nunu I UU., General Agents. V_._j-4i`- _ . . _ . . . y . V ~ . u nu.-too, as IUIIUWB 2 Grand Trunk Reilway Coinpeny-A double journey ticket to Toronto for a single fnro. Richelieu Steamboat Compeny-A reduction of two-tbirda,menls and berths included. Great Western Railway Compeny-A return ticket from Toronto at quarter fare. (Want..- ....a 13--.- a . _ . _ ,_.- n VIVHE ANNUAL MEETING of the Oauldinn Medical Aesociution will be held in the City of TORONTO, Ontario, on WEDNESDAY, 8th September, 1869, in the Convocntion Hull, University of Toromo. ll-_.I_-_- ,: .| n _..-.....J V. nvlvulv. Members of the Committees are requested to meet on the 71!] September, for the purpose of completing their Reports. Thu Fnllnmlnnl` ____ _:.- __:u ,, . .- I V-.. -.\..-u` suvu Lucy-1| II. The following Companies will grant tickets to holders of certicues, as follows : 11---.) 'I\-.._l. n_:I_, _. n - ` ...._-. nvnvulu -1. yluulrar lIIl'U. Quebec and Gui!` Ports Steamship Company -A reduction of 25 per cent from their passen- ger fines, meals and berths inciuded. Canadian Navignlion Company-At reduced ca. TEE PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing be- tween J. H. Johnston and Wm. King, under the nun and style of JOHNaTON & KING, was this day dissolved by mutual con- sent. The business will be carried on in future by Mr Kimr, who will suume all liabilities due by and collet all debts due to the late rm. J. H. JOHNSTON, W. KING. Rinaston. Ana IR man lnm meznlou. Ass0EIA'rIoN. l nnnnu u um-uuu Isle Tuchor for W School Section No. 1. Township of Piuabnrg, in the Villngo of Bnrrioeld. Apply to It I. Bu-nchnn or Ir Robert Forbes, Barrieeld. Ann 94 mss01.u'r10N 07 PARTNERSHIP. V81. Lawrence Tow-Boat Company-At half fare. The following are the Secretaries to whom application must be nude for obtaining certi-' cnlee:-J. P. Rollot, M.D., Montreal; W. Can- ni', MD, Toronto; A. Moran, M D., Halifax, `.\'.b'.; W. S. Harding. M.D _ St. John, NB. A. G. BELLEAU, M.D , : General Secretary, O.M.A. Quebec. Ann. 14. 1869 Summer Goods selling ClIeap_at llnc Montreal House. Ten per lceut 011 all I-`aucy Dresses. 7]-`HE nen TASTELESS Cutor Oil is to be bought. from 1EALED TENDERS, addressed to the under- signed at this Department, will be received until noon, on SATURDAY, 4th September next, ` For the construction of the following Works:- AT BALSAM RIVER, BETWEEN BALSAM AND CAMERON LAKES, A Lock and dam, with slide, of wood, on the- Balsam River; also I drawbridge sud pier at Rosedale ; also fon-deepening the bed of Balsam River. Plans and specications can be_seen av. this Department. A Kitchen, Laundry, Medical Snperinten. dent s Residence, Main Drnin, Workshops, Stable, Barns, Outbuildings, Airing Yard, Walls`, Lodge Entrnnces, Roads nnd Fences, to be con- structed st the above mentioned Asylum. Plans and apecicatinns can be aeen at this Depart- ment, and at the Oily Hall, London. 1'!` Tull` nl7|.I7| Ann nrrun uuanumrrmrnxv ........, nu`. - slaw uu ..u--, uvuuvu . _, . AT THE DEAF AND DUMB INSTITUTION, BELLEVILLE. FLAG` OH A Burn and other Outbuildings, Main Drain, Lodge Entrnnco, Roads and Fences, to be con- structed at the above mentioned Institution. Plans and specications can be seen at this Da- pnrtment, and at the Office on the grounds, Bellevle. V Printed forms of tender cm be had on appli- cation to the Department, and at the Above mentioned places, where the plums ere ex- bibiled. _ For deepening the chnnnela of Mnskokn and Rousseau Rivera. No Tender will be received unless it contains the bond de signatures of two persons offering to become securities for the due fullment of the contract. ' The loiest or any tender will not neoouarily be accepted. Jnrm nnzmna , W Kingston, Aug. 18, I869. UOIIIIIIIBS Department of Public Works, Ontario, Toronto, Aug.16, 