The New York Sun asserts that the Home: is 1 Cuban cruiser and ivcu n his- tory of the vaIocl`s career in ew York, Ilnlifnx and aubsrquently. It says the Hornet was sent to Hnlifnx for conl, where she nrriveil on the 2d inst, and on the fol- lowing day was seizcsl on complaint of the Spanish Consul. M1-antim-3 ahc continuell to like in coal until an the of her ` crew mule nltlnvit lint she was 3 Cuban ptivnteer and had arms on lmnrd, The Spauish Consul then gave $30,000 bonds for dnmngx-s in case his clmrg-:3 were untrue, 3 and she wa's unlumlcd. No nrnm were `! found on her. She vus released, and again taking in a full supply of coal and 1hi.ty ` mor e men she hurriedly steauicd out of l lhllfax on the night at the 12th inst.. this _ time bx-und tor an appointed place on the l coast of Dhssachusctts, where her armament l I.-,I L--- -, ..n TO `\ LIBERAL AND JUDIOIOUS USE OF NEWSPAP3'.& COLUMNS! IF YOU WOULD XI` YOU HAVE PARTICULARS OF A LOCAL PAPER BI` TARIFPOF RATES, AND IF YOU DO -. NOT ALREADY TAKE . ADVANTAGE OP DAILY NEWS. Posssssmq DAILY NEWS.` CONTRACTS Though it has been otcially announced by the Russian Government that the Kir- ghiz rebellion is at an end, it sppears from- tho letters since; published by Russian pa- pers from correspondents on the spot that the insurgents sre Bil constantly having engagements with the Russian troops. ' In one of these engagements 5,000 Kirghiz attacked the-Russians as a place 25 versts from Uila, and heavy losses were sustained on both sides. The Russian general Korn- rosky hes also repeatedly fought. with the insurgents, and in his last Lmttle he took irom them 800 camels. In the vicinity of the town of Irg'.z the villagers promised obedience to the Russian authorities on the srrivsl of I. detachment of troops, hut di- rectly it wns gone they packed up their tents and joined the nearest insurgent band. mi... n;..i........A un..'.. i.....,i.. .-.- -_.:_u_ TIMES. PLAOETHR , 31:81` IIRDIUI non LOOAL up anunnn. ADVERTISE- umrrs; -rnnnnronn ` ADYIIRTISIIINTHB A'l"l`RAO'l' cuswauma AND NOT TO SPENT MONEY TYPES AND INK IS THE BEST THE LARGE31 ADVERTISE MAY BE MADE AT THE DAILY NEWS OFFICE. --.-`.. um. vvuvuvn nu uav uavuuu wnu um unuu. Wild heuuaro oonnm-{cited in lndinin order to go! the bounty paid by the government for their deotruction. Tigers, bears, and leopards no mode to gen for on they can. First, the skin is not in, with I skull of wood tted into the hood; secondly, the real skull is brought forward; nod sometimes, 3: 1 third resource, the real tiger or bear is diuponsed with and the sknllqf u hog or jncknl in tendered, provided with` false teeth and covered with pigskin, moulded on n renl tiger`: hood. some of the monsters were buats of urnw. The skulls are now ordered to be unashed and the skins to be cold. AND YEARLY SIGN A THOUSAND /ADVER'1`ISE -ADVE `OUR BUSINESS ADVERTISE! [N THE PURCHASE AND ERECTION OF AN \ l"l`R.AO'l`IVE SIGN KEDIUH WEIEREZN ADKIT THE `IMPORTANCE OI` RESOLVR AT ONCE TO FRIDAY EVENING. OCTOBER 1. maoumvrxox on ANY Nnwsnran "PUBLISHED. IN -rms `or-rt, THIS JOURNAL ' OIFPEBS -ran ADVERTISE AGREEMENTS AND REPEAT THE mar EUCCESSFUL TO ADVERTISE A u00AL BUSINESS, ': !'BEREFORB G0 AND ur YOITWOULD nmvz irotm susmnss, A LITTLE FURTHER BEFORE TH PUBLIC AND THEIR SUOCFF- ...... .._ _,,........ ...- ..--.-... ........5...... ..-..... The Richmond Whig heads its nrticle advocating the election nf Hon. Horace Greeley as Senator from Virginia, A Big Idea," and says that while Mr Greeley has (lune the South more harm, perhaps, than any other one person, he is anxious to re- pair it. BJ>enking of his qualications, it up um r Greeley is already a frceholder in'VIrginia, deeply interested in its well- bcing, and that he has only to hang up his hat. among them for one night to meet all the requirements of the Constitution. y_ _______ _, _,__ __..__|_ ,._, am THE A JUDICIOUS STEP Am) ATTRIBUTI R '1': s E: BE DRIVEN, FOR YOUR PLACE EOR ADVERTISING OF BUSINESS OARRY SUCH nnoiziemat onnononvmz, invented -by B. Freeman, Pharmaceutilt, lsallowed to`Bo' one of the greatest discoveries of the present century. Itlslargely employed by the most eminent Physicians and Bhrgeons in hospital and private praotice_'in all parts ol the world. It has eifects peculiar toitaelf, and which are essential- ly different to those produced by the various compounds bearing the name of Chlorodyns, but have no pt-stench to possessing its virtues. It rapidly relieves pain, from whatever cause, al- lays the irritation ol fever, soothes the system ` under exhausting diseases, and gives sleep with- out producing any one of the unpleasant feelings so commonly arising from the use of opiates. It continues to hold its unshaxen position in the estimation oi the Profession as the best, most reliable, and cheapest preparation. Eminent and scientic Physicians made aldavits that they have tested its eects in careful comparison with those of DR. COLLIS BROWNE`S OHLOR0- DYNE," and deposed to the facts that they- lound it a more certain and reliable preparation, I and greatly preferred FREEMANS. EarlRusse11 communicated to the Royal Col- -..- ._.............. u. u-av vvuausuuuu `Is woman so very much oppressed by our present social system after all? A ourmspnndent of an evening contemporary Illslc nukes to show that when she msrrics she has decidedly the best of the burg-Lin. Sho possesses the sbsolhte control over her own property,_while the husbsnd is not endowed with the nine privileges in re- spect to his pruperty-whst is his. is hers; sud whst is hers, is her own." She In) Us rich in her own right, snd the hus- bsnd poor. and yet he is responsible for her debts. Her creditors can ssfzo his property, snd leave hers untouched. He must support her, but she need not con- tributes dnllsr toward the expenses of the household. If she owns the house in which they live she my turn him out of it. He csnnot set in thst way tosvsrd her. _If the husband chsngss his residence, he csonot compel the wife to socompsny him. She any shssnt herself, by day -ad even by night, for ss long as it may suit but will, sud unless he can convict her 0! out: htindslity he hns no redress." Lsstiy. facilities for obtaining divorce ` us much grsuer for women thsn for men, 1!, thus. s woman would ho lord sud nus- II'. the plea is say--ht hot nsrry. _ Econ Ilthoulhs but to aid list, this is psrhsps ~ tho-shodost is; o( rshoving thssnppg- -sq numb: lunar right.