PR1 VATE BILLS. PLANTABENET WATER. ESTABLISHED 1847. ii;UME1{. T0 THE PUBLIC! BOTTLED AT THE E. H. PARKER, GEO. W. OREIGHTON, Agent. to 12th. 1869, '3` three 1DKI OI HID fll. 0HARLES'l'..GlLLMOR, Clerk of the House. . B`!-. 1 BAA FRESH ALSO Ila:-ket Square. IL 0 GOR!AN. A. Dnrson. EB subscriber having purchased the St. Lawrence lee-Houses and business lately owned and conducted by Mr White, including that formerly owned by Mr Hobart, he is now prepared to supply Ice daily in such quantities as may be required. From the favourable and convenient situation of the _Houses, and their large size`, the aubeariber can guarantee a LIBERAL and RE ULAR supply :9 all his Customers of 5 vvvv ova-In: Of the Cheapest Luxury knownl [R No? nmnuun ru ....... Pure` Lake Ice. For supplying Hotels, Steambonts, Pic-Nic Parties. and all who may require it in large qunmities, on short notice, the subscriber will keep a quantity always on hand at his premises in the City, which will be delivered any plucs FREE` OF CHARGE, and also at Barrioeld, Pcrlsmoulh, and Williamsville. The auhm-rihor will mm: .11 u.- --,._.,-V 1 urlalnouln, sun W uunmsville. The subscriber will full all 1 made by Mr White. [1 I'll \ YE invite nttention Io our ne and {care- fully selected mock of Trusses, Sup- porters, Bandages, Elastic Stockings, Kneoleu, Gents , Ladies and Children`: Shoulder Bncea, kc. Will nd it to their advantage to buy their Spices, Mustard, Ginger, &c., from us, an" we keep the genuine. Leads. 0". Paint: Va:-aid... 'I`n-no-I3-tn" Every person purchasing Goods to the Amount of Twenty-ve Gem: and over at R. WHITWS Drug Store will` receive 3 Glass of Cream Soda gratis. |1868. cog. 1868. 0llce-I. Lawrence What]: Foot of Johnson Street. UR Coal in Pure Laclnwana, being mined in the very heart of the Lacknwana Valley, Scrsmon, Pittston, sud Wilkes Quite, flow the beat selected mines, and is prepared with great care expressly for Family use, and will be screened and delivered in the best possible co .- dition. Dan} nglgnog nk /7...) (`Au amen. -.._-A-_n-l.. Keep me genume. Leads, Oil, Paints, Vorniahes, Turpentine , Benzole, Paint B1-ushe:,puro Dye Stuffs, kc. A full stock of Patent. Medicines. Prescriptions carefully uon. Best selected So Goal for grates constantly on band, also Lebigh Lump for Foundry tee and Blosabnrg for Blacksmiths. !`erm Cash. Delivered in nnv mu-C n! the uuu DIDHUUUTK [UT DlCIUlIIXlLIs- Term Cash. Delivered in any part of the city. , JAMES SWIFT A: (`J . ` `HE Subscribefreapectfully i form: his Oua- tolnera and the pu a1ly that he is now ready to supply them with the very best at s*I*E01ALV AND IHPOKTANT NOTICE TO ogsu CUSTOMERS. Ql HARD AND SOFT WOOD, Beech and Maple, Hemlock and Pine, which will be delivered in any part. of the city. Cheap for Ouch. Annlu on Apply to . JAMES CAMPBELL, Al the Grocery Store opposite the wharf. Wharf foot of Queen Street, `Kingston, April 27, 1869. g (J .L.LAv.;4_4r\J cu; \J .1 ._.- Dealer In Boots and slIoes.No. 36 Princess Street, Kingston. ESIRES most respectfully to thank his nu- merous Customers for a liberal patronage extending over FIFTEEN YEARS. In nlnsimz his accounts for the vast year the extending 1' Ir"1'1 I nzuta. In closing past year advertiser has determined to abandon the Credit system nltogether, and he wishes his Ondtomers to understand this announcement in the most positive sense. Determined not to be outdbne in the price or quality of his Stock, he is pre- pared to sell BOOTS and SHOES of unrivalled manufacture at the lowest remunemtive prices on strictly cub terms. nnmid acmnnts must be settled immediate- strictly cub terms. Unpaid account: ly, otberwhe they will be put in suit. E` The notronsze of Cash Customers to- I], OIDCIIBG may Inn no pun nu nun. f` The patronage liciud. J AHES HOPE. Kingston, 2_2nd Jnnnnry, 1868. \] neecnar uwwv, -uuuvn `ll ......... --_.- Csbin, be _ Also a lot of other new Books by nnoul -..oL.--q QIUII I unborn. ;;:in`;bHld be sent ` in the day no possible. ST. LAWRENCE ICE-HOUSES. bout nnd Excursion Biila and Tickets, PROGRAMMES & POSTERS, SteuIn- ; executed cxpoditionily at the Dun Nnws 8-nut Pnnvrnm Hows, Princess Street. , _ ` STEAM PRINTING HOUSE, Princess Street, Kit: :1. `Priutin of I11 kitrda at the DAn.'.tr:ws 8TIAl lIlTIlQ Bonn. - - 1 ,1 July 38. October 21,1868. AmnAcnFcoAL mm .1545 n l....._.._....tIr|._ June 10. LDTOWN EOLKS, 3 new Novel, by Harriet Beecher Stowe, author of "Uncle Tom : -kin " ha TO THE PUBLIC. R. WHl'l`E S DRUG STORE. DVERTISEMENTS for the DAILY L Nnws, intended _to appear the same aning should be In st as early an hour .I_- 3-- -- nnnniln. W001)! W001) 1 W00!) 2 [Cl-II`) son) VVATEB, KB NO\V STORED IN THE I. Apply to J 3000 Toms New NFVFIT With Choice Syrups. HOUSEKEEPERS 42 Princess Street, vi HI. I [(1), Soda Water Manutnotnrer, Princess Street JOHN OREIGHTON, City Book Store, King Street. Wm. PIPE, Wat Ilannlg-on-... JAMES SWHT & CL; the contracts >. WEDNESDAY EVENING. AUGUST 4, 1869. _j_..._:__. --. --u vvu.II.ucuUC|l.lUlH. (A we QIBCBSO. The Hamilton Spectator says : "Persons do lag the St. Lawrence especially in Montreal and Quebec are very liable to be attacked with "Montreal Cholera, for which we have found Perry Davis Pain-killer A ante cure ; speaking from our own experience I Bottle of Pain-Killer is the best Physician n Traveller can have. Ram I ..n n-......:-.