Kingston News (1868), 30 Jul 1869, p. 4

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CAPITAL . .............. I ocunuury CASH CAPITAL .. .. $1,000,000. AKE AND RIVER RISKS taken on hulls A and rnronan nt mnqnnnhln none Royal Assurance Company 0! or LIVERPOOL AND LONDON. MAXWELL W. STRANGE, A o-nun (`nu lfinnaon -____%_%__ pmncr OF ADV'ER'l`I_SING.-It 1 nrnmzina at timpa 1-n nl-mm-u. n '1`m% -nun?` V NE'WS`-FRID.AiY- JUIZY` 530. uoapluul or Algiers, has just in- Englnnd his ORGANIC MEDI- `mu, THOS. KIRKPATRICK. rrency. JAMES;SWIF'l`, Agent, St. Lawrence Wharf. JAMES swn:-1', Acrent u-..u.....~. Archbishop Manning has issued another ` ` pastoral on the subject of Cntholic child- ren in workhouse schools. We can sym- pathise with his anxiety that the children `, of the devotees of his own Church should not he trained against their will in another faith; but the protests which that anxiety '_iaap'\res gain no strength from the exag- tions into which he allows himself to be betrayed. Protestantism may be an l abominable thing in bi sight; and we can ` hare no objection to his saying so; but to try to get up a cry of deliberate persecution ` of Catholic children against guardians of ` the poor, is not less ridiculon3_thnn undig- nitied and uncalled for. The governing nu- thorities in England have always shown a sensitive regard {or-we will not say the religious prejudices, hut-the religious : righu of those who, whether by poverty or crime, have been cast upon their hands; ' but in carrying out an intention, the libe- ' rality of which Rome never evinced any de- . sire to emulate, practical conveniences can- not be ut;erly ignored, nor can practical dilcul~ties- be instantaneously overcome. When Archbishop Manning says that the cost of educating pauper children in Ca- tholic schools is no greater than that of ` keeping them in the workhouse, he puts forth a denite contradiction to statemenzs made on the authority of realised statistics on the other side; and when he says that there is no motive for not conceding his demands except religious bigotry, and the will to oppress the weak, he casts most on- just and ungrateful reections on a country the most liberal and tolerant in the world. ,l ._Jn_ nldu annular.) 01111` 1, Agent. St. Lawrence Wharf. IRRQ lI.l VV.B1'lSlV\1Ilv, 1 Agent. for Kingston aet. JIIIILI IJVV II` I. Agent, St; Lawrence Whurf R0 Cmaus Wznsou` Secretary Q1 nnn AAA $1,000,000. .rn-nun ..... $24,ooo,ooo5 V BE gyou freudu which continue to be prec- H by obeeure mnnufeetnrere, more pertieul _ly jn Germany, by imitating the le- bele etuehnd on `JOHN GOSNBLL & 00. : PEBFUMIBY, rendex it imgentive upon the Proprietor! to OADTIOI the public egelnet. euch neln-lone proceedinge, end -to request their friend: end patrons to purchase only of rupee- uble deelen, who import direct. from John Golnell & Co. ; and invite epeeiel attention to the eddreu- \ RED BULL WEARF, 93 Urns. Tenn: S1-nun. ms... r1.....-n 1. (M M slain:-.2 Perfumes : Eel RED BULL WHARF, 93 Urnn.'1'unne 5'n1ll1'. John Goenell & 00. : Select Perfumes: Bouquet, Royal Yacht' Olub Bouquet, Jockey Club Perfume, Essence of Wood Violet,oVic- tori: Bouquet, Frangipanni, Military Bouquet, the Bride`: Bouquet, John Gonnen & 00. : Prince of Wales Per- the Bride`: Bouquet. . * John Goanell 6: 00. Prince fume, I most. choice and fashionable perfume. 1.... r1,.....n A. an `I Prinnans Alexandra's fashionable perfume. John Goenell & Co s Princess Alexandra : Perfume, A most choice and delicate perfume, prepared expressly for the use of Her_ Royal Highness. John Gngnall & 00. : Unner Ten Thousand L ` _; SINGLE COPIES of the DAILY Nnws may be ma mho couuu.-rot the pummuou oases. Prin- ; can street. Price three ooppers. ./.2a:__u- _-_:.... -5 cl... unnIII.I Ann Highness. John Gosuell & 00. : Upper Perfume. tn... r;......n b n.. v. Jm-Imv muh Perfume Perfume. John Gosnell & Co.'s Jockey Club Perfnmo is in universal reqneav. as the most ndmlred Perfume for the Handkerchief. Price 28 Gd. John Gosnell J: Oo. s La Nublease Perfume, at moai delicate Pei-fame of exquisite ftagnnce. Jnhn nnnnll h an 'I Nnblesae Pomade. 819` delicate Forums 0! exquisite Insgrnuuu. John Goanell & 00. : Noblesae Pomade, gantly perfumed, sud highly recommended for beantifying and promoting the growth of the hair. I .. u..m........ hr in nnpnnnl- hair. La Nobleue Soap-eateerned for its unequal- led perfume and ne emollient qualities. Jnhn Gnnnpll In 003.1 Violet and Milleeur led perfume line emollient quanuos: John Gosnell & Co. s Violet Nursery Powder is guaranteed pure. No nur- sery should be without it. Sold in boxes at sd ; in tins In each. _ Inn. r1......n A. an : nhm-rv Tnmh Paste as Sd in tins In each. John Gosnell 8: Co. s Cherry Tooth Paste is greatly superior to any Tooth Powder, gives the Teeth a pearl-like whiteness, protects the enamel from decay, and imparts a pleasing fragrance to the breath. Price 15 64.