Kingston News (1868), 2 Oct 1869, p. 2

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LUU 000 t\.'l UIU 005 004 005 (III UIU 000 HIK uuu 030 650 1 Km Av 12% 1 IA DU 12; 50 ULI 26 00' ooo nbn I. U0 000 045 nnn u no; 007 006 003 l\I'1 IVV 090 800 'll\I\ It having been represented that there in 1 ditculty in getting the trein to come h on the bunch track at night, is was de- dded to receive the Prince at the lower E1 0'} 000 J U au 0 40} 0 12} uu 12] r H7 `H-{SUBSIDY To I.}0vA" 5001-ml. VNea.r1yVevory nmd 5: stock nest Silver any 1 an amsaow wsnsaouxt` I DESPA-I-CH FROM E ARL GRAN- Montana, hll been run by Indians, and some _`DELL 8 00., Importers, igatg . V`LE' m`:ll:g:r'lil:?:;!.t: ea:fc`:3n1 s'r.;ld$It, of Broekvillo ;:1ir'go:>1:sirf1rvle:liI3:. `fad w?' ` 0`; The following is a copy of Earl Gran- con. who h- mecca `O h". .Mondd.rem_ chpn.,'nrp`u 4;I;h;:r1,e1!. 11llslIIp`="l'h(~*.A _ville s recent despntcb -already mentioned 1,, mum-,nn1 to $250,000, the losses in any | fore shown. 3 `M M." `I m the papers-to the Gove1-nor General re- ` ` _ _ _ instances fnllmg on people of mode:-no incomes l - specung the Actoflast session on the :n- ,-._ u_,, .___ ,., _____ ___. `_ _ ___._,_._ .._. ` .4 .4-an ville in specting Act oflsst session in- creased subsidy to Nova Scotia :- Downing Street, August 28, 1839. "Sir,-As I observedjthat a doubt was en- tertained during the passing of the Act `re- presenting Nova Bcotia -a copy of which was enclosed in your despatch No. 78 of the Bad of~July-whether it was competent lor the Legislature of Canada to pass such a measure, I thought it desirable to take the opinion of the law oicers of the Crown upon the point; and I have been advised that the Actis one which it was competent for the Parliament of Canada. to pass, under the powers vested in it by the 91st section of the B.N.A.Act 1867. an 1...... 41.; -- "nun ;.;x;_;.v ux-::u.z1nu. Our readers will remember that during the early part of the present year some cor- respondence sppeared in the rpectator hav- ing reference to the Excise Department, and to the conduct of Mr Brunel, the As- sistant. Commissioner and Inspector of In- land Revenue. In that correspondence it was suggested that the motive of Mr Bru- nel`s conduct was to be found in the fact that he made money out of seizures. Mr Bruncl was very indignant at this suggestion, and addressed to us a letter in `which 1... mmnu vvua vcly nuuiguuuu BIZ [HIS 8UggSUOD, l1l)(| letter in which be totally denied the soft impeachment, asking per- mission to state: . 1st..-That I have not received, directly or indirectly, any portion of the proceeds of any seizure made by me or by any per- son since I was appointed to my present oice. ' cue pruuecus OI se:zures." We had no positive evidence at the time on the subject. and were forced to accept these statements. A Parliamentary return, however, which has just been printed, giv- ing "the names of the oicers in the Civil Service who have received any sum of mo- may as allowance for special or nrner ser- vices, SiJ()Wlllg the amount of salary and other umlitlonal amounts so paid in each 'case, throws some light upon the matter, and proves that Mr Bruuel had received Important emoluments from that source. Turningm liln Tniunzl m..,....... n._._.. ULIJUE. "2ud.--That it is A condition of my pre- sent appointment that I shall not have any interest in the division or appropriation of the proceeds ofseizures. We luul nn nmaioiun .u.:A........ -A L. -1.. A -- -... r.-.-.. nu ...........3 -I-`I wuuuuu-ac. By resolution it III nlso crnngcd that the lpyor, the member: of the City Coun- cil, Ind the Receptiqn Committee should nedftho train 5: the lower depot and Court him to the Drill Shed. an an _,\_:A___,_,_._.: - _,, n,..-,,, ._ _, wnguea) "UBANVILLE. Governor General The Right Honourable Sir John Young, BL. G.C.B. G'.C.M.G. % uuluu maul; UIJIUIUIJICKIIB H'0l]1 Ell Turning to the Inland revenue Depart- ment, we nd the following sums credited tc Mr Brunei in 1867-68: Salary.... ....................... .$2000 00 'l`rave|ling:cxpcnses............. 2000 00' Allowance for special services 600 00 Proportion of seizures ...... 3192 90 Now, what are we to think of a gentle- man who had,just a month or two before, pncketed over three thousand dollars as his prupf)l'ti0LI of seizures, and yet ventured the statement over his own signature that he had never received, directly or indirectly, a dollar from that source? We fancy those who know Mr Brnnel best will perhaps not feel any great astonishment; but surely the public will inquire whether a. man who is so utterly reckless of the statements he makes is fit to be entrusted with a position such as that which he now occupies. The amount received by this Mr Brnnel is some- thing startling. $7,792,130 in 3 single year to a single oicial-over fty per cent more than a Minister of the Crown receives-is certainly a. nice exhibit. There are nnmn nfhor n.-.:...o. :._ u.:_ ucnmuny B DICE exmmt. There are some other points in this re- turn which are suggestive 0'!` the way the money goes. We may take occasion to re- fer to them at some other time. This in the meantime it is right to say, that there is an evident awakening to the impropriety of this kind of thing at headquarters, and that the years 1868-69 exhibit fewer cases of sp-`cill geivices paid for than did the preceding yea.r.