ov IVIBY DIICI.lP'l'!ol _ Ilocnlod neatly, clwsply, and expeditiously at L _ hr DAILY IEWS JOB PRIITISG UVPIC3.` TERMS. it is reported, bu nnn mianinnn-inn: In u;nrI.-uuuAuII. ! - Fellows Colnponnfd | superior to any aimi- i to the Dublic. . H n Limit... HQ I 10 Inc DUDIIC. aw, mum, us. {an u-all gdantgd I EVENING. DECEMBER: 17. Inc uuxu Poaugo AGBI uo., r York. *"VH`!r gross frauds which cotinnrto he prac- .l lised by otscure mnnufnctm-en, more particularly in Germany, by imitating the 1: bels attached to JOHN GOSNELL t Cola PKREUIEBY, rule: it imperstiu Ipua in n-....;.m..a In Gun-mu the public against such n..... H. Vohsc Ge read many, imi JOHEW QOSNELL In-e mun: citing Inn .. .9 .... Ruamocu TIUPIIAICI Ill-Ina u the Sons of Tempergaco Hull, Princes: Streo-t, every iunduv Mlernoon, frog: 4} to 5 o'clock. ,~,u:p,yg'uu.-- : -., ....-- , _.-...-. .-....\~., u ~.Iu. Propriouxs to Canon public nguuu uuuu nefarious proceedings, and to request their friends and patrons to purchase only of rupee- tnble dealers, who impart direct from John Goanall & Co.; Lnijnvih; E-gill Iulltion to 751- ndrlv-nnn- tnble-d;;l eI-'3, direct tron duuu ulijnvihs-gill the uldz-ess- RED BULL WHARF, 93 UPPIB Turn Snln. John Gosnell & Co ` Select Perfumes: Eu the Brides Bouquet. John Gosuell 3 00}: Prince of Wnlea Per- fume, a moat choice and fuhionsble perfume. J ohu Gosnell 3 Co s Princess Alexnndx-n s Perfume, a most choice and delicnta perfume, prepu-ed express}; for the use of `fer Roynl Ffiohneu. _ - , _, prepucu c;y.c....._, .-- _. Highness. John Goanell 3 Cole Upper ' Perfume. Inhn Gnnnell & Co.'s Jockey is in universal request. as Perfume for the Handkerchief. Price 28 64!. r,.:.... flnnnnll A: Co.`s La Noblesao Perfume, Handkerchief. Knee as on. John Gosuell & a most delicate Perfume of exquisite frngrnnce. John Goauell 3 Co.'s Nohlesse Ponnde, ele- guntly perfumed, and highly recommended for beautifying and promoting the growth of the hall". La Noblease Soap-eateemed for its unequal- led perfume and line emollient qualies. John Goenell at Co.'s Violet and Milleenr Nursery Powder is guaranteed pure. No nur- sery should be without. it. Sold in boxes at 5d ; in tins 13 each. In... r:.....mI1 k (`.n .1 Cberrv Tooth Paste is each. John Goenell ti: Cofa Cherry greatly superior to any Tooth Powder, gives the Teeth a pearl-like whiteness, protects the enamel from decav, and imparts a pleasing fragrance to the breath. Price Is 6d each. Instantaneous Hair Dye : certain to produce my shade Brown or Black, of good natural colour. It cannot possibly injure the hair, has no disagreeable odour, and ie easily applied. John Goanell Jr Sofa Patent. Trichoearon, or odour, and I5 easily eppueu. John Goanell Jr newly invented uair Brush, the peculiar me- chanical construction of which accompmlia the two qkoeratious of cleansing and poiiahiug simultaneously. The Pxmant Mechanical Chair for Brushing simultaneously. The Patent Brushing Hair by Machinery. For Prospectus nnd pu- ticulars, apply Lo Lhe'Pntentees and Sole Manu- facturers, JOHN GOSNELL at Co.. Perfumera by Appointment to Her Majesty, the Princess ofW&1es, &c., RED BULL WHARF, 93 UPPIB Trauma 813331, late of 13 Thrm King Conn, Lombard Street. 50 HE SAUCE. Prepared by Alex- . under Snunhwood Stockcr, Irom a. recipe by his Cousin, the late Dr South wood Smith, thirty-ve yours Physician to the London Fever Hospital; Father of Sushi- uu-y Reform; Mndicnl Munber of the first Genen! Board of Health; `Author of the tint work on Fever in any age or country, the Philosophy of Health, to. Deiicioug with everv known dish. Its -.., -`.,..v Wlannvu Mrmnnnrr Cmmcn (Queen Str -Iormng Service, 10:30; Evening So-r 8:30. Philosophy of Health, to. Delicioug every habitual use increases the appetite Cad. prov motes digalion. It. is much esteemed for 1[S digestive properties. As an assurance of its purity and salutary rope: ties, it is only necessary to poi_L out no name of the celebrated and philnnthro pic Physicixn from whoa! prescription it is compounded. The entire life of that distin- guished man was spent in promoring the health of his fellow-creatures, and his death, =0 December, 1861, was mourned as n no Lionnl loss. 7kAl,..s-ln --`.1 1'... guy-in:4nvinn kw ch- Dun, HOIIII 1085. Wholesale and fur exportaviou by the Pro- priemr, 69, Lumb`a Cunduil Street; Barclay and Sons, Fnrringdon Street; Batty Ins! Co., Piusbury P4vemeuI.. Rauil bf (Jlbmiau, G:-oam. Italian Ware- homenen, dad omen throughout the King- dom, and every part of the world. Ask for the The tSa.nce.