The Russisn government, it is reported, is determined to regsrd the Tresty of Psris es sbrogsted with respect to nsvsl srrns_ ments in the Blsclt Ses. That is, sccept- ing the report, Russis still sdheres to the note of Prince Gortschsko notwithstand- ing the withdrswsl of that document end the acceptance of Lord Grsnville`s p.opo- sition for s conference. This report im- plies thst the secret intention is at vstisnce with the public svowsl. Ofcourse it is to be expected thst Russia will exert every inu- ence in the London Conference to secure 5 modicstion of the tresty of Psris in he? interests, sud she will no doubt nd friends smonget the nstions who will consent -to her spplicstion ; but it any be doubted whether she will force her determination sgsinst the decision of the conference. Wsr would be the inevitsble result if she did; end Russis is evidently disposed to svoid wsr. If the English government feels in- clined to rein the tresty of Psris, sud this is supposed in some quarters to he pro- hsble, Russis will gein enough of her object quietly, and there will be no possibility of vvsr for the present. Until the turn things are likely to tske in the Conference is seen theserepssted wsrlike despstches will be ,3; down ss intended to inuence the stock Insrket. DH No. 3-P|-oln the Pin-lilo the Western limits. of the Township on. tobo of Onln, in bundled of 12 \, and to be delivered when ro- FOR R. RUTHERFORD, ,QnAn:n` A nun 'James Moore- JOHN onus, County Olotk. I 1 nu. rurunu, Special Agen t, Kingston, Ontario. I9. n P. W. DAY, Connty Pro- max, Hangar. I EADINGS will be given by the of Ibo Rloculiou Association 04 ' `u the Convocuion Full, DAY EVENING, the 1611: December. Cbnir uken st 8 o clock. Admission ve cents. II. ICGILLIVE } Veryold UANADIAN WHISKIIY. 7 `an Bllnicnu din Wh YEARS OLD. HOLIDAY CHEER: A KINDLY enem TO All. v. THE subscribers, thankful for the very liberal - patronage extended to them by the Inhabi- tants of Kingston and surrounding country during the past year, beg to intimate that they intend to inaugurate the approaching festive aeason of Christmas and New Year by obring On Ilun nnhlip It beg Intimate mu tuq to the public, at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, the largest and best selected stock of Mediterranean Goods and Fresh English Gro- ceries ever offered before on this market. Very Old Jamaica Rum Very Old Holland Gin Very Old Irish Whiskey Very Old Scotch Whiskey Very Old Rye Whiskey Very Old Port Wine Very Old Sherry Wine And Milk Punch in bottles. Mareschino in bottled. Curacao in bottles. Ginger Wine in bottles. _ Moe! & Chandon's Champagne, and Q variety of other brands. Sparkling Bock. Sparkling Moselle, Claret and other Light Wines, TIT D |l..na1-.1 a_ n | QR. CASKS PURE JUICE and Burgundy ' Port, our own importation direct, Ind -nrvnntnrl n-um .o 51 _..- _-u_- warranted pure, 3! 51 per gallon. W, R. MGRAE Sr. 00 Dec. 3, Toys, __;___..j___ 0o1.1.1u| Ivnmz LICTUIII.--ThO third and Concluding loctnn by Profuoot Hurray on "Onion Ie11ulPbo|oIncna" In given in the Oouvoauoa Ball on Toudny owning. The sundae: on than lacuna In but: very luil. and P1-olnuot Iurny has fully Indatnlnod his 1:01-ind reputation u glgcun-.1-, Eb Ituplo nd lucid uplunuon of Spoctnl 111-1.... _... ..._. =-.-,.- BURGUNDY and TARAGONA WINE. e um. wanna PURE JUICE and our Inn-nnted at $1 gallon. `If `D 'l..`I'I A `I ! 0, an CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR ! g PRESENTS, at I COMMENCENG AGAIN I proprietors have to lone u premises oc- cnpiod by them on the 28th lnutnnt, having rented lbem to S. Cbown 8 Soul. They are determined to sell the bnlnnce of their stock 0 IV ' ` Z TUESDAY, DEUEIIBEB 13th. and each following day until disposed at. NOTICE TO THE GROCERS AND CITIZENS OF Klnnwrnu `1""l now on Inna. Also Shop Furniture, I-`ixIurc|, and A genernl ueomnenc ot __ _-.. ..... .._..uw un mu! stock Groceries and Liquors on hum AI... 9;... n---u Goon `|`u1rLusL-Tho Annual social enter. .:_-.