Kingston News (1868), 19 Oct 1870, p. 3

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AT THE DOCKYARD; BAGS 01-` LIVERPOOL COARSE H./.I.T 500 Ram: nf T inn-nnnl l:`:...` JOIIN HENDERSON, PRINCESS STREET. ALMANJCS F01! 1871. E DAILY NEWS---WEDNESDAY EVENING. ONTARIO STREET, And nfterwaads at the urn! (U gt) un Wllll the work, 1 large sum of mnuey Without `otcst, then at least they will u snuhhing such as lhc-y will ul will lnulxllyfscsxpe without this (,3-nvcrnnm-nt for its outlay. NEW HUSH}. In,-rs and B. H. MARTINDALE, nn...-.0- nnnlnA Manlmu.-u.n., Deputy Controller. '1: MURRAY. ' ueputy UODIJOIIC Wu MURRAY, A nnI:l\n(A mnuumnn, Ontario Street. lo pur- '|"llERE was some doubt as to whether anili- cit-nt alone could be obtained along the line of the Kingston and Madoc Railroad to build bridges, &c., ch. Mr Aldertnm Tomkins, who has her-n rxplnring the regions north of Kingston, bus re-muvt-d all doubt on the subject. We believe that lie has told the Provisional l)irt-cto.-s that they may have :1 law stones left after nishing the great undertaking. TIVJI Tierolnu I'olt-In-oi---I -. .......m-us uuc Slcnl. uuuerulklng. Two Tierecn Celebrated Sugar-(`ured llama Received at Morrison's I2 enkfast Bacon at Mgvrieorfs. Fresh Granulated Wheat at Morrison s. Fresh Wheat Meal at Morrison s. Fresh Oorn Meal at Molrisorrs. Fresh Oatmeal at Morrison's. 1,000 barrels Family and XXX Flour at Morrison's. / r.a'.- 1'0 prove the superiority of M: llacan and Hum, the Tyne crew have 1 on some of them tor two weeks previou- fnl SATIN CLOTIIS FOR LADIES DRESSES, BROCHE REPPS ANT) POPLINS, FRENCH MERINOES & FANCY IH2L`QQlI`Q ; uuuuu Lul`4l\lxV\}[`u3 Oi. PARUX ])I{ESSES, GROS GRAIN AND GLACE SILKS, yaw CLOAKINGS .3; SHAWLS, CARPETS AND CURTAIN DAM- ASKS, MANTLE VELVETS & CLOTHS, BLANKETS, FLANNELS, AND '1`w1:EDS, GREY COTTONS, COTTON BAGS ANIW VA D\'Q an Du-k Bluo, Bllck. K Grave Dou_bt Dispelled. H ASU1 ENi<)iUP In BLANKETS, CARPETS, RED FLANNELS, GREY (`0'l"l`0NS, HORROCKSES COTTONS, And BLACK SILKS, All Cheap for Cash. JAMES DAVIS, MONTREAL HOUSE. F. S. RElS b'. SPANISH ONIONS RUSH \-:.n.n4| \J\Jl. 1 I11 3 s. .,pu11UJ.VD1-XLID AND YARNS, PI_L()'l`S, BEAVERS AND WHIT- 7\TL`VQ Aguuxu, 1)l_'411Vl`;\nV IKLVIJ NEYS, REAL MALTESE L;}cEs. SPECIAL BARGAINS :| I PARLOR OIIGANS, MELODEIQNS. WEBER it 00., corner of Ontario and Princess Streets, Kingston, manu- facture Pianoes equal to any in the market, either of home or foreign make, and sell at moderate prices- Every Piano is warranted for ve years. They invite inspection of their styles and quality of tone. Parlor Ormma and Mnlnnnnn Ar ......:..... "l'REBT. ISLIU qllllly OI IODB. Parlor Organs and Melodeoni of various makers are kept. in stock in the Piano Ware- oom. and offered at manufacturers prices. ` W : ,v XXX " .mI!M9a dorm`! |George Th*ompso-&E)| llabaws and Flsl|er's xxx-xx Ales and Porter. Tlnecelebrated Family Proof. Irish and Scotch Wl1lskles. 010 Tom and Holland Gin. W. Dow & Co's Pale Ales In n..l....A:.I A... I:.:_ nnl Bddk sAf.f!