any vv_v.._,-..v...-, .-V--uuv . my--v. Richard 1`. Walken, OLIOITOB IN CHANCERY. Oico-Ch:-euoe St:-cot, Kingston, 0.W. 1 J. P. Gumlnuuivl. L.L.B. | Rica. `E. WLLKII. FOE DISEASES or THE BLADDER, KIDNEYS, GRAVEL, DROPSY, ORGANIC WEAKNESS, FEMALE COMPLAINTS, GENERAL DEBILITY, AND ALL DISEASES 0? `I'll III-IIII VIIIIHIVU; { Whether existing in male or female, from `I whatever cause originating, and no matter of I how long standing. KC? If no lrentmnnt. in lnhvniitnri 0.. nnu nun nu-:5 cnuuulu 113' no treatment is submitted to, CON- SUMPTION or INSANLTY may ensue. Our flesh and blood are supported` from these Hauurces, and the health and happiness, and that of Posterizy, depend upon the prompt use ofa reliable remedy. 4 N. Y. S. VOL. INSTITUTE, Corner of Fifth Avenue and 76th Street, Central Park. (A Home and School for the Sons of De- ceased Soldiers.) DR. H. T. Hlunmnn. i I i i IUFEI. `T wHELMBOLD S {nun EXTQQABT Bucuu NERVOUS Alvin" II)-EBlLI1`ATED, L. .. U1 June 16, 1866. THE DAIILY NEWS--FR.In'AY I 24.; AND IS A CERTAIN CURE Lwu, lam, respectfully yours. (`.n` I369." Eiurlne nigh-ance. 1509. .uu|`u, a.C., ` T. B. H Snuaonsn, I Editor and Prorietor of Daily and Semi-Weekly Telegraph. URENAEY DBGANS, her existing in mnln m- r.......I IS THE GREAT DIURETIC, Gun SALT Lnn CITY, Una, Jan. 23, 1868. LIlIl(\l.l'\ CUPVUsI uu yours, 001.. Young, General Sl1p t and Director. 66. uu sxgnea. H. T. HELMBOLD. If YOU WOULD ADVERTISING! JUDIOIOUS USE or NEWSPAPEB. COLUMNS! xiilua Insunnu-c Company of llurlford, Conn. L. J. Hum, E. P. Donn, President. ' General Agent. INCORPORATED IN I819. . CAPITAL $3,000,000. ASSETS$5,150,93l,7l N IULL AND CARGO RISKS lo and from Inlnnd Pm-tn nn fnvnnrnhln [arr-In RATES, AND IF YOUQDO NOT ALREADY TAKE ADVANTAGE OF W THE MdsT SUCCESSFUL TRADESMEN AND MERCHANT ll` YOU HAVE BIGN A THOUSAND TIMES. PLACE THE PARTICULARS OF A LOCAL PAPER DAILY NEWS.l POSSESSIN G CONTRACTS DAILY NEWS. ADYIRTISIIINTHI IIIDI I./III D. SAnux.n. Crmauzs WILSON Preindent. Secreuny .CASH CAPITAL .. .. $1,000,000. AKE AND RIVER RISKS taken on hulls And cargoes at rnsonnble rates. JAMES SWIFT, Agent, Kingston, Inch 31, `69. St. Lawrence Wharf. TYPES AND INK ATTRACT CUSTOIIERB IF` YOU WOULD DRIVE YOUR BUSINESS, AND NOT 1'0 BE DRIVRN._ SPENT MONEY IN THE PUROHASB AND ERECTION OF AN ATTRACTIVE SIGN FOR YOUR PLAOI A DVERTISI`. THE LARGES1 on-runs 1-an ansr nmul ton. LOCAL um can-n.u. Anvmz-rrsn. nu-rs; rannuronn MAY BE MADE A`l`|'l`EIB DAILY NEWS OFFICE. IS THE BEST AND YEARLY. Etna Insurance Co. of. Hart- ford, Conn. PAID UP CAPITAL AND SURPLUS-- 35,150,93l,7l, `Jinan: -nix! In Kn --1... DA- A--- --- THEIR 8UO0RR TO A LIBERAL AND ADVERTISE ADV['3R'l`|SE` RESOLVE A1` ONCE 'l'O AIJVERT `OUR BUSINESB uI:DrUu_wH1mE:n dr'nouLA1'IoN on ANY NEWSPAPER PU smsanp IN rms OITY, THIS JOURNAL AGREEMENTS ADVERTISE VVyIvv,-A Loans pgjd in 50 yea`, ADKIT TH! IKPORTANOI OI UP BUSINESS CARRY SUCH A JUDIOIOUS STEP A LITTLE FURTHEH AND REPEAT THE TO ADVERTISE A uO0AL BUSINESS, `:`l'lEREFORE GO AND PUBLIC AND '-.[N THE AND ATTRIBUTI [OR ADVERTISING BEFORE TH) Bl? TARIFF Of l_SE! uuu any UAHUU ktlbhb and from Inlnnd Ports on fnvuurnblo terms. Losses promptly and liberally 8\lJ'.lSl.Cd and paid in Clllldl Currency. JAM}-IS'.`XW'H-`T `nan- TEI ` LL OHLOBODYEE, invented by ` R. man, Pharmaceutist, is allowed to be one of the greatest discoveries of the present esntui-y. It Is: largely employod_ by the most eminent Phyaicianaund Surgeons In. hospital and privnh practice in all parts oi the world. It hll eifects peculiar toitself, and which are essential- ly different to those produced by the various compounds bearing the name of Chlorodyne, but have no pretence to possessing its virtues. It rapidly relieves pain, from whatever cause, al-I lays the irritation of fever, `soothes the systelg; under exhausting diseases, and gives sleep with- out producing any one of the unpleasant feelings so commonly arising from the use of opiates. It continues to hold its unsbaxen position in the estimation of the Profession as the best, most reliable, and cheapest preparation. Eminent `and scientic Physicians made aidnvits that they have tested its eects in careful comparison with ol-mas nf-I DR l`.nl.l .lR RROWNFPS nnnnnn- nave tested Ila euecns In carenu cornpunsun Wlm those of DR. COLLIS BROWNE S CHLOR0- DYNE," and deposed to the facts that they found it a more certain and reliable preparation, and greatly preferred FR.EEMANS." Earl Russell communicated to the Roval Col- anu grenuy prererreu "1' n.mmmAnb.' _ Earl Russell Royal lege of Physicians and to Mr Freeman, that in Manilla the only remedy of any use in Cholera | was Ohlorodine. 7'1... u..J.'..-I '7'.'..... .....l (Jana. _1 .mu.-1 1 ilth mun, 'lU, Aennlngwn fBI'K H.030, LUIDGOD, D. The goazztiue has engraved on the Government Stamp (outsiziu each Bottle), FREEM.-\N`S ORIGINAL CHLORUDYNE." u `rm: delicious Condiment, pronounced by lonnoiaoenn The only good sauce, in pre- , and solely by Lea. and Pen-ins. The Public are rospoctly cautioned again: Iworthleu imi- tstion|,and should lee that Lea and Pen-ins Names are on_Wnpp9r, Lob9lLBo_ctle, and Stopper. Ask for Lea and Perqinsanoe _8old Wholonlo and for Exnon- In :1... '9... nwpper. Al! for Lo: and 80141 for I prkotornworooamx ; Hum well ; luau.