Innis; Directory-noun of Pub- llc Worship. _. Non.-'l`h9 Proeasion is warned against in- ferior, aecrot, and cheap compoimda now in the marten Each genuine bottle bears a fac- Iimilo of Propriewfa signature 'on'thesu1np, ' outside. LIQ. OHLOROFORIII 00. on CHLORODYNE WITHOUT PEPPERMINT. .q,.I.u.....r...`....._. . n m.,- n- -v gnuvu L rnrrnnnln 1'. Sole Ihunfnctnror :-A. P. Towle, Chemist, `Manchester. :51. L1 Kingston, March 31, 1869. Royal AssurancE Company 01 than any xuvntt xucmu tale 1 and cargoes at reasonable rates. JAEICSI SWIFT . xgenc xor ungmnu and British Possessia E. G. DUFRESNE, 79 Watling Street. May be obtained of all Ohemiata. LIVERPOOL AND LONDON. MAXWELL W.S I`RANGE, A nmno fan Ynnmn ppirncii or AA~DVER l`ISING.--It A ammna at timn fn oh...-... 4.; 1?: CHOLERA, DIARRHCEA, am. RI; RUSRELY. aunt In cl..- n,.u. Lou, T1103. KIRKPATRICK. U! Ivan: U-uvnunnvcv Executed neatly, cheaply, and expeditiously at he DAILY NEWS JOB PRINTING OFFICE. urrency. .IAuEs;sw1F'r, Agent, St. Lawrence Wharf. Jnms swmr, Agent, St. Lawrence Whnrf Innn vllllllhbd L`IVV1l` 1' Agent, St. Lawrence Wharf. `I 925:!) .u w . onsanuna, Agent forKingslon set. ~ $24,ooo,ooo5 T `HE groan frauds which cqntinne to be prac- tised by obaoufe manufacturers, In0I'6 pmsoumny in an-m.ny,1ay imitating the 1;- hula uuobod to JOHN GOBNELL 8 00- ! pnawxnmv, reader as nape:-tm way The Proprietors ta owner: the public spins! auc_h nern-than picoodinga, and to reqnelt their fcienda and purona to purohm 0111! 97 'P' table dealers, who import direct. from John Goanell & Co. ; and invite apeolol attention to the uddnu- ' RED BULL WHARF, 93 Upnn Tu(llS'l'BlI'l'. .n.n...n......n 1. (!n -. nlnnl Pm-fumes: Eas Tu(llS'|'1lEI'|'- V John`Goanell 3 Uo.'sSeleelPe1-fumes. as Bonquez, Royal Yacht Club B0`l_'-a Jk? Olub Perfume, Essence of Wopd Vl0l`a V ' tori: Bouquet, Frangipsnni, M11116?! B`l' the Bride`: Banquet. . , John Gosnell as 0o.'s Pnnce of Wales Per- the Bride`: Bouquet. v Gosnell 8: 0o.'s Prince fume, I most choice and fashionable P"fm-, John G-nnnall A (`.n a Princess Alexandra: H118, IDOII ODOIOO BBO IRSDIOIIJJIU punuuw. John Goanell & Co '8 Princess Alexandra : Perfume, a moat choice and delicate perfume, prepared expressly for the use of Her Royal tiighnou. John Goanall & Gn.'a Uoner Ten Thousand mgnneu. . John Goanell & 00. : Upper Ten Perfume. L-.3... rv,...._-n I. n.. v- 1-..-.. nlnln Dmfnmn Tnina arrive and depart from the Kingston Station II follows: nnr-A -Aug rename. John Gone 8 Cole Jockey Club Pen fume is in universal request. as the most. admired Perfume for tho Handkerchief. Price 25 6d. Jnhn l1~.o...ll I. n n I ... Nnhlnnaa P1-rfnma, rerlumo lo!` the tmuuxercnler. rnce as ou. John Gosnell & 00. : La Noblosse Perfume, a most delicate Perfume of exquisite fragrance. Jnhn (Imam-.II J: n 'n Nnhlpana Pnumde. ele- a moat aencate rermme OI exqmsue xrugruuuv. John Gosnell Jr 0o. s Noblesae Poumde, gantly perfumed, nud highly recommended for beautifying and promoting the growth of the hair. ` I .. \1..|..I..-__ Q... .....__...I A`,... :o.. ......n..l_ Ildlf. La Noblesse Soap-eateemed for its unequal- led perfume and fine emollient qualities. John Gmnall & (loin Violet. and Ililleeur 100 permlno and hue eznoluoul qunnuca. John Gounell & Cola Violet. and Nursery Powder is guaranteed pure. No nur- sery should be withoxit. it. Sold in boxes at 6d ; in tins 19 each. John {Ina-`All L (L. 7. lm:-ru 'I`nrnh Panto in 5a In nus 19 each. John Gosnell & Oo. s Cherry Tomb Paste is [nearly superior to any Tooth Powder, gives the Teeth a pearl-like whiteness, protects the enamel from decay, and imparts a. pleasing fragrance tn the breath. Price Is 6d each. Innmnmnnnn: Wnir `Ova - mu-min tn nrnduce IIEIKHILICU IQ UIIE DIUIIIL TIIUU l3 0 CH0- Insmntaneons Hair Dye: certain to produce any shade Brown or Black; of good natural colour. It cannot. possibly injure the hair, has no disagreeable odour, and is easily applied. John Gosnell & (`.o. s Patent T1-ichosnron. or [I0 (JIEHEYBGBDIO OQ0lll', III 15 Glly uppunu. John Goanell 8 Co. s Patent Ti-ichoenron, newly invented Ha`ir`Brnah, ihe peculiar me- chanical constrnczion of which accompanies the two operations of cleansing and polishing simultaneously. The Patent Mechanical Chair for B:-ushimt Blmlllllboully. The Mechanical Chair Brushing Hair by Machinery. For Prospectus and par- ticulars, apply to the Putenteea and Sole Manu- facturers, JOHN GOSNELL A: 00., Perfumers by Appointment to Her Majesty, the Princess of Wales, &c., RED BULL WHARF, 93 UPPER Tuuuns S'rnn'r, late of 12 Three King Court, Lombard Street. |57rHE SAUCE. Prepared by Alex- nlxdnr Hnmhwnml Stacker. from 3:o5_n.m. "' `L113 L3lU\J.L'l- Lllllllliu U: [115-1` under Southwood Stocker, from a recipe by his Cousin, 'the late Dr South- wood Smith, thirty-ve yours Physician to the London Fever I1oapital; Fnlher of Sani- tary Reform; Medical Member of the first General Board of Health; Author of the rs: work on Fever in any age or country, the Philosophy of Health, &c. Delicinun with eve:-v knnwii dish. Its rulluaupuy Ul ncauu, am. , Delicious_ with every known dish. Its habitual use increases the Appetite and pro- motes digestion. It is much esteemed for its digestive properties. . _ As an insurance of its mn-itv and nnlnlnrv IE5 CIISOBUVE pf0pBl'lIC3- As an insurance of its purity and salutary properties, it is only necessary to poi..l out the name of the celebrated and philanthro- pic Phyaicisn from whose prescription it is compounded. The entire life of that gniebed men was spent in promoling the health of his fellow-creatures, and his death, in December, 1861, was mourned as a na- tional lose. "un...I--.