Kingston News (1868), 19 Oct 1870, p. 4

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-pp-runrry. it will be even in Cape Town soon, though four deyI'journey from thin city by mail cert, travelling without break, post haste day and night. All who go ere writing beck to their friend: to follow an noon :9 possible. I have the moat reliable inlormntion of some who have of coeree been there but e ehort, who, when they went. were nrnnteure end inexpertn at any each lebonr-in eonaperetive poverty, though reepectnble, end who have nlreedy enriched thenuelvee, end ere writing to direct their younger eietere to be em: to boarding schools At their expenee. They eleep in menu or under l ` omweggone, working herd er picking, sieving, f ` or welhig from eunrlee till dark, nnd nmue- '1 in; theunelvee under cenvu, u been ` they can. of en evening. They report lhlt lew 1 end good order have been {eirly eeubliehed by ` on extellporleod "Committee of Safety" on the 1 null par- Mothers ' Iodine inntin- ; EU` the oenve lndents to} Yirdley I ltannfactory, 7 Vine 2 Lonon, sad Depot, 5 Ram Pam. Eltsblhhod H10. _ -..-_,. uvuuu nuu runs. BROWN WINDSOR SOAP. PRIZE MEDAL HONEY SOAP. PATENT SUNFLOWER OIL SOAP. GLYCERINE SOAP. Every variety of Fancy Also in Cartons of3 Tnbleu. Pomndes, Bose and Violet. Powders, Goa- meticl, French Extrocto, ` Lavender Wstex, Cherry Tooth Pn_ue, Lime Juice and Gly ` Soaps in lb Bars. A uul. lean-a Burgoyne, oeive Indents for Ym unflfnru U ` I J, rerfum Purity and and Paris. Rnnmu m__.__.._ YARDLEY & co., Fanc Perfumers. Prize Medal awarded for. |Purity and l!n.u........ -r A -- aurgeou to Charing-cross Hospin For several years past I have been i hit of prescribing Dr. de Jongh'a Ligh Cod Liver Oil, and nd it to be much m cacious than other varieties of the same: which I have also employed irith a vie their relacive superiority. KlGSI`0.`l ...... mum v11.LE, F.R.S., Author of the Spas ot Germm Dr. Gznvillej has found that Dr. Light.Brown God L ' etfect m a shorter time than other kind DR. BARLOW, F.R.S., Senior Physician to Guy's Hospital. I have frequently recommended persons con- sqlting me to make use of Dr. do Jongh's Cod ..., mveuugauons, 1 have a pure and unadulterated 1 uigucdsrowu Cod Liver Oil pot set of properties, among which cholaic compounds, and of iod organic combination, are the I It. is, I believe, universally ac this oil has great Ihelanmitin . urgamc combination, thei1:)'at..r acknowle great therapeutic pox; my investigations, I have no doufit 01 uuadllltonaom-I ...:.u, I- DR. LANKESTER, F.R.B., Cqroner for Central Middlesex. umur.-an nreanse on the all with whic quainted. Hence, I deem the Cod Li under his guarantee to be preferable kind as regards genuineuess and m no:-u " .. uu cacy. . DR. LETHEBY, Medical Oicer of Health, and C1 tho (`Jon Al` I ..._J-r ...-...-... ulucer on ueamx, Chic`! An the City of London. __ In all caseal I`u_we fqund Dr. do 4 notice a few days ago, other servants in IBM: edialely. So it is wixh as organist ofour calh.-- to me from Englsnda of 1550 under a lime Ird sud lodging free Ill >f upwards of 100 per :1 able eusily to earn at. iely, has gone at a few D resist the prevailing use to pay back to me is money out. I found .........x 1;. ...u.u.:cn IIPIU UCVU SHOE. steam rniirnilleuses had be the baule of Pierretle wa Prusslsns having sutfcred every night the approaches were iiluminnled by this extraordinary telegram is n Brussels, dated September that a traveller just n-rived had seen plncsrds which Versailles had been remkeu routed. many [mks of an stalf, 6,000 prisoners, and 6 and 30,000 Prussinns plai uululuea no he genuine--I:he Light-Brovin Oil supplied by Dr. de Jongh. It has long been our practice, when prescribing the oil, to recommend [ this kind, since, amidst a much variety and un- certainty, we have condence in its genuine- uesa.-(Ext1-act from Consumption: its Early and Remediable Stages.) _, uivmn Ulh. DR. DE JONGH`S Oil is convincingly proved by en overwhelming weight of medical testimony, and by the practical test ofaucceesful experience for twenty years in all parts of the world, to be, beyond all question, the purest, the moat eica- cious, the moat palatable, and, from its rapid curative effects, the most economical ofall kinda, Hence the universal celebrity 01 Dr. de Jonglfa J Oil, and the unparalleled demand for this unri- valled preparation. uwu, 1500 page PRICE-$7, post paid. $8. nun. TERMS FOR 1870. For any one of thetourReviewa For any two of .,he four Reviews For any three of the four Reviews For all four ofthe Reviews For Blackwood s Magazine - For Blackwood and one Review For Black wood and two Reviews For Blackwood and three Reviews For Blackword and four Reviews .ouu,1uc1usxve, and the London Quarterly for 1865 and 1866, at the rate of $1.50 a year for each or any Review; also Blackwood for 1866, tor $2.50. THE LEONARD SCOTT Publishing Co., 38 Waiter-street, N.Y 1110 1- a1 IuUl"3 uluue By Henry Stephens of Edinburgh and the late J. [ .Norton, of Yale College. 2 vols. Royal Oc- tairo, 1600 pages and numerous Engravings. for the_two volumes. Bv the 1' U 8 T A G E . When sent by mail, the Postage to an ofthe United States will be but Twentw cent; a yehr for B1ackwood,_and but Cents a year foreach ofthe Reviews. Subscribers may obtain back numbers at the following reduced rates, viz : The North British from January, 1863, to De- cember, 1866, inclusive : the Edinlmml. nu: n.,_ uunun.V1UUU .5 nauuwuuuu MAGAZINE ' (Tory-) HESE foreign periodicals are regularly re published by us in the same style as hereto- fore. Those who know them and who have long subscribed to` them, need no reminder; those whom the civil war of the last few years had deprived of their once welcome supply of the best periodical literature, will be glad tcghizve them again within their reach ; and those who may never yet have met with them, will assured. ly be well pleased to receive accredited reports of the progress of European science and limp..