It is predicwd by the New Yo k papers thu Wlrulnunn will ho sharper the coming pagan than cur `noforo. The drumzne/a have become Inch 3: noncynnco on name of the lines of m. vol, uni lhep In of having a conversing pun. not has has proposed. whose whole business it nhnll he lo talk with the drummen who can to solicit onlnl. a moat aeucue Barf-.rmo of exquisite fragrance: John Gosnell & Oo. a Noblesao Ponude, ele- gaudy perfumed, nnd highly recommended for beautifying and promoting the growth of the hair. I .. \1..LI---- 1'1- ~ ' ` ou', nu uns LB man. John Gosnell 8 Cole Cherry Tooth Paste is greatly superior to any Tooth Powder, gives the Teeth a pearl-like whiteness, protects the enamel from decay, and imparts a pleasing fragrance to the breath. Price 13' 6d each. Instantaneous Hair Dvn- nan-lain on n----*------ Anruuuut-rat 1 XKl'I'lU SALINE.-A L Medicine that cures Sea Sickness or the worst form of Billions Headache in a few minutes; etfervescing and tasteless, its con- stant use is especially calculated to main- tain'health. When mixed with water and taken during the eervesceuee, it immedi -ately blends with the food, and is rapidly absorbed into the system. It vitalizes and supplies the blood with those saline princi- ples that are lost, altered, or destroyed dur- ing the hot weather. In Jungle, Scarlet, Yellow, Typhus, Eruptive Fevers (or Cholera), also in several other conditions, where the vital current is poisoned by infection, and thereby rendered unt to support health and life. it has been found emfnently benecial; and its ustaining and purifying inuence acts as a preventive to disease, as the nu- merous unsolicited testimonials accompany- ing each bottle will prove, Its portability renders it admirably adapted to the travel- ler, tourist, emigrant, or private family, more especially when distant from medical udViC9 or assistance. Sold in nos--so no .... ---I -'--- ' "` uuvlce or nsalslance. Sold in patent stopperod glue bottles, price 2| 6d, 43 6d, Ila, and 215 each. Spe- cial agents required and appointed in all pans of the world. Lldlr. La Noblesse Soap-eateemed for its unequal- led perfume and ne emollient qualities. John Gosnell & Co. s Viulat and Min.a.... mu penume and (me emollient Violet and Milleeur Nursery Powder is guaranteed pure. No nur- sery should be without it. Sold in boxes 3!. 6d; intiqs 15 each. Jnhn nynavusll L n..v.. ru.---- nut --, uunn uu~.Vm.I. 5 Uo., Perfutners by Appourmeut to He} Majesty, the Princess of Wales, &c., RED BULL WHARF`, 93 UPPIR Tuunzs S'rn::1', late of 12 Three King Gourt, Lombard Street. 2 runusupny or ueann, Sc. Delicious with every known dish. Its habitual use increases the appetite and pro- motes digestion. Iv. is much esteemed tot its digestive properties. A! an nsurnnt-A nf in mu-ion ....A ....v...-__ nu ungcauvu properties. an assurance of its purity and saiulsry properties, it is only necessary to poi_t out the name of the celebrated and philanthro- pic Physician from whose prescription it is compounded. The entire life of that distin- guished man was spent in promoting the health of his fcellowwrnsuurna and 5:. .a....u. _, -_..-.. ..... \Il nun: unuuu' his fellow-creatures, and his death, in December, 1861, was mourned as 1 na- 1ion~1 loss. Wholesale and for exportation by the Pro- xietor, 69, Lamb : Conduit. Street; Barclay and Sons, Fsrringdon Street; Batty and 00., Finsbury Pavement. Retail hv (`.hnmiaIu ll-mun.-- vA_n:__ CZVIIH WIT. 4;l5 pm. 4205 mm. Mixed (ruin 10:00 I. In. `:35 u u u [:00 II [This is by Montreal time, from which deduct In minu:es for the diilrenoe between Montreal and Kingston time.] UUW cbal 6 0; , ,. _____:____j._..._- 4-07 HE" SAUCE. Prepared by Alex- . u.n(lcr Southwood Stock;-r, from a recipe by his Cousin, the late Dr South- wood Smith, thirty-ve years Physician to the London Fever Hospital; Father of Simi- tary Reform; Medical Member of the first Genersl Board of Health; Author of the tint. work on Fever in any age or country, the Philosophy of Health, &c. with nvprv Irnnurn l`:.`llI to. ruusuury rnvemeul. Retail by Chemists, Grocers, Itnllian Warehouseuren, and others, throughout the Kingdom, and every part of the world. Ask for Tha" Sauna -Rnnni.~.l 12"-..-` _______ -...~..., um. uu.-mu, nuruuguuul. (DB for The Sance.-Special Export Agent.s-Burgoyne, Burbridgea, ,nnd Squire, 16, Oolmnn Street, London. 'AMPLOUGH S PYRETIO SALINE.- 1 that mu-an Q... .u;..1......- _j_j__-_____________ . WILLI \M BURNETTS DISINFECT- ING FLUID. for the nurimnim. A .:..s. uenueu um and by Professor, at the Royal Veterinary 0011039, no last twenty yens. Phi: uid. is a. cousin cure for groue ,alao the scab mid rot In sheep. ...- ..,...u. U: vvulcu was, that in 3f the house where it had been single case of cholera |ubse- u-rod; Whilb in the four trunn- ~- - new xorx Newfoundland .. British Oolumbiaand V. sn.c;>uv;-; R-d Rive: .. . . CAUTION. .....