- .._.u n.,.--r-- ____.._.. .,.. vuuuun vu.Vu.l1JI.|A' Diarrhaa, Dyaeutery and all other forms at Bowel Complaints so prevalent at this season of the year have a sure and never falling cure in Perry Davis Pain-Kil'er, which should be used In the commencement of the disease. "l`I~... l:I ......n..._ 0,, ,. . -- ~ .. um uvat I ujulullll n l_l'IIVEllEl.' cu: l;llV0." Sold by all Druggists and Country Shop- keepors M15, '15 and 50 cents per bottle. Perry Davis an ion, ` PROPRIETORB, Jnlv a. nu--=--I THE GREAT FEMALE REMEDY. Job Moses Perlodlcal Pllls. This invaluable medicine Is unfailing in the cure of all those painful and dangerous dis- eases to which the `female constitution is sub- ject. It moderates all excesses and removes all obstr_uctions, from whatever cause. .- T0 KARRIED LADIES It is particularly suited. It will in a short time bring on the monthly period with regu- larity, and though 'very powerful contains no- thing hurtful to the constitution. In all cases of i` ervous and Spinal Aectione, Pains in the Beck and Limbs, Fatigue on alight exertion, Palpilalionvof the Heart, Hysterics and Whites, it will eect a cure when all other means have failed. The pamphlet urouud each pnckege has full directions aucl advice, or will he sent free to all writing for it, sealed from observa- tlon. uuu muauu, nu." Luna, nuun rl6Ul.'1(llS'1'0l. $1 and 12| cents for postage, enclosed to Northrngt Lyman, Newcastle, On., General Agents for the Dominion, will insure a bottle, containing over 50 pills, by return mail. Sold bV all the Drmnlistn in Kincrqfnn and containing 00 plus, by return mail. by the Drnggiate in Kingston and Medicine Dealers everywhere. July 13. Dr. A. 'l`rask s Mygnetlc Olmnent cuans anon? on RATTLES. n- r\:,_L._, ,r -v-..... vn.v\/VA use 5-naauuu. Dr. Dingham, of Utica, New York, esys:- I have used Dr. A. Tusk : Magnetic Oint. `meat in my practice a number of years, and can say with pleasure I deem it one of the greatest. discoveries of the age for the cure of Inammation of the Lungs, Inammation of the Bowels, Inammatory Rheumatism, and in Child Bed Fever, it operates with perfect sue- cess. In cases of Burns, Bruises, Frozen Limbs. It acts like a charm. uycousx H Ulallil. MONTREAL 0B CANADA 0HOLEBA- case. in or burns, Bruises, Frozen Limbs, Dr. J. P. Kennedy, of Cbittenango, N.Y., says: "It has stood the teat trjal, and has not been found wanting. Its astonishing cure: of Inammation of the Lungs and 0roup,`and the wonderful success in subsiding the torturing pains of Rheumatism, and relieving Nervous Abctions, entitle it to a high rank in the list of Remedies for these complaints. Dr. A W. Raldina nr I(m.wI...m. w v Ul FLEIIIBUIES I01" [D935 COIDPIEIDKS." Dr. A W.-Balding, of Knowlesville, N.Y., saya:-I have used it. in neural cues of Specic Irritation, and for the want cases of Piles, and sundry other complaints, and nd it a superior article, and well worthy the Atten- tion of all." - Dn--|v.--A-- _I.A_I.I L- ___- ---I --17- `A- "\- LIOII OK 311. , " Purchasers should be sure And ask for Dr. A. Tusk : Magnetic Ointment, and use than the words A. Trunk : Magnetic Ointment nre on the wrapper. NORTHROP k LYMAN vnuuula. _ For sale by 111 the Druggistl in Kingston end by all Medicine Deelerl. July 13. II'U UH IIIU Wflpwfn NORTHROP & LYMAN, Newcastle, C.W., General Agents for the Canada. I1..- ...1.. I... .II 41.". n-..-_:-._ :_ 17:_._-.__ J-.--ow--vuurn us nnuunn ur,ve This splendid Hair Dye is the beat in the world; the only true and perfect dye; herm- less, reliable, instantaneous; no disappoint- ment; no ridiculous tints; remedies the ill eects of bed dyes ; invigorntes and leaves the hair soft and beautiful black or brown. Sold by all Druggists and Perfumers; and properly npplied at Batchelo:- s Wig Fe.ctory,- No. 16 Bond atreetl New York. . `\I.L`\J.I_'A.L` Ll.IL.LI\.I:|.` IJIC 51535 principle. The system of innitesimal doses of medicine ditfused in gallons of injurious. stimulants exploded. All useless material dis; corded. The active principle only ofthe most powerful and eicient remedies known concen- trated in a small convenient form; Hanrruu. Oousnranon Gtmln; All diseases of the Stom- ach, Liver, and Bowels permanently relieved by using Dr 0o1by s As'n~Cos'r1vl: AND Tome Plus, Sugar-Coated. Recommended by the Medical Profession. New Style. Jmportnnl Clnnng. A A mm. mm nus-ronzn nth nmassma Oombinod in One Bottln. MRS. S. A. ALLEN S If QC`-I "D`-NEVIVII`-'D`I`II LVLLIIKJU mic 1n.