COTTAGE T0 LET. . .. I :3` {7(i! K 81" BOOTH` AND I; determined to sell / Fg:::u'r~, corner King nvul `,firu: k Strc; 2*: iii}7i11;n 'ou{._ -`. RY L03! I`R ICES. Control Ofco, Canada, Montreal, July 3), 1869. DAILY NEWS---THURSDAY EVENING. AUGUST 5. that Queen Victoria will id E D\\'IN WOOD. 1 BBQ s=""I::`*d 1 mioml e . , . 93C|'Ve. Tn-rms cash in bankable s. P. wn151'_i-5: I Who].-nln 'I"nhn4-,1-.nnm* Wu. MURRA Y, Auctioneer. DAV UULVH, National Hotel. a was own my a 9 the alarm, but F recovering the L the following nsbed unon the II MI xby m, hnt .- gruuu v I`! Iv!-Lao (Lqte of London, Eng, and New York, U.S) OMQ-IOPATHIC, PHYSICIAN-SURGEON, &c , can beconsulted at his oice over Mr Linton's Auction Rooms, at all boprs. Calls at any hour day or night promptly attended. J. JARVIS, M.D- Cousultations free to the poor from 6:30 to 7:30. A.M. GENERAL FORWARDERS AND SBIPPER8 Ottawa, Kingston, Cape Vincent, Ogdensburgb and Oswcgo, and to nnd from points in the Bay of Quime, River 81. Law- rcnco and Lake Champlain. Fire and Life Insurance Agents and in 3906!? (7[7ico-Oommercia.1 Dock, South side Princess Street, Kingston, Out. I May 29, 1869. I'\ u I K " "V 3 FR[7lT AND 0"TEIl DEI 0T, Market Square and Ontario Street. Jnlr '11 -un :5 nouse norm-r the city, a convenient and well situated House on Division Srx~eet_ with warden nlmched. Enquire of Mrs Greenwood, head of Colborne Street, or at the I)aiI_r/ News ofce. Aug. 4. an'Ar'mc.AnINs SALE E IVICNAUGHTON &. Co s. 500 '1| \f\YI 300 worth : A FULL SUIT OF TWEED for $5 25, $10. A GOOD SUIT OF BLACK CLOTH, all wool, for $10, worth $18. A GOOD WORKING PANTS for $1 50, Worth 32 50. ` Cheaper than ever, must be sold during the hot weaiher to make room for the FRUIT JARS, MUSTARD JARS, PIOKLE BOTTLES, kc. nun;-II July 31. .. _. ..V.. V. .....u-I-upv :OR. :5 House the city, I Hanan nn niviainn GURNEY & GLIDDEN. nun... _ '00 BLACK LUSTRE COATS for $1, ) $1 25 and $1 45 each. 300 LINEN COATS for $1 to $130 each. nnn Ilnvrsno ...-._._ MEDICAL HALL,` F0:-`.~'a1le, To Let. or Exclmmze lV(`\D .: 111-....- ...._-.__ .x July 26. A large quantity of J U131" Dealers in Fu BEAEY-MADE GLOTHING ! Aug. 2. MARSEILLES VESTS at I . -v v- LINEN PANTS at 75 2. ' ,1. JARVIS `(|in.b.:T ..x`vA_,:.._ n_, _ COMMISSION MERCHANTS. FALL ..5.'9?K:_ With Metal Covers, for $1 per doz. and DRY GOODS! BOTTLE WAX, Jzc. R. 'r6vvu's A VIII} l|I.'fl\l'_VI'r I DEMIJOBN OORKB, _. , Pcnohcs, New Apples, Tomatoes, l Melons, ""' "$ Lime 1n.s\vooD of the best quality. 1iIf51?i1VE D. CORKS Princess Stxoet. FRUIT JARS, A \, sag.