1869. ' UCDGPI Quebec, uug. 14, 1869. Llnen Sheetlngs. Cotton do. Ta- ble llamasks. Napkins. Towelllngs. Lace and Ilnslln Curtains. subject to 10 per cent discount at the non- treal House. PART! lat! Aug. 17. COMMON SCHUOLS; N 0 T 1 C E. Au.21. HE COIIION SCHOOLS will be re-opened T at the clone of the Holidays on MONDAY naxt,'lhe 30%|: August. ~ By order. Wu. ARHST RON G. TO CON TRAC I ORS. Board Room 0. S.'l'nuteu,` III:-1-.unu Ann GK IIRO AT THE LUNATIG ASYLUM, LONDON. DVERTIBEME TS fair the DAILY Nnws, inner: to appear the same" evening should be sent in :1: u only an hour in the day no possible. Aug. 17. KEN! ILOOIIII U. Do IKIIIUUUI, Kingston, Aug. 26, 1869. ]'AN`l`ED n Fl:-It-01333 Isle Teacher I. Tnunnmn ..r "mmcnnn WANT]! CASTOR OIL. M USKOKA DISTRICT. NOECE. R. WHITE. Chemist and Drnggiat. ARMSTRONG, Sec. B.o.s.'r. nnlnnn I JOHN OARLING, Commissioner. |X7...I,. n...-.:,. I UNI We take 10 per cent dlscoum 011' all Black silks and Fancy Silk Dresses at the Montreal House. unvunurn L n1u,ru I51UlAN-SURGEON, I I &c, on beconaulled at his otoe over Mr Linton s Auction Rooms, In all hours. Calla at any hour day or night promprly attended. I. JARVIS, M.D- Consulutiona free to tb: poor from 6:30 to 7:30, A.M. 1 7:30, _- t-:u--::I`1 GENERAL FORWARDERS AID SHIPPERB In-rwnl Ottawa, Kingston, Cape Vincent, Ogdensburgh and Oswego, and to And from points in the Bay of Quinta, River St. Law- rence And Luke Ohlmplniu. N PARLOR ORGANS, _ MBLODEIDNS. RAPPE, WEBER & 00., corner King and Princess Streets, Kingston, manu- facture Pianoes equal to any in the market, either of home or foreign make, and sell at moderate prices. Every Piano is warranted for ve years. They invite inspection oftbeir styles and quality of tone. Fire and Life Insurance Agent: and 0ica-Comme1-cial Dock, South side Princess Street, Kingston, On. May 29, 1869. . nuu qlnully OI IOIJE. Parlor Organs and Melodeons of various makers are kept in stock in the Piano Ware- room, and oered at mannfncuu-era prices. uunrunxnuuni DUUGIS O! U OX9 rooms, wiih good yard, stabllng, to. Apply at Daily News Oiee for nddreu. U u ngnsra brands :- "uu nencl," Paringas, _ Dnque do Ilomey, Lou Dos Cnrbajala," Flor de Tnbac, Regalia do Lnregns," Bcqum de Tabnc, Flor de Sanliagos, "Ln Garbolosa," El Cnpriecho de Cuba. 30,000 Mnnilln Oherqote. Also choice brands of pure Virginia Toblcco, and a splendid assortment of genuine leer- acbaum Pipes for sale, very cheap. All! ausntitv of Cut Tnhscenu and hnmn. Icunulu ripe! lur lane, Very cnenp. Any quantity Cut Tobaccoa and home- made Cigars always on bnnd. Try White a mixtures, Sweet as tho Ros." Q In guru. -o-u-n wv_ not-III V l IVIOIII (Late of London, Eng., and New York, U.S.) OM(EOPA'l`HIO, PHYSICIAN-SURGEON, &c. becomzuln-A n his nm... ..-... JUST RECEIVED. FRESH OYSTERS, R..W. AND A nmmown WORTH FIFTY 'l`lIOUbAND DOLl.AB8 HAS BEEN FOUND AT THE CAPE OF GOOD HOPE. ONE of MORRISON S Sugar-Cured Hgml would cost quite us much money ; yet at cerlnin times they an by far more valuable than diamonds. Dealers will nd our Stock not extn heavy but complete. All grades on hand. Coli- sumers will nd my pnoea reasonable and the quality superior to any in the market. PHYSICIANS Aim sunaaons. K I N G S T O N-. } IFHE SCHOOL OF MEIOINE at Kingston, incornornted under the. `above dmiunntinn. I 'nn DUDUULI U1` mnmuuuina an AIHKBIOII, 1 incorporated above designation, will commence its Sixteenth Session on WED- masmAv n.....n..-n man IODOI Will COIIIIIIBDCB ll-I DIXIEBIIIII DOES] NESDAY, October 6, 1869. PROFESSORS : Sm-gery-John R. Dickson, l{.D., H.110 P.L., M.R.0.S., Eng., And F,R.O.B., Edin., Presi- dent. Professor Dickson, Lecturer on Clinical Surgery. Medicino-'-F'ife Fowler, M.D., L.R.O.S., Edin., Reaiatrar. Aug. 17. lIl5ulClllB'*l.` H9 IOWIEI, H.147. 