` Btrclny and! L. . -...I I... n ____ -- umoroume. 77w Medical Times and Gazette, January lath, 1866, states, I1. has an immense sale amongst the public, and is prescribed by scores of Ortho- dox Muzlical Practitioners, and, of course, it would not. be thus singularly popular did in. not supply a want and till a place. Mnnlifnntuirod hv the Immntnr, Riclmrd Freo- a Want anu uu place.` Manufactured by the Inventor, Richard Free- man, '70, Kenningmn Park Road, London, S. Thu pruztxiine has enmnvpd on the Gnvm-nment WONDY S PATENT FLUID or natural disinll-('2 ' taut puries, dcodorises, nnd:dlsinl'cct.s, by the agency of nascent or ozonic oxygen,--its active principle. Being entirely iunoxious, this truly 5Cl6l'IllC preparation is peculiarly adapted for the following useful purposes, lor which all other disinfectants, on accountuf their poisonous or other objectionable qualities, are unavailable and useless :- Detecting organic impurities in air and water. Purifving 'drinkiug and'othcr water from or- ganic mutter, lead, &c. Frpehnninrv H19 nlrnf I-lnnn nln:-an nvul lltlvvarurv game muuer,1eaa, ac. Freshcning the air of close places, and remov- ing bud smells. Freeing meat, sh, butter, or other provisions from taint. Counte:-acting the effects of organic poisons taken into the stomach. Curing Musty provcnder. Freeing wheat and other seed from smut.- Maintaining the health 01 plants in pots and conservatories. :1 ' `HIS Oompnny has been doing business in J Ouude. for nearly 50 years, and during that time has aecurad the public condence by the proupt end libeml eeulunentofeury fair claim. It hn fully complied with the laws of Canada by the dpoeil with the Government of Stocks to the amount of 3- Ann 00n8eI'VaI.OrlcS. Preserving and restoring the freshness of cut owers kept. in wnter. Destroying the blight ol the potntoo, vine, hop, mulberry Lrce, kc. - ` Washing dogs and other domestic animals. Cleansing bottles, beer barrels, pickling tubs, dairy utensils. Washing the hair and darkening its colour when turning grey. Enhancing the purifying and invigorating ef- lecns of baths nnd_tuba. Dreeming poisoned wounds and destroying nni~ mal virus. Treating the inibctioiis diseases of cattle. horses, dogs, &c. One gallon makes 200 to 300 gallons adapted for use. N.B.--Candy's Fluid is the Standard Scientific Test for Organic Matter in \Vut.ur. and affords the only known means of rapidly and c<;:nplet.(-l_\` freeing Drinking Water from Organic Tuint, which is so cemmon a cause of serious disease. To rapidly purify the air, use the diluted uid with Gondy s 0zoniser" or other Spray-pro- ducerr V 1 um. ursnanm-`.5, etc: While in 3 liquid state add one or two drops of Magenta. A more simple or elegant tinting cannot be had. OONFECTIONERS will nd Magenta, Violet, Orange and Pink useful colours. GELATINES and GLUES are successfully coloured with these dyes. INK : A Sixpenny bottle of Magenta to a pint or more of cold water WATER ' One drop of dye will tint 3 quart. PRINTING on Cotton, Silk or Wool in the` ordinary way. BLENDING some M` H... R------ =- -'-~ l - " "' oramnry ' V W 1" BLENDING some of the dyes in the bath will produce an innity of shade, according to taste. WILH ducer. (`HM `nun 1'uu..:T PUlPOSlS,) Removes from the molith impure and foreign tastes and odours, whether arising from tobacco or other causes, and counteracts the irritation and morbid secretions of carious teeth. ties and softens the skin, and, used in the bath, tends to: promote a healthy state of the whole it BOLLMAN CONDY, Pateutee, Batterseu, !London. _..j_:j.:._j__._ ILLUIINATING: Magenta, Violet, Blue, Orange; pour a few drops into an egg cup add warm water; use witha brush or pen Borders of books, similar to Ward and Lock s Arabian Nights, &c., my be pi-ettily illum- inated in this manner. BLANCMANGE, JELLY, CORN FLOUR OREAMR Ln. Tun- :_ _ n .. unn auuu: A bottle of No. 2 Black to half n-pint of hot water. SATINWOOD STAIN: A Sixpeunv bottle Oaunry dissolved in a pint of boiling water PHOTOGRAPHS may be tinted; dilute the dye with water ; 3 bottle of Magenta. to a pint of water. M2. Orange; pour few (iron: in... .. -.-- --- uuaurrzs .sunt L.E_ JYES FOR THE PEOPLE. Any one can use them; any- thing can be dyed with them. In is impossible in this small space to enumerate the many uses to which these wonderful and beautiful chemical preparations can be applied; while their chief use is for dyeing textile fabrics, they are also invaluable as a nnlnnrinn ......... weir cmer is for invaluable as e colouring agent for almost every known material, the ease with which they can be used and the brillian- cy of the result being, indeed, almost magical. By their use 'elmost any article of clothing can be dyed in e. few minutes for a few pence without soiling the hands. I MEMO}! A MD A or me dye is sulciem. for one feathei COTTON: Mauve, Violet and Pulp; recommended. LEATHER: Blue, Magenta, Violet Orange. Dye in warm wuter. WEITEWASH: To color: Magenta, fo or Bose; add half a bustle to 3 pail of then stir in the Whitening as Mauve, Violet, Purple, Blue and c produce pretty tints by using onebc more, as directed above. STARCH: Stir ins. few drops of Co Magenta, Mauve, Violet, Blue or these impart delicate tints to Lice, ta. uvc. The dey seem: u yet, unhnppily, ferdie- tufwhen public opinion or State Interfer- enee will prevent the ndverttaemcnl or sale of any secret medicine whatsoever. It is to be bu d that the profession will continue to Nd es unvorthy the eoodoct of those of its member: who by testimonial or otherwise aid the diapoenl of such thinga."