WAD- J- .IAR\Tfs M.D. nfI.n|-snn F-.. __.:\v,, on EYE-GLASSES LAZARUS. MORRIS &-C0.. MONTREAL; 1. Milan. 0 REILLY 8 DRQPER, Anchor Buildings, Kingston. 1, 1869. REM_(_)_VAL. - -QueeIi s college. .:-- Wl take place at the ...... ---av; qu-cu. ultu UPIEIIQQ med heavy ; teceipta 23,000 bush ; 0 bush It 63 0 65c for new nd western. Pork rmer; sales M 30.37 0 31,75 for new men. 7; sales 330 tieroes at 17 rib lsic 182 ft) l9ic for kettle rendered. -- ----- -5: OF THE THE ~,-a IIIPYOVC sl 1,7, and st (bu - further pnniculnrs apply ISAAC SIMPSON, Set`. and Treu. J. B. MOWAT_ Rnnmo... smuvrox, Anclinnor this City, our . on A A UN , Auctioneer. Registrar. V HE Children s Organ is mede so easy in the bellows that any child can supply them with wind. The subscriber wishes to call the ettention of pertiee purchasing Organs end Melo- deons to the fact that many nnkers ere substi- tuting psper bellows for leather, end only ed- justing e small piece o{ leather on the corners ; but we gusrnntee all of our own Inennfecture to be genuine and no paper. Sheet Uusic Ind Music Rnnkn of invw An, u ue genuine am: no paper. Music Books of every de- scription. Violin and Guiur Suing: of the very best quality; in fact everything connected with the music trnde. QDI.-.1... vr....-,u -_2 *n-_-r_.: L -T GI :-day, the 2nd day efoctobor, A-1). 1869. STUDIO IIELODEON . . SCHOOL-ROOM MELODEON ORGAN nnur l'\f\`l!lIIt'I wun me xnnuc mme. f'Pinnoen Tuned and Repaired in town and country on reasonnblo terms. STEAM PRINTING HOUSE,_Princess Street, Kingston. Printing of all kinds at 111; DALI Nun Snnn Pnmrma HOUII. ` uuumunmna on runs 11558, Steam- boat and Excursion Bills and Tickets, executed expeditiously at the DAILY Nnws Ba-nut Pnnrrnw Housl, Princess Street. -- _-_ wvw vi I-Iullilillig With Rigging, Furniture, and everything com- plete, will be sold at Public Auction nt tho Slip, foot of Wellington Street (where she is now lying), on J. nsvnnrs f ORGAN AND MELDIIEDN FACTORY. 82 KING STREET. PROGRAMMES & POSTERS, Steam- Excufsioq ]_3_illa_and 'l`i5:_kets, --.4_;_.'I -_, \- - CHILDREN'S LU Cnrdajf admission 25 cents ; for sale by members of the class, and at the door on the evening of the Concert. Doors open at 7 o'clock ; commence st 73. The programme will consist ofsolos, Dnetts, Choruses, kc. A part. of the proceeds of the Concert will be given to the Orphans Home. The Grand Piano used at this Concert in very kindly furnished by Mr E. Stacey. Sept. 28, .________.jj NDER and by virtue of 3 Power of Sale oontained in a Chanel Mortgage from Henry Conley to"Robert Anglia, the younger, the - olhtr , nonuon nanu ur `rum WURLD. Num- _l_ bers Twenty Star Performers, including the wonderful Ricardo, celebrated Billy Reeves, Hugh Ha-nner, late of the Academy of Music, New Orleans; Arthur Human, the wonderful basso; the great Walter Bray; Steve Rogers, me best clog dancer in the world, and others, the whole forming a. rs!-clue combination of Minstrel Performers. Admission 25 cents ; Reserved Seats 50 cents. Doors open at 7 o clock. Performnnce to commence at 8 precisely. See programmes. Sept. 28. To-NI_gHT. ONTARIQ HALL. .j.. OUNG FOLKS CHARITABLE CON- CERT.-Friday Erenng, Oct. Int, 1869. Under the direction of Mr W. Nelson, of Toron- to. AUCTION SALE. v l\Jl.iI\ AND EXCHANGE BR` 55 Genenl [naunnce Agents, In ings, King Street. Kmosrron, Ont. W. C. HAVII. I lugs, nlng street. HAVII, June 16. SATURDAY EVENING, .13.". LA B|lE S SARNIVAI. MINSTBHS. .... ..