-. MCNAUGHTON A: 00., King Sn-eel ALE, WINE, To Fit Also And U11 as UU., King Street. , worth , worth each, |NEWB00K$ FADDI-I I THE CLEVER WOMAN OF THE FAMILY, _ by the Author of the Heir of Redclytfe. A Stormy Life, by Lady Georgina Fullerton. Nature : Nobleman, by the author of Rachel's Secret." ' The Gordian Knot, by Shirley Brooks. Greater Britain, by Dilke. Cast Up by the Sea, by S.llIlLl9i Baker. The Chaplet of Pearls, by Miss Yonge. O Connell s Speeches, edited by his Son. Lord Plunkett s Speeches, edited by J.C. Hoey. Grattan's Speeches, edited by Madden. Cu1'ran s Speeches, edited by Davis. Shiei a Speeches, edited by MacNevin. The King and Commons,Oavalier, and Puritan Song, selected and arranged by Henry Morley. The Story of the Chevalier Bayard. The History of the Caliph Vathek. Rssselas, Prince of Abyssinia. Abdallah, or the Four-leaved Shamrock, The Essays 01' Abraham Cowley. Saint Louis, King of France. ' A LRH uuuut uuula, nlug Ul rrance. ALSO A fresh lot of Bulwe1"e, Dickens , Scott's, Levex- s, Oooper s, Collins , &c., Novels, cheap editions. - JOHN CBEIGIITON. Avril 30. THE SECRET DISCOVEIKED; HOW T0 HAVE A GOOD SEBVANT. | UST keep I Barrel of Morrison : XXX Pastry Flour and a couple of Morrison's celebrated Sugar-Outed Hams always in the Pantry, and you will have good se:vants. 200 haw: nhnina Familv Flnnr rm-aivina In. you Wlll LIISVC $000 HGIVEIHS. 200 bags choice Family Flour receiving to- day. 50 halt-rnla YYY Dash-I1 nn lmn any. 50 barrels XXX Pastry on hand. Kiln-dried Oatmeal at Morrison a. Fresh Corn Meal at Morriaon s. Leaf Lard and Breakfast Bacon just to hand at Morrison's. - M. MORRISON. KINGSTON BAKERY,| HENDERSON S UR Stock of BISCUITS are manufactured from the best material, and include all the principal varieties. , Cakes, Pastry, Buns, Rolls, &c., constantly on hand and made to order. Orders promptly attended to. Wellington Street, near Princess. Tu-us IK BE Subscriber is manufacturing from one to four horse-power Threshing Machines, which he will warrant to give general satisfac- tion, cheaper than any other establishment in the Dominion. CLEANERS made to order. Send in your orders immediately. Threshing and Mowing Machines repaired on the shortest notice. All manner of Outings and Fittings, Plongha and Ploughahnres, con- nmntlv nn hand. GIRDULAR SAWING HA- Illlll lllallllg, I'10UgI.|B III rluuguaunraa, GUI!- smntly on hand. CIRCULAR SAWISG HA- OHINES made to order. Charges modgnte. FOR SALE. 3 seconddmnd eight horse-nowar UHLLVIIU IIIIIUU IV OITUBT. UUBTKCI IHUQQKIIU. FOR SALE, 5 second-band eight horse-power Threshing Machine, in good running order, cheap. 10 FINSTON BROWN. Arpril 30. UILDEB8 and others needing Lumber of day kind can be supplied from RAPPE, WEBER & C0 S yard, foot of Princess Street. Inuuire at 1.11: Oiee. nemnd door frmn the VVDDDD 5 U`) D yltll, 1005 01 IITIIIXUU DWTL Inquire at the Oiee, second door from the corner of King Street. Jul: 1']. July 30. cm! B00_K STORE. um June 15. E. STACEYS. l_/ The Frost Flower, Indian March, Pulling Hard Against the Stream, The Nnn s Prayer, Grand Duchess Waltz, In Tears I Pine for Thee, Kiss Waltz,` Long Branch Polka, Lilian : Song, The Culprit Fay, Carnival of Venice, Pleasant Dreams, Thou Art Like the Flower, (The Heart should never grow old, Wedding March, Glenwood Polka, Bakers and Confectioners, July 2. ENGLISHWOMANB FOR JULY FRANK LESLIEVS LADIES do. BALLOITS MONTHLY E. s1Acn's BOOK AND MUSIC STORE. -Dl'lIEl' IJI B July 1'1. DE MORESPS FOR AUGUST, )AUGHTER of Eve, vIll5| THlIESH|N__MAGH|NES. ONDON SOCIETY FOR JULY, A NEW TEN GENT Music. DAILY PAPERS, JUST RECEIVED II. & W. J. BROTHERS. JUST RECEIVED LUM_]_3ER. MAGAZINES, JOHN IlENDF.Il0N. HOUS (Full size.) AT THE JOHNSTON BROWN, Eagle Foundry, , Kingaton. _.