- 4.I.J_AJ..IJ.L` ` HAIR REST BER ` Will Rstore Gray llair to its Natural Life, Color and Beauty. It is a most delightful Hair Dressing. It will promote luxuriant growth, FALLING HAIR is immediately checked. In. B. A. ALL]-3N`8 ZYLOBALSAHUH, anotllr freparaml r the Hair .' dear and travafarntl, -ritlwut xcdimnd. It 1': very :z`n:;5Ie and qen aduca Ivndczxl ruultt. It: grant .ru/carity and economy 1.: a Hair'ng over high can Frau:/I Pnmadu I : lcknoualddgcd 5 all not only in this cauntr ht! I5: Eurapa Th` extorer and Z yloabatnum xuld lid to used mu` wit). flat atler. sou) BY ALL DRUI B'l'I. Propri.-mn, S. R. Van Dunn: h. Cu., \Vholenle Dmuldl. 35 Barclay BL and 40 Park Place. NBV-YOII. UCCESS begets envy. Hence the ebru of certain vendors of Liniment to decry J Acons Rnluxu-to LIQUID. Wherever in- troduced, it drive: all others from the market. Pain positively annihilated by its use. We have no! room to enumerate the virtues accorded to J my 8. YE! p0IlllV8l, Inllllll Dy B I158. W8 DSVO ' not /enumerate it by the thousands who have used it. No medi- cine ever invented is capable of more extended application. It has hundreds of imitators, but not one uvn. Beware qf Oounterfeita. ` IJJLJJ I. l.JJl.L`\.lLY J.` \J.I.\r [LlJlJu'* Those who` hue no hair may have it. Those who have plenty, any preserve and henn- tifv it Thom whn mm lnaimr it. rnnv hnvn lit: '1'DOI0 W110 IIBVO plenty, mny pl 8DeX`V8 Ind D30- tify it Those who are losing it my have |its loss arrested. The hnir strengthened, beautiod, restored, by using Hun-r s Eurm Elm: Gnoas, cheapest, cleanut, but. Don t real till you have tried a bottle. Bold by all Druggistn. March 25. . RT OF ADVERT1SING.-Ho:-ace Greeley, of New York, ssys:-The most successful business men in this city are those who have advertised liberallyand constantly. A. small advertisement =oon- stautly sppearing is better than n displny column occasionally. `ONCENTRATION the great J nrincinla The nvstem of innimnimnl V New Style. Importnnt Clnnngt. a.1?.n. turn nnsrnnnn nth nmamr |rLAD TIDINGS FOR ALL.- Thnnn `plan? I...` an In-:n In-- 5.--- 4r Balchclol- s Hair Dye. 1 anlnnrlizl ILA. ma :4: cl`- Lgub l Bpecial Notices. nl 1\I| A111!-Is. .- > GR.A`Y HAIR. Is a certain indication of decay at the roots. BEAUTIFUL HAIR, Na.ture`s Crown. You Mung Cultivate it \ .. . \.I ..,.., Montreal. SUFFERINGS HAVE BEEN PROTRACTED FROM HIDDEN OAUSES, [emf your xiunoya, Ireqnenuy get out of order `I In your urine sometimes thick, milky or olsky, or is it ropy on lettling? Or does 3 tbickscum rise to the top ? Or is a sediment at the bottom nfter it ha: i stood awhile ? n- -nu. 3.-.". .....II.. -1 -L-_. |____.L2_._ __ IF you are suffering or have suffered from Involuntary Discharges, what effect does it produce upon your general health 7 Do you feel weak, debilitated, easily tired 1 Does n. little extra exertion produce palpi- tntion of the bent? Ann an... Ha`. A- --...- union OI llll noun I Does your liver, or your urinary on-guns, or your kidnoya, frequently get of order `I vour sometimes tlxink. milkv nr IBOOQ 8WL|l|9 I Do you have spells of short breathing or dyspepsia? Are your bowels constipated? Do you have spells of fainting, or makes of blood to the head 1 In your memory impnirod ? In yon: mind constantly dwelling upon this subject? Dn vnn fan] (Inn Hnflnaa nu-mhn. and .-.6' cuwpuuy, or me I Do you wish to be left alone, to get sway from everybody 7. D00! EIJV litll thinu mnlrn vnn start nu- U'0l.'. BVBl'yDOIy 1. Does any little thing make you start or jump 1 In your Ileep broken or restless 7 . , In the lustre of your eye unbrilliant ? The bloom on your gbeek as bright ? Do you enjoy yourself in society as well? Do you pursue your business with the some energy `I Dn vnn fmal an Innnh m-u.RA...... :.. mm... UIIDJECI I Do you feel dull, liatleas, moping, tired of company, of life `P Do You wish tn hn Inf`: nlnnn On cunt nwnv energy I Do you feel as much condence in your- self 1 Aug -Ann ....:-:5- .I..|I -_.1 n-__2A_ _:___ Are your spirit! dull and'mg-givan to ts of melnncholy ? Ifso, do not lay it to your liver or dyapepais. Have Von restless night: `I Your hank an. n, auuuuuae, Sell`-Abuse, Veneroal and Sexual Diseases Badly Cured, and Excesaes, are all capable of producing a weakness of the generative organs. The organs of genera- tion, when in perfect health, make the man. Did you ever think that these hard, deant, energetic, persevering, successful business men, are always those whose generative or- gans are in perfect health`? You never hear such men complain ofbelng melancholy, of ner- vousness, of palpitation of the heart. They are never afraid they cannot. succeed in busi- ness ; they don t become sad and discourag- ed ; they are always polite and pleasant in the company of ladies, and look you and them right in the ,face-none of your downcaat looks, or any other meanness about them. I do not mean those who keep the organs in- amed by running to excess. These will not only ruin their constitutions, but also those they do business with or for. How many men, from badly cured Venereal diseases, from the ` eeet of Self-Abuse and excesses. have brought about that state of weakness in those organs that has reduced the [literal syiiem so much as to induce almogrevary .other,diaease- idiocy, lunacy, paralysis, spinal aectiou, sui- cide,: and almost every other form ofdisease which humanity is heir to, and the real c -.use of the trouble scarcely ever suspected, and have doctored all but the right one. Diseases of these ornrans 1-eanire the use nf e HERREPUNT. urn 1:1 in! 1 nine your uver or uyspepals. you restleas_nights'! Your back weak. your knees weak, and have but little appetite, and you attribute this to dyspepsia or liver complaint `I NOW. READER. E EQUIRE PROMP l` TREATMENT 'l`O_R.EN. 1 DER EXISTENUE DESIRABLE. DIVE U00!