Kingston News (1868), 21 Aug 1869, p. 4

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IIIII hula union the or annual hltnllupully." JAMES swnrr, A:-.4... m w.ornAn,ur.', Agent for Kingston! act. ` ' any uunr 1, Agent. St. Lawrencs Wharf $9. ` n.-gut A . . l`ow1e,0bomint, vvnnu. E. P. Donn, ung: v General Agent. W mm $24,000,000: Hart- 1868- muuun UUYIES of the Dun Nzws rm had ml the counter of the publication ottice, " can Itroez. Price three coppen. en. uurnag we IIBIL twenty yearn. N.B.-'l'hia uid is a certain cure for grass in ho:-ooa,also the Icab and rot in sheep. u"'E III we neighbourhood. S6ld by all Chemists, and at 80, Oanon street, London. Quarks, 16:; pints. 85 ; half- pinta, 4:; glue-atoppered Imperial pinto ex- tra strength, 16: per dozen; and in bnl at 4: per gallon; bottles included. -Each gal- lon making 200 gallons, when diluted with water. See direction: on every bottle: Recommended and need by Professor Simonde at the Royal Veterinary Oollege, during the last twenty I a cannula nnnn r,.. -..--- _ , __._-- .......u uuunsrl 1! H105! frequently developed and propagated. For instance: In I house In St. Andi-ow s street, Plymouth, occupied by fty-two persons, it was sprinkled in every room except four; in these the occupants would not permit it to be applied; the result of which was, that in those parts of the house where it had been used, not 3 single cholera subse- quently occurred; while in the four rooms above alluded to, the disease still exiate and some deaths have taken place. Two houses immediately opposite were supplied with a quantity, in ueitnor of which has there been A single case, although the disease is raging in the neighbourhood. bv Ill Olnmtna ....a -. AA A __-.---... .......u5 uluu various Lnsinfecting Fluids at our many shows, I can say with condence that none have had the instan- taneous and complete e`ect of Sir William Burnett's, and this too without producing any nuisance like the smell of chloride of lime or caxsbolic acid.-I am yours faith- fully, S. Swan, Sec. and Manager. Capt. Jackson, R.N., 90, Osnnon street. This uid acts on the essential csuse of disease by destroying the local conditions of the atmosphere under which cholera is most Plvmnnlh nus...-.:-.l L_ A`- - uvur .:m-,--nease to send eight gs more of your Disinfecting Fluid, as per c enclosed. Having used various Disinfet at an-.G.l-...... AL-- A nvy uouncu. The value of the uid is a following letter from the Si Manager: . Agricultural Hall, Islington, Dear Six-,--Please to e more of vnnr I'\iu:n...u:.... n-..:.I ....., uugu-wuer, and the holds of ships; apartments for searchers, undei-takers, and jurymen, and for post-mortem examinations; for the prevention of infectious disease, can- km` and fungus in trees; for the disinfection of deed bodies, and for the preservation of subjects for dissection; for the extermina- tion of bugs and other vermin. Sir W. Bnrnett s Disinfecting Fluid was the only Disinfectant used at the Agricul- tural Hall during the Smitheld Club Oettle Show in 1866, by order of Her Majesty's Privy Council. The Vnlnn nf eh- l..:.: 1- J ' mu l_uU1lJ, tor the purication of sick rooms, hospitals, workhonses, factories, pri- sons, crowded placcs, between decks of ships, fever wards, clothes and linen of sick, night- chairs, cesspools, drains, water closets, stables, dairies, lsrders, musty cnsks, tubs, &c.; bilge-water, and the holds nndertakers. and uuncc 01' 118518151168. Sold in patent atoppered glass price 25 6d, 43 6d, 113, and 213 each cial agents required and appointed parts of the world. more especmuy when udViC8 assistance. Snld in nnonno no ..... -. we cuuuler or me PIIDIIOIUOII Prin- 'S'nlo copies of the Canonucu um Nun, oonuiuing the non of the week, may be Ind n wrapper: for mailing. Price 31]. each minutes; etfervescing and tasteless, its con- stant use is especially calculated to main- tain health. When mixed with water and taken during the eervescence, it immedi etely blends with the food, and is rapidly absorbed into the system. It vitalizes and supplies the blood with those saline princi- ples that are lost, altered, or destroyed dur- ing the hot weather. In Jungle, Scarlet, Yellow, Typhus, Eruptive Fevers (or Cholera), also in several other conditions, where the vital current is poisoned by infection, and thereby rendered unt to support health and life. it has been found eminently benecial; and its sustaining and purifying innence| mph: on n ..... .....i__ tuureuy renuereu inuence acts as a. preventive to disease, as the nu- merous unsolicited testimonials accompany- ing each bottle will prove. Its portability renders it admirably adapted to the travel- ler, tourist, emigrant, or private family, more especially when distant from medical udVlCe nu uigcsuva properties. As an assurance of its purity and salutary properties, it is only necessary to poi-t out the name of the celebrated and philanthro- pic Physician from whose prescription it is compounded. The entire life of that distin- guished `man was spent in promoting the health of his fellow-creatures, and his death, in December, 1861, was mourned as a na- tional loss. Wholesale and for exportation by the Pro- prietor, 69, Lamb s Conduit Street; Barclay and Sons, Farringdon Street; Betty and 00., Finsbnry Pavement. Retail hv nh....:.o. n.~.--- nu---- rnuuuury raveme-m. Retail by Chemists, Grocers, Warebousemen, and others, tbroug Kingdom, and every part of the wo Ak for The San:-.9 -...Qn-an?