--Nass nu V and greatly preferred "nusmm.-xn5." Earl Russell communicated Royal lege of Physicians and to Mr Freeman. that in Kanilla the only remedy of any use in Cholera. was Chlorodine. rm- u...v.--..1 rr:..... ....,1 angel}: _T..rmm-v Huh, Unlorouine. 7%: Madical Rates and Gazette, J nnuary 13th, 1866, states, II. has an immense sale amongst the public, and is prescribed by scores of Ortho- dox Medical Practitioners, and, of course, it would not be thus singularly popular did it not supply a want. and ll a place. Manufactured hv the Inventor. Richard Free- want. and an place." Manufactured by the Inventor, man, 70, Kenuingzon Park Road, London, S. The m-...-.-,-ine has engraved on the Government man, `IU, nenulllgwu [urn nuuu, uuuuuu, D. The ge:-_-ne has engraved on the Stamp (outside each Bottle), I-`REE}.IAN`S ORIGINAL CHLORUDYNE. CONDTS PATENT FLUID or hntural disinfec- cant puries, Lleodoriscs, and:disinfect.s, by the agency of nascent or ozonic oxygen,--its active principle. Being entirely innoxious, this uuly scientic preparation is peculiarly adapted for the following useful purposes, for which all other dieinfectnts, on accouutof their poisonous or other objectionable qualities, are unavailable and useless :- Detecting organic impurities in air and water. Purifying drinking and other water from or- ganic matter, lead, &c. ` ` Freshcning the air of close places, and remov- ing bad smells. Freeing meat, sh, butter, or other provisions from mint. n...... ..'_ A1..- LI... ..iK`....A,. I\" ...__..._:. ITUUI llllllxvv. Countex-acting the effects of organic poisons taken into the stomach. l`.:n.inu Il'...aow Ii`- :.... ...L,. ,4 __ ,1 ULISUD IHLO we BEOUJECIL Curing Muaty provendcr. ,Freeiug Wheat. and other seed from smut. |l..:..o..:..:.... pl... I.....hI. -5 ..|.....- :.. _..._ _, ,1 COHBCFVBLOTIIJS. Preserving and restoring the freshness of cut llowcus kept. in water. D:-strnvimr Hm hlirvht M H... nnc..o.~.n uh... uowcns Kept in warm-. Destroying the blight of the pomtoo, vine, hop, muibcury tree, &c. Washing dugs and other domestic miinml.~n. Cleansing bottles, beer barrels, pickling tubs, dairy utensils. Washing the hair and darkening its colour when turning grey. Enhancing the nnrifwinn um: :...:....,...:.... ..r. wncn turning Enhancing the purifying and invigorating ef- iects of baths and tube. Dressing poisoned wounds and destroying ani- mal virus. Treating the infectious diseases of cattle, horses, dogs, to; One gallon makes 200 to 300 gallons adapted for use. N.B.-Condy's Fluid is the Standard Scientic Test for Organic Matter in Water. and alfords the only known means of rapidly and cornpletcly freeing Drinking Water from Organic Tuint, which is so common a cause of serious disease. To rapidly purify the air, use the diluted uid with Condy s Ozoniscr" or other Spra)'-pro- ducer. Ef:~!_Dailp Ncma. wuu l`,l In , , - .. -...-uu; uuuunucul IVAAEAD, (ron 1'ou.n1' rmu>oszs,) Removes from the mouth impure and foreign tastes and odours, whether arising from tobacco or other causes, and counteracts the irritation and morbid secretions of carious teeth. It puri- es and soften: the skin, and, used in the bath, tends to: promote a hmmhv mm. nr .1... -1...-.. nes auu aoneua the skin, baLh,' to: promote healthy state of the whole body. ` ,, ,._.-_. _. u us uuuuuruulru CIIICG L1 This delicious Condiment, pronounced by lonnoialenrs The only good once, in pre- ued solely by Lea and Pox-rim`. The Public are rupootly cautioned sgainotwotthlool imi- tation, and should see tho: Lea and Porn-inn Names are on Wrapper, Label, Boctle, and Stgppexf. Ask for Lea and POldnl nnnn uuounus mllrhu: AXES FOR THE PEOPLE. `Any one can use them; any- thing can be dyed with them. It is impossible in this small space to enumerate the many uses to which these wonderful and beautiful chemical preparations can_be applied ; while their chief use is for dyeing textile fabrics, '.hey are also invaluable as a colouring agent. for almost. every known malarial, the ease with which they can be used and the bri1lian- cy of the result being, indeed, almost magical. By their use almost any article of clothing can be dyed in a few minutes for a few pence without soiling the hands. ` MEMORANIDA MEMORANDA. MAGENTA: The strength and beauty of,thia dye is almost incredible. A S-ixpeuny bot.- tle will dye 20_ yards of Bonnet. Ribbon in 10 minutes: it will also n-nan... .. ..1....- vvuuvun nuulug Lue 1181103. I wg-rn'u ' Una drop of dye will 1 PRINTING on Cotton, Silk or ` ordinary way. BLENDIN G some of the dyes in 1 produce an innitv of Ah:-do for Woollen Goods: Feat] WOOLLENS: Magenta, Purple. Orange. Pink nn: uunuu . BILINOMANGI: JEELY, cons FLOUR [OE CREAM, kc : While in a. liquid state add one or two drops of Magenta. A more simple or elegant tinting cannot be had. OONFECTIONERB will nd Magenta, Violet, Orange and Pink nseful colours. GELATINES and GLUEB are successfully coloured with these dyes. INK: A Sixpenny bottle of or more of cold_water WATER One drop of tint a Cotton. Silk m. 117...! Msgents. to a. pint quart. in '91.