-Laucet. 'I`(l\Fl_lL"Q nun nnnnvun _,_.,.. . -v. nnuuury purposes is A 1. BOOK EDGES: A Sixpenny bottle of Magen- ta, Violet, Crimson or Blue will make from 5 pint to a. quart of beautiful colouring, ac- cording to shade required Apply with a brush. PAPER and WOOD STAIN: Ditto. OAK STAIN: A bottle _ `half LEA AND PERBINS'Wo1-cestershire Snnce This delicious Condiment, Ionnoiaoeprn irhe only sauce. nu- IIEMORANDA. MAGENTA : The strength and beauty of this dye is almost incredible. A Sixpenny bot- tle will dye 20 yards of Bonnet Ribbon in 10 minutes; it will also produce a clear Rose Pink by using lees dye. Suitable also for Woollen Goodn, Feathers, Silks, kc. WOOLLENS: Magenta. Il...... tn.-I .. .-_ -...., ...... wulour to avoid creases, and . to render them clean. Dye in boiling water. FEATHEBS: Dye in hot water (a few drops at the dye is suiciem. feather). Purple are mcgnuyended. aw. WILLOW SHAVINGS, Wicker, Ivol Hair, Fibres, Seaweed, &c., attract quickly, ifspplied in boiling water BLUE: For laundry purposes is A 0 tlvinlnt l"_-:-.--- -- ror woouen Goods, Magenta, Huuve, Violet, Purple, Orange, Pink, and Crimson produce the most satisfactory results. Use slarge quantity of boiling water in In earthen pan. RIBBONS and S[LKS- RI-nah n.-;.. coknrs PATENT ozomsnn wifran Ivan -an" _- .._.,,____, \ KLANOMANGE, JELLY, IOE OREAMS, kc: While n_dd {me drops Moments. A mm-n gnu... qt. ooumg in SILKS: Brush them with soap and water to avoid `creases, PEA'1`HERS- nu. a- n...- ----- '- - - m ; -nun; ntrcny npd Sons, London; &c.-' 1.; and by Grocer: and Oman nnlvotnlly ._.. -...,..,-. .. ....... mugs. -mmcu. 'l`OW).E'S OHLURODYNE. The Original Preparation of known 0 (jun, l'UD5ON S SKKPLE_ DYES ADV ("In (`An nan Hum - an-, rrvon an.-A I III uvl OHM .. -...;uuA uaun|D.l.`11J V (FOB 1'ou.:1' Ptmrosns, -nm the mm.`.I. :... _- . g we mums. MEMORANDA. 'l`hn an-mmn. ....A in as name water, usual. crimson one bottle or ed w lIl'll.l wuer. for Pink nail of wntnr LIDOVQ. ` Colony:--: Violet. Hlnn (Ill 0:-- Violet and arm wllm-. Ivory, Bone, I. &c.. anmm. thn dun v-nun 1vur , D008, c., the dye ing water. on in A I from Dr 0. Ki-id, A RE.\l0VED TU KING STRESET NEARLY OPPOSITE TH E CITY BOOK 5 FORE. ,...u., Iur rm: I Lg naunl I.lUlUUI'-- ur Pink ; re, Linen, THE LONDON QUARTERLY (Conservative THE EDINBURGH mzvmw (Whig). THE WESTMINSTER REVIEW (Radical): THE NORTH BRITISH REVIEW (Free ch h) AND , smoxwoons EDINBURGH lA(}AZINEl ('I`nrv \ ' I And 3 luge Amount, of general readi 1 Price, Five Cents; Bubscriptino Tnrotga] l'I'I nununwuuu D nulnbunun IAUALINIF I (To:-y.) I VHESE foreign periodicals are regularly to nuhlished hv mi in the name stwln an herein. I `ul! IUICISU p|'IU|III$II IIU Ilixllllfly I" 1 published by us in the gauge style as hereto- fore. Those who know them and who have long subscribed to them, need no `reminder; those whom the civil war of the last few years had deprived of their ones welcome supply of the best periodicelliteratnre, will be glad to have them again within their reach ; and those who may never yet have met with them, will assured- ly be well pleased to receive accredited reports of the progress of European science and litera- ture. mantra nnn not-n lUfU- TERMS FOR I869. Fol-any one of thctoureviewa - For any two of ..he four Reviews For any three of the four Reviews For all four of the Reviews For BIackwood s Magazine , - For Blackwood and one Review For Blaokwood and two Reviews For Blackwood and three Reviews For Blackword and four Reviews 1' U B 1' A d IS - When sent by mail, the Postage to any pan of the United States will be but Twgnt fun, Cent; 3 year for Blackwood. and Inn. inn 01 lm: unueu nuues wm 06 but '_['want Cent; year Blackwood, and but zght cents a year for each of the Reviews. . I, Subscribers may obtain back numbers at the following reduced rates, viz : The North British from Janmuv, 194:2 In no. Ull \IlI|0l 0KrQ. Sackville-uroel, Piccadilly, London. Sir,"--l think if you would Advertise your Cblorodyu more mun you do, you would help to ban` the others, which are secret com- pounds, out of the market. Many medial men mink with me, and recommend your com- pound, but will nave: prescribe a secret re- ggdy. OIAILII Kmn Ll n xuuowlng reancea rates, vxz: _ from January, 1863, to De- cember, 1866, inclusive ; the Edinburgh -and the Westminster from April, 1864, to December, 1866. inclusive. and the Lnmlnn L)1Jn'.rIr--rlvu fnr Westminster from April, 1866, inclusive, and the London Quarterly for 1865 and 1866, at the rate of $1.50 a year for each or any Review; also Blackwood for 1866, 201' $2.50. - THE LEONARD SCOTT Publishing Co., 38 Wnlker-atrnat, N V ,,_._ _..__..,- .. ...---v By Henry Stephens of Edinburgh and the Late J. P.Norton, of Yale College. 2 vols. Royal Oc- tz-.vo, 1600 pages and numerous Engmvings. PRICE--$7, for the two voiumes. Bv than A180 xn uart.ou`o{3 'l`nblo'u. . . ` Pomndea, Rose and Violet Powderl, 000-` action, trench Ext`:-a.ctl,, .1-`grander W-DA. Cherry Tooth Puts, Limo Juice untalycorlnc. ' nndoverj description of propandoll for "W Hour": B no, Bnrbidzi. Ind 3`l"|' '; - oei`voVInfio:tri`:`:) 1'YIlo')"8 00. : nrotnnthnn. < noun B 3 oeivo Indo:tri`::),1'u;,ld1n:yhi:`q.'