-1 ,, nuu uuuurl, mmuguout H16 world. The Sauce.-Special Export Agents--BJ1rgoyne, Burbridgea, and Squire, 16, Colman Street, London. nnruuuutfd FXRETIO SALINE.-A Medicine that cures Sea Sickness or the worst form of Billions Headache in A few minutes; efferveacing esoecialiv r-.alnn1in..4 .,. ..-:.. an Philosophy ofealth, kc. Delicious with every known dish. Its habitual use increases the appetite and pro moles digestion. It is much esteemed for its digestiva properties. anaurnnr-A nf in nun-Ha and --I-~4--- no uisngreesme odour, and is easily applied. John Gosnell 8 Co. s Patent Trichosaron, or newly invented Hair Brush, the peculiar me- chanical construction of which accompanies the two operations of cleansing and polishing simultaneously. The Patent Mechanical Chair for Brushing Hair by Machinery. For Prospectus and par- ticulars, apply to the Patentees and Sole Manu- facturers, JOHN GOSNELL it 00., Perfumers by Appointment- to Her Majesty, the Princess of Wales, &c., RED BULL WHARF, 93 Urns .TiIAIlES S'rnmc1-. late of 1-; Ti... 1:... n....-. 01 Wales, ac., um) BULL WHARF, Tunas Swnnn, late of 12 Three Kmg Court, Lombard Street. 50 IIE SAUCE. Prepared by Alex- . under Southwood Btocker, from a recipe by hi: Cousin, the late Dr South- wood Smith, thirty-ve yous Phynician to the London Fever Hosnitnl: Father nr suns- _# THE DESIGNS OF THE FENIANS. A nnrnonnnnanno -5` .L- rv, woou amuu, thirty-live Hospital; Father of Sani- tary Reform; Medical Member of the first General Board of Health; Author of the rm. work on Fever in any age or country, the Philosophy Delicious with nvnvv Inm-.. .a:..s. n- __-_- ....... uuuliuvl. uocxey Club Perfume, Essence of Wood Violet, Vio- torie Bouquet, Frengipanni, Military Bouquet, the Bride`: Bouquet. ` John Gosnell & 00. : Prince of Welee Per- fume, a most choice and fashionable perfume. John Goenell 5 Co '9 Princess Alexendre'e Perfume, a. most choice and delicate perfume, prepered expressly for the use of Her Royel dighneu. on; 111 uus 13 each. John Gone]! 3: Co. s Cherry Tooth Paste is greatly superior to any Tooth Powder, gives the Teeth 3' pearl-like whiteness, protects the enamel from decny,and impans a pleasing fragrance to the breath. _ Price is 6d each. Instantaneous Flair Dvn - nnl-Quin In ..-.-..I...... u-ugrauce to the breath. Price Instantaneous Hair Dye : certain to produce any shade Brown or Black, of good natural colour. It cannot possibly injure the hair, has no disagreeable odour, and is easily Cola Trichoaarnn, nr __.._. rlum gross mind: which continue to he prac- tised by obscure manufnpturers, more particulnn-ly in Germany, by iunitstlng the la- bola attached to JOHN GOSNELL & 00. ! PERFUMERY, render it imperative upon the Propriefors lo Ow.-non the public again: such nefu-ions proceedings, and to reqneot thoir frionds and patrons to purchase onlv of nnnnn- ,......, yuuuuucu, Iuu mguxy recommended for beautlfying and promoting the growth of the hair. La Noblease Soap-ealeemed for its unequil- led perfume and ne emollient qualities. John Goauell & Co. s Violet. and uin.n`..... mu penume and nag emollient _ Violet. and Milleeur Nursery Powder is guaranteed pure. No nur- sery should be without it. Sold in boxes at ad; in tins ls each. John (1m.n..II1. n..v_ n._,..-, m .- v- uemnouu proceenmgl, sun purchase only of ngpec- tabla dealers, who import direct, (mm John Gosnell 6: Co. ; and invite specinl attention to the address- RED BULL WHARF, 93 Urns Tnuusnnu _ ' \ Jnhn annual! Jr (D. L. an... n.,- me ........=..-- I Tnuusnm-. John Gosnell 8 0o.'a Select Perfumes: Eu Bouquet, Royal Yacht Club Bouquet, Jockey Bouluet. Fnnwinnnni, Mam..- n .... -. ->:j' `IR WILLI AM BURNETTS DISINFECT- ING FLUID, for the purication woms, hospitals, workhonaen. fnntnn-inn ...:, ,,-_ __..-\..s.a V: 1115!: l'ltL`Ll.JNU. A correspondent of the Hamilton Time: who bu been on a tour through the States says :-I lnvejust. returned after a length- ened Iojonrn in the States, and although there is not so much brag and blaster, it is an undoubted fnct that the w...;..- ........-: `AIIPLOUGFPS PYRETIO SALINE.- J (turn: Ran a..L...-... -_._._..~.. bottles, , each. Spe- in all r o`.&U'rIoN. DA1LY NE15vS-SA TU13bXY" WIiJ;4V iIi.:1:WING. AUGUST 21. ...../; -uu yours Illin- nr, N., - . nronnnnmd, Pn- IiStS, Italliau throughout the part world. aid shown by the Sscretary sud uugwu, Jan. 1868. gallons mg Fluid. on nrdnr _ . - - 11-5! SDHUUB lg order , Disinfecting own, nave :`ect uneli of 1:, Jan. 1868. eight, mu... - [Ell TARIFF OF RATES, AND IF YQD DO HOT ALREADY TAKE ADVANTAGE OI` TYPES AND INK_ BBSOLVB AT ONCE TO; OIROULATION or my zmwsrunn PUBLISHED IN -1-ms OITY, -1-ms JOURNAL own-as 1-an gm unmuu ton LOCAL AND an-.-nun. iiavnnrrsn. uxtre; rnnnnonn ADYBRTISIIHTHB nun NI:-ws." CONTRACTS AND YEARLY POSSESSI N G DAILY NEWs.l A LOCAL PAPER IN THE PURCHASE AND ERECTION OF AN ATTRACTIVE SIGN FOR YOUR PLACE 0)` BUSINESS CARRY SUCH A JUDICIOUS STEP A LITTLE FURTHER AND REPEAT THE SIGN A THOUSAND TIMES. PLACE THE PARTICULARS OF If YOU HAVE SPENT HONEY TO A 1.1311.-nu. AND b JUDIOIOIJS Us]: or NEWPAPER COLUHNBI If YOU WOULD ATTRACT CUSTOMERS {:15 p.113_ (:35 It TRADESMEN AND MERCHANT -rm: M6 ADVERTISING! ADVERTISE DAILY NEWS OFFICE. THE .LARGES'l IS THE BEST um NOT 'ro"3n DRIVEN AGREEMENTS ADVERT MAY BE MADE AT THB --A--\.ns)A\I.