% LONDON JOURNAL, NEW BOOKS HENDERSON S BE CLEVER WOMAN OF THE FAMILY, - by the Author of the Heir of R.edcly'e. A Stormy Life, by Lady Georgina Fullerton. Nature : Nobleman, by the author of "Rache1 s Secret. The Gordian Knot, by Shirley Brooks. Greater Britain, by Dilke. Cast Up by the Sea, by Samuel Baker. The Chaplet of Pearls, by Miss Yonge. 0 Connell s Speeches, edited by his Son. Lord Plunlrett a Speeches, edited by J.0. Hoey. Grattan a Speeches, edited by Madden. Cnrran s Speeches, edited by Davis. Shiel s Speeches, edited by Macevin. The King and Commo` a,Cavalier, and Puritan Song, selected and arranged by Henry Morley. The Story of the Chevalier Bayard. The History of the Culiph Vathelr. Rasselas, Prince of Abyssinia. Abdallah, or the Four leaved Shamrock. The Essays of Abraham Cowley. Saint Louis, King of France. - A ISO Damn uuuls, nlug UI rrnnce. ~ ALSO A fresh lot of; Bulwex-'9, Dickens , Scott's, Lever s, Cooper s, Collins , &c., Novels, cheap editions. UIIIIBT l"I..I'II"I.f1 I'I'I.|A\`T \EALED TENDERS, addressed to the under- L iigued at this Depnlment, will be received until noon, on . nu u-u vvuot-uullvll v. nu. lvlnvvvlua n vnngf AT BALSAM RIVER, BETWEEN BALSAM AND CAMERON LAKES, A Lock and damn, wixb slide, of wood, on the Balsam River; also I. drawbridge sud pier at Rosedaie ; also for deepening the bed of Balsam River. Plans and specications can be_seen at this Department. A1` THE I.l'TNA"|"I(3 ASYLUM. LONDON SATURDAY, 4th September next, Al 'I DIE hU1Vl [U ADI LUM, IJUIVUUIV. A Kitchen, Laundry, Medical Superinten- dent : Residence, Main Drain, Workshops, Stnblc, Barns, Outbuildings, Airing Yard, Walls, Lodge Entrances. Roads and Fences, to be con- structed It the nbove mentioned Asylum. Plans and specifications can be seen at this Depart- ment, and st the City Hall, London. Am mun no-1: gun nrrnn I`L!lIIl!l\l'I'|IIlI\\1 For the construction of the following Works:-- AT UAYDAII DIIYDD DIFTTIYDDIT DAYDAII CAIH ., -.... -. ._.. .....J ---.., uvuuvu. AT THE D AF AND DUMB INSTITUTION, BELLEVILLE. A Burn and other Outbuildings, Mnin Drain, Lodge Entrance, Rondo end Fences, to be con- etrncted at the above mentioned Institution. Plane and specications can be seen at this De- partment, and at the Oice on the grounds, Belleyille. IIITQYDY A I'\IQ'I"DI'f!'l` EUDAUQA LII-QLIKLUL. For deepening tho chnnnels of Ilukoh. and Rousseau Rivers. p.a.....: r,...... ..r ...A.. ..... L. 1...: M. .....u_ ISUUUBCIU IXIVBYU. Printed forms of tender can be had on |pp1i- cntiok to the Department, and at the above mentioned placea, where the plans are ex- hibitod. n 'I`nnJn- will L. -gnncaA nn`A`ll It nnnlnina DIDIIOO. ~ No Tender will be received unleu it eontuins the bona de signnturea of two persons olfaring to become securities for the due fullment of the contract. '1... In... on go... o..