_y: - lannrmou. 7 nu. g.....;` tz-.vo, 1600 Engmviigs. PRICE-37, voumes. By the post paid, $8. L, uxvnn U111. DR. DE J ON GH S Oil is convincingly proved by an overwhelming weight of medical testimony, and by theprnctical test of successful experience for twenty years in all parts of tbeawrld, to be, beyond all question, the purest, the most effica- cious, the most palatable, And, from its rapid curative ebcts, the most economical ofnll kinds. Hence the universal celebrity oi Dr. de Jonglfa Oil, and the unparalleled demand tor this unri- valled preparation. EDWIN CANTON, ESQ., F.R.G.S., Surgeon to Gbnring-cross Hospital. bit of prescribing Dr. de -Tough : Light.-Brown ` Cod Liver Oil, and nd it tobe much more e13- cacidua than other varieties of Ih samemedicino which I have also employed with I View to test their relative superiority." .--__:j remnants. Prize Medal `swan-dad fo{' ` Purity and Excellence of Quality. London and Paris. BROWN WINDSOR SOAP. 7 PRIZE MEDAL HONEY `SOAP. PATENT SUNFLOWER. OIL SOAP. GLYOERINE SOAP. ' Every variety of Filmy Soup ! in lb BI!!- Also in Ou'tou'o{3 Tebleu. Pomedea. Roma and v:..:-. `D--1-- "--' Iou.-'|'ho Profession is turned against. in- hrlor, uncut, sod chap compounds now In thoinrkcg. Inch gunning boub bout I fac- ulnllo ol Pxopx-our : signature on the stamp nudes. ..r_.. v. \-vlnAJll o Dr. Granville` has found that Dr. do Jongh s Light-Brown Cod Liver Oil produces the desired e'ect in a. shorter time than other kinds, and that It does not cause the nausea and indigestion too Oa nnnnnn An 1!... --|--!-9-- -' , ,-, ._ _. -1-IVIIVI tuuc uuuu uuier Kll, and lb!` too often _consequent on the cdniniau-scion of the '1`ID|{AN 8 an sAL91T, for pr-oiucingp real Sen Both in your own Room. The above favourite prepu-ntiou in strongly recom- mended. Sole Proprietors-'l`I-DEAN 8 SON, Chem- iota, 16 Wormwood Street, London, 15.0. SELECT MEDICAL OPINIONS. - ._,..,.v.-.... .u vlunuull H) I have frequently preecri Light-Brown Cod Liver Oil. 5 very pure oil, not. likely to create die a therapeutic agent of great value. we queen in Ireland. bed Dr. de I oonsiderit to be J ongh e gust, and DR. EDWARD SMITH, F.R.S., Medical Oicer to the Poor Law Board of Great Britain. We think it a great advantage that there is one kind of Cod Liver Oil which is-universally admitted to be gennine-the Light-Brown Oil supplied by Dr. de Jongh. It has long been our practice, when presribing the oil, to recommend this kind, since, amidst a much variety and un- certainty, we have condence in its genuine- nesa.-(Exti-act from Consumption: its Early . and Remediable Stagea") .___ DR. LANKESTER, F.R.S., Coroner for Central Middlescx. I consider that the purity of this oil is secur- ed in its preparation, by the persons! attention of so good a chemist and inteligens a -pbysicinn : as Dr. de Jongh, who has al_so_ written tbe-~beut. medical treatise on the all with which I `am ma - quninted. Hence, I deem the God Liver-,0ila`o|d under his guanntee to be m-eferahla m nnv MI...- quamsea. uence, 1 deem the guanntee to preferable to any other: kind as regards gennineness and medical -ei-r cacy. .u;uiuu,u1uuer on nealm, and. Chief Analyst to the City of Lomion. In all casesl have found Dr. do Jonglfa Light.-Brown Cod Liver Oil pomeasing the some set of properties, among which the presence of clnolaic compounds, and of iodine in a state of organic combination, are thelnost remarkable. It is, I believe, universally acknowledged that this oil has great therapeutic power; and from my investigations, I have no doubt ofits being a_pure and unadulterated article. my mveuuguuona, 1 have douh V . Dun: Ior Hill! vlluanle preparntiom Price: Stand, In lld; Medium, 45 5d 3180, 11: per Bottle. ' THE DlAR1`A'l"l7l'.`h Ibnv DR. BARLOW, F.R.S., Senior Physician to Guy`: Hospital. I have freq suiting me to Liver Oil. make use of Dr. I have been `well an uently recommended persona con~ do Jonglfs Cod tiaed with its uueu xor mosc cases in substance is indlcated." DR. LETHEBY, I(edical,Oicer of Health, and. Oh ORV L0nd'nn The L. 8. Pub. 0o.;s:publish DB. GRANVILLE, F.B.8., Author of the Spas of Germany." Jo ght-Brown had him... ml ......a....-.. .u__ ,, BRITISH ., PERIODICALS. OONTAINING THE NEWS op Tm ENTERTAINING smonuss` Am, A - I . _ _ . _ _ . _ . _ ._A. -5 ._-____I _ `1D|fAN SALT, - real Sen Ru}: In mm- . ______________ nanny as 00., Fax _ Porfnmers. nrity and lhmn....- - _ )R. DE JONGHTS LIGHT-BROWN COD LIVER OIL. hf) ht.` tnnvnnvn l\-I - . . . - ll!` III PEI DOING. TEE DIASTATIZIZD IRON, For auengthonmg Ina SysLem.- z-ice 23 9d per Boule. THE DIASTATIZED IODINE, For purifying the B1ood.--Pricezs 9d pen: Bottle. `_` The above Prcparntious are in the form ofswoounoau, pleasant to the taste, and par- ticularly adapted for Infants and Mothers nursing. Hr the cnmhinntinn nf cl... 7-..- -- I-a- ;u ; nave also remploye - superiority. _____________ CHRONICLE The L'armez~*}; aumc rosfiax. it hv mail. the Past: mars. Modal nwu-dad for )., Fancy Soap Maker! and riu Mada] um...-a..