- 1 ny ue wen pleased to receive accredited European and lit_eru- ture. `/ nu-.u-s~..n _.~_ . -.__ y D; lhe:it_z;p_l;`}7`rlc;c:.ess Ibe rubbish, and lbilber kn, and shovels and ring from every-even of the colonv, It -- Lue norm Lirms/z from January, 1866, ; Edinburgh and the Westma'nster from April, 1864, to December, 1866, inclusive, and the London Quarter! y $1.50 a vnnr rm THE LONDON QUARTERLY (Conservative THE EDINBURGH REVIEW (Whig). THE WESTMINSTER REVIEW (Radical). THE NORTH BRITISH REVIEW (Free ch h) um BLACKWOODS EDINBURGH MAGAZINE] ('l`orv.) And a _large amount of general reading Price, Five Cents. Bubycriptlon ' A J J -, - - _ EDWIN CANTON, ESQ, F.R.C.S., Surgeon Hospital. `For been in tho -9 -- ~ ' --.L.1J.J A WEEKLY FIMILY Jouumuj _ CONTAINING .4115. THE NEWS op T}, E NTEBTA INING 8`T0lilE 3 AND 1 n I n r n o n m n . . at -4` _. BRITISH PE BIODICALS. . . . . vul ..uvI:|' Ull BOIU is guarante to any other I medical alti- DE JONGH'S LIGHT-BROWN COD LIVER OIL. hi` Tl'\\7l`,I:lio nu - - _. -. - ....,. vv. u-Anu puuusn The Farmers Guide l'V Stnnhnnn nf` WA:..I...._...L -- J A I uanu: ICBCUIUK night possibly be .tion called wnh. regarding Ibis lllun, wnlbin the uarlv annnl.-..l .L., DR. GRANVILLE, F.R.S., labor the -- -` * /--f_"._"'--____ THE CHRONICLE AND Nl1\ ,T{\lYDLr.. uaers. rnzo Excellence use cases i I indicated. ., ...... ....u u no ue much more ei- same medicine 2 view to test : , ,_ .. -rvw utruplll. :1 in the ba- )ing LightpBrown . rther varieties nf 9}... n... -- ---- :1 Hub agent I rue, Btu-bidgea, and Squire te- r Yardley & Go. s preparntionl. Street, Bloomsbury, pot, Rue dn Grand Obantipt, had 1110. v: o L BUICK`. se me. Glygeriqe. inlinn nt n------ - .1 cuolr, ble engiz nave al-T from Fe be soon Implicit conch grams, 1! he can power as French, 1 ve this ` of a and that ' police discomt All olyed pm n L... on -......I- ;cu numerous Engraving: , the _two By . poesessi which the -Iongh a ng the name nrenpnnn 1- ' "W". 1.155., , Germany is _ found that n.. .a_ r- . a-ls:-publish ....._I.. n-- nucy aoap Makers and v for of Quality. London I _, --v---vvvlvllsll Ina! peutic and from e ofita being i article." I uu possessing : the presence of iodine in 3 state of n moat xemarknble. nlly acknowledged that beutic pouen and fvnnn .. uuucr nunas, and that see and indigestion too administration of the nu mm which I am ac- : Liver Oil sold preferable to nnv mu..- . vuvrta 3 una IIBO near Brien-aur-Marne, which is opposite fort Nogent. Our French correspon- dent writing from Rouon on the 2011:, states that it is believed that the attack will begin on ' the neat of Paris, on a line extending from near fort Valet-ion to for: de la Bricho at St. Denis. Thil Alina]: u'-on 5.4 -_ :. :_ --__--J ` - I h I r 3 r .. VI ucnuuuy." ` d de Jongh s I produces the desired 1 kinds, and that 36 indilentinn fiv- ue rosmge any part Twentyionr mood. and but mum V ;%.d_d`-i`<'3ss: ' be Twantvhvm. name $4.00 7.00 10.00 12.00 4.00 '.' an a my 10.00 13.00 16.00 ii 18 published every Fridni contain: the Nun of II embrace: 3 large amount of II furnished at Two Dollnu pet I advance. AA.l--.. --A-__ 4- AL- I I Lllll llllll. B [8 published every lawful 9 Dollars per annum, peyab Subscribers who receive their are charged Five Dollars. : This attack is to be--so it ' one army, that of the Crownfrlneo of Saxony,- _ _-._ ...... - .....\.u unu uuanu B sortie, and were, as is generally the case with sorties, ultimately repulsed. We but that the King reconuoitred Paris on the 29th, and that the besiegers are constructing works at Bag- neux, which is southwest of fort Montrouga; on the terrace of Meudon, oppmite the fort of Vonvres ; and also Brien-sur-Marne, is asset-ted-made by we presume, which will concenttate in the forest at St. Germain, cross the loop of the Siene which intervenes between fort Valerien an(fST. Germain, at Liaisons and Beaons, advance by e ut-:cu uau a uozeu different de:crip- none of lorces, all acting more or less inde- pendently of each other, except in the case of regular troops, of the central etrhority. The great want of the Mobilised guard appears to be otcers. There ought to be and must be plenty of retired officers available for post in the Garde Mobile, but up to the present moment any one who had any interest with the local authorities has received a commission with re- gard to tness. The retired have constquently felt disgusted, and have not sought to serve with such incompetent associ- ates, incapable of conveying even the most elementary instruction in drill, and often inferior in tness for their posts to the men they commanded. ' We learn that on the 27th 26 guns fully Equipped :were dispatched from tn....t... -. M-- uawnc unv oicers of the army ` _ ___... nunsl-lth 'If_he square to be 22 linen off The hzilf equate 11 lines ditto; Price for square, for one . ` lpeper $40 with the pxivilego; l limited to once 5 month. .` Half, square for daily peper with same privilege. '5 N.B.