linna col For the first time within our recollection we noticed A list of ships loading and discharging at Rio Janiro which contained not "A single American vessel. This is true of the lists of the 8th and 23rd of August. Out of upwards of 100 vessels of all sgsbot one carried the stars and stripes. The whole repreantatives of this country were in two craft, which had put. into that port in distress.-New York Journal of Commerce. The Liverpool Courier says that a new cable is to be laid between the southwest coast of [re- land and Halifax. Subscriptions for the under- taking, which will be called the Ocean Tele- graph Company, are shortly to be invited. The cable is to be a light one, the cost of which must not exceed 45,000. The directors expect to be able to telegraph a message of ten words for 15 shillings, or at just half the tariff charged by the existing Trans-Atlantic cable com- panies. The Quebec Chronicle, in recording the cap- ture ofa lynx in the ureets, says .-How are we to explain for the unusual boldness of these animals in venturing Into our streets ? They must have some prophetic anticipations of a time, soon, we fear, to arrive, when Quebec will return to the condition in which it was found by the immortal ancestor of the Minister of Militia three hundred years ago." LL persons indebted upon the books of the A late rm of RIGNEY & SLAVIN, or P. Slavin & Co., are required to settle their ac- counts at once with the undersigned, who is the only person authorised to receive and give re- ceipts for the same. IT DIDIITD In the matter of WILLIAM GROH, Fun-ier, of Kingston, an Insolvent. `HE insolvent has made an assignment of his I estate to me, and the creditors are notied to meet at the place of business of the Insolvent, Princess Street, in Kingston, on TUESDAY the fth dny of October next, at four o ciock in the sfternoon, to receive statements of his atfsirs and to appoint an Assignee. HENRY (H-IARl .'I`.R vnta-1' d1 Bsmvs PATENENFINITE GALEN-T nus ISCOVERS errors in dates or evidence ; also forgotten years, forgotten months, days of the month and days of mg week-ie the most convenient moveabie calendar for marking of daily dntee-will give an almanac for a year so far of that the whole line of gure: necessary to write It cannot be In-it.ten--makes the world to be now in its 5889th year, if within many years of its supposed age. Only $1 50. JOHN OREIGHTON, Bookseller end Stetioner, King Street, Prov. Ont. llenufectured by W. F. Wilkins, Aduneville, Prov. of Quebec. Sept. 14. U. Kingston, September 15111, I869. A.ll.IL` uuanuno VUJUL, Interim Asaignee. Kingston, 15th September, 1869. Sept. 14. A COLONIAL POLICY WANTED. |__r r- ] AN l`ED, a Salesman competent to take charge of the Haberdashery Depart- K. A W0l3LD WONDER! Apply to TAKE N37rIcE. Insolvent Act or 1869. DAILY WS--WEDNESDAY EVENING. SEPTEMBER 15. RBlFFl}< 1;l'}-I;.~ um an Aasxguee. HENRY CHA RLES VOIGT, Ynom-hm A ..:...... R. J: J. GARDINER. Ul Is uuuureu years 2 disgraceful to us if Anna in lhn t*nn1nnni_ U. PICEIE. Q0 _(}:: MRS. CHRISTIE, Teacher of the Pianoforte and Orgqp, and Vocal Music. Rideau Street, near the"ArtiHery Park. For terms, &c.. apply at her residence, or to Rappe, Weber 8: Co., King Street. Sept. 1. nun anu spring water is well secured. The premises will be let with 70 acres of land adjoining in a high state of cultivation. Two large Barns, with Sheds and Stnbliug will be let with the land. Should the Residence be let separately, the Vegetnble and Fruit Gardens can be bed with it. Tina TI-uu.1l1-.._ lJ----- - ' ' ` can 06 D30 Will] II. The Dwelling House may be gaxnmined on Wednesdays and Thursdays between 10 run. and 4 p.m. Fnr tprmn nnnlv on Mr I n.._.:-_ a-o2.u-r nuu rnvnle rnmmes at $1 per dozen. Orders left at A. Livingston : and City Book Store. `V 54145. THAT cnmmodious Residence of Mr J. Fisher near the Bath Macadamized Road, ahoutn mile outside the city limits. formerly the pro- perty of Mr John Flanagan, The House is of Stone, elegantly built and in thorough repair. It commands a ns view of the city, Kingston bay, and surrounding country, and for health- tulness and beauty of location