Kingston News (1868), 22 Oct 1870, p. 2

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Annur or A Mrttnzalt-1.--The Oswego Iinuu 5 of Tbttrsduy says :- Policeman: Slstterly ` brought to the city tod y, and loiged in gaol A A fellow nuned James rtoj, who escaped from the Asylum for insane convicts at Auburn, some ' weeks since, when he bud been placed for lbv` ` uocnrity of humanity in general. the Ihorl"of Snntop county, and was A very I dnngoroutnnn to beat lnrge. The f-[low had taken refuge in Kingston, but when puauggion 7.. uuployod toindnee him to come over to` He mu rderad : Capo Vincent, when be In arrested last night (0,... innrview vim Policonnn Slnuorly_ , `N I. gonna. A good reward wu_o'ered to` M, puny, which Slatlorly pt-obubly want` 1 .d to no hil 05- Ulhl). In Kingston, October 22nd, Rev Wesleyan Minister, aged 55 years. The funeral will mke place {:01 sidence. CIPI-av am... .. um - .oy`3 Own Magazine, Every Week, Penny Illustrated Paper, Family Herald, Peterson's Magazine for Na Scr1bncr s New Illustrated unt an-iuml - . tntn mu the engine room and stoke hole were frs`. lling with water, and that it was impossi- ` ble to get it out, as the cargo had begun to shilt, and the vessel to heel over. At 8 o clock the sea sweeping over the ship burst open the saloon doors, and ooded th: saloon with water. At ll o'clock the ship, with her lee deck under weter, was struck by A sea which lled the nngine room and stoke hole, extinguished the tires in the furnaces, washed away three of the pnrt M1-boats, top gallant bulwarks, fore and nfr, lamp room, coxswsin and carpeuter s room, and every move.-able thing on deck. After rhis, re broke out in the wood work behind the holler on the starboard side; and only put out after great exertions. On the morning of Tues- day, the `.l0th, a cry arose that the ship was on tire. The coals in the bunkers on the starboard side were found to be in a blaze-, and the deck had to be torn up in several places to gait: ad- mittance to the fire, all bands passinann t...,.r. Eugliabwomnn's Domestic I Young Englishwomnn, Kind Words, LLLUSTRATED LONDON ALMANAC, The death is ammo! Miller, .\I.D., ER." . K` ng's Collvge. Hex 1ol. Whither ho had ._, u\1\A. uv L';ns`u.nt1n0pIr3 1.15allllluglgtheiDV(\I`iQb]vP!`0- uf :1 quarrel; and this is an appre- hension shared by the Austrian Cabinet, .'mwevur little it is felt or acknowledged by our :1u.l10ri'.ies 01' Downing-street." Oct. 22. number of seventeen iron-cluds, will demand , pun.'lI:l.:5CLl in America, and which, to the :he right to pass the Busphorus under Ame- rican Coluurs and enter the Black Sea. I Should this demand be refused--eighteen l days being given for the deliberation on it --the troops of the Czar are to enter and occupy the D-anubinn Provinces. I simply give you this as :5. sample of the sort ul tid- irxgs [hut meet ready acceptance. among many here. The nnxietv hf Hm ll-melon .... .`., vvuu K[]U\Vn :13 ms: Line, lmcl suffered disasm: out, unfurtunutcly, that :1 ~11 has occqrreul, no less than steannsliip Caunhriu. with hundrul lives. 1.11:5 n;.;u pcned on the north cuast the vessel was on her v1 York to Glmsguw, and fruzr there is but one solitary su tale. The news sent thus scanty, and there are only of some of the ship : bouts or having landed on smne Inmh. ...:.I. ._If I -- .. "5 .. _=.....5x.- Lc.n.uUu :o`a paragraph} which h:1::_]ust appeared In 3. M. Petersburg 3 paper, the lVl([(3ifJ0.\:{, whose Odessa corres- 1 pondem wrxtes thus: `The rumour goes here that Gen. I;;m1tic' has presented to the ; Purte a formal demand for the revision of} the treaty uf 1856. Meanwhile, Odessa is` prcparang a grand and ft.