-.1- -...I 4'..- ..-.....o...:,... 1... 4|... 1)-- LID}!-11 1033. `Wholesale and for exportation by the Pro- prietor, 69, Lamb's Conduit Street; Barclay and Sons, Feuringdon Suesg; Batty and Go., Finsbnry Pavement. - Retail bv Ohemislsf Grocers. ltallinn 1' IIIBIIUF CBVCIIIUIIU. by Chemists," Grocers, Italliau Wax-ehousemen, and others, throughout` the Kingdom, and every part of the world. Ask for The Sanca.--Snecinl Exnnrt Blllglll, EHO BV9l'y PHIL Ol [08 WONG. Ask for The Sauca.--Special Export Agenta+BIu'goyne, Burbridgea, and Squire, 16, Colman Street, London. AMPLOUGFPS PYRETIO SALINE.-A Iledicjne that care: See. Sickneee or the `worst form of Billions Headncbe in I few minutes; elferveecing and tasteless, ks cou- slant use is eeoeciallv calculated tn main- minutes; unerveaclng But! tasteless, ILS con- especially calculated to main- tain health. When mixed with water and taken during the eervesceuce, it immedt. ately blends with the food, and is rapidly absorbed: into the system. It vitalizee and supplies the blood with those saline princi- ples that are lost, altered, or destroyed dur- ing the hot weather. In Jungle, Scarlet, Yellow, Typhns, Eruptive Fevers (or Cholera), also in several other conditions, where the vital_current in poisoned by infection, and thereby rendered-cnt to support health and life. it has been found eminently benecial; and its sustaining and purifying inuence acts as a preventive to disease, as the nu- merous unsolicited testlmonials accompany- ing each bottle will prove. Its portability renders it admirably adapted to the travel- ler, tourist, emigrant, or private family, more especially when distant from medical .dvice or assistance: Qnlrl in nnlnnb na.-.-...--../I .1--- L_..u__ IR WILL! KM BURNET'l"S DISINFECT- ING ELUID, for the purication of sick rooms, hospitals, workhouses, factories, pri- sons, crowded places, between decks of ships, fever wards, clothes and linen of sick, night- chsirs, cesspools, draihs, water closets, stables, dairies, larders, musty caeks, tubs, &e.; bilge-water, and the holds of ships; apartments for searchers, nndertakers, and jurynaen, and for post-mortenx examinations; for theprevention of infectious disease, can- ker and fungus in_ trees; for the disinfection of dead bodies, and for the preservation of subjects for dissection; for. tho extermina- tion of bugs and other vermin. Sir W. Burnout : nintnrmua... m..:.: __ DEVICE 01' H.315`-Inx Sold in patent. atoppered glass bottles, price 2: 6d, 43 8d, 11:, and 213 `each. Spe- cial agents required and Appointed in all parts of the world. Vespers, ozau p.u:. Cu-uouc AI-osrouc Cmmca (Queen Street)- Iorning Service, 10:00; Evening Service, 500. D... A..- 'l'-..n-u.un- \.lun-ruin ll Qhh Sons non or hugs and other vermin. Sir W. Burnett s Disinfeeting Fluid was t_he only Disinfectant used at the Agricul- tural Hall during the Smitheld Club Cattle Show in 1866, by order of Her Mejesty s Privy ouncil. The value of the uid is shown by the following letter from the Secretary and Manager: "Agricultural Hall, Islington, Jan. 1868. Dear Sir,-Plea_se to send eight gallons more of your Disinfecting Fluid, as per order enclosed. Having used various Disinfecting Fluids at our many shows, I can say with condence that none have had the instan- taneous and complete effect of Sir William Bnrnetfs, and this too without producing any nuisance like the smell of chloride of lime or carbolic acid.-I am yours faith- fully, S. Smear, See. and Manager. Capt. Jackson, R.N., 90, Cannon street. This uid acts on the essential cause of disease by destroying the local conditions of the atmosphere under which cholera is most frequently developed and propagated, For instance: In a house in St. Andrews street, Plymouth, occupied by fty-two persons, it was sprinkled in every room except four; in these the occupants would not permit it to be applied; the result of which was, that in those parts of the house where it had been used, not a single case of cholera subse- quently occurred; while in the four room; [above alluded to,` the disease still exists and some deaths have taken place. Two house, `immediately opposite were supplied with a quantity, in neither of which has tliera rm... , -- .... n we neIgnDD11P00d- ' .3 I Ssld `by all Ohemista, and at _a0, Oanon street, London. Qnm. 16:; view. 8-; half- pinla, 4:; glans-steppe:-ed Imperial pints, ex- tra atrength, 16s per dozen; and in balk at. 4: per gallon: bottles inelntled. Each gal. Ion making 200 gallons, when diluted with water. See directions on every bottlt. Recommended end need by_ _ Profeuer imoude at the Royal Veterinary OoI1ggg_ auringthe last twenty years. ' N.B.-`l`l:ia uid is I. certain on V , rotforgreasa .11: horeea,eleo the web and rot llI,II_|Qop. 4 .......=uu-u-uy oppoilt vi qnnntity, noitner there I a_ single cuo,_a.lthough the disease is ['81 in the neighbourhood. 