| rm- mu; ruuusnlng U0., } 38 Wslker-street, N.Y. : 'laIi&'r},ss:' , Chieflnnlyst Lomfon. --_---Jo (1 Jill . I the 1 53 illlittannn Ont- nurtuug. By the combination of the Iron or Iodine with Craig Seeds inns unto of gcrlninati0u_ they nro united with organic life, which thus render: them digestible. The in-itative and stubborn `uinurul has thus become the nucleus of nu organic substance capable of being ub- wrbed by the blood without injury to the stomach. Agent for Englnnd and British Poisessions, E U. DUI-`l{E:5NE, 79 Wntliug Street. May be obtained of all Chemists. .` `W 10.00 12.00 Ann 4 ._vu 10.00 13.00 16.60 Daily 1~};vs_ Jnent: Ohtninn 1.....- ` E: "01: :-`Mi other ' '7' n 3 in nu Inm `.:::::'.: um .1.---I lueuers Patent; Drdbi -Biih 5 , |"`".2,`,`, mm. .....`.!"l xrI"vnll'l$ll an-1.3` ' Copy Rightl um. mark: gnd d I nn.:nn.LT7a..' .:..'-5 RRFIIII Hol..A.CAllPBl < ' RICHARD JUSOX .` Mums. RICE LEW ` . W. 1!. WILSON,Bn;;, : ` " Hon. JOHN 0ARE1N61,1j& BULL,js`.ao., Inspgunga` Life Assurance Ooinnh. , K`. CHOLERA, DIARRK-NRA, kc. WARL RUSSELL sent to the Collage of L Physicians 5 communicsuon received by mm from lanilla (where cholera had been gruiug teal-fully) to the etfuct that, of All nunoduu uieducnlorodyne was the most enm- uve. v;. _ c. - _:--uncut: \IL` 3 Hnonin, Jumour, Iln Lnrll Inc, with same pnvuoga. . N.B.-'l'he aqua! 9 3") 1: business of` 1 me houaeait winocbg` Sn! Ad erieluontl of n.:.'} e..1.;n Noam. o-to be oonaideni! ' , _ on the same` mu nnig. Bulineu Notices." " w-nun A` tlumr L :52: 'l'l:osqunretobo21_ _ g The hulfsqunpll. ` Price {of sqnam,for' - ` _`: saowich thepri spa! nmonth. - uulilli Inn mourn. Balfnqunro for with prlviloga. N_n__'n.. mum to It mum ! for Sale. Single copies in) By the 100, L. _,` Siuglecopio in ` Bythe 100 ` sussu-n semen: ,::;:.::.:;'..;:,:'**% "ma July 1st.t86'l. ' rovinclnln " 5 The I offer them for sale , to my .` and at pticesfo dd any but 110]! direct `to the I `- Messrs Evin: kl attended to. V : f:'3"rL' lIlS8l'l.I0l1. -_ _ Subseqnenti _ ` once a week, 4 eah ` Notices gt` '9`. ` Do 0 an v D0 of Dentlh. . lion 4-: S3 'r3.zu.`.., 7` ; "Busniu Nonu` , om; Notices 1;`: ` I of ivhiclria Iopronob 1 intervals of Indiridnqhsd Be 1 {Bl V S'l`ALL S Uxmuu mu. JUST INTRODTIQ all leading f" Pian as C. VEYV Olll u `n: u nun! D D carely pl-int`e!| Form of Dead 1 A at the Daily News A . gauges and nther1a_"v`l THE NEW iO(.:K, Tn rulnog Urgsns, to. very one , bottle of am Polif. we will give full ' ' mo? P: Job Printing. nun is auibld "t6 1 with airnaoo.`-: in grant upeclwlf i`:ehe- City, .n. near: may be.f:vorod., WEE. 91-um. "" uq. onmnoromn 0o.$s GHLORODYNE . wuznour pnppnnmnr. Solo lnukomnr :--A. P. Towlo, Ohemiul, Iuunnu. Turn 3! 6 line: and * sud 13 cents fox: - ~ 10 lines, s1,25 I 1'! centsforeverj _. Above 10 lines. 7 - I I tzeuu nor ever; _ Above 10 lines, `I ,_ , tion, and two cent! insertion. - nl.u.n...;..i :.. ....u..'n mu 5 IIOIOI ward pnpnid 9*! Territory and Ag- ` .24 sales, Advertisement! Mo: rtnerahlp Nodoen, PH. ndividlnl Ielgberl '11- H-`In , run P311;r1}va til 4 Turn ,_ A 1:--. -..a ....'.v.Ja VII` 3 Tue} consist of three preparations- THE BAUDEINE, ` An eicient end prompt. Remedy for Choien, Yellow Fever, Diarrhoea, Dyaentery, end the excessive acuon of me Bavvela. A gold made: was awerded by the French Government [0 Dr V. Band for {ma veluable ' Slnlnl. lid: Indium .1: AA . I an... EIIIIIIIDII . amphlou,' InvitaIhn)..`. . mnuuung. . we 1..w`3u.t., `z Poutinn mm.` zs Futon im1l04up`e;YIn"qen i `Uoonmencing Wat-I-n:I::l'ay, Ihx I - F __ .I'l'U.1`.IN'\i, . Vol Onpe Vincent 0:45 Al. on u-rlnt of tho and n........ ..._.z..'.; 11-..`; d A W!. l'ER'1`0WN, - 0. Bnonn, Smon, Inf`, ILL leave Kingstoydnily (311. copied) at 4 AJI. (except I ' ting with the Grand `hunk `Summers, meeting the 6:25 A1. Ind Oawego. 1:15 P.Il., connoctin wiyh t tnill from tho`_ out and Steuner, meeting thq 4:30 I - sud Oureo.nd ne -N ` DR :v. BAUD, ondum and Mambo:-`of the Medical College of Paris, ChiofPI:rysicinn Extraordinary for Epidemics in Paris, late MD. at the Civil Hospitals of Algiers, has just in- troduced in Englnnd hil URGANIC MEDI- CINKS. '1'... ....-...:-.p ..t .L_-, _A,- v znuuu _v, nu . :, kings con. nu ownmer, Ineanng um 5:30 1'- Eou Ouvego, ad 1119' N ' tion Company ! Propallorl luv int Ior Oawego and alt Weourn Ionday only at 8 AJ(. D HIWTD IBIS an -mu Am. on arms: or me Innd Oswogo, muting Gxdd '! In West ant} Boyml Quinto- `3 Pl. onu-rinlottrain from "1'`Iht or Pull-K0 Inn- G. Lxxm Foot of Brook, nu. rU1a-:'1T1-1it:-N:)'17x j ['UNDER:- s - %L _ Kingston .1.-.i,`. Lam won. I A_H. Q A-_ n's.'.uua.y. ' A ..~_ .' &'_d.y"," ' -.0 Io: Wnlaex-wow : on way from 8 '.. _. -. ..7: I VII urns: wuawrn, U8 good Hichigsn Central Rgil Chicago, Hilwukeo, Grind ` for .11 the principal pain: In via. Pacic Railroad N Uni, Neruda. and Onlifoniin. ` " L Comfortable mi Convenient ` In Ladies nd Gentlolnenorth :- n 12! HA. 5 . 1_)o1z{N'l'HIAN . . Dunlo ZATIIDLUWV IIYITII `Y : '1"3. lntm-day: . hvnrnml Batu 9:. `"'T ` .`*`"".""' On-um Fun: 09:11:, ILL LEAVE 0AlIRU!HllB'S , gloat of wnnnp Emits, 30:. f: .\ ` , 1. pg ., v " d) It HALF-PAS; "1-"an1:1: o' D . NDAY, WEDNESDAY, und 3! 6.30 O 0b0UK, Kingston DAYS, 'raUnsmu's;_ Ind . at on 0'0LO0K_ 4.1!. I 7 mad! F1-sight 0: range I_ on board, or to ` . .J. 0ARB.U1'lBB 8 Freight gggo, Ina UIIIHDIIB (nnnnl F; Niagara Falls and Baltic). .1, come nAs'r st 4:00 Ll. some wnsw us we El.