-.A-- -:lI nae -mn--nauilw OOIIIFICI. The loweel or any tender will not necoassrily be accepted. JOHN G ARLING -Aug. 31. UUIIIIDIIS Doputment. of Public Works, Ontario, g Toronto, Aug. 16, 1869. April 30. Llnen shootings. Cotton do. Ta- ble Damasks. Napkins, Towelllngs, Lace and Iluslln Curtains. subject to 10 per cent discount at the lion- treal House. TO CON TRACI ORS. LUIS UQPIFIIUQDI. AT THE LUNATIC ASYLUM, LONDON. A Kin-hnn Ltmndrv Mpdimnl Rnnnrintnn FOR SEPTEMBER. OITY BOOK STORE. Portraits trom the Bible, The Pathway of Safety, The Earnest Commnnicsnt, Lectures on \he Gospel, Our Church sud bet Services, The Pastoral Oiee, &c. &c.!&c. . Stacey : News Depot and Post- ugc Slump olllce. Life of Mndnmo Guyon, Life of Fenelon, Life of Hedley Vicars, Life of Wesley, Twice Told TnIes-Hnwthorne, Old Town Fo1ks-Mrs Siowe, Works of W. Makepeaoe Thackeray, The Virginians, Adventures of Philip, Vanity Fair, The Newcomes, Aug. 17. JUST RECEIVED LEISURE HOUR, Dnlolt BO0K STORE. l!USKOK_A DISTRICT. -...-.:-u- 01.. ah-..-.-1. A` ll- RECEIVED A T JOIIN CREIGIITON. DAILY NEWS--THURSDAY EVENING. SEPTEMBER 2. SUNDAY AT HOME, AT THE PRINCESS STREET. JOHN CARLING, Commissioner. W..-Lg ns--In I 500 am: BIRDS, BEASTS AND REPTILES, 'Van Amblu-gh & 009s GREAT GOLDEN MENAGEBIE! A nlAMo.\j'n W0 RTH FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLAR8 HAS BEEN FOUND ONE of MORRISON S Sugar-Cured Ham: would cost. quite as much money ; yet at certain times they are by far more valuable than diamonds. I Dealers will nd our Stock not extra heavy but complete. Al! grades on hand. Cou- sumers will nd my prices reuonable and the quality superior to any in the market. LIVING LION LOOSE in the STREET UNCHAINED. j .'.%"l'..."`{" `.',, ei, TO LEND on Mortgage 8 , Real Property-Inm-est of per cent. County Bonds wanted. Apply to J AMES AGN EW, Barrister. Oioe, Bngot street, near British Whig omen. my 28. Aug. 28. The` Most`Br.i||iant Show _of any Age orvcountryi \.u;nu ILLLL u. THE LARGEST A"1Cfi')"ifV`52v ON 'i'HIs CONTIN`}.E\IT. In no other oxhihhhn In A11\f'l'i(`8. and probably not in the knfnvn \\'u1'hl. r`:m llwro he found so vast. 3 variety of wonderful nnmmlsas1hus<-ownedhythis great Menagerie Company Dlorgr rivnn El:-phnnts than any other exhibition In Good: Aug. 24. WILL EXIIIBIT IN KINGSTON On Wednesday, the 8th of September, AT THE CAPE OF GOOD HOPE. Admission - - Children under 9 years - FLOUR! FLOUR I FLOUR! F1 *rT`Lis% Mote A_fl-it-nu any I 1 IH|'l'I I. With its 1 ai. MORRISON. Doors Open at 1 and 7 AFTERNOON AND EVENING. Princess Street. I enormous Zoological Collection of nearly 50 Cents. 25 Cents. nnrrna, vvnazum. 5 uu., corner mag and Princess Streets, Kingston, manu- facture Pinnoes equal to any in the market, either of home or foreign make, and sell nu. moderate prices. Every Piano is warranted for ve years. They invite inspection of their style: and quality of tone. `Pm-lnr Oi-mun: nml Mnlndnnnn nf '--hm: EHO qlllllly OI lone. Parlor Organs Ind Melodeou of various makers are kept in stock in the Piano Wurs- ` room, And offered at mnnufacturera prices. J UST RECEIVED. FRESH OYSTERS, R.W. AND ? XE?- ' " frinion onmms, IIIELODEHDNS. RAPPE, WEBER & 00., King Prinmss Streets. Kimrston. mum. R. TOWNS Mu-kot Square and Ontario Street. mu OK IANOES- EAGIB .LL4L.4.|. ALSO. Plums. Applet Peaches, v... v, and Tomatoes, A lot of soiled Skirts to be sold It halt D1108. _ __.....