies the blood with those saline princi- ples that an lost, altered, or destroyed dun-~ ing the hot weather. ln Jungle, Scarlet, Yellow, Typhus,Erup1ive Fevers (or Cholera). also in several other condilionsf where the vital current is poisoned by infection, and Lh`reby rendered unfit to support health and life. iv. has been found eminently benecial; and its sustaining and purifying inuence am: an A m-evanlivo tn rlicmup A: thin nu-I nuu IL! Blllllluls uuu yunlyiug ILILIHCUUU acts as a preventive to disease, as the nu- muous unsolicited testimonials accompany- ing each bottle will prove. Its portability renders it admirably adapted to the travel- ler, touxi, emigrant, or private family, more especially when distant from medical mdViCe or nssistlnce. Q.-JR 3-. non.-.0 nbn-.n;.-A 1~`nl|)I halal-.. JDII -. Klnguou, Jufy 16. MLIVICB or nsalsulme. Sold in patent. stoppered glass bottles, price 25 6d, 43 Gd, Ila, and_ 215 each. Spe- cial agents required and appointed in all parts of the world. `lh. WLLLLKII DU1$NIL'l" UlblNl"lSa'U'l'- b ING FLUID, for the purication of sick ruoma, hospitals, workhouaea, factories, pri- sons, (`:1-owded places, between decks of ships, fever wards, clothes and linen of sick, night- chairs, cqsspools, drains. water closets, stables, dairies, lenders, musty casks, tubs, &c.; bilge-water, tint] the holds ofsbips; apartments for searchers, undertakers, and jmymen, and for post-rnortem examinations; for the prevention of infectious disease, can- ker- nnd fungus in trees; for the disinfection of dead bodies, and for the. preservation of subjects for dissection; for the extermina- tion of bugs and other vermin. { Sir W. Burnett`: Diainfaminir Vlnirl tuna IIUU UK (Jugs DELI OllJ5l' VEYIIIID. Sir W. Burnett`: Disinfecling Fluid wui the only Disinfectant used at the Agricul- tural Hnll during the Smilbeld Club Cattle Show in 1866, by. orde: of Her Majesty's Privy Council. Thawmlna of the uid is nhnwn in nu- WBIEI . 0B GIIOGIIOIII OD CV91 , DOING: .RocommoIdod and used by Profouor Simonds at the -Royal Vowrinuy Collage, dating the last twenty yous. . N.B.--Th]rI uid is A can-tnin cm-A fnr cl-Anna LLIUKCU UIKCULIUU. its digestive propc.-I As nu assurance . l'l`lVy UOIIDCII. Tbe'velue of the uid is shown by the following letter from the Secretary and Manager: ' Agricultural Hull, Islington, Jan. 1868. "Dear Sir,-Please to send eight gallons more of your Disinfecting Fluid, as per order enclosed. Enving used various Disinfecting Fluids at our many shows, I can say with, condence that none have had the -instnn- tuneous and complete et_feet of. Sir William Burne-tt s, and this too without producing any nuisance like the smell of chloride of lime or carbolic scid.-I am yours faith- fully, S. Smsnv, See. and Manager. Capt. Jscksou, R.N., 90, Cannon street. This uid acts on the essential cause of disease by destroying the local conditions of the atmosphere under which cholera is most frequently developed and propagated. For instance: In 3 house In St. Andrew's street, Plymouth, occupied by fty-two `persons, it was sprinkled in every room except four; in these the occupants would not permit it to be applied; the result of which was, that in those psrts of , thehonss .where it had been used, not I single csse of (molar: subse- quently qccurrpd; while in the four rooms nbove alluded ;to, the disease still exists and some deaths but taken plans. Two houses immediately opposite were upplied with a quantity, in neitner of which has there been a single cue, although the disease is raging in the neighbourhood. Slrl hv all Chemists. and at an. nnnnn H1 {H8 uexgnoonrnoou. Sld by all Chemists, and at 90, Canon street, London. Qnlrta, 165; pints, 83 ; half- pials, 4:; glue-sloppored Imperial pints, ex- tra strength, 16: pct dozen; and in bulk at 45 per gallon: bottles included. Each gul- lon anking 200 gallon, when diluted with water. See direduonl on every bottle: ,Rocommo|dod and mad bv PI-nuuw (mung U13 I88! IW8l)ly y8Il'U N.B.- l`lu'o uid is 5 cumin`: cure for I in honoa, duo the both and rot in sheep. QIR WILLIAM BURNETT'S`DISINFECT- k I\7(1 ITLITII) fm- oh; um-lh-..!;n.. A: ..:..I. Al[PI:OUGH'S RYRETIC SALINE.