- I nuuuunclz Magenta, Mauve, Violet, Purple, Orange, Pink, and Crimson produce the most satisfactory results. Use a large quantity of boiling water in an earthen pan. RIBBONS and SILKS: Brush them with soap and water to avoid creases, and to render them clean. Dye in `boiling water. FEATHERS: Dye in hot water (a. few drops of the dye is sufficient for one, feather). COTTON: Mauve, Violet and Purple are recommended. LEATHER: Blue, Magenta, Violet and Orange. Dye in warm wster. WEITEWASH`: To color: Magenta, for Pink or Rnnae and run. I..---u -- - - -- - "sax LAST PAGE. `WILLOW SHAVINGS, _.....-. --r:vnu warm WILEY. or Rose; add half a bottle to B pail of water, then stir in the Whitening as usual. Mauve, Violet, Purple, Blue and crimson produce pretty tints by using one bottle or more, as directed above. STARCH: Stir inn few drops of Colour-- Magenta, Mauve, Violet, Blue or Pink; these impart delicate tints to Luce, Linen, kc. ` Wicker, Ivory, Bone, Hair, Fibres, Seaweed, aim, attract the dye quicklyfifapplied in boiling wawr. BLUE : For laundry purposes is A 1. BOOK EDGES: A Sixpenny bottle of,Magen- In v:,.'u-. n...-...,..._ -, PAPER; sud WOOD sum: Ditto. OAK STAIN: A bottle of No. 2 Black half A-pint of hot water. van ouun: A bottle to water. BATINWOOD STAIN : A Sixpennv bottle Canary dissolved in a pint of boiling water PHOTOGRAPHS may be uted; dilute the dye with water ; a. `bottle of Magenta to 6 pint of water. to. ILLUMINATING: Magenta, Violet, Blue, Orange ; pour a few drops into an egg cup add warm water; use witha brush or pen Borders of booka,similnr to Ward and Lock's Arabian Nights, &c_., m;y be prettily illum- innted in mi! manner. J'RT.l' V nnnuo I-9 A-*` _ ,,7_, -. _.__.-,,..v , -~>-,--. vn.-III: vr 11" I7: . .918 _ A80, L ' 1:2. ; =...3``."y'iz".'.%.--.-,."..7`.: on';`.'. ..... U18!` 8060 [FOR] BIIIUI. M_a.iutnining the health 01 plants in pots and onservawrius. o PATENT OZONISED WATER, 1...... .........- -_ ,7` x mnnumu some of the dyes innity of shade, mate. ~ Don! I no_u_nle sud for E Ii-or'n,W'|ro:o|tax: ; e.;` `and b _ ___ luqu.0 9 3 l'.9,l|.Blgl_a,y_And.8og `womb: tlin Pro Urooen Oillinnn nnliiungllu ..... ..... ulu nu_ yurus or bonnet. Ribbon in minutes; will also produce a clear Roaa Pink by using less dye. Suitable also for Goods, Feathers, Silks, &c. VOOLLENS: Mnnrenu. Mans. v:.-I.-a "UDSON S SIMPLE AYES FOR `AD? ("In (Inn nun II-Lawn - an- ; U UlD%-UIQEQIIOO EIPOQI, RIDKBIOII, ; J. P. .Gu.o|neLuvn. L.L.B. | Rmu. T. 500K.EDGES: bottle "or Magen- ta, Violet, Crimson or Blue will make from 3 pint to 3 quart of beautiful coiouxjing, ac- cording to hade required Apply with a brush. ' IADIFD -..A `I'I'1`l|I\I\ n...-_- - _' EA AN D PEBRZINS Wotceator9hh-e Sancp A Condiment. hi-nnnnnnn 1.- man no on wrapper, Label, zpper. Lea Pon'inl Sa,I_Ioo. Fold Wholuale Export, by thn af._o,1-3,. on-oiutar ; lulu. Omauuui.n1..:._ H. BOLLMAN CONDY, Patentee, Battersea, London. unuucru, DUKE, EC. ma, Mauve, ., 7 results. Use lm-on uuu \Jl'IlnB0l1 PIOUIICQ SILKS : not I: feather). l rill tints Wool in "the the bath will Le, according to -v9.v9n..; 36-- : nnlvbrully __---: And 3 lug; amount 81' genegll wading matter, is publisheq ` 1-ice Five ents. ubscription Tw Don A 13....-- 0 .. mu- Rldhnrd 'l`. Walkcm, WOLIOITOR IN UHANCERY. 0!1iee-Olarenco Street, Kingston, 0.W. ' J. P. .Gu.nlIuu.nn-u I. I. R, I Rmn, 1`. WALKII. ` .. ........,........., ....._... . ......... 1 1 a THE LONDON QUARTERLY (0onaervative THE EDINBURGH REVIEW (Whig).- THE WESTMINSTER REVIEW (Radical). THE NORTH BRITISH R_EVIEW (Free ch h) ' AND _ BLACKWOOD S EDINBURGH MAEGAZINE Tory.) ' !I1H(ESE forehrn nariodicsls am rezmlnrlv PI ( Lory. ) r VHESE foreign periodicals are regularly to nublished bv us in the lame stvla an hereto- IIVDEDH |0l'lgl1 pBl'lOl]l(.'.BI3 BIO fglllfly 1'. published by us in the same style as hereto- : (ore. Those who know them and who have long subscribed to them, need no reminder; those whom the civil war of the last few years had deprived of their on welcome supply of the best periodical literature, will be glad to have them again within -their regch ; and those who may never yet have met with them, will assured. ly be well pleased to receive accredited reports of the progress of European science and litera- ture. ` Lure. . TERMS FOR 1869. I-`-an-any one of thetoux-Reviews For any two of be four Reviews For any three of the: four Revicwa For all four ofthu Reviews For Blackwood s Magazine - . For Blackwood and one Review For Blackwood and two Reviews For Blnckwood and three Reviews For Blackword and four Reviews 1' U U '.I.' A B E - When sent. by mail, the Postage to any p-zrl of the United States will be but Twentyjou; cent; a year for Blackwood, and hurt Eight cents a year foxieach of the Reviews. Subscribers may obtain back numbers at the following reduced rates, viz : The North British frnm Jnnmu-v `IRA?! tn Du- muowmg reuucea rates, vxz The North British from January, 1863, to De- cember, 1866, inclusive; the Edinburgh and the Wcsiminster from April, 1864, to December, 1866, inclusive, and the London Quarterly lor 1865 and l866, at the rate of $1.50 a yeua-Jo: each or any Review; also Blnckwood for 1866, fur $2.50. THE LEONARD SCOTT Publishing Cp., 38 Wnlknr-ntrpnt, N Y, The Farmer;s ulde By Henry Stephens of Edinburgh and the late J. P.No1-ton, of Yale College. 2 vols. Royal OL- mvo, 1600 pages and numerous Eng:-avings. PRIGE--$2, `for the two volumes. Bv the uwo, wuu and Eng!-avings. PBIGE--$2, volumes. By the post paid, $8. R. DE JONGE S LIGHT-BROWN';COD LIVER OIL. " DR. DE JONGH S Oil is convincingly proved by an overwhelming weight of medical u-snngony, and by the practical test of successful experience for twenty years in all parts of the world, to be, beyond all question, the purest, the moz:l'.eica- cious, the most palatable, and, from its rapid curntive e'ect.s, the most economical of all kinds. Hence the universal celebiimv 01 n.-. do .rm...w.. :1 S69. Murine insurance. 1569. , | __ UUH35 UI Jl-5531" Ind been scant. B -- ....