-a -1 n-.L-u I _g.. n__; -u I - -..., cc. The shove will be cold to the undo, I vely no reserve. ' . -V In L ron no-run, wanna GROCER1E...%,: Dec 9. HE Snbccriben I l .a:... whmnr Doc. 3. Nov. 8, H70. _----..... ; IJ1\JJ.\II`J. N.B.-Dr' Elven : Cough Minute for sole. Dec. 14. ONDON WEST END RAISINS, very J ne. Black Basket Raisins, very ne. Blue Basket Raisins, very ne. Crown Raisins, very large, very ne. Layer Rnisins, - Valentin Raisins. Sultans Raisins. Pstras Currents. Seedlees Raisins. Lemon Peel. Orange Peel. Citron Peel. New Figs. Malagn Grapes, Filberls. Walnuts. Almonds. Brazil Nuts. Lemons. Peaches in tins. Strawberries in tins. Pine Apples in tins. Sweet Corn in Tins. Peas in Tins. Tomatoes in tins. Jams and Jellies in All varieties. `Iv n -._n.n . :Ir\ Sale at 1 PM. each day`: 7 Term: at Sun. orthonenu. ; may be seen at any time pnvioah to ale. sip 2-iiiagg msg._ IERY OLD BRANDY in wood and bottle.- FANCY ARTICLES. A, men 3:. 66.: PRINOISS Rfnnnq ..:- )0Sl1`I.VELY A CLEARING BALE, cube _ proprietor: `ha nromlngg .. ;:`"`1i:x.&;gjA; W. AND ALSO LARGE VARIETY OF USEFUL AND ilEW NEW FRUIT! ,..;u.u J.\J 1.111`; UK` `U11 OF KINGSTON. '. J. MAHOOD S `T ADTDTKT Lrt\r\1\r1 WINES A|l_ LIQIIDRS. THURSDAY EVENING. DEC. 'v- Ava-Aln1\r1_y1 VARIETY STORE. _h-- 'I?l--m- n_.__u_ :- Fancy Goods, Icriben hue received I lot of Gun- Whinkey, GUARANTEED TWO LT), V IJB I} L, WABEHOUSI OB FACTORY 3 Bnildinz. eons! nl "-' ' SUITABLE FOR _____.j.- Entertain-cut. ll lnomben zulion of Queen : ~ r`--I-nnqnn Pl. OI FBI- 1'0 LE1`. U Abbunan ulion of Q"'" 1 Couyoggon I ' m. Imh December. v v'1NEs,T v.._.......u--s-J-us. I` 8 "In relation to \be female cluus in Johnson Street` Hugh School, the Cbnirmnn said the re- cull Inst year was not what might be termed 1 success, and he would, therotore, not recommend the trial to be utemplzd ngnin." I.-...... n.- ............:.... a. -51.. ma. in nlnrlad In. ICGILLIVRAY, Secretary .. ... .... vn-nluulwdu W. R. IORAB & O0. u-5:. vv Iutn. W. R. MORAE 8 00. , - vv C? s1-an-r. J. J. Lurrou, `...-n...... w. R. lcRAli, co. Jewellery, ,LIQUORS,v JIVII-An, Secretary. Ie, sud pout- y no r auc ulna 50 0d Quculpuu Isnnu. From the connection in which this is placed, | it can be seen that it refers to a night school ' for girls, held during last year in the High School Building. But as many people have luppoled thnt it refers to the High School Class under liae Simpson, I take this opportunity of assuring all who are interested, that. this clasa Is in a very mrishing condition and has been ,0 during the past year, and that as far from. there beiag any intention of nbolishing it, means are just now taking for extending its sphere of action and enlarging its usefulness. Saxcn. Woona, M.A. Local Superintendent. r.':.....o.... n-.. taut. 1Q`.{\ VI A Lu` R. TOWN S FRUIT AND OYSTER DIPOT, IASONIO BUILDINGS, IABKE1` SQUARE, - KING STREET. BLACK GLACE, GROS GRAIN SILKS, GROS DE`SUEZ OR CORDED art 170 1.. ....._g.. ..L_.1l..... ..4`...J.J._, COLOURED GLACE SILKS, JAPAN ESE SILKS, _ IRISH POPLINSofthebest SILK MANTLE VELVETS, ` HANDSOME MADE UP DRES- (`I39 1'... `I'.`..___'___ 1.11,- ,, OSTRICH _PLUMES, Tuesday, December 13,- onlered into the court in I turned the following bills :- `FL- I'\ ..... .._ LlA_..... .. FRENCH FLOWERS, FRENCH KID GLOVES, MALTESE AND CLUNY LACES,| EMBROIDERIES AND TRIM- MINGS, \WitI 3. profusion of the Newest Novelties of tie Ieuomeeleoted by our own buyer! now in the European merhte. Our entire Stock of SILKB, SATINS and VELVITB Inning been fpnrchued before the ndvenoo in price, caused by the Frenco-Prne- aim Wot, we no enebfed to offer this clue at Good: at remarkably Low Pqieee for Reedy Honey. ` II. & J. GARDNER. Kinlnlnn, let Ielatnhnm In-nu `- I'D not positively known 1! Prank : dondld _l__ on Franco iulndoo any of ' lllon-non : Sugar-Cured Ila-I. I HAVE um ronaon-nu ll now 2' `I'1n-_., .,. . - I /.v -1: HI? 7' O u----- 3 not poultlnly known Juu method 3 line lot of sweet oranges and Lemony, V R-A `ILL- -`gm.