-A A \[n.l.:-inn that I-nrna Ran` Ninlznaau nu- Gllclonloovo A: Wllte,` ARRISTKRS And ATTORNEYS-It-LAW, Oonmyuocru, olnries Public. Iblgl---4I VI` Iunlnnn ms" smut). I repzn'cd by nmh-r Smulnvmnl Sm<`.k.r. THE DAlLY NEWS--FRI , -Y~'-E`WE1`HNG- 0A 614} a Upper Ten Tlxusnnd Uu pUI'('. H0 LIME` Sold in boxes at `MTHE Mos'r l.UCCE55FUL TRADESMEN .. ` AND-MERCHANT ' ADVERTISING!` JUDICIOUS USE OF `NEWSPAPER comzmwsx I) You WOULD J. w. 0!`!IGI.--South West comer of Duudas and I--t Qnagn I! You an: PARTICULARS OF A [.00 AL PAPER DAILY NEWs.l POSSESSIiG ADVANTAGE OF` CONTRACTS TIMES. PLACE THI A'l"l`RAO'l` CUSTOMERS AND NOT TO BE DRIVEN, SPENT` HONEY AD`vI:1ri-1sr1N1-an IS THE BE'l' THE LARGEST HENTS; THEREFORE TO A Inux. AND ' rvgms an nu: AND YEARLY DAILY NEWS OFFICE. Ayer s Cathartic Pills, SIGN A THOUSAND ADVERTISE- ADVERTISE "OUR BUSINESS ADVERTISE GENRBAL ADVERTISE- IN THE PUROHABI A-DHIT THE IMPORTANCE OI ADVERTISE! MEDIUM WHEBELN Ayer s Sarsaparla, --nu. -.-~--__.-.....-. ____ _-__,, OIROULATKON OF A|)\'/ERTISE; ';ansoLv_n Al` om: ' RATES, AND in? YOU Do NOT nanny TAKE AGREEMENTS: FOR ADVERTISING MAY BE MADE AT TEIB AND REPEAT THE TO `ADVERTISE A A uOOAL ausmnss. .-mmimruan uo AND AND ERECTION 0! AN DRIV E YOUR BUSINESS, NI. H. Wll.aBlUUl`. W. Oounticrown A uorncy. A LITTLE FURTHEF an rncwsupnn rusmsxmp IN -rms orry, THISJOUBNAL ;; on-nus;-rm: BEST HEDIUU BEFORE TH PUBLIC AND THEIR BUOORFP ATTRACTIVE SIGN FOR. LOCAL AND IN THE AND ATTRIBUTE A JUDIUIOUS STEP FOR YOUR PLAOI U l."Il'I` June 9. IF` YOU WOULD UP BUSINESS SIR TARIFF OP many anon , HE ORIGINALOHLORODYNE, lnventodgz B, Fnomnn, Phsnnsneutia, indicted on one of the grostest discoveries of the present century. It is lsrgely employed by the most eminent Physicians and Surgeons in hospital and privstoprsetiee in I parts of the world. It In: effects pecnlilr toitself, sud which no essential- ly diferenc to` those produced by the various compounds bssring the name 04 Ohlorodyns, but have no, pretence to possessing its virtues. rapidly relieves pain, from whatever cause, ul- luv: the irritation of fever, soothes the system ~ - - ...:.s. whatever cause, u.- lays the under exhausting diseases, and gives sleep with- out producing any one of the unpleasant !eelin%s so commonly arising from the use ol opiates. t continues to hold its unsbsxen position in the estimation of the Profession as the best, most reliable, and cheapest preparation. Eminent and scientic Physicians made nidsvits that they hsvo tested its clients in caref parison with those of DR. COLLIS BRO DYNE, and deposed to V lound it I more certain and " and greatly preferred FREE ANS." Earl Russell oommunicated to the Royal,Col- preferred "M-umumm larl Russell I Iago of Phys'1_cians and to Mr Fr Mnuilln the only remedy of any ` was Uhlorodine. 'I I.; Mnliml Times and Gazette 1:39 Uhlorodine.' _ The Medical Tunes 411 Gazette, January 18th, 1866, states, It has an immense sale amongst. the public, and is prescribed by scores of Ortho- dox Medical Practitioners, and, of course, it would not be thus singularly popular did it. not supply 3 wnnt and ll a place." Manufactured by the Inventor, Riclmrd Free- man, 70, K_enn1ng:,on Park Road, London, S. The gen-_-ne' has engraved on the Government Qlnmn Immzide each Bottle), FREEMAWS g'enne'Wl1a the Government Stump (outside ORIGINAL CHLORODYNE." {. , ,- - ___..--_---___.. oxmzls PATENT FLUID or natural disinfec- ' taut. puries, dcodoriscs, nndidisiufects, by the agency of nascent. or ozonic oxygen,-it.s active principle. Being entirely innoxioua, this truly scicntlic preparation is peculiarly adapted for the following useful purposes, lor which all otherk disinfecumta, on nccoun t.of;tlieir poisonous or otlier objectionable qualities, are unavailable- and uneless :- D_e{ec(.ing organic" impurities in air and Inter. Purifying dringiilg and other water from or- ganic matbcr lee c. p ' Frmhcuiixi the `air of close places, and remov- inrbad smells. reeing meat, sh, butter, or other provisions from mint. Counh.