T -T __,.__.A_.},`_..- ,--.___ _ ,,___ Sunday D|I'(`(`l0l')'-IlotIrI of Pub- Ilc \\'ornl|Ip. and greatly preferred "l`l{EEMAN:$." Earl Russell communicated to the Royal Col- Iegerof Physicians and to Mr Freeman, that in Mrmilla the only remedy of any use in Cholera was Chlorodine. The Medical Times and Gazette, January 13th, 1866, states, II. has an immense sale Amongst. the public, and is prescribed by scores of Ortho- dox Medical Pr&CLiti0llcl'H, and, of course, it would not be thus singularly popular did it not supply :1 want. and fill a place. M...mr.u-mm-I hv the Inventor. Richard Free- and un place: Manufactured by the Inventor, man, '70, Keuuingzon Park Road, London, S. The genuine has engraved on the Government Slmnp (outside each Bottle), FBF.EMAN`S ORIGINAL CHLORODYNE." ONDY'S PATENT FLUID or natural disinfec- ' mm puries, dcodorisea, xmdzdisinfects, by the agency of nascent or ozonic oxygen,-it.s uctive principle. Being entirely innoxious, this uuly scientic preparation is peculiarly adapted for the following useful purposes, tor which all other disinfectants, on accountof their poisonous or other uhjcctiouable qualities, are unavailable and useless :- Detecting organic impurities in air and water. Purifying drinking and other water from or- anic matter lend &c. D 7 1 Freshcning the air of close places, and remov- ing bud smells. _ Fmnina meat. sh. butter. or other nrovisions ing bud smells. Freeing meat, sh, butter, provisions from r.-\im.. (`.n.u.rnu.neinn ohn n'nr-tn nf nrnnnin nniannu lrom t.-nut. Couutcrncting the effects of organic poisons taken into the stomach. . Curing Musty provender. Freeing wheat And other need from smut. Ilninoni-d..n ohn hnnhk nl nlnnla in nnta and CUH3CI'VRLUl'ICH. I re9;-rving and restoring the freshness of cut dowels kept. in water. no-p:t.xn\`in7 the blinrht n! the nnt.um9_ vim>._ uowcxs Kcpl. In Water. Desuuyipg the blight 0! the potutoe, vine, hop, mulberry tree, &.c. Washing dogs and other domestic animals. '.lc:msing bottles, beer barrels, pickling tube, ` .Y -v utensils. \V|!L'l| Lllflllllg KTUI. Enhancing the purifying and invigorating ef- iecas of baths and tubs. Dressing poisoned wounds and destroying imi- mnl virus. lUl' use. .N.B.-C6ud_v`s Fluid is the Standard Scientic Test. for Organic Matter in \Vat.:r. and allbrds, clic only known means of rapidly and completely 9'1 ex-Eng Drinking Vvutcr from Organic Taint, which is so common :1 cause 0! serious disease. To rapidly purify the air, use the diluted fluid with " L`-oudy'a Uzoniser" or other Spray-prch lucer. queer. CONDY'S PATENT OZONISED WATER, (FOR TOILET rUnPosns,) Removes from the mouth impure and foreign mates and odours, whether arising from tobacco or other causes, and .count.eract.s the irritation and morbid secretions of carious teeth. It puri- es and softens the skin, and, used in the bath, tends to: prumote A healthy state of the whole body. H RnI.I'.llA1\T nnunv I - 2- __-sLl'_:__ LUCK HCCU H'OH'| Sllllllv. Maintaining the health 0! plants in pots and umzorvannrinn. UUOULTD uuuruni uxnia FUN, Tun; J PEOPLE. Any one can use them; any- thing can be dyed with them. It. is ixnpossioie in this small space to enumenue the many uses to which these wonderful and beautiful chemical preparations can be applied; while their chief use is for dyeing textile fttbrica, their are also invnlunhla an A mnurim.-r naanl 31") UUCIISI ll `vVashi:'.g /hen turning l.UK`H.' uuusi use I5 I01 uyelng lexlzlla ntorica, they are also invaluable as a colouring agent. for almost. every known material, the ease with which they can be used and the brillian- cy of the result. being,indeed, almost magical. By their use almost any aifgicle of clothing can be dyed in a. few minutes for a few pence wiLh0ut soiling the hands. MEMDR A MD A Jill VITUS. Treating the infectious diseases of cattle, Iorseri, dogs, &c. Om: gallon mnkos 200 to 300 gallons adapted or use. VVILLIUUB BUILIHS ILIU HEUQB. MEMORA NDA. MAGENTA: The strength and beauty of this dye is almost incredible. A Sixpenny bot- tle will dye 20 yards of Bonnet Ribbon in 10 minutes; it will also produce it clear Rosa Pink by using less dye. Suitable also for Woollen Goods, Feathers, Silks, kc. WUOLLENS: Magenta, Mauve, Violet, Purple, Orange, Pink, and Crimson produce the most satisfactory results. Use alarge quantity of boiling water in an earthen nan. RIBBONS and RH.KR- Ru-nah ihnm quuuuuy 01 uoumg water In earth:-in pan. RIBBONS and SILKS: Brush them with soap and water to avoid creases, and to render them clean. Dye in boiling water. FEATHERS: Dye in hot. water (a. few drops -0: the dye is sufficient for one fesnber). COTTON: Mauve, Violet. and Purple are `recommended. LEATHER: Blue, Magenta, Violet and Orange. Dye in warm water. WHITEWASH: To color: Magenta, for Pink or Rose; add half a. bottle to 8 pail of water, then stir in ,the Whitening as usual. .`.{auve,'Vio1et., Purple, Blue and crimson produce pretty tints by using one bottle or more, as directed above. STARCH: Stir ins few drops of Colour-- Magenm, Mauve, Violet, Blue or Pink-, these impart delicate tints to Lace, Linen, &c. GU. WILLOW SHAVINGS, Wicker, Ivory, Bone, Hair, Fibres, Seaweed, &c., attract the dye quickly, ifapplied in boiling water. BLUE : For laundry purposes is A 1. BOOK EDGES: A Bixpenny bottle of Magen- ta, Violet, Crimson or Blue will make from 5 pin to a quart of beautiful colouring, ac- cording to shade required Apply with a brush. PAPER and WOOD STAIN: Ditto. OAK STAIN: A bottle of No. 2 Black to half :1-nint nf hm. wntnr ` lllll uencwue uunulnwni, pronounced by lonnoiesonrg The only good sauce, is pre- red solely by Len and Pen-inn. The Public are rnspoctly cautioned ngninuwortblee Juni- tatione, and should see thnt Len nnd P in" Names are on Wrapper, Lnliel, Bottle ma Stopper- Ask for Lu and Penine 8nn , Sol,dWholonsle and for Ix on, lg: t Pro prietougwoueuer-, lune. rouesnd ludi- yell ; luau. Barclay ansI8ou,Londo - e.