-. um yours mm- W, See. and Manager. N., 90, Cannon street. the essential cause of r the local mm-min-... ..v um uuuuuual Of local conditiohu of ' which cholera is mest_ And propagated. For : In St. Androw s street, by fty-two persons. it ry Dome: _ by Professor rmnrv null... n Thousand . zen -umn or nu-ns, AND 11? YOU Do NOT ALREADY TAXI ADVANTAGE OF A TYPES AND INK RESOLVE A1` ONCE TO; CONTRACTS AND YEARLY THE LARGBS1 CIRCULATION 0! ANY NEWSPAPIB I-un'1.1sH1m IN -rms OITY, THIS JOURNAL OFFERS TH! 31:31 nmmt Ion LOOAI. um GINIBAI. Aovmmsl. unrs; -rnnnnronn ADVIBTISEINTHI DAILY nws." [ TO A LIBERAL AND JUDIOIOUS USE OF NEWSPAPER COLUMNS! ll` YOU WOULD rrepma. u npniu. In the Dominion . . . . . . 3c . . . . 5c Prince Sdwnrd Islnnd . . . . 3c . . . . 5c `Uni.'edSm:cs .. .. .. 6c .. .. 10c Locnl or Drop Letters, ie., for delivery by nine Oice n which posted- pre-payment compulsory .. .. .. lc Hum-oz Ln-1-ns-Pnznvu:n Coupczson Britain, by Cnnadn Sle~.|msh'ps . . . . 12c via Halifax .. ,. .. .. .. l . c New York .. .. .. 15c v.-r.......u....a ...- `Fran Mosr sUcc:ssFUL TRADESMEN AND MERCHANT ADHIT 1-an HIPORTANOI or ADVERTISING! If YOU HAVE SPENT HONEY POSSESSI N O CARRY SUCH A JUDICIOUS STEP A LITTLE FURTHER AND REPEAT THE ` BIGN A THOUSAND TIMES. PLACE THE PARTICULARS OF A LOCAL PAPER IS THE BEST DAILY NEWs.I ADVERTISE HAY BE MADE AT TH8 DAILY NEWS OFIIOQ. ATTRACT CUSTOMERS I\lLV\1lUAV FUDI U1 l'lU Close. Arrive. Euxem by G.'l`.R. day trAinl2:40 P.:(. 4:45 PM. 'alern " 3:15 2:l5 East and West night trains 9:00 7:00 AM. LNITED STATES NAILS. 'I`k~u.n|u \I-:la Ins Una \'n-I: IL-mun. n-_-.... I!` YOU WOULD DRIVE more iausmlcss, up NOT 'r6`Bn omvnx, ADVERTISE : ADVERTISE AG REEMENTS `OUR BUSINESB KBDIUI EWHEREIN AD`JE.P. TISE fro ADVERTISE A uO0AL susumss, n-asmzronn Go up ' mm PURCHASE AND ERECTION or All ATTRACTIVE SIGN 101: mm PLAOI or nusmnss UIVIIIVII DIAI ISO -|llD- Through Mails for New York, Boston, Oawego sud Capo Vmceuz, will be closed at 1:30 P.Il., nod Hula from these plnces will be due for de- livery at 12:30, RM. A second Mail for Cape Vin:-out will boclcsed at 5:30, P.I., and one will be due here for delivery 1: `I A.M., daily, Sandi ! excepted. Dnllnvnn n . II I\ PUBLIC AND THEIR SUOOFRP IN `PHD AND ATTRIBUTE {OR EADVIRTISING BEFORE TH? owppen Ask for Lea aizd Pei; Bold Wholesale and for Expat priesoru , Worcester ; well ; leans. Barclay and 80115,; 80.; And by G1-ooon mm nan..- by Grocers and Oilno , _ .. ---..-.cusuuc CBDCB _ [J This deliciou Condiment, pronounced by lonnoissenra `-Tn'e only good aauoe, is pre- _I.r ed solely by Leo and Perrina. The Public no roapeotly cautioned again: I worthieaa imi- tation, and should see that Les piietoru Messrs . C1-oese and Black- I ours. Sons, London; kc.- n universally _ nun gnu PEBRINS Worce3te L This pr: " Th'e can _u-ed W` Names are on Wnmzar, r..;..,: ; um umu` on Uotlon, Silk or`. ordinary wny. BLENDING some of the dyes in ` produce an innity of shade, I taste. ' mu [I311 NAILS per Canadian steamers will `be closcd evu; Iri- ddy It I? M. P: (`.......J...A n--_-.. 1:--- ..-..-- L,........, coloured with those dyes. INK: A Sixponny bottle of Magenta to a pint or more of cold water WA'l`ER.' One drop of dye will tint 6 quart. PRINTING Cotton, Silk or Wool in the `pl nunu.-- Worcestershire Sauce ll deIiciong_Oong1 EA Th iment, pronounced hv Inn...-=----- ` .......,.. , yvul. as new drops into an egg cup add warm wster; use with: brush or pen Borders of books, similar :1) Ward and Lock s A1-a.bian_Nights, &c., my be pretlily illum- inated. in this manner. BLANOMANGE, JELLY, CORN -FLOUR IOE CREAMS, etc: While in -5 liquid state add one or two drops of Magentn. A more simple or elegant tinting cannot be had. CONFECTIONEBB will nd M-am... m_._. " HEORIGINAL OHLORODYNE, invented by R. -Freeman, Pharmaceutiat, is allowed to be one of the greatest discoveries of the present century. It is largely employed by the most eminent Physicianaand Surgeons in hospital-and private practice in all parts of the world. It has e`ects peculiar toitself, and which are essential- ly different to those produced by the various compounds bearing the name of Ohlorodyne, but have no pretence to possessing its virtues. It rapidly relieves pain, from whatever cause, al- lays the irritation of fever, soothes the system under exhausting diseases, and gives sleep with- out producing any one of the unpleasant feelings so commonly arising from the use oi opiates. It continues to hold its unshaaen position in the estimation of the Profession as the best, most reliable, and cheapest preparation. Eminent and scientific Physicians `made nidavits that they have tested its cects in careful comparison with those of DR. OOLL_IS BROWNE S Cl1LOR0- DYNE," and `deposed to the facts that they lound it a more certain and reliable preparation,` and greatly preferred FREEMANS. Earl Russell communicated to the Royal Col- unn ouuuz A bottle half a-pint. of hot Wat SATINWUOD STAIN: Canal-v disnlvnd .. - _ uannry dissolved 1 PHOTOGRAPHS m dye with: water ; a pint of water. to. ILLUMINATING: Orange; pour I fe warm watt--H ..., V mm-., unmaon or Blue wi 5 pint. to a. quart of beautiful cording to shade required 4 brush. PAPER and WOOD STAIN: I OAK STAIN: A bottle of No. water. _ STAIN. A G! lagenta, Mauve, Violet, Blue or Pink c. WILLOW SHAVINGS, Wicker, Ivory, Bone, Hair, Fibres, Seaweed, &c., attract. the dye quickly, ifapplied in boiling water. BLUE : For laundry purposes is A 1. BOOK EDGES: A Sixpeuny bottle of Magen- ta, Violet, Orimaon will make from colouring, ac- Apply with a Dnnnn - ' """" was Uhlorodine. ` 77w Medical Times and Gazette, January 18th, 1866, states, II. has an immense sale amongst the public, and is prescribed by scores of Ortho- dox Medical Practitioners, and, of course, it would not be thus singularly popular did il. not supply I. want. and (ill a place. Mnnnl'm:t.m-ed bv the Inventor. Richard Free- man, 'lU, Acnnlllgwn uurx noau, LAUIIUUII, :3. The genuine has engraved on the Government Stamp (outside cc .