---\_/ V --u. 40 Princess Street. .--1-;-osvvwn Princess Street. `L \ n. uummmvun; 'l.'l:ll5 DAY 10 clear o' the Balance of our Spring Importation of Olin SI PETS at 1. Discount of TEN PER OENT o' previous prices, sad we WIBL TAXI ER AT PAR, , . This is a splendid opportunity for lovers of Bargains, for the S tries, All Wools, Dutch, Unions And Humps. ` We are now making SPECIAL REDUGTIONS in all Summer Goods, P1-ins,Luoo nifilil, Curtains, Linen and Cotton Sheelings, Table Damasks sud Linen Goods generally. A111 7` * Silk Dresses subject to 3 LARGE REDUCTION. Silk Jlcketl'Ind_ Mlnllgl of ll! Di LARGELY REDUCED. ` * N E ' OONSISTING OF ' __ , T . . .v _ ._..: _._. .1. .-.`.v OF EW WHITE BRILLIANTS from am. to la. 6d.` Now White B R` A A N Bid. to 25. 6d. New Prin;ed Muslims, 5d. to la. '1 `Dd oolouad-' New SnnUmb1-ellu and Parasols, 25. 3d. to 153, New Come Girls Luigi A ' 7 123. ed. New Hosiery and Gloves, all sizes and colours. Neivtnoo Ourgitg 33 go';g.' ' `- New Win_dow Mns1in,by-the yard, ma. to 23. Bishop : Lawn, White, Book ind spon.a.u.. .`.. lina. New Prints and Gingham, ed. to 1:. NEW rwlcnns for summer Baits. may i Collars and Cuffs. ' _ ` ' -- Five Bales of COTTON YARN, CARPET WARP, BATTING Ind WADDIHG. Kingston, June 2, 1869. _ N35 slzxppo . _ I 1 LACROSSE AND CRICKETING SUITS Mnde _ to Order I A 0 Of AITINHD FULL DRESS SUITS Made to Order THE CONFEDERATXON TRAVELLING` SUITS at $10, Made to Order BOATING AND HUNTING SUITS Made to Order Af RIHATTTNPH BOYS` AND MEN'S CLOTHING of all kinds Made to Order AT SLAVIN ;S. Tu-inn 9 1 QRO kuucsma BDTTLING man I GEO. THOLIPSQISI Co. BUSiITNTEbS SUITS AT] " ' ' ' " I opposite the City Book store,) King Street, GENTS for Dow as Oo s celebrated EAST ` _ INDIA PALE ALE, which maybe had in wand nr hnnle. ; l_ uwuln rnj in wood or bottle. yuvv East India Pale per dozen ` Pale Bitter Ale " . u u H `I R nunn Ira Tau II-1` 1 [Iited S':m`s oH.'u?rL i4 August 4.--;.n.n4 n A; East India Pale Ale per dozen Porter " 1' 1|Jl.l.I.`All I.) East India Pale Me per dozen Porter ,. " Mild Ale " A stock of the above Ales always on hand and in good order. June 11. RAPPE, WEBER & 00., corner King and Princess Streets, Kingston, mann- factnre Pianoes equal to any in the market, either of home or foreign make, and'sell at moderate prices. Every Piano is warranted for ve years. They invite inspection of their style: and quality of tone. ` `Pm-lnr Or-mum and llnlndennl nf in-inn: July 29. BBO quauly 0: tone. Parlor Organs and Melodeonl of various makers are kept in stock in the Piano Wan- room, and