` cheep withel. y-vvpIl uculuulllll, Illtl I10 something to ensuln it. Amongst other things they have purchased end peid for e splendid new organ for the Church in lhllorytown. The or gel: in e liret-rote one, with ve nope end ell the modern inprovelnenu neeeeeery to bring out perfection of tone. lheve not bend my church ergen _in this country so like the cathe- dxu orgnu of the-old country, eo powerful yet not: in tone as ie our: end one like it in the II- New. Connexion Church of thin pleee. Both orgene were furnished by the lune rm-Rey- ner, ol Kingeton-who give 5 good erticle end I perceive some improvement! in size end regularity of ettendenoe in.the con- gregation eince the orgen wen obteined. 1 v pf. uh: .1| uuy heprepered to singthe praise! I of the Lord in glory. A n l lALES AND PORTER ` ILL be delivered to the Trude, direct from - the Itnnflclory. at so cent: per dozen, and P1-into Families :1 $1 per dozen. 0:-don kn :1 A I.ivinvgmn'n and Citv Book I00 YFIVIKC FIIIIIIEI II {I per UOIBII. Orders left me A. Livingston : and City Book Store. GPO W (1 DPIIJHTOH ~13: CARRATRACA WATEB."|l MlNERXI AN Annoruuu of Bkis dwnys on hand. Work leaving Kingston -'0 b. mid for be- `oro being sent out or the Esmblishtnent. Km-g _uynoI.-Pnr(ies in Mann-eal are ' ore out or the lsstzxblnsatnent. one then for my boots. Non -GAunon.-Pn|-ties ofeng fofsnlo Boats purporting in come from my establishment. Al I haw no agent or per- son nuthoriv-d to sell for me in that city, buy- ers In uutiooed ngninnt bargaining with any I. 0 GORl AN. Fun (M CAI-iacicn Albania, Kingston, Juno 12v.h,1869. bU.nb |.; 1\'\J"Lh ONTARIO STREET, KINGSTON ONTARIO. B. B, Stephens. Proprietor- ,..__2__.. -0 nnrngd mr -r uuvvr._v__. _. , Trusty Penn: in uundnn;e_ at Depot and Suambost Landings. Oct; 28. _ For Sale by Juno 7. .._:.. . ABTIIS intending to make application to - the Legisletlreof Ontario for Private Bills are hereby notied that they are required by the blat and following Rnlea of the Legislative As- sembly (whizh are published in lull in the Ontario Gazette), to "give NOTICE of their application (clearly and distinctly specifying its netnre end object) in the Ontario Gazette, and also in a Newttpapstnpnbliehed in the County or Union of Counties aected ; such notice ehnll beeontinned in each can fdr a period of at least six weeks during the interval of time between the close oi the next . preceding &eelon and the conden- ` lion of the Petition. Copies of the first and last ' of such notices to be sent to the Private Bill Ogg I-`RONTBN AC BREW EBY M. O GORMAN, * BOA_T BUILDER, SIMCOE STREET, All Petitions for Priuu um: mum. no pun ed within the first three week; of the Session. OHABLBS1`. GILLIIOR, Clerk of the House Kingston, Hays, 1869. .19. NEWS [III] IJU uuu the publicuion oice, Pri three coppera. To A YOUNG MERGE _-- ....... far this re T HERUHAN'l`.- When you pay more for the rent of your business house than for ndvertiaing your business, you nre pursuing I false policy. If you can do buniuap, let it be kuovn.-FlnxK- -via lJA.I.Aal an-.._ Pt] sttcndod t9, Devices fox: qugq ll 1`pI-on *aqnpn , _ kv had `gums m aoom ' t con- constantly. angnll cdvermsew . I sandy nppemnz 1' b' "` ` `mp ` o In: DAILY _, __ .._nn-nwnnHLnIIa Gnu PLAIITAGENET WATER. COIQWII Dukuvunugu DVEBTIBBIINT8 for the DAILY Nxws, intcoded to appear the sung * -onnin should be none in qt as only nu hour lln the A} is possible. `_ ` Dun! N prompt!` mice. _ for Prints Bills must be present- ; _:.n.:.. ch. Iinz \JIC Toronto, 2611: l eb., 1869. - .-. A.-`ruin UnxErT~HoUsn ...m.x 9-|InDI:"l" xzntnarnu ONTARI PR1 VAT_I`_3 BILLS. ESTABLISHED 1847.` T0 THE PUBLIC! ,RA.NGE-0ERTIFI_CATE8 . Ind bod` Bummppg may be obv.d_ned`at t e Orders by muil nnptll to, Dqvices fox: qlgq I I. U! 4 Greeley, ~ A: -fill BOTTLBD AT THE nu), nun: I'Uv.' ----. ._______________ _ SINGLE COPIES of the DAILY Nnws may be bad at the counter of m:.....a.... nice. Princess street, price E. H. PARKER, GEO. W. OREIGBTON, Agent. n 1211:. 1869, FRESH A LSO ADVERTISING. _ Home , of Now"York, uya:-The -1 I.-uainnnn man in Market Square. Kingston, Om. [180 at uw Uuuuvun .. , Princess MIST. Glhhlun, Clerk of House. IR!) XOTK, `I ! 2" 1. law men this city -=-an mmmllv and KINGSTON. (CANADA). SATURDAY` EVENING. / li:-ia...,: ~ A... .'V}.:: I invite attention to our ne and care- fully uelected stock of Tmues, Sup- ponorl, Bandage, Elnlio Stockings, Kneelou, Gents`, Latin` and Ohildton Shoulder Bncea, kc. Will nd it to their edvnntnge to buy their Spices, Mustard, Ginger, &c., from us, no we keep the genuine. Leeds. OIL. Pninm v..-..:.