-'l`he square to be ~ _ oridnary business of commercig for such -houars it _will not - clude Auction Sales, Advert ` Removals, Copartnerebip Nov Advertismeuts of individual, - Firms, Houses to Let or fur I JAMES ` . Prineeu St -- ~ unes DU. _ 3` other Notices in editorisl I object of which is to promolqq at privste interests of Individ panies, such as Reports of El _ Companies, Notices to uni Amusements. Meetings, Semi ` ledgements of Donations, to.- sidered advertisements and ch! same scale `znd in he nut. Business Notices - same scale and Notices. unu 1: cents for ever) subs: ' Above 10 lines, 7 cenu `, linsenion, and two cents per subsequent insertion. Sutseqnent insertions not than once a week, 4 cents per Notices of Births. . 60 cents encl Do Marriages. . 50 cents esci Do Deaths . . . . 50 cents _u,c[;_ Busumss No-rxcss.-All `_ this heading, leaded or solillt line, measured by a scale of over 10 lines, under 10 lines `I 7 lines 50. (lthon u...:-_- - ~- ` ` ` Tuun or RAM: you An Six lines and undar, $l_f)_Vt serlions, and 13 cents for av insertion. Tan l`....... o. no - ~ IUBEIIIOD. Ten lines, $1,25 for and 17 for _ lines. 7 on . I-uv uuy an orders for 11.; may be `favoured. Woykg nqumm awn. ` LA BOOKS, omouh LABELS, . nuaa HANDHJLLS, mu. , PAMPHLETS, snow; INVITATIONS, STAG ` LAW BLANKS, NEW POSTING mus, BLAN CONCERT BILLS, = PBOG RAILROAD BILLS, BILL CHEQUE aooxs. FUN! % wsmnss owns, snc Lint` U1`: u1s1I`IFlCATE84 U Suurmuns may be obuj DAILY `Nxcws Onrzcn. omq prumplly` uucuded to. e " descrqmuu on Orange printing` at u.e Duw Nnws Swmu .... u 1u1\l. ul!I`JDB---E D cafefully printed copies Form of Deed legalised by!` at the Daily News Oioe. g-zgs and other law ibrqiy ..__._|_....___, 1J[l.l1J 1 LVIM (Book, Job, and Genet! l ES TA BLIEHIQ elds. Food and supplies of all kinda are Very little dearer than in the towns they left, stores being very freely sent up by speculators. At this winter season the nights are cold, but some of them who have travelled much in Australia. America und Europe, declare the climate the healthiest. and most. delightful in the world. lleelthier (say our departed Grahatnatcwnites) ven than this; which has always been consid- ered the best station in the world as a sanntorium for troops, and which statistics prove to be by f.-it` the healthiest portion of the Ottpe Colony. .\ly organist, who came out here a year since, under medical advice, who apparently could not have lived six months longer in Manchester, who, though much strengthened by our fine Gmhumstown climate, from being a valetudin- ermn is by habit. limit` a doctor, and a person aulliciuntly careful of himself, who, nevertheless, has all along suffered from deoided pulmonary kll:'l!li( | is setting out feaclessly to rough the slum _j)lll`llt _)'llll`.llt`l',I1tlll](`ll`\l`Cl labour there nftliumond hunting, and fully expects trom all the nt'co.nts lllj new-made friend who have precedutl him the eld send him to Qnj)_V better liealtli re than here. The country is hard and barre save on the very river banks, and the t-litnat y which is greatly in favour cf inrnlids and t ose unacclitnntised to hot lati- ludvs. Altogether it seems well worth the vt=n'iir.-t'nr- nnu rnivun m.... "I... .- .:..,.4 - `rum Undersigned, harzn -:- 8. Stock of PLAIN AND I for BUOK AND JOB PR ing tted up -4.! nu--A --/ I TWO sun rm `is enabled to execute in the); yvith gxeaxer expedition nun Q m the City, all orders forvi_ he may favoured `n'|' THE cnnomlc AEP3 In any CUES! 96 Strand ; London. 17 n01 Pei u U 0 In N I E ERFUMER by npppin P ties the Empqgorof of Spain, the Queen of Eollg the Belgians, and the H.R.H. the Prince of Wlleug 4.: or American Pstiem "V M LOCKS, LATCHE5, Km? offer them for sale, to the and at prices to do awajm I1 any but HOMEHADE. direct to the M ufactoq 1 West; or to~the ompanyf` Messrs Evans & E ` attended to. um Hon. DIRK] uxclrnnnncxsi A. CAMPBELL, Kingdom RICHARD JUSON Esq H Mnssas. mom LE'w1s"a -i! W. M. WILSON, Esq., simeow Hora. JOHN CARLING Louq` U BULL, Esq., Inspects: of Life Assurance Comnnnv, _ ,__,--vvll T raclurlng on A RE now producing an 11 muuc-:, unleu aeptember 30th, which states a-rived from Valenciennes had announced that retaken, the Prussian army many artillery, the Prussian 67 rnitrsllenses taken planed hora de combat. From such materials it is difficult to extract the tew grains oftruth in them, For our own part _we disbelieve ail the above announcements from Tours and Brussels, save that part which relates to the illumination by electric lights and the construction of two steam miiralleuses. As to the capture of 67 cnitraillauses from the Prus- sians, it must have required nn invnniivg ..= .--n . nnnDAU'l' bnsineuwi v 1 and the other ment; Obtains In ` Q Letters gaunt; Private iils during the Seg Copy Rights and the Reg marks and designs procux-ad,-:3 Drawin2s.S:.m...-:--i ~ Drafts nd i ununv Parliamentary an -.__..._..__ V5TATUT(;RY DEEDS-A cafefnllv urineml ..,...:_- ` nu L11, Esq., Inspeclt Assurance Company. July lstrl867. V .-... )RAS GE CERTIFICATE Ullful(bnR luau I... L. :6.