Ioulu Loan.-'-InuI-0 lualutiovnll, AICII Irina. Ioudon; lust: L. 8. B, H_ 39. u. Vincent street, Glugow; Vim... 30" -9 ui5b"Wh- ' .... ulvul` PPCIOD` Iblma ' Iodine Iwavinr. x hulls 31517 `of _ ___ -.........u...u uu uvury Dollie: Recommended and us_ed by Profauor Simonds at the Roynl Vegerinary College, during the hat twenty years. N .B.-'l`his uid is a certain cure for grease in homes, also the scab and rot in shoop. E water. ace directions 4 Boys] N,B._.'l`hi. n..:.a :- - e ' be applied; the result of uauuttxcri Agricultural Hall, Islington, Jan. 1868. Dear Sit-,--Please to send eight gallons more of your Disinfecting Fluid. as per order enclosed. Having used various Disinfecting Fluids at our many shows, I can say with condence that none have ' taneous and complete effect of Sir William Burnett's, and this too without producing any nuisance like the smell of chloride of lime or carbolic acid.-I am yours faith- fully, "S. SIDIIY, &_lec. and Manager. Capt. Jackson, lLN., 90, Cannon street. This uid acts on the essential cause of ' ' the local conditions of the atmosphere under which cholera. is most frequently developed and propagated. instance: In *a house in St. Andrew's street, Plymouth, occupied by fty-two persons, it was sprinkled in every room except four; in these the occupants would not permit it to which was, that in those parts of the house where it had been used, not a single case of cholera subse- quently occurred; while in the four rooms above alluded to, the disease still exists and some deaths have taken place. Two houses immediately opposite were supplied with a quantity, in neitner of which has there been a single case, although the disease is raging in the neighbourhood." 8614! by all Chemists, and at 90, Canon street, London. Qusrts, 16:; pints, 8s ; 11.11 . pints, 43; glass-stoppered Imperial pints, ex- tra strength, l6s per dosen- and in built at 49 per gallon: bottles included. Each gal- lon making nnn ..-n,._- --- V A 1: per gauon: bottles lon making 200 gallons, when dilnvcd water. See directions on every bottkr used in Pro! - on nu nuunceo, wun uleu st 59 to 59i Buyer: freely oller the Inter _1-no. Western Auunnce`Company-h in 4 I: I0. None on uurket. CAI-mil: P):-nun-.. D..:IA:-_ 9, 7- A `-_. 5 n vy uouncn. The value of the uid is shown by the following letter from the Secretary nnd Manager: 11;, -- ' " me umy ulsmtectaut used at tunil-Hall during the Smithelt Show in 1866, by order of Privy Council. 'l`m-4 w..I.-... -5 u_. an- rouowlng A orinu ., gnu ruulu, tor the purication of sick rooms, hospitals, workbouses, factories, pri- sons, crowded places, between decks of ships, fever wards, clothes and linen of sick, night- chairs, cesspools, drains. water closets, stables, dairies, larders, musty cssks, tubs, &c.; bilge-water, and the holds of ships; apartments for searchers, undertakers, and juzymen, and for post-mortem examinations; for the prevention of infectious disease, can- Ker and fungus in trees; for the disinfection of dead bodies, and for the preservation of subjects for dissection; for the extermina- I10!) of bugs and other vermin. Sir W. Burnett's Disiofecting Fluid was the only Disinfectant the Agricul- Smitheld Club Cattle Her M..a...-r. .\.., u.ruAI:I., emlgrm more especially when ndvice or assistance. Sold in patent. s nv-hm 0.. [-1 1. n! - lunuc as uu, ' cial agents 1 parts of the ' ;; medicine that cures Sea Sickness or the worst form of Billions Headache in I few minutes; effervescing and tasteless, its con- stant use is especially calculated to main- tain health. When _mixed with water and taken during the eervescance, it immedi ately blends with the food, and is rapidly absorbed into the system. It vitslizes and supplies the blood with those saline princi- plea that am lost, altered, or destroyed dur~ log the hot weather. In Jungle, Scarlet, Yellow, Typhus, Eruptive Fevers (or Cholera), also in several other conditions. when lhn ruuosopny or ueulth, &c. Delicious with every known dish. Its habitual use increases the appetite and pro- motes digestion. It is much esteemed for its digestive properties. ' As an assurance of its purity and salutary properties, it is only necessary to poi-t out the name of the celebrated and philanthro- pic Physician from whose prescription it is compounded. The entire life of that distin- guished man was spent in promoting the health of his fellow-creatures, and his death, in December, 1861, was mourned as a na- tion-l loss. Wholesale and for exportation by the Pro- prietor, 69, Lamb's Conduit Street ;. Barclay and Sons, Furringdon Street; B.-itty and Co., Finsbury Pavement. Retail hv (`.t.....:..o.. nu, -- --- rnuauur] ravement. Retail by Chemists, Grocers, Warehousemen, and others, throug Kingdom, and every part of the we Ask fOl.' The Snnr-.1: -Qnnn`=-' muguum, and every Agents-Eurgoyne, 16, Colman Street, 1 us cu. none Inulet. Canada Pbrnnneut Building Society-SnleI st 113i to I24.