-..;..w-.: 1;` 111214 I111`; U1 Country B/Iierchanm and Jobbers supplied at leis sale Prices. 7 I AVE NOW MUCH FLEASUR OPENED UP OVER. 1869. NEW FALL GOODS. I MAGNEE Sr. WADDELL ' I] PLEASURE m mn-m........ .. ._ _-__ -7 U uxgara brands :- llflllll-ll Z'- Ln. Relics," Pnrtagna, Dnque de Iorney, Loa Dos Ont-bajalea," "Flor do Tnbac, Regalia de Lnegnn, Boqnet do Tabac," , "Flor do Snnlingoe," . Ln Gurbolosa," El Gap:-iacho do Cuba. 30,000 Mnnilln Gherootl. Also choice brands of pure Virginia. Tobacco, and n. splendid nssomnent of genuine Meet- sctmnm Pipes for ule, very cheap. Anv annntitv of Out Tohsnnnn And hnmA_ "_ \_ uunn raj in wood or bottle. stuns: uvunum ITIWU IUIT sum, V.I" Cl-IUIP. Any quantity of Out Tobsocoa and home- made Cigars always on hnnd. Try White : mixtures, Sweet Ism Rose. 6. P. WHITE, Manufacturer and Wholesale Tobccconiu, KINGSTON ABOTTLINB DEPOT. GEO. .-rno111_Ifso_N a_; 09. Opposite the City Book Store, lilo; street, GENTS for Dow .9; Go : celebrated EAST L _ INDIA PALE ALE, which my be had ' nrvvv -4 East Indin. Pale per dozen . . Pale Bitter Ale . . 15 gnllou kegs East India Pale Ale pe 1' dozen Porter " FISIIEWS 13...`: `I -.33.. 'D..IA AI- -u._ 3.... I.` IUIIIIIII 0 East. India Pale Ale per dozen Porter _ " Mild Ale " - A stock of the above Ales 11:5 in good order. June 11. e. W. c. HAVEN & co., XGHANGE BROKERS, and Genenl In Iurnuoe Agents, Iuouie Buildings, King Street. Kmasrox, Ont. W. G. HA1:-II. T n In... an-cu. mnasrox, l W. 0. Hunt, June 16. R HENRY B. EVANS, II.R.0.S., London. I) Residence-PRINOESS STREET, house lately occupied by Dr. Maclean. March 8. CANADIAN IIEDIOAL ASSOCIATION. DOA?! I -.5 THE ANNUAL MEETING of the Canadian Medical Association will be held in tho City of TORONTO, Ontario, on WEDNESDAY, 8th September, 1869, in the Oonvocntion Hull, University of Toronto. u-_.|..1. -6 .1... n..__:..-.._ _.. _-__-_-J -- UIHYBFSII, OI `l'0l 0nl0. Memhel of the Committee: ere requeeud to meet on the 7th September, for the purpose of completing their Reports. III..- f..Iln-:-.4 the-.....-.:_- -:II __._A L 4.. . _ . , -n-_.r.-nu. an... .-orvnuno The following Companion will grant Hobs! to holders of oorticueo, u folloinz ~ l1.._4I 'l|-no.1. D-:I-.- II.___..._ A .a.,,nu, nuns... un v-.-um.-nu, - nvlnvlvi . - Grand Trunk Railway 0ompany-A double jam-my tickot to Toronto for a single fare. HI:-IIAHAII Rf (`Adan-nu_A _.A...Al._ J-a-nun, us... no nvnvllvv nu un -un'n.u nary. Richelieu Steunboa 0ompony-A ndugog of two-thirdlnneslu and borthl included - a 11...: 1I1..o..... B-81--.. n .... __ A ____ ,_ nu Irv v- nun.-, --~--- -nu won nan unuauu Grout Western Railway Oompony-A return ticket from Toronto at quarter fore. l\-_%.g- nntl (1.-`II `DA..n- -....-I.2.. n__-_k_ --V--u ..u... ..v...--.. -- `wuouvl --av. Quebec and Gui! Porll Steamship Oonpay --A reduction of 26 per cent from their pann- ger fun, meal: and berth: included. I` -..-A.-. I1 --h-.0!`-. 114..---- A. __.I._-_.I av: n-nvw' auuauu -nu. -nu nan uaauuuvu. Canadian Navigation 0oInpuIy-At reduced hm. n. ~r_____,_ |n__1-a,_. 