|... ru-.........:_.. noep une genuine. Leads, 0H,; Pninu, Vsruisboa, Turpentine, Beusole, Pnint Brushes. pure Dye Stus, kc. A full stock of Puenl Medicines. Preacriptiona cuefully prepared" Every person purchasing Goods to the amount of Twenty-ve Cam! and over II R. WHITI. S Drug Sloro will receive 3 Glen of Oman Bods 1 grnia. Just received at the MEDICAL HALL.` CARBOLIO POWDER, ` AI 1 ditinfectnnt, is much pleasenter and more eicacionanhen Chloride of Lime or my other article of the kind. C ARBOLIO FLUID, DA-an`:--X-- -II n OARBOLIO TOILET SOAP, LIQUID OARBOLIO ACID, [:.. ! CRYSTALLIZBD CARBOLIC ACID, Dunn fnp n-`Adi:-inn] nun-nnlnn July 28. |1868. c-o_gL. 1868.} Avmuucn=E7:nAL mu Olce-53. Lawrence What]: Foot of Johnson Street. UR 0051 is Pure Lookawnm, being mined in tho_very bent of the Lnchwsnn Valley, Scnnton, Pittaton, sud Wilkes Burro, from the has selected mines, and is prepared with great are expressly for Family use, and will be screened nnd delivered in the but possible so .- dition. Boat selected Sq 09a! for grates constantly on had, also Lebigh Lump for Foundry tee and Blossbnrg for Blacksmiths. '!`n|-Ins. Cash. Delivered in any part of the for Blacksmiths. Terms. Cash. my part city. JAMES SWIFT & GL4 EIHB Subscriber respectfully inform: him Cru- loien sad the public generally thnt he in` now regdy to supply them with the very best nf of HARD AND SOFT WOOD, Beech `sud lnpie, Hemlock nnd Pine, which will be delivered in my part of the city. Ohesp for Cub. . ' Annlv tn Apply to J AIIES OAHPBELL, Al tho Grocery Store opposite the wharf. Whuf foot of Queen Street, Kingston, April 27, 1869. Z July 24. SPECIAL AND IMPORTANT NOTICE TO CASII CUSTODIERS. ;REPARA'l`IONS o .L.Lu..Lmq L.` V _.. ._ 2) Dealer In Boots and shoes,No. Princess Street, Kingston. --\ nnrnua -anal noanrannf to link I TO THE Puaue. rnnceaa Dunn, nlugnuvu. ISIRES most respectfully to thunk his nu- morons Customers for o Hboml pnronage extending over FIFTEEN YEARS. 1.. nlnnimr his accounts for the put your the 1;. wmws iiinue sromc. 42 Prinoou Street, FIFTEEN YEARS. In closing Advertiser has determined to abandon the Credit system altogether, and hewiehea his Customers to nnderntnnd this ennonneement in the moat poeitive sense. Determined _not to -be outdone Octobcr 21, 1868. Determined not to -on ouluunu in tho price or quallly of hi: Stock, he is pru- ......:I to tell BOOTS and SHOES ot xgnrivnod ` IS.` on! in Vpx-ice of bin moot, no 1: pr!!- pand to all unrivalled Insnufncturs at the lowest remunemtive prices on strictly cash terms. Unpaid ICOOIIIM-B must be settled immedinw ly, otherwise they will be put in suit. The patronage of One]: Customer: :0- ICED SODA WATER, With Oholoo Syrupl. STEAM rnu.\nu.u. ._-_ , , Street, Kingston. Printing of all kind: at tho` Dun! Nnwa Srun Pnnrrma U4-mu Rona. .av.4-u : uvnu, Possessing all the disinfecting powers of the Powder, and having also remnrknble healing and nnliaoptic properties. ` ` luau .-- Iran; A!!!) NEW! in puonsueu 1, every Friday murnin , Ind contains all the ,, news of the `week. orFifty Cents, pnid 1 in udvsnce, you muy send it to your friends for than months qt` , the re_duo_ed rates of Amount. LIJU IJ akin, c tinn. n *7`j' END `I=T TO YOUR FRIENDS.-'l`he in published For use in cesaepools, sinks, drains, &('.. IVLALIAILDU UAISDUIJIU AUIU P are, for medicinal purposoa. XiI|8""" J IlI.0 .10. W001) ! WOOD 1 W001) CARBOLIC ACID 3-. Cu? TEAM PRINTING HOUSE, 1 \ qm..L Kingston. Printing -u.u... gun; , mrst refreshing emollient for the I, clesmes the pores, al_lays the irrita- x, nnd removes the eects of perspin- | , . EOUSEKEEPEBS Apply Also u fresh supply of JAMES HOPE. 1, 22nd January, 1868. G. S. HOBART. _._.__..__.__... Princess n Svrn-.111 Pnnrrma , . . _ . _ _ _ _ _ v- vnnnvulllll vnnvulullll` Diarrhea, Dyoontory and all other forms of Bowel Oolnpllinll so prevalent at this aeuon of the yen: have a nun And never fuiling cure in Perry Duh Pain-Kil'er, which nhonld be mad as tho commencement of the disuse. Th. 'B-...Iu-_ o .......... ,- ..n - ... .-- vvaaalucl-IVDIIIUUI ul Iue IHBGIBO. The Hamilton Spectator says : "Persons do lng the St. Lawrence especially in Montreal and Quebec are very liable to be attacked with Montreal Cholera, for which we have found Perry Davis Pain-killer a. sure cure ; speaking from our own experience a Bottle of Pain-Killer ie the beat. Physician a Traveller can have. Qnh` I... ..II n_.._..:_.- __.1 I-,_7A-- 1'-L -rrvvnua an llUl|W'Io MONTREAL 0R CANADA 0ll0LERA- - --v -ova: I nquusuuu n traveller Ulll DIVO." Sold by all Druggista and Country Bhop- keepors at 15, 16 and 60 cents per bottle; Perry Davin & Son, ` PROPRIETORS, July 8. lantreal. Dr. A. Tr-ask s Magnetic Olntnent 1] cmms anon? on BATTLES. I Dr. Dinghun, of mice, New York, uye:- I have used Dr. A. 