\.u -u THE DAVIS QEWING MACHINES !| -`I -.an4a.v VFHE TWO-STOREY BRICK DWELLING HOUSE on Wellinalnn Rtmn hm-mm - nn. nwu-a'1'utus:x BRICK DWELLING Wellington Street. between William and Earl Streets, lately occupied by Mrs Baker. I -J- 1.. ' Firs: ant_l:Eit`ra Prize and Diploma, I ..... ..:-I D_\_:L:.,- Inna __ .. _.-`.._.-.--mu I For sale at the FIRST PRIZE SEWING MACHINE SALES- ROUM, Brock Street, Kingston, and Dnndaa Street, NAPANEB, Ontario. R._I. JORDAN 8 00., \ln_-...__ To-M0_1gROW. nN1`AI:1g HALL. v -um onuun AIVU UUUU WILL of I Bali- 1 net: which has been carried on for 25 years and upward: will be sold on liberal term: of credit, at such rate in the pound u may be agreed upon, with I Laue of the Shop and Prelnisel. Au - D..-:_-_- an I -- - ` ' --r--:1 &IIU'III&E `Ll: obrod to a Party den:-out or commencing Business In the Flourishing Town 0! Perth. county of Lanai-k. Sept. 24. W. C. IIAVEN & Co., VTOCK AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, 1nd 55 [nmnnm Aonnon u......:.. u..:m Sept. 25. . _ - ..v.._' .-..v. Terms Cash, in Bankable Funds. W000-SGOW "ALABAMA," lb Riaaina I`no-nion... -..A ......_..|.:_._ __ 3` Agents wanted. Sept. 29. Sept. 28. GU. . Address "A. 3., box 25, Perth." Perth, Sept. 2711), 1869. 01' G( Th: The W01 [ASTER BAND OF THE WORLD. Num. .bers Twemv Star Pa.-rm-m... a....1..,a:.... ONE NIGFT ONLY. :__ `HE STOOK AND GOOD WILL of Buli- . has hum nnrrin A. r... on coil - ,,,_____ _-..v -.-- -r--IIIJI Provincial Exhibition, 1869. New York State Fairs, 1868 nnd.1869. Awarded to A rune cuiuc dhh` n- _ I-|.._4_ .-_,. `IICF Apialy to __ _ -.:v-rv At Twelve o'clock, Noon. Vorld-renowned Originnl and only `HOUSE T0 LET. uvvuu, READY-MADE CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, I-_ 0. F. GILDERSLEEVE. DAILY NEWS--FRIDAY EVENING. OCTOBER 1. .._.._._ J. REYNI-III, .-U. --. 82 King Street. JIJL I. 0. Hum. nnunnna, and . liaonio Build `nt , T-, oct. 2nd. . - \a\J.' Managers. -New | PABLO]! 0RGA_N, Ill-ZLODEIDNS. RAPPE, WEBER & 00., corner King and Princess Streets, Kingston, mann- fncture Pisnoes equal to any in the market, either of home or foreign make, and sell II. moderate prices. Every Pinno is warranted for ve years. They invite inspection of their style: and quality of tone. Parlor Dunn: and llnina.-nu -4 ...:...... OLD went up to 163 at noon yesterday; G at 5 pm. down to 134. What canned the fall? Well, just this :-When despair was pictured on everybody s countenance who had a. dollar of Uncle Ssm s money, by 3 most fO|'tU\ nate coincidence, 4 cases of SUGAR-OURED HAIIS arrived tor MORRISON. Note the re- sult: Morrison's Sugar-Outed Hams are better than gold ; gold can : be compared to Morri- son's XXX PASTRY FLOUR, - mun golu ; gold can : be con son : FLOUR. 