-h Bottle), FREEMAN`S ORIGINAL CIILORODYNE. say It II M. P1-r Cunardlnd Bremen lines, every honuay and Tuesday respectively at 5 }".J!. DOG? A I T A DYFI` 0NDY SW FLUID or natural dieinl'i-c- ` taut puries, dcodoriseia, andjdisinfects, by the agency of nascent or ozomc oxygen,--it.s active pr_inc;i`[;ile. Bcinrgreiitircly lDlll(3Xl:)1l,dtlIiii(i.|'l}ly scieu s c prcpa il |0Il IS pecu nary a up c or the following useful purposes, lor W bich all other disinfectants on accounLol"thcir poisonous orfthelip ohjcctionlable qunlizic-s,'are unavailable an use 9 :- Detcctiig organic impurities in air and water. , Purifying drinking and other water from 01-- nvnnic matter. lead. &c. I vu: Llll.` : IQIIVB, Violet: recommended. LEATHER: Blue, Magen Orange. Dye in warm we WHITEWASH: To color: 1 or Bose; add halfa bottle t then stir in the White Mauve, Violet, Purple, Bl produce pretty tints by us more, as directed above. STARCH: Stir in: few the these impart delicate tints kc. and greatly prelerreu "1`I(.lhnl1A1VD." Earl Russell communicated Royal lege of Physicians and to Mr Freeman, that in Ilanilln the only remedy 01 any use in Cholera Ohlorodine. I l.- ]I.J..'.u.I Vmae nn;r n!`Hl Jnnnnri `IRH1, want. and uu place." Mnnufawtured by the Inventor, Richard Free- man, 70, Kennington Park Road, London, S. 'l`hn nr,>*v1:nn luau nnrn-nvnnl nu Hun nunrnmnnt ruruymg urnusulg anu Omar water Iron gnnic matter, lead, &c. F rcshc-ning the air of close places, and remov- ing bad smells. Freeing meat, fish, butter, or other provisions from taiut. l".nnnon......o:.... pl... ..B`....a.. ..r -___ Irom unut. Countcracting the effects of organic poisons taken into the stomach. Curing Musty provender. Freeing wheat and other seed from smut. Maintaining the health of plants in pots um] conservatories. Preserving and restoring the freshness of cut owers kept in water. Destroying the blight oi the potutoe, vine, hop, mulberry tree, &c. Washing dogs and other domestic animals. ~Cleansing bottles, bee!` barrels, pickling tuba, dairy utensils. Vvmihino` flln um}. .....I .:....|.....:__ 2." V I iecta 0! baths and tube. - U Dressing poisoned wounds and destroying ani- mal virus. Treating the infectious diseases of cattle, horses, dogs, &c. One gallon makes 200 to 300 gallons adapted for use. - N_B.-Condy's Fluid is the Standard Scientic Test for Organic Matter in \Vatcr. nudaffords the only known means of rapidly and complr-tel_v freeing Drinking \Vuter liom Organic Taint, which is so c-..mmon a cause of serious disease. To rapidly purify the air, use the diluted llnid with Cuudv .-5 (l7.nniam-" n. M1,... c.. vv nen turning grey. Enhancing the purifying and invigorating cf- fecca of baths and Dr-unuino nnien.-.-A ...-..-.I.. ___1 .1 . - - `rut: ioiuzr PmcPoss:s,) Removes from the mouth impure and iorcigvi tastes and odours, whether arising from tobacco or other causes, and counteracts the irritation and morbid secretions of cinious teelh. It puri- es sud softens the skin, and, used in the bath, tends to: promote A healthy state of the whole` body. .. nuuvlll nunuug [DB IISIICS; MEMORA NDA. MAGENTA : The strength an (IVA in nlmnuc a.........::L._ - Travellers and Postariiuldo. ..- ...m.5.u uuu ueauty oftbi: ' dye is falnziogt. incredible. A Sixpenny bot- tle will dye 20 yards of Bonnet Ribbon in 10 minutes; it will also produce a clear Rose Pink by using less dye. Suitable also for Woollen Goods, Feathers, Silks, &:q:_ WOOLLENS: Magenta, Mauve, Violet, pllrnln {\......_- IV - ` " ualry utensils. V VVuabiug the hair and darkening its colour when turning Enhancing the nnrirvinn nn :..-:....-...:.... -r _, ,-_-~- .. uwuuu U1 nnpiuly unu compn-t9l_v uid Candy?-5 Uzoniser" or other Spm_y-pIo- ducer. CONDY S PATENT` OZONISED WATER, (inn 'l`(\Iv mu ...-. ..... _- \ rise-PIJK. Any one can use them; any- thing can be dyed with them. It is impossiole in this small space to enumerate the many uses to which these wonderful and beautiful chemical preparations can be nppliod; while their chief use is for dyeing textile fabrics, they are also invaluable as a colouring agent for almost every known ma'eria.l, the ease with which they can be used and the brillian- cy of the result being, indeed, almost magical. By their use almost. any article of clothing can `be dyed in 3 few minutes for a. few pence without sailing the hands. M l<`.Mnn A man A unun [A The and almost. u dve Vnrda nr :2-..- rvuuuun.\`b': Magenta, Man Purple, Orange, Pink, and Grill the most satisfactory results. quantity of boilimr wntnp :.. %;____.