`St|\'e reqeption for r the eet which the l{ussinnGovernu1enB has : purchased in America, and the] ..l. V "' ` llHI])l>6`r(Ir envnnonnni ` \r\ I I.U us. me put: ox aeuusrupol that he came, he cruised about for u few hours, and` re- turned to the :mch0r:_1ge before Constantino- ple the following day`. Such at least. is the story told here, and I believe in has met no cumradictiou. I only mention it now as lmvinzr n all-nuxrvn ..,.v.. IKCSSIA AND Tlfl{KEY. ~ One of the correspondents of the Pall Mall Guzettt at Cunstantinnple sends us at letter "When Admiral Farragut made his visit two years ngo to Constantinople, he made at ment for leave to pass the Boaphorus, and. as he expressed it in :1 private conversation `poke his nose into the Blzick Sen. While . the request was under consideration, and while the authorities were eagerly asking the various foreign Atttbussadurs and En- vnys what consequences such a precedent might be likely to entail, the Admiral got - his steam up, and, with all his ags ying, parsed quietly up the Straits and entered ;` the Black Sea. As thpugh to show that it 3 was through no curiosity to see Odesss nor ,: to visit the site of Sehusrupol that he i few hum-. nnr] .0, . from which we take the following passage: ` ` furnml applicatiun to the Turkish Govern- _ n-Lying II. has .....,.... .L/ 7HICH the owner can ha v.._.. - \IIJ1`I , VG by addressing (through Post Office) I((`.n HARNESS JOIIN IIENDEHSDN, JUST RECEIVED. HENDERSOIWS U ,. ..._._. .. unr, out n was soon isbed. The ship nally arrived at Liver- Ihe 6th of the present mouth. u. unbvlllg mnuc ltmdu with whi v PRINCESS STREET. - _ onnv FOUND, TY :33 S W R., Post Of: Cent Music---100 kin acH:uL(:L:LI lI'UI)-C1lJ.(.1S, Wlll demand * 7 urs 3 :3 are fn Dnfnr urn` aziue November. rllluatruled Magazfl announced of Mr WilIiam]AHen RR. Prof:-ssor of Chemistry at He died 0! apoplexy, at Liver- xe had gone to atvend the meeting As:oci.-uion. He was 53 Vearnnf JOHN FLANIGAN, Denmv II'r...a.. ncu new ion: 0! the nrri"aI Bl }uiou Comp:-my a steamer Ne- t" the most perilous voyages on el left New York on the morn. 16;!) of Sam. wilh rnnilu Hr mm T1..47" 7210 in a Slatibnery Store as k in an oima r:..n,a uu 1 ueneve It has I nsl e relation to a paragraph upeared St. Peterslmw ; ,eu on xke from his late re- `, on Monday at 2:30 p.m. uattend. I a and Single, of the r my on hand nr .....o.. 1 I EDANIUAN, D_eputy Warden. 'ennenlinn 1 : Magazine for Ocl_ ze, Kingston. oatvend the yearsof -...5..,, ul Luna; 1: hand or made ` tlbe above In-i uunrry more a3 1' oice. Good ` 5A1'L'I{l).\Y l'J\'l'ZN'I.\'(;', \I(_"l'. , Rev. W_ .4: pa I uuvernu1enr.naS ` ml \\'h3cl1,rro `Ind: ..-;n ,1....n. I \. U. 15. Kingston, Ontario. Kinds now on I Heath, ,1871. I . {Department of Public Wor|u,) Otuwn, 5th Oct, 1870. I Sealed Tenders, addressed I.o'lhe undo 1 ed_, endorsed_Tenrier for Lake Harbour W will be received at this office until Thursday, u I the 24th day of Nnvember next, for improve- } ments at the following mentioned place; ;_ {Ar OHANTRY ISLAND, Lake Huron, thg construction of a Breakwater and Beacon l of Crib Work. ~ I fsign- orkl," ' The signatures of two so i sons, reaidenla of the Dominion, willing to be- i oomeulurelies for the due fullment of lhe_ cos- ` Incl, must be numbed to each Tnder. lvent reliable yer- Thia Department does not, however, bind itself to accept the lowest. or nay Tender. I 1 , n. ma Tenders may be sent in or all uf the pl-toes ;-bull 5 be made out in strict nccor 5 ed forms. ; Plans 9111 specications of ti ` works can be seen at thin office, or I a House, Godericb, on and aer Mo , day of November next, where plril ` Tender can also be obtained. UUIJL ` duced. I H)! G ood r-urn , __.-. ND possession `given on the First day A of January 1871. The large and Com- mudious Stone Building, on the Corner of On- {Mia and Johnson streets, now occupled by the Deputy Adjutant General of Militia as Offices. The proximity of these buildings to the wharves and Railway Station, make them desirable pre- mises for :1 Wholesale Warehouse, I manufac- turing building,or a Hotel. or For terms. Apply to H. H. Horsey, Architect, to the Subscriber, .. ._ _,( ,4-__---- UV I-IV Fruit, and Fish in tins. nus wrms mx0w'm." Now Arrlvlng, FROM THE BEST MANUFACTURERS IN THE WORLD. '. ;____;___j__ MONEY TO LOAN N SUM8 of $400 and upwards, repayable by instalment or otherwise, to suit borrowers. iood Mortgages purchased. Interest 8 per `em. No commission. Charges greatly re- luced. Appn Trust and Lc Kingston, l`.Hb October, 1870. New Lemon, Citron ` and Oran We Peels. [ 1 lb b x .1 1-, E71 ,-`.?!