-Special export Agenls-Burgoyne, Bm-bridges, and Squire, l6, Colman Street, London. "r .r AMPLOUGHS PYBli`.'l`lC SALlNE.-A Medicine that cares Sea Sickness or the uvorst._1ul_I--of Billions Headache in A few minutes; eferveseing and tasteless, its con- stant use is specially calculated to maintain health. When mixed wi~b water and taken during the eervescenca, it immediately blends with the food. and is rapidly absorbed into the system. `It vitalizes and supplies the blood with tbose=shline principles that are lost, :1- tered, or destroyed during the hot weather. In Jungle, Scarlet, Yellow. Typhus, Ernptin Fever: (or Cholera), also in several other conditions, when the vital current is poison- ed by infection, and and thereby rendered un- lit to support health and prolong human life. it has been found eminently bet eeial; and its snstainiu an d purifying inf once set: as a preventive to disease, as th. nu- merous unsolicited testimonials accoupt.y- ing each bottle will prove. Its portability renders it admirably adapted to the travel- ler, tourist, emigrant, or private family, more especially when distant from medical advice or assistance. qnl in I\.nl\.' ah.-._..-..A _I___ L--.` , rilVlC8 0|` I-EBISIIIICC. Sold in patent stopperad glsu bottle], price 23 6d, 43 6d, 115, and 215 each. Spe- cial agents required and Appointed in all parts of the world. SIR WILLIVKM BUBNETTS DISINFECT- ING FLUID, for the purication of sick rooms, boapiula, workhonou, fsctariaa, pri- sons, crowded plsces, between decks of Ihips, fever wnrdq, clothes and line: of lick, night- chnirs, cenpools, drnins. inter clooota, stables, dairies, ludere, unity cub, tubs, tc.; bilge-water, sad the hold: d uhipa; apartments for aenrcbeu, undctuken, And jurymon, And for post-Inorunn uuninnionn; for the prevention of infections dinette , Mar | ker sud fungus in trees: for tho dilinfimtinn 1 Lu: we prevenuon or uuocuonl dinette trees; diainfotion of dead bodies, sad for the pruervstiou of subjects for dissection; for up oxm-min`, non of bug: sud other vermin. Sir W. Burma.n. n nininnh... m..:2 uon or bug: um outer vermin. Sir W. Burnett : Dininbeting Fluid ya the only Disinfectant med at the Agricul- tursl Hall during an Slnitheld (Hub Cull: Show in 1366, by orde: of He: Kajcatfg Privy Council. The vglnn nf tho Huh! c. -L-__ c .- rnvy uonnclx. V The value of the uid in Ihovn by the following letter from the Secretary end Manager: Agricnlturel Hall, Ialington, Jan. 1863. Dear Sit-,-P1enao to send eight gpllone more of your Diainfecting Fluid, 1.3 per ado: enclosed. Hnving need vnrioln Dininfecting Fluids At our any shows, 1 can any with condence that none have bed the instea- teneoua end complete emsct of Burnett's, and this too without producjng nny nnieenee 13! K50 ID? 0' Chlidj of lime or cerholie ecid.--I on your: faith- fully, S. SIDIIY. Sec. end Xnnnger. Capt. Jnckepn, R.N., 90, Cennon street. Thin uid nets on the eeeentinl canoe of diuue by destroying u local eondixiou of the ntrnoaphere under which eholen i; no" frequently developed end propegeted. In hntnnce: In 5 house In St Alduvilaueg Plymouth, occupied by lay-two #108, it won eprinkled in every room nape rang; in these the oceupnburibtl lot laugh it .. Sir Willism ' vu Iprulxlea in :13 occupant: would 1 be -P1>hed;u-u ruultclvhieh . than put: d the bout vb" in. DO! A linaln pan. -1 -1 u.uu. Wuuvu lrruomn Camel (Portsmouth. -230 pm. I)......_.... \l__..,`_..._ n.._...._. ,n,--:_ u.___.\ qucnuy occurred ; shove alluded to, ,uuna rlnqzhn 3.--- I suave nuuuea lo, the d some death; have (she [immediately oppodu , quantity. in uciuler 0! j 3 single case, nllhough u.InuI.y_ III nllhou in the neighbourhood. ncxuler or which his tho lhthodiuuoh Bald by .11 chad-In; nu gt strut, London. Qurtl. ma: -n._`2 _ Luau put: 0.! uu bolu islu` used, not 3 tingle can of cholgn quently occurred; '80 in ma 4;... CAUTION. Us --I fa-Iuinnghla ngffnmg. -_ -.-...u.. I)! . . u. , l'l.\J`I' nu-nun-5 urn nu , -1.--v lrruomn Emaconx. Cncncn (Johnson Sn-eeI)`-lorning Bunion (fr-ee),10-.30; Even- ing Service (free), 6:00. 11.`-..-.....