` There nre buyer: II the latter rate, but Iallerl nsk 1245. ` Wenurn Cnnndn Pknn....... n..::.a:__ n- I uuuuwzu construction the IWO operations of I simultaneously. 'l`beP1c-nl \{.3I"hnni u.uI'. Ln Noblcsse Soap-e5teetned for its unequal- led perfume and line emollient qualities. John Gosm-ll & Co.'s Violet and .\lilleeur Nursery Powder is guum vlL`l`d pure. Nu nu:- sery :houlv.,l be without it. Sold in boxes at 5.1; in tins 15 each John Gosncll & Co. 3 Cherry Tooth Paste is greatly superior to any Tooth Powder, gives the Te:-ll) n [|t.'1\;'J-lllie whiteness, protecas the enamel from dot-av, and imparts a pleusiug fragnmcc [0 the breath. Price 19 6d each. Instantaneous Hair Dye: certain to produce uny shad; Brown or Black, of good natural colour. It cannot possibly injure the hair, `nus no disagreeable odour, and is easily applied. John Goanell b Co. a Patent Tricbosaron, or newly invented Hill` Brush, the peculiar me- chanical construction of which annnmmma... uuu u] u1n\:HlllBl" liculars, apply to fucu1rers,JUHN 4 by Appomtmeul ` uf Wales, kC., HE Tnuura Q-u-nu-..--.. Ix V v `up oaupn. rrepared by under Sumhwood Srockor, a recipe by his Cousin, the late Dr E wood Slllh, thirty-ve years Pbyaici the Landon Fever Huspitul; Father of u..... I) . 'fHE gross frauds which continue to be prec- tised by obscure manufacturers, more particularly in Germsny, by imitating the le- hels attached to JOHN GOSNELL & Oo. s PERFUMERY, render it imperative upon the Proprietors to CAUTIOI the public against such nefarious proceedings, and to request their friends and patrons to purchase only of respec- table dealers, who import direct from John Gosnell & 00. ; and invite special nttention to the address- RED BULL WHARF,93Urpnn TIIAIIIS STRIIT. John Gosnell & Uo. s Select Perfumes: Ess Bouquet, Royal Yacht Club Bouquet, Jockey 0I\:b Perfume, Essence of Wood Violet, Vic- toria Bouquet, Frangipsnni, Military Bouquet, the Bride's Bouquet. John Gosnell J: Co. s Prince of Wales Per- fume, a most choice and fashionable perfume. John Gosnell 4: Co '5 Princess Alexandra's Perfume, 11. most choice and delicate perfume, I prepared expressly for the use of Her Royal dighness. John Gosnell J`: Co.`s Upper Ten Thousand Perfume. John Gosnell & Cu. s Jockey Club Perfume is in universnl request as the most admired llcrfuine for the lhudkerchief. Price 2s 6d. John G -sneil & Co. s Lu. Nohlesse Perfume, A most delicate Pvrfnine of exquisite fragrance. John (lnanull h r`...u iu..L.i....- Iv. :- - uo ulsagrecable odour, 1 H1'ir J conslrucuon lhn nun .-..........:.. _ -c auuu uuueously. 'l`beP::1euL Mechanical Chair for Brushing Hair by blauhinery. For Prospectus and par- the Paleulees and Sale Mann- .. ...~.., u-\.'lLu1J uu uu \VuAll", 93 I E`-IIAMES Sraxn-zr, late 0! 12 Three Kmg Lombnrd Street. In L PuEVv wuuu ouutu, miny-nva P'u_yaicia-2 to Sani- tary Reform; Medical Member of the lirst General Board of Heallb; Author of the first work on Fever in any age or country, the Philosophy of Health, Am. Delicious with 9...... |,......... .I!_L v. nurunio uuy uu Uompany-Tha market. nlill continued burs pf this stock. would give 109. Bfiliah American Assurance Company- Hu advanced, with sales and 60. freely run. Buyer! , ,, _ -.. .. .0...) an uuuuaauc rename, John Gnsne-ll 4!: Coin Noblesse Pomude, eler gently perlhmed, and highly recumpn-r.ded for be.`uuit'_yin_- and promoting the growth of the lmir. /_____.%_________ `IIR WILLIXM BURNI?/I'T S DISINFECT- b ING FLUID, for the purication rooms. workbouees. fa:-.a.m;.. n.-L AMPLOUGEPS 1 Madma..- A..- nruuuuws PYRETII Medxcine that out form nf Ramn... n , ._y puus, nrupuve Fever condizic urrenl. is nninnnnd L.- naala unucc. stoppered glass botties, I, 4s 6d, 113, and 215 each. Spe- s required and appoinged in all a worid. ' `KB uu, 1: \ SAUCE. Prepared by der Stncknr sul [O ner Majesty, the Princess ,HED BULL \VHAl{F, 93 Upmm nu late nt 12 Th:-an 1.'..... nm... CAUTION. IUI. ' lolnon'I Bank-Buyeru It 109. None on mu-kot. Oh] Bonk-Smcll sales at 101 L Sellers now Iii-I02]. Ln Banquo dn Peuple-Books closed. Divi- dend due Seglember. Ln Banqua National:--Buyers 31107;, La Banquo Jncquel Uanir-b'euors at 108]. n...|....:..I n-..I. u.---- A -~-- - - .8: Perfume - 256d. `. & Prrfjxne nf nrnniainu fun a... ...... :._y. rut rroepeclus and ) Sole Manu- ` GOSNELL & C0,, Perfumers to Her Mai.-alv uh: D.-..-um... uumunuu a Uo., Ferkumers Her Majesty, the Princess ED BULL \VHAlH`<` an n........ DAILY NEWS-`-FRIDAY ~Ev3E1iNG.*%*~s%EPTEMBER 3. PYRETIC SALINE.-A mt San Riolnma. .. ... vsucla, luruugnouli the ry world. Sauce.-Special Export , Burbridges, and Squire, ` London. uulbuu; and In balk I na, with I even bani. _ ...... -.., wnu e had the instan- '.a we :id.-I FY, Sec. N., 90, ' .- For a persons. it nuts, urocers, Itallian throughout the part world V.-.uu, uaw ycuuuur me- 1 which accompanies :' cleansing and polishing Ul 106}. _ uuv Ann: ur 0001.!)- P'u_ysicia-2 ital: Father nf .\`nui_ 1u :AhlNE.