-ranting the effects of organic poisons taken into the stomach. - r`..u-lnn llnatv nrnvt-ndnr_ Frtling whcgt gnd V Wllklson & Reeve, ARRISTRRS AND ATTORNEYS-at-LAW, Solicitors, Conveyrmcora, dc. Nnpanom ' ` taken into the stomach. ~ Curing Mnaty provcndcr. Freeing wheat agyd other seed from smut. Ilnhxlnininn um lunnlth nt nlnnts in non; and 00l|8el`VBt0I'|0B. Preserving and restoring the freshness 0! cut owers kE-pt in water. Dmatrnvirw` the blight of the nontoe. vine. Kc-pi. ll] wazcr. Destroying the blight of pohtoe, vine, hop, mulberry tree, &c. _` hashing dogs and other domestic auimal.7" Cleansing bottles, beer barrels, pickling tubs, dairy utensils. Wnnhincr th.: Jmir and darkening in colour wucn Lurumg gr_ey. ` \ Enhancing the purifying and invigorating cl'- ` fects of baths and tubs. `~ n...u..:.... m.:.m.ma ..........:. ..i..I A..ao.n.:.... ...:- Ieczs or cams mm nuns. . Dressing poisoned wounds nml destroying ani- mnl virus. 'l'pnnt:nn H... :nl'....o:n.... 3:5.-..e.m. at nnllln ualry utensils. Wushiug thg Jmir and darkening colour when turning gr_ey. ` Enhancing nurifvinc and invieoratinzz lull Vlfl-I11. ` Treating the infectious diseases of _cattle,} horses, dogs, are. One Lmllnn mnlmn 9.00 tn am aannnu minnrmi noruea, uugs, ac. One gallon makes 200:0 300 gallons adapted for use. U T) __I"Ao.J-Jun 'I'.`I..:.I 2- AL- A__.l-_.! G-2.._A:A.. N.B.--Candy : Fluid is the Standard Scientic Test for Organic Matter in Water. and allbrdz-1 the only known means of rapidly and completely frccillg Drinking Water from Organic 'l`uim., which is so common a cause ol serious disease. To runirllv n...-:1`. oh- .:- ..... Clan .a:I......a n..:.I wmcu is so common 0| aenous macase. To rapidly purify the air, use the diluted uid with Candy's Ozoniscr" or other Spray-pro- ducer. CONDY`S PATENT OZON ED WATER, 1--- --_._ A , nu-gnu. Apdl 13 5.: vuuvqyuuuc--, uw---- - Kolnurd T. Wulkom, OLIOITOR IN 0HAN0llRY.. 0eo-Glusnce Street, Kingston, O.W. J. P. Gu.nn.u.-u. L.L.B. | R103. '1`. Wunu. (Ion 1011.:-r rmans,) Removes from the mouth impure and foreign tastes and odours,t7!hcl.her arising from tobacco or other causes, and couneeracns the ix-`ritation and morbid secretions of carious teeth. It puri- es and softens the skin, and, used in the bath, tends to: promote I healtllymate of the whole body.. W RnI'.T.Ill\T n\fhV uuaurva B_lmI: L4l' 0119:! EUR` THE PEOPLE. Any one can use them; any- thig can be dyed with them. It is impossible in this smallapce to enumerate the many uses to which these wonderful and beautiful chemical preparations can be applied; while their chief use is for dyeing textile fabrics, they are also invaluable as a colouring agent for almost every known material, the eaae with which they can be used and the brillian- cy of the result bcing,indeed, almostmagical. By their use almost any article of clothing can be dyed in a few minutes for a few pence without soiling the hands. MEMORANDA nuuuul. rsuiuug we HEDGE. MEMORANDA. MAGENTA : The strength and` beauty of this dye is almost. incredible. A Sixpenny bot- tle will dye 20 yards of Borinet. Ribbon in 10 minutes; it will also prodqce a clear Rose Pink by using less dye. Suitable also for Woqllen Goods, Feathers, Silks, kc. WUOLLENS: Mnonntn. Munro vuln- I0! woollen Goods, Feathers, Magenta, Mauve, Violet, Purple, Orange, Pink, and Crimson produce the most satisfactory results. Use nlnrge quantity of boiling water in nu earthen pan. RIBBONS and SILKS: Brush them with soap and water to avoid creases, and to render them clean. Dye in boiling water. FEATHERS: Dye in hot water (a. few drops of the dye is nuicient for one feather). COTTON: Mauve, Violet and Purple ire recommended. i - LEATHER: Blne, Magenta, viami jug! Orange. Dye in warm wstei-._ r WHITEWASH: To color: 1llugenta,forPl'nk or Rose; add half a bottle to 3 psi! ofwster, then stir in the Whitening ea nannl. Mauve, Violet, Purple, Blue and crimson produce pretty tints by using one bottle or more, as directed above. STARCH: Stir in: few the Mnanntn nncrn 1r:-u_. p-8 of 0ol nr-g _ -uzu sunny ny Lea and Pim-ins. This 'l;n'b-Ii`: are reapoctly cautioned again: t worthless inn- unions, and should spethst Lu Dad, Perrino N am: are 911 Wnppcr, Lnhol, Batik, and Stopper`. Ask for Lea and Pen'ina'8auoo. Sold Wholoulp ud.fqr Export, by. tho Pro V priaton , Wotoougrg lupin. Crane and Buck- woll; Khan. phyuadsona, London; to.