` x L'Ol Ur r LUIS. I` Close. Arrive. Rutern by 0.1` R. dny lrninlzz-10 P.l. 4:45 PM. wf` u u A: mix -4 mu: u ADVER'l`lSEj KKDIUK EWHEEEIN ADVERTISE "OUR BUSINRSB ADVERTISE 1'0 ADVERTISE A u0OAL BUSINESS, ZTBERIFOBE G0 AND ADXIT THE IKPORTANQB OI DRIVE YOUR BUSINESS, BEFORE TH PUBLIC AND IN THE ..-...,; me new: or me week, in mailing. 3d. `encb, uued may Fridsy. THEIR SUOOFRP (OR ADVERTISING AND ATTRIBUTI IF YOU WOULD ISEI This ehcious Oondunent, prouo need by ' nly good sauce is pre- _-Ared solely by Lea and Perrins. The Public are respectty osntioned sgsinstworthless imi- ' and Perrins Names are on Wrapper, Label, Bottle, and Stopper. Ask for Lea and Perrins'Ssnee. Sold Wholesale and for Export, by the Pro prietors , Worcester ; Messrs . Grouse and Black- well ; Messrs. Barclay and Sons, London; to.- to.; and by Grocers and Oilmen universally or more of cold water A -N-aw WATER ' One drop of dye will t PRINTING on Cotton, Silk or` w . GELATINES and GLUES are successfully coloured with these dyes. INK : A Sixpenny bottle of Magenta to 6 pint [ or of cold WATER drnn no A... .-s-- A` " up mm ; a bot: pintof water. to. ILLUMINATING: Mag Orange ; pour a few (11 add warurwater; use: Borders of books, simila Arabian Nights, &c., m inated in this manner. BLANOMANGE, JELLI ICE 0B.EAMS,&c: W Edd (ms or mm 3...... nulr, mm-es, seaweed, aka, attract the dye quickly, ifapplied in boiling water. BLUE : For laundry purposes is A 1. BOOK EDGES: A Sixpenny bottle of Magen- ta, Violet, Orimaon or Blue will make from spint to a quart of beautiful colouring, ac- PAPER. and WOOD sum: Ditto. OAK STAIN: A bottle of half 9.-pint of hot water. SATINWOOD STAIN: Canary dissolved in 5 pint of boiling water PHOTOQRAPHS may be tintd.; dnute the No. 2 Black to .-: Trains u':ive and depart from the Kingston Station as follows : ant:-n - . .._ vvn11 naWA5tl: To color: Mage or Rose; add half 8 bott.le'to n 1 then stir in the Whitening Mauve, Violet, Purple, Blue produce pretty tints by using more, as directed above. STARCH: Stir in MSQBDLA. Mnnvn v:..u-. n- V _ _,,, _ ......,....u vl.|l.l.lBUl1 produce the most satisfactory results. Use alarge quantity of boiling water in an earthen pan. RIBBONS and SILKS: Brush them with soap and water to Avoid creases, and to render them clean. Dye in boiling water. FEATHERS: Dye in hot. water (a few drops of the dye is sucient for one feather). COTTON: Mauve, Violet and Pntple are recommended rngmuunn /- .........m . mauve, Violet recommended. LEA'l`HER- Bin 9, Magenta, Orange. Dye in warm water. WHITEWASH: Jllzzge Rose: mm n..n-.. n.....-n- CC. WILL_0W SHAVINGS, Hair. Fibres. Rn.u....,. __j_j.j____ JUDSON S SIMPLE JYES FOR THE PEOPLE. Any one can use them; any- thing can be dyed with them. It is impossible in this small space to enumerate the many I colouring agent for almost every known material, the ease with which they can he need and the.brillian- cy of the result being, incfeed, almost magical. By their use almost any article of clothing can be dyed in a few minutes for a few pence without sailing the hands. MEMFIR A uh A MEMOBANDA. MAGENTA : The strength and dye is almost. incredible. A tle will dye 20 yards of Boat 10 minutes; it. will also pr: Rose Pink by using less dye. for Woollen Goods, Feathers, 1 WUOLLENS: Magenta, Mm Pllrnln n..,...... n: - L `run 1011.21` PUuPosRs,) Removes from the mouth im me and fox-ci n P 8 , whether arising from tobacco teracts the irritation and morbid secretions of curious teeth. It puri- es and softens the skin, and, used in the bath, tends to: promote A healthy state of the whole body. fl nnvvu.-..- --r- UUIIBBFVELOTIES. Preserving and rc:'t0ring the freshness of cut owers kept in water. Destroying the blight of the potatoo, Vino, hop, mulberry tree, &c. Washing dogs and other dorm-_-stic animal.-s. Cleansing bottles, beer barrels, pickling tubs, dairy utengils. Washing the hair and darkening its colour when turning grey. Enhancing the purifying and invigorating cf- lects of baths and tubs. Dressing poisoned wounds and destroying ani- mal Virus. Treating thowinfectious diseases of cattle, horses, dogs, &c. Ono gallon makes 200 to 300 gallons adapted for use. N n 7 ____](I 'I - - - ' if I .. r " ` IO!` SC. N.B.-Condy's Fluid is the Standard Scientic Test. for Organic Matter in \ and afford the only known means of rapidly and completely freeing Drinking from Organic Tuint, which is so common a cause of serious diease. To rapidly purify the air, use the diluted uid with Candy's Uzoniser" or other Spmy-pro- ducer. nnunvm v\ . ...-.-- - 1ONDY'S PATENT FLUID or natural disinfec- (j taut puries, deodorises, andzdiainfects, by the agency of nascent or ozonic oxygen,-its active principle. Being entirely innuxioui, this truly scientic preparation is peculiarly adapted for the following useful purposes, for which all other disinfectants, on accountotheir poisonous or other objectionable qualities, are unavailable and useless :- Detecting organic impurities in air and water. Purifying drinking and other water from or- ganic mazter, lead, &c. Frenlmninn the nirnf nlman nln/Inn ......a ...__-_ 3205 mm. -nuv ouuu, uoeeu oy I Ioeded valve to rein . lute the pceeeme. while a blue: of heated air `u ddveu In by I powerful engine. A very ingeni- ou lnechealul eentrinnee allow: or Addition! made to charge during interruptions the furnue in worked up to be full eepeelly." mg uau smells. Freeing meat, sh, butter, or other provisions from taint. f`.mmo........:..... 4.- -4:-,_.