Wlllll From the Christian Advocate, Hamilton. At the close of my year`; `labour on this in- terestlng Md, I feel thankful to our great Master for his continued presence and blessing. Our congregations are large, attentive, and gen- erally prayerful. The people take us interest in the cause of Episcopal Methodistn, and do something to sustain it. Amongst other things they have purchased sud paid fora splendid new organ for the Church in Mullorylown. The or- gan is s first-rate one, with re stops and all the modern improvements necessary to bring out perfection of tone. Ihsve not heard any church organ in this country so like the cathe- tlrst organs of the old country, so powerful yet scft intone A3 is ours and one like it in the M. New Connexion Church of this place. Both organs were furnished by the same rm-Rey-V net, of Kiugston-who give a good srticle and cheap withnl. I perceive some improvements in size and regnlnrtty of attendance in the cou- gregstion since the organ was obtained. I pray that all may be prepared to sing the praise of the Lord in glory. " V a n....,__ , _ ___.- .. _.., --u --n, \`7lLL reeume her tripe about the 7th In- sum, and will leave Kingston every TUESDAY an-X FRIDAY at 3 PI. Leaves Ouun every MONDAY an-1 THURSDAY at 7 AJL, calling at All intermediate stopping plsoee on the wny. For Freight nr Pnnunm: In-vii... .n...:n. -ma [Imus on H10 Freight or Psssage, hnvibg superior pas- senger accommodation, upply on board, or to D. MURPHY, Ottawa. 0 ll Innnnnnv FROM THE REV. A. DAWSON, MALLORY- TOWN . \ 7ILL be delivered to the Trade, direct from the M-xuufaclory, al 80 reuls per dozen, sad Pxfvare Families at $1 per dozen. Orders left at A."Lr1n3awn's and City Bogk Store. . &lIJA.&Li.l.lLJ. AJ\lU"SIo ONTARIO STREET, KINGSTON ONTARIO. II. Ii. Stephens, Proprietor. m__.._ n__.___ 2, - - J ALSO I `THE CARRATRACA WATER, , ,-_-.._-_.,. __.. Trusty -Porters in attendance at Railroad Depot. u_:d Steamboat landings. .Uct; 23. '\1.1 -1 AtALl \J I u I U principle. The system of innitesimal doses of medicine diffused in gallons of injuri- ous stimulants cxpludtd. All useless material discarded. The Ictive principlo only of the most powerful and slcient remedies known concentrated in A small convenient form. HAIITUAL Coxsrxpntou Guam. `All disease: of the Stonnch, Liver, and Bowel: permanently relieved by using Dr Colby's A1111-Cosrtvi um `Tonto Pu.x.s, Sugar-Coated. Reommended by the Kedicnl Profession; ALES AND P()RTi+;R| SUCCEES begets envy. Hence the eona of certain vendors of Liniment to decry JACOB B Rulcuu-xo LIQUID. Wherever introduced it qlrivea all others frourlhe market. Pain poeltivdy annihilated by its use. We have not room to enumerate the virtnegw corded to is by the thousands who have used It. No medicine ever invented is capable of more extended application. It has hundreds of imitators, but Ho: one xuv`u.. Beware qf Coun- terfeill. l ` IJIIIJ LllJ1.LVlllJ 1' \JL\ 111.114. : TIIOIO who Inn no hsir any hue it. Thou who have plenty, may resern And bequtify 1!. Thou who are losing in any have H8 loos urnued. The hair itrenglhonod, bow- uagd, rutoted, by using Emu-'3 Inna Hun nun: cleaned. cleaned. out. Don : ten (in MINERAL VVATERS . unoa, ruwreu, uy uung nU1u"l lilrnll nu: Gnou, cluaput, cleasuu, oat. Don Ireu you hive tried I bottle. Sold by all Drgggiqu 1 luck 25. For Sula by Juno 7. Kingston, May 3, 1869. Kingston, May 6, 1869. Kingston, June 1'nb, 1869. M. (YGORMAN, BOEAT BUILDER, SIMCOE STREET, Kingston, Ont. j Kingston Mid UIIIIWS B0036. w-0".\`CE.\*'1`RA'1`10N` the great / urincinle. The nvsxem of innitesimal -`RONTENAC BRE\VEI~`.Y ,_,,A, 4.". B URNET T3} 0113 E.` TADIJ RTDDDT I'.'l'\7I'1Q'l`1\\l r\\Y1`AD PLANTAGENET WATER. i_mis'r|noNIAl. T0 lrLAD TIDINGS FOR ALL.