` fpugnge Tickets apply at the o ind Bros., Ontario Street, or at ver Steamboat Oico, 8!. In ' `foot of Johnson Street.` . ' gets going to the West on mum: vi: Gnu Western. De bafvli-on umxs oRGAN1c_uEmGTT:. "1'EAlu5n Anxuuuu wu notion. nuke regular 1 118, THURSDAYS, and s E1-hatveen Ogdenolmrg, Alex. Buy mm. and Olnrlmta (Lnndi line in conioued emu`: run -_j- --- v--- BSIIAMEB ABYSINIAN wil nntiea. make man! 1 ' every nonung (uomuy ex E|'.PAS'l` FIVE, touching it " (in Bay. _ 8U.N`l.)`AYr"lIRlPS. 9 AH. 1315 P.I. _. ~ (1 `H l(I'I l` .'-'*- v- uvunun-u yuuyvu, p_v- it-no-ilm pom; ..mry ii!" hr!) HALF-PA8T_ l'!1Blll or Ilino. `nuns: R.IIni1IIn1nn|-1 . U00! 0 man, 27:11 April, 1869. nu-7 -"'r'"'-I -' HALF-PAST FIVE um, one of the Steamers wil mg! Homing (londey ex l.PAH'l` FIVE. tnnnhinev It axpasss LINE. _-e- n Illln A Iivllvv Ala. ._nJ p------~-+ ;:Mai1 Line of SW34 on and Wolfe Island no r 4.: G. I. KIHGRO rm-,7 what, fdotdfcock nn; Amy. `IR. H2895, BAY or QWNTE. l'!.....}.... u._'..__ n--;__ );fftJME XVIII pn;1um`jpom~,"` FI'TDl'l'BDlI~ `ITVXIFIIII Ii` DI SIIII GBIIIIIIIQIC (wry want, my: ; Aug. 28,1869; \/ Agent nt Kingston, 1`!-N Uppfor-Callill Ute!!! II__A n-:__-2 - 1 `P013101 |pI}nAp:n1uU. navigation `Jomq NHII . ..7:lP.| nn M Utlice-33, Clarence Street. King1m>n,I:srch 20, I862. March 31, 1869. J. R. smIt_In, n.n., )HYSICfAN. SURGEON, 8c., PORTLAND, Raioknce Hsrrowsmith. ` I an Kingston, Inch 31, 1869. Iou.L-`l'ho Proloiion 3 hrigr, cheap counonnn. ...- Glldenloove & Wanton, ARRISTERS and ATTORNEYS-at-LAW, Conveynncen, N otnrieu Public. IIl-I_..-J vi! `lint; _.._ Agent, St. Lawrence Wharf. Kinguop, latch 31, 18959. \ osn=1'o LEND. gsoidooc feud oulhc _ security of Renl Esuuoin the City or Coun- try at A low rate of interest. No commission charged. 8. M. ROSE. Anl '12 Jomph Buwden, TTORNEY AT- ! A `W, Snlicitur K 1`I......\..-.. \`r....... I: .|.|;.. s... ... L` `Ruynl Assurance Company 0? LIVERPOOL A-ND LONDON. MAXWELL W.STRA\IGE `rI.I|t (`A- /`.1IA lull). ii-id, Author of Standard Works on Chloroform. ill...n..: D.~.-...l:II_ r , A - I `urrency. JAMES;SWIFT, Agent, St. Lawrence Wbnrf. I0 "1 H05. KIRKPATRICK. JAMES swurr, 1- prucnne n Knm, LLD. lint. Ilnnha-In All W. DIKIAJUE Agent for Kiugstonf ael. Agent, St. Lawrence Wharf RQ - Plunnrlx glare Assurance Company ; OF LONDON. r ISIXNT. . $24,ooo,ooo_ : Composi- i Large ! Jr VI part __._. ` `HE groan frauds which continue to be prac- tised_ by obscure mrgnufacturers, more particularly in Germany, by imitating the la- ` bola attached to JOHN GOSNELL & 00. .-5| PERFUMERY, render it imperative upon the : Proprietors to CAU1-ion the public against such ` nefarious proceedings, and to request their < 5 friends and pstrons to purchase only of respec- .nb1e desk-ra, who import. direct from John l N Gosnell 5: Co.; and invite special attention to ` I ! the address- : RED BULL WHARF, 93 Urns TiuuIrsS'rnn1'. . Jnhn nninull .1: tn '. _Q..|.... u...r......._. nu. { nnu nu bl; W nnur`, 93 UPPIB Taulna S'rnn:1'. I 1 John Gusnell & Uo.'s Select Perfumes: Eaa `E<|)hgu;t, Roynl Yacht Club Bouquet, Jockey | |`.: -I E FW V |V. Moria i-:xr1<:t:ol.=]v.e"Fr1:a.'::Ic{?a:ui `.\I()|)i(Ii\x-_5'lol`::lL;qu:(:t `\ ' the Bride]: Bm xquot , ' -_ i John Gosm-n & Co's Prince or \vn1e.' P.-r.` l fUl3IC,hQ m`ost choice .\nx!`Iz\`st}iouab1e perfume.` ` t o u Lnsnoll 3: Cu 3 I nucc-.-"s Alexaudrnsl ~ Perfume, a most choice and delmue perfume, x `pr :-pnred expressly for the use or Her Royal: rhghnou. ; Jnbm 1:.nn..II A 41,. `A nun... 12... `FL. .... .....4 , uunug we nut twenty years. N.B.--This uid is a. certain cure fo tin horuennloo the scab Illd rot in I 1 nnguueu. ` John Gosuel! & C035 Upper Ten Thousand i Perfume. John Go-Ltnell & Co.'s Jockey Club Perfume 3 is in universal request an the most adnmred Perfume for the Handkerchief. Price 2.4 6.1. John (hsnell a curs La Nuhlesse Perfume, ] I 3| mn-at do-limun Pm-f`-1|-no nfnrnuiaion fan .... nn u.ur. ,-r ` La. Nobles-se So.rp---esteemed far its unequnl- led p-:r!'ume and ne emollient qunliliea. John Gosm.-H & Co.'s Violet and .\hlIe[leur ` Nursery Powder I6 gxmm-aleed uuro. No.pu.'- \ `aery should be without it. Sold in bcrh at | IS]; in tins ls eaoh. Juba Gosucll & U035 Cherry Tooth Paste is greatly superior to any Tooth Powder, give: I the Teeth spear]-like wbueness, prutecxs the enamel from decay, and impuns a pleasing fragmuce to the breath. Price 15 6d each. Infnlnnonna Huh nu ~ nnv-I .'.n In .-...\-I...... 330.000 ~And is prepared laiune policies on terms as low In the safety of the assured will permit. JAMES SWIFT, I A (-4.... we BIIIOIIIII ol ` water. no axrecuona on every bottle: Recommended and used by Professor Simona: at the Royal Veterinary College, during the lat twenty i is n. cnruin rm... (A. __._.r -uuu uauuun up uu.:I um aunvnvaau rurIuuJL', ` :1 most delicate Perfume ofexquisile fra-granco. John Gosnoll & Co.'a Noblesso Pomade, ele- I` I gaudy perfumed, and highly recommended for I ' beatnlxfying and prommiug the growth of me huail`. ' nu ma neugnnonrnood." U { Seld by all Chemists, end st :90, Canon street, London. Quans, 165; pints. 85 ; half- pinte, 43; glen-atoppered Imperial pints, ex- ` tn: strength, 169 per dozen; and in balk at; ` 43 per `gallon: bottles included. Each gal- | Ion mnkin` 200 gallons, when diluecd win; Inter. See directions on bv v....r....