-OFEII Ill Dill [DO I185` 030. Diseases of these organs require the use of a Diuretic. HELMBOLD S Hum exngicr Bucuu FOB 'D1sEAsEs or THE BLADDER, xxmmvs, GRAVEL, DROPSY, * ORGANIC WEAKNESS, FEMALE COMPLAINTS, GENERAL DEBILITY, AND ALL msEAsEs or nu ---.n--;-- _-g _--4 TIUII"III I $II:l1I`3 Whether existing in male or female, from whatever cause originating, end no matter of how long smnding. I? If no treatment is nnhmittnd tn` GON- HOW I008 Blllllllg. I? If no mntment is submitted to, CON- SUMPTION ot INSANITY may .enaI,1e:`\' Our esh and blood are Iupportad from these sources, and the health nnd happiness, and that of Posterity, depend upon the prompt use of 1 reliable remedy. \I` V D T7I\I I`\YG'l|l`lllI'T lIIH u. - .u..--4.-. .vu.vu_, - - N. Y. S. VOL. INSTITUTE, Corner of Fifth Avenue `and 76th Street, Central Park. (A Home and School for the Sons of De- ceased Soldiers.) nn H '1` 'FIuIunnt.n CUE-ECU DUM.|lUl'B.] I Du. H. '1`. Hamrnonn, Two bottles only of the package of your . valuable Buchu presented to the Inotitute have , been used by the children, and with perfect succesn. In the case of our little Lieutenant A. J., his pride is no longer mortied, and he is free from the daily morning anathemas of the chambennaid who has charge of his bed- ding. I feel that a knowledge of the result of our use ofyour Buchu with the children un- der our charge may save. many a Superinten- dent and Matron of Boarding Schools and Asylum: a great amount of annoyance, and many a poor child snering more from` weak- ness than tron: habit, may be spared punish- ment, that is (not knowing it as a weakness instead of a bad habit) most unjustly inflicted upon them. Thanking you on behalf of the children, and hoping others may be alike benetted, . I am. mnnntfullv vnnra. Jan. 25, 1565. ll: H. T. Hn.;gso;.r., Deer S_ir--Your communication requesting our terms for advertising was duly received, but from a prejudice I had formed against ad- vertising `onres for secret diseases, it was ` left unanswered. During an aceidenul eon- verution in a. drug store the other evening, my mind wen changed on the character of your Bnchu; It was then highly commended . for other disunses by two physicians present. _ Inelosed please nd our rates of 7sdverIising- . Ynnrt kl-., nv An- NEBVOUB ANI) DEBILITATED. - Jllmonr, later. "I1 bunt will no u lribn. at 4 :..n_ K1-anon Tundnyu, Wed- | En.:mot.;: s Ex-I-no-r Bucnu , catublichod np- ~ ward of 18 yours, prepnnd by H. '1'. HILIL .4` BOLD, Drugggint, ,594 by E. Broadway New York, IId`1(I4 South 10th Sheet, Phillpolphis, Pa. Prion I 1,16 per bottle, or 6 bottle! for_ $6,60,dolivcrod .-to iny address. Said by :11 Druggintu arvoryvborc. ` I J'No,'nc AI-Q panning nnlmn dang nn in uruggluu UVll']WI|9|'U. ` I3'No:no no genuine nnlaa done up in steed-on vod vrnppo:,_with fps-Iimilo of my Ohomicn W arehouu, and signed. H. '1`. HELXBOLD. \1l June 16, 1866. CERTICCNA CURE nan, _ I am, respectfully yours, Ont IEO PIGUIO Ill! Your-1,, &c., '1'. .-ow- ...... u . unmm oneiii hnr otinnw in rnnln nr fnmnl !8 THE GREAT DIURETIO, AHD IS A on,,a:c. "1'. B. H. Snxnoun, ` Edi tor and Prorletor of Dnily ud Semi-Weekly Tclzyraph. VIBIDI I NOW, READER, n `IA...-u-Agni ..... ll nothu dnys. voul ISLAND 9 AM, 11 P.l.nd`lP.l. ` 0. I. }(INGHORN .' M fun -4` D.....I. an... E III IBIUAID IUIYEI AD DRESS TOTEI A11. l\i1-\I- :- Gnu: Sn.-r Lg}: Grrv, Una, Jan. 28, 1868. mnzoxm. aapecuumy yours, Con. Youna, B6General Sup : sud Director. 3` Twenty years sxperieueeln using Bry- an's Pulmonic Wafers have proved thomto by the most efectull remedy for coughs, and initi- tion of the throat, caused by cold, or unusual exertion of the vocal organs ; public speakers and singers will nd them most benecial. T ` entire freedom from all deleterious ingredients v renders Bryan's Pnlmouio Wafers, or Cough and Voice Lozenges, a. safe remedy for the most ` delicate person, and has caused them to be held in high esteem by all who have used them. Sold by all medicine dealers at 25 cents per; . box. ' or Ivusx HIIUBIPTIOI Executed nenly, cheaply, and oxpoditioully st he DAILY NEWS JOB PRINTING OFFICE. Trains arrive and depart from the Kingston Station as follows : nun... - . __ 3:05_n.m. 4:15 p.m. 4:35 -. .. " "l IUU -' I - I " [This is by Montreal time, from" which deduct 12} minutes for the difference between Montreal and Kingston t.ime.] r western " " 3:15 2:15 ' Em: and West night trains 9:00 7:00 AM. UNITED STATES MAILS. Through Mails for New York, Boston, Oswego and Cape Vincent, will be closed at 1:30 P.I(., and Mails from these places will be due for do-` livery at. 12:30, PM. A second Mail for Cape Vincgnt will be closed at. 5:30, P.M., and one will be due here for delivery at 7, AJL, daily, Sundnys sxceptod. Dnilnrnn -1 A to n -~.. . .