- Than` u-L- L..-- .._ I._:_ _.__ L-_- :5 ('i'1`\` 71s`*(.)i'I"rAwA, Bnnowu, Iha-nu, IILL IIIIIK. Will li Kinnunn nu... ESTABLISHED 1847. THE UPPER CABIN STEAMEI L 11`:l\.1$.I14l UlV'1', H"U-IY. Junionr, later. on! 22nd insunt will . run I!` 1*"! Kinguon Tuoadnyn Wed- h'""`!| and Fridays, av. 4 pm. .'G"lBJ :1; :l!1n.WednCSdl)'l And Fri- `Ot Puuge apply on board, or to G. I. KINGHORN, `` nn `ml 122:: of Brock Street. 1'0 THE PUBLIC! BOTTLED AT THE 15. H. PARKER, GEO. W, cm:IGa'rO.\', Agent. a 12th. 1869 FRESH Market Square. IIWB G. u. KINGHORN, Kmmamn M. O GOR`.lAN. A. DAw. ou. .,u1un.;1 I Kingston. KINdSTON. (CANADA); SHURDAY EVE} :_.:`..--- _._.;_;_ -_.-__. - --.. . ...- ..........uu. They hre ndmirubly adapted to the organ: of sight, and n'ord the best Articial he`p to the human vision ever invented. A peculiar and important feature in these spectacles is witnes- sed where people have been obliged to resort to glasses from physical debility, hsving tempo- rnrily slfected their vision. `in such cases the eye regsins its healthy power, and the glnssts can be 1311 ssids without injury; while other kinds of spectacles when once worn cannot be dispensed with. I:1-__-|- _. .1..- ! `6e:ET.;`n33Is a`nam?sTso. Prlncess Street, Kingston. ` ESIRES most respectfully to thank his nu- merons Cuqtomers for a liberal pattonuge extending over FIFTEEN YEARS. In nlnaino hi: am-nnnln fur [ha mutt vmu the Cllllulllg l)VE|' I` I! LEAD!` 1 BABE. In closing his accounts for the past year the advertiser has determined to abandon the Credit system altogether, and he wishes his Customers to understand this snnouncement in the most positive sense. Determined not to be outdone in the price or quality of his Stock, he is pre- pared to sell BUUTS and SHOES of unrivalled manufacture at the lowest recnunerative prices on strictly cushy terms. Unnnid am-nnnts must he settled immediate- 1` puuusopuy ox nature m we 1 UONCAVU-UONVEX ELLIPSIS. n~L._ OKI uncuy Cllllr IBIRIS. Unpaid account: must be settled immediate- ly,.otherwiae they will be put in suit. E` Tha nan-nmme of Cash Customers so- I, -QJIIIUTWIBH Lucy Will U8 put. Ill BUII. f` The patronage of Cash Customers so- iiciled. `I A `(DU UIXDW GARDNER'8 QUININE WINE BITTERS, THE CELEBRATE!) PAN'l`ESO0I l0 SPEOTAGLES MEDICAL HALL. ANTHBAG|TE_(:0AL mm I 0mcc-sI. Lawrence Wharf; Foot of Johnson Street-. UR Coal is Pure Lnckawann, being mined in the very heart of the Lackawana Valley, Scranton, Piuston, and Wilkes Barre, from the best. selected mines, and is prepared with great. care expressly for Family use, and will be . tcreened and delivered in the best possible co - dition. D....o ..-I..,.n.A 0-5`; /7..-! 6'..- _-..A.... ..,._....._..I_ UIUUU. Best selected Sqft Coal for grates constsntiy on band, also Lehigh Lump for Foundry (S8 and Blossburg for Blacksmiths. 'l`m-nu: ank Delivered in nnv nnv-Q nf Em lull Dl0H5UUK'g [UT DIHCIUIHIIUU. Terms Cub. Delivered in any part of the city. JAMES SWIFT A: (`.( . SPECIAL inn 'lMP0lTAN'l` NOTICE! TO CASH CUSTOME KS. For sale For Indigestion, Fever, Agne, Hendache,1oss of Appetite, lownesa of spirits, nervousness, and fur general debility, it will be found invalnnb le IA. __-._.._A2....--.. oA_:.. -1--.__L!- _._J ___Al_ Illllllilllll. ` > 115 qualities are not disguiled {taste it, test it, prove it. aj. .......u us.-.1 saw: . -- \.I\.1A4' Beech and Maple, Hemlock and Pine, which will be delivered in any part. 0! lbs city. Cheap for Cash. I A .._I.. ... The Most Useful and Reliable TONIC AND BITTERS IN USE. 11868. GOAL 1868. ' `HE Subscriber respectfully informs his Cus- tomers and the public generally that he is Iiow ready to supply them with the very besll of J ISIIEIO UAMY DIEIJIJ, Al the Grocery Store opposite the wharf. Wharf fool of Queen Street, Kingston, Apnl 27, 1869. E .v- 5.......... ..........J, .. vv ... ..v .......u. nu-nun-u nu its properties are tonic, atomachic, and gently Itimnlant. n. ......no:.... --.. .... A:,.....:.