`! each. Ynnmntnnnnnn "air Dve : certain to nrodnce tregrence to we oreetn. rnce 15 cu eacu. Instantaneous Hair Dye : certain produce any shade Brown or Black, of good natural colour. It cannot possibly injure the hair, has no disagreeable odour, and is easily applied. John Gmmell Ax Cn. s Patent Trichoearon. or disagreeable odour, and II easily nppueu. John Goanell 5 Co. s Trichosaron, newly invented Hair Brush, the peculiar me- chanical construction of which accompanies the two operations of cleansing and polishing simultaneously. Th. Patent Mechanical Chair for Brnsbink simultaneously. The Patent Mechanical Ohnir Brushing Hair by Machinery. For Proapeouwnnd par- ticulars, apply to the Pntentees and Sole Manu- facturers, JOHN GOSNELL_ & 00., Perfumers by Appointment to Her Majesty, the Pnncesa of Wales, &c., RED BULL WHARF, 93 UPPIR Tuuncs Srnzn, late of 12 Three King Court, Lombard Street. `T HE" SAUCE. Prepared by Alex- ander Hnnnhwnnd Hlnnkelt from ` 1&5 Ilnsus. I nun uuuv wvyrx... fsingle copies of the CHROIHCLI AND Nlws, containing the news of the week, may be hud in wrapper: for matiling. Price 3d. each, ssuod every Friday. "' `DID DILUUEI. ITTUPBYUU U ILICA` under Souihwood Stacker, from a. recipe by hi: Cousin, the late Dr South- wood Smith, thirty-ve yearn Physician to the London Fever Hospital; Father of Sani- tary Reform; Medical Member of the first General Board of Health; Author of the first work on Fever in any age or country, the Philoeophy of Health, &c. Delicious with everv known dish. its rnuosoppy or neauu, ac. Delicious with every known dish. Its habitual use increases the appetite and pro- motes digestion. It is much esteemed for its digestive properties. As an assurance of its mu-itv and snlntnrv IE5 CHEUBLIYB pl.'0p6|'|-I33. As an assurance of its purity and salutary properties, it is only necessary to poi-t out the name of the celebrated and philanthro- pic` Physician from whose prescription it is compounded. The entire life of that distin- guished man was `spent in promoting the health of his fellow-creatures, and his death, in December, 1861, was mourned as a nu. Liouzl loss. nn...i-...i- ....a 4'... ..-....-....:.... u... n..- '13-- uouu |OSI. _ Wholesale and for exportation by the Pro- prietor, 69_, Lamb : Conduit Street; Barclay and Sons, Fnrringdon Street; Batty and Co., Finsbury Pavement. Retail bi Ohamintm Grnmsrn. Itnllinn I.` 108001`, KEYQIIIGDI. Retail by Chemists, Grocers, Itallian Warehousemen, and others, throughout the Kingdom, and every put of the world. Ask for 'l`he" San:-.a.-Snacinl Ernnrt nmguum, am: every pan 0! H10 world. All: for The Sance.-Special Export Agenta-Bnrgoyne, Bunbridgea, and Squire, 16, Column Street, London. .' Al. IAUU\1' TIISIIIIU DALn}I`li.*A Medicine that cures Sea Sickness or the worst fonn of Billions Headache in a few minutes; efervescing and tasteless, lts con- stant use is especially calculated to main- tain health. When mixed. with water and taken during the eervescence, it immedi ately blends with the food, and is rapidly absorbed into the system. It vitalizes and supplies the blood with those saline princi- ples that are lost, altered, or destroyed dur- ing the hot weather. In Jungle, Scarlet, Yellow, Typhus, Eruptive Fevers (or Cholera), also in several other conditions, where the vital current is poisoned by infection, and thereby rendered unt to support health and life. it has been found eminently benecial; and its sustaining and purifying inuence acts as a preventive to disease, as the nu- merous unsolicited testimonials accompany- ing each bottle will prove. Its portability renders it admirably adapted to the travel- ler, tourist, emigrant, or private family, more especially when distant from medical aedViG0 or assistance. ' \ Rnltl in nnfnnt -9..-.....--A -1--- |.-.u-_ IR WILLI AM BURNE'l"l"S DISINFECT- ING FLUID, for the purication of sick rooms, hosyitsls, workhouees, fnctories, pri- sons, crowded places, between decks of ships, fever yards, clothes and linen of sick, night- cheirs, cesspools, drains, water closets, stables, dairies, larders, musty cssks, tubs, Jze.-, bilge-enter, end the holds of ships; apartments for searchers, nndertakers,- end jurymen, and for post-mortetn examinations; for the prevention of infectious diseese, can- ker and fungus in trees; for the disinfection of dead bodies, and for the preset-ntiou of subjects for dissection; for.the extermin- tiou of hugs and other vermin. Sir W. Burnett : Dininfnnlino m..:A ....... nauce assistance. Sold in patent atopperod glass bottles, price 2: 6d, 45 6d, 115, and 215 each. Spe- cial agents required and appointed in all parts of the world. uuu ox Dug! and oluer vermin. Burnett's Disinfecting Fluid was the only Disinfectant used st. the Agricul- tural Hall during the Smitheld Club Gama Show in 1866, by orde: of Her Majesty : Privy Council. _ Tha vnlnn nf Hm I-`lam :. .I..._... I._ -- Juuddyi exwp seu. BRITISH MAILS per Canadian steamers will be closed every !n'-. idvnl 12 1. `Per Cunard and Bremen lines,_'erery Monday sad I`-nisday respectively at 5 RM. ~ -- L- rnvy Uollncll. The value of the uid is shown by the following letter from the Secretary and Manager: . Agricultural Hall, Ialington, Jan. 1368. Dear Sir,-Please to send eight gallons more of your Disinfeoting Fluid, as per order` enclosed. Having used` various Disinfecting Fluids at our many shows, I can say with condence that none have had the instan- taneous and complete elfect of Sir William Bnrnett s, and this too without producing any nuisance like the sinell of chloride of lime or carbolic acid.