1-a,,, .. . -_ September 2. Ina wuovuug an we Bicruul to whom spplieation muatbe made for obtaining certi- catea:--J. P. Rottot, I.D., lonu-ul; W. Oun- ui, I[.D., Toronto; A. Iona, I[D., N.B. ; W. S. Harding, [D , St. John, N.B. A. G. BELLEAU, I.D , Gnnonl Seen 0.U.A. Quobcc."An|. 14. 1939. N7 Call and enmine our Stock a Kingston, 28th August, 1869. : , _ __._ . _- v .-.4 ;. \JI -.1 \. ALL OF THE NEWEST PATTERNS. f` A good assortment of Watch Qlnterida always on hnnd. J nly 29. HI senate of Queen : College Lu puded n regulation to the elect tip! I6 Slndeit will be nlloved to board or lodge in my house which in not Approved of by the Senate, except bypetnhdouofpuenuorgugdhnngivenh writing. - Dy.W OI puon `mung. In nfennoo to the a sin Imgaunn nl Ln.-414-. UST RECEIVED, an assortment of Human Oigara of the following choice and popular mnds :- show, upplicstlou from the of bonding-bout: for tho nppiovtl - of the, > brill bonecivod nod Itiondod to if : addressed to Profuse: Dnpuin, u tho College, on or before 15:1: Bopunbu nut. Oman : Gallons, 24!!) Ann. IRAQ -vs. St. Lawrence Tow-Boat 0on:pany-At half IEO. 3. r. V! ul'|`|-2, Tobaqooniat, Princess Street, Kingston. July 29. nav- The following are tho Bocrotntiu to who; mnlinntinn muatbe nude (or nhninimp .-gum. QIIobec,'Ang. 14, mm SIZE. THE N1cwn7r"s1.ns ma nnsvr qunm. Children : Rlrl.-on ` -6-ENUINE HAVANA CIGARS! II W XKIIII IOIII $|lIlXl' DIX`. Queen : College, 2431: Aug, 1889. unncvt u'Ull.l U10 lnuflt aoucur FOR 4 _ . We no prepnted to ole: DECIDED BARGAINS IN ALL J ewglry, Watches, _II IUU Lle `W .. 090 ; always on hand rd QUEENS mnmnuu. Ladies Plutiqua !u;1u,J Lndieo Plnin Sklrtl . 0l_:ildx-en : Skirts use sum: van? rm: IVORY AND JET Goons, JUST RECE_IV1'3D SLA_V:1_N S. LABATi*s _ ; _ _ __ , ___- - vAJJA` `I530 and supplied than Montreal Wbqle-V : and judge for yourselves before purchasing oluiheu. MAFUVF 9. III A -\-I\-"- - I. 0. Hun. ..._...._ V . .. - -`,.......B nd masts the renewal of the con- be rmly resisted for some year~`.- Sept. l.-&1r VV. Hel ley`.sIi(l American, wns up nt the Mansion why on a chnrge of forging bills on timber from Quebec. Sept l.--The Paris Comtitutionncl ynys. Marshal Serrano is daily be- sore and more prominent as a can i the throne of Spain. " Sept. 1.-Proceedin`gs will be immediately against the seven who were apprehended for disobec.li~ Tmernment orders. Sept. l.-Tbe Suez Canal is com- The opening with eight metres of Inspected to occur about the 17th 37%` 12! V 62% oOI OF , - - _......,7.. VIVHB Subscriber in uinnufictn tour horse-power Threshing &III which he will wnrrsnt to give genonl subhe- uugtadou up '- lion, cheaper than my other elllbliilghenl` in the ' Dominion. CLEANERS undo to order. . ' Send in your on-den_imn_:_odiAnaly. / 'I`lsn..In:_- --J `' Dena xn orders immodintaly. Threlhing nu lowing menus zap-isaa oi the shortest notice. All manner of (listing! and Fittings, Plough: and PI XII.- smntly on hand. OIBOULABBL M IA- 0HINEt made to order. Charge: modcuto FOB. sum, . Ieeondphsnd eight hon.-pbwu '- Threshing Ilnohine, in good running odor, cheap. Uun awe: of BISCUITS from the but mum-inl, and lb Bags", Rolls, 80., to order. Order; promptly nttendad to. wnliinatnn at---` --" "` Y CHOCOLATE DE SANTVE. , Sept. 2 --The steamships Iostou, and Aleppo, frumsew York_ lrived. { ...,~.n.:. UNIY.Blll'l'Y,Ipd'll." ' . o4N0;o_r1'111_._ Tn: Olnuel oflbo-1-ACULTY or M 1.