-..._.. n...._..... 1tn_n:__.-_ -4..- ' Ten Thousand large amount of 33:11! vending matter, 4' pa, rm cum. Subscription Two TA R. Freennn, Phnrmaceusg isnllowed to bc HE ORIGINAL C HLORODYNE, invented by one at the of In present century. It is largely employed by the most. ominent. Phvaicinnund Sm-geolru in and Ifis employed by me moss eminent Phyaicinnsund hospital private prsctice in All pa:-tsot the world. It has eifects peculiar toitsei and which no essential- ly diiferent no thoseptoduced by the various compounds hearing the name (I Chlorodyne, but have no pretence to posseaing its virtues. It rnpidy relieves pain, from whnlsvh ans, :1- lays the irritation o( hunt,-1 soothes the system I-- ~-I----oh... dinnnnnn md gives sleep with- rapluy raucvca run- ...._ ..__._. in-it:_tion soothegtlie lllllw, Illu cnxpwu ycvy-. -...._- scientic Pb-ylioiun made ummiiiiiei 3 have named it: eecm in ca-eful comparison with those oDR. COLLIS RROWNFJS CELOR0- DYNE, sud deposed to .0 than thattluy found is 3 men eennin sud reliable prepuuion, and pad; prefernd ;FBEEl.LN8. Eu-1 Email eumnnnicatgd to the Royal Col legg 0f`PhjI'l:'l_III `Had to` Ir Fuemnn, that in Ilanilla. the only remedy of any use in Cholera. I was hlnrndina > was Chlnrodine: The Hzdical Time: and Gazette, Jumuy 13th, 1 am: ntnfn M 1: Inc an immenna ula H3003` A... um vn\4I4 `um , u.vu. OOIOIIGATIOIAL Cmmcnjwellingmn street) -lorning service, 1 1:00; Evening service, 6:34). V1u.AI Scuooz. (lontrenl RoId).-3undny School, 9:00 1.13. ; Iervice, 2:30 pm. R.-u--up I`.-pn.-u /|'.\l. ..-... u._.....\ Il-__:.... The lzdical Time: out (inane, Jsnuu-1 John, 1866, states, It hum immense nle amongst ` the public, and in premribed by `scores of Ortho- dox Hedical Practitioners, and, ol course, it would not be time singularly popular did it not supply IL wnnt and till I ' Mnnufnctured by the Inventor, Bichnrd Free- man. 70. Kenninzton M. London, 8. 1 no genusne nu en; Stamp (outside each ORIGINAL CHLORU Mnnufnctured the Inventor, .I$lcn_l.rurrw man, 70, -Keunington Park Bond, The 'en:*jne Inaenznved on the Govermnt DB.VIC`I'O I BAUIYS 0GNIC_I'EDICINE. gub- ---i- R. V. BAUD, Gndtlh and [ember of the Medina} Cell:-ge of Paris, ChiefPbysicinn Ilxu-nordinnry for Epidemic: in Paris, la: MD. of the Civil Hospitals of A|y'|eu,.hsujnct in- troduced in England hi! ORGANIC llDI- CINES. `FHA- -A-uni-t Q tic-;ni\onnn0nQn!u|__. 5 in PUICIBIII Inna l.'0$'pf5Bl11Ell, 101' \Jl10ll.'D` 5 Yellow rem, uinhoo`, Dyltutery, and E I; excessive lotion ohm Bunch. A Quid: H um: 11:3:-dull luv the lrannh Govurumant to Dr V . noun to! uni vluunnn pnpuruuou. Price: Small, 15 ljd ; Iodium, -LI 511;] Size, 11: pct Boltln. IFIZID I AQ'Il L|l"l'7I"I'\ Ybn excesnvo menu: onu no-Inn. A gunmen: was awn:-dad by tho Frenxsh Govlrumcnt to Dr V. Band for this Ialunhh pupantiou} ` Prion - Small. In `Nd: Indium. 4: Ed 2 Lnrvn For I VXVHE DAUUIILVD, An eicient and you-ptemedy for Cholera; | Yellow lvr. Iavrbod. Dvltuten. tin I: ; an II A. .1. Per (Cunard and Brnnen lino, every Tuesday 1 5:30 111, I K rvn our-in THE DIASTATIZED IODINE, -~ For purifying the Bbod.-Pn'ce 2: 9d per Bottle. ', 11h: shove Brepuuaiona are in the form of Sweeunests, pleunnt to the tune, and pu- Licululy adapted. fox Infnntl And lotion nursing. . ' Rv thn nnmhinnon nf tlxn fl- nn no 7nn'In`A nursing. . By the combination of the Iron or Iodlzi with Creel Seed! in 3 Into of germination, they no united with organic life, which than renders them digestible. Thu irritative nnd stubborn miners! In tluboattha nucleus, I of an organic mbnu. capable of hingsh ` SKIIIDOIII lnlfll j LI I ` Iuhou. uingsh sorbed by the blood without injury to the stomach. Agent for England and British Pouauions, 1: G. DUFRESNE, :9 wunng Street . May be obuiud of all Chisminu. R. D: Joxalrs moan-Bnoirx cool LIVER. OIL. > DR. DE JONGBEOSI in can ' ' by an overwhelming weight (1 testimony, andbythepncticsleotofneemfnle ' for twentyyeu-sin` Ill puts olthe woo-ld,ohe, beyonddl question, the purest, the InoageBa- cious. the men. nuhhbh. and. Ihumn. -ma ueyunu In qnenun, me paves, the monemu,- cious, palnubb, nod, frdmiu yqaid curative elfects, the moat economical cfnndi \Jn.n.-.p,`.