- Elegant Assortment ~......... ..... .v..v-.... -.....a . - The Queen vs, Stacey and Mulligan, larceny no bill. /\ -. ... . n. Kingtton, Nov. 30, 1870. ____________ IRUD 1):. Quinn Uu \Jlll.Il.l.I'41.I SILKS, In twenty shades of colour- ings, IUJQ 1]. makes, |1|.I.1lJL!\I1vJ1:A 111111.11`; L'l SES for Evening Wear, n. u I. III Kingston, In B pleunbc, 1870. Are now showing FILLED outs of snnncr 1nd. :_x OYBTEBS received am, the tin: of the unseen. The Queen n. Mulligan and Stacey, lnrceny, true bill. Thursday, December l5.-Tbe court opened this Inorningnzuncxunlly in. fan o`clock, his honour Judge Burrowel presiding, Mr Sellaru vn _ . _ . . . _ .- News from inside Paris in down to the `Jih of the;month, atzwhioh date the news of the re-capture of Orleans by the Pruasians and the defeat of the army of the Loire had been made known and had caused a great ex` citement. Food had become scarce, and the weather was so bad that military duty on the rnmparte must have been very trying to the citizen aoldiery. Discipline would appear to have given way in the army as it mentioned that a corps of sharpshooter-s had to be disbanded for fear of an encounter between them and the National Guards. A sad state of auire is disclosed in this short report, The Roman grandeur of character which we have been told the Parisian. were exhibiting during the siege is a de. cription which must be taken with consid- erable allowance. The politicians have been holding violent meetings denouncing eachgother and the government, and the military oiceis have not been able to re- frain from qnarreling in face of the dangers of the Republic. Violent diaaenaions are said to have broken out among the officers, even among thoae of high military rank- Theae tronblea denote a high degree of irri- tability caused by the reveraee which the French nation has auered, and which galne expreaeion under the Republic in- stead of being repreaeed as under the Em- pire. _ . 3, 0151339,` J. BABIHNER ILYIB-PL Bulb; on, Ten 1,. mm A- url, `rel Illfu lbololdehnp; 1' BO Ii Present; guy 5 L00 or 0lrp|||' 1 P01 com d nun us Short vs. Beamish.-Au action brought to re- cover the value of two horses alleged to have been unlawfully seized for the liquidation of a certain debt, amounting to $45,641. The state. ment of the case as setforth in plainti"s decla- ration is as follows :-Durlng the lifetime of Dr. Beamish, the defendant, who lives in the townsbip of Kingston, became indebted to him, and not behg able to produce the money when required, he, on the 14th of April, 1868, enter- ed into an agreement to deliver before the end of June, 1869, in full settlement a certain quantity of lumber, 6,000 feet hemlock, tor fencing purposes, at a place called Loborongh Bridge, then to become the property of the then plaintitf, Dr. Beamish, now de- ceased, in consideration that a certain suit, pending in the Second Division Court, of the County of Frontenac for the collection of the claim, should be prevented from proceeding further against him. The lnmber was deposited at the place of agreement in due course of time, but on the death of Dr. Beamish, the executors of his estate refused to accept it, unless at s val- nation, which being left, without the consent of plainti or his counsel, to the award of the Reeve of Loborough. :eaulted, unsatisfactorily, nndajudgment having been issued, a span of horses were seized and sold, worth $200, for the balance of the debt. Mr U`Rei|1y and Mr T. L. Snook appeared for the plaintiff. Messrs Britton and Price for the defendant. LUI 0` Woolen 8% cent dincotinl... .1 to 1 "W and Cotton 1 NEW,;1 AT IV LIIIIF Gllll II . :'a;:.. A A . Tuna 4 :-etly ` J owls`: ,_ ing, only M, 300:: cm d I ., jinn.