Kingston News (1868), 22 Nov 1870, p. 1

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mu muo nrn `.25 9d pc nvo Prepnutions no in I1, pleasant to the taste, I pad for lnruuta and Ielocted Sq/`I (`ml for gntu eonnuntly , Also Lehigh Lump for Foundry use burg for Bllcilllilh. Ouh. Doliverod in my portof noel --SINGLE COPIIS of the DAILY Kyn nny be had at the counter of location otce. Frinceu Itreet, price In. 1 LIVERPOOL AND LONDON. IAXWKLL W.S'l`BANGI, A aunt for Klnoslnl non of tclmnony could be ohown mat the non noolhimr nut! honlno Rain nl -nuvnna -u-.....-. v-._-...... , . led by H.R.H. Prince Arthur. P-on-1 lion per annum_ $236. nl--'l`he Vrry Rev. 1. Hellmulb, D.D. Huron. For pnrcnlnrl apply to Major Runs, Canada West. [III IIIOII IOOIIIIIIQ IE lg KIVG N ; and it blfirly proved hull` ring n triclofyeurlto he uubootnnedylut in the vorld-tho tmo nllovhuvo, and for settled pain. Prloo only 15 cum 3` Emu, 25:1: Angnn, 1870. GIIER EDUCATION. nu cl Iuumouy coulu 00 I001!) mm nothing nil booing Salve ol ` : it bu fnirlv noted half ring . cal in Pure Lnckarnns. being mined in Ihry heart of 1he=LncklIMIO Vnlley, , Piuaton, and Wllku Barre, {tom the led lninu, und in prupu-ad with [fut pceul for Fnlnilg to.` and will be e I And eliverod in l pouible co" n- nglm J m URL.` SE, minus plon, Feb. 8, 1870. A I-0nluio Street. ptomlsrcb 3|, 1810. URNK6-Du. WKAOI.-Ill, st R.AW7uI1-3'5 Inna Hlnl-A O. L i:(L`L?*1'870. , unacm con man St. Lawrence Wharf oot of Johnson Street. WW8 CERATE. .vuuIUlVllJL.l AND NEWS is kept (I hit in Kingulon,` it the Book Ind 31. the-Publicuion Omen, Prin- , Pmcx En: Cxun-3. anmw ILWKVANS, u.n.o.s_, Louaim IoIidenco-PRlNUESS STREET, house n mm.n.ind ha Dr llnoh-an KoIIdenco-rmNUnoa an 7 occupied by Dr. Maclean. 1h 3. ' we as. uuu, uuuugu and Drug ton, Ont. nd drugghu ollevhon. I. 8. ITNA l`\BUlAN()E ()()Ml_ ANY OF HA RTF()Rl), Con-i MEDICAL OPINIONS. NRY MARSH, BART" l.D., Urdinnry to the Queen in Xrelun munch n.......:L-n n LLhiUT LADIES C0|.|al10!*'o _.______:____ I.0ll|K)NlCLE AND NEWS in kept I (H10 Kimnlon: nt tha Rank Josqaph Euwtlen, `nxvuv A1` I A117 Qnli. John Nludluo, -_ a._u.:.... :. nu.-. Remov al. JAIBS SWIFT 8 CL .1. w . a'nsAnun, Agent. for Kingston ASSETS, JANUARY In, "70. $50,000, necticut. .. ...u~r nu produces the -r l.ilm- tluu other kinds, 1 lit`. the muse: Ind indi can In on um mlm; A compuiaon of these and of the Com- pany`: Rates for Asannnee, with those of other oicen is invited. , m(`.`AlIAD'A` lure AssunA_u_c comm. .-;_-gv-v-vw uunvugnvlli IIIU Uulllllllllllg where every infornnliou cu: be obtain:-d, or at the Hand Oice, in Hamilton, Out. A, G RAIIRAY --u v--1:-u r vus.'g&..e 'rma.u`-ronl.~.'s.v one of the moat nqhlp and Qlicntd preparnlions ever Iublnhltd for` public apps-oval in thin bcIn1In)k0.` Id it-_rb II plbkuiono lo . 1. n In "'3-'3."':; `""",?.'.1'.'s`o". .".`.`.'.Z`or the 0.. eminent Pueywtb the Ottoman Com-t_ In pn1I1nu;:i:2::o*=:>nnh 1 ya . It In I mild and Invigorating tonic, and n I most cicienl but innocuous Ilimnlnnl. It nndql lb! Drhth nine! and ngreenbla. It eumulogq tbq ngpmo if taken before mull. I VHE following are examples of the Prots sd- ` dad to Polic':ee. Bonn: Additions made to the following Poli- ` cies existing 30th April,1B7. . T Agcncleslm-;)ughontthe lromlnlon, Ihore everv inlnrmnlinn nun in nl>.o.:....A .. -. !'l`he8comsh Proent Institution. Ea-. . nv um... I on-: - --vuuavvuvlvll QJVIIIIIJIII IIIJIIIIIIUI Esrunlsnnn 1837. VPHE only ofce giving participation in v ` prots at moderate premiums. Annual Premium to assure $1,000 at ( with prots :- n... . ..z . nn . ... . A/\ mouse or may owe: uompany. Agemfor Kingston, 1. J. CHRISTIE, B-Ink of Montreal, from whom further information may be obmincd. I Augnn 20. .. , .7, --,v_.. ,v.