'bv In Ghana. --A -A -- - 0 U'l'7I0_N. I IIOIII WIIOBO p.I'3HCl'lpI.lOD I` IS 1 | fepow-creatures, ', 1861, nnfew m on... Inn] 8 -re been i raging `_ohc hi` the grotcst diecpveriea of t , `present century. It is largely employed by the mom. eminent Physicians end Surgeons in hospital end privnte practice in all put: of the world. It bu etfecte peoullnr seine, nndxvhich are nancial- ly diorent. to those produced by the VIHODI compounds beeng the nnme qt Chlorodyne, but have no regenru to possessing `nu vi;-wee. It rapidly re ieves pain", from wh||.:v.er_ muse, eli- ' ` ` ' ~- -u--.5 nl n.. avalnm -V1-r ' ` regent-u'to possessing its virtues. at ieves whatever lays the irritation of fever, soothe: the system under exhausting diseases; and gives sleep with- out producing any one of the unpleasant feelings so commonly arising from the use-of opiates. t continues, to hold its unshaxen position in the estimation of the Profession as the best, most reliable, and cheapest preparation. Eminent and scientic Physicians made aidsvits that they have tested its effects in careful comparison with those ofDR. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLOR0- DYNE," an-d deposed to the fact: that they lound it a more certain and relisblevprepsration, and greatly preferred` FREEMANS." Earl Russell communicated 1.41 the Royal Col- '- GUIIU W11 . 4:15 pm. 4:05 mm. | Mixed tnin 10:00 a. In. 4:35 -- | I- '- `I 7:00 [This is by Neutral time, from which deduct 12; minutu for the dihrence between Montreal And Yinautnn than 1 preferred FREEMAN:5." to Royal lerve of Physlcinna and to Mr Freeman, that in '9 . Kauilln the only remedy of my use in Cholera was Ohlorodlne. rn.. u..;.'....I I q'mn and Gazette. January 13th, Oblou-o>dlne.' 77:4 Medical Times and Gazette, January 1866, states, It. has an immense sale amongst the public, and is prescribed by scores of Ortho- dox Medical Practitioners, and, of course, it would not be thus singularly popular did it not supply a want. and (ill a place. M.mur.u~mred bv the Inventor, Richard Free- place. Manufactured by Inventor, man, 70, Kennington Park Road, London, S. The genuine has engravnd on theovernmerxt Stamp (outside e.-.oh Bottie), 1-`REEMAIP8 ORIGINAL UHLORODYNE." ON DY`S PATENT FLUID or mtunl disinfec- ' taut. puries, deodorisea, nndklilinfecta, by the agency of nascent or ozonic oxygen,-its active principle. Being entirely innoxioua, this uuly scientic preparation is peculiarly _IIdqpt.ed for the following useful purposoa, lor which all other disinfectants, on nccou.nv.ol`;t.heir poisonous or other objectionable qualities, are umvaable and useless :- Detecting organic impurities in air and water\. Purifying drinking and other water from or-- ganic matter, lead, &c. Freshenimz the air of close places, and rcmov-I lead, ac. Freshening places, iug bad smells. Frnpinrv moat. sh. butter. or other nrovisions iug bad smells. Freeing meat, fish, butter, provisions from mint. ' -nmmo...-...-o:nn than n nr-ha nf nrmmin nnhumu Irom uum. 'Counmracting the effects of organic poisons taken into the acomnch. l"....:nn Mnatv nu-nwnnnr WI-nninrv whnnt nnd taken moo me atomncn. Curing Musty proveudcr. Freeing wheat and other seed from smut. llninonlninn tho hnnlfh nl nlnnlva in nnfa n|F conaervawnes. }'re.~1crVing and restoring the freshness of cut owcxs kept. in water. ' Dc.-slrovinnr the might at the nomtoe. vine. HOWGXS KCPE H] WIIICT. Du.-straying the might of the potntoe, vine, hop, mulberry true, &c. \Vasbing (lugs and other domestic animals. Cleansing bottles, beer barrels, pickling tubs, dairy utensils. ' \\/ual-ulna In. `in:-n A-.1 A....In.-sh... Hg. n.-`In... Ia] uunuuu In: use 1.: and Kingston time.] 1007.8 0| 001.115 0210 M103. Dressing poisoned wounds and destroying ani- mal virus. Vl'......o2.... Al... :..r.-u _ .32 . . _ _ -_ -: _.;.I, Ofllfy UIGUSUS. \Vashing the lmix-_ and darkening its colour when turning grey. ` Enhancing Lhn nm'-ifvinp and invionmtiria pf- H131 Vll'UE. Treating the infectious diseases of cattle, horses, dogs, &c. One gallon makes 200 to 300 gallons adapted for use. . N.B.-Condy's Fluid is the Standard Scientic Test for Organic Matter in \ and affords the only known means of rapidly and complcu-l_v freeing Drinking Water from Organic Tuint, which is so common a cause oi serious disease. To ranidlv hm-ifv n... .'... ..... nu. .m.....,i n..:.i wmcn [B so 0! serious disease. To rapidly purify the air, use the diluted uid with Coudy's Uzoniser" or other Sprny-pro- u'uccr.\ wnen turumg ' _ _ Enhancing the pm -ifying and invigorating ef- Iccta of baths and tubs. nnnuainn nniannml nu.n..A- ....A A..-o-... ..... ....., ..v- --- -a A4.nA:4A1.|. KJIJLILIILJEIIJ ".LEJ[\' (FOR rornrr rtmP6s:s,) Removes from the mouth impure and foreign tastes and odours, whether arising from tobacco or other causes, and counteracts the irritation and morbid secretions of carious teeth. It puri- es and softens the skin, and, used in the bath, tends to; promote A healthy state 01 the vihole body. 11 nnr I ): A \r nnxrnv uuauiva auirms JYES FOR THE PEOPLE. Anyone can use them ; any- thing can be dyed with them. his impossible in this small space to enumerate the men use: to which these wonderful and beautiful chemical preparations can be epplied; while their chief use is for dyeing textile fabrics, they are elao inveluehle es 8 colouring agent for almost every known nnlerinl. the aim. may mhl. may 5113 B150 rnveumnle colouring every Innterihl, the ease with which they can be used