- ,n - - lI'0Ill nuns. Countemcting the effects of organic poisons taken into the stomach. Curing Musty provender. Freeing wheat And other need from smut. Maintaining the health of plants in pots and conservawries. Pr.-any-winn .....l ......._:.__ `L I man, u), nenumgcon ram noaq, London, 5. The genuine has engraved on the Government Stamp (outside each Bottle), FREEMAN'S ORIGINAL CHLORODYNE." gaulc matter, lead, ac. Freahening the air of close places, and remov- ing bad smells. Frmxina vnnnf 6:}. hymn. .. ...L _ _ _ . _,- - HE ORIGINAL OHLORODYNE, invented by R. Freeman, Pharmaceutist, hallowed to be one 0! the greatest discoveries ol the `present century, It is largely employed by the most eminent Physiciansand Surgeons in hapital and private practice in all parts of the world. It has eiscts peculiar to itself, and which are essential- ly dierent to those produced by the various compounds bearing the name oi Chlorodyne, but have no retence to possessing its virtues. It rapidly reieves pain, from whatever cause, al- lays the irritation of fever, soothes the system under exhausting diseases, and gives sleep with- out producing any one of the unpleasant feelings so commonly arising from the use oi opiates. It continues to hold its unshaxen position in the estimation of the Profession as the best, most reliable, and cheapest preparation. `Eminent and scientic Physicians made aflidavits that they have tested its eects in careful comparison with those of " DR. COLLIS BROWNWS GHLORTI- WEB UBIOTOU|ne. The Medical Times and Gazette, January 13th, 1866, states, II. hasan immense sale amongst ' the public, and is fire:-Icribed by scores of Ortho- dox Medical Pnctitioners,'and, of course, it would not. be thus singularly popular did it not supply a want. and (ill a place. Manufactured bv the Invnntm-_ Richard Free- B Wnl RUG DH place." Manufactured by the Inventor, Richard Free- man, 70, Kenuingzon Park Road, London, S. Thn w.'-:~-`inn Iunn nnrn-nvnrl nn Hm: flnun-nv-`no.0 EUOBO OI " UH. UUIJIAID DIUWJNI`4'D Ul1hUlSU- DYNE," and deposed to the facts that they lound it a more certain and reliable preparation, and greatly preferred FREEM.ANS." Earl Runnell 1-nmmnnien!.prl tn thn Rnvnl (`.nI- and greauy prelerreu "rn.|me.m..s.n :6." Earl Russell communicated to the Royal Col- lege of Physicians and to Mr Freeman, that in Mauilla the only remedy of any use in Cholera was Clxlorodine. '17.- ll.,l.'-..l I!.'_.... .....l IJ..-..u- 1.. .... ..--. Ion. ,. -_, -uuul, UUBN FLOUR ' CREAMS, kc: While in a liquid state oneor two drops of Magenta. A more simple or elegant tinting cannot be had. JONFECTIONERS will nd Magenta, Violet Orange and Pink useful colours. I yuq, ` nun an - vu -v--I uxvnurluul lxetutod neatly, cheaply, and expeditiously at he DAILY NEWS JOB PRINTING OFFICE. nuve Ieaceu Ins enecta In carerul complnson wgw those of" DR. COLLIS BROWNE S CHLOR0- DVKTYP '7 and rlnnnaarl tn 0|-.4; f..-on ol...p oh..- Fibre quickly, ifapnlied in GB, Wick: 5, Seaweed, hnu:...- uAn.U1:l: stir in A few Magenta, Mauve, Vio these impart delicate &c. nuuuurmaz Mhuv Purple, Orange, Pink,and Crime 1 clean. hm. :. I-- CUF- GONDY S PATENT 4 1..-- _., ,,.. .. mum water. ASH: xllagenta, for Pink ; pail ofwater, rir as usual. and crimson one bottle or l : inn few drops of Colour-- l, Violet, Blueor Pink; part tints to Lace, Linen, Wicker, Ivory, Bone, bres, -..-.. . 41 mxpennv bottle dissolved {APHS _ ' f Magenta. to a. rater. to {similar to Ward and Lock s -y be pi-ettiiy illum- i Linn v---/ - - ..;uu A UIJUA IDLU (ma 1ou.:'r '01:) the man. :... ..-A 5 me nancs. MEMORA NDA. The strnnath ....a 5 manner. E, JELLY, CORN Is, Whn. an A H- Sunday Dlret-to'ry-nunrs of Pnb- ` Ilc Worship. II. BOLLMAN CONDY, Patemee, Bactcrsca, London. __:__j_j___ mg was aye. Suitable also `roods, Silks, &c. Mauve, Violet, e, Crimson produce sfnctory Use nlnrnm uuurvulole. A uixpeuny hot- I Bonnet Ribbon in L m-odmm . .1-.- uununn LVUA. I a beauty of this I not-edible. Sixnennv hm- Viola}. and arm ' OZONISED WATER, I:--nu nu-v..n,....... \ u 01 uonnet Ribbon produce a. clear dve. Snin.I.I....IM in the bath will Le, according to _ l tint. a quart. r Wool in tho | ueumzy or this ' Sixpeuny met Ribbon in i S1-. Pw1.'n;Cntmcn (Queen Stmt-t).-Morning Service, 11:00 ; Evening Service (free), 6:30. Q: l...-.! IV...-...... 1I'Y..:.u.\ __\lnv~ninn Juuue clear Suitable Silica, kn FLOUR innit! soar... x Bax-Vbidvgu, and Sqlli oeiu Indonta tnt1Ya`r dlo'y t -00. : props:-itionl. Mgnufaotory, '7 v7Vino Se:-eat, Bloomsbury. London, and Depot, 5 Rue dn Grand Ohnntlor. Paris. Established 1770.; ;-.uau In uu-tons of3 Tsbleu. _ -_ ' Pomndes, Bose and Violet Powden, 00!` e metice, French Extncta, Lavepder Wam, Cherry 'l`oothPute. Lime Juice `uni Glyeotinh and every dueription of preparation: for the Toilet. ' II on same: Bnr._bide 59?" '5`. . oeiv:.I.ndentI tntyaidley -00'}: p1'0P`|" 5 `7vWino B_l0gIIlb|1_l'!s London. and Dam " ""` " ( nnuul at 00., Fancy Soap Makers and [ X Petfumers. Prize Medal awurdod for Purity and Excellence of Quality, London and Paris. PATENT SUNFLOWER on. 364?. GLYOE_BINR SOAP. _Every variety of Ir..." n---- =- `L " uh I UEBINE Every variety .0! Fancy 8 Also in Onrtons Ponndes. Rose and V:-I- __- EDwjN CANTON, Surgeon to Char-in ESQ, F.R.O.S., ` I .......~u 4 wave also employed with 1 View to test their relative auperiority. TIDHAN S `sin SALT, for producing a real Bea Bath in your own Room. The above favourite preparation in strongly recom- mended. Sole Proprietors--TIDHAN & SON, Ghoul; I ists,-'16 Wormwood Street`, London, 12.0. I 1., . ....