| -_- ---y--- unit`-V of the Estate of Ric-hard `Worthington, by order of T. S. Brown, Official Assignee. Thern are over six thnnuml Inna ~m.....:.:.... 0| 1. D. Druwu, uuicull Assigns.-. There are over six thousand Iota, comprising hooks in every department of literature, from Juvenile up to Standard Works, and various branches of science, in quantities that should command the particular attention of all Book- sellers, School and Public Institutions. Sale to commence on Tuesday, 25th October, sud will be continued till all are sold- Montreal, Oct. 15. Cheap, you bflt values; -4 P.S.-'l`o the I {scan Hum Hm 'l`c ROFESSOR OF US[O-O|-gnu, Pignc; gm] Solfege. For particular: apply gt 1-egi. deuce, No. 44 Brock St:-eet, opposite the Regio- poliu College. _ Kinnton. Oct. 18. 1870. Oct.11. Sept. 24,1370. _..__.. runs:-uunoa DIULVISE lzl` A on Earl Street. Possession on 15th October. Apply to 'I' Sept. 6, 1870. NEW mu ems, Kingston, May 9,1870. VATALOGUES are now issued for 1,113 I GREAT RUOK SALE rout uouege. Kingston, Oct. 18, 1870. FIRST-CLASS STONE HOUSE TO LET K on Karl Sn-am IIAVE JUST RECEIVED A MHRNIFIUEN I` STUCK K I ll l1\)L`l U I'.D are now GREAT BUOK SAL E, DOOR MATS 12; cents each, mun we vu n nlnlv Lllb-`J In splendid conxlilion. A c ply always on hand. REC EIVED 'l"HIS DAY AT MoN1"RsA|.. 1:-.- ,..r n:-u__,; .nv,,.. JAMES DAVES "T." GEORGE THOMPSON & CO4: House to Let. At F. s. REES'S, -nuk'\llIJIIIr_ Ul AIlUIl'I5-llUH 3 been fed two previous to 1he[ .. . A'l\J -uL\|.J\/A\, -` Mcrris_nu a V110 CrPW have hnnn (`mi Ms MORlH3{}N. 5 cams 1 M. MORRISON. _,_, r.. T. MOORE, Brock Street. 157 Princess-st. King Stre`et. x constant sup- Hlnurcu rLo_vgn RlJllTS.| THE LA RGES'I:, CHEAPEST I N.B.-AIl kinds of 4 ceived for Repairs. Sept. 17. The above are named Bulbs, warranted trnr-. and selected from the newest and most approved varieties. 4-4 a --.`-`__._ ARR1VED;| FLOVVER BULBS Fashionable & Exquisite Perfumes. Essence of the White Rose. Bo/a: Guards Boquet. Lublr-.s Perfumes. Nd Snlenmn. R II.` A I nu IHEATH 8? GUNN_ S,I VA DELIGATELY PERFUMED OIL FOR THE HAIR. Physicians` Prescriptions accurately dia- penned. Attendance on Sundays from 10 till 11 A.H., and from 8 till 9 PM. Sept. 24. SEA . MOSS FARINE 2| BLANC MANGE, CUSTARDS, JELLIES, &c., s-.c. CALL AND GET A BOOK or DIRECTIONS EYE-CLASSES. AND OTHER OPTICAL INSTRUMENTS, Chcsnuls, II:-I-n JUST RECEIVED FRUIT AND OYSTER DEPOT, IASONIC BUILDINGS, MARKET SQUARE, KING STREET. AY.Q{] NCH IIERII Oct. 4. SPECTACLES Oct. 17. llalr, Tooth and Nail Brushes 47 PRINCESS STREET, HAS JUST BEEN RECEIVED BY R. WI*II'l`E. CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST, PRINC ESS STREET. DOUBLE AND TULIPS, MEDICAL HALL, Sept. 16. FRESH FROM HOLLAND, Cheap, nnn.l 0. FOOD FOR INVALIDS. ' QITIII Fresh oysters. Arriving Daily. Kinzlton, Oct. 11, 1870. SKINNEIVS DIIIIG STORE, A DELICIOUS AND NUTRITIOUS OF TH]-I BEST MANUFACTURE BEST ASSORTMENT Qulhc es, ALSO, HYACINTHS, JUNQUILLES, SPANISH IRIS. MIXED ORUCUEL DOUBLE SNOW DROPS, LILIUM AURATUM, or GOLDEN LILY UF JAPAN. FINE VE_mETIEs -_, - .. .,.-V. Just received and for sale k A LARGE ASSORTMENT A NEW PREPARATION }. OCTOBER 19. Hum: Phllocome, [PRINC ESS STREE T. "X37 '13." 