- GINI will communes on `NED T0333. 531:, 1869, ingzd of 2nd I . `T as previously nnonn . ` lnricnlnion lxnllutionl 8a.uxdIyo!Intcho(thoarnqt' _;. _ 9:0. w. otlrnu.L.~L"x .'i_h * * July 2. --_..., ,..u..-yu; suguulu I0. Wellington Street, near June 15. - . "" ` summer Goad: selling he llontroal llonn. -n_...a:_.- )Ua Stock of msourrs am`: the but lnnhu-inl ...a 1. tiuople, Sept. 1. -A messenge , with the Sultan : reply to the let- Ihe Viceroy of E_;vpt. II. is reported the Snlun Clplttsts satisfaction with u assurances of loyalty, But com- his to sell or transfer to the Turk- ent theiron-clads and breach- ordcred in Europe, to kcep his within the prescribed limits, abate plltsli his normal budget, and i from negotiations with foreign gov- ru Aug. 21. - _. ---. .-.a.s.xLL.l.`J.l.Iv 11'." 3; W. J. onornus-`f Baker: and Confoeoncrl .-.. ....u.u yuruuunlg ouuwnero MACNEE &. WADDl.3LL, . Princess treet. 1unssume__ Animus.` Ill _Q-|.....-:I.-_ 2- rattan `SUPPLY nnomvnn BY. .-.u.na mm: to order. . i on-den thing lowing Inching :- spurs cocoA ,atm-u~..t. \-. \ I ..\.. -nub ninglilllllk` C.tll|'i1'l\`_:I|! has uplu-In fo{hEI'IllC\`>!l \'. tmttic in p.~ttri.r ouship sud iutrl'lcct, and lustl_\~_ `Meat, To the errors of tmpet .3 mpgtience, rqwing aut_horitie.= mdefent. These Are the excess ',.mtu oftbe old stock, the tcmpir. `. F0919`; youth. `V1130. may not oftvo snch rivals do for the wear the world. . September 1.--The Emperor to- ut I Council of Ministers. lcnhon hits arrived in Paris. saute to-thy Prince Napoleon sch on the Senntus Consultutn. his devotion to` the Emperor _ Imperinl. Ind gave in his cum- dureuce to the proposed reforms, 5,50}-ed were but the beginning u! jams. He denounced as irreconcil- mgewhn opposed the loyal np[;licu- than rcfurms. hpress arrived in Touiun, on her | Peril, ye-ster.lay. She is much W. 0 cAs-rpn ou..- wLUM_l_3ER;j BASH! 15 cents to 80 eenll. an -' u go dentl. 30 u 4- 75 Santa. n. wnnriz, Ohonlnuntl . -vain ugnt none-punt - shine, s'S'"g7.a ';JOHN8'l'O2 nnown, _ V Eagle Foundry, 11:!` i C VWELLIII GTON STBIII`; chant:-uanrdggit. 9. Sept. l.-A serious revolt. has out uTgronn|, in European Tur- Etvenl urn.-sis have been made. Government butltllllgs are closely . The autlmrities were compelled lance: of the people to release the . Inboequemly a conict tonk Mien the guards and people, in lvcnl persons were killed and Turkiuh troops are on their Nhcily to restore order. ' Sept. l.-)linister Silvnln is ub- the city, nnd his dunes are per. ll interim Isy Senor Berena. Sept. 1.-A grand f4:oliVal in oflhe memory of Joseph the Se- Wlkld here Ln-day. Upward: of I... 1869- Judard protests ngaiust the nnnuil of the international race, And uln.-dly right to exact such physi. pzcnnisry ucnces every year by mining. The Harvard: won the to enmle them to come as cballen- 1sec0ndlri3lwoul.liuvolvc astruiu ` :1: And no interruption of sLudies_ not fnir to exact for the gnncn- '11:: riulries of the sporting world. J--J no.1...