- __ DB. GRANVILLE, l?'.B.S., Author of the S Dr. Gran Light.-Brown pas of Ge:-mapy. ville] has found that Dr. de Jo: Cod Liver Oil produce 3 the de _ effect an a shorter time than ` cause the nausea and in ' often consequent on the administration 01 pale oil. DR. BARLOW, F.R.S., Senior Physician to Guy's Hospital. I have frequent] suiting me to make Liver Oil. I hlvebee effects, and believe it to be a very pure oil, well tted for those cases in ' ` substance is indicated. wvg.-vv, n-.vv . -IwnAu5 uununuv \||ht\), vuvvu Sr. Jana Cacncu (Union St:-eet).-Morning Service, 11:00; Evening Service (free), 6:30. 81-. Int`: Cacncu (Barrieeld).--Mor'nring Service. 11:00. n,,.__ __ ,n__.___,,.L\ |l-_._:_... uweu Ior those um wry 0! London. , In all cases! have found Dr. de Jongh a Light.-Brown Cod Liver Oil possessing the some set of properties, among which the presence oi cholaic compoun , and of iodine in 1 state of organic combination, are` the most remarknblo. It is, I believe, universally acknowledged that this oil has great therapeutic power; and from mv invnuo3-...:...... 1' gm- --._............., are we most remarksblo. therapeutic my inveytigations,-I have no doubt ofits being a pure and unadulterated article. one kind of Cod Liver Oil whichia ,uuivorsally admitted to be genuine--the Light-Brown Oil supplied by Dr. do Jongh. It has long been our practice, when prescribing the oil, to recommend this kind, since, amidst s much variety and un- certainty, we have condence in its genuine- ness.-(Extraot from Consumption: its Early and Remediable Stages.) DR. LANKESTER, F.Rs., Coroner for Central Middlesex. I consider that the purity of this oil is secur- ed in its preparation, by the personal attention of so good a chemist and intelligent a physician as Dr. de Jough`, who has also written the best quainted. Hence, I deem the Cod Liver Oilsold under his guarantee to be preferable to any other kind as regards genuineness and rnedical em-' cacy. ; Medical Ooer of Health DR. LETHEBY, ...5..u-uruwu uou mver U11. 1 consider it t6'be a very pure oil, not likely to create disgust, and a therapeutic agent of great value." DR. EDWARD SMITH, F.R.S., Medical Oicer to the Poor Law Board of Great Britain. _ ..,-.-..... ... uuuuuy so me Queen in l I have frequently prescribed Dr. de . Light-Brown Cod Liver Oil. I consideri very pure oil. nm. Ialmlu on ..-.....- ;s_.,,, us 1 Jun Ulla. DR. DE JONGH S Oil is convincingly proved by an overwhelming weight of medical testimony, and by the practical test of successful experience for twenty years in all parts of the world, to be, beyond all question, the purest, the most eica.- cious, the most palatable, and, from its rapid curative`e`ccla, the most economical of all kinds. Hence the universal celebrity oi Dr. `de Jongh's Oil, and the unparalleled demand for this auri- valled preparation. ` - 3 SELECT ,AM.EDICAL OPINIONS. , SIR HENRY MARSH, ma-r., u.n., Physician in Ordinary to the Queen in Ireland. fremmntlu n.-......n....a n- .1, v - The Farmer's Guide % By Henry Stephen: of Edinburgh and the late J. P.Norton, of Yale College. 2 vols. Royal Oc- tavo 1600 pages and numerous Engravingi. P_I,iIQE--A$7, for the two volum . Bv n vu, wuu and Engr: PRICE-87, volumes. post paid. $8. ZUIIIIII` IXIVIU` l\'.vv navsunua I\7IVl\T \-\.\l Rnmmoca Tsnnnsc: Mnsrnso at the Sons of Tempernnc Hall, Princess Street, every Sunday nnernoon, from 4; to 5 o'clock. uuv. TERMS FOR 1869. For any one of the tour Reviews For any two of ..he four Reviews For any three of this four Reviews For all four of the Reviews For BIa.ckwood's Magazine - For Blackwood and one Review For Blackwood and two Reviews For Blackwood and three Reviews For Blackword and four Reviews P 0 S _T A G E . When sent by mall, the Postage to any pun of the United States will be bgt Twent fo Can a. year for Blackwood, and I195 13%: cent; a year for each of the Reviews. punun vv uuu no nuuusu nun MAGAZINE (Tory.) - HESE foreign periodicals are regularly 1-. published by us in the same style ashezggo. fore. Those who know them and who lmvg long subscribed to them, need no `reminder; those whom the civil war of the last few years had deprived of their once welcome sup ly of the best periodical literature, will be gla_ to have them again within their reach ; and those who may never yet have met with them, will assiued. ly be well pleased to receive accredited report; of the progress of European science and litera- ture. THE LONDON QUARTERLY (oonuernuve THE EDINBURGH REVIEW (Whig). THE WESTMINSTER REVIEW (Radical). THE NORTH BRITISH REVIEW (Prue chih) AIID , BLAOKWOODS EDINBURGH MAGAZINE (Tory.) - And 3 large amount of Egeue;-.1 Pxfice, Five Centa. Sub: A11 TARDLEY as 00,, Perfnmnn n-:` The L. S. Pub. Oo.:l-so publish 4___._ BRITISH PERIODICALS. ENTEBTAININIII .swon1n:5:::?; \d I In-an nmrmnt n4` ..........1 - .. an ' .5UAP. van-ie:;`.`:>! Soaps in lb Burl. gm-toga of 3 Tsblon. S1'.Gmo|m|'a Cnunnluu.--Morning Service 11:00 ; Xilimry Service, 3:00 r.x.; Evening Ser- f, 7:00. POSTAGE. It b7 mall. the Pants. ._________._____. JONGH'S LIGHT-BROWN GOD LIVER OIL. 31- ind Chi the City of London. man T In... I----1 " muuts LIGHT OIL. Erna n.-I :_ __ me roor Law Board . great advantage that there in Liver which in univnr-"nil-v __________________ 3 We Medal n-..a.a 4'... .u want sums, and till` sea indigestion too of the , Chief Analyst to ,_ --._...,.,. d -Tough : l produces desired : other kinds, and this 98 indizeatinn tnn vvn vnuv, . n.vv. Sr. Jonx`s Cncncn (Porumouth).