-s-:.. uuruuve euecns, me most economical ofall kinds. universal celebrity 91 Dr. de Jonglfs Oil, and the unparalleled demand lor this unri- valled preparation. auiulvl-u nu UIIIIUCI MI we queen l lfclna. I have frequgautly prescribed Dr. de Jough s Light-BrownGod Liver Oil. I consider it to be u very pure oil, not likely to create disgust, and a. therapeutic agent of great value. ' SELECT MEDICAL OPINIONS. SIR HENRY MARSH, BART, M.D., Phyaicim in: Ordinary to the Queen in Ireland. ` T how-4: f..gnn.u.oI- ..-.......:I.._x n- ,. 1 .1;-. a.-ul H A Medical Oicer to I We think it a great advantage that (`gherle in` one kind of Cod Liver Oil which is universally admitted to be genuine-the Light-Brown Oil supplied by Dr. do Jongh. It the long been our practice, when prescribing the oil, to reommend chia kind, since, amidst 5 much variety and un- certainty, we have condence in its genuine: neas.-(Ext.i-act from Consumption: its Early and Remediable Stagesf ) ' _.. ....-- ...:-usa.-gnu, L` .l.I.D., Coroner for Central Middlesex. I consider that the purity of this oil is secur- ed in its preparation, by the personal attention ` of so good a. chemist and intelligent 1 physician as Dr. de Jongh, who has also mitten the best medical treatise on the all with which -1 am no quninted. Hence, I deem the Cod Liver em sold 7 under his guarantee to be preferable to any othei kind as regards genuineuees and medical efi cacy." annnuctory, 1 Vine Street, inonibury, = London, and Depot, 5 line du Grind Oisntior, Paris. Eatsblhhod 1710.1 un. unzunmn I , Medical Oiccr of Health, and Chief Analystjo the City of London. N Tn all (Mann: 1 1.-.... c....-..1 `n I ' - - uuc vuq Ul JJUUIIUII. In all cases I have found Dr, de Jongh'a Light-Brown Cod Liver Oil possessing the same set of properties, among which the presence of cholaic compounds, and of iodine in n etnte of organic combination, are the most remarkable. It is, I believe, universally acknowledged that this oil has great therapeutic power; and from my investigations, I have no doubt of its being n pure and unadulterated In-ticle. .__-.. DR. BARLOW, r.B.S., Senior Physician to Guy's Hospital. I have frequently recommended persons con- sulting mo to make use of Dr. de Jonglfs Cod Liver Oil. I have been well satised with its effects, sud believe it to be A vlery pure oil, well ttnrl (nu Hanan AM"... :-. ---I-=- I5FB`ICE REMOVED TO KING STREE1 NEARLY OPPOSITE THE CITY BOOK STORE. DB. GRANVILLE, 1:-'.n.s., Author of the Spa of Germany. Dr. Granville,` has found that Dr. de Joug '3 L'1ght.B:own Cod Liver Oil produces the desired effect inn` shorter time than osher kinds, aid that it does not cause the nausea and indigestion too often consequent on the`ad1ninietnt.ion of the pale oil. ....v. van. a unvu uccu weu sansuea with very tted for those cases in which the useof that substance is indicated." uuwu IUT LUUHB C3808 I indicated." EDWIN CANTON , ESQ., F.R.G.S., Surgeon to Ohm-`mg-cross Hospital. For several years past I have been in the ba- bic of prescribing Dr. do Jonglfa Light._-`Brown Cod Liver Oil, and find it to be much more em. cacions than other vnrietiea of the name medicine which I have also employed with I View to test their relative superiority. ._______,_______ ~ reel Sea BA; your own Room. above favourite preparation in strongly recom- mended. . `Sole Proprietors-`_'-1`IDIAN Jr SON, Ghen- iate, 18 W_onpw_ood,8,tA-eat, London, E.0. `re-\w\u....._...- _ - ' TIDMAN`S BEA SALT, renl Ran Rub. in -n--- - BRITISH PERIODICALS. The L. S. Pub. Co. also publish A. wumnr nun; ;c;u;u1., oozvmmwq my mum or my ENTEB'l`AlNl'NG STGBIEB AND S] , ,. -_..., ..-, naualuil-CI nuu uqulre II!` aoiy Iudeulfotfud & Go. payout. . llnnnfnctory, 7 Vin? Street: B|oomiI::y', fon_don,_and Oiuniar. i CAPITAL . . . . $1,000,000. . PREMIUMS RECEIVED DUMNG 1868+ ! $3,079,896. ` Funds deposited in the hands of the Govenneut ` for the secumy of Policyholders. ' 3` All re risks carefully surveyed, and the t rate of Premium nude to corresgzoud with the risk assumed. I I I105 nvnunm CMHAONICLE AND- WEEKLY 1!'AMn'.v rnn....-_ DR. EDWARD snrrn, F.R.S., J OE -`mar tn the Pnn.."l .... 13...; .4 DR. LANKESTER, F.R.S., (`J-.-us-..-... I..- n....;_-I in-2;. , POSTAGE. it. hv mn.i'l_ the Pants DR. LETHEBY, - nf Wnnlol. .....a n1. ...--y u.n-1.1. 1.1, L` ..I.b.D., I the Poor'Law Board of Grentl Britain, lU.l1 runusnlng U0., 38 Walker-street,`N.Y. T, for, producing ur Room- n Agent tor Kingston O`.ioe-33, Clarence Street. Kingston, March 20, 1862. Home Insurance Company of New Haven, Conn. 4.00 'l oU_U 10.00 12.00 A no 4.uu 10.00 18.00 1a.ooi I `RANBAOTS bnsineiavith '. and the other ment; Obtains Incdrpotnliontoqb k ` l Letters Patent: Draft:- s...r I men: ; Ubtains Incorporation `W3; Patent; Drafts- in;)`m E Private Biils during the C`opy li_ghs and the Beg_"1n` rnvuw mus during the Copy Right: Be; marks and designs procunpd. --- ,,_u_.-- --u call! ;,_,, 3 Drawingapecications and otliei-i necessary to secure Pntelm -ofijy pred on receipt of the llodil __ -` 24:4 MSEERENGB.-`, Hon. A. CAMPBELL, Kingg&g_ RICHARD JUSON, wgn Mnsnn. RICE LEWIS C W. M. WILSON, Esq. Sim . 1 000. Hon. JOHN GARLING, Lna BULL,`Is`.aq., Inlpeotor up .= Life Assurance Compnnn July 1st.1867. E _ `/Elm: Insurance Company of llurtford, Conn. ' L. J. Harman, E. P. Dunn, President. ' GeuernlAgcm. INCORPORATED IN 1819. CAPITAL $3,ooo,ooo. ASSETS _:5,x5o,931,71 I IULL AND CARGO RISKS to and from I Inland Ports on fnvnnmhln lurrn: \ The Provincial Ba` maturing C .1 RE vmw nrnrlw-..:.... -u 4 s 01 American rnttem I LO0KS,~LA'1'CH.E3, KNO oe: them for sale. to {In 1-. uuunu, ~uA1U.-EB, KN _ sale, to tho and at `prices to do Away, any but BONE HADE.- ' direct to the Manufncto` `$7 West; or to the Golnpnn I. Messrs Evans E Rvnng,-5 attended to. V Inmg," -- no amed Lita?