cannot be sur- passed. The Rooms, large and well propor- tionedvconsistf of Hall, Drawing Room, Dining Room, Sitting Room, and Library, four Bed- rooms, Bath Room and Dressing Room, Kitchen and Servants Bedrooms. The Oellarage is ex- tensive and good. and the Outhonses and Stables are large and in good order. The supply of rain and spring water is well The nramiama will has has mtn. vm _---- -t I--J auu *1 [km For ter;ns apply to Mr J. Bawden, Solicitor, King E treat, or to the owner on the premises. JOSEPH wanna FRONTENAC BBB WERY ` ` 7 ILL be delivered to the Trade, direct from the Mnnufaclory, at 80 cents per dozen, and Private Families at $1 dozen. A. Liviuonmnu and nae. Rnnlr Khgnoa. tnntvll TL].-III ALES AND PORTL] _,-__--_ -a-vvgaao 0NT:AR`IO STREET, KINGSTON ONTARIO. R: E. Stephens. Proprietor. ,_`__-__. __-, .... `I1 1 Trusty Porters in Attendance at Railrond Depot and Steamboat Landings. Oct: 28. ML-GILL UNIVERSITY, Montreal. CHANGE OF TIIIE. 7 HE Classes of the FACULTY OF MEDI- CINE wi?l commence on TUESDAY, 00- TOBER 5:11, 1869, instead of 2nd NOVEMBER, l as previously announced. ` Mntrinnlntinn Etnminnnnn will Inn %.-1A An` nu pnnviuuaiy anuouncea. Matriculation Examinations will be held on the first Saturday of OCTOBER, and the last Saturday of March of the current year: GEO. W. CAMPBELL. A,M,_ M T), lcanadian Stove Depot` STOVE, TIN-WARE AND PLUMBING B U SIN E S S T0 1\ o. '32 BROOK STREET, Between King and Wellington Streets. Sept. ll. --j:-- M thatch! OMOEOPATHIC, PHYSICIAN-SURGEON, she, can be consulted at his oice over Mr Linton a Auction Rooms, at all hours. Calla at any hour day or night promprly attended. J JARVIS. M D- bl)! 7:30, `Palace An1Hun's vnsn ml IKINGSTON. SUGAR-UURED IIAMS AND BACON. OREMOST amongst ,the many attractions Kingston will a."ord to the gaze of the Royal Stranger will be 3 Grand Review of MORB.ISON S 1,000 bag: Baker a strong old Flour expected this week. 500 sacks Corn Meal for sale. 40 barrel: Oatmeal for sale. Cracked Wheat and Wheat Meal received, fresh, at Ll. Dl0KRlSON S, Prinnam: Rn-not L` nalI`1[\\JI!aLV.I.' UUMIIULVIUIIJIULV OI f\ Oatarnqui Lodge No. 92 A. F. and A. M. will be bold in the New Hall, Ilssonic Buildings, , Rina all-pet. on WEDNESDAY EVENING, llrm Alllg IHTUEI, Ull W DULVDDUA I I`: V EILVILV` fifteenth inat., at 7:30 o clock p.m., sharp. By order of the W M. HENRY S MINNIE! WIH DB D010 1!] IDS NEW nan, HISODIC DUIIQIDES, King street, on WEDNESDAY EVENING, the mnth inst. at 7-30 o'clock n m.. shnrn_ Sept. 9. (Late of London, Eng., and New Yank, 13.8.)- T_`[ lu- nan kn nt\r|an`tnr` at his Am.` Awn- Kingston, June 12th, 186;). Aug. 7. na Ur AU V 1351 151110.-- IIOTECG Greeley, of New York, says :-The most successful business men in this city are those who have advertised liberally and constantly. A small advertisement con- stantly appearing is better than a display column occasionally. Oollectofa Oice, Oity Hall,` 11th Sept, 1869. .1. JAISVID, m.u- Consultations free to the poor from 6:30 `to :30. A,M. BURNETT HOUsE L!"I"AI')l.`\ CFl'!i'il7IIaII'I I' `I'\Vl`r1I-ItnlC .- y y wno unuer this otce. Sept. :11, 18:59. Sept. 7. Sept. 13. CKELVEY 8 BIRCH beg to inform the public that they have removed their _N EMERGENT COMMUNICATION of l (Tana:-nnni T.n4-Inn Mn 0') A W nn A `ll No. 22 BROCK STREET. OTICE is hereby given that the ` the yen 1869 at the Collector's Oice, in the City Hall. W. P. MINN ES, . Dnllantnr. my DI mlsrcn OI me current. GEO. W. CAMPBELL, AJL, M.D., Dean of Faculty. r. RT OF ADVERTISING.-Horace Grnnlnv nf Nam Va-nu`! .--.. mt. Must be Paid J- JARVIS M-D. FANTED A PLOUGHIAN, and 3 man who understand: dninimn Au-ml: nl nuyn EEMOVAL and in order to cave ezpemea, nn__4 1,- n_nn - .. AA1_|nv A IUUUUEIIALH, who understnnda duininag. ice. l`0 THE PUBLIC I BOTTLED AT TH E ARE NOW DUE. GEO. W. C REIGHTON, Alum! OF THE LIUVV U1. HENRY S. MINNES, Sec. pro term: uur on me premises. JOSEPH FISHER. . prulupny aueuuau` J. JARVIS, M.D- the nnnr from 6-3!