200 hnl-I-cl: Thiaoln Ilillg II`-.. RS. CHRISTIE, Teacher of the Pinnoforte, Organ, and Vocal Music. Terms 85 per quartor. RESIDENCE: No. 4 Ridenn Street, near the Artiilery Park. Kingston, Sept. 27. nuu quanly OI tone. Parlor O1-guns Ind llelodeonl of nriaus makers are kg); in neck in the Piano Wnv room, And o'e at manufnctnters prices. `J . Volumes of testimony could be shown that this is the most soothing and healing Solve of the day; and it has fairly proved itself during a ' public trial of years to be the belt remedy for Come in the world-tho true alleviotive, and plaster for settled pain. Price only 25 cents I box. X. For sale by E. H. PARKER, DI. SKIN- NER, and Mn. KING, Chemists and Drnggiats, Kingston, Oat., and drnggiam elsewhere. Sept. 8. THE Insolvent ltu mode on assignment of his eetgte to me, and the creditors are notied to meet at the place of business of the Insolvent, Princess Street, in Kingston, on TUESDAY the fth dny of October next, at four o'clock in the afternoon, to receive etetetnente of hi: mini:-I nnd to appoint an Auignee. HENRY CHARLES VOIGT, Interim Auignoe. Kingston, 15th eptemher, 1869. A M081` FOR'l`UNA'l`E CMNCIDENGE. son 5 AAA rAD`ll:(.I ILUUK. 200 barrels Thistle Mills Family Flou-r on the wny for Morrison. ' -. M. MOBRISON. An D-:nnAn. EA_...n. In the mutter of WILLIAM GROH, Fun-ier, of Kingston, an Insolvent. "you U0! vnroajales," "Flor de Tnbac, Regalis do Lu-egnn, Boquet do Tulane, "Flor do Santingoef Ln Ga:-bolosa, El Cap:-iecho do Cnbt 30,000 Manilla Cheroota. Also choice brands of pure Vitginia Tobacco, and I splendid assortment of genuine Meet- scbaum Pipes for sale, very cheap. ADV aunntitv of Cut Tnhnm-nu nn Imam, nuunuua rapes Iur ulna, vary cuenp. Any quantity of Cut Tobuccos and home- made Cigars always on hand. Try White : mixtuieu, Sweet :3 the Rose. ; `VD UB1` zuzulslvlsu, an assortment of Havana Cigars of the following choice and popular brands :- III - l)..a2-- ll rifsnr sum sxcmMm.| STOVE, TIN-WARE AND PLUMBING B U S IN E S S T0 N0. 22 BROOK STREET, Bong!) King and Wellington Streets. Sept. 11. ` N 7 ILL be delivered to the Trade, direct from the Menufactory, at 80 cents per dozen, and Private Families at $1 per dozen. Orders left at A. Living-etonfe and City Book Store. GEO. W. OBEIGHTON, A.-4-; _-_.------ a.n\l\JL`lJ;c ONTARIO STREET, KINGSTON ONTARIO. R. B. Stephens. Proprietor. "l`-goo D..-...... :_ _..._g,,, - Icanadian Stove Depoti _. ..--..--v...... -lilvl uvIrvl' Trusty Porters in Attendance at Railroad Depot and Steamboat Landings. Oct: 28. can 00 DIG WI!!! 1!. The Dwelling House may be exjmina Wednesday: Ind Thursdays between 10 and 4 pm. For terms nnnlv on M. I u.._.:__ .3-.. ALES AND PORTER] urge nu-nu, wun sheds and Stabling will be lot with the land. Should the Residence be let. separately, the Vogetnble and Fguit Gardens can be had with it. ml`. n_.n:.... D.----- -~+ - - - r- ..`... -.\.u A--nu, nus lullitfu. FINANCIAL AND CUIIIERCIAL. Loudob. Oct. 1, ll am.-Consol9 921 for may; 33 for ncooum; American securities kl; Five.IwentieI, '62, 84; ; '65, old, 84}; 17,831 ; Ten-forties 75; ; Stocks steady ; Erie In}; Illinois Central 94!. I Do- Fnncy Blan- Int] 5 p,m. For terms apply to Mr J. Buvden, Solicitor King Street, or to the owner on who premises. , JOSEPH manna .u..m Inu oeluly or location cannot be sur- passed. The Rooms, lugs And well propor- tioned, consist: of Hall, Dnwing Room, Dining Room, Sitting Room, and Librnry, four Bed- rooms, Bath Room and Dressing Room, Kitchen and Serums Bedrooms. The Oellunge is ex- tensive And good. and the Outholses and Stsblos are lugs and in good order. The supply of rain and spring water is well secured. The premises will be let with-70 acres of land adjoining in I high state of cultivation. Two large Barns, with Sheds with the land Rhnnl oh- n..