-EETEREEJL :N0w Sccdless 01' Sultana Raisins. I } For sale, , , ~--~. x/\/Lhsllt uu-u. at;-amship~; buvu -, and buvu uulmppi I drcudlul lugs of u;__, z -. - ` GUDERICH, Lake Huron, lbe Dredging and Pier work necessary to form A new en. mm;-e channel to the Harbour, and the enlargement of the Inner Basin. ' ROND EAU, Lake Erie, the enlargement` oflbe Cbrmnol aIn......:... , - Anolher lot of I I today. A mbor or cunslrucllo or B ' and Pit-r urns-lr nnnn ... -_- DRnmm,on Tuesday, Oct. 13, on Lot No. | 16, Is: Concession, Township of King- iilon (known as Ferris Point) two unmade ; Spars. V Anv 1-mu . _ _ A -,- ; uyafl. Any person proving ` peuses can have the s Oct. 20. Preserved Oysters in tins. Preserved Pine Apples in tins. Green Peas in tins. Green Sweet Corn in lins_ Tomatoes in tins. Peaches in tins. Slrawberries in tins. Blue B rries m tins. Red Currant Jelly in tumblers. Red Currant Jelly in Goblets. Black Currant do. Assorted Jellies in Sugar Bowls 7 I). II, I'\ I IOTIOE TU CONTRACTORS. numu LAD, Lake Eri Channel, Basin, and the Piers. kc. e, enlarge deepening a portion ( CODEUUCUOD of Enu ......--luv MOD- lompany, have opened two lnverary, and the other at J PERSONS interested in the Science of Entoo T mo1ogy,and who are desirous of forming ;in Kingston a branch of the Entomological ` Society of Canada, are requested to leave their ` names at the office of Tan Dun? Nnwa, ad- ; dressed to E. H. Co1llns,ortoMr;0t:o Meves. 1 corner of Brock and Bigot Streets. ` Oct. 21. -uv-1131.1. Q . LII | 49 Park Row, 1\'o\v York, , RE THE sole AGENTS FOR THE KINGSTON Dun Nzws in that city, and are authorized to contract for inserting adver- tisements tor us at our lowest cash rates. Advertisers in that city are requested to leave their favours with either of the above houses. ___},, GEORGE I . Oct. 12. By order. Oct. 12 _ OCT. 21 Township of Kingstz Tj E:1i:nA_%%g.<=2. Arply to 1 Conn-A.\'\'.--The Mon. .7 L..- ,.....-_ . sale. Very ne. I to I reed Tender for l..I.... u . 1 To OCTOBFR 22 Layer Raisins. : ur_ box:-a PM ...u,. ---J \/1 qr_ boxes. NI. PBTTI-INC-lI.I. `G: CO.' 37 Park Row, New Yov k, ,_ ... \I|4l unvuut cusu rates. 3 named Maxwell March rowned on Friday ner: 3 intoxication by walk. vrrepont, owing to the which had been taken we boat had cleared the B, The deceased was leeaaon as a hand on Ital, of Garden Island _,_.I I __jj-j-;---- Drlftcd Spars. T0 LET. beat for the works mg on ;~but1he_v must in all casts laccordauce with the print- JAMES SHANNON, Annnx-.. (I`I0ney Syrup. ' this delicious Fish in Bowls. W. lb MCRAE & C0. ring properly and paying ex. be same by applying to ROBERT ABBn1"r W. R. MCRAE & CO. . vl uruc. W. R. MCRAE 4: CO. `_--wuv. LIJU only business Tnin Smru. WAn.-The Rev. Patric! of Kingston, delivered on Sunday eveni: In the Preal.-yler'nu Church, Picton, A m quenl and remarkable sermon, bearing on me present Iinful Franco-Prussian v VV. R. MCRAE & CU. name oy applymg ABBOTT. 51011, Oct. 21 W. R. MCRAE & CO. R0/ELI. & co., W. R. MCRAE & CO. , _- .....mcluCllI mg oflhe man Entrance R. M. ROSE. -I y enl_a.rgemen; K portion nhh. of the reopective `, at the Canton: r Monday, the 7th nrimed fnrnu :1 , _ ,. ..\.u,v. lost at! some ` mam... ` -uuuay, we 7!!) rintod forms at RAUN, Secrelory. 3 arrived 8ill||I'CoII, liq. uiii adjoinin nioo. Apply to illinin -uetj 1." Hon! tel; o 3 the 1 low, D. .lAOAnnr v-.. - .; uenenl lnounnce Agent ings, King Street. Kuarror, < W. C. Hun, Anton 19. _ ___,%__} uuuuutl snout leaving Eng! ` nice, and tickets and all not upon the subject of emignti at the hotel-, and will be {urni Person! arriving from the lhv hotel I comfortnblo temp L;..-....