___=_____:_ UDSON SIMPLE AYES FOR THE E. Any can mm nm...- - _. - A-gun ; ULIUA` IDLIJ (FOR TOILET PmcPosl:s,) `mn thn mn..n.. :.._...A,,, nuu Vvlllef hem clean. - nun :.. I- ';3_i-PRIN'i`rVINO. H. BOLLMAN CONDY, Patentee, Battersea, London. .___=_____; nu: un JJXEH FUR Any them` ; d ilnnossialn an as come to 5 psi! of Whitening as Blue and c using one be ed '0 :. Magenta, Violet, Blue, ` few drops 1'; _ne Den uu.l\.ILID n 1111. I 5 beauty of this I ncrodible. Sixnennv hm- e, Magenta, Violet and lwfl water. '0 Magenta, for Pink lfa nail nr......... _ ........w.:-, uunu, mm, Mauve, Violet, k, Crimson produce ry results. Una ll"Pf' the hub will L" acpprding Io N: Ditto. 2 Black to 4uu_ql;ItLl5' Ior rm]; 3 water, teninor us .....'...I `n vunclu anunn n . HALF-OI Lr:1-1-nxs-Pnn>n*n::rr OrxoxuL. Prepaid. Unpaid. u the Dnmininn . . . . . .3r . . . . 50 nu: uiuvm, comp.-irisona are to he eschew- ed as odluua, a certain work :1 di tion is to be attempted, and .1 rennin mini- mum of oxccllcurn am-wired. The produc- tions of all nalionifwill be ndmitied, aub- jl cl to obtain i=;: I. e '1' ticntc ni campe- tent judges `hat they are of s -iclenr ex- celluncc I. 7-e wunhy 01 cx`nii:.xi-m." This cnmlili-in wonlvl scein hi axclmlu Ihnsc use- ful mg [mum-Ry art clu of manufacture the displ uy of which m-idc some of the courts in in; last Iixhibiton lonk Lkc bucrhs "n a cnnmiy fair. From the icims of another rule, huwcvcr, it appears that chcapness will at itself cnnstitum a tide to dmlsltln, am`. no the rlaima of nuve!`y will also be admitted, there seems no reason why any- thing thit win really wur h exhibiting in H_nle-paik hr South Kensingtnn should be stir.` --ut the year after nvxr. The authnri- . A . - , -E.. `no....| .. ...i._ ` lmn f grain] tamed tire. H T tau 1 ence V any I! hoped brand memb r-an 9| IVBEU 9; nsiml. crimson : bottle or urson produce Use ailarge nu earthen Brush them creases, and soiling wntpr wave 1nng.,{, Y . Hmnfactory, 7 " London, and Depot, Aria l2'-.-|.u,- . meucs, French Extrncta;"i;|;o`I|"i;;.-!W:l`;:; , Cherry '1`o'otlI Pane, Lime Juice and Glyqorilu _ and every description of preparation: for {III ` oilet. . M ' lent: Burgoyne, Burbidgeu. and SqI_I_iI' N eeive Indontllor Yardley U 00. ! ptI!p8i'I'i"- factory, ` Vine Street. Bloomnlnrrv.` I A- J - ` uuIGERINE soar. '"`_". Every Ynrigty or Fancy Soups In 15 34'? Also in Canons of 3 Tablets. - Ponudea, Bone nnd'Violet Powden. 005' metics, French Extracts, Lavender Wstol, Paste. Lima Jnim -M1 n"""" g my -1111 u mA SALT, for producing I real 89:. Bathjn your own Room. The above favourite preparation is strongly rucolllf mended. Sole Prop:-ietora-'l'IDl[AN & SON, Chen- iats, 16 Wormwood Street, London, E0. ...._____ 1- _1_ rerfnmers. Priz 3 Purity and Excellence of Quality. Loud and Paris. BROWN WINDSOR SOAP. PRIZE MEDAL HONEY SOAP. PATENT SUNFLOWER OIL SOAP. GLYGERINE very Yarietv M II`---- `` "' " TIDHAN`S SEA SAL !-',`. rleal 893. your: .1...... -_, ......5wu w unnnng-crow Hospital. For several years past I have been in the ba- bit of prescribing Dr. do Jbngh`n Lig ho-Browu Cod" Liver Oil, and nd to be mud: more e- ` ' hr varieties of the same medicino. DR. GRANVILLE, F.R.S., Author (if the "Spa ol Germany." Dr. Granville; has found that Dr. de J'ongh s Light-Brown Cod Liver Oil produces the desired gtfect in a shorter time thnn other kinds, and thli . It. does not cause the nausea and indigestion too KINGSTON POST OFFICE. (Elna; eve it to be I very pure oil, well tted for those cases in which the use of that substance is indicated." uueu nor those universally acknowledged that this oil has great thcupeutic power; and from my investigations, I have no doubt of its being a pure and unadulterated article." ma. IE1-HEBY, lledictl Ocer of Health, And Oh the: (`$911 at I ....A-_ nemctl Ulcer Chief Analyst to the City of London. \ In all caseal have found Dr. dc Jonglfa Light.-Brown Cod Liver Oil possessing the same set of propeuiee, among which the presence of cholaic compounds, and of iodine in a state of orgnnic combination. am an Inna! ----- --I--U- |.UIU- TERMS FOR 1869. For any one of thcfourcvicwa For any two of ..1m (ow Reviews For any tbnee of the four Reviews For ali four ofthe Reviews For Blackwood s Linguine - For Blackwood and one Review For Blackwood and two Reviews For Blackwood and three Reviews For Blackword and four Reviews I DR. LANXESTER, F.R.S., Coroner for Central lliddlesexr I consider that the purity of this oil is secur- ed in its preparation, by the personal Ittentiou of so good a chemist and intelligent a physician as Dr. de Jongh, who has also written the best medical treatise on the all with which I am ac- quainted. Hence. I deem the-Cad La... n:I..-m And 3 large amount of general: raga-' Price, Five Cents. Bubscpgilg ' A ,1 .1..,.