` k`lIl.|.'UUII' )! " Cumiehul N . . Dunlap. ppm of the Ibote Linc win ma Wharf, foot ot Johnson -nnt: iumlton on-;ry nfm-. uunsr rm: : _.. Al the Steamers will In", KI GSTON POST OFFICE. Close. Arrive. Eastern by G.T.R. day t:ain12:40 PM. 4:45 PM, western to u u 3.1.15 :1 -2.1: n msaneru Dy u.'1'... any 11 Vnao In-up` IlT....s _1._LL A-4 n:u'uau MAILS per Canadian steamers will closed every In`; day at 12 Ill. ' Per Cunmrdnnd R.-....... -1:--- ..-..-.. u-_;_.. uay II I." 5'` Per Cumtrd and Bremen `lines, eve and Tuesday respectively at 5 P.ll. SINGLE COPIES of the DAILY NEWS may ho had at the counter of the publication oiea, Prin- ceas street. Price three coppers. I$"Rim-1|.-. naming A` L. l1-------- WK --.... ....-pvu. 5 um: uuvu uuppc. @"Single copies of the Cnnomou LID Nnws, containing the news of the week, may be bad in wrappers for mailing. Price 3d.each as ued every Friday. I W/EDrNESDA.Yr EV;E=NING, AUGUST 4. _ CALIFORNIA GIRLS IN THE YO- SEMITE. A correspondent of the San Francisco Chronicle, writing from the Yosemite Valley, eye that he women 1 I I I yields the palm to ' or hardihoad and endurance as ' explorers. They climb higher, ride harder, I get wetter, scream loizider, eat more turkey, { and drinkmqre stimulants than Lmostrmen. f You should have there seen, he".ssys.A our San Francisco school.-mistresses ride! Riding their horses o_ver bogs, down peed- pices, across rivers, astride, man fashion, pantaloons, hair ying-thus did this branch of the public school department disport themselves. They burst their con- ventionalities. The inner spirit of femi- ninity, crushed and smothered as. it is by the conventionslity of the city, is entirely free in the valley; As for the men, I blush for my sex. They crept along alter those girls like a lot of old cows. In piloting the girls about they became lost and re- mained lost. wretch coming out of the storm of mist, just above the Vernal Falls. He had be- come partly demented by the whirl-and uproar through which he had passed. During the period of our observation he did nothing but merge and emerge in aimless goings and comings after the girls through the chronic rainstorm. We met one wet and dismal- Rev. Sanford Halbert, editor of the Ohriatoan Advocate, 'g political and religions pnpor in Buf- falo, was thrashed on Thursday aveningby Hor- mnn Holley, son of the Collector of Customs of ' the port of Bulfnlo, for 3 defamatory nniclo ro- lative to himself add father. A. n_:__..__ av" .. . _._ ...-nu Iv u-any-._ nu-a nu-ucn. At Princeton, K;.,.;. few days ago, while a ` mun was conveying two immense mill stones up a hill, one of Ibem,weighing4neu-Iy 3,000 pounds, rolled}:-om the wnggon and spotted down the . declivity with ion-rible velocity. It went oz-uh'- - ing through a. fence and into the yard of a. fur met named Darnell, upsetting a. number of bee- hives. Three children were ulavinnr in the mud agu upply :1 lb: ctce of unurio Street, or I! the Lake 1 um.-e, St. Lawrence union Slreel. ' w the West can pro- g Gnu Weglern, Detroit and ehipa Ceulnl Railvnyu, tor Iilnlkee, Grand Haven, princilpoinls in [he Wen; nmrond to (Tub, Nebrsskn, and Cnlnornis. Lad Contenient Wniting ad Geuuunen on the Wharf. C. H. HATCH, L.-`-5 me: uumeu uarneu, upsemng number of bee- children were playing in the yard, and the enraged bees mung them in nfenfn] manner. One of them died in A few hours, and` the other two lived until the next day. The illstone after naasinz Ihromzh the vnrd, hon nd- we owe): IWO uvea Imul me next day. Tho passing through the yard, bound- ed iino I stock pasture and killed two horses ' and A call . ,_ ., ,._,, .u 1- . .. ." ... . . it is a noteworthy fact .that"wbile only nine apprentices are wanted at the Government y Printing Oice, there have already beenearnlled over one hundred applicants. It is an excellent : sign, (says an American paper), and shows that `I American boy: are yet anxious to learn trades` if they can only nd the opportunity. Waviah ' that the whole of . the hundred applicant: could be taken. No boy should he repenuun his den ' sire to learn a trade. Every boy should he en-r couragd to learn any trade to which he may be attracted. In no other way can a poor lad more surely aecure his independence-for life than by learning a trade. . - ,5. 1-... --._- Travellers ant} Postal Guido. During the nay of her Britannia Iejeufe gnnboet Opossum at lchnng, in China, en en- ouymoud plxcaul was posted on the gene, wheein n nociety or guild: held out otferl ot to- ward for the murder of foreigners, for the de- struction of thqir steamers, kc. It in celled e special announcement, and in detail the 15th dey of third mouth of theeighth you of Tango- he, nt_the common hull of the Nich-tien (eectot compeny.) Foreiguen, it appears from this pre- cious document, ere worth,- when killed, 340. Steamers, when burnt, or otherwise deetroyed, 1 ` $100 ; and if eny one; in killing eforelgner, re"- : ceivee morul hurt, the guild provides u coin and pays hie fuuenl expenlee, beeidu providing , liberally to: his family by preeenting them wltlr r 3300. . = g BEE` LAST PAGE. '03 PRINTING. In relntiou to the proposition to nine 3 fund. for 3 home to be presented to It Jeerion DIVE .