-M L A --~ sum: (`A_)_P_l.E8'l'0NE. THE` CLIFTON FAMILY HOTE|., 41 VISLINGTON, in-._._ , a_.._. ring he.-1vxl_v . mn war _.- vl3lBII"'l4. ` ![`HBEE lninntu vnlkifrom the Limo Street Stption. Brunch Honlo ant at hand, 33 Norton Street. Pnnicnlnr uuminn i. ...;.a .- L utguon. Hon I families sbout leaving Eng nioa, and |i..I--- --J '- Kinpton, 17th Oct. 1870. we pnplund hinown. RESIDENCE--Quoen Street, Sydenlum Street. hr . `ca..- _ R T. H. SMITH, Organist of St. George : _ Oalhednl, cud Bandmuter P. W. O. the pupil Illd his own. Hon-n-5 A -- * ` mm a protnsion of the Newest Novelties of the season, selected by our own buyers now in the European markets. Uur entire Stock of SILKS, SATINS and VELVETS having been purchased before the _ advance in price, caused by the Francp-Pro ainn War, we are ennbled to offer this class of Goods at remarkably Low Prioei for Ready Money. ' R. at J. (IARDINEB. ,_.,.,..- .....uug mun the Colonies iii e I lem pour] home. Liverpool, Sept, 1870. EMBROIDERIES AND TRIM- MINGS, MALTESE AND CLUNY LACES, 1 V lll` I`. NTIL the nt of lay next, J Vprgmioel on William -Ir- only prisoner from Belle SILK MANTLE VELVETS, OSTRICH PLUMES, FRENCH FLOWERS, FRENCH KID GLOVES, HANDSOME MADE UP DRES- QIFQ 43... I.`.......`...._ 117-- _ ' JAPANESE SILKS, IRISH POPLINSoftl1e'Jest makes, Aug. 23. COLOURED GLACE SILKS, GROS `DE SUEZ OR CORDED SILKS, in twenty shades ofcolon 1_-- ings, I . ::UIllU mm 0; leave Purl Ht); 3 3 wire 'I`_be steamer `La on St. Pnclon, rema1ue g when and left. today. :o`,e|_ed_ Tun: PROPHLLE bound from in general cargo, a broken wheel. ha Brockvilla. Sb >9 Mon. d nlber I GROS GRAIN SILKS, Kingston, let 1 BLACK GLACE, _________~ in. f&%"JT. GA'nnI_NB; FRE~H Msiai ml. am an}, the bone and premises Willhg urge: 1111.1 uouxun. JVJAUIL U1 SES for Evening Wear, Elegant Assortment profusion of 5350!}, b7 our own hnvnn: nnu -.AI-e now showing .,-..v The PIA.NOE8 TUNED. u-uuuu nonlo uuntion in paid to ; England for the C010- ou nccuury information /;_-_._ 1'0 RENT. int of II-- -~-` t September, 1870. II, t vi, UM. I mom with plenum Colonies will find pour] home. 7 Iv 530' Epq. wins: at Luv. Prlneuu moot. JIJI. I. 0. Hull. at, one door above n u1uY B. EVA! [[0 U Ruidoneo-PRIlO BTW for-Ir ' Jed Dr.K I . Oicllp by lcoll but SATCHELS, PIJRSES, &c., JEWEL CASES Cotton Bags, Cotton Yar, Carpets and Oil Cloths. Kinguon, Bept. 23, I870. .____.____.__._______... DRESSING CASF9 4: LADIES WORK ..-... . menu Laces, black I! New Kid Gloves; New weeds, Beavers 0. Table Line;1s, Towelling's,3 Pillow Cottons, White and Grey Cottons, rel ]O\V nrinrxn .__.,-sz-nq --. Tnn Stock will now be found ` CI` all Depurtmenu, and hell it y V Coloured and Fancy Silkl variety. 1 Magnicent Black Silks. 3:41 New Wool Serge: and French Merinoes, splendid Fancy Dress Goods. 1 W001 and Mixed Turlans.` i Pnramaltas, Pcrsiu-n Cords. Buralhcns, etc` Winccys, very chea ManI.le_ Velvels nndg/,elvet1 prices. Fancy Cloal/ nnd'i Millincry, Manlles, Fgu -].`|m,,,... :.. -_ Oct. 3. AVJIDZ-ZIT racy Rncxuas DRi\'i.\'G .-T 5 cideuts, one of which has resulted fntnl curred from reckless driving near Pictt ing the past week. The first happene ,_youup; lady named Miss Bishop while d out with her brother in a carriage, which : in collision with another heavy vehicle, threw her out, injuring her to such an that her life is despnired at Tue lust Int serious wus that of an old resident of So burg, named Demile, who, while ntten to cross the street It Demorontville, whet ;ToIQlhlp Kgriculturnl Exhibition Ill , Wu knocked down by about driv A mm named Cnrmnn. Be In: picked I sensible, And Iurvivod uh. inj...-3,. 1,, M only three-qnuton or III hour. water near Ulonkingn it and Grey, Grey Ind I Fancy Beavers for J ncketu, Fancy Flpnnela, Cheaper! tore, Splendid \.faIue In Wooloderyj V, Blankets M Manufucturen Ptiou,':; Benutilnl Stock or Quilfed Undur I l Case French Wool Cornell, 35 DJ. .--ucy upnnele, Che iore. 4,000 yards Hoyles All Colours in Fmg Town. Q_I__:!J .. . .......