`. snmuna, Princess Street. .1\JL`, Agent. run 11 Inc, Collector. Taxs for mu ll ILIIII Apply at JUST RECEIVED AT STACEY S us nose ue unarme-polke., La Belle Helene-wnltz, Genevieve-wnltz, Home, Evening-two songs, Fr: Dinvolo--overture, Barbe Bleue-polke, Fleur de The-echoltische, Coronetion-mercb, Perichole-polka redowe, The Voice of Spring-aong, Lurlenis-polke mezurka, William Tell-overture, Dencing Wavelets--polka redown, Break, Break, Brenk-uong, Have faith in one anet.her-song, Hurt bowed down-song, The Paradise of Love--aong, The Sound of Harps Angelicnl-duett. Any of these pieces mailed, free of postage, on receipt of the price. JOHN HENDERSON, Princess-at. Sept. 7. BOOK, MUSIC AND NEWS DE- ` POT. IVEN CENT MUSIC (Full Size) at HEN -I Dls`.RSON'B :- Nelly Carey, Faust. March, The N nu : Prayer, Daughter of Eve, The Front Flower, Indian March, Grand Duchess Waltz, In tears I pine for thee, Kiss Waltz, Lillian : Song, Long Branch Polka, The Oulprit Fay, The Carnival of Venice, The heart should never grow old, Pleasant Dreams, - Thou an like the ower,` La Rose do Palermo-polka, Helena.-wnltz, FRESH LOT OF VIOLIN-AND GUITAR STRINGS, NEW`B00Ka v I Inn uunvnrs WUMAN Ur 'l`l:1! FAMILY, _ by the Author of the Heir of Redclye." A Stormy Life, by Lady Georgina Fullerton. Nature's Nobleman, by the author of Rachel's Secret. The Gordian Knot, by Shirley Brooks. `Greater Britain, by Dilke. Cast Up by the Sea, by Samuel Baker. The Chaplet of Pearls, by Miss Yonge. 0 Conne1l`s Speeches, edited by his Son. Lord Plnnlrett's Speeches, edited by J .0. Boey. Grattan s Speeches, edited by Madden. Cum-an s Speeches, edited by Davis. ShieI s Speeches, edited by MecNevin. The King and Oomn1ons,Cavalier, and Puritan Song, selected and arranged by Henry Morley. The Story of the Chevalier Bayard. The History of the Caliph Vathek. Rasselas, Prince of Abyssinia. Abdallah, or the Four-leaved Shamrock. The Essays of Abraham Cowley. Saint Louis, King of France. ALSO Duuu uuuns, nlug 01 rrnnce. ALSO A fresh lot of Bulwer s, Dickens , Scott's, Level- s, Coopefs, Collins , &c., Novels, cheap editions. I't|IIl1' 11-nIVI4~<--p-stun-r t` - I- ;B-l;0l; onemvs, MIsLoD1~:oNs. RAPPE, WEBER & 00., corner King nnd Princess Streets, Kingston, manu- facture Pianoes equnl to any in the market, either of home or foreign make, and sell at moderate prices. Every Piano in wurhnted for ve years. They invite inspection of their style: and quality of tone. `Parlor nrannn And Mnlnrlnnnu nf -an-Inna nnu quamy 0: tone. Parior Orgnna And Melodeonl of various makers are kept in stock `in the Piano Ware- room, and otfex-ed at manufacturers prices. JUST RECEIVE IT FRESH OYSTERS, R.W. AND X.?3,`- Sept. 14. Cotton: 0 9,:-4 1 CONCER TINAS AND ACCORDEONS. \.A ' Volumes of testimony could be shown that this is the most soothing and healing Solve of the day ; end it has fairly proved itself during 1 public trial of years to be the best remedy for Dome in the world-the true nllevintive, sud plaster for settled pain. Price only 25 cents a box. For sale by 1:. H. PARKER, 1);. sxm- NEE, and I3. KIN G, Ohomiata and Drnggistl, Kingston, Ont., and drnggistl elsewhere. Sept. 8. April 30. Linen/sheetlngs, Ootton do. Ta- me Damasks. Napkins, Towelllngs lace and Iluslln Curtains. subject to 10 per cent discount at the non- treal House. IEW INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC, was cmvxm. WOEZN on` THE FAMILY, _ by the R.edclv`e." cm! Bog( STURE. Market Square um} Ontario Street. Aug. 25. U000 UBIIOTII DCYVIIIK WIIIIOC Dy In Skinner, King Street, near the Park. Sept. 10. -1 ---rt. Atjlllll I IIIISIIILIS fl: ed that the Emperor is recovering. in s marked attenuation is observa- There is great anxiety in regard to ltncy. By law the Empress is Re during the minority of her son. I: in IN) believed that the Emperorde` lnprumote a good understanding be- the Empress and Prince Napoleon. idetof cntruating a share of the B:- lo the Prince is discountcnhnccd by while hints are current that the I Ibsencc on board his yacht is con- vith the plans of others in his but lot derictly with his own. 5! Journal rlca Debate, referring lie recent meeting of Americans in held for the purpose of congrah Prince Napoleon on his liberal in the Senate, says. "a little molie iwnld be considered there wss some `I Ipesking. This congrntulstion phxy csxried too far. The speech of Nlpoleon showed good sense. Bo. eloquence and moderation; "P!rilwss_ braved. To have made `lpteth ten years ago would hate ll Ict ofcourage. but there is no bold "V in telling the Senate what every- hbllt the Senate thinks. ` Kwigsburg, during the festival in . Olthe visit of the Kingmof Prussia", Fl") of 5 bridge, which was crowd- `? Qectstora, burst, and many viojre lntn oh- ..