-- --y av... These rates wmicompnre favVou1-ably those of other Company. Aeemfor Kinmton. l, J nnnrsvrlla I min of thrvna prepar|lions- THE IMUDEINB, nnd promplllemcdy for Cholera, r, Diarrhea, Dyleulory, and tho ion of the Hotels. A gold medal by the French Government to Dr this valuable propnution. I. ll Hd '. Iadmm, 1-: 5.1- I A...- It promotes dlgulio 35 M5111 qfut goals. It nenlnlita the ptopuuily for Itrong llquoru. It renders the intallecl bright md clear. If ceq h II I: lupuu vitality and onugylo u get ii} organl. By in on I Inn of 10 will become, an it '0l'O,l'OiI0l'0C to the olgulidty of 30; And to ` penonl at deliuh constitution in huxongly noouruendol. - -un us: 141 upvvu II [Cpl Oll IIDO W1-pm In 1 nerystydt the Book Store: of lsnscgyggn. rheylnvi: John Hgndenou Princes Strut, And It uadqmlityot tau. Ed&&Q.ihg Strut. Singleco jet] Pnrlot-`Dunn II muy duo be had n! the Pllbliclbll Ogce Indus no tap: in Prinoeqsuoot. PIICITIOCIITI. Irooqudoattllutl I wows, up, mum, tongomy nu mu may by an ml can Hha ' K ALKABABAOQT ISETOIHO. d oplh nok-b clpnl Druggbu Ill Grout! [I150 Dazllonlrh larlinoh for 300 label: a homo. HENRY OHAPIAI I 00., 6 Io-mu I-V1118, Til 8 00.. ' solo Acnutc uh Dc-bin. lontnol. Jul) 6. DU 481 907 1423 1938 0:1: Dunn 6842 8102 Kingaton, Um Ooo-lnnnlc Buildingc, King Street. __:jj_:-.:--------- III`. Bonn mph hunk. 1 V11 :1 vim IIItrU'yun\nuu' nluuoclaltpthay " ARnI'v'I6_%frTLAs1'. .;._ llluuun Life Insurance. flask: an.-ing'L lyenr ending SKA SALT, for producing I Bub in your own Room. The preponllon in strongly recon- yenr enamg `B0111 April. : THE DAILY NEWS. 1055 1850 1852 1854 I856 IQKQ I506 1869 1870 100` I864 I866 I867 I RI-`.9 ESTABLISH ED 1847. JAMES swxrr, Agent. Re I .-nu... W--- lull) unured. 2000 00 4000 00 400 00 I ll LANKESTER, Y.R.F., r lot Conlnl Ilddlalcx. tht the purity of this oil is N ration, by the perronnl um lncfuim. and inwlligcm .1 phyu II, who hna also wriu.-n -|--- avuu UV (000 00 5000 00 '0|-iginnl! I tum t'W'B it kept on sale! ;tha Mr` priluunn R020 --A `ll- Illllu, UK)`. A. G. xuusnr, Innager. R. RUTHERFORD, Special Agent. Kingaton, Umario. ldinn. Kim: r an 5; a, nsuuu 8:. Lawreneo Wnnrf. g 5,549,504 91 za,ooo,ooo 07 $5,549,504 37 9 532,552 os 253,319 14 967,115 00 1,426,445 00 2,220,033 75 illbl 1882 ii u--1'lDIAN 5 8011, Ohm- ood Strut, London, 3.0. Bonus added. IUU uu I50 00 200 00 125 00 IDA 1 , Hunger. RFORD. BUD] usured} Present nnm igmu:5'1' UN. Leave Kingston daily (sundnyi excepted) at 12:30 PM , to meet. the New York Expreu Train leaving the Cape ll. 3 P.M. for Rome and Oawego. At. 7-30 P M, (Skin!-dnvn on-nniod\ In mun uawego. At. 7:30 PM. (Saturdays excepted), to meet the morning trains from Rome and Oawego and the Northern '5:-anaponmiou Companfs propel- lers leaving in the evening for In Western Parts, And on Monday: only at 7 A.H. RETURNING. HII `qnnn I`--.4 `Xi-uugno ISl!nlUl.1`lN\.I. will leave Cnpe Vincent Al. 9:15 AM, on arrival of Train: from Rome and Oswego, meeting the G. l`.B.. Trains going East. and West sud the Bay of Quinle Steamer, And at 5:30 P]. For Freight or Passage apply on board, or to w nut, [001 or Jannaon street. Pusengl going to the West can procure Tickelo via Great Western, Detroit and Milwau- kee And lichigsn Central Raihuys, for Detroit, Chicngo, Iilinukee, Grand Haven, nnd also for all the principsl poinu in Inc West, and also via Pncic Railroad to Utah, Nebraska, Golomdo, Nevada and Cahfornin. f A comfortable and convenient Wnilino 'll[.nl Kingston and Cape Vincent Ferryzi su-. sunny. . . . Capt. Kelley. PASSPORT. . . . . Sfnclnir. KINGSTON . . . . Farrell. OHLIPIUN . . . . Carmichael. CORINTH!