` D` . . . u . n . nag] ..l bl... _.... hve eurmw - ` `In My ' `nmgg; nod feel cand 4" -3; us brotherly a au.,.,dg hnvv here. We `, kmmun |n' satised v _s.;..h u.-ro mmlv lnr _r. commenting on the crime, re- "' I misfortune. It shows that eav- is extending beyond the nar- hich it has hitherto been con` hhnonnty of Mayo is now "stained llmcities which have disgraced uwmtmmok ` ",1 good will. an this penccful uxisni xi. butler lute and Iv | M. the bnnqucu I-Ii: wide and In -. -v..-r.. -..v .. herev in-day. 'HVO~ thousand pe--ple plrticipaud. .` 5'9` 1.-The Constitutional nu. `fit! the Emperor has recovered Lb ....l _:n _--L-LI__ __ .._ `Wino! a convention for laying 1 `him! between Europe and South `kn been exchuaged. `F 1--'Dhe Auutrinn Cnbinet "3 the Vieetoy of Egypt to huten I0 Constantinople. ..`3P. 1.-'l'he victim of the lust ~ '""`Re In nlmcd Hunter, not I H` I I Scotchmnn, who had rhlofnrnxer in the county of Mayo VI kllled. The Assassin bu not ` lInn.n-,| C159 " " " P` [_--T|n: .\'eu-1, ickens left. this country on f,... D I vi.` to America we expressed the Lunix _ ." W1. tmdny. says ht du service in the cause .\lr.I),ckons has 'V` V_____. .,_r_ -- -- RNING, sum. 2. 5,, 1,431" max . ` r ; `._T___'- 1 1, _ '-I-,f:."`..":i..?" ` "' . :"."01`glnI lay that the rein- b |bo_ut to ail will be Iucient tol ,_ I (`ABLE Stpl. {owlkv S. I. ._ frkgnq 19 H`. K `3 Cnuuu. y 1 -vv--=3 WHICH DIVO QISKYSCCQ 7 Wtltmeath. 5!! l.-'l`he Carlist chief- " `fhndarod on promise that their 13'-*""" mung New; T . _._.r... .. nanny Ivvvvulu-\a . And will ptobnbly go to axe In-ling banquet on I ion Doupowlloo. L-'1`he steamship C9113, `rived. I I which ! -.., _ ..-._-.... re. We rejoice iscd with the mic {or the race. here may be n -` I-.. l...s..._..... .5. _ lnm to express the lhr. themselves in Inrrs hr 3` I he 5 rcturh nnxlegt ghat 5 than Ms .\lnnda_\' tu know- . nu ncueut Ierlnole month has borne with ' especial severity upon Virginia. The corn fnilure will be felt in housekeeping, in stock feeaing,nnd in tlie_ diminished receipts fiom other products which will have to be con- sinned at home to supply the deciency in corn. The tobacco crop is a money crop, and being diminiohed one-half them will be 3 corresponding diminution of the pro~ du`.er's incume. n curreaponumg ducor`s saw BLANK? sue AT SL:\'lN`S. 0"," PAIRS OF BLANKETS`~(sIigbtly soil- )` 0) ed) to be cleared out at LESS I'lI.4.\' COST PRICE, consisting of CANADIAN TWILLED BLANKETS, UNION WHITNEY `BLANKETS, ENGLISHBATB BLANKETS, and OR YACHTS of ten tons and over, I prize of $150 Inll be oered, to be sailed for on the In September next. Entrance fee $10. Second bout so an her entrance. The about nu-a has known mun-m...A .....:I 1 ml. {____..__.__.___j.