-I am yours, faith- fullis S. Sivan, See. and Manager. Capt. Jackson, R.N.; 90, Cannon street. This uid acts on the essential cause of disease by destroying the local conditions of the atmosphere nude: which cholera is most frequently` developed and propagated. For instance: In a house in St. Andrew s street, Plymouth, occupied by fty-two persons , is Ives sprinkled in every room excent fnns-- :. usau, not a enngle cue of cholera, subee: , quently occurred; while in the four rooms above slluded to, the disease still exists and some deaths hsve taken place. 'l`wo hon... immediately ,oppoaite were supplied with a. qnsntity, in neitner of which has there been a single case, although the disease is raging in the neighbourhood. Sold by All nl...-..u... ....a -. -- - nuommuaed and and 'by P}:>feuo: Simona: myths Boyd Voserinory College, during the lat twenty you-I. N,B_-v-'1`-hi: uid is I not-{gin cure for grease .in hot.-|u,Ilso the lab nd to: in uhoop. In )0 nelgnoontnood." V `"1 by 611 Ohcmlus, and At :00, Onuon atroot, London. Quu-ta, 16:; pints, 8| ; half- pinto, 45; glue-uoppored Imperial pints, 9;. In strength, 16a`po1- dozen; and. in bulk 53; 4: pet _g_nIlon: botglps included. lhch an- npuuusu, occupnea ny fty-two person, if was except four; in these the occupants would not permit it to be spplied; the result of which wu,.that. in those parts of the house where it bod been used, not single subae. ram mm... 'AKPLOUGH S PYRETIO SALINE.-A J Medininn that en: Ran Sininnm: m `Seed Iv.--1.-:1 o urrvxox. HE0l`lIGINALOELORODYNl,in uq sy_ * ` B. Freeman. Pharnnesulst, ts to be one ol the grestest discoveries of the present century. It ls largely employed by the wool eminent Physicians and Surgeons-In boapltsl and - private practice in all parts of the world. It has effects peculiar toltaell, sad which are suen - ly dloaent to those -prodmed `by the compounds bearing the name of Ohlorodyne, but have no pretence; to posseulng its-virtues. It rapidly relieves pain, tron: whatever cause, al- lays the irritation of fever, soothes the sys In under exhausting diseases, and gives sleep V th- out producing any one Q! the unpleasant feelings so commonly arising from the use ol opiates. t continues to hold its nnshssen position in the estimation of the Profession as the best, most reliable, and cheapest preparation. Eminent and scientic Physicians made sldavits that they have tested its" eects in careful comparison with those of DR COLLIS BROWNE S 0ELOR0- DYNE," an-d deposed to the facts that they ' lound it s more certain and reliable preparation, I and greatly preferred l"REEM.ANS. l Earl Russell communicated to the Royal Col- preferred lt`K.EEM.ANt5." Em`-1 Russell `to lege of Physicians and to Mr Freeman, that` In Kanilln`-tha only remedy of any use in Cholen was Chlorgiiine. mm. M. ...,.I um. and Gazette. January 13th, `on vnrxfrxoi Chld dine. The M: al Times and Gazette, January 13th, 1866, states, It has an immense sale amongst. the public, and is prescrihed by scores of Ortho- dox Medical Practitioners, and, of course, it wo Id not be thus singularly popular did ll. not up ly ~ :1 want and (ill a place." Manufactured by the Inventor, Richard Free- Inc an Knnnlnzton \Po.|-k Road. London, S. The genuine nu englaveu on Stamp nucaide csch ttle), ORIGI AL CHLORODY E. ONDY'S PATENT FLUlI.Tor natural disin!ec- ' taut puries, deodoriaes, nndigiasinfe-cts, by the agency of nascent or ownic oxy _n,--`its active principle. Being entirely innoxioua, this truly scientic preparation is peculiarly ldnpted for the following useful purposes, lor `which dl other disinfectants, on nccountoltheir poisonous or other objectionable qualities, are uua ilable and uselem :- Detecting organic impurities in air and In r. Purifying drinking and other water from 0 ganic matter, lead, &c. Freshening the air of close places, and remov- ing bad smells. Freeiniz meat. fish. butter. or other nmvisions [Hg mm smeua. Freeing meat, sh, butter, provisions from taint. l"A...u..-...u:...o 5|... Ammo}: Al` ru-nanin w\:\:|nI\n xrom uum. Countcracting the effects of organic poison taken into the stomach. - t`....:.\... Ilnaou nuuuandnn `I':`-nninn -yl.....t .._A uuscu mw we awmncu. Curing Musty provendcr. Freeing wheat and other seed from smut. llniumininn Ihn hnnlfh nl nlnnoain nah: and COHBCTVEMJTICS. Preserving and restoring the freshness of cut owers kept in water. Deatrovimr the blight nf than nnunun vino IIOWBIS KCPL In Wllef. Destroying the blight of the poutoe, vine, hop, mulberry tree, &c. ` Washing dogs and other domestic animals. Cleansing bottles, beer barrels, pickling tubs, dairy utensils. . Wnahimr tha hair and dun-konina in nnlnmn ualry useusua. Washing the hair and darkening its colohr when turning grey. Enhancing the Durifvimz and invinnntinn gr. WLIISII Lurulug grey. Enhancing purifying and invigorating ef- fects of baths and tube. nu-nneinn nnannn.l unu-nu}- 1.-`A A-..L.....:..... -..: -nu yaw. cu -lvwuls-vine!