- :to.; and by Greene: and Olllen Univ gully UAA 0113.11`: A Bottle 0! No. 2 Black half :\-pint of hot water. SATXNWOOD STAIN: A Sixpennv bottle Canary dissolved in a` pint. of boiling water PHOTOGRAPHS may be tinted; dilute the dye with water ;An bottle of Magenta. to a pint of water. he. . ILLUMINATING: Magenta, Violet, Blue, Orange; pour in few drops into an egg cup add warm water; use withs brush or pen Borders of books, similar to Ward and Lock's Ara-bhbn Nights, 80-, my be prettily illum- inated in this manner. Rl.A\`l'\lA\I.E Tlfl I` V nnnu mt nun .,-.. .-.-",-...- . In in gntifying to notice that the Byron ggguovany icon the wane .on both aides gt mo Alhntio. The 1 opinion ex- M in lnglusd in that Lady Byron In: as Ila Iubjoet to, Incntsl disorder, nnd M Q. `nu than in the habit. of seeming bu husband ol all sorts of crimes. [UDSON S SIMPLE AYES FOR THE DRDl.'L`. Ann nu... A... man oh...-.. . ...... DuAuumAL1uni, Jniuux, UUKN FLOUR ICE OREAMS, kc : While in a. liquid state add one or two drops of Magenta. A more simple or elegant tinting cannot be bad. OONFECTIQNERB will nd Mngenta',"Violet Orange and Pink useful colours. GRLATINES and GLUES are successfully coloured with these dyes. INK 2 A Sixpenny bottle of Magenta to n pint or more of cold water . 1118180. In EDIE manner. BLANUMANGE, JELLY, CORN FLOUR OREAMS. kc: While in A Iinnid annu nun; 4'1 uuycuuy uulue or magenta I20 pull WATER - Ono drop of dye will tint a quart. PRINTING on Cotton, Silk or Wool in the ordinary wav. {L111 IIJVIJ uu vuuwu, DIIK 0| WOOI 111 we ordinary way. BLENDING some of the dyes in the bath will produce tn innity of shade, according to taste. EA AN D PERBINS Woroaatu-shire Sauce This delicious Condiment, pronounced by lonnoiosoura only stood sauce. in mg. Sll. g the hair and darkening its colour ing grey. mg ` 115 tubs. n. DuLn.m1A1V UULVUX, Patentee, Battersea, London. H. BOLLMAN CONDY, Pnonnm |'2..n......... I'.....1.-. ! ...`.lnn Q 'm:muL.-Morn'mg Sorvife ice, 3:00 P.I.`, Evening Scr- V - - V II I - . ' ublished v t of general 1"'`d:-mi T",7,.:t(f311;:sI;>er ``'` amoun suhscnp 10 Md ' lgePric6, Five 09` JAMES NEISW Address, Daily News Oce, Kingg | I`Hl2`. LUNIJUN uuA1unm.x- (uouservauvu - 'l`l1E EDINBURGH REVIEW (Whig). THE WESTMINSTER REVIEW (Radical). I THE NOKTII BRITISH REVIEW (Free ch h) . nu) ` n BLACKWOODS EDINBURGH MAGAZINE 1 (Tory-) , 1 {`HESE foreign periodicals are regularly to published by us in the samfltyle as hereto- 1 fore. Those who know them and who have long subscribed to them, need no reminder; 4 those whom the civil war of the last few years 1 had deprived of their once welcome supply of the best periodical literature, will be glad to have . them again within their reach; and those who E may never yet have met with them, will assured- ly be well pleased to receive accredited reports of the progress of European science nndliterap turn, LBIIINID I.` U1`: Louv. For any one ot -the tour Reviews - For any two of .110 four Reviews - For any three of the four Reviews For all four ofthe Reviewu - For BlackwoQd a Magazine . - For Blackwood and one Review .- For Black wood and two Reviews - For Blackwood and three Reviews - ' For Blackword and four Reviews - A 1' U U 1' A U` Ii - When sent by mail, the Postage to any part of the United States will be but Twentyjcug Cent; 8 year for Blackwood," and but Eight Gent. 3 year for _each of the Reviews. lollowlng reduced rates, vm : The North British from January, 1863, to De- cember, 1866, inclusive ; the Edinburgh and the We.stm:'nster from April, 1864, to December, 1866, inclusive, and the London Quarterly tor 1865 and 1866, at the rate of $1.50 a year for each or any Review; also Blackwood for 1866, for $2.50. THE LEONARD SCOTT Publishing 00., RR Wnl`|nr-nin>.et_ N_Y. Subscribera may obtain back numbrs at the following reduced rates, viz The North British Janunrv. 1863. By Henry Stephens of Edinburgh and the late J. '-P.No1-ton, of Yale College. 2 vols. Royal Oc- mvo, 1690 pages and numerous Engravinga. PRI(`,R'.-$'1_ for tho two volumes. Bv thn I..V0, lU_UU pages anu IIUEHBTUHS l!llgl'&VIKlgi PRICE-$'1, for the two volumes. By post. paid, :58. A WEEKLY rmn.1_rJotmim., OONTAINING THE NEWS OF THE E.N'Al'EB.`I`AININ9 S1'0BlEB AND S] .L/ 4.4;: nun unu. DR. DE JONGH'S Oil is convincingly proved by an overwhelming weight of medical testimony, and by the practical test. ofjuccesaful experience for twenty years in all parts of the world, to be, hovoml all uunnn. the unrest. the most. effica- THE MANUFACTURE or SPURIOEQ G||dersIco\'`& Walkcm. wmn: IN ENGLAND. ARRISTERS nnd ATTORNEYS-at-LAW, . - - Conveyancers Notaries Public. Mr C ms Rcddmg, In bus evxdenco be- ' fore ay BL-lcct. committee, dvscribea the Illchard T. Wnlkcm, fncturcts in London. He stated that brandy Otce-Clarence Street, Kingston, 0.W. . .2. * tnodobywhichwiuesnre made by mnnu- SOLICITOR IN UHANCERY. cowl-that. is, wuhings of brandy casks- J. P. Gumnasnnvn, L.L.B. | Rxon. T. WALKII. -..I.. ..,\u.,...:.... .m.I.nMv Iundn nf ulderhcrries. , ,, , - ,, A, l()l' twenty I [III P8118 OI I-DE WOTIU, 50 be, beyond all question, purest, the most. effica- uous, the moat palatable, and, from its rapid curative effects, the most. economical ofall kinds. u........ .1... ....:..,.-d..n ....1..s..:... -4 n. .1- ,I......|.v. CIIHILIVO CHECKS, [[18 H1051. QCOUOIIIICRH OI ll KIDGS. Hence llnc universal celebrity 01 Dr. de Jongh'a Oil, and the unparalleled demand for this unri- valled prepamtiou. SELECT MEDICAL OPINIONS. SIR HENRY MARSH, BAR'l`., M.D., Phys-ician in Ordinary to the Queen in Ireland. I have frequently prescribed Dr. de Jongh a Light;-Brown Cod Liver Oil. I consider it to be a very pure oil, not Iik_eIy to create disgust, and a therapeutic agent. of great. value. The L. 8. Pub. 0o.slso publish ...... ...- .. ..... ..a..._...., . .n.u.u l{edicaIO"1cer to the Poor Law Board of Great. Britain. We think it a. great advantage that there is one kind of Cod Liver Oil which is nnivensally admitted to be genuine-t.he Light.-Brown `Uil supplibd by Dr. de Jongh. It has long beeubur practice, when prescribing the oil, to recommend this kind, since, amidst a much variety and nu- certainty, we have condence _in its genuine- nesa."