MINERAL WATERS . Sept. 25. ` N Asortlnent of Skim slwuys orlnnd. _Work leaving Kinglton to be paid for be- im heme am can of the nmbnshmem. Noln...(!An1-m-_l>.-ri.. an u,........| .... Kingston and oltawa Route. Aug.2l. _ -....--v.--, Btmkowla, |lAs'rIn, 7|l.L resume her trips nbout {In 7th in- numt, and will leave Kingston every TCSDAY and FRIDAY at 3 P.M. Leaves For Sale by M. (TGORMAN, BOAT BUILDER, SIMCOE STREET, Kingston, Ont. c=i'1`Y` OF O'l'I`AW: :, noun.` and ch 0 min THE ROYAL COLLEGE Kingnon, Kay 6, 1869. ESTABLISHED 1847. .3... "*_:'- "K-2 IICII J UIISPYUUBUT` 0., L.R.C.S., Edin. PLANTABENET WATF R. THE DAILY N EWS. THE UPPER CABIN BTEAIIER CASTOR OIL. PROFJEWSVSVCRS ; R. lIl'l`E. E. H. PARKER, FRESH ALSO Chemist and Druggisl. Mal-Iget Square. V` 1`, Kingston. KINGSTON. (CANADA). SATURDAY GARDNER'8 QUININE WINE BITTERS, For sale TONIC AND BITTERS IN USE. (Each ounce contains one grain of Quinine.) nu :1, l BIND, `NW3: In. 10.. For Indigestion, Fever, Ague, Headache, loss of appetite, lowneea of Ipirits, nervousness, and for general debilily, it will be found invaluable V... .... ..-o:..a.-- l1\I\:n -on-n.nl.:.. ....A ......u_ Observe also every 1 net]. It in nu: nu 5v..u\.u~- \.u.u....J, .. u ... .... nu... nuvuuuuuu: Its properties are tonic, atomachic, and gently stimulant. In. ......In:... mu nnt .l'n.n..:g..A . 9.-.9- :o A--D Blllulll. Its qualities are not disguised ; taste it, test it, prove it. l'[|0e-UI18 U0|lI|'. J. GARDNER, Chemist, Montreal, Sole Proprietor and Manufacturer. f` The above Butters are claimed to be an- perior to nuy_\hing yet ofered to the public. lI PllE EPILEPTIC CURE, 4-. Prepared by J. Gardner from the formula of 3 physician of Paris. The wonderful effect. the taking of it has in preventing the fun should in- duce all subject. to Epilepsy to use in In bor- les, price >31. ' `Asl; for` Gardner's Epileptic Cure. Grocers ` CHOCOLATE DE SANTE. in; uni ll our link ANTHBAGlTE_I30AL mm 0lcc-I. Lawrence Wharf} Foot of Johnson Street. UR Goal is Pure Lackawnna, being mined in the `very heart of the Lackawana `Valley, Scranton, Pinaton, and Wilkes Barre, flow the best selected mines, and is prepared with great care expressly for Family use, and will be screened and delivered in the best possible co `- dition. Run! anln:-Ind Raf! nnl (`nu an-aha: nnnnnnqn 1@e3:c'cg*r1`sg.i Bea; selected Sqft Coal for grates constantly on band, also Lehigh Lump for Foundry (50 and Blossburg for Blacksmiths. "'9:-ms: (`duh Dnlivm-nrl in nnv mu-Q nf t-13 llll. DIOHBUUFK 10!. DIKCISSUIIUIS. Terms Cash. Delivered in any part of he city. ` JAMES SWIM` h at-,. SPECIAL AND IMPORTANT NOTICE T0 GASII CUSTOMERS. I nnuuvoo uvnvvu, JIIIIBLJIIJIIO ' ESIRES most respectfully to thank his nu- merous Customers for a liberal patronage extending over FIFTEEN YEARS. In 4-lnaincr hi: nnnnnnln fnr thn nan! vpnr Hm BXICIJUIDE UVCF 1` ll` llltlb I D2\l\D. In closing his account: for the past year the advertiser has determined to abandon the Credit system altogether, and he wishes his Customers to understand this announcement in the most positive sense. Determined not to be outdone in the price or qualityiof his Stock, he is pre- pared to sell BUUTS and SHOES of unrivalled manufacture at the lowest remunerative prices on strictly cash terms. Unnaid at-.onnnta must be settled immediate- 4.-.Av;_-_a L; \/ 4. .A_a Sealer in Boas and bhocs.No. 36 Princess Street, Kingston. T`\Ii`Ql`DI4`Q um-mo nnannnbfnllu In 0|-.--Jr his run I Bnvxcnl amcuy cash terms. Unpaid accounts must be settled immediate- ly, otherwise they will be put in suit. Q The nntrnnmm nf Cash Customers ao- II, UIUCTWISU lney will De pllla Ill sun. 3" The patronage of Cash Customers so- licited. I ,\ unq `anon ARTIES intending to make application to the Legislature of Ontario for Private Bills are hereby notied that they are required by the 51st and following Rules ofpthe Legislative As- sembly (which are published in full in the Ontario Gazette), to give NOTICE of their application (clearly and distinctly specifying its nature and object) in the Ontario Gazette, and also in a Newspaper published in the County or Union 01 _Counties aected ; such notice shall be continued in each case for a period of at least six weeks during the interval of time between the close oi the next preceding Session and the considera- tion of the Petition. Copies of the rs: and last of such notices to be sent to the Private Bill Office. A ll Dne:0:Ann bun D-unn"Rilla "mac he vu-aannf- Umce. All Petitions for Private Bills must be present- ed within the ru three week: of the Session. CHARLES T. GILLMOR, Clerk nf the House. Ell. It is pm up in quart. wine bottles. l rioe-One Dollar. 1 nnznvnan mm- Aug. 9. uuunnvu venmlllll, PERFUMER by `appointment to their Majes- tiee the Emperor of the French, the Queen of Spain. the Queen of Holland, the Queen or the Belgians, and the King of Portugal; and H.R.H. the Prince of Wnlee. Toilet Soaps. Lavender Water. Cold Cream. Perfumed Vaporizer. Rose Loaf Powder. Perfume: for the Ifnndlpg-nlsigl October 21,1868. FCFIUIIIQE I0l' [III Handkerchief. Em dg Cologne. All the above 51 IIIII |lU_ uulugue All the nbove.nro carefully prepared for Ex- portntion, sad retain their excellent qunliti in any clinute. an Rtrnnd 2 ma Rnonnt Sumac - 94 nmmhill II III OIIDIKO. 