- 80.; and by room nnioilnnl uI.hCl' seed lrom smut. llaillmining the health of plants in pots sonservaoorica. tnoae nmpax-t delicate tints to 1 be. ` WILLOW SHAVINGS, Wicker, Hair, Fibres. Seaweed. Au an- WILLOW SHAVINGS, Ivory, Bone, Hair, Fibres, Seaweed, _&c., attract the dye quickly, ifapplied in boiling. water. BLUE : For laundry purposes in A 1. BOOK RDGES: A Sixpenny bottle of Ingen- ta, Violet, Crimson or Blue will make from A n. pint to 3 quart of beautiful colouring, ac? cording to shade required Apply with 1" brush. DADDD .....a \'l1'r\r\v\ n...--- K PAPER and WOOD STAIN: Ditto. OAK STAIN: A bottle of No. 2 B half a-pint of has water. SATINWOOD RTAHL. A u=--r nau a-pint of hot I SATINWOOD STAI1 Cannrv ti igunluml :- 1'03 Pl'lIII`I'K)'GyTIlE RLGOD. _ ~- van "1! sun warm water; use with: brush or p Borders of books, similar to Ward sud Lock ; Arabian Nights, &c., may be prettily illuln-' insted in this manner. : Z BLANOMANGE, JELLY; OORN FLOUR _i ICE GREAMS, &c : While in A liquid stub sdd one or two dxops of llsgentn. A more simple or elegant tinting cannot be had. OONFECTIONERB will nd lngauts, Violet, Orange and Pink useful colours. GELATINES sud GLUE8 are successfully coloured with these dyes. INK; A Sixpeuny bottle of Magenta. to Q pint 0: more of cold wstoz` . - '- WATER ' One drop ofdye will tint s qusrt; PRINTING on Cotton, Silk `or Wool in the ordinary way. - BLENDING nnmn nf H... .I-.- 1 -` ` `- WATER drag) Eydye will 0 ouon, BLENDING _some of the dyes in the bath: um produce an inni ty of shade, accord/in ; to taste. - sAT1Niv66b"si'1'r?{{:" Sixpenuv bottle Canary dissolved hr" u't_ of boi1ix_:g water IL . Worceqterahiro Snuo 'l`l_1is delicious Oond 1; good nouns, in pro- '_ Ired solely by Luna Purina. The Pnbu. oonfioncd admins tworthlan i-L Incl--- Lu AND PERKINS I irnont, pronounced by auusun: cut me few drops 0olour- Magenta, Mauve, Violet, Blue or Pink; these impart delicate Luce, Linen, UDSON S snirnn ans FOR` THE PEUPLE . Anv nu}: nan I !-A nu.-n - ...-, H. BOLLMAN CONDY, Pateutec, Batten-sea, London. -- . _ -uu-rvuu] uuuue 0| usgen- 4 so-`?. ` 1' J. B. Smith, 1u.n., )HYSICIAN. SURGEON, &c., PORTLAND, _ Residence Eu-mwsmith. i;_`~""'-`I `"9501", London; g, ' "' `"1 i1II~I plmaon Inwu \ _ . 10 P"P'`"'Qv ..:,...nul fn Ihn R()VE|-C0`- - -vw uxvpi IBIO an 011? wt; pen- a, . illuln; JELLJY, rnoun llnzenu. A man med the 10yM-\.au|- Freeman, that in use in Cbolen the. Royal, Co!- .. 11`-nnrnnn that in l tr, ` attract the rlvn i aw. Black to mm LONDON QUARTERLY omemuie THE EDINBURGH REVIEW ( big). THE WISTHINBTER REVIEW (Rndic). THE NORTH BRITISH REVIEW (Free ch h) _ up _ BLACKWOODS EDINBURGH IAGAZI.N]l ('t`n-v.\ ' ; .1 large nmount of general rendin ' ,._ D ` Price, Five Cents. 8ubIcripti'_1`.'_'u_* A 1.1---- . . ' , l314AUl;;Vy\;Uu u uu...--....3_ ._..........u. '1` . r E(ESE foreign perlodiclll '5 "@1811 In P` nuhlinhad bv ul in the same style. hemm- ARRISTER-AT~LAW. Parker`: Drug Store. J an: 9. HES]! foreign penouclu us rugluuly published by us st_yle.u began. ', fore. Those who know them end who `hug M long snbecribed to them, need` no reminder; 1 those whom the civil war of the lutfew yea" 1 bed deprived of their opee welcome ougfly of mg best periodical litenture,_will he gl to havg thermegein within their reach; Ind those who 3 may never yet have met with them, will assured. ly be well pleased to receive accredited of the progress of European seieuee end literu lnrn: f ' V 'l'lilllD 1' Up Auuv. Fox-any one of the four Reviews - For any two of .he fuu r Reviewa - For my three of the four Reviews For all four of the Bgydewu I-`or Blackwobdh ' _ F01-Bluckwood md one Beeview - For Bluckwood um! twu Reviews For Blnckwood and three Reviews " For Blmckword and {our Review! P 0 8 A `G E . _ . - When sent by mni , the Postage to any pan` bf the United States will be but Twgn gout cent; a your fog Blnekwood," and but ` ghtl Gent; aV year for eccof the Bavievu. . isunacnnen may uuuuu nu lollowing reduced rates, viz : The North British from J: louowmg reduced rates, us: ~ The North January, 1863, to Do- ccmber, 1866, inclusive ; the Edinburgh amftbe Wmmimter from April, 1864, to December, 1866, inclusive, and the Lonilon Quarterly for 1865 and 1866, at the rate of $1.50 a yes! for ccch or any `Review; 3130 Blackwood for 1868, for $2.50. ` THE LEONARD SCOTT Publishing Co., 38 Wnlke/r-Itreet, N_.Y:_ . By Henry __Stepbens of Edinburgh and the late 3. P.Norton, of Y_a.1e College. 