'l`roek'e Mngnetic Oint- ment in my practice 3 number of years, and can any with pleasure I deem it one of the greatest dincoveriea of the ago for the cure of Inammation of the Lungs, Inammation of the Bowele, Inammatory Rheumatism,` and in Child Bed Fever, it operates with perfect. enc- ceea. In cases of Burns. Bruises. Frozen unuu nan never, It. operates with perfect. Burns, Bruises, Frozan Limbo, it acts like I charm." DI`. J. P. Kennadv, (if Chinnnnan NV ulmoa, II 801-! use 3 cuarm." J. P. Kennedy, of Ghittennngo, N.Y., says: It has stood the teat trial, and has not been found wanting. Its astonishing cures of Inammation of the Lungs and Group, and the wonderful success in subaiding tha torturing pain of Rheumatism, nnd relieyiug Nervous Alfoctions, entitle it to a high rank in the list of Remedies for these complaints." Dr. A W. Reldimr. -nf Knnwlpnvillo, N,Y,, ul uelneulcs I01 mew Golllplalnti." Dr. A W. Belding, -of Knowlesvilh, N.Y., aaya:-[ have used it imseveral cases of Specic Irritation, and for the worst cases of Piles, and sundry other complaints, and nd it is superior Article, and well worthy the atten- tion of all. \ I1-nknngnn -Lnnlpl L. -..-4 _..Al_-Io 6'..- I'\- HUI] 0| I11. Pm-chnsera should be sure and st for Dr. A. Trnsk's Magnetic Ointment, tfd see that the words A. Trunk : Magneti are on the wrapper. NORTHROP & LYMAN. Ointment nra on me wrapper NO.RTBROP LYMAN, Newcastle, G.W., General Agents for the Canndns. FA. g.!. in. .1] cl. `l\--n.-:,`o- 3.. If:-go-acn- UIIIIIUIU. For sale by ll the Drnggiata in Kingston and by all Medicine Dealers. | J nly 13. V I New Style. Important Chants. A REAL HAIR RBBTOREB AID DRESSIEG Ounlinadlnonolottlo. `Jumbo (1 A A 'I" T 'l'.\1`I'9 111.115 101.16 .I. `F1C1.l1G Will Restore Gray air to "its Natural Life, Color and Beauty. It is 3 most delightful Hair Dressing. It will nmmntn Inruriant in-owtli. |jKIIEI 111 V MRS. s. A. .Zi'.f;EN*s ml[AI!l RESTORER Cur In..- A..- A`!-.-up II`.-i- 14 `IO- THE GREAT. FEMALE REMEDY. Job nlosos Periodical Pllls. This invaluable medicine is `unfailing in the cure of all those painful and dangerous dis- eases to which the female constitution is sub- ject. It moderates all excesses and removes all obstructions, from whatever cause. _. __ .........u... 1 .rn-nu It. is most ueugnum nun` uruasm It will promote luxuriant growth. IHLLING HAIR is immediatelv che . I 3.5% '. `X3113 `Ix: (`Wu mu- - 1! W111 promote luxuruml. gruwul. FALLING HAIR immediately checked. In. 8` A. }LLEk:I {ZYLO UI, another frtfar Hon 1 air .- c r traaalgdort-ll, wilhoutaszdinuzlft. It 1': very tinfla a -under rmdtr. It: great at ' 4 twang I: I air Drusiugover high cut French Pmuada nckuowledzrd by all not only z'n_tl_u't country 6;} is Hair French Pmuada Ii nckuoazledgtd in tin : 5:! Europe. The :4-torrr and Zybbalxasuum : Id be and one 1:/1'11: u otlwr. sou: nruu. Dnueusn. ` no t s.1Lv.n Du kCo.,Wholenl D x PI:'a0Bn|`rclny Dr. and nk Phoe. New-1ro:I:r.uw"' Lu nrLns\u:-u |JA3l.IA.a.uu I It is particularly suited. It will in a short 1 limo bring on the monthly period with regu- larity, and though very powerful contains na- f p thing hurtful to the constitution. In all cases of Fervous and Spinal Aeoonl, Pains in the Back and Limbs, Fatigue on alight exertion, Palpitation of the Heart, Hysteric: and Whites, it will effect a cure when all other means have failed. The pamphlet around each package has full directions and advice, or will be sent free to all writing for it, sealed from observa- tion. ' JOB MOSES, NEW YORK, sou! PROPBIETOR. ,; In! _._n. (A. Innuinlv nnnlnan tn J01! MUBLB, nnnv xunn, Dunn: ...v;......-v... $1 nut! 12; cents for postage, enclosed to Northrup A`. Lyman, Newcastle, Ont., General Agents for the Dominion, will insure: bottle, containing over 50 pills, by return mnil. Qnld hv all the Drulzlrists in Kingston and containing 50 plus, ny return mlu. Sold by Druggists Kingston 1! Medicine Dealers everywhere. July 13. " Blltvllvlun 3 Quinn: _ ,v. This splendid Hair Dye in the beat in the world; the only true and perfect dye; harm- less, reiieble, instantaneous; no disappoint- ment; no ridiculous tints; remedies the ill eecu of bad dyes ; invigorate: and leaves the hit soft and beautiful black or brown. Sold n..- .n n.-..aa;.m and Pu-fumers: and properly tints; remecues me In by allD1-nggials sud Perfumers; properly applied at Batchelos Wig Factory, No. 16 Bond street, New York. CONCENTRATION the great principle. The system of inuiteuimnl doses of medicine ditfused in gallons of injurious stimulants exploded. All useless mnterinl dia- ....