--_ uuwly xnvcnuu Il.`\ll' L cbauxcsl construction the two operations of c simultaneously. The Patent XI:-nhnniz rrngmnce to me Dream. l"l'lc8 6d Instantaneous Hair Dye: certain to produce any shad-3 Brown or Black, of good. m1tur.=.l colour. It cannot possibly injure the hair, has 0 disagreeable odour, and is easily applied. John Gosuel! k Sofa Putent Tzichosnrou, or n-mln in-en... .! I)_.._|.. .L_ uuuuuuneuusly. I_`ho Patent .\I<-chanicul Chair for Btusbiug Hair by Machinery. For Prospectus and par- uculara, apply to the PAIODKQCS and Sole Manu- Lscturers, JUHN GUa'NluL[. it 09., l`ur|un)9rs by Appointment to Her Majesiy, the l`r1:-L-.~_: of Wales. &c,. RSI) RIYLI. \\ H A RI? rm Ihinn, L ...g 5-5` I~9au|llL.`\`) Ul ltd put properties, it is ou`._v l1cC33t the name of the c-lebm\-.-.1 pic Physician from whose compounded. The eunre Ii: guiabed man was spent in health of bus fellow-creature in December, 1861, was m; 1i6h.l loss. `ITLAI.-.<.-.l,-.....,-I F4- -_-.-A ' IIIAIIYCS D|'K|\'l'JT.l Lombard Street. s -r uni s_\u[:1ij ..u.l..-. \`.... ~- -uu o.xL,un. rwprtrcu Dy A11 1 under :'uu.lnvuud tiaockcr, tr: :1 recipe by his Comin, the late Dr Sou wood Smith, thirty-ve yam-3 Pnysicma the London Fever lluspital; F:u`:;er of SJ tary Reform; Medical Mc:nb\:' of the t": General Board of Health; Author of the ti work on Fever in any age or country, Philosophy of Health, kc. D(}liCiuui with av:-v lznman .lL'.. Home Insumnce Cuu1p:my ul" New llavcn, Uoun. IJUIICIOUS wlln habitual use il1CI(':.$ motes digestion. its digcszzve proper` As an assmranr... KIUU .l IU3- Wholesale and for exportatiau by the Pro- | prietor, G9, L.1mb d Conduit Street; Barclay and Sons, Fnpringdon Street; Batty and 00., Finabury Pfycment. | Retail bv (`.hm-nicn: (1.-m....a '.+..u.-.... uuu ul uugs and omor vermin. ` Sir W. Burneufs Uisinfccling Fluid was the only Disinfectant used at. the Agricul- tural Hall during the Sxnitbeld Club Cattle! Show in 1366, by orde: of Her Majesty's! Privy Council. The vnlnn nf elm n..:.I :- _|---- I IR WILLIAM BURNETTS DISINFECT-. ING FLUID, for th:_pnrilication of sick rooms, hospitals, workbouses_, factories, pri- sons, crowded places, between decks of ships, fever wards, chairs, cesapools, drains. stables, dairies, i2!.|'del'3, &c.; bilge-water, and water closets, musty cnsks, tubs, the holds of ships; apartments for searchers, underuikers, and` jurymen, and for post-martem examinations; for the prevention of infectious disease, can- ker and fungus in trees; for the disinfection of dead bodies, and for the preservation of subjects tor dissection; for the extermina- tion of bugs and other vermin. Sir W. Hi'irm>u a Iliainfn-vi-.. D|_.:.1 , clothes and linen of sick, nigbt- ; r mauury rnycmem. ' ' Retail by Chemists, Grocr.-rs, itnllian Warehousetien, and others, throughout the Kingdom, and every part of the world. Ask for I`he" Sauce.-Special Export! Agenta-E.urgoyne, Burbridges, and Squire, 16, Colman Street, London. ` AMPLOUGK-I S PYRETIC SALlNE.-A Med.cine that cures Sea. Sickness or the worst form of Billion; H0tldACLl6_l a few minutes; etferveacing and tasteless, its con- stant use is especially calculated to main- tain health. When mixed with water and taken during the effervescsnce, it immedi ately blends with the food, and is rapidly absorbed into the system. It vizalizos and supplies the blood with those saline pi-lnci- plea that am lost, altered, or destroyed dur- ing the hot weather. In Jungle. Scailet, Yellow, Typhus, Eruptive Fevers (or Cholera), also in several other conditions, where the `- vital current is po;so:ied by infection, and thereby rendered unt to support health and life. it has been found eminently benelicinl; and its sustaining and purifying inuence . % acts as a preventive to dlaP!1SP an thn rm. sum as as pl. -:Ye:1llVe I0 unease, as the nu - merous unsolicited testiionials accompany- ing each bottle will prove. his pox-taoility renders it admirably adapted to the travel- ler, tourist, emigrant, or private family, more especially when distant from medical udVlC or assistance. I y I \.z u: uu,- * Sig? agents ; parts of the ' i Sold in patent stoppered glass bottles, arice 23 6d, 43 Gd, Us, and 213 each. Spe- :ial required and appointed in all` ants world. I .uucc or assistance. F . . npUl_uLul:`l l0 II?! in ms, &c., um) BULL pa ~rnc.~-v- in... no v-r .1.- CAPITAL .. .. $1,000,000. PREIIVIS RECEIVED DURING 1868- $2,079,396. F 2 12 V`. ooited in the bands of the Government to: the security of Pulicyholdera. All re risks carefully surveyed, and the rate of Premium made to correspond with the risk usuzned. I A \I|PQ QDlI?'lI OAUTIQN. u|n\.r' UI SLVULL L.I5L|lI'.".I `ssxbly 3, Cs Brush, the peculiar me- 1 of which accompanies : cleansing and polishing I ness, pmlexg t ` lpuns ice '- _ ,of natural J njurc 3 at , hinh an.-.