--nu. The m case called on the civil docket was (but of I` Elli? Ill? Wool and ' , Pcnmnuu, F`. Barntheu, GC`r" lwinceyl, `veg; Mantle_ Vol `I 600 Basil 93 :u\.4..A.wIi Vfidryc : M agnioent] New Woolf French Hefi F D ea`! vs7.'.'..n ....a1; Fancl;'"(`.`T; Millhiery, Pinup: Flowenh SachTRibboiI.** Real Thredd K New Kid GI _ K New Twetk, ma n|...|.. $4`! Pillow White and. Tlte Penitentiary Libel Case.-The can or criminal libel by Angus Shaw, farm overeeer, Kingston Penitentiary, against Henry Conolly, who accused Shaw and the Deputy Warden of eteeling oeu, hey, etc., in letters in the Globe, will not be heerd at the preeent General See- eione, this court not having sufficient juri|dic- tion. It but been hid over to the Spring Ae- D DIIIS value f 10 Spindle! M lo Spinllla AH wooiseglu Bountiful lot and sons` u, 'vv-' Black Velvet I znn I3_...._.r. . 4 L W300` I . G ln.TIo::I.| maxi: mo, T.n1II-I III`; wmn; JIM 141-3 P, W. O. first general parade `an-l inspection this winter of` the Hth P.W.O. Ries by Brigade Major Phillips, took place at the Drill Shed on Wednesday evening_ and though not what might be termed a full muster, was much larger than could be expect- ed under the circumstances. The newly reor. ganized band also made its first appearance in public, and, notwithstanding that the members with the exception of two, (the remaining number having all resigned to join an opposi- tion band) have only been receiving` lnstruc. tion for about three months, under the leader. ship of Professor '1`. H. Smith, played exceeding- ly well, indeed, its rapid progress and advance- ment to its present stage of perfection, was the subject of much remark and praise from the spectators, as well as those more immediately connected with the Volunteers. Several selec- tions were rendered during the evening, while the inspection was going on, and two or three quieltsteps as the battalion marched around the shed, all of which were performed in excellent time. There were a number of ladies and gen. tlemen present on the gallery. Shortly after 8 o'clock the Brigade Major commenced his in. gpeetiou of the arms, accontrements, etc which was stated to be satisfactory in every re; spect. After being then put through a few more evolutions,byAdjutant Johnson, the batta- lion was drawn up in square, and addressed briey by Liouteutant-Uolouel Callaghan, com- manding, who complimented them on their sue- ceasful inspection-one of the best and most creditable they had ever passed. He infat med them that until further orders the right half of Nos. l, 2 and 3 of the battalion would drlll on every Monday evening, and the left half, Nos` 4, 6 and 6 on every Wednesday evening, all possible exercise and attention being required between now and the 24th of lay next to [it them properly (or the celebration on that day. also that the new clothing would be distributed to the men before long. God save the Queen" was played by the band, and the gathering dis- persed at 10 o'clock. pgoqsu-Ity with the present y. The Touts` govo incompetent either to `at negotilto pence. blicann /eithcr capital n Ilik- NP no unnouuceu. .3-.- IIId_|Clegl'lph Ierglcea ptgd. Gunbettn is still and 6 gun. He sea no priutionn; tint I. pulntion in good, and o! is journey is to insure f sll the French Dec. 11.- l`he Duke ulogtqplu to his Duch one of the victory , du Ham-c up -a.. I... hann reinforced huv:`i';ne-'f'<;-' d t till gellput of the aunt]: of,F I gene perfectly enned en nuxnher of beueriee e lee, II In Ileo men an cavalry fo Severe! shin yen for IIIO Blnc bocriptioun for the cons! Ben ail nre prohibited M . on ruln.nnce._. The I has dhbundedjor In the N|tlounFGqoEdn, Ind duly occur unungn launder ol artillery re Gonernl Dncrot and 8 out qunrrel, md the: In by mother ocr. , Doc. 14.