-A ]a~,1d.n+.. an . ra- Iu umo Uattla Her Majesty : Itallian hnnf Ikn RATES, AND IF YQUIDO nor ALREADY rum ADVANTAGE or V P CONTRACTS ANY Nnwsunn PUBLISHED IN 1-ms OITY, 1-ms JOURNAL on-xns -rm: nsr unmuu FOB LOCAL AND anxnau. ADVERTISI- xnn-rs; rannnronl :.- ADVRRTISEINTHI nun zmw_s." POSSESSIN G A LOCAL PAPER IS THE BEST KIIDIUI `WHERE!!! lortgI'geo-Axo readily taken to pay 8 per SIGN A THOUSAND TIMES. PLACE THE PARTICULARS 0]` ll` YOU HAVE SPENT MONEY IN THE PUB IF YOU WOULD TO A LIBERAL AND JUDIOIOUS USE OF NEWSPA.PE:{ COLUMNS! TYPES AND INK BESOLVE AT ONGI 1'0 ADVERTISING! ADVERTISE -ms Moslsrun TRADESMEN AND MERCHANT rBa}Anvn1z'r1sma ;|[AY BE MADE rrtras "" DAILY NEWS OFFICE. AND YEARLY wen name an mgh n 1691. Bank of Britiah North Americn-Buyers to 5 limited nun! at 106. No Ionra. Onlu-io Bcnk-Smsll nles have been made at 951 and 96. Sellers It latter rue. Bank of l`oronto-la inquired tor. nnrkot. Buyers would gnve 124. Royal Canadian Bnk-ls held rmly at from 62 to 65. No stock changing hands. - Cnnndinfliunk of Gommerco-Salea at 105, 1051 and 106}. The stock is procunble at. lat.- ter IIKG. None on THE LARGES1 A l"I'RAO"X` CUSTOMERS A ND NOT TO AGREEMENTS? 3 -` OIROULATION OI ADVERT ADVERTISE; ADVERTISE `OUR BUSINESB ADVERTISE ,__-.__ s3;-u Bank of Ionu'ul-Hu Advanced steadily during up wock. Snlea hove been made at 163, 184 and 165, and ules for future dehvery were nude high Britinh Mm-M. Am..:..- D..---4 -- TO A D VERTXSIG A uoou. susrnss, aramsronm 00 AND ADIIT THE IHPOBTANOI OI N PURCHASE AND ERECTION 01" AR ATTRACTIVE SIGN FOR YOUR PLACE 0]` BUSINESS CARRY SUCH A JUDICIOUS STEP A LITTLE FURTHER um Rmpnr THE IF YOU WOULD DRIVE YOUR BUSINESS, BEFORE TH) PUBLIC AND UN THE THEIR SUOOFFI- AND ATTRIBUTI BE DRIVEN, Ill IIIB. Gore Bu:k-l| much sought After. wouli probably give 85. Iercnnnu Bunk--Sold at 105) and 106. The mock in procuublu :3, latter nue. Queboc Bunk-Nonoo'n muket. Buyers at 101. Buyers ISEI mapper. _ 4:: to; Lou and Pqrriu' Sauce. Sold Wholenle and forkxpoxt, by Ibe Pro prietors , Wo1-cent: ; Hours. (Irons and Black- well ; Meant. Barclay nnd Soul, London; kc.- &o.; Ind by Grooen sad Oillun unlnx-ally __________________________ fJETAhD PEBBIN8 Woroeeterehire Sauce 13 delicious Condiment, pronounced by lonnoiaseura The only good sauce, in pre- _ and solely by Lee and Pin-inn. The Public are respoctly cautioned egtinetwonhloee imi- :etions,and should see thuhen. and Pen-inn Names are on Wrapper, Label, Bottle, and Stopper. Ask for `Lu Perrln.l for Xxnorn h. n... n-- Canary dissolved m a pint of boiling wnter PHOTOGRAPHS may be tinted; dilute the dye with water 7: bottle of Magenta to a pint of water. kc. ILLUMINATING: Magenta, Violet, _Blue, `Orange ; pour a few drops into an egg cup add warm water; use withn brush or pen ' Borders of/books, similar to Ward and Lockis BLANCJKANGE, JELLY, CORN FLOUR ICE,C REAMS, &c : While in a. liquid state add, one or two drops of Magenta. A more si ple or elegent tinting cannot be had. C%l?l7`ECTIONER8 will nd Magenta, Violet, range and Pink usefnl colours. GELATINES and GLUEB are successfully coloured with these dyes. INK : .A Sixpenny bottle of Magenta to npint or more of cold water WATEB. ' One drop of dye will tint 5 quart. PB.IN_ l`IH G on Ootton, Silk or Wool in the men stir in the Whitening Mauve, Violet, Purple, Blue is produce pretty tints by using 4 more, as directed above. STABGH: Stir in: few drops a Magenta, Mauve, Violet, Blue these impart delicate tints to I Inc. WILLOW SHAVINGS, Wicker, J Hlif. Fihrm: Rm:----~" L or the dye is sufc COTTON: Mauve, recommended. LEATHER: Blue, Orange. Dye in W WEITEWASH - 'l`n {;j..______j_%__ JUDSON S SIMPLE AYES FOR THE PEOPLE. Any one can use them; any- thing can be dyed with them. It is impossible in this small space to enumerate the many uses to which these wonderful and beautiful chemical preparations can be applied; while their chief use is for dyeing textile fabrics, they are also invaluable as a colouring agent for almost every known material, the ease with which they can be used and the brillian- cy of the result being, indeed, almost magical. By their use almost any article of clothing can be dyed in a. few minutes for a few pence without soiling the hands. MEMORANDA. MAGENTA: The an-anon. and l-------- -" -' ` MEMORANDA. MAGENTA : strength and dye is almost. incredible. A J tle will dye 20 yards of Bonn I0 minuu=.s:- it ...:n -1 nos rmk by using for Woollen Goods, WUOLLENS: Mage Pnrnln n-n--- Wll-ll ducer. " U0udy's Ozonim CONDY S PATENT 1 In-.. __, ' The ncctued intreat is ndded to the ; of all bonds llld debentures told in this ma Exchange on London : 60 days Bank. . . M U Private. Ned York, on dennnd,Bank Gold in New York. . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . .. n-_I_ -p n . - - XIII. Thou bu bun o-(alt buuinou done in Stocks dig ill unhhnd in one or two cue. .; . Oouidcnhlo Idvnol. _Bui!ding Society Stock. coldnno lb hvonrito oocnritiu. -nvunu- L (1.... IUI` use. N.B.-Condy's Fluid is the 5 Test for Organic Matter in V the only known meme of rapic freeing Drinking Water from which is so common a cause 0! To ranixilv m..:r.. .u.