2 vols, . Royal 0;. tavo, 1600 pages and numexons Eng:-avingpq PRI(`.E-7. for the two voIum4-L. Bi {u .l_I LIVBIS U111. DR. ma JONGH`S on is oonvinegxy proved by an overwhelming weight of ngedicni testimony, and by the practical test of pncoeuful axperienco - for twenty yesirs in all puts of the world, to be, ' beyond all question, the purest, the moat e5ea- cious, the must palatable, And, from its rapid curntivc effects, the most economical ofnll kinda. Henna th universal celizbritv nl Dr. la J'n'x'mh`n : Clll'IIlV(! CIIBCIB, me IIJCHI CQIIOIIIICIJ Olll pl. : Hence th universal celebrity ol Dr. do Jonghk 3 Oil, and Ihevnnpnnlleled demlnd [or this unH- 1 walled propu-scion. ; ululvlnll nu vuunu-I] vv -nu uucvu III IICJIIHI. I I have frequently prescribed Dr. de laugh ; Light;-Brown God Liuiekr OH. _ I ooqqider it to be I very ure oil, not i ely to creutedisgust, And a therigeutic agent of great nlne.', SELECT MEDICAL OPINIONS. sm HENRY nunsn, nAn1s,l.D.. Physician in Ordinary to the Queen in Irehnd. It I 1.....- l...........ol- ..........:I.-.I `l'\_ J- I-__LI_ James Agnew, {ARRISTER and ATTO RNEY-It-LAW,Gon v-vnnnnr kn nm,-4. Rana! Quuman nn4\nn.{ DR. EDWARD lI'l'E, l'.`B;8., Medical Oioer to the Poor Inn 36011 of Great Britain. ' We think it 3 guest ndnntngethu there is one kind of Cod Liver Oil yihich '3 nnivex-ally admitted to be genuine --the Light-Brown Oil supplied by Dr. do Jongh. It has long been on: practice when prescribing theoil, tb recommend` this kin since, amidst": much vlriety and`un- certainty, we have condence in its genuine- nean.-(Extract from ansumpcion: its hrly and Renginhle Sages) ' ` DR. LANKESTER, F.R.S., Coroner for Ceutnllliddlesgx. V __ ' _ I consider that the purity of this oil it seem. ed in its preparation, by the personal attention. at so good I chemist. and intelligent 3 phyniciu as Dr. de Jongh; who has also written the but mas-an u-entise on the on wf Irhidi I can no- quninted. Hence, I deem the Liver Oil md underhia glnmnteetoboptdenhln tonnyo` r kind as regards genuinenoss And Medical em- cacy. . (. ` DB. GRANVILLE, 1112.3, ` Author of tho Spin at Germany? 3} Dr. Granville} has f0I1l(ld` thnt Dr. do Joug '0 I Light-Brown Cod Liver Oil pa-oducjea the desired ejiect in a shorter time than other kinds, and that ifdoea not cusethe much: and indigouion too ,gRen consequent on the ndminialrution of the pale oil. . un. us.-unnnx, Medical Oicer of Heglth, sad Chin! Analyst 30' the (my o( Iondon. _ ' In all cases I have ionnd-Dr.` do. Jungh 1 Light-Brown Cod Liver Oil possessing tire some set of properties, among which the presume ol cbolnic compounds, and of iodinei in a `state of organic combination, are the m0It,zsmukIble., It is,' I believe, universally acknowledged-that this oil has grant therapeutic power; and {roll my investigations, I have no doubt nfita being` 1 pure and unadulterated article." 1 Subscribers may obtaixg bqck numbers at t_l:c' nllnwina rednlaad rates. V18: DR. BARI1)W, F.R.S., Senior Physician to Guy's, Ilospit. . ` : . I have -eqnently recommended persons cou- ` suiting me to amino use of Dr. de Johgh'a Cod_ Live? Oil. I have been well aacilod with` its` ` effects} and believe it to be 3-very pm-`e well .bed or those cues in which the one did is indicnted. EDWIN CANTON, EQ, 13.03., Surgeon to Chnring-cross Hoapitll. For several years put I have been in the In- bit of prescribing Dr. de Jongh'n- Light-Brawn Cod Liver Oil, and nd it to be much more e- > cacioua than other variation AF or... ...... .....r...=-. `Jun 1411!!` uu, and nd it inure cili- varieties of the same meulicigla . which I have also employed with m View to test their relnivo superiority. ' .._.._____.________ _g__ . rorfumen. Piiso KW iwudolf f0; Pnnty nnd Excellence Quality; and Paris. BROWN wmnson eon. . . PRIZE .mDu.noN. n sou. ~ PATENT sumrnowmz OIL SOAP- GLYQBRINI SOAP: - Every nrioty of Funny Soap! in 15.3"` A1l.0 ill I ` Outona 013' -ram.-u.` ' Pgmm no, `.41 V1.14 n..`_a-... n... TIDHAN S sin sum, tor produeiagi real Bea Bath in-your own Room. Tho above fa me ndgd. Sole ProprietorI- l'IDHAN & SON, Ohm- iata, 16 Womwogl Stteog, Liinddn, E.0. vourite prepantion is strongly recoll- _ _,,,,,,,,__ ` W. ll. Mlngayo, 'll`ORNEY-AT-LAW, Conveyance:-_ kc. L xanguon, c.w. Dec. 1. ________ _ ,, BBI'_I`I8H l:l_3_B.IODlpAI.8. The L. s._ Pub. 00.5150 publish` also In Uartons om 'I`abIo'u.5 N` Pomudeu, Bose nd Violbt Payden ` Inetiu, Funoh Ixtno, I3" odor halo!