and the brillian- cy of the result being, indeed, almost magical. By their use almost any article of clothing can be dyad in a few minutes for a few pence without soiling the hands. MEMORANDA. I MAGENTA : The strength and bounty of this dye is almost incredible. A Sixpenny bot- tle will dye 20 yards of Bonnet. Ribhnrrin for Woollen Goods: Feat! WOOLLENS: Magenta, Purple. Oramze. Pink. Ann uiose. An-we. Intern by G.T,R. day tninlz:-10 PM. 4:45 P.M._ Weston " 3:15 2:15 Int Ind Wu: night trains 9:00 7:00 AM. UNITED STATES NAILS. Through Inils for New York, Boston, Oawego sud Capo Vincent, will be closed at 1:30 P.M., nnd lnils from these places will be due for de- livery at 12:30, PM. A secongi Mnil for Cape Vincent will beclooed at 5:30, P.I., and one willbo doe here for delivery at 7, A1,, daily, Sunday! exeapwlu ' niilvllrau u I n n .-_ .. .......... vuvvua, ruusucru, DUKE, ac. Ihuve," Violet, Purple, Orange, Pink, and Crimson produce the moat utigfucmq results.` Use alargo quantity of boiling water in In earthen pan. RIBBONS and SILKS: Brush them with soap end water to evoid creases, and to render them clean. Dyein boiling utter. FEATHEBS: Dye in hot water (3 few drops ot the dyeia auicient for one featlie . COTTON : Mauve, Violet end Pntoia am: ox me uyeia auicient 1 Mauve, recommended. LEATHER: Blue, Regents, Orange. ` Dye in warm water. WEITEWASH: To color: May: or Rom : add 5.1: . \-.....I- ., , Lner accu xrom Smut. Maintaining the health ol plants in pot: mfd onservatories. nnu.'niILAD: To or Rose; add half a. bottle ~tben stir in the Whit Mauve, Violet, Purple, 3 produce pretty tints by I more, as directed hbove. STARCH: Stir ins few 11} Maaenm. Manna v:.-I- - ac. WILLOW SHAVINGS, Wicker, Ivory, Bone, Hair, Fibres, Seaweed, &c., attract the dye quickly, ifapplied In boiling water. BLUE: For laundry purposes is A 1. BOOK EDGES: A Bixpenuy bottle of Hagan- ts, Violet, Crimson or `Bh_:e will msl_:e om mum wuuu -STAIN: A Sixponnv bottle Canary dissolved in 3 pint of `boiling `water PHOTOGRAPHS mey be tinted; dilute the dye with water ' a bottle of Magenta. to I 1 pint of water. he. ILLUMINATING: Magenta, Violet, Blue, Orange; pour a few drops into an egg cup add warm water; use with I bfuah or peu Borders of books, similar to Ward and Lock`: Arabian Nights, &c., m ;y be prettily illum- inated in this manner. D`! A unu`. -A--- WATER ' One drop of dye will tint I quart. PRINTING on Cotton, Silk or Wool in ,t.he_` ordinary way. ; . u_yu wun water ; Hagen drop In tn in this BLANCMANGE, JELLY, ICE 0R.EAMS,.&c: Whi`. add mm m- 1... 4---- -- ~ ordinary w4 BLENDING I m-ndm-. -- um um: IAILB per Caaadian steunera will be closed every Fn'- . day at 12 1. Per Ulnllrd And Bremen linen. nnrv Hnndnu coDY's PATENT OZONISED WATER, 1...... _._.. __ _. _AA- \ vvuuolt _ and so] Ara pan..- uyu In umoan Incredible. A Sixpenuy Ribbon in 10 minutes; it will also produce I clear Rose Pink by using less dye. Suitable also for Goods, Feathers, Silks, kc. NOOLLENS: Mnzenu. Ihnva; Vin!-r l UDSON S SIMPLE ans ` FOR Anrnnn nan nan Ilunin - gun, __.-.., ..u uuuvvcu IIUOVB. i l`ARC_H: drops of Colour- Magenta, Mauve, Violet, Blue or Pink; those impart delicate .tinta to Lace, Linen, kc. xrlr r nun nn._.-__-_ `A.-An unu U way. ILENDING Hum: sLENDIG"ozLe of produce ll inni taste. the dyes in 1 ty of shade, _: .aon: 1'0 color: Alagentaor Pink ; to a pail of winter, til` Wltenimr In n-n-' II. BOLLMAN CONDY, Patentee, Batten-sea, London. an home Whitening as non]. Blue |nd_ crimaon using one bottle or aed any as u 1. Oxnard and Bremen lines, every Hominy und Tuning rupctivaly at 5 P.K. no, Violet and n water. vv nun WEEK. xllagentaor nail of cumu- KEY, coax FLOUR While in 5 liquid state z )9 of Mutants. A um... = -,,.._..... me rublicg ti urotchlau hjrop and Purina `, Lube]. Bonk. Amt uuu unmet). Purple are rill ,the_E_ 5 the bath will; do, _n.ocor:_ix';g to< THE Lmmos QUANHIRLT gtgonuerutlvo run EDINBURGH REV-IBW h ). ~ '1-an w1cs'1'uI1vs`rEn~nIvI;I`\v tux), THE NORTH nnmsugnnvmw -(l`r'_ee,o1_L ]j)A AID ~ nuoxwooo s EDINBURGH V IAGAZINI T` ry.) ` I1\H(EgE=foreign perlodlctll Ire xegnllrly t. mnhlinhncl` M In in the name uric u lmmm. And a la:-go` amount "ridi Prim. Five Cenm. Snhu-rim: I Vulmlnmugn lnvulcnll Ire xegnllrly publilheci` by style :1 Imam". , fore. Those who know them And who hug long edbeeribed to then, need no l'I;`il!ind p[-; ` those whom the civil war of the lat four year; had deprived of their one welcome nupply of 11.. but perlodiedl literature, will tag _to 1;. them again within their reach; and I _' fwbo may never yet. have met with them, will lglliedz ly be w'e|1 pleased to receive necrediledjepm-u of the progress of llnropeeueieue`e :nd liu-en. fllf. ture. ~ TERI FOR 1889. Ronny one of thefoul-Reviews -V For any two of .he four Reviews - For any three of the four Reviews For allfour of the Reviews: - For Blhckwoodha Mngadno - - For Bhckwood and one Review - _ For Blackwood and two Reviews - For Blnckwwd and three Review: - iln--Rl.nnIp-vnu-A and fnnr Rnvhnnn SINGLE COPIES of the Dun Nuts may be had at the counter of the pubiicntion oicn, Prin- ces nuns. Prion three eoppers. n'in....|. ......:.. .5 n.- rv............ - .-.... Sr. Gunman`: Cuhmnun.