-p Agragisn outrages are still on the in- crease in Ireland, and the spirit of lawless- ness is exhibiting itself in a country in which it was heretofore unknown. In no part of Ireland did better or more friendly relations exist between the landlords and tenantry than in the county of Galway. There never has been, as well as we can re- member, a solitary instance of the assassi- nation ot a landed proprietor. Many new men became pobessors of property in it by purchases made in the Encumoered Estates Court, and although as a class they are, notfonly there, but in on-ry other part of Ireland, considered as less indulgent land- lords than their predecessors, and have not only in many instances raised the former rents, but dispossessed many of the tenant- ry. we cannot call to mind any instances of revenge. It is, then, with sincere regret we nd that a most daring, but we trust unsuccessful, attempt has been made to murder Captain Thomas Lambert, of Cas- vtls Lambert, the representative of one of the oldest and most respectable Connaught families, Fortunately, hopes are entertain- ed of his ultimate recovery. The result of recent experiments at Dart- moor has been in favour of the segment rather than the Shrapnel] shell. The com- mittee which superintended the experiments hascome to the conclusion that the nine- potllden ried gun which at present forms the armament of the batteries of horse artil- lery isa much inferior gun to the twelve pounder. and will probably recommend the ado ' not the latter throughout the field ' rv. The committee annointed tn da- ICCIZE 0| DEEDS Il HIDE. Dressing poisoned wounds and destroying mi- mal virus. 'I"..n.oIn.- 5|... : A:...._ A: man VIFUB. _ ` Treating the infectious diseases of cattle, l horses, dogs, &c. One znllon mnkpa qnn hm ann ...n,.... .a.......a nurses, uugs, ac. One gnllon makes 200 to 300 gallons adapted for use. N.B.-Condy s Fluid is the Standard Scientic Test. for Organic Matter in Voter. and affords the only known means of rapidly and completely freeing Drinking Water from Organic Tsint, which is so cummon a ciuso ol serious disease. To rnnidlv nurifv um .i.- nan um .m.....a n..:.u wmcn Is no cummon ciuso oi serious disease. rapidly purify the air, use the diluted uid with Coudy s Uzouieer or other Spray-pro- ducer. C()NDY S PATENT OZONISED wu1~:n, (ran 1-nn.2vp umomm. \ - ... ...n L uuun nunu vv Asnn, (yon. 1-own rcuosI:s,) Removes from the mouth impure and foreign tastes and odours, whether arising from tobacco or other causes, and counteracts the irritation and morbid secretions of carious teeth. It puri- es and softens the skin, and, used in the bath, tends to: promote a healthy state of the whole body. 11 nnr `r II An nnxrnxr Manufactured the Inventor, mcnamrraeo mm, 70, Kenniugton \1_ a.rk Road, The genuine hm engiaved on the Government hnmp I-`B.EEHAN`Sl xnlul |I.nHI.nRnnY E. uuaUl.V'D rsmrms` JYES ` FOR THE PEOPLE. Any one can use them ; my- thing can be dyed with them. It is impossible` in this small space yo enumernte the many; uses to which these wonderful end beautiful chemical preparations can be applied; while; their chief use is for 'dyeing>t.extile fabrics,`- chey are also invaluable as a. colouring agent for almost every known materiel, the ease with which they can be used and the brillian- cy of the result being, indeed, elmoet mlglcel. * By their use almoet dny article of clothing cin be dyed in a. few minutes for a few pence without soiling the hands. HEMORANDA MEMORANDA. MAGENTA : The strength and beauty of 111: dye,i5 almost inctedible. A Sixpenny boo- tle will dye 20=yarda of Bonnet Ribbon in 10 minnmn: it um -1....,..--z..-- - vv uuuuu aunuus we IIIDQH. 1 - sarmwooo S1'Am. . a=_-, ..,e,.= uuuluui inoreuieie. A Bixpenny minutes; _it will also produce a clear Rose Pink by using less dye. Suitable also for Woollen Goods, Feathers, Silks, kc. WUOLLENS: Magenta, Mauve, Violet, Purple, Orange, Pink, and Crimson produce the most satisfactory results. Uhe nlarge quantity of boiling water in on earthen pan. ILIBBONS end SILKS: Brush them with soap and water to avoid creases, and to render them clean. bye in boiling voter. FEATHERS: Dye in hot water (It few drops of the dye is suicient for one feather). COTTON: Mauve, Violet and Purple are recommended. LEATHER: Blue, Magenta, Violet and Orange. D_ye in warm water. WHITEWASH: To color ple, Blue and crimson produce pretty time by using one bottle or more, as directed above. . ., STARCH? Stir in a few drops of Colour- Magento, Mauve, Violet, Blue or Pick; these impart delice & te tints to Lsce, Linen, c. . WILLOW SHAVINGS, Wicker, Ivory, Bone, Heir, Fibres, Seaweed, &,c., attract the dye quickly, ifapplied in boiling water. BLUE : Forleundry purposes is A 1. BOOK EDGES: A Sixpenny bottle oflegen. tn, Violet, Crimson` or Blue trill make from 3 pint to a quart of beautiful " colouring, ac- cording to shade requind Apply `with n brush. PAPER and WOOD STAIN: Ditto. OAK S'l'AlN.-A bottle of No. 2 Bleak to half 3-pint of hot water. - "'" "` _`_`.`'.1 new [UK s'__,. ,. excepted. RR] % ptioton , W ._ niil elU-' crooner ;, Hlltl, Illr 8.o'ld`EWholeulo and fog lxsnn, by the CDC]? BCCU ll'0llI 531113. ~ Maintaining the hodth of plants in pots and nnnnrvnmrimt will tint 5- quart; n Ootton. sin. n-117..-: :- ...- wnnsz ' One drop of d; BRINIFING on Ootton, droeatenhiro Since 3, pnuunnoed by nnoiueun "The only good tunes, in p 10- Eu:rIu_.i The` Public ."_l`OUP.0u! Ololln no-Iann-...n.1--- - - [UDSONB SIHPLE` DYES FOR THE Anv mm pun nu Hum - --.-_ add I IL.-A... ordinary way. BLEEDING some of th produce an innity taste. 9 dyes in the bath will of slime, nccoi-_d_ing to `R or Wool in` the, H. BOLLMAN GONDY, Patentee, Balteraea, London. _ use," 1; pm. Vohlon Iml- II II Iillla IX HUI` I`POCIIDIU UPKI-`Ur. Id (at their live: through the passages and` Intranet. A heavy liuvulnpooadontho dkoctnr of the onjupnllgnoat The damage" has In gunned at ;I,ooo. - . I run normon QUARTERLY (gun-moan ran EDINBURGH nnvmw gwugai e . -ran wns-rums-rm; nnvm ( .