-o..- 'I`_.._A- I---!' Good General Servant wanted by Mn Dr. K Skinner. King Street- nan the Park, Aug. 17. \rIBBON S CERATE. New Songs, Sunday School Singing Books, Golden Censer-by Bradbury, nninn DI`:-nan \a\4|Inu|a yvuwvljlll IJICIIIII. Union Chimes, The Gem, Fresh Lpurels, Golden Wreath, Boosey a Musical Cabinet. JUST RECEIVED R. 'ro_wu's JOHN CBEIGIITON. and Tomatoes, AT THE E. STACEY, No. 80 Kim b3LA\.IBX' No. 80 King S11-eet. . .....5u ..;-u ;.ruuunu`, I IUICCSI DIJCCK, OP] Always encourage new beginners. Wntod immediately I September 13, 1869. -u'v`uIIl l`JI'K |J'H`"`! Wolropropnrodtooar DECIDED BARGAINS IN Ag}. THE DEPARTMENTS. ' Country Merchants and Jobbers suppfied at less than Montreal Whole- sale Prices. J. JHLULII Small Prots-Qui<;1a:g Returns- DST RECEIVED, An assortment of Havana Cigars of the following choice and popular brands :- U',n DAN.` H 169. NEW FALL Goo. :j_..j- MAGNEE &. WADDELL T1 AVE NDW unnn 'I=`l'.`l!Am1ou- nz nmu-u . ........ .... . _ '---- - ITIIII Lo Retica," Psrtagas, Dnqno do Ilorney," "Lon Dos Oorbojolen," Flor do Tabac," Regalia do Loregnn," Boqnot do Table, Flor do Snntingosf Ln Gorboloss," ' El Onpriocho do Cuba. 30,000 Manilla Oberoots. ' Also choicq brands of pure Virginia Tobncco, and a splendid assortment of gonnino leer- ochonn: Pipes for sole, vary cheap. Any auanlitv of Cut Tohsocon and home.` luuauln rxpcs I0! sue, very ODBIP. ` Any quantity Out Tobacco: and home- made Cigars always on hand. Try White : mixtures, Sweet as the Rose." R HENRY B. EVANS, M.R.O.S., London. Reaidence-PRINOESS STREET, house lately occupied by Dr. Maclenn. March 8. GARDNER'S . QUININE WINE BITTERS, For The Most Useful sud Reliable TONIC AND BITTERS IN USE. (Each ounce contniu one grain bfQninino.) For Indigestion, Fever, Agne, Headache`, loan of appetite, lowneu of spirits, nervousness, and for genenl debility, it will be found innlnsble Its propertiesu-0 tonic, utomuohic, Ind gently stimulant. Th: nnnlinn an: Inn} Hi-an-uing . Anna. :4 A--A Blllnlllu _ Its qna_liti{as are not disguised; tut: it, tail It, prove It. - Observe the tndo mark upon tlwlabel, and also every bottle being sealed with trade mark seal. It is put up in quart wins bottles. Prioe-0ne Dollnr. I l1A`Dl\|.r`DD rII.._:..a. uwnys encourage 0:11 and examine our Stock and judge for younelvel before purchasing elnowhuu. ' MLIVXTDIF I. II! A In-I-new Kingston, 26th August, 1869. Grocers ` non rropnelor-Ana Inn ' 3' The shove Bitters no claimed to be . porior to anything yet ofered to the public. HAVE NOW MUCH PLEASURE [M INTIIATING THAT THEY HAVE BIOIIYID LED OPENED UP OVER ' ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTY PACKAGES NEW FELL GOODI7,` ' Direct from the lhnnfsctum-I, BOUGHT FOR cAsnf: We no prom":-od to can An entire New Stock to select {rem In every department. ,,. ---.. -_..v--I V44`. LlV. \ ALL 0!"'1'HE }lEWEST PA'l"l`EBN8.. f` A good assortment of Watch Materials dwnys on hand. July 29. Prepared by J. Gardner from the formula of 1 physician of Paris. The wonderful eect the taking of it hes in preventing the fits should in. (lacs :11 subject to Epilepsy to use it. In 136:- tles, price $1. Ask" for. Gardner's spuepnc Cure- ___n [N C] I'u I Orange Hall Building, Princess Street, Jwnvn Annnnl-an nA- h;..:........ In__._; 9, , -- XOHANGE BROKERS, Ind Gehenl In Int-once Agents, Iuonic Buildings, King Street. Knee`:-on, Ont. W. O. Hun, I. 0. Han. June 16. > ` July 29. Alot or good Black Silks cheap! atthe Ilontreal House. a. r. VVllI.'I.