96 Stand; 128 Regent Sweet; 24 Oornhill, names. 17 Bonlovu-d den muons, Paris. J AM Kingston, 22u:1Jnnuary, 1868. . une Toronto, 25th F'eb.. 1869. FRESH SUPPLY RECEIVED BY PR1 VATE BILLS. The Most Useful and Reliable EPP S COCOA u the trade mark upon the label, and bottle being sealed with trade mark EUGENE BIMMEL, rsrvuvan L4 ,-, ; II. VVIIITE, JAMES SWIFT & CC-.5 Chemist and Druggist. Toilet Powders. Portable Fountains. Toilet Vinegar. Hair Prepsntionl. Tooth Powdnrn nut rrepsrntionl. Tooth Powders. Glyoeriuo Toilet Reqni sites. IE3 '1'. U ll.41.4UIS, Clerk of the House. lkn JAMES HOPE. `I ORR 5 Kingston Druggista IUV. gthctj ...-nun Macdouald, Patton & Mnclmr, ARRISTERS AND ATTORNEYS-at-LAW, Solicitors in Chancery, &c. Oices-18 Olarenc SL, opposite the Post Oice, Kmasron, 0, W. Jmm A. Mummnnn O n '._h....D......... n n Umce, nlxusrox, U. W. Jon A. MAono1u1.n,Q. O. 5 June PATTON, Q.0 Joan M. HAOHAB. Winontnn Jnn'v IR c:Il.Il_(-3 Agnew, V ARRISTER and ATTO RNEY-M.-LAW,Oon- B veyancer, to Oice Bagel Street, second door south of the British Whig Oice, upstairs. August 1. John ltludlc, ARRISTER, Attorney-at-Law, Gonveynncer, kc. Oice opposite Post. Office, Clarence Street, Kingston. August 6. Ayer s Cherry Pectoral, ` tiny. 'I\.'......... -0 cl... .. .._.1 'r.._._ Y ' II V7 7 ' - 'v-' For Diseases of the Tin-out and Lungs, Inch 3.: Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough, B1-onohjmis, Asthma, and Consumption. Prohabl never before in the whole history of medicine, 58 anythiugwon so widely and so deeply upon the condence of mankind, us this excellent remedy for pulmonary complaints. '1hrough an ion series ofyears. and anion must of the races 01 men it has risen higher nu higher in their estima- tinn. as it has become hotter known. lts uniform tion, it has become better known. lts uniform character and wower to cui-c the various alfections of the lungs nn: throat, have made it known as a. re- liable protector against them. While adapted to milder forms ofdisenso and to young children, it is nt the same time the most cectual iwemczly that can be given for incipient consumption, and the dan- gerous affections of the throat and lungs. As :1 pro- vision against sudden-attacks of Croup it should be kept on hand in every fumi) , and imieed as all are sometimes subject to col 3 and coughs. all should be irovided with this antidote for them. Althouzh settled Consunrnon is thought in- should )l`0Vl(18(` with this antidote for tlfem. Althoug Consum Hon thou ht in- curable, still great numbers 0 cases where e dis- ease aee1_nc settled, have been completely cured, and the patient restored to sound health by the Chrrry Pectoral. so complete is its mastery over the disorders of the Lungs and Tlxroat. that the most obstinate of them yiel to it. When noth- ing else could reach them, under the Cherry Pec- toral they subside and dxsappear. Singer: and Public Speaker: nd great Dro- toral they su bslde and (nsappear. Singer: Speaker: great pro- tection from it. Asthma ls nlwava relieved and often whnnv bection from it. is always relieved and often wholly cureq by it. A . Bronchulu la mnemllv mu-ed 'hv mkinm the Esf Cherry Pe oral in small and frequent doses. So gener y are its virtues known that we need not publish the certicates otthem here, or do more uu:._n assure the public that its qualities are fully mzuntained. cureq by it. ' Bronchuls la generallr cured by taking the ` Cherry Pe oral in sum] and frequent doses. y are Ayerfs Ague Cure, I For _Fever and Ague, Intermittent Fever, Clnll Fever Rem1ttent Fever, Dumb Agne, Perio&.ica.1 or Bilioue Foyer, &_c., and indeed all the affections winch tn-use n-om mule:-ioue. mm-ah. or miamnntio nunluuuria uIuAN, Newcastle, O.W., General-Agoms:r`or the Canndas. 1i`m- gal-`-l1u'l'..1I a|.... :.. I7:_......._ UBDIUIS. For sale`--,by'_"aI| lhe`,Druggista' in Kingston, and by :1} Medicine Dealers. _. -._.-_.. v ; As its name implies. It does cure, and does not fn_il. Containing neither Arsenic. Quinine,Bismuth, Zinc, nor any other mineral or poisonous substance whatever, it in nowise in nres any patient. The number and im ortance 0 its cures in the e_dis- tricts, are lltera Y be ontl account, and we ahcvo without a paralle in e liiswry of A 0 medicine. Our pride is gratied by the uclmow edzments we receive or the radical cures etrected in obstinate cases, and where other remedies had wholly failed. Unscclimated rsong either resident in, or travelling throu miasmntic localities, will be pro- t.ec_te1 by taking the AGUE CURE daily. Joan M. Kingston, Jnn y,16. 1 rraveumg through mlasmntic localities, will be ` tected CURE For Ltver Oonuplamts, arising from _to id_lty of the Liver, it is an excqllent remedy, sumu atmg the Liver into healthy actwitv. . For Bilious Disorders and Liver Complaints, it as Into activitv. ' ' " Bilious Complaints, is an excellent remedy. producing man % truly re- markable cures, where other medicines ad fmkgd. P1-emu-ed bv D12. J. C. An-tn as Co.. Pi-acncal KIKS, mud ` HI` u mnrkable where other medicines had fnilcfd. Pre nred by & Co., I ra.cnca.l and nnlytical Chemists, Lowell, Ma.ss., and sold } Ill round the world. 