-and The active orinciple only of the: most stimulants exploded. All names: lnlwrul unu- carded. The Active principle powerful and eicient remedies known concen- trated in a small convenient form. nu-nu. COEBTIPATIOII Conn. A1ldiseaaesoflheSwm- nob, Liver, and Bowel: pernnnemly relieved by using Dr 0olb_y a Am-1-0051-Ivl Am: Tolxo Prue, slnauucoated. Recommended by the Medical Dr Oolbya Ann-uosrw: um um. Sngu~Goated. I Profession. \ `Rum D nns..q Hy Dflltcd`--i-- UCCESS begets envy. Hence the efforts of certain vendors of Linimens to decry Jwona Rnnuunxo Lx_qtun. Whenever in- troduced, it drive: all others from the market. Pain positively nnnihilnted by its use. We has not room to onnmente the virtues nccorded to it by the thousands who have used it. No medi- cine ever invented in capable of more extended application. It has hnndredl of imiuton, but not one nun. Baum-e qf Oounmfeiu. `.l.1[x.|.I ll-AJAAV\~pr .. .,_- ___>_ U Those who have no hair may have it. 1 Those who lnve plenty, may pruerve and been- lify it. Those who arc losing iv. may true we 1088 eneeted. The hair strengthened, beentied, reuored, by using Hun : Emu-In Hm Gnoae, I .1.mm.-L claanut. bed. Don : mast till you hnve 7:-Veuorod, Hun-`I Em-In um unou, cheapest, cleaned, tried a bottle. Sold by 511 Dmggisu. Ihu-ah 25. '- ROGRAMHES & POSTERS, Steun- ` boat and Excnrsionmilln and Tickets, executed expeditiously st t-he:DAIl.Y Nlfws an--Au `P-nnrrra HOUSE. Princaae slr. expeditiously as tne:uA1x.x nun Swuu Pnnrrma Housn, 4 BatcIaeIor s_ Hair ID70- .-; n_:_ 11.... 2. A... hast : special latices. AI nn run:-1.:-5. .. tr LAD TIDINGS FOR mu... -hn hum nn hair nu IIUILVUD JJULL nuyr i -..- ..1...e- In-I nnmrva And hem *------'- -----1 ` Natnre`s Crown. You Must. Cultivate it \ Is a. orex'ta.1("n ix{.i}{;uon of decay at me roots. 4 BEAUTIFUL HAIR, GRAY IIAIR ' ALL.-T no rn.mI, ~ 3' Twenty years experience in nsiug'Bry- en : Pnlmouic Wafers have proved them to be ` the most eectuel remedy for coughs, and irrita- tion of the thrust, caused by cold, or unusual exertion of the vocal organs ; public speakers and singers will nd them most benecial. The ` entire freedom from all deleterious ingredients rendere Brynn : Pulmouic Wafers, or Cough end Voice Lozenges, a safe remedy for the most delicate person, and has caused them to be held in high esteem by all who have used them. ` Sold by all medicine dealers at 26 cents per box, \ . It was an important and rather ominous 1 declaration that we received on Wednesday 1 from the Austrian Prcmier-thst he had < honestly striven to establish more cordial relations with Prussia; but his eorts not having been met in a similar spirit, he had been unsuccessful. Wednesday was the ` anniversary of the day on which Maris ` Theresa of Austria and Frederick II.of Prussia concluded peace. But Austria and in Prussia seem tooday as far as ever from flamlty. i u . an rs n u The works of Herbert Spencer have found their way into the University of Ox- lord. The First Principles and the Principles of Biology" have been intro- duced there as text books, and questions for examination taken from them. Nothing could more strikingly display the advanc- ing freedom of English thought, and no- thing could better show how the new scientic spirit is entering into English scholarship. NV]... I'V:A.. ..f-' fV:....!......L2 ....-.._.l2_.. A..- uu \I .. .........,,. I The City of Cincinnati, according to a 1 manual bearing that title, just published, ` contains 230,000 inhabitants. It has ve ` railroad depots, which are used by thirteen different lines. It contains 119 churches, two hospitals, three orphan asylums and four public parks. It has two daily even- ing papers and three daily morning papers published in the English language, and two German dailies. It has nineteen weeklies, two semi-monthlies, twenty monthlies, and one quarterly paper and periodicals. VFL IK f`I.=.\...-.. An.'Onln.- annual Vbhnb n uUAru-`ti SATURDAY EVENING, JULY 31. nus. aiu---v.._, I-rvo _.... r........--_.... The Chicago Agitator says that a young woman in that city, boarding in the W0- msn s Home. has been employed for some time in painting and ornamenting chamber furniture. Succeeding in this, although making good wages, she wps ambious to do better, and has taken this contract for painting the interior of the four-storey brick house now being completed for the use of y the Home. The work is done in-doors; she understands perfectly mixing colours and applying them with a brush, is. neat, more economical in her use of materials than most men painters, and more expedi- tious. Why should she not make house- psinting her business and receive man`s wages for her work? Her name is Broder- ick, and she is less than twenty years old. ___LI:,I___ _ Q SEE LA-ST PAGE . :2-._i, 4-} uau The Osunator Romano publishes a com- munique in reference to an article in the Gitita Oattolia, describing the structure erected in St. Peter s for the Ecumenical CounciL The communique, which is writ- ten by the Pope himself, states that the silence of the article in question as to places reserved for