`I.', Manufacturer and Wholesale Tobtcconist, Princess Street, Kingston. July EN UIN E HAVANA OIGARS I Aug. 9. ADS` IE NEW DRY GOODS STORE, ORANGE HALL BUILDING, IS NOW OPII with T 3 stock of over $25,000 worth ofnow and dulnblo Goods tumble; for the `HE EPILEPTIC CUBE, v I SOP` 9. Jewelry, Watches, ? IANTED a good Phln Oook and House`- nnid. Apply at this oeu Int: , w. c. Hives as 130., Ullffi DBIIIYIIBQ __1 1-: _ UIIO U0l|Il'. J. GARDNER, Chemist, Ionu-ell, Solo Proprietolmnd llunufnctnnr. an shove Bitten um nlnimui In In :1- FALL AND WINTER TRADE OF 1369. IVORY AND JET GOODS, NEWEST PA'l"nmm: Ag VERY3 FINE ASSOR lI`MEN'1` ...., navvvvv -u vuv uuvvwu S. P. WHITE, l Wholesale Tobncmninl NEW PRICES. @= TERMS OF S_LE: ALSO SOME VERY FINE ._~ '- ~5- s-Ready Mone.y-One 011111 F. X. GDIISINEAII & Lret- nnnmzile fhh 'rnrhnAvnnnn`1 UR Stock of nI's6TrI-is` gm maul _ T` :j 0 from thebut naturist, sud tilt? prinikpol vlgriotictnu non , h _ ` . I _ O , nu, ' ` _ - on_h|_|:i.lud.:: d'e to order. ' .' unxal, runny, Buns, Roll on bud and made order Order: nmmmlv .n-.a.a ` KINGSTON summer Goad: uemng the loan-cal Iloiue. T ` cent olrall Fancy of now may to -uvply than with M Ilnhn ..; --___A willbo'delivuredin|qypunol'tlIo folollh. ` ' Apply 10:` O " `At the am. - ' ` What! {dot of Quasi magma, Aprll. mo. L m mum Ina Illldo order. ` `V 3"? 0nhuIpnmndynnnndalm4 ` wellington smut. neur.P_1-llpell. J June 16. `I II In Chains. &G. ` "' Y`. `Wu rt, opposne the Tempera.nce`Hall. lntalv 1 nluuiun .I..m... ' THE HAVYR'Vn-J lllrl fnxlbf ____- - - ---c- Uwirifff _ 1 Limb : Imptovod ll zhuhnqt. " 0ILANDNl{lDLl8;ttbo V` ` rmsr PRIZE snwma juamn 3001, Block smut. Khgptdnj, `N Dnndu Strut, NAPJJII. A tunntodh . L.....::: '*"-" "Cr`- - -- v - --- v- a.I.|.4a.\J.l.J.l.L!, H ' urns DAVI8nd -rnl.'nwl'!'.'% No other mum in uuwuu to than. > ' Km-r-rmc IIAGII. Lnmlf: frnnuunnal In oI...I.`.an - -yvv `- Aug. 17. nun loot of Qmsf Kin:-Ion, April, mo Baker: `and Aug. 21. VV IIIIIDCIM ply luunodhhly to` vvw vulvsv yuruuullng ELEVEN. I ~ MACNEE. 8:. WADDELL, . Princess Street.` muss sprnr Rzcntvnn Bi ` Kiloton. 13, 1369. Q litu. as col ----' -_v W00!!! W00: _wo'o_n 11. a W. J. cnornnfs. i nlxn-n n-.4: A-1-_n_--.;, spurs ocon OASTOR ,OIl... mun, `two r1I zs`rT-01.43:: III for tho Dry` Goods V _ modinhly to ` i ._--u . T. r .` =; Ohaniuad .300 1865. ... \-u u-, u unnuut uc cuugralumte '8 resolution. The subjugation of cannot be sclxicvcd by soldiers, nor it result from 3 series of victories. any hold the seaports, but the in- lgvous will be against them. Armed may traverse the island but can n?- Ihblish a permanent footing. With &pdon of :1 few traders, Spain has nds in the island. Prim and Serb have often told the (`ones that the loss innerely a question of time. For nnmhs they have been devising Idv:|iiLa;;v:uus terms It is to be that wisdom and consistency vriil `them to see that it is good to be ria Ilnnd on any terms, and cause them 'der before wasting men and money hthoy cannot spare in the furtherance mterpr 2: which will never yield onc th part or what it has already irre- V cum n, Sept` 14.-'I`he Time: in an edi-j on the Cuban ques.ion_, says :-If= ' negotiations lor the` concession hue failed it must b3 because` an tendered was deemed insut or the Washington Government the opposition of those. who feel; tthnt Cubs must fall into the? of the United States, and deem it D incur the liability. The Spanish` ent hu been ndmonished to put an I the Insurrection or give up the. on any terms. If these circumstances `rumpled the Mntlrid Government to 5 Int card for the Antilles. and nll on it, it cannot be congratulated nun Iuc urcb m |ruu-clI(1S nun Cuba In Nun-mher, in : Smes recognize the iusu nnislu Government stops : which `I: does not approve, es ,eon1-ruiag Cub... The B, ' hopxs tlmt nmwitbslaml of the l' Stuns, Sp4 how to maintain her ag , Time: on s: H) In: uuuu -u JVYUIUIIS on t'l't 5l- lppcz, of Paraguay. He says his line undergone no change. H: the barharizics of Lopez Accl says an but Ir.-w foreigners now in Para- nd th_cy are 0111; pcrminedto lin- they are useful to the Dicuuor. I1` succeed in making their escape they hi: to thank the ortune of war only ...o .l.. n..u.....'. `. at .L_;_ us aept. 14.-- in this cny. :1, Sept. 14.- I..l .5.-. .L- I` Ifging cut. I Ouluhg I my. ; out It I doptivu - `.1 to lake the H): Psf` In ll` . _I.1.l. 1| ; ulnun nu: nunuuu: Ul wlr only me protecuon `of their own gov- mun 1;u;x1;au.s1-Jr] .