` We will send Q any address, on reeipt of 1`. Gown Pnonnn in an M1410 Single. copielin pope: ~- '" 3: ".' - ...,.`;.1 mg e copno In to By the 100, - u *4 ~,; ...-...-.. S TATU TORY DEEDS; carefully printed 1 Form of Dc-cu legalisd at the Daily News cages and nwr law fo _ 4 . un nnvv A1$l$A'.l'Hv BOUK, Tun Gown 3 Pexkins, Author of `1`he' net, The New Shining I King, -* The Sacred Lm,'M a. lnocimnn. ?_.________._.__.__' |r1 ma NEW SABBATE-1 BO(,K_ Tn. {Stunn- u_ an leading hougi 1 Plume. Org-us, lziniaraw to. Even mm mlin is put up inbtmles Every onomho . ' bottle of this Pdilh `-_ we will give` full pa-01: hnlfa domn-'Au' - ' ward prepaid Tvw Territoryand Age; Home [Insurance Company or New Haven. 11 u.......-_ I THE `iixideni or.m.m- Lin Job Printing, `and , Bl`! LI. . . . ` Q57 1-wo~ smmi is enabled to uegutb math with greater expedition"{lI in the City, all order! IE1 maybe favored. Wonk `Dank- 1| talus IUIBV III " V Above 10 lines, I oonupi tion, and two oeuuper lino: insertion. Subsequent inaertionno` once a week, 4 could 113:5`; Notibes of Births .50 can ` ` Do .onmngu' . 54- Do ot'Dentlu.. . aw} HT Bustxlss N9-rrou. , -.;l` , heq.r!ing,~lepd`cd or I_o|id,_8' ~;_.: * |nged`b,y.p scale of 361111; , > under 1o1in'euu noun, 1 Other Notice: in eldrl ` of which is to` promotb thq ' interests `of Individnnll `or . ` Reports ofkanks, * , to attend Leotnru, A ` Sermons; aeknowl, _ . ,_ ` _ ; --tobe oon'liderd_ g onthe umb W`. n-we 10! square, lot on) $40mith the privilegoofnlll I month. ` n.u.-'nxa sgnageuo no, __ nary buniness 6! auchhouseo it willnotbe hcldtl Soles, Advertisements oi _ `nnrtnm-nhln Noch. P1-inn Hues, Advertisements or partnership Notieh, P:-inn ` individn Iembm or 1 4 cm. Quin, IBQIVIQUII - for 8:10. 8 unhlinhed `every . Subscribers who receive IIIII ` av:-o chnrgod Five Dollu-I. I EIUIN-ll. .,` Halfsqunre _m may withumeprmtegc. ` N.B.-'I b ugngieio D0. . nu-v bnlinan 6! uuu ARI} unrtuu rtlmxh and from H Ports on favourable terms. Losses promptly and liberally adjusted and paid in Canada Currency. JAMES SWIFT Am... 6. lines and nudes,-,Il iii"! and 13 cents `for eveq 10 line, 81,25 for 17 cents for evry subnqnJ 10 linen. I ennui 8 . bl. bed I` """":i:.<:V.::-V - .'I`a.."u..-. x.333..z %-g._u1a= ,}' urge sums! of ' {Io Dollar! DerI||1I"|3. lII'8U I-ElI 0| - -Two Dollngl per Addnfub on-dune ti `gnuu nu U11l$l.VAh.h_l.U`~_ ` NITURE _ __ UST INTRODUUIE` all leddinn hounai 5313111053 lI0%." ulnu Anal; Thtlqnan to be 22 Tho half square Ii lips`?! Price for square, for may ;40~with the nrivilacanfllli A PRINTING IN 09}: Tuun at Bull - (Mines f ` .nd I 3 mun -fnr at-vnj - llllzlul Ills RE now producing 311:3 K of American Puum 1; )()KS. LATGRER lnrm J was cnnomff g .-.......... . oecremry `CASH CAPITAL .. .. $1,000,000. AKE AND RIVER RISKS mken on bulls and cargoes at reasonable rates. JAMES SWIFT, Agent, Kmgston, March 31, '69. St. Lawrence Wharf. #:- uanels, Handbilla, Pnmphlgts, Invitations, Law; Blan Poafhig Biiln, . Concert Bills, Railruad Bills, Cheque uucquu D0013, , Businesa Cards, ISLIIHRIBQ mus, Cheque ` ', Cards. DAILY-if ._1'sr4BZ}3i Anvnn-s ! a 4Etna. Insurance Co. of Hart- ford, Uonn PAID UP CAPITAL AND SURPLUS- $5,150,93l,71. r.!\:nA_-x v\a:p` :.. zn ..-.._- D A - - - ~ ' Gpnadlan Namiauq Str. SPXRTAN . . . . . . ` II . PASSPORT... KlNGS`l'ON..... -- MAGNET ..... .. . GEAllPION.... -- O0BlN'l`H[AN_.. One of the steamer: of leave the St. Lavunco W Supet, for Toronto uni E noon (Monday excepted) at HAITI DAHIII siplen'lId Upper-C84 .-anus--u. nun. o elock. Also, one of Chi- for Montreal every Homing st mu.Tr-us'r nvn. Royal Man % Line -. ._s... ....-u. sava- For Pgungo Ticket! npp Forget and Baum, Onhrio 8 and River Steamboat O Whu-f,>t'oot of Johnson 8 ~ Pnsnentarn coins: to .1 vvnln, IV! 01 JUIJIIIDII D -Pasbengers going to .1 pure, Tickets vi: Great llilvuukeo moi Kichigin Dlroit. Chicano. lilwnn IIWIIIIX nun HICDIQII la Detroit, Chicago, iIwn_ and. also for all the princip ugd `nlpo via Pacic Rail _ Gblofado, Neudnlni Oil` f` A Gonfortablo tl Rama far Lndinn nmfllnntl V - A yungormon I-nu gloomfor Ladies nd'Gon/11* Kingston and Wollq 9..,...v, Losses paid in 50 years, \r nu.-u.-.1 \.J Leaves Kingston daily. At 8 A.K. 11:30 A.I. 2 Eli. . 4 RH.` Iondnyu, Tuendnyu, '.l` and Saturday! . . .-V . Mondays and Snturdsyn . . Steamer Wxitettown onwn ~ Cnpe ..'A' .. OTYIYTIAV ll Kingston mom] yy capum) as 5 a.n. connecting with the Gun Lake Stenniers, meetipg th -Home and Oswego. At 2:15 P.H.. oonnanti ` ll IIQ IEWEKIL 2:15 P.'l.. oonnooti Trunk train! Rod!" `tin Quince Simmer, trialling for Rome and one , and portntion Oompnn l_"Pro_ I ,-- nu.` IV. -.A `I7:-.-0 llvli I U Ill` Leave: Onp Vincent At 0:45. Al. on nrriv Rome and Oswego, nqetin Eat ind` Well and Bag of. n.oma_aug1 uswego, uu and Wet and of- Atl PM. on Al'l'iV M Elli IBII W3! II! 3 - At 0' Pl. on grdv of Unwego. For F1-oigbVt or 1>....g. T '9- , ~ DAILY ia For" Bath. Plato: Ou-`nu ink ILL -LEAVE OAR foot of William and ilitel-:nedisto-{>ort't, uxeepted) at HALF-PAS Be_tn;n|ng,: locus - Bel _ day`: excepted). . On MONDAY, WED unyu exoepwu) On uonmir, wnb W morning: I! 5.30 0'0LUO on TUESDAY` THURS DA Y8 at ONE `(BLOCK Pun rnlnnnl Tpaialur nu ruwim a UULUHUDYNE. The Original Preparation of known Composi- tion. . _, From Dr 0. Kidd, Author of Standard Works * on Ohlorolorm. Sackville-street, Piccadilly, London. Sir,-I think if you would advertise your Chlorodyne more than you do, you would help to beat the others, which are secret com- pounds, out of the market. Many medical men think with me, and recommend your com- pound, but will never prescribe a secret re- medy. Caxnnn Kmn, K.D. To It Towle, Chemist, Manchester. A Surgeon from,New York writes :-"I only requires to be known to be appreciated. I have no hesitation in characterising it (viz., 'l`owle s Ohlorodyse) as the most useful medi- cine that has appeared during the present century. In diarrhea, colic, sgue, spasms, I have found it to relieve more pain and cause more joy than any other article that can be named." Norn.