--__,_, A wilxu rum; ooymnvme ALL In my; 0, " lnununlnc S'!0liIEs A"-:, - . .. , ~1 `S. mm, -Keuningion 3. The genaine Iuaeng-awed Government Kmmn (outside Bottle). F REEHAN" S wuu, me man pun-nu, Inc, n-onntnyrlpij elfects, cflndi. Hence the uiielsnl Dude 50ngh l Oil, and an Inpnlld John! In thiami- .4... uxuVJnA nnnnn, nann, 8.11., Physician in Orlnnry to 6: Quinn inlnhnd. I In puleribod Dr. do I mg%B;: Oil. I nude: :30 3 very pure oil, not likely to_reau dilglut, and I therapeutic lt I VH8.` ` DI. nnwA1E:_lnn, 1.18., w Medical Occr to the You Luv Bonnie! Great Brihin. -...v V.--. Pnnnnvn Mrrnomm CHITICH (Brock Street) -_-Homing SPl'Vi1'P,l0:30; Evening Se-rvicv, vizlm ll.-n-.u-- D..._........ n.......... 1 r._|.....,... llK_llo We think its great ulwntnge that that in one kind of Cod Liver Oil which in Ilnivennll admitted to be gennine--Ibo Light-Brown 1% supplied by Dr. de Jough. It hnlajhcelow practice, when practihing shot], to nested this kind, since, nmidnt I Inch variety Ind II- certaiuty, we have condenqe in in genuine-P neu."--(Extuct from Guuunptiou: in Inrly and Remedillie &p1") - 3- "1 eounaerthaftbopuivy dghhihneeps ed in it! pf otaogood nchem as _de Jongh. epanuou,bv|ho quinted. lacy! debt Ila Cod Liver Oilnold nnderhissgnu-Ania: Ioboprelenble to any other kind _u ngnds genuineneu nnd mndiml an. as ur. ac Jongn, wliolu medial treatise on the 1 Olllinled. Iano.1L.'.. under ` nnnu '1 u u, 1 neueve, nnivennlly ncknovlee dis oil has great tbenpentie power; my investignions, I have no doubt ol _!_pure sud nnduln?1: ing." an um---) DB.I led/ical Oca of ALA. ...5u..-mow; uoa Lac Oil pending the nine set of properties, unong which the presence of cholaic aunpouuk,untcliono inslhteot orglnic combjmtinn, no tinned remarkable.` Is it, I believe, acknowledged shut diaoil greut tbennenthznn-1... ...a 4-... uscuuyolulnll. ' In I cueal have found Dr, do JOIISWI Light-Broil cod Ian on lune 9t_ among the nresenco nl Cnnnuc A9031-nuc CHURCH (Queen'Street)- Morning Service, 10:00; Evening Service, 5 00. D-1 un...v- 5 Ajl`- K---...- -5 `L- G--- CHRONICLEIAND . 1lrBQl'_"' `UAII EV `I r\rrr...__ SELECT mzmcu. opnnons. sm HENRY nnsn, nun-., nu), `Inuit-inn in `mi 5. cs. n...._ x_ t_-o,. u, nnw yvu wvuuuvn THE DIASTATIZED IRON, : strengthening the Systen.-P1-ice 23 9d net Ends. 15.5. . They combs qt tlrqjan - ` ' TEE B1UD`KI pm:-jnnt nnd m-om-atemedv 1 _"sA;1`t:R oAY EVENING. DEC. 17. gr mm rnzsr I .1I}E.` Ind cheapest pt-epnnon. Elnnonmnnu nidaviu that they -A1 in enecn one u very pun oil, wen `lnchlhnunodlh u_y -I-nuviteuse IDII antic and from doubsofiu being that. tic power: And from I` II l'I'I-'7-r - ,. Govuuluu has given an ud for on lmadnd And county nilliou 0! ball unridgu. Than -1- on million in budrud ` W hdngnnlovluhly I: III Inyll `I5 I ....L loo only In Ibo pricu of Illlpotna [33, but than iltl 313] h Obtaining (bel vIl|niIoIIO" nnielo Ipu sly Iflll. A pncti. .31 Vlrli any ha (in: to tho authorities, cloth, not Kola tho puahxd nnaida to undo up,uohst they cannot up: into um 510-50`; and the Iolbsoblll to not um. gray than bk panes, to totally hsppcoed ' luoly to u dininguiahnd corps of tho "1 h3-I.auh|papcr. I I ( t GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. Trains nrnve and depart from the Kingston Suzhou as follows : may 12.33; It Parllalc unrest In 131 West; curtail of Spain, :3; :4 IK Helinng 1 J_ runl Purity ad and Path; *" Iflt a:.w 1:1. 3 Letter; intended for dispatch per Bremen I r-. must. be specully so direct.ed- ` vuuxry 1' and every 1 Tnilcz. -can oeiu Indanl . lnnnntnor, nurnvlllll ilng-tulip _ IT?! _I annbhllol with pcnupq i no Bin. A RAIIJUA Uh I Emily WWI IVIIY 1>1mv1'ua?_= p-..--`A, .. `., ....., ......\r, Ll.\}'I. 81'. luv : CA1'uxx>I.n. (Roman Catholic).- lua, 7 3.m.; In: 10:30 a.m.; Vespers, 3:30 Ill. us; uj or print: ' ' cabin In-nun up any 3-1! Iain"! '."..._':. 2 *-- 9:"--....-1: , ...` `lnnrrtl Slockdfli `IHUII A1? "5 .9 24%] `V - I ` 2- _ em: - -fame. M . nublio con5d:' .1`!-.1- lily mu. NEW, B&l'lf`i!`.Ol'. 8c.,>,hIl4 on. from" mania` u. I. Lmow__ Auegxtu ~_'v., .,.-.., -....., vvn -.9, ....--1 |.a.u.u. BAPTIST Cmmcn (Johnson St_._n>ot).-!lorning lervicr. H100 ; Evenimr HI>rvim1_ 6-30, V Btllfjygjiyv Ediuolddbl OF _..p -Anlhnil thgmrn Mud dll`. l'A0l- Il'lJ .-T. . Ahgnlnclhn 11" PAHQLIIIHKH luau on my _ gm /~. 7 A}: u`l_8'(9. an M. Qflfgl 1 KINGSTON P031` or 91728. Clnnn A moval. 