-_ M THE LONDON QUARTERLY (Oonaervmy. THE EDINBURGH REVIEW (Whig). ' THE WESTMINSTER REVIEW (Radical), THE NORTH BRITISH REVIEW (Free ch h) um BLAOKWOODB EDINBURGH MAGAZINE ('I`ory.) nununvvuuuu nuuvnunun IJAUAZINI j (Tory-) _ _ r IHESE foreign penodrcale are regularly re published by us in the same style an hereto- ` fore. Those who know them and who have long subscribed to them, need no reminder; those whom the civil war of the last few yen. ` had deprived of their once welcome supply of the ` best periodical literature, will be glad to hove them again within their reach ; and those who may never yet have met with them, willinssured. Iy be well pleased to receive accredited report; of the progress of European science end litera- ture. IIVFDIIG D111) Ionn .`V|I" 1 I .._...u I'U'1'AU"E- When sent by mail, the Postage to any pan of the United-States will be but. Iwgntv your cent; a year for Blackwood," and bu-V. gjghg Cent; 3 year for each of the Reviews. ...-.....-. vnuicr no we roor new Board of Great Britain. . _- We think it a great advantage that there is one kind of Cod Liver Oil which is universully admitted to be gennine-the Light.-Brown Oil suppiied by Dr. de Jongh. It has long been our practice, when prescribing the oil, to recommend this kind, since, amidst 5 much variety and un- certainty, we have condence in its genuine- ness."-(Extract from Consumption: its Early and Remcdinble Stagea) mun--an u-cause the Hence, the-Cod Liver Oil sold under his guarantee to be preferable to any other kind as regards gcnuinenqsa am! medical em- cacy." 2 Subscribers may obtain back numbers at the following reduced rates, viz : , The 4`\"ar{IL Bri.-'7`.-h f'rnm Janna": nun 4.. n- Auuuwlng reduced rates, VIZ 2\"on'lL Brifirh from January, .1863, to De- cembe'-, 1866, 'ucln=?ve; the l}d2`nbur_qh and the W`es!nz~'zu-~frr from April, 1861 , to December, 1866, inclusive, and the London Quarterly 10!- 1-865 and 1866, at the rate of $1.50 A year for- each or any Review; also Blackwood for 1866, for $2.50. THE LEONARD SCOTT Publishing` Co., 38 Walker-street, N.Y. __.v _-.;..u. no vuunwuv By Henry Stephens of Edinburgh and the late J. P.Norton, of Yale College. 2 vols. Royal 0:- tavo, 1600 pages and numerous Engravings. I PRICE---$7, for the two volumes. Br an Luvu, muu and Engg: PRICE---$7, volumes. post paid, $8.- DR. DE JONGH'S LIGHT-BROWN cob LIVER 011.. DR. DE J 0NGH S Oil is convincingly proved by an overwhelming weight ofheaical testimony, and by the practical test. of successful experience for twenty years in all narta of the wmm n. In: ....u U] we prucuc-an most. on successful twenty years parts of the world, to be, beyond all question, the purest, tlie most. elIica- cious, the most palatable, and, ffom its rapid curative ebcta, the most economicalofall kinda. Hence the universal celebrity ol Dr. dc Jonglfs Oil, and the unparalleled demand lot this unri- valled prepnragion. - ..,...v.-u nu ununuuly I0 [I19 queen In `POI! I have frequently prescribed Dr. de Jong Light-BrowuCod Liver Oil. I consider it to 1 very pm-e,oiI, not likely to create disgust, I a therapeutic agent of great value." UOIIG ILIT. 1:30 p.!n. Mixed min 1:45 am. II It U H nauun ---r DR. EDWARD SUITE, F.R.S., Medicnloicer to the Poor Law Board of Great SIR HENRY MARSH, BART.,`M.D., Physician in Ordinu-y to the Queen in Ireland. I have frnnumnolu ..........._:I_-a n, - - __ ` l SELECT MEDICAL OPINIONS. ! The L. s. Pub. oo.:fa:pub1iah The Farmers Guide I_I'I_____11. 1 ----- - _.___ TARDLEY & I Pprfnnunu - _-......,. 8110. ! prI!p8i'I'"P'- Imnfactovyr 7r"$;::.o Street, Bloomlbllfii den, 5 Rue dn G1-and Ohllfy il. Enmbllahod 1770., BRITISH PERIODICAL . EDWIN CANTON, `ESQ, F.R0.S., Surgeon to Ghnring-cross Hospital, `For years mar I ha. 1...- :.. 4- - `A . Inn... ............L -0 ._____,. nu! & Perfamers. L7 and `|7!--- ...-.,--.\.......J _. ., . __ _POSTAL TARIFF. <- iY 00., fancy Soap Inter: and! meta. Prize Medal awarded for London SALT]; I . v -cunt wiI(i_<:_1.1V I`:-1-m :e, nee Drcfemhln m .... AI`--- , u .--w yureuuul ILICDHOII intelligent 3 ll Whinh T am can _-_. ... -. I-nnllu. ad Jongh e T to be felfl! (aunt and general, readinu 1" ma. subacxinmf. m"i`."`E snags. By the BRITISH NAILS ltnnlnnrn -31] `ha ulna: ...u.} '1 An I-VU 10.00 13.00 15.00 I0 09 ` and 1`.D-:L`|_l_I;_ -__`u3 my . _bn-in,e-.s.. such=holI!o`ii_ . .l..' `Adm N: Y.o'rk . lillna Lug 9:15;`;-gw *' uq1nu_ heading, lnuledm;!,,g Band by 1 lqalo ` under 10 lines 7 sq Other Ncnigagu` L of which mterm, 12! % Rannril nl'Bu| `- 11 cents to: ` Above 10 tion, and two insertion. 7 3 subsequent` once a week`, 1 Now n.. . 1. ` | 1.13111 ,:u an _ 6 lini and 13 aentlfot V 10 ling, I 1'! mm: fnnivull IV III! 1'! cents {on Ahnin lnnig Private 33:: ;' `Copy Ribm.` . -,; -. c '1' um-rue nl -i"ri c .enr 'nr:1xy I h in on b`mm xstitum admmsinn, In SCCIYIS nn rlnnn ullw --- 1! 011-0!"- with in the City, J `at my be {Iv -"` II-nu. ' . ~ Rant: is omble1l`"i with cannon. inn we Will `EH1 `any nddneugil Gown Single oopielilnl By the 100, Single copie B tb 100, It 1-: SABBATH B0! sm.;_'.s;u halt` a. dounxaa and -.....'..u PEP` " "I've:-Story und,-I '4.`-`Ix)\{' Bo_oI|, 105,31 .1 KG 17515 ) 0| [D0 UAILY NIWS mi) 35 f the publication oico, Prin- DIES Connors: The` uttended to.` carefully form of Deed`, ' at the Daffy I gagesnnd St` _ `"99" " '1' Knng, 0' 1]` We will i | Ann -.I.I..._` J. Th`e-qn.`n3'Ia 150% -m. nmnruhn I.