- ,- Standard Scientic Water. and nbrds rapidly and completely from Organic Tainlz, olaerious disease. To mggidly purify the air, use the diluted uid with Coudy's Ozoniser" or other Spray-pm- rI1'\|Yr\1-vu;- _ V - HE ORIGINAL OHLORODYNE, invented by B. Freeman, Pharmaceutist, is allowed to be` one ol the greatast discoveries of the present century.` xlt is largely employed by the most eminent Physicians and Surgeons in. hospital and; private practice in all parts of the world. It has effects peculiar toitself, and which are essential- ly different to those produced by the various compounds bearing the name ol Chlorodyne, but have no pretence to possessing its virtues. It rapidly relieves pals, from whatever cause, al- lays the irritation of fever, soothes the system under exhausting diseases, and gives sleep with- out_ producing any one of the unpleasant feelings .so commonly arising from the use of opiates. It continues to hold its unshaxen position in the estimation of the Profession as the best, most reliable, and cheapest preparation. Eminent and scientic Physicians made affidavits that they have tested its eccts in careful comparison with those ofDR. COLLIS BROWNE'S CI1LORO- DYNE," and deposed to the facts that they lound it a more certain and reliable preparation, and greatly preferred FREELLLNS. Earl Russel} nnmmnnir-ntrpd tn H15: Rmml r`.nl_ man, IU, neunmgzou rark Road, London, 5. The gezz-.-_T-ne has engraved on the Government Stamp (outside c::'.`h Bottle), " FREEMAN`S ORIGINAL UIILORUDYNE." ,.__ ONDY S PATENT LUlD_ or natural disinfec- ` taut puries, deodorisea, andjdisinfucts, by the agency of nascent or ozonic oxygen,---its active principle. Being entirely innoxious, this uuly scientic preparation is peculiarly adapted for the following useful purposes, lor which all other diaiufcctallts, on accountof their poisonous or other objectionable qualities, are unavailable and useless :- . Detecting organic impurities in air and water. Purifying drinking and other water from or- ganic matter, load, the. Frcshcning the air of close places, and remov- ing bud smells. Freeing meat, fish, butter, from taint. {`..un.o.;....u:.... `L- -1:-._., n - or other provisions ll'Dl).I L811 ) 5. Cuuuteracting the etfects taken into the stomach. (".m-inn Mum" .....-...,....J,._ V uuu-u mw me swmacn. Curing Musty provender. other seed from smut. Mninrninin.-w cl... I.....I.L _ .......u.n.mug Lue nenun or plants in pots and conservatories. Preserving and restoring the freshness of cut flowers kept. in water. Deatroyiiig the blight of the potatoe, vine, bop, mulberry tree, &c. Washing dogs and other domestic animals. Cleansing bottles, beer barrels, pickling tubs, dairy utensils. VVashing the hair when turning grey. Enhancing the purifying and invigorating ef- iects of baths and tuba. Dressing nninm-ma _..----I- --J I and darkening its colour mew 01 name and Dressing poisoned wounds 1 mal viz-l_:a. m_ ____ _. . .. J ,, mm Vlfll. Treating the infectious diseases of horses, dogs, &c. One gallon makes 200 to 300 gallons a( for use. nu n_~:- ---A IVUI. Ioehnicd Bnnk-BuyerI at 92}. Sellers It I). was uuioroume. The Medical 7717155 and Gazette, January 18th, 1866, states, II. has an immense sale amongst. the public, and is pmscribed by scores of Ortho- dox Medical Practitioners, and, of course, it would not be thus singularly popular did it. not supply A want. and ll a place. Muniiliu-t.nmd hv tho lmmnomn RI:-}..;..I l:`....._ ll want. unu all place." Manufactured by the Inventor, Richard Free- man, 70, Keuningzou Park Road, London, S. 2e::-.-ne has cmnnvpd nn thin (lam.-nmn..o nnu grenuy preterreu -- xr1u91um.1:Vr5." Earl` Russel} communicated to the Royal Col- lege of Physicians and to Mr Freeman, that in lianilln the only remedy of any use in Cholera was Chlorodine. 7')... u..J.`..,.7 l'.'.....-.. ..-.,.v r1---u- r__.-___ -Inn. 5 pull. I0 I cording tn brush. w mmunes; it Roan Pink by l` Woollen an _-_, -.... uv uacu auu me Drulian- e r clothizig lin aoilingyle I [III II SILIU Ir. ning the health of plants in wies. - - --;;.aLVL UL4U;V l\`_ilIaU V (FOB 'rou.1:'r PUKP08lS,) om the mnnn. :......._- . .. mumuxme. A b'ixpenny'bot- Bonnet Ribbon in it will also produce a. clear >7 less dye. Suitable also Feathers. Silks:_ Au- H. BOLLMAN CONDY, Pateutee, Battersea, London. ___._____;_.__ U.nion Bauk-Bn)ers at O. uall-Is Less aye. Suitable: `roads, Feathers, Silks, &c. Magenta, Mauve, Vio e. Pink. and (`..-im...... ..-_A ....-u u-an HA. I a beauty of this I ncrodible. Sixnennv -hm- ucl. V K . of Violet. Run. . ' OZONISED WATER, E1` Drvnnnn-n \ ) adapted Freeing wheat and I and destroying ani- of organic poisons . want; or this Sixpenny `bot- met Ribbnn an I. Toronto City G Compguy_Th3 (ill eontinuedbcm of this mm. Colour- np 03-). . cattle, , -_ --.... on u zluloll. Pomadel, Rose and Violet Powders, Cos- metics, French Extracts, Lavender Wetex, Cherry Tooth Pu:e,.Lime Juice and Glycerin. and gvery del`criptio1_1 of pnepantiolu for I110 Toilet. leuu Burgoyne, Bnrhidau: Ind Sqnin -19- ceive Iudent for Ye:-dle y'& 00. : preparnibllh ` Menufactory, 7 Vine Street, Bloonpbnry. London, and Depot, 5 Rue dn Grand Olpntier, Paris. Eltnblhhed 11.70.: GL-YCEB Eve Also in Onrto E Paste d.'elvy gnnpi-.o:.