1 to issno}Po|ioios on_hu IPIKII: 'LN D , v+x,!1:;,`7;", ;7`%| "x-} #'&e*` -% b_I by Dr. Muqlohn. L';'.i`.'3a`. a t %".0U|"U`-" ;.:;:;a.3;*:M` _`i Suit): Daily Ntms. MIDI UT` I"II'IXl' 5.3" 0 `M Tale 9 ar/',. ~h'tar noun I R70, zany, aunanys exec; BRITISH MAIL! -0--nuns -'1 Inn y-Inna $51 23.:-'.3?-:q Assn THE L'IFI{II-DIDLINESS us` ENG- LANDS FRIENDS. r! xu,,, '1---s ..m I m I ad g us. a m m --- [Thin us by lonu-ed time, from which Lleduci I2; minutes for the diercuoe between loutreal Ami Kinaclnn Noun 1 UI OUT Hlk | EP\l|l WI 128, In`! '.". .'1}`clo:`ing and no buys-rs above . Rank of Bntish No 0lI eI'eu--'0u|a nnng 1 nu. UiLy Bau..k--Hue been taken '0 some p;r..m at nves rnhgmg from 8:; L0 8~;, I: clusas wub ulbra II 87 and buyer! at 7%"; one [10 Duly!-rs nuuvv-, -.A. Bank of Bntish North America--.\'o sic oEered-would bring 1 l0. Him H.u.k--Hna Pxv _ lt UCU&l' 1&1, U) mu C Ill; IIII I811! ` nine timezuo upright. uni nincere. Conscious ` of all the beuienn nulls that will name to Our country from the dadsntion undo in your 7 Imperial Iaj-l'.y I um; hrtbc Power: iiznvogy lo! the Treaty of Puis of 1856, the Iunicipnl '1 Body of 8:. Potnlburg gag nut nnremly to ; lny at you nuptial Ioistfa foot (ho expect * lion; of lheir feeling: of loyal gratitude for the ' ueunru which, size, you will uh in your ele- ` med wisdom for Ibo defence, nu Rcurif], lnd ` I the maintenance or the dignity of Benin." Au oceaiounlcorrupondon: writing Boulogno up tint the fan of Anion! ho; cannod much dopreuion then, and thy. :5 H . nnhlnnd CHI nnmnjnfu pgangal-Z-a oh. n n ` mutt: uucu acpreulon men, and um. th continued with uaeensinfy respecting the I 13-!` ply of Ammunition, prevent: my gnu enthuai- , nu upon" lbwqooctiou of redotncn. A`1'bo; gggiuy u to 960 rush, add: our eonapoo-' 59!, Inc had Ila conic clue! of giving rim to I o uggutiou Iiong tho lower class: that, Boulognoulllcllnilullocll hwolorod to lay 004-and thintxou pnoplo who would not ado Aha: owl Lotuiuf ` A , or from St. Pelellburg urn :-Tbe are quill en-min we in uniting They are going to pour in sddi-easel. ater ot the Interior sent. for the Mayor -tersbirg, Ind told him to preparn nn f gratitude nnd devotion to the Em-i 1` course it In ndopted with greu n, although there were one or two You Inn! to make recruit: of us |l'_" l ~53, nny number of nddreasei wi`1 boi ig if necessary 1 owing is the address of the Municipal 1 :. Peteraburg .-Yonr Imperial Ma- V it. Gracious Lord,-la your ultiriugr - for the well-being oftbe people com- ) your cure, your Imperial Majesty bui . your intention of putting no end for} are to the defencelell line of the south hora ofyour Empire. Fully appreciating i do the blessings of peace, we citizen: of Petersbnrg are tinnlyeouvinud that lbel :0: security for I luring peace will be yunri ovoreign will, 1: expressed in the eircnlir dc- Hutch or the cl-neon. d in Iupun on tho L _ 19th Ocbbar last. full of Irnncgnd um- 1 Anna` vim- IA nnriaht uni mint-arc an-an:-inn: I i ( I l i: I( I.`lTP.EAL STUCK MARKET. Montreal, Dec. 15 --Thelm1'uPs3 of 'be wswk ..- 5...- k... |;m....A ..-`.1 yr... n.-mun nr lha du- ._','iT'. .; mn KIUW EIUSVU. HUN SHIV! `-J- are reported at 1 IN and 1161: d. nk of Tm-outo-Numing dning , sellers 54; buyers at 152. \ Bnnque Jacques Cn.nier-None in mar- HR nnu|.l hm nnid H3 wuunq u's plllq, mac Bauk-:3u|s II. 111; sod `.121 in iu)oulIls_ H2! in todny oered and 114 UIOR. AFTIVC. lumrn by G1` R. day u-:.in12:00 M. Weshern " M 2:30 RI. Bus and Wes! nigh! (ruins 9:00 T00 A.I. LNITED STATES NAILS. Through Mail! for New York, Boston, Oswegn And Come Vmcent, will be closed :1 ll 3' ) am. { nu! :'.x m pm daily, Sundays excepted. |{|llTI.iFl' gum Bnnquo Nntionnle - Nothing doing. Hons purely nominal _ern Townships Bank-No sellers; HIM pd n Bank of Lower Cansdn-A cauld- smouuf of stock chnggrd hands darmg k at 100i And 110. The Trnnsfcr Books oday. mics` Bank - Nothing doing, ~ the re nominally 75 buyers, Ind 30 sel- VUV ll A.nUi LU L-3|`. ll-IU LIIUBIUF ssrd yesterday. Canadian Bauk-No transactions for 5. There n-ejouyero at 60) and seller: SIcck-FIas been sold II 110; and `nlv In: lamilnd Amnnnt NA nnnn |u..|urnn-.:uu:r-in 'ep0|'f was said u 1 clminrz mclav w Bunk of Comr.nerce-SnIes to nf1'. .0 to 121}. The Tnmsfer VP4HIrdnV Canada -Has been 3 nnu- n.x1l|l` Ckgr IN 84 PETERSBCRCL 30241 El IUD H) NW1,` `tfreul benng lo-Jnyx DI] l l-`H IIIHE per Camdian steamers will be cloud ev-ex, In :1 1 A: II A H, ' TEE Nxxr Pei-pazltxraiccms AT ` Thanh nu:-ougnovaeut mlonetnh-;: crme, an the death of Pius iX.. lh-I election of A`: ` for!