--Mnrning Sn-\-in` 11:00 ; Iilitnry Service, 3:00 9.1.; Evening Ser- -Inn 7-00, For ulucxwooa um Inree nenewa lFor-Blackyvord and four Reviews - P 0 B '1! A G E . When sent by pmil,tho Postage to my pen of the United smog. will be but my, mu Gang; 3 year for Bl_uekwood," and but )1; cents I year for each of the 1Reviewn. uunscnoera may anuun on following reduced rates, viz : The North British from J n touowing reduced rates, vu ' The North British nnunry, 1863, to De- cember, 1866, inclusive; the Edinburgh and the 3 Westminster from April, 1864, to December, a: 1866, inclusive, and the London Quart_erly`Ior 1865 and 1866, at the me 'of'$l.50'n'yei_:rAfot 1 each or any Review; also Blackwood for 1866, for $2.50. \ ` THE LEONARD soon Pumomng 00.,` ' `3- \Wa.lkor-direct, NJ, The L. 3. Pub. 0o.;s-<)-pI1lieh The Farmer : Game. 1` rr ..n~ 1" n \u.- r.nurwu U1 nun: yunegu. Avuul. ll mvo 160,0 pages and numerous Engrami PIOE-S'lZ for the two volmnan_ `E By Henry Ste hens ofldinbiirgh a the htoul. I .Norton, of `ale Goilege. 2 vols. Boyd 0. tavo; 1800 Dates numerous Entzrnminzn. _ Z$}`f?s3b"1a7ga"sx'&'}}`x'z:zro`u'i:';`gn 1>iucE-sz; for thfa two voxmneg. poatspaid. 58. Q um. um aununa Uu I8 convincingly pvroveu ` by an overwhelming weight of medical testimony, and by the practical test of successful experience for twenty yeangs in all pp-b_ the wotld',', beyond all question, time purest, the moat ema- cioua, the mat pahtlbllifaud, frbmits rapid ' curative e'cct.s, the_ moat aeopnpmical old! kintb. Hence the univern]'clebzi1.w oi Dr. dg Jamm- curauvc enecns, tn: naive: Oil,- and the vnlul nnanunn walled prepai- smmcr MEDICAL. "OPINIONS. g cu: tl"D\1'b17 u;nan' nnnnn .n.-. CT Zlfo XXIX [HIT `H8319 copiu of tho Cnonou Axo Nun, containing the news ofthe week, my be had in In-uppers fat rndng. Price 3d. each, nuod ovary Iridsy. ...,....... ;-_; \I:l. LLIQVLVLQ nan-r.; 11.9., -Physician in Ordinary `to the Queen in Irelmd`. I have frequently prescribed Dr. do Jon 'h' Light-Browncod Liver 031. I conaidgt it be u very pure`oil,- not likely to acute disgust, and ` 3 clyerapeutic ggenc of gt-eat_nlne." __ s1nm, r.ns., H_1ladict|Ocer to the, P69: Law Boa-Add Gant- ` uwemnkizi '- ciue kind. of God Liter 031 which in -uuivulnlly. admitted to" be 'gennineu-tho' Light-Btoin .203 snppliecfby Dr. de Jongb, It has longboenmr 1 practice, when preactibing, the oil,:to_x_c9oI_:Inan ' `this kind, _nince, I much {Inlay 94! um. ` certainty, we have bondenea in ill genuine- ueaa.'_ -;(Ext.ract from Conaunptial : - itir and Remedinble Stages") DR. L F.R.S, Coroner for Oanlnlliddlnoex; ` I consider that the pm-Ry of-this oil _liecnr_- '1 ed in In prepantlon, by the poirsoonl of so good a. chemist and intelligent n physiclnh _ us Dr. do Jongh, whohuabo wrllen C90? medical nudge undue oIlwkhwh1ehI"ub-` quainted. Hence, I don: the God-{aivbr O Ink!" 3 under his guaranteeto be preferable `to anynilser ` lind as regards genuineoeu `and medical cncy." , - ~ - r * ' ` Bg1'r1sj1 rmnlonloggs, Suhcriben may obtt-ain back numbers at` the nllnwino I-enxwnd mien. viz : ` ma LE'l'1A!lB!,( Iedicaloi d _ Anllstlo. ."1: vuvllslv cvlupoullull, nun OI mains` ill], l`I`;._' organic combination, ago` the Iamuhljqg. I: in, I believe, univon-sully achorlgdged ~ my invesgaciqns, I have no this oil has grest thenpeutlc` n pure and nnadultented u-ticl_e. .-.__. DR, BARLOW.` F.R.8-. . Senior Phyagclan to" Gay ! Hfik. .-: " I hure frequently rconmaliod l Irvin: its 4 panoosdons - suiting me to make use .ol.Dn.-dn`JoIg8's Liver Oil, I have been lellftdn with 7 ebcta, and , `believe it `to;be--swat: pntc oil,- Lttedfor those cases in thick e substance is i.ndicuqd.". ~ . . --1nulcuea1'h`|v_ahmid~ .._o _ '1 D: A Ligm-Brown God Lint uegol properties, among . (Eh vncoyof cholaic compounds. ufd of3odinn"in . -1.5. -: .:-_~ The death of Lady Dull Gordon was en- nouneed in London on July 17. Her Lady- ship, tho wielded an any and agreeable pen, in; one of the best known writers on Egyptinn life And scenery. Lndy Dull Gor- don had long been consumptive, nnd, es the l umoephere of the Nile proved conductive to her health. she took up her abode near the First Oturnet. The Prince and Princess of Wnlu recently visited her kiosk. A ..._-l..- ..l'--:5- ..l 1.1.... -,..._. - |._._- DR. GRANVILLE, 1138;, . _ ' .Au; Syn: d:fGerI_mi:y_.-"'_` ; Dr. G.-mvmq has found an; `Di-.' _' 3&1 LightBrawu Ood Li'verOil prgduel d ecctinnshotnrmethun othetkin ' _ _ it does not cause the nnuae|`|nd_ ind __ N o'ft._ou gopnequent on the udminisu-nimi nf` I o`o:uzz;m> nu an E n l'A1.lH:`N., ` ` s.r1u1i "st 33% (A as ..1 n la:-an nmnnusl. fllii-`C3 V-o`A8_.. , their rclagve superiority. V .....5wu w_ __:;naLr1,n-cil H0191 For seven-Al yii X.` `"5 ""' bit of Prdcx-i.l{zing ` ' v_vhich'I have nla Aemploggdwii rT1nuAu's su SA-_L`i`.. l`qE:|`>`ni`d`:c`iI`l" ` ' )0 rec! 36_8.3|'-ll. in oF`..r-Kai '9 .iata, 16 W. _,_-..-._..._-u-y fnvonnte prepnntlonililralr mended. I - _ ( 1; :7 1 Sole `Pg-opriet.o:s--"lV`ID'l@X. & ygf` j omyood-Bgvnl. I-0311005 "M ; '\TADntnw - ~- *` D12. DE Joxatrs Lxemr-BROWN cop LIVER 011.. DR. mi JoNGH's on is convincingly proved rv ovenvhelminz weizht mscimonv. YA Pugi ind Ronny & co., 1 Perfumera. Prize ty'1iid_ Rxbellen$' Putin. Sm- gr: -A-1.-1.":-. In all cases I'h|v_`e -pg. .410; laugh : .igh-Brown God I1!!! Oil potash: tlmnn. V. wuuuvw Iwvv-wI cu...