-- -SUNFLOWE INE SOAP. ry variety of Fancy us of 3 Tablets. R on. s0A15. Soap: in 1b nd C4 tracts, Wqtc Limo Juiceanj Glyaarh , _;.______..__.__._....._.. YARDLIY & C0., Fancy Soap Isl Perfnmera. Prize Hednl aunt` Purity and Excellence of Quality, J and Pg:-ia. - BROWN WINDSOR SOAP. PRIZE MEDAL HONEY SOAP. PATENT -SUNFLOWER 80. Ghvnlanrun on - - `I-~;.ullA'G BEA SALT, for producing I real Sea Bub in your own Room.' The above favourite preparation in utrongly recom- mended Sole 1. :-oprietora-.-1'IDlA`Nv8 son, .chen- '- iata, 16 Wormwood Strut, London, 3,0. . ,, --.-.... ,..... pass 1 nave been in the ba- bit of prescribing Dr. de J ongh's Light-Br9Ivn Cod Liver Oil, and nd it to be much more e- cacious than other varieties of the same medicine which I have also employed with a View to test their relative superiority. TIDKAN 8 SEA 8ea_ i gin... r_._- - DR. GRLVVILLE, F.R.S., Author of the Spts 0! Germany." ---. EDWIN CANTON, ESQ., F.R.G.S., Surgeon `to Chsring-cross Hospital. ii`or several years past I have. been ' ' wnnv nnpokr or onuoux snou- muss. OIIBIJ CODE pale oil." DR. BARLOW, F.R.S., Senior Physician to Guy's Hospital. I have frequently recommended persons can- sulting me to make use of Dr. Jongh_ s Cod effects, and believe it to be a very pure oil, well tted for those cases in which the use of that substance is indicated. DR. LETHEBY, Medical Oicer of Health, and Chic! Analyst to the City of London. ` In all cases I have found Dr. de Jongh a Ligl1t-Browu Cod Liver Oil possessing the same set of p.-ope:-ties, among which the presence of cholaic compounds, and of iodine in a state of organic combination, are the most remarkable.l It is, I believe, universally acknowledged that this oil has great tbempeutic power; and from my investigations, I have no doubt ofits being 1 a pure and unadulterated article. ' DR. LANKESTER, F'.B.S., Coroner for Central Middlescx. I consider that the purity of_thia oil is secur- ed in its preparation, by the personal attention of no good a chemist and intelligent a physician quainted. Hence, I deem the Cod Liver Oil sold under his guarantee to be prefernble to any` other kind as regards genuineness and medical elli- cacy. c`cy'n ....,....... umucr [.0 me roar Lav Board of Great Britain. \ We think it a great advantage that there is one kind of Cod Liver Oil which is universally admitted to be genuine--the Light-Brown Oil supplied by Dr. do Jongh. It has long been our practice, when prescribing thepil, to recommend this kind, since, amidst a much variety and un- certainty, we have condence in its genuine- neaa.-(Extract from Consumption: its Early and Remedinbie Stages) ...5....-...mmuuu mver uu., 1 consider it :6 u very pure oil, not likely to create disgust, 1 a. therapeutic agent. of great value." yn. nu W AIUJ Medical Officer to the 1 D45. us I an Ulh. DR. DE JONG S Oil is convincingly proved by an overwhelming weight of medical testimony, and by the practical test of successful experience for twenty years in all parts of the world, to be, beyond all question, the purest, the u1oateica- cioua, the moat. palatable, and, from its rapid` curative effects, the most economical of all kinds. Hence the universal celebrity 01 Dr. (is Jongh"a Oil, and the unparalleled demand tor this unri- valled preparation. SELECT MEDICAL OPINIONS. SIR HENRY MARSH, BART., M.D., Physician in Ordinary to the Queen in Ireland. I have frequently prescribed Dr. de Jongh s Light-Brown Cod Liver Oil, I to be verv Dure oil, nnt Iiknl: In ..--_-- J - - g- sag LAST man. '1'lil(MD' FUR 1859. Fox-any one of the toureviewa For any two of .he fou 1' Reviews For any three of zhofour Reviews For all four of the Reviews For Rlankwnna-I : Mn.-m..:n,. nor an tour 01 the Reviews For Blackwood s Magazine - For Blaekwood and ouc Review For Blackwood and two Reviews For Blackwood and three Reviews ` For Blackword and four Reviews I IUBTAGE-. When sent by mail, the Postage to any of the United States will be but Twenty Gent; 3 year for Blackwood, and bin 19 cent; a year for each of the Reviews. nuuuwlug reauceu rates, viz : ' The North Britiah from January, 1863, to De- cember, 1866, inclusive; the Edinburgh and the, Westminster from April, 1864, to December, 1866, inclusive, and the London Quarlzrly tor 1865 and 1866, at. the rate of $1.50 a year for each or any Review; also Blackwood for 1866, [or $2.50. THE LEONARD SCOTT Publishing Co., 38 Walker-street, N v The L. s. Pub. Oo.:l-3:)-_ publish The Farmer's Guide By Henry Stephens of Edinburgh and the late J. P.No1-ton, of Yale College. 