-,.;)_ -ran N()_B. l'H'Bnl1`[SH mmnw (Iree clfh) Ln , BLAOKWOOD 8 EDINBURGH UAGAZDII : ('l`ory.) A __ r HIISE foreign periodicals uiregululy pg 1 ' published by us in thounostyleuhuwto 1 fore. Thou who know them.-and -Jvlm Juno lohg subpcribed to then, need no. reminder; , those whom the civil `war of the hat for yarn ~ had deprived of their one yvelcone supply cub`. beet periodical lilontnro, will beglad ta luv; - them again within, gheir reach; and t_h\%>'bo l may never yet have met with them, will numgd. Iv be well nlensed to receive nccredlted nuwii * o ninount. of 1 ' ' Wynn, Fin A A .l.....- mny y0I IIIVG ll!!! Wlyll I-IICIII. `Ml Ilmd. ly be well pleased to twelve accredited repog-B of the progreel of European science sud math-' mm. ture. TIRES FOR 188?. Funny one of thcfour Reviews For Any two of .he {our Review: For my three of the four Reviews For allfour ofthe Reviews , For Bhckwood e lhguine - For Blnckwood and one Review For Blsckwood And two Reviews For Blnciwood and three Review: : For Blnckword and {our Review; POSTAG When sent by mail, the P Jo my 9. o can a. year for Blackwood, and bat ght. Gent .9 your for each of the Reviews. I . \ fmUnited States will beb(_z&'.n font Subsc\t}b6I s tiny obtain be following riduced rates, viz : The Nortln\~Brili:lL from In l0ll0WlI1g TQIUIEQ IIIEB, VII _ The North\~Bn'ti:Ic from January, 1863, C6 D59 camber, 1866, elusive; the Edinburgh and the Westminster fro April, 1864,10 December, - 1866, inclnaivo, and the Loudqnn Quaruily mt 1865 and 1866, at 9 rate of $1.50 syn: for each or my Review; so Blsckwood for 1866, (or $2.50. . ' - ran Lnorunn so` -Pnblhhing 05., . Wglkor-street . H_Y_ The l`ari1or s G ` dc _ By Henry Stepheniofkdinburgh an the Intel. P. Norton, of Yale Oollege. 2 11:1. two 1eoo`p.geg.'<.1lnumeronn ngn ' , for PRIOE--$'l e two volumes. s * non mid. S8. ' l'lI.1\{I:~)'l, post pad. :3. B. DE JONGIPB LIGIl'l'-BROWN con LIVER OIL. . DR. DE JONGIPS Oil is convincingly pioved by an overwhelming wcight ofxnedicnl teuimou and by the practictl him of successful experience for twenty years, in all put: "of the wo'r|d,.o be, heyond all question, the pnrut, thcvmoetella-w cioua, the most palatable, sud, from its npil curative eects, the moat economicul olalkkinda. Hence the naive:-ml celebritv 1:! Dr. an Jonah". The journal] of Oulix says that on 8%. Peter" D5] a grant commotion took plus on the Plus do Ion Toma, when the pobllofoand all the uni- lllll II A bull ght dolulablo. The nob rushed into I mu. and destroyed everything ln~ia wny. u even your so In It to kill (hall and haul it shout. The non respectable updeucorl Ind Inc uni: lire: thmnnli llu manna Am! cunmve enecul, me most. eoonolmcu onuxiuds. 1 nniverssl celebrity ol Dr. de J'ough"c , Oil, and the nnpu-nllelod demand lot this undo ` vdled pmpnn ' ` SELECT MEDICAL OPINIONS. SIB HENRY KARE, BA'R'l'., l.D., : Physician in Ordinary to IhoQuecu In Ireland. I have frequently pnaajbdd DI ; do dough ; A light-Brown: Iivhet Oil." 1 eolliietlt to In 1 very pure oi not 'kely toaeiaednn, and a therapeutic (gent of grestvIlu." .7 nn slum, 1:33., Hedica.10icer' to the Poor. kw Bnrtld Glut Bach. - - 1 uwozhinkit a is! - onakiud 0!`-706d Liver A which itunjr ' udmiued to be g3nuiuo-tho Hghhlol 4. I supplied by Dr. dqlongh. It hnsloogbeexfolu-~ p-notice. when preiciibing Ihooil, to_ Lhiskind, Iince, amidst a innch v|rietyuId,un- ` certainty, an have oontlenetin in genuine- nesa."--(Ext.ract from Gonaum'ptIon`: in Early and Bemedi_Ab_|e Stages") __:. \ Coroner for Oentrllddluex. ' ` " I consider thauha pm-ityof thinoiliaeeuru ed in in prepu-anon, by the-yuioliil uuenon ol m_good a chemist nnd intelligent I as Dr. dc Jongh, whohn allorritton the best medical treatise on the ollwith whlchlun ne- qusinted. Hence, I deem the God Liver Oillold under his gnu-`antes to beprelenbloxo my other kind "I8 regu-da genuinonou and Iuoieal el- cacy. - - ' ' -muuu umcar or near? `mo Ulinf Anllyat to ' the City In all ones I hive Light.-Bn-own Cod Liver set of properties, Among chulzc compounds, and found Dr. J ong_ n ` II-lls ' 0il.pou'a-lug . Ann. uqunlnnl, Iledical Ocor of He: `and Ohio! Anllyat . - iheity London. uni uq unong WEEK CHO plfa 0' `: chulhicP:RI?'p:::da, cunning in am. of ' organic combination, Ira themed tuna-hblo. ' It is. I believe. univannllv mIm.n.:.a..4.a .1... { mm mm; ma, Senior Physician to Gay : I h V !_t-equantly noomncndedphcsmm con-. suiting :11: to make use ofDr. do Jonglfo Cod Liver Oil. _I have been well utiiled with its effects, and believe (is to be a-very.p`nre oi rel! tted for those cases lawhich tbauae that subouneg is indlcctedz" 3 orggmc combination, themed tuna-hblo * 1., believe, unmmny. gcknouoagad uni this_oil 31-gal pong; god my xnveangntipna. . ban we doubt ofiu hang a. pure and unadultented utielqf . " D1-.VGr_an v'i Light-Brown ( 33.901 311 L aka- lZI' Z Will PIUIJCUIJ ITXJIIIIIIUUU but mud eld ry. appointed to de- cide upon the equipment of eld drtillery in Imlis have "named a. preliminary report, in which they recommend the adoption of 9. bronze twelve pounder rie muzzle loading mu. u nnnnorllia an Q'l'1`URNEYB-It-LAW, ov Inn bucurox . _ Oonvoynncuu, Notuioo Public. Ixocubd neatly. hIPl!. Ind !Pd`" lllcllard T. Walltem, in min mews JOB PRINTING OFFICE. `10LIOI'l`OR IN oauvonnv. k O1co-0lAnnoo Street, Kingston, O.W. J. P. _ , L.l...B. | RICE. '1`. Want. _.._ _.