-cu. -av. --vu-. A number of writs of babes: cor-pm have leuiy been issued in this city end else- where, in behelf 0! persons alleged to be imprisoned in lunatic eeylnme on false charges of inseuity. Within the last year, quite 5 number 01 pereqona fsisely end mul- ly dealt with in this direction, hgvc mana- ged to procure their release from imprison- 'ment. In none one cue we Ihonld like tn see the parties who have thus wronged their vicdms properly punished.-N. Y. Ti. 1' A1} 13};:i `- A ':llzI.1',O.h...__ ` ' ~ `I _,___________._._ IDlAN'S SEA _ re 83; RAIL I ` .""Y'E TARDLEY _~ Pr_i 1ritv'=nwi.I n-`..n.__ nnwlzi _ I_,L, V .. ...... u-use unwind` lndi(m_n,_` non: `:1: go udminisu-uioli of 3' . , ~ . . go of `gene!-it M Price, lvrmcenu. Sub|cript[z'w$ A;IA_..... M `W-Vt ` aeconpmnul onu KIIIG. lebrizy 01 -Dr. dc Jongl: 1 degnnnd tor this In- :._:nd'shu-RF `fLPI"'5i...C-.. ,, I pllllucuiw Iuu In|ct_v x! yibl IIIBII [u women in the dark screen, that she imme- diuely prepered e_complete suit to wear . whenever she seen It. Thus tuned and eqmp ale tubes evening walks. odlto .chnn:m`he theatre, leemree. end vghpo in theooutry menu Alone by deg end hy| light. Unfonmntely the luv forbids vounn than :e.pto:eeq herself. -11. Y4 Eoluam - zivu M; Life A `www- The oetutjpns in some 0! the lending stocks which I` tbs staple of commodi- ties dealt. in by `t e Wsll stret fraternity bus Man in usually violent oflst.o- -remsrk- sbly so for the summer scssun, when there used to be s general suspension of active operations. A rise or fall of ten per cum. n day is nothing unusual nowadays. Oue successful speculnwnvho is supposed to hue gnbcnd his sngacity while on the oor of Congress, is said to hsuaulilo half s nullion on Cenlnl within lbs put month. -N. Y. Hamid. . `sh-o-rt time ago a desperate-fellow lay the. nune of McGowan, in Clinton prison, sent {or nurleen ye.-ere, ucaped, and after a tiiu was recaptured in his old haunts in Now York An oier from Clinton prison went for him, and when on his way back to b old quarters and within three mile: of Dmnemorn--"riding on the top of I unge with the keeper And driver-he managed to rhtow cayennopapper into the eyes of the Keeper, dealt the drive: a severe blow with the shackles on hi: wrists, and bound- ing from his High perch, escaped in the bushes. There were no shackles on his fecgpnd he would soon remove those on his wrists; Ind being in citizen's clothes, he will probsbly, for I time at lent, elude pursuit. A-.1-A-wunu -an 7-..._.. .__. 1:-r_.___ ` . u. I, nu. . ` ` I ii the Watt`; ` , . ;g_mn.h,Noh-uh, `L cnliionl _. ` undo ,__4 int gull!/It tho hurt. a. II. 34103,. - , .... .. ADVAITAOI to Wont! or Wsnmto Inn`: (.`I.u'mn.--Not long since I yonng mu: In taken dangerously ill, here in New York, night. He was alone with hie sister, and the wee obliged to go, after 12 o clmk,k>t nphyeicinn. Bhe trembled at the thought, and her brother resolved egnin nml ngelnoo beer the -pain until morning; but at leer they felt she must go. The happy thought euggeetediteelf no pus put on her brother's clothes, and take hie loaded piuol; thereeult was they she brought buck the phyeicinn, and he never knew, unsjl she reached the house end the told him, tht the wee e women, the aid the huteuch n feeling of`indc- pendence and safety uehe pained men and women in the dunk stream. that aha immn- D541: A unuy (anally: ex- __A.I. (except Imlm :Gl'IlId Tait`: `fair .1. mix A It o_h.'np fa 6:11: I. IIGIDBI... -' ` Mnsnu -ndFl'!1'D*Y . vino. '1':-avcian-.~ and Posun Guido. `IIIIIIQ ITIIII TH? E- ' " . STIAIIB ' 'lI'KFlIfZVw` Ind! Wclhi-nPo_I'n' V 155.11. `aroma `._F:'3`->.T1'.- _ Inn ' SATURDAY EVENING, JULY 31. . _> M lie Every day. 1 GAE .3. -`JI._` ..n.. ..r Wixnnui L wnurl E. HIW3 391$ Inn OH; QKIXI. Flrlllunnirnnma %~ AA w` I` z ' Q" 835: FIRST PA 01;. non, um. 81: Put}: Cuuxcn (Queen Su-vet).--Morning Service, 11:00 ; Evening Service (nee), 8:30, S1-`Jana Cmmcn (Union Street).-Moming Service, 11:00; Evening Service (free), 6:30. 81-. Inn`: .Cavncn (Bu-rieeld).--Morning Service. 11:00. ~ 81'. Jami`: Clcncn (1'ort_smnn1h).--.\lorning Scrviee, 10:30 ; Aunoon Service, 4:00. Au. Sun-s Onion, (Division Street,) free -Iorning Sorviuu, 8:00, And 11":00 gm. with cannon; Aernoon, 4:30 p.m.; Evening Service, Homing Service, 11:00; Evening Service, s-an I Qtt iliuilg Nana. x1N_Gs1-on posr owner. I`. [Ann 90119 IAl'I'. 1:30 p.u1. Mixed tnin 2:45 am. 1:50 -' " 4* 6:15 " r I`:-A` BRITISH NAILS Itnnnunv-n will In. ulna: (Earl S\.n:et.).-Mo1-ning no Service. 6:30. \ ARRISTHKB mu A l'1ynnn I D-ID-lull W, oonwynnoem, Nomrica Public. Itlchard T. falkcin, WOLIOITOR IN UHANOERY. Oioe-Clu-enoe Street, Kingston, 0.W. J. P. GILDIIILIIVI. L.L.B. | RIDE. T. WALIII. ... 4;`. Mm-donald, Patton as lllachnr, ARRISTBRS AND ATTORNEYS-M,-LAW, Solicitors in Cbauaary, ho. Uiq_>eo-18 Clarenm SL, opposite the Post Uioe, Knmsron, O. W. Jon: A. MAononu;.n,Q. O. 3 June Pu-1-ox, Q.0 Joan M. Lhmua. If:.._...... h.-.'.. m ur r 1un;.-cou:n weav. corner or uunuua unu East. Streets. Wu. H. WILKISON. W. A. REEVE, M. A. Una-no ns:-n Ailn-nnv 5 eiamoi Agnew, ARRIS'I`ERand AT 1`0RNE`.Y-av.-LAW,Oon- veyancer. &c. Oice Bagot Street, second door south 0! the British Whiq Utce, upszairss. August 1. Alutlbl n.x\a,A; lunnnnla-at-u.