2 vols. Royal Oc- tavo 1600 pages and numerous Engmvinga. for the two volumes. Bv ch. usvu, muu and Engr: PRIOE--$7, post paid. $8. nununvvuuu as muwuurcuu MAGAZINE V (Tory.) I VHESE foreign periodicals are regularly re published by us in the same style ashereto- fore. Those who know them and who have long subscribed to them, need no reminder; those whom the civil war of the last few years had deprived of their once welcome supply of the best periodical literature, will be glad to have them again within their reach ; and those who nmy never yet have met with them, will assured- ly be well pleased to receive accredited reports of the progress of European science and litera- ture. IlI`ll|`nIu:I nnh I-1\nl\ Subscribers may obtain back numbers at the following reduced rates, viz North Briah fr-ntn _l'nn.u-... 191-o ;- `n- --: THE LONDON QUARTERLY (Conservative THE EDINBURGH REVIEW (Whig). THE WESTMINSTER REVIEW (Radical). THE NORTH BRITISH REVIEW (Free ch h) um BLACKWOODS EDINBURGH MAGAZINE ('l`orv.) Z ,.,..n-&``-``' 7 T .4 EW5 01 ,-2 " THE N . Q/`J INJNG 001V H, gem "7 wonls `ND 5 N15 BT51 ENTE _ mgttl-`I111 1 r?" -`ff, Two D f S":"e sub-"1 " 011'?` %g])`s`. `Dd ` 1arg;,?;:FnV EELS NI " Address ' FRIDAY EVENING, `SEPT. 3. BRITISH PERIODICALS. DR. EDWARD smm, 1:-'.ns., Inmn... on 0}... D... r -_ 1-. . `ft CH RONICIIEA ND A WEKLY FAMILY Inn.-..... , 1>osT-Kan. It in mail. the pnafm .__,;_-_-Z._.__._ JON GH S LIGHT-BROWN GOD LIVER OIL. rnvannna Ar: 9. N - - TERMS FOR 1869. nl {Mu lnu-.D..-u:....._. `ica ion, purest, most eica- rapid most ofall versal celebritv 01 Dr, :1. .r.m..n,a. SALT, __.____.__ Room! 'I'l-J _j--ll.l`{\il~_N:ms.} .. ........ u, 1: .n.o., 2 Poor Law Board itain. I nwudod for London mu 3 ruuuanlng 150., Walker-street, N .Y. _Postae any p-xx] sebut Two-.nns'n... A WEEKLY] lDBx.l ur. ae Jongh I create dinunt and 3 wh I. R m... Lungs. -. vJI.n4 u. I Jongls r he $4.00 h (m PELLAT1` 3 osmm, >. 86 Rum S1-nu Eur, Tomato. Aug. 31, 1869. --.rr: 7lllniun.. c All! 10.00 13.00 ` 1 6.05 ._v p'u I our V Eight I .\)U 10.00 I 2.00 4.00 '1 nn Lu UE , and annscnneu who many. ,1 in charged ` "I DolIa.n_.ror. . ...= Subscribers who nu-n nhn-and Iivrnhi. ` nary answers or -comma-I:-r such bounce it willuon' uni: Adieninanontl of 58*`: partnership Notices, Private . individual Members of r-.nI_,,_ for Sale. " maxuaun. Sale. rnce for squgteif ,ox_;Q_}qy;. _ $40 with the pzivngoraxgg-z_i:5_H a month. _ " '_ _Ha1fnqunn'lor Duly pqd" wxth sane prlvilogn. - `;` J N.B.-'I'he. gquan to nan buninus of - ` -/1 ulx .4 180" X. Faun 8 0am, in r: um - on the sammudnlo and in` bi! Business Notioea." Iv-A-and A ` ;; ;. : 5 nnuer LU nnel 107001-Ijff Other Notieoa in oditothlr, of which is to promote intetll of Individhllf Ran:-uni: AFR:-1.. 1......--mh IIIIBIGU 0| lndidll UFUI nuacruon. `*2 29$ Subsequent iqnegonp _ _ once a week, 4 cents per Notices of Birth. . .'50"_W . D0 : - Do ofDeuth|...50 ` . Busmus N.oncxa_._". _ ` heading, leaded onomn % scared by a. scale of under 10 linen Tliolligiii Notima in ndimrhla 1 T . R` 3 Ann of L I 6 lines and unde"II",.';T%` g and 13 cents for everyili 4 10 lines, $1,25for ` . 17 cents for every aubueq Above 10 lines, tion,- and two com: 150!` ` . insertion. - '- :1 " .-: is enabled to e ; I with gm8@re .. k in the City, all rddl maybe favored. , 51-21.]. D'__ _ R` WM 8 published e _ uinnio :57 V .d.- _-..-'a & _l_ or-YLAIIJE: ! Job Printing, 11 106}. Sellers at |ll'- uuumuuu Dwcl oicrlng at 107, OR] of Toronto Deban!uns-Hnn been gold during tho met to gay 7 nod 61 per g.;_ looouvolhrimz to non! our 6; an aunt ` 1 ` ` `.` Book`, Job, slid E E8 T4 B..E. HE Und A ,-' ` I of-l?1.uu.An I Printimr. mm -:-m Pianos, Qrgnn,'B1Ht,dq c. Every one who by bottle of :hia,pough_. we will give fall A if is put up iubottld It half A dozen are grv-rd pmpnid bx ilnill en-itory and .l_ ` _We* publish (I937! 93" may. Sendii IIDLI vac Daily News __.__._____.;.._--- I sunvs Vumm" mvili U an lea_ding- hopef- Pianos, O_x-guns, _ _ c_.V_ Ev_eIjy i.` nun Thesquare to be 1! liiIei o?%_ Tho half aquurli li7r'llltII'3i Price for mum; for on: Ilhl '1 I10 LIIII l]IIIK"I1 for aqruue f _ox;qgr;.. :40 DriVillo?0fI1lll'ilI (we wul lend} V `- 1' any address`, on _ ' . _ in Single copiga in ` By the 100, `f b j_`1-Tm. Single copies inboard '""` Bytbe mo, - -.s:a~tssj SABBA'1`H- smmm ` ` nanx. 109i 109 and Ron '1: I K; caremuy print Form of Deed lgg` at the Daily Nei gages and nthrjii ` ...-..un ruent; D1-tutu; Private Biils during u, Copy Right: and, marks and designs prom Drawings. .` n-nu.-A -aura ' EV! attended to. --_._ -jgu PRINTING 11 . deunnd .. 4-uu u on ntvjui N1 U3 ! INHODUG% 1 lea_ding- hope; ?- 'ian08. Or2nnn;'RlI.l` nuuu, 19:02., Ina] Life Assurance B: July Int. 1337. .______-_...,_ 1 TATUTORY nu )carefu!1y rint 01111 De.eaPlea..i? nauanula, _' .. . "-*2, Pamphlets, Invitntipn`g," Liw Binnie, Posting Bills, Concert Billy,` Rail ro`ad=Bi,Ih, Gbqiie Bobka, _ Bnsinem Cnn'ln_. . , 1.41506 I8, Handbills, Pamphlets. nookl, ' Labels 2 TWO srngg L1- DA1I1'Ijg market ). Anvni " '-N: , ` .._..-_.