14.1`-U.D., nicun., Registrar. Professor H. Yates, 11.0., Lecturer on Clinical Medicino., etc.-Micbael Lavell, MD. Medical Jurispx-udenoe-Roderick Kennedy, I. D.. L.R.0.S.. Edin. GURNEY & GLIDDEN. nun:-..o ..........___ .4. ....-.v.-. ..u... y I Anatomy-Michael Sullivan, ILD. lhteria Medics, Therapeutics, and Pharmacy- H. Skinner, M.D., Member of the Phannn. comical Society of Great Briuia. Institutes of I{edicino-Junes Neiah, M.D. Chemistry and Practical Oho1nistry--N. F. Du- nuis. ILA. ' US1` RECEIVED, an assortment of Havana Cigars of the following choice and popular rand: July 29. UIIEIIIIIIY Hull rracucll UnI'IlIIlIl']-11. F. Ull- puii, ILA. _ Bohny-'l`homu R. Dupnil, ILD. Pnctical Anatomy-F`rnncia 1!. wafer, H.D.. Demonstrator. The College in slisted to Queen : Univer- Iity, so that Students may 1150 obtain the dunes of M11. ' Ill , 30 mar E degree of 1.11. UIVL- Il-I~-:-..I tall! Aug. 25. Market Square and Ontario Street. nu.-vu v. -.u. Tho lntricnlntlon nnd Curricnlnm In those established by the Itedicel Council of Ontario Any fuither infonnntion any he obtained by npplying to the President or Registrar. Kingston, 21st August, 1889. Dealers in Fmnwoon ofibe best quality. Aug. 24. 3. r. WIll'l`I5, \ Manufacturer and Wholesale Tobncconist, 1 Princess Street, Kingston. J ulv 29. WANTED. ; COMFORTABLE HOUSE of 3 or 9 } wiih annd mu-A tnhllncr J... Ann`: -. GENUINE HAVANA CIGARS! his noun COLLEGE IICII J UIIIPYUUBDX1 0., L.R.0.S., Edin. .nnnw_Hh.|..-I Gull: J-. JARVIS M-D. nf Y4-u.A.... n\__ -_ g u- COMMISSION MERCHANTS. FLOUR! FLOUR! FLOUR! R. 'r63rnu'_s_% 4.\.4..L4Lo ALSO. Plume. r Apples, Peaches, Pours, and Tomatoes, All ni. MOBRISON. D-I-4.`..- CA .--, ..... saw! .-u `nu A.-vwv< S. P. `WHITE, I Wholesale Tohncnnnin` In-n-nuv AV Princess Street, THE ENGLISHWOMANS DOMESTIC HA- GAZINE for Annual, 7 TEE PENNY ILLUSTRATED: London Pn- `: nu-_ HOU4 DEMORES'l"B Pu-lonr Mngazine, with Ooetume Plates, for September. = THE YOUNG ENGLISHWOHAN; the newest Fashions and Denilrna rm R...-un wan: lDnil_y and Weekly Newspapers And Magnziu I GODEY'S LADY S BOOK for September. Ll3`.SLlE S L ADY MAGAZINE for Soptunber. THE LADY'S FRIEND: Lizoutnro and Pu-in Fuliions. Bock. Store and Postage Stamp (mice. THE CLEVER WOMAN OF THE FAMILY, _ by the Author of the Heir of R.edcly`e." A Stormy Life, by Lady Georgina Fullerton. Nature's Nobleman, by the author of Rachel's Secret." The Gordian Knot, by Shirley Brooks. Greater Britain, by Dilke. Cast Up by the Sea, by Samuel Baker. The Chaplet of Pearls, by Miss Yonge. O'Gonnell s Speeches, edited by his Son. Lord Pluulrett s Speeches, edited by J.0. Hoey. Grattan e Speeches, edited by Madden. Curt-an's Speeches, edited by Davis. Shiel s Speeches, edited by MacNevin. The King and Commors,Oavalier, and Puritan Bong, selected and arranged by Henry Morley. The Story of the Chevalier Bayard. The History of the Caliph Vathek. Rasselas, Prince of Abyssinia. Abdallah, or the Four-leaved Shamrock. The Essays of Abraham Cowley. Saint Louis, King of France. ALSO Till`!-ICEIVED AT STACEY ! FOB SEPTEMBER. NEW BOOKS IJILLII. LlUInIIl' nlug 0| nrnnce. ALSO A fresh lot of Bulwex-'5, Dickens , Scott s, Level- s, Gooper s, Collins , &c., Novels, cheap editions. JOHN CBEIGIITON. Am-il 30, |HENDE_1_%s0N s.l D works, ll`. _ GARDNER'S QUININE WINE BITTERS, ` I For sale TONIC AND BIT'I;ERS]'l USE. For Indigestion, Favor, Ague, Hesdsehe,1ogs of appetite, lowness of spirits, nervousness, and for general debility, it will be found invaluable `to. .........o:.....-. o.u.h. -s...._-|.:_ -__1 .___ .1 _ lllmlllllll. _ Its qualities are not disguised ; last: it, tent It, prove it. nu. .\.-u.--. .u.-.....,, .. n .u u-. auuuu Auvllullu IE Its properties are tonic, atomachie, and gently stimulant. ha anal`-Han um nni .-Ii-nniaul . 1-..