-The (ho Inilnde bl Pmuil in weii u Igniust that Turkey. The um , up CI : Nmeo, in ind Hit duty of England ffotu of nearly 2,000 ex `A has bun ordered to ' of |_ ghturbnnco at I. iverury of the eltnbli I,l|00 Inen. , destined for Fnnca in Belgium. " _ French mnde a violent I neu Meung, but were Putenbnrg, Dec. 13.-Ad ~- he rpmived conga IIIAIOIAL AND OOIII l'\_- 1. .- nauqyllvu ur urrn.'Ila.-A| I unsung Of] Loynl Orange Lodge No. 577, hold in the City Building on Monday evening hat, Ibo following clan-Dunn were cloctod for the ensuing you : . Bro. Wulian Ooxben, W.l. ; John Reid, DJ. ; Juan Onnlot. Secrctnry ; John Wright, Tlinnntu ; William sum, oupunrsau.-I Jdlhn. D0 - n.u.._n... n..... u.n_- nomtgudunonk In for I i in auto nap vld nial -"`-" ' [whit in China no com ` from Bruuola, dc Ah the Edna Luann Ilnooncbmonl :- Iloontion of Luxunbd IIIM the Pruuiuu In to Ihtndon ill thair , um. 14, U230 I. CC 91]. Bond! ol I I`ll- )88'I.,90; Tonfor ` damn! no}. nunnnce of no in II] and ercely dlncu-l uul A-An n....-..--- ., ---- IIUIUUI l.I!IUll `Hand en lhrutene Ingmhd with size}: `an / ,_____... , uuu-In-ulJlI,U1II; l.IUCI' Johnston, D.0.; Oocnnmeo, George leani- logll, William Link, lurk ldnrlono, Juno: 301'. 351! Vin; Tylen-,John Dnvy. [ll YORK III: Ialtclqr an ' Ork, `Doe...lB,--Gol I my yuhgqg. 4I..u l_lW IL-3-1 [N94 ldqnan la :5. I :1 u been telnforced 8oiun.-The annual tea meeting of ile con- gregation of the Brock street Presbyterian Church. took place on Wedneedsy evening in the City Hell, and proved A success, the hall being well lled. The Rev. Ir Wilson, pastor of the church, cccupied the chair; and with him on the pletform, were Reva. P. Gray, and Chambers (of Storrington) who delivered thort epproprinte addressee, alternated with vocal and instrumental music, Keesre Bell, Wallets` and R. Tandy contributing the former, eccom. panied on the piano by In Ll. Gage, with good taste. In Morgan, also performed several pieces on the Piano, in a manner which delight- ed the audience. The attendance being large, the refreshment: good and in abundance, the addreles interesting the music excellent, and in {set everything in connection with the meeting pronounced generelly, satisfeetory, no doubt Ir Wileon, and the committee are well pleased; with the reenlt of the evening : entertainment. -- I I-IU Vigoro -An Ind IV` I'll Kingston, Dec. 14th, 1870. COURT OF GENERAL SESSIONS. .; _ r\,,__,l .. 0.1 Bucrxou or On1cna.-At a meeting of .nVllnrnnnAI1\(Inn I. an 5.1.1 :. .1..- n:._ President Grsnt hes excited en Inuen- tisl opposition sgsinst him in the rsnke of the Republicsn psrty by recommending the snnsxsuon of Sen Domingo. The Senate rejected the treaty of snnexstion lsst ses- sion sud sppsrently it in in no humour to peel it this, since Benstor Sumner is us much opposed to it se ever end hss lately csrried s point sgsinst the President in the foreign esirs committee of which he is chsirmsn. The Sun Domingo snnexatio is looked upon es s corrupt iob, sought to he covered over by the high sounding phrsses of the President : messsge, but nevertheless I job which men like Scnstore Sumner, Willisrm, Merrill snd others ere determined to oppose. This inuen- llsl opposition shows that the President is not possessed of the unlimited condence of the Republicsn psrty: end if in this rustter the better clue of public men iuin sgsinst him, so any we expect sxmine to examine criticslly, sud sct csutiously on his recommendations with respect to the sh- eries sud s retsllstory policy sgsiust Cs- nsds. 3,-The Grand Jury I . cl... _n--....-... ._A .. I ... ...`. V.-- u... u the afternoon and re- | SPECIAL TELEGRAJIS. 