-a_-v.n1u.aVvIa.,v, A 0. Eucnyr, snton, Infra, - (7 leave Kingston dlily (Such mars, meeting the 6:26 Al. . g Onwego. ' ., l5P.l., oanneotin wish the `-"1.tt3II from the out and . Steamer, meeting tho 4:30 PM ' End Oswego, and the Jloctbcn .Oompuny a Ppopellgrn . ing `for Otvego and Ill`-Weatarn ` :1 only at 8 AJI. I)IvlI'l1 n\n-urn . " - -""" "" -I runrnxn NOTICE, mm 1umn:- `V lungs: 1-nun Illll nun! `, U ontbe1lth__i.ut.. 5 " borne _nAs1' 3: mo Ln. GOING WEST At 6:00 Pl. pguge Ticket: apply at an ., V and 13:05., Ontario Street, or at t .. g r Steamboat Office, St. L; fool of Johnson Street. " = 8030: to use , was en - Is via Grengfweateru, De .. gird Hahigun Gum-cl Rail . Chicago, Milwaukee, G:-and f` . for all the principolpointg in mg , ` .vin_.PIcic Railroad to Duh, Na "*':.1(vn`dn'nnd cnlirofnu A Oonforublo sud Convenient "I it India and Gentlemen an ti. nun.-I-n he prices I market- .. 109} h, 100 4 P. l. Tueadnys, Thursdays, turdaya . . . . . . Mldcturdayl .. - .. gyatartogn op "; 1'AN_...... onpnmk pg;..... -: ginel , ..... - u :.~iauEr....... .-- 7Sim loaauplon Uurmi EQQBINTHIAN .. -Dania `gnu. Steamers of the nbou L` g, Lawrence Wlnrf, foot of 8 _ Tomato and Hamilton eve ` excepted) at / xi` IAI'.1?.'PAR'l` wlvte inns-Jn A-ax. .` I All. .___f.-_ . __. A _.__,_,_..i__..._._ {non anal`. pe Vlncen tr t or P483880 apply on bond, G. I. KINGHO "` -. 'VI-' 101 1.2:. ` H OAPTAII Fuix Conn, I-Inn oujmurnnn-s` -:_ of wuu-u ue, for an ` ` ' P0110, ory day r.I. 4 4 . - - G. I. KINGHOR , Ferry Whuf. foot of Brock ` pcon, Aug. 28, 1869. ` 1 In -Al "su-t'nA.Y'i-nn- 7. ' 9A.". ' . 1'15 P.l. I1 `I 'I7I I?I' Exegass LINE. . ,_.., v... nu v n..l:. ` Ra1'URN1NG,. Il_Onpo Vincent .345 AJI. on prinl of the uni _Id Oiwogo, meeting Gland Tank 3 West And Bay of Quinta Bteilne III. on arrival of tnin from *. 54; :33; _..I_:_ an, July 5, 1869. exwpnuu, ..., / ={_`_ . HALF-PAST mvte E ' Also, ode of the Steamer; '; unreal every Morning (Iondj; .3 3'K"\TLoF"rQT:1N'rE. OAIIIAv- M n-___ ll ROYAL mm. s1'mluu:a $2.; ,.DAlLY_BO.LT Ith.?P1ct'on and Bell `yon lino il-Vc:-mpojod mg, Oswogo, Ghuloua (Lin 3 Niugsn Fails Ind Bub! KNEW llllnr reguur mp: l+noItbe1Ith inst, 3 w.v;rE'a'mwN, V. HIIHIILIV Emma. 11...... ~ Foot 0 1;, 27th April, l89', u Aunvua. rnrrxit Solo Hnnufnotnror :-A. P. ] Innchutor. `* Line of i b`fe'a PIERREPUN T, Irrm-rnnn \`l f\'I'I nI! n mud )I.UME XVII] '5d'3' ' ':.i`i'nIl`s;I;-` . A as 33 Praigit 480 Uvppef-Cabln - men! n,_. w,n, Non.-'l`he Profession is warnedjgainst in. forior, newt, Ind cheap compounds now 1:: the market. Inch genome bottle best: A fac- simile of Proprietor : signature on the stamp outside. LIQ. cnnonoroam co. 0 CHLORODYNE WITHOUT PEPPERMINT. Rnhn ll...-.l.-o....-. A 1'- "' Ilawlaauon Son iahh. iplcndid Lag ..c.pz. 1.1.11 __'_ N` J. 1, _ LeneS_W_olfo O I semen all I3 C.H.HAT0 / A ?.'f*r:1I_s`1>.1 Auwuau uumrouyne) as the moat Iue?nJ cine that ha. Appeared during the 1 century. In diurrbaas, colic, sguo, :1 I have found it to relieve more pain and more joy thnn any other article Inn! 1 I named. M... 'm-- H-AIr~-' ,_ _-....., .,..m...., nuncneslel . A Surgeon from New York write; :--I only requires to known to be _npprei'ate_d. m 11' xovue, Unemist, M I be I have no hesitation in chm 'l`owle n Oh1m-m-I\~n..\ .. L.- pay {ad eon? loco Icworing yield 61 per cent. County Dcbenlnno-A|-o in densnd st About nu. IIVG. V The day seems as yet, unhappily, far dis- tant when public opinion or State interfer- ence will prevent the advertisement or sale of any secret medicine whatsoever. It is to be hoped that the profeuiau will continue to brand as unworthy the conduct of those of its members who by testimonial or otherwise aid `the disposal of such things."-Lancet. TOWJ.E'S CHLORODYNE. The Original Preparation of known Composi- tion. - From Dr C. Kidd, Author of Standard Works on Chloroform. Sackville-street, Piccadilly, London. Sit-,-[ think if you would advertise your Ohlorodyne more than you do, you would help to bell. the others, which are secret com- pounds, out of the market. Many medical men think with me, and recommend your com- 7 pound, but will never prescribe a secret re- medy. Cannes Kinn, H.D. To Mr Towle, Chemist, Manchester. 1 New VA:-E -.:...- . cuom-IE1, DIARRHLEA, ac. EARL RUSSELL seat to the College of Physicians 1: communication received b mm from. Manilla (where cholera had been gnsing Ieart'ull_v) to the etfcct that, of all remedies med, Gulorodyne was the moat e'ec- live, nursing. By the combination of the Iron or with Cress Seeds in a state of gcrmmanion. they Il;e.llnl!ed with organic life, which thus renders them digestible. The in-iuuivc and stubborn minunsl has thus become the nucleus of an organic substance capable of `being ab- aorbed by the blood without. injury to the uouncb. Agent. for England and British Posseasiona, E G. DU1*`l{E:I~NE, 79 Wailing street. May be obtained of all Ghumists. _. __________} `run: BAUDEINE, An eiciant and prompt Remedy for Chole: Yellow Fever, Piarrbcnzs, Dysculery, and LJ excessive ectiongof the Bawels. A gold med was awarded by5v.he French Government 1.0 I V. Band for (I115 valuable preparation. Price: Email, 13 lid; Medium, 45 5d ; Lax-1 Size, 113 per Bottle. THE DIASTATIZED IRON For strengthening the .