-Hamilton Spectator. uauuo We are afraid, when certain matters be- come known in relation to the Prince's visit, that outsiders will set us down as a set. of vultures, or even worse. The fact that ve dollars an hour was charged by cabdrivers here during the exhibition is a small matter compared with the account furnished lor boarding and lodging the Prince and suite during their brief stay. The bill, as rendered to the _Board of Agriculture, in-detail, presents one of the most glaring instances of .extortion on re- cord. Only imagine a total sum of two thousand ts hundred dollars being charged the association for entertaining the -royal guest for a term of about two days and a half. The whole thing is outrage- ous, and we cannot wonder at the action ol the Board in reducing it to a gure less than half the amount-onc thousand dol- lars-which was considered more than amply suicient to liquidate all expenses. In fact, many aver that ve hundred dollars would have done the thing handsomely. This, we think, is nearer the mark,judging from the charges made by Mr Derby, 01 the Tecumseh, for accommodating the Gov- ernor-General and lady, the Lieutenant- Governor and lady, Sir John A. Macd o- nald, and the -Govcrnor a attaches, which did not exceed the latter sum named. We opine, on the next occasion of a prince s visit, that greater caution will be manifest- ed as to where the guest is to be lodged, and who shall be his caterer. We think the authorities more immediately interest- ed will have by this time learned a_ lesson that they will profit b . We have examin- ed the account sent in by Mr Glackmeyer, and feel perfectly disgusted at some of the charges. Imagine an item of $120 for dry goods; $40 for beer; $160 for horse hire; $100 for the use of a carriage in which the Prince rode, with 8150 additional in another item, and this, after representations were made to the board that the Prinos s carriage and horses would be furnished free ; then there is likewise a claim of some $800 for emissions, use of house, &c.. with other outrageous charges of a like nature too numerous to mention. Is it any wonder that the Board kicked ? The bill as it stands, is worthy of being preserved for future reference, or as a memento of the visit of-Prince Arthur to London. As a proofof the exorbitant ' charges, we may state that Mr Glackmeyer consented to ac- cept $1.000 in sattlnmnnt hm lb:-.-a.J_ ALDERMAN GLACKMEYER S LITTLE . BILL. 117.. .._- _'.__:J ( I unn:u,on'1:nusy. A the on neprd--q qnilnvl 1:442. agar I: recently hennohud for in 15,0001 state ms: nu uiecxmeyer cept $1,000 in settlement, but ultimately refused the offer for some reason. Should the bill be taken before the courts of law. some astounding revelations may be looked for. l The residence in question we: select: ed for the Prince nt the o/wher e awn request and on the untlerstending that honour would compel him to make A mere nominal charge for its use, the fact `of the Prince occupying it being, in -his estimation, almost auicient to repay _him for my tern- porary inconvenience he might be placed at, and that he would leure it altogether with the board to name yhu they eons!- dered a proper remuneration. How difet-. eut then and now.-I.onJau Prdotgqe. Hetsog, the noted runnln dnuti, on Tuudty. _ ._;'hona,aioain om. A WELL PAID OFFICIAL. .. _.....l..__ __:n _,._. (Signed) 7 General v-3;-motion the Drill Shed wns selected II the place fm-presenting the Addresses. D- _....I_n:.._ :5 -__ ..l... .--._......l AI.-. YUI. I have &c_(:, I (In A1 ve oz_(', Gn.mvxLLE. uuuuu -vvaa .-nun, vu yuvyav va auvuua-sv -aauuaaaru Dr. Hall has discovered to a certainty that the same year that the Erebus and Terri? is abandoned, one of them consummated` the Grant Northwelt P-asuge, having ve men on board. He is also certain that the manuscript records of Franklin's expedition are in sv_anlt on King William`: Lend, but ` it will require a. search in the summer season, which he was not able to accomplish. n..:.:..n..._._ L..- _._-_..s_ 1.--- .u__ -_-__ -: -_ I --no VII uvuv-uyuwu . Heidelberg has recently been the scene of en interesting gathering of the J uriet-onsulta of Ger- many. This society, which is the only one of the kind in existence, has now a life of eight years, end it numbce Among its 2,600 members all who are so interested in the law to be oblig- ed to study it-s.e magistrates, Advocates, note- riee or administrators. Ill purposes are to ex- amine l_egel questions end to promote the uni- cnlion of German luv. A literary undertaking of not extent ha been projected by A society of stunts in Paris, having for its object the reproduction of all the masterpieces of litersture which have sppssred in ancient And modern times. The title of the work is the "Bibliotheque Internstionsle Uni- versolle," and it is to consist of some 200 volumes in large octsvo, to he issued at the rate of two volumes esch month, at an unpre- cedeutedly low price to subscribers. The works reprinted are to be in the best French transla- tions, and are to appear on a prescribed plan, in order to show how primitive ideas have been` developed into orgsnized forms, and how these have undergone transformations and produced reactions upon spheres beyond their own. The French Government he recognized the import- anee of the work, said has approved of its publi- cation, and many eminent men have promised their co-operation. On Saturday, Octobtrr 2nd, at St. James Parsonage, Kingston, the wife of the Rev. Francis W. Kirkpatrick, of I Ion. n l:sn'|'U unuiu 'rn.a.1us.u TU '1'l:lli IJAUUISB of Kingston and vicinity for their liberal pan-onage, begs to inform them she has just ro- turued from New Yogk, Montreal, and Toronto, and that an elegant and most varied stock or MILLINERYI As the services of 3 first-class Dteasmaker have been secured, aha is now prepared to exe- cute all orders in ` w--v.- --... ... -_.. -.... ....-..u ` It Tomlin: presented a rewlution :9 ex- -p'.Inge the name of Mr W. B. Simpson from the committee, but it was declhred out of otder. |Prince Arthur is coming. I MANTLES and DRl1__SlIAKlNG, Kingston, Sept. 27, 1869. SHEFFIELD HoUsE,| N RETURNING THANKS TO THE LADIES nf lrinnnlnn and uininbu fan chain Iilua-.1 IF YOU WANT TO ILLUHINATE YOUR Dwellings in honqur of His Royal Highness Prince Arthur, we are receiving I.l;iI dny A lot. of SMOKED SALMON.` CHAMPAGNE, ILLUMINATION CANDLES, WELLINGTON STREET. 55%)? %`9:1:~!9>,;W>%~ Oct. 2. 