'l`OWN S lcnocos, A'l`KIN0N S . .....v u; E. IwIZi _1:&`RKlL`R, `cl wtcvns I 1 Iucs, nlalaga Grapes. Spanish onlons, . and New I-`I39, I`.lVl?.n CHEMISTS, vl SINGLE HYAGINT HS, sweet Potatoes. Cocoa Nuts, Lemons, Lob-ten, and sardines. kivn` A- G. S. HOBART. Market Square. Optical Instruments re- snownaops, &c., vvn. nnvn: JUST RECEIVED AND OPENED OUT 60 Cases and Bales of Fall and Winter ?asiery` U 1)..-- Which consist of the MOST FASHK slon. As we have imported an extra gure, wo are determined and will 1 ul uulnll Ill We invite the Ladies to examine OUR I stock in the city. ` Refer to our Hand Bill for Price List. will be found the cheapest, moat at- this city, and at prices that defy competi- wing lines; French Merino: in all llndea. ODHYIAHA: R.....n_--- nu - - ` ' lmctiva and most complete assorlmerfi ever offered in lion, We would direct special attention to the {ollo Tartan Plaida, Plain Coloured and Fancy Lustre: P This week, busy I for lbe NEW WALK Mt-n s, Youlba and ' Gum. :. ..~:-I .lllFll'S, Ioulbs 1 E` Come in I iug. TDDUQ uuu, vvc wuulu uurect special attention fol? Fancy I German Cobnrga with a Variety of the Neweat Deaigl of Blankets unequalled value (English and Canadian Inn ....:..- A- nu |__,, u f87oj J0 uo uo uanadian all Wool. 10 do Plain Bed Flannel all Wool, ls per yard, 15 Pieces Blue and While Serge. 80 Dozen Fancy Flannel Shirts all Wool. 20 Dozen plain Blue do. 20 Dozen Shetland Wool Under Shirls and, Draw l0 Dozen Cardigan Jaqkets Assorted Colours, 2 Cases Alpaca Umbrellas. 2 Cases Silk Umbrellas from $2 up. 1 Case of those Reversible Rubber Coats $3. Our Woollen department is now complete with a Choice Assortment of 8 Canadian Tweeds, Whitueis. Mellons, Pilots, and Moscow Beavers. ers in Pink. See all Wool Mufflers. , For a oh good Pea Jacket, Go to HONAUGHTON & CU S, Call and See our $8 Wool Tweed Suits. A; McNAUGE Oct. 3. Oorner Kim: and NEW ARK FANCY PRINTS. Grey and White Oottons. Red, White and lisb and Canadian Blankets, Fancy and Tartan Dress Goods, F/ran Cloths, Lustres, Coburgs, Winceys, Wool Plnids, Balmornl Skirts, 0: Tweeds, Beavers, Witneys, Pilot Cloths, Mantle Cloths, Waterproof Two Silks, Glace and Gros Grain Silks, Josephine and Double-button Gloves, Capes, Alpaca and Silk Umbrellas, &c., Jzc, kc. .'A Is EHO; I `RESB ARRIVALS of FALL and WINTER DRY GOOD SQUARE, _and every Department will be found com TIES of the season, and sold at prices that defy competition, The subscriber being determined to clear out the whole St: as he is retiring from the business. Call early and secure the first choice in the following line '2 ning Rlnnlr I ...-0-g. .._.I r!..|..____ JUST RECEIVED` M AONEE &__WADDE|.l 8. Niazwcoops, NEW Goons NEW GOODS, n__ CHEAP, QILBAP, CHEAP. 1': run AI\I\Iv-v-0 29 uuucmutr mu nllrncl square. N.B.