o`e1-ed at manufacturers prices. ALL or THE NEWEST PATTERNS. E` A good assortment of Watch Hatcrinls always on hand. J nlv 29. SEWING MACHINE OIL 1 Cents per bottle, made for Sewing Mr 1 chines end other ne machinery, and will wear smooth and down to nothing, leaving no 1 matter or gummy substance, thereby allowing ,1 the machinery to run free and easy and doing 1 away with the necessity of taking the machine i sport so` often to clean it, or putting on coal oil to ear. the gum o'. Coal oil, mixed or other- wise, should never be put on sewing machines, as it not only eats away the gum, but elso the machinery," causing it to make more `noise and not stitch so neat or regular. Every bottle is labelled with the price, our name and company upon it, and to be had in this city only at the First Prize Sewing Machine Selesroom, Brook Street, Kingston, and in other places of our authorized agents. R. I. JORDAN 8_00.,- Manufacturers Agents for the Dominion. July 37. Kingston, July 17, 1869. rthree coppere. 11d SINGLE corms of the n}u{.y 2 . Nnwe may be had at the counter of the publication oice, Princess street, price vv u uus.` Ilnperiil n W 1' IVE DIICB Ul UL] l :Ln_ 1. I June 2,1869. OUNTY COURT BUMMON8E8.- adapted for use in the County ofFton tnac, for sale at the Daily News Omce All kinds of Law Forms printed toprder with accuracy and expedition. ADE TO ORDER and WARRANTED to Fit IE COMMENUE THIS DAY clear 1 Discount on man man nnmn #0 CARPET BUYERS LU]! . Fit 1o, 12 and 15 Dollar: P. SLAVIN at-C9,, ; WFLLINCTOM Rllll hints IANOE& _.--._ 4-. ..-.4.... , -- g\._u |II\- `H vided bttw-.v:1 th: .|nd tins l)n`(Il1:L`. lllglut 4.--l`rinC( ' ndical opinions. TI!_e is striving t for the Duke Jewelry, Watches, Chains, &.c. A16 " " - n 15 gallon kegs I ATIIIIIIIID ' 1Tu{:o1E oTzc.4Qvs, . ~ 1llBLODE'9NS. WITH PROMPT cAsH; %53 1' It`: __`- WELLINGTON Buu.bIivc, ARE NOW OPENING A LARGE STOCK W01.-` KT F1'rT`ll"lK"I1\ /'\a Making the Reduction equal to 14} Per Gent. :fST RECEIVED, M. GAGE S, IVORY AND JET GOODS. " B""' ""3" LABA'l"I S A I- _-_ .:__,_ FISIIEIPS A1,. _-_ 5---- l)0W S A VERY FINE ASSORTMENT At SLAVINB. At SLAVINS. At SLAVIN S. At SEAVIIPS. At SLAVIN'S. ALSO SOME VERY FINE gvaxhcr 1 37! . 12! L 621 , K ._ - ~14-.-v\rA1o ` Ensmolled ndBB.r5l:'1I"oli?.'E8-EBYIR`grh: TLES all sisal - A ct"-OJ __ ueada, iIlutSafe'o, te. n A 4 ' 1 -_.,' 4`- g4 - an nuuscnuez reqnuu the pinion!!! 1 tion of Honoekeopera to` hi; mar fx-igerator, the ., j -`:3 _,l`,5:1;` _ -__.,.---v.- 1I.L`Iln"_ . The improvements introduced in`}bq n!,lI;-` meat of the Ice Chamber, Wnur Meat Hooks,&c., dombidogl witlrparbbtr ' _ . tion, will, on inpedumyst olio con _ . f ` f v tome:-s that it is the moat `oangplet in the muket. Onllngldleojt. . ,5 ` " ` 1; uumlanoe--rnu!UliBB a lgtely occupied by Dr. Iaclean. l[arch`8. | T HE_S;1bsc1-iber reqnuu the pudonur A non Housekeeper: to` his man 1;. _w, 1:. HAVEN as 013.," ._ "` ` - _ 3:11 XCHANGE BROKERS, I,nd`Gono'n1 Inn snmuoe.Agenla, luonio Building, King; Street. Knasron, Ont.