1ALT wunn SALION (SIIOKRD) to: only. Oqt. 1. Oct. 1. Illumination Candles. [0 31' um oanmoxrs bu: no. 1 White Dry Sillcty, Vigtorin Olnmpngne`, - Pnneeof Inna 0 hm-an-. Short lllmlnatlng candles May be seen at her eatabliahmont`, CHIN ES]? LANTERNS A LARGE ASSORTIENT The committee to dnfr the addresses pre- Ientod I report enclosing copies of drafts which were read nnd adopted. A II-g nl mun. -an gnhunnal an l..lI--. . III- MRS. KmusAf_ mime this day. PRINCESS STREET. For that purpoqo._ CHAMPAGNE}. BIRTH. CHARLES GBIO0R. W. R. E0813 8 00. w. R. Ham: 1: co. fW. B. 'Hi'xB.Al I O0. vvlllwnu -uuuv -as-s. -..-. :\n\lrU\p\la A lint of route In Idopted an follow: ; To Pnlceu Iuuuroln the nilwny iution by the culinary mule along Wollington unel, Princes nut: to Gktgy lust, tbonea down Brock urea: in Oily Buildings, Clarence street, Bcgot. street, Idrl auto: and Dri Shed. - ;; uon to their Silk Deparlmof I :1` `lack Glucie, Gros Grain and F ' * Ladies should use our Bzock bufor Q ` . 0 - WADDELL & oo. invito . ;, tion their De fnhkm: n n swm-n-t "`Ai""` In Q an. --- `K K n;uuu'uu 5 U0. invite upocm " '0 _ M Ooiplb. ing French Kenyon, Empress Olotlu, 3",`. Winceya, Ooburgs, Lustre: an}! Foggy. in great nriety. Lndiea purchuing should call and enmine our Stock. vvauunuu I O0. invite lpecinl H, tion to their Hosiery and Glen ' = Inont. The celebrated Jouvin and `*9: Kid Gloves in all sizes and colonu. ,_,_ nnuunuh 5 uu. invite |po1 ' It. tion to tbei: Blsnkel and Hg... partmont: Red, White, Blue, Flnnnela, English, Scotch nod Ossalln ken-1 splendid Stock to select frqm, ` English, Scotch and Onnldinn R wmnnm, 38001: inviu tion to their up a Dopnnnggg ing `of White, Greyrlnd Printed ; ingl, Shirtinga, Tiokingn, Towellinp, _ R WADDELL 8 O0. invite '0 tion to their Cloth "2 ing of Lambskin, Whitneyu, 3.. i` a nrioty, 9: low prieol. j----- W?!" I -. `E I up WADDELL & 00. invite 55* R tion to their Cnrpt De poetry, All Wool; Dutch and Ho variety and very cheap. Sept. 28th. nnv eaunsjim I MAltTLEs; &c. MRS. ANGLIQ `"1 AR ITTQH` Dllmtfnswnn __;.p _._-v-.z- ..I.Av\.l.IJI-_1"": HAS JUST RETURNED with a new and varied I and French Millinery, Mantles, and Dress` Goods, suitable for inspection of which is ` The Show Rooms are now open. ' (`En-.-A_ 1.. 41.- -_ _ Clncapeatlnqne '1`:-ulna Wellington Street? Kingaiou` , V Sept. 23, 1869. .- . A holiday having bean strongly advined, the lane umocncnd am he would lune I procla- guioc for 3 holiday on Wodneotlay nernoon_ CI.` -.-n_-n -A34-u-_A dill L-II ___4 -____ ., v TWO FIRST CLASS IMMEDIATELY. _ Highegt NE W 6003*? R. & J. %Ga1:t%` U8 STOCK heiugnov - _ and choice , us: in nu aid Winter one ufovurnn from the` III& in the Britieh~Inrkete. we - - prieee-It which we or the. Goode of the heel. quality will-a v fevonr use with their ` 1 ....u ..u.-,`-ix. a.--Lwu lllllllg ~ cod t e board, Adams, - i'ioc::'o,en;Pulewn&Beynon1I. , ` _ A aourznaut; ' x` 0 z. 2 3 --ra.,- henkere,m` oI:'pon cmon e7 meta! he 1 Anuicen ennency buying_e.t 751'! Iver; umng st 75; bma. J 3;, eelling gt 2. Gold is` `air ! Sterling llxclnnn In . new Uoburzs and Luatrei, '7` New Sindee in ` . New Fancy Dress Good!-.-`-I" to-select from, ` New Wineoye, veiy chap, '_ New Velveu, _m:w roux niutns. . new rm, `Oct. 2.--Gold ma. ~ ling at 27% @ .280 for Iilldling New lumen and Ken m 0` Z-A - lonr5 to 10 lower; uedptl 18 New Breakfast SIIIWIQ, ' New Hosiery and Glenn, ' New Bahnoml Skirts Ind ` V `- New Ribbons, Flowers, heal, _ _ ` '_ .05 @ 8,80 for zound` hoop Ohio. S-tine Tnmmine-. Frmxes. Chill. 3 V y;-1-In no but at 4,7; on e,;o. n-meats. with -ware- t pI0!u.Iin-If w , * vier; receipts 34,000 but; ale: 9 re-nrbhhlylawprieu; `_ I `It 1,3816, 1.42. for no. 2 Opting- New Blankets and F -- . white man; 1,40 0 1,425; for wi gixn and '(I3dot1t'on `-` , ; ~ ~ ember _ weetem. Bye -,qoie. . i inglp. owellingl, - * ` `L L; - 110 0`b,nah` calm I.neennd"IuIlin Ounelnl, . nod, '00 ` W 806! , ` 1,00 autos for nu`-d~ 1 neon e 1 ~ r , null :, loy` - 0uudio_n 'l?wcade_, noveniu h .1s,obo bush; -3; so, use is `l`lu,8lm-u,-Oolllu, [they ` * r S Butonopneonu, 2 ; am soo um 36 31.12 money only. ` l money only. QUIJJ smzu -mu orron ~ n. v VESTIINI: " A RARE CH-1 ;.n.1 `Ask emu-on wonn, 1'3 ----`-- -v- - -'---J '- " --'-`*1 -----VV"_ `I'M -outing adjourned till MM`-put Ieven on loudly owning. *_,,0' mnv Mniffim` 'l`~3"ADB.' me only complete uoqwlnolrl I Haberdashery Blllillllillt in I` IV rattan far napinl n III NOW RILEY F0811 `New Black Lyons Silks,` New Fnncyzsilku, New Satinl, Nerloix-9 Antiques, New'Ponlin|. new 101:9 Antiques, New'Pop1in|, New French erinoa, New Emprest Olothn in moiea shades. ~ ` :noI ` `. Rom'nl::`.e.;;pc, quite ney, " New Ooburzs And ` ._ " Good!-.- -I ,o-select from, ` .j:..-_______.-_ WADDELL h co.- . to their n...:-. 'i`%-?_-j WADDELL as oo. . tion to had. 121...: Sept: 22, ms. Ybno Ions C0l0Il`I.-'IO jnvonilo,eon- nit, under the direction of It Nehon,o{ To- nulo, cone ol! last evening In Ontario Hall, and was very poorly attended. The progiunxno van olnitdly carried out, and the ohildnu a dsng shoved Iona ucollcnt training. The C1 by Ibnl Allan and Bongo was beautiful- in --J.-ml `-4! oh. .4--- -..I- L- u:-_ I210 -l- 0- Clark. ` T0117 00UN0l>L(.m utuaxmoxm. nxcrmms omen.` A.p.x.r`as..u..g of m. on, Cotmcil,collod U-,0 s-""1-_ I by the Mayor for the consideration of the best 1 means of tendering I reception to Hi: Royal 1 > n:..|.....-- o.:_.. A -.|...- -_A .n.- n..---....- rs-.. (`I OLD, Silver, no A_meI-icon lone_y booght `sum-ins, mg: AUTUMN, 1.131 or Nam B. c :4 , inviu mint `n 5:9 - CA BLE NEWS. ' Pnria, Oct. 1.-A Council of gill7be,held_ to-morrow, at which -pected a. decision in rggard :0 th aitionpf the Chambers will be a A jndrid, Oct. 1.-A commission Deputies toitbe Gorges has been `gith the duty of geporting on th .gndidstes for tlie throne of Spain Qdeenshown, Oct. 2,_-The steam: of Baltimore, and Jasta, from N *1 -_- -__.'-AA pm-.:u ltltl und Vanni; 5,95 I'D man to choioo ext:-I Into; 590 Ohio. ad ; , 92 at 1,88 0, 1.42 spring; lo amber` Bgguggulat. wax- nooiptu 110,000 _| ` huh}: 0 1.03 ooitfnd no tutu-n. Barley, ' t. In 18.050 huh: ' 131:: 212:: '-- __.. -3 _-.