-u-_-. x - V \I LIL-I HAT ommnodioul Ruidenee of Mr J. Fisher T near the Bath Iacndulnizod Rand, lbouln mile" outside the city limits. formerly the pro- perty of Mr John Finnegan. The Home is of Stone, elegnntly built nnd in thorough repair. It commends n ne View of the city, Kingston bay, and surrounding country, end for health- lulnoss and beauty of location Rooms. lune And --II mann- Sept. 25. J`uly 29. IUST RECEIVED, assortment of Havana nianrn nf thn fnllnninn (Janina .-.A -..-.....I... Kingou, June mh, 1869. Sept. 9. 3. r. wurrtz, Manufacturer and Wholesale Tobacconist, ` Princess Street, Kingston. July BURNETT HOUSE-. um I hI.'\ cum-swan... ..---,....__ , nu; rive-Iwenuel, 62, 811; '65, old, 94). Liverpool. 0cl_ I ll n.m.--Flour 243]-, Red vial 93 M to 95 5d; white do 105 8d; A` :1 com 293 6d ; Out: 3: 6d; Pou 4-Is VId;Pork I103 i-`Lu-J 745 ; United Smtel bonds I. }_IBSON S CERATE. CKELVEY & BIRCH beg to inform the public that they have removed their FRONTEN AC BBEWERY GENUINE HAVANA CIGARS! No. 29 BBOCK STREET. Insolvent Act M1869. REMOVAL (IL. R,6tiCy" up rugas 7 upgquo de H019Yo" Lou Do! Cl'b`J"`l' "Flor an 'I`nbm`~ T0 `HIE PU BLIO ! V,` - -_.....c..., unvv ucuu Icuuccu I0 B CO!!!- Inlively small compass. It is believed fill this enrirc matter would have been ad- juted to-day had it no: been for the in- Irluence of the Courn-, whose action is literally null severely condemned. The fnncrcinl learns upon good authority In the Luke Shore Co. owes Lockwood _ICo. nbour. $600,000 against a colleteral done million in stock of Toledo and chub Railroad Company. It is under- `;-Inod tint Legrund Lockwood agrees to gig: in favour of J. H. Banker. The ` ll lcelinz in Wall. street continues ., improve slowly but, apparently, anre~ Ind the close of bank hours money III mhet ensier. The genernl feeling is the worst is now over, and I steady Inn. 4.. ....._I_A 2, `~ - ' BOTTLED AT `rm: `s. P. wnrrn, I Tobacconim uuunnnuvsvg 40 Princess Street. net on me premises. JOSEPH FISHER. examined on wnnn In -an .1\JlV Agent. amsows PATENENEINITE cunn- nu 'DISO0VERS errors in dntu or evidence; nlao forgotten years, forgotten months, days of the month and den of the week-ie the most convenient Inoveable celender for marking of daily datea-wil1 give on clause for 3 you so far off that the whole line of figures necessary to write it cannot be writtan-mekee the world to be now in its lsnamh map, if -m.:.. ......- I.u write at CIIIIUI no wnuan-mIlea the world be now in its 6869:]: year, if within many years of its Inppoud ago. only $1 50. JOHN GREIGHTON, Bookseller nod Stntionor, King Street, Prov. Ont. Manufactured by W. F. Wilkins, Adnlnnvillo, Prov. of Quebec. ' Sept. 14. new lurk, Uct. 1.-.\lntters at the Brook- ` Nuy Yard are nsaumipg n livelynp- That the government intends Ictive operations in connection with . matters is evident from the fact that Iron-clad Dictator and the steam frigate are already coiled, and expect im- `uo orders to proceed to the Cuban THE FOOT BALL OLUB will meet for P110- tioo on THURSDAY nhonloon next at 4 nholnnlp All cl... .1: _.__n..__ __x s - .|. uoo on Tuuuuunx nnornoon at o clock. All the old members ud intending menbnu are requested to Attend. Sum. 27. LARGE Pl-IOTOGRAPHSI GRAND LODGE OF CANADA.l GRAND LODGE. ..n--no uvunn, nnug Ul lrlll. ALSO A fresh lot of Bu1wer s, Dickens , Levefs, Cooper- s, Collins , e, Novels editions. itnrrnv as-.