-Morning Service, X0230; Afternoon Service, 4:10. Au. SAuI-rs` C|mncn,(Diviaion Street,) free. --Iorning Services, 8:00, And ll:00 3.11:. with cannon; Aernoon, 4:30 p.m.; Evening Service, 7:30 pm. n, . ,,, ,,,_, _,_ ,r\_g__ _ chin Lissj _ _ . . _ . u -. ya-uu. ad Jongls I to be ream dinonno and IVILI I -VU 10.00 13.00 1 6.00 "I: 10.00 12.00 401: I Two ansue. / partneuhfp"No66el, ` individmlfenbuf - rrloe xor ` V ,1 gmau. zmwd A month. ` SATURDAY EVENING, AUGEJS . 4v`w1_ul sue pnvugu-MW I month. , L .<, Hnlfsqugn og` ' with same pr! ' _ 3` KR.--'l'ha mush` bermonlj. _ -toho on the anxnonodu Ini Rnninann Nnnnl." `uni 0!! I113 II? T T Business Noam. 1 VI LII.` --nouns: ' - heading, luded; snred by I seglo - ' under` 10 linol"I_ Other Nanci; ofwhich into" IIIEBIIIOII. , Subsequent once 0 week, 4 11317: :1! P ` 6 line! and. . V and 13 cent! I03... In 1:... Q1 1: A ll CEIIIIIT cwryui .u.om1o_vnq,u n. and two I 't' . `. .f..`...-_u._:- gum: 10. wall lo hues, 17 oenufor ' _ Above4o)hnJ. wun grate: mpg in the City, all ,3 may be fnvori. l!u.n. ' ` "lg Dlrvluu {live}, Uzvv. OOIGBIOATIOIAL Ciwncn (Wellington street) -Morning service, 11:00 ; Evening service, 630. Bumsr Cutmca (Johnson Strcet)..-Morning Service, 11:00 : Evening Service, 6:30. S1`. MARY : CLTRIDRAL (Roman Catholic).- Mus, 7; Military 9 n.m.; Mass 10:30 n.m.; Vpnu-rm 3-20 h m, Job P:inuug,='nil % us ennnua with gresteta the Bin, .1 runes, uxgnl; &_c. Every bottle of ugh we will give A,` is put up in half: no -3 ..--'-l3 u Pi-no-. 0::-mu Even can ?`9'*<--- I sums mg` `Inns, 4 u.m.; muuu-y ;v u.:u., aura: W... ......., `Vespers. 3:30 p m. Crrnouc Ar-ocrouc Cscncn (Queen Street)- Iorning Sen-iob, 10:00; Evening Service, 500. ....- -1~.......-....... \n~"..-n .} [kn en... unonm we nave Illttd ; end we may early .3. some the feet that Mr Bessemer nd: no dimcul. Q h eonnruoting funucee to withstand [ha reanre without extrevegunt weir Ind tear. gun in e point on which we have ee yet no in. forundon, nor have we any etetoueiit of the no lathe eouuaption of fuel on the ok! and new lyellln. An idet of the contraction of the fur- nee IL*Va In I very few worde. -It is e cupole once, with e very (compnretively) narrow outlet, cloned by loaded raga. wh_i|e in ~:v- H .A..oA11Pn 11:53.; luau. RIO! ~ W. H. WILSO _ ` Hon. JOHN 0!: ` I}ILL,7xs`o.,' ` ' e Auuqu. . July In. Inn _..-nu `IN If i went; 91.301809 Ileaan lvu|_s_.._] attended to. `Q _ !!l,,lU!!`r|! mhesqu:u&9J.- II The halfaqmn l,l,! `Prim for nnumht. S1. Axnnufs Canon (Princes: Street).- llorning Service, 11:00; Evening, Service, 6:30. TOG ll lira Price for nun,` , unwith ma `mi '4 Price: to" ; any but Hdnin direct to an"- welt: M tn'aI.. n_-M uu Dlllrn Do of .. ll Rm-in-qq H4: Buxrrxamq 11110 , 1' .-My lIt...l;8o7,.-, Cnuuna Cmmca (Earl Street).-)[ service, 11:00 ; Evening Service, 6:30. n_--.. n_.__.__ n__.._.._... ... .......... ll"... ` ppper-Cnbln Swan %n...... onpnxonq, ' 031` . . . . . ` Sinclnir, QGTON. . . . . ` Fan-ell, ` " Simpson, ION . . Gannich V ELAN .. " Dunlap. ' Steamers of the shove Lin Lawrence Wharf, foot of Jo orontoand Haumlton every ' excepted) at ` HALF-PAST FIVE __- ..t olus onnnnnna -lIl _` WA'1'E1rimWN, ` . Euoxut. Sums. Inna, lave Kingston duily ) nt 4 AM; (except Ion with lhe`Grand Trunk Train P.|l.. connectiig with the from . the West nnd- J . meeting: the 4:30 P.I. Indoswego, am} the Nqrtharn W3oxnpny'| P ln flowing Onwego and ! WesNrIl,PorII y only It 8 LI. `D nulvrrn `LIIIIII Of JODIISOD DIEGO`. going? to the . West on via Gm: Western,` Dotroi nnd Iichignn Central Rsilvn :g|,igggo, lilwankeo, `Grand 3 311 the principal points in the vi Pacic Railroad to Uuh, No `A Hand: and Onliforllin. / comfortable and Oonvenienc W nnd Gentlemen on tho W C. H. HATOH _`_ ` . _ . P. ogiego, Ohsrlotta (Lcndjn ~ nigger: Fall: ind Bnalo), ! oltho 28th inst. ' 9 13?; mG'nAs'r at 4:00 LI. 901116 WEST st 6:00 P.K. ,,_._. oII:-I.'... ml- .9 on. gas: I `:35: 19-! , 1n1-qmsx.xa,~ Ohpefnceut. :_ A ` LII. on mint of the In!!! _ uauqxa EIIIUAXB I the game As other days. _ ,, WOLFE ISLAND 9. Al .1-gz -I-.u. And 7 ml. - W ' G: I. KINJHORIU E? Winn-F fnnt nf II:-nke ', I: `1zTIi_':s-_r<)_t.-t.b_v5s : ' KiNGBTON every day ( pm 8:15 A.l., 11:30 AJL, 1 3% wows cum `: undnyq ' ` It `I, L1 A.r1.,"1 21.; ;g.I;, 5 un.-vna, ...vv ' Aavxulub .n....,-, V.-. 4 Wnsunu Slimonxsr Cumcu (Sydcnham Stu-et).--Morning Service, 10:30; Evening Ser- vice. 6:30. , naur-PAST THREE dcl ` lanes Bellevillqevery dbl ;% of `F1-cight or piukge ipplr bond, or to .. Jr0ABB.UTHE1Bi8 v . 9 ran "3- 3' EBAY. OF QUIN l`E. 0Arnu Fun: Conn, ,I.nAv'n 0ABBU'l'HllR S w 1` William Street, for the - 3 Ports every .11 y__ Sn , au.r.1>A s1: Tags; (:1 LIX Pall--ill; nu... A--` ;:";':'r as ~' ,-"furry wuu-moo: or amt-an u,u.y :1, was. 2 xi.` -. .Aul'lnun LIVI- 3, `no, one of (pa Steamers will 3| ovary Mommy (Monday ems '1` FIVE, touching st 0 AB Ii aidbmg Vlnoen 3-Line of` tean ` Foot of Brook. 8 Ln! 2'(th_Apri1, I859. L. DAAILY`BOA'1`-1 : Ill. Plcton and Bell uuunu u;---- -v -.v-_u -.-. ` jggo Ticket: apply at the olli jBrol., Ontario Street, or It the ; Steamboit "Oce, St. La 38 of Johnson Street. _.- anind tn than wall pain HIRSDAYB FRIDAYS /14 In Anna 1: ntluun (`nun -\I In\.\' nA.vv, nu.-`nub \J\r|vlv\y `nu... Bnocx S-run Pusan-mum Cucncu.