-.- -.-u... um... ..-v-.u [y undated, nd tho piano Iolo by His: Lilly Ion: In accepted with nppluue. It Nellou hnlutl',ndiacn with I am; not on tho pqnnno, which wu wall naivod. Being bully neon! In nun-nod and An; "Yon'l ro- jc In.` In upihl style, which wt: u soon `@wcIIyoloo1duong, Ioooupniud ourthe j TH 050% III. by the children, awn lid: 1II.can ..`.s...n 1.. .....; -uvusuunu JAISAET3. (Special Tclqrauttoxtic Daily N llontrnl, Oct. 2.-Flonr-reoaiIq M80! ofxyaturday Itill rule, `but ' with very lmlu business to Aaron. 6 nportedtnnuotionu; mm the . ` `tolninsl. Potk--unchnagod. Butter ' n ' mind. Pox:--nu1m' "1aLT:.':"- in modern: demand at his rites, V . Aches quiet I!'I. ; awaiting transportation. ` 2 ; Indianapolis, Oct. 1.---A terrihl y occurred at the Smte Fair this 2 The boiler of Sinker & Co. `of thie E loded' afew minutes before int ? l1)`l1ere toe an immense crowd on th ` 31: the time, and it is dipnlt toget ticnlerl. At present it is known rloniwere instantly killed, and : will probsblyreach L fair ground after the accident w ljheertreygding. In one family,` ' of A, mother and three children, the fuel killed and two elderlchildren moulded; sgexitlemen sndluiy w Zing together, the `gentleman w .,gnd the lady unhnrt. As fer u aeeertained to-night, nineteen :1 nonnced at the board, dame, f Room. and Pnllinum E. n...........: sueneni urysw, (uni sen: ROW E-,`](ondny, arrived on the Florida E morning. It was joined; the C vhteers Lillian and Teaser, on which were 1.600 men and a. large of arms and ammunition. Anoth V of men, under the commend of Steedmnn and Mngrnder, are now poll: embarking on '8 third vessel common 'rendezvons.o' the` Cub The Lillian and Teaser, with 3. nailed for Cuba last night. They joined at sea by the pl`-ivnteern Ho Cubs. carrying 14 guns each, some are 100-ponndere. These four 7 1 escort the expedition wits nal dea Q Volunteering is very brisk along gulf coast, and already 5000 nwnitipg transportation. ` Indinunnnolim Ont. 1__A i...:1. - uv-.1nJ:SU.lAl4.' Kingnon, Oct. 2, p..--.I' .hnka-I, report money magic! as J union 76] Illvor; va- za, Gold at Y nxclnnn an mung pt G: 3.L'l Ixclnngo Si. nusu Clsnvvuc Glugoiv, Oct. 2.-'1`he steamship New York, lugs ari-ived. / -can A `an! A1 A `an putnnannv-I-(nu: no: "way, Uuu.` 1.-'1'llB Ulll . tion, 400,utmng, under the col; :`Genernl Crysto, that left New: E `nndnl Arrived nn thn `Din-h-I. . : nay; 93$ Jot account; Amndan I !-NAHCIIAI ; AND OOIKEEO London, Oct. 2, p.In,-Oon|oli 9 quiet and noady; Five-twenties, `as, old, 34; 67,83;- Ten-forties we - steady ; E;-io 241; Illinoh Cantu-I Western 27!. _ L Pu-in, Oct. 2.--Boone at.` Bonus mm, Oct. 2.-0otton opus q ordinairo on spot `I -12L - I'n___.-_I 11.. n n-..-- - .'. gnu-.---v v- -r-- - -_.. Liverpool, Oct. 2.,-0otton quiet; mid; Orleans 121; sales of 8,000 ha] _o( which were for export nnd up: L 0116000 640. . x. 1 ,.- - an - , _-u - `IX u`~ u jljnnnanu.-.-..a.x... _...._ ' London, Oct. 2, p.m.-8upt rmer tor 381- snout. . , ,_.. ._... ...-u,-nu: uuulll W0!` {fumed throughbgt theworld. \ _ ednnetionel novelties in 5 so In the Rue Richelieu, where, 5;,-rt3`13.DAY EVENING, ocrg g- `am: 1.4291 PAGE. New` York _Pl-on Key West, Oct.- 1.---The Cabin inn. 4011 ntrnnon under nu. nnln ~ -vl any uuuulenl IIIIVCIIIII um; um 31,12 rnew man. Lud heavy)! I! ll I_u;1sg 0 mcrockouxu.-914 ::r`6'::'dp1'sl::`b':" ' , D3111/hmoht In .1! A BY TELEGRAQ Quio Iltlwhluu-nth. I up j|'n-njuuuuuuou. r.ho.uu.:;.. _- -- ---- -nu -ununmeui. *jV-annu-n-.u.n...........=._ .___.___._.-___:._---. ` uozmznt. xmxns. Atrial lLI..._.._.'a.`al.- 11.31. :- NOTICE; . lvllwvvlub ...u_.vy-- wuua. y uuuuu - . Aldermen Allen, Brown, Ohowu, H. Oun- ninghun, J. Ounuinghum, Duiduon, Drennan, _ Gibson. Gilderaloeve, Kingborn, A. Livingston, 0. Livingston, Robinson, Shut, Sulllnn and `Taxation. `Pk- |l--n- -nhl I`- gnu-uugal 01...: .II 01.- -u...--., IOIIIIIIII. The Mayor said he supposed that all the mem- bers of the Council were well aware of the pur- j pose for which the meeting was called, and that lhe should not enter into a lengthy statement explaining matters, but would have the telegrnme read which were received from Hie Excellency l and suite, requesting that the information there- in contained be taken into consideration. The telegrams (which have been already pub- lished) were read by the clerk. The avor thnnahl (mm (ha mannnr in ihinh UUIHICII lllll [DO] [HID IIOGFIDQD) WOFB enure- ly ignored, but he did not Ace what was the use of going over the ume ground: thAt had been done the previous evening At A meeting of the Reception Committee. It was felt that An the banquet we: to be replaced by A hAll, And thAt the all Inn to be A select Aiir, they should not interfere, or plAce A Atumbling block in the any, but would decidedly object to Any Appro- priAtiou being nude to defray Any expenses in- curred by it. Then nrmn-Ammo -AA I-Annontnrl tn ha mm! but A usneu) wen! nslu uy me cteni. The Mayor thought from the manner in which the ball In innugm-sled by parties outside the Council that they (the Aldermen) were entire- lv icnored. hm he did um Ina Ihnl was the use cuneu U II. The programme was requested to be rend by a few of the Aldermen, which in: accordingly done. ALI h--:A-.... -1-5-) cl-.-A -1I c`L-A _--...!_..) , . f to-ndorin recs lion Royull 1 d A H bong! I 0 3 p V` Olga s.`o|';':,:.`h ::`::m._n.Kme,i,n Highness Prince Arthur and the Governor Gen- drla boughnncl told. `enl, wu lnlrl in the Council Chamber, the: J use 2'}. 6 following numbers hing present: l "`*"'_"_"' '_ " -"- _`.'T* Au--...