-._ ..-__ uest up by the Sea, by Samuel Baker. The Chaplet of Pearls, by Miss Yonge. O Connell a Speeches, edited by his Son. Lord Plunkett's Speeches, edited by J .0. Hoey. Gratten a Speeches, edited by Madden. Curren s Speeches, edited by Davis. 8hiel e Speeches, edited by Mu.-.Nevin. The King and 0omrnoaa,0avelier, and Puritan Song, selected and arranged by Henry Morley. The Story of the Chevalier Bayard The History of the Oaliph Vathek. Rasselu, Prince of Abyeeinia. - Abdalleb, or the Four-leavod Shamrock. The Essays of Abraham Cowley. Saint Louis, King of France. ALSO NE"V_"\_7._ BO()KSl FRESH LOT OF VIOLIN AND GUITAR STRINGS, BOOK, MUSIC AND NEWS DE- P01`- `--"r. hm pawn-rs in the world. inter said, was lhc true pol ,3,-_ If we bcnvt he Cqulldinn `[4 ourselves also. By this j (bionic: huvc become sources 1 gd`honour. When the time I hgnnd cslls fur the support 0 gas, there will be a Coufcclcrnli _L. - .I.I _.... _ -__. JUST Recsivsn A1" , STAOEY S Sept. 28. vapor. Sept. 26. April 30. "FEE OLEVER WOMAN OF THE FAMILY, _ by the Author of the Heir of Redclytfe. A Stormy Life, by Lady Georgina Fullerton. Nature : N obleman, by the author of Rachel's lecret. The Gordian Knot, by Shirley Brooks. Greater Britain, by Dilke. Cast Up by the Sea, by Samuel Chablel. of Pearls. hv Min Van... sum. 14. UONCER TIIVAS AND AUOORDEONS. lIENl)EB80N S BO0K S'l`0BE. CITY B0ll( STORE. JEW INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC, I! ""` f ' :5 them to 1 -..-.\u-..n.a `.1 wonuvs wonnnnx ..j_ fAN'1`ED, I Fnnhhed Bedroom and `Par- lour. Apply to B.A., oce of thin hf. n uw uwul, Fresh Laurels, Goldon _W1-oath, Boouy'a luuical Cabinet. New Songs, Sunday School Singing Bookl, Golden 0enIor-by Bradbury, Union Ohimol, The Gem, Fun}. `I: .......I- JUST RECE1Vl:3D_ A few Copies are on sale at MASONIG JOHN CBEIGIITON. SPLENDID AT THE Liverpool, Oct. 1, 1:30 p_m.-'I'he stock of cltuuml is 192,000 bales, of which 8,000 is & Amenca. Ynrns And hbrics at Manchester hll. Brendntui quiet; receipts of wheat ll ` port for the put. three days has been 35,000 gunners; 25,000 quarter: from America. 63: 6d. E. STACEY, No. 80 King Sheet. I, Scott's, Novels, cheap JUST RECEIVED. FRESH OYSTERS, R.W. AND 0111 Ind examine qur Stock 1 KIN un 0:06: or mauurra are manufactured from thebest material, and lnoludonn the principal vl:rietioa.B `. u , 0 ken utry cull. Bolll, Colman y on h-and Lad land: to order. .' Orders promptly attended to. _ Wellington Street, non: Prince-. Jun: 15 connnzncma smrunnur, the ham or spimunn. be paid for on or before delivery. Cull only if you want the heat bu-goinn. The Store will be opened each day at 8 A.I(; and cloned (snturdoy oxeaptod) It 6 Pl. save your Bone` by purchasing your Goods at the rum stock, Kingston, Sept. 18. eat so] I B} -I: lIsou s Buildings, lately occupied lgrklal!- "u8LAYll.' _ : . Also New Dunuks fer Curtains, Tnpesgry And Wool Onrpou, [pa-hhin god Gig 31.mu,'Quam, Shootings, Tnbla Oloihl, w - storproot Olockinga, ud G6nIlIIqn?I EXTENbIVEj AND FI EXTENbIVE FIRST CLASS DISPLAY NEW AUTUMNAL Goons _A 1"1'HE M0NTREz_!_4 HGUSE; new rlt Press Dospotcllcs. New York, Sept.'30.-The two great facts (the day on '51! street are the injunctions Idthe rise in stm.