` Address-Qrdu-I to the P JAI nrllameniary lld ti 0 t I a 1;; "RA N SACTS bnaineu wiun . Dam----~ THE PROGRESS OF THE WAR. One of the last telegrams received, dated Royal Headquarters, Ferrieres, Sept 30th, 4:26, p m,, states that the reports of ghting having taken place on the 28th -and 29th are pure in- ventions. The French, however, attacked on -the 30th the entrenchments of the 6th Prussian Corps, but were forced to retreat from the eld in wild confusion and with heavy loss. Now, there have been vague rumours of ghting since the 23rd, but we have never, for want of conr- mation, accepted them as facts. As to the en- gagement on the 30th, which we believe to have taken place somewhere about Sceaux, we may conclude, in a general sort of way, that the some was made in II southerly direction On the same date, namely, the 30th, the following telegram, which we shall mildly characterise as astounding, states, on the authority of a person who left Paiis on the 27th, that two Biden regi- ments, being unwilling to light, had mutinled, and that as a punishment tweniyfour of th-ir number had been shot. It is added that two been constructed, that was a great success, the heavily, and that to the fortications electric light, This matched by one from 30th, which lust a-rived fmm v.i.....:.,....-- sync; to Iuuvu lorlpill. llnn an giving the reqiired month's warning. y of the city the lnhourers under the city corporation have given notice. So it is in other towns. So, nppiuonliy, it will be Town though dnyfjournov fro m lhil r-in: hi ....:I DAILY N] ninnl H`-.. THE mm rm lnI.....I -_-__ __, ...v uguvru OI 1'1 _ Vgians, Wda :-- E U G 2 NE Hui mum: no ----=--~ * nuuulv Ind; 28 Regent Street; ` Boulevard dos Italic .________.._.__ YIARLY Ionnnlrlsa ADVERTI ll American Pstlnm , K1103 11 sale. to tho 'l'-H - ---- 'P"II7n\ J AMES N] .. ..... ..-.. ...u,:..., . mu nuu inn: aonauona sen: privately to myself or to the Bishop of Grahamstown would be duly acknowledged nnd used as pre|cribed_ There are clergy who could be found here admirably suited to such a mis- sion, as they speak both the languages, Dutch and English, and who, perhaps, could be tem- porarily spar-d from their poem, if the cost of sending and maintaining them for n time could be found. n w ... - cmoui: :`;t`E`a i nt subug main: in- I IpIll".0|I8 B11000, lllllllllon Of Blnnketl, now being ignpo try from Englnnd,nnd got up 3 public into the belief that they msnufncture. The Ityle Illd ' no of the Cornwall Blanket: hnv pied, and _ Io hue the Ibl ot the tickets, except that the ll Mnnufncturing Company the wand: "0anndiIn _I.snnf led. Persona desiring I/`POOH nine article will have to no t Cornwall Manufacturing Cqmpa ticket of each pair of Blankets. ell, 23rd August, 1870. ` _ H101-is Ann NEW! is_ pu ndsy morning, and contains the week. For Fifty Cent You mav send it to aim" .. noun. 1-ur ruty vent you may it to your Inontlu at. the reduced For One Dollur it muy. In. Single copies, price Riv hnd at the Daily New olce, CORNWALL MANUPAO MPANY beg to caution the I Ipnrionu shoddy imitntion of Rhnkall. no! balm: imnnn unit is wuuiu be a noble opportunity for the S. P. G. or the S. P. C. K. societies now lostep in and make temporary gums for religious purposes on the elds. They would earn ibe lasting gratitude of the fniure South African diamond community. As some of your readers may be more specially interested in this aspedt of the new subject, I will add that donaiions privately to mvmalr nr In um n;.i.,... rut by E. H. PARKER, D3. 8 Ila. KING, Ohemistn nnd Drug ut. nnd druggiata elleyben. lllli EDUCATION. 1 UTH COLLEGE.-Board and per nnnum, $228. of testimony could be shown ust soothing and healing Sal d it has fairly proved iuelt duri of years to he the belt rernod e worId-the true Illevlative, ttlgd pgin. Price only 26 s notion is resecifully nquutefl. I A M RR Hf-`W pnrlicularl spply to`lnjor 1 and: Wm. D, Jnne zo,1a7'o. vw--yr V Invnlngy `CV01 s dissolution of Psrtnsnhlp vi Dnpolf, continues the practice in nu its branches st his old or `Buildings, Northeast cor 1'6. ~ ' IIIOII. t; l'he Very Rev. 1. Hellmuthl lND' GENTS ` nu vvuu have rcucueu were, leaving any triends behind, anon urge those friends to come. It is certain that diamond merchants and dealers in gems are already in gooii force on the fields. lt is certain that some rough fellows who have gone up, who were known to manlof us as poor man but a few weeks ag), have become sud- denly ricb. lt is known us, too, now some or them unfortunately spend it-viz; In gambling, billiard playing, champagne drinking and bran i_y drinking. It is known to us that single stones have been picked up already by indivi- dnuls, for which thousnnds of pounds have changed binds on the elds; A They very stdly need the miaistrutions of religion Young men that I know have taken their bibles and prayer books as part of their kit, and have lefr good promises behind them. But how long the temp- tations of such a life can be resisted, who may tell? It would be noble opportunity the societies now inn. ['11 UVAH ` on hand And in Baok........ auto geBonds . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... .Sl.ock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . States and Oity Stock and`; A CAUTION. T WALEELANKE UP OAPITALAND SURP ES PAID IN FIFTY YEA '1, 1868. GNEW, Barrister, 811., but re 17 (mice from Olu-anon; to Mr J. J. Linton : Auctlpn EA IMSURANCE CZ] BK 0! I116 MBOKIWIIII V tuton, and Wilkes Burs, flo mines, and is prepared with` ly for Family use, and wil "delivered in the but pouible d Sqft Coal fox grates aim 0 Lehigh bump for Foundry g for Blacksmiths. h. Delivered in any port of ts AND, SHO] Deanery, Grabs 115: 13 E Feb. 8, 1870. , n Inge and nried Stock `of solute, together with Trunkl. V E Jamel 0 Rellly. dado! in dlnnlmlnn nl Pnlllnnrnhln u t. Lawn-once} WI: of Johnson Street. hAcITFcoAL mllil (`S CERATE. criber has just reelved din-:3 .nd, a very ne nuorlmpnt of. a by H.B..H. Prince mm. I per nnnum, $286. - . nu cw - --- HUT]! LAD! ES 00LLlG| Lay has been doing business ii} blic condence by prompt Ali Elbe laws of Canada by the D |l'. , 14:}: I131, I870. u in nu: at W! Intket Square. , 4-----y ~u..