5 (Per lontreal Line.) '. FROM MONTREAL. I Montreal, Dec. 15.-'l'he Metropolitan } has conferred the title of Honorary Canon in the Cathedral on the Rev. Ed. Duvernois, I Rural Dean of Iberville. ,r~n |,_,r.. 1\uIII 1.1:-u wn Avian vnuv. A considerable number of French refu- I gem have arrived here this week from Port- iland. They were sent to the Imrnigntion , Oice. `nu . . . ,,JL_ v nogvvg Milfred Marsan. clerk, was sentenced by Judge Coursol to six months imprisonment with hard labour for s*ealing $1,106 from his employers. an... L......:.... ..r.. 3...... ..r. r...m.- numnd II CIJJPIUJCIB. The burning ofa. barn of arfatmer named Boiivu beyond the city limifs causetl an alarm and some excitement last night. m. . nu: . -u___):.l ----j;?-:- CANADA Lin Aascnucca Co)tPAxnr.-- It will be seen by our advertising columns today that the Canada Life Company is determined to maintain the proud position it has attained of doing the largelt amount of bueinen of any Company in the Dominion. This is as itahould be. A`good sound home institution like the Canada Life ought to Iecure the patronage of Canadians. We have proved to the world, more particularly to our proud neighbours to the south of us, that in commercial matter! we are quite able to hold our own. Let us then an. courage home enterpriee and institutions llmt, retain the capital in the country, and build up this Canada of ours. Parties desirous of e'ect- ing life assurance will nd Mr Rutherford, of the Canada, prompt and willing to attend to their applications`. Ponce Conn-, Wr.usasnav.-The only cane brought into court this morning for the adjudi- cation of the magistrate was that of Mrs Mccubbv who charged Paul Purvis with using abusive language towards her. It appeared from the evidence of complainant that both parties reside on Barrie street, and on Saturday evening last about 8 o'clock defendant and complainant's sons were engagedjn an alter-`nation in a saloon where the former had been invited to haved drink, and the defendant failing to revenge h?s anger at the time, proceetgd to the house of of complainant, and curtly asked if Jack Mc- Cabb was in. He was answered in the nega- tive; but his urried actions denoting some. thing unusual, was asked what was the matter. He replied that he was in quest of the person above mentioned to give him the d lick- ing ever he got." This called forth a remon- strance on the part of the complainant, on whom he vented his passions in a most abusive manner. The complainant issued asummons for his attendance at court, upon receiving which he again repaired to the c)mplainant`s house and accused her, among other things, of rum- aging his cupboard for salt, a fact which the complainant peremptorily denied. A witness wasrcalled for the prosecution, who snbstnn- lated the charge in every particular. The de- feudant also called one in behalf, but his testi. mony went to show that defendant had been disorderly on the street, and that he (witness) had taken, him into the house and here his tem- per became quieted down. He was ordered to pay a ne of $5 and costs_ and to furnish two responsible sureties for his future good con- duct nuulu u-uu Duhuc CAbIv0I.uuut nucu u-5-.-u. I The weather turned cold last night and is is snowing today. Good roads will soon be had. FROM PETERBORO. Peterboro, Dec. 14.--The County Council by-law for the Grand Junction Railway bonus was lust by one vote at the third reading in the County Council. Poerxc -The execution of the criminals et the county geoi on Wedocedey morning he! egein, es on the occeeion of the execution of Sale Allen in 1367, tend the muse of severe` poetic genii. end the remit in thet the city he been ooded with production, all of which fell yer short of their object or purport, in presenting either A correct or hnnonroue rendition of the crime or the lat hours of the reepectlve cul- prits in this life. wr- DIED. V In Kingltou, December 15th, Mary Jane, dnughter of Mr Junea Sleuth, aged 2 year! and 3 months. I Ir.