\rnnnnin_. `u:s\.uku.Auu IL 15' S1 of =b:xL distin- pxornong the I. an ! LIE dilsllh a for grease ! In sheep. Kera,_ and ""` nnauons ; ease, ` f `siufection `hf rvatiou mu `Hermion- '|uid ,,L .. - n+_vonr lmnu cons nnuy dwelling upon this subject? Do you feel dull, listless, moping, tired of company, of life ? I Do you wish to be left alone, to get away from everybody ? Dms any mus thing make you stgrror jump ? Is your sleep broken or restless ? Is the lustre of your eye unbrillinnt? The bloom on your cheek as bright? Do you onjoyyourselfh society as well 7 Do you pursue your business with the same energy ? Do Von fnnl an mm-.h onndnnnn in -nu-_ i HnumoI.n'a Exrncr Bucxm, establfshad up- ; ward of 18 years, prepared by H. '1`. HELM- ,! BOLD, Drnggist, 594 by H. Brqndway New I I York, and l04`Sout.h 10th Sheet, Philapelphin, `. Pa. Price $l,25 per bottle, or 6 bottles for i$6,50, delivered to any address. Sold by all I I Drugpziats everywhere. I I3 Nona urn Dnnninn n..1..-a A--- -i - vv nucu ism-`EEEINGS HAVE BEEN PROTRACTED ` mom HIDDEN CAUSES, 3 REQUIRE PROMPT TREATMENT TO REN- } DER EXISTENUE DESIRABLE. _j_. Home Insurance Company or New llaven, D u.-....-- l L -1?` you are suffering or _b|Ve suffered from Involuntary Discharges, what. effect does ll. produce upon your general Health 7 Do you feel weak, debilitated, easily tirod ? Dora a little extra. exertion produce palpi- union of the heart? l Does your liver, or your urinary organs, or ` your kich1e_vs, frequently get out of order? l ls your uri1e sometimes thick, milky or ` ockv. or is it ronv on settling? 1: yuur urrus aumculucs UIICK, lnuxy ` ocky. ropy settling? : Or does a thick scum rise to the top ? u ` Or is a sediment at the bottom after it has ` stood awhile? I1` nun k..p.. .-....II. A! ..L-_; L___.L:__ __ : uiuggius everywhere. I3 None are genuine unless done up in I steel-engraved wrapper, with fac-aiinile of my ` Chemical Warehouse, and signed. I` H, '1` Wmljlnnv n energy I i Do you feel as much condence in your- ; self? > A-1. Oinii ._ Are your spirits dull and tgging-given to Ls`of melancholy T Ifso, do not lay it to your liver or dyspepsia. Have vnu ra,-am--us: mama? vnnr l>...-I: your nver or uyspepsm. Have you restless nights? Your back `. weak, your knees weak, and have but little appetite, and you attribute this to dyspepsia or liver complaint? ; Nn~\xr-~ntaAnwn ur uvcr compl-nlutr N0W`,"READER, `Sell -Abuse, Vencreul and Sexual Diseases Badiy Cured, and ` Excesses, N are all capable of producing a weakness of ' :he generative organs. The organs of genera.- Lion, when in perfect health, make the man. i Did you ever think that these bold. deant, i energexic, persevering. successful business man. nra nlw-um (hnan urhnnn nan.-..-...:.... A- 1 Jan. 28, 1868. ` Mr H. T. Hluraonn, Dear Six--Yonr communication requesting our terms for advertising was duly received, l but from a prejudice I had formed aizainst ad- ivertising cures for secret diseases, it was i left unanswered. During an accidental con- I versation in a drug store the other evening, ,my mind was changed on the character of 1 your Buchn. It was then highly commended I for other diseases by two physicians present. i Inclosed please nd our rates of advertising Yours, &c., | 1', R n .q............... uiu yuu xvra tulun Iuulu tucuu uuiu. GEIJADI, men, are always those whose generative or- gans are in perfect health '1 You never hear such men ccmplaiu ofbelng melancholy, ol'ner- vousncss, of palpitation of the heart. They are never nfraid they cannot succeed in busi- ness; they dc-:i`t become sad and discourag- ed; they are always polite and pleasantin the company of ladies, and look you and them right in the face-noue of your downcast looks, or any other meanness about them. I do not mean those who keep the organs in- nmed by running to excess. These will not only ruin their constitutions, but also those they do business with or for. How many men, from badly cured Venereal diseases, from the etfectof Salt-Abuse and excesses. have brought about that state of weakness is those organs | that has reduced the general system so much I I as to induce almost every other disease- idiocy, lunacy, paralysis, spinal affection, sui- c de, and almost every other form of disease which humanity is heir to, and the real c use of the trouble scarcely ever suspected, and have doctored all but the right one. Diseases of these organs require the use of a I Diuretic. ceased zsomiers.) , H. T. Hrunsonn, Two bottles only of the package of your valuable Buchn presented to the Institute have _ been used by the children, and with perfect 5 success. In the case of our little Lieutenant , A. J., his pride is no longer mortied, and he is free from the daily morning enathemas of the chambermaiJ who has charge of his bed- ding. I feel that a. knowledge of the result of our use ofyour Buchn with the children un- dur our charge may save many a Superinten- dent. and Matron of Boarding Schools and Asylum: a great amount of annoyance, and many a poor child suffering more from weak- ` 1193.! than from habit, may be spared punish- ment, that is (not knowing it as a weakness instead of a bad habit) most unjustly inicted upon them. Thanking you on behalf of the children, and hoping others may be alike benetted, lam, raannmulln Ivnn-A . Unun limo, To ll; Tovle, Chemist, lnncheater. A Snrgion from New York writes :---``I only nqnlru to 50 known to be nppteeintod. I have no honlutien in chnrnotoriulng it (viz., 'l`owle I Ohlorodynn) u the man useful medi- cine that ha Appeared during the present enntnq. In dinyhtnn, colic. aguo, spasms, l Inn found ll. to relieve more pain and cause more joy tun any other Article that can be nomad." ~ `