-ignL-r to the Pontinl chair, on it is thought i that an Itnlinn Pope would bu umber the mural ` ox Italy. The project is got up by the U:tm- . rnnnmue pnrty, in conjunction with the Jesuits, , who, in the ahuner of a prominent character ; among tho axiating foreign cu-dinals, are Mg . 1 ing the Pope to an up `the vacnncies in the} Snead Collugs. Than three cnndidnu put for- 1 turd for nomination are Dr. Manning, ~ bishop of Westminster; Monsignor Dechunpa, 1 Archbishop of Mahnea; and lanaignor Ledo- i ' chowaki, Archbishop of Pasen, All of whom will 2 be included in the next creation of cu-dinnln. 1"}:-Yrglinn f`--vHng!- -I -niahr ha Arn:nVAd 1 "" -- ,.-~A- on. f The inh1h':*anfs of Montevideo, Uruguay. r I were on the verge of starvnlinn at the date 0' xhe laces! Advices, No. 10, in conmqvrence of the Wk gzege of 'he insnrgems. Advices from Jamaica. dated the 19th inst. "M report xbe arnvnl of the Soulbsmplon steamer. mm ' The Government. contemplate: the erection of 3 W6 dock var Kmgnton, and taking the shipping to M,` contribute to the outlay. England is pushing her nolicy of coionial mm confulernlion. The Dominion of Canada. came x,`_' rst The Ausfrnlinn col uies re ore.-oarimz D: .' THE DAILY NEWS--SATURDAY Hf!` IHC Illllf-IIHLJ U`ll MICE 3'3 PIE 3 fede:-alive Union. Am,L.1,ye-1,;;',_ 3; i`38 _. \ 5 -me of the West 1`13'7BIch bvlong to the British ' , also 10 be federnlized without delay. I `L- ___,_-_._,._. -5` I`-.. e..L.....-v. nnau Iv vw -u.\....... The appointment of Gen. Scheme}: 1.: Minister to England is njpravad by 1b) Worcester (.\(a.3s.) Spy, which describes bin: I genuine American, endowed with I cleaeid, A strong mli, an abundance at common sense, auda uuicxent amount of rugged manhood, wh) enn- noc possibly become one of the sofv, couhke diplomatinu, nor be bewildered by the an: of Inch In--n. an n ,__,__ ;:-.u .,_, ,s_,,, _ Uuuu u.I u The Germans find some rigour necessary in governing the occupied provinces of France. At Rheima three phyaicinn have been nrrestud and sent to M igdeb-irg, on the chsrge of hoshle machinations. At Strnburg an arrest was made n: the Hotel d`Angieterre, at we close of n concert given by A Bavarian military band, and nttended Ivy the principal people of me town. tn: discovery ofn been-t pool, which regularly brought letters from this interior of France to the adherents of the Provisional Government in Aluce. The nrrelt llllid to be connected with ` u. ...v--.v. The Independence of St. Brine (Jun) pizb- lishea 3 letter from Dole with a horrible Account which it is hoped the Pruaiiana will be Able to nnnfrndict of [hi treatment inicred on (`nnmin WEIICD ll 18 DOPCU [DE YIUBIIIIUS VII] 06 IDIO Y0 contrndict, of the treatment inflicted on Cnptain Luboletrier. of A corps of Pnrininn Francs- Tireurl, who was made pi-inonor I few dnyn sgo in an engagement in the neighbourhood of that town. The letter any! that his cnpton hung him up by the heels, ripped up his belly, and nude use of his body an I urge: for their ries. I The letter is signed, E. Faillet, norgeon of the i | Breton Legion," who lays be tough: eight days | by his side. It is hardly poaaibln to helievgtbu , any soldiers belonging to n civilized nation n.;d ' disciplined uny could be guilty of such ntro- CIHSI. zyuaa-. The Prussian statement tbnt their batteries E command the whole of Pcria mun be reeeind t with conuidernble reserve. The lvcuge distance `N of the Goran posttiona from the outer enceinte I is about tbree mtbo ; Ihb in it: turn L! It lexul lone Imle from the `mac: fortications, no tbnl U1E3I from the neighbourhood of Ht. Cloud, i from which certain suburbs can be ouily shelled, ' it is not very probable tlmt great dun-up cat: s as yet be innctod upon the exty. The man! ef- ` feet of the bombardment may, bovever, be very considenble. V ._........