`. :5 4--. Observe the trade mark ti on theylubel, and an every bottle being seal with trade mark an]. II. \.xnn-ULVHII-' UUEIIJIII, Montrul, Sole Proprietor and Mnnufactgrer. 3" The above Bitten are chimed to be an- perior to anything yet oered to the pulplic. Aug. 21. Iuolliu April 30. Grocers ` Prepared by J . Gardner from the formula of I physician of Paris. The wonderful effect Q taking of it has in preventing the ts should in- duce :11 subject to Epilepsy to use it. In bot- tlea, price $1. Ask. for. Gal-dner s Epileptic Cure. _._n .-:u UILDERS sud others needing Lumber of my kind can be supplied from RAPPE, WEBER. 8 00 S yard, foot of Princess Street. Inquire at the Ooe, necond door from the earner of King Street. In]: I 7, OW BELLS, with Oolonrod Paris Fuhion Plates. llcG LL UNIVERSITY, Montreal. CHANGE OF TIHE. cm BogI_( STORE. Aug. 26. HE CIIIIEI of the FACULTY OF IIEDI. CINE will commence on TUESDAY, 00- TOBEB 5th, 1869, inupad of 2nd NOVEMBER, as provioull] announced. Ihcriculnion Exnminntinnl um L. Inn .. ECTURES on the Gospels, ; The Pathway of Safety, Our Church and her Services, Portraits from the Bible, The Putornl Ofoe, Parable: of Our Lord, The Earnestommnnicint. IF PIUVIUIIII HIUlII1u- Ihtriculstion Exnminntionn will be held on the rlt Saturday of OOTOBER, and the last Saturday of Eureka! the current year. ' | GEO. W. CAKPBKLL. A.H., .13., Dean of Fnnnltv, (Each ounce contains onb grain of Quinino.) en. 1:. is put up in quart wine bottles. 1 rioe-One Dollar. `I GADHVFD I11... is YOUNG ENGLISHWOIIAN; new nag Designs for Berlin Wool. nnumsu w UMAN` GA ZINE August, and Aug. 9. UFIICI U! I: July 17. ,.._ - -..- .._. .....-,...,_ ..... ............. ,Ang. 26 -The Times, referring condition of the British Coibnies, Cmuln is in all respects indepen- Ihe is tted to becdme 30. She mions of greit power, and it. is t of inquiry whether she might her Appropriate position. Aug. 26.-'l`he ship Agamem_ Hankow, June 9th, has arriv. the tin: gnrgo of the season. A telegraph from Pangor by way of to the Island of Java and thence is projected. August `27.-T1ie Journal Oiciel luu thus the recent amnesty grant- Ernperor does not extend to those been convicted of an a_tternpt. to life of the Emperor or that of any mat person. Impress Ind her son were very bril- wd entbusintically received at `HE I-IPILEPTIC CUBE, Mluisters and Men in the Far North, The Gates Ajar, by lira Phelps, Southey : Life of Wesley, Mocha) : Lexicon of Freemuonry, Hawthorne : Twice Told Tales, and other BISHOP OXENDEN S WORKS. Emerson : Essays And Oralioua, Stonehenge on the Horse,` The Crack Shot, by Bar_ber. The Gricket Field, by Pycro, Rural Poems, by W. Barnes, Hana Breiltnsuns Ballade, Thackeray : Works--new editions, The Book of Ready mnde Speech", Cookery Booku-lnrge assortment, &c,. ha, JUST RECEIVED MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS. The Most Useful apd Reliable LUM_]_3ER. BOOKS. E. STAGETS I-:1 Turks have decided that the ner Euroseas, claimed by the Ipriu. for the violation of neutra~ "rag the late troubles; in Candin, delivered up to the Greek Govern- Tie Pane has accepted the decision. A... OR 'l`l.- "I".'....-- _,.r..__:_._ UUl.lI|'. J. GARDNER, Chemist, Mann-9:] AT THE John Henderson, P1-incasn Slrae ICIIIICI auu 9 Princess Street.- kLL, l.D., of Faculty. uuu-5-.:_y mercnanui and Jobbers supplied at less than Montreal sale Pnces. 0' Ind "twine our Stock and judge for yourselves before purehuing elsewhere. IA Al`11T'l.1`n a_ II1AI\'I \I.1` `TINA LIFE INSURANCE COMPANFY_, on HARTFORD, CONN. " .:-- The totel business of the Run Lin Inn for 1868 shown:-Income, 36,000,227; Polieiu Ieened, 13,337; Amount Inland, 83813913` 486 ; Present Aeeete, over $12,000,000. The leading position of this Company in Oende. is shown by the following emtellnlt fliil the Oiciel Reports to the Dominion Government giving the 0e_ned_I business of the seven! 