-.. An-.. n....... ns...... :1 n...._ l CDC. Aid. Davidson stated that all tlnt remained to be carried out was the presenting of the ad- dreu, the procesaion, &c., but the principal ob- ject was the granting of a Iutcient sum of mon- ey large enough to defray the oxpenaea attending the roception. Kill A Lirinactnn maid Ihnl it wan -lmnnt lllU YICUPIIUH. Aid. A. Livingston said that it was almost too late to do much for A reception; and owing to the likeness of the Prince`: arrival here the people would have no chnnco to see him, since it would m-rnnv all thy. linln ohm: Hm Du-inns pwpm woulu nave no cnanco 10 see mm, BIDOB it would occupy All the little time the Prince had to prepare for the ball. He stated that cer- uin parties had taken the wind out of the sails of the Council in tendering the ball, but he did not wish to cut any censure on members of the Council for the part one or two had taken in as- sisting the counter-movement. Aid Dr-nnmm inlnalnrl On flu: nnnnnil H1-I swung Inc counter-movement. Ald. Drennnn intimated to the Council that an interview had taken place between him and Sir John A. Hacdonlid on the occasion of his westward trip,touching here on Friday afternoon last, at which S?r John threw out many good ' suggestions relating to the reception. He pro- ! posed I few amendments to the report of the ;select committee on the supposition that the {Prince could remain over on Thursday. No action was taken on these suggestions. Ald Tomkina moved that an the Mum: had uxuvu was IIIKEIJ on H1859 suggestions. Tomkinl moved that us the Mayo; had not procinimed 5 public boIiday,ond the arrival of the Prince would not be before 6 o cIock in the evening, he would request the Mayor and Council to rescind the resolution passed at their last meeting. Carried. Aid Drpnnnn mnvndwuu-nmind hv All RAH. nun meeting. unrrtea. Ald. Drennan moved; seconded by Aid. Rob- inson, that the Mayor be authorised to send by telegruph the form of programme adopted at the meeting to Sir John A. Macdoaald at Toronto, and at the some time to ask how long Prince Arthur would be nble to remain in this eity,_,tbe time of arrival, &c., so than the committee could beplnced in I proper working condition. After 5 little discuuion telative to vrious Vifems in the report in which the prospects of the coming ball were prominently brought for- word, 'l"L-|l . _ _ . _ _:1 L- .L-__L. :. .L, n 24.. ,1 wllu, The Mayor said he thought it the height of nonnenno to open up the old question, that of renewing talegrephio conlnunicalion between himself and Sir John A. lucdonnld. Raw-pal --.....b.... ....-..........a _:.|. |.:.. :.. .|.:.. lllllll Illa DH JODII A. HIDUODIIG. Seven] members concurred with him in min idea. All I! lV...._:....L-_ _-D__.:__ .- :1: n_-_ IUVI. Ald. H. Cunningbnm, `referring to Aid. Dren- nnn n Iuggnstion as to the Drill Shed being a suitable plane: for presenting the nddreu, &c.. said be highly npproved of this amendment, but it In: not the place ofthe Council to alter such mitten, mnmra. Aid. Chown moved that the report of the se- , leot committee be adopted 1 All!` Dremnn naked nermininn tn -ixhdnw The return: collected by the Grand Trunk Railway company from station masters rela. Em to.Ihe crops. while they show an occa- . Iiounl local deciency or complaint, conrm the general assurances of a bountiful har- vest. and give an indication of heavy agri- cultural Heights to be carried $0 market. Accxnan-.-A man named W. B. Holt, while going to his home on Montreal street, between eight and nine o'clock last night, fell from the boardwalk at the foot of Bay street into the qnarriea alongside, a distance of about four feet and received such injuries that he has remained epeechleea ever aince. We are informed that thepolioe have ordered_the lessee: of the quarries" at ditferent times to erect a fence on the side along the boardwalk in orderto prevent such cunalt-iel, but all to no e`ect. The boardwalk itself ha: also been ina bad state of repair for some time put. The unfortunate man now lies in a preeerione state, attended by the doctoral but the amount of injuries received are not known. . 5 Ian comunuea no uuopueu Ald. Dremnn naked permission to Wilhdl'lW his resolution, which was granted. A motion for the c'e:nimr nf Om.-rin n.n nu reuoluuoll, wnlcn WI! granted. the c'esning of Onurio Hull, Reading Room, 8c., was rvjected, on the time mu considered too short for the work to be accomplished. Ald hnwnrnnvul Anni}-Ar mnnlnnn in. nu I|JOUlIlvllIlI9'-I. Ald. Obownmoved another resolution for the adoption of the report of the Reception Com- mittee, which was carried. Ald H. Cunningham mnvnd an:-nnrlul I-m nuuu.-u, wmcu was carneo. Ald. H. Cunningham moved, seconded by Ald. Davidson, that the sum of $500, and no more, be placed at the disposal of the Select Commiuos for the reception of His Royal High- ness Prince Arthur, nnd the Governor General and suite; and thst no part of the said money be contributed towards the defrsyiug of my ex- penses incurred by the ball. The you sad nsys being culled on this resolution, the vote stood as follows : Yes: 12 ; nays 3. The Council ndionrned st 10: 20 run Wasuru BnuuL-A gentleman connected with the management of the Bazaar informs us that the amount of cub taken at one of the tables amounted to 3231, at another over $200 ; from the others there is no report. There were ve tablea, and all sold lame good: which are nolyol paid for. It will be some day: befot- the nal result in known. There were in ad- dition to the above a fruit table and lunch table. Not more than half the goods were aold. The good: remaining will be ofered for sale about Ohrieunaa. Notwithstanding the excitement about another aair and the aearcity of money, the` expectationa of the ladies ' managing the bazaar have been exceeded. POLICI Oomn-, Suurdny.-Thero In: no busi- ness before the court this morning. A Buulale. Ex1'ninxIuzzrr.