` ' * w. 0. 1auun,@ I. 0. .Huni.' ~ J'uno16. , `* . ~ .t...,1>';z}'. J age 19; I | R HENRY B. nvns, n.,0. 3. '1) Reeidenee-PRINOE88 unt lnteiv occuuiad bv Dr. rum... . . uruu. nr.;u[I:Irqgucf,5;.Eo!l., ' ' HYSIOIAN, tman-*oz, `:3. mid ' _ P Mable Block, o'vu"`Johpa'tpn &_ _ no.1-e,P1:iI_ious`Bl!eo t;EingI:on_. : r_ ~ " ` Ehgnst 4. --Th K-.., I JAMES DAVIS. ` nonrunu. 11083:. Tm: Subscriber, solo proprlotof by jj L` 1 meat, in prepued to matnfnctumg w wand, and sell KINHBPB PABAGOIWKSBI BOARD,` u secured by Lena: Paul, `B ~18 that pnrrof Oundn. cut from Nornnmlmhna x of 0;}, RT nreuoun arises. and in wtm. 'rAl:I puguu, u ucu-on oy houcu Point, in pmpr Inn to tho Long: Province. ` ' - Is hereby given that I will page`; 1: parties manufacturing, using, lling-go: ` ` . the same, nnleu they purchase from no, enthosed agent or ngenu. .2 - ` JOHN lo!lLLAlI, T omn-Io snpit. Jnlv I6. 1869. 14 July 7. -ua In nnonn U10 llllllllllllll or thntuhgionboct ronavhg.-W-,n T ` he intends to all his STOCK OI` at III immonle radiation`; ` ' '" "'7-T7 " Bluito I:&o; n tho inlnhitinu `or " V t about - I, ` M M ha intends: in]! bi: a'r'r1:g"'$r`:i:'mm%.r II III ulnnonle nuuuugn; ' `. Also, Ill` parties indebtad'lo-lIin IDS ` ggzptly bdon the lit ' herob `van that I nrties . mint. nll vhl hunt 4.--The Ch `Minion nuthorizi `K N|. '\nce2-s!'m~' I '1 submarine cnbi (Portugal. July 15, 1399. July 27. GOODS IN -si-:;;soN.?} -5 noninldi K1N'G.fg ;__________. yr. (3. HAVEN cq._,- m . `van p]u'uoou, uxuanuun up I Stock in still /oomplatdin Tips. uo1_1cE.' OAUTIOKNL El : .,... . .., . hQIen Isabc ,._--cu LU sen LUUB 0" Y United States. 1:, August 4. --An ai(1,-dC- Grind Vxzier is about If 1 ' Haring 3 letter to the \ ncemy, mounting the grievance? U.` oI".,coucludes wnlh an mn- incue no sazisfucnory f:XP1` ' the Pom: will V\_'i'.lJdTU~Wri Iccotded by the I-`mnan 0 I nnhcgsg on" hneb ufwbi-' hm Inn in ~ r~ -v nuultld ": mm V-En to elcvn m bumtl last night, E killed 5 . . 3 fall 1; -k... ' .%Cu'B :)hgil`}r}-nu: - uued by falling brricks. llarucuve which has` ll DLID W "t: that ~1.\lq `Rm F A up COMMERCIAL. W51 P!n.-Con3o1s 921 ; 540 : ` H: L C` 94_ | s._ ' :I.}E}a.;'. ._r..w. ...... Ih regulau Ieonfer I uidim r 0: b..}.'{ Qua Dam. - --aunts .,bnnkers,report' 'I' lIvI:-i I`Isericsn currency I I`: 7 ilvcr; lling at 733 f, , ~hl It 4, ullingy at 3!- 35- Battling Jxcnngo 10}- l--'I`he Chamber have'+ I authorizing the gov- `DC( .S5Ivm: Yn r-urx -xnn'na /{0} /* I Dc:-patehcw. ` -5 .~7Tbe United \v\ I .\...1 . _ _ _ . _ . -. Cuba ary V.`J MU L Ul|.L'\l Lombum} street, nskcy and other millions LA I.`.. _ 39 mi ,. ...... obtain U16 : Montpur Whit I UHF TERRIBLE DROWNING LUNG ISLA A` II IHLU UUUI ULI AUUIIJIIJ BIIIZIUUUII UUU Ul those terrible. accidents which cast a gloom over whole comrnunines occurred on the beach at Southampton, Sublk county, 1.. 