-xiv aouc1- \ `B tors in Chancery-Chambers Nos. 7, 8,` 6 9, Anchor Buildings, Kingston, 0. W. Jnna 0'R:n.L\',Q.C. | FRANK 0. Damn. Cmxucna Camzcn nu-vice, 11:00 ; Evening Service, Bloc: Stun Pusan-tmu; lug Service, 11:00 ; Evening Service, 6:00. W--- -vn- Mn-wnmsr Cucncu (Sydcnham ARRISTER, Attorney-at-Law, Gouveysnoer. I kc. Utce opposite Post Oice, Clarence Street, Kingston. August 6. V UNEY TO LEND. $50,000 to lead on the 'L\' security of Real Estate in the City or Coun- try at a low rate of interest. No commission charged. R. M. ROSE. Ami] 23 a Ayefs Sarsaparilla, Kingston, JAn`y 16. J. . 0|-`Fl0E.---South Wee! corner of Dundas and Eng: Quanta I. H. W IUAIOUAV. . Uoumy Drown Attorney. Glldonleove Q Wqkom. {ARRISTIRS and ATTORNEYS-at-LAW, IYnnv.xvnnt'.nl'I_ Nntnrion Public. L} runs: June 9. Wllklson & Reeve, ARRISTERS AND ATTORNEYS-at-LAW, Solicitors, Conveymoera, ac. Napnnee, V hug service, 11.110; Evening .x....., .,.--. Wisuvu Mnuomsr (Sydenham S1nel).-)Ioming Service, 10:30; Evening Scr- rinn 6'30, April .23 Those who are I.nziq1u'tI and I.1'.~tIr-.93, I)r7.upnn- dent. Slveplesn, and h`ou`.)1eIl with Xerrovu Ap- p-rrheauonn or Fears. or my of the affections symptomatic of We-akm-n. will nd immediate relief and convincing evidence of its rcstomtivc power upon ta-ml. uvu nypm anus. ' DB.'J. c. .-[YER e co., Practical m....m.,T LOWELL. M_4ss., `U. 8. .4. NORTEROP & LYIIAN, Nowcutlo, C.W., Gmarsl Agent; for `tho, * Csusdu. . . 4 For Isle m the Drnggiau in Kingston, and by In I `gins Deblen. I P R E I A 12 E n 3 Y I. J . C. AYE]! J: (`0.,l. .on'cIl, mm... Pracoal and Analytical Chemlug, sou) mr ALL DRI'GGIS'!`S EVERYWIIEILE. NORTHROP & LYMAN, Newcastle, O.W., Genersl Agents for the Canada. ` Far -gig he .Il oh. nnnaun::Oa in I7:-uu-gon- For aging by all the Druggists in Kingqton,: and by all Medicine Deaieru. W jllJlIl-1.El 5. Curtwrlglll, )ARRlS'1`ER-AT-LAW. OFFICE ) Parker} Drug Store. Jun 9 0 BcIl|y an I)_l'_I'|||0I', {ARRISTERS,ATTORNEYS-at-ITKW Solici- [Ara in (`.hnn(`nrv._(`.hnrnh4=I-cl Nn: 7 R no harm can arise horn their usein any quantity. They operate by thagr powerful mnuence on the internal vi-s--em to punfy the blood and stimulate it into 'hea1th_vAlv9tion gnmove the obstructions of the stomach, bowels, liver, and other organs of the body, restoring their irre"nI:u' sctxon to health. an by uorrentlng, wherever `they exist, such demng monte aware the rst origin of disease. Minute directions are givep in `the wrap a on the box, for the fnnowing complmnts, will these Pills rapidly cure :- Fnr Dyluen-ia nr India-enunn- I'.|-cl.-. 2 - nynpe-puia 0|; }lndig-oration, um... neu I.-sn nor an an o Appetite they shoulti be ta :1 moderately to ntimttlate the ' sch and restore its healthy tone and action. For Liver Complaint and its various sv-um. sch and symp- toms, Bulolu llesulache. ick Headache, Jnumllco or Green Iickneu, -Illoug Colic and niiiou: Fereru, they should be ju- diciomzl y Lskerl or each case, to correct the diseased action or remo : the obstrnrtions which cause it. For uynonzery or Illa:-I-Inna, but one mild dose is 2-znecally required. For llhoumnzhm, Gout, Gravel. Palm. union of the lleart, Paul In the Side, Back and. Lolnn. they lhould be continuous . TY taken, as rcqm:ed, to mmgghe diseased action of the system. With such `c 3 those complaints disappear. ' ' _ _ _ I`.-.- un___-_ ___.u u`, , . ._ lug service (ew), ozvu. Coxonmnoxu. Cutncn (Wellington street) -Moming servioe,11:00 ; Evening service, 6:30. BAPTIIT Clunca (Johnson Sn-eot)..-Mornin;: Service, 11:00 ; Evening Service, 6:30. 0.. u.....`.. tV........nn {Dmman f`.nthnHt`\_- rnntageous where 11' "Fri ' 'm'n`ge ' ""7 (he who took oo!erngI~-ewglllmogfan nndtl;..:teax(;:)ts.$ ghrwugfuy mg: Hm mi decidedly hem:-,n-om our c 1 ' the apparnzfttlig. mnovumg ea on me aw ` 00., 7honokt,> MASS `U. R. 1 \V. R. Mluguyo, TTORNEY-AT-LAW, Convc-.yuncer_ &c. 1 Kingston, 0. W. Dec. 1. _, M- --....._..- ` uxsappear. I-`o Drop: and.DI-o cal Bwdlnpn ch nhou`!-:1 bo cukcgx in 1-` ey large and frequent doses to pro- - duee the emact of a drastic pu . iIu_pp|-o:_u.I_un_a I.-srgerggse should be taken ..o-vyu.r- duce the purge. For luppreuldn :1.-srge ose should taken as it produces the deairsd effect. by sympathy. As a Dinner PIl,_:x_ko o_ne or two Put: to uro- vnntn R:-....o.'-_ -_A ,,, I! produces desire ! Pill, take one prev mote digestion and relieve the stomach. An _oc(_:a.aloul 51030 stimuintes the stnmsu-J1 nnrl Ayer s Cathartic Pills, -rs..- _ v~. ..., u ~y - Over 6p1oE'}iit6zx)_riB_1'iz' sTmcE1- NEARLY OPPOSITE THE CITY BOOK ST?RE. n.I\J\1A.n Jowlph Buwdon, TTORNEY A.T- IAW, Solicitor in Chanccrf, Notary Public, &c., 88 King street, Kingston. VA:-no vice, 6:30. Wanna In-aomn Cm-nan (Queen Street) -Honk` Service, 10:30-, Evening Service -30. Phmnlx I-`Ire Assurance Company OF LONDON. A _ . _ A _. 1/.__,.-_ Home lusu1':;u1ce Company of New Haven, Conn. CAPITAL .. .. g1,ooo,ooo. PREMIUMS RECEIVED DURING 1868- $2,079,896. ` Funds deposited in the} hands of the Goverment for the security of Policyholders. f" All re risks carefullyaurveyed, and the rule of Premium nmde to correspond with the nisk assumed. - I A IIDG GWIYIDIIV I369. Marine Insurance. V 1569. zEtna Insurance Company of Hartford, Conn. L. J. Exxon, E. P. Donn, President. General Agent. INCORPORATED IN 1819. CAPITAL 33,000,000. ASSE l`S$5,l60,931,7l ULL AND CARGO RISKS to and from Inlnnd Pm-In nn Fnwnn.-am. In-1-nu uuu Anu UAHUU Luzma to and from Inland Ports on favourable terms. Losses promptly and liberally adjusted and paid in Canada Currency. JAMES`RWl|?'I`, Aunne Home Insurance Company or New Haven, n u....