-ks. The excitement of pet. and business at the Stock Exchange ` now conduved in a more orderly manner. A large number of gold contracts on last `lri.l.sy"s business have been privately set- iId.md the complications incident to that _hy s business have been reduced to a. com- mntively lfi III-4'11`! lu-..I is ..... L--- l'.-- -L~ -' 8' past week has given way to comparative" NEW many mu srirte nnv suonsjknn NOTICE TO FARMERS.- cost price. Kingaton, Sept. 21, 1869. 4 _---sw \.rvA.I-'.l.J..` K nun EVER .11` mm mm mm aoonsl sroni. orange nan Binding, Princess` Street. M . [ July 29. _ -v.-. a.a.1-II U-IHJ. ALL 0! ran NEWEST PATTERNS. 3' A good assortment of Watch lnterialu Always on land. vvvl Jun 15. Kingston, 26th August, 1869. GRAND SALE. In I-`renvb-wc: Sept. 17. AVE NOW IIUOB FLI OPENED UP OVER ru.u-._.__ ABUBE II INTIIATIl(Gf.l.`HAT THEY . 1- 1-% .1 HAVIBIOIIVID gum T ___.__._.___._.___ )UB Stock of BISCUITS nunluuu-ga lm|.tnrinl_ um Mina. .11 n.. KINGSTON BAKERY, H. & W. J. omrnnns. Baker: and confecuoIorI,_ LL ran Nolvmxrms or run onogxmaa ? R. TOWNS ' Market Squuo Ind Ontlrlo Street. a')K an an pupund It DECIDED BARGAINS IN ALL nnnl-n 'IA ......L---- - ` Jewelry, Watches, ..., -...,,. ,, by might been SATURDAY, ' JEETE RECEIVED DRESSES from $9 to $52 p WIOLIEALI AID IITAI. :01 SALE OF,` OVER $20,000 WORTH nu ____.........n.: 3;` 111414 -171115 D Merchants and Jobber: supplied at less and 'l"onnI.ooI, Applet. IVORY AND JET ALI. nll mun u'Iln1~nn- - -- U UHJIER CIA L. union, on. 1, 3 p.n.--l'oLaI3 Bnoa., _ , report money market :1 followu- curnncy buying at 75} bills, -'16} I Ialling st 76; bills. Silver buying at Idling ll 2. Gold in New York 130. lxchnngoai. ulruci n-om me linufnotum-1 BOUGHT FOR I We prepared to ole: Rn MDQAIUQ I'\`I Ar 9 ._.._._ READY-MADE GLOTHIHG`. xltwinvlu a - o--._._ - _. STILL CONTINUES. : and jpdgo for yourselves before pnrolnlitlg elsewhere. M. GAGE S, EDV mt1T~m' .n......._ ALSO SOME VERY FIN! '.TAN VELVET RIBBONB, TARTAN SATIN BIBDOHE; -A" ; Ostrich Plumes, New Trinuningu. Taryn, BouI"=Vcl- kc` . . ,'r if? no I "and ' ' { ., v9`2`i$`; m7.}' o:&.1..,".";$"a..~. u.'.1..'7`2 z....`. ."""". SEASON NOW IN. Attractive (`A nu: .\I;\\ 5. umdnn, Set. 30.~~TlIe Right Hon. Jan, '..yi' hns been appoint:-I Lnrd Jusicq; ..,-|. AF Snnxlnml \-u-.- H. n (hm Danna AT Auo- ____ `DB fund Maple,` Honock sad --I man AND son wqop,_ M d0liVllO_dhI nypan oho HINBY 3. nvms, BnluIL-LDn' -"` -'PiIq ?`!-.'%"'Pv ,, ~ A or win Hui N tzentielngo theDAn.1' mus: Pnrm-rs On-ml. Our t'0:BdII|'P!$Gl '1. ' ndu ` :*.=.'.`,:."`:-`..1..`::*,`s:..;'?.'!.:";..*. ."~ (36,. ` f woo: woo: woo, 1-: .' EH]! subsziut rupectruu, . . inform H; = .:L .L I'L'.';".1"'i _E'EJ .'.""` menu: the 3:"; r. x. cousmsnu a co. Fl. E:-nge William Curtis has declined the mation of Secretary of State for New 'f'i1"E DEPARTMENTS. pa ...- 1... .-.--- -- = - W JAMES A mxvis, noxrrnu. `riousn. and Blue cotton Turn` It` Goons, TEENS DELL Bil S1...` 1869. B.-It i; ' arr. u- i eatern when, 4,70 to 0,00 ; Super No. 2 in wheat, 4,3: to 4,40 ; bug our 2,25 to WhuV.-CAuadn Fall, o,oo to o,oo. ~22 .:, 3:; ::=`.;:;. s to . ey- r ms. BuI Ier.-Du'ry 13 to l9c;p:I.ore- H to I82. A|heo-pou, 5,51] to 5,571; 5.50 Io 565. Gold in New York at 12 . 1,30}. Pork lean, 0,00 to 00,00: Primo .03 lo 00,05. Pnme, 00,00 to 00,00. hogs 22,00 to 0,00. Pou, per 90 I` . `:31. Rye Flour, 00 to 0.00. . u-um: wncal, 4,70 to 4,80; Iuper Tll[;A\' r.