` Ohony Tooth Pub. Limo` .Luico"o.nd (ifyoprli: ;."`,`}l"""-V -!'P!.in pnptrmioli '0' 3' unncnn `D---- - ` ` 870, 1600 P3388 um IIIIIIIGIOIIB lillyl "5832 . PRICE-$7, for the two volumes. By -`tbs mat nnid. $8. ' , - 11 Ba ynl eei-vrhdengltil I " I L wnsny 3-.m%`;}% W _V-. oo1vm11mva A.z.." 1` `rm: ~,,,;,~ - mi 1 man nu ma -.s'ron1n ` -f _._.L.| _, -- K 121: JoNGH s LIGHT-BROWN con ' LIVER OIL. .\.. .... -...-..n..- ,\.. . F . - .. -- K `:``r-`'-" "``l' ."' B`"`S!||0,. Bu!hldgo|,4nd Squire ?iI2.. .'.`:`l2.':f.`." ."`.','!1tM':..9_*z-1! _ jmuws L 861 Bull: in .v-\--- - ONBY T0 LEND. $50,000 to iend on the security of R.ea1Esl.noin the Cityo: Conn- at I low rate of interest. No commission R. M. ROSE. And] it 5 V TARDLRY 8 00., , Porfumnrn 9-` { dl' .n Porfnmen. Prgso . [odd awudoif f' ty Excellence of:Q|l3m3 1-._.._,, l'l.:e Farmer -s Game \/ TERMS FOR 1889. -6 cl... `nut Ilovin-A DR. firrmnv, n or n`..m. ...a n1. " ` I . - 7,1 ! Vine Street`, '31 " ` oomcbnfi t 5:. du Grand Ohnthn 'laI11i'r};se: ' Pant iami ;F}rn};ifu, -...-ugn ._. .. ...._.. LIN ;S'l`AL!';'B 1 . Inn!/llKI'4.II Ill . gran 4: c6.. laweli. lilacs. log! .....I 1..-I----~' "- '-L. 9: Jobprm 6 line! ` and 18 _A V 10 1.7 `?",. Above W titan`, dl-I Inna-t. M1147 l.F'r"; run :1 ` my be f: V 33 l`II}. l`AI2I'.'I) ll) .jI'I!II A 4-45 -~ 'au-~ -v--- "yu- z._-_mn-um Ia at `El 1 `Ell " `inuon of thpnhovo furnace Whuf, foot . ;.`d } depMd)_It* - '* LipllLl`iPAB`l` FIVE odaonho Sunlnen Idninx (lgndny Woman,-1 " Iiehigtu (butts! U . lvignkeo, Gr: 'TJn.T._nTJ1ic: `n ..., igodould, Patton & Wwha-IT, ARmERS AND ATTORNEYS-It-LAVV, Solicitors in Chancery, kc. O1ooo-i8 Cluenca SL, oppome tine Poet Ola, KrIoa1'ox,O. W. Jon A. lAonouu.o,Q. C. ,` JnusPu"rox, QC Jon )1. Emma. . Pl_..u.- 'nl\`b I A mg. OFFICE - Over gmtlon I sao.go,huin| . nimlv "oh bu l'h;|$iiIiA I-`II-`e Aunnntnog Compalfy A OF LONDON. j Ill! IJ`_I|IlUl'lIlI-_(`,` sud Oonnd Hun.- "3-`$3 Hidmu spvlr -1 `T .. nnnrio Street. at Home #~I. ( ` Grand '2 gthb 6:25 i"aAVssA um rev-av , . hum, Ipplyntfliu (Bus and lunn Inn nu... dun: gaze um -15: Du other dnyu; DLFI IRLAKD ? {L-L z'"xsJ CAPITAL .. .. $1,000,000. PREMIUMS RECEIVED DURING 1868- $2,079,896. Funds dvpositcd in the h:m.ls of the Govcrment for the security of 1`oIicyhoIdors_ H` All ra risks carefully surveyed, and the rate of Premium made to correspoml with the _1.l. .. ....l . -A__ n.,-._ I569. . .ug.uu.... I \VlC-K. .... b\. IICI , lNCl'Rl`0l1A'I`El) IN I319. CAPITAL $3,000,000. ASSETS>}5_150,93l,71 UL1. AND CARGO RISKS lo and mom I Inland Ports on favourable terms. Losses promptly and liberally adjusted and ptkld in Canada Currency. `_`_// ' JAMES SWIFT. Aceut. Home Insurance Company of New / liaven. r\ u___.___ n_._..__ vr1,_____` H-ilml [Inn nu nee Ilurl ford, L. J. Hssnxs. President. .....,.nn.\n . nun U 11!! cargues Ill TVIISUUFIULE I'llll'!|. 1 JAMES SWIFT, Agent, Kingston, March 31, '69. St. Lawrence Wharf. Agvnl at Kingston, TH Ul'llUli.--Oouul ush vurucl un uuuun: uuu lat Buoou. Wm. H. WILKISON. W. A. REEVE, M. A. nn.mo$ nm-n Anm-nor V- . ...v, Losses paid in 50 years, 1El.n:1" Insurzmcu Co. of lI:u't- ford, Conn PAID UP CAPITAL_ AND spRPLUs- ;5,15o,9=.s1,71. r --___ _-:x :_ {A ..-_ an. AAA AAA. j. VFHIS Company has been doing business in ' Canada for nearly 50 years, and during that iime has secx1m lic coqtidemce by the nrnmnt and liberal neltl enlofavnrv fair claim Toilet Soaps. Lavender Water. Cold Cream. Perfumed Vaporizer. Rose Leaf Powder. zerfnmes for the n. ndl.-on-hiA`l' A 0tT:ce-33, Olnrouce Street. Kingston, March '10, 1862. \.nunurI nu noun; uvlw-qua, nu; uunlub sun -5 time prompt and liberal oeltl entofevery fair claim. It has fully complied with the laws ofC.1na-In by t` deposit with the Government. of Stocks to amount of ` 350.000 A-) : . _ . _ . -A.l C1,:-A..\ ....I:-:.- ..._ ; ____ _.. quvuvvv And is prepared to issue policies on terms as low I: the safety of the assured will permit. JAMES SWIFT, A (van: EUGENE RIMMEL, PERFUMER by appointment to their Majes- lies the Emperor of the French, tbeQueBn of Spain, the Queen of Holland, the Qllc of the Belgians, and the King of Portugal; and H.R.H.