---(Extract from Consumption: its Early end Remediable Stagesf ) .u..-. , u...-.....-.a-...u, cums.-.2. Coroner for Central Middlesex. I consider that the purity of this oil is secur- ed in its preparation, by the personal sttention of so good a chemist and intelligent a physician )3 Dr. de Jongh, who has also written the best medical treatise on the oil with which I am no- quniuted. Hence, I deem the Cod Liver Oil sold` - under his gunraiutee to be preferable to any other kind as regards genuineness and medical em- cacv. CHRONICLE AND Nnws, A wmlzmzv n-Aun.vm....;- . _ .u. ...........u. , Medical Ofcer of Health, and Chief Analyst to the Cityvof London. In all casesl have found Dr. dc Jonglfs Light-Brown: Cod Liver Oil possessing the same set of properties, among which the presence of chulaic compounds, and of iodine in a state of organic combination, are the most. remarkable. It is, I believe, universally acknowledged that this oil `has great therapeutic power; and from my inveagations, I have no doubt. ofits being a pure and `unadulterated article." y-.. A-Al\r n , ; .A-.u., Senior Physician to Guy's Hospital. I have frequently recommended persons con- sulting me to make use of Dr. do Jongh s Cod Liver Oil. I have been well satised -with its effects, and believe it. to be a very pure oil,,well tted for those cases in which the useof that substutice is indicated." A1500 -..-up. - .u.uu, xuuouu, Author of the Spas of Germany. Dr. Granville, has found that Dr. do Jongh s Light-Brown Cod Liver Oil produces the desired eifect. in n shorter time than other kinds, and tbs: it does not cause the nausea and indigestion too often . consequent on the ndmiuistration of the pale oil. 4 nnnmuty unnsulnetl In nun uuuuu_y. an in : ' -_:nrcls champztgue, the same authority says: in Englrmd chumpague has been made _; from white and raw sugar, crystallmcd h-mon or tartaric acid, water, home made 3 l grape wine of perry, and French brandy. ` Uochiuenl or strawberries lmvt: be}-n nddu.-tl . ` to imitate the pinks. Such a mixture at 3; i country bulls tmtlinners passes otfvcry well; _.I ` hue tin mg in the habit. `of drinking the ` genuine wine can be deceived by the im- pusttinn. The brmquot of real champagne which is so pc(`ulE:tt, it is rcpcivctl, cannot be imitau:d--it. :.< 1\ thing; itnpossihlv. ;..:.r;... ;. ...:.m Iran Fm-mnrlv corrected in L`, R. DE JONGIPS LIGHT-BROWN COD LIVER 01 L.` EDWIN CANTON, ESQ., F.R.C.S_., Surgeon to Charing-cross Hospital. For several years past I have been in the ba- bit of prescribing Dr. de Jough a Light-Brown Cod Liver Oil, and find it to be much mote ei- cacious than other 'etie8 of the same medicine which I have also employed with a View to test their relative superiority.-" - ' `IDMANS 8EA~SAL'l', for producing 1 real Sea Both in your own Room. The above favourite preparation in strongly recom- mended. ` ~ n]- `l)....._:_4_-_ `lIII\Il A In I. anger (Q1 _.. uwnueu. ` Sole Propriototl-9l`IDIAN -& SON, Chom- `un, 16 Wormwood Street, London, I._(). YARDLEX & G0,, Fgnoy Soap Ilakeu and`, Perfnneru. Erin Medal awn-ded for Purity and Excellence of Qunlity. London and Paris. BROWN WINDSOR SOAP. PB-IZE MEDAL HONEY SOAP. . PATENT SUNFLOWER OLL SOAP. GLYCEBINE SOAP. Every nriety or Fgnoyoopl in 1b Ban. Also in Cartons of 3 Tablets. pnvn-u: Dana and Vhdgo `DA-A.._- nan- Mum Burgoyne, Bu:-bidgu, and Squib coin Indontl for Ysrdlexl 00.}; prppnntionl. lhunfactory, '1 Vine Street,` Bfoomnbnsjy, London, and Depot, 5 Rue du Grand Ohnutior, Paris. Established 1710.} Luau Lu uBl.`lDl.`lB OK 6 IIDIEII. Pomsdea, Bose and Violet Powden, Coa- metica, French Extracts, Lavender `Watch Cherry Tooth Pane. Limo Juige aid Glycorine. . and every desoaiptiqn of preparations for tho Toilet. ' II......; D_......_.. n_-I.:z..- -_.1 n__:`.. .4, The Farmer-`-5 Guide DR. EDWARD SMITH, F.R.S., 1 Am--- A- AL- 1')--- 1 -_ 11---: _ POSTAGE. 1t hv mail. Pants cowl-tuat Is, winnings ()1 unsuu, unnu- colouring, probably made of L-lderbcrries, logwoonl, salt of tartar, gum-dragon, tinc- ture of red sanders and cudbenr, were ex- Kc-nsiveiy used in preparing an article which sells as-port. The entire export of port ` wine is twenty thousand pipes, and yet isixty thousand, as given in evidence, ar- Z annually consumed in this country. As :1- \ narrls nlnvannrurnn lho same nuthoritv SBV5`. TERMS FOR 1869. Al sh. tn..- Davina: DR. LANKESTER, F.R.S., l`....A-.A_ f._ tVn..A_-I 'II'!-I.II...~.._ DR. GRANVILLE, F.R.S., nlmnn AI` Hun Qnnn nl (lg-yuan: DR. BARLOW, F.R.S., n- Dl.....:..:.... on t'2....Va I12...- DR. LETHEBY, . .J' II....It$. ..-..I 111. 7U'.l"l` runnsmng Q0. ` 38 Walkehstreet, N.Y. $4.00 '1_nn loUU 10.00 12.00 A nn 1 .vu 10.00 13.00 16.00 . the ,'_'EL|L`l'ul rulunui I3 IJUL cIiL|I\:i_\ glllulluicas. the gamblers who caused the mischief arr not likely to smart. By 2!. trick to which it would beditcult to find a parallel in the Whole history of dishonest speculation. may have plundered their own freimls while attempting to defraud their custnui- ury vic;ims. There is an old trmlition that even the class which h ibitually preys upon sucicty haven code of honour for their own guidance. In this case we see [he conspirators cnnliy riing each other`s puc- kets, while the chiefs in the foray waLk off with the spoils. That such men should still be in the position to laugh over the ' i suk.-rings of their victims. and devise fresh _.___..-.. . _ . . ..... pl... ;. c-...1`..... 1%` ll... H E N R Y G R Parliamentary and ,l'um ll6o'._ - -------v----a -v-_-u , I Ila} 0 t I. 8 W 8 . * ` f `RANSAGTS business witlyugg p.` and the other Denartmenm .4 .1; V 'l\ABAU'lD unalnesa ' ` ` ` J. Depa ?`! ment'-; Obtains Incorporation {or ` Letters Patent; Drafts and t`"" Private Biilu during the Season - Cony Riuhts andwtus. n.'..`:.... .