-'l'he Profession is warned against in- ferior, secret, and cheap compounds now in the market. Each genuine bottle" bears A fac- simile of Pr`oprletor s signature on the stsmp outside. ` LIQ. oanonoronm Oo.on cunoaomnm 1 WITHOUT PEPPERMINT. 4 Bole Iannfacturer:-A D -rm-.- lVL_--!-- |lIl| IKCII %llK. For certain good retsons we do not give the point from which the Hornet received ` her guns and supplies, but. on the morning `K of the 2131 all were un board, and with a crew of seventy men, Cuba`: rs: mau~nt- ' war, with the word Hornet. erased, and Culu, her new name, inscribod on her stern ` nml pennant, weighed anch-Jr for a point. n'l}~\rdina~r'.1 Ialnml `'nnv In-nvina Ha. 9. I}. an-on, _lIA 15 II UNI U'UUUUI\ For mlesot Freight or `Captain on board,` on? to _ __ J. OAR Kingston and? xinpuin, Sept. '27, 1:59. \J unuor. have Kin nudnyl, Thnndsya sud Loan .Gunnoqao on (It 1, an gun. and g p 0: Freight or Pusan in Advance. ion for tlimolmontha . ( Lg `mnlfonn ` in.` `may Ll 1U. IUU ' C1moIuc1._n -um- every Friday morning, news of tho week. F Ir I'iT`Il0IIlIII For` Y 3!: xnbntha. Singlet: nay he_ had st the Do: Slnat ` guys _- o - a Ferry Wharf, , Kingfonj Aug. 28, 1869. {Ill than line in con \ - I Kingstbn, 27LhAi:rii, la ' \HIS' Company has been doing business in } Canada for nearly 50 years, and during thnt time has secured the public condence by the prompt and liberal selllementofeury fair claim. It has fully complied with the laws of Canada by the deposit with the Government of Stocks to the amount of 350.000 And :g ..-.........A c,,:...`_ ..I! - um rBEn}E'_ u1m1m:- - ` Oooumanciup Wedacuh v._ n|.lUllalY, J YHOIKEIIQING 22nd J nndann In... H. d. Inf IILL loam Kingston manna} at L A_I 4 vn1,UM-E um Roux, -l_A-1' ` 131- bF Q n.-_.__. n_. '0VcUUU And is prepared to issue policies on terms as low as the safety oflbe assured will permit. JAMES SWIFT PIERREE ., .......,,w.., -. HALF-PAST 1..- DB. vlcroa BAUDKSURGANIC ux:D1<:_f7:_. ll UUIIIZLI CINES. `Fin IUILVIID. They consist of three p puacions-- THE BAUD NE, An eicient. and prompt Remedy for Cholera, Yellow Fever, Diarrhea, Dysemery, and the excessive action of the Bowels. A gold medal was awarded by the French Government to Dr V. Band for this valuable preparation. Price: Small. ls Nd: Medium, .1: M . r.-.-.. v. Duuu lo: una vmuame Sumil, lid; Medium, -is 541; Large Size, 113 per Home. , THE DIASTATIZED IRON, For strenxnhanina uh. Ru.-nu... _o-:_- n_ ., LIVU. The day seems as yet, unhnppily, far dis- tant. when public opinion or State interfer- ence will prevent the advertisement or axle of any secret medicine whatsoever. It is to be hoped that the profession will continue to bnnd as unworthy the conduct of those of its members who by testimonial or otherwise aid the disposal of such things."-Lancet. "I`l\(VI.ll'_` ncn nnnnvvnn Ttil DIASTATIZED For strengthening the Syst.em.-Price 2s 9d per Bottle. THE 'DIAS'l`A'1`lZED IODINE, For puritymg the Bluod.-P1-ice 25 9d per Bottle. ',' The above Prepantibus are in the form of Sweeuneats, pleasant to the taste, and par- ticularly Adapted for Infants and Mothers nursing. RV the nnmhinalinn nF Ln 1`--- A, v -- IIUTSIIE. By the combination of the Iron or Iodine with Great Seeds in a state of germination, they no united with organic life, which thus renders them digestible. The irrilalive and stubborn mini.-ml has thus become we nucleus of an organic substance capable of being ab- sorbed L; the blood without.-injury to the stomach. aurucu :4 we mood without.-injury Agent for England and British Possessiu E G. DUFBESNE, 79 Wading Street. May be of all Chemists. ___ . IOU pCUIlI\l]|', Wlgll 3nCll'.) o'G;xrdmor's Island. Before lifux her captain had received ninn . _ . _ ......,\.I:u1, Sc. EARL RUSSELL sent to the College of Physicians I communication received by nun from Manilla (where cholera had been graingfearfully) to the effect that, of all remedies tried, Ohlorodyne was the most effec- IIVO. Glide:-sleeve an Walkem, ARRISTERS sud ATTORNEYS-at-LAVW, Oonvoynneen, Notaries Public. 1145...; III iIr..|n....... J. ll. sum, nl.u., )HYSIOIAN, SURGEON, &c., PORTLAND, Residence Hnrmwsmith. UVF LONDON. Agent at Kingston, THOR KIRK March 31, I869. 51 Kingston, March 31, 1869. 1/ II D. Snnu.n. President. rtWAt1l'1 ICAVIIPII. `D I DIUIANJ DUKCUDUH, w n'uuU '1` PIP! lsnufscuu-or :-A. llnchmtnr. tn. 1. Kingston, March 31, 1869. Capt. I-`loy Comaclm in her c-amguander. It will be remcmherml that he 'a i1:px`iscd the crew of the Spanish steamer Cnrnandi- tario elf the Cuban coast last April, nurl I` had to abandon her -in account. of want of` coal and close pursuit by the Spanish unm- oI'~wnr. He is a bold, dashing, middle- aged Cuban gc-uxlemsn of wealth and edu- nnlinn, V Joseph llnwdcn, TFURNEY A'[`- I AW", Solicitor ix L Chancery, Natal} Public, 30., 33 Kin; .3-t., K|I1g.~m;1_ Royal Assurance Company 0! OF LIVERPOOL AND LONDON. MAXWELL W.STRA.\'GE An,-no fa. lI.......~.. . caonmu, DIAHRHCEA, ac RI. nn_~a_qr.~.r.r. --... .- .L, .. . .. ......... Iulusg, --L4uHCl. '7r_owJ.E's oauoaomnvs. zinal Prennrninn of km... n wu, THOS. KIRKPATRICK. urrency. JAMES_SWIFT, Agent, St. Lnwrece Wharf. JAMES SWIFT, Agent, St. Lawrence Wba 1 mm ~ u ussureu wul permit. SWIFT, Agent, St. Lawrence Wharf. . 1869 unuuu, The Hornet was 3 blockade runner, and wu captured by the United States war atcumnhip Supply early in 1865. with a cargo vnlued at $270,000. She has been confused with the Lillian, also 8 blocklde runner. The latter w:u converted into :1 mun-ot-wnr while the Home: was sent to League Islnud, where she had remained until last June. She is 820 tons burden. Ind pierced for eight guns. She is :1 side wheel nml ranked third cl-.159. She is Clyde built, nml can, under heavy pres- sure, make lteen knots an hour. She has nnnnn .