-~ --v -vu un ' '"` ."" '"' l'J 1 9 lb: not very diicult to control tho martin; ad G"d Mk;"}mbd`.; p `iEl:r; atp'v: ;:l:lb`:`11:J`:`;! ` nincesse, and the Court. histories 0: mt NORM wtyhoil-Iillieliv hogs receivgd 73'3" f G"ge `.1 Show how 3 Ron gun unlrdoto ` 19` fans to those high]-V P'*.`d ieved attaclfrwillrbesin IBM diagued hidden to marry below their ow Paris lineeiten mg tom nenr . . ._ me [0 nd ' I 9,;- :2:::::.:::,1: :29 c::::,;:;:5:;*",L:s:r::. and man ltofbfie-'8|_:'x: ?:::d;r-3.-,:,,,,,.y. eletnientar} instruction ' `bah cn:m, for; tho d F b D k f GI -in, cm h `b 27 e . irstt e u e o oucesier ma. `eneu 19"" l '3 ,1 Bum, 3,, :were dispatched from Spnndau as part Duke of Cu .,....u`-: U1 uenry V111. It had been l women, a rank, suitable matches in that 1 I Put Lnckawam, being mild rhea: of the Lacknwnnn V man; and Wilbnn Rn--n fun .-ed to isme]Policies on cumin --3-em ov al. IJNGLISII JAMES SWIFT 8 0| " 3X'fs'4"E'`"i31"c3`i'>1j -I _ ..-_. H ' BOOTS AND 83' ASSETS, Jl JL1 1L\ll. J Prlnoou E Flu-:D. H. WILLIAMS, D.D. Dean ofGrabamstown. ahamstown, Cape Colony, Au. ....... uncut |uI e g works at pmile Iur-Marne, `tench sck andino {ram n..- THE DAILY NEWS---WEDNESDAY EVENING. OCTOBER 19. . inn:-Ltrcurl are placed at the disposal of the Minister of War, and at-: to be subjected to the same discipline as the Mobilieed National Guard. Telegraph clerks are exempted from all mili- tary service. This is an excellent measure, and will tend to bring about a better system 0! organization, and more cubes on than has hitherto prevailed. Up to the present moment. there have been half dozen different ` want guard aoman In 5- .., ........... ... mu .uuumucu .V5lI0lJL1lU'h1 their services are required by the Mi War, Prefccls are authorised 10 give 1 of xbe Sedentary National Guard to tbs ised National Guard, and also to call vale individuals lo deliver up all aporlit and other weapons in their possession Francs-Txreurs are placed the dlposz War, suhiemm IIIUIUII. The bricklayer who was working for me but . A few days since at eight shillings per dny-a reepecuble men, and whose work is still un- niehed-hee thrown up all, leave: his wife and < fetnily behind, end in at! next week. I speak l this of my own personal knowledge, lhnt your I reedere tney judge from such little flcll the I widespread eenntion that has been produced in I lhil country. Two-thirdeol our cethedml choir, I belonging to various stations of life, have 211- T reedy gone, and we fully expect to be I reduced to eoppnoe. The principal ' 5 builder of the town tells ma today lhet I do no more work ; the! all , hit: man have f (Seturdey) morning given him notice week to leave forthwith. Many of required werninn. All 3 d o Charla-bourg on Cz\mbcroic--the Inst. being evi- dently - 3 misprinv. for Courhevoie-and then, crmsim; the Seine ti third time between the Route de St. Germain and the lhuta lmperiulr, occutw the villarzes of Ouurc--1103. Villiers. and \.'l U::|U|)' ||.lU QCIUU ll \_Ull'u IIIIIU UUIWBUKI IHU occupy villages Ouurc--llos, Villiers, and Levnllois, oppo3i.e Les l$.:tigno|1es,nnd advance straight on the fortification: hi the meantime the Army of the Crown Prince of Prussia, cou- centmted in the woods round Versailles and sleudon. is to cross the Seine between liollevue and llilluncourt, and make for the Bois de Hou- ogne. Uur correspondent informs us that Gen. Truchu has not neglected the defences on that side. and that the Seine is in this part. cf its courso well guarded by gunboata. We confess that we do not believe that this h_vpothesia- which, by the way, our coriespundent by no means endorses-is correct. We still incline to the Lelief that the real attack will take place on the south and southeast, perhaps also on the southwest, about Sevres. Wu are led to form this opinion {min the fnCl0f works hnviiig been constructed by the Prussian: in the diiccticu we have indicated, though of course, it is possible thatth-sir (`0flSlt'tlCllOl1 may only he a faint, that in spite of the numerous forts on that stirs the attack would he siter, and from the circumati\n- nan m... `H-1 n......;.... ........ ,.... 4.1., ....., utstug iueui toa Vi}.:Jl`Ull3 resistance. At Lille we hear that there u{`e/31,000 regular` troops and asmany Mobiles. `._F.Jrty or the western departments have, it is said, risen, and are organizing an energetic resistance. With regard to the skirmish which took place on the night of the 24th-25th, we learn that it squadron of French Uhasseurs met with some Prussian cavalry near Pithiviera, and drove them back on their support, which consisted of a brigade of infantry. We have no certain in- telligence concerning the movements of the main body of Prussiaus said to be in or near Orleans, but we learn that tho Prussian: have abandoned Rtmbouillet, south west of Versailles, but that they have occupied Dourdon, to the southeast of the former place, and that their advanced guards have exchanged shots with the outposts at Thovernou and Gretineville en Loire. We may therefore conclude that all the the country between Urlesns and Parts is vir- tuallv held bv the prlnlutnna .\I)? .i.... _. Luc L;uuuLIy uutween Urleaua and tually by the Prussians, but that at pre- sent they have no inleution of cro.