00!- paniee reporting for the your 1868 :- anon OOIPLIY, in the United Suteeudnedn, . Etna Life Ins. 0o. . l Atlantic Mutual. . . . Commercial Union. . Conn. Mutual . . . . . Equitable . . . . . . . . Lite Association . . . 1 London & Lanc-. ahire New York Lift . . . . North British 65 Her. Phcnnix Mutual. . . . Royal . ., . . . . . . . . .. Scottish Provincial. Standard 1 Travellers Life . . . . 1 n-y---1-I--"'y*'V' VI ._________;__7_____.__. No noun-rr Is mum to prove that a Comp with one set of expenses, as is done by ten other 1 penaee, can transact business more economically, :1 be 360:-dad where a large part of the income is requ Two or three good smart Oanussere wanted 1 1869. TI`EW FALL GOODS. 1869. poi" ""' ' I lor llu` (`l|iIu`St'v . 130138 _ `ddl Cl`i[I]C\l Any iuztilucuc`- ll 1m\ni:ur:\t`ion. It can. at I that the l t`:l(1't1U\V(`XD' at I? .4 wllll the t`.~nventiou' 35"-g`,-cxniticnt sh~u`.d yield '6 ,} Minister Burlingtuue's re BC; 1. 1: that the Con `ho WP.` .c the traditions "`Il\'Il'lll1t `urpri,g_ It now fl -" N :1,c;h.:r .\lr liurlingaute "began cm, the mind and pur- Tne .~`mn.Iard with ulegcnt` ,how that tin-_v ue #:'mPu13.gg_ which Mr Burling- me! possessed, and hopes will lend him to abandon witch secure neither honour tor mce and that the best men shall win. London, August '27, 8:48 p.m.-Thc race hzuweeu Oxford and llnrvurd crews was won hy Oxford hy three length.-I. six seconds hchind. London. August `.37.--Tho Ilarmrd crew won the toss,nud chose the Middlesex side, the outside ot the semicircle. Both hunts started at 5o`cloek 14 minutes 6; seconds. Harvard Oxford errivod at the Ship rst_ three lengths ahead, ve o'clock ? 36 minutes 47 seconds. Time of race, 22 minutes 40} seconds. The wea- ther was ne end /hot. There was some wind, hut the water wns in good condition- Before the race the excitement was intense` The river hanks had been lined with spec- tators since morning. The trains were al- most unable to carry the crowds waiting at the railwsv stations. N E W i:'1"%" 3 CONSISTIN G O!` ' _ . GONSISTING EW WHITE BRILLIANTS from Bid. to 1;. 6d. N Wlu ` NN Sgd. tclpjasi) 6411`. Ne; Prinied Muslins, 5d. to II. G` M B, an ew nu mreusu _Para.sols,2.3d. 15. N ' - 123. ed. ` New Hoeierfhnd Gloves, :18! alzefgnd :6l6|l:Iw. New Window Muslin, by the yard 10d. 1: 2 . Biah lins. New Prints and Ginchnmsj ed. In 2: 5 mew eugi:-:1:-'=-:1` .Yhi."' 3` _.. -um u-aunt, n.:_u|, so" 12s. ed.` New Hosieryind Gloves all sizes and oldurs. Vi": .0n-'1-tn ~ ~. yard, ,10d. to 23. Bishop : Lass: Wegte, P`,- and Ginghuns, 6d. to Is. NEW TWEIDS for Sumner Baits. mi` 1,..- Collars and 0113:. . . 5 3` Five Bales of COTTON YARN, CARPET WARP, BATTING and WADDIRG. Kingston, June 2, 1869. __ BUsIuEbs_ _.I_J1g`s AT] THE CONFEDERATION TRAVELLING SUITS at $10, Made to Order At 8LAVIN S. FULL DRESS SUITS Made to Order .. our new...- LACROSSE AND CRIOKETING SUITS Made to Order In at 11711115 BOATING AND HUNTING SUITS [ode to 0rdor_ IL at Awvnnu BOYS` AND MEN'S CLOTHING of all kinds Made to Order - AT SLAVIN S. Inn: '1 IRAQ Knmfston comma mot. GEO. '.EEO_. SO_1 &_ C9. _|nu -I"-"'-' "1"" -"' '- "" ' (.000 sdmtiunnl troops will be ggforcc the Spanish army in Cuba jcooming two works. `.1 bu secretary, whn were recent- lot the hold of n Carlist band, sentenced to death. Unsuccess- Iere nude by the wife and Polo for clemency in his behalf. uh: Carlist prisoners have been to death. A}: oiciol drcular inued by the Government thank- volnnteera And others for their ad: towards` the restoration of oppiislte the City ook Store, King Street, GENTS for Dow &: Go : celebrated EAST `_ INDIA PALE ALE, which my be had in wood or botlla. V ILVIJIQ I114 | in wood or bottle. IIIIII ll East India Pale per dozen . . Pale Bitter Ala . . . II It as I K :nnlun I-..