-Pm-ties who are indebted to the inn will please I to save furlhel trouble. Sept. 12. ...2___;_ ns at IIULI Orange " White Carpet Warp. Coloured 10 Cues Gannda. Tweed: and Grey Etoffes. Trade supplied at less than Montreal whole- sale prices. unnunn n. II1AI\l-nvuvc 1870 FALL AND WINTER 1870 IMPORTATIONS. MACNEE &. WADDELL Iuccnlvla DAILY, DIRECT mom '1-an uuuucrunnns, AN IMMENSE STOCK 9, `lid, rorlb I Yarns, chcs and by the In September the Stock will be complete in all the Departmenq. IACNEE 8 WADDELL, Princess Street. Ann 90 Oct. 10. 09:4. 10, 1370, Sept. 13, 1370. L_.?__"j`..,; _-` ,_;" new FALWL nouns. and hr Hm In Spnumhpr than Rfnelr will ha Aug. 29. _KingIton, Snpg 14, 1870. ANK STOCKS WANTED TO PUB- OHASE. Applyto J. RAWDIIN. BALES COTTON BAGS. 3 weex, nusy taking orders for the NI 2 WALKING OVERCOAT, for I 'sLYoulbs' and Bow` Snina lings,Shee1 A LARGE ASSORTMENT 0F FANCYGODDS AND TIIIIIIINGS. wmerproot Ulolh and Black Remember "I0 Market bqllare. -Pm-ties the rm will TE RM3 STRICTLY CASH. _;_._..--.__i >. %FKLf?E4 F '1"76: F, X. COUSINEAU & Gas. In lflnrrvu -..,._ __ JEW BLACK SILKS, ......, . ..... uuluureu and Nancy Luau-ea Poplinenes, Burrs obm-gs Designs and Shades in I s Canadian.) 100 pairs do 2} long by 2 yards wide for 85 9d. 25 Pieces of Fancy Flannel all Wool. 15 do do Canadian all Wool. Plain Rad l?lnnn.I .1: WM: -- W - New 1 New '1 New I New ` New New New New New New BRITISH w'Anuous. unv nnrnmn n, u n-... _ Linen Uouon Batting. I While nnd'Grey Wndding. Cotton Wick. Southern Cotton Yarn, but you: in the trade. Rlun nnnc. V.-- *'RE`.SEN1'3, Ill U10 lfde Blue Cotton Had I` AMAINU UVERC : Boys` Snils. | with your order i 7 Fancy Silks, r Tnrtnn Poplinu, Silk Velvetl, v Velveteens, r Tartan Dresses. Wincey Dresses, Lustres, Cobm-gs, Delnins, Prints, MACNEE & WADDELL, Princess Street. lrulll I-DB DUSIBESB. ' l rs: lines :- 2 Cues,,Black Lauren and Oobnrgs from mid. 1 " Horrockees' Couon at 61d And 71d. 1 Prinu (fast colours) I! 41d and 6d. 2 " Aberdeen Winoeyn at GM nnd Hd. 4 Canada Tweeds under manufacturers prloes. 1,000 Pieces Factory Cotton, splendid value, at M. Large and varied usorunenrof Dreu Good: from 7d. Waterproof Cloth and Black Velveteen: from 9:. nber the Market hnllal-n. \JI UUUD, be? FASHIONABLE AND CHEAPE! I Imported extra large Stock, and having I zrmined not allow any Home to con v 1 '.KING OVRRn(u1- r..- WE HAVE JUST 1 J. mwnnn, Solicitor, to. 310. 0;nd 34 inch me. I Yarn. SPECIAL T0 THE LAILIES. DRESS DEPARTMENT, McDonell s . Week. r in the morning; we can send you the Suit I CLOTHING. .uuy nnu nmn Dress F/ranch Morin` Ounmlinn 1 tho, Ololba. Waterm-oof Tinndl D--I _.-j_-:-_ ' RECEIVED 4 1w II .. -_._- Goods, IL!!!` Ann nrln JIHI. F. X. COUSINEAU & CO S, Orange Hall Buildings, Princess St 2 NEW TWEED SUIT. for the NEW PEA JACKET, For the NEW FROGK COAT. . urn} uuulpelllloll, . 1- Stock of over $30,000 worth this Fall ' 1 I CHEAPEST GOODS everc rock, having mm-In-H A... (1.53. ,__., .,....... nun uuuus ever onered in King- lock, marked our Goods at a very low/ r compete with us. ' NEW OOMlN|ON- HOUSE. DDIMHDGG nan Oorner ( ANU Tinware Esghmment, 11:-nn.-- .