-AN . . . `,` Dnnlop. -- noun .... .. -- stmpuon. One of tho Btuuon of the above Lino will lenvo the St. Lawrence Wharf, foot of Johnson Smut, for Toronto and Hamilton, every ulter- . noon (londoy excepted) at N ALI_DAQ`l| IIVI uvvu\1V|l\DCJ vnvwyluuu} nu HAL!`-PAST FIVI dolock. Also. one of the Shaman will loan for Ionlred every Morning (londny excepted) at HALF-PAST FIVE. For `P-manna 'I`h-hat: nnnlc -0 oh- .2 ..f It HALL"-I AB'l' nus. For Puaaga Ticket: apply 3! the oliico of Folger t B:-ou., Ontario Street, or as the Lake and River Steamboat. Omen, St. Lnwreaoe Wharf, foot of Johnson Street. Pnmunnmn aninp in II. III.-0 4.-.. .....-..... lr Blobovolinofseonpooulolthofolf I. I-5 `* Splendid Upper-Cain: neonatal .0- QDADIAK rd... 0! For Plcloli, Bellevllle and lnlerm_e- dlate Ports. Klngs-!3nTa||d `Mite Tls!and7(7lf?i-E. `UIIIIIUUIUU IUIVUAI, Ill IIOVQDIJFT one of the Fury Steamers willrnn daily (Sunday: excepted) an under :- Le-vo Kingston. Leave Wolfe Inland. At 8.30 n.m. ` 9.30 3. In. 11.30 1. m. 1l.00 3. In. 3.30 p.m. 1.00 p. m. SATU RDAYS ONLY " 2.00 |'\.I!I. 8.00 n.I'n. UOIUPAOO, NOVIGO lhd UIIIIOFDIR. convenient. Wniling Room for Ladies and Gentlemen on the wharf. C. H. HATCH, A nan) _ ______ .... 1:! Inc ll'UI1 0| IOGIIJC ' odl in I unto of gormionlion_ ed rub orgnnic life, which nun digeotible. Thu in-ilative and -11! bu thus become Ibo nncleul ouhounoo enpablo of being 3b- e blood without injury to the BOOTS AND sH0Es.| ' HE has just received direct. from Knglnnd, I very ne Anon-uncut of LADIES AND GBNTS ROYAL M_AlL THROUGH Lina! On hnnd, n Inge and varied Stock of Cunn- dim Iunurucun, eogothex with Trunks. Vnlhu, ta" ta -_ [CANADIAN IAVICATIM OIDIPAIY. `nnju Kingston, Oct , I870. Kingston, Oct. 5, 1870. _--. us-uur.Dl , of Health, And Chief Analyst to _t.he City of London. ._.IL._.. A-- ' * l`00K Kingston, 21:! In), 1870. E001 Kingston, 5th Nov., 1870. nu I. U Luv In u. Leaves Bdlleville every Homing at 5 o'clock. o. H. HATCH, Ticket Agent. Kn inspection it rolpeclfully requested. I A M Ic`_Q Hnm Klnptnl, June 20, 1870. R0CHEsTE11 D. W. Jonuol, Master, EAVES Can-utben Wharf every Aernoo J at 3:30 cfclocl . . `OMIIENCING IONDAY, 7Ih November Ann nl Ihn W`..n-:1 Hogan-any-n -ill pnn tlnilv Connnmonlo on loamy, 2330 11131., THE STEAIEB vv4.;A.I:1LIa.\Ivv1.w Conuux HINCKLIY, Iluter, I ILL run an followu- GRANVILLI, l.R.S., f the "Spun ot Germnuy. Iv has found thll Dr. do . d Liv:-r Oil nm.I....... -I V WLEERTOWN, Gonuux Hntcxuv. Master. UJJU I.I. `H30 n.r L15 1).: _......... -..... | WIBIB t 00, count of Outuio And Pu-inn-n Rtuum Ringling. nuan- runon onans, SUNDAY TRIPS. `an... ENGLISII G. M. KINGBORN, Fury Wharf, Foot of Brock Street. In! 1517: ! 10.00 3. m. 12.00, noon. 3.00 p. m. G. I. KINGHORN, Ferry Wharf, Foot of Brock Street. nu 'I'lI'| Ipecuuuy reqnuua. J AM ES HOPE. D-{-1-gs Rn.` DWAR-IEIITB, r.ILs., r to the Poorhw Boardo Briuin V BOOTS AND SHOES. III. HAIUII, Ticket Agent. Q3 lI\JI LIA- Princeu Street. .l.'Ul']_ Agent. N.B.