4. .. ..__ .._..__-_ June 9. I:Iai5V_is9rs For restoring Grayair ti) its natural Vitality and Color. A dressing which is at once agreeable, healthy, and effectual for preserving the hair. Faded or gray hair is soon restored to its original color with the gloss and freshness of youth. Thin hair _is thick- ened, falling hair checked, and bald- ness often, though not always, cured by its use. Nothing can` restore the hair where the follicles are destroyed, or the glands atropbied and decayed. But such as remain can be saved for usefulness by this application. Instead of fouling the hair with a pasty sedi- ment, it will keep it clean and vigorous. Its occasional use will prevent the hair from turning gray or falling off, and consequently prevent baldness. Free from those deleterious substances which make some preparations dangerous and injurious to the hair, the Vigor can only benet but.not. harm it. If wanted merely for a and indeed all the nris n-oim mnlu-ions, mm-ah, or miasmntio po sons" James S. Cartvrlglnt, ARRISTER-AT-LAW. OFFICE - Over Pnrkefs Drug Store. ' C LII-A1`, Newcastle, G.W., G-nornl Agents for Canadas. Dan -.I. [up -1I ll-_ '\c-uaU:r:a`n ':-. Finn. nothing else can be found so desirtible. ' Containing neither oil nor dye, it does not soil white cambric, and yet lasts long on the hair, giving it a rich glossy ` lustre and a grateful perfume. \ _ . _ _ - - . _ UHIIICIIS. For sale by all the Druggistsin Kingston, and by :11 Medicine Dealers: , vvj -no AI.llIIl IJ, TTORNEY-AT-LAW, Oouveyancer, &c. L Kingston, 0. W. Dec. 1. Prepared b} Dr. J.'c. Ayer La; Co., ; PRACTICAL AND Axumrncu. Cxmmsrs, ILL HEADS and other kinds of Jon PRINTING executed with neatness and dgspatch at the Dai}5(News oice, Princess Street. 1.1 vnnlxummmu ID 101' BBC DAILY NEWS, intended to appear the same evening shouid be sent in at as early an hour in the day as possible. l\U\I'l;\all1ll1.l!AD Ob .l'UDl.l`.Il.'lD, DI-CHIH- bost. and Exclusion Bills and Tickets, executed expeditiously at the DAILY N 3 Brian: Pnnvrme Housn, Princess Smog. poon cdpy HAIR DRESSING, lllllhl uu; Wu: Au. PRICE, $1.00 PER BOTTLE. IROGRAMMES & POSTERS, Steam- hont. and `Rrnnminn RE": and Tioknta Vllcr. Ihbet. DVERTISEMENTS for the DAII; K IT`:-nun inn-A-`AAA 0.. lh'\I\Q3 44... ....~... `V. B. Mlngayc, \H'4`.V-A'T`_l .AIl7 n .... ... Ayer s NORTH ROP& LYMAN, |.W.. General:Aaoms'r`or NORHROP! & LYIIAN, IW mnnrnl Aunntl fnr EVENING.` OCTOBER 2, 1869. This invaluable medicine is unfailing in the cure of all those painful and dangerous dia- eaaea to which the female constitution is sub- ject. It moderates all excesses and removes all obstructions, from whatever cause. - \I nan;-u-nu unuLn:D It is particularly suited. It will in a short time bring on the monthly period with regu- larity, and though very powerful contains no- thing hurtful to the constitution. In all cases of Nervous and Spinal Affectionl, Pains in the Back and Limbs, Fatigue on alight exertion, Palpitation of the Heart, Hyslerice and Whites, it will e'ect. a. care when all other means have failed. The pamphlet around each package has full directions and advice, or will be sent free to all writing for it, sealed from observa- tion. the [701-OR JOB MOSES, NEW YORK, SOLE I ROI"RIETOR. $1 and 12; cents for postage, enclosed to Northrup & Lyman, Newcastle, Ont., General Agents for the Dominio 1, will insure a bottle, containing over 50 pills, by return mail. Sold bv all the Drumziata in Rinaamn and cunuunmg over 00 pins, by mail. by Druggiate in Kingston and Medicine Dealers everywhere. July 13. Special Notices. THE GREAT FEMALE REMEDY. Job Moses Periodical Pills. Two Qrmsnoss EASILY Axsw:n:n.-Why should men wear beards? Because they are a. great protection to the throat and lungs,.and add much to their personal appearance Why should we use Bx-ys.n s Pnlmonic Wnfers? Because when used for coughs, colds, tickling in the throat, hoarseness, &c., they act like a charm. Minis.eIfs and lawyers use them, physi- cians recommend them, and singers and public lpeakers any they are the very best medicine in existence for the cure of such complaints. Sold ` by all medicine dealers at 25 cents a box. ~ HUT SWIG. lIII]II'D'I'IIl-I lfllllgao Knmu. mm nnswonm um nmassma Uombinod in One Bottle. I/Ina Q A A 1' 1 r.11nna UOIIIDIJIOII In U116 .DOLLO. MRS. S. A. ALLEN S _ mun RES'l.`0R_ER `I7 . I I i D A . . . _ .. A`! _ . . . u I _ _ _ 4- :4- 11411:.` 4-. `.7 111.10 Will Restore Gray air to its Natural Life, Color and Beauty. It is a most delightful llair Dressing. It will promote luxuriant growth. ` FALLING IlAlR.is immediately checked. Mn. 5. A. ALLEN'S ZYLOBALSAMUK, aawtbtr Ortlarntim for flu: Hair : char and lrauxlarzut, v-..... V.-Vv- V... nsaallnlu Dr. Dingham, of Utica, New York, aaya:- I have used Dr. A. Tusk : Magnetic Oint- ment in my practice a number of years, and can any with pleasure I deem it one .0!