auunhh 3 0g. `E of Tnpeury gu wag `l I, Dnmuk, and Hon. 3 1 discount, HEERSCHAUM PIPES, BRIAR PIPES, w A unv Tl` Tobaccocs and Cigars GENUINE MANILLA CIIEROOTS, GENUINE IMPORTED HAVANA CIGARS, DOMESTIC CIGAR9 (various brands) for sale; wholesale and retail. Corner King and Brock Streets, Kingston. Dec. 21. V P. WHITE invites special attention to his k , large and chain stock of - 1 4s.- : .-;- v -.--.__7 l.I(-cnsed Tobacco l!lunuI'.1.clurcr Princess street. KINGSTON- w Kingston, Dec 21, 1880. CZlil'.;lS-tAI]_1l$ Cheer. AS every one is exp-ctcd In I of 3 good dinner on Chri sre all well aware lhal it cum without A glass of GHOD ALI In out lhn HRS? BUTTLED A [r WA Lf have (ha benet. Christuna Dny_ you cannot. M complete ALE. If you wish to get lhe UESI` BU`l"1`l.ED ALE in the city, call 3% George Thompson 8L Go s, -y-,, _ c._..... King Street. Agent: for W. Dow & C0,. Monlreul ; R. Ln- bslt, Pr ocolt - Jnmes Fisher, Porlsmowh; [L ' Iolson & Bros , Montreal. JUST RECEIVED, A large assortment of Whlskeys. FAAHLY PROOF , undoubtedly the oldest in Kingston, as it has been in stock'for the last four (4) years. PIIUHF and OLD RYE: the best and the FICUUI` IDLI Uhll I cheapest. in the city. HILANDIES. RUM. cheapest the city. IHKANDIES, RUM, GIN sud WWES of ull grades, at the Cur Bollllnz Depot, both imported and his own manufacture. Christmas! Christmas! ` 19th Dec., 1870. --- LARGE ASSORTIENT OF` ORUETS (English and Alnericnn putts:-nu), Nickel Silver Tan and Table Spoons, Ivory Handled Ten and Dinner Knives, and 5 great urioly of Pocket and other Uutlery, ._ n nunwn h SONS . FL. or Quilted mum at 15,; ulna |MnnIy..n_ A_-__ 4; AlP& L riely, ARLOUR STOVE v an celebrated` moan: 011.03 'SKA'l`E8 mud n uriety of other kinds, A1 3 OHOWK I SONS . No. 46 Princes Street. our PROOF and OLD RYE; xknnnnn. in uh. 4-in-r WHITE, .I "`1uIna`1|1|l\ `VLEIGH BILLS, Body, Buck sud Noe` Sn-ups, and Open Bells, Ar S. CROWN & SONS`, No`. {6 Prinoou Street. "AMPS, LAIP CHIINEYS in great '1- A riolv lo, a 1-muons sun-r. Kinntu. Doc. 1-8. - `IN, IRON AND OOPPIB WABI in grant L nriety and Inumfaclund In order, A! 8. OHOWN I 30KB , No. II Prhom Sunni. an-1-nu con. on. only 35 0-H was "u " s. ugovnu a. sons . .- nnl-HAD; nubll FANCY TOMCCO JARS, HOOKAS, to , ac.` [)rH'('. `mry C|(mkings,while i|lim-r_\', Manila, Ff I-`low:-rs in great. vu-tut]; nah Ribbons. I.` val `rum-ad Laces, mung cw Kid Gloves. g. cw Twccds, B371 l`In|I.n - 8 City Boltllng Depot, KING STREET. net uuuery, Ar 3. oaowu as sons , No. 46 Princess Sued. Merchant Tailor. ._:---2:?'-"'jj_ CLUB 'SKATE8,` ` ..l naknn iinl R. M. ROSE Otciul Asa_ignee. `PER GRAND TRUNK` I200 500 yards Tartan, Wool, and Silk Dremen. 200 pieces New Poplineltes and Surge Dresses. 50 pieces Saxony and Laucaabire Flan- uels. u ` ` Fr :51: ru3:a.o: ".:"*-II_ and all fancy D ' aconnt. R` `Q l0 picces Waterproof and \Vhitney Cl9nk- ings. 100 Clan Tartan Shwls and Handker chiefs. 100 yz_u-darBlack Si1k.Mantle Velvet. 20 Dozen Canada Mitts. Wool Socks and Stockings. 50 pieces Black Luslros and Alpsccas. 300 piec_es New Prints. 500 pieces Grey and White Cottona. 10 pieces Canadian Flannels. 50 pieces Wincey Dresses. 10 pieces G:-nss;Linenn. '10. Autumn :n_l 1 10 pieces Linen Towels? 5 Boxes Beaufort Shawls. 20 Boxel Fancy and White Clods. 100 New Balmoml Skirts. 10 Dozen|New:Kid and Cloth Gloves. 50 Sets Heavy Curtains. 10 Dozen Grey and White Corsets. A large lot of Ribbons, Laces, nuunhh 8 `Co, Shiru, Fancy Pl; w Sxyletin Lingo , cent discount. TE MAKE TO ORDER and mannfa;:- tare on the promises all Clothing on the English and American styles and work- mnuship. 1.000 Boxes New Paper Callus. Buttons and Trimmings. 20 Dozen New Neck Ties. Our Stock of Cloths` McDONELL S. 10 Dozen New Braces. 300 Canada Drawers and Shirts. MONTREA L. 1 Case Brussels Carpet. Bags. an Stock will ..o".. male :11 Departments, ml 1 I 50 Pairs Canadian `Blankets and Quilts. 1 Bale Linen Bags. 10 Bales of Batting. AI!_I lIOl'! 1 [New Domigion House. Cnnndinn Fabrics, West of England fweeda, Brosdclothu, Beaver!` B A `I'll! OI Brick House, know! adjoining {In W noon strut, and In residence 0! Dr. Pilots. CL()"l`HlNG. Meluons, Cauimeros. TERMS STRICTLY CASH, Dooskina and Silk Ilixtnru. YARDS BLACK GROS GRAIN SILKS. DAILY NEWS-WEDNESDAY EVENING. DECEMBER 21. |I`II0l'I -uule on the shortcut line and lowest prices. mmcnss smear LL clear out Fn nch |l--*-- .HcDouWs, Embnwos all th- FROM THE REMAINING] |cIH BOOK STIIIIEI CHEAP BOOKS. |1,000 VOLUMES] Good Stock of Blank Books HALF PRICE, rot. 15,1870. Stock of Books GOOD BOOKS Prayer Books, manic II, 1010. WILL BE SOLD FOR THERE ARE ABOUT Church Services, UN SOLD : and Stationery John Graighton. V IIIIK7 llllhl \IlC \JVIlIlIZ I-- low prices. ouon Bugs, Cotton Yul, M arpots and Oi1 Cloths. Kingston, Sopl. 23. I870. 31 AT THE BESIDES A One-third off. HNEW BOOKS] iHENDERSON S Periodicals for 1871.| ' `HIS is the correct time 30 subscribe for your Papers and Magazines for the ensuing year, as all orders, to be lled promptly, must be sent off several weeks in advance. gnrnnln Dnnin: nf` Qnnnc Raul-Inn] pnvininnln 08 OH BGVPIAI WCOKB ID IQVIIICO. Sample Copies of Sunday School Periodiula will be sent on approval to lbose unacqnainted with their merits. All lhn R.-high Am--Ingn and Car Wll lllelf IIISTIIB. All the popular British, American and Ger- man Papers and Magazines promptly luppliod at reasonable prices. V Wonders of Strength nnd Skill Do Ax-chitoctnre Do Animal Instinct Wonderful Balloon Ascent: Do Escapes Boy`: Book, by Kingston Do by Bnllnntyne Heroiam of Bovhood FANCY U0 0 DIIIIIDIJIIU Heroism of Boyhood Cyril Ashley, by A.L.0.E. Holiday Onmp uBuEnlo Enters Mu-ius Flnminiul Midnight Journey Stepping Beavenwnrd Sylvin and -Janet Wonder: of Scinnco Gem: of Womanhood Patience Strong The Fishing Girl Autobiography of n Lump of Cool Love and Life in Norway Labour Stand: on Golden Feet Large assortment ot New Books nt 13 cents. Do do 25 HE anbsctiber has now on hand an: anon- " ment of Wall Piper and Blinds, and by early Spring will have as complete I Stock of Beautiful Patterns as can be seen in any part of the country. WINDOW SHADES. Select Lending Library, Haunsnsows * ` 1871. All I A-nu EDIE. New lot of Bibles, Hymn E {nnlx n HE Inbicriber begs to announce to the Reading Oonunnnity of Kingston thnt ho intends greatly reducing the subscription nice of the Lending Libnry for the ensuing year. `rm nhnron for the raadina of one book nt 1 ol the bending morsry 10!. me ensuing yur. The charge for the reading time will be reduced from $5 to the extremely low rate of $3 per ennnm, end for 1110 book: to one person, only $5 per nnuum in future. New Book: will be edded us they ere pub- New Boon will be men may nn pun- liuhed, and all the Popular Magazines and Re- views, both Brltiah and Amoricnn (1. list of which insppended) will be ndded regularly every month or quarter, as soon II received. LJIIJL UL ll|4`.l\J nun laur- Auduny Good Word: All the Yen Round Harper : Monthly] Argoly Lippincou'| Ingnzine Atlantic Monthly London Quarterly Re- Belgnvla view Blnckwood London Society Broadway Macmillan : Ilnguine Cnsselli Magazine Nnture Chambers Journnl North Anericnn Re- Oontemporery Review View Oornhill lngozine Once I Week Eclectic lhgnine Saint Pnnl`e Edinburgh Review Sunday Inguino Gnl nxy Temple Bu. Wullninltor Review FOR 'l"llI (`lIl{IS'I`MAS HoI_ ROOM PAPER Attention in particularly called to the fact that the librnry rate of83 in less than the ab- Icriplion price of Almost every one of the lags- zinea put into the Libnry. Bobeeriberu DOC l:-ve the reading ollnguinee to the nine of shout 3100 1 yen. beside: 5 Variety of the but works in Fiction, Travels, Bietory, Biography, tc, kc. Parties who wish to Inheedbe are urgently requested to lone tbeirpunao at once. All nubocriben for the yen I81 I an 0heap_ Book Store. urgently love tnoirnunu at once. All ll Inence now, u no charge will to undo for the balance of18'lo. /`ORDERS OF ACOUSTICS New Ilagnzlnes and Ulrlstnu Annuals. JUST RECEIVED tio onfy New Book: will they pub- :-|.-a ....i .n ch. Pnnnhr Ilmnzinan and FANCY GOODS.| L above Book: no got. 1 1' 5 |Al..L no 3:: ran London 8oebIy-0|uiuIIII Number. Quiver, do Emmy sad Diotricluuru Almnu. mm Ball: to: Doeonber. Bunny nan umncuwu - Bow Bell: I--w wngk ' do Ivory Wu! no Family Herold do Gunwloornl do' Boy! 01 tho World do Candi`: Inguine. London Journal. Poopldn Isguino, &c., tc., he. DK8 up coxnmoua nanasulo mans nnct noxns . PUBSIS no wn.L:1-s snonnus an `IBAYILLIIG nos 1-uoro. ALBUIB um. annual In On uh.) VIOLIIS AID GUITARS OOIOIBTIIAI - inn! QAIIDI HIIAIIK l'I.U_1 AID urns not GLIIOI IOAIDS um-In . `WXTBA LARGI VARIETY OI WORK . nmrnn , LIST OF MAGAZINES. - flnntl Wart`: Temple 15: AND | Books, and Prayer AT -1.. GRID! ) IUU -. up neatlylor Pro- STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, AT THE BRITISH lggunovsn. F. Iggy`? Cm()US1NEAU & CO. urn `I\l3r1In I"r`lr\ 1I\I\`t rsvvvx-`-`.- NEW GOODS, NEW GOODS. FREsH"A_1iIvA`Ls. Great CLEARING SALE of Dry Goods. _,T __ _..._ `- \ cu: wt - - v w~ V-- `V V . ILL no?! sell the Balance of their Stock of DRY GOODS at I TREIENDOUS SAOBL FICE, regardless of cost, as they muatbe all sold by the In February, in conuqllonco r-f muklng a., change in our business. Owing lo the oxtnordinnry inoreue in our Oultoll Trade, combined with our - Ready-Made. Clothing Department. we are eomnelled to devote I" onr time nnd nltanlinn tn lhnna Dnnutmanln. jo uhinh lll -v --v -* -*-v---- --v------D --r vrvv- v---V'--v- we compelled and eltention to those Depuunenll, .to_ which will be ended everything reqnite for 1 first-clue Outtting Establishment. . \ 14th December, 1870. __._. lcNAUGB'l`O!l & 00's in the place to get taste, nlyle and elegance hi your gnnlleuu, and when a perfect. t is guannteed. _ PEI BALANCE GF THE STOCK OF THE FOLLOWING GOODS WELL BE SOLD OFF \ Very Cheap for Cash, ALL 1-ms IOIIIA unm:L1. k Co. villa! of Ibgir Stock 0! I-2 AMERICAN AND FRENCH CLOCKS, in Gilt; `Bronze, Marble and Wood. I : Imitation Seals, Plain and Fancy Cloakiugs, Black Silk Mantle Velvet and Velveleens, Black Lustre: and Coburgs, Black and Coloured French Merinoes, Empress Cloths, Roysl Cord Reps, Fancy Dress Goods and Scotch Turtans, Plain ahd Mixed Winceys, Scotch Tartan Shawls and Velveteen Jackets, Flannel: and Blankets, ` .`_,& `_j;_ White Cotton, Sheetings and Quilts. "` -v-I Also a variety of Woollen Goods to numerous tojmentioo. We solicit :1 call from the public genemll . Deo.20_,__1870.__ F. X. COUSI EAU & C 1:: --- ---.--v--*-- -_--',-A "~----A - --v:-1&2-1 Oouhtlng Hf TEA BITS, CAKE and CARD BASKITB, ORUKTB, BUTTER 0001338," CUPS, GOBLET8, SPOOIB. 86.. 86. , - N.B.-Hsvlog inonuod fucillties for doing n lu-gcnpolrlng bulnnl than out w lacuna of hands, and hulng tho non improved mnehinoq from the Unlwl Bum, I but to Illm I ntill lnnrnntronnna. s:` . .. . . OI DIIIIII, nun nuung u | nil} larger` |_>ItronIgo. REMEMBER THE G_]E_{EAT SALE \.J\_z-g/;.A.1.L.4.L..L\J \\1 10 Packages of New Goods, OONSISTING OI` `LACK AND BROWN ASTBACUAN, BLACK LAMBSKIN, X{7E `J/UST RECEIVED FROM EUROPE WANTED {our rat-clnu Journeyman Tgilon. AI ILKS, DRESSES, rurmua, IJIIIIAIV ruruua, uuasuvua, SHAWLS, JACKETS, PRINTS, WINCEYS, COTTON8,~ WOOLENS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, RIBBONS. TRIMMING8, 50.; Dec; 7; -.j l`4Al.11.I.J| ll\IA.` A II nxauu, Prize um I-mom. Weli of 3-.31. Bowen , Pam, ncoulauu Sud In all your on-don hofon Xunund law Ycu, to KW DRY (31001 The Last Great Clearing Sale of ' wn.I.oonncnounnuuu,auu|ut. ~ % RETIRING FROM BUSINESS; `In nu ononmmft ovc gins sou-opoglutxa-gm-`u my mung again qt; In . A sLAl:n`1'x`::B|lx`::ouor1ols hovolnu-do in sllDupnnIIu,uIycI1- - r\nC\I1AI'I` 11:11:: Aixtu J" Kingston, Doc. 5, I870. (June to the OIIIAI BALI Ittlcitlll The Sale to combat he ounonh, why tllolalalacl Ibh Iilhlfulluiy) Ann-than W A _ _ __*_ _ T T -'-2: 1-v.-9!--a ll.B.-Pu-tiuluebblloncvooltl dcvall not at anuoos-rs. - 4' V White and Grey Blankets. Red, White and Fancy Flannela. Beavers. neu, H mm anu rency ruuII1BlB- Beavers, Witnayn. Hanlle Cloths. English and Canadian Tweeds. French Merinou. Coburgs. Lustres. Fancy and Tartan Dress Goods. Wool Plaids. winllnvn W 001 It'll] Winceys. . ":4 Flamed and Fancy vnrimv `J -.__.-_ - GRAND SUCCESSYITI oun cal;-in DEPAR'l'MEN'l`. On: 400 olden within v;cw`o?o:`I.` '* LARG-ER SUPPLY THAN EVER on` runs com um JET Jnwxmnv. :.HGF"` 0 N & C 0. .- I\I-5'1 rup\(\l\rI . _-5-ugu-`run-mu n. - qLKs, DRESSES, popums, TARTAN PLAIDS, Miznmosg | on A In! G I A l`.I'('II`.'I'Q, PRINTS- ~ XIAS AND NEW IIAPB (HITS. PIIBINTS AID BARGAINS, *BARGrAINS, BARGAINS. English and Geneva Golil and Saver Wntchel, I OcL 29. Selling ($1-'6! Selling ELECTRO-PLATED WARE. T JII. G'.dGE S. ALSO A VERY FINE SELECTION OI` IVOWCKL LIOIIIOI Ibijlllfl ll `EXHIBITION TWEEDS, .3 nl Inplnnnl RQQIQIIZ Pldl. In|nIalnlIu_ At McD0nell s. CLOTHING. ._ -no Arum 4-.1-nu-cunt. '}:a':a"a"r?;1'I" . COUSI1gEAU C0., Orange Hall Building: . nuuuuuu-u Ion. At lIcNAUGll'l'0K & 005, Corner of King and Prlncoll Btreoll, Balmoral Skins. Plaid Shawls. I Shawls. I 0101135..` V Fl .-uvln VII II'5Up [TH immedialopt` cccupied by Oopll polite Ibo rcnidcnco oflu-J Apply to mum 3. CAI?` ZADDRLL 5 c _ ' mue, On-_y ..d`}"'m `I weeds, and Fullod glut" ey C|0lhl, nd hit 1.: account. D0005. Gents Sou-fa. Shirts and Drawers. Grey and White Cottons. : Shootings. Table Linens. Toweh. Tickings, &o., &c., &c. srsns 1 nv:In :{:';;%J H.` GAGE, 1 `James loore. muons nun. \W I VVUCIJI, Lliivw 1 Cloths. T able Linens, Towcllinjiy Illow Cotlona, " "" hit;-. and Grey Col.l.oll,lU Inn: nria-on vnuunhla their n Shayla, I Hlnllnl ALL -r.;.rio.`*a- {ADDELL k `Co. will Q` Shin-u_, Plangd no. " _" ""70 C c mi`? ru?" ' '""1 __,_,_,.:.___j:.- NEW DRY Bl UST ARRI ? AT Rss ALL CHEAPER THAI! AND T011 _..._ ALL THIS IOITI VADDELL 8 Co. um . Yarn, Cotton Ban.` 1` `ouun lhunng, ll con :-lg. [1 man-._. ... 3 `U0. I Hull` I In and I- `I0 ll! OI1 y no JAI 8. CAI snx man; or W R. WADD.` ` Acxmo naowxro ` xxu, -lies` Blue Clolh for D` Cues Black Lunlru, _ run Shawls in I" the Ohm, Mly Plaid Dreuu Goods, um`. um Kid mom w duly 53, r Cues Clondl, plain Ind .4; lh._-.|- II|---$- ~` Wilma : 1 . UV me Gm-ernment of Lux- zmvelher defend the Duch.'- . D. _-The(mvcrn1nents has uh Bismarck`: nntc or the Pobl o befora the lunar reaches 2o.--The King of Wur- st thenpcuing ol the the glorious success g and urged the deputies mhe Federal treaty: lately Vgpg or the develnpement of berimtitulinno. A bill will e nuzhorizmg tuuinn d fur the com- `l1|!'~ on -1 hr French furcea at .31. .. nder at Nuns, were in large hcld n Inruug pmmion. ']`h. ml 6,000 lnisoncra mgnlhcr n, The French were purancu on land- hm 10,000 strong, has been funny sud Fume-uellc. n- 20.-- l'he decree opening gy |u('u 1`uuuu....-. 20,-- gm: trade to all nations is mcuou oi the nilwnyl, and mxonh Em Frnnce. It is 1 Gazelle that Hwre i< me blockade by the French 791%. _...-_ _.----u no I` Hales B`lankels ml value In Kingston. J Rninnllnn H4---1-0 I:_.-.l-- Fridty. z0.~Mr John Bright has Pmidency uf the Board or .20,:'; p. m.~Thn Prussian dny thrcnlenrd Chucau V ~ ...-Inn nnvlh-Wl 5`. (II. VFOUIS, illlelve by Imlmou 14) !)um-.'- in the Pruvincvs. Gen. Tm- unlillhesurrender. Du. 20,noon.-Lsler advices nd [mm Purim There has ` uound the city since the . The people of Paris had huunm nutnido world In) ht people (H I'll I5 Ullkl trouthe outsido up L The soldiers and citizens yd,.public order was perfect, plelor several months. been received_ here nnnounc- Gmnnutonned Nuns, in the of Cote d'0r_ on the 18:11. withdrew et nigzhtfull. The :1!) killer] and wounded. wounded wee Prince William In that through the cheek Sl.-Advices received here the 17th inst., any that the `uni were still calm, resolute {oi oncceu. Proiisious are have been no disorders. ehqeunouncing the Gear. at Nails on Friday last were ;thepnmber of prisoners cap- hundred inateed of six thos- reported. thin morning from the Ger- Monh is important. Gen. Iglin merching on Ilnvro, uh lerger force liI`l[1 before. npottthet they have taken nut. An engagement is hue nlruxly occurrevl at lvelteeu miles from Havrr-, `French were victnm-us and nnoechmked. The Prus- herded Mule :1 small town Inf Aiene, thence they ly in Vcrvi'Js. The I YP(`nnl\nilnnnn n... .g9 -'l`hel umrerum .- u uccunnmsnnco Irnm mu-ked the corps of . They were n-pulsed loss. The Prussirms Bcrpuigy nu! Beaumont. Innfe ghting at Ray; `Clad Genmns are at Mont Bub OOIIERCXAL. 1.11, ll-.10 un. - Como`: In oil; to: nceounlnt 91;. Ian}; .'a65,oId,sa,; 1867, In In. Eric 19;. Illinois Alhnic Ind Gm! Western` ii:-Iolt time: pa Dec 21.. -1- Ulla In order in the Hausa: Lust evening 3 nuusheld atlhe Feninns just rc- pliugu. u-u-v an :nIllBIIl-I Spindles Scarlet Pinprhg, Spindle: Colourod Yilgc n Wool scum Saxony tin-~-'.; mim lot or Funny . 1000. * lack Velyol Ribbons in unis", -`:0 Rrmunnu Whit: 0003!, q and 10d, only Nd potyui. 00 piecel X yard wide Envy per yard. M _ . mu ucs|)Il(`Il(`I. DU. `2.0.-News has been `Quinn: 10 the 25:11 ult. hlleutbquxkes but no Hlhnn done. The Da- their serviceable `h Ilnnerinl ouvnrnmn... gs W S. nhhin their pr-rial government OM entire nuvy. |I.u-0enm1 Schenck hnmec on Way; and 5:! chairman. for the lust Illoruml the Cummiktce pet to he in Congress a programme now to the Senate tomorrow, _Nrld At once in order DI! than I-Inn-A "-_"I Inc Feninns pliunns. `ad? Veteran comedian, n...` ;. ... I. ll. H30 u.m.- Cotlou -nu; Utlunl a; to id. LAMPS, A1` 8. OHOWN & SONS , " Super Rm. No. 46 Princess Street. lacy 579 -:___.___._.- 45 :3 5', )ARl.0UR. BOX, coomre ua DUIQ it |;po; s1-ovns,nc., - Ar 8. ouowx 8 sons 5",; 5`g` ro._ 46 Pxinoun suot. I o ' 1 L__:__--.--_.___._.. - to o,oo. Tm, 9 no . no ., ,3: sons-, Qk H L gsllou, o nunllil A Ql -lDE Iklua -. , mverument of I M-" -ml inde __,-__- _____ _ .....,, ._..T variety. agniconl Black Silkl. ow \Vool &ergea and _ unclu Mcrinoes, splendid ncy Dress Goods. . it ool and Mixed Tartan. i`_ rzunnltns, Persian Cords. rnlhe-as, etc` inccys, vory chenql, ' nnllr Vvlvels and el _. _ .--Thc president ' I0-mm to me seam ` loln mininur to Eng- X Nuns re forces at- uits, in ng The .I ...A-.. nnranml uni Ichklwe to the y the Government u to: claim for in the battle j offered at 5,40 to 5.50 with little chnugin`, `Mada; fair enquiry for lower grads at lute ` nus. Ashes-pola in 'fair demsud. Pearl: quiet at me rates. Grnin-no reported truanc- tions-, 1-Mus purely nominnl. Provi|iona-pork dull as nnohlnged rues. Hogl-ulo| of par- . ...r M. nu. mot and to arrive at 6,50 to 7,00 `dull unchanged I-1ogl-ouo| or pur- ! cel on the spot. ' according to avenge, Lard dull, oered ntllc. enquiry for choice, no demand. N?v-YORK MARKETS. Special telegram to the Daily Newt. New York, Dec. 21.-Goid 1102. Cotton 15] hour without decided chnngv; receipts 10, non bhls; miles 9,000 barren; at 5,20 f() 5,40 for superne auto sud wumru; 5,85 @ 6,50 for common to choice extra auto; 5,60 @ 6,50 for common to choice oxtn wen- xern. Rye our atendy at 4,00 0 540. when rmer; receipt! 6,000 bush; sales 55,. 000 bush; at 1,381 for now No 1 Ipring; 1,43 to 1,45 fm-_ winter red and umber wen- iem; while Michigan 1,50; 1.22 old spring- Rye dull. Corn a shade rmcr; receipts 29,000 bushels; sales 39,000 bushels ; at 73 to Tic for new mixed western. Barley dull, Oats more steady; receipts 13_000 bushels; mnnn bushels: at 59c to 61 fog ;--`AA ALL THIS ADDBLL R 00. Tnneilrv -1| " steady; receipts 1.s_uuu Dunno.-Is; sales 18,000 bushels; wealorn and Ohio. Prov'1sions-Pork stand,- at 19,00 to 19,25 for new mesa; 18,50 for old mess. Lard dull st llic to 1234: for svenln; l2ic to Hit: for kettle rendered. u..nn- uagrlv, GHOCIO quiet. --, It in an eeteblished fact that Consumption can be cured ; but it is fur better to prevent the cruel disease from fastening itself on the sys- tem, by the timely use of a remedy like Dr. Wiemr s Belanm of Wild Cherry. This sund- nrd prepsruion will speedily cure a cough or mld and even consumption often yields to its line 10 rue nor : Butter study. Oboeu quiet. _ _ __..:---_. preptrnuon will apeeauy can, . wugu 0, cold. and consumption real power.- Ada. _ I VER COATS, UNDER COATS, VES1`S' `and PANTS, almost given away. SHIRTS auJ DRAWERS ofall descriptions, Very Cheap. Clothing made to order in the hues! styles and warranted to t. DONALD MACKAY LOOK`. L()OK!! READY MADE CLOTHING. In the matter of Melsrs WILLIAM FERGUSON t Company Insolventi. N SATURDAY the seventh day of January 0 next, at the hour of eleven o`cIock In the fnurnoon, will be sold by Public Auction,_ at the oice of WILLIAM Mumw, Auctioneer, Kingston, The remaining uncoliected debts due to the above estate, H list of which is now open for inspection at my oice, Anchor Buildings, Kingston. VIRGINIA, ROUGH AND READY, TWIST, ODD SPAPE, GOLDEN BARR, AND VIRGINIA PLUG. Try WlIle s Celebrated Pancake .-. . `VI\ :nI{1ve':if.r;ct or1s64,16I3} and 1365, SMOKING A-ND FIG CHEWING TOBACCOES. W, 1 R l.'lTY:'A'N`4I;; OPENED rum 3" I` `IVA w--\_.