-Al1 kinds of Optical Instruments re- ceived for Repairs. Sept. 17. NEW PREPARATIONS The Latest Remedies for Nervous Deblmy. Pulmonary Aectlons llll (`IIIOIIIC Kllell matlsm. G, S. HOBART. Nov. 10. unulunrnml rmuvumcu PREPAIIA A TION of Pure Glyeorine, in naolld form, for Cbappe-I Hands, Sore Lips, lc.; removes Freckles, Sunburn, and Roughness of the Skin, leaving it benulifully while and smooth. A new dincovery for the Hnir, rendoriing it soft and glossy, sud producing a luxurious growth; prevents it from falling out, removes dandruff, sud is extremely cooling and healing to an irritated scalp. lnnnf-minted and sold only by _...- `III w uouun. -ulhnve lound Dr. (5 Jod Liver Oil puueaniu; Among which the 5 uni of iodine in lion nun uh- -A-- ATKlNSON`S FASHIONABLE PERFUMKS, 'l'B0'l"l`ER`S OIL POIADE, Seasonable Medicines l |c01) LIVER OIL] clnrcsaugs cmmm. 0 RELL'S uoxguouqunr, FEARS` GLYCERINE SOAP. 1 TI] ELARGEST, CHEAPEST` lnurcunowsn nonrs.| EYE-GLASSES. AND OTHER OPTICAL INSTRUMENTS, yn--zmnng me on r, lmidll I much have condence i I. from "Couuum; usueI.") _j. Another supply of 0' DOUBLIVAID SINGLE HYAOISTHS, TULIPB, Oct. 17. sPECTACLE& mm 0l{l~2`. :! XE: GLYOEBINE. R. WHITE. CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST, PRINC ESS STREET. QUININE WINE WITH IRON, DELIOATELY PERFUMED PREPARA K am...a.... in ....n.a ,..... 1 BAUD'S oRg;uuc_mzmcu MEDICAL HALL. HEATH 81. GUNN, HAS JUST BEEN RECEIVED BY BEST ASSORTME NT PRINCESS s1'R1Hu', FINE wTm.'1'I1;9 SNOWDROP3, to , Jon received nod for ulo by 11 `II on - ----- -- HYPOPIIOSPIH YES. VCBOCUS, lbinnlion of the seed: a ma -iuh .. c HEMXSTS, Market square. an nuuuu nu cvery II} asnartment ever seen i IBLES AND TES1 Ihe Chenpeu. Touly place to g One, Is N ISOELLANEOUS sooxs, Lnmm, School Boob, Hymn Books, Prayer Books, all kind: in every Mylo of Binding. The belt in Kinguton. THE AMERICAN MAGAZINES FOB CEMBER. ALL THE FASHION BOOKS. 7l`O make room for other goods, the sIlhscri- ,ber will sell, until 15th December nen,!he bulk of us. stock or Miscellaneous Books u ' 90 to so Per Cent Discount on usual Prlcos. ` The kinds of Books which will he sold in such discounts comprise:-- Illustrated Works, suiuble for Presenu, Bound Picture Books, Juvenile Btory Books, Standard Works of Fiction, Sunderd Works offlislory, Standard Works of Poetry, Essays, Poetry, kc, Commentaries on the Bible, Religious Books, Cookery Books, Sundey School Libraries, Bound Volumes of Magazines, Scientic Books, Medical Books, Atleses, Bibles sud Testaments (except such as on usually sold sl. cost. price), Church Services, Prayer Books, Hymn Books, to , kc. This will be an excellent opportunity to pur- chsse Books ta Presents, as tho greatest dio- count will be given olllasuued and other ex- pensively bound books. Pisrtiee who rill nenlm Hamlin in nu um... I I l fjHEA1> BOOKS FOR ONE IIONTB. ponuvely oouna noon. Partiu who will nquiro Book`! in the comic of we or time week: an invited to values than now, and they will be hid uido umil wanted. R Then nlnuad rain: 6! unusual: in FOR SALE, LOT 0!` LAND on tho conic! of Johnson and Boris Bureau, Klngnon, being Q [art or Block W, containing 5,890 square feet. This in nu eligible lot for building pm-pone, and will be Iold cheap. Title indisputable. 4 mu vunume prtpaulnou. All, Md ; Indium, L: Ed ; Large liolllo. LEVER, LYTTON, DIBBAILI, l.ABBYA1'1', DICKIIB sod onion I m:T=. v s noon stung] now, not] way Will he ma uiqo umil wanted. f These reduced run ll nonyply to books apecitiy ordered forcnuonerl. JOHN HENDIBSOF, Bookseller and 81-Hour. Kin-nan. Nov in mm uouav T0 Loan` ]! BUIIS oruoo sod upwudu, npoynhlo V] iuuuunem or otherwise, tonal: honowefl. Good Hortglgel pnrchuod. Intern! 