-sing the Loire. The army of the Loire 13 now said to bu complnled, and numerous enough to defeui the passage ofxhe Lone. We are not, however, in ormed at` its strength or conposniau. IL is In '11; an-vlml .L... u:.|, .. lIUL|. In the department of the Oise the new pre- fecx,ex-caplain Jeunerod, late newspaper cor- respondent with the French army, has Issued H sliring proclamation to the people of the dis~ Irict, urging; them lots v:LrJmu: r.-ai.n..m-.. A` I3 Iu iuu puwcr oz mortal 10 restue military discipline and maintain order among the civil population of Pziris, GauerulTmcbuiatl1e man to do it. The proclamation is addressed 10 the army, but H3 provisions are impliedly ex tended 10 civilians. Death is decreed for n'uz-iu- doning a post, for refusing to march against the euemy,for pillaging, and for wanton destruc- liou. (jeueral Trocliu calls on all true men to auDDOrL him in mainlninincr mu... .....a .:;. : support pline. A lalarvrum d. PIIIIU. A telegram, dated 28 dispatched from llouen, 3 5kirmi;h wixh mm. Aug auvcu m lu':lr opuucms. The French troops engaged in this ulxir were probably the Mobnles who were dispatched a few days ago from Rouen with 3 viuw to check the advance of the enemy towards the north and um. n... -rum noueu wnlu Vluw check enemy north and west. Our French correspondent informs us that up 10 the 29Lb Septemper the France-Tireurs and Gnrde Mobrle bad, by their resistance on the borden of the western departments, checked the fmher advance of the Prussian scouts in that direc- tion. nir AIIUA. (Correspondence of the Lv.`ni1'on Timex.) I know not whether you will by this time have received from any of the usual sources of trustworthy information at the command of the press s_ny reliable at count of the great move- ment of our Cape population upon the vast and rich diamond elds recently discovered close to the frontier oi"this eastern province of the Cape Colony. But it has occurred to me at tins mo- ment, when want of employment seems to press so hardly upon large portions of the industrious classes in England-judging from the motions on emigration submitted to the House of Com- mons, as reported by the last mails` reaching here-some of your readers might interested in having tlteir attention With out delay to undoubted facts wonder-working diamond field that, last two months, has pretty nearly startled the Cape Colony out of its senses, and set the most part of its junior male population in motion as Nomads. This large tract of country, close to our immediate borders on the eastern frontier, now found to be richly diamondiferous-washed by the Val ani the Orange Rivers, and with- out sny reliable assignable limits as yet, for die- mond parties have found gains glittering on the very surface within three days hard riding or one another, not to mention the large supplies found in clay and gravel deposits turned up by the pick, a foot or two below the ground, after a few days of unskilled sesrch-is, in every sense of the word, a diamond eld or diamond country, not a diamond mine The mine as yet, if there be any, is not in` the least degree trace- able. All that is certain is that there the p e- cious gems are-on the surface and cl J53 to the surface, spread ovet an area of hundreds of square miles that were uninhabited and unno- ticed until within the last two months; little frequented, even by wild game, as there is neither bush nor grass on the surface, and which (had there been any one claiming lights of ow- nership over it) might have been all purchased by any buyer, to the great joy of the seller, for a few shillings per thousand acres. There, nevertheless, the precious gems are, unearthed now and found every day by the simple process of washing and sieving the a population, with picks, rakes, is rapidly following the most diatant--town colony. it is about four hundred miles from here, and about twice that distance from Cape Town. They are travelling for it either on foot or on horseback, or by horse-cart or mule-cart or ox-curt. Part- nership oompsnies of from four persons to sixteen persons. are leaving this little city every second or third day. of gentry and the lower classes of working peo- ple are going together without distinction. The picl, gerowbsr, shovel, sieve and washing cradle are the common accompaniments of all, The well employed, the half em; loyed and the unem- ployed are all alike. Good situations are being thrown up every day. The young man you saw but the other day serving goods over the coun- ter or keeping books, or acting bank cl.~trk,when you call at the same establishment in a day or two you will miss, and he told he has joined a party to work like a navvy at "the elds." The pr ncipal servant in my l.ousehold-a respecta- ble eoldier of the Eleventh Regiment-who had purchased his discharge, earning wages at the rate of 50s. per mouth, beside food. bedroom and other perquisites, gave notice and is gone this week. house are following immediately. most other houses. The dral,who was sent out year ago at an expense agreement. receiving board the deanery, at a salary of annum, or equivalent, and least as much more privately, days notice, unable to temptation, and on promise to the amount of his passage that resistance to the diamond fever would be useless. Th- In-is-l.l_....- _.a.A ._._ K I - - The higher classes * u Sxlrmln wnn zome Uhluus took place at .\Ieu1Les,1lml the French were successful, kill- Iug seven of melt opouunts. The French dispatched dam nnn .5 ynucnuulnkluu Iu me people or the In!