___._.______...__._________ Ilacdonald, Patton an lllnclmr, -rum an ma dept!` W `b K` .... ..., _- 9.11-... . -- to: several you: put I have been in the hu- ligdofnglznaaiblng-Dr. da Jon; `I Light-Brawn -m 0il,_|ud nd is to be men nor en- -` cacionn than other nrictiea of the some medicine- ybich '1 have also ennlnud um. . .s.. 9.....- cannons than other wbich euployodwith I. View tutu! their relntive superiority. -nT1i1-1-(zen `13n1on1c1u.s. __._,_..____ TIDIANB BRA. ranl Sea Both 1 gl-...-'- l--- W'- mended. `Sole Proprietors-7-'l'IDI into, 16 Wormwood 8tree TM favourite preparation is strongly noII- ; an 3 son, Oinlr % t, London,_I.0. '\rAD'hl aV I 0" ` The L. 8. Pub. Q0.l1l9pB%1 Porfumcu. 9.3.. mm mauled. for `P ' J: n`'` 9` Q lity. London DDf\Enr var`--.-__ _~ 2 _ _ 0(,Jh1V:.1lZV'1.FOA.{&"1"m~pi 1 ;= 1nunnu11I'1u s'ronug % mi 3 In-no amount. of manual u..u... _- nwwm cm-row, 1:90., r.1w.s., Surgeon to (Sharing-crou Hotgiul. F rulyenn til: beeni thala- {it ofo;::::iblnz-Dr.P:: Jnn`-r'I? - Ii-i-IL--" sun. The Autrhu red book, in reference to Italy, up :-lletI'onn1 mukn of lylnpnlhy hnve been {nvounble 1'0 the rapprochement between the 1' eounlxiee nlocted wilhjlhe conecioneneu of tho genes-:1` demand for pence.` An regu-dg Gel-nun nlein :--``The well known viewe of the lupedgl (internment hue remained un. changed. _.,'l'be interest: of Austria, and her vieh lo: lle prenesntion of pence, itnpoee upon her eomplaejhelenlion from interference in the Gonna qieetione (hat um rennin open. _. . . ...... .g. --.u-. .- I. rlrll. BROWN wmoson. 01?- rmzx llDAh_H0.NlY,3.` 13.51-nxrr smnnnwln ' ,iz..E.. -unuuuHn0- * PR Immh . , ' -- { must suxrnowga SOAP- _ GLY9lI_R1NE -sou. x DB. GRANVILLE, 13.8., , Anthqr of thoj`f_8;m.,9l Germany. . Dr. Grgniillej has found that Dr.; `dc Jonglfs -.Br_ovrn God Lin: Oi! produces the desired .in 3 shorts: timothy llhrkindn and mu. - ; oI> numbon It the need ntes. DR I-;l"HRBY,. - at `llggln. ....a an. .j-1.1:-4. . `SALT, for producing 1} in "your an Roan. Th "A:1drss.,m L"1' -runuunmg Uo., kxwnlker-street , NJ. - \ too sdm:-n':i;nc:g::|:'fl tl:_o_[ it the ` Klzeund` Fonn on A6 61.. I\`. FRIDAY EVENING, JULY 30. I sum.-av: Butt` Y` `mam. hlht &E$Z 9 VIII . |lixed u-sin 10:00 3. m. u u y.0 u gnd Odie:-nit. ; ` t|bh.$C~0oIIVUI` ad Golilllenonthi O-H.ELTC ,lorniol (lend-I-x rggv, touolnng qt 0 mt; ' Fig" |_.t `o:o'o -g_l.-b-` 3-..]: it u 52:71 -E86` urn`-:. ; -pleziaid. I...-mu: E;`z".a"a`." I....4l; gm HI Time of Steam gqgntlon $1? M RE30N-$3 .33: A4? irnntnwa .-xrnarr` `WN,* .`B._...- __ a..-.. ll . 1\ADDl'I|lna Ann AII\Ir\I'\\Il\`9.-1 . p 0. 8 ` M ,uu -3sy or Quinta` Ininl of tail: frog AJ, (exoupt It the Grind .'l`mnk 1' .-...o:.... I... can A I`- V ' V`: 3 r. III! AjOLLOW8 _; gm 3:15 1.1,, 11:30 4.1. WK). KI JISVV ' 39311: it in?" L.-. `tario Street, or :1 Lwlllhil Enact, fat llortl. aver dc? --l-- g--w-.=* .. WlDI8DA!, lll i-f%$ J. 0; 1313135 J ' ` 3.4.: ml. ARRISTIRS AND ATTORNEYS-at-LAW, Solicitor: in Chnnmryc. 033039-18 Clnrenc St... opposite the Post ! Oice. Kncoa-ron, 0. W. ` Jon A. MAoDoxALn,Q. C. }JunsPA'r1'ol, Q.0 }_ Joan M. Hanna. ` ----- -u-----, n u-olvll II AIIIICIIBT, i 11. 1339:" A RR.` Pm Juuei DAILY non` % Plctol and KIN I! '. '1 . .~m.Um-;. `H II: '- U '4 _ Dnnlop. ' pnhonhino F"fnn'af.f J 03- ? " "'1 ,IunI .. 5 U. W . 0|"F'IOE.---South West corner of Duudas and Enst. su-eets. ` ` WI. H. WILKISON. ` W. A. REEVE, M. A. Cnunlv rnwn A llnunnv l j mm min Btnon ll follow: 2 | AISNIDIEKSHDU AllUlSAVlIX'II`hAW,U0!1' veyanoer, kc. Oice Bagol Street, second ` door south of the British Whig Utce, upstairs. I August 1. , , . 0 RcIIIy an Draper, ) ARRlSTERS,AT'I`0RN EYS-at-LAW Solici- ` tors in Cbauoery-Cbnmbers Nos. 7, 8, t 9, Anchor Buildings, Kingston, 0. W. June 0'R:u.u',Q.C. | FRANK 0. Dunn. John nludlo: ARRISTER, Attorney-at-Law, Conveynncer, kc. Oice opposite Post Oice, Clarence Street, Kingston. August 6. ONEY TO LEND. $60,000 to lend on the J_ security of Real Esmtein the City or Coun- try at a low rate of interest. No commission chnfged. R. M. ROSE. Anril 23 on A. uAuDoxuLn,Q. U. guns Kingston, Jun y 16. ZLSr;I3 s J Sarsaparla, - Gilda-oloovo an Wukoln, ARBISTIRS and QTTORNEYB-It-LAW, Notuion IIl..|..._; I-1 nnr__n._,,,, Z" for sale by .11 the Drug nd by all Medicine Dcolerl. VI. :1. wxmuaunt. W. County Crown Attorney. NUKl'tll`IUk U LYMAN, Newcutlo, O.W., General Agants for the Canada. If..- ..I- I... -II AL- n_.._:_.- :_ 17: ____ __ 00119 int. 3.i)5;s.m. 1:30 pm. Mixed u-sin 2:45 um. 1:50 6:15 " uanuuu. ` For sale by all the Dynggista in Kingston,` and by 911 Medicine Deilirs. U ftll June 9 .W. \VllkIson an Reeve, ARRISTER8 AND ATTORNEYS-at-LAW, Solicitors, Oonveyaaoers, ac. Nnpanee.` P 12 E P A R E n_ 12 1' Dr. J . C. A1'Ell & co.,I.ou~cn, no-., Prat-(`cal and_ Analytical Chc-mists. SOLD BY ALL DRFGCISTS EVERYWHERE. NORTHROP & LYMAY, Na-tun: HW (Inn.-.1 Ag.-.-.9. I... on. . ry nu1~,:hImrlmml, and we need not publish them. A Appeal to all ages and conditions in all climates; m:n~.u1nm: nc-jshcr calmncl or any deleterious drug, tlnry may be taken with safety by anybody. Their sugar coating preserves ti_1em eyer mesh and makes them pleasant to mke, while being purely vegetabla nu I1.