- Kingatog, 26th August, 18/69. -?-:-j E[AVE NOW MUCH PLEASURE II INTIHATING THAT THEY HAVE BIOIIVID AND OPENED UP OVER ~ ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTY PACKAGE! NEW FALL (30005, Direct from the lhnnfoctllrrt - > Rnllnu-r E4-H A-"' August 6. Elm. India Pale Ale per dozen Pm-1.3! . I` Lunljalb 0 East India Pslo Ale per dozen . . 31 0Q Porter. H . . T .1 oo. Mild Ala -* H ,. . o 90` `A. stock of the above Ales than on hand nut! in ggod order. June 11. _ l ALL OI` THE ;NIWES'1` PA f'fEBl f` A good nasorunent of Wntch Iuterinll dvnyl on hand. J uly 29. `V ' We no propuod to oh: DECIDED BARGAINS IN ALL THE DEPARTMENTS. Country Merchants and Jobbers less Montreal Whole- nle pzon, Au;;us' 27.-TiIe steam- ulp|ulia,fro1n New Yorlg hag ar- W. c. HAVEN as Co., XOHANGE BROKERS, Ind Genenl In Innnoa Agents, luonlo Buildings, King Street. Knee`:-ox, Ont. ' W. 0. BAVII, I. 0. HLVII. June 16. , . 1/ n.umence-ru.uIu1sua u lately occupied by Dr. llacleon. March 8. R" HENRY 3. xvus, l.R.O.8. London. B.uidence-PB.INOBS8 srxnr, hom- lately occunied in Dr. lluslenn. Roenuums & POSTERS, Stem)- boat and Excursion Bills and Tickets, -w.u-no-A nvngplioinnalu no sin. TIL:-cw \Y-u-nu l.\\J\I'l\A.E.lIl!lD W KUDIBIID, DEBIT` executed expeditiously st the Dxnx NIWI Sum Pnnu-ma Hon-, Prinoou Shoot. ALE. I J uqg _2, 1889. IO, 19 and 15 Dollar: ADE TO ORDER and WARRANTED to Fit A . nu ncvou-u- Jewelry, Watches, Totals. ` P. SLAVIN & `co.,gA WELLIHGTOM RI llll Ill .r~- " `mu M pm.-r. for the warld at large. _;ugus! `.`7.-Thc gov.-rnxueut mjg pressure ofsolicitatiou from M, commute-1 thc denl: senten- nicnrlisx clcrgynlen, und there . .1. L. nu more xeculions. 5-1:s".;.x1o; he}. LABATPS MAcNEE_`__;__ \}_IAnnELL VIIITHD Efnnarrn-n vs: _._.___.____ _ jt WELLINGTON BUILDING. ARE NOW OPENING A LARGE sfrocx or` IVORY AND JETL Godns, I` fill Inna xcwnnvvnnnn u-.-?__-_ uuxuvl Iron: Ina nunnuctnne BOUG|`jlvT FOR EIASI-I! 0 In nnnu-ad on an- FISllER S A 1.. u... 1---- BEFGTZ47 90':-i A VERY FINE _ASSOR;l`MENT U l65,oso.ool1 A `:10 BA `"4 ' - `mm rtceived ' - ~*-- v-no-nr A` tllvlb - u.Iu,UOU.UU I. 4,619 64 . 21,610.51 . 51,155.27 . 1,299 as . 116,795.59 5 13,026.62 . 9,944.47 35,866 87 25,499.69 34,462.96 . ':2,ooo.oo . 112,562.80 2,523.60 _ ; . _ __ mm tint Oompnny doing no `mncb bnnineu in on`, nil - as, Companies, with ten omens nnd ten Int` 6:`- asineaa nnd give the Inland greater benet! thinneu re required to defray working exponent. < - . for the (my sad County. Apply to JAMES SWIFT I 00- var V...-m At SLAVlN Sa At 8LAVIN S. At SLAVINS. At SLAVIN3. 9 3,115 as =- 0.-5a 23`;-'3 3.. ,5: `~`1`-` 5 5 :8 E32- z 08,200.00 443,450.13 242,45o.0c 301,600 cc 31,223 31 569,9z5.0< 58,217.41 9!: Ann Ar A 1 217 292 a | {mu u.......~. Aux. ?6'.-Gen. Pnm has gone ml) Admxrnl Topcte acts in his ...\. ,.II..Z_._..I A_,.,-.... -III L- ALSO SOME VERY FINE 1 3 2,684,230.00 4 3 215,000.00 7 320,470.00 11,211,65o.oo 1 3 l 9 3 '1' 6 7 7 2 l ;l7.254,667 ssli _ _, t an Ooznmnim, u 1 37; .1 12} 4 821 U 0 4,066,990.00 o 13o,7oooo . ]zo77s2sz.21 .K1N WEOLIIAIJ-AlD:ll1'AlI. from the but mntu-in], nod lnludniw lb. Oaku, Putty, am, icons, u.,- oollhntlr on hsnydrnnd nud_e to ordat. ` ' rutry Buns, Boll on`;:.s:l.'nnd mud; Ordan nrommlv Atmnnal ms W-I`.N_`.`U-LR BY THREE LENGTHB. mas IN Wa>zry.T\vo MIN- L"l`ES. A.._.. . nn -- A ` -.,........ - .110-Ill-B00133` V Threshing ~l?:ohi'I:,u in _good an amp. ' an me my Ina Uounty. Apply 8 00., ' Agents, St. Lunoncg Whirf, Kingltoll. CHOCOLATE DE sAN3ri-:. chains, &.g;. &c.[ an nsnu I_ nude `' promptly unaided to. Wellington Sin`; Prlneoll, J Inc 15. \ 16. KINGSTON nag Tnnn vnnn-rs ..n'.-_ ._,_ Ewonfxagaasl 1;: tan ton: ` o I ohnd, 1 ch: In Beptanbor nut. `Ion Second bout to_,nvo her CIIIIIIQ. Aug. 30. .1611.