` in Kentucky, for which 3. Louisville gentleman ; has ofered, if fty thouund duller: or more ` man be subscribed to me` fulid, to give 1 prong 1 did building site for 1 house, with ten ecu: at-` ` uc-.bed,_within font Inilel of-. Tb Sevennnh Republican Iddl: . .l.`||e kin. of hedg- - ing'_ip the`gru.-at Oonfedontp. link ads: I - more 19:, max an; ion: mu-._b V Jimnly ridiculous. If the Smnhlrn neonle wnh pore 19:, um this; four .IIilu__nnn town, II nimply ridiculous. If the Sonthorn people with to hononfa their old chief. In_d.I:_|uko `N and hb _ tunily wig;-gable, 19: then: in with I 112931!!!` I ilnnrnvnd nltAIA_ in hidl 10 uouourlneu om Gllll. `IIMI an ` coIn`!o table, In pi-cunt 2 large and 1' impyovad mo, in. which he can live in Itylqbeing hb"chInc_u:"n9d dig- nilv. undnt thanmn` tininhinnnoinolhinzx ` '|'Aun . _ G at the Su-ume geginl (lgndg :ilcle,lf.'; ._n., ' muchm` Chllon an an Ill Ilylqoenmllg `ml I!!!) mg `g nity,sndAuhon:nq''ol_qnp _ kl . than who no to ouiunlur him. oduqu ; a prh:cipnlity,' and c"qgnrht million for 038 purpose b Int toonliph." HIE): iailg News. uuua um. 1:30 pm. -Mixd train 2:45 am. 1:50 6:15 I nnnu: tin-r , A.-v I -' " 0:10 " I. come Inst. 4:05 am. | Mixed train 10:00 3. m. 7 u ll '74! U OI IVIBY DIDOBIPTIOI ..-.1.. -I.--_I._ _,.I -i-r run-. BRITISH MAILS ienrnora mill In at... unusv nu. 1:-no r. a (mm 4: u.nn A u _ugnt appeared in lronf of the t:ll`I;l;r:"5 . `brilliant. were. they; {huh :Ic dbnd!V'$* ; thought the darkening screen! attaehdmn; of the magnetic syateninueneed their telescopes mnst ho'.,ve,beoan;e_ Jfrgeggg-3; En} gliis wza _fo:i1_nd ngtto be the cane. e - ng s in rate some , going on npop: the sunk ,anrfIee-'-P-':.'z;r*o-. grass of such activity thafiwithin Sh ` minutes the s otstravelled over I apeeof nearly thirty` our thousand miles. . r Now,_at Kew 0bsernwr_v jthetn are the subtle inuences of ism wax and wane. At one tiers thelino ' traced by the pointer wilfbe mafkogi bx - scarcely perce `hie undulations` ' dlcding". the almost qugalcentjstate of the=guat~:s&~`- - restrial magnet. At another, well nnrhds waves along the line exhibit the n: I; . gone`: as yet nninteliigihle `to `the; ".`_' . - gem. And then thereisa third diaturbnnce-the sharp. sudden j'ka`V6 the pointer exhibiting the oceurtn_nee_-cii those mysterious phenomena termed - . netic storms. When eh. not-A -A`-`-`iv `L -r - vsuusua On September 1, 1859, shortly baht! noon, the 'utronomers-Meeeu Hodgeon and Carrington--one at Oxford, the othoi `in London, were at the nine illt_lnt,IbtI- tinizing I Inge group of sun epoti. _0q I sudden, two intensely bright petchel at _light appeared in {rout of the cluster; 85? warn f.IInw~ I`:-L ALA 4' Firife lslnntrl-`ie l'|';.l ucervuory cane-10 baldoke&""3 r it was found ;tba.t at tho `vo`ry"'in`Ii'|nt_j ' M `which the brilliant spot: of `light had Vii peared tn Mahdi: H _ _ , the self-regisgemgg instrument In . qd8301I, and Car _ cl RUIN the I `....L:. . bubjected to the third mi xhost form of disturbance F ' =1 magnetic 3 `- began, in fact, as the light broke ohfiilttett spa ; surface. Bus -this wu not thwoniff evidence of the aylypathy with, which Ilnzw earth responded tothe ailnr action. `-was subsequeny found [hit'sbon iftoi ` `N 41 ' Luof light lnd . appeared the lio ?1?:me of earth Ind ,d|_rilb@.undor mmyi ;crioua+maauetic'in1lmmm ,--_--- ..--nu,--5 we oculrnnot tarme_d`m_ When tho records -Kew Observstoty and .-to ham.-..t..xu uuuu norms." WEED IO; Observatory and-10` be !ookejd`:6 ' itzwas itht tln I-in -`I--'--N ;(A:u`uIv an. an: tut. {mun _m[ulQ nouunagne 1c in uen At thewest 1.35%.; T;..:{.; - - -a- gcnouaomagueticjnuenoq,. ; n , -,4: -mm the West Iuies, in south `Am -'ig._z Australia, werever magnetic Ire syacemstically undo, the obdufv iii.` the same story -to tell- In the IdegIi}": ' tations at Washington an I d :Ph.`.~hh. , ghe signnlman l`eceived Itrpng n_ ` r_v was set on nd. The pin` 0! EH5 V hocks. In Nor1`vay,'t'alegn'phi `JP nph wu followed by I~lllIO5*""Tw M gvherever telegra hic_wireI 1lou,in~nilio~4 well-marked in ' {ions "of presentedjhemaelvol. Evn mu m .....`J"" `"5 -- u-u uvv cu uivu asscd=before ts ordingry 31 that in new night fell whi greu. During th< spread thei; - sea In nous of ` '5, ;:elslel:t:d themaeal1::I. man th was not-all. The `great mugni5':%_ "was not a more imhuunoou -=.$hii ." the disturbed. as cute. And thug it, ` ;: t1_mg: ip nearly 1111' parts 'of tlia anh.. :;:.:2:"2 .,:::;~.u`;:`,::':` wnuo an storm` fit `ma. . , . , -V :4;.~).`-at ! A; 51% lftlrJIn( 1;: El I1'lA.lI-:2: ' snd it wu only ywhen, chm. ,wo.ssubsiding that the`9.u.