* .. rnvno nu}: (Lurmg the Beggjon _ Copy Right: and'lbe Regqgm marks and degigna procure." `' DtIWinlI.Sr)ecir.nlinnn ...a ..u..... marks nnu ueglgns procurea. ` ` DnwingI,Specica.tionI and ollu necessary to e?:cure- Patents or 1' pared on receipt of the Modal mu mnmuuxsg Hon. ,A. CAMPBELL,Kin 1..._ - . R1CBARDJUSON,Esq,, mum - Mlssns. RICE LEWIS & son 1- w.n. WILSON, 1:sq.,simo:oa. m Hox.JOEN CARLING, London T- BULL, EsQ., Inspector of `Ra ' Life Assurance Company - ` ` July lat. 1867. n il.; The Provincial Ii: maturing {Q A DE nah nvntlnntuuu -lI nuysicl IIIB ` I BE now producing all `& A of Amexigan Pgttexn LOCKS, LATOBES, KNOH,.=" offer them for 3319, to the . any but non}: non. - puuno, un Luann, 13110-..`, 5:19, to 'rg$'-` and at prices to, do Awnyig ' direct to the Hanufm-43 West; or to the Companrufj Messrs Evans t Enn,g,*g;] attended to. ----------------.....a. TATUTORY ~DEEDs--.a_ a carefully printed _ , Form of Deed lcgalised ; Sq at the Daily News Oiee gages and nlhrr hiw forh H[lCI'IUgB Ul KUCIY VIULILLIS. HIJU IICVISL`. ||'CSlI intrigues against the fair trading of the country, is one of the mysteries of com- mercial morality of this city. and we hope business men can explain it. to their satis- faction. uh"... okn nsnpm has m.o:-nl....n-..-..l .....-..- T` ' . xv. ,___' ""`9QU \ 71 BE NEW SABBATH 393 Bomzs u Tin a........s .3.` 1 an amp DADDA'.|' B0oK,':_!.` Tn Gox.nII,,,;lj Perkins, Author of ""l'.h9, _ net, The I\ew Shining : King. The Sacred Lam `E nmg," " lne menu Lllif` ',`_'3;' We will send a _ I any address, on receipt of ' '_ Gown Pnomn" in as folliwl;-:5 A Single copies in paper covers," 4. By the 1oo. u u . Dy we Luv, " I .433; Single copie il1b(l.ldO0VeII,;qLi By the 100, ' .;;. QABBATH SCHOOL Illllll. -.. 2;; n " "use new Hmniugil King, Sacred Luieij Dingle coples By 100, Sin ale conia nuwr-..,. We publish A.New8ou[_ .j give taauay. Send for aixg BRDQK . _ at l `. STALL S UN BIVALLED, Q m vrn me am. s:u.Auu`D U11l:u.VA.l.l.l4lp.I.W, UST INTRODUCED, 9 all leading houses in", Pianos, Organs, Billiard _ " I &c. Every one who buy} ` bottle of this Polish. ni *4 we will give full particular" is put up inbottlea If it half a dozen no ordu`od2"h ' ward prepaid by Exgiune Territory and Agencies" ~ BRBWEI ' Book. Job. Es TA BL"I a',`#;,! r as Dndetsignod I of Bull no Job Printing, arid` having Much might be mndc of the curiosities of divorce in the United States. The lut- cst and most extraordinary case is related as having taken place in Missouri. The parties were ugcd respectively ninety-four and eighty-scveu years, and had lived to- gether nearly seventy years. There was no particular cause for the divorce, but they divided the property between them and went their separate ways, without applying to the courts. is enabled to execute with greater expediting in the City, all may be favored. Wotk._I|q IIYl.I_ jli `burn at Run 1%` - 6 lines and under; and 13 cents for ef! ' , 1 "95: 311.3`? , : n I ! mmts for ever! x U IHICS vi"? 1?`. H5": 1 ! cents for evry x Y Above 10 Hues, 7 can" lion, and two cents per. ` insertion. ' fl ` n..L........-..o :....nhn.ihQ;J IDSCTUOH. ,_' . I Subsequent insertions! once a week, 4 eentt .7 Notices of _Birt.hI.. .50 -V, D0 of Ilm-ringa.J50. _-; `- Do ofDeat.hs... 50 i . Bnsmnsa No-I-xol.f -r heading,'lea.dcd or 9011 sured by a scale of toxin! under 10 lines 75 con lhnr `Nation: hfnd under 10 mm: 70 oenIl_`,I Other Notice: inhditp of which in to promote ti interests of Indivigngtufi Reports of Banks, Inlnrll! tn attend Iaetnrel. N nepons or nuns, ulu to uttend Letnrel, ' , Sennong; neknow --to be aonaidefed aqua: on the same Male ulilfi Busineu Notices." ` ` Price for square, for oI9=_ $40 with the pxivileghof ` 2. month, , 33.. Half square for N.B.`--'l'be square to nary bnsiness~ of <- ` W such house: it wtllnofiil "' ' Sales, Advertisement! of nnrtnal-nhln Notices. Sales, Advertiaepontl qt putnenhlp Noneea, individual Kemben r i for Stle. ' V - min; III F9,` ldlv IS puhlishod lfl. 'F"""W" i In ngmtw -95 !``_`. ?n The latest and most fnntastic suggestion in the way of telcgraphy is than of 3 French enthusiast, who, like all inventors and ori- ginators of grand ideas, is now being hear- tily laughed at in Europe for his pains. The old plan with discoverers win to rack or burn them; the new plan is to cover them with ridicule. bcrhaps in this case such punishment is not ill-deserved. Our enlhu~1i:et.`s proposal is, not to y to the moon, but. to communicate with the planets. He wishes to mount as gigantic mirror, ca- pable of being readily moved, and to give thehing signals to Jupiter or Venus. His the- nrv in that if thmm ans rnnnnn-rl rnnnh-In .9 SATURDAY EVENING. 0CI`OBI:`.R `. PRINTING 1; edit); ls puhnuu A Tffi` man. xe.n.._! ti DAILYQZ B00k39 . Labels, Himdhill .ua_uuu-J, Handbills, Pamphlets, Invitations, Law Blanks, Posting Billu, Concert. Bills, Railroad Bills, Uhanua Bnolua. IVISIIIUUII Ell Cheque Books, -` Business Cards, TWO REFEREOER; PBELIL Kinnnlnn useuuxg signals to J upucr or Venus. 1118 M18- ory is, that if these are repeated regularly at given intervals and in equal numbers of times, the inhabitants of the planets will come to discern them, to understand that they mean something and to return them. Should they do this, a code of signals could manifestly, without much diiculty, be devised. The proposer of this curious scheme points out that even now bright spots are occasionally seen on some of the planets, and suggests that they may possi- bly be similar signals from the inhabitants of those . orbs to each other and to us. The idea is said to have been discussed be- fore now, and to have been abandoned: but, however impracticable or absurd, it I has been though: worthy of serious atten- tion by the French Academy of Sciences. mu Agencies snowman": General uivianu um mun N91,` ..`-u-uu VJVWPIUIJI I HALF-PAST FIVE - ock. Also, one of the Batman will g Montreal every Kenning (Hominy ox HAL!`-PAST FIVE. for Puuge Tickpts apply sttho o algal and B1-05., Ontario street, 61* st the a River Steamboat ones; 32. L. v_n-yum .-` vesxidston dqily. Leavesolfa At 3; `AJI, _ {9{A.Il 11:3: .A.u. .. _1 an 3 PJI. 3 P31 4 Pl. ndnya,` `lueqdaya, 'lfhuudayn,_ K , sndsttnulnysu _ .. `I AM days ml Baturdsyl .. . . 