- unuu. August. 26. --The Harvard and Ox- haveooiy practised s arts to-day t boat, in which me [Luvards "dud to row the match to-marrow, hIIg,2l inches wide depth forward Ind depth In 6% inches. Slxe was `In drain and model brought from Ind In of purely American con- even her frame wogk having been wet with me crawl." Tue oars to VII`: nude by Ayling. my Ann LL. .1` _.2.. vvw vvlvlv ylnuuunulg U`IXWIEK'o MACNEE &. WADDELL, . Princess Street. _. -..., _. .,-w ;.:.L:..I.LJ:l'j IL I W. J; 0ll0'l'..I B8o_v Baker: and_ Copgecilblo [NGSTON BAKE1`1<. n '1 1|] 1- nlinnnn-'-~ FRESH SUPPLY RIOIIVID BY Corsets, Girls and Ladies , lllf. to ' N w Lo.oe,0m-kin: 3319 ` Pale. r..:n. White. Book;nd"1-1133:.` I.`--. 7 whm, Bad and oolonunxanrqgnku. spurs cocoAi.J as;;s.'.;..s.ala 3` .`.".."."."_ f IT hngnst 26 -A mixed commission ..A 'l"..-La 1....-A .l.`,.2.IA.l 9|... 5|... 1,460 oo 3,ooo.oo Copgecbnf; ohumnngbtiils I 117335 114.138 44 ooannooo o,m.7e J `*1 ""PI' 'ng are the of weig ts of both '50] stand to-day :- urmr1.i,-- 1155 lbs, Lyman 165 ms, Simmons Fling (stroke) 154 lbs`, Burnbam I "2 lbs. 01forda- Dxsrbyshire 59} lbs, Tinne 159} lbs, Yarborough M (how) 164 lbs, lhll (coxsvmin) I UNIVEREITY BOAT BAD E. 1 ,-..lnnVi ' "" "'C|UCl. Illu Cl` 1'`. rzaul W! 19: agreed upon as judge. than are condent of winning, ,F*| l0Ins are hopeful. Simmons '_%h'-ly 'Indlspose,l to-day. " bl! writterf 5 letter to the publlcauon on Saturday, pro- ? the comments of the Eng- "|I d*.to the Harvard style of `d `liinlt. the assertion respect- . 00 in style. He declares "ll-0 now differs in no respect 'h h they always practised at 6, Daily `Mme M13 Gautte this morning says no beaten it. will be by the .'"'|' lean on the Thamea, one `Htke short work of the fut- GNI. There need be no fear . line will be rovxed entirely on "I'll! 26.-(Special to the ~` 0)--The crews have done `'d`!. both renting for to-rnor- ~'- The referee question hsa `` Blghen rernsiuing in that . `M It Chitty consents to nerve I gr svsx1S0; .\L'uL's'r 2; ;L.4s1"P.4a1:. ` TT nu.` .--v, . [utorynnd n uguiust deant. \I-I\\ S. - The buoulduhgl AUG L` 51` Anucrxcun trea- ~, m-My secured .1. :\I.;..,... ..._ ...-7..-r-a M the Regeuf No further . them until ..- _...r..u nu uauulu. Iuu UH` UIIIBIOD, O! the London Rowing Club, new in same cu.- `pscity for Harvard. The choice`is a good one. All preliminarieshnve now been ar- ranged, and the Harvard crew have carried nil the point upon which they insisted. 'I`o~dn_\' they look perhaps 3 little over- truiued on account of the extremely hot weather. There is every prospect of 3 clear ldny for the race and smmnh water. The ` police arrangements are perfect, and every- one is determined that there shall be in fair ` 1 I . ~- -- -- Jul: uulua WCYU Il- railway stations. Liverpool, `August 27, ll n.m.-Flour 255 ; -red when 93 6d; white when 115; European corn 315: out: 33 6d ; pens 44!; pork 1063; lard 775 6d ; United States Bond: 843. Liverpool, August 27, 1:25 p m.-F|our 243 6d ; red what 9: 5d; white wheat 1051041; European corn 303 6.1 ; peas unchanged. London, Aug. 27. n.m.-ConIol| for money 93}; for account 93}: Amer-inn nnouritinn #3 WNW for Oxford. tad Mr Gulstou, of` tho Y.nn.I.u. D.....:.._ nu_u. uvuuuu, Aug. 44, n.m.-uonIoI| lor 93}; not-nritios rm ; FiveTwz-uties of issue of 1362, 84;` ; for 65, B33 ; for '67 old, 83; ten forties, 76} ; Stocks quiet; Erie 23; Illinois Central 95 I` Z...._....._I ;,__,_. .\-. :- _, .... .. 1....` nlnlv 4.9, Annual! vcuull 3'.) Liverpool, Auguu 27, n.n|.-Co'.tun heavy. Up1nndsl3 to 13;` ; Orluns 135. Liverpool, August 27, p.m.--'I`be continuance of splendid weather cause: a depression in hrendslumg. Flour 24: 6d; Oalifornin what 109 l0d ; red western 93 5d. .. .7- -- `.. - yaw -r`4A-'iIII.I./ll\J$u Sm Franciscn, August `. .7.