the representatives of foreign Powers does not indicate that such representatives are not to be admitted. In fact, the Cimlta Cattolica has simply de- scribed the works from the plans of Count Vespignani, the architect, and the article shows no acquaintance with the intention of the authorities. The Pope has lately showna great inclination to journalism, being charmed with the sensation excited by his communique respecting Father Hya- cinthe. As to Father Hyacinthc, his cause has been taken up by Cesar Cantu, the sentiments, has sent asming article on the subject to the Ossereatore Oattolico of Milan, the pa er which attacked Father Hyacinthe. t is believed the Carmelita preacher will be required by the General of his order to retract his speech at the Peace Congress. Italian historian, who, adopting all his. In his speech at the French cable ce1ehra- ` tion, at Duxhnry, on Monday, Sir James Anderson said that by this time another year, in all human probability, we shall be able to communicate in a few hours in ordi- nary commercial transactions from Califor- nia to Calcutta. In less than a year after that we hope also to see a cable across the Pacic Ocean, connecting California with Hakodadi and Hong Kong, and completing ` the circuit of,the world. Inv nus-.. V- ,-_- As a means of attaching the failin attach- ment of the French people to the mperinl dynasty, without conceding more to the na- tional demands than comports with his views, the Emperor has decided that the centenary of Napoleon I. shall be celebrated at Paris hyfctea that are to eclipse everything of the kind that has ever beforetahen place in the capital. In order that there shall be no grumbling in regard to a waste of the pub- lic money-, itis said that His Majesty has re- - solved to allocate the whole of the sum re- , quired to carry out the arrangements` from hsiown civil list. C n-vnu V-1-- --..-. A German named Wm. Ploeger shot and 1 instantly killed a. fellow countryman named Ernet Niemier in St. Louis on Sunday night, who he had reason to believe had been guil- ty of improper intimacy with his (Ploeger s) ` wife. Immediately after he had committed` the murder Ploeger walked to a. station- . house and gave himself up to the officers.- y The two had been rm friends. vv1r!v"l ,__1_>__ `Eh: muil isms. i :`r. JULY 31, 1869. Luv Ilnu nu... ........ ___ __,-, The New York Tribum is down on the Grand Army Association, a. Republican or- ganization. I: says: We -denounce this secret organization as inimical to the Consti- tubion and the Union. The country wants M... .m.l..-mL smd hm-monv and iustice. These men want ii distracted country, mu. ,.m.,dg, . oeafoom 30,315,.` m, ....,,,,.,,",,,n 05083 MB] 50 R!-11104- W11! (1095 not I9 Whirl! there In free communication of eir, end Tribune go 3 little further, and come down hi; fgnily continued the` buinell. " 23:3; .:;*;;::::::::*;..`::::e`:. ::;.a:*; As o-mm gag. ~e--,-:v- - ow- w mruponammbourmgsu aemee :;".:i.*`::*.,`"*...: of the Constitution and of the Neutrality m ` c m3dn.' `hid? on an it` ,u.,,.."._ laws? If the Tribune and other leading ],_ TM, ,0` em..g,d (5, ,1,phu"_ than trod American papers yvo_u1d refuse nid end com- .5, ml 1,. 3.. 5;. ....,.., 5",], bum], fort to this Association, we Azhlnk it would hi; mg in the mud, win: he u-euplelllxh Hie _ tend very much to '-pence Blfd 1331' alfd hat on. Sun, however, his rege wee nneppenetl"; I many and juetice, :--Bdlecdk Intdlzgencer, 1,, gm 3,1,." 1,5,. end. tune a 4. In Devnon is peeking on repidiy withilia h"`" 9"h' , h am. . works on the.8npecior end of the Red River `k"'h"'h9` 50411311!!! ue!- roed. It Snow ie eho inetruoull to progress `H '""' . Will! the Leko of the W006 Ieotion ea feet In The Pu-in Patric eep she! the Basin Gov`- poeeihle. It in thedeterliinetion of the Govern- emmemig so eerionelyieqnieted by _the tepid ment to lnve the raed_ between thieend Thneder program of tbenoni Gerlneey llevy, tlles the Bay in running cider III one yet: from this time. 1 Admicelty et 8:; Pele:-Ibex`-3 ' he drawn up _e -B, It Bnuvpgopoeee, if poeeible. to this and-_n,unm`1..Q.g [ugh rs mede peeeehle. for cute es leeet, hyehe letter' which any eneee nan 1he.je'den of ....g of Ancmet next. lPxneeie to am the dominion of an Beltic. WHOM mm ID |Jl0ll. Lula DUuuInr_y wuutn a.nd~rest, and harmony jugtice. Thee want a. distracted country, that ' .42.... .....n In-A-nc;nAd 1 Whv does not the mane Rinse, Iur u: put of August many mgnn, 1 -mug .0 st'.ht.ion- .own Bpublieau enounoe totheConsti- mntry - 9' muntry, ` the I come rhich are al- uaten to make an, in defiance L110 Neutrality other a aid and `bow hink it 1 rest. and hm . mat AN ENGLISH VIEW OF THE FRENCH REFORMS. [From the London Sta/r, July 17.] Thu monannn nf Hus Tl`_.'nnn-au- Al` FLA