-.a 54..-... :. .-,.. aj. Observe lhe trade mark upon the label, and also every bome being sealed with trade mark seal. J. \IlI\LlLV 1811' UUEIIIISE, Montreal, Sole Proprietor and Manufacturer. S The above Bitters are claimed to be su- perior to unyuhing yet otfered to the public. .4. Prepared by J. Gardner from the formula of n pbylician of Paris. The wonderful elfect the taking of it has in preventing the ts ahguldy in- duce all subject to Epilapsy to use it. In bot- tles, price 51. As]; for Gardner s Epileptic Cure. Grocers ` s.T;'Wm__ _M1_&C_HIN Knlrrfaji: EIKIFHINES. --...-- _.. _.__. ___..-.-.. .._._.-..-u. Oil 15 cents per bottle. Our xnmo on the lube! ; no other kind :3 good Needlu tor every Sewing Machine. Repairing neatly done at the FIRST PRIZE SEWING MACHINE SALES- ROOI, Brock Street, Kingston, and Dundu Street, NAPANBE. Agents wanted in over] county. Apply to or itldrau I .-r-__-_ .. .._.. For sale In the October 21,1868. Kingston, Zind January, 1868. IIEILII Aug. 12. (Ehch ounce contnins one grain of Quinine.) It` is put up in quart wine battles. Price--One Dollar. r runnmrn nu... and Aug. 9. DISTINCT VISION. Aug. 23. RE constructed in accordnnco with the L philosophy of Nature in the form of )0Nm\vn-unsvIt\' |tI.l.l|'Rl Q `HE IEPILEPTIC CURE`, III I I Illi IVIPI&IIII`XU (Lunb a Patent.) Makes :11 kinds of Knitted Garments. W001)! WO0D I WOOD ! nvf" Paiclz 6NLY ONE DOLLAR. APPly to HARD AND SOFT WOOD, nd llanln l.l_xn.Inn|- and Ding All kinds and styles. -I1`X QZQXII UUIIII . J. GARDNER, Chemist, Montreal G. S. HOBA RT. 0 JAMES CAMPBELL, .-w Qt-..` ..n...m:o ab.` ml R. 1. JORDAN 8 co, General Agents. JAMES SWIFT & C(._4 JAMES HOPE. 1 0129 tlnllllln-U AND ATTORN Solicitors in Chancery, to. L)ices-i8 Glarencn SL, opp Oioe, KINGBTOI, 0. W. JOKI A. MAono|uLD,Q. 0. J Jun JOHN M U'Ann;n '0l~`i7'IGE.-b`oush West corner of Dundu and East Streets. Wu. H. WILKISON. W. A. REEVE, M. A. County Crown A ttorney. UIHHUHS. For sale by "all the` Druggisth in Kingston, and by all Medicine Dealers. .--_:--__?.___._ 0 RellIy an Draper, BARRISTERS,AT PORNEYS-at-LAW Solici- tors in Cbancery-Cbsmbers Nos. 7, 8, b 9, Anchor Buildings, Kingston, 0. W. Juana O R.mLu,Q.O. | Fnmx 0. Dunn. u-v-In nu IIIIIU, l) ARRISTER, Attorney-at-Law, Gouveynncer, 1) ta. Ofce opposite Post Oice, Clarence Street, Kingston. August 6. uvu ..y,uu...uu. DR. J. C. ATER & 00., Practical Chcnblul, ` LOWELL. MASS., U. S. A. " "'5 NORTHROP & LYMAN, Newcastle, O.W., Genenl Agents for the Canada. < D... -..I- L- r_n u__ n,,,,,-,-' - wr- ,.____._. Maedonald, Patton an lllachar, ARRISTERS AND ATTORNEYS-It-LAW, B Cbnnoenr. Am ,,_, ._ r-.. mote digestinn and relieve the stomach. An occasional dose stimulates the stomach and bowels into healthy nation, restores the n potite, and invigorates the system. Hence it is o uad. vzmtageona where no serious derangement exists. One who feels tulerably well, often nds that adose of these Pill: makes him fee! decidedly better, h-om their cleansing and renovating etrect on the diges- tive apparatus. `nb J Iv A*.'v.-1) Ann -n._--.,-_. _. . . i tried it, know that it cured them: those who have I not know that it cures their neighbors and friends, an all know tlhit what it. does once it does always -t.h:1L it never mils through any fault or neglei.