- Do- orvlarnl Do tglDanth-:4 Rmmmu In-I1; p.,;,,;;.;;; ; ::::~;.,, U81` IN! all land: a DAILY Nnws xblicalion oicn, Prin- Inn`: '37:" ::" '-V `I _sPAR'l'AN...... -Capt. K . PASSPORT... " 8' ._ ,.u KlNQ8'l'0N..... -` I ;..1uGNE`l`.....H " cHAlPION.... " O 4. OORINTHIAN .. " D - at thesteamen of tbonbo g sc. Lswxence Whuf, foot 1' for Toronto and Hamilton (lgndnyexoepted) It `. HALF-PAST FIVE - A . . Also, one oflht Shame ` `unreal every Homing (oods `ZILALF-PAST FIVE, touching . Alexandra 301- T ' EXPRESS LIN` H gston and Wolfe 1311:: On and$Junc 1.; _ 0, nevsun um UIIIIDFIJII. A Oomforublh sad Oonvonii Inn for Ladies ind Genllamen on par 9 oz AC .per80z 1'Zc , 2c., 3c., l2ic. , PREPARATIONS FOR THE EXHIBI- TION OF 1871. It was time for the Royal Comm'.ssioners ol the Exhibition of 1851 to announce another. I is their nature to make exhibi- tions, as it is that of the sparrow to lmild its nest or the beaver its dam. and they must have been Reeling uncomtnrtable a long while. Accnrd`ngl_v, we have before as the prospectus of the International Ex-V `hibilion of 1871, which is to be very like its NA -I predecessors, and II the same time via) ditferent from both? It is not to be tho convtinustion ut the old series, but the beginning of I new one of Annual Inter- nstionnl Exhibiziuna oselected Works nt Fine and Iudustrinl Art." As the displays are to be annual, permanent buildings will be required, and these are to be erected stfjoin no the sicades of the Royal Hurti- cul ursl Gut"-ens. Another new festure oi the scheme is that there are to be no prizes. 'l`li`s is 1 very impnrtan` innova- tion. An Exhibtiou without. prizes-- Wll.'.i0'l! gold, silver, sud bronze medals, ,wi`h:mt certicates of superiority and bon- uuralnle mertinn, will scam to many shrewd, prsctiul pv nple to be in Exhibit on with- out raiaon d'dre, without uti1"y, and worse than all, without motive power. It is notorious fact, the Lonllun and Paris Ex- hibitionsof the lsst. few years have most powerful; nl-otcrl trrle. If, within the -Exli`bitim, comp.-trisona . 3 A WILL RUN 3 FOLLOW -JAVING KiNG8'!`ON every (1: ' -I excepted) at 8:15 A.I.,-11:30 A ` 4 PM. . _ 7 - VINGNVOLPE ISLAND o yn, Thuradnyl sud. Saturdn 9 A.M., 11 A.l., 1 P.I., 3 P "I P.I[. . r ` WEDNESDAYS and F311) on the same as other dnys. LEAVING WOLF}! ISLAND II 0!] [ne .. Luvm "9-a om. .`-axe "Oi-Ell II?1' . -53-P.K.`nd7PkD 9 E ' F G I ' [3 ~ `1'!'.v Wh ' KING 7?`. ET3H1:n1AN. . . Eipyamnru. J Inll lfllllf _ burg, Oawego, Qharlotto ( Niagara Full: sud [T0 on the 28_th inst. L GOING EAS?-at 4110 _A. T _ G01NGWE8'1`ntc:ooP up Puugo Tickets spply at ' and 13:05., Ontnrio Street, or River Steamboat Ow, 8:. foot of Johnson Street. V ruaengera going to the Want Tiekou via Great Weuun, innkee 8041. chit-A Cantu-ml . `t, Chicago, llilwankae, ` ' duo for all theprincipulpoinui " glpo via Pacic Bail:-on_d to [In 0, Nevada and Gnliforniu. A Oomformbh ind nonuni- xingaum. July 5, 1869. nocllng with the `Grind Trunk Stumorq, ngoqting the 6:26 A. and Oswego. 5` cent for Oawogd ant} Wei 0:: Ijondny only gt 8 RI. Rn-rUn1mG, ' ht freight or npplyou` - " Gri I. KING 1Kinntm._ rm. A...1 5223 `an 11:50 AMI. on .0! I nd Onwego, .moiti;:g Grand and West and Bay 13 Quinta 8 `MAG Pl. on grul of ugh: fr M 1;" 2 om :l(Iton, mu April, ggge, ` . DAILY fznogvr . Bath, Pletom: and jll0p . 2.01: lo stay, w1:m1:s'mY, hen: 5,30 o'o1.o;nx, Kings FSDAYS, -raunsnus, .M- 1,: an on o'oLoq Ax. Win of Freight or Pnugo Fl 9! bond, or to J. 04330-ranks E Fnig 3.3- anon. Free ,1-- Mail 'Lim;r" offs 5' wave lino Iazo-;:pooed of :9 KI] gusto`: a-ndc')ape Vlnoc` Omnmcncug W:a-ally, 2835 El 0- ucngr, Junionr, I`. NOIKG uni! instant Leave Kiqgalon Tu In-Ida): gnckf Fridn _ _.--- V- 5....-. - Ouuqr 0 VILL LEAVE CA_B.RU'l'Hl ' foot of Wilinu.I Enact, 1 intermediate every d WW`) II HALF-PAST THEE w; o|V Begevillo 0 r A UOIIIIUFIIDII Sf n for Gontlumen on n u n V. n1uIv|.u.lI, Dlluli, -ll [ILL leave Kingston dnily 1 canted) at 4 A.ll_ lnxaant l&G we (3.. rm: noin. lILrS'_l`lA| L ra Upper-Cgbln stj _-A 9 ;[;'l:ING of the splendid_Ld Pm-mm exectjted `wish "0 HELDB and other :03! It the Daily News fi BAY OF QUINT n-.o- _x._.. 11...... Wm*Em`ov_\_7r-f| . PIERREPONT, LL urn: can truly nw T PIERREPQN1 Innvwuu 1------ ,Rv1gatlon ":1 CI-'lL \.IL` nnionr, nal =n.nInI|O lid SINGLE comes` of the mm `2 . Nnws may be had at the counter of the publication oice, Princess street, price three coppers. o h A n . .I 1'`3aLo1zor`(>T3uI c . . WITHOUT P1c1g1>?R(igg.R0DYNE Sol: Innnfgnanmp-_A n on, . _. -vnnuvvx rnrrltl Sole Iannfneturer :-A. P. To` Ianchuter. Non`.