L--vuv mu. uvuuwvru auvuu, vauy and The message oi the Emperor of the French, stndiously vague and ambiguous as it is. can be regarded only as the com- mencement. of a vast political change in the government of France, or as the first step towards a long and uncertain cnnict be-' tween authority and opinion. It cannot be disputed that the theory of personal government has many and powerful sup- porters. It is strong with the adherents of the imperial dynasty. It has on its side much of the property and some consider- ` able portion of the intelligence of France, and, above all, it is the creed of the great ' official and military hierarchies which con- I stitute so large and all-pervading a power in French society. ` "` In the rst place, personal government, or the diets- ; torship, has lasted for twenty years. Now, in countries where nnlitical freedom is g()VUfUluUlIL LU 853130 ILICLII llllll PTUVIUU them with employment. At long intervals the voters have exercised their rights in the election ot deputies, but the whole ad: ministration of public business has been in the hand: nf fnnctinnnrinn resnnnnihhe to KIIIXIIHITI-`IUD UI PLIUKIU UIIUIHVBH HIS UCCII III the hands of functionaries responsible to no one but the heads of their respective; departments. It is ditcnlt to conceives more hopeless task than to communicate to this untrained multitude the sense of political independence nnd the habits of po-' liticaliife. Nor is it only with the consti- tuent body that are to` be found great ob- stncles to parliamentary government. If the voters are untrained, their leaders are no less so. Their apprenticeship has yet to, be undergone. Even in the time of Louis` Philippe the Chamber, rich as it wssin men of very high ability, was ever singu-. larly wanting in the tact and moderation which are essential to the conduct of busi- ness in popular assemblies. The bitter rivalries of the chiefs of diiferent sections made it almost impossible to construct a harmonious Cabinet, or to keep together a parliamentary majority. There was none of that feeling which is the tradition of our House of Commons, and which is so valuable in practice that whatever may be the state of parties the government of the country must be carried on. It necessa- rile followed that the Chambers become- COUDITY IIIIISIZ U0 Clfflll 0|]. 1|: IIBUBSPI` riiy followed that the Chamber: . discredited in the country. Inividusl de- puties preset: ed but a slender connection with their constituents, and, when `once at Paris", cared hutlittle for theopinion of the j departments. The Chamber, in its collective capacity, took no heed of what we call the opinion out of doors. The result was that when it fell it was scarcely more regretted ` than Louis Philippe. Such are some of the `dangers that await `the introduction of ; constitutional government in France, but - an. hnrrllv to he helived that the French consruuuonal government In France, UIJI iris hardly to be believed that the French alone of the nations of Western Europe will prove themselves unequal to 1-11: halt of self-government. Some years ago "the Emperor of the French was astonished at the great space occupied byour when packed in sacks in the usual manner, and imagined that it might be com- pressed into a much smaller bulk, and be thus rendered of ` easier transport. He at once authorized some experiments to be made on the subject,` which resulted in the our being submitted to powerful hydraulic pres- sure, and served to the various regiments in tin cases, not only occupying a very small bulk, but protecting the our from the damp l I 1 of the atmosphere, and so preventing it from - becoming monldy. The Cour d Assise ofthe Seine is now ing the ease of Pierre. Mable, the author of the assassinations at St. Denis. This monster, after ha.ving_comniitted u. long series of crimes, nmong which was incest of his own daughter, by whom he had a child, in nnw charged with the assassination of an-. lama nuu his daughter, Dy vynom ne nan. a cnuu, is now charged with assnssmatxon other concnbine and her son, 9. boj only_ 11, -_ years old. He committed the double mat- der while they were asleep, by splitting their skulls with a hatchet. He had been re- viously sentenced by the tribunal: to,'no one than nine different terms of imprisonment. ` The trial is _sI'.il1 proceeding. _ -- __ u__'_ -`n.1_--_-.1 - 1.54.. I. n.. Judge Armstrong hni aildrcued nleter totho Globe, it is said, dfendihgue course he pur- sued in ordering bail to be taken In tho clle df Reifenstein. The letter has not yet beg: pub-` ` liahed. - u n _ .,_, .._ n Illlnwuon Thirleeu cues of nnslxpox have been dis * covered in A, tenement house on Forlyth smut. ' New York.