\'s.\'1.w, ocromm 1. _;.-_-__j_____:. IONTREAL HAKKETS. (53611 Telegram to the Daily Nan.) "81. Oct. l.-Flonr Superior Extra, "D0,00 ', Extn, 5 25 to 5 30; Fancy, 5,85 lo I; Welland c.'n.1 saber, 4,70 to 4,75. Rio. 1 Canada when, 4,70 l_l_Weo_tern 0.00 ; Saber Nn, 2 r-=-'--- H/Y 'l`E|.lC `-lllll I it for in;iiig1`I{:i% undrisx, Sept. 30.-A despatch from announces that the barriers against new of the Dim-r Lakes have been ed, and M. Lesseps has passed :h the Cam! in A steamer from Port . :_....._ 1: L____, anon. u|low- ... .._._, V ..v.... u-ru-\,~.u v. nslsubtu mnur. comes, and ad calls of her Colu- mre Confederation such as uld ncvxr snw under a single Sove- cuct. Au Io |IUuI'5. natown. Sept. 30.--The steamer Vir- vm New Xurk. has arrived. |\'(`l AI AlVl\ n........__- ._ IIW ` SEE LAST PAGE . _ _ . ~ . Va`. un vuun uuula [DUDE `ensier. vorst I stocks is predicted. -k. Oct. l.-.\latters atthe Yard urn !\IlIl'|;nrv .. Ii-n-1- - cbm1E12c1AL. 0.; 1 - `max nnxrrs. .1, , > . policy had bu n in the case ml brixlly reviewed the pro-` lumlo by that Colony. She n army of her own, and such |v_v that. if her people chose Act passed for the purpose, Dunne uue of the tint mari This, the true policy to pur- nv: Cmmdinns, we bene- policy our ` sources ol strength ,.. . ...` B. VVIIJ` Canzuhs, He said the gem-~ nveruing Colonies from homc nlurc ; more had consequent.- Litutul for it a policy to en- luv;-lope: their own power :2. and sl`nnuL~uc them to a eleven Su-set. c that only 1 vrc burn: lhv: mum. in this city, n to- by re last. night. Loss .l-`. (`unl\u-ll, Seen.`- Wnr. delivered I speech 5 at Oxford last evening a|..- n.x'.... .\o .I.`. ............ l.-Gold 130i. Cotton '80 for nidtllinn "nlnndn ~`rancc, luring the p-xt nvy nu:-ow of specio_ and to-day is 9,200,000 the corresponding day n.-uoIa 1303. Uouon ic for Iiddling Uplands. sud study for common ; ; uh: 7_oon hhln -o 7 at Daily Newt. H. n. Geo. Patton, Ho.` ill ht oihing will he * despatches from r l'tceI\ vessels-- u-rc M. the recent by an explosion .'\T171%1T SKTUBDAY NEXT, 00'l`0BER 2nd. ILL BE SOLD BY AUCTION, in FRASEWS BLOCK, Princess Street, 3 large consignment of Grey and White All Wool Blnnkela, and alto the balanw of the Fer- guson Stock, consisting of Broad Cloths, Ben- ven, Whitney, Silk Iixod Single and Double Fold Cloth, Coburgs, Luatren, Shawls, Woolen Yarn, Stockings. Gloves, Surfs, Mulera, Skirtings, Linen Toweling, Gentn and Lndioa Drnwen, Winter Rib_bons, Silesia, Onmbrica, and a variety of other Goods. Sales: 10 0'1-Int-k A M anti -2 DH .....a -- 10-MO_1_{ROW. AUCTION SA LE E; RLANKETS [DRY GOODS and a vnnety or omer uooda. ' Sale at 10 o'clock A. H. and 2 P.K., and to be continued each day untll the whole in dispos- ed of. vuuuun A I DIV, I'll XHIUIAN-SURGEON, H to , can be consulted at his omen on Wellington street, opposite St. Patrick : Hall, at nll bonn. Osllu at Any hour day or night promptly attendcd. J. JARVIS, I.D. Consultation: free to the poor from 6:30 to 7:30, Al. COUNTY or FRONTENAU AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY CRYSTA L PALACE GROUNDS N , ANTED, for School Section No! 3, Wolfe \ Island, I Halo Teacher, First Class. Apply by letter to Trustees, Wolfe Island, post paid. Sent 30 THAT certnin parceI_or tnct of Land. com- posed of the Essnlf of the North half of Lot 16 in the fth