8 per cent. No oommiuion. Chm-ga greatly ro- duoed. Bachelor : llnlr Dye. This splendid Hui: D10 in tho but iq us worid ; un only use and panic: Dye. Bun leu- nsliAb|o-inIl.aunooI-lo L ment.-no ridicnlnan |inu...I6dnu not nah |eu-roIno|o-InIInunooI-lo 1339930!- ment-no ridiculous unu-dos not vanish land at Ann viulia nnvlnna tn I-innilhn hair 12 Dlll.r-% IKKIIIOC lIII|J"'-"Vf lend or any viulic pong to hjnu I30 0' uynun." lnvigouua the hit and Inns II. can nod beoulifnl; black OI luvua. by all druggiuu uni dulu-1-. Appod u the '5! Rory, 16 Bond stun, In York. inn non co ntxhaugnso ol _lIe AVCJUVI . The following in nu extuctulron I lulu mine: by tho Rev. 0. Z. Wd II&0dI Reformed lcaenyer, at (&|nnbII[, Pun :- n, no pun-st. the most eI`lica- I an pdnuble, law], from in rnpid 3, the moat economical oldl kinda. miverul celebrity ol Dr. do Jonglfu unpnrullcled dcmnnd Ior this uuri- 1li0II. Nov. 8. Sept. 6, I870. Nov. 21. mu will an ion: cheap` indisputable. Apply to ISOOIRI Kingston, Nov. 19, nno. FIRST-CLASS STONE HOUSE 1'0 LI`! on Bu! Street. Poueuion on IMII Octobir. Apply to 1'. loom! Oct. 20, mo. A"|'lIGf, Tan! and Loan 00. Kingston, 19:1: Oelolnt, navo. TESTAIIENTS, Cheaper than 3 DEL L;rur.av, 1.! ll...|.|, `HE only get. the RellPelb0d] Uud L _: CANADIAN PRIZE TALE, L Price 60 cents. Forulo at nnmnn-I LL THE LATEST ENGLISH [AGA- ZINES. A FEW STANDARD IOVILS And! lo CREIGHTONS. mr THE BEST COMPOSERS. VERY CHEAP, OLD AND NEW Il03lE. Ar STACEY S BOOKSTORE. King Street. `U IUIIVU H Price, "1' ..... _., vv ....u qucou In Hell menlly proscribed Dr. do Jun` (Jud Liver Uil. I conaidt-ri! It il, not Inkely to crate disgust, ugeut of greu ulue." NEW MUSIC ;::_" f IIOIIO to Let.- KING STREET. 1'0 Bl BOLD JAMES BRANDON. Anna-ha `or sale I! OBElGH'l'0N'B, King Sweat. In RIXITON. -UUIl, Buck Blrut. 1-..- us. an uuuglll 50-! poqcuiug the name I, presence ol suds. uni I sum of union, no the most mnurknble. ,uuivenully acknowledged that en thcupculic power; sud from tu_I,I have no doubt ofita being kultenu.-d ulich." -.-._u-env- snowms BRONOEIAL raocnls Reach drieclly the e`eeted_peru. an give elmon indent relief. In Bronohlu, Kuhn: nod Unurrh they are benecinl. Obtain only the genuine Brown : Bronchiel Trochel, which hue proved their .mm; by a ten of any years. Among teuinonuh stunting the! eicecy no letters !:-on--- E. a. cuepin, n.o.,1Iew York. Henry Wud Beecher, Brooklyn, N-Y- N. 1 . Willie. New York. Hon. C.A. Phelpe, Pres. Inn. Sonia Dr. G. F`. Bigcfov, Baton. Prof. Ezlwnrd Korlh, OlinLon,'N.Y. surgeon: in the Amy, end others of eI.l- ~ nenoe. ; unuornlla. ' Jucopcnthodoorforhuunu In Window wul pronm Amman Flo:-our llpmplo` on tbotiurury Of this won an, that '0 will melt an "Ivy" to lay, "A blush; on In Wlulov, for hilpllg In to um" and mm in wrist. ed!-tbs lap. Io conic: any nu Puuyulu. II prion: has to pm:-. om, pan or it-saying IOII. Any cut you (Jerald, Pongork DNM London-. and try otbor lueoala, by wbldtlnhnluh dnuodilloucpldily udnnduud dun nu ld!otiefo:,lIIr.~ We Inn never OOOI In Winnlov-hww lmoulycinugh tho pnpnnttou of borsoouh iu Inn]: for Olldml bathing. I! we land the power, V0 would non ha, II the II, 5 plays!- onl union to the Infant lhoo. zlfoum pi bottle. Sold by nu omggam Bo sun and all for IRS WINSLOW $00'l'BlNG SYRUP, Having lhofcc-dunk of "Garcia E Pethlni" on the onuido WIIPPCI . All othou an bueluiu and uot|Ill,|\ ucfanbinlhk ptnluiyvhulcyvo-` ` , A Cough. Cu Id _or ll-I-1tstcd"l`lIroat. It allowed to Pftreu, nulls in action pul- monlry nnd Bronchinl utfectionu, ohentineclino capable, unvIlIlCn Bold everywhere at 25 cum pot box. Trocben,Io culled, uo|d_hy the o..