Kingston News (1868), 19 Jul 1869, p. 4

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TOW! .1 S C HI:O R0 DYNE. ainnl PI-nnnrnnn nl ltnniun I`. hon, THUS. KIRKPATRICK. urreucy. JAMES SWIFT, Agent, St. Lawrence Wharf. JAMES swufr, . Azem. St. Lawrence Wharf I 0120 Toiiet Powders. Portable Fountains. Toilet. Vinegar. Hair Preparations. Tooth Powders` Glycerino Toilet Requi- Silos. I Ctuuucs Wmsox` Secretary * Q I AAA AAA $1,000,000. uvnl KY1` `D11 $24,000,000; umt.-1'4, Ld ,_L11e lmednl LL10 Dr ; Large |A.|\.A\aIai uu.~.uu\.-u.-. .- mg each bottle will renders it admirably lcr, tourist, emigmx more especially when udViCc or assistance. Sald in patent at price 23 Gd, 4s 6d, 1 ninl nm>.nL: rpnuirml fl-`HE gross frauds which continue to be prac- tised by obscure manufacturers, more particularly in Germsny, by imitating the la- bel: nuohod to JOHN GOSNELL & Oo. a PERFUMERY, render it imperative upon the n-.....a-..... ... n.n-mu uh. nnhlio m-minn. nnch James Agnew, Anizxsrnaua ATTO RNEY-at-LAW,Com veynncer, &c. Otce Bagot Street, second doot south on the British Whig ulce, upstairs. A noun! I particularly in uennnny, ny umuung me un- Proprietors to OAU1-ion the public against. such nefnrinue proceedings, nd to requeut their frienda and patrons to purchase only of respec- table denlers, who import direct from John Gosnell 8; Co. ; and invite special Attention to the midi-eu- RED BULL W IIARF, 93 UPPID. Tunas S1-n.n'r. Ln... rlmu-mil Ar (`.n 'a Qnlnnl Pm-f'umnn - En: KEU BU hi. W uAI\1' , 3.1 UPPIH. LHAIIB DTILIIT. John Goenell 3 00. : Select Perfumes: Eu Bouquet, Royal Yacht Club Bouquet, Jockey Club Perfume, Eseenoe of Wood Violet, Vic- Lorin Bouquet, Fungipnnni, Military Bouquet, the Bride's Bouquet. John Goaneu & Cola Prince of Wales Per- the unuea nouque John Gosnell & Cola fume, A mostchoice and fashionable perfume. Jnhn Gnnnnll A (`.0 s Prinmuu Alaxnmlrra `HIDE, IDOSLCDOIC3 CDO 13301003010 perlurue. John Gopuell ct Co u Princes: Alexandra's ` Perfume, a moat choice and delicate perfume, prepared expressly for the use of Her Royal` Highness. Jnhn Gmmell J: Co.'e Unner Ten Thousand mgnneos. John Goanell J: Cole Upper Perfume. 3 Tn)-m ('1.-unnll Ar ('`.n `u In:-lrnv (Huh Pnrfnlmn. rename. I John Gosnell & Oo.`s Jockoy Club Perfume in in universal request. as the most admired Perfume for the Handkerchief. Price 23 6d. r..... .1 .......n ;. n u. 1.. u..m...... n...r...... rerxume lot we uunaxercmet. rnca as uu. John Umanell & Co. s La Noblesse Perfume, a most delicate Perfuma of exquisite fragrance. Jnhn nsnnll Jr Cola Noblesna Pomade_ ele- most uencnte rename or exqmsuo n-agmnce. John Gosnell & Co. s Noblesae Pomade, ele- gantly perfumed, And highly recommended for beautifying and promoting the growth of the luir - lea pamune and mm emomem qummes. John Game]! 5: `$0. : Violet. and Milleeur Nuxscry Powder is guaranteed pure. No nur- sery should be without. it. Sold in boxes at 6:1 -, in Line 13 each. ::.......n ,5 41.. m......- -r.m.1. 9.... :. Di] In [IE3 LU BIICU. " John Gusnell & Co. s Cherry Tooth Paste is greatly superior Io any Tooth Powder, gives the Teeth a pearl-like whiteness, protects the enamel from decav, and imparts a pleasing fragrance to the breath. Price In 6d each. Instantaneous Hair Dva: certain to nroduce CPI ;-llly .1: Draper, ARRlSTERS,AT1`0RNEYs-at-LAW'Solici- tors in Gbaucery--Cbambers Nos. 7, 8, B 9, Anchor Buildings, Kingston, 0. W. ~ Jun: U R:u.u',Q`C. | F'ns:.C. Dunn. u.ur. La. Noblease Soap-ealeemed for its unequal- led perfume and fine emollient qualities. John Goanell J: Co.'s Violet. ITDKYIUCV3 [0 (U0 UFUIIIH. IKICU ll 0|] CHOU. Instantaneous Hair Dye: certain produce any shade Brown or Black, of good natural colour. It cannot possibly injure the hair, has no disagreeable odour, and is easily applied. Jnhn (' J: Cola Extent Tuchoszuon. or CUl]lC'.\l CUUSLFUCIIUU Ul WHICH HCUUUJEIHUIBU the two operations of cleansing and polishing simultaneously. The Patent llleclmuical Chair for Brushing Hair by Machinery. For Prospectus and par- ticulars, apply to ll!!! l al.entees and Sole Manu- facturers, JOHN GUSNELL & Co., Perlumers by Appointment to Her Majesty, 1liePrmcess of Wales, &c., mm nu L1. Wl-IARF, 93 U :-mm Tnainrs Snu::1'.lMe at 12 Three King Court, Lombard Street. .7. ? ,-~--4 ulsagreuuoae OLIOUT, SD11 IS 81181! John Gustmll & Co. a uent Tu newly invented Hair Brush, the 1 chauxcnl construction of which L... Iiun .........:,....= AI` nlnnuaiun ..` 50T1lE SAUCE. Prepared by _ _ uudcr Sounhwood Swckur, :1 recipe by his Cousin, the late Dr 2 wood Smith, lb`.r!y-flv'e years Physic Ih-\ I..mdnn Favor I-l..anit..-.1: Fnther of WOOU Dullln, IU'.K'ly'HV yUllI'S I/Uy5ICllICI ID xh-_a London Fever l:lu~.