-:- THE undenigd would inform his friend! land the public that be has on hand I nrlod auortmept of swvns FOR GOAL on WOOD. COOK s1-ovns w_11'a TEE LA` IMPROVEIERTB, mxnoua srovzs. PARLOUB coon srovss or 1 'DESIGN. HALL swvns FOB. 0OAL._ BOX STOVES u Scotch, English and cheap Overcoat, or I INAUGHTON GUS, V . McNAUGH l`0N 8 00`8 King and Princess Streak, , . AID DUIB STOVES or DIFFERENT PATTIBNS Lynn hnnrever ohm` Iltr i`r;-1 ARIEL lcIN l`08H, Volerinary Surgeon Graduate ot the Ontario VoiorluIty0o|- logo, Toronto. OFFICFF-Olty noun, King- uon. __ PIANO TUEIHG. B. IOBHAK. Tour for Wolnt t Odl Fncmty, off: his union to tho willi- Ordm [on at Weber k Go`: oleo villi: pfolnplly ntlendod to. Bank. 29, - ._ ..... .,..,, uuu an pnces that defy bllowing 3 Poplinettes, Barrstheu. Plain and Oolonrod igus Dress Goods, also 800 pain an.) Sept. 24. II. July 23. 7}CODS now opened up at the MARKET ` nd complale with the LATEST `NOVEL- emion, *` EIIOVID to tho Ollomovc Linlonfu lio- Oinn Hanan: , auau TINWARE IN ALL ITS vuulrrr-. s1-ovn pxpzs. srovns rm-run op. runnons RIPAIBID. sum. runauva, kc. uunlllv IVIIKUO .- of Princeu and Wqlliugton Stink. New Tartan Shown, New Bnlnnonlskirts, New Wool Jncken, New Breakfut Slnwla New Sonuga, New Cloth Glovec, New Woo} Stockings, New Flanuelc, New Tiekingl, New Gallons, New Sheetingi. I Daily Sales thi , ---_-, ./.uu..u -uruwu. lpllll lmonl and lingual , Tweedu, Popllnl. J spun! e-button Waterproof Conn and n csllpt once and_'uttlo their uocqnntc, NEW STOVE AND ed, Fnney Flnnnell, Eng- : Ierinoeu. llmnnn 1, wnuo and Fancy Ierinou. Empreu w_nl Ennlhln BROOK STREET. URTlB!\'T James Iloore, Ann and E-n:__.-, . -.2 A. AND PRINCESS STREET. as we have the lu-gas: 1u:IL_1Il c1il;II.. P. HARTY. . Scarlet and Guy . lera. : nude in the oven- r offered in King- Id! van lnw/ U) I Street. LE8 GB! van LA'l`EB'l' NIL`! . . uyrr, U ndu Shirl - ` u.n.o.s. I8 31-nnk. ulna- 'Si|ks in. DQICIEII R. wuuai r found but nlun 1 lack and l |muN{ u and cola` I-`cache-rs 1 ,':Iricl_y. `: . T Eb0;l. ' ll `\` ml . 8u_ h.n.\1:. r:\'1-:.\'13u;_m'1'. 19. -.,~ua -4.. .. n .15 nrum-u asuore ll I uruluu' .~uxMull, umlm-,;hI, Oct. 18 --Negnliir h M lZrI1> l7L'(\\'|'t'|I Gum-rul Burnside 1 -|hcr~_ h'\\c' H`>l)HL'\| in total lailurc-. F`-I ri;:I| Ullivc Wm tn-night lulnrlned he lailuru . zunl Almuxlnm-cl ull hopes of 3 hnnem. Tue lmm`-.s'rdnn-at of Paris ` | Q l cuunuwnrc inmmhnluly. The siege. H were plnmtwl 3. :-aw-rulrsy ut Chutillun. "'.~`Y. H The purple ufSI.rasbourg vnlly an: .~Lsgi.-4l'n:\l with the new order '"I-!"- Frun l| sentiment 1iasVnot shown U ulf-;n.-nvvly slnvc the capitulmion. n-ru: have lweu run or two instances of tir- trum the wlmluwa on German uoldien "M":-I We city, but the culprits were im- nhlulv nnnr.-h..n.l...! .._-__ . . . - , DIUKIHCI. he steanwr Uivy of Baltimore, which arrived y lrum New York, was prevented by A gule xcnllmu nl Uueenalown Eh: Dalily Ntma ndon, Oct. 17 -Tbe correspondent of the .1, writing from liurlin, says the bombard- ! of SL Cloud is condemned by the semi II and evening papers u an not of vandal- commincd by the very oms who deplore no.essl'_v for bornbardnng Paris. 