~noo, an I pool` imitation, and nothing liko`BroIh'u Bron- chial Txochel, which an sold only in bout with fac-u'nu'l of the proprietors, _ ,,- r.-r.-out-U. JOHN 1. BROWN as ads, on outside wrapper of boxfnnd prlvun Gan ernmonl Ilulp attached to ob box. This can in psmihg up an `E1-oohn in in . porunt u A oemnltg to the purchdur, in out to be sure of obtaining the ginuluo horn : Bronchial Troohu. `j* . D131`-BEBSID OND!Tl0!l Of '1`!!! PEOPLE IN PAIIB. < The iadiosunu pan Inn oonpldnu . oonlnirefrn leuon tug`? um. Ihn bbob-. , ado In already lama ; June on tho u-oqpq and its people offnl. The ni Gdnnr. , can In people or rant. The Bcvarll Gobi`!-I :1 Human lulu,-`In an-tidal upon, {HI unnl hundred wonusud cuildrn lunP&I - appeared nub: Ge;-man onlpouu bonny: Ion-_ mug `sod Bioetro on the 24th alt. Bola; (old that may would in luud iortbvuh, my replied that my pum- red dunno wpit niunhlo Mn uid: tho city. Thoyavorc peruaizlod to arm; tho Man, The prllonorl Aha taken at Ibo lap! lo;t_ > k ` Pu-in Into that line noon in an 1!! n-'.s.r.. and upon uulo-'hy re-H Iron * uuuuu IIQIII-.5-Ivrllj C 331" Kirocbnnx IJMKQOQ III pubic; I`l|`-IE9! wound In tbo1hlgIofnnu,vbonturod nu`; harrowing yolk in tin Sam at Ohnrh -- Ihuoinouhcochtotnc-hnodul. ,4 woudodnnnpr bout iuolutguoddl up nu-d was ugimod ouopnho uruon as: his uaiugnu, on of when tried up atop cum-y bypnulngou Icodonnn toyoflhi quiet, applying a nun; urn at that am line: ` The )ol|d|od Into uvhllpu-lognohn nuluou ` dyudhl. Iodluthl. `hodnanlnnc-`bu ............ --.-.- -H-y n,-u IIIIL Illl DDS`! in tunic`; aver;-'1' tho troqpq ram edger.` lulu.-`la nmnnhl um... u...m r IRONICLE AND A \IIA'.{. .V L`All ~-.-._ nospmn. sauna A1` vxralvinnra. A eonelpollcut st` Ibo Drown Prluc had-qnmuiduulhu. u vhf! to up "rarer words:-`-The nd salad In tin `Bulb Guorrlcu Oelebm-Ibo soda! Mtg-thank) to Hit apartment. of lndune do Ponpgdbur-_-gin which won the anal hospital nocna-n$m` of Ubuity wits bowl In can bid and n n in thoot. ybdbt M01-3|-I MA. .l:iu } n urgeon tinting g dkogqful lnIIml- "I on trying (0 gave III joint, In! I he-uni it ! one out.` 1'Ii'pou much. Ioohd so an Illluend-boocnlllhtnon an ahuvdlh doubt. Whihlwg; hue at thtglloo In: Kirocbnu nguxgpou ocohlaz llnnahm xnuyoucnouwwuvnalponognonnluou 4 dnadbl, `hodocbvllnvityl clovnu-.Iaunaou.ooduuIa|-nnpuauui 3533;! order. Ou on in sun u; .5. 1 med in Ilhbflillx hi hill at: Inna nun- ' c; m: cant. use an ll mg: with shall ged MI brain; In hall ovoq [nu col- Ieiou. Another Ind tbeildoolllh dull clan riod of ya Ilsvof shall. Th plluy l.oqIoXlIL.ol thoulnlnll olhuegald S` o|nlltouId,Ilpf_OIIh,ll__DIdadIIO-~ Ivory dnyihen in 5 can-on which` mu pmonon also also at In Int. non}; _n-pa`: '4 troop tho ally noin only twice a weak lull I pound oi meat. The ` popnlntion 1150, for the uh of n mu. loqd,.ox- pose themolvcu to the on of the boplegeruu 1;, - in lhougbl they could not hi hhzcid to do I89 , eopl nude: the urn pnmno; ~1lIulrcII' of T; people aw ulu forth Iron the gun, nut . risk ofthglr linl,-to dig up noulou tun um I `or: got Inch 3 Iriglmlnit they Iutbuk annual peopu you my lorua tron Ibo huh li\vu,.to dig up poutpu tun. nu, elds between, npd even before lbq fora, [blah nah n claw of eovbtlng -then by I bun} u. A my dupqo moor abuo IIIOIIIIIC out with can: round loot. Vdogin hquqn qt vegoublo napunnuce; and new use IIIIOIH; pbn ring boeonng rather liioily, Iha mu-mdr, having that nllruack All holy Iohl than. `- 1 v ` |uI1oung,AIpn|_cIIu;, Ivory day then octagon wg wash a card In- Yondlcn, aid -`Inn 1 H nQnAMhL_nLgr 14.3.