- __,_-... ,,-- CABLE .\l-2\\'. I Sepg. H.-9| lw ad .- .1... l_m.l.m '1': an I, `bzept. 14.--I rince Napoleon has cnv_ T1~':Ir: P11. ft... lailp News .--vB....n. luv AUDLIISUHIS. all tele- especially iag Barcelona notwithstanding the Spain will and her have l.-Tlnc Parisians are Emperor mcnuation observa.-` mlrid corn- iag pardon to the Fenian: now under ootxtencc was held to-day in Clerkenwell. Arrangements hnye been completed for I -monster dcmonstrntionpn Monday next. Lord Byron's steward denies the truth of `Mrs. Stowe s statement. ,v 1 1- - Good News hopes that wlicn the ocean not is revived vessels of nearly equal ton- nngc will be mated and their size be about -300 tons. If this is done, heavy weather -wikl he no great impedimgnt, und the result W1 lm mn.-o anoiafn.-on.-.. ....J - ~---r " ... . .-. uw 5.- wall he more 5 ~ca`.inn of the: , , H, _ -l -. -.. -.u. \,uu-uuuuu u.lllll- vcrsary of the birth of llunyoldt was colo- brated to-day and made the occasion ofn na- tional alemnnsxtrution. The weather though warm was rainy. Lm-go numbers ufcitizcns mu! great cm\\'d.~a of visitors took part in the -festivities in Hm Inn!-n:n.u 'l`I.-_- kw Kingston, Sept. 15, 3 p.m.-FoLc|:n Bn.os., bankers, report money `market as follos:-- American currency buying_nt 73 bills, 74 silver; selling at 74 bills. Silver buying at 2}, selling at 11. Gold in N.Y. 136;`. Ster- ling Exchange 83. flu.--" L nI:A.:._ _,,, - a;*is, Sept. 15, p.m.-Bourse opened at. Reulel `Inf. 90. `Liverpool, Sept. 15.-Cotton irregular. P `B:-eadnu's quiet. Ba con 66:. (Ai- . 0,95 to 1,00. MONTREAL MARKETS. (Special Telegram to the Daily New.) Montreal, Sept. l5.-F1our-Superior Extra 0,00 to 0,00; Extra, 5,55 to 5,70; Fancy, 5,25 to 5,30 ; Welland Canal Super, 4 95 to 5,00. Super No, 1 Canada wheat, 4,95 to 5,25; super No. 1 Western wheat, 4,90 to 4,95 ; Super No. 2 Western wheat, 4,60 to 4,65 ; bag our 2,35 to 2,45. Wbeat-Canada Fall, 1,14 to 1,15. Spring, 1,15 to 0,00 ; Western, 0,00 to 0,00. Uats--per 32 lbs,00 to 00. Barley-per 48 lbs, 00 to 00. Butter.-Dairy 18 to 19c; store- packed 17 to 18 '. Ashes--pota, 5,60 to 5,62} ; Pearls, 565 to 5,611. Gold in New York at 12 o clock, 000. Pork, Mesa, 00,00 to 00,00: Prime less, 00,00 to 00,00. Prime, 00,00 to 00,00. Dressed hogs 0,00 to 0,00. Poas.pe1-66 lbs. me F1..a;, o,')o to 0,00. tn-.. 1. ...., grunt-Imus: cg. Gurney & Glidden report the charter of the V scbr Wave Crest, Cleveland to Kingston, at 8c ;Americau money for wheat. urcaaeu uugs u,uv l0 u,Uu. Haas. perms 1.59. I-`lour-receipu 1,800 bble., stock in store 38,9l2 bbls. Market continues dull, and reced- ing ; Canada super aold_ from shed 4.95 ; Wel- land Canal |o'd 4,95 to 5_0O ; Western States super: at 4,90 ; strong very scarce, and com- mand: exceptional rites. When: arrivals 27,- 500 bushels; stocks 271,815, nominal; U.C. spring: if on spot would sell av. 1,15 ; red winter quite neglected and lending lower. Peas, 5 small 109. of choice sold at 1,00 per 66 lbs, but shippers holding 98' for mncblower rues. Pork nnchnnged. Butter, less inquiry, and rate: scarcely so rm. NEW YORK MARKETS. _ Special telegram to the Daily News. New York, Sept. 15.-Go1d 136. Cotton 31c. Flour 5 fr? 10c lower; receipts 8,000 bbls; sales 7,400 bbls at 5,70 it 6,25 for mperne state and western; 6,40 /11) 7,00 for common to choice extra state; 6,25 an 7.00 for common to choice extra western. Rye our heavy. Wbentl 6 2c lower ; receipts 149,000 bush-; sales 81,000 bush at 1,471 @ 1,50 for No. 2 spring; 1,55 for No. lspfing. Rye quiet and rm. Corn heavy uni a shade lower : receipts 31,000 bush; sales 41,000 hush at 1.09 IE 1,13 for sound new mixed western`. Barley dull. Out: 1 6 2c 1ower;; receipts 35,000 bush ; sales 39,000 bush It 65 @ 71c new southern and western. Pork lower at 30,00 /12! 30,25 for: new mess. Lard nsbnde loweru16i b 19lc for steam; 191 @19ic for kettle rendered . The ncial returns of emigration show {but since 1853 one million and a half of people enli- grated from Ireland. ` _____A_, u .-.... ......_ ....... H...