- uuulru, deoidqdly Olleng, Silk Mantle vema,'27, Sash Ribbon, 1 [up 10!. French Kid Gloveg invall colours, Wool Shula in all the Clans, Scarlet annel: from loid, Wntei Tree! Cloaking: in Dark new npacv coq )3 Hunt 3. H.101 Ruidoneo-PRllO arll Beautiful Wool Reps, Clan Tartan Plaids, Cheap, French Ierino, excellent nlu, Magnlcent Irilb Poplinl, I Black Luslru, decldqdly 0 Velua.'21.M--4"` r1`H/El :;;e goods were booglu " manufnctuxers pricel, and decided bargain. Compare our parison thcftrue testo! chenpneu. n,._ AT WA nauuuzhb & G0. a u. Merinoes at 65, 70, ` cela per yard. I _-. ..,.. ....u...\;.~.-1uexouowlug vessels ; passed through the Welland Canulon Thursday N for Kingston .-lS.arque Sweden, Uav City, timber ` and slaves; barque Henry Roone. Toledo, lim. v ber and slaves, let`: Chicago and Milwaukee, for the same destination. Schooners Amos King, 15,095 bush wheat. Northern Belle, 10,556 bush corn; Mont Blanc, 20,000 bush when! ; -Hut, ZOAOOO bush do. I Flying `I I n `l`HE_` R7 ; RE SHOWING FRENCH A comm? `gm `GLASGOW Oct. 17. New Fall and Winter Dry SUITABLE Fbk PRBSIJ _ _ _ . \4lI ...u..,. PROPELLEH. UHAN'l`l'0R1).-TbiS propeller! Montreal to Hamilton, with a arrived here on Friday with a having lost one of the buckets in She will be repaired here. i Tun GBOISNXJED Vi:ss:Ls.-Messrs Calvin and ' Brock .-5 steamers Hiram A. Calvin, Wellington and Hercules, with steam pumps, tools and wrecking crews aboard, are now awaiting the moderation of the weather before proceeding to take o` Ill: barque Pride of America, and 31 and schnoners Kate R0lJinB.D and Saucy Jack, tin: former aground at Point Frederick, and the lntterashore at Timkxr Island. 1 I "all New Good: urn Chap,` pen}! on getting the but p WADDELL 3: ()0. no , Merinoes at 55 cents ____.; __._._.__.______.. WADDELL & 00. An , Merinoesnt 60 cents. T WADDELI. as . I Melina: no :.\ .____. WADDELL & 00. an , Merinoea at 45 cents. .;.__ WADDELL . at M '7" `V `V. {LARGE Assunrunlfi NAUUELL k C Merinoa at 50 4 PRINCESS STREET.` ouunss cl J_.... ...... uuun -uuu. Auorum SOUTH WEST W1xo.-Another brisk sou-westerly wind set in yesterday, which caused considerable detention to steamers. The steamer )laguet,due upwards last evening, bad to teturn after proceeding up the lake for some distance, and the steamer Passport, due downwards here at 5.30 this morning, did not Hope until 12 o'clock, midnight The Bay of Quinte, for Belleville and remained at Swittfs wharf over night, todav. _, __.., .. .. uuyyuacu Iu LIIVE vessel during the severe gple o ._-e _ > , oyles Prlnll, Nd, I A Fmgering Ynrnl, A R. w.aL1moi wmhs .u ll-\IIUII' , Cheaper that`: ever any In D1 ' Bluc OPIIID AT THE s, black nu UHIIUY `uho-I nu The schooner Bermuda, laden for Marquette, sprung a leak off and sunk. Her crew were saved Onward and Senator Blood, tl Chicago with coal, and the lam with lumber, were badly dar Onward lostherjibs, an] ihesem yawl and deck load. ` In In *...':t::::;: Paid mic irom Inna quiet 3 limit hold 1 n. I . G nnlnu l:_V(tr Ii..u...! .. I UILVITT Iievcd ill prev j:% .'.;;;;' as unor Ftrnngle _ DIVI in" .-._`,.... . runs nu canal]. The barge Clement, lumber lat into port during the afternoon il condition. llel, Oct y t|se`Ger I Gcmzui E IIJUIIIIKCI rt fuuud In; Ftenc ..R.'...l. ..... .._ IJIUIJI U 3 state I hue , for de which uulllin as you envy pun , Oct. ide, 8 Aden I rcpult `:4. Iallllll Dofcnr:`r`I VIUCI each-In the (2 Mean to uni cnpil. `ncheatc n wlmzl that I c [Inge ....-.., .., euu .3 uLut.'rWVl88 uninjured. The bark J G. M nslen, which also left 1 on Mondtny, bound lo Chicago, with I on of coal, returned with a large portion of canvas gone. Tb... ....L..-_., n I I III turns pro on t 311,: I: aim no rele ning 1 u not y 1: thin it but BIS UI `duty aup the much been (15. ll forci to will pnwh ugo bu man: t pics... I. Avuw _ 1- n in .,.... V .- sync. The schooner Columbian which left l low of the propeller Annie L. Craig, we pelled to break loose from tho propel reachel port. in safely. Thu: h.m..nn-........ v._-L- - I'I|II'| and ti ci_u| i Ell Ul ghufnct l\-1|.-h . fill] j that P _l|'I5 IQ` Re Lx 4 nu 14.1 1 12 UALID. I Accounts of wrecks and disalters to vessels at all points on Lakes Ontario and Erie are very ` numerous_ the szozm of Tuesday having been amended with greater loss of life and properly lbrm was at rs! expected. The folluwing re- Li p ms have come to band since the publication .10!" our last `liiun - i 7 I _. \/4 u. u. A. uvuua. ihc bark Suusbiue, Capt. James Knight, left this port on Monday for Tawas. When little above Grand lilver the 511 will struck her, carry- ing away all her canvas bu ! the foretopmast staysnil. It was with great difficulty that she was saved from total wreck, but by means of skilful seamansblp she was kept before the wind, and reached here during lbe day under her one ray: of canvas. She will be speedily re- ned, as she is otherwise uniniurml _._._.._. ..-.......uau:y sun: was Kept be: otherwise uninjured. bark .I (1 11.....- .-I-=-L --~ 5 auul ..u ICCL 0| J. C` & E. T. Evans. TI... |\.._|- u V.- _ , - - - ~ - u ....uv-.uu A.-4:ar.\ returned with canvas split and forelop gallant trust gone ; tbeschoouer Weuoun was unable I0 stand the gale and put back, but sustained no d unage ; the brig Globe returned wnh her fore- sml gone , tlie propeller Mineral Rock was obliged to drop her law of two barges in the bay. W`..- n ..l...., ..... -\.....k.....u Iv ACIIJXIJ LU Luis port, alter having reached fteen miles above Dunkirk on hvr outward voyage ; iii: Canadian schooner A. E. Dunliam, was cbmpelled to slip her cables undar Point Abina, ani returnaxl to port minus i b )'h anchors; the bark J. C. King was obliged mraturu from ten miles above Long Point ; the three masied schooner David A. Wells was driven on shore in. Silver Ccaek ; the prupzller Idaho and Comet were obliged to run back from ten miles above Dunkirk , the schooner Essex " up by two or three men in R large aml Auvuun FOL'ND.--All iron anchor was picked I _boat on Lawrence Th-Inday, and lodged on the St. wharf. his uupposed to have bee a off 1 vassal during this .......... ..-I- ~ -- ~ . -.`.\. -4uu|\a3CC. Captain Short`, of the steamship Merrmill, from Montreal, to Quebec on the 18th of Ocloher, re_ ports a number of vessels ashore, and the wreck of a barge oating about, the crew apparently drowned. . uuiu mu.V l1ir.AL.. Montreal, Oct. 22.-Messr3 Riche and Low huvo been appointed superintendents of the cergus for the district of Montreal. [ The roof of Wood : denying factory was slight, 1; damaged by fire yesterday. i The sixth annual provincial convention of `> teachers was opennd yesterday afternoon in me iimll of McGill Normal School. Mr Justice` :T`.,irr2mce presided. There was a fair attend- nnce of teachers. \ . . I nucxpn1Dawsun,I r 3.m.1 n- n.n- - r Among those present were incipal Hicks, Dr. Graham, I , .~.......u. luv nu: unlilv.bis evening, when wi!1 deliver add!-essee. ,_.<......,.. ... hall McGtll Nornnl T:,rTl't!I1C8 Justice ' Principal Dawson, Principal and Dr. llxlls. After some informal business 3 paper was read by Professor Duval on the hr-st methods of teaching the French language in English schools. Professor Hicks, Howe and others were in favour of the students being well grounded in French Grammar. Professor D=.tvs1 nnd otherewere in favour of EIJOI"; attention being given to the conversational portions of '3: - i'S30D!. The meeting nally adjourned until this when the President and others wi!1 deliver nrlrlrcqarm _,. The Canadian schooner Leviathan came in ring the gale wmm cargo of wheat and was veu out on the Atlantic Dogtk, carrying away r bowspril, jibboom and entire headgear, and iing some 20 feet of shed belonging to Messrs Evan: I ; l(x.\'asTa.\'.-Tbe following vessels ill) the wlllnxi (`.nn.l An 'rL.._- Ly SPEOIA I. T.'v.'LF.'GRA M. (Per Jlanlreal Line.) FROM MUNTIIEAL. I (1-. an .1 TIIE LA TE GALE . on -6` ...