`... .1 T X 1 (auto! pnniofron tho ms: .bu:oou tor an can u ouuyvuuu-no--ynIvuIll mono VclnI."1IoidfI`l can-an-ob-vI|Inuinhg.` lIIhoc!n:`? IIb?O`~.-`0.0h' uqthuupalboolp cldvouuqohlo .1: .4; D; dink o@o.l:cIl9ok_danIq.AI. lonA.0J-l1p.` $:&' ",_lunovIlo:udIs'vhg quillunrcnuPub,'povhluyoug`thwnIu. E9 SEE LAB PA GE . I gnu udunuge {but then in Lner Oil which is uuiveranlly ;:enuine-t.ho Light-Brown Oil e Juugh. In his long been our eocvibing the oil. to recnun...-ml TUESDAY nwgzma. NOV. - ; unnorng; lllln Inna I-. L. -_a n. -un uwlounuo xnus1u..,.g, ' ur ` " DJf|UIIOIA-IQ. ."?m` ~ ,Il n-...L- 4, . _ grno u.%p.x_ n " "pror A` w, qh` uululhultlu tor:hopiu`Ioati.5'- 69 none!-Aim` ~ - ... .. . .`.-.r':~:".*.r :-==..*...:*2.'e.T-AI mu ;&n unduonu" gm: gusI:r'bun.kuu bun: In-m _ .- -In-9 @355,` ?r|lK`H V M Adv? A Of! mo! . , am. ltiatgui that tbynwi or In M an tuna-nun `and Hints iv nnuuhudcuocltr and. re , `wen being taken up pt: I of dahnooju can Grape Brltulp ( uunuum .2 Ajorhliiii M no.1-A --J ---4-` ~~~ " ` ` Inc 1'00! Britain. I I. U suing. demon : -.1-vv-`VIC -I36` I. B-mm lhvdnuu Intel ` torus . In oflulqlhuou Alalrf, gadmn-Pnuldnnl _ ' stun, dud on the nth 11!!" ha huhulblnglor tho put loath. . _ . on 'dIo!'IU33i"W_f: Aim -3? bMIo.KlI&!& .,:.-:-" Am. ..:.~:...2-2:; A _|pgo1_oPp`.;In pinto dour ii! V 7;.: :'.::'.::,.."'% ;' ........``' about 4300. `in _ , ' pun mumxmguf hound Ihbudl path v . but OI 64 an -"an: 5?: _- , ., `R. iauunrnouhnmdol; !'thnIt~.& all onnu." "Inn 3 "add, its path IIII, :.?.:...e-.:,"."..".-:.'."'-r-'"` " "~"" urnuunre Ina lnbcr 0 I: go of Puis, Chm H): Epidemic: in Puis. hue wuuulq uollrplild (but In London tho that Ill In -wwr-I 9%, 'Il`II Ibo ho ` _ . * `no am; me tin am or III , Ihulsonnoquhlhpu , `uh-l',.|m|.I,IL. monk 9u.n% . < ~ =~ , _ `J: ydfi nu... jmnool um ' * r I 3 ;ut|oiII--I ,` g_-nu `L ' -~ Masada. in fat." Wrnn luv" "0nn:.:l-uubc.-2!: _ {` doth`. Soul I V 1&0. .1. _ , 'g``,- Q1. V. FT III W J,` .0 5.-. u nus long been "mg oil, recounncud . I vuiely and un- undcnce in in; genuine- "Couuumpdon: in Early `-1) . PI! thoound bllklllcdocu of Inonnnv -Lu 3't'i3Ta"3'.7:'::f I` 0!...` 'CI`o h..-: nu nnnsn Pouenic to Waxling Street. H CL` min; '}a'J(i(.-L-.4,` .uu AUUIAV lb, Price 23 9d per Bottle. lions in llul r uv . uv. DIASTATIZED IRON, mug the Systc|n.--Price 23 2 per Bottle. DIASTATIZED IODINE, the liluozl.---l ri.-n an '1.I.....n,...` -0! ptnmal Hiding m.`h .- Cents. Hz!-Icriptlon Tpo ` A I 1.. . _ _ ' ,._-.., . It Jorglfsi since: the dram-d er And that d indigestion too inintntion of the` do Juugh'n EOQIDQ llm Inmn 2:! Jough s L to be [FILE dinrmn --J Iron or Iodine of nnnni....;.... , . ..o.u., v Board or Great. `-.v.. Ireland. ;_I ll IIIPIIIIOH ' phyuicuan n the best h I nun .4-, yll |lL'llII'- K lhe tuna , nnd par-' L Mothers rm! to ha I prncm [hr mun m-mus: imelligrlnt lih, who wrilu-n - on the all um. mm 1. 8 pnblhbol G contains III` cmb.-nou I 10:30` mrnhbod :8 TV! Rd . `nu; AA... ml [8 published 0190 Dollar: per Subscriber: who are charged Fin Wllll II-O WWI?` " N.B.-Tbo IIIIIII oridnny bnaiull ` for Inch honml B, I elude Auction IR:-monk. G Adveniunenu cl | Final, Houltlll vuur Tbo oqun to II _ The half nqnuo ll Price for I10!-I`: paper 340 With limit to once I H. I n-unnr fno [Hull In 0.1 - r H: I oqlnn fol with use prlvll`-` N.B.-`rbo auto 1 I H30! 