-Morn- ing Service, 11:00 ; Evening Service, 6:00. 4nV_..._..... u.._...-..._ rV.......u. /Q.-.l...-J...-... `PIERREPONT, IT, BIT AB Dtfn |,JnIy 5, 1869. I and Wolfe 1818!` > On and ;_)?e:-Juni lit I ROYAL HAIL STEAIEB 31:. I ' lupin Agent. : `DIP! mu 186.9: ,- ---_.__._._____.jj 1 and. eananoane XVIILI 3;. uni: oftho fol -.-.r "'- ` that-:s`s LINE. KG ofthe Iplondidlalko Ste -,5 tn ____;__;_:__ SIHGLE COPIES of the I IN! It counter of oh. nn|.n--.:-_ KT ` F y wadgaay, 18`:-&_ tmnu.I `ml 31-nnn ...Opt. J. J. Horl H J. B. In sI'Ul1 Kg!` v Ixv u..vv. Wxsuvnt Mnnopxar Cncncn (Queen Street) -Morning Servio, 10:30; Evening Service 6:30. -- .. .n u n.__-.\ --.Iuuuug uc|u\x,1u.av, uvcunus nu nu, ---~v lrraomsr Ertaconl. Curncn (Johv-`I500 Street) -Moruing Service (free),*l0:30i E" ing Service (free), 6:00. ' n.`.......... . .......... n.......... Iwulimnnn street) U-OV- PI.nn'm1 Mnnomsr Cnmaca (Brock_Su'f*-ct) -!lorning Service, 10:30; Evening Scrvxco, 0:00 u............. n.....m.... n.....m. (Johnson Q` SE11. LAST PA 08 . Z`; Traveilbfs i ;;t-;l-(_:`-Illdc. _:_._..._.___.. In Gind, living in the northern part of Me- rion zcouuty, lowe, died on Seturdsy, from the elects of {right It the eclipse. The London Globe eeys: "Mr Beseemer, whose Inns in so intimstely eaeociete-l with progress is the manufacture or steel, has lately patented soother invention which in likely to here an im- portant inuence on the msnufecture of iron. Thi motel is improved, up to s. certain point at all events, by eueeeseive re smelting, and thus old izon hoe eoneidernble value. The value, howevenie consider-ehly diminished by the uit- cnlty experienced in fusing such msteriels on old reils sud screp iron. But by Mr Bessemer : lest invention these refractory murerisle are run down like wu, end A charge isamelted in e few ' require msny hours and I lsrge expenditure of fuel to eect the fusion en the common syetem. The eecret lies in the em- nttnosphere end I half, or two Atmospheres, end the oonoeutrstion of heat in this compressed sir is `mtcieet to produce the striking elect we have mentioned. In prsctlee it is notfound ne- eeesery to iucneoe the preesure beyond the amount we have stated ; end Ir dim....:_ Gt): Elailg `Ncms. Kxsros POST 0rr1-cr-:. (`Jung voila IAB1`. 1:30 p In. Mixed train 2:45 Lm. 1:50 -- " H 6:15 H 2 RICE! Ciao Ia '.|llU W11. {:05 mm. B Mixed tnin 10:00 a. In. at in 7-110 u ruvuc - BRITISH NAILS llenmnrn -ill b....I..... r may 5: on ottice_ Prin- , I we puuucauon t hree coppers. 1;d SINGLE COPIES of the DAILY . Nzws may be had at the counter of the publication oice, Princess street, price three -ue tum; played out. It is my earnest wish thut in case of another nid, every Feuiui caught in the country will be in- Ituntly shot. It is the only cure for Fen- ieuiun, or any other kind of libusteriug. From whet I could learn it is the plea of the leaders to attempt the crossing at three different poinle,-Sarnia, Buffalo, and a point near Malone. They are perfectly posted its to the number lld distribution of both regular: and volunteers throughout the Province, and seem to think that now or never is their opportunity -the removal of the troops and the fact 01 the crops being so for udnnced that they will be enabled to live on the country, being to their ad- veutsge." ' the rmh u ; nuuu 1` KEYPEE Solo Manufacturer :-A. P. ` Ihncheatqr. /I \I- wanna. LIQ. oanoaoronu} Go. on CHLORODYNE WITHOUT pnppnauuwr. 80lOu8nl1fAntnrAI--` 3 '`~ ' ___ ___,,.... .. ....... ....u;a. -umc2t. TOWllE S CHLORODYNE. The Original Preparation 0! known Composi- tion. From Dr 0. Kidd, Author of Standard Works on Chloroform. Sackville-etreet, Piccadilly, London. sir-,,-1 think if you would advertise your Chlorodyne more than yon do, you would help to beat the others, which are secret com- pounds, out of the market. Many medical men think with me, and recommend your com- pound, but will never prescribe a secret re- may, Csaxmts Kmn, ILD. To Mr Towle, Chemist, Manchester. A Surgeon from New York writes :-I only requires to be known to be appreciated. I have no hesitatien in characterising it (viz., 'l`owle s Chlorodyne) as the most useful medi- cine that has appeared during the present century. In diarrbuaa, colic, ague, spasms, I have found itwto relieve more pain and cause Nos-n.-'l`he Profession is warned against in- ferior, secret, and cheap compounds now in the market. Each genuine bottle bears a fac- simile of Proprietor s signature on the stamp outside. 7. run A... .._, IIVC. The day seems as yet, unhappily, for dis- tant when public opinion or State interfer- ence will prevent the advertisement or sale of any secret medicine whatsoever. It is to be hoped that the profusion will continue to bind as unworthy the conduct of those of its members who by testimonial or otherwise aid the disposal of such things.-Lanc2t. 'I'nWLIa`. Q {Yul nnnnv---- ,,,_..., n-VI EARL RUSSELL sent to the Oollege.of Physicians 3 communication received by him from lanilla (where cholera had been ging fearfully) to the effect that, of all remedies triqd, Ohlorodyne was the most effec- tive. nursing. < By the combination of the Iron or Iodine with Cress Seeds in a state of germination, they are united with organic life, which thus renders them digestible. The in-itative and stubborn mineral has thus become the nucleus of an organic substance capable of being ab- sorbed by the blood without injury to the Agent for England and British Posseasions, E. G. DUFRESNE, 79 Watling Street. Mav ha nhtnina.