-gtalt ~ `V ` from the hesv'ens.: Noifi , ' e, . -_ {hose phenomena ahowthegfdpt ~ htionbetwoan theaovpecnlidf --1 -v . nu uuvaunuuu changed in some in our instruments, ugzln thov - our sky, bear rd, '1`h3,pong:of db: _ vtielagrsphic wirea`n_my 5,0010; ring lnzur ; feast tn-u)'oiyu2wU.tI* " ame a. handwriting morommogi dentin thn.n Vrastha handin`-iiint f-116-WI119ft1I6.1m110fA.f|TId0..`I3D!10;%ts "V-1 nasty. ._Moreover; 90.06. *;.1e- "1.:;`.*=:;'**`*.....b '*;:=:,.,.1:?-a:,;2~,...dddd an -"n 1 ~' _ ` e variable star which vi sauna-d{i;.*` as well as supplying us with ' allllhw and (apparently) ;om.. every elgveniears, theogazgota, {ism seeing most 1: fly thst_e_v aleen `y oertam magneuo gondmoyl ' V ` ha_ve..not occurred u:_:t.h.e. a_nte:-vu. ax `as;-" perhaps` the magngqao, _0`1c-ItllIG_l_!K`,0`;~.~1` :~ ::i*!..*,`::;'.;;?.;_.~,..""`*1_!:;o`" W ;and if r _ Even now one such , a.:;;;;;z;:.::`a.?1%o`?.:P5`%`*' w how are we to uywh.t Ihiy Oi-iiu`y`iii5" occur with it ? w - -_ W...) a.[:t_; stormaeema to be tli'ough't'pV1-at -awd- The =99 bu been :.wy:3n%I`~'=: 3 seema to`be'({I1'v4 >u'g"h7lT;-`it ' " 3:3 The sun nu=been1ntIyjg: f .tbe_ most sqrpding forms odiu ` ` ops} ylvuuuslua I0 3W9!lUllC WC` ln$' h of` essence than ever. `Spouse vgg;;hg.:.. we must estimate their dimenaiopglm` ma lions of squire mites hav`e*brok,h `o"uc' ` ' _ time to time, and have presiiiwed fl` cl` "i _terces of inconceivnbl iptendgy. 'g} `hence known to thtsolsr -. changes of suro. indiontinn of smaller spots exten in oiieft.` lg " area have exhibued ' `ever degree oilight, from n f , w `. Rblncfmees (in resljty only " ` * nuclei, to the intense brillil ' ` _;-klges. And we now know; ,_t`_ic; ` neueneea are not niemlv. mews. uunu. Ina sign nu been Ilttly the ordiu` ` _ "` and presenting to scientic Ind? " W ot"essencp _t_hnn _8potI,,oo vumthnaa _,.,..a..... ...-u no uuvv nuuw ml! eea not_ nierely F urious, with which. in they ht? E: if`: distance of shove ninety million!` 1n|ilu,"'! practical men need not oopeom ulves.--London Spectator. ' `ii Religioua nbery 2; _aqQmeth""_1 "' ' _not very well known in 59"_.'P?'I"_'.`,.`.9P!9` " M Pomisneu Gownnunwcn "'`" d.",` 58.113! h.~`.-x"-A , u A "I`}|aAv`;nn-"Hn'an.. g... LL-` , 9 0. . '__- _..` sentenced to ' -nu-noun uvy `. _". ,"F" _"f.,!! lIOI;-en ``l` TN 431130.! 1`waaaqahsc...Jahcauu1a 'P'=3' 9 %9b /W mapnfacturxxggputsblhiijnt _ '7; Pom. om .or-no-a-aw.=~; E.;~ ~ by 1; cheap,..ndgi;i.hxd1.`u'&_. ~ 4 eagood, . ~ W from the lumber milk at very chea. 'rnte,to J-u ; *1 ,5, of steam pjver. apply.` , I" _V ft in ...A 4I...n --._`A _1`n__ ' H, iiI')ap6-V. I`|i7cieiITIFri'i. 'd:e_tday, 2817! Instant. vn an-van: rvvwcln It is said that sonic of lb: 'Ag:jcg_: " Societies which bbject `_co`the, u,app1iodto* them*~ by Hr * Joiapli` `LL :~::a~-=-dx.:.:.v~ ...;~~:~ `an ac ymell net` :33, V `Al!'i31`3l?31`E.|!d:iQI0a`IIiI'llV5I_'f"`CW"" . it. Some of them nun think. n1.a...:......., Agncuuuru no.-ta .aquonag+niruvd1r`!a" it. Some of than even think obdggs .~. -&.i9e=- `ow.--.n!s.-T II, DQIJJB 0 nation: for 4 mail` Inn n 13. 01 In oven gun: or _,.-, actions dumpgga g .u`: will be well ups goes on; tha without incnmng 3 nedonltoii. _ ` ` M The New York` '2 icl66m 3].. . , the noon: intuthnngo of messages by tho Fuel able, ._ lino-Ih:,.;-wz ; L 1 I ` I L ` '1: Z'iuo'.. "$$a3 `1`> .`..';aai'.. ..1'..'.'_!`? `,'2ic`1`o ..2 .i2 1'3aZ"1`> *"";'`;,'; ..`25}' *'- -iv whcxrox `renlixg `the oputhgt an poticyo theUnito'd Gates. in": psi-mx ' ` the his to had on in ch tociorocnod by Fnnea. 15. xociproouod by Faun. hi: renlv. mnda no nllmi. j THE THEORY'_`OF_ nmnnng -I 31-onus. IKE! his to hint |y,mndo Illnni `1; ~ "4 u:couvo;:i. n""'b. Raeligioud `liberty in at verv wall knm: .reu w new-s odgsqn and/Gar ` `self-regisIe rin'g 'instrumebtI #113 1 jectegi anehhosl: iiiivnihbaa. " enlnecting with the Brand` in the Want and Bay of mating the 4:30 P.l min Ild than Nnl-thorn TI-nnl- NUMBER 254. _ ` ~ :".`ih2`.""-`i x' _tho nightjmsgnioidf 511' wavering n!Uw du- in I8`N'01'lhll ll lln Haul-I...-m. now kv .,t`h`-Tc".c " _m`e:{eIy mm:-1 Id, i "5-.('nbIn Jlonmen ; I - nun. Kollev. ` I cry thy (Sunday! H5 A.l., 11:30 A.I., 2 Pl. -II6ll' HE `IOU r.-. III ad the Northern Trans- !'l Propallers leuing Capo all Western Peru ll 8 A I. ll ISLAND on Mondays, and Rnnrrlgrl ll 7'20` Ilun EU Irrinl of the tnin from making n......l -r.....\. o...a... !,:lER'1`0WN, , hint, Inna, Iingaton daily (Sundays ex- I 4 All. (except. I(ondnys),| _ B Gnnd Trunk Trnim and; nncium.` can A n ..-:.. r...I Iulx Gonna, OLKBUTHIWS WEAR? I'll Eueez, for the move` ""2 every day (Snndnyr `PAST THREE o'clock. & Iellcvillo ovary dny (Sun- .'IDKlSDAY, and FRIDAY 0LO0K,'Kingslon Limo, sud Tlksnns, and sum- _ ' K AI. '?:0l Puugo npply to the , ~. - onnumxns h 00., Fnninho A Q...- r---- '-T -v AS FOLLOWS: nil. IDIJQSVIJ uu -Ullllyl, and Snturdsyl It `(:30 [IL], 1P.I., 3 P.I., 5 Pl. '5-`C0 lpply on board, or to . 0. I. Kmcaomv, 'nnl nf R-m-Ir Hnuno Us Ixrlvll 0! H18 lflln [Toll] Dating Grand Trunk train: Hy I Qninlo Steamer. of tnin from Rome nnd W."l`l0d( r~.\\ In N '01.. La . 