-:....a.. ..-.: .......-:..._....-- -_- ..,_.,.n -- uecenaeu Ilnong me person; gg;m.d having regard to the debt: or claim: :.:',":} which the unit] Adminim-not Ihnll then hue bud lotion; and the aid Alllininlralor um `noun liable tor the nuts no dillribcned to any person of wboto debt or chin: he shall no`: have no! notieo at the [inn nf mg. .a:...;.__ Ill] 0| 'D C notieo ` I haula- The Governors of the Kinglton Hospital grewully acknowledge the receipt of one bun_ dred dollars from lleurs Calvin t Breck, being their regular Chriatmu gift to the Hospiml. 5 IIIODIDS. Friends and acquaintances nre respectfully invited to Attend the funeral, from bar falher s reaidenca-,`Princeu strael, tomorrow, (Fridny) n at 2:30 p.m., to Oatoraqui Cemetery. In Kinmzmn mu. n..-gnu... In-m A--- u aged 03 years. The funeral will take plnca from bar lnle resi- dence, Queen end Sydenhun streets, on Fridny at 10:30 n.m_, to Cnuraqui Cemetery. Friends are invited to attend. Tlua fnnn-nl A6` cl... 1.5.. II-.. l`1-_I.,.. -_ - -up uuunun J:..\b'UUl'lUN-The l_ CnnozncL1:A:w Nsws now issued cou- tnins the nccoum of the execution of Des- con Ind Mann and other news of lhcfweek. May be had in wrapper: for mailing, price 5 cents. an J.ov y.uu., nu uulnluqul uvlnuwry. In Kingston, 12th December, 1870, Ann: M.` Meyers, beloved wife of Lieut. Colonel Oorbeu aged 63 years. ' 1 will (aka nhu-n fmm ha. in. ...r l If IIIIVIICU ID HIWEDQ. The funanl of the late I nvoidably postponed until 10:30 a.m. _.__.__. Will General Butler's policy in rrgnrd lo the shery question prove another For: Fishery at`- fair?---N. Y. Herald. `/_APP0ll`|'lIl'l`.-lf Thoma Alenudor, Auio mu lulu at the Kingston Gnmmur Sohool_ bu obtained An nppoinunent u clerk in the In- land Revenue (mice It Toronto. Bo expect: to have in I nook or two. F01! SAL-E, ART of Lot 26, in the 9th Concession or Longhborough (50 acres), and put of Lot 26 in the Bit: Concession of Lough. borough (65 acres). The nronenv is won u.o.u-.a- -L...... r__._ In pnreunnce of the Stetnte 29 Victcrie, chap. 28, sec. 27, notice is hereby given thet Ill ~ creditor: end other pereane having any claims i ngeinst or etfecting the estate of the Veryl Reverend John Hugh Mcbonegh. late of the Town of Perth, in the County of Lenerk, de- ceeeed. who died in or spent. the month of Sep- tember, 1866, ere, on or before the rlt dey of Eebrnet-y, 1871, to send by poet prepeid to hie Adtniuiuretor, Jetnee Gt-ent Meodoneid. Esquire, of the City of Kingeton, or to the undersigned, the Soliciwn of the aid Administrator, their Chriutien end Iurnunee, eddreeeee end delcl'ip- tion, the full perticnlen of their cleime, e eute- nient of their ecconnte, end the nature of the ggcm-nice (if nay) held by them ; end notice in eleo hereby given thet es the exp`:-etion of the eeid lee: mentioned dey the uidAdminiuretm- will proceed to dietnhote the ueeteofuie uid deceased Among the entitled thereto, having regerd chin. ....i- -4 uuruugn (U0 ncrel). property in well tutored; nbout forty ncrel cleared. The timber consists of pine, hemlock, maple, and tumnrack, Silunted with. in ve miles of Invernry. Torml very euy-ono-fourth down ; bslunce in four years ; inwren 7 per cent. Apply to ALRY Q YIDPDAllInvnn _THE DA1LY NEWS-THURSDAY 1'-'cvEN1NG. [N the manor of the Estate of the Very Reverend JOHN HUGE ICDONAGH, dc I sued. uy 1 .'. noli Q. 0` Inch dilttibu- ' ndoa. Dani the Ihimuth day ofnocahr, 1870 . GILDIBSLIIVI & WALKII, Kingston, Ontario, solicitor: to aid Administrator. `HE DOUBLE EX ECUTION-Tbe _ Cunozncur. um Nmn nn- :......1 ..,... :.- NOTICE TO CREDITORS. ALEX S. KIRKPATRIQK. ` Mrs Corbett is un- Fridny morning It lluun Saloon.