-xpitul; Father of Sani- uuy lirform; Medical Member of the first Gauersl Board of Health; Author of the titer. wo:k ou Fever in any age or country, the Philmxnnhv of Hnnltb. &c. WGIIS Ull FCVCF xu ELI, Hg!) UK CUUHLYJI l|IU [miluaopby of Health, `kc. Delicious with every known dish. Its habitual use increases the appetite and pro- motes digestion. It is much esteemed for its digcsuvo properties. As: an aasumnce n!" it: nurilv and nalutnrv HS UigCSLlVO ]'H 0[16l'llCS. As an assurance of its purity salutary properties, it is only necessary to poi_t on the name of the cslebmted and philanthro- pic Physician from whose prescription it is compounded. The entire lite of that distin- guished man was spent in promoting the b-.-allh of his fellow-creatures, and his death, in December, 18,61, was mourned as a na- li0D1l loss. \\"nnlam.i.x and fa! nvnnu-tntinn I-iv Oh: D-x- ll0l]1l I033. \V'nolesaXe and for exportation by the Pro- prietor, 69, Lamb's Conduit Street; Bnclay and Sons, Fnrringdon Street; Batty and Go., Finsbury Pavement. In-.1a.:i bv Chemiau. Grocers. Hallmn rmsoury rnvemeus. by Chemists, Grocers, Wm-ebonsemen, and others, throughout the "Kingdom, and every part of the world. Ask to: Tbe Sauce.--Special Exnort. U CC. ULu.'L: I. Sunni, Kingston. August 6. rnnguom, zma ever} Tbe" Aggents-Burgoyne, 16, Colman Street, AMPLOUGITS PYRETIG SALINE.-A Medicine that cures See. Sickness or the worst form of liillious Heudgche in a few minutes; etferveacing and tasteless, llS con- stant use is especially calculated to Innin- Lain health. When mixed with water and taken during the effervescence, it imtnedi iitely blends with the food, and is rapidly absorbed into the system. it vizalizes and supplies the blood with those saline princi- ples that are lost, altered, or destroyed dur- inz the hot weather. In Jungle, Scarlet, Yellow, Typhus, Eruptive Fevere (orCholera), also in several other conditions, where the vital current is poisoned by infection, and thereby rendered unfit to support health and life. it has been found eminently benencinl;1 nud its sustaining and purifying inuence` acts as a pruventivc to disease, as the nu- n....n...x un.a.\li,..t.;.l nmn`.-nn..i.s|; annn.v..\u...~, BLZLS I15 3 PFUVEUIIVC H) UlEC&SU, H3 LUIS DU imrous unsolicited testimonials accompany- piove. Its portability adapted to the travel- emigrant, or private family, distant from medical ..dvinr-. nr naniainnnp. `L11: VVILALAIIM. DUIVNISII 1 D UIDIINHJSUVII` b ING FLUID, for the purication of sick rooms, hospitals, workhouses, isctorias, pri- sons, crowded places, between decks of ships, fever wards, clothes and linen of sick, night- cbnirs, cesspools, drains, water closets, stables, dairies, larders, musty casks, tubs, &c.; bilge-water, and the holds of ships; apartments for searchers, undertakers, and ju"yrnen, and fur post-tnortem examinations; . -for the prevention of infectious disease, can- ot` dead bodies, a for the preservation of subjects for disae ton; tor the extermina- tion of bugs and other vermin. Sir W. Burnett : Disinfuminu Fluid wan liar and fqngus i:$rees; (pr the disinfection Pllli 5! UL], ` cizxl agents 1 pans of the ` non ox ougs auu omer vermm. Sir W. Burnett : Disinfucljng Fluid was lbe ouly.Diainfeclant used at the Agricul- tural Hall during the Smitheld Club Cattle Show in 1866, by order of He: MAjesty s Privy Council. '- '1`ho value of the fluid in nhnwn hv eh. I'l'lVy UOUDCII. - 'l`he value of the uid shown by the following letter from the Secretary and Manager: Agricultural Hall, lslingtou, Jan. 1868. Dear Sit-,-Pleaso to send eight gallons more of your Disinfecting Fluid, as per order enclosed. Having used various Diainfecting Fluids at our many shows, I can say with condence that none have had the instan- taneous and complete effect of Sir William Burnettfs, and this too without producing nny iiuisauc like the smell of chloride of lime or carbolic acid.--L nun yours faith- fully, S. SIDIIY, Sec. and Manager. `-Capt. Jackson, B..N., 90, Cannon street. This uid acts on the essential cause cf disease by destroying the local coudilioue of the atmosphere under which cholera ie meet. frequently developedaud propagated. For instance: In a house in St. Andrew : street, Plymgulh, occupied by fty-`two persona, it was sprinkled in every room except four; in these the occupants would not permit it to be applied; the result of which was, that in those parts of the house where it had been used, not I elngle case of cholera subse- quently occurred; while in the four rooms above alluded to, the disease still exists and some deaths have taken place. Two houeea immediately opposite were supplied with a qunntity, in neither of which has there been a single case, although the disease is raging in the neighbourhood." A Sld hr All Chemists. and at :10. Canon vlef. DOC QIKHCIIODE Oil EVE , DCIIIE Recommended and used _by Profouor Simonds at `the Royal Vow:-innry Ogllaga, during tho lut wgucy years. N.R-'l'bia uid is n cettdin cure for arena uunng too In: twenty years. N.B.