-inn can txriaclrom their use in any quantity. They operate by their powerful inuence on the internal viscera. to purify the blood and stirnulnto it into healthy a2non`- remove the obstructions of the stnxiuxch bowels, liver, and other organs of the body, res orinz their irregular action to health. and by mrreuting, wherever they exist, such derangov menls as are the rst origin of disease. _ MinnLe_directiona are given in tho wranner on mxnnbe directions wrager on the box. for the following ooxnplaints, w ' these Pius ripidly cum):- me nox, mr me muow-mg complxnnts, which 1-`ills rapidly vurc :- 1-`or Dyupopda or Indigestion, Llnleun neu, man nor andglmu of Appetite. they ahold be ta en moderately to stimulate the atom- ach and restore its healthy Gone and action. For Liver Complaint and its various nirmn. restore 'tone "'- various ' :YOl`ll'l, Dillon: lleadache. Dick Heal hp` ' O Ianmllco or Green llckneu, Dillon; Colic an-I llllious fevers, they should be 111. diciuusly Luken for each case, to correct the diseased action or remove the olystnmtinns which cause it. For Dynontery or Dlarl-Inna, but one mlld dose is generally required. For Bhaumau-m, Gout. Gravel. Palpg. cation of tin: ll:-art, Pain In the Side, Back and Lolns. they should be continuously taken, as required, to change the diseased action of the system. With such change those oomplzlnu disappear. Ia..-`-n _____ -_;-. . -- A vullc :ux-I uuanoui reveru, tney would be u :9 diseased mild _ Palpi- ting Side` pe oontmuously chanwa 01 cnnge oomplzlnu M?-`?par' d n I I a lung. 1- Dropny an rope ca we I: should be taken in large and frequent doses to % duce the effect ofa drastic purge. '_ u L _ For Iunn:-Q-Inn -s 1...... ' \'JI.ll 1:15 pm. 4.05 An. :,".35 " .-nun- x. L; n-..o...l . -- -- -- r"""'! and mugm-awe the system. Hence it is oen ad- van us where no serious derangement exists. One w o feel: t0|erablz`well omen nds dntadose of these Pug: makes h reef decidedly beget, from their cleansing and renovsn/ng effect on o diges- tive apparatus. ` DB. J. (J. AYE]! & 00., Practtcal Chalk, LOWELL. 112188.. I]. R, A elames Agnew, ARRISTE R and ATTO RNEY-at-LAW,Com Inrnnnnr kn nmn. Rannv Qt.-mu am-.u.A JlII;l_c! 3'. Carlwriglll, ARRISTER-AT-LAW. OFFICE D...L-n..'.\ h... .. Q... W. R. Dllnguye, TTORNEY-AT-LAW, Conveyaucer, &c. ' n. (}.W Dec 1` disappear. H mi "-r-_-- For and Dropslcal Swelling: t :3 pu For Supp:-onion n. large!-:e shpuld be tabi! as it produces the desired etrect. In ' sympathy. As 11 D nor Pm._gske c._me or o Put: 10 pro- vnntn .-I: In u pnmmes me desired syinpathy. I Diana PHI. take me pro- mote digestion and relieve the stomach. An occasional dose stimulates the atotnncltand bowels Into healthy action, restores the nggtnxtite, and invigun-awe ma 0 ` where no_serio_\_xs n..- .. .. o....r.. ...u..__., Ayer s Cathartic Pills, I I b 11 D ' E or use y I V 11133!!! in xnglton, and by Design. NORTH R01 8 LYIAN, Nave-uIle,. 0.W., Goncnl Agents for the Sandal. \l\In3lD1l\'.'\l'lJAVV . Parke:-`s Drug Store. [8 9. ;".35 " ` | - v ~ and Kingston 1ime.] [This in by Iouu-ed time, from whi;:h deduct E In minutes for (be diforence between Iodfreal -- Over OFFIOB; REMOVED TO KING STREET NEARLY OPPOSITE THE CITY BOOK STORE. uvva u n Vnunao Joseph Bawden, TTORNEY 'AT- 1 A W, Solicitor in Chancery, Notary Public, &c., 33 King street, Kingston. l Phcnlx Flro Assurance Company OF LONDON. ,..u Home Insurance Company of New Haven, Conn. 1-: ,\IU\J'IlUU- PREMIUMS RECEIVED DURING 1868- $1,079,896`. Funds deposited in the bands of 1116 Goverment for the security of Policybolders. f All re risks carefully surveyed, and the rule of Premium made to correspond with the ink assumed. ' I A una unlrnlm 1569. Marine lnsurancti i369. (Elna Insurance Company of Hartford, Conn. L. J. HENDEE, E. P. Donn, President. General Agent. IN nnRPnn.\'N'cn TN mm unn nu gw,uuu,uuu. noon o9u,1ou,:!.)|,H ULL A D CARGO RISK to and from Inland Ports on favourable terms. Losses promptly and liberally adjusted and paid in Canada Uurrency. JAMES'SWIF"I`. Atranf .-.u.... I ucuulnn agent. INCORPORATED IN 1819. CAPITAL$3,000,000. ASSE `$5,l50,93l,7I AND Inland Pnrua nn fnvnlirnhln IA:-rna 3 Durn or Wrnnux Jna.nui.-Forty year: ago there were few names better known in London_ society and in the world of letters than that of William Jerdan. Surviving almost all his literary contem- poraries, he died on the 11th insl., at Bus- hey-heaih, in his 87th year. A native of Kelao, and educated at Edinburgh for the Boottiah law, he came to London to push his way in literature. With most of the notable peraonlges of the last 50 years he had nal acquaintance, and with some of the men of higheet mark in literature and politics he hubeen on terms of intimacy. t was Mr Jerdan who, in the lobby of the old House of Commons, seized Bellingheni, the usduin of Mr Perceval. At that time one of the repor}ers for the Press, his con- nexion with periodical literature continued for half a century. Late in life he receiv- ed a pension of 100 I your for-hie long service: in literature. .1 Home Insurance Company of New` Haven. l'\ !.!.---..u__ n....\-__, nr,_, - Ann any zuvnm Klaus taken hulls` L and cargoes at reasonable rates. JAMES swurr, Agent, Kingston, March 31, '69. St. Lawrence Wharf. Etna Insurance Co. of Hart- l.'\_J l1,__,, J. n. s...m}, :......, )BYSIOIAN. SURGEON, 80., PORTLAND, Residence Hun-owamith. `Agent at Kingston, TH gw, I uv,-. Losses paid in 50 years, .