-tof its coin iosition. We have thousands upon thou- nands o certicates of their ramm-kahle cures of the fullowin coinplaints, but. such cures are known in every neighborhood, and we need not publish them. Avlnptcri to all ages and conditions in all climates; containing neither caloincl or any deleterious drug, they may be taken with safety by nnybody. Their sugar coating preserves them ever n*e.sl1 and` makes them pleaannt to take, while being purely vegetable no harm can arise from their use in any quantity. _ l`hey_op_era.te by their powerful inluence on the harm arise from their in They operate their internal viscera to punfy the blood and stimulate it i into healthy action -removc the obstructions of the ` stomach, bowels. liver. and other onmns of the ` | acuon or remove the obstructions which cause it. ~ For Dylonlery or Diarrhoea, but one mild dose ig vgnerally required. For |gof,`J8CllIII, Gout, Gravel, Palpi- gg`io- of any Jleart, Pol: lzn ting side, nack ma ],o1n.,`.l).g_y should _be continuously taken, as required, to cl1zLuf_*.'.1!5118 dl-`Based action of the system. With such change` 1-Igose complaints di;`8WfrM' d n 1 1 s X` .3 ffl or ropoy an ro ca In-Ill - ey nhould bo taken in largo .133 frequent doses to 3170- duce the eect ofa drastic pur e. ` Ffor Sllpproaslon 58121-:: nose should he tnlrnn Ayer s Sarsgparillan, F0]! PIZ]lIl`1'I1I'(} THE BDOOD. mro nealthy action the obstructions bowels, liver, organs the body, restoring their irregular action to health. and by correcting, wherever they exist, such derange- ments as are the rst origin of disease. ,Minute directions are given in the wrzmner on the first origin Minute wrap or on the box. for the following complaints, whiu mesa Pill; rapidly cure :- ` For -`liyupopoia or Indigestion, Elation nous, La not and Lou of Appetite, they should be en moderately to sfunulate the stom- ach and restore its healthy tone and action. For Liver Complaint and its various Rvmn. .. ,-_ .- r-.. ; dnce the effect of :1 e . For ab-1r::v2 should be taken as it produces the desired effect by svym am)`. As a Dinner Pill. take one or two Ifilla to pro- digestinn ` ` bogrqln jnlzo healt_hy nmmtite. act) and its Complaint various symp- toms, lllllolu llaalloche. Sick Headache, Jnundjce or Green llcknau, lllllolu Colic and Dillon: rovers, they should be Ju- diciously taken for each case, to correct the diseased action the obstructions Dlarrhma. one im Teftcr, Salt Rlurum, scald 1!:-ml, Jtifvgtlornf, Sore E1121. Sm-I: Em-.-:, and other en: ntions or visible forms of Sm-ofulmm disetlne. A so in the more concealed forms, as 1':yspepsin, Drn wy, 1. :-nrf I)isousc, I113, .E']`riI'r ray, l\'l`ll1'Il ?{]{l, nnd the various I7:-m-ous siren ons of the muscu- lar nnrl nervous syetenls. suhduing those ol)st.in:1`.e mnlmiies b _n}1yh1ticine. But. long (`outinuod u.-0 of this mm Lune will cure v the (`Ol'np1flil`.t. Lmu-m-1-Irma or `Whites, Ute-2-{no I/`I091-amm, apd 1-`r-male Diuanea. nre com- monly soon re_hev_ed urggl l1]iiIIll:lh'('11!'(`d b it; purifying nnd mvrgorimng ezfect. Minute D rec (inns for each case are found in our Almanac. sup- plied gmus. Jzlu-nv,-1a('su and Ganr. hen caused by nccn_nm1ations of extmncous mnltera in the Inland. vmld mm-Hv tn it mu san T.'...... cuuauu Dy uztciitiiilmliuns 0] extraneous mmlc-rs in the blood, vieid qmr-kl to it. as aiso Lin.-r Com ainls, Tor-pidily. ongcson orIu]lmn- omit on of the Liver. and Jmmdirc, w_hcn arising, as they often do, from the runkiing poisons in the blood. This SARSAPARJLLA is a. greut ro- storer for the strength and vigor of the system. Those who nre Lrm id nncl Iistless, De.9pm- dent. Sleepless, an(?`tl1-nubled with Nor:-mm Ap- pn-kevulona or I='ea1-I, or any of the aections symptomatic; of Weakilesa. will nd immediate relief and convincing evidence of its restorative power upon trial. Ayer s Cathartic Pills, H1! nml hCl`\ (`U3 FYEIPIRIS. S_:/philis 01: I :-um-cal and J5!rrru7~lal Dix:-turn` are cured by It, though a long: time is required for suluh1ingtl:cs_.:- obstinnme _n_n_v nmioine. ', zczne * conmlflint. `Whites. Uta-{nu PREPA RED B Y Dr. J . C. AYE]! A`. 