-I no`-u nt.-_.,. V In no. They onsist of three preparations- THE BAUDEINE, An eicient'end prompt Remedy for Cholera, Yellow Fever, Dinrrbau, Dyseniery, and the excessive `action of the Bowels. A gold medal was awarded by the French Government to Dr V. Band for this valuable preparation. Price: Small, ls lid; Medium, -13 5d; Large Size, 113 per Bottle. THE DIASTATIZED IRON, For strengthening the System.--Pi-ice 25 9d \_ per Bottle. THE DIASTATIZED IODINE, For purifying the Blood.-l i-ice 25 9d per Bottle. ',' The above Preparations are in the form ofsweetmesta, pleasant to the taste, and par- Liculnrly adapted for Infants and Mother: nursing. Bv [ha nnmhinnoim. at .L. L, - - "WHIS Company has been doing business in Canada for nearly 50 years, and during that time has secured the public condence by the prompt and liberal semementof every fair claim. It has fully complied with the laws ofcanada by the deposit with the Government of Stocks to the amount of A...` l\l\a| EFDQUCGQ CINES. 'l"L.. .............e.. um. man we remhn organi- zation is atronger at the present time than at any previous period. I would also re- mark that, since the withdrawal of the troops from Uanada, the scoundrels have been busily engaged making preparations for another raid on a larger scale than the asco of 1866. They have learnt some- thing by that aair, and have seen the folly of blazoning their intentions to the world, and the present movement in being conducted in such a quiet manner that outsider are apt to think the thing played It is yviah another nu! nvnrw Quvovvv And in preplred to issue policies on terms as low as the safety of the assured will permit. _ JAMES SWIFT R. V. BAUD, Graduate and Member of the Medical. College of Paris, CbiefPbysicisu Exlnordinnry for Epidemics in Paris, late MD. of the Givi Hospitals of Algiers, has just in- troduced i England bis ORGANIC MEDI- QJ IJU, Losses paid in 50 years, I , ....u uuguca Lu reasonable rates. JAMES SWIFT, Agent, Kingston, March 31, `69. St. Lawrence Wbnrt. Etna Insurance Co. of 4.'__.J r1 :.-_-- -uu-xuuuuw \JU. U1 L.l.itl'L` ford, Conn PAID UP OAPITAL AND SURPLUS-- $5,l50,93l,7l. [.l\aA.s n..:/I :.. {A ._..i. ` . ___ DR. VICTOR BAUD S ORGANIQMEDICINE. . Acanutus. . ueneral Agent. INCORPORATED IN 1819. CAPITAL s3,ooo,ooo. ASSE 1'S$5,150,931,71 ULL AND CARGO RISKS to and from Inland Ports on favourable terms. Losses promplly and liberally adjusted and paid in Cannda Currency. ' JAMES;SWlFT, Agent, Inch 31, 1869. St. Lawrence Wharf. j_-. llome Insurance Company or New Haven, D Sprouts- FHKE U1 l'|'ClXll| risk assumed. -.-- I I > ! " " I ZUU [rim is bglontrenl me, from which dsduct 12] minutes for the dierence between Montreal and Kingston time.) 1369. Marine Insurance. 1569. Home Insu1"m1ce Coxupauy New Haven, ,Co71;n_ CAPITAL .. .. $1,000,000. PREMIUMS RECEIVED DURING 186 52,079,896. Funds deposited in me hand: no` .1... 11.-.....-... L$":07 deposited the t for thy <.ar-uv-itv . `Elna Insurance Company Hartford, Conn. Y. F 3....-- I H "` " kj Uuuz--UIIIVDOO BUVBI, AIDKIIOD, U.W. J. P. GILDIISLIIVI. L.L.B. | R105. '1`. Wunu. Richard '1`. Wulkem, $0LIOITOR IN OHANOERY. Otce--0lnnanoo Stmet, Kingston, 0.W. Gu.DlnsLnvI_ L.L_R. I Rmn. 'l`_ Wu.IrIu_ OFFICE REMOVED TU KING STREET NEARLY OPPOSITE THE CITY BOOK STORE. Joseph Euwden, ["l`o1lNEY` A'1`- I A W, Solicitor _ In Chancery, Notary P ublic, &c., 33 lung stroct, Kingston. ~- _.__._ Plloanlx I-`Ire Assurance Company OF LONDON. A . ....,....... uuu onusn rosseasic Wading Mny be obtained of all Chemists. ..j A ~ ,__,__ - -. . ......__v \|.IllID.1U r.l. 1:-I3 1'.-`ll. 3:l5 2:15 at Ru! and West night trains 9:00 7:00 AM. UNITED STATES IAILS. Through luils for New Yotk, Boston, Oawego Ind Cape Vincent, will be closed at l:30 P.M., nnd Hails from these places will be due for de. livery at 12:30, Pl. Asecond Inil for Cape Vincent will be closed at 5:30, RI, and one will be due here for delivery at`! A LL, daily, _ Sundnys excepted. nnvnuuru .. . -- .. St. L: Kingston, March 31, 1869. CH) D. Snnnn. Camus Wnnson` Pnsident. Secretary CASH CAPITAL .. ._. $1,000,000. AKE AND RIVER RISKS taken on bulls and cargoes at reasonable JAMRQ bnlnnvn A_-_. L9a,ua a,ovD. Funds bands of the Goverment for mu security of Pulicyhulders. " All ne risks carefully surveyed, and the Me of Premium made to correspond with the ink Kingston, March 31, 1869. A Oice-33, Clarence Street. Kingston, March 20, I862. Z CHOLERA, DIARRHCEA, g LVARL RUSSELL 1:113 com 1' Phvsininnn A nnm-.-.....:..... __ Agent at Kingston, TH .I. R. Smith, nl.n., 1 )HYSIOIAN. summon, ac., POR 1`l.AND,} Residence Hnrmwnmith, Glldel-sleeve do Walknm. ARRISTERS and ATTORNEYS-at-LAW, Cnnvavnnm-rs. Nntnrion Public n x muuuw, autsunu, Residence Hnrrowslnith. nxuucunlsa and n1 1vmI|.|i ' Couveynucera, Notaries Public. l'll..I.....; III lI7--lL.._ Royal Assurance Company 01 NR1: ma: ha Inn! .5 n.-. IJIII |.lI.ll'lI L. J`. Exxon, President. I'lYI\r\r\r\4\-` . ._ or LIVERPOOL AND LONDON. MAXWELL W.STRAN,GE, An-nl-IO 4'... l(:......... . _ _ .. .,.. \. nuvurusu your 3 LB ut. with : awle, ion Ynr-It ...a.... u- uu : nueasxon Is warned 1:, 'opriotor Qlgnnture on 0.. .r...... 350.000 _ ton, THUS. KIRKPATRIO K. e assured will SWIFT, Agent, St. Lawrence Wharf. . 1869, - any II 11 I Per Ouuardnnd Bremen lines, eve and Tuesday respectively at 5 RM.

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