5 Pl _ me: Wale:-town onvny from `pg _. __ __ --'!-IKPII ` OFFICE REMOVED TO KING S'I`REE'1' NEARLY OPPOSITE TIIE CITY ` BOOK STORE. got no m-05., unurio Street, of Stuqnboat O':ce,* 8:. La . ggf, foot of Johnson Blroct. lkinton, sci. 27, 1869. tungsten and Wolfe; Isugna M _ -1--._-n-a. was .5. rant. run-rmm ,NO lfIOE, nuns mmm:-- ~ , . rower Engltan, 1'nh April, 1863. ` tr. SPARTAN . . . . . . Capt. E` PASSPORT . . . . . Sujnollir KINGSTON. . . . . " Flnnll, MAGNET . . . . . . . " Silnpoo OHAIPION .... Cami OORINTHIAN . . " Dunlap. on (Hands; excepted) st l5l AI.`IF_'DAa0II an-rn _ u. I. KUIGBOBI Pp-ry Wharf, foot f.Bco`k St: Kinpton,Aug. 28, 1/869. ' i > uwgunen, puulg um 6:25 A,l. tn} :0 and _ ` It 2:15 P.I., oonueotin& .0 Ink train from the alt` . Into Sauna, meeting the 4:30 1?. ;_. Eliolno and Onion. and tin Nnh-In _ no ,-.wnn ,nur- . gut SA!) co;.`, xtxfguon tibia. . nus, uvaunsnnrq and an It on o'oLboK.A.IL. Luge; 9t`-F1(-eight-or Paige npnly to all abvo line is composed of tho ; L In: ` Joseph Bnwden, - TTORNEY AT~ IA VI, Solicitor in ` I Chancery, Notary Public, &c., 33 King street, Kiugstusi. 9:45 Al. on arrival 9! the laid and Bawego, meeting Gmud.Tmuk.` Ind Wen and Bar of_ Quinta Runner. 6 P.I(. on arrival of train frmn Run ngston; indnape Vlneefti 0onmmn'IIy Welncw V, -2805 Index} nus uuuuuicr, unsung un {:30 Li',.I;._. Rome Outage, nd the _N9l'1hO|;_ 1 min: Company : Propeller: letting cent for Oiwcgo and I Watt; Path. in londny_o`nly\nt 8 Am. ` `D E'llT`D17f\1rI oi -"` V`-. V-lLf_LV 1.132 ` _0An'Au-Fun: Conn, H-L LEAN ! 01!: Y .... 0. mm... 95299531 ! " "-"":.. "'""""" . 0. `>110!!!-lI',_'BIG,'7*" II'l'II, :'. II.L~`fea%_Kin" .(n,_ foamed) 3.! 4. $n'mpt 01 mating with the Grand 1'1-unk"'riiIt n 8LegIne1I_, outing an 6:15 A,l. tn} [nun uxui U'UhUUK :,.nteu_ onrxeigm-~oe ?ugo apply 1:0 anon-d `at to . -A V . ~__- J.'g4nnUraIB3 2 00.. - `- Freight Ann 5; nxrqn, 2} -uuonzbuapnt ll, Ihy ll,_l& rum . I Freight or Puaago I (1 ` '9.` nadlan Navigation --._ g omav TOVLEND. $50,oo0m lend oulhe QL secun'ty of Real Estate in the Guy or Goun- try at a low rate of interest. No commission charged. R. M. RUSE. Anril 23. .` K'."7j1-v-;.V.~ ._ . 74., mi: 10145:. nu. annmr ~ ~ 1 DAILY Bbu Balmjlgmn and -= . I .'-`Ts--L....,_..*. . r: . root of Brock Bu`: 9!. 2y; Avril mo. ` m TD LYOIIR TRENDS.- 1,, mm Nmwa :. -.---= vn1.UM XVH] in and ?' BAY OF ;QUIN'I'-E.` ung`..- `l....._. n_____ Mail Line of Steam , PIERREPONT; Irnn-I-man wn-I"-mu n l'l|7u;nrn_i3-\ Flrc A!I!l')ll|(S0 Comgwmy OB` LONDON. SAUU VII I, [lI - . . . . . 7:15 P.I SUNDAY TRIPS. ` A__ r In A Ganagbquex .. .. II sppl 5. It. I'anonu' ' 1062 of RI-nab `Hui... ii'3i xE z';'s s5"m room: an-o._k 3 HI IRAQ 11. l_. KINGHORH, Foot Brock Bu-`ea my . . ?.hl~ G. I. KING OBI nu-P Inn}, A! Iluanlp G 1'1 J oni Ht)lk vn-. 1:4-.4 _w.,vuv,vuv. PIIEMIUMS RECEIVED DURING 1868- $2,079,896. Funds deposited in the hands of the Government for tbesecurity of Pulicybulders. ` All re risks carefully surveyed, mud the mm: of Premium made to correspond with the risk assumed. A [A xnrg RWIDT ' lame Insurance Uompmly uf Kiw- i liavcn. n n UCV 369;" Hill-urine lnsurauweg. 1:369. -J. R. smuu, n|.u., )H_YSICIAN. summon, &c., PORTLAND, Rneidpnr-A Hm-rnwnmilH_ -Jlllrlllng OK`: \I\ r, nu..n: , |4v\ -nub -- . . ... , _ _ ltrnoolsf Enscomu. Cnrnca (Johnson Slrev.-x).-Llorning Service (free). 10-.30; Even- ing Service (free), 6:00. n.\...~..... .......... r`...-mm twallinacnn street) THE DAILY NEWS---SATURDAY EVENING. OCTOBER 2. Jillm Insurance Company of Ilurlford, Conu. L. J. llr-muss, E. P. Donn, President. Genera`. Agent. INCORPORATED IN 1819. CAPITAL .;-3,ooo,ooo.- ASSETS ;25,15o,9`31,71 ULL AND CAi`.G0-LUSKS lo and Iron: Inland Ports uu f:\v6umb'xe torms. - Losses promptly and libemlly adjusted and paid in Canada Currency. JAMES SWIFT. Aapnt. A 0!1ioe--33, Clarence Street. Kingston, March 20, 1862. nrx Dluusn, DU nunun, Residence Hnrrowamilh. J AHIISID DVV ll` 1, Agl, Kingston, March 31, '69. St. Lggwreilce Whart. zEtna Insurance ()0. of Hart- ford, Uonn PAID UP CAPITAL AND SURPLUS-- :55,15o,931,71. :._,___,::-A Pn ____- on.;u\A.-uxn ,.-,-..-, Losses paid in 50 _years, OI Kingston, M.-nr-.:h 3|, 1869. `HIS Company has been doing business in ` Canada for nearly 50 years, and during that time has secured the public condence by the prompt and liberal settlementofevery fair claim. It has fully complied with the laws of Canada by the deposit with the Government of Stocks to the amount of 350.000 in h-nun-A.` 1-. Ann! (anon v\I\I uyuuovvu And is prepared 1;; issue policies on terms as low as the safety ofthe assured will permit. JAMES SWIFT, Agent, St., Lawrence Wharf. Lr:..,..?.... u.....1. -2| hum (women and children. WI! |l:iD,'J5t , 01 wuorn Illuns were uuurr |ll|l:t'.'ll years of age, 18,633 males, 17,312 zemales, be- tween fteen and forty years of age, 7-l._~192 malea, 17,901 females, of hrty years of age and upwards, 10,538 males,6,9l1 females, mak- ing a total of 103,663 males and 62,324 fe- males. This occupations of immigrants were as followar 60 clergyman, -- 65 physicians, 58 ltlilll, 5,559 mechanics of trades not specied, 333 bakers, `33 butchers, 74 deamatresses, 733 Ihoemakera, T56 tailors. 1,058 masons, 1,518 of miscellaneous trades, 560 clerks, 16,533 farmers, 46,255 `labourers, 1,943 traders, 3,108 miners, 486 mariners, 5,699 servants, 763 of other spe- cied occupations. 56 whose occupations are not specied, and 30,132 without occupation, being These 165,987 immi- grants arrived from the following countries: Great Britain, 33,574; Ireland, 26,138; Ger- .many, Auatrin and Prnuia, 50,999; Norway, Swodon Ind Dennnrk, 20,169 , Switterland, 1,680; Pt-aura, 153; Spain and Portugal, 38; Italy, 105; olher South European States, 1,742; other European States, 2,780 ; China and Japan, 5,984 ; Britiah North American provinces, 3,123; Ilexico, 68 ; West Indies. 