\`wcn.;... _u A n - .. .......5-...uu.u5 mu: o_vsLem.-1 rice 25 9d - per Boule. THE DIASTATIZED IODINE, For puriryzug the Bluod.-Price 25 9d per Bottle. ',' The above Preparations are in the form of Sweetmeau, pleasant to the Lane. and M-- n ur purxxyzug me mood.-Fri Prapamtio: x ticqlariy adapted tor Infu nursing. RV xhn nnmhin.-nan- -r .1 Inn; UIASTA slrangtbening tbc nor R nu:-uxuxuary tor Epidemics in Pari ot the Civil Hospitals of Algiers, trodueed in England his ORGAL CINRR uouueea CINES. Tn. R. V. BAUD, Graduate and Mel Medical College of Paris, Chic Extraordinary for Epidemics Paris Hosnimln nr .n..;.,... x OIXCII. Canada Dcbanuu-eo--Nothing whatnot do- ing. Dominion Block otering gt 107, OR Debantuns--H.r. hnnn gala A3tna" Insurance Co. of Hart- ford, (Jonn PAID UP CAPITAL AND SURPLUS- g:5,15o,931,71. Logan: nni in Rn .~....._ -~ ~' Q9, 1 UV, Losses paid in 50 years, VPHIS Company has I Canada fur nanrlv Fm :1 FFHIS been doing business in for nearly 50 years, and during that time has secured the public condence by the prompt and liberal seulementofevery fair claim. It has fully complied with the laws of Canada by the deposit with the Government of Stocks to the amount of A UoUU And is prepared 1:; -issue policies on terms as low as the safety oftbe assured will permit. umazs SWIFT, A lIl\III I . auu uuuguca at masonaole rules. JAMES SWIFT, Agent, Kmgston, March 31, '69. St. Lawrence Wharf. Home Insurance < Ilnun .v. H.` axwullll ul 1 unL;_vuulu<:I`S. f` All re risks carefully surveyed, and t rate of Premium made to correspoud._:ith_ 1 risk assumed. ` r u llnn nun..- 1369. .1-Jinn Insurance Company 0! llurlford, Conn. L. J. Hszmu, E. 1 . Donn, President. General Agent. INCORPORATED IN I819. CAPITAL $3,000,000. ASSETS,'55,150,931,7l ULL AND CARGO RISKS to and from Inland Ports on thvcurable terms. Losses promptly and liberally adjusted and paid in Canada Currency. JA.\:lES`SWIF'l`, Agent, March 31, 1869. St, Lawrence Wharf. [.31. N0 XHCTI. Oumh Landed Credit (Jompany--sm.11 `Inloa Inn boon made at 80] to 81. Book; now cloud. CA["l'l`Al. .. K .. Pmzmuus RECEIVED D $2,079,595. Funds dennainad in nu n.n.u.- r az,o`l9,s9o'. Funds deposited in the nan-ls of the Gov for the security of Policyholders. If` All Gm n-;:`ra any-.6'..I|.. ...... -4: Gilda-shove & Walken, ARRISTERS sud ATTORNEYS-at-LAW, Couveyaneera, Notaries Public. Richard T. Wulkem, IOLICITOB IN CHANCERY. K Oioa-Clarence Street, Kingston, 0.W. J. P. G1LDIl1sLn\'|.L.L.B. | Rum. T. WALKIII. |r_) Ill 5 10` charged. April 23 OFFICE REMOV'ED TU KING STREE/I" NEARLY OPPOSITE THE CITY BOOK STORE. Pnannlx I-`Ire .\-uuramce Company or` L(_)_\'I)u.\'. up _ St. L Kingston, March 31, 1869. UNEY T0 LEND. $50,000 to lend ou the _ 1 security of Real Estate in the City or Goun- try at a kow 1-ate` of interest. No commission R. M. RUSE. Anril 9'2 Lllll Ell) D. SATBALII. " CEARLII Wmsos` President. Secretar; CASH CAPITAL .. .. $1,000,000. LAKE AND RIVER RISKS Laken on hul and cargoes at reasonable JAMRQ .\`\K. rI:`1` . ..A_. on nun: as none: rue. Huron nnd Erie Saving: and L S ' _ Snleo have bean nude during 1heov.v:ekft|e1l,l1] to H1. Stock llill procunble as Inter rate. Iontroal Telennnh Comn;nv_.Rn--.. _. SI Kingston, March 31, 1869. U:1iL`e--33, CL-arc: Kingston, March ` \ L .4- Agenl at Kingston, TH J. ll. Smith, 1!l.l)., - )HYSIOIAN. SURGEON, &c., PORTLAND, _ Residence H-nrrowsmitb. SECTOR BAUD S ORGANIQMEDICINE. woo. Tney cousin of: TFIR n Joseph lzuwdun, . TTURNEY AT- .' I VY, Solicitor L Cia_:u1ccry, Noun) Public, 836., 3;} Kit Royal Assur.-um-e nvnuphuny 0! or LIVERPOOL AND LONDON, MAXWELL W..\`I`l{A.\IGI A .-...~. r c`..- L,` ln.~`ur:u Ne w 11;: ID u u. DIOCI Iuu procuramle Inter Telegnph Company-Buygpg 134. No Iellen. 3...). I --.3.) lV_.j:A 11 , _ alarme insurance. 1569 , , _ . .-,.......u...: am 111 we term .9, taste, and par- apted Infants and Mothers uuupxuns or Algiers, basjust in- ORGANIC MEDI- unsint of three preparations- THE`. BAUDEINE, md Cholera, r, Diarrbmzs. Dunn... ...a --M 850.000 4 mce Company 01' New liavep, IUII, THUS. KIRKPATRICK. -...-nun u" u.` L, Agent, St. Lawrence Wharf. JAMES SWIFT, ..uuu Anu, S_vst.em.-Price S :oule. um, um nuerl ISK I245, Wnurn Cundn Permanent Building Society -&Ieo during the week as 119] to 120, and in donund. Pnnghnlal ll.-EL..- G._:.._ r- 0,000. Government Of Pnlit-vhnldnra .-.-.u L - . , 1`owlo,.0houu'st. .....a nu: yrrlnl ac, spasms, re cause Iicle than M... p... ..un.u.r 5.111 Al` 1 Agent, St. Lawrence Wharf as) r~'v'v\.'\l- DUHING 1868- . Member of the Chit.-{Physician Paris, late MD. are, GANIO MRDI- Jill HUI ' ` 1 > .JUllll. Lul|ULI. , Large , -\lh uuunrru, nlery, the medal 'erumnnr In D. $24,000,000; IIIIIIIIIIII. rmnou. Building Society-Hu ben freely dealt in at 119, 1191 And 120. Small amount on union. at knot llnuu. uni I!.:- n..:..._ _..u r , , ..