-....v... __A An - iriag to enen` mired Ind most ; `an SophiM- iiie, IttempIing5 it when the; mural being; 1 by . ham. .1... 1.- . Mon1-nut. 'I'|u.|u:nIn-u C` Iron! Telernph Company, new otces, one; at lnverary Tun, Ontario. with iron ore nprung Grand Island r saved. The achrs' hmnnr Rlnml .1. rA--H I ` ~. -----. ......... ., , '- up in- ` nceived I In hm" _.., .. . unyycucu I0 5; lies driving: iaa cnrrinms uhinh ..--- czusas Dax\'1.\'a.-Two ac-! b fntally, oc-U : Picton dur` I rs! happened to a, line Riahnn ...|.:I- 1,!- ._-.._..-.. ;uca\.uns r the former fol: nd latter for Oswego damaged. The ml Ihesenntor Blood her r laden, was brought on in a water-logged ....-ya Acu. uuru In L. was com- propeller, but -- vwlll` ( driven by .h-AA .... :- I port cargo n her V , , , -,.__-.... V--u-nun, Ul uaruen Island which encountered and weathered she storm Tuesday on Lake Oularib. He leaves Ind family tomourn his untimely end Johan Island, whether he was going drownod. The body has notyet been recovered. : here in ,, ,- ..... ..... \L.u puL.\'T1u'.--X(3Ier- afternoon Ihere were shippcd on board the steamer Pnisporl, for Scotland, -12 boxes of bncon and 35 barrels apples. It speaks well for our Canadian fruit when we receive orders for H from over the sea. Sscmn Slnvlnnu _A D-- process may be deferred with prop: night or so longer. This is the Les transplanting trees, shrubs, and bl perennials, but not for lmnpiant which have commenced to put out I It is, however, the best time fnr nl-r Tn: GARDENS.-The sharp frost a few nights ago has put an end to the beauties of the gardens {or the season. And now all the an- nuals which have been blackened should be cleared away, and perennials that have wither- ed should be cut over. The borders and lnwns may soon be top-dressed with well rotted imtnure; but, as this is rather unsightly, the process be deferred propriety 3 fort- best time for shrubs, brous-rooted lnufsnlantino h--hm Iur rut: past. and Iulure won sent to the Treasurer, Henry of Montreal, will be duly knowledged. Montreal nr rn lawn ...., . um. nu we service or the Christian Cor mission. Since then he has been constant study with 3 view to the minislry-lhree yea at Meriden and two yours at Amherst Coiicg wbilbcr be purposes to r.-turn after staying yeur on me Labrador coast. His heart is fuli in the work, and the Committee have muc condence and comfort in his goi~:g,a fruit t the Missi(u, lo a people who know and, we In lieve, will welcome him. He in in ...:u L Anne, will welcome Inn steamer Napoleon III. in Aid to this .\rli5_~`iou is V for the nan! and r. 1u Aool, was aconvert of the Mission, lft in 1864, went to Merideu Academy, New Hamp- shire, and afterwards spent some mombs at City Point in the service of the Christian Com- mission, Sim-n ah... I.,. 1`..- L, nine 10 tune and for the L: on the field. \i;.-; ED... Ponlcn Corn-r, Snt.urday.-The [1 this morning was Charles Wilson, from ville, who was ned $2 for tlunkenness. disposal of this cue was the h before the court. Accounts from below tonight say that the recent earthquake was felt very severely all along boil: south and north shores At St. Paschal, Kamourmskn, a line parish church was so seriously damaged that [he steeple and the whole front will have to be taken down and rebuiltat the estimated cost of $3,240. The, convent there was also shattered, us well as the convent at River Ouelle, a few miles higher up. ln the mountainous regions on the north shore the shocks were very heavy, and continued more or less so with slight iutermTssiona up to ten o'clock at night ; eye witnesses any that while the daylight lnsred the Lauren- tian hills could be seen almost in continual motion, Everywhere throughout the country p.ui=hes round here, there seems to have been wholesuledestruciion ot chimneys. ;_;__}_ he-he ; The detention of the barrels of alcohol on the i St. Lawrence wharf on Friday by the Iufand? ` Revenue oxcer was but temporsry, The senior cfcers of the Inland Revenue were satisfied fxom an inspection of the otcial bmcd that the `duly had been paid, and {allowed to be re-ship;-ed. \ the barrels were J V ` 1 - 4 !I'rHE EFFECTS OF n..nI...