-The oelebrat- ed English gymnaata, the Watson Brothers, with a large first class company, appear at Ontario Ball on Thursday and Friday evenings. Their performances consist of minstreley, gymnastics and variety, and is said to be by the Hamilton and other Canadian newspapers the best enter- tainment ever witneased. The yingimen act: by the Watson Brothers is pronounced the greatest gymnaatie performance ever witnessed, enrpauing all other daring acts. We adviae our readers not to fail to see this excellent troupe. See advertisement. ' There seems to be 3 strong impression is well informed qunrters that Sir Fnnci. Hinckn is utter I" not to enter the Ministry There is 0 rumour zhst Mr Wm. Workman, prudnt Ihyor of Montreal, Inny enter the _ menu as the ropreunutjve of British, u-wanna Ill power Uumln, with the oiee of llecoiver-Geaonl or Finance Minister, and ifao, probably member for Montreal Wat. ..---. r--v-- v: u--- vu--.1. Undonbtadly the country in determined to have an etcient immigration system; but in Ontario the people are inclined to ' depend elmoat altogether on the Provin- cinl government. Mr Carling`u pamphlet, Ir White : travelling agency, and the free lnnd policy, have been worth more to this Province than anything that has been done in ten years by the general govcrnment_ The favour with_which Upper Canada is now regarded in England and Scotland us i aeld for emigration, in due to the eorta of the Legialative Aaaembly and Provincial government; a result that _haa taught the people upon whom to rely for an eicient "1, nnagelpent of thia important matter. won I! Ionowl: Xena 1'1; 3. adjourned At. 10:20 pm. r `A- 1 FROM MONTREAL. i 9 ' 1 Montreal, Oct. 1.--It is hoped that the Flour, per bbl., mp ext.r|.. much vexed question of the twenty feet N3`o1Se"rl c fn`:1 l channel will now be set at rest. The llar- ' P Buckwheat our . ` hour Commission and the Trinity Bourd Corn Meal, per cental yesterday found that the newly dredged % ;1Yl " :`;5l`l -- channcl was twenty-two feet deep for 200 y " Peas, do .. feet by 300 feet. wide. Oats, do The French School of Medicine in con- %;`l:kwh:5`7( ) lbs" nection with the Victoria University will wt per " Corn be opened on the 5th of October. ` Potatioes, per bushel Two hnndred and sevenfy-one new Tm 39. d0 huildingsirlmve been erected in this city Tumips per bmhel _ Carrots, per bunch since the 1st 01 February lust. Cauliower.-1, each Mr Andrew Robertson of the St. A nd-re=w'3 gl'bS 95. 98}! Society presented a farewell address to the y` P" suck _ Vegetable Marrows, each Hon. John Rose, to which the latter mucle Beef, per 100 lbs 3 suitable rertlv_ Br`Pf W ' l .......- ---4 --a-v V. - utllubll luau. l a suitable reply. In... 11....-.) .4` Au. ...... -7 ---- ' __V-_-.- .-,.. . , The Board of Arts propose opening a schnoi in Molsoa`s Bunk buildings on or about the 15111 instant. ,4 __n __.| .-vvu. ...u .-o-.u nnlat It. is stated that Mr Provenchcr of the` Minerva is to be one of Mr Macdouga.ll s gov- emmcnt at Red river. ........`.... _- --\._ ..-- Last. evening 110 more Canadian Papal Zouvaea left here for Rome. There was no display of enthusiasm. 1.. .1... l\...._._l_ n,,,,I, n 1 n .- I I- .....r..._, `(I yuuuucluulnnu In the Qucen s Bench Belnngcs trial for murder is going on. \`ln..A-....1 f\,.a. O n-___:__,__:,L ,,,,; ,,. .....-. -_ D..._.D \II`I Montreal, Oct. 2.-Commissaria.t contracts for the current year have been awarded to Messrs Raves and Moxon of Toronto for meat, Patrick Moore for forage, and Du- frosne & M G:\rity for groceries, &c. WW... :9.) D._.._:..`..._L ___ A. _ , I I .1 .-- unn-u_, nu Bnuuunncu, um. The 53rd Regiment are to embark on the Himalaya for the East Indiesjon 29th, and the Royal Engineers on the Tamar. um. 11. an... 1.5. 1...-.. L.-. ..-.-_:.._ :._ V The Montreal Gazette, in dealing with Ir White's strictures on the incfciency oi ahe immigration department at Ottawa, is iorccd to admit that down to the con- ference of l868`(cw tliinga about the gov- ernment could have been worse. But it considers that it is unfair to throw all the blame fur past shortcomings on Xeaara Chapais and Tache. It so hap- pena, however, that all the specic gharges `which Mr White brings for- ward relate to the period in which Xeaars Chapais and Tachc have had a lmponsible direction of aairs, and these charges relate to positive mistakes and in- artneu ior which they alone, if anybody, are to blame. The Gazette asserts that their hands have been tied by Parliament and by the cheese-paring economy in which the Home of Commons committee concurred . It is true that the House of Commons has voted a smaller amount of money for immi- gration services than is compatible with liberal encouragement ; but as pointed out - by It White, the House in June last di- noted the publication in the United King- dam of the report of its own committee, which. instead oi hcing got on! rapidly, in , time to inuence the summer season of emi- gration in England, has only just made its appearance at the ciosc ofseptcmber. Some l of Ir White`: charges appear to be altogether nnanswerahle, and it is presum- ably because of their great cl-Lt that the V ocera of the department are desirous of being screened from the rising indignation of the public. Even the Granite, while seek- ing to shield them, is compelled to stimulate them to greater energy and cicicncy. It -.... -.vJ ... naubnuvulo uu vuv Jllllltlln Ifcm. Mr Rose left here last evening in the steamer Trois Rivieres, to sail to-day by the Ncstoriau. Stevenson's volunteer battery red 8. salute and the band or the Rnyals were on the wharf. The Trois Rivieres repiaccd the Richelieu C0mpany s steamer Quebec, to the rudder of which an accident. had happened. I uni ...u...:..r. ll I`\_XI\ _.:.:....,I 1.`l...~__:l h: ....... ... -..` . .. ..........\..` u\I|.n u \:| um. unvull. Fine Wczllllcr for Lacrosse 'l'ournum<.-n` this afternoon . ";_Swift s Wharf--The steamer Huron, ar- rived here this morning. Owing to the high wind which prevails, she is compelled to remain in port. The steamer St. Helen touched here this morning on her way to Trenton, and the prop Iler Bruno arrived here from Chicago, light. The schooner: Flying Send and New York are now loading at this wba.rf-lhe former with barley and the latter with lumber for Oswego. The steamer Corinthian passed up last evening and the Passport down this morning. Th: nrnnollnr Arum-G..