-nun I.\-tAl\ ..n ......L ALL. ..n I .. -.'.....L I I IIJ IV . DLISAAVUU Agent forKiugs1on ret. .-1 Crunnxa Wlnson` Secretary l nnn nnn l'ISKl'1'. . P. Towla, Ohemiat, ritish Possession, Vlnlina gflnnt $24,o0o,ooo_ , ALKII. ' `HE groan fraud: which continue to be prac- died by obaeure manufacturers, more , particularly in Germany, by imitating the la.- btla attached to JOHN GOSNELL dl: Co. a PERFUMERY, render it imperative upon the Proprietors to Omrion the public against. such nefarious proceedings, and to requeut their friands and patrons to purchase only of respec- table dealers, who import direct. from John Gosnell 8.: Co.; and invite special attention to the address- RED BULL WHARF, 93 Upmm THAMES STBIIT. Jnhn (1.-mnnll h l`.n : Ralnnt D.-F-`man - ag IXDIJ DUIALJ W fll\l\l' , U9 Ul'l'IC IHAIEE DTKIIT. John Gosnell :3 C033 Select Perfumes: Ens Bouquet, Royal Yacht Club Bouquet, Jockey Club Perfume, Essence of Wood Violet, Vic- toria Bouquet,_Fmugipa.nni, Military Bouquet, the Bride"! Bouquet. . John Gnanall A: On `.1 Prinmn nf Wnlnn Pm-. H18 DFIHUI DOLIIIUCI John Gosnell 5; 30.`: Prince. of Wales Per- fume, a most. choice and fnshionnble perfume. John Gnsnell k (`,n x Princann AIAxnndrn'n nuns, I l'l]DSl CIIOIGB BUG H!-SDIODRDKB RGIHIIJJG. John Gosnell & Co s Princess Alexandra's Perfume, 21 most choice and delicate perfume, prepared expressly for the use of Her Royal clighness. Jnhn nnnnll E Co : Unnar Tan Thnnannd !|ul'K" IIIHIKU I.IILL'l'll l\LIlH3' nu IIUUY. Dill: U115 seven guns. three on each side, and a pivot bow gun, n 100-pdhn-ler Parrun. of long range. The snlc guns are two 3`1-poun:l- era, two 68~poumlcrs, two grape and canis- ter pieces, also `.68-poumlers. Her crew, thelast of whom went on board of her night. before last, numbe 5 158 men--sixty of whom are Americans, who saw service during our war. She hga twenty-two ex- perienced gunners, and all the munitions, boarding hooks, and complete pnraphernu . lia of a corsiir. She is no privziteer, hu: a regularly commissioned man-oi-war, com- ll13DIll:(l by n Cuban, with a commission from Cespedes. ller mission is to cap-.ure Spanish mer_chan:men and take them into Mexican ports for adjudication; she is also to capture and destroy Spanish transports, and all passengers steamers engaged 0 the Cuban coast, and, when prudent, as nck Spanish armed steamships or sailing ves- aela. She will not be used as n transport, as reported. Whcnevvr it is unsafe for her to curry her prizes into Mexican ports, she willsave what she can of their cargoes, and then set re to them and sink them in non `U'h-n pl... Al..|......- _..... o.. ...... ..,.... ulguueas. John Goanell E Co.'a Upper Ten Thousand Perfume. Yul... l1.-n_.JI I. (V. I. T....I..._ l1I..L I')...l`..__.. KUFIUIIIU. John Gosnell 8: C035 Jockey Club Pexfulne is in universal request as the most. admired Perfume for tho Handkerchief. Price 29 6d. Inhn flxannll I: u : Ln Mnumnnn D--fn..n. rcnume 10!` ll! HSUQKBFCUIBI. X'|'lC6 Z3 0!]. John Goanell as Cola Ln Nublesse Perfume, a most delicate Perfune of exquisite fragrance. John Gosnell & C0,`: Noblesae Pnmade. ele- Ii IDUSL UUHLZ&l.B IVEFIJUIU OI BXLIIIISIIB Iragrnnce. John Gosnell & C0,`: Noblesee Pornade, ele- gantly perfumed, and'highly recommended for beautifying and promoting the growth of the hair. I ll \Tnl.l;u.4-.. q1\nv\ ...s....-_..A l'.._1s.. ....-......l Lldlf. Ls Noblesse Soap--e2toemed for its unequal- led perfume and fine emollient qualities. John Gosnell & Co. s Vinlet. and .\lillanur I811 PCYIUUJS BDU HUB GCUUHIEDI QIIIHKIIU. John Gosne11& Co. s Violet. and Milleeur Nursery Powder is guzuzmteed pure. No nur- sery should be without it. Sold in boxes at 6d; in tins 15 each. ,rI\"In flnnnnll 1- {`.I\ L. nknrnw mnnllv Dsunn in nu lLl [IDS 15 CSCKL John Gosnell & Co. s Cherry Tooth Paste is [greatly superior to any Tooth Powder, gives the Teeth a pes.ri-1ike whiteness, protecis the enamel from decav, and imparts a pleasing fragrance to the breath. Price 19 6d each. inatitnlnnsnnn Hnir Dvn - may-rain In nrndnnn irugmuue to we ui-mun. rnce is on eacn. Instantaneous Hair Dye: certain to produce any Brown or Black, of good natural colour. It cannot possibly injure the hair, has no disagreeable odour, and is easily applied. John Gonnell I-. Sofa Pnmni. Trichnsnmn m- DO ms-Igreeame 00001`, 31111 15 BliSlly 8ppll8d. Gonnell I . 3035 Patent. Tricbosaron, or newly invented nair Brush, the peculiar me- chunxcal construction of which accompanies the two operations of cleansing and polishing simultaneously. The Patent Mechanical f`.lmir for Rs-nahinn Bll!]Ul[lIDBOU5ly. The Patent Mechanical Chair for Brushing Hair by Machinery. For Prospectus and par- ticulars, apply to the Patentees and Sale Manu- facturers, JOHN GOSNELL & Co., Perfumers by Appointment to Her Majesty, [116 Prmcess ot'Wn1es,&c., RED BULL WHARF, 93 UPPER Tnuucs Sramcr, late of 12 Three Kmg Uourl, Lombard threat. null I.l'U'll $l. IIH5 IU KUEIIJ ID EIDK K'J('l]'] |\(. lea. What the Alabama was to our com- merce, Ihe Cuba will be to Spanish com- Inerca. Another use will be made of her. She will escort. all expeditions into sale bays, and guard them until landed, and Ilterwnrd escort the vessel carrying them out In :23. Gar inf" SAUUE. [ rcp1re(l by Alex- uudcr bbuzbwood Szockcr, from 3 rocipe by bit Cousin, the late Dr South-. wood Smith, thirty-ve years Physician lo the London Fever Hospital; Father of Sani- tary Reform; Medical Member of the first Gvueral Board of 1165101; Author of the rs: work on Fever in any age or country, the Philosophy of Hea1Lh,.&c. ' l)elicinn.4 with pvnrv lrnnwn rliah Ira water. 500 directions onpvery bottle.- Reoomuended and used by Profouop Simonda at the Royal Veterinary Oollege, during the lust twenty yenrs. V N.B_-'l`his uid is -. cnrnin an... 4-... _..