506 ; country not noted, 18,923. The arrivals were at the follow- ing ports: New York, 121,413; Huron, 15,847; Boston, 11,606`, San Frunciaco, 6,368; Balti- more, 4,768; Portland, 2,188; Detroit, 2,417 ; New Utleaas, 633 ; Cuyahoga, 119, Uh-K00, 51; Philadelphia, 80; Texas, 132; Key West, 110 ; Chicago, 85 ; other ports, 170. lfarch 31, 1869. DR.'VIC`%UR BAUD's`oRGAN1c_mED1(:_1-E. -.;.a-- any D. SA1'BAu:. ' Czunmcs WILSOI President, Secrel CASH CAPITAL .. .. $1,000,000. AKE AND RIVER RISKS LAKBD on 1: ..-I linllrtrunn no -u..._cnn..|\L~, -. n R V. BAUD, Graduate and Member of the Medical College of Paris, CniefPbysician Extraordinary for Epidemics in Paris, late M.D. ot the Civil Hospitals of Algiers, has just. in- troduced in England his ORGANIC MEDI- CINES. Than 4-nnaiut nf olnv-nu nu-n-\uu-ao-\na ,, Riial Assurzmc Conunmy 0' CAPITAL UILV DAD. Tney consist of three pl-ep3rati:>na- THE BAUDEINE, ; An eicient and p_l;ompt Re uedy for Cholera, Yellow Fever, Diarrhcea, Dysentery, and the excessive qction of the Bowels. A gold medal was awnrdd by the French Government to Dr V. Baud for Una valuable preparation. Prir-.e- Sma. In lid: Medium, .1: Ed - Lm-nn V. DSULI 1U!" LLHU VIIJUZIUIU preparnuoa. Price: Small, 15 Md ; Medium, -15 5d; Lat] Sine, 11s per Bottle. THE DIASTATIZED IRON , For strengthening the SysLem.-Price 25! per Bome. rrnn nlAR1'A'rI7.rcn mnwu-_ rotpunlyiug LL16 u1uuu.-r Hut: 4:) vu. per nouie. ',' The above Preparations ago in the form of Sweeuneats, pleasant. to the taste, and par- ticularly adapted for Infants and Mothers nursing. ; Rv tha cnmhinalion of thn Irnn m- Inning LEI!!! IJILIDIILIILDILI IUUILVW, For purifymg the Blc0d.-Price 23 9d per Bottle. `J Prennmlions are in the fnrm A new piano called the rnelo piano has been brought out. The only dierence between it and any ordinary piano consists in the addition of two litth: hammen, which after striking :1 key, continue to olcillatte until the key in raised, thus producing a tremolo or "dwell" upon the note, of eiognlar eect and:beauty. These aux- iliary harm-aere are set in motion by 1 spring which in wound up before playing. A pedel at the right ti` the soft or damper pedal brings them Into play, or thrown them out of action at the optioanf the perfortner,eo that the instrument can he need an an ordinary instrument if desir- ei. The oecllleting hammers strike the trings at the internal ofabont aqnarter of a second. .. u _ n_:.L -1 I _..1.... I.-- /l-..-o..A L2. nursing. By the combination of the Iron or Iodine with Cress Seeds in a suite of germination, they are united with organic life, which thus renders them digestible. The irritative and stubborn miuuml has thus become the nucleus of an organic substance capable of being ah- aorbed by the blood without injury to the uiumach. Agent. for England and Britizh Possessions, E G. DUFRESNE, 79 Wailing Street. May be omained ofail Ohamista. GHOLERA, DIARRHCEA, kc. EARL RUSSELL sent. to the College of Physicians :3 communication received by him from Munilla. (where cholera had been graing feax-t`ull_y) no the effect. that, of all remedies med, Uhlorpdyne was the most. e1fu0- livn HVB. *` The day seems as yet, nnhappily, far dis- tant when public opinion or State interfer- ence will prevent the advertisement or sale of any secret medicine whatsoever. It is to be hoped that the profession will continue to brand as unworthy the conduct of those of its members who by testimonial or otherwise aid the disposal of such things.-Lam.-et. 'I`{\7l,I'i"Q (`Ell nunnvnn Iuv Ialbrvw-I \ll nuvu uuusa. ?:4uu|.u. 'l`0WJ.E S C ELORODYNE. The Original Preparation of known Composi- Lion. non. From Dr 0. Kidd, Author of Standard Works on Chloroform. Sackville-street, Piccadilly, London. Six-,-I think if you would advertise your Chlorodyne more than you do, you would help to beat the others, which are secret com- pounds, out of the market. Many medical men think with me,_and recommend your com- pound, but will never prescribe a secret re- medy, Cinanzs KIDD, M.D. To Mr Towle, Chemist, Manchester. A Surgeon from New York write: :-``1 only requires to be known to be appreciated. I have no hesitation in characterising it (viz., Towle a Chlorodyne) as the most useful medi- cine that has appeared during the present century. In diarrhoea, colic, ague, spasms, I have found it to relieve more pain and cause more joy than any other article that can I) named. = MN... _-I-1... 'n...r.....:.... :. _--.....a .._..:__. :, BM, IA Kingston, March 31, 1869. Non.- l'he Profession is wu-ned against in- ferior, secret, and cheap compound: now u: the market. Each gennino bottle beans 5 {ac- simile of Propriows signature on the stump outside. - .- ....- ...............- .. `..... _LA ,, I OI IBICO. LIQ. ononoroam Oo. on`CHLODYNE - wx-moor pnppnnxxnr. I Solo Ilanufaouu-or :-A. P. Towle, Chemist, Manchester. * Ann: Anu 1\.Av[un. n.Lol\.3 lnuxdu UH ul | and cargoea at reasonable rates. JAMES SWIFT, Agent, urstnn. Mm-ch 31. '69. St. L\wn=.:Im-. Wh .-, ln.~au1':u1ce Umup;u1_y of New llavcu, Uuuu. DOIUB. per THE DIASTATIZED IODINE, ..;o`u.nn ohn I-(Inns! _D-hm 0;. 0.1-..- urrency. JAMEb'_`SWIFT, Agent, St. Lawrence Wharf. JAMES SWIFT, A .r4\v| Agent, 8!. Lawrence Wharf 3.0 Wxnsox Secrevm-3' . $l.000.000. $24,000,000 V "BE gross frauds which continue to be prac- 1 lised by obscure manufacturers, more particularly in Germany, by imitating the lap bels attached to JOHN GOSNBLL J: 0o.'s PERFUMERY, render it imperative upon the Proprietors to Cannon the public against such nefarious proceedings, and to request their friends and patrons to purchase only of respec- table dealcrs, who import direct from John Gosnell 8; Co. ; and invite special attention to the address- RED BULL WHARF, 93 Urns Tnums STBIIT. Tnkn (3..-...mn 1. l`.n 1; slalam Pal-Fn mes: E35 l ; Large RED BULL WHARF, 93 UP? '1'HA.I(lB 513311". I John Gosuell an Uo. a Select Perfumes: E55 Bouquet, Royal Yacht Club Bouquet, Jockey Ol.:b Perfume, Essence of Wood Violet, Vic- toria. Bouquet, Fnmgipnnni, Military Bouquet, the Bride`: Bouquet, John Guam-ll Ax n : Prince of Wales Per- tho Brides bouquet. John Gosnell & Co. s Prince fume, a most choice and fashionable perfume. I .-.1". r1,..m.n 1. nn >= Print-nan Alexandra's It! tun Iulclvnn vl V-vvua - -1-.