____-: x RS. CHRISTIE, Teacher or the Pinnofurle ; nnd Organ, and Vocal Music. Rideau Street, near the Artillery Park. For terms, hr`. apply at her residence, or to Rappe, Weber & L`o., King Street. _ Sept. 1. OCK. HTOIIOO oecuau 00:! B The above 1' September. Aug. 28. Gold Penclr LOSE. OST, between twelve and one o'clock on Sunday lut, between the Scotch Kirk and Grove `Inn, 5 plain GOLD PENCIL CASE. The nder will be suitably rewarded on leaving the same at the.Dax'ly News oce. Aug. 31. KINGSTONQE/EGAT"`I'A \-I-[SS PRICES Daily School will be re- L opened on WEDNESDAY, September lu, at No. 86 Ban-ie Street. Ann Q __.,, . \, ISS PRICE is desirous of obtuitng a few 1 more Pupils for Music and Singing Les- sons :1 her residence, No. 86 Barrie Street, or she willinsu-ucz youugladies at home, if pre- ferred. I .__ -sn Instruction In Plianororte and sing- ngo ` rrnn r.-..n.. . DST. on Sunday nflernoomlhe 29tb,be!.wen J Earl Street and the Drill Shed, a small Coral Brooch set in gold. The nder will be rewarded by leaving it. at the Daily New office. A... on BURNETT HoUn ONTARIO STREET, KINGSTON ONTARIO. R. K. Stephens. Proprietor. Truarv Pnn-mu-a in .ue..-.A.-m- -9 D..:I-..._.a -u ..-~ trutlllli./IIDV I lIl|II lbIUl' Trusty Porxers in Mteudnuce at Rnilrqnd Depot and Sleambonr Lnndingl. Oct. 28. We take 10 per cent discount on` all Black Silks and Fancy Sllk Dresses at the Montreal House. l.,L_ ac. Mr Linton : A at lay hour If 31? l Flnnnignn, Rnchnsl S: 1 Foleynnd, Jackson S: Fnnklin, J A 8: _ Fraser, Robert '1`: ` Fnge, William H V r Gollighan, Eliubeth I Goodwin, Enoch I Giblon, W V ~' 1 Hamilton, J N V 0 I Hutton, William I Johnoon, Jno G E King, In 1 *9 Pout Ocgkinguton, Aug. 31, 1869. Sept. 2. ,_ _ he recent terdible dronth has borne ; special severitv nnnn Vi-nine. vn... ....-- 0[~HLD`REN`S CRIB BLANKETS. Now in the lime to buy at I`: .-.- ..,-_- : -----wvvv aviat- (Late of London, Engn, and New York, U.S.) OMCEOPATHIC, PHYSICIAN-SURGEON. kn nun |\nnnna..Ic..A no kl. AK . g A - A- UUUIIXI Clay, 1 nu-rv Aug. 30. HOU CG. Aug. 30. Aug. I7 Consuluzi .on All \ ISS DE S1`. REMY will (D.V.) re-open _ her School on MONDAY, Sept. 6th, 1869, Aug. 28- Young Ladies tcnool. P. SLAVIN & C0`S, "WILSONS BITLLDINGS," Wellinglon Street. J- JARVIS J]. A A nu./, 1 Cl 1 DLLIAAV-DU HUDULV, can be consulted at his oice over Auction Rooms, at all hours. Calls ll` day or night promprly attended. J JARVIS. M D- . us: save net entrance. grace has been postponed until 15th J. JAl\.V ID, Ul.ll' zious free to the poor from 6:30 harocor-as.- sliducauonal. Kirkland, G Kenell, Lewis Kane, Thomas Kenting, Miss B Lacey, Bridget ' Laport, N Lyne, George Madden, George Mayer, J D Iaddigun, Miss Bridget llillaner, Mr I.l:I__ nL._1_, nuuner. Ml Milne, Chnrles Moloney, Min Mugt llolyneux, Iiu A Holt, John Murphy, Thomas (2) lcLenu, John McLaughlin, Willinm Newman, Miss largt O'Gormon_ Richard Omond, John O Heir, James Phipps, Onplnln (2) Purdy, Gilbert Powell, John Roach, John Read, George Roginhau-d, H Randal, William. Dam: W II Iv!- tsanuel, wuuum Ross, W M 4! Co Sublet and Reynolds Sargent, E Smith, D 0 Skengton, G Smith, Ednin Alfred Seymour, Edward (2) Sutherland, John Tolun, Kiel Anna Volet, Jean Walter, Augustus A Watts, Jemes Wesley, In E Wilson, Mary Ann Young, In William , Box 150 . prompny auelueu J. JARVIS, M.D- Okn nnnp fun-u R-Qt` mu [In IGIIBY. R DEAOON, Pnnnnnnnu unnuun, Poounuter. N.B.-Freah lot of Ten Cent nudFivo Cent Music just to bind. ` 1 Memo LOT or BISHOP oxnnnmvst 1 womise I |sm:v s BDOK STORE. In C I City