--The Profession is warned against in- ferior, secret, and cheap compounds now in the market. Each genuine bottle bout: 3 fnc-- aimilo of Prop:-iotoi- s signature on chodtsmp ,-........, IIUI us we muxet. Many medical men think with me, and recommend your com- pound, bat. will never prescribe I secret re- medy. Camus Kmn, H.D. To Mr Towle, Chemist, Manchester. A Surgeon from New York writes_:-I only requires to be known to beappreciated. I have no hesituien in characterising it (viz., Tonia : Cblorodyne) as the moss useful medi- cine that has appeared dm-inn tho ......... JVIVIUU DD century. I have foun I0l'0(! d it. to relieve mot yne) the use/ful uiedil appeared dur In diam-has, colic ing the prenent , ng_ue, spasms, e pun and cause ` ' VI -'-III Ir-uvnlr I IV Sxecubd neatly, cheaply, and expeditiously u be DAILY NEWS JOB PRINTING OFFICE. Th4 -*_ CHOLERA, DIARREKEA, kc. EARL RUSSELL sent to the College of Physicisna I commuation received by from Manilln (where cholem had been gming fearful|_y) to the e act. that, of all remedies tried, Chlorodyne ya the moat. effec- an... .: . _ . . _ --- nursing. By the combination of the Iron or Iodine with Cress Seeds in a state of germination, they are united with organic life, which thus renders them digestible. The_ irritctive and stubborn mineral has thus become the nucleus of an organic substance capable of being ab- sorbed by the blood without injury to the stomach. `ling-9 inn En.-l-_;l -A1 V` "' ` ` .-..u.. rwvur, um;-runes, uyeentery, and the excessive action of the Bowels. A gold medal was awarded by the French Government to Dr V. Band for this valuable preparation. Price: Small, 15 lid; Medium, 43 5d; Large Size, lls per Bottle. ' THE DIASTATIZED IRON, - For strengthening the Syst.em.--Price 23 9d per Boule. .... me :>ysI.em.--Price per THE DIASTATIZED IODINE, For purifying the Blood.-Price 25 9d per Bottle. ,' The above Preparations an in than rm-.-.. c u: punuy-ug we D|O0d.--l l'iCe Preparations in the form of Sweeuneats, pleasant. to the taste, and par- ticularly adapted for Infants and Mother: nursing. Br lhn nnmhimnim. at .L.. r--, - -- UIUIIIHCU. Agent for England and British Possession, E G- DUFRESNE. 79 Walling? Sn-one _:- CAPITAL . . .. $1,000,000. PREIIUMS RECEIVED DURING 1868- $2,079,896. Funds deposited in the bands of the Goverment for the security of Policyboldcrs. W All xe risks carefully surveyed, and the rule of Premium made to correspond with the risk assumed. I A IIUG Ql'ITl I'.\III AEtna Insurance Ci). of -.Hart- ford, Conn PAID UP OAPITAL AND SURPLUS-- s5,15o,93x;,71. [.nanna maid in an 9...... 5.. . ..-- - - .. -_- '1`!-IIS Company has been doing business in Canada for nearly 50 years, and during that time has secured the public condence by the prompt and liberal seulementofevery fair claim. It has fully complied withthe laws ol'Cauada by the deposit with the Government of Stocks to the amount of 850.000 And in n...........a 45:--. .._n-,- SINGLE COPIES of the DAILY Ind II the t`0llnlel' of publicam cc: uneoc. Price three coppers. Esinvln c-nnina no .5... r~.. [git nurture-insurance. 1569. Elms Insurance Company of Hartford, Conn. L. J. Humour, E. I . Donn. President. General Agent. INCORPORATED IN I819. CAPITAL $3,000,000. ASSE'l`S;':5,150,931,7l HULL AND CARGO RISKS to and from Iulnnd P0113 out'_n'm1mhln.tprm.: -Pd, I UV, Losses paid in 50 years, --- R. V. BAUD, Gndunte and Ilember of the Medical College of Paris, ChiefPhysician Eurnordinary for Epidemics in Paris, late M.D. ot,Ibe Civil Hospitals of Algiers, haujust. in- troduced in England his ORGANIC MEDI- OINES. IFDQUCCQ IOINES. Th. ulu 1'40. Thay consist of tbrega preparations- ~ THE BAUDEINE, An eicient and prompt. Remedy for Cho}era, Yellow Fever, Disrrhcna, Dysentery, A anld mna.-.1 OFFICE REMOVED T0 KING :YI`l{EE'l NEARLY 0l l`0b`ITE THE CITY BOOK STORE. -5,. ___ .3--- nzvvn. KI . \-...-. Joseph Bawdon, T'[`Ol{NEY A l`- 1 A W, Solicitor in Ulmnccry, Noun) Fuhlic, &e., 33 King street, Kiugstou. uuu nnu unnuu uluka and H_ on t`.-vonmble terms. Losses promptly and liberally adjusted and paid in Canada Currency. I A \ll'.`u umrnm . Home Insurance Company of New Haven, I'\ k`._-.._.. `-_ ...-v.. . uuu uuncu cuppers. fsiugle copies or the Canosxou AND Nlws, eonuiniug the news of the week, may be bad in wrappers for mailing. Price 3d. each, named en-ry Friday. LIIIICII! D. Sn-nun. CuAn.u:s Wmsou` President. Secretary ` CASH CAPITAL .. .. $1,000,000. ` AKE AND RIVER RISKS Laken on bulls` and cargoes at reasonable rates. 1 JAMES SWIFT, Agent, i Kingston, March 31, `69. St. Lawrence Wharf. } quu.vVU And is prepared to issue policies on terms as low as the safety oflhe assured will permit. JAMES SWIFT. DR. VICTOR BAUUSORGANIC MEDICINE. ` } Pllaan ix Fire Assn rancc(_3ompany OF LONDON. Home I agent xor nsnglana and British Possessim Er DUFRESNE, Wading Street. May be obyained of all Chemists. Ll you-u,........-, .........y., - .. .. llldmrd T. \VnI;u;|n, LOLIOITOR IN UHANOERY. D Ooo-Olu'anoe Street, Kingston, 0.W. '. P. Gumnanuvn. L.L.B. | Rum. '1`. Wnnx. larch 31,1869. D Kingston, March 31, 1869. St. L Kingston, March 31, 1869. ' XVI.-v" I01" Uniul States .. .. .. .. .. Ci-nulars, Prices-Current, Hnnd Bills, L`-onks, l nmpb`e!s in lbs Dominion, to P. E. 1., NHL! , and U. S. . . per oz Penfodienln, as above . . . . per 4 01 Parcel Post .. .. .. .. ..per8oz Neiuilnmps Ire issued of c, lc., 15c. ll 0too-33, Clarence Street. Kingston,M2u'ch 20, 1862. Agent u Kingston-,` TH J. n. snmu, 111)., I )HYSIOIAN. summon, &o., PORTLAND,` Raahianpn Hnrrnwsmith. Glld I-sleeve an Walkbm. ARRIST RS and ATTORNIYE-At.-I.AW, (`.nn Iavnntuarn, Notaries Public. \AISl!l6lI-D null Al1Ul\L!-lI F Gonveyanoera, Notaries Public. -n:_.|.