0:: the ,a bomb, tired from Fort Mum du Valeri- ell iulo llm bx-Jroozn of Napoleon I. at St. d, breuluug Ills! {nmous mirrors. Three mug shots of lhe l`:u.4sian bombardment of were nal from liellerue on Friday, the ILDRON, cu: uni} . . Bagnlly ha; been elected to Pnrlmment Hho Mud-D:vi=iun of Surrey in place of Hon. . lirodrick, I uunung ll L,[uPeDl|lOWD. yorlion oh: boy with the nuns American grass on H was washed ashore at l`orll|nd- -vndnn, 18 I . 1` nl ".rn.-;..!, H .---| D---- 71 uni, LICK I; - was an appeal .n in-aued by II .| pm- uvw ouauwulv-C\l urn`. orence, Uci. 7-Mu:/.'Ini, the noloriou blican ngmulor. has been net at liberty. ml Ciuldnui is said to be in favour of ......_.o..... ..o' .1... I mdun, Oct 17 nrinnn H... ...... Iugnlu, \'\,|. I o .--A ue um! 0! W urlemburg Ion the `.319! Inst. ndun, Ucl. 17 _The marriage of 1-rim, no and the Mmquis of Lorne will uke plnce `brunry. I \./Inlulul In sum `.0 Do In YAVOUT Jinalion of me Duke of A051: for King 1:. 7 -Tho I11/Alrt (CaIl1olic or- meats of the Pope and Gardi- mst the Italian encroachment: V V. T this morning .1 in favour of the Pope, which 1119 Catholic: nf nninnn nu- :.-The mm of Wurteznburg nst. 4IIl`- ('un|~`. language in Alsace hereafter will he Ger. l'I'|ll \ ! London, Oct. 18.--'l'hc Pruseians attack- `ml the uufonied town of Mont Didier; three citizens were killed and 150 Garden Mobflos made prisuncxs. 0 1,nmlun,Oct. 18 It is nssu-rtcd that Na- fpnicnn has 10,000,000 francs secured on n-al estate, (hruuuh the agency ol'Brmvn 1 l`.rut1u-rs, at New York. _ I :\.. 1.: 'r`:... ll'.h',.]'u ...,...:.I . _, V v . . - v - - n - L1. II the treaty of Ghent in 1814, a commis- siun was provided to su rvey and settle mesa questions of river and lake buundary from Ontario to Superior. It is - | claimed nn our side that the boundary in Lake St. Clair aathul xed by the Com- | mission, in on the line of what is known I8 ` the Old Ship-channel, and the charts of the - - hydrogrnpbers of the British N uvy have car. 1 uinly recognized thntohnnnol u the bow ............... any uUll.VlE4lSUlt\h. London, Oct I9, 1130 run -Co.-30]: opened 9?; for money. Bonds of 1862. 89} ; 1865, old as}; 1867, 90f. Tenfonies, 87. Erie 191', Illinois Central, 114; Atlantic and Great Western, 30}. [ _____ __nn.... ..-, Liverpool, Oct. 19. 11:30 I.m.-Coltou open ed rm. Uplands Bid 0 Sid. Red wgatern when: 83 9.1 to 8: 10d. Corn 285 6d 10283 0d Xcw York Press Dcspmchcs. \Vash'1ngton, D. C , Oct. 17.--Consider able surprise is manifested by the members of the Government here at the alleged ac- tion of the Canadian authorities in seizing the ship canal constructed by this Govern- ment through the St. Clair Flats. Neither the State, Treasury, War nor Navy De- partmcnts have received any official infur- nmtinn of any such proceedings, and in- asmuch as the alleged occurrence took place aweek ago, it is thought possible there is some mistake about it. Secretary Fish has called on General Baldwin. of Michigan, lnr particulars, and Secretary `B;-lknnp has asked Gen. Cuoke. COLTIHIRTIII` In .VllClllgBl'l, mr particulars, Bclknnp Cuoke, command` ing at Detroit, for details of the athir. The canal in question has been constructed lvy this government within the past two yuirs, having been amliorized in 1868, an d l snl1)ellliD;_':<)VI' $300.000 have been expend- !PIl tlicrwn. I: is two miles long, and Gen. Ilumplirey. Chief of the Engineer Bur- eau, as well as Gen. Cram, who can- (luclld the work, ridicule the idea that it is within Canadian jurisdiction. By in movitlml tn an -..