1. The un- fortunate vicmns were a genzk-man and two ladies, who had muved in prominent social circles and enjoyed the respect and esteem of the communhy in which they resided. It ap. pears that on the 18th ult. Mr Charles Meyeu, of East oboken, N J., together wiah his family, .~nnl:l;n nf a wife and -fnnr 1-hildr-an and A y t r l . s } 0! bits! nouoaen, n J., tugetucr wtau ms mutiny, E consisting of a wife and `four children anda young lady friend who acted as their governess, went to Soutlnmpton nnd engaged rooms with the expectation tt spending the sui.;r\:~:'". For `hr; xew 0. :3,-s '7 lfov.-ing the wholo: pa.-t_;' rigcularly . went in L-.i'.hing on the ne beach near their house, sni -:;~ to Thuredrgv evening my. nothing occurr-id to mar their pleasure. .-`.' 1` at time Mr Meyer: proposed to his wife r-.:id her lady friend that they ehould go down to the beach as ,usual. This was gladly assented to, and the lchldren were about preparing to accompany l| their parents, when they were directed to stay 1 at hsme, as the surf was too high for them. Mr Meyen, his wife, and the governess than {iro- ceeded to the beach and entered the Water. They had only been a few minutes in when Mrs Meyen complained of being cold, at the same time saying that she would go out further, `where the water was not so chilly. She ac- cordingly attempted to do so,hut had only gone 3: short distance when she cried out for help, sayin that the tide was drawing her under. At this time the `governess was quite near Mrs Meyen, and laughingly went to her aid, and was } about catching her around the waist, when she also became aware of the dangerous current and screamed to Mr Meyca, who was near the shore, to aid her. He immediately swam out to the ladies, and catching his wife in his arms made frantic eorts to save her, but all to no purpose, for the uudertlde still continued to draw them out into deep water. For several minutes they I t ~'I.\'G ACCIDENT - ON ISLAND. nursduy afternoon one of 3 >ccurred 1..-\....n-v I I "PL... nn 3 battled bravely for their lives, but their efforts proved unavailing, and at last, thoroughly ex- hnusled, lhey gave up in despair, and were over- `wbelmod by the rushing waves. Just ll MI ` Meyen sank for the last lime be was seen by Hillle hnr who inilnldiuinlw .......- .|.. An. I - \ --nu\'~:: uuumg uu nu nopcs or recovering the `bodies wore relinquished. On morning, however, they were washed upon the shore, and found by a party who had gone down I in hxulio. .\ir Me}-en was very well known in 1 .\'.-w York as the senior partner in the rm of 1 Charles Moycn & 00., advertising agents. 1 Hzlrkqq sq L40 Y5` A .\'D GIRL DH!` \1 \ 'ILL be sold, on (`hnttel Mortgage-, on Sa- \ xurdmy, August 7th. at the Sale Rooms m"_'xbe subscriber, rs spun ofjgood working mares, warranted sound and true in harness. They wlil be sold without reserve. 3.'.,._, my I`-) ,\',~ln,.l- 'I`..