` the area-test discoveries of the age for the cure of Inammation of the Lungs, Inammation of the Bowels, Inammatory Rheumatism, and in Child Bed Fever, it operates with perfect suc- cess. In cases of Burns, Bruises, Frozen Limbs. it acts like a charm. Mn. 5. A. ALLEN'E ZYLOBALSAMUX, frefarntzim fvr ; tramfarext, unlhout xedfmext. It 1': t/I7} simple and qffeu produce: wonder I rexultx. It: gnu! ruariority and eanmnay 1.: a air Dressing over ii;/L tax! French Ponmde: is acknowledged by all not only in this cam but in Europe. The Rextorer and Zyloakaanun 3 Id not 54 umforu 'un'tl: (In: other. SOLD 31 ALLDRUOOIBTI. ""'*:.:.;:;".-.`,`-s.V.-:..`:';:.'.i:r;-,.,.- .'z`.=:.`.'a.'2;--**~ Dr. A. Traslvs Magnetic ointnent cuams caoup on BATTLES. n, ns_,,L,_, .1- cess. In cases or burns, ISIIIISBB, Frozen Limbs, Dr. J. P. Kennedy, of Chittenango, N.Y, says: It has stood the test trial, and has not been found wanting. Its astonishing cures of Inammation of the Lungs and Group, and the wonderful sueceas iu subsiding the torturing pains of Rheumatism, and relieving Nervous Atfections, entitle it to 3 high rank in theliat of Remedies for these complaints. Dr. A W. Beldina. of Knnwlpnvilln N V or rsemeuxea [or 10988 complaints. W. Balding, `of Knowieavilie, N.Y., sa.ys:-I have used it in several cases of Specic Irritation, and for the worst cases of Piles, and sundry other complaints, and End it a superior article, and well worthy the atten. tiou of all." Dnunhnanu-a nknnlr! In. an... 4...! ....I. ('4. r\_ IIULI 01 MIL ` Purchasers ahonid be sure and ask for Dr. A. Tmsk s Mag'netic Ointment, and see that the "words A. Trunk : Magnetic Ointment` are on the wrapper. NURTHROP R; LYMAN , IVUISIUISUY G IJIMAN, Newcastle, C.W., General Agents for the Czmadas. 1:... ..I,. L... .n .|.- n-.._._:-._ :_ vr:_,-._, UIZKIIIUIIH. For sale by xll the Druggists in Kingston and by all Medicine Dealers. July 13. Batclicl or : Hair Dye. This splendid Hair Dye is the heat in the world; the only true and perfect dye; harm- less, reliable, instantaneous ; _ no disappoint- ment; no ridiculous tints; remedies the ill cects of bad dyes ; iuvigorstes and leaves the hair soft and beautiful black or brown. Sold by all;D1-uggists and Perfumers; and properly applied at Batche|0r s Wig Factory, No. 16 Bond street, New York. '\JA`\./1.1;` l.l.\r.LI.Il.\JA` cup Icul. principl. The system of innitesimal doses of medicine diused in gallons of injuri- ous stimulants exploded. All useless material discarded. The active principle only of the most powerful and efficient remedies known concentrated in 5 small convenient form. HABITUAL Con3'r1PA'r1on Cunxn. All diseasa of the Stomach, Liver, and Bowel: permanently relieved by using Dr Colby's ANTI-COBTIVI an TONIC PILLS, Sugar-Coated. Recommended by the Medical Profession; \J\J\J.I'4QLJ IJCSCLB CILVJ. LLUIJIJC IJJC ebrte of certain vendors of Linimenl to decry JAcon s Rmznuu-xo Lxoum. Wherever '] introduced it drives all others from the market. Pein positively annihilated by its use. We have not room to enumerate the virtues ac`- cordcd to it by the thousands who have used -1 _it. No medicine ever invented is cepablevof more extended application. It has hundreds of imitators`, but not one RIVAL. Beware qr Coun- te1feils. ` l1l'LJJ LJJJLAVLILJ .l.'\.IJ.Ir ILJJIJO U Those who have no heir may have it. Those who hnve plenty, may preserve sud beautify` it. Those who are losing it may have its loss arrested. The hair strengthened, beau- tied, restored, by using Emu- s Enrnn Hun Gnoas, cheapest, cleanest, best. Don : rent till you have tried a bottle. March 25. Sold by all Druggists KARUIS UJ!iIl.lL!1UA.l.J4D auu uuugu U Summons may be obtained at the DAILY Nmws Onrxcn. Orders by` mail promptly attended to. _ Devices for every description of Orange priming kept on hand at the Dumr Nmwa Smut Pnmwme Housn. OUNTY COURT SUMMONSES.- adapted for use in the County ofFron tennc, for sale at the' Daily News Oice All kinds of Law Forms prhld to order with accuracy Ind expedition. d. ,_,, ....m la DLLVIIJJIID \J\}I.I..ElD Ul I-[ID IJALIAI 19 . Nnwa may be had at the counter of. he publication oice, Princess street, price hroe coppers. V New Style. Important Change. REAL `ITATR RI-`.S'l``R`l`.R. ANTI 1'|'R1P,R`l" `UCCESS begets envy. Hence the 5 e'm-NI nf mu-min vendors nf Linimnnl In xoNEN1'R`Y<)-N the great / nrincinl'e_ Tha nvmam of innitesimal |rLAD TIDINGS FOR ALL.- Vlnnan unkn luau". Inn Lain Inst! luau- it $ )RANGE CERTIFICATES and Lodge Hun-u-nnnu mun his nhfninnd It trill PFC! - NURTHROP 85 LYMAN, 3.W.. General Ammm fnr lfll VII rnlapnt B! Naturds Ciown. You Must C|1ltiV&fB it > GRAY mm In a certain indication of decay at the roots. BEAUTIFUL HAIR, \r_4_,,,u, n` ---- Trains arrive and depart from tho Kingston Station as follows: gnu...` -. __ U or any nnsonm-lo: - Executed neatly, chosply, and expoditiounly u be DAILY NEWS JOB PRINTING OFFICE. 3:06 am. 4:16 p.m. 4:35 `I 1.... " " 'l`UU " I I - - [This is by Montreal time, from which deduct 12} minutes for /the diiference between Montreal and Kingston time.] Ann:-v\lIJl\JAV IUD: Ul'l`1Uli. Olose. Arrive. Eastern by G.'l`.R. day trainlzz-10 P.|[. 4:45 P.ll. Western 3:15 2:15 East and West night trains 9:00 7:00 A.H. UNITED STATES NAILS. Through Mails for New York, Boston, Oswego and Cape Vincent, will be closed at 1:30 P.M., and Mails from these places will lie due for de- livery at 12:30, P.M. A second Hail for Cape Vincent will be closed at 5:30, P.M., and one will be due here for delivery at I .