-uu. A gymnast named Gillian, belonging to Johnson's circus, while performing in Freeport, Ill , on Saturday, fell nnd received injuries from which he died in A few hours. at Q n-_.n__ ,1 - A .. ...-.. \. uucu In A: new uuifl. E. S. Borden, of ()swego,wns attacked by two bigbwnymen on Saturday night on the mountain road between Pittseld and Lebanon springs. They demanded his "money or his life," bu} ob- tained neither, Mr Borden showing a pair of re- volvers. The new caril`on of bells, manufactured in France, and now mounted in the tower of St. Joseph`: Cathedral, of Buaio, were first tried on Sunday, and large crowds of citizens assem- bled in the church and streets to hear them. The bells are forty-three in number, and the chime is the third largest in the world. c;. c.........1 u~u.--v_ -__A:-.- - - -- nuA6\4iI Au sun vvunu. Sir Samuel Baker's expedition left A1exn.n- dria on Sep!.1 for the Lake of Nyanqi. It con- sists of 10 stcamers and 30 sailing vessels," freighled wilb merch-andize and provisions, as Well as presents for the natives who are to be cajoled out of lheir possessions. Baker beats Cleopatra's eet and Robeson`: Tallapoosn bol- low, Ind the pyiamids look down upn him I with amazement. The Albany Argus reiterates the story that A young milliner In Wuhington county has fallen heir to $17,000,000, left by A young English- man who becsme ensmonred of her while (revel- ling in this country. She hns been promised $5,000,000 in December, and the balance as soon as possible. Miss Gray, the fortunste heiress, is said to be about thirty years of age. She has a. mother and sisteas to enjoy it with her. One ship, two barqnes, two brignntinea and A number of schooner: and barges are discharg- ing coal at present in Montreal. I :-..s I` ....... -_) r-A_ n_n_,,u, u n . , , _ -.- _....-I---um.--nun. New York, Sept. 1).-The steamer Java, rum Lnvcrpnnl, has arrived. ".6 V`... -. r.....-... u. ...v..u~-u. Lieut.-Governor nnd Lady BelleAu s bail to Prince Anhcr will take place in the Parlinment Houu, Quebec, on Thursday. The invitations have nlrendy been issued. t'1.....n.. __ D ____ .. 1. .L:- L_,, n nu-vu -uvuu_y vvuu uusuwu. Guns: n. B:xxuG.-l this branch ot promise case Mr Banning has given notice that be will move to set aside the verdict, and will, iv. in said, carry the cue to England if neces- Mn`. Sumples of the bath-brick manufactured at Kiucsrdino wlll, we understand, he on exhibi- tion at London. The Review says Kincnrdine is the only place on the continent when bath- brick in mnnufnctured. The splendid Clyde clipper Aheons arrived here yesterday on her third trip to lonrresl this season. The despstch used in handling her esrgees hsvs been of An extrsordinery chorscler, end there is nothing to prevent her from mak- ing still another ronnd-- trip before the river- nelly closes. A few yesrs ago this would have been looked upon as an utter impossibili- ty, but steun winches, Clyde builders, snd skilled nsvigstors, line since sccomglished vonders.-lo1m-cal Telegraph. Iuuuu navlgnwra, nave ulnc Telegraph. -_- -nu n\7ull|Vl.'ll Ill . Lundondcrry, S1-pg 14_._'1` unmet-11 (`nun t\....I..._ I.-- _- 9 ----~ - .\`1-w York Press Dcsmuchcs. \v\,_ \v_,u_ u, . .. m. u_lcrry, Sept. l4.-'I`be steamer from Quebec, has arrived. -...\. I I 'm - .,. . m.-..-nu wun purl. In [116 n the mnrning. There wasn pro- r with hands And banners, made of dcpumtiuns fro m theprincipnl tics. They passed through the nut nnoi......l ..._.. H I I Sept. 15, pm. - American secu- ; Consola for money 92;, and for Five-twenties for 1862, 831 ; for ; for '67, 82; Erie 28}; Illinois _~_- ....r..u.u.guu., uuu Luc result : satisfactory, and R surcr indi- E! sailing qunlitivs of yachts of .' will he arrived at. >?CU[J[I:RCi I.'1i.i 7UMllE RCI.-\L. centennial nnni. ._,1 I 1. - ,, _,_....- .-..uAuu.I. The London Star says : Whether the proposed colonial congress shall be held next year or not, no words are needed to show that it is high time for us all to be deliberately making up our minds what sort of policy to adopt in the mat- ter. Drift` is the hateful key to too much of our political action. l.