-_-.avuu `nun: uuuu \JU. U1 U` ford, Conn. mm up OAPITAL AND SURPLUS- $5,l50,93l,'Il. Lana--: nah! In an uanpa 001 AAA AAA ' HIS Company has been doing business i , Canada for nearlv 50 vents. and dun-inn lhn v -cue uumpany nu ooen doing business in nearly years, and during that time has secured the public condence by the prompt and liberal settlement of every fair claim. It has fully complied with the laws of Canada by the deposit with the Government of Stocks to the amount of 350.000 Am; a. ..............,a ...:_...__ _-.- i O(Iioe--33, Olm-once Street. Kingston, March 20, 1862. xxaerox POST omen. Close. Arrive. ? Rama bf GT R. dny miun-.40 PM. 4:45 Ru. ,1: W-mu " " 3:15 -- -1-.15" QUUoUUU And in prepared 1:; issue policies on terms as low as the safety of the assured will permit. JAMES SWIFT, A|'(enL DB. V10 TOR BAUD S 0RG\ANIO_IEDICINE. ` \ DR. V. BAUD, Graduate and Member of the Medical College of Euia, ChiefPbysiciau Exlnordinary for Epidemics in Paris, late M.D. ot the Civil Hospitals of Algiers, has just troduced 'in minim uouuceu CINES. Th: U11.` DIC- Tbey consist of three propu'ntiona- THE BAUDEINE, An eicient and prompt Remedy for Cholera, Yellow Fever, Diarrhcea, Dyseutcry, and the excessive action of the Bowels. A gold medal was awarded by the French Government to Dr V. Baud for this valuable preparation. Price: Smail. ls lid: Medium. 4- lid - I... v. Dlll tor this valuable Small, lid; Medium, -to 5d ; Large Size, 113 per Bottle. THE DIASTATLZEDXIRON, For strengthening the Syst.em.-Price 25 9d per Bottle. THE DIASTATIZED IODINE, For purifying the Blood.-Price 25 9d per Bottlo. _' The above Preparations are in the form of Sweetmeata, pleasant to th taste, and par ticularly adapted for Infants and Hothers nursing. Bv the nnmhinntinn nf cl... 1-..- -_ r--H-- I` 6HOLERA, DIABREKEA, kc. EARL RUSSELL sent. to the College of Physicians 1. communication received by mm from Mnnills (where cholera had been graing feufully) to the etfect that, of all remedies tried, Ohlorotlyne was the most e`eo- tive. uurumg. By the combination of the Iron or Iodine with Cress Seeds in a state of germination, they are united with organic life, which thus fenders them digestible. The irritative and stubborn mineral has thus become the nucleus of an organic substance capable of being ab- sorbed by the blood without injury to the stomach. Agent for England and British Pmeeeeiona, E. G. DUFRESNE, 79 Watling Street. May be obtained of all Chemists. :5 Kingston, March 31, 1869. I -1: 4- uu a. U1.` nu van lJ_.DLLV`lX.'-,IF IS amusing at tima toobserve the stores of the merchants who_don t adver- use ;' to see the anxious proprietor: look- ing into the streets and see the penple go by, wondering why they don t come in while the stores of their neighbour-swho do advertise am thronged with customers , Some people will learn by observation, others will noz.-Daly Palladium. ` Elltll by U.'l' 5. Q1] u'IIu1A:-w I ..u. 1.1u . ..... Western 3:15 " Inn and West night train: 9:00 " 7:00 A.M. :! bNI1'ED STATES IAILS. L Through lull: for New York, Boston, Olwego 3 v nnd Onpe Vincent, van be closed It 1:30 P.M., Ind mm from the pines: will be due for do- `, livery It 12:30, PM. A`necond__l ' '` '` `W 5 `3tM%L&'-..5,"P.Il.,nnd one f :iA_b_`}.`?? ..'nere for delivery at 7, A.M., daily, ._. --..onmi D I SIUIAIV. UUIEUEUN, Residence Hnrrowamith. uvu. The day seems as yet, unhappily, far dis- tant when public opinion _or State interfer- ence will prevent the advertisement or sale of any aegret medicine whatsoever. It is to be hoped that the profusion will continue to brand as unworthy the conduct of those of its members who by testimonial or otherwise aid the disposal of such things.-Laucet. mnnn nun III-vi .\....__.__ _ ._-_... _...wuuu 1`0WI.E S OHLOROQYNE. The Originsl Preparation of known Composi- tion. From Dr 0. Kidd, Author of Standard Works on Chloroform. Sackville-street, Piccadilly, London. Sir,-I think if you would advertise your 0hl0!OdVn0 more thnn vnn n um. ......|.a L-I_ March 31, 15169. a-r,-1 mink it Ohlorodyne more than you do, you would help to beat. the others, which are secret com- pounds, out of the market. Many medical men think with me, and recommend your coin- ponnd, but will never prescribe a secret re- medy. Cauzns KIDD, M.D. To Mr Towle, Chemist, Manchester. A Surgeon from New York writes :- I only requires to be known to be appreciated. I have no hesitation in characterising it (vim, I`owle e Chlorodyne) as the most useful medi- cine thst has appeared during the present century. In diun-base, colic, egue, spasms, lhsve found it to main. ......- ..-:.. -_: __--~ Lu D. Snn.u.n. President. nnnrv n.-um. , ,,I,..__._._ ......-5 -uv prcnuuln I have fangs! it to reiieve more pain and cause more joy than my other Article lhnt n... 5. 1 man: uunqa as to reneve pain guy Article the: can be` named." Nou.-Tbe Profession is warned sgninat in- ferior, necret, and cheap compounds now in the market. Escb genuine bottle been A the- Iimile of Proprietox-`s signature on the stamp` outside. 1 Il\ ;-..-. A...-.___* _ vuluva fro. oanonoroam oo.oucH1:oRomnm [ wmxour PEPPERMINT. Sole llsuqisctuxer :-A. P. Towlo, Chemist, lhucheater. EL LI Kingston, March 31, 1869. :ARCHBISHOP MANNING AND THE ` CHILDREN.

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