-'l`hia uid certain cure for greuo o in h0tI68,IIO the scab and rot In Ihup. 111 IDS nexgnnonruoouz S6lcl by I Chemists, :90, Canon street, London. Quu-ts, 16:; pints. 8| ; half- pinla, 45; glass-atoppered Imperial pints, ex- tra strength, 16: per dozen; And in bulk at 45 per gallon: bottles included. Each gal- lon nnkigg 200 gallons, when diluted with water. See directions on evgry bottle` Rannmmendad and mind In Profnnno 0`:-*1-`ICE xuzxxovsb 170 KING s'rm~;m NEARLY OPPOSITE nus any gsuox srom-2. . In____..n_._ H`IR WILLIKM BURNETTS DISINFECT- 5 INT: FLUID fnr lhn nnv-i:-arinn nf n:nlp .uv1cc 8881513309. stoppered glass bottles, nice :5 113, and 213 each. Spe- zizxl required and appointed in all pans world. - OA`U"l`ION. I , PHIL UI ll]! WUYIU. Sauce.--Special Export. , Burbridges, and Squire, , London. 31 13! uppneu. ': xchoszsron, . peculiar me- ` accnmnanias > THE MOST SUCCESSFUL TRADESMEN AND MERCHANT ADVERTISING! JUDIOIOUS us: or `NEWSPAPER COLUMNS! uvv.. .. - v...... ' Joseph Buwdcn, 'l"l`ORNEY AT- LAW, Solicitor Chancery, Notary 15 ulnlic, &c., 331 street, Kingston. PARTICULARS OI` DAiLY NEWS. PUSSESSINU * YOU worn. ` TIMES. Pl-ACE `PHI DAILY mews: CONTRACTS RATES, AND nr YOU Do NOT ALREADY TAKE ADVANTAGE or YOU HAVE ATTBAONUSTOIIE ONEY TO LEND. $50,000 to lend on the Iocnrity of Real Estate in the City or Coun- try at I low rate of interest. No commission dnrgad. R. M. ROSE. A __'I no AND NOT TO BE DRIVEN. SPIN!` HONEY LOCAL PAPER ADVERTISE INTER IS THE BEST 1'0 A LIBERAL AND Tm: LARGES1 IENTS; THEREFORE ADVERTISE SIGN A THOUSAND Ayer s Cherry Pectoral, 13.. *r\;.._.... -0 oh.` Pris.-A- --A T_I\v\n-u ADVERTISE} TYPES AND INK AND YEARLY MAY BE MADE AT TEIB D{5.ILY NEWS OFFICE. `OUR BUSINESS ADVERTISI4. GENERAL ADVERTISE- ADIIT THE IIPORTANOI OI` [N was unoaams .~1[)\ ll{'l`|SE! Glllornloevo an W|Ik;_In1, ABRISTBRS sud A l"l`0RNEYS-at-LAW, Oonvuyucen, Ilotuhn Public. una.L_..4I II` Elnlha-n uaomu wmnmzx AD VERTI CIRCULATION OF AGREEMENTS ngsonvn n (ma: 1'0 AND REPEAT TH) . AND ERECTION 0! AN ATTRACTIVE SIGN DRIVE YOUR BUSINESS, THEREFORE GO AND A LITTLE F URTHEB JUIII -. Kingston, Jury 16. ANY NEWSPAPER AND ATTRIBUTI THEIR BU OOFFIP PUBLIC AND FOR. LOCAL AND PUBLISHED IN THIS .OI"l`Y, THIS JOURNAL A JUDICIOUS STEP [N `PHI u00AL BUBINI, FOR. YOUR PLACE BEFORE `Fri? `. W . J 0i`HCE.~-Soush West corner 0 no In...- TO ADVERTISE A IOR ADVERTISING I IF YOU WOULD BEST MEDIUH OF` BUSINESS _s`n untrr or OARRY SUCH 3 onnns ran conuuuu w estimation < -nlinhla, and u want. and till a place. Manufactured by the] man, 70, Keuniugzou Par rm... u.-.:---inn [ms enzru lbould be vided with this antidote for them. .Ah:hou settled Cmumna moon is than t in- durable, still great numbers 0 ewes where L` dis- ease seemed setued.h.1\'e been com lately cured. Qd the patient restored to sound calm by the Cherry Pedoral. So complete is its mastery over the disorders of the Lungs and Throat, that Park Road, uonuon, u The gcz;-Jne has engraved on the Government Stamp (uutaidu -2:-ch Bottle), I-`REEMAN`S ORIGINAL CHLORUDYNE." ,.___..-_.`___ ONDY S PATENT FLUID or natural disinfec- ' tnnt puries, dcodoriscs, mItl:(.ll8lllfcCLB, by the agency of nascent or ozonic oxygen,-ita active principle. Being entirely innoxious, this truly scientic preparation is peculiarly adapted fur the following useful purposes, Ior which |ll other dieiufcctniits, on uccouutothcir poisonous or other objectionable qualities, are unavailable and usulcss :- Dctccting organic impurities in air and water. Pm-ifvinrv drinkinz and other water from 0l'- _ organic impuriuea ID air nnu wnwr. f Purifying drinking gnnic matter, lend, &c. Treshcning the air of close places, and remov- iug bud smells. _ Freeing meat, sh, butter, or other provisions from taint. m.....m....,-aim; um t-(Tecta of organic Doisons from taint. , _ Countcrncting the effects of organic ponsons taken into the stomach. _ n....:.... | nrnvt-ndor. Fromm: wheat and taken the stomach. Curing Iluaty proveudcr. Freeing wjmnt other seed from smut. |l..:..oa:n:nu Ilm hnnhh n! nlnnln in IIOLI anal I re8el'Vlng Bull YUUBCH owers kept. in water. Du.