1343., Lowell, 1139., P:-acuoal and Analytical Chemists. sou) BY ALL mmeaxsfrs EVERYWHERE. NOR HROP as LYIIAH, Novcutle, O.W., General Agent! for` they`: Canaan. . . For gslo.-`by all the Drnggilu in Klngnon,-, d by nll Medicine Dedots. , l . Wllklson & Reeve, BARRISTERS AND ATTORNEYS-It-LAW, V Solicitors, Convevmcarn. kn N-n---n I'I|'K June 9. van 5:. IIAIIIJUIALD, Q. U. JJLKIS J om: M. LIAOHAB. Kingston, Jan y 16. . - uzunua !|ll0\V, BARRISTE R. and ATTO RN EY-at-LAW,Oon- veyancer, ac. Otce Bagot Street, second 001- south of the Britah Whig Oice, upstairs. August 1. s )ARVRISTER-AT-LAW. OFFICE - ) Parker s Drug Store. IV. R. Mlgngaye, TTORNEY-AT-LAW, Convey: K Kinanfnn 1`. U1 nrs.ma"1'xs;u.5 AND I Solicitors, Couveyuacers, &c. Napanoe, 1 LL-nnnal-A1`-L4 Kingston, 0. W. amen S. Cartwright, Rl.Q1`i`.n_A'rI I AII7 I\I'lraI r\rs James Agnew, 'l`ERand A'r'l`nm\nav--. John Nludle, n Au-,A, - . J nus PA-Hon, Q.O Ewan. v, -0. L, opposite the Post -`II `I, Conveyance:-, kc. Dec. 1. EVENING. AUGUST 28, "1869. B - Over -ouuvunv-vn a JJIIII II"IJ. This splendid Hair Dye is the best in the world; the only true Ind pg;-fect dye; harm- less, reliable, instantaneous; no disappoint- Iment; no ridiculous tints; remedies the ill ; eects of bed dyes ; iuvigorates and leaves the . hair soft and beautiful black or brown. Sold :by all Druggists and Perfumers; and properly |applied at Batcheior s Wig Factory, No. 16 1 Bond street, New York. At the commencement of the dierrhma, which elweye precedes en ettack of the Cholera, take I. leaepoouful of the Pein-Killer in sugar end Inter (warm, if convenient,) end then belhe freely the stomach and bowel: with the Pain- Killer clear. Should the dierrhaa or cramps continue, repeat the dose every ten or fteen minute: till the petient is relieved. In extreme nuns: nun .. ...-_- `__-_A- 4' I The Pain-Killer, as an internal emedy, has no equal. In cases of Summer Complaints, Dynpepsin, Dysentery, Asthma, it cures in one night, by taking it internally and bathing with it freely. Ito action is like magic, when exter- naly applied to bad Sores, Burns, Scalda, and Sprnina. For Sick Headache and Toolhnche, don t fail to try it. In short, it is a Pain- Tlkr. ` NV ...- ..... r.......... 1- nwuuvuu. nu cAucu|u cues, two or more tnapoonfuls may be given at a dose. The Pain-Killer is sold by ail dealers in Family Medicines. Price: 25 and 50 cents per bottle. , _ , , __ .. V- -vs--vu- u Ills. I This invaluable medicine is unfailing in the cure of all those painful and dangerous dia- eaaes to which the female constitution is sub- ject. It moderates all excesses and removes all obstructions, from whatever cause. T0 MARRIED LADIES It is particularly suited. It will in a short time bring on the monthly period with regu- larity, and though very powerful contains us-l thing hurtful to the constitution. In all cases of I ervous ind Spinal Alfectionl, Pains in the Back and Limbs, Fatigue on slighy exertion,` Palpilation of the Hex: I, Hysterics and White, I it will eecl. a cure when all other means have ' foiled. The pamphlet. around ench package` has full direeuons and advice, or will be sent- free to :11 writing for it, sealed from` observa- R tion. uu;u|:IcbBalg-er. ah El1re`lnd ask for l A. Trunk : Magnetic 0inln`narir`,..M1d 999 15 tb "words A. Tra.|k n Ma.gneI.i~c-\(3'l'`%.'P_"'- an on the wrapper. ` Nnrnnnnp Jr l'.VM'Av NORTHROP 4|: LYMAN, | Newcastle, C.W., General Agents for the Canada. ' H D..- --I.. L... J! .|.- n-_.