-. nu \lI - ...... -.-.. Mr James Smith, of London, has devoted his energies to the production of 31 very ne book indeed. Hie him he: been no less than to prove that "the geometry of the circle and mathe- mntice on applied to geometry by mathema- ticinns are 1 mockery, delusion, e .-d n soar: `." On this: great mathematician, one Professor Stokes, hos gravely t-ken up the cudgela to re {am such heresies; whereupon, us we are in- formed by a London paper, that Smith having entrapped poor Profeneor Stokes into In argu- ment "vim perfect courtesy, niahe_s .np by lining ll his head nccusstions of eturiidity and dishonesty which remind us of the abusive his that nnd to be exchanged between liter-try conabeunts in the days when [oletnica were conducted in Ilbisling Lntiu euperlntives," A A. I.-- -.._..2-p~ D}; -...f....._ .. tume, most choice and msmonaow panuum. I John Gosnell & Co s Princess Alexandra's Perfume, A most choice and delicate perfume, prepared expressly for the use ol` Her Royal I digbueaa. Jnhn Gnanell an (`mfg Uuncr Ten Thousand dighueaa. I John Gosaell &`Co.'s Upper Perfume. r,.s... r1.......n 5. n..'v. Jm-law Clnh P.-xfume Perfume 10: mo Hauakercmar. rnce Aauu. John Gosnell & Co.'s Lu Nohlessa Perfume, a. most delicate Pertxme of exquisite fragrance. Jnhn Gnqnnll A! n n Nnhleseo Pomade. ele- Perfume. John Gosnell it 06. : Jockey Club Pezfume is in universal request as the moat. admired Perfume for tho Handkerchief. Price 2:! 6d. 1.4.- r1,....on 1. an : I... Nnhxaasm Perfume. delicate 1'erI;xrne or exquxsne Irugruucc. John Gosuell & Cola Nobleseo Pomade, gantly perfumed, Ind highly recocnmo.-x.ded for beautifying and promoting the growth of the hr 1.48 nomease coap--ei1eemeu lUl' us uucqunv led perfume and ue emollient qualities. John Goancll & Co.`s Violet. and Milleeur Nursery Powder is gum-an-teed pure. No nur- sery should be witbout. it. Sold in boxes at Gd; in tins 15 each. 1,4... r1........n 1. run. nu...-.-a 'l`muh P-..s:u- in till; m (.105 13 83011. John Gosuell 8: Co. s Cherry Tomb Paste is greatly superior to any Tooth Powder, gives the Tooth a pearl-like whiteness, protects the enamel from decov, and imparts n pleasing fragrance to the breath. Price Is 6d each. Instantaneous Hair Dve : certain to produce fragrance to the Dream. rnce is uu eucu. Instantaneous Dye produce any shade Brown or Black, or` good natural colour. It cannot possibly injure the hair, has no disagreeable odour, and is easily applied. Jnhn Goanell I` 110. : Patent Trichosuron. or disagreeable uuuur, aim. is easily appuuu. John Goanell 3033 Trichosuron, newly invented Mair Brush, the peculiar me- chnnicnl conslruczion of whim accompanies the lwo operations of cleansing and polishing simultaneously. The Patent. Mechanical Chair for Brushing Hair by Machinery. Fur Prospectus and par- licul-.11-a,a.pply to ll1Bi u.i.-:nlees and Sole Manu- facturers, JUHN GU.'$NlLl. & Co., Pcriumera by Appolnzmcnl to Her blajeaty, the Princess of Wales, &c., l{{".l) BULL WHARF, 93 Us-mm Tuums STREET, late of 12 Three King Court, Lombard Sireei. `*7 LIE" SAUCE. Preprxrcd by Alex- andcr t5l)ulllW00d Stock:-r, Iron) a recipe by his Cousin, the late Dr South- wood Smith, thirty-ve years Physic-.au to the London F'ver Umlpitul; Father of Sani- tary Rn-form; Medical Member of the first Genenl Bunrd of Health; Author of the lust work on Fuvvr in any age or country, the Philusophy of Heavhin, &c. In-In-.:.nu wnh evurv known dish. Its cuuquunxu Ill 9--u........, ...-.... -_r-.._...... Al.i*.atnnli:u put her convicts to perform in new kind Gf `work in building railroads. This is Ct! ninly for bottrr ernploylm-nl than atone- hrenking and onlrnu:-picking, which occupies the time of me inmates of our gnols. It was found not only 3 feuiblo but 3 prolnble thing, in me tinr of the Pharaohs, to employ hon l- men in public works of all son, for we nd that Inch bandman were highly valued. It seems that the scienoo ofuocinl economy is no! lo well understood at the present (by, wh>n it is con- uiderei iampcssiblo to mnko convict. labour 3 Iautco of prot to the community. It in eay, an nll events, to see how great the advantage I vovld hello the prisoners lhemselvcs, if not to the government, if they could be kept at such whoiesome out-door labour us making cu-:a's, railways, and ooloninlion roncls.- Wanna. v\,,___ _._ D_-__ ._p. Il.----2. lD-Il..-HI.` l..|ll'. La. Noblesse Soap~-eateemed for its unequal- ml norfnmn and ne a-nnlliant uunlities. non 1 I035. \V`w:e;mle and fur exportation by the Pr.- priular, L9, L1mb s Conduit. Street; Barclay and Sons, Farringdon Street; Bitty and 00., Fiuabury Pavement. Rmml ha `.m>.mitA_ Grnnm-H. H.-xllian K` lUBl`)'\.lT)' t'&Ve[!1Gf:'.. Retanl by Chemists, Grocers, ltalliau Wnrebouaemen, and others, throughout the Kingdom, und every part (if the world. Ask for 1`ue" Sance.--Snecial Expo:-I BIDSGUIH, DU UVUFJ Ask for Ageuts-Burgoyne, 16, Colman Street, Aurhuuurra ruusLuu aaumn..-A Medncine that cures Sea Sickness or \he worst. form of Billions Headache in a. few minutes; effervescing and tasteless, its con- itnnt man in annex-iallv calculated Ln main- lU|.uulC5i ULICFVCBUILIK HUM I-DILUICBE, IE3 LUU' stunt use is especially calculated to main- tain health. When mixed `with water and taken during the elfervescence, it immedi a.ely blends with the food, and is rapidly absorbed into the system. It vitalizes and supplies the blood with those saline princi- ples that are lost, altered, or destroyed dur- ing the hot Weather. In Jungle, Scarlet, Yellow, Typhna, Eruptive Fevere (or Cholera), also in several other conditions, where the vital current is poisoned by infection, and thereby rendered unt to support health ant: life. it has been found eminently benecial; and its sustaining and purifying inuence until an a nreventive to disease. an the nu. anu its sustuiuiug anu puruyiug inuence acts as a. preventive to disease, as the nu- merous unsoli ' testimonials accompany- ing each boul , ill prove. he portability renders it admirably adapted to the travel ler, tourist, emigrant, or private family, more especially when distant from medical advice or assistance. Qala in n-nan: arnnnoun ulna; haul... n(1V'1CU OI` ES:HS|.DCl3. Sold in patent atoppered glass bottles, price 25 Cd, 45 6d, 113, and 215 each. Spe- cial agents required and appointed in all parts of the world.