-'3 , urging resistance. VIII u hearrthat regular ` kept )3 as many Whl( ern It is mm] rgunizing me ill] Sin ` he the24zh-25th, were drou man` man cavalry Pithinera and A-n-u AAu\.uu -gun: uu an true meu_l0 maintaining order and disci. J ,. ...... uv..-. n; uuw Bald (0 nd :9 15th Uorps. 11. may be true in force has vet hm-n vnun .... 31b of Foplcmber, nnd , states that on Ilut dny : Uhluus bwarc successful] kill- uuvclukuvul, u: a close conm the actual sovereign. or the i1 and powerful houses, was 5-) lead to foreign marriages l\r.|n0:nA .1. , -7, uml ll] 00 proper B8086 0110 Of l].( With the danger aribiug one or the certain heirs to the throne, the o1.l l apprehension from intermarriage; l possible In-irs and other powerfui also caused. Nevertheless, lheiD( ence, under the system 0! P.-irli-at Government, of close connection the nntunl an... ..1-- , um. put the m and the House ml the last of the question between Wnllia n1 Hanover on one side, 3 Stuarts on thu other, was purely political, um] In succession. danger IlI"h.lnu nu; ._L A`- - ,,_.,_ -.,... ..... auuu -ssmu. Um: Smart Priucv, who Slllltqlltilly resigned, w-us, 1lOW<:Vt'r, married to the ilnuglitcr of 1:. sub- ject-Juuu~s 2nd, whose wife was the daulgliler of Hyde. afterwards Lord Claren- dun. But the rules ofinheritance have be- come well dened, and there has never been wnutinga person clqarly indicated by those ` rules as the legitimate heir. It is true that the convention P-arliament_a`_vaiu s_cted on the old right of at least modied selection which had been asserted so consistently by the Parliament of Henry 8th. But the VVilliam [In Rirln nn.I .i.,. I- r use 5 ` .L'4l L3|)CllJ LLICFG me absence of dnlcuhy about me 9 subscq 0fHyde, zsf |.I.... U-A ~`- Tmins Arrive and depart from Stuion as follows : kept a very jealous watch upon all unions ,,_, ..-.... .c.F.., uul. .uuw:11'tl the \/1., never- theless, conceived himself to he so fully entitled to dispose ot all the royal family in marriage that. he once proposed to give Anne ot Cleves, who may be called his step- lIl'I'.ll('l", being a divotctd relic: of Henry Vlll, upon young Courtney. Elizabeth which might further entangle 71 question al- ready so knotty. When tlntherine Grey, therefore; was found to have committed the of matrimony, she and `her husband were sent to separate prisons--though they managed to defeat this precaut:i(m--and the unlucky lady was made to pine away in` unforced widowhood, Elizabeth herself either really did object toany tnarriage, or I ohjectetl to marry any one but Leicester and him she was restrained from marrying L by the opposition of her ablest counsellors. C clhe however insisted upon lter right. to be cmsulted in the marriages of tire Queen of f Scots, and this upon L ground that, as Mary had claims to the suc- ` 1 cessiou, her umtrimouial connections were ll" sul-jeC's of the highest. interest to the pe0- rl ple of England represented by their govern- ment. dhe sacricecl her own avowed in- clination, and exacted the same sacrice 0 from others. When Mary married Darnley, .- Eizzthcth imagined that his mother had 0 brought. the match about by her intrigues. '~` (`I l the clear political I ll and treating her conduct as acrime sent her t the tower. Since the death ""' l ol El zsbeth there has been an en-_ ' . nlisnnnn nF Hm -`r` ` nflhe siege train to be employed at Paris. They were 8 inch ri-d guns, throwing prvjectiles weighing 150 lb|., and tired wilh a charge of 15 lbs. of powder. . .... nu, ; `nu AIlLL|Iull;lll"ll|J. The Wars of the Itasca W('l U nnmng llnc muet (luvastuting conicts that the world has seen, and tlu-y lelt nn imprcssiun In England that was not 4-Il" fur u couple ul wuturies. Th;-y at-slmycd many uoble lmuscs, not only lxy losses in battle, but by (:Xu(:llh(mS on_tl1e I-cullold, until it bccxnnc absolutely necessary to recognize in statute that it was nnl. tr:-ugnn tn ca.-rvu n [In r'm~I.. ULIL UUUC Ul ll](.'H' Hll1]lil('S WEN: V01`: ctful. He however, maintains-Ll hi to control the marriages of all ])t'r8() atod near the sucvesxinn, and it is a what remarkable thing that. this Kit is often x-puke!) of as a vuy arbitrar` snnal" ruler, thought it tlesiruhle to Parliamsntmy sanction for this part prem That statute was repe the next; reign; butE'lw:1rl the VI.` thclcss S(. .xu|.pI. I AA J3 .;..;.-.uum.-u m uuutuer Wt-IX` tor the sucw sinn, 'l he apprehension, as we have 5110 naturally took the direction of ulnun pmvexlul parties should bcrulsml wit him 1 realm. and lmnmz In n...-0 pl... 11. :_ I . THE ROYAL MARRIAM ,\n ,, r. ... . ..u;,ca UI ,and histox`-`es of the marry own una.- f suitable rank, ` lg everything that can give inter- 1 But George II had to deal with = -s who could not be thus manag- ;he Duke of Gloucester married? ass Waldezmve. and M... an 5 -....,. ....o iagired a crime ver. oi` en- e the old form of nut succ -ssiou. One tried laughter Iyde. e lined, rson egitimare on I -arliament_rr_:ain :en cnusistcntlv ln` ent Blltvtb-1: Ilr n- i 9., pruuuclllg any one of the uni so commonly arising from the us( continues to hold its unshuaen Cstilnaiun of the Profession as reliable, and cheapest preparation sci.-ntilic Pliysicians made atiid have tested its cects in careful c these nf"`DR. COLLIS BROVVD DYN 1' am] deposed to the ` found it :1 more certain and reliat cgrcutly preferred FREEMA Earl liussell communicated to legu of Pliysiciana and to Mr E Manilla. the only remedy of any was Chlorodine. The Medical Times and Gazette 1866, states, It has an imrpeusi the public, and is prescribed by s dox Medical Practitioners, and, of I not be thus singularly popular dic a want. and fill a place. Manufactured by r.h_e Inventor, ...,. I-n ayuwux 01 r'4rli-runent-an xclose betwu: ifl. theinnn...,H..a..1., _. V.