- ... -.. ._-ruu--n-occur l > From New Zealand we loun tbs! Ibo Colo-3 f nhl A-enbly bu uuhoriud the raising of I loan or hnlf 1 million, for 3 an: no! exceoding, " tour yearn, to be applied chiey to public i woth. The Government Ioull Ala Inn ntl : its disposal during tho canal yea 20,000 of 5 lthe ImperiAl_Guu|hd lots of I Inillioml I The auxin q-mention," any: the Southern I ' Cross, don not can nnv nnnnngl dun... nu 'I'ravellerI anI Postal Guide. I The Australian proposition to obuin from; = European Powers u recognillon of the neuznl- lily of the coloair: in the event of Engltnd be. ; comingnbelligerengdoca not obuin much fa- ; vour from lb. London Press. Hr Guru: Day, l of Young lnlnad fnme, in the reported Iulbor l d the propodlioc. Tho Spccrdor discofdl it 31 ll chimera. The Er.-onamzsz declares that the real lssue growing out oflho colonial relluon { cannot be lhul euily ended. "Boll: the Uni- led luuaon and tho Colooiu," it up, nun choose boldly tetvoen the policy of iId.apun-i gdeneu nd tho policy of red ldenticallon of! `; Interest: in All Imperial allies. l 9.-.. v-_ 7-_l-...a _- u____ .L_. .. .-. . 3 ` `LDC unuva niwznsuu, 3-,! H30 DOUKIIITII Cray, does not cute my annual dcgreo or ` excitement at the present time. The cm-n Prinecu of Pm-a has declined 3 `loreenive u-cuotiltiguodby u,ooo saga? luau: in fated olluen: Unhhtrlutinn ill) en-nnoruaujuu-uylopovl `- guouaiu fnvoco{pua;IuhhctlInu,' intuinghernfunl, be: loyal Bitch 11.2 `paeuuntlnintionol v.honobloou1.1t"al` tholngliahwoconinquution. g ALBAWS, HOLBORN. nuulrmmu UNI HIE! I'D Pl'\fpHl'|gpl`,E etuiou. :1mI"mings ` India Is. In Crown are f..{... ....I -iuknnv "J.ACV 9 In I little morn lhill three months hen: ' Ruin`! will formally hecnc the capital of a uni- ; ted luly. In less Min-iug time: the event 3 would have proloundly moved the entire civil- ` Izod world. Overshnioved as it is by changes 3 still more momentous. it unrka an epoch in 1110' : dern history, and pnznres a fresh depu-turn of 1 n nuinnnl life whom record is one of the moat def KHSIDFY, HI! Pl'IHK'H'C3 I ll`-C" "`l"` "" a notional life 1 brilliant in humor: Annnll. Pious P""' `. sgsiuuli-a event will not-even have ll l0l'I=_ 0` ?the legal formula of raking exceptions, E11109 1 every power in Christendom views the crow_n. Q ing of the edice ofllalinu freedom, if not_ mm 1 anI'LIfz1ction,`al least without the Ilighteu unen- tion ofmterfering with it. rr__:-___ x.;_.. _...L. ... clue Inn-nvnr Kllllil will be subserved by thus une, wmcn wruumy V has no obvious comuaercinl ndvnntsgel. It is , plain that tbs lessons of the Crimenn WI! h8V 3 I been carefully remembcnd, and thnt`_Rn3sin will E arrive 10 prot by them in the fnmre. _ 'm.., r....m... Anna vnnh Atlantic Ocean. nu 1 non OX lnlenertng wuu 1L. - Vnrioui hints reach us that, however 1 may choose Lo temporize until ihe iuuo of the '_ Prunsiun campaign in more clenrly dened, she ` is making inane pnpsnnioia for possible contingencies. The Financier, of London, be: private advice: the: int quuntities of munitions of Iv.-u-'ara conslnully arriving at Odessu, in the Crimea, and many places on the northern shores of the Blnck Set.` Me-nwhile, the Poll- Routais section of the nilwny now being built in the Caucasus in to be completed, it in uid, in A few months. The contnct up to Koutnis is to he nished noon, under heavy penalties for dell}. Mtliury pnrpoia, almost exclusively, will subset-ved this line, which certainly he: obvious ndvnntegel. SIFTVB [U pl'ULll U Luau: Au luv Ausunu. The bottom of the North Atlantic Ocenn, says Prof. Huxley, is one of the widest and most even plains in the world. lf the see were drained on`, e waggon might be driven ell the way from Valentin, on the west coast of Ire- land, to Trinity Bsy, in Newfoundland. From Valet:-ia the road would lie down hill for ebont 200 miles, to the point at which the bottom is now covered by 1,700 fathom: of sea-Inter, Then would come the central plain, more than 3 thousand miles wide, the inequalities of the surface of which would be hat-uly perceptible, though the depth of water upon it now vsriee ttotn 10,900 to 15,000 feet. The Princess Louise in rapidly recovering from the sprain, which, however, necessitates the use of an invalid chair. The Marquis er home has been an almost constant visitor at the Castle. The Scotch servants at Balnmral and in Her Majesty : household hnve, it is said, subscribed the mm of 300 to purchase a mar- risge present tor Princess Louise. 17.... .. U-.. \l.u:aw-v -eI\ 1-an Wen-nnnuu nl `Single copies of the Cnomcu um Ins, containing the news of the week, my be hud in wraapern for mailing. Price 3d. each iuned u-very Friday. 