- --` A` nxzmcm. up comm-Rc,AL_ nndnn O:-Iln I11n___ n . ul )'re which they had '. P nun-.....~.. 'l`|,- 1' , .. .....,.,_v already min- : purpose. The forces engaged '. equal. Hm. 3 ml Satin Q vmlnl \'.1llIo -can trrritnry, and its seizure by the Cuna- dury This new canal makes out the Old I Ship-channel some miles below the mouth of St. Clair River, and runsin n muth-westerly ' I din ction, toward the Michigan shore. If the boundary in as claimed by our engineers, the (`anal is fully four miles within Ameri- (linns, il` iudccgl it has In-cu seized, is 11 l s high-handc(l uct, for which (he Home Gov:-rnuu-nt, not the Canadian, will be asked to apnlugizg. If on the contrary, it `)0 determiner: llmt the E canal ls really on Canadian territory, uml it In-. proven that, kuowisg this fact, lhf`, (`.-nnulian authorities have permitted [his G-I\'CrU[X]{`n` to gn un with the work, , nml Ucprml :1 lurm-. mum nf Illnnnv \x1n|....A ovsmzii i` ovsas 1 OYSTEBS ! ~ _Buyera of Fruit are strongly advised chase their supplies at the Between the Anglo-American Hotel and Bur- nvn. House. " 0 U0 b'.`.LT, cf-h . ,7, VI ..nJ in I-`RUIT groan or n. smrru A`1u:`1V131) T0-DAY AT I-IENDERSOBPS BOOK s'ro|u;. 05` A LARGE QUAN'r1'ri' or CONTROL AND ENGINEER STORES BY PUBLIC AUCTIOU, AT KINGSTON, Commencing GOVERNMENT _bALE| On TIIURSDAY, OCTOBER 20tIl,i |:I{ no! frills`. Stores compriua :-A great number of Box and Cooking Stoves, Piping, Agricul- illfll Boilers, Grey Blankets, Accoutremenls, Tents, Buffalo Robes, Fire Engines with Sleighs and Reels, Waggona, Weighing Machines, T[MBER-cousieIing of Tamarac, Ash. Pine, Oak and Teak. IUD DUAI-3 WHH A'.quIpl'ueI 640 CURDS OF FUEL WOOD. Further particulars mas be obtained .on ap- plication at the Control Olces, Kingston, Mon- treal and Quebec. The Stores may be seen at Kingsion the day before the Sale. Kingston, Oct. 19, 1870. Twenly New Five Cent Pieces just received. FRESH OYSTERS ARRIVING DAILY; Office Furniture. UOAL-Charcoal, Junk, Pitch. nun n Dsonk JEW YORK WEEKLY, NINE BOATS with Equipments, and about 40 CORDS OF F'UR`.f. WOOD 'l'E'I`E-DU-PONT BARRACKS. Kingston, Oct. 17, 1870. New York Ledger, Demoress Fashions for November, Leslie's Fashions do Lady`: Friend do Harper's Monthly do unuu ur unnnruuu UUAKUIL` U {:00 Bags of Liverpool Fine 1; (`wry and in good order. l vvl-. Bmrels-new and full hooped. Rened English (BEST) Saltpelre, At A. MAGLEAN'S, {Wu-mgr-In Qa-....> I Josh Billings Farmer : Allminac, Nam. Illustrated Comic Almanac, The Catholic Family Almanac. -_E_I`URNED:Bnt Ecnux, at R. Wm-n I nu... gnu-A Apples`, l (-nr, Grapes, AND ALL FRUITS IN SEASON. EIIURCN nU-lJ Drug Store; lwlwlm

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