Concession of the Township of Pittsburg, situated nbouz ten milas from the city. T--mu Ann. P... A-.._.L._ , IVPHAT 1 `A/'AN'l`ED, an active In who understnnds tnking can of: horse. Apply to Me- Kelvey & Birch, Canndinn Stove Depot, 22 Brock Street. Sept. 80. S for being the BEST HELPS TO THE A SIGHT EVER INVINTED, we refer to the many wearers thereof. Our Agents require no patent Eye-tryer to adjust them, but are titled on optical rules and gutnnteed for ve yum-s. ANNUAL SHOW Celebrated Perfected Spectacles The well-known Chemists of um scarcity. Dul In 1368 butteries WPP6 numerous. Al thorn mn_at have been A plentiful crop of eggs loft, why hnve they been so scarce this year 7 It is An article of faith thnt. tho winter kills the vermin. It ha: been shown that this in n miamke, that insects me too well prdnded with protection, cm`! with devices to undo the attach of wet nnd cold, to be seri- onafy nccted by I uevere winter Yet for once it may be taken fdt wanted that Hun -an... Ah! uu-._y aneciea ny winter may granted that the winter did kill the butteriea. The high temperature of the winter prohably brought to life many broods when there was no vegetation to support the larva}, and the low temperature of the late Ipring may have killed out milllona of the newly hatched and starring creatures. Hard winters do not appear to be particularly fatal to insect life. But mild winters may be bad for them by preventing the complete torpidity of the pu- pm, and by bringing egg: to life at a time when food is scarce and the temperature in- constant. u: fl-`HE 2815 SESSION will commence on WEDNESDAY next. An opening ad- dress on "The claims of I superior education upon u people will be delivered by Professor Dupuis in the Convocation Hall at 3 o'clock. The citizens are invited to attend. , By order. 1 D llnnvnm _ It bu been noticed that in every part of Great Britain, and in oonsidernblo areas on the comi- uem, butteriq and moths have been exceeding - ly scarce. Consequently many crop: that suf- feredfrom cnterpllhra have been Icucely touch- ed,and ngriculturints have gnined considerably by the ucnrcity. But. in 1868 butteries must hnve hnon . ..|.....:r... (Late of London, Eng, lu(}New 1 T1 nn11:Inn.nn n - . . __, - - 5,75 .1) 6,40 for Inperne auto end wett- eu; 6,10 IO 8,65 for common to choice extra state ; 6,05 0 6,70 for common to choice extrn Ilnte end weetern ; 6,15 Ia 6,75 for round hoop Ohio. Rye our steady; sales 150 bbls at 4,56 /ID 6,10. Wheat henvier; receipt: 30,000 btu; sales 78,000 buuh et 1,45 for No. 2 aprlng; 1,45 6 1,48 for winter red and Amber wen- ern. Rye quiet; receipts 714 bush. Corn fa- vours buyerr; receipts 17,000 bueb; sales 49,000 built at 1,02 0 1,05 for Iound new mixed western. Barley quiet. Ont: opened rm and cloned llllel 14,000 southern and 400 bbla at Lord steady; for slum: tn) /53 101.. 4'... 1.-...- _-_z-_4: ARE F012 SALE;0gVL}' BY Kingston, Sept. 29. Kingiton, Sept. 29,1369. _.__----_____- zou, A.l. Kingston, Sept 18. nounpau Sept. 3;). any. Terms easy. For! 0 F. MI!- I. .Ocl.l, Oct. Oct. 1, 1869. WEDNESDAY, 61!] October. Late Eng; :udNew York, U.S.) lOlCBOPA'l`HIC, PHYSICIAN-SURGEON, tc, consulted at hi. Mn... - FARM F9_R SALE. [ILL BY FRASER .-1 BI.n(`.l' D.-Inn... st... 1 School Teacher Wanted. solo Agents for Kingston. Messrs. Heath ` Guun, ..nll` min. `Hon, gm: