`'3: man ' Ion 1x0 3611:` J A111-.2. ' `in Bank.. [A W, mncmu ... gIuh|ic,&c.,3`.-S King M. AND SURPLUS. FIFTY YEARS. . . . HM "I'm-ruvlnn Hath") A 3'.`-yum` ramplllvl u-at |ll_._ !'H|pl'|u-tar, :35 Dry 5!. VAERTSJANUARY m, mo. JAMES SWlF'l' 8 C( a \\ I I`_ nu, OFFICE - Over All W.Bl lbun, Agent. for Kingmon \ 3'. -mm` 1. Dry ll Ilfials. ' '9. I |`b"9l\l lion, U." . . 1`. WALKIII. E'.'.{a' Ale? i-i.':.'n-..~.'.'s'c'c'.1.'-:i'.'..I Lu. 1'. IOURE, Brock Street. L. my part of no $;')0,I)00, -1113 as low as the safety of the Assured will permit. _ `N, . .... -vttlrl OI ` RIPII Ho... A.CAMPB lI.L,1 h'l'HARDJUSON,lg Mrssu. Rm: I I--` In RINTON. mes conausn 13' r Foundry I se IIIII WHI IN , possible on :- :10 1.9.1`. ARTIES intending to make application to Parliament for Private Bills. either for granting exclusive privileges. or conferring corporate powers for commercial or other pur- poses of prot, or for doing anything tending to affect the rights or property of other parties, sre hereby notied that they are required by the 51st and following Rules of the House of Commons (which are published in full in the Canada Gdtetle). to give TWO MONTHS NO- 'l`lCEof the Application (clearly and distinctly opecifyingits nature and object) in the Canada Gazette, and also in I newspaper published in the County or Union of Counties uected, send- ing copies of the rlt and lust of such notices to the Privnte Bill Oice. nu D..o:u...... tn. Du-ivntn Rilla mnnl ha nre. tbe Privnte hhll Umce. All Petitions for Private Bills must be pre- sented within the/int three week: of the Sea- -inn DUIU ngcunn nu gnu nu...-...uu. Mnntrv-Al, July 5. E'[`URNID-Dn! hhcnnn, at R. Wain`: Drugstore; sT0VEs_,'r0VEs. I EllS elegant Turkish-Tonic is one of the moat nlutnry and delicate preparation! ever submitted for public approval in this `hemisphere. and Mann: its pretensions to palronnge on time following grounds: That. it is n vreparnuon of one of the moss Ollnwa, 8th Dec., 1870. following grounds: That preparntion eminent Pnrveyois to the Ottoman Court. It prevents acidity of the s'omncl1. lt relieves lowness of spirits. It is a mild and invigorating tnnic, and s stnost eicient but innocuous stimulant. lt renders the breath sweet and agreeable. It stimulates the appetite if tuken before meals. lt promotes digestion if taken aft-1' mesls. It neutralizes the propensity for strong llqu rs. ' It renders the intellact bright Anl clear. 1! token habitually it imparts vitality and one y to all tbe bodily organs. B its use a man of 70 will become, as it ..`--II III. _v` RIC now produg-,!;." of Amezican P LHCRS, LATCHE3, I o{?or them for ulenol H, d x rices to do n:_v bug HUME DII. ALFRED TODD, Ohiefclork Committees and Privnte Bills, ` H. of Commonl. n..,__ n.L n_- 1:-In ` to all we oouuy organs. B its were, restored to the elasticity of 30 ; and to prion of delicate cons1.'u.m.iona is is strongly recommended. It in an nnruu-in] fnvnnriln With Orienlnl THE DAILY NEWS. recommended. It is an especial fnvourito Indian. 9...... ohm henllh. lnmzevitv and vital lndiu. Secure, then, health. longevity energy by the habitual use ot the ALKABASAR TURKISH TONIC. the babnnnl or me ALKABASAR Kept in stock by the principal Dragging and Grocers in the Dominion. For direction; for use see labels on bottles. HENRY OHAPIAN 8 00., g Konu_"J_ EVANS, MERCER & CU , Sole Agents for the Dominion. Manon.-I Jnlv 5 JUST RECEIVED Y 1 _' Z " rueu ` 1 2 Orange SI '2 While Onpol Warp. BROCK STREET, 2 N Coloured " ` ANOTHER LOT UF PARLOUR COOKS 10 One: Canada Tweed: nnd Grey Etoes. Of N00! 331-03 Ind pliltmt T00! 0'9 Trnde supplied I! loss than Iontreql whole- Iuitnble for Dining Rooms, having the outward. uh, pl-;ce,_ `. nppenrance of n Parlour Sieve, and the cooking [`oggg 3 wA]_)DgL[,' qunliues of 3 Cooking Stove. Prue." gut"; I {(10111 and Wood Cooking Stoves 401 iiARTEoR1j, Con -7 AND TINWARII, con. scurrus, srovn HPIS, to. STOVIS Fl`l'I'ID OP, ROOFING, BILL. IIANGIIO. 86. NEIL Mclb, Brock Slroot. \t._ In PRIVATE BILILS. Nov. I6. JAIES swmr, Agent. St. Lawrence Wnu-. . A LARGE ASSORTIENT OF` MADRID 1847 %% 5 5,549,504 97 26,000,000 07 $5,549,504 4 3 682,582 08 253.319 14 967,125 oo 1,426,445 uo . 0 ')'H'\ HQ ! WK KINGSTQN. ...-u- nuuuI'Il| Jui): A15`l(, 57167. % The k':o\1ntlaIV 1 racturmg _v_ nrodm-I.-. PORTABLE Petroleum Gas Lighi L. tion in and for the Counties of Frontenac, Leeds and Grenville, huing been purchased by the subscriber, be hereby cautions all clusive right. to mgke and sell the said in- pcrsons against. infringement. upon his ex- vcntion iu the said Counties. 081`, on Sunday evening, in Mink Collar, J between the Portsmouth Tannery and Anglia`: lumber yard. Any one returning the same will be sniuhly rewarded by leaving it at W B. & S. ANG[.lN S office. foot. of Welling- ton Street. an IQ Al char] So (let. ATTRACTIVE Christmas Presents ! ! MQNTBEAI. Housgl RAWS the attention of Gentlemen 10 the following list, from which may be selected articles quite suitable for Family Gifts :- Kingston, 18 December, 1870. IH|'P(`I 10 we lung |Wcs:; or to Ibo C , Io-sors Run: A l nurnded Io. ' Black Silk Dresses at 10, 16, 20, 25, 30, 35 and 40 dollars. French Merino Dresses at $2, $2 50, $3, $3 50 and $4. 11'__ II1:_...- n .... -- t_-_ I ;. In A..II.._.. Silk Vclvel for Mantle: from $3 to $9 yard. On Dlrel. Dec. 19 '99 saw ....u g-. New Winter Dresses from 1 to 12 dollars- n great uriely. Wnterproongs from 90 cents to $1 60 j yard. .-. . .. v-sad .. .-.u `HE rights of the Putentee of LhisInven- Drawing Room, Dining Room and Bedroom Carpets, cheap. English and Canadian Blnnkela from $2 to $10 per pair. Jr:-vn9., nu,___u, p ,_, u_ __ A. A) Scarlet and White Flannel: from Is to 35 1 per yard. Ham lnniinn II-Inrigl P-nrn '7'! pant: in 1 yvl ,..u. New Cloaking Ialerinl from 73 cents to $5 penynrd. Superior Canadian Tweed: from 65 cents to $1 60 per yard. Winceya Item 10 to 30 centaper yard. Stout. Factory Ootwns from 7; to 12} cents Damask Linen Tnble Cloths from $1 to $16 nan}. Reduced Rates for Benevolent Clolhlng Soclelles. tn- L--- - run ninnlr nr am. and nllulll Mun- |1 un-tx 0 . lies me lupus! Lot Spain, the Queen 6(- ' the Iinna, And {log H.R.H. the Print 0! I Tone! Soaps. 2|` Lavender Want. Cold Cronin. PI:-nn...I V----1-A I.lIlIIIlI.l. Vtrvuvnnuu We have 5 full stock of Silk and other Mue- rials for evening wear. Also French Kid Gloves, Real Laces, Honiton-trimmed Dress Handkerchiefs, Ostrich Plumes. Lisle and Silk Hosiery, choice shades in Selina and Silk Vel- vets Vela. We sell all our Goods, as usual, Lt I modente advance, Am! An oh. (INN! PRIDE RYRTEII. R. T. B. SMITH, Organist of St. George : Cathedral, and Bandmasler P. W. O. Ries, is ptepared to give lessons on the Organ, Piam, and Violin at the reeidence of the pupil and his own. RESIDENCE-Queen Street, one door above pupil and his RESlDENOE-Queen Street, 1 Sydenhnln Street. puwnlcsx TUNED. \JUs1`Iu;cE1vE1)\ Who intend to make them nvanco, And on the ONE PRICE SYSTEM. JAMES DAVIS, MONTREAL HOUSE. \I'.._ an Nov. 24. 29 Kingston, Sept. 14. wvul UIEIIB. H Perfumed Vnporiur. Id Ron Lu! Povtkr. 1` Perfume: for tho 1 Hnndknnhi-l Aug. 23. u ANK STOCKS WANTED TO PUR- CHASE. Apply to o J. BAWDEN. ._:____ 1870 mm. AND wumcn 1370 IMPORTATIONS. ).\*. (CANADA). WEDNESDAY EVENING. DECEMBER 21, 1870. mucus: :\vAnoELL\ LII ID DIRECT O RELL'S in w FAG. an as. -and by the in Soptelnbor tho Stud will bu eonpbte in all the Dopnrtnouu. non: 8 wu>mn.L,-_-_ nuns A Prinoau Sues. , Nov. 5. TROTTRI MM':NEE(&. VIADDELUS. `ilnk Collar JAMES DAVIS reruunu for It Hundkorchid. Inn de Cologne. Ail lbelhnil A Aug. 29.: BALES COTTON BAGS. gu:-on-.1v1xa DAILY, rr non -ran Iuuno-1-onus AN IMMENSE STOCK DIFUU Ir. PIANOES TUNED. Linen Cotton Batting. While and|Grey Wndding. Couon Wick. Southern Cotton Ynrn, but ynrn in II-m H-nn Douluern uouuu A u in 1b: trade. Blue Cotton Yarn. DAA It JOHN SHIELS. J. BAWDEN, I-inlini unn, Solicitor. mvmme_m mus. Kingston Marble Works. uuu ue UOIO`DG. lbe nbonuln pbruutmn, cad nah I in Any chmuo. 96 Sugar! - Ian I._ IL'h'a .'.Q.\/LI \/LILJLJ-`1'\I R0)! the best Arnprior, Vermont, lulinn, and every description of Canadian, Ameri- can and Foreign Marble; Granite and Free Stone. GRAVESTON ES _r .._.._.. ....-:..a.. at ..|.....s- A....:__ -:AI.__ _v_:_ \J|..I.IlL-B. V LJKJC-\./-L.`.1lKJ of every variety of chaste design, either plain or curved. ' --. int`! n; In . um: um I'II'Vni'\:-1 .. .. `iiiiiiu MANTLE rmcas, &c., &c. The subscriber, thankful for past patronage respectfully requests an impaction of his Stock and solicits 3 comparison of his nished work with any in Canada. All nl-Jars nromnllv pxecuuad :1. mnernun wll lily lI.| unusual. All orders promptly executed at moderazo charges. Scotch Granite Monuments imnm-tad tn nr. `COMMENCINGAGAINX TUESDAY, DECEMBER 13th. and each following day untll disposed of. _.4L-uA/4. Prll}-,.3'ss and Sydenham streets, Kingston, Ont. NOTICE TO THE GRGCERS nun ntv mv7n-nu no Iznunavrnu Iu nu, CHECK`. 96 Stand` 138 W ` London. 1'! Boll! /Al-LDLBY a 00., Porfumou. PIE` Punt} and Randi) and Pnriu. K i ._,,,`1vg uynnn-A-_Au Uoluvnux A uumnnnnu Dunn, an luu proprietoxs have to leave the premises ac- cupied by them on the 28th instant, having rented them to S. Chowu & Sons. They are determined go sell the balance of their stock 0 Groceries and Liquors , now on hand. Mac Shop Furniture, Fixtures, and 5 general assortment of GROCERI ES, `xvi anuges. Scotch Granite Monuments imported tool'- ler. The above will be sold to the trade, and posi- `ml th e approt the]! 110 |'50"- Esquire, Master 3 Sale at 1 PM. each day. on F`-|day Terms at Sale. ccm For pnrticnlnra nee former advertisements. At ` Goods may be seen at any time previous to V .1 `the Auction Qnln Anminnnar, nn 1 \J0l Sale. I ..M9N.UEN1`$. nincn Hogan nu`n'.'; I )OSITlVELY . nnnn -:nInv-I V ...- l|nl JUSUN' K Hzssn. RICE Llw W 1! WILSON .I-ca Juiy 15!. 1867. \THELA1zGEs'1`, CHEAPEST Dec. 12. DOUBLE AND SINGLE HYACINTHS, TULIPS, cnocus. A. man &. 00., IIDIKIIVIFQQ T_1}_N_D . Oct. 17. IJ.l\./AJ .I.\/ J.J.IJ_l \JI.I` `.113 AND CITIZENS OF KINGSTON. NJ).-Au lluuu ceived for Repairs. Sept. 17. __._::_:_ EYE-GLASSES. AND OTHER OPTICAL INSTRUMENTS, FOR THE__T01LET. GLYGERIIE CREAM. -A_ ____.v.. IIUU rIrl.. mmwn WINDEII PRIZE IRDAI4 PATENT SUI?!-0 GLYCERINI B0 . Every vnriety ol- Alno in Cartoon of! Pomndn, Ron --J .:__ --- DELIOATILY PERFUMED PREPARA TION of Pan Glycol-ine, in n solid form, for Chapped Binds, Sore Lips, he. ; 4-emoves Freckles, Sunburn, and Roughness of the Skin, leaving it beautifully while and smooth. ` SPECTUACLES, A new discovery for the Hair, renderiing it soft Ind glossy, and producing A luxurious growth ; prevents it from folling, out, removes dlndrnnnd is exuexnoty cooling and healing to an irritated scalp. Innufnctnred Ind cold only by N.B.-All ` ..:u.arl fnr R13] CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST, uxmsorrs PASHIONABLI ovnnnvs non souqmcr, ` 'l'R0`l'!'IB S OIL POIADI, LIME cum: I51 GLYCERINE. HAS JUST} BEEN RECEIVED BY FINE V1-1m+;T11:s 47 PRINCESS snzzzzr, mm m canon: of! TI! Ponndel, Ron and menu, Fkeuch IIUII Cherry Tooth Pulmlah Ind nvnrv nnoplnugg n Another supply of BEST ASSORTMENT; Uuuuus, SNOWDROPS, kc , Just received and for sale by E. 11 l Al .K|L`l{, HEATH &. GUNN, 3 'cn0cUs, SF R. WHITE. A CLEARING SALE, as the n have to have the nrpminpn m-. WINES, PRINCESS ST REET. kinda of Optical Instruments re- an-unir uuurry I ooln FIIIO, and every doocrlrtia Toilet. H __ D _____ __ n_J` GLYOIRIKI SOAP. I PRINCESS 8'1` RE E1`. J. J. LINTUN,` Auctioneer. `r'-1 PASHIONABLR PERFUIBS, nu Market Square. cmms-rs, LIQU0Rs, R. TANDY; Scottigz Imperial 4 INSUBANEE COMPANY. = HEAD OFFIGE-50 WIS!` Glonal Stnrr Guaaow. HEAD OFFICE-96 S-r. Fmncsx-Xnm: S1-., Hon-rnnn. tunes. ' loan Burgoyne, CI eeive Indenu for YIIGIQI lnufsctorv. 'l Vi-9 I `HIS Company was established by I numer- I ous and inuential Proprieluy in G113. gov for the transaction of Insurance business in its nrious departments, and Inn met with a measure of ancoeas greatly exueding the nu- most. exnectation of lla original promoter|'_ A Branch for Fire Dena:-(men: of the busi- most. EIDGCIBHOD or its original promoters-A Department ness has been recently opened in this city, un- der the management of the subscriber, in con- nnction with a Local Board of Directors, and he Company is now prepared to accept In- surances upon almost every description of pro- petty throughout the Dominion upon the most moderate terms. Th` nnnndian Rrun-H nf nirnnlnrn fgnl rnnnh nlouerniu ICFIIJI. The Canadian Board of Directors feel much gratied by the amount ofsuceeu that has 3.1- rcndy attended their efforts, even at the outset, and now that the orgonizstion of the Brunch is completed, they hope, that by the continued assistance of their friends and the public geno- rai-ly, the Scottish Imperial will ere long at- tain as high a rank in this country no it now holds in the Old Country. H J JOHNSTON :1. J.gJ_UK1l1DlU, Secretary and Gage:-:1 Agent, 5-` Iona-cal. N.B.-Ful1 power ventedm Csntdinn Bond to issue Fire Policies and settle all Fire clnilnl without reference to Head Quarters. Junas HART? .1; an. JAEID DDR1]. G UU.' Agent: at Kingston. OF`F'IOE-0nl.ario Street, opposite Weber & 00 : Piano Ftctory. Dec. 3. CHANUEQY SALE PROPERTY IN KINGSTON. ' ' ' 7 the approbation of James A. Henderlon 3!. Kingston, A - . - ,- A--. - - -. I-`rldny, the 30th day of De- cember Instant, 12 o'clock, noon, 'nt,t.he Rooms of Charles lcillsn, Auctioneer, on Prinasss Street. in the city of Kingston, all the right, title and interest of the Dstendsul, Chsstsr Batch, of, in and to oerisin Leasehold Premises, being part. of Town Lot number two hundred and ninety in the uid eity oi Kingston, situate on the south side of Princess Street. above Bngot Street, more por- liculnrly described in s esrtsin lease of the pre- `mines from Mary itkioson to Chester Hatch, excepting thereflom tbst part of the said pro- mise` heretofore assigned by the laid Chester Hatch to one William John Dick, And at prssent occupied ss 5 Grocery Store by one John Ile- Neil. The buildings on the ssid premises In the property of Ibo present lessee, Ohester Hatch, and me included in tiil property ollersd for sale. 'l`s.- Innln nnnp -his-h Ihn nrnnnrtv la hall] CAPITAL. E1,`oo0.ooo Sig. )URSUANT to A decree made in this cause dated 2011: 1131,1870, will be sold by salve nnaenu for YINIIQ: Iunufnctory, Y I00 London and Depot I IIO1 hm. 'uu.n.hunJ1no.:1 BANK OF MONTREAL vs. HATCH. punucf mom; 'T` VI '5' ' ' `"I"""'l """"" [I want, haul -uvunus a_ Pm` nu: u`"I "Y- (B III 0| 1%, J30} . TATUTORY DEEDS--A raved ma 8"' " " """ ' """ ' " "" "" ""` *1 "" ' -W. on circfuny printed, copia 0 the M Q3. salt I `lllbil H` M.` Form of Dead legslised by Statute, for male 3 " Y'5"" 1` -u 9" bu` at me Daily News 05506. sumo:-y non. -rroeha-."-oe-lied. cold by the own. In -- gggm sud other luv fnrma kept on hand. pg: iuiutign, and nothing llh lulu : Btu wrncr or u 1a:n'r1s1NG.-Im `"" """"" "" ' ` " '"' Upuluadh` ugh my Kinghom'auonhouo,uu niusliunnud h seoek"muu-musqamodo-qr u.. .g..,4`,' _ _ pequd would have plII@1Ilo"ho unuaing at times to oliaervo the ""/`"""`` `*0 Fvfi uuuusu. UilniIo_|gh cioIolg stores of the Inerchnma who dan`t amp 193! L130`! It 80!. - guru an eauconsjc ry. rum me; to see the anxious proprietor: look- an outside vuppuolhux. ul plum Gov ....5.,,(...g.n M ing into the streets and see the ponplig go ggpoit snap Iuicbd lo and hot. "mug Qh '4 (3. ,...g."` by. wondering '11: they 090" 000 it u as such. b in ~ - ski: th0.II0l G 3: their `it hboun who TH`:; "l.'"b_'?b F,`, h, "-nf _, . `v_'E.4....*." I ertue `IQ I"d emu` ' _ I ,. 4 ` 1,4 83me'po3pIe um lard by obuerntioll "-'."""hh',' ..n.... ...n ....._n..'1.. Pnllaliun. unchhlfnuhu. nun:-tune. ~. ' ' CANADA BRANCH .' Ce (0 H030 QUBFCDTI. JAMES HARTY at 00., A gems at Kinmatnn uulry. H. J.(J.0HNSTON, nv And annrn] Aann FANCYMGOODS, ...-- `sun an-uuruuulll. FAMILY AND POCKET BIBLES, DRESSING CASES, 2 l I WR1'l'ING DESKS, I WORK BOXES, 1 PHOTOGRAPH AiBUMs, ENGLISH '1`OY BOOKS, ' GAMES AND HOME AMUSE- ` I LVI I341` 1 BJ- Everylhing new sad at unexoopliouble prices It ' Stacey s Book Store, KING STREET. AAIA [NEW VOLUMES` .nJ4nA.LJL ` lliook, Job, and 35145511] FIJVE Books` STANDARD ILLUSTRATED BOOKS. ' Lu-gut uoorunent of NA III ! `I A \T1\ I'\l\l1I 7I1rI\ w\rI\I- 71.- `A RANGE CERTIFICATES and Lodge I Summons may be obtained It the I)A[LY Nnwa On-Icn. Orders by mail pmmptly attended to. Devices for every description of Orange prihtingkept on htnd at the DAILY Nnws STEAK l nm'r1Na Hons: L I Good Words do. Sunday at Home do. Children : Friend do. Infant : lnguino do. British Workman ' do. Band of Hope Review do. Brililh Workwomnn Balgnvin Anmnl. Beacon : Ohrimnu Annual. Bouledguk Christmas Annn:|,&c., tc. llzuwnuvnvn - -.-u--- $r"rI This Ipleudld Hair Dye is the but In the world ; the only true and perfect Dye. am- lesu-relia.ble--innuntnnoouo--no disappoint. meat--no ridiculous IiIu-dou not contain lead or any viulic poison to injure the hair 0;- syslem. lnvigonla the hair nod Iona |l soft and bennnif-u -. blue! or brown. Sold by system." lnugonwn mo nur um noun u soft and beautiful`, by all drnggisu and dealers. Applind at the Flu- tory, 16 Bond Street, New York. The Florence Nightingale of III Nureery. The following is en extnet from A lette written by the Rev. 0. Z. Weizer to the German ` Reformed Messenger, at Chnlnhenlmrg, Penn :-`- A BENEPAOTBIB8. } J net open the door for her, end Ire Wlnllow will prove the American Florence Nightingale - on the Nursery 0! this we ere Iure, that we . will teach our Suey" to uy, A bleuihg on , Mn Winslow, for helping her to survive and escape the griping, eolleiing and teething 3 siege. We conrm every wont set forth In the Proepecuu. It pe|'i0l'llIl_ pneleely when it pro, fence to petfonn. every pen of it--nothing Ieu. Avuy with you Cordial, Peregotic Drope, Leudnnum, end every other Narcotic, by which the babe is dragged into uupidny and rendered dull and idiotic for life. 117. L--- _..-..- -..-.. ll'-- WI--ln-_Iu-unn- EISURE HOUR FOR 1870. . mu: Dec., 1870. FOR THE HOLIDAYS. 7 `H3 Uudenlgnod, Stock 0! PLAIN L m BUOK AND JOB P iing ned up C'lf\ D111- ! _ Illa ruuucrcu uuu -nu -on-no Iv: um. Wo have never seen In Winslow--know he: only through the} propnnuon of her Booth- ng Syrup for Ohilafren Teething. I! we Ind the power, we would make her, In the in, 0 physi- onl union: to the lollnt Race. 25 out: put noun,-. Sold by .11 Drugginls. ' Boa` Into and all for `inn trrvunv nun nann-rdtun nvnnn I DU! IIIIU Illll Ili IVI Has WlNB_LOW' ssooramo smur, Huing the fu:.u'Iu'lc of (Janis I Perkins on the outside wrapper. All other: are bueimiu tiou. John Henderson, A Cough. Cold or Iftllell Throat, If I0'0d to program, results in nation pul- mqnuy and Bxonchial slauionl. olmI8hno|In- _.... Ll- lxvuu-pl . cuisble. run. CIIIID I6 . BROWN'S BRONOHIAI, T800338 Ranch driecd; the` noctcd porn, and give slxnon insult relief. In Beoohn, Aidan: ind Unurrh they no 5085611. Obtain only the genuino Brown : Bronebhl1'toehu,vh|ch have proved thou; eeiey by 3 but 0! any 1.....- =-9.-ohnnnmln nllnntinl uni 1 I have ovul nun; uuwq u; u -um .. yous. Among `tutiuonnla melting eicacy no lot(eri froIn-- n n m..n.i-. DJ ) , In York. I Boldcvcryvheuillfclllvl I .1-,.a,"ooeAl|ed.oo|dbytho w pgiuimigqnod uothlnglih 8cun'uBcu- chin! `l'roelu|.whieh would only hhoul 1 propri-1-A l.l)Wl . .u, _-.4.`__lI..- --J -_I--5. I1.-, |'|ENEB80N 8. Special Notices. Bachelor`: llalr Dy.A , _,|,_,.u.1 n,:- rs..- I- AL- IL.-0 [WU ITS`. is ennbltd to uccnu h with grenler ex;-edluol iu the City, All orders he mny be lnvouxod. nqmun l`l`\'l.l. `I1 I). \l\ urn Q! Above un ` inleruon, Wat nub:-cquer _ . Sulueq old ' xbnn one: hut Notices 0 m_' Do Me | Do De , ` `- Bum- llbll heat 3 hue, men `to our 10 I '1 hnu 5 ch'- Ulber II-UUIV$ f"ZD'Y "' '"-" - - WITUT-IV futnlnlllcxiv-lOlIIfII$i',h`OII . A nbuoddhhbgtynpuiuwfn tht ucacy III nususn R. H. Ohspig D.D., In York. ` Henry Wad iooehu, Brooklyn, l.Y x. P. Vmu-. new York. Hon. ILA. Phnlpo, Put. Ila. Sonic 1 Dr. G. 1. 3133101, Bouou. Bind Ollaun, Sotgoou tin and olhu 0! cl- PBINOBSSQSTREET, AND [PRICE TWO CENTS. 4;.j.--__---:-j--:--- There is no middle course for the Italian Government. Gen. La Ilannora, the Gover- nor of Rome, has said, and the Minister of tion o!~Roms has reached the point when it hss become to out I` question of existence: Finance has repeated his words, The quee- and behind us is the abyss." The Pope, in his paper, says once more, distinctly. that he end his party will never, never yield and so the case stands. The King is alitlle frightened, as he is made to beat the princZ-- pal brunt of the Pope`: rancorous condem- nation, which is hardly fair, as the (.`oa-- etitution makes the Sovereign: leading agent only, and less res ponsible than the Ministry of Parliament. ' ..5..uu, u we outnreakof hostilitioe, many people raised the mail cry that the tradeof Great Britain would be stimulated by the Continental war. No doubt, so far as munitions of war. and perhaps horaea gt . this has proud to be true; butas regards nearly everything else the fact is precilely . the reYgr`4 nr n.:o:.t. --u~ - -- nearly fnctis xeverse. Of British cotton Ind linen` mnnnfnctnrea, Fnnco bu taken since the worhnrdiy more than one-third thequnntity she took in the correnponding month! at 1soo;snd in the some time Fronds has sold to England about one-third more thou [at year of such loading commodities on tho In-inn: mnnnfm-on.-.. ..r ..:n- -_: K - 3- 3312 LAST PA air. ~_____&_j_ WEDNESDAY EVENING, _ __`vu--u -I I ou- BOOKS, LABELS, HANDBILLS, uumnns, INVITATIONS. LAW uunxs, Posrmu mus, CONCERT nn.1.s, RAILROAD BILLs,' C HHJU B BOOKS, LUSINESB CARDS. I111-1 nwnunv (:11 ,.-..-- vv--aaunruau II EDI various manufactures of silk and wine. It in all very well to say that tlge oeaa_ation or competition in certain industries givea n monopoly to the non-belligerent rnannfac- V turer; but if'lhe demand for the product shrinks in an equal or greafr proportion, the advantage disappcara; and foveriah ac- tivity in one or two branches of trade sf- forda slender compenaation for lethargy in wall the rent. 6'0 UB1` OF GENERAL EHEBIONB. Tuesday, Deoemhor 20.-'l'bo wait gun to. day uhorlly utter noon; having occupied I laugh man; of I_ix days. The following gum , wen disposed of bofor? sdjonrnnnlu :- Alulan II, Hp-(Ju.'n._An --Ii-- L-A--"` _._.,>.__ In England, at the outbrenkof hostilities, may people rained eh. ......:I ..-_ -L - -- wvlt unufv-VII In uuuuv IIIJUIIIIEIIL Auuon vs. HcGua'r.--An action brought. to recover: balnoe on nnuttlod neobnnu. Ir '1`. L. Bnoak for plointi; II: J. 0`Rd.Ily for do- fondout. Vudict for pluinli subject I? the untd of Dr. Hendenon. _ Hon II Wu... __'l|L:. _-- .I.- I--. -- -_ A , uvu-u on ur. uenaenon. _ ' Ion vn. Wermr.--'l`hiu was the lat cup` on the docket, and was tried by the 1:4! without a jury. It. was an action brouigln, 9; loan. 8. H. and J. lost, of Ioucnul, nguhu tho lo.` fondant, to noon: the mount of An Ieoquns ` for goods sold and dOHV'|I'sd.' The payment of the mucus: wu dinpuud on :3. ground that tho snout dune, gun, by (Bo plulmll mu nltogothol too large. Tb dohgilpIItalupnVC_ uumll us or, and the verdmvu mod kl phintil for 8'15. Tho phinlh con!!! cont` ; In a eecuscsu ol County Oun qm.b.u1io dclouduvu obnnuloppooin; it, up Judge told that he would take tune up oouldot the Inll,` - and bear both porno : in mm on n rain. I: B. I. Britl.on7 for plnlntifa; Ir J. 0801"] Ind _ I. P.- 0`Bcilly, jn . fc: defendant. . . 9. -. nmwnlor plnlnllln; Ir J. 0`BciIly, jn , Pouol Oonrr, 'l'unenu.;0u nd 1300,`! V named June: Icoagnh, in and 01 o: to dusk goal for drnakonnuo. run run Pnnn:-any-A Boololmuu nuncd Williun Wllllunl. was brought have on the Grand Trunk Bxpron last night` from To- rbnlo, having bun annual to we ycdri` in.` priuonnem. in tho KInguonPiIhonbry, In)!" getting n lo 1 Bonn Catholic-ichnreln in 8_I_ Oulm-incl. \. Fnounno lucnovu.--I'bo followlag H . result, to {Ar :1 In have been this to loan, bf '-ho nomination in tho Oougly of humans on Ibndny, the 19th :- ' '1'-cannula -:1! II. --L. -Lgggl. 4Il_fI I! l!_J nvtt 1U Ilufl, llllucr IV 50. I` Notion in 0bJec1 of which in to W or prune interests of `{ pnmoa, such an Repotb -; Unmpumn, Notion 19 t Amuurmenli. Ieolillg tame souls and in Uuaineu Iiotiou." vulu A The nqunn to be 33 ,. The half square I1 -` .3, Pnce for moon. `I -. .<` piper 840 with tho `:1. 11` lmmod to once I IIO_I .1 {half nqunro for dull] mth name pnvilauo. N.B.--The oqnro '0 oridnnry buoinou 0! |for such bouo-I` it , elude Auction 80100. . "@movnlo, Coporuotli d Ann-mmenu 0! " Finm, Bound to L0` 5 an: -un--- , -.- -v-u --- Tuuukip Q` IIiubo'ubnool.--It O. 3. God. fray, who but urudvu Run for the put four- tom yuu,wu um-no: by Aulunuoa. A ` number of new ooodldnus won nonluud for Oouunlou. ' 4n......u.. J D.'u.)...... Au- u-.n- n-`.___L-_ UCIIICIIIOII. mmuup qrmmburg -x: Inna at on tho old isobar, was rueloeud Ila` ;I|"` Pour Gnhun in oppodllon. It Wllllan Di. nldnon Deputy Boon. + .~ ibwlhfll of Kimnlnn .-'m- lb-um Ila-an ;vuvrurup 1/ 4u|ylIU1I-I0t I370, IIHII P. V. Day and Tliomu Olydo; for Deputy ,_ Reeve, lune-I Tlgouu Oiydo and Robert `Gib-` Tomuhip of Storrinyton.--It Jonph Tohld ` wu ruppolmed Boon; It Icrpsh, Dlpllly Boon. WV : To-nlr lmqIaborouyIa.-IuIn Wlllhu Bonn and Jana Wood um fupotivoly wool: and for tho can ol Bun, ought resignation of Ir lekony ; Deputy Boon. -- lbholl. ` Tovmldo of 1701/: [:knd.