`the Prince of Wales. zrennmes lot in Handkerchief. Eau de Cologne. All the above 9 uunu uc uunugur. V ` are carefully prepared for Ex- portation, and retain their excellent qualities in any climate. 3 96 Sh-And ` 1`7.R Rpmant Strain - '14 n-nhill -...... .........,, ARRISTER, Attorney-at-Law, Conn-yancer. kc. Oice opposite Post Office. Clarence Suaot, Kingston. Angus; 6. DR. VFCTUR BAUD S ORGANICMEDICKNE. :1: any cumate. T 96 Strand; 128 Regent Street; 24 Oornhill, London. 17 Boulevard dos Italians, Paris. R. V. BAUD, Graduate and Member of the Medical Collrge of Paris, CbiefPhysician Extraordinary for Epidemics in Paris, late 51.1). of the Civil Hospitals of Algiers, has just in- troduced in England his ORGANIC MEDI- CINES. rm.-- ........:..o ..r .s.... ...... -...:-_- Ul DD. They consist of three prep_amtions- THE BAUDEINE, Au eicient. end prompt Remedy for Cholera, Yellow Fever, Dmrrhuee, Dysentery, and the excessive action of the Bow:-ls. A gold medal was awarded by the Frencu verument. to Dr V. Baud for this valuable preparation. Price: Small. la Nd: Medium. 4: 5d ~ Lm-ma HIHIOQ." No1'I.-'l`he Profession is warned spins: in- ferior, Secret, and cheap compounds now m the mu-kel. Rub go/nnine bottle bears a. fuse- oixnile of Proprietor : signature on the stamp oluide. ` I un an. nnnnnn... .. ..n-u .-u.A-...--.. v . ouuu Ior H113 Valuable preparation. Small, Nd; Medium, 45 5d; Size, 115 per Bottle. THE DIASTATIZRD IRON IIOII. From Dr C. Kidd, Author of Staudsrd Works on Chloroform. , Seckville-street, Piccadilly, London. Sir,--I think if you would Advertise your Chlorodyne more than you do, you would help to _beet the others, which are secret com- pounds, out of the xnnrket. Many medical men think with me, and recommend your com- pound, but will never prescribe a secret re- msdy. Census Rum, ILD. To Mr Towle, Ghemiug Mnnchenep, A Surgeon from New York writes :-I only requires to lgnown to be appreciated. I have no heaitauen in chuncteriling it (viz., Trivia : Chlorodyue) as the most useful lnedj. clue that has nppeared during the present century. Indiarrhcee, colic, aguo, spasms, I have` found it to relieve more pain and cnuse more dggy than my other nrticle that can be nune . Ilnuu _'l`|m Dvnfnnainn h. _-__..A -_.:_-. 2, v- 0-1149: I-IQ. OHLOROFORMI Co. on CHLORODYNE WITHOUT Tprcgpznunrr. - BAI, In A In In an mze, 115 [$011.18. TEE DIASTATIZED IRON, For strengthening the Sys:.em.-Prioe 25 9d per Bottle. THE .DIAS'I`A'l`l7.l1`.D IODINE xun JJlAD1'A'l'll;'U IUUINIS, For purifying the Bl00d.-Priee 25 9d per Bottle. ` `J The above Prennntions are in tho f'nrm _ wnelln; a Bumper, ARRISTERSATTORNEYS-at-LAW Solici- . ton in Chancery---Chanmberl Nos. 7, 8. 5 9, Anchor Buildings, Kingston, o. w. JAIH 0'Rln.l.v,Q.C. | Hunk C. DRAPIB. 1' 0|` purnymg IU8 x>xo0a.-rnee Z5 UCI pt.` ',' Prepantions are in ofbweeunaats, pleasant to the taste, 2 ticululy adapted for Infants and nursing. - Bv the nnmhinnlinn nf thn In-nu n LIVU. " The day seems as yet, unhnppily, far dis- tant when public opinion or Suite interfer- eneo will prevenrthe advertisement or sale of nny secret medicine whatsoever. It is to be hoped that the profession will continue to brand as unworthy the conduct of those of its members who by testimonial or otherwise aid the disposal of such things.--Lancet. -.-true. nun Iirvu n..A_--_-_. 'l`OWl.E`S CHLORODYNE. The Original Preparation of known Composi- tion. Kingston, March 31` March 31, 1869. IlUI'IIIIKs By the combination of the Iron or Iodine _wiih Creel Seeds in I stale of germination, they no united with organic life, which thus render: them digestible. The itritutivo and stubborn Luinurnl bu thus become the nucleus of An organic substance capable of being ab- sorbed by the blood without. injury to the stomach. CHOLERA, DIARRHGEA, kc. EARL RUSSELL sent to the College of V Physicians 2: communication received by him from Monills (where cholera had been graing fearfully) to the effqct. that, of all remedies 1.1-iold, Cnlorodyne was the most effec- tive. an D. SA1'nu.n. President. Bl-OIDBCD. Agent for England and British Posaeasiona,` E. G. DUFBESNE, 79 Walling Street. May be obtained of all Cbemisu. BL L1` Kingston, March 31, 1869. ..