__J III Ill.-I54-nu I1 I DIULAIV. DU I\\lD\J' Residence Han-owsmith. Royal Agsurance Gompan y 0! .;__.._ Nnws mum in hm-I .4 n.- ...... or LIVERPOOL AND LONDON. MAXWELL W.STRANGE, Agent for Kingston! n-33. Clarence Street. 3 Insurance Company of New Haven, Conn. ` Slates, Prince Edward Is'nnd, Newfoundland, until-weekly . . . .' . . 10c Tri-Weekly . . . . . . 154: Daily . . . " 30c `Subscribei;s- re_;idin' Britain, United lc., must prepay their Canadian postage as- nbovo through the Canadian publish-3:, Newspapers coming into Canada. From B-rain, by Canadian Mail Steam- ers .. .. H V `-`-'-- urnsucy. JAMES SWIFT, Agent, St. Lawrence Wharf. ton, THUS. KIRKPATRICK. w nusureu wul permit. SWIFT, Agent, St. Lawrence Wharf. . 1869 JAMES SWIFT, ' Agent, St. Lawrence Wharf I RR9 Irowle, Chemist, $24,000,000; ` 1 uunng the III N.B.-'l`hin 1 in honoa,alJc wuer. see directions on ovm Recommended and used Simonds V010! during the yes 3. N.B,-'I`hi. Rum :; - ....- =- nu we netgnbonrhood. S6ld by all Chemists, end at :90, Canon street, London. Quarks, 163; pints, 8s ; hell'- pints, 4s; glass-stoppered Imperial pints, ex- tra strength, 16: per dozen; end in balk at 49 per gallon: bottles included. Each gel~ lon melting 200 gallons, when dilmod with water. See directions every bottle: __ used In P-nf----- uuu, nut n ungxe of quently occurred; the four rooms above alluded to, the diseeee still exists end some deaths have taken place. Two houses immedinlely opposite were suppliedvith e quantity, in neither of which has there been e single case, although the disease is raging in the neighbourhood. bv all Gheminn: um .. ,..\ n Tninn nn-ivemd depart from the Kingston Sution u follows : aniun an no unuc ur unruuuc acia.-l am yours fsith- fully, S. Swan, Capt. Jackson, RN., This uid sets on disease by destroying the atmosphere under frequently developed instnnoe: In a house Plymouth, occupied persons, it was sprinkled in every room except four; in these the occupants would not permit it to be applied; the result of which was, that those psrts of used, not s single anontlw lennnp-AA . -L:I_ .-_ rnvy uouncll. V ' The value of the uid is shown by the following letter from the Secretary and Manager: Agricultural Hull, Islington, Jan. 1868. Dear Sir,-Pleaee to send eight gallons more of your Diainfegting Fluid, he per order enclosed. Having used various Dieinfectiug Fluids at our many shows, I can say with condence that none have had the instan- taneous and complete elfect of Sir William Bun-nett e, end this too without producing any nuisance like the smell of chloride of lime or carbolic acid.-I Cant Ju-him. D N no un vuum-us tsU1tNlTT S FLU), purication of sick rooms, hospitals, workhouses, factories, pri- sons, crowded pieces, between decks of ships, fever wards, clothes and linen of sick, night- chairs, cesspools, drains. water closets, stables, dairies, larders, musty cssks, tubs, &c.; bilge-vnter, and the holds of ships; apartments for searchers, undertaken, and ju ymen, end for post-moi-ten: examinations; for the prevention of infectious disease, can- ker and fungus in trees; for the disinfection of dead bodies, and for the preservation of subjects for dissection; for the extermina- tion of huge and other vermin. Sir W. Burnett s Disinfecting Fluid was the only Disinfectant need st" the Agricul- tural Hell during the Smitheld Olub Osttls Show in` 1866, by order of Her Majesty's Privy Council. . The Vnlnn nf u: ..:.I :- _Lw - - VIHE groan frnnde which continue to be prac- tised by obscure manufacturers, more partleulerly in Germany, by imitating the le- bele Matched to JOHN GOSNELL & Co. e PERFUMERY, render it imperative upon the Proprietors to Onunon the public egeinet. such nefarious proceedings, and to request their friends and patrons to purchase only of respec- table dealers, who import direct from John Gosnell & Go.-; and invite special euention to the address- DIEDDITYI Wlrnnn t\nYV - ...v ..u-.u-an RED BULL WHARF, 93 UPPIETHAXIS S1'nn'r. John Goanell & 00. : Select Perfumes: Eu Bouquet, Roynl Yncht Club Bouquet, Jockey C1.:b Perfume, Essence of Wood Violet, Vio- torin Bouquet, Frangipanni, Military Bouquet, the Bride's Bouquet. John Gosuell & 00. : Prince of Wales Per- fume, a moat choice and fashionable perfume. John Gosnell & Co. s Princess Alnxnnrh-n : Lue auureu-- WHARF,1 Jnhn (':..-.....n 1. n- xulne, a moat choice and fashionable Princess Alexandra : Perfume, A most choice and delicate perfume, prepared expressly for the use of Her Royal tlighneu. Jnhn annual] L I`.--`A TT----- "`~- " cngnnau. John Goaqell 3 Co.`s Upper Ten '1 Perfume. Jnkn r1........n L n- 2- r,,- --- - x urmune [or me Handkerchief. Price 23 6d. John Gosnell & Co.`s La Nohlesse Perfume, a moat delicate Perfume of fragrance. Pomnde. ela- rename. John Gosneil & 0o. a Jockey Club Perfume is in universal request as the moat. admired Perfume for the Handkerchief. Price Co.`s LA Nnmnn. n--r.....- nvu lLlVl'( . . .NIISPA; ;RS.' . Transient Papers in the Dominion, to Briuiu, United States, P. E. Island Ind Newfoundland . . . . To Subscribers. Weekly .. .. .. ..perqnarte SuIl~Weekly .. ..' .. " 1`.-;-w...L~1-