-Im Bnava. Inn: __-._ .v. .-w --v- on ovuuvv' Inc :-* -w-.-uuu- lekonyg Depot ramup qr troy. lu_Lad.--lot Bun, than l.Bpoor, `rhonu Duncan uni Junta Gal; Deputy Bun, John lrvlno udfhouu Bty land. sane nnnxyaovu Ian unhuod an ,, Oouoillon; ` ` Lam Lemma.-`l hIu my gun the mud Ind In! of hot ommninmtu In the any lb!` op Tnudny outing to a wry null bout, 3 nuptial Altogether of n difcunl chateau fun that ooeotdod her on the pnvlou`: ovu- gag. Theloek on-mndueo, thonforonruth menu of cooling; reduction of two or amt 0! the non dllleqls plcul - cm-u some from Lcnb,"ue., ` `A non ucpuq move. . Ibwulup qf Ixfiuguon -10: Run, luau . Di! and Olvdn: for Dnmnv Bantu.--A iplddld born, unwind 1 light occur`, III property of I: lodloy, bud Dloanbnupa -plug -hi. --Adm--4.-.. ..... E U 0 ll _ ;ERfUlER by up : he: R|nnn-.. nuv >_ `hmn or turn In ` Six line: And nnd, gnuom, and 13 call 3% n:n>Iip.-u IDSEIIIOD. I Ten mm, 31,25 for H `and 1'! cent: for ever) AI-nun I0 Mann. 7 M |lnd 11 I0! CV2!) 10 mm, 1 II: .iaIniou, ud two cuI_ ` Iulnsequenl insertion. Sn} no-nnpnt innnh llulnsequenl insertion. | Suluequent inuloll | thnn once I rock, 4 CI gNotices of B'u'l.hl- -50 Inlfilgil--5 \ Dentbu....50 1` Buunu Nouou. (bu bending, lcodod 3 measured by I [over 10 linen` under 10 aAU' llld lb! 1 3 1 - f\ho-:_ I II. U-:- 8 publubed Int] 5` Dollar: per until: I bubocnben who ICON. l In ehrged Pin DOCII. ` ,,__.'J ;ul DU-E to the Iaunfu ; or In lhn 1`-- 0 charged nu In--- THE cnnomodi , _:.A. , .-- 51 prices d6 In ut IADI.` Ilunfnu-- vvvn -.r TWO BT31! 1 bird In DIIEIIII hi named by will > lines, under Kn Print`-i Irvtl ILA! 1 ||'nd3!-Ales: Can-iafor nearly 50 yous nd d . ' "08 that time ha .5 been doing bttsineu in condence by prompt Ind liberal settlement er - . Ins of Canndi by the Deposit with the GOVern:;:lll{ $'"S::(l>::::} 11: fuuy 0 l extent --. Alw, Bnrriuar, &c., has removed ht Uce from Clarence to King II}. J. Linton`: Auction Rooms JIIQI |I'l\tIIIy. \`Il'n hliolmion of Pnrtnership with It .Dnpu, continues the practice ol his hall in brunch: at his old Chun- Buildings, Northeast. corner of` JANE Daily News O K John ladle, I,8o|ici1or in Chsnoery, kc. hind u my mu on Iccepublr .___._--- Jam? :...:.... A, Pumnrshin W III VIIPOOL AID LONDON. ILXVILL WJSTRANGE, `(rant for Kinmam Vlllb b Olin over LiuIon_ s Auc- IGIIEI t;nlJcA'r|o{f ntoeve & Wulkcm, 33 um ATTORNEYS-st-LAW, gal, Notaries Public. * an! 'I`. Walnem, N U B A N C E R Y. Kent; Street, Kingston, C.W. ' I D I Rmn. Agons I0! A Iugsluu -Oghliolnu. hlmh 3l,18'l0. In! 3. Iuss, IuLc.s.,1.onaon PRINCESS STREET, house ' ha. unison llpusieulnn npply to Major Enos,` dn Well. |'|'Hl00LL-EEli.--Bond nnd Tui- Rnnum, $226. - {uh Iq, mo. Remowal. III, nun. {NIX I )3 Inna, 3236. ..-n - INTI LADIES` COLLEGE. .__. __.__...... vv_.....-_., I51 REE. Prince Arthur. Board I Q Innnm, l')!lR I-| BllV\JI5% DI!` lit! by Dr. Mtclenn. .,,_-.. |-'|'hVery Rev. I. Bellmutb, D.D.1 nu. M HI-1NRy`-i l arIIameIm`1;y`n` I lab; on... If _, _ , 9, Curtwr|::|||. .uv III-`I -`ICE `N! Lnckavnnn, bging mined in "hol the Lncknwnnn Valley, .lmi Wilkes Bnrre, {mm the` and `u prepurod with great `fit hlnly nu, and will be] med in [be bent nunnihh. Atl ., Li `1810. F: `ll! `O -- ._,`._ S8 870}: ~ . 1., sh HOU.sE I15. n-.,. .5 Illll tag om . xnenl ; Obtain: 13` Leger: Patent; ] Pnnm mu. 4..., tiiilh '|LI.|Iu-once wIIarl' I-of Johnson Street. L} I/|';7;\ivdcn, I-.1AY/, Solicitor r .|.1'.n km 32! K , mo I I. 15th October EOAL 1870. ::;.~::; .;;:::'-.;.:,i.=--pp C03`! Right: `.4 I Dru: ingmspeci necessary to "cu" pared nu receipg 0! . RI!