00: Uther Notion object of which it or prints inl0l'C- panics, Inch ll Companion, Hedi Anuulnenu. ledgenenu of aide:-ed 541*: Inna ionic and - -. "Buiuu Nodal-' *~~ VQAILU -` un. x UEBIII Every nriely I, Also in Cu-Loud Pomndee, Bun um-licl, French _ 1 01101. Icon Bur oeivo Indonuful Iannfnntnn I uexvo nnaonufnfq Iannfnctory 7 London, And q_ P`;-i`_ l..-u ` _ -- ' -II I A w. FAMILY J0URN`1~ "u _ C02\'T.11.V'1}.'(.` .;;..'. my yam, 0, EBTAINING srounss D an nl-unI|nI__ n( (H In val r ; . . u . .... nuuu-quenl mutt. Suuequent inn!` than once I week, I Notices of Birthou Do Iurinpuu Do Dosuha_.... Bum-nu N this heading, I lune, ueunnd by I over 10 linen, Ink 1 linan L0. 1.7`; Daily ,7 ARULIY 8 Perfuctl. ' Purity ? and Paris. BROWN WI PRIZE I _ FATBNT BU GLYCEBIII Eygry vnrinnn -6 A) Book. Job, E8 TA 3 Inu u cenu Io: l Above 10 lines, insertion, and no I subsequent hlurlldr Suk neonenl i over 10 um 7 lines 60. llahnn "4 Po rfumea for lb Unndkerchinl xenumel for th` Handkerchief. Emu de Colognl. All the abo portation, sad in any climlto. so Strand; ml London. 1'! lg l l`HF Unden maul. nf DI - Al III I 1 5050:: P ` I my Bum: AND J `iug lled up 51 0|-Inn ii! ll'D, Grnduare And Member of the: I Colic to of Panic (`.l.u.I IH.._... in the City, all ` be may be In! nouns Ifvu. 1. BOOKS, . LABEL8, r HANDBILLS, PAMPBLILTS, INVITATIONS, LAW BLANKB, POSTING BILL` wt, CONCERT Bl ` RAILHUAD Bl CHI'.QUl BO0" BUSINESS CA -non DUDE. LUV Six linen nnd an-lions, Ind I3 innenion. IIIIQIHOD. -` - Tu lanes, 81,15 N And 1'! cents fat 9! 15.....- In 1:... I wrru It'll-I Git l`Kl1VTlA'G ll 1 `HIE CIIIOI ...u up TWO bkd ln s JAM1 New! mu m ;:onuIne-Ll:o Li r. dc ha I pn-ucrilung MI, 1-. llllidnl 1 .......1. iuclornlccvc as Wulkcm, RISTERS sud ATTORNEYS-n-LA\V, ouveysneerl, Notaries Public._ Richard T. Wulkem, IOITOR IN UEANCRRYX, co--Clm-once Stnaet, Kingston, 0W. x u.nns1.uvI. L.l..B. 1 R103. 1'. Wunx. u-nnpnny has been doing businou in Caasdn for nearly 50 yonmnnd durigg that time has the public condence by prompt and hbieral. settlement of every fair claim. It has fully d with the laws or Canada by the Deposit Illh the Govcmmeut of Stocks to the exteg; Jane: 15. C8I lW~lV'I.`-Elf RISTER-AT-LAW. OFFICE -- Over .u-Inn-'2 Drna Store. S AGNEW, Barris`er, &c.. hu removed Law Uica from Clnrence to King over Mr J. J. Linton : Auction Rooms Inl Ir. Jams Wellly. 0-0.. .1... .a:--..I..:.u. nr I n|-Innrlhin U -fu CHIC! V IIIQIIIJQ `nun E the diuolution of Psnnenhip with Ir . 0. Draper, continues the pmclice ol his a in nll its branches at bin old Chum coho: Buildings, Northeast corner of Square. ' ton, 14th May, 1870. VED to the Uice over Linton : Auc- Onoh olhuduodlnuh. llullouto . . . . . . . . . . ll.-0.4.-. Hand`: on lhc all with which I am ac- me, I dorm the Cod Liver Oil sold nice to be preferable to Any other . gm-uuim-In-an and medical uni- . . . . . . . . . . . United Sula And Oily Swck and other Public Seculies.` an-liar`: Drug Store. EKIETEN--A I-MA W . Q VOLUME XX.-N0.` V691` I AlD UP CAPITAL AND BURFLUH. l.U$$|'55 PAID IN FIFTY YEARS .. vac.-n -.-. vv ..`.,--, , `onyx? A1`1AW, Solicitor in l1ancery,NoLan3 Publi,c,&.c.,`J;s King Kingswn. uh by 1 H. PARKER, 02. slll- -ua In. use, Olnnigu and onuam, II. dmnrhu olnuham fTIII III \lII) r-at-Law, Solicitor in Chnnoery, he. 1 to lead at any ulu on ncoepublo LIUTH COLLEGE.-BoIrd und Tui- [an ...n -nnnin 114 L prepotr-1 to issue Policies on arms as low As the safety of the Auured will permit. IJIU I I1 l.4\Jl.aLAl.'1\)l`a.- Ion per annum, 3326. I bull! 5'" 0| runs, Lhltl 1'1) awmn 5 F0: Epidemics Paris, lnLe Ml). llolpilnlu of Algiers. Lu just nu- llnglnud Lia URGANIC MEDI-

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