` The sole origin of tho `in - traced to the culpable yckluaheu of Rein, who keep: I cakvhgkory In that gkrcqt. Eor thirteen day! after hrbecuno infected with the dineue he continual} _nt_ his business--uni-' ing and donling out his cakes toicnntomeru. ,At. last. when his fwi was covered irith io'res,'.ho and doaling out all ones to.cu_uon:qrI. ,4: , last, when Io'res,'.ho , '1-otim1~to bedroom sdjolning his Ihombetwebn ` '1 At Osttach, Indin, rocony, elephant ` lougingto one of the Bajnhljlentintos tqakto ` drink, and in doing :0 _pnt hi: foot on or glou ' crocodile, at once it nryuvua_- C 1. This no` em-med oleohun tint he tiod I I Am. I.`.t09dll_O, wmeg Q1. once an n Yll1IIYI]'D_- so trod about until ad-vu-nu-y rmly honestly sum. howavu-. his mm nnsn'oeIld'{ '1 onus! Pxnaaintognintho MY GRA.NDl{O l`H.'E'R'S BY Hunmw ndnonn crown. , M ndmother s ldtehaa weaa greet, widg. $.11, spar-tment, whoee.white-not ` `- ed oor was always see clean mdieu . could make it. It was r'esvpl en`(_l_eyn_t ' . - sheenof'i`eet"of eeoureapewwr n-A platters, whiclratood arrnngled on I_ drone: 2 on one side, . The greet _ quite ecrose "another side`; 'l'here`w"'e5urn-. ed cord-wood,` andtlrelfei we: built u G: architectural ti, days. -First esrnean enonnoii ; rolled in with the strength of` mo . the top of which was piled e smelled ; and then is fore-uielr, of 3 size which . ,' d entitle it to rank as a log in our went to mske the front foundation of the re. The rearing of the ample pile LII`!-_ -` upon was a matter of no small Irchitectn-r -. rel skill, and ell the ruling member: ot._ou1'; family circle had their own about . its erection, which they Ina ' uined with the zeal and pertinaeity which L `tIl - nest people. My , endfather, ` -n his : grave smile, insis that he was theouly reasonable re-builder of the. 4 ` ment; but when he had arranged hie in the most methodical order, my `g`rIId.- _ -mother would be sure to rush thump. here, and a twitch there-,. :2 incoherent exclamation; to s- that men never knew how to builqp, Frequently her intense . bre. ! ceet would end in a geuer of the eticlu in all dfreotiine, `with smoke down the chimney, ` ' a setting open of the outside door; LN_ Aunt Lois would come to thejrecu . ' a. face `eevere with deterurinton; , the whole nu-unit`: and foundation wit ;, e eueteat preoq, `s with an air that cast v9,lu:lugI9_~_, , on all that hid gone before. The that there is no little neck of d " . e ,'h which gives snug herbourto u ninth: ` ' n_ will and` set:-:igueeouuu..u-uueilsinlljt; ,_ hesrth ; and this is -pad:icula_sly.s 03% I with wo_od;.ree, beeeuae, I'ren- ~ r. _.1 yuu wu_uu_;ural,vDwIIII, lsqeous_.m re ohztllannlcilly `Iii sprightly activity of lbs is n oonntnnt occasion for teration, and so van 3 eld foril opinion. . . > ~ .-3:15;!` ,, Wu hid I-nmn Imrnh fr-nun` (nut: " WC DUI! C019 nolnje vlrom ' -_`~" Sunday servie. Our smoking brown bind had been discussed, and tin ' " _ `H- viuhed and put odlbf _ r_ ` an uneuv. chill mo`umz`.n.ml am-ah.-..-n`. of doors, aowipgtlyo ' one of his most wuucu suu pun out In Inggs. ; uij uneasy, chill tqmn Itorgn.--jlist ` : " to gnakg the btigiitleig desiruble-a.nd_ my grand nnrnhar` V M : res. - Duuuly puunuooul, glzlug |ov_u| the blaze with tlrtho devld worshippet; Omwcak-thy J ' Casar used n, hgve his -`j ICtiV0' play `in this come: ,. V" use and pop-gnnn`a.n`d ig ` youngster: grewwtlider bib but on Sundav eu'nin.hev=wn-.=Io'U .` youngster: gI 9W'IlllIOI mo plpuc" Snnpy e'uhing.he;wan-rlo`oi . Christian even_to think _ofs.jQck- M ifhis hgnd cnnsI]y[e' ~ - v~ . pocket, he resiutadli it i ' devil; and nut nnhafnl ' ' Iv " p ucnu deul, kl i-.54` POCKOI, I16 TEIIIKUC I` U! I A ` " ` ~ devil, W` blipking, -And occasionally? ` into a rippln 91' prints-gig_ghq;: . peured to spnng giggly , ,; M ofbodily ootenlment` 41! , 5. - " in that state whih'i9*pe'enliIi'ly"a at test itself in the room 0990!} 1n `DID BIIU Wlllcll ITWIIIIII1 gs: ydnm 0! familiu on Lsundsy, friskiness of spirits whlght reactionary conditioli fgm; tension of the dI'y.' iyiiiiniiig` _ / |ni_sh round. on `all IEO" alnu-On nf nnnmlfln hlanclm y- -9 JM 7 '_' hm Ont~aJuI:* Inmn ruunu on In nu! uuruan III '0lIIV-'1' skirts of permitted piuslnu-y, mid?` ,M caning everv minute to burst out anurus on ycnnu-Icu FlIIW',..._`"TIl"P)!F ening every minute to burst out ' unbecoming uprqnripusq T ` ` among the youngahfs of day evening in I flmilii1'I'Itriul*o{'o`| ` hnve,had_ the tukof kepingt - during the ucred honr_I.- =' ?~e}.-m` 4 Mv uncle Bill. in bi: rack-:4ln'v .En-ug an;-ng tne1u'i;1 no_uIi - : E_'}$$` y um; e Ai Min _VL|Tweek-41;` Qgpgg.` was shown and Bureau` g! the j adept in every tfhntcquld` ' sides, and s~lcngh'o1'It_1!'<.'i, ' `face. His fgatuteswere ` of grixnacn and I301 ).