- on....L....I -. _...._ .- A-.. .........,.y.....r= u uuuu AluI||\;\.I J.a\IIvu|\I nu- le_v was killcnl by the Vurmnnt Central ,1` u. r u -.... uuv . nouyvu. uuwu tum morning. The propeller America touched at noon to-day on her trip downward from Sr. Catharine: and Montreal, also the propeller St. Lawrence passed down on her wny to the same place. (lnrnnv h fllirhlnnh II7L...-6` , TL... .....I:`I.._,._.: ..-w.. -_ lav: vv-J nu suv uuuac yuluu. Gurney & Glidden s Wha.rf-The tnglillawood arrived from the Rideau Canal to-day with two barges laden with wood and one with ixon ore. Tug Francis also arrived this afternoon from the same place with four barges in tow, carrying cordwood. The sloop Frank Smith left this morning bound for Cape Vincent. with lumber. If the weather should prove favorable lhe schooner Gazelle will probably leave this even- ing for Oawego, laden with lumber. PBINCI A31-nun`: Movun:x1's.-Prince Ar- thur arrived at Port Ryerse on board the steamer Washoe on Friday morning. There was another demonstration when the party reached Simcoe_ At Waterford, on the road to Brantford, a bevy of young ladies presented the Prince with nu- merous bouquets. At the Mohawk village some novel proceedings took place. The Prince was led to the old Mohawk church on the Indian re- serve with the intention of making him a Mo- hawk chief. He was received by Sinco Kerr, one of *he cliiefs of the Six Nations, and a do` scendanlt of Brant. The chiefs and warriors welcomed him with a deafening cheer, and His Royal Highness shook hnnds warmly with the Indians and their wives, who `presented the Prince with Indian trinkets. A photograph was taken of the Governor General, the Prin :0, and a number of warriors in full ghting cos. tnme, views of the tomb of Brant, of the church, and of Indian groups, were also taken by the . Prince s command. The ceremony of induction was performed in the church, an old Indian den iiveging the speech in native tongue, which was interpreted by Chief Johnston. The name can. ferred on the Prince as a chief of the nations was- Flying Bun - in the Indian language, Kavakoudge. A war dance in front of the Institute followed, and the Prince was led for- ward and back twice, during which the assent of the braves was asked for his acceptance- The Prince was then invested with a handsome woolen scarf. By his decoration the Prince be- comes one of the grand council. as D.....6..-.I -.. ...I.:_-_-._,, - - ..-. ._ ...._ 1-we-Inn vuuuvua The revenue officers, assisted by the United Sate: enva`1ry,ere very vigilant in Virginia. Thirteen illicit siille have recently been seized end destroyed, end twelve men arrested. The revenue from the distillation of epple `brandy alone in Virginia, it is believed. will reach $300,000. et fty eenu tax per [gallon this your, ngeinlt $85,000 lest yeer, when the tax was tlvo dollnrl. _ ...._, . Hrs Poole, of Gnmfmxn, who had her leg broken 3 abort time since, while running to turn a flock of sheep, his died trom the eects of the" injury. The pain was :9 severe that some time after the limb wu fractured, she unwittingly jumped up And broke if ngnin. Morticntion set in and death ensued. nu 1-` -V-`V The Worcester (England) musical festi- val was the occasion tor the rst perfor- mance of a new cantata, which deserves to be called an orazorio, by Mr Arthur S. Sullivan, the rising English composer. The subject is the parable of The Prodi- gal Son, and the composition is one that meets with almost nnquslisd praise from all the critics. We are by no means prepared to Iay tint they have done all they might have done, or feel n.ll;the auxioua deeire which Mr White feelo in ooulnon with onreelvu to necure I large in- migration. But the fault has not been all theire Hot `n it juat to out all the blame on then. It ianot. the loutroe that during the `peat year their hands have been more free, Gov- ornleul and Paramenl alike regarding their work with a more liberal eye. It is time that they should prove thetneelvee elders and not hlndcen of the work they have undertaken. They Inuet abandon the policy of put years, and avatar: to the fact that the country in not- determined to have an eoieut immigration vote: in order the more speedily to till up the rub pheee ol the country." I'Y_.I.._L.a-.lI_ al... ....._a_.. 2- Jl_a..-_.:__.I -......... IIIIIJ \Il uuv `luau uvuuull. At Brantford an address was presented by the Mayor to the Governor General, and one to the Prince, to which replies were given. A large number of children showered bouquets upon the Prince. v-.--2, .u, 1- -- - Late in the afternoon (after ve o'clock) Hamilton was reached, when the Prlnce met with a grand reception. The Ilnyor read ad- dresses to the Governor General and to the Prince; The Board of Trude presented an ad- dress to Sir John Young. His Excellency and Lady Young were the guests of the Hon. Isaac Buchanan. A very brilliant ball was nttened in the evening. a A new patent mail wnggon, constructed on the street letter-box plan, collected the mail from 175 boxes in six hours in Washington on Friday. ll_- 13..-`- At n._,p___, u . - . . THE DAILY NEWS--SATURDAY EVENING. OCTOBER 2. ,-.`.-_- .._.. ....rr vvvv .. Lust evening a man nzfmccl Edward Ri- \`II 1 u .u iv ,. A SPE0IAAL> -TELE'GRA1lS.< S1lIT 1"-11>V?*}\_7Al;'IV.5?` user, per 10. . . Mutton, per lb per quarter... Veal, do Lamb, do Hams, do . . Mess Pork, per bbl. . Prime do., per bbl. . Sslmon trout, White sh per pair Pike, fresh, per pair Eels each Lard, per lb Tallow, do .. Butter, do (fresh) Butter, do (packed) Cheese, . . . . Eggs, per dozen . . Turkeys, each . . . Woodcocks, per brace Fowls, per couple .. Chickens, yer pair . . Wild ducks Dlnvnn 0 - o - 0 . u n n . FJUVOT - o Honey, . . . . Apples, per bushel Salt, per bag .. Hay, per ton . . Straw, per ton . . Wood, per cord . . Coal, Hides, per 100 lbs Sheep's Pehs each . . Lamb Skins . Calf skins, per lb .. Montreal, Thursday, Sept. 30.