&.M., daily, Sundays excepted. Dntnlrnrr u. n'v9a| ' ' bK.l'l.'1HI:l. NAILS per Canadian steamers will be cloud even; an`- day at 12 M. Per Cunnnlnnd Rum... lb... ...... L .... -.`. 'G('hm hou 4 BI 13 M. ` Per Cunard and Bremen lines, ever Amway and Tuesday respectively at 5 P.M. SINGLE COPIES of the Duu Nlwa may ho had at the counter of the publication oioe, Prin- ceas street. Price three copperi. ~ / G35:-nah: thanks. A5 01.. l'I--un--4-- - ---- -...... -annvwuo L Anus uuvu Iaupycri. "Siug1e copies of the Cnnoxucu um News, containing the news of the week, may be had in wrappers for mailing. Price 3d. each aaned every Friday. - ` j The Chamber of Commerce of Lyons has been making as present to the Empress of the French of a. dozen magnicent new silk dresses, which are thus described in the French papers : I 1. A nnnft da nnie. whim armm 619011. IUBIULI ui uuuuuuw iuuuuerenoe. 2. A cherry coloured satin damask, `sprinkled with white and camafen-cherry roses (camnien means shade over shade). 3. A white gros dc tours, with the ef- . fect of worked and embroidered white satin. A A .I.._._ ....._.____ _:-l_ 1! , , I-\ - ~ LIJU .I.` IUUUI-I PIIPUTU : 1. A pouft do suie, white ground, gur- ed with bouquets of a thousand owers, Pompadour style. The bouquets are of an exquisite aerial lightness, and seem to tremble like the breeze at every undulntion of the stuff. They present sixty dierent shades of colour, and yet there is no con- fusion of harmonic incoherence. 9. A nhnl-I-I1 nnlnurn cabin .In._....I- Bltllll UVCK git) . 5. A plain satin, deep sapphire colour of an incredible richness of tone. 6. An aquamarine muslin poult do soie. Travellers and Postal Guide. lllllln H B. A Pekin, rose ground, style Louis XV. The shade of the stripes is the rich tawny yellow of Etruscan pottery, called Campa- na colour. ' " 1A A `l)..l.:_ ..-.:_ ..r 4._. A-,-__ Slilulllo i 4. A drap supreme, with ne grey Pekin ` satin over grey. 5 A nllain natin dean nunnhim nnlnnr SUIC- 7. A Chambery gauze, white ground, with `lilac Pckin satin and Pmnpsdour atamp. B. A Pekin_ rnsa nrnnnd, sltvln Lnnin YV SATU ILD.-L Y E V EN ING. OCTOBER 2. LII l)UlU|Il. 10. A Pckin satin of two _ faces, one violet and the -other lila. This dress is to be worn hyped up, The contrast of the two faces produces an elegant ef- fect. ` 11 A ....|... _`.:n. ___-.._ n-.-_-_, Nm-, ICUL. 11. A robe with narrow ounces, white ground with little coral owers. Tlua dnnnrintinn nf than nnnlfth A4` H4- gruuuu wltu lune coral nowers. The description of the twelfth of the ` dresses is wanting. They were displayed to the Empress as shewas examining the hall of the Chamber, and it in said that she stopped short at the sight, dazzled by the magnicent display. WHY CEZARLES DICKENS SEPARAT- ED FROM HIS WIFE--HI8 OWN STATEMENT. DJALA.|.nau4'4bI 1 (From t.he Boston Folio.) The great novelist preface: his letter as follows: You have not only my full per- mission to show this, but I beg you to show this to any one who has been mis- led into doing me wrong. We therefore take pleasure in presenting his statement to our readers: 'u.. n...... " . 1:-.. n:-u_-__ -__1 1- a, readers I My Dear 5 : Mrs Dickens and I have lived unhappily together for many years. Hardly anyone who has known us int.i- nmtely can fail to have known that we are, " in all respects of character and tempera- 1 meat, wonderfully unsuited to each other. I suppose that no two people, not. vicious ` in themselves, ever were Joined `together who had greater diiculty in nn_derstar$d- ` ing one another, or who had less in com- mon. An attached woman servant, (more friend to both of us than a-servant,) who lived with us sixteen .years, and is now married. and who was, and stillis. in Mrs Dickens ,condence and mine, who had the closest familiar experience of this un- happiness in London, in the country, in France, in It.aly,\whe1-ever we have been, year after year, month after month, week ' after week, day after dayuwill bear testi- - mony to this. 1\1 ..n.:.... 1.... AI: ...'..'...... ......-..:.._- -L-_A OB PB.I:N'1`IN,G 73% SEE FIRST PAGE. THE EMPRESS EUGENIE'S NEW \VARDROBE. IIlUUy 50 (I115. 7 , _ Nothing has, on many occasions, stood 1'1 between us and a separation. but Mrs 5` Dickens sister, Georgina Hogarth. From the age of. 15 she has devoted herself to our house and children. She has been their playmate. nurse, instroctress, friend, protectress, adviser and companion. , V the manly consideration poward Mrs Dick- , ens which I owe to my wife, I will merely , remark of her that the peculiarity of her . character has thrown all the came!` the 0 children _on some one ~else.;- I do `nos 5 know--I cannot by say sketch, of fancy 3' 1magine-whst would have become `of 3 them but for this aunt who has grown up 9 with them, to whom they are devoted, and * who has sacriced the best part of her 1 youth and life to them. ' .1 .She has remonstrated, ressoned,snersd ` and toiled, and come again to prevent a ` separation between Hrs Dickens and Inns. ` Mrs Dickens has ofen ex`p:ess`e'd to her hot` 1 sense of ` her affectionate care and devotion ` in the honse--never more strongly than ` within the last twelve months. ` For some years past Hrs Dickens has 1 been in the habit of representing` to me that it would be better for her to go away _e and live apart; thather always increasing .1. estrsngement made a mental, disorder Ann`-' sf. der which she sometimes labonn; nose,` .I.