-The damage to the Pacic Railroad by the re is great- er than was at first auppused. Trains will probably not pass the burnt district before Saturday. \1 .\_. \',._I- A ._ ____L no tin ~11 lull _.....~--_y- New York, August 26.--Tbe Fenian Congress assembled to~dny. President Savage brought down his report, in which he shows that the spirit of insurrection is still strong in Ireland; that the organiza- tion is in full working order, that drilling of rank and le is going on quietly but con- stantly, and the number of sworn members here was never greater than now. He hop- ed dissensions in this country were about ended. Important matters are said to be under consideration, andthe Congress is still in session this evening. A REMEMBER THE LACROSSE EXCURSION ST EA MER WATERTOWN L quuunuo nauu, accompanies me parry throughout. ' An Exhibition Game of Lacrosse on the gzouud at Clayton. ` Mamhrq nfnll nlnhu urn int-Hm! in nnrmnr in n.m.. Cllllg II UIDIDOQUB OD U16 WAY. 'I`1cKI1's-Gentlemnn and Lady, 81 ; Extra Tickets for Ladies, 25 cents. From Gmnnoque -Tickels: Gentlemen, 50 cents; Ladies, 25 cents. To be obtained at the usual stores, from the members of the Club, nnd at Gamm- Anna 1;? l3. oque. gzuuuu as umymu. Members of all Clubs nre i_nvited to appear in uniform, md with lbeir Crosses. '1`!-.. Q.......A.. I..-...... V:.._L..-..). n'n.--r -5 n,r:n uunurm, I.I1\.l WHIJ `Dell UIOSSES. The Steamer leaves Kinghox-n a Wharf at 8:30 A.lvl.. calling at Gannnoque on the T1CKI1'9-Gentlemnn and Lndv, kl 2 Extra %90i1I$EF!iiiPifii{fiI'iAUHE HE Senate of Queen : College hu passed a regulation to the eect that no Student will be allowed to bonrd or lodge in any house which in not approved of by the Senate, except by permission of patents or guardians given in writing. In nference to the shove. Annlimninnn from Inxmu 1.` wnuug. In reference to the above, applications from the keepers of boarding-house: for the npproul of the Senna will be received and attended to if addressed to Professor Dupuis, at the College, on or before 15th September next. Oman : Galina: 24th Aug` , IRGQ T0 LEND on Mortgngo of ` , Real Propel-ty--Interest 8 per cent. County Bonds Whnltd. Apply to _ JAMES AGNEW, Barrister. an nuns. - KNITTINYGH K"H|NEs. On MONDAY, AUGUST 1301]], ON THE ,smW1N__(;_ _M{xc_H1NEs. ICIUI I U IKIK IVIl'IYIIIlIZ&I (Lamb's Pntent.) uke: :11 kinds of Knitted Gnrments. on 15 com: per bottle. Our nnmo on tho label ; no other kind as good Needles for every Sowing Hnchlne. Repairing neatly done at the FIRST PRIZE SEWING MACHINE SALES- ROUI, Brock Strut, Kingston, nnd Dundu Street, NAPANEE, Agent: wanted in every county. Apply to or nddreu l R. L'.mRmm h an. Aug. 27. ~}- New York Press llespnlchos. C._ l.`_-__-I.-_ A,, ,, an an 1 .. _ ILL HEADS and other kinds of Jon Pnmwme executed with neatness and despntch nt the Daily News oice, Princess Street. ,______ __ ,__ _ 1`F{E Band of the P.W.O. Ries, including a Quudrillo Band, accompanies the patty hrouzbout. Aug. 27. Belonging to I lady lteaving the city. No reserve. Terms Cash. Sale at I0 o clock. .I I I INHI`t'\\Y m:N1miE. &c.. BY AU(JTl0N. J. LINTON will sell at his Sale Rooms, on . SATURDAY next, nqunntity of Aug. 26. FINANCIAL no couusacun. n` Coons SALESEAN WANTED-.n arnnrinn:-Ad arnnriv hand III or IKIUKU LUIU DUPLUIDUCT UCXI. Qnoen I'Col1ego, 24th Aug., 1869. AB BC \l LV VI ' Barrister. Oce, Bngot street, near British Whig oioe. Haw 2R, umcc, D May 28. \l UUUUD DAHIIEDIAN experienced steady hand. Apply to R k .1 _ . . _ . . . Iv\.uIu\Iq ulnn. ha 1.`... .....I -1. .-. .1 , \c- u -- CLAYTON! ___ QUEEN s COLLEGE. All kinds Ind sljylea. -A-Q: Q-AQl\ nuns xsums, Sec. Kingston Lacrosse Club. B. 1. JORDAN as 00., G-gnu-Al An-anu R. & J. GARDINER J. LINTON. Auctioneer.