-'l`rananclions in Socks and Bonds have been unimportant, and prices generally throughout the list have declined smce our last issue. numb .-.4` u,.....,.-I 111.. u...__.u__~. :___ _ ._ ., 8_A1;fJRDAY Ei*sNING.oc1`6uER 27 ueulueu since our last 133110. Bank of Montrenl-We bnVe'hut few sales to rep(~1t,nnd these at. 162 and 1612. The stock has been heavy yesterday and to-day, it being of- fered at 161}. with no buyers over 1602. Bank of Bmish North Amerim._'l`hnm an nereu an 1011. wnn buyers 160}. America-There are buyers at 105 ; holders asking 106. Citv Bank-No u-msnminm on I-nnnrf 'N...-.. uu3 era In run ; uoruers asking 106. City trnnsactiona to report. There are sellers at 91} ; buyers at 90. Pe()nIp'.: RnnL*_I-{An rig:-Hum! 0.. IAKI 41...... an: arurns at any; ouyers BI 30. People's BB.nk-HA8 declined to 1051, there being In very limited demand. Ontario Rank_Rnlc-2 at on ....-1 av. :o :. umug u very nmwleu aem-ma. Ontario Bank-Snlea at 97; and 97; it is still in market at l..uer mta. \,.1m..v. p.....u.._-r......-;-._ .___.__ _.:.. . uuulra nu u.Inl'||El. La Banque Jacques 0artier-Nominally quoted at 108 to 108% Quebec Bank-No hing doing. La Banque Nalionale-Nothing doing. Eastern Townships Bank-Aaked for at 99 ;' no late sales. Union Bank of Lower Canada-Quotation nominal at 105} to I06]. Mechanics Bank-Wor!h 93} to 95. Canadian Bank of Commei-oo-107 is of- fered without attracting sellers. Royal Canadian Bank--8e1lera at 62i. Buy- era at 60. No sales to upon. Gore Bank--No late sales to report. Railway Stocks and Bonds--Nothin doing. Montreal Telegraph CoInpany-Ia in demand and scarce at 135. Rh-I-mlinn W. a:....o:-.. n-._____ - c -I sun In murxet at 1..uer rate. .\[o13on`s Bank-Tnmsf`er book: still closed. The nominal asking rate ex div. is 103}. Buy- ers off-ring par. Merrhanv Rnnlr no` n.....1..__ I1..- 1..-..- -..Ia Cl! ULl"I'I[|g pill . Merchants Bank of Ca.nada-Has been sold at 104%, 104} and 1041. It is to-day offered at 104. D... Ir )5: VI".._.._4 7, JV, 1 - <--' lU`l. Bank of Tor0ntu-In demand at 124}; no shares in market. Ln nan:-Inn `I --......- n__.;__ lv._r' II EIJU SCHTCG IV 135. Richelieu Navigation GoInpany-ll'li ex div is oered. Holders taking 125. . City Passenszer Reilwav UnInnnnv__'l`l-an uiv is ouereu. uoiuers nanng 125. Oily Passenger Railway Uompsny--'l`he ransier books closed until payment of half- yeni-Iy dividend is announced. Th re are sel- lers at 108. Buyers at 107 ex-div. City Gas Compa.ny-Worh 138} to 140. Mining Stocks-No transactions. Montreal Mining shares are offered at $3,l0, with buyers 3132,50 per share. Government Debentni-es-Quo'a.1ion nominal. Dominion Stock--Is in the market at 1021 ; buyers oering 105. ' Montreal Corporation Bonds-Sonree, and in demand at 971 and 98. Ilnnn-pal (lnrnm-grin-u '1 ....- ......s u.__:_ uamauu at :11; and 38. Montreal Corporation 7 per cent Stock- Is oered at 112;, with A limited demand at 1111. Montreal Harbour Bonds-Nono offering: . Sterling Exchange-Bauk bills are worth 8 to 81 prem. Private 7 to 71 prem. There will be a warm contest in Maine for the Senatorship made vncant by the death of Hon. *Wm. Pitt Fenendon. The most prominent candidues `axe Speaker Blnine, gx~Senator Horrill, ex-Governor Wuhburne, General Shipley, Ind Governor Chamberlain. ' The gentlemen examining the books and vouchers of the Banqne Nationale are Mr Riddell, of Kingston, and Mr Rawings, Manager of the Citizen : Insurance Com- pany of Montreal. .4 {1v.n wwwww ......7.. 1'____ 'n___ I\ According to accounts that have been received from Alexandria, it appears that the expedition to Central Africa, under the superiutendence of Sir Samuel Baker, wili soon set out. It is expectedthat this un- dertaking will lead to the conquest of ex- tensive territories for the Viceroy. Sir Samuel has received the title of Bey, and has arranged to remain for four years in the Egyptian service. Some of the best troops in Soudan have been placed under his command. and hostile operations are expected to take place in the country of the Bari tribe, which has refused to recog- nize tha rule of the Egyptians. The Egyptian government has not . spared any expense in tting out the expedition, and five iron river steamers are expected from England. Not less than 25,000 have al- ready been spent in the preliminary_ar- rangemenxs, but it is thought probable that the sum may be recovered during the year : operations. In... .. ...uu-uuun. GLACKMEYEIVS LTTLR B1LL.-0ur morn- ing contemporaries sre horried at the mag- nitude of the bill Mr Glackmeyer has sent in for the use of his house and other etceterts in connection with the reception of Prince Arthur, and they give vent to their indig- nation in leaded leaders of greet length, showing how enormously Glsckmeyer has deceived the Board of Agriculture and the public. Mr G. replies through the Proto- type this morning, and charges Hon. J. Car- lng with indicting the attacks upon him. The item for beer, $40, Mr G. says would not have been disputed had the beer been pur- chased at Carling s brewery. He also denies the statement that his house was selected at his own request. N ow here s a queer pickle. The bosom friends, Carling and Glackmey- er, quarrel over the purchase of a few doz- en bottles of beer, and are ready to bespat- ter each other with printers ink from head to foot; while those who were loudest last week in singing the praises of Glackmeyer and his house are now trying to see which can say the most to disgrace him l But wha.t s the use crying over spilt milk 7 You took your choice, gentlemen ; now pay your money. You can't plead ignora.uce.-Lo n- don Advertiser. MONTREAQ STOCK MARKET. mama: as MARKET." Esnnusxna :- :Kingston, Oct. 2. Vov 000 000 Ann lnrum or run Rzcxnxox Coxum-rn. -"l`bore In 3 meeting of the committee at three o'clock on Saturday afternoon. Only small number of gentlemen were got to- ` `ether at the hour of meeting, but members dropped in u the business was in pro- jug-

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