- up in the dark in too truly the formula for English smteemnnship. We cry for a policy, but no policy is given unto us. And, more likely than not, the solution of the colonial ditliculty, one of the greatest in our history, will be settled on principles of blind- man's-bu`. Yet it is worth while to try to pre- vent so pitiful n consummation. One does not want the wido-aming colonial empire to go out in n slink. We talk glibly, afterthe historians, of the picked infatuation of George III. and Lord North in their policy of A hundred years back. It will be even more we l)l'l3)il1l\ninnuio..L.I.. ..L-.._-- -L- - ' -5.-ua uya :--nu-.menetetn came into the coun- try towards the end of the week, where he pro- posed vuiting till this morning to fyle hie ap- pearance at Court. He learned, however, that the Writ oflixtent waa_ not in operation against him personally, and took the train for here on Saturday. He seems condent of acquittal. The books of the department are in such a atate as to render it diicult to bring home the charge to him. He seems indignant that he should be charged with stealing. public money. Ell return releases a large amount of bail money, aome $7,700. In addition to this aum his return will remove the claim of-the Sherilf for $10,400. Mrs Doyle : claim proves unfounded. The Gov- ernment are to take active and prompt measure! in the matter, and in case Mr MeLenne.n will not be equal to Hilliard Cameron, R.eilfenatein's counsel, they have telegraphed for M. C. Cameron, who is to arrive here to-morrow morning Mr Langton will also arrive at that time. The caae will not come on before Wed- nesda} nfternoon or Friday morning. ---... .. vvul us even more disgraceful permit the inevitable change in the composi- tion of the empire to be eecte `, not by deliber- ate policy, but by mere apathy, blindness, and lethargic drifting. George lll had, at any rate, a policy of a tolerably plausible sort; he was actuated by patriotism, though if he had hated his country instead of loving it, and been a more keen-sighted man, he would have acted just as he did. At present, so far as one can see, the English nation is without a colonial po- licy, either of the plausible or any other sort. And there is always a danger when a great question is ripe, ifyou are not ready with some-` thing like a theory as to the best way of set- tling it. For acoidv-int ma t any moment com- mit you to one particular of settling it, and that way is as likely as no e the very worst that could have been taken. It is proba- ble that even a bad solution of a political dii- culty, consciously and deliberately adopted, wors better in the long run than a solution otherwise more adeqnate,'drifted into fortuit- ouslv. Unhannilv, ih. lnlltnrv Ar ..... .I--l:--- utucxwlse adeqnme,'drifled fortuit- ously. Unhlppily, the history of our dealings with our dependencies is not of good omen for the fulure. Consider the American colonies last century; consider Ireland for ever so many centuries. It is a curious deatinv which ha: nl- A telegram from Ottawa to the Montreal Herald can :--Reilfenateln Into of the weak, .5... ;.- ..... ..... utulufy ; consiuer irelana tor destiny which has al- lotted to the least imaginative of peoples a task which requires a far-reaching grasp of imagina- tion no less than it requires solid sense, sound economic knowledge, and practical skill. To govern an empire on which the sun never sets, we need rst and above all a power of realizing what it means , not a hollow and fantastic real- ization, which is, in truth, no realisation at all -`such as might please bod poets and stump or-1tors- but a grave and yet elevated recogni- tion of what our empire means. TbeT7entnl Pacic Railroad Company has broken up the band of tncendinriea, nnd arrested those who red the snowsheds. A large pike has been caught near the Vic- toria Bridge with two large silver spoon: in its stomach. The Western Union and Atlantic and Pacic Telegraph Companies have been consolidated. No less than six British men-of-war are at present cruisingin the Gulf for the protection of ihe Csnndinn sheries. A large number of American shing boats have lately been driv- en oil by her Majesty's` ships "Doris"nnd Minstrel."