--WVo undontud (hut tho llnpton Iillury School will open under the dkrocon of Brig-ado Injor Phillipa Ion week. cAuAoA LIFE Assm_u_c COMPANY. Bale: lower than my other Company. Proll Bolllucl larger than any other Company. Aluolnlo Soclu-Ily and Llberallty in its dealings with its assured. The Company bu in the pm 23 yam P-igi $700,000 for death clnims, Ind bu ne'er COD"- teued one. Agencleslhroughoutthe llomlnlon, Selling; O" ! Selling O`! STAPLE AND Fancy Dry Goods, AT THE A comparison of the Coupany s Pro_t Bonuses, sud its Rules for Assurances, with those of other Oieos, is inviud. where every information can be obtain-=d, or at the Head Office, in Hamilton, Out, A. G. RAMSAY, Ilnnnxrar. w-vvv In.-r|.Al..lIl' IIIHIIII IoclI| llllef. uinncnt of Dubai Lodp. Good Ttllpllrl, will uln ulna: Ihin r1`h...-..a..\ .....:..- :.. n..x- ..-_ I BE Balance of the Stock of the foilowing Goods will be sold on` I The Wood to be of the but description Ind qunlity of Hardwood, out 4 feet long, to be de- Iivered and piled by the Oontrnctor in the Goal Yard, :1. Inch times and in quantities on may be required, subject to inspection Ind ap- proval, and at least 50 oordo, dry And Ieuoned, to be delivered before the middle of January next ensuing. nu._ n. The Tender: to mute the amount per daily ntfon oi the following qunntitiu, viz :- IlIL- -I|'3AA-A` asu'I'1UN No. 3 House to of Kingston. teudoti dot the nuns who, with lbeuuelves, faithful performance of o D. ..-.I_-_r .; -- ng will be required In -P tom of I responsible Inn! will be bound fotlh the Gonlrhcu. county Clark : 0150:, 1 Kingston, D9c._l0. 1370- T ` For the use or the Court House and Gaol, and Straw. Imlons and Bread for the Prisoners. For lhe term of Twelve Months, commencing on the ILL be received by the County Olerk, at his oice in the Coon Bonn, UNTIL NOON ON TUESDAY, the 20th day of DECEIBER, 1870. The Straw 1 pounds each, qnired. 12 oz. of Fresh Beef(except on one or two days of the week to substitute 8 oz.of Salt Pork therefor) ; u 3 oz. of, Ontmenl ; 1 lb. of Potatoes (or instnd of the Poutoes 4 oz. of Indinn lea! with 1 quart of Molnuea to every 16 rstiono), and I reuonnble quantity of Pepper And Son. with each ration. _.--.------u--uuuvsunggjgg nndnn,lhn nacho-nyoluc-." 1 Payments to be undo at such time: n the Government nnctionl the nccounu. time and place from panic 1 to contracts 'l`o keep the Snow clear from the Kingston and Napanee Iacldlllh lzed Road During the ensuing Winter, I8 follow: :- SKOTION No l.-l7` the Village of Cntnrnqui. SECTION No. 2.-P|-om Cnunqui to the Five-lilo Home. tom the City limits to nu cv-:ry Lu rnuouo), and Also such qnunlitien of Bread and Onlmesl per 1b., an Inn} be reqnind extn from the 11. tious. EE PRINCIPAL FEATURES of this Coni- pnny ne-- u Oice--Masonic Buildings. King Street. _ Medical Roferee-DI.. Ln':LL. Dec. 15. While and Grey Blankets. Red, White and Fancy Flannels. Beavers, Witneys. Mantle Cloths. English and Canadian Tweeda. French Merinoes. Coburgs. Lustres. Fancy and Tartan Dress Goods. Wool Plaids. w ; ..,.-..- vv om runas. Winceya. Balmoral Skim. Plaid Shawls. Breakfast Shawls. Sonmgs. Clouds. YY-...l- 110008. Gents Scarfa, Shirts and Drawers. (1.-..., ....a w:.:... n.....\... Poucn Ooun, 'l`1wnnu.-In the nboence of the Police Ingiurno from tho city, there In no business of any kind tnnnctod st this court today. uenrs acnna, omrts anu Grey and White Comma. Sheetings. Tnble Linens. Towels. Tickings, Kn: , &c., &c. In: 6th day of January, AJ). I971, H lbs. of Bread; 14:!) Dec., 1870. Tenders will I inns and M... 4'. FUEL W001) BRITISH WAREHOUSE. Very Cheap for (lash. NOTICE. `nu-u-can VI uululu uuIl'I. UGIII lIIIpIIl'I, `Ill take place lhh (Thunday) evening in their new lull, lclinyi building-I, corner of Brock And King strum.