__2,., - W- ICVJJ muanc, nnw xuxus, 501.3 PROPRIETOILE $1 and 12! cents for postage, enclosed to * Northrup & Lyman, Newcastle, Ont., General Agents for the Dominion, will insure a bottle, containing over 50 pills, by return mail. Sold by all the Drncnzistn in ltinmn... ....a vuulula. ` For sale by nll the Druggista in Kingston and by all Medicine Dealers. July )3. culallllllg 00 pins, by by Druggisto in Kingston and , Medicine Dealers everywhere. July 13. A . Dr. A. Trask s Magnetic Olntnentg CURES CROUP OR BATTLES. 1 Dr. Dingham, of Utica, New York, seya:-i I have med Dr. A. Tusk : Magnetic Oiul-` ment in my practice a number of years, and 1 csn say with pleasure I deem it. one of the: greatest discoveries of Ihe age far the cure of Inammation of the Lungs, Innmmaliou of; the Bowels, Infhmrnatory Rheumatism, and in Child Bed Fever, it operates with perfect, euc- ceu. In cases of Burns, Bruises, F"rozc-n| Limbs, it acts like I. charm. mums, It acts IIKO charm." Dr. J. P. Kennedy, of Chittennuzo, N.Y,_ says: It has stood the tea.` trial, and has not? been found wanting. Its astonishing cures of .' Inammation of the Lungs and Group, and the wo-ndeginl Ineceas iu auboiding the torturing pains bf Rheumatism, nnd relieving Nervous Affect ons, entitle it to 3 high rank in the list of Re odies for these complaints. DI`. ` W. Beldimr. of Knnwlnavilln IT V C633. 1!! 03583 OI UIIPIIE DI J p Veranda n! I" f` In health worth lnving `I If it is, protect [it ; -it ie a jewel as easily lost as virtue, and in 1 many cosee nsdilculv. to recover. In this cli- mate, and more particularly at this eeaeen of the year, people are very apt to take cold sod suer from sore throat, coughs, spitting of blood, and pulmonary complaints generally, which, if not checked immediately, lend to eeri- , one eoneequeneea. The question at-iees-which ii lhe nuiekant end mun. nffpnlnnl r.-man-`P nnxnnnu lulzva 1. 11111215 Will Restore Gray llair to its Natural Life, Color and Beauty. It is 3 most delightful llair Dressing. It will romote luxuriant growth. FALLIN HAIR is immediately checked. It... a A AfY`l.`\YIlI1fI l'\'1'\AvnAInv-vs: , .._./ V New Stylc. Important Change. A REAL ELIE RESTOBEB AND DRESSING Gombinod in One Bottle. `M;I`l'1E1 C1 A A 'l`- `I `I -nuvngw frefaratian for Me Hair ,- rleur and trazufar nillwzrt udx`mt. If it 00'] ciuple andoat pr wonder rcmltr. 11: pt I xupenrig and 1.: a air Dressing over it )1 cat! French Pnmadt it ulma-zuled 4 5 all van! only 231 lb) w* ' Euro}: `gt: gubrtr and Zylaaltamwu : It Isudovu mu u. outer. sou) at ALL Davao fnputorl, S. B. Van Dunc: t 00., \V'holen.le Drug 85 Bu-chy UL Ind 40 Park Plaza. Nw-York VUIDDLDDI Ill UB8 MRS. s. A. Ai"Ii'}EN = '-'I'Y`I'I 'I'I`I'.\$"I\1l'l`II'\I'h , ,,,,, _. .__. _.. -..-..-.._...-..._, v..v\._vu. Mn. 8. A. ALLEN'S ZYLOBALSAMUM, am frzfaraan for Me tr r nillxqnrt ._u_dx`mt. niue aandyiat r ous consequences. `rue question nrIIes-which quickest Ind most. eecuul remedy 1 Bryan : Pnlmonic Wafer; have been before the puujic for twenty years, And have always given perfect utiafnotion, and invariably ebct perma- nent cures when uken in season. Sold` by all medicine dealers qnd country stores gnernlly throughout the Province gt :5 cents per box. ISTEAM PRINTING HOUSE, Princess`! Street, Kingston. Printing of all kinds at the DAILY NEWS STEAM. Pnmrme Housn. v THE GREAT FEMALE REMEDY. Job Moses Periodical Pills. mu. . _ , , i ,- 1 Comm COURT sUuMoNsEs.-` ad apted for use in the County ofF1on `tense, for sale at the Daily News Oce _ All kinds of Law Forms printed ta order` `l with accuracy _and expedition. Special Notices. SIMPLE: SAFE 1! SURE!!! OHOLERA. July 8. ' `1'i1E"ii~'5:'i`13i' ill I);-;-.._.. 11....-. iI...:.. -_ Bntchcl on- s Hair Dye. anhanid Wain `hm: :a I... Sumo : Perry Davis & Son, PROPRIETORS, ` NEW YORK, SOLE PROPBIETOTI. 