--- uunug mo nu IWGIII N .B_-'l`bis is I certain cure for grease ;in ho:-sea,slIo the scab and rot in shoop. I unuaupu] Ul ueiuv.n,, ac. Delicious with every known dish. Its habitual use increases the appetite and pro- motes digestion. It is much esteemed for ils digestive properties. As an asmnmnr-a nf' in nln-itv and inn...-, propertiea, it i: the name of 1.! pic Physician 1 compounded. guir.-bed mm health of his f: in December, 1 virus I Inna L101] -1 I053. Wholesale and for exportation by the Pra- prietor, 69, Lamb's Conduit Street; Barclay and Sons, Fan-ingdon Street; Bnty and 00., Finsbury Pavement. Retail b-: Chamim: G.-.~.:-an nnna... nluguuux, uuu every part OI Lne world. Ask for I`he" Sauce.-Special Export Agent.s-Burgoyne, Burbridges, and Squire, 16, Colman Street, London. Ill me neignoom-noon." S6ld by all Chemists, and qt 30, Canon street, London. Quarts, 16:; pints, 8s ; half- pints, 43; glnrstoppored Imperial pintg, ex. tra strength, 16: per dozen; and in balk at -to per gallon: bottles included. Each ggl- Ion making 200 gallons, when diluted with water. See directions on every and PH 0...:-.....- r lusuury rnvemenl. Retail by Chemists, Grocers, Italliau Wm.-ehousemen, and others, throughout the Kingdom, and every part of the world. A81! I'D!` T|m" Hanna :QnnniAI |1`.vnn-e AMPLOUGE-l S PYRETIG SALINE.-A Medncnna that cures Sea. Sickness or lhe worst form of Billions Headsche in a few minutes; etferveaciug and tasteless, its con- stant use xa eanonmllv l':\l1`I|\.:ln In -nnin, An nltermtion, terminating in an assault, 0&- cnnod in London during the Prince : visit, be- tween Capt. W. B` Meredith and Lt-Col. R. Lewis, of the 7th Light lnfnmry, the relult of a diuputo u to thy commsnd of the guard over the ruideqco of Prince (Arthur. Clpt. Meredith struck the Oolonefin the mouth with his band. Inn; L _ . . . _ _ _ _ . . _ _ __:_:.._u,-_ I .- . L'f|Vy \JUuuU|l. The value of the uid is showniby the following letter from the Secretary and Manager: "Agricultural Hall, Islington, Jan. 1868. Dear Sir,-Please to send eight gallons more of your Disiufecting Fluid, as per order enclosed. Having used various Disinfecting Fluids at our many shows, I can say with condence that none have had the instan- taneous and complete effect of Sir William Burnett's, and this too without producing any nuisance like the smell of chloride of lime or carbolic aeid.-I am yours faith- fdlly, S. Sinsur, Sec. and Manager. "0apt. Jackson, R.N., 90, Cannon street. This uid acts on the essential cause of disease by destroying the"local conditions of the atmosphere under which cholera is most frequently developed and propagated. For instance: ` u a housein St. Audrew s street, Plymouth, occupied by fty-two persons, it was sprinkled in every room except four; in those the occupants would not permit it to be applied; the result of which was, that in those parts of the house where it had been used, not a single case`of cholera subse- quently occurred; while In the four rooms above alluded to, the disease still exists and some deaths have taken place. Two houses immediately opposite were supplied with a quantity, in neitner of which has there been a single case, although the disease is raging in the neighbourhood. In all Chemists. and at _m n-_, ulluulta, cuurveuciug unu tasieiess, I15 use is especially calqulated to main- tain health. When mixed with water and taken during the etfervescence, it iinmedi ately blends with the food, and is rapidly absorbed into the system. It vizalizes and supplies the blood with those saline princi- plea that am lost, altered, or destroyed dur- ing the hot Weather. In Jungle, Scailet, Yellow, Typhus, Eruptive Fevers (qr Cholera), ' also in several other conditions, where the vital current is poisoned by infection, and thereby rendered unt to support health and life. it has been found eminently benecial; and its sustaining and purifying inuence acts, as a preventive to disease, as the un- merous unsolicited testimonials accompany- ing each bottle will prove. Its portability renders it admirably adapted to the travel- ler, tourist, emigrant, or private family, more especially when distant from medical udVlC3 or assistance. Sold in patent stoppered glass bottles, price 23 Gd, 4s 6d, 11s, and Zls each. Spe- cittl agents required and appointed in all parts of the world. Inn. uluunm nun.ns.u"a' ulb'lNr'EUT- D ING FLUID, for the purication of sick rooms, hospitals, workhonses, factories, pri- sons, crowded places, between decks of ships, fever wards, clothes and linen of sick, night- chsirs, cesspools, drains, water closets, stables, dairies, lnrders, musty casks, tubs, &c.; bilge-water, and the holds of ships; apartments for searchers, nndertakers, end jurymen, and for post,-mortem examinations; for the prevention of infectious disease, can- liar and fungus in trees; for the disinfection of dead bodies, and for the preservation of subjects for dissection; for the extermina- tion of bugs and other vermin. Sir W. Burnettls Dinin-min I.`I..:.a ....... won or ouga nun 011181` vermin. W. Burueula Disinfecting Fluid was the only Disinfectant used at the Agricul- tural Hall during the Smitheld Club Cattle Show in 1866, by orde: of Her Majesty's Privy Council. ' The vnlnn nf Hm nh-I :. ..L...__`n_, .. "IIR WILLI KM BURNETTS DISINFECT- b FLUID. for the nnrimninn nr ..:..1. THE DA1LY NEWS--_ERII).A_.Y mvEmm._ OCTOBER 1. -...... .. naauvl-A v mrance of its purity and salutary I. is only necessary to poi_t out ` the cclebrnted and philanthro- n from whose prescription it is . The entire life of that distin- n was spent. in prornoxiug the 3 fellow-creatures, and his death, r, 1861, was mourned as a na- suucnucu nun nu: Moi Euccmssn TRADE SMEN AND MERGHANT ADVERTISING! A dUl!AN -l;RIVA7'l`E_ER AFLOAT.