-sr.rovinLr the M1211 KL-pl. In water . Destroying blight of the potuoo, `vine, hop, mulberry tree, to. Washing dogs and other domestic animals. Cleansing bot.t.le-3,`. beer barrels, pickling tubs, dairy utensils. Wnsliimz the hair and darkening its colour wncu turning grey. Enhancing the purifying and invigorating ef- fects of baths and tube. n-nnainn nniunnn n:nI|naIa and dontpnnn nu}- dairy are-neua. Washing the hair darkening when turning Enhancing the nurifviuz nnd invilzorntinz IDA] VIYUB. Treating the infectious diseases of mule, horses, dogs, &c. ` ` Ono ,u:.lIon mnkm: mm In 200 mzllrmn ndnnm-I of _ s and the most obstinate of them yle to B. When nom- ing else could reach them, under the Cherry Pec- tunil may subside and tlllljlpcar ndPNi 5 kc:-'nnd 36mg:-swarm u c pen 3 greatpro- Asthma is always relieved and often wholly uorsea, aogs, inc. One .gallo:_: makes 200 to 300 gallons adapted for use. U I! _I`n.ulua `I2`|..:.l 2-. ol... En-../I.._.l Q..:....n:l:.. IUl' UNU- N.B.-Condy s Fluid is the Standard Scientic Test for Organic Matter in Water. and affords the only known means ol rapidly and completely freeing Drinking Water from Urgnnic Tnint, which is so common a cause of serious disease. 'I`.. mnhllu .....:r.. cl. .1. ..... .1... .I:i.....A I1..:.I` wulcu In no common (331136 0! serious mscasc. To rapidly purify the air, use the diluted uid` with " Coudy'a Uzouisur" or other Spray-pro- ducer. nnnnwc D A mnvm nrrnutonh In A man UULCF C0iVDY`S PATENT OZONISED WATER, (I-on rou.21- rmu>osI:s,) Removes from the mouth impure and loreign tastes and odours, whether arising from tobacco or other causes, and counteracts the irritation and morbid secretions of curious teeth; It puri- ties and softens the skin, and, used in the bath, tends to: promote I healthy state of the whole dy. U RT.I.\lA\1' l".(\N"DV uuauna oulrui axis: FUEL Tlzl PEOPLE. Any one can use them; any X thing can be dyed with them. It is impoaeiole in this small space to enumerate the many uses to which these wonderful and beautiful ` chemical preparations can be applied; while their chief use is for dyeing textile fabrics, they are also invaluable as I! colouring agent for almost every known material. the unis. Luuy mini. way are also IllVl1||.|BDlB as colouring every material, the cube with which they can be used and the bn'Ilinn- cy _9f the result beingfudeed, almost mngicnl. By their use almoat any article of clothing `can be dyed in a few. minutes for n few pence without soiling the hands. MEMORANDA, wuuuut nuumg Ina nanas. MEMOBANDA. MAGENTA: The strength and beauty of this dye is almost incredible. A Sixpenny bot- tle will dye 20 yards of Bonnet Ribbon in 10 minutes; it will also produce 1 clear Roan Pink by using less dye. Suitable also for Woollen Goeda, Feathers, Silks, to. WOULLENS: Iagenta, Mauve, Violet, Purple, Orange, Pink, and Crimson produce the most satisfactory results. Use slairge quantity of boiling water in nu earthen pan. RIBBONS and SILKS: Brush them` ' with soap and water to avoid creases, and to render them clean. . Inc in boilimr wnm-, the!` seed (rum smut. Maintaining the henuh 0! plants in pots and nnanrvntnri an wnu uuup uuu Water to avoid Dye boiling waster. FEATEERS: Dye in hot water (a few drops of the dye is auicient. for one feather). COTTON : Mauve, Violet and i urpie are recommended. LEATHER: Blue, Magenta, Violet and Orange. Dye in warn: water. WHITEWASH: To color: Magenta, for Pink or Rose ; add half 5 bottle to then stir in the Whiteni Mauve, Violet, Purple, Blue and crimson produce pretty tints by using one bottle or more, as directed above. STARCH: Stir inn fewdrops of Colour- Magenta, Mauve, Violet, Blue or Pink; these impart, delicate tints to Lace, `Linen, ac. ng as usual. n pail of water, i &loIi'omit. ` is_ always often am! by it. _ Bronchitis is generally cqrgd by ta_k1ng the onservneories. Preserving and retoring the freshness 0! cut lowms kum. water ` _ , ,,._._- -.-{Bl E IOF . utioua, and should 'uo"thn ` on sud Pen-in Names are on Wrapper, Abel Bonld, sud Stopper. Ask for Lu and Pen-inl BIl1oo". ~. Sold Wholesale and for Export, by tbe"Pro printer: ,Wox-count ; lleun. Drone and BInek- p :01! ; lens:-a.`__lfs7x-cla.y any! Bonn. London: Am- Stgpppr. um an 11 rE1iEINS Worceatorahite Sauce This 11 lonuoissenre '1`h'q Ind elicioni Condiment, pronounced by aonly `good sauce, EC. WILLOW SHAVINGS, Wicker, Hair. Fibrea. Seaweed. Am .... WILLOW Ivory, Bone, Hair, Fibres, Seaweed, &c., attract the dye: quickly, ifappligd lu boiling water. BLUE : For lduudry purposes is A 1. BOOK EDGES; A Sixpenny bottle of Magen- ta, Violet, Crimson or Blue will make from spin to: quart of beautiful colouring, ric- cording to shade required Apply with A bruah.. PAPER and WOOD STAIN: Ditto. OAK STAIN: A bottle of No. 2 Black to half 0.-pint of hot water. SATINWOOD Srun. A m__,, - - nan 0.-pm: of 110: mu SATINWOOD STAIN: Canal-v diiznlvn =.. .- SCI-5 Ul IJJLUE! IHIU GU05- Dreeaiug poisoned wounds and destroying ani- mal virus. EB are successfully coloured `with these dyes. INK : A Sixgonny bottle of Magenta to I {Jim k or Wool in ` the will iintn quart.` , ,_. --..... vu uuuon, sun or` ordinary way. BLENDING some of the` dyes in 1 ptodnce an innity of shade, 1 taste. VI. :1. Wlunluuu. vv. Oounly Grown Attorney. .__ -_i -._ _ __ .__. , [UDSOIWS SIMPLE JYES FOR THE PEOPLE, Ann nnn nun nu. tllnvn - an-_ in I u! w UUU I`Al Canary dissolved 2 H0'l`nnRApn.~2 .. Luau] add .1 Ilnml. I. JULY 19. V u. nuuu.uA:V umux , Patentee, Batten-sen, London. n. BOLLMAN CONDY, Puontna R..n........ I ...-..1..` i:e. the Inventor, Richnnd Free- 1 Park Road, London, 8. -Iv-Aunt` nn dun nnVcl lIIIIJ 8l\t Siipennv home 3 Of hninn un..u.- uunn IIAUUK I in 1 liquid state azenta. A mm-n general] cured Psalm-at in smnl and trcquent doses. 80 generally are its vix-tue;aVknowjn shasxye need 51-, attract. Um dvo. | the bath will according to THE LONDON QUARTERLY Oonuerntlve THE EDINBURGH VEBVIIW ), ran wnsrnlusrwn mun -(maml). 1-an mom-n BBPHBH EIVIIW (r... cm) A I'D nuoxwoona nnmsunan IAGAZIJI) I 'l`nrv,\ And 1:: 0 amount of general readi " . gPr|ce, Five Cents. gu ;1.` - 1 AA.-`l-....... . , BDAULIVUVIID -uuvuvuuu -nvvnnuuj (Tory-) IPHESK foreign periodiouln no regularly to < nnnliuhul hv us in the name Itvlonnhenm. I HEB]! foreign pcrwulouu In regularly ' published by us in the some Ityleuhereto. , fore. Those who. know then end who luv. long subscribed to then, need no rnindgp; , thoeewhouthe elvil were! -thelutlbwyeugl bad deprived of their onee welcome euply of the best periodical lilersture, will be glldito hug theuugnin within their reach; and those who ; may never yet have met with them, will insured. ly be well pleased to receive aocredlteoi u .1 u".L. of the progress of Ruropeen science an ture. ' ` -Menus wmz 1869. TIRED 1' Un Lona. For nny one of the [om-Reviews - For any two of .hc four Reviews - For any three of the four Reviews For all four of the Reviews - For Blwkwoo3 i llugsnn - - For Blackwood sud one Revfow ,. For Blgckwood and two Reviews - For Bhckwood And (two Roving; . For Blaclwbrdlnd four Beviohi . - P 0 8 `T A" G E - - ' When not by map}! the Postage to nngpg-u of the United Sula V! be but fwgn mint, cgnu a. year for Blackwood," and but 3] cg-nu a year for each of the Reviews; Subscribers mnyobtsin back numbers at ` (allowing reduced rates, viz : 'I`h:-. Nm-ti Britilh from Jammrv. 1363. m Doe louowlng reuueeu IIICS, VI! 2 The North Bum. frum_Janua.ry, 1863,10 Do-' camber, 1868, inclusive; the Edinbwjh and the ` lVcatm:`nser from April, 1864, to December, l8I36,inc1usive, and _thc Landon Quurterly. for 1865 and 1866, at the rate of $1.60 a year for" each or any Review; alsohlaekwood for 1866, for $2.50. , `-, TEE `LEONARD SCOTT Pnblkhing Qo.,7 ~ 38 Wnlkarectreet, NJ. '- small and trcquent doses. virtues known thaswe not publish the certicates of them hone. or do more than assure the public that its qualities are fully maintained. The L.S. Pub. ooigpubxim `V - ' I` The tuners Guide By Henryjsteplzena of Edigbnrgh sgithe Into y 2 P.`Norto ` of Yd: College. 2101:.` Boys! Jr J tavo, 1 pages and numerous Engrtvinga. s _ ` PR.IOE-$'l, for the two vollnnu. any use * post P8. 38. , . ' . oeyouu an qnesuon, we purest, me moeteIncs- cious, the most. pnlntnble, und, from in rapid curative effects, the moat ecpnomicd ofdfkinch. Hana-. the universal celeblitv ol Dr. (in Jonah : L: nan - unu IIQVAJI ` DR. DE JONGHB Oil is convincingly ptoved by an overwhelming weight of med_ic_a1l'I.estiInony, audby tho practical tut of snecesefnlexperieneo for twenty years in all phi-ta of the world, to tie, beyond an qnestion, the purest, the moetemck ` ciuun_ thn mnnt. n1lnt:hlp_ And. frnmhn nnhl curauve enacts, me IBOII ecpnomncu 0| Au Iuml. Hence the universal celebrity ol Dr. 110 Jonglfu Oil and the nnpuilleld deannd hi this nun?-' vnlied nrmnrnom t ' . nnpaiillefd deaima `um um: vdied pnpnntiou. *. /{ SELECT MEDICAL OPINIONS. ' sm maxmr muss, 3.431, 11.13.. phvninnn in {L-(Kn-nu On (In. fl-mg`-n =In I'._l--u Lina. -nu.usu.I, 1111501.. -.u.. Physician in Ordinary to the Quest in Ireland. H I luv- l....n......oI- ........:s...a n. .1- I.___u_ . u u-v--u nu `an-nun-J our sun (Inca: nu xltallllla `1 I hve frequently presc;-ibed Dpt. do Jouglfs Light.-Brovnod Liven} OIL I conlider it to be I very pm,-e. oil, not likely to ceuudinguat, ml I therapeutic Agent of great nlne. rm nnw4nn-su11fn, 1.3.8:, ` i I Hodical0oer to die Pmnwnauaommc . Briuin-_ Wei think it I great advnuhg thatzthete is one kind of Cod Liver Oil which -is univen-ml}_y admitted to be genuim.~-thei ` In ()1 supplied by Di. do Jongh. It has . practice, when prescribing the oil. in ' ` ' I `and jiemediable Stages) Iuppuen n) ur. no Jollgll. It Ills; practice, pregcribing oil, Ito, this kind, Iince, gmidat 5 much vlriety and uh- eertninty. we have condence in its genuine- ness."-(Extract from conaumption: its Early __i. ' BRITISH PERIODICALS. -1,1 un;v-..un3n_a.n,_ `ll -`I-3-' Coroner for Central Hiddlescx. ' I conde: that the purity of this oil il`I&_l`lI`- I ed in its preparation, by the pormnpl Itlpum. of no goovj a chemist and intelligent n physlcim as Dr. do Jongli, who has also written th best medical treatise on the oil with which I am no- quninted. ' Hence, I deem the Cod Liver Oil sold under his guarantee to be preferable to my other kind as regards gennineness nod medial` elli- oacv. 1` un. ulllnnbl , Hedical Oicer of Health, and Chief Analyst to the City of Lpndon. _ In all cases I hnve loimd Dr. do Jpngh a Light-Brown Cod Liver Oil poaeaaing the same set of properties, among which the presegoe of ebolaic compounds, and of iodine in I state of organic combination, u-e themes: remarkable. It is, I believe, universally nekmwledged that this oil has great theripeutic power; nnd from my investigations, I have no doubt ofits being 3 pure and unadulterated nrtlel. 4 euocm, and believe it to b tted for those'casc_s in ` substance is indicated. DB. BARLOW. 1".R.S., Senior Physician to Guy's Hospital. I have frequently recommended persons con aulting me to make use of Dr. do Jongh's Cod Liver 0il.dAI have been wellsatised with ill: effects, an believe be 3 vcrypnne oil, we tped for those ' eases which the use of nm DR. GRA_HVILLE, F.R.S., Author of the span of Qermmy." Dr. Granville] has found that Dr. do Jouglfl Light-Brown Cod Liver Oil producei the desired oil}.-ct in a. shorter time than other kinds, and that it does not cause the nausea and indi `on too often consequent on tho adniniau-anon of tho` pale oil. V oomgazirzagq, 1cn'r1:n'u ININO-` =u-onus; EDWIN CANTON, ESQ, r.B.c.s., Surgeon to Choziugocrooa Houpial. For several yea: I have, been In the he bit of pnscribiug Dr. Jonglh Lighl-B r0'In Cod Liver on, and find it. to-be much mo:-is em - mcious than oqhr varieties of the` salsa me-`licino ` '""u-\\ ` ' - `T I mS91f6P`I"pr1vro1/s-r1nuAN & sou, Ohon-` " ""'<? I-opou,.n.o. ; ' 2 . '\fAunrn.. - __ Porrcver dA .Inta 'ttetF m gun 1-m1 u ever`; Ohm Fever, Remittent Fever. _1_ Petra Purity. Ind and Paris; npnw `toilet. ~;:..a%**-":.`a-.:.r:;=:*;:..`..a... ow Exotica, French ll?-l`l0K|; I-3'3"" w`"' 5: '1' am mmgdioe.-.-huzmui- unggeqwkmhm `of PNFFW 0 R. DE Jouelrs LIGn'r-B WK cop, ) LIVER 011.. ~ , ` an -n Cl\QCt1'CC'I A-.. . . . - CH;aR;0b.EicL ` 5, _ A warty -.-~_'_f* _ s* r'|'-"7'_""` 1' Louet. le-I-`n Burgoyne. Bnrbaua-4~-,8dIV!`[- so vs I; den: (or I-rdhxi Go I`PI'- 12 . "B1oonubnr!of' V K V, _-`_---,-row ~ . . manna: ` _ `Pei-fum"ers'.' P329 Mada! swudpd 7 wit; Euollanqe of Q0|-U`.7- .I`"d `d ' . BROWN W DHOR SOAP. TKIZK H'EIlAL HONEY SOAP- ggnnr gunxeggrgnn OII_-.80A1 - I. cam is . _ Every. variety of Fancy, 8_oo,pI All 15 3` 9'3]"'b"'` `' \VIIkIuo & Recvc, {ARRISTERS AND ATTORNEYS-uh-I.AW, v.1..n.;m.- (`.nnn-vnmzers. to. Nnlpaneq.-_ IDIAWS BRA-. SALE, for producing I `rent Sen BM in your own Boom. 1"l`h_ Ve$o\u:ite p nation in strongly agon- ` ; _ I - ~ .y- t: u . Ipo 6* ' Q3 Bud Iblhhld 1,110.}. TERHS #03 1869. -5 4|... 5...... I.2..wn-m . v-nu] o_x Inna} Hoop` ` I in Bus. Vmana qr3"rgble,u. 3-. Rose and Viola: Pardon, ,I..nn_n,do: WMl_!..' r!h P5810.-LillInJn|nn.nnd.Blrnnhn. DR. IE1-ulnar - nr 'l1 ...IoI. ...a nu. 'IaI1'&u:' 01: 1 vcrypure on Well which the up 0} that _ n onus, nxoomlnnrygl Ecgtgd -Olnltlfu L , F-3-S-. :.z;iI....... .9gjf3l' As its name implies. it 4100! turn. and does not Containing neither Arsenic. Quinine, Bismuth. Zinc, nor any other mineral or poi.-`unoussubstance whatever, it in novrise in`ures any patient. Tpe Imnhu ad lm rnnce n its cures in e azued1s- tridl. are Iitcra Iv beyond account, an we believe without 1 on-nllel in the hinmrv of Ame mmljcine. ` 1v.uu 134]) Ann .I U- um I IJI1 Prints 51"] Om: ninth in ` :-'-'-' '5--vac Iitcrallv and be_1i_c\'e without I parallel in the history of Ame methcme. Our pride is 1:1-.:tic-d by the achmwloulzments we receive or the radical cures eecmd in obstinate I7.?`.,x,`f.:'::'.,* we ` _ is put up in ; half 1 with inthe(T M mayji (iv ICC]... A:-L '3'.-': _ rxlllg 3-P9 .'..!'. ton! suaumnt.-H sued HE `ltilndv {WI IUIIIII Ul August 1. npLnux...... ' ev ory lo:-niu I -PAST nu, `_ Ever Steamboat .. footpf Johnson" our: Join. In` UnaoeJimated persons, either resident in, or travelling through minsmatic localities, will be pro- acted by taking the AGUE CURE` nan;-. For Ldver Counplninu. arising from tnrnidity ofthe Liver, it is an excellent remedy. stimulating Ilia Liver Into healthy nctivitv. For Bilions Disorders and Liver Comnlainls. it is W j VIIKHXI and lichign-( nhianno. Iilwnnl lpsuhno any mum;-r at, Ohiccgo. lilvmn | chi) for all the prin & vii Pacic Kai H A Comfortable sud Liver healthy Complaints. en excellent reme producing manv truly re- markable cures, where other medicines had fmlod. Prenaretl bv DR. J. C. AYER & C0.. Practical P.l., 3 PJI. and '1 .. . LG`. pupa Vincent oft. on uni up use West. and` Bniy '?P:ILongn-ml I.I3 RI`13Vl"JN :*nocu_i) n 835 A. 2iG vioLl5n I I, 'I`hru-Adan: -- . um: wuurx 1 ` I, Thundnyl 1 I A.K., 11 A._I., I `ll. __ QWIDNBSDAYS Ila;-.-.4-an: had Preparer! by C0., and Analytical Chemists, Lowell, 313.53., and sold all round the world. {H411 lllllle net. I11 1 nut, and will I AY sud FBIQAY H 103111? cnllinr is i!["i ; ..'.i.'u'. u 5-I-upl v. nuuumx, on lave NDled) at 4 L ., JLIETUBJ 9npc`Vinc`e|':t A.` an and ROYAL :1 U " ' C Iorbiuouesof the Throat and Lung: man u Coughs, Coldn, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis. Asthma, And Consumption. Probnbl never l}cforc_,in the whole historj medicine. anytmng won so wklcly and :0 du- --- Q yr. .0Anuu Fl. n'l'.IA 11-: A. nniigsti and 0 _. -~.-Jv- - -v-, I I ' ~Pnc'ncu. um A1uLrnoAL CHEIIQ, I April 23 H.315 Visr MRRISTERS AND A'|`l'Ut$.'V ni_x 0-Ir-unvv, D Solicitors, Conveynncers, Napanu-_ w , `cur ' For restoring Gray Hair to its jnalurarvitality and Color. nothing else can be found so desirable. Containing neither oil nor dye, it does not -soil white cnmbric, and yet lasts long on the hair, giving it a rich glossy . lustre and a grateful perfume. av-u A--u-uv, ARRISTER, Attorney-`at-Law, Conveyancer, kc. Ut.-:3 opphsile Post Odie.-, Clarence L'__ .n ARRISTER-AT-LAW. Parker's Drug Store. Juno: 9 _ J. R. smmn, n.u., )HYSIOIAN. stmatox, am, PORTLAN _ Rmidenco Hnrroirsmith. for lever and Agua, Intermittent Fever, '*`... '9;a-c; :m***:;:o F`-;..`'e" en 1 01' 118 2 - . md%dood an the aecons which n-on `man:-ions, mm.-sh, or miamnatno W. R. nllngayc, TTORNEYRAT-LAW, Conveyance:-_ &c. L Kingston, C. W. Dec. 1. cases. and where other remedies had wl UnnoellIlmted rersons, either resin] travelling chm Prepared Ky Dr. 1.'c. Aye} a Co., `D-..._....- HAIR DRESSING, wuuu uuu wvllu. PRICE, 1.00 PER BOTTLE. VJlilIVIV(VVs S. Curuvriglnl, John ludlo, Ayer s #310! 31-020 A dressing which is at once agreeable, healthy, and eectual for preserving the hair. Faded or gray hair is soon restored I0 [3 frig-inal color I 9 nlnec non OFFICE - Over t of Dundu uud l;hWn:VnIx I-`Ire Assurance Company OF LONDON. - -4 `Honk: lusurauee=- Company of I .\\-xv Haven, Conn. \.':\|l|1\u . D`v\r\('v~uurw PREMIUMS RECEIVED DURING 1868- $2,079,896. , Funds deposited in the hands of the Goverment for the security of Pulicyholdera. H` All lo risks carefully surveyed, and the rate of Premium made to correspond with the -1 -I- n aannuni J ioyal Assurance Company 0! .x~"`.....` Agent I lug! Th llltl llul 1|, uvnnu. L. J. Husun, E. P. Dorm, President. Geneml Agent. lNC(|RI'0l{ATED IN 1819. 1 CAPITAL $3,000,000. ASSETS$5,l50,93I,7l ULL AND CARGO RISKS to and from luland Purl: on llwourable lcrms. Losses promptlraad lihorauy adjusted and paid in Cannda Currency. -M J AMEN SWIFT. Aaent. Home Insurance vompany or New liauon, - .. _V__ "1 _ _ _ _ __` .1-Ilna Insurance Company 01' Hartford, Conn. n D n n...... JAIIISD own 1, Agent, Kingston, March 31, `69. St. Lawrence Wharf. A 0tce-33, Clarence Street. Kingston, March 20, 1862. .,._,---, Losees paid in 50 yenrs, A*)'L11u" 1I1suI`:1l1(:c C0. of Hart- ford, Conn. PAID up CAPITAL AND swarms- ;5,x5o,93:,n. I __-A. __:n :_ En ....._. on. l\nI\ Anni -'h`Hl_S Company has been doing business in Canada for nearly 50 years, and during that time has secured the public condence by lhu prompt. and liberal seulemeulofevcry fair claim. It lnsfully complied with the laws ol'C:uu.d| by the depoaTt_wiIh the Government of Stocks lo the amount of _ 550.000 And is prepared 1.: issue policies on terms as low as lhe safely oftlzc assurvd will permit. JAMES SWIFT, 4. Agent, St. Lawrence Wlmrf. l .':.....o.-u. \l..-..|. '11 IRA!) uuuuuu Aunmnuu. JBERFUMER by appointment to their Majes- ties the Emperor of the French, the Queen oP'Spaiu, the Queen of Holland. Lhe Queen or the Belgians, and the King of Portugal; and H.R.H. the Pnnce of Wales. `Toilet Soaps. Lavender Water. Cold Cream. Perfumed Vaporizer. Rose Leaf Powder. Perfumes for the l- IJBWIVHUU IV nun: Kingston, March 31, 1869. M59. hlarlue Insurance. 1869. rernunes mr um Handkerchief. Emu de Cologne. All the nbuven March 31, 1869. D511 U0 UUIDKDC. . All the above are carefully prepared for Ex- portalion, and retain their excellent qualilies in any climate.- 96 Strand - ma Rnunant Rn-..o . nu n.....t.:n In any clIl]JBl8.' 96 Strand; 128 Regent Street; 24 Cornbill, London. 17 Boulevard dea ltaliens, Paris. DR. VICTOR BAUD -'5 ORGANIQMEDICINE. 5-4! IIGIVIIJI-Ix-4., nu...-- . _...-v. IIQIII 'l`. Walton, OLIOITOR IN UHANOERY. Ooe-Clnnnco Street, Kingston, 0.W. N J. P. 01u>|nuIs1.L.L.B. | Runs. '1`. Want. : R. V. BAUD, Graduate and Member of the Medical Coll:-ge of Paris, ChiefPbysician hlnnordiunry for Epidemics in Paris, late MD. at the Civil Hospitals of Algiers, has just in- troduced iu England his URGANIC MEDI- CINES. rm . . . . . ...:.o ..r--._.. __-_----2-.-- D. SATBALII. Du-.mi.u` V. LuILl_(1 I01 [D13 VEILIIQDIB PPCPEIBLIOIII. Price: Small, 15 11:]; Medium, 45 5d La.:; Size, 115 per Bottle. THB:bkSTATIZED IRON, For an-L-ngzhemng the `Is 5 per Boule. THE nIAR I`A'l"l /Rn rnnnm IIUIIILI By the combination of the Iron or Iodine with Cress Seeds in a. stale of germination, they Are united with organic life, which thus renders them digestible. The irrimlivo and stubborn min-.-ral bets thus become_1ha nucleus f an organic substance capable of being ab-. - sorbcd by the blood Without injury to {Ed stomach. Agent for England and British Possessions, E G. DUFKESNE, 79 Wailing Street. May be obtained of all Uhamists. IL` They consist of three preparations- VTHE BAUDEINE, __ v An emgient and prompt Remedy fur CHbYcrJ., Yellow Fever, Diarrhma, Dyseulery, and `the excessive nczion of the Bowels. A gold mean! was awarded `by the French Government to Dr V. L uu_d for Ibis valuable preparation. Small. 11:1: Medium. 4: 5:1 - Ln.-rrn r or purnynug we mouu.--rnce '45 ml per moms. ',' The above Preparations are in the form of Sweetmenls, pleasant to the tune, and par- Licularly adapted tor Infants Illa Mothers nursing. Bv the combination of [ha In-nn m- Ininn CAPITAL nl bottle. THE DIASTATIZED IODINE, For puritymg me Bluod.-Pnce 25 9d Bottle. ` `.' Preparations are in the farm ` UIll|(.U. LIQ. ouLoit0r01uII co. o_B CHLORDDYNE` WITHOUT PEPPERMINT.` Bole Isnnfacturer :-A. P. Towln, Chemist, Ihnchuur. `Ann ouoonuu was to me Uouege of Physicians 1: communication received by mm from Munma (where cholera had befm gming fearfully) to the elfucc tint, of all remedies tried. Unlorodvne was the mag; pfrnn- ----.-.--_k_.____'________ lncdonald, Pnllon an lllaclunr, \ARRISTKRS AND ATTORNEYS-at-LAW, Soliciton in Chancery, 8c. 06000-38 Clu-out-1 SL, opposne the Post 06100, Kuosrou, C. W. _ Jon A. IAanuuu>,Q. O. 3 Jnns Pu-rah, Q.0 Jan H. l!:.cuAn. IIVE. The day seems as yet,_unbappily, fa.rdia- taut when public opinion or State ll1`\el'fl`~ euce will prevent the advertisement or sale of my secret medicine whatsoever. It is to be Doped that the profaa=io.: wi|l continue to brand as unworthy the conduct of those of its mmbers who by testimonial or otherwise aid the disposal of such thiugs."-Laau:L . |\.oI\Axu\- ...-.........J I CASH CAPITAL .. .. $1,000,000. ARE AND RIVER RISKS taken on hulls J and cargoes at reasonable rates. JAMES SWIFT, Agut, moatnn, Man-h Ill, `B9, S1. Lnwmnna Wharf. HOD. From Dr 0. Kidd, Author of -Standard Works on Chloroform. Sickville-street, Piccadilly, London. Sir-,--l think if you would advertise your Chlorodyno more than you do, you would help to bear. the others, which are .aecrot com- pounds, out ol the market. Many medical men think with me, and recommend your com- pound, but. will never prescribe A secret re- mody. Cannes Kim), ALD. To Mr Towle, Chemist, Manchester. A Surgeon from New York writes :-l only roqukooto be known to benppr.-ecinted. I have no hesitaliea in chlracteriaing it (viz., Towle -I Chlorodyne) us the mos; useful medi- cine thut has appeared during the present century. In diurrhum, colic, ugue, spasms, I have found it to relieve more pain and cause more joy than any other article that can he named." ' Una: _.'I"hn prnfnaainn in --ing .--:_-4 :_ nunea." No'u.-Tho Profession is warned against. in- fgrior, secret, Ind chat? compounds now 1;. the mnket. Eoch genome bottle bears I fac- simile of Prop:-m.or a signature on _tho uunp outside. . .,. ...-- nnnnnnllr n- -_ nu`? l\fif\r\vv\vn' Bl. L4` Kingston, March 31, 1869. LUWIJIHD UDUURUUINE. The Original Prupamcion of known Composi- tion. LIVERPOOL AND LONDON. MAXWELL W.S'l`RANGE, Agent for Kingston A_1"l lnmnm Street. CHOLERA, DIARILHOSIA, kc. EARL RUSSELL sent to the College of J Physicians bv g leunullj) LU we enact Inst, 0! all hes tried, Unlorodyne was the most. effec- EUGENE RIMHEL, nu-vunn L... ,A, U!I' |Uh.~-\7U\nu n vo\ vvnn-vn TI .. _....._ Int Susan. Wu. H. WILKISON. W. A. REEV E, I. A. n......o- ux-n A Ilnv-nnv

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