-..-. r.-. n. vs -.... .... . uuna ur lnhi EARTHQUAKE. ` Quebec, Oct. 21.-Damage5 by the earthquake are conned to the throwing down of about 21 dozen chimneys in St. Rocha. In Iheirconr.-ner~ nation, S:VEl'l female` employees L.-f Woodley e Shoe Factory, and one Bl the rubber factory in Paula street, jumped out of the windnw.-a nun cuue rnclory, and l au.'s the windows. One was, it is feared, fatally hurt. A boarder at the St. Louis Hotel, also leaped from the sccoud story window, but landed uninjured on the street. Quite a number of ludicrous incidents, caused by the fright, also occurred. The shock was sevsrely felt in lb: citadel, the solid marunry of the fortication being actually seen to tremble to its foundation. The sensation of thoseou the river at the time want of being suddenly lifted nd bumped down again. The captain of a ship coming down the river, says he thought his vessel had struck a rock. A..nn.....o- r_-_ I I `uuwleclgea. Montreal, Oct.` VIUIFT. Mr Robinson came to 1 I1 1861. was a nnvnri THE DAILY NEWS---SATURDAY EVENING. _/____;_._____________________? ,, .._..... n.u\.J u`.1\'c so long In- Phey w1l!, we trust, be heard from ne on Ms behalf, bespeaking aid tar it e missionaries who may succeed them 3. _ , ......... uuu, we (Je- xe him, He is to sail by [IL in in day orjwo an very much needed, both mure work. Contributiaus ar, Venuor, Esq., Bank and rzrutetullv Inn- Flu A1` PI`l`H.0LlA.--A re occurred at one of the oil reneries at Pelrolia on the 18th in- stant, which was consumed with about 10,000 gallons of rened oil. It made an awful con- tlsgration and emitted an immense column of dense black smoke. The stills exploded with a violent detonation, scattering the burning oil broadcast. The re arose from the carelessness of the engineer who was absent from his post. A turn of the cock would hsve stopped the flow of the oil; and one of the men rushed through the flames and turned the cock, but unluckily the wrong way, so that a turn of the wrist lost a thousand pounds.--From a prtmte letter. us spent mombs vice in years wurs College, on fully I 16 Comminm 1.4.... ._...n. lbe coast from England . Mission. left in on, nuu uurou.-rrooled lnufspiauting bulbs .0 putoul new more THE EARTHQUAKE. tmaapu lnu lkn ....-n.......u.- Y vcuuor, nsq., Bank gratefully ae- T.M.T. Lsl. Irom England 2 nv. Maw Vn..m.\ : SUVCI s to their I... ....v_` ..... u. nnu: nmer woxk :rhap3 [H016 uis will he 1111 Int` Their ull an _..... \Jl'.' u. uuuuull. _ These drcadlul accidents .~iiow ti much xcmuins to be done before 113 architects and ocean navigators can rut. sea of its terrors. The prccision.aml w thu comparative safety of steam mivi-gar are themes of admirstiop with in; I there is something more of excellence to attained. ` HARNESS, both Double of best quality, constantly n to order, on reuonable terms, at the atimtien. .1 `AT THE KL\GSTON Pslrgxrum siluuiion \Vumel I } I Y A \0U.\'G MAN Slationer; u 3 assistant, or clerk oice , peumau and accountant. Address ` urrvn -- ~- JUN . HTFIVPU, 1' More Five hand. 5 BOOK STORE. Auu xunoral Wxll mke lac: P sidence, Clergy street, MOI Friends are invited to attend. - Ucl. ,1s7o. alter exertions. cry passing up buck. cts of water from the lee side of the ship. Fi- nally, the re was subdued. The vessel labour- ed on until the morning of the 22nd, when the engines were once more started, with steam in two boilers only. Towards evening, a light, favourable wind sprang up, and all possible sail was placed on the vessel. On this same day there was again an alarm cfre, but it was extinguished. , pool on ..u -1I..cIIll3Illl) LHIV qucnt oflate, uuhum tended with 11 loss of the City uf Huston is : the memories of uuwspapcr calamity to the Captain is still and now we have the dreadful Cnmbriu. It would appear : ....-,,, I`

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