--gurus: warned? egrave, and then the I married Mrs Horton, 1:; minutes tor the u and Kingston lime.) _.-.u-.,w. `nine- `er ages l clear 1\..liH,...1 | nuvu Lei-JLL'u its in comparison witlin ,. BROWNE S CHLORO- ma i," fncts that they reliable preparation, "'59 FREE3IANS." 1:" the Royal Col t 10 Freeumn, that in H- oul . y use in Cholera lie- gen The Gazette, January 13th, 33,, lS66,st:1:es, imrpeuse sale amongst mt scores of Ortho- ,, ,, course, it would `mu singularlv did it no ll. 1 I 2 :Agent for England and Bri 1' ur punlylng tne ts1ood.-Price 2s 9d per Bo ` ,' The above Preparations are in the 17 ` ofsweetments, pleasant to the taste, and 1 : ticularly adapted for Infants and Mot] nursing. ` By the combination -` with Cress Seeds in a state of gennineti `they are united with organic life, which t frenders them digestible. The irritativet stubborn mineral has thus become the mm] 3 of an organic substance capable of being ieorbed by the blood without injury to stomach. of the Iron or lot tieh Poesoeaio E. G. DUFBESNE, 79 Watling Street. May be obtained of ell Ohemiatl. ,_ __, _,_.., ....cuwr, nicuara free- man, 70, Keunington Park Road, London, S. The genuine has engraved on the Government. Stamp (outside each Bottle), FREEMAN`S . 3 ORIGINAL CHLORUDYNE. ' I I I - y ` DR. VICTOR BAUD S ORGANIQMEDICINE. f ` ` DR` V. EAUD, Graduate gnd Member of the Extraortiinary for Epidemics in Paris, late M.D. or the Civil Hospitals of Algiers, has just in. troduced in England his ORGANIC MEDI- CINEEEA. ..... ulna; A1 1/.:<.`u1u()N, For strengthening the SyaI.em.-Price 13 9d per Bottle. For purifying the Blood.-Price Bottle. 1 I THE DIASTATIZED IODINE, I I ',' in Man fr---- ,1- um, uuuun-L or tnree preparation` l THE BAUDEINE, An efficient and prompt Remedy for Yellow Fever, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, ~ excessive action of the Bowels. A go was awarded by the French Governme V. Baud for this valuable preparation ' Price: Small, la 1; `I Size, 113 per Bottle. I THE DIASTATIZED IRON, : strengthening Svamm _D-=- (1; Medium, 43 5d uouuceu CINES. rm u want. auu nu place." the . ,' gc ne enzrrnvml I\r1 n a. sister of that Colonel Luttrel who, as he had been forced into l urIin.mem by the Court in onnositiun tn \Vilkn.a, Imm Hm. .-.I.:.. Glldcrslccvc \c Vvulkcm, ;)AP.IHS 1`ER.S and ATTUkNEYS-at-LAW, 1) Conveyancers, Notarins Pubiic. Richard '1`. H/alkem, HOLICITOR IN UHANCERY. 3 Otcc--C1nrence Street, Kingston, C.W. J. P. Gxnnxasnsnvn. L.L.B. | R103. T. WALKEM. I or guru" nucmr-1-non Executed neatly, cheaply, and expediliolxsly M be DAILY NICVVS JUB PRINTING OFFICE. I can testify to the high thernpentical value of Fellows` Compound Syrup of Hypopbosphiles, and considering it deserving of attention by the profession generally. Aanvm ALWARD. M. D., Mayor of the City of St. John. Price $1 50 a. bottle; 6 far $7 50. Sold by apothecnries and by F. Cundill 6; Co., whole- sale agents, M0utreal.-Adu. I _}__.__ i Phumix Fire 1 [5 `A , _ .5 -1 .... ... hkely an con and to \I\.I||U\4Al-_)'. 1!. IS more cession tn plain good sense, an alfrctionatc desire that her danlgiutcr should not, because she is a Prin- uu.-=s, be less happy than many thousands of her untitled suh_j=.cts.--]|[ontreal Herald. J. R. Smith, 1711)., )HYSICIAN, SURGEON, &c., PORTLAND, Residence Harrowsmith. A Ofce-On!ario Street. Kingstou,March 31, 1870. .___`j__ 1 Iuluxjyl A1.'.A`N, Solicitor in A ) Fu C1::Lnccry,Nnt.m lnlic, &c., 33 Kig nrm,-t. Kirmrstmx. I 1 ram June 9. . . . . . . . . I T0 TH E WORKING CLASS;-We us now preplred D furnish all cln_ises with conptnntemployment :9. home, the wlmlc oflhe time or fur the spare Inunenm Business new, livht and promblg. Persons ofeithqr sex eulI{ earn from 545,-. to Q5 f)er_9.venm ,und_n proportional mm y devoting their who e ume to! e huuness Boysnnd glrlseanx near! as much as men. Tlmtall who see this notice mny send that nddrcxl and mat the business, we gnnka t_l'_:_is unpnrnuelecl offer; ' nnnuvh .. ..... mu ....n.....:-a.. .___ - -- V _ __ V .-.~.~u- no-uvv OF LONDON. Agent at Kingston, (}F<`.nn(`.r`. A Inmz Eastern by G TR. day! Vveslern 4. u an East. and West night tr 1 \'r'rI:n um: P40. They < iamcs S. Ituruvrllll, \ARRIS'l`ER-AT-LAW. OFFICE -- Over 5 Parke:-'5 Drug Store. W .i;:sp:pl| I/!u(w;lcin,V TTORNEY ATI.AW, Solicitor L C1n:Ln(u-,rv,N'ntmu F..I.I:n .9... -2-2 IHCA or - LIVERPOOL AND LONDON. MAXWELL W.S'I`RANGE, Ammt rm. I(:......- I consist of three preparations` BAUDEINE, 1`1`ii"i"i"!`I`I'l'l \ classes conptnntemp!nyn3ent_u _home, nun... ...:....u.--___- _, nlugslou, GEORGE A. KIRKPATRICK. , ____ .,..... u, Cholera, and the gold medal Government to Dr 5 preparation. lid: Medium An Fm` - ' A H5 uulu uuu use oiopintes. It Kits position in the r the best, most Jest preparation. Eminent and ans affidavits that they acts with )LLls BROWNF. .~`. mnnnn single copies Nlws, containing the I had iu wr.-uppers for 1 iisnwd on-.rv Prim- : As-ssurancc Company P l .(H\TnN 2 Richard Free- 'ark Road. London R nuuuuu are 1n the form t Molhnrn ... w.a-nmnum, Agent for Kingston ...., nunuu mus irritative and me the [lI'Il"nun -.... un xuul germination, Fe, thus iffitativn and ...--uuvu and me nucleus ab- njnrv to the Possosaiona, ng Iuu. I 5d ; Large 'I`rn\'1-llcrs` uml l'o.~luI C||Ik\.

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