` "1IR WILLI KM BURNETTK3 DISINFECT- b ING FLUID, for the purication of sick rooms, hospitals, workhouses, factories, pri- sons, crowded places, between decks of ships, fever wards, clothes and linen of sick, night- chairs, cesspools, drains, water closets, stables, dairies, larders, musty caaks, tubs, &c.; bilge-water, and the holds of ships; apartments for searchers, undertaken, and jurymen, and for post-mortem examinstions; for the prevention of infectious disease, can- ker and fungus in trees; for the disinfection of dead bodies, and for tho preservn1.iou_ of subjects for dissection; for the extermina- tion of bugs and other vermin. Sir W. Burnett : Disinfnntinnr Fluid wan L|0!l OI DUKE IIDQ 0l|.|l' Vfll. Sir W. Burnett : Disiufecting Fluid was the only Disinfectant used at the Agricul- tural Hall during the Smitbeld Club (hula Show in 1866, by order 0! He: Majesty a Privy Council. The value of the uid is nhnwn lw um sum LAST max. I'l`lVy UOUDCII. The value of the uid is shown by the following letter from the Secretary and Manager: Agricultural Hell, Islington, Jan. 1868. Dear Sir,-Pleese to send eight gallons more of your Disinfecting Fluid, as per order enclosed. Having used various Disinfecting Fluids at our many shows, I can say with condence that none have had the instan- taneous and complete effect of Sir William Burnett's, and this too without producing any nuisance like the smell of chloride of lime or catholic ueid.-I am yours faith- fully, S. SIDBIY, Sec. and Manager. Capt. Jackson, R.N., 90, Cannon street." This uid acts on the essential cause of disease by destroying the local conditions of the atmosphere under which cholera is most frequently developed and propagated. For instance: In a. house` in St. Andrew's street, Plymouth, occupied by fty-two persons, it was sprinkled in every room except four; in these the occupants would not permit it to he applied; the result of which was, that in those parts of the house where it had been used. not a single case ofhcholera subse- quently occurred; while in the four rooms shove alluded to, the disease still exists and some deaths have taken place. Two houses immediately opposite were supied with 3 quantity, in neither of which has there been" a. single case, although the disease is raging in the neighbourhood. S6111 I )? all Chemists. and an? an. 11....-- uunng me man twenty years. 7 N.B.-Thia uid is a certain cure for grease *in hon-aea,nlao the scab and rot in ihoep. wuer. aee unrecuons on every bottle: Recommended and used by Profeuor Simonds at the Royal Vem-inery, College . during the last twenty uid is a nnrtnin on... r..- _..--- in [DB DBlgDDOuI'DOOQ." by all Chemists, and at :90, Canon street, London. Quarts, 16s ; pints, 8s ; half. pints, 4:; glsss-atoppered Imperial -pints, ex- tra strength, 163 per dozen; and in balk at 43 per gallon: boztlea included. Each gal- lon making 200 gallons, when diln ed-with water. See directions bottle: used bv D.-nr...... AMPLOUGH S A llnnninn Iha CAUTION. Ty ]`&l'L OI IJJU VVDITIQ. Sance.--Special Expat`; , Burbridges, and Squire, , London. . PYREEIC SALINE.-A mo nI1I-an Ran Q:nl.v.-.ga: nu- v x HE 0RJGIN,ALOE_1.0BODYNE, invented by ` " B. Freeman. Pharinaceutist, is allowed to be :::.::,r'*t15:::::;;.,`:;:.:$:;;3' :`;.h:'::::: C HRONICLE eminent Physicians and Surgeons in hospital and private practice in all parts of the world. It has effects peculiar to itself, and which are essential- WEEKLY FL! ly different to those produced by the various 1 compounds bearing the name of Cblorodyne, but have no pretence to possessing its virtues. It E N E A IN I N G S T 0 R rapidly re_lie'ves.pain, from whatever cause, al- laya the irritation of fever, soothes the system large amount `Wadi d hausf d , d ` l `th- . . . 23!. :)rr()e(l`ncing`ln]1y c`>1s1?::sth?:nung;:lv3(:assiiriet;e geeyilrigs Pncev SL'3l t- so commonly arising from the use of opiates. It Address 7 continues to hold itlunshaaen position in the estimation of the Profession as the best, most reliable, and cheapest preparation. Eminent and ` - ' scientic Physicians made afdavits that they " "' ""` "*`"` " `-*-- _ have tested its oects in careful comparis n with 1 ' "" ` those of DR. COLLIS BROWNE S C[1`l.0R0- DYNE" and deposed to the facts that they - si mm ;' n . . . THE LONDON QUARTERLY (Conservative 4 1 t more certam nnd reliable preparation, ` -NW.` EDINBURGH (Whig). IDYNE," I||d deposed (.0 Inc: mcus Lllllh uuv found it a more certain preparation, preferred FREEMANS. ' Em-I Russell [lI|wtI a, -nu van...-_-..`... ...__-. .. -.-.... l`ucn vs. Buns an Inn-nswa, (Belleville Assizes, 'l`uenday,S-pt. `JB.)-Action brought by plaintiff ngninst defendants as cndorsers on n note made by one Briggs, formerly ofGauono- que. Briggs we: doing a large business and at mlerent times required money. and was in the habit of borrowing large sums from B. I. Britton, Barrister, of Kingston Plaintil is a partner or Britton`s. After Briggs left the country Britton translerrad the note to the Plainti. Defence- No notion of noo-payment, Plniatil not the holder, end payment. Ptaintil proved transfer of sotoior value, and nxnoont still duo. De- fundant examined Briggs at Ugdensbbrg, in the State of New York, undo: a commission ends-s. mining to pI'oYe waver, by Britton, while the holder of the note, he ngrceing in considerstion of pnyment of $4.00 on account of note not to protest lt. Note and protest producod. Evi. deuce taken under the commission read. Brit-l ton acted us his own Notary while the "owner of tho note. Verdict for.P|aintlH$6l'! 56 ; point; of law nisrd by Defendant : Counsel to be set- ugd by the Court in term. L. Wal1bridgo_ Q 01 and Prion for Ptl . ; 0 Fraser, of Brookvillo, for h.l'u_.lsunl1iaam_-er.