-..-- n..._--- mann- ' J. n. snimh, nI.n.,' )1-IYSIOIAN. SURGEON, 80., PORTLAND, Rusidenco Han-owsmi\h. Agent at Kingston, T11 14 uuu cargoes It reasonable rates. _ 1 JAHES SWIFT, Agent, ; Kingston, March 31, '69. St. Lawrence Wharf. ` Pmmnn Mtmonlsr Carncu (Brock Street) -Iorning Service, 10:30 ; Evening Service, 6:00 Irrnomn Enncoru. Canzcu (Johnson SlIeel).-Iorning Service (free), 10:30; Even- ing Service (free), 6:00. rhnunnonn-nnuu. (`.urm-n {We1lin(0n SW80!) `E Oioe-33, Clarence Street. Kingston, March 20, 1862. Etna. Insurance Co. of Hart- ford, Conn. PAID UP CAPITAL AND SURPLUS-- ;5,15o,931,71. '_naaAa noi in RA run-cl On: AAA AAA- .,..,.w,; Losses paid in 50 years, `HIS Company has been doing business in I Canada tor nearly 50 years, and during that time has secured the `public condence by the prompt. and liberal seulemeutofevery fair claim. It has fully complied with the laws ofsmsdn by the deposit with the Government of Stocks to thy amount of 350.000 Anrl in nnannnnn` 4,.:........ ..-I2-:_- __ . quuavvu And is prepared to issue policies on terms as low as the safety ofthe assured will permit. J ARIES SWIFT, Agent. D R. VICTOR BAUD S ORGANIQMEDICINE. an Kingston, March 31, 1869. R. V. BAUD, Graduate and Member of the 1) Medical College of Paris, ObiofPhysician Extraordinary for Epidemics in Paris, late M.D. ot Ibo Oivil Hospitals of Algiers, has just in- trodncad in England his ORGANIC} MEDI- CINES. Than nu-u.-:.-.5 -5` u.._-- __-__---S U11` DD: They consist of three preparations- THE BAUDEINE, An eicient and prompt Remedy for Cholera, Yellow Fever, Dinrrhme, Dysentery, and the excessive aclion of the Bowels. A gold medal was awarded by the French Government to Dr V. Baud for this valuable preparation. Price: Small, is lid; Medium, 4': 5d-; Large Size, 113 per Bottle. THE DIASTATIZBD IRON, For strengthening the SysLem.-Price 2s 9d ner Bottle. March 31, 1869. service, u:uu; nvemng Dcxvnx, u..n.-. S1`. )lAIur`s CAnn:muL (Roman Catholic).- laas, 7 mm; Military 9 n.m.; )lnss10:30 a.m.: Vespers, 3:30 p.m. :1 ....... m .\ nnavnl m l".n1-nu-n xnpen Street)-- a.lnIII./IA: D. SATIALII. CHARLES Wu.aox` P resident. Secretary CASH CAPITAL .. .. $1,000,000. AXE AND RIVER RISKS taken on hulls 1 and mu-om-an at mnannnhln non: nursing. By the combination of the Iron or Iodine with Cress Seeds in 1 note of- germination, `they are united with organic life, which thus renders them digestible. The initotive and stubborn mineral has thus become the nucleus of an organic substance capable of being ab- `sorbed by the blood without injury to the stomach. Agent for England and British Poueesions, DUFRESNE. 79 Wntlinw Ru-ant r ul aucuguuuulug Lue aysLem.-r'nce 25 9d per Bottle. THE DIASTATIZED IODINE, For puritying the Blood.--Price 23 9d per Bottle. ',' The above Preparations are in the farm : or puruymg me mood.-1 |-ice 9d Preparations are in the form of Sweelments, pleasant to the taste, and par- ticularly adapted for Idfanta and Mothers nursing. Bv the nnmhinntlnn n! n... I..- __ In:-A- -1.-a:a.I\I|. vu -:u;vnu11.91uu.*-1E 18 L amusing at Lima to oboarvu the stones of the merchants who d_onf_t,; gdvere tise; to see` the `anx_id_\is prpprietors look- ing into the streets` and 94;; 'the_ penpla go by, wndering why the; 'do_n t coma` in T while the stores of their neighbolus irho . do advertise are througed. with cIubomgrs,, Some peopte v`vill learn by obervation, others will no.s.--Daily Palladium. v...u...-nu, unnnnuunan, C6. EARL RUSSELL sent to the College of Physicisps I communication received by him from Mnnilla (where cholera had been graing fearfully).t.o the effacl: that, of all remedies tried, Chlorodyne was the most effec- tive. LIVE. " The day seems as yet, nuheppily, fer die- tant when public opinion or State interfer- ence will prevent the advertisement or sele of any secret medicine whatsoever. It is to be hoped thet the profession will continue to brand as unworthy the conduct of those of its members who by testimonial or-`otherwise aid the disposal of such things."-Lancet. RIl\Il'Il nun (`II-vv .\_..___.-_ TOWI.E S .0 HLOBODYNE. The Original Prepeeegion of known`0omposi- non. . From Dr 0. Kidd, Author of Standard Works on Chloroform. Snckvitle-street`, Piccadilly, London. Sir,-I think if you would advertise your Ohlorodyne more than you do, you` would help to been the others, which are secret com- pounds, out of the market. Many medical men think with me, and recommend your com- pound, but will never prescribe a secret re- medy. CHARLES Kipp, M.D. To Mr Towle, Chemist, Manchester. A Surgeon from New York writes :-``I only requires to be known to be appreciated. I have no hesitetien in chnracteriaino it (vi-r . unvu luuuu u so ranevo more pain and cam more joy thnn any other nieicle Ihnt can I named." Na-um _'l`h. D...0......:._ 2- _4 _- . 1 - - - amy requires to De Known be chnracterising it (viz., 'l`owle'e Chlorodyne) as the most useful Inedig cine that has appeared during the preent century. In diarrhteafcolfc, ngue, 3 sum, I have found itto relieve mere pain an cause joy any nnicle mu mu. u. -Urulug oclvnr, Av.vv, uu.-.-.5 .A...\.., v... Ruamoca TIIPIIANCI MEETING 1:. the Sons of Temperance Hall, Princess Street, every Sunday uhernoon, from H to 5 o'clock.