31. VI .c.;c. J. J. Morley, u J.B.Esleo, regular trips between pg, Ch-ulolu: (landing for" lulu Ind Bunlo), And .3181]: hat. _-.a- -. n.nn A II "i Ion Hctol and llellevllle. Us HAIL STEAIIER gallon .ompany. _- 1 ufl IHIIIK lI II1 um i \3iiI(lh$ 6:25 A]. train for 1 -. I H1 Line nmn.-mic, Tug: [,IIMI: XVIII. I 5. 1069. U. I. l\l.`lJl }UlS.V, ' [Vin-f, foot of Brock Street. .2: mm I "-n, 1 !3l,l869 Foot { * Brook """ sues -V t. 13.0.0 ..Id othc: kind: of Jon. with names and Ian oice,:Princeu 1 u. I. IUNUHUKII, loo! of Brock Su-eel. IJp_ri1,1ao. V DAYS Ind FRIDAYS leuel ___._ 1 HA Dnnnnnm In mess Lint. `T ror QU1.N'I`E. HA: I.._, n PI! {:00 . C|pL T on G of Stoalncrs. nnua 3 uu., Freight Agents. l of the fo1Iow- aulc-nu: Fun-ll, L`._. . - .lI.a(|, Agent. -.- .. _. v--av, AJUIIIIIIUH. At the close of my year ; labour on this In- teresting eld, I feel thankful to our great Master for his continued presence and blessing. Our congregations are large, attentive, and gen- erally prayerful. The people take an interest In the cause of Episcopal Iethodistn, and do something to snstaln it. Amongst other things they have purchased and paid for a splendid new organ for the Church in hlsllorytovvn. The or- gan is a rst-rate one, with live stops and all the modern improvements necessary to bring out perfection of tone. lhave not heard any church organ in this country so like the cathe- drat orgsns of the old country, so powerful yet soft ia tone as in ours and one like it in the M. New Connexion Church of this place. Both organs were furnished by the same rrn-Rey- ner, of Kingston-vvho give a good article and cheap withal. I perceive some improvements in size and regulsrtty of attendance in the con- gregation since the organ was obtained. I pray that all may he prepared to sing the praise, of the Lord in glen. a n -- cu: - DC`-` FROM THE REV. `A. DAWSON, IALLORY- TOWN. gnu rnvnle rnmmes at $1 per dozen. 0:ders left at A. Livingston : and City Bock Store. nun `I nni-vnnvnnxr IALES AND PORTn;R| \ ' ILL be delivered to the Trade, direct from the Hnuufaclory, at 80 cents per dozen, and Private Families at $1 doien. 0.-den kn n A Liwiucrmnn n and mo. um. N Assortment of Ski's aiwsys on hand. Work leaving Kingston to be paid for be- ore being lent. out of the Establishment. Na-rm __f`.At:1-mu _.Pnrlion in Mnnlranl Ara UTU oelug ICU` UIl| Ul ll DBUIUIIBUIDEI-ll. Non ---CAcrlou.-Pnrties in Montreal ate olferjng for_ sale Bonn purporting to come from my establishment. As I have no agent or per- : Ion nnthoriud Ionell for me in than city, buy- erl An cautioned against. bargaining with any ` one than for my hosts. 1 IL 0 GORKAN. AJIJADLVAQLQ. 4.n\r\l"uu onmmo swam, xmoswx on-umo. II. R. Stephens. Proprietor- - ..,_.u,,._ .. n_:I_--A -- -u-VI;--v.--n - _ ..`._----_ Tmsly-Porters in attendance at Railroad Depot. and Steamboat Landings. Oct. 28. - 4 __:;.__ ARTIES intending to make application to the Legislntnre of Ontario for Private Bills are hereby notilied the! they are required by the 51st and following Rules of the Legislative As- sembly (which are published in full in the Ontario Gazette), to give NOTICE of their application (clearly end distinctly specifying its nature and object) in the Ontario Gazette, and also in 8 Newspaper published in the County or Union of Counties affected ; such notice shall he continued in each case for A period of at leist six weeks during the interval of time between the close of the next preceding Beesio_n and the considera- ` tion of the Petition. Copiesof the first and last of such notices to besent to the Private Bill | Oiee. A It Dnohinnn (nr Prlvnta Bill: must be present- ` `THE CARRATRACA WATER. Onice. All Petitions for Private Bills must present- ed within the n! three main of the Seuiou. 0HARLES'1'_ GILLMOR. MiE"RAI. \ UILDERS and ot I'l needing Lumber of any kind an supplied from RAPPE, WEBER 3 00's yard, foot of Princeu Stteet. Inquin-e'u tho Oiee. Iecond door from the oorner of King Street. J uly 17. ` END I1` TO YOUR FRIENDS.-Tbe Cnomcnn um News in published every Friday morning, and contains all the . news of the week. For Fifty Cents, paid in ndnnce, you may tend it to your friends for three months It the reduced rates of vunnbnnn Par One Donn! it mav be sent for three rnontus I: we reuuceu talc: u. postage. For One Doliu it. may ` nix months. Single copies, price Five cen ts, may be had st the Daiht News oice, Princess Ru-ant- Inny uu: l Strut. Id SINGLI COPIES `of the DAILY . Nun may be had st. the counter of the publication oice, Princess street, price three coppen. ` psy more for the rent. otyour business house lhsn for sdvertising your business, AYOUNG lERUHAN1`.--Whsnyo_u ` ' you no pursuing 3 false _ licy. )I_f you on; do busiups, let it is gown."-"-lPx.sIx- M 1l.II. For Sale by Juno 7. Kingston, June 12th, 1869. Kingston, May 6, l86. M/. (TGORMAN, BOAT BUILDER, SIMCOE STREET, Kingston, Ont. U I: ' Toronto, 25th F013,, 1869. I-`RONTI-IN AC BIKE `VERY -:- Froan the hnalian Al:-ocala, Hanulton. AI ch` .1... -t--- -- ' BUiiifE_'I`"'i? HOUSE.- nu . nu.-\ nvnnnnm l7I'\1l'\DlFu\\! num A D`