101 ......... r . _ _ . . .. 7 - - u o'a...." "'1' [IPUIH NORTHROP ".,W__ Gnnnrnl Anna-no fa. > GRAY mm I s a certain indication of decay at the roots. _._-_- ..-. ....-.-, Nature's Crown. You Must Cultivate it \ , BEAUTIFUL HAIR, IT_L__,_1, II us I. u .4, Montreal. Van Amburgh & C093; 4 F GREAT aoLnN MNAaE n~IEz 500 RARE BIRDS, BEASTS FFEC1` OF` ADVERTISING.--II is amusing at times to observe the . stores of .the merchants who don I: adver7 tise; to see the anxious proprietors look- ing into the stree.ts_,a.nd see `the people go by, wondering why they don : come in- while the st.or'cs'oF their n('lglib0l1rI`W1I0. do advertise are tbrouged with customers, Some people will learn by observation, others will not.-.Daz'1y Palladium. _ ua..I.\uaa uxunluxvasxno sun uo(1ge_ U Summons.:nay be obtained at the Age the DAn.!N1:wI 3'1-nut DAILY Nnws `Onnon. Order, mail promptly attended to. Devices} for every description of Orange printing kept on hsnd Hpusn. Aug. 28. LIVINGTLION LOOSE in the STREET xxx." Allal ILSUE. HID HALL hiya`; __ THE LARGEST AND BEST sHoW`o1yjm1sE3O75 - T V ,4_.__,`. The` Most__B_ri||iant_Show of any Age or Qoqgtny. .":'.L`.-an v. I th . I iblti 1 A TIC Ind. DYODIUU B03 in `H K2333 w?)l1`-iglfrian tgreqae f<`>!::1 3% vast a variety of wonderlh animals as those owned by this zrelt Menagerie Cml>BD__ More African Elephants than my 00191` exhibition In America. ' Jamissloh - - - Children under 9 years - On )RA.NGE `CERTIFICATES and Lodge} Sumn:ons.mav be obminad um um` 1 WILL EXHIBIT 131 Kmaslron` Wednesday, the 8th of September , _. AFTEBNO0N AND EVENING. IT IS COMING! More Elephants other exmbltionh Mo:-e_ Two Humpod Camels thxn any other exhiblonm nus country, . 1--- :1. ___.u n_ -4, .,,,. c,, u. AL ;_ -_._ _.g-.. -_u.-x-Lua... "A _.... ..v......_y , More Sacred Cattle fI'0`ll Inilln thin 4! W591` Glmlthn H.` thlssldg or we Atlantic. ~ 0 -.um.muy on mac Axunuuu. V ' More Mnzuvnmhn Llonnthnn any other xhmmon Inll , continent. ` More Australian Kungnx-ed: than In! 0'-531' *h"l| `1 outside ofxxustmlia. ` '. .I , Mora! Mmnmod: Antelope: than my 09191 3mbm" in ' existence. ' ~ ' More Aft-icI.n'S1rI-Inc Bock: than any other exhlbluon over in any country on the globe. 5 More Aft-ica.n'SvI-I nc 5 I ` M.:%12:m .:::.`,..:*.:;.'3.::..' T "' i "*'*`* 1 thtthi ' cm rl0o'inanhnve`|u-iterliumbauot than an; o%;1?r exheml n `tgn exuyten In the known world. It 19 emphatically the molt colonial ex moi of mo Century. - vuvvA-Av v. `Anal-nunaau , More #11`:-ionn Zelirns tlun my other uxhlmon Inscbw wor . More Cape Cannu` than any other` exhfbI_tlonln Nam: America. ' ma '1: . flat in mvananmf W `'33 '.3:`e .33; *:%=9".-i 5 :;."3*'i .*F3' """':a'*;: '4 11 n er EX 0 n e n 0' `OI :p'm$n3ca11y monsoloust ax monor tnoxhuonu: :; With its I noon Open at 1 enormous Zoological Olioction of nearly onvro mun; A- Iocn:ityof?Buu|Ii_uu1`a5i`| x'thm::t,` _ ff. '. '* `"3 ' we-<:.% any * Luu anal): and other kindn.-of_ 5 PnI1I'1'mGoxecnt.edwith`i_&!IIdU_ " despatch at the Daily NeIn oiu' if _ Btneot. } .. V ~~-w nvv` orxnnins U10` ` `_L _ been sdried tojhe U ` ` ' PntwnnIa0rrIal3 Ourtvf and AnI=.9.rmic;Plaun~ ' er'ylen;l1}1: .I,w ttvllrn out w 1 stye Wit) gunk '_4.g ,. ` nods: Iuqu1ryiI.so1icitod." ' IILL HEADS and ab xi 7 D Pnmrma oxecntgd vgch `.?`7rms `oi - In. I-1.5.1" NUMBER 275. EIIINC. :'.3gg1=- nancing Wadnuday, 28th Ivutanl. ._:. NEWS] g Lu.c.lgu. mniwnunte, uranu maven, gbfor all the principal point; in the Wesx; 3.3;. ns Plcitic Rnizrond lo Cub, Nebraska, gudo. Send: and California. A Conforubio nd Convenient Waiting bio: Ladico uni Gentlemen on the Wharf. ' C H, HATCH _ Usvegv. Uulnuue (nunulug wt 13:, Ningnrn Fa`.ls Ind Bum-lo and 00:: the 28111 "mil. ` GOING EAST 1: 4:00 AJI. G0l.