-a .1... 6'. Inn-all unt far (Isa Iifn clan. For some-yous put an menu: has --UL-I-T9 w!!S.`!I"!% to Pl'0.ceI'!,_ Is___u . . be go away 009 if spurt ; *9 $58 Of the` h mental. diI9fdl` I1lI`- "305 lwlltbrnily` labqnn; niote, 13'3" -50- 4-50 thatslme felt herself unt fottho life Ibo cg, V had to lead. umy wife, and that IIIa`3`8~`.".3;l|99narauug til): Emily Nem. KI GSTON PO81.` OFFICE. ing. B0118 IAIT. 1:30 p.m. Mixed train 2:45 sun. 1:50 -- H H 6:15 u cnlln -In-r | -avv I " Dill . " some urns-r. 4:05 am. Mixed train 10:00 3. m._ M N Until (I r -nu BRITISH NAILS tnnmnm ul ho nl-.. would be far better away. I have ly replied thet she must hear our v tune and light the fight out to theond; that the children were the at considrntiol, and that I feared they must `bind no ther in` nppearnnw. ' -' At length, within_ these three woekl, ` was atiggested to me by Foster, tlnuven for their sakes, it would nnrelyvbo better reconstruct the unhappy home. I Cmmfgg ered him to treat with Mrs Dickenp II friend of both of us for one end _ years. Mrs Dickens wished to ndd; part, MarkLemon, nnddid no. 01130 M day last Lemon wrote to Foster , ` Dickens gratefully and thankfully ~ ed the terms I propfsed to l_1_er. Of um, nun ussuuu WIOLB I0 FOIIEI * ~ - proposed to her. 05"` _ pecuniary part of them, I will only i that I \believe they are as II Mrs Dickens was a lady of I a m_an of fortune. The remaining o of them are easily deecri_bed-my boy to live with Mrs Dickens and C6 "_ "1 care of her; my eldest girl to keep ` both my girls and all my children but _ W _:j_ eldest son ta livfe with me in con __ 1 companions ip 0 their aunt (}eorg1'u_',` '- whom-they have all the tenderest -r--`. t '? that I have ever can smog young - - - and who has a higher claim (all often declared. formsny _years,) afection, respect and gratitude; than body in this world.. ' ` I hope that no one who may becoin quainted with what I write here can? - ' bly be so cruel and unjult ll. misconstruction on our. separatioueju` My elder children sll _un (ler`ss`uI__l"itf '- fectly, and all accept it as inev lts_Re. There is not a. shadow of doubt it ceslment among us. My cldestzsotr i are one as to it all.` ` Turn unlnnt-I .......--.-- --l~ 4`. `V"' D 9 fin)-K: {funding -ml C u ..|..... RI` `Upon my soul and honour. than it \ momengn, to repoae `in my trnthful` ann: um: an 50 It 811.` , . . _ Two wiclsed persons, who `shonlq! spoken very dierent of me; in tion of earned respect and gntitth, (us I am told, and, indeed, to my -~ ~ ` knowledge,)`eoupled with thin -1 ' the name of s _1oung lady for whom`! a. great attachment and regard. In _ repeat the name--I honour it 1.06"` this earth a more virtuous u ` creature than that young lndy..{ her to be innocent and pure. and V as my own daughters. : ~ ' L 1. Further, I am quite sure that HI! ens, having received this " me.mnst now believe it, in thgi v know her to have for-Jne, andin " feet condence I know her, in` On .115 head. noun. than an n`I `would nnI.'nr-.031:-n oh... 4`. moment}, to in truthful this_ head, again, then in not down of doubt/or conoeninnnt: ~ 4 children sud me. All is span and among us, uthough we were ` sisters. They are perfectl! pl..- would not "deceive the,dni among us is yqithout 3 fegr. The London 1_': 1nes think tie; Club may soon nd better ' themselves than dinin wich. If `the signs `9 ..1.h9,.. .. delnsive, the battle of _ v to be fought over \ . ..v`? ` _........B ...., uguuuugu WU WGl'U I ` -I perfegtf cortali `would `deceive them, an 1110' - among is without. . r... ucluulve, we nuue or befought pin. ~-~ _ the restoration ofarolaectioti "no at work publishing `their 13 M enrolling their converts, likn - _ Law Laague thirty qig these eiusiona seemsfo lingo Mr Bri 1:, who ve namr tience ft. the folly ollwthe ` v matter is not to be dinmiuedso, Nobody desires a duty on im` for the simple rexsnn that out material -L and nobody `Inks fo laws, because there are no'i tnKo among the producers of opus; ., norts which our mad... 9...; pun! wmcn 0l1l' P ._ would tirsre imports of_ In, articles, supposed to lower` the similar articles mubnfacind` [I `These men` would oppose nd, a _ legislation tending to _ _ wges. <.=r.:r.r `They. , :.= true, with n ery edifyi_ng_ Zupunigi declqre for Free Trade 1n'=co t-u, . would-still beep bx-ead.chea{I,' chill" woukl make sll other nroducu-Ami?` wmuuauu weep on-eaa.cnea{:,' than prodoucta-~ ' tlmt.is singplybecmae the, , corn are nnrepr_esen`ted iii; ` (ions. Split the land up into ingu. with Trade Unions . . e vatora, and we shall soon l:_ _ for L dntv mi mm In 1:!