-...... ......l. :.. L_._I__Lu, `ENDERS in duplicnte (marked on the enve- l lope Tendvr for Ordnance") will be re- c-ived by the Deputy Controller until noon on the 3151. AllE,'|_`Sl msxf, for the purchase of the unde: mentioned quantities of old lrnn Ordnance, &c -- MoLrtreaI- 189 cwt. Quehc --2,560 cwt. Kingston-6.921 cwt. Toronto - 276 cwt. Fort Miss}-3.52.3119, Niagam- 489 cwt. Parties can tender for the whole or any part of Ihe above metal. Pnpm. -...I ..,...A:.:-.... -5 m.._.:_- _:.L ,_ {$16,000 TIl! (a.JE IrI<):p` her man: Fnnntv Hand: Run! ` VD! UAIVUI 141lll.1I DUUUULVDIX A of about 9 t0ns-a. perfect. sen-boat, with roomy cabin. New 13:`. August." Price very low, and lergns of payment easy. Apply to Mr W. C. Haven,`Exchange Oice, Market Square. August 4. 1 COMFORTABLE ROUGH-CAST COT- [ TAGE to let on Bondhead Street, with a good Garden and splendid Fruit Trees, and 3 good Stable. Possession given immediate`._v. Apply to JOHN DUNN, \Yn4:n.-m1 nnOn1 In addition lo inquiring into the smuggling pt-r.-uions said to be carried on on the Lakes he U_S House Committee on Naval Ahirs will lso consider the propriety of establishing a lovernnu-ut .\'m'y yard upon lbose waters. an DFRDUS 3: La Retica," "Partngas, Duque de Morney, Los Dos Cm-bajalcs," Flor dc Tabac," "Regalia de Laregna," Boquet de Tabac," Flor de Sanliagos," Ln Gurboiosa, - E1 Capriecho do Cuba. 30,000 Hanilla Cberootl. Also choice brands of pure Virginia Tobacco, and a splendid assortment of genuine leer- Ichaum Pipe: for sale, vory cheap. Anv amunitv of Cut Tobsccos and home. lchaum Pipe! for sale, vory cnenp. Any quantity of Cut made Cigars always on hand. ' | Try White : mixtures, Swbet as the Rose. Q It IIIIIIVIVIF Kiugsk IUII. .\'o tondrr will be noticed unless made in da- dicntn and on the Form printed for the pur- mse. ' IJAXJIIBQ [l\IL`4VV ', Barrister. Ofce, Bagot street, near Bn`u'.~h Whig oige. Mav 28. UST RECEIVED. an assortment of.Hnvana. Cigars of the following choice and popular Ennriq `_ ..._ - -._-.. n`r .- - -3-`.4-J3. :.1r.xs Boors, -A GA1'I`F.{`.b', u BALMORALS, P-I-`.0G.\NS, W0.\lEN`.S K11) BAIAIORALF, u PRI7.\ELLA GAI'I`ERS_ - BALMORALS. AND GIRLS` BOOTS AND SHOES EQYALLY UHEAP. LL persons concerned are requested to take L n..tice that ilie new General Rules of Prac- e in the Division Courts will come into opera- n on the 2nd August, 1869, and will in all gm-cts be strictly lollowea. Clerks nnd bailifTs are required to procure :li a copy of the New Rulcs, with which they ll be furnished gratis, on application at the ice of the Clerk of the Division Court at nnnftxn July 29. AUCTION SALE.` `, B. r. W 1:11 1 n, llnnnfnctm-or and Wholesale Tohacconiat, ` Princess Street, Kingston. 1 Juli Q9 1 GENUINE HAVANA CIGARS! FOR l}1m~.DlA'l`E SALE. VERY HANDY LITTLE scuoomm ..l'..I~.....o n A..- n -u -42...: BAA I...-o -wish r:I`i" IUVC Hllflll. and conditions of Tender, with any zformation that my be required, can 1:-d on zmmirminn 5:! HM: I!i|1OnI-v Rum T-I LEND on Mortgage ( R131 I rcperty-Inlerest Couuty Bonds want!-d. ' Apply to JAMES AGNEW, `D-_-Z.u.._