-`hi`lIg*_,A_`i tible. On the tenant it, , M ` my mother : pa Me, sorrowfur N: him in any decent-'bon`ndi. 3 ..:.1. In Imps hi- at-pg-`Inn `WIDE K0 I|Ill'I ll -fill"! was boilingxqqu iiGIl_~,Wj_.I"'; D. H Vllid f vl. nnhaoi whi P 995: , V at th e'ca_t'I t_il,thi_r A , at black Oubiaeilh - black I helpless, `quivering ` I and than he wguld alg1;..JnAka_~agu, months at Bill and mnvbghiqd . ` =; ~ chair, uhich-almost alcvr`1n"w ` . ' thoumh all the mails he mania` * :;;`:;.ot:;r;",:. .;,.";.;.,.. **""m him ~ 2 wish tag .`hlIl`3..kiI-hI"I7r wu bmhnz mu CHIN , WI`? I3 I W V I ` they 1: n t a i _O'*w . paiugll eott to keep Q. hard: mun anvitv. PIll1llI| UIIUKL LU IQ` _v tons gravity, : , _' `V on the parrot Aunt Lois` 2 }_ begun to be m'snHht'ed h1jeq '_ .. ~ V toms thus is inn huh; wiind . .. ' have us 31! lean on: IOIII rndq M nbliab onrselvesin the M . '( x Dan I nan room, only 1 __ on tea-drinking term: with , cncy of Oidtowi-I * Wt hid andkC.Pia'l_|qoOk3qII -- , `Ya 9 ,'!':QP` hlQ!!r`58'1N*-: as the tnvaoof.` fIQlI|_?1hIp lour of mode'ru'lITIyI., Ehiqi - . bx-igheestpair`o!I'::-uiuidirI_!nI " ands shovel u|d_&'0lgI~`to?" coime hem xv NUMBER 251. r evety Iuj: 0 lines, '1 ounupc. I0 cents pa lhob . ad 1183 I 1807. _ UIHIID- My pnntcd` 1 was legllilldc _Iy News Oeu. mhrr hi I`--- Fara 11 E... ....... Al! "1-INCGUIII SlI\-l`I: . . . . . . 0-apt. Kolk-y, _ _ _ _, " Sinelnir, \.. I` F "`v ..... .. " Sm:-eon. my . . .. " Curmicbul ning " Dunlp. 9-,... o! the shore in. will .h'Rgg Whnrf, foot of Johnson `in god Hamalxon overy gfug-. #.....n u autumn, .. ` ILL!-PAST nv: ` nun of tho 3..., . H 1'L:;' `hhv. 3. .\oucbIng Cline: "W flu`! -t . Q. 1811: nul. um MST n 4:` In 1:31` 5! 6- J ts.-tau |m\'.V `Jonson atnvt. ` F5.` to the West can pro. vi: Gtut Western, Detroit. And d Iichigtu Central Rnilvnys, tor Inlvgnkee. Grand Hnren, m,dndplpointu in the Wnt; - 5.}: Railroad to Fun, Nebmskn, WI`! Cdilornm. ud Convenient Wnitiug u'J Gentlemen on the Wbsrf. H. CA 11. unca, A lhqnbn. IIU" " Zagunpply :1 the cce of _,0uurio Street, or II the Luke kbll Ofce. St. Lawrence (Johnson Sm-ex. _ ..an pro- pl--r [pRES8 LINE. , ._I._ I1.` I n`A Q!` F-----# mlnllon '.`0mpa[u_ xvm. AYS Ind FRIDAYS lava nun other days. IOLFI ISLAND 9 AI, 11 3P.l. and 1 P.Il. G. X. K[.\'GHOR.\', _ hp Wharf, foot of Brock Street. lay II, 1889. lldape vlnceimrii. IOLFI ISLAND on Ioudnys, y: and Saturdays at 7:40 n-Al. lP.l.. 3 P.l.. 5 Pl. -ego. !.l.. connecting with the Gnud fro: the West and Bay of mating than 4:30 PM. Illil Ojnnd the Northern Trill- nu- : Prnnnllarn lmvina Cane - PILRREPUN1`, __.. .n -.-u rnrna riTilfc Island Ferry. a -gfuuJun:1:! __ __.. . ..u-n |-Q, Ind In normal: 1TIII- puyl Propellers leaving Onpe Iago Ind IH Weuern Ports. II} A! 8 AI. IITUBNING, Vices: . LI. OI nrinl of the train from him Icx-ling Gland Trunk lninl .Ill Buy 0! Quinta Slammer. nial of train from Rome Ind fII--' I 9` up uplendid Luke Steamers | Asa--4---- --r -, I. HUI AS FOLLOWS: IIIIOBTON every (by (Sunday: umsns Ll, 11:30 A1, 2 Pl. In 01-` QUINTE. 6.....- u_. _._ n ,.__- busy: um Buuranys nu uau Lu-Al, lP.l., P.l., Pl.` pom, every day (sundnyl { L?-PAST THREE o'clock. 1 has Beuovillo every day (Slin- Y. nmtssnn, and FRIDAY UGLOOK, Kilgllon mus, Ind tuunsnnrs, um su-us 0'cLOCK Au. "lick! or Puugo Ipply to tho am [n 7 3. 0ARB.U'rHllRS t 00., Freight. Agonll. {ah .,..-1,'.3`.-32.? "" - ~ I Line ot btcmnem. _ \ `. u-gulnr trips between _.... nhulolm (Lnudinu for Il)YAL-_ IER ` nu. sru '-* VI `um! 11.: {Winn Pun Conn, Llnvn n . ......_........= -wrul run uonn, luv: cuzaurann-s wan!` 1 William Street, for the Ibo" (snndnyl LY-PAST THREE o'clock. llhnngu apply on board, or to . H, I, KIIGHORI. . `Bil -Ir III: 11. 1869. 1,? ;_________,_? III Gananoqlle 3`' l'daadq, 28th (adult. DAILY BOAT Jlcton and Bellevllle. Z WK u, Chu-lone Full! and ' nu. inn ----uuL \J.I.V 1., -.h``'. Junionr, Inter. ` nd hunt will run II i l"! Kingston Tueodnyl. WM- III lridnyu, st 4 p.111. `'9 on Wednesdnyl and hi- a`h.UPIK-0.tpply an houd.o`l|0 G. I. KINGHORN. ~ v 5-: M m?.`` "'` 8"` kin Foot of Suiet. 869. I-nu: k_.L 3) News oeo, _Prinew `heated with names: and` I I. III ITIAIII pply on noun, or u III` 3 G. I. KINGHORII, loot or Brock Swat '3` I 9620 L of tho follow- lnpu noun.-en (Landing rsnnmm, and c-dice -- -0 1|... I -Io- .l\Ju, Agent. TBITIIONIA-L T0 J. REYNER Donn nnn n-.. . _ . -- FROM THE RIV. A. DAWSON, IALLORY. TOWN . Hamilton. At the cloee of my yen : lnbonr on thin le- tereeting rlcl, I feel thankful to our greet later for hie continued presence and bloating. Our congregation use large, attentive, end gen- erally prayerful. The people teke en interest in the gang: nl` Enfnnnngl u-u.-A:-_ -__I -I- ,._,-..-.. .... yuuplu an In uuenu """J in `ho was of Epi-cop-1 lethodinu, and do Iomalhinn ln mania in A..........-. ..L__ .L:_._