-:-h uuuna, uuuer we mnuenooof Is vest, and things will co e_fro_ with the improvement 9 I, bf r doubt it that fs 3 `statesman : vjie case. The movement was . . A, x _ fore trade was bad, and it tinned with little or no rpfgxbagn ` rent a'a.irs., The principleppf _` - syatem, which, whether ic"b'&g _ ism or Socisiiam, or both `b`r `, _ an rate, absolutely opposed =10: " whyich Mr Cobden apentj.h_ig.lifoIII:~. ing, aye gravely sdvocxted hbv vvunau ELI \IU|l|.|lI ing aye gravely ndvocIw<%_ cla. i'miug,.m3 all innovator; ,'d";bg`_L van of opmlou. A ` * ` The British Ministel-"at `Wuhi Thornton, is engaged in; _- `nnln -.'- 4.. an... _u-,,4.r:,- ...v ;.u-unu unlulsvf `I5 'WI'nI ` ` , facts at` to the allegd Vic J tnlity law in regnr tq `g ? _ pose o!IendingthomAlo mant. >N`EW A1i'D, 11- 13 -no ,3; 3' `- 'rAN'r DIscovnnr.-'!fhgm fg ` bition in this citv lama nnnnznka...` uuauu un uua cuy mme1peeimqnu,' and steel, mulpnfututod by 5 that .1'G?d -n:lbin=M`.hnv I :- E'urery>art1cls nude from ` thigi of superior excellem-.5- ilnn ind Abundance ot the . : guc>(5e94 It would A musty rucl H1300 mun Chiqi _ supsrior excellenco, Fila s dqg|:'ee'of e`xceIleiIce'eq\ui d__ superior to mytiingan Inna M are made`;::hti; .metol.- >`ItI;iK.7 ` to know *duoo=very' an . one, and lush we, doubt ` nun Iunnulllc 0| um 1 success. ind. chespneu of the ' once secure its mceell.` `mi N `- iron Iolll here It U NI!` It.` cluimedthstonroompoq `.. bauttestedby tbisjuv: % f A to eqntl the but %n:iex.'i'$"~ the triing expense of ' one dogs; per toln-. The V o.ncosptstiI' . L gay to1ho better Hug. A 1 to common outings, hau e_ thir~-tr"mh.9t14:III.rti9-__s. . -re m-nxouiv-II`!!!-!A.II;.Iv,,. ' , process, gnph at 5 very NUMBER 305. runndlan Nmlgiallan `jompzmy. 7 `EB above line is composed of the follow- Inf Sir, SPARTAN . . . . . . Capt. hirgrieve. l`A.\`Sl`UR1` ..... -- sincmr, -A xx.~msru.\'.. -- Farrell, MAGNET . . . . . .. " Simpson, CUA.\IPlU.`1 Cnrmichul '- CUl{l.\l`HlAN .. Dunlop. one of tho Steamers 6f the above Lino will leave the S1. Lawn n,-0 Wharf, foot of Johnson smepr for Toronto and lhmulton every after- noon (Iondny excepled) at HALF PAST FIVE o splcndld I'p|u-r-l,`a|bIn Steamers: o'clock. Also, one of the Steamers will leave (yr .\l-mu-cal every Mm-niug (Monday excepted) at HAL!-`l`.\b'T FIVE. For P-usage Tickets apply at the olico of Folger and Rh! , Ontario Street, or at the Lake nnd River Steamboat 0fE':e,_St. Lawrence \Vhnrt', fool of Johnson Street. Pussengers going to the West. can pro- cure Tickets via (`neat Western, Detroit and Hilwnukee and Michigan Control Rnilwnys, tor Drlrmt, Clncago. Mtlvnnice, Grand Haven, And also for all the principal points in the West; and also win Pacic Railroad to Utah, Nehrnsks, Colorado, Neudn and California. S A Comfortable Lad Convenient Wniting Room for Ldlfl and Gentlemen on the Wharf. 0. H. HATCH, Agent. Kinstbn.Sent. 27. 1869. |~.\(:} Royal R1331 Line of Stemners. Kinant-.`I|A `aiy_l:\\:0II"c l.~'lT:in|d (Fern. `J V.-.,..... Leues Kingston daily. A u at ; ll Iondnya, -...'. Q .0 IIIU ouuru.1ys - . . . Mondny: and Saturdays .. Steamer Wntenown on Iuy from Cnpo . . . . . . . . 7 `crun A V. -u-run: Kingston andtlape Vinccn lFerry. IKUIII5 IDU USWEKU. At 2:15 P.l., connecting with the Grand Trunk trains from the West and Bay of Quinta Steamer, meeling the 4:30 Pl. tnin for Rome nnd Uswego, and the Northern Trans- gmrtnlion Company's Propellers leaving Cape Vincent for Uswego and all Western Ports. on Monday only nt=8 AH. RETURNING, Lnavon Cane Vinnpnl 7 7 V ' 7 O. HIIICILIY, Snnoa, lnsnn, x\;'lLL leave King=lon dnily (Sundays ex- oepled) at 4 AM. (except Mondays), connecting with the Grand Trunk Trains ind Lik Steamers, meeting the 6:25 A I. train for Rem: nnd Oswego. At 74` p I` nnnnat-ting with 15: Grand lib LI KIHVILVKJ, Lemma Cape Vincent A! 9:45 A M. on nrrivnl of the train from Rome und Uswego, meeting Grand Trunk trains Eu: and West uni Bay of Quinle Steamer. AI 6 P II on arrival nf lrnin frnm Rnma and DISK IE1] V` 835 In] DC] 0| IJIJIIJIB DLBIIDPF. A16 } .II. on Arrival of train from Rome and Uswego. For Freight or Passage Apply on board, or to G. M. KINGHORN, Foot of Brock Street. l':.....p.... ']".I. A..-:l Inna I-`or Bnlh. nuu IJBIIVF; \.Illl\l\UlIl|LD VVllJ'1l\l` \ foot of William Street, for the abovo and intermediate ports, every day (Sunday: cxcepled) M. HALF-PAST THREE o'clock. Rannrninw lauvn: R.-llnvilla am-rv (lav (Quin- VJVIVS CICUPKOU)` On MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, and FRIDAY morning: It 5.30 ()'U LUCK, Kingston lime, and an TUESDAYS, THURSHAYS, and SATUR- DAYS norm U`CLOCK AM. I Dun -no...` nu l.`_..1.-.5. A- I)_..-.._.. --..I- 0- cl... . uxccplea) II flAhl` 'l AD I" IIIISEE O'ClOCK. Returning, leuves Bclleville every day (Sun- dvsvs excepted). On MONDAY WRDNRRDAV nnd FRIDAY unxallun-UUl.aUbl\ A.)l. | For rates of Freight or Passage apply to she Capuin on board, at to J. (`.ARRIT'l`HIlRR k (`.0 C. H. HATCH, Passenger Agent. Kingnon, Kay 11, 1869. And i` Kingston and Gananoquc Route. _ _ _ _ , _ . _ _ . _ ._, C. Hucnn, Juniour, Inter. GOIIENCING 22nd instant will run as under. Leave Kingston Tuesdays, Wed- nclduyn, Thursday: sud Fridnya, at 4 p.m. Lave Gnnnnoque on Wednesdays and Fr!- dlyn, no |.I1'|.llId 8 p m. For height or Pusnge lpply on board, or to G. N. KINGHORN, Pool 0! Brook Street. Khnrnlnn 9'9! An-Cl Iku Kiugubn. Sept. O`-v or ugh rd 1! "J -nau u 11) rut. 1-nu-.uua.