3' Hal. COPY nf Oh: Any `Iva fIII\ 1a rung: ylcacut Jul. 1. nuances: Aauun-v. View or En Mussrv 1') ms Em-Imss or run Fnsscn.-Un Wednesday Her Majesty the Queen, accompanied by Princess Beatrice, at- tended by Lady Churchill and Lord Chules FlIlZ"0y, paid 1 private wait to the Empress of ~he French ut Chiseihnrst. The Royal party 1.-n the Windsor station of the South-Western Railway by special train, and arrived at Chisel hurst at .ll:55. After playing the Royal visit the Queen, with Princess B-.-ntrice, loft Chisel- hurgv. M 12:45, and arrived at the Windsor an. (ion at 1:50, where Royal carriages were in waiting 13 convey the Queen, Princess Beatrice end nuts to the Castle. . Miss Lily Peckhnm, of Milwaukee, who studied luv just long enough to be shocked at the iniquity of the profession, is now prepnring herself for the ministry. D_...t.,.... Vun... to :. ....-n.-9-3 1-... -nnl unnuuu Au: uau .......--.1. Brigham Young, is several female Mormon \`rnQn nu Iv -vynu u vvl yum. l|\ll EXI'l1AC`!`S.--[ consider Syrup of Hypophospbites s In [reparation yet otfered I CRA.-cnnzn FRAHI. ! `.;~...\ ;. Mrs David Calm, of San Fnncilco, uod oif a $3,000 set of diamonds to aid the French cmse, and her husband drew the priza, though there were 3_0O0 other ticket-holdorl. j n .- . rs n,~.. n 4 -__x'; `inc KLe;);:a/rd Scott Publishing Co. TO SCIESTIFI 1 I | C AND PRACTICAL cm.-run, These periodicals on the medium through which the greatest minds, not only of Grant Britain and Ireland, but slso ofontincnml Europe, ore constantly brought into more or less mumnte communication with the world of readers. History, Biography, Science, Philoso- pl-y, Art, Religion, the great political questions of the past and of today, are (rented in lheir pages as the learned alone can treat them. No gone who would keep pace with the times can slford to do without these periodicals. Of ail the monthlies, Blackunood holds lhe fnnunnar nlm-:- xtnue-c.1303. Price $1 50 :1 bottle; six for $7 5! Sold by npmlwcxries, and by F. Cnndill . 410., wholesale agents, Montreal.-Adv. j anoru 1.0 uu vnu In: foremost place. For any one of the Reviews. S 4.01 pay | For any two of .119 Reviews . . 7.00 -` For any three of the Reviews l0.C() " For all four of the Reviews. . 12.0!) " For Blackwood'5 Mlgazine. . 4.00 `i'orB1ackwood and one Re. win` , , . _ . ,, Fin`: n nunen u-very r nany. SINGLE COPIBS of the DAILY laws may as ! had ntlhe counter of the publication otce, Prin- ceu street. Price (to menu, 5 } new . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , 7,0 1 n For Blackwood And any no or -the Reviews . . . . . . . . 10.00 " For Blnckwood and three of the Reviews . . . . . . . . .`. 13.00 W For Blnckword end use Ion; Reviews . . . . . . . . . . . . ..15_ro .. Single numbers of: Review, 31 ; liuglg .1 beta of Blnckwood. thirty ve cents. Poa two cent: 3 number. uuxonm Luna, ::.u., ::mma.x, mm. It is really a good medicine, well adapted to Iui`d up the system "And impart vigor olbody md mind.-l7`rom the St. John (NB.) Iournal 'Lh Dec,186'3. D an :n .. knllnu .:- 6'... Q`! In Circulars. with further panic 1 had on application. '1 `R, my reeuiviog Petitions for Print: Bill: v WIDNISDAY, tho twenty-eighth day Docenlnr nut. l | CFARLE `I. GILLIOR, Oink . uuun ll nu-any given ms: nu lut dnji IN `Ila 5,.`-(i;.ll.`;l & $('l)T{ QUARTERIJE8 Postmaster: sud others disposed to canvas libenlly dealt. Iilh. THE LEON.-KRD SCUTI` PUBLISHING 00- - e ! By Henry Sfephens. F'.KS., Edinburgh, nod th 9 Isle J. P. Norton, Professor of Scinndc Agri allure in Yule College, New Haven. Two vols. Rnvnl ocuva. 1 600 man ...A uzuure m rue Uonegc, New nven. 1 I Rnynl ocuvo..\l.60o pages gnd l 5 numerous engnvings. Price $1 ; by mail post I paid, $3. I THE LEONARD SCOTT Publishing Co., 140 Fulton Street, New Yor Sunday I)i| (V`tlIVI'-)'--IIIIIIIN of Pub lie \Vor~4lIlp. _-_-_.-, -..-.. yu-vvmn, nonv. lone: 5. hcreby_gi1en am an 1. (1.; for Bin. -an 1 I: lack wood : Magazine, The Edinburgh Review, North Brixisb Raviev, London Quarterly Review, \Ve5ln:|insler R.-_-view. Blaekwootfs Edinburgh Ingnine. The Farmer s Guide L giah.u'vo Qnaqhly olootuio, Toroutlo, 251): October, 1874 \n:_L,,. QUARTERLY: THE umun` A Ttotnk.` MONTHLY : ".5 U...-....., ...-zu ' - Wnuvu Mnum Su'eet).-Murning Se: vim, 6-20 2