\'l} WEST at 6:00 PM. h. fusnge Tuck:-1.9 npply at the cice of mgnnd Bras , Uuurio Street, or at the Lake ` liver Sxnmooru Ufce, St. Lawrence fool of Johnson Sxreez. n..-nun Join: to the W921 mm nr-n- ' W WI JUUIISUU CHECK. Mn`!!! going to the West can pro- films vi: Great \VesIerup Detroit and he And Michignu Centnl Railvny.-, tor y-gig Ch.c:Ago. .\hlw.ukee, Grand Haven, -hfor nriucinal points Wosx: u. u, mnunuru, Perry Wbnrf, foot of Brock Street. Ihptol, Aug 28, 1869. `'7 , 5pAR1'A.V' . . . . . . Cnpt. Kelley, -'ra&_roR1` .. . .. -- Sinclair, - KlNGSTU.\'..... -` Farrell, . [_u}_VET . . . . . .. " Simpson, I CIIAIPIUN . . . . " Cumiehuel . c0Rl.\`TylA.\' .. " Dunlap. NJ the Slum:-rs of the nhove Line will ,1 5;, Lawn-ncs Whuf, loot. of Johnson FxfOf0nl0 and Hamultbn every gm;-- '-(`nay exeeple-l) nl HALF l`.\ST l -`IVE `wt Alsa,uue of (lad Steamers will leave ".gu'eql at:-ry Mljrnlng (Monday excepted) `uLI'-PAST Fl\ {-2, touching At Clnymn dwnnd Bay. EXPRESS LINE. V n-g;_\`1_L\ .. . . .. . . .Capt. J. J. Morley, nYs$l.\'l.\N........ J.B.Estcs, ' ggmcnca their regular trips between Osvego. Charlotte (Lundmg for Bum-lo` J-Arvin ... Ihn With inal 1 uesuays, | uursunys, Sslurdmys . . . . . ._ I Ind Saturdays . . Wnenown on vnyfroln WA iER'1'0\VN, 0. Encxut, Suxon, Inna, lLL leava Kingston daily (Sunday: ox- epled) at 4 A..\i. (except Mondays), ng fill! the Grand Trunk Trains and Shannen, meeting me 6;25_ A]. train rd! Id Oavego. ` Mtl P.I., connecting with the Grand train: from the West and Bay of Blnatner, meeting the 4:30 Pl. train lnhlnd Uuvego, and the Northern Trans- ' Company's Propellers leaving Cape tlor_0svego and all Western Peru. IIoaday only at 8 A._. RETURNING, LIFO Cape Vincent RETURNING, Cape Vincent M915 A I. on arrival of the train from nd Ouvego, meeting Gund Trunk trains Id Wes! tn`! Bay of Quinta Steam:-r. All P.I. on arrival of train from Rome and Foot 0 5:05, rm. April, 1869. fnpton. July 5, 1869_ |"'NI'ht or Passage apply on bond, or to G, M KINIGRORNI, N -5.30 UGLUCK, K1.gatun lime, and EISDAYS. THURSDAYS, and SATUR- |% ONE UCLOCK AYM. "311! of height or Passage apply to the 0|! bond, :.r to J. 0ARRU'fHER$ 8 CO., I 9103. > Frexght Agents. '1 It r"l 0I- - . -I` \PAR-l-A`, I)|n ` ` . . _ ` ` `um um. km. or: : V .,...,.....-- Kingston daily. `ll 3 A M ` P`l:;nnge'cVAgen. `lion, Iny 11,1869. `.----_______; ID P1130 A rousm. % IL FFRTHER NOTICE, U!DER:- ~ TB] ROYAL MAIL SI`I:`.AM.$R 4.. .., ".""'- 5Y. WEDNESDAY, and FRIDAY E! ll 5.30 UGLUCK, Kingston __EDAYS. THURSDAYS. nnd SATUR-. DAILY BOAT `lath. Plctun and BeilcVi1|e- zston anglztapc Vlncen merry. gsion azxiinsnlfe isiauu Fern. < PIERR EPON T, `-0 Juniour. III: SISTING of the aplcndid Luke Steamer: BAY OF QUlN'l`E. CAD1-nu l`....... r`.-..._.-. I I'.Il. 4 P M. Tuesdays, Thursdays, [Inning . . P11~.1:m;1\ u\'l`, I:-r vxx-runn ---- vs !uAL1A;..A Cunua Fun: Conn, I Iann-n I` . ......_.'.._.. I. Iuupdl I869. SU.ND.\Y TRIPS. A u ' and Gananoque Boute. .-_ I . line is composed of the foll9w- Line of b'to:uners. I r_:l. G. M, KINGHORN, --f r.\l\I af IJ-n..|- n--- |I` IPPIJ (.1 UCIITU, 0| I G. M. KINGHORN, of Brock Street. -{I IQRO Lanes Wolfe Island. 9 A.I. 1 P..\I. ')D\l lcuzrn 00 IO W Di 0. H. HATCH, A -an .715 P.! .Avu, Agent. N Assortment of Skitfs siwnys on hand. `A Work leaving Kingston I0 be paid for be- ore being sent out of the Establishment. Nn`I'I.:(`.Al'1fInI-.pnI-Gina in Llnnn-nl non` uru -emg nan: out or me l1.sl.aDlIsnmenL N011 -CAUr1o1I.-Par1ies in Montreal are otfering for ssle Boats purporting to come from my establishment. As I have no agent or per- son nulhorizvd to sell for me in that city, buy- ers are cautioned against bargaining with any one there for my boats. ll f\Yf\f\Dll A \T k1:yr.l