-rue CHRONICLE AND NEW: in published evbry Friday morning, and contain 3 all the news of the week. For Fifty Cents, paid In advance. you may aend it to your friends! for three months at the reduced rates of? poatage. For One Dollar it may be sent?` alx months. Single copies. priKe Fave cents, I Illa! be had at the Dailu Nan nma Prim-gni |lJl.E. I[... _G. M. KINGHORN, Ferry Whuf, fool of Brock Street. Kingston, Aug. 28, 1869. Iu mourns. single copies. pnee ruve cents, ., Ilny had It the Daily New oce, Princes! Street. I 'x1'n. wnrmm NOTICE, J l7.\YDF.R;- Commencing Wednuday, 28:11 hulanl. root 1 Kingston, 21:: April 1869. END 11'` TO YOUR F'RIENDS.-'l`he r`l.I"l:1\wvIt~vvn .un an"- :3 -...L.I:..l...A \')l,U\I! . XVIII. . H...` . nan: \1\l--av ]ll.L LEAVE CARRUTHEli S WHARF fun: nf \\) i|l`.--. Ru-.-p fn\I the ah.-un. THE ROYAL MAIL STEAMER I, Q in ! VII B3 or QUINTE. n___. _ n-..__ lI..II. 4 PM. Tu--sduys, Thursdays, Inn! 11: ,, xw. E mxnvx, l_l....~-. .... g.....-.. 11...--- `SI -.\'.D A Y. TRIPS. P1 !*.!i1{E1 UN'l`, _.,- -_ 1__-____ Cu-um I-`um: CGIIR, u -u . Irv! A . n..n_n..-.u Pl ERR EPUN T, [DUI 0 {lb April, 1869. DAILY non Plcton and Beilevillc. mm, er I0 J. OARRUTHERS 8 00., Freight Agents. H. lung 5` Leues Wolfe Island. 0 A lI ':l5P.l. 1 0" wwx was out or me xaublisnment. N91: -.-OAU1-xou.-Pu-ties in Iontrool an iends 1 38 7!` N 3001! purporting to come fi-om es of; II! eanbhghment. As I have no lgent or p... _ Mi :3 as gen for me in _um city, bu!- pems, I on ma` `mom 31: BOVKNMDS with an! `M9 . I. oxaonun. I Kinln1nn_Inv mac - rum, and will leave Kingston TUESDAY Leaves Ounwn every MONDAY and THURSDAY at 7 A,.Il., calling at all intermediate stopping places on the way. F'n1-Frpinhl or Panama luuinn lIl\AI:l\I ...., places the For Freight or Pnssnge, having superior pas- senger Accommodation, apply on board, or to D. MURPHY, Oluwa; G. M. KINGHORN, Kimrsnnn __: F Si`, no to the MEDICAL HALL and in- spect the celebrated Pnntoscoplc or Pcrfcclcd Spec- moles, Which are ground of the best material, with the utmost accuracy, on scientic and optical prin- ciples. If selected with due care, after having properly tried the eye, these Spectacles are sure to preserve and improve the vision to such a de- gree as will ensble one to use the eyes without injury any length of time for either reading or tine sewing. By means of the Optometer, or Patten! Eye -tryer, the proper focal distance for distinct vision can be ascertained with unfailing certainty, and thus the dissgreeable necessity of trying on pair after pair of spectacles, and con- sequently Istiguing the eyes, is avoided. Per- sons may have their eyes tested by this instru- ment, and see whether they are using glasses 0 the proper degree of strength. A nunntitv nf those Plhrmlnd Q1-unntanlas no \`diJ\vE`Au SP1;6iM`7Lus. 011 D0 YOITNEEI) THEM Q N w Wnra: we proper uegrce or su-engtn. A quantity of these celebrnted Spectacles have just been received at the MEDICAL HALL, as also a complete assortment of BRA- ZILIAN PEBBLES and other Optical Goods, warranted to give satisfaction. The Polari- acope, or Pebble-tryer, distinguishes between real Pebble Spectacles and the imitation: which are so often pnlmed on the public. At the MEDICAL HALL real Brazilian Pebbles, tested by the Polariecope, are sold for the same price charged by other dealers for common glasses, viz. :22 50 ammir: and than Parfm-lad Mm- (uuxgcu U ulucr urnlcrs Iur CUIBIIJUIJ gusset, viz, $2 50 arpnir; and the Perfected Men- iscus Specucle, which is the beat of the ordinary material, at the low price of $1 a pair. G. S. HOBART. gen! 9% in adv 1' node PHYSICIANS Aim suneaons. K I N G S T O N . Surgery-John R, Dickson, M_D., M.R.C.P.L. M.R.C.`c`., Er~g_, and F.R.O.S., Ediu., Presi- dent. Professor Dickson, Lecturer on Clinical Surgery. Medicine-Fi!e Fgwler, ld.D., L.R.C.S., Edin., R.E1?iSlr;|!'. `l'lI`ADLal1UUI.a U1` IIBILJIL/'|AVl!; El nlngslon,` incorporated under the above designation, ~ will commence its Sixteenth Sessinnpn WED-. NESDAY, October 6, 1869. i V|`HE SCB06I. OF MEDICINE at Kingston, immrnorated undpr the nhmm dmainrmuinn m.cuu.:1u::-rne lrgiucr, lI.lJ., I.4.lV..U.D., lla0|D., Registrar. Professor H. Yates, M.D., Lecturer on Clinical Meuicinc. ` ` Obstetrics, etc.-Micba.e1 Lavell, ED. Medical Jurispx-udeuce-Roderick Kennedy, H. D . L.R.C.S.. Edin. Anntomy-Micbael Sullivan, M.D. Mnlerin Medics, Therapeutics, and Pharmacy- 8. Skinner, M D , Member of the Phanna ceqticnl Society of Great Britain. Institutes of Medicine-Jnmes Neish, M.D. Chemistry and Practical Chemistry--N. F. Dn- nuin_ ILA` uuegniury anu rracucnn Unelnlsu'_y-N. E . un- puis, ILA`. Botony-'l bomas R. Dnpuia, M.D. Practical Analumy-Francis M. Wafer, lIfD., Demonstrator. The College is aiiinted lo Queenls Univer- ally, so that Students may also obtain the degree of 311.11. The Han-iculstion and Curriculum are those established by the Medical Council of Ontario Any further information may be obtained by applying .to tbe'[`resident or Registrnr. Kingston, 21st August, 1869. Vi-`HE `nes! TASTELESS Castor Oil is to be bought from THE CAEBATRACA WATER." Kincon, May 3, 1869. 1' Dairy mited lo