`v.- u . v...-. Joseph liauvdcn, TTORNEY AT- IAW, Solicitor in Cluu1cery,Not.sly Public, &c., 33 King nroet. Kingston. . ....... .. . .,...-.-., CASH CAPITAL .. ..~qu,ooo,ooo. .-nu: AND RIVER msxs l...ken on hulls . 5.-.! Ann-`Ann -9 m..ann.kl- -..oga | VVLLIIUUL 'Illl.'I lsnlllwl. Solo! whet rot-:-K. P.T )`.Ch ' :1: :1 avg, emu,` Z Royai lssurance Oolnbaxfj OI` ARE AIVU HIVDIS LOAD l-AKB 1 `had cargoes at reasonable rates. JAMES SW]!-`T,, or LIVERPOOL AND LONDON. MAXWELL W. STRANGE. A om-so (`nu vinaln` ,.+_ , _ _, Q__ 9 -Isu1'a.11ce Company of New Haven, Conn. home. THE DIASTATIZED IODINE, Irifyinz oer] ..\laflae- li7|sAurau('((3. 4- 1569.` `war ` THUS. KIRKPATRICK. urreucy. `_\_/ SWIFT, Agent, St. Lnwranoe Wharf. OFFICE REbI0V"Er[ )V 7m xmo s1`1u~I1 NEARLY oppoaxns THE CITY Bum; STORE. JAMES SWIFT, Agent, St. Lawrence Wharf 1 0:20 _; Toilet Powders. Portable Fountains. Toilet. Vinegar. Hair Preparations. Too_1.h Powders` si Glyclrine Toilet Reqn`i- s. JILLIII-3&7 NJIV II` 1 Agent. St. Lawrence Wlmrf. I QRO :11 W.Dl|\AlV\1U- l Agent for Kingston (`PL Camus Wmson` Secretary `*1-I f\(\t\ nnn (ToInpu.ny .~_____. General Agent. \ l\' IOVf| $24,000,000; per noun. . the form , and par- L Mothers 0|` AIIIIID I nnluu A I Luna 1:. 1 -|5-|..Aw,uou- veynnoer, kc. Ofoe Bngot Street, second door south of the British Whig Oioe, upstairs. August 1. 4-4- - -1-`HE gross frauds whigh continue to be prac- lised by obacnro rnunnfacturers, morn particularly in Germany, by imitating the In- hale attached to JOHN GOSNILL ck Oo. s PERFUMERY, render it hnperatlvo upon the Froprietors to CAPTION the public against such nefarious proooodingu, and to request their friends and patrons to purchase only of respec- table danlers, who import direct from John Gosnell 5; Co.-, and invite special attention to the address- , RED BULL WlIA1{F,93 U1-1-:aTnun:s-S'mu1`. La... (`..mnnll I (`.n '.x Snlnnt Pnrfnmma: E.-In l RED BULL w nmlu-', 11.5 Ul'l`I'.ll uuxns anusn. 1 John Gnsuell & Uo.'s Select Perfumes: E38 Bouquet, Royal Yacht Club Bouquet, Jockey Club Perl -.une, Essence of Wood Violet, Vic Lorin Bouqnvt, Fmngipanni, Military Bouquex, the Bride's lionquet. V l..hn nunnll Ar n`: `PI-Inna nf Wnlnal l"..r-. the U|'ldUE bouquet. . Juhn Gosnoll A: Co.'a Prince of Wales Pu!`- fume, a moat choice and fasbiopable perfume. Jnhn Gnanall .4: Ca '3 Princesn Alox;mdm a John Gosnell .4: Co s Prinesn Alcxandxws Perfumo, n. most choice and delicate perfume, prepared expressly for the use 01' Her Royal Highness. `( HHD8, 111051. CUOICO EH10 HIEDIODEDIO p0l'l|ll1]6. ` nnguueeu. John Goancll & Co.'a I Perfume. John (`msnoll J`: 0033 J -1 I\o\;-1nu'ul -1\; 11,1? 1 rerrume. Oo. 3 Jockey Club Perfnmn is in universal request as the mos . ndmired Perfume for the Handkerchief. Price 25 6d. Julia (hsnoll at C033 Ln Noblusse Perfume, a most delicate Perfimc of exquisite fragrance. John Gosnell & Cola Nohlcsse Pomude, el- I qautly perfunied, and highly recommended br- benulifyiug mid promoting the growth of {be lmir nursery rovvuc" us gum sery should be wilhow 6d; in tin: 19 each. Inhu nnjnnn Ir 1`;-. .s rm; In nus Ls man. John Goauell & Cofa Cherry Tomh Paste is greatly superior to any Tooth Powder, gives the Tenth 3 pcm-I-like whiteness, protects the enamel from decay, and imparts a pleasing fragrance to the breath. Price Is Gdench. Inslantanonua Hair Dre: certain to Droduce Irngrnnce (0 inc uretun. rrice LS onencn. Instantaneous Hair Dye: certain produce any slmclc Brown or Black, of good natural colour. It cannot possibly injure the hair, has no disagreeable odour, and is easily applied. John Goauell ck Co. s Patent Trichosaron, or newly invented Hair Brush, the peculiar me- 'clmnicnl construction of which accompanies the two opernlions,of cleansing and polishing nimnltnnemxnlv -2 D0 UlDIgI'C5HUl(! DLIUIIT, ` s I open-nlions;of ( simultaneously. f Thn Ppnpnt Mpnhnniu ,,V